#Inquisitor Marrok
simonjadis · 10 months
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gosh I love Ahsoka
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worgjen · 10 months
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Marrok and his best parts
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measlyscrapofseafood · 10 months
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hello star wars nation
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yardikins · 9 months
i think im funny so have some text post memes I’ve thrown together recently
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armoralor · 9 months
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Inquisitor Marrok from Ahsoka is our He/They Lesbian of the day! ✰ reminder that T*RFs can fuck off, only reblog or interact if you love trans & nb women ❤️
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thlastacolyte · 10 months
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thejediscrolls · 10 months
Love In Silence
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Marrok x I’m no Jedi reader
A powerful match.
Angst / Fluff
1 year ago
“You wish for me to work with… Him?” I motioned to the tall dark figure.
His posture was tilted downwards to the left, as if he didn’t have a care in the world… It irked me.
But those were the first words I ever said in the presence of Marrok. I remember that clearly.
“The force has showed me the truth. I have seen it my padawan, you two would be more formidable together.” My master Baylan stood beside Shin.
I stared at the masked man who hasn’t even said a word. Why isn’t he saying anything?
“Wouldn’t Shin be a better fit?” I motioned to the girl who was like a sister to me. She raised her brow at me and I gave her a shrug.
“No. Shin still has much to learn about the ways of the force.” Baylan explained.
I crossed my arms as I turned away from the inquisitor, “You know I work better alone.”
“Yes and that is something we must fix.” Baylan sighed, “You must learn this for when you train your own padawan.”
“But Master-” I began to say something, but he cut me off with a raise of his hand.
“That is enough.” My master’s voice darkened and I knew then that I had to obey, “Do as I say, padawan.”
I bowed my head, “Yes master.”
“Shin come with me.” Baylan motioned for her to follow which she did, but not before passing by me with a smirk as if to say… Good luck.
I huffed as the door closed and my attention travel back to the inquisitor.
“Do you have anything to say?” I asked him with my arms crossed.
I waved one of my hands about with an annoyed expression on my face, “Do you talk at all?”
“Well this is going to be fun.” I sighed as I took a seat.
Just perfect…
Eight months later and I was still attached to the tall inquisitor. Nothing I seemed to do would make him leave. Not to mention the fact that it was like talking to a ship wall.
“This isn’t working!” I yelled, as I used the force to throw a boulder off a cliff.
We were on a planet as we waited for our next orders to free Morgan. It was filled with much crash and cliffs that overlooked a massive sea. It was away from any civilization which made it easier for me to throw boulders during my tantrums.
“You need to focus.” My master held in a sigh as he watched the two of us spar.
He’s been trying for months to make us fight as if we were one and yet the only thing we have managed to do is not slice each others heads off with our lightsabers.
“I am focused, but him!” I motioned to the cocky man who has not said one word to me for months, “He’s not following anything I’m telling him, he’s just doing his own thing! It’s… It’s frustrating!”
“To fight together is to follow each others movements. To know one another.”
“But I don’t know him! And he hasn’t said one word to me to even try to know me. And- and just look at him!” I motioned to the way he stood so nonchalant as if he had better things to do with his time.
Maybe he did, but I sure as the force didn’t care.
I groaned, “All I get from him is that cocky stance and brooding nature. What am I supposed to do with that?”
I glanced over at Shin who was trying not to laugh at my demise, but failed to hide the smirk on her face.
“I see you.” I glared at her to which her smirk grew.
Baylan shook his head, “I’m sending you both on a mission.”
“What?” I looked back towards our master, “A mission? But we’re not ready.”
“You need to find a way to work together before Morgan is freed or else we’ll have a bigger problem on our hands. Now.” Baylan pulled out his data pad, showing coordinates to a shipment yard on the world we’re currently on.
“I need you both to secure some parts for the ship. I’m sure you both can handle that.” Baylan raised an eyebrow.
“Yes master.” I said and this time I held in my sigh as I headed to my speeder.
“Try to keep up.” I muttered to Marrok as I hoped onto my speeder and took off.
I didn’t look back to see if he was, I could tell he was behind me as I felt his force signature.
I can’t believe I have to do a task as simple as this. I thought as I stopped behind a hill.
Over it was a shipment yard that were filled with workers from this planet.
“We’ll have to wait until night.” I spoke softly, before getting comfortable against the plushness of the grassy hill.
“I’d say we can talk about ourselves, but that would be a waste.” I muttered as I closed my eyes.
He didn’t respond of course, but I could hear the annoyance in his voice as he let out a huff. I could hear him make himself more comfortable a few feet away from me and I decided Now was a better time then any to take a nap.
A touch more gentler then I expected awoke me as I blinked back the heaviness of sleep. I looked up to find Marrok towering over me, his armor glinting in the moonlight.
“Are you going move?” I asked to which I received a shake of his head as he stood up and began to walk.
I followed the silent inquisitor as we made our way down to the shipment yard which was now relatively empty aside from a few security guards here and there.
“This is what we need. I’ll find these two parts and you find this one.” I handed him the data pad with the list, “You head that way and I’ll go this way. I’ll comm you when I’m done and if anything goes south, head back to the speeders.” I told him before walking off.
It was almost too easy finding the first part I needed and I was glad that it was small enough to shove into my back pack. Now the other part… The other one was safely tucked away behind a security building making it nearly impossible with the guards blocking its way.
Should I comm Marrok? I wondered, but immediately shook my head at the thought. I didn’t need him. I can do this on my own.
It seemed simply enough in my head. Sneak past the guards, grab the panel and make a quick break for it. Now I just need a distraction…
I looked around and found a grate. I used the force to lift it before sending it in a direction far enough from me. I could tell the guards took the bait as they immediately unholstered their blasters to check out the noise. I snuck by the moment their backs were turned and felt a rush through me when I grabbed the panel.
I did it!
Or so I thought I did…
A sharp pain in my gut had me dropping the panel as a young guard stood five feet away, his hands shaking vigorously as he stood there with a mixture of shock and fear.
“Nice… Shot.” I muttered as I fell to my knees.
I lifted my wrist up to my lips as I commed Marrok a simple command, “Run.”
“Don’t move!” The young guard yelled, “Who are you calling? Are there more of you?!”
I shook my head, “Just me kid.”
“I don’t believe you! We shoot thieves around here!” He yelled as he took a wobbly step towards me.
I motioned to my gut with a cringe, “I can see that. So why not finish the job?”
“I am!” He yelled and he seemed so certain of himself as he pointed the weapon at me again.
I closed my eyes and hoped that Marrok had gotten far away from here with at least one of the parts. Better one then nothing. I thought as I felt sadness flood through me. Of course this had to be the way I go instead of for something I believe in.
I waited for the final shot, but the sound was not what I expected as I heard a lightsaber ignite.
I opened my eyes to find Marrok killing the young guard in an easy motion before swiftly making his way to my side. He carefully picked me up in his arms and grabbed the panel before casually making his way out of the shipment yard. I could make out the bodies of a dozen guards as he walked by them without a care.
“I thought I told you to run.” I muttered as I began to feel the heavy weight of sleep take over me.
The last thing I heard from him was a rumble in his chest as he let out a deep, “Hm.”
The ship was silent as we were being transported to a factory carrying a hyperdrive we will need. This will help us grateful in our attempt to build a spacecraft great enough to get us to Grand Admiral Thrawn. I leaned my head back against my seat as I tried to deal with the unsettling feeling in my gut.
I glanced over to my partner. To say that things have changed greatly in a year between us would be an understatement. After that night at the shipment yard where he risked his life to save mine… Something formed between us that brought us closer together. To say I was now attached to the silent inquisitor was absolutely true.
“Marrok…” I spoke his name, my tone growing much more gentler with him after these past few months.
I made sure to keep my voice low so that the droid pilot I call Lindt and Marrok’s battle droid wouldn’t pick up on our conversation as I waited for Marrok to respond.
The slight tilt of his head told me to continue.
I traced his helmet with my eyes, taking in details I have already memorized.
“Do you think we’re really going to find the… Grand Admiral Thrawn?” I whispered.
He didn’t give me an answer, but he listened and that was all I needed from him. I have since grown used to his silence and small hm’s as the days carried on. Before it had annoyed me to no end, but now… Now it has brought me an odd comfort in my life that I never thought I needed.
“I’m worried.” I continued as I turned my face from him to hide the guilt on my face at even speaking against my master and Morgan’s wishes.
But with him, I felt like I could tell him anything.
“I’m scared that we may be doing something wrong here… That the Grand Admiral is not supposed to be found.” I sighed as I closed my eyes, “I don’t know if my master can see the signs through the force and I know that I shouldn’t be questioning his wisdom, but I can’t help… But question all of this.”
A small part of me worried that he would stick his lightsaber through my chest and end me for good.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything…” I muttered sheepishly.
I was going to let the silence continue and pray silently to the force that hopefully he wouldn’t relay this to the others, but then…
I felt his gloved fingers dance across my arm before finding his hand found it’s rightful place in the palm of my hand and I knew from that touch he wouldn’t whisper what I said to any other soul.
The comforting squeeze of his hand brought a small smile to my face and a calmness that spread over my heart. I leaned my head on his shoulder as his thumb brushed against my hand.
“Thank you.” I murmured.
“We will be docking in one minute.” Lindt called out as he began our short descent.
“Thank you Lindt.” I said as I stood up, “I’ll go with you.” I told Marrok as I grabbed my lightsaber.
Except Marrok was already in front of me, gently stopping me with a placement of his hand on my shoulder.
“But what if something happens to you?” I asked worriedly, “How will we protect each other if we’re apart?”
He only shook his head and I knew that his order was final. We felt the motion of the ship dock, Marrok gently holding my waist to keep me steady.
My shoulders slumped in defeat, “I don’t want you to go alone… I want to be with you.” I muttered selfishly.
He gently placed his helmet against my forehead and I took a deep breath as another calm wave washed over me.
“Alright, but be safe and… Come back to me.” I stated, pressing a light kiss to his helmet.
A small hm could be heard from his modulator before he turned and descended the ship with one of his battle droids.
“I’ve been ordered to take us to a safe distance until Marrok is ready for pickup.” Lindt said.
“Alright.” I nodded as I took my seat once again.
I closed my eyes and felt his signature through the force, praying that everything will go smoothly… Minutes that turned into an hour passed and my growing anxiety to get to Marrok grew as I waited for the blinking light of the comms to signal he was done.
“It shouldn’t be too long now, right Lindt?” I asked the pilot droid.
“By my calculations, everything should be ready in about ten minutes.” Lindt stated.
I nodded my head with a sigh of relief. That didn’t sound so bad. I could wait for that…
But then I felt something different in the force and I knew then that there was a Jedi present.
“Something’s wrong. We need to get to Marrok now.” I told Lindt.
“But I was ordered to-” Lindt began to say, but I spoke over him.
“I don’t care. I’m telling you right now we have to go.” I urged and I was grateful when Lindt took off, flying the ship to the meeting point.
All I could feel was intense anxiety and fear as the ramp opened to find Marrok battling against a Jedi… Not just any Jedi, but Ahsoka Tano.
I urged him through the force to stop fighting and get on the ship and I was grateful when he did because knowing him… He would fight until his death and that was something I did not want to see.
I grabbed onto him the moment he stepped onto the ship as I looked him over. I could see him staring out at Ahsoka. I turned to the Jedi and watched as Marrok summoned his lightsaber towards us, something that Ahsoka easily dodged.
“I’ve only heard stories about her. She is powerful.” I murmured as I turned away from her to check for any wounds, “Are you alright?”
He nodded his head once and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw he had not been harmed. He held his own against a powerful Jedi and that my chest fill up with pride.
I placed my hand on the side of his helmet, tilting his head down to look at me, “You did well.” I spoke with a softly smile as I felt his fingers graze along my sides, “But I’m not leaving you alone again. Like Master Baylan said, we are more formidable together.”
Who would have thought my master would be right?
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oh-three · 10 months
                    🕯             🕯
            🕯      manifesting     🕯
       🕯       Marrok surviving     🕯
        🕯    another episode of  🕯
               🕯      Ahsoka 🕯
                        🕯         🕯
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inquisitor-apologist · 11 months
Hey. Hey Filoni, what’s up with the wolf-themed antagonists. What’s going on there, Filoni?
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inquisitormarrok · 2 months
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whispering-woodlands · 7 months
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Lil dude wasn’t supposed to be in until end of December but here he is. I will love him more than Disney ever did. (They didn’t even give him a character description it’s just the show description rip).
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They really did give him a T on his chest armor and made him have his saber on his back he truly was Rinzler coded.
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simonjadis · 10 months
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the-fruit-bandit · 10 months
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The arch...
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measlyscrapofseafood · 10 months
hc that shin hati and marrok have CRAZYYY competitive co worker beef that to an outsider seems to be one sided but marrok is equally as insane abt it
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yardikins · 8 months
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Surprise i made more (no one is surprised)
Part one // Part two
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armoralor · 9 months
Marrok disappearing into a cloud of unspeakable horrors while his body withers to ash? Yep, that’s a lesbian. Classic queer behaviour.
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