#Inky's Notes
the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
Ninjago Theory Time! (Cole and Jay edition!)🪨⚡
Okay, so I was looking at a map of Ninjago, and I realized something.
So Jay lives out in the middle of nowhere where, right? (At least he did.) Usually kids that don't have a school nearby, have to commute to one. And interestingly, one of the the closest towns was Cole's hometown.
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Now of course, Ninjago City is also close by, but I have a feeling that Ed and Edna wouldn't want their boy going off to a big city all by himself. (Especially one that has a world ending disaster every week. Lol.) So it seems logical that this would be the better option.
What I'm saying is, that kid Cole saved from a bully he mentioned in Master Of The Mountain, could have been fricken Jay.
But why doesn't Cole remember that then? Well, people change appearances as they grow up. Maybe by the time they reunited at the Monastery with Wu, neither recognized each other. I'm sure there could be other reasons too.
Anyways, that's my theory! It might have a few plotholes, but I thought I'd share it anyways! Hope you guys like it!
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seminalstudy · 1 year
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🎧 currently listening to: bobcat club by slaughter beach, dog
making tasty coffee is half my motivation to sit down and study tbh
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 3 months
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Happy 11 years of these goobers
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hatterladz · 11 days
So let's talk Cuphead's kills
Alrighty so spoilers for Inky Mystery, buckle up this is going to be a long one
Okay so I was going to my fav chapters and doing some rereads
And I'm going rabid about Chapter 177: A Broken Cup and it made me also realize some things with Chapter 334: Can't Sleep a Wink
Now to start off with 334 always bugged me, it felt so out of nowhere. I mean, Cup is sleeping around with girls, being Bendy's wingman and before that doing Fanny favors? Sure there was the gangs but it felt sudden that Cup just killed Wink not only that but that murder was much more emotionally involved then his other jobs. Why?
At first I could believe it's his overprotective streak, but now I think it might be something else, because I reread Chapter 177, where he's getting taunted by the Night Terror. And when I read him being taunted I took it all as lies but during my reread...
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How much of Wink's death was really the B-Bros protection? How much of it was for Wilson? Was it really that? Or was it something else?
Much earlier in the story it's mentioned Cuphead laughed at hurting and killing people. But we know he didn't enjoy it, it haunts him. His guilt and regret is mentioned frequently. He even remembers all of his victims.
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So why? Why is there so much emphasis in the Labrynth that Cuphead is not just a killer but a killer who likes his job? When he has this much guilt and regret? When he remembers all of their screams and deaths?
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Because it's how he copes. He was raised as a killer, it's what he's good at and he also knows that, when it comes to the underworld, an easy solution.
The events surrounding this chapter was more then just Cuphead going through a playboy era with his friend Bendy. The house stresses him out, he can't go there now after the events that happened with Holly. So he went to the Candy Shop, except then Fanny hurt and betrayed him. He doesn't have anywhere to go so he's coping in the worst ways possible.
Violence and women. Now this isn't my post where I talk about how using sex is a coping mechanism is a horrible idea, so I'll move on from that. But let's look at that quote again "I've need something to hit for awhile".
He's doing it as a stress relief. He can't figure things out with Fanny, he can't help his friend with his guilt and fears of killing angels, he can't do anything about the deal with Marcus, the ink machine, the fact he's trapped as the "Devil's Dog".
But he can kill Winky. Winky has his goons all over the house. Winky killed Wilson which caused all his friends pain, Winky tried to attack his friends, Winky has answers to his questions, Winky is a problem. So he takes it out on Winky. He wasn't ever intending of letting Winky go easy, and he especially wasn't planning it after his suspicions were true. Why would he mention he works for the Devil otherwise?
Why did he leave Mugman home? Because Mugs would stop him. He didn't want to be stopped. It's why he doesn't tell anyone about it or Darius after. Sure Darius is a target, and I'm sure information was also a target. But that wasn't the only reason.
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But he doesn't want to admit how easy it is for him to kill, the relief it gives. And how guilty he feels afterwards.
Because he doesn't even want to address it's his fault. He did what he had to. He doesn't want to believe what sort of person he is, he doesn't want to remember all the things he's done. He tries to forget. It's not his fault, he was protecting his brother. He was told to by the Devil. He did what he had to. Didn't want to acknowledge the times he had fun tormenting people, to acknowledge how good he is at being a monster [since deep down, that's how he sees himself], and he especially didn't want to acknowledge he killed when he didn't have to. That he took the "easy" way to do things.
He did what he had to. That's what he needs to believe.
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djevelbl · 2 months
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I already read it bc I was NOT waiting a whole ass hour just to live post 3 times about it--
Anyway OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD??? I FUCKING MISSED THEM BEING BESTIES I CAN'T it was genuinely so great! Fun and relatively lighthearted, I am mildly curious as to why Tap & Mercowe were softly probing porcelain man to see if he'd spill the Devil-related secrets or not👀👀 y'know, with Holly always (unknowingly) asking him ALL the right things to get him to spill like. It feels a lil too intentional of a conversation turn for Tap & Mercowe to NOT have actually meant to probe him for that — I mean, the way it was written feels... Emphasizing, at the very least.
Also the kneeling??? Theater kid much????? /lh
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inkystaarart · 6 months
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differences between grian and ari bc i was thinking about my personal lore last night at 2am so obviously i had to draw
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sonicranger1 · 1 year
Some quick pen doodles I did in a recent art class i got into to practice my coloring traditionally (Click for better quality)
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cheeriointhevent · 11 months
Practicing digital art rn
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Also are we even surprised by this
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stupidscav · 6 months
i love this sketchbook i got over a year ago and never used (because i couldn't erase)(now i never erase so win win)
some of the images are different colors because my phone is an ass
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lordofthemushrooms · 8 months
Anyone else have lots and lots of fun thinking about a Solas romancing Inky who ends up pregnant right before he leaves her and she never got the chance to tell him. And for a while there is so much love there still because she is carrying his child and even if he’s gone she still feels as if part of him is with her. But it goes on and on without him and all the love starts to boil into resentment and hatred for being left completely alone,weak and vulnerable.
Do you think about said Inky, confronting Solas in Trespasser trying so hard to keep down that hate (and the scary bit of love that creeps back in the moment she hears his voice again) because she doesn’t want him to know about their child. Being vindicated in the hate she feels because not only did he leave her but he lied to her.
Do you think about how horrifying it would be for her to realize also, that now that she has even more reasons than before to wish him dead, that this confrontation, this betrayal, this painfully calm fight, is the first time she’s felt her love for him return.
Does anyone else think about that or…hell o hello can anyone here me
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
New Dragons Rising Article!
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(EDIT: I blurred out the episode title last minute. I was feeling paranoid about it. Lol. And I made some last minute grammer fixes. Enjoy!)
The episode titles and descriptions for Season 2 Part 2 just dropped today! There's TONS of new info and lore to unpack. So let's get started! *SPOILERS BELOW THE THE CUT!*
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1: So first off we have The Shape of Motion. (This title is clearly parodying The Shape of Water. Lol.) It seems they will be picking up a new baby dragon! Riyu is gonna be a big brother! How cute!💖 I hope Arin finds his parents too. Poor guy.😔
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2: Now we have Enter the City of Temples. The Ninja must have found out about the tournament and decided to go there. But why? We're not sure yet. I would think they would want to stay away from the tournament, considering what happened in the last one.😅 Also, Kai and Bonzle are attempting to escape. So that's cool! You guys will get to see them too!
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3: Next is Gathering for The Feast. Some how I get an ominous feeling about that title for some reason. Lol. Also, looks like the Ninja's earned their invites somehow and are now in the tournament! And it looks this is the episode where we'll see the return of some old Elemental Masters!
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4: Now we have Inside the Maze. This episode is VERY interesting. So much to unpack! Because it's the first mention of some new artifacts. The Horns. Specifically, The Dragon Horns. Arin and the others must have heard about them in the last episode. What are these horns exactly? Are they like instrument type horns? Or literal dragon horns? We'll have to wait and see. We also have a new character called Frak! And finally, something ALL you Jaya shippers have been waiting for...
This is gonna break y'all hearts, I know it.🤣
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5: Next is United We Fall. Oh boy! It's named after one of my favorite TSFH songs! Haha! Just kidding! Anyways, poor Wyldefyre is pitted against CINDER?!?! The guy who broke her leg?! Yikes! Looks like it didn't go well either. And the Ninja will have to win they way back into the tournament through a race!
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6: Now we have Truth and Lies. Finally a Wu mention! But it doesn't look good. I have a feeling Ras is lying though. Or not. And we'll get some racing action from the rest of the ninjas!
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7: Next is The Shattering Sword. Sounds like something from Lloyd's vision, huh? And we get to see the new character Roby giving Arin a museum tour and some new info on the source dragons! (It would be hilarious if Roby was working for Ras the entire time.😂) And here's how to pronounce Roby's name, if you're curious.
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8: Next is Clues and Suspects! Tons of cool stuff in this episode! Roby has a way bigger role then I thought! There's a new character mentioned named Bleckt? (I wonder if that's a typo?) Also, FINALLY A ZEATRIX MENTION! And they're transferring her powers for some reason? The how and why are unclear. Also, this new character Bleckt is somehow connected to Arin's investigation. And possibly part of The Administration, since they mention he has an office. My guess is that these Dragon Horn thingies were confiscated by the Administration or something.
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9: And here we have The Final Game. That doesn't sound good. Arin learns a "Devastating Secret about the Merge" Uh oh. Cole stays behind to protect the Dragon horns! What??? Oh no! Sora faces off against Nokt and Wyldefyre is too late to stop the "Manipulation of the Games!" OH NO. Yeah, this one is gonna be pretty chaotic. Yikes.
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10: Finally, we have Elements of Betrayal. THAT'S AN EVEN WORSE TITLE! It's making me more nervous than the last one!
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There's a new location called The Monastery of Gates. That I guess these Dragon Horns are at? Arin, Zane, and Cole seems like a fun combination. Should be a cool fight! And it looks like the elemental masters have lost their powers once again are going to be fighting Ras and his wolf warrior army. NoBoDy SaW tHaT cOmInG. Pfft.
Aaaaaaand, that's it for now. Wow! So much stuff! Sounds like it will be a very exciting collection of episodes! Hope you had fun reading this!
Bye for now!
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sirensea14 · 1 year
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Day 14 Ruin
I tried replicating the Ruins in Aesop's falls,help--💀💀💀
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Rest of the palette/expression requests!
@cartooncadet666 @peachlolitasevillacourtstuff @vividlyhans86 @errolluck @butterpuffed
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inky-axolotl · 3 months
I need to redraw that Obi Wan side profile sketch. I’ll forget about it, then get spooked when it suddenly gets attention here and there. And then I cringe because it’s old art-
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inkfamy · 8 months
I love your bruticus / first aid so much . Any specific hcs you wouldn’t mind sharing?
Ignore that it's taken 3 months for me to answer this
Bruticus has very minimal experience interacting with the world, and even less experience interacting with the world without trying to break things. He's aware his components exist outside of when they're making up his body, but that's not important or intersting.
He doesn't really know how to process his attraction to First Aid as anything other than a desire to possess him, the same way his components belong to him and the same way he belongs to Megatron thanks to the loyalty coding. Mostly he doesn't know what's going on, or what the feelings he's having are and how to process them. This generally leads to a lot of his first interactions with First Aid as being along the lines of "you're mine now, what do you mean no well how about if I shake you like a bug".
He's very curious about First Aid and likes to poke at him a bunch.
Possibly eventually he learns to that First Aid will just run away/hide if a giant is prodding him and having a tantrum about it so he probably makes an effort to learn to be (slightly) less scary
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theeflowerofcarnage · 3 months
finished dai like all the way so now i gotta lot of thoughts that i must let simmer in my mind on low heat while i play DA:O...and maybe DA: II
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