#Inspiration(tm) must strike
arcxnumvitae · 7 months
"Kris, you're introducing new gentry who have pasts and connections with your already-existing gentry muses, and we're just supposed to pretend they've been around this whole time?"
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anonymouscatloaf · 9 months
i've got a vague idea for a gen longfic sequel-ish to ATSD & that "back to the 2nd dimension" ep from s4 where 2D doof, charlene, and vanessa escape with a cyborg peter still under mind control to regain control of their tri-state area and the next (charlene claiming that in their "divorce", she should really get her own tri-state area, obviously)
unfortunately the only concrete scene i have in my head rn is some situation in which 2D doof has to choose between saving his daughter and something time-sensitive that will further his Evil Plans (TM) and he ultimately chooses evil over vanessa.
1D doof, who is nearby for as-of-yet undetermined reasons, has a perfect opportunity to strike but gives it up to save his not-daughter.
other ideas i wanna implement:
for the longest time, they dont hear from heinz/charlene/vanessa at all. until one day 2D baljeet manages to intercept communication from vanessa doofenshmirtz to someone in danville, confirming charlene/heinz's intention to invade the first dimension as well. more importantly, this means there must be some kind of traitor in their midst (dun dun dun - this is like the only plot thread i had planned out tbh lol)
the resistance/reformed owca wants to head off the doofenshmirtzes' attack on the first dimension except of course everyone except owca had their memory wiped of that day so they run into problems almost instantly bc they dont know about the mind wipe
in the first dimension it's post-s4 and doof is a science teacher. everything in his life is going well!
he gets kidnapped by 2D monogram & some of the firestorm girls, is VERY confused. the resistance quickly realizes he has no memory of their dimension
meanwhile at the FF household perry has to intercept 2D pnf + platyborg before they descend on his unsuspecting owners for help. drags them down to his lair, where apparently the other 2D animal agents + 2D carl have already been talking to 1D monogram & carl finds out about the second team that went for 1D doof. runs off to go rescue him bc god damn it why is this his life
2D doofs have a Plan to make sure no resistance can rise up against them again. it is a very Horrifying and Irreversible Plan.
2D candace is still officially "retired" until the resistance has concrete plans in place for retaliation & containing the doofenshmirtz family
2D stacy was killed by normbots before the events of ATSD - inspiration for 2D candace to end up leader of the resistance. 2D candace gets to meet 1D stacy at some point :)
also we finally go somewhere with that "stacy knows perry's secret" thing since perry is adamant about keeping the flynn-fletchers away from this mess lest monogram try to relocate him. again. so stacy is on "distract your bff and the kids duty"
2D vanessa redemption
maybe i should just start writing this and see where it gets me tbh
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
I am on a mission to find you someone even hotter now. Blake’s a cutie but he’s too happy. I need broody, angry, annoyed Harry who’s face only lights up when Ginny is there. We need someone with a dark, edgy, need to drop my panties right now look.
For all those haters who say Harry isn’t that good looking a quote from COS:
“There are strange likenesses between us, Harry Potter. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by Muggles. Probably the only two Parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. We even look something alike.” This was Tom’s way of telling him your kinda hot like me Harry. Throw in fresh picked green eyes... Like come on the man was oozing sexiness he just didn’t know it and wasn’t conceded. Would it have been better if he was looking in the mirror everyday and repeating “Fuck Potter your hot, with your sexy messy hair that looks like you just had a good shag, and striking green eyes, ya the world is lucky to have such a sexy bloke their their presence”??? No, we like our humble Harry who doesn’t know how gorgeous he is.
ok WAIT because there are several things i need to address..
i mean look at him!?!??!! he’s got dimples for christ’s sake!!
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secondly we all know i’ve been on a tpfy next gen kick and in my search for dad!harry i stumbled across this guy. the only annoying thing is trying to photoshop glasses onto him which i’ve mostly given up trying.
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which is why i keep coming back to blake because HES ALREADY GOT THE MESS HAIR AND THE GLASSES IN THE PICTURE
my pinterest algorithm is slowly starting to give me some variety on my homepage and i try to go down the rabbit hole as much as possible in search for the perfect Guy(TM)
xavier serrano does it for me sometimes
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but alas the search for the perfect harry fan cast continues. i am sisyphus. doomed to scroll endlessly with no inspiration or progress to speak of
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sparrowsabre7 · 3 years
Say Something Nice About Every Star War part 7 A New Hope
Opening shot is perfection.
The slow burn opening, while odd by today’s standards really helps with world building and gives the story scope and scale.
The shootout on the Tantive IV still feels dangerous and exciting
Leia gets to be the first named hero to murder a dude in Star Wars and that is cool as fuck.
Used universe aesthetic started here (in SW at least, I don’t know if it was the progenitor, but I know Lucas did make a conscious choice for the blasters to look like guns rather than the 50s “raygun” aesthetic).
Imperial officer uniforms not so subtly nazi-inspired, and all imperials are white, human, men (and yet people still complain about “politics in muh star wars”).
R2 and 3PO’s personalities are immediately established despite only one of them being able to speak. Shout out to Ben Burtt for A+ sound design as always.
Vader’s entrance is striking (also fun fact: since the Imperial March has not been composed yet, A New Hope remains to ONLY live-action Star Wars film to not feature it at all).
The cosmic coalescence of coincidences that bring the heroes together is great. I know people rag on about how small the galaxy seems because everyone knows each other but chalk it up to will of the force and move on.
Blue milk!
Binary sunset, nuff said.
Uncomfortable connotations of “sand people” aside, the Tuskens are an interesting group and while it’s not elaborated on for decades, seeds of the idea of them as an indigenous people retaliating against invaders is sown here. After all, Luke strays into their territory. It’s also quite telling that Obi-wan doesn’t come in and kill them in a badass display of power but merely frightens them off. 
The whole scene in Ben’s home is really well done, as is the uncomfortable expression Ben gets when Luke asks him about his father. I don’t know how much of SW was planned in advance at this point, but allegedly Lucas told Alec Guiness to act like he was lying with the answer here. 
I really love the Landspeeder’s design. I love all landspeeders but there’s something so neat about this one because it does look kinda shitty but in a cool way.
Mos Eisley really feels like a living breathing town/city. 
Mad About Me by Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes is a bop. 
Thus begins the tradition of Obi-wan cutting off someone’s arm anytime he goes to a bar.
Han shooting Greedo under the table is cool, regardless of who shoots first.
Harrison Ford is acting like he’s always a little bit drunk in this one.
The Millennium Falcon’s design makes me want to weep it’s so good.
Han’s lil driving gloves.
Peter Cushing is great and I think is emblematic of what made SW stand out vs other genre pictures. Look at something like Highlander or Flash Gordon etc and everyone is hamming it up to the nines, everyone in SW plays it 100% straight regardless of how mad the situation is. I think hiring a lot of theatrically trained actors helped with that. (He’s also wearing slippers throughout because he’s never ever in full shot.)
Luke, Han and Chewie have to share one compartment to hide in while Obi-wan needs one all to himself on account of his MASSIVE BALLS.
tHe CoNvErSaTiOn. “We’re all fine here…. how are you?”
Princess Leia saving her own ass proving once again she’s the only competent human in SW. 
The Han Solo Chargetm
The duel may be a little tame but the dialogue is fire.
Obi-wan calling Vader “Darth” like it’s his name.
The little smile before he dissolves. (Also, look up the original non-special edition version of that scene because it’s fucking hilarious - I cannot seem to find it anywhere so it must have been on a BTS dvd extra but he gets cut in half, and the bottom half falls to the floor slightly before the top half) 
The whole gunner sequence is great even though it really shouldn’t work because it’s basically two dudes playing space invaders.
I like that they added back the scene of Luke and Biggs as it gives a sense of the connection and stakes going into the trench run.
The trench run manages to make what is ultimately quite small scale dogfight, in terms of the number of combatants, feel tense, urgent, and exciting. I DO think the special edition improves this scene massively too. The unedited shots, while good for the time, look a lot more static now. It’s still largely the original models at work, but the added/edited shots give a sense of inertia and mobility. 
The dramatic trench run score melding into the force suite is beautiful. 
I love the discrepancy in the X-wing and TIE targeting computers and the fact that the TIE pilots wear breathing apparatus while the Rebels don’t. It’s a subtle way of showing that the Empire cares more about killing its enemies than the safety of its pilots, as well as the wealth backing the Emprie vs Rebellion. 
Darth Vader’s “WAT?” when Han shoots the first TIE.
The final award ceremony is another great piece of music (used it to leave the church for our wedding). 
The fact Han’s formal outfit is literally his normal outfit, but with a buttoned up collar is hilarious. 
R2′s lil wiggles. 
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
Agent Teams: The Good, the Bad, and the Challenge
This month’s National Association of REALTORS® Power Broker Roundtable discusses real estate teams, and how brokerages are embracing the model.  
Jim Imhoff, Chairman, First Weber Real Estate, Madison, Wis., Liaison for Large Firms & Industry Relations, National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) 
Vince Leisey, CEO, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ambassador Real Estate, Omaha, Neb.
Pat Riley, President/CEO, Allen Tate Companies, Charlotte, N.C.
  Corina Jones, Founder/Broker, Your Home Team, Greenwood, Ind.
  Jennifer Ames, Broker/License Partner, Ames Group Chicago, Engel & Vӧlkers International Real Estate, Chicago, Ill.
Tim Milam, President, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage, Wilmington, N.C.
  Jim Imhoff: Every brokerage has its rainmakers—the inspired, charismatic, hard-working dynamos who bring more than their share of business to the company. But what happens—and it almost always does happen—when agent superstars decide to team up, move on, take their career to a whole new level? It brings financial concerns, technical issues, space considerations…even concerns that a successful team may decide to strike out on their own. As brokers, we have options: Support the team concept. Advise against it. Maybe make it a centerpiece of the company culture we’ve worked so hard to build. Today, we’ll talk with a few brokers who land on the side of the latter. Let’s begin with you, Vince, because I know you’ve been cited by the TV series “World’s Greatest” as having one of the “World’s Greatest Company Cultures.” 
Vince Leisey: We have, Jim, and we’re proud of that. We want our people to be glad to come to work every day—and whether or not it’s coincidental, teams do make up some 65 percent of our company. I not only embrace the team concept, but in my view, teams are the future of real estate. For one thing, the millennials now coming into the business are all about collaboration and teamwork—and the sharing and mentorship that come with teaming makes every team member stronger. 
Pat Riley: Millennial or not, when I became successful enough to build my own company, I needed people to help me—so I still see any form of partnering as the best of all possible worlds. Every agent has strengths and weaknesses. In teaming, you can specialize, you can mentor or be mentored, you can rise to meet your best potential, and let the company worry about the tools and technology—even the physical workspace. 
Jennifer Ames: That’s something I considered when I was ready to move up after many years as a successful team leader. I wanted new challenges, better control, and the chance to recruit like-minded people and help them build careers. But I chose to do it with an internationally branded company behind me—a premier European company that aligns closely with my values. Our team launched our Chicago office last January, our flagship offices opened officially on June 27, and we’re confident we made the right decision. 
Corina Jones: For us, going out on our own a little over a year ago was an opportunity to take control of our destiny. Building our brand is a commitment to unexcelled customer service, and that’s what we’re all about. And being responsible for our own financial health means recruiting carefully, sharing the load, and ultimately doing more deals. We knew we’d have to struggle, but it was a challenge we welcomed, and we’re looking ahead, not back.
JI: It’s a valid concern for some brokers that successful team leaders will take their teams and fly the nest. So, in our company, we embrace teaming, but we are careful about having contracts in place, and business plans that speak to the “divorce” aspect of teams.
Tom Milam: That works for us, too. It’s like a financial “prenup,” so that everyone knows what happens in the event of a break-up. But look, good teams have an amazing work ethic. They are great mentors. They have a balanced quality of life, because there is always someone to cover for them—which is also a boon for our customers. And while teams may take a higher split, they also close more transactions.
PR: One solution that works for us is “brandchising” our successful teams. The captains continue to build their teams but with our brand behind them. We continue to provide the tools. They pay us a fee. It really is a win-win for all.
VL: It’s vital to have transparency and a lot of idea-sharing between the teams in our organization, so that there’s a balance of lead generators, coaches and less-experienced agents who will grow as a result of their mentorship.
CJ: That’s always been key for a team leader, and it’s one of the things I like best about heading up our own operation. It’s my effort, my perceptions, and my decisions that will establish our brand in the marketplace, with the confidence that the team we build and manage will win us our share of that market.
JA: Of course, it’s all about marketshare, and however you choose to manage your team—within an established brand or as an independent—the bottom line must be more successful agents and an improved customer experience.
TM: There’s no question that teams and team captains add a lot of value to our companies. They also offer a great way for our companies to grow organically. If Vince is right, and he may be, if teaming is the future of a younger real estate workforce, then it’s only a matter of us, as company leaders, figuring how best to make it work.
For more information, please visit www.nar.realtor.
The post Agent Teams: The Good, the Bad, and the Challenge appeared first on RISMedia.
Agent Teams: The Good, the Bad, and the Challenge published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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cabinboy100 · 7 years
I’ve posted a v.2 of this, now with screenshot visual aids *and* more rambling! I know—how’s *that* possible, right?
So…Syfy’s posted a new trailer for season 3 of 12 MONKEYS. Usually, I would do my best to dodge promos before a show or movie is actually released. I like to get hit w/the text without as few hints as possible. Go in with as little pre-text as possible. But, given the paradigm-shifting “linear-binge” release of this season—leave it to 12 MONKEYS to Splinter an entire season (encompassing centuries =) into a single weekend, with all 10 episodes beamed in order over May 19, 20, and 21—I’m thinking I’ll need to get my wheels-spinning crazy talk wherever I can. And thusly, I tumbl…
The first new shot of Cole, from the front and then from behind, has him holding a tech-festooned staff. The design calls to mind a computerized tuning fork, *just* the thing for time/dimension/reality-hopping, or tuning/dialing. Perhaps one of its components is a tank of red tea, reloadable via Keurig-like cartridges? With a regulated IV feed or retractable needles in the handle? Maybe this device enhances or adapts Cole’s mental time travel abilities, allowing him to view specific points in time or even what-if?s. Could it be a way to enable him to physically travel? A staff version of the vests? =)
Titan appears as a complex/city in the distance with a sea with rocks or wreckage or maybe ice floes in the foreground. Does Titan only move in Time and not space (relative to the Earth)? Is it always in Colorado? Climate change is real, people!
We see someone with great posture ascend the steps within Titan to meet w/Tall Man, or perhaps his father, both surrounded by robed figures. RE: that posture…It reminds me of Ethan Seki, but knowing that he’s in this season, I’m thinking Gaius Baltar.
That first shot of the four hat-and-coated figures, silhouetted in the fog or smoke in the dark…The three lights on each of their vests powering on…Gorgeous! Evokes DARK CITY for me (a good thing =), and some kind of clockwork men. I want the tech to be embedded in these people, but a later shot shows us that this is likely tech mounted on a vest. Portable Splinter/Titan units, a la Doctor Who’s Vortex Manipulators? In a future world (like, the future of the future, post-2044) of 12 MONKEYS, that’s where my head immediately goes. Although, honestly, that seems very unfair, no?
Still, if that IS what they are, I'd associate them with some very interesting story/logic that necessitates their not being usable before some year. After all, if the Witness's forces *ever* had this tech, they could have used it in the times Team Splinter has visited, right? Maybe the use of these vests shreds spacetime, and jumping back beyond a certain point would undo their invention in the first place? Or, y'know, something like that. =)
I’m *really* hoping that these figures are Something Else, tho. At the bottom of the season 3 poster, we see them standing in front of a console with the Witness’s/Titan symbol, and so, we want to associate them, right? But what if that’s just a couple of these…Time Shadows entering the Titan city limits? What if these guys are representatives of another player in the war across/for time? Perhaps descendants of the Witness and the Titanians, who know more than W does…Or are using W as their agent in their relative past?
Or maybe they serve a Time Variance Authority. Some organization—who knows under what authority/morality?—that watches over and polices Time and History, countering and punishing anyone who seeks to change too much. Maybe to preserve their own existence, Time’s existence (assuming damage is done by reckless splintering), or their own ideal mission outcome.
Cuz, how great would it be to have everyone we know, set up as enemies and rivals in so many permutations, ultimately be on the same side versus some (apparently) greater Time fascist?
Or greater threat to Time itself? If we take the Red Forest being an End-of-Time paradise as a feint, constructed to get all the splinter chess pieces into the right places to bring about the birth of the Witness, then the Witness was never really about that, right? Maybe he didn’t come up w/that threat himself, tho. What if he adapted it from a greater threat to Time? So…Casserole & Son (*and* Jones, Jennifer, Ramse & Son, Olivia, the Daughters, the X-Monkeys, & Agent Gale, Primaries, Monkeys, Druze et al) are destined to fight someone who truly does want to destroy all of Time and replace it with… Well, nothingness seems like a good ultimate goal, let’s go with that for now.
What if the super-future is amazing, but in a universe in which time travel is ever invented, history must be choreographed in order for it to be realized and persist. So, this paradise future has a black ops arm that manipulates events in the past to keep it safe. The paradise is a wonderful destiny for humanity, but it robs humans in the past and present of free will. Which side would you fight for in that scenario?
Hrm…Looking a little harder at the season 3 poster again…Are there four Time Shadows (that works, right?) holding, like, an Ark of the Witness between them? I thought it was some kind of console/control panel, but now I’m seeing it differently. Interrrresting…
A funeral for Time? For the Witness? 
A Time bomb? 
If the vests aren’t vortex manipulator-y, maybe their portable splinter device? 
A Witness trap or cage? 
Time picnic dinner?
The Word of the Witness is shown preserved in plastic panes or lucite, hanging in a candelabra-lit room, a red-vine patterned banner (or glass pane?) behind it. Its Ramse-torn corner is still absent. Does Ramse still have that swatch tucked in a coat pocket somewhere?
COLE: The man behind the apocalypse is my son?
A clip of some creepy Edgar Allen Poe-y Masque(rade) of the Red Death…Cole and Cassie apparently in attendance. Hrm…Red Death…I had a theory back in season 1 that the Army might be an influence throughout history responsible for all major epidemics/plagues, as a way to thin the herd, perhaps disable or control meddling Primaries, and keep a population manageable via their resources and manipulations.
Cross fade to Cass and Cole going Nicholas Nickleby/Christmas Carol on some cobblestoned street…
KATARINA: It's been about them…
That's Jones apparently referring to Cass and Cole.
<aside> What would Cassandra name her child? I’m guessing, sadly, that Cole won’t be present for the birth. Assuming it’s a boy, maybe she’d go with her father, whom we haven’t met yet. Has Cassie mentioned him by name on the show? If not that grandpa, then how about Cole’s father, Matthew? (I don’t think we have confirmation that he’s James’s bio dad, but we never saw anyone question it.) Or—How about someone important to *both* of them? The person responsible for bringing them together? Katarina Werner Jones! Boy, *that’s* gotta sit well with Katarina, eh? (see/watch above line of dialogue =)
So, how about Jones? Like the space cat in ALIEN! Or Jonas? Jonas Cole. Jonas Railly? Or…Werner? Not so cute, but somehow fitting for a Witness-to-be, eh? Werner Cole, The Witness. Yeah. That’ll look good on his business card. =) </aside>
RAMSE: About time we set things straight…
If that is actual dialogue between Jones and Ramse, it signifies the formation of an alliance, between Ramse (and Olivia and her X-Mon/Orphans of Time) and Jones and Project Splinter. Their goal? To undo and/or destroy the Witness, which would likely pit them against one or both of his parentals. Ramse *does* like to boast about how he eats blondes for breakfast…~
Next we see an eyes-burning return to the Emerson Hotel, sometime in the mid to late 80s.
Will we ever see the lightning storm/strike that freezes the lobby’s clock? =)
Cole is dressed as Marty McFly. O, man! Are we gonna get an in-universe origin/inspiration encounter for BACK TO THE FUTURE? Whoa…
So, how about this? Agent Gale’s granddaughter, Roberta, has somehow inherited his dossier on his wacky misadventures with Cole & the Gang, and is staking out the Emerson in the 80s, perhaps at her grandpa’s direction, but maybe on her own. She meets them, maybe joins them in splintering, if the tech allows (Deacon as Time…ummm…Peter? Paul? Judas doesn’t seem right, right? =) helps them out, but of course, is sworn to secrecy—who’d believe her, anyway?—but hey, disinformation as a 3-movie franchise wasn’t disallowed, right? Story credit: Bob Gale. =)
CASS: Help me save him.
It’s just a pronoun, people. "Him" could be anyone…Junior/Witness, Cole, Deacon, Witness the Time Puppy… =)
Christopher Lloyd, wearing the Titan pendant, apparently standing in an event-y tent illuminated by standing and hanging lamps…a remote location? An excavation site? A wedding reception? A pop-up portrait studio?
The pendant and wardrobe sells the Tall Man's father identity pretty hard. As far as we know, he wouldn’t have any Messenger blood. So, if he’s not enhancedly long-lived, what era/s would he have been operating in? Given the garb, perhaps from within the clergy? Maybe late 19th century into the first half of the 20th, to find/meet Vivian in the 40s. There’s gotta be a story there about why/how Vivian returns to the Army after rejecting the Witness. I still would really love for Tall Man to be playing a long con within the Army, a sleeper agent of revenge upon the Witness for doing his mother wrong.
Maybe Christopher Lloyd's playing TM’s adopted father or Army mentor? Cuz I still *really* want his biodad to be Agent Gale! =)
COLE: If there's something wrong with him, he got it from me…
We see some drawings of gun-pointing Cole, surrounded by arcane, rune-ish characters… There’s also a shot somewhere earlier in the teaser, looking down on a figure in the center of a spiral of similar marks on a floor, suggesting that the figure has drawn them. Jennifer? Young W?
The drawings are followed by a matching image of Cole pointing the gun in reality, the exact some POV. If this were season 2, I’d say the drawings were done by a Primary who’d been targeted by Cole. His mission would have been to kill the Primary before a Messenger could paradox him or her. Could that strategy still be in play by the Witness or another party?
Or are these drawings by the Witness, who has seen that Cole would come for him as a child? Does Cole know at this gun-pointing time that W is actually Jimmy, Jr.? I’m guessing not. Hrm…
We see Katarina approaching the mothballed/covered up Splinter device. When is this? In history and in her personal timeline? Could this be a flashback to when she first arrives at Raritan National Labs from Spearhead? Or a visit that calendar-year predates that (maybe in Kat’s past, maybe her future), after the Army shut down Mr. Dr. Jones when Cole and Ramse went off-Word. Or her return to the lab, in a future (splintered-forward?) visit, post-2044.
OLIVIA: …the very edge of time…an inch from falling over…
I *think* that’s what she says. Is there an End of Time? Following thru on the idea that Time is a living thing, given life by Humanity, the End of Time would be coincident with the end of Humanity. Maybe Titan’s “home” setting is that era? If only Titanians live then, then they (and their one or few Primaries) basically ARE Time, no? Whoever lives then, would essentially *be* Time.
We see Cass approach a pedestal with a Witness plague doctor mask mounted on it…The mask is lit from above, but the space is lit by candles. This may be the same space in which the WotW is hanging.
JENN: Stop talking like a super villain.
Jennifer continues to rock! Olivia and Jennifer seem to be speaking to each other through a chain link fence. Olivia’s lucky there’s something separating them, cuz *that* is going to be an interesting reunion. I wonder how close the nearest stabby item is when that happens. =)
KATARINA (or the new girl?): Don't make me put you down…
As Jones pushes thru double doors (at Project Splinter?)…Daughters behind her?
JENN: They're coming—they're coming!
This may be Jennifer the Titan-zapped girl-out-of-time dropped into WW1 (or later, 2?), exercising her Primary abilities to warn her unwitting captors or guards of imminent Monkeys Army meddling.
This looks like a shot from the season 2 finale, caught between a rock and robed-and-masked place, facing Witness acolytes in Titan, holding the pass so that Jennifer can escape get coin-tossed into Time. Maybe just cuz that footage is available, but maybe cuz we’ll see it again when we learn how he survived.
Ramse, leading with a gun and firing…Nothing new there, right? =)
CASS: He's mine…
Cut to Cass apparently giving birth…a new age-y red leaf infused water birth?
Tall Man looking true-believer-ecstatically pleased…Maybe a shot we’ve already seen?
EVIL ANNIE LENNOX: You can't have him…
She's sporting a 3-lights vest vortex manipulator over her MIB/Stranger/Observer/Chosen One/Time Shadow coat…
Jenn and Cole stomping thru a complex (looks like Project Splinter), Cole loading his gun, Jenn following…
A chapel or small-ish cathedral(?), the sanctuary heavily candlelit…Are the walls decorated with gilded red vines? A figure before a table before the altar with his back to the pews…It seems the voice we hear should belong to that figure…
W: Mother…Father…After all this time…
Two people walk down the aisle, approaching the figure at the front of the chapel… Seems like Cass on the left, Cole on the right, possibly in those black coats—in disguise?—maybe wearing Time Vests.
Cut to a figure raising a mask to reveal his face during "After all this time…"
Knowing that James “Gaius Baltar” Callis is in this season, I think it's him and his Brit-ish/aristocratic accented voice. Not sure that the unmasking happens in that same chapel space or as part of that same scene.
Based on W’s choice of words, seems like Cass will be separated from her son at some point in his infancy. Sad. =(
Then again, if that’s the case, who’s to say that this person confronting them *is* actually Jimmy, Jr., huh? =)
It’s later than you think =)
Keep on keepin’ on~
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SNAPPED by TM Smith Blog Tour
Retribution Runs Deep
The line between retribution and vengeance is often just as thin as the line between love and hate. 
Cillian feels his life was stolen from him and is out for revenge. Grieving and seeking retribution for the death of his twin sister, August is easy prey. Cillian latches onto his grief and feeds into it, using the Outkast as a weapon to strike out at the family that abandoned him. When August learns the truth behind his sister's death, everything changes. Hector arrives at House Gaeland for a wedding, only to wind up in the middle of an unexpected war between brothers. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to an Outkast with hair as fiery as his temper. The immediate, intense, and mutual attraction stirs up an entirely different set of issues. To be together, August and Hector will need to thwart the most evil of plans and accomplish the most daring of rescues, all before Cirian follows through with his threat to drop August off the side of a cliff.  The people of House Gaeland have endured much, and yet, there is more trouble on the horizon. A birth and a wedding are far too much happiness for the universe to allow, so to level the playing field, the devil must add his cards to the deck. Violence begets violence and Cirian is perfectly willing to take a dagger to his brother, if need be. Will he feel the same if the blood spilled belongs to someone much closer to his heart?  Snapped is the third book in the Opposites series, the series must be read in order. It is an adult, dystopian majorly M/M series that encompasses all manners of relationships (including M/F and F/F). In this world logic is irrelevant, love is key, and things get broken—just ask Aiyan and Kaden.
*Warning* there is a brief mention of sexual assault, though not in detail.
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O’Raven Chronicles | Spotlight & Promo
SiK Reviews | Review & Promo
Book Reviews, Virginia Lee | Review & Promo
February 21st
Happily Ever Chapter | Playlist
Bike Book Reviews | Review & Promo
Divine Magazine | Spotlight & Excerpt
February 22nd
Cathy Writes Romance | Review & Promo
Book Boyfriend Heaven | Spotlight & Promo
Molly Lolly | Spotlight & Promo
February 23rd
Love Bytes | Exclusive promo
Making it Happen | Review & Promo
Bayou Book Junkie | Spotlight & Promo
February 24th
MM Book Escape | This or That
Nic Starr | Dream Cast
Gay Book Reviews | Review & Promo
February 27th
EyesOnBooks' Next Favorite Reads | Review & Guest post
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents | Spotlight & Promo
February 28th
All in One Place | Spotlight & Promo
Triple A | Spotlight & Promo A.O. Chika Book Blog | Spotlight & Promo
☆  ☆ Other books in the Opposites series ☆  ☆
The Opposites series, book 1 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE Smashwords | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
The Library 
An Opposites novella {book 1.5} 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
The Opposites series, book 2 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE Smashwords  Available in Audiobook summer of 2017!
The Cellar 
An Opposites novella {book 2.5} 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
About the Author...
A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.
Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!
Author links: Amazon || Smashwords || Website || Facebook || Twitter 
Goodreads || Pinterest || Youtube
Up for grabs are two prizes...
Grand Prize goodie bag is US only shipping and includes a signed paperback copy of either Opposites with The Library or Appearances with The Cellar, series inspired swag and an Author TM Smith image collage coffee mug.
Runner up is for International readers as well, a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble giftcard, winner's choice, to be delivered electronically at the end of the tour. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Google+ / Pinterest / Goodreads / Tumblr / Bloglovin' / Instagram
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0 notes
SNAPPED by TM Smith Blog Tour
Retribution Runs Deep
The line between retribution and vengeance is often just as thin as the line between love and hate. 
Cillian feels his life was stolen from him and is out for revenge. Grieving and seeking retribution for the death of his twin sister, August is easy prey. Cillian latches onto his grief and feeds into it, using the Outkast as a weapon to strike out at the family that abandoned him. When August learns the truth behind his sister's death, everything changes. Hector arrives at House Gaeland for a wedding, only to wind up in the middle of an unexpected war between brothers. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to an Outkast with hair as fiery as his temper. The immediate, intense, and mutual attraction stirs up an entirely different set of issues. To be together, August and Hector will need to thwart the most evil of plans and accomplish the most daring of rescues, all before Cirian follows through with his threat to drop August off the side of a cliff.  The people of House Gaeland have endured much, and yet, there is more trouble on the horizon. A birth and a wedding are far too much happiness for the universe to allow, so to level the playing field, the devil must add his cards to the deck. Violence begets violence and Cirian is perfectly willing to take a dagger to his brother, if need be. Will he feel the same if the blood spilled belongs to someone much closer to his heart?  Snapped is the third book in the Opposites series, the series must be read in order. It is an adult, dystopian majorly M/M series that encompasses all manners of relationships (including M/F and F/F). In this world logic is irrelevant, love is key, and things get broken—just ask Aiyan and Kaden.
*Warning* there is a brief mention of sexual assault, though not in detail.
Buy links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | B&N
Smashwords | iTunes | Kobo
Blog tour schedule...
February 20th 
Two Book Pushers | Spotlight & Excerpt
O’Raven Chronicles | Spotlight & Promo
SiK Reviews | Review & Promo
Book Reviews, Virginia Lee | Review & Promo
February 21st
Happily Ever Chapter | Playlist
Bike Book Reviews | Review & Promo
Divine Magazine | Spotlight & Excerpt
February 22nd
Cathy Writes Romance | Review & Promo
Book Boyfriend Heaven | Spotlight & Promo
Molly Lolly | Spotlight & Promo
February 23rd
Love Bytes | Exclusive promo
Making it Happen | Review & Promo
Bayou Book Junkie | Spotlight & Promo
February 24th
MM Book Escape | This or That
Nic Starr | Dream Cast
Gay Book Reviews | Review & Promo
February 27th
EyesOnBooks' Next Favorite Reads | Review & Guest post
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents | Spotlight & Promo
February 28th
All in One Place | Spotlight & Promo
Triple A | Spotlight & Promo A.O. Chika Book Blog | Spotlight & Promo
☆  ☆ Other books in the Opposites series ☆  ☆
The Opposites series, book 1 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE Smashwords | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
The Library 
An Opposites novella {book 1.5} 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
The Opposites series, book 2 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE Smashwords  Available in Audiobook summer of 2017!
The Cellar 
An Opposites novella {book 2.5} 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
About the Author...
A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.
Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!
Author links: Amazon || Smashwords || Website || Facebook || Twitter 
Goodreads || Pinterest || Youtube
Up for grabs are two prizes...
Grand Prize goodie bag is US only shipping and includes a signed paperback copy of either Opposites with The Library or Appearances with The Cellar, series inspired swag and an Author TM Smith image collage coffee mug.
Runner up is for International readers as well, a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble giftcard, winner's choice, to be delivered electronically at the end of the tour. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Google+ / Pinterest / Goodreads / Tumblr / Bloglovin' / Instagram
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0 notes
SNAPPED by TM Smith Blog Tour
Retribution Runs Deep
The line between retribution and vengeance is often just as thin as the line between love and hate. 
Cillian feels his life was stolen from him and is out for revenge. Grieving and seeking retribution for the death of his twin sister, August is easy prey. Cillian latches onto his grief and feeds into it, using the Outkast as a weapon to strike out at the family that abandoned him. When August learns the truth behind his sister's death, everything changes. Hector arrives at House Gaeland for a wedding, only to wind up in the middle of an unexpected war between brothers. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to an Outkast with hair as fiery as his temper. The immediate, intense, and mutual attraction stirs up an entirely different set of issues. To be together, August and Hector will need to thwart the most evil of plans and accomplish the most daring of rescues, all before Cirian follows through with his threat to drop August off the side of a cliff.  The people of House Gaeland have endured much, and yet, there is more trouble on the horizon. A birth and a wedding are far too much happiness for the universe to allow, so to level the playing field, the devil must add his cards to the deck. Violence begets violence and Cirian is perfectly willing to take a dagger to his brother, if need be. Will he feel the same if the blood spilled belongs to someone much closer to his heart?  Snapped is the third book in the Opposites series, the series must be read in order. It is an adult, dystopian majorly M/M series that encompasses all manners of relationships (including M/F and F/F). In this world logic is irrelevant, love is key, and things get broken—just ask Aiyan and Kaden.
*Warning* there is a brief mention of sexual assault, though not in detail.
Buy links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | B&N
Smashwords | iTunes | Kobo
Blog tour schedule...
February 20th 
Two Book Pushers | Spotlight & Excerpt
O’Raven Chronicles | Spotlight & Promo
SiK Reviews | Review & Promo
Book Reviews, Virginia Lee | Review & Promo
February 21st
Happily Ever Chapter | Playlist
Bike Book Reviews | Review & Promo
Divine Magazine | Spotlight & Excerpt
February 22nd
Cathy Writes Romance | Review & Promo
Book Boyfriend Heaven | Spotlight & Promo
Molly Lolly | Spotlight & Promo
February 23rd
Love Bytes | Exclusive promo
Making it Happen | Review & Promo
Bayou Book Junkie | Spotlight & Promo
February 24th
MM Book Escape | This or That
Nic Starr | Dream Cast
Gay Book Reviews | Review & Promo
February 27th
EyesOnBooks' Next Favorite Reads | Review & Guest post
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents | Spotlight & Promo
February 28th
All in One Place | Spotlight & Promo
Triple A | Spotlight & Promo A.O. Chika Book Blog | Spotlight & Promo
☆  ☆ Other books in the Opposites series ☆  ☆
The Opposites series, book 1 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE Smashwords | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
The Library 
An Opposites novella {book 1.5} 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
The Opposites series, book 2 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE Smashwords  Available in Audiobook summer of 2017!
The Cellar 
An Opposites novella {book 2.5} 
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | iTunes Also available on Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes
About the Author...
A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.
Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!
Author links: Amazon || Smashwords || Website || Facebook || Twitter 
Goodreads || Pinterest || Youtube
Up for grabs are two prizes...
Grand Prize goodie bag is US only shipping and includes a signed paperback copy of either Opposites with The Library or Appearances with The Cellar, series inspired swag and an Author TM Smith image collage coffee mug.
Runner up is for International readers as well, a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble giftcard, winner's choice, to be delivered electronically at the end of the tour. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Google+ / Pinterest / Goodreads / Tumblr / Bloglovin' / Instagram
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