#Inspirational Quotes for When Your Mood Could Use a Boost
patriapplepie · 1 year
How to Romanticize School <3
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Romanticizing school involves shifting your perspective and finding beauty, wonder, and inspiration in your educational journey. By focusing on the positive aspects and embracing a more imaginative and appreciative outlook, you can make school a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Here's how you can romanticize school:
Appreciate Learning: Instead of viewing school as a chore, remind yourself that education is a privilege. Approach each subject with curiosity and a desire to gain knowledge.
Create a Cozy Study Space: Design a comfortable and inviting study area that makes you excited to sit down and learn. Add soft lighting, comfortable cushions, and elements that reflect your personal style.
Dress Up for School: Put thought into your outfits and dress in a way that makes you feel confident and ready to conquer the day. Expressing yourself through fashion can boost your mood.
Embrace Rituals: Establish morning and pre-study rituals that help you transition into a focused and positive mindset. It could be enjoying a cup of tea, practicing a short meditation, or listening to your favorite music.
Decorate Your Supplies: Personalize your notebooks, pens, and other school supplies with creative designs or quotes that inspire you. This adds a touch of creativity to your everyday routine.
Engage in Creative Note-Taking: Use colorful pens, highlighters, and drawings to make your notes visually appealing. Creative note-taking can help you retain information better and make studying more enjoyable.
Find Beauty in Knowledge: Consider the beauty of acquiring new skills and knowledge. Imagine yourself growing into a more informed and capable individual with each lesson.
Explore Your Campus: If you're in college or university, take time to explore your campus. Discover hidden spots, sit in peaceful gardens, and appreciate the architectural beauty around you.
Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge your accomplishments, whether they're big or small. Treat yourself to something special when you reach a milestone or achieve a good grade.
Make Friends: Connect with classmates and build relationships. School can be more enjoyable when you have friends to share experiences with.
Focus on Growth: Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. Keep a journal to reflect on your personal development throughout your educational journey.
Connect with Your Passion: Explore how your studies connect with your interests and passions. When you see the relevance, you'll likely feel more motivated to engage with the material.
Daydream About the Future: Allow yourself to daydream about the exciting possibilities your education can bring. Envision your career, the impact you'll make, and the adventures that lie ahead.
Create a School Playlist: Curate a playlist of your favorite songs that motivate and uplift you. Listen to it while studying or on your way to school to set a positive tone for the day.
Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and fully engaged in your classes. Pay attention to the details, ask questions, and actively participate in discussions.
Remember that romanticizing school doesn't mean ignoring challenges or difficulties. It's about cultivating a mindset that appreciates the journey of learning and personal growth. By infusing positivity and imagination into your approach, you can make school a more enchanting and fulfilling experience. <3
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riewritten · 2 years
what do you do when inspiration suddenly hits you? like do you just memorize it in ur head or note it somewhere or do u work on that idea immediately?? im very very curious about ur creative process PLEASE OVERSHARE because i believe there are things that are new to me. like you write and draw and it's amazing how tou do both! i'm more curious about ur writing process because i don't write much (nowadays i only journal or write diary entries, in the past i did write fanfictions but they're almost all oneshots or unplanned dropped after 2 or 3 chapters). (how) do you plan your storyline? do you consider yourself flexible (like are u comfortable with changing plans in a big project where one change could lead to other changes?). Do you beta read by yourself or is there anyone who does it? if you do it by yourself, what do you feel when re-reading your writings? i literally have sm questions but i don't wanna overwhelm you 😭😭😭 you don't need to answer if you don't want to, that's alright!!!
when u said i could overshare
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for whenever the inspiration hits, i tend to start on it immediately. writing is such a mood booster for me and i'm in a low mood most of the time so i seize the moment whenever motivation comes :'D sometimes when i'm busy (let's say school/work) and a great idea pops in (usually in quote format), i just lay it down in my gdocs. for oneshots, 1 doc would suffice. for longfics, the docs per chapter are contained in a folder.
i don't think i'm great in fan arts (i just get the boost from those who draw well—like u!) so i'm glad you appreciate it as well <3
regarding my writing process, someone actually asked me about it before! but to generalize my answer there, i ponder on 3 things (plot, characterization, & chapter study). my first fic (and my first series in general) was dusk in the brightest. i worked on chapter study first: detailed sequence of events from C1-10, vague concept in 11-15, then the rest is just 2-3 sentences of how i want the story to end. the 2nd one, character study, was smth i learned from a professor in one of my subjects when i submitted a one-act play script to her and she heavily criticized my characterization (like so badly i still get jitters remembering it) 😭 since then, i've been very wary with getting things accurate and consistent with my characters. for my plot-heavy fics, that's what i'm most serious for.
i think my flexibility (i dont even think i got that) was v challenged during the last arc of DIB because i suddenly had a complete change of mind with the ending (exactly what u had mentioned: changes that would lead one thing to the other). it was def not comfortable but a great tip (i think) to work around it is that: go back to your earlier chapters, pick up the most random scenarios you had made, then come up with a reason why that random thing ensued. an example of executing it is how isayama worked around aot's first scene (child!eren crying & mikasa being the first one he sees) by connecting it to his last scene in the manga (ofc i wouldn't assume isayama just thought abt it midway. it's just with how he executed it).
i don't have lots of friends in this app so i usually do the revisions all by myself. i'm a type of author that releases chapters impulsively—i'd publish smth that i hadn't proofread yet, read it in the app, then just do all the editing there. i'll repeat the process until i finally get satisfied. i think it's easier for me to point out mistakes when i feel the urgency to do so (like omg i have to hurry in polishing this bc readers might click anytime soon 😭) though someone helped me change POVs (from 1st to 2nd) in DIB C1-13 and let me tell u that i never thought having someone help me beta read my work could bring me so much delight.
and pls don't worry about overwhelming me! using this app and dumping all my work here are literally what keeps me sane from the overwhelming things in my life atm. to have u appreciate it gives me joy & comfort. thats why i'd be honored to answer all of ur questions :'D
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123franksivmblog · 2 years
Group Tutorials, 3D Workshop Introduction, Visiting Lecturers
Wednesday 15th February
I spoke with Eilis about my initial thoughts on the newest project. I explained how I was excited by the prospect of attempting to do work with more of a commercial angle to learn the skills to create refined and wildly accessible work. I also explained how the idea of creating packaging was a welcomed but intimidating prospect as I had never worked too far outside of the fine art world. This felt like a good step towards manipulating my styles and concepts to fulfill a consumer friendly illustrative style whilst learning how to create commissioned work.
Obviously I would be retaining my niche and exploring the moral and ethical routes of artistic creation whilst attempting to finish with a consumer product.
Eilis directed me to focus on colour as well as the style and design of the package as a whole, utilising the whole space rather than focusing on purely just an illustration. Moreover, for this project Eilis suggested using the analog printmaking methods that had been successful in the 'I love my town' project, and which I've been keen to use more.
The idea of using form, shape ,and, colour appealed to my initial ideas as observing the work of the Boost Brand Accelerator in the project brief, I had decided to use Paula Scher as inspiration, with a focus on the typography on the packaging and what I could achieve through that.
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In a follow up email, Eilis told us to focus on; colour, line, texture, typography, voice, and, character, for next weeks session.
Some quotes from research
"Packaging as a canvas"
"Rise of wrap around illustration"
"Packaging as transformative storytelling
Jonny - Deuce Studio - Branding and Packaging agency
Pearl Fisher, Landor
Insightful Strategey -> Effective Design -> Pitch -> Mood Boards -> Concepts -> Design Development
I found their process for generating and providing ideas for commissioned work really interesting and useful. They were obviously very successful as a result of how thorough they were with their work.
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Retain identity of the brand within your design - detaching yourself from the outcome to make the customer happy
Making things - simple, accessible, clean
Being aware of what the consumer wants addressing it obviously
Stretch your usefulness and range - think about branding merch ...
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Using marketing videos, posters, billboards, adverts, social media
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Craft beer - a very experimental and free form option for illustration
Graphic Language
versatile logos that can work and be elongated or reduced in response to different areas depending on the size of the packaging - horizontal, vertical, small/big.
Motion graphics
Stop motion
Two tones - contrast
Stenciled shapes
Consistent motifs
This was a really inciteful lecture for the processes of designing and producing work in the industry that gives your customer options and providing them with the look they want. I learnt a lot about the simple ways of appealing to audiences, eg. animals for kids, cycling gear for IPA men within your packaging and merch.
I couldn't help but feel that the way Jonny spoke about the company's he was producing work for meant that he actually didn't respect them that much. For example the Redfora company of which he was kind of taking the piss out of. There was very clearly no heart in the work he was producing, he had no connection to the products, they were simply fulfilling consumption needs. The way he spoke about some of the aspects of the branding directed at kids I couldn't help to hear the sample from the beginning of a song, "Youth culture becomes monopolised by big buisness what are the youth to do... I think we should destroy the bogus capitalist process that is destroying youth culture." Now this isn't totally the same because this is aimed at children, but you can't help but feel like things are little bit sinister when a grown ass man is talking about tricking kids into buying a product or making their breadline parents buy it. Or, furthermore, without any care it seemed, talking about using marketing strategies like reference to climate change and veganism and loving animals. When in actual fact the business or designers don't give a fuck and they're just using tropes to make themselves seem modern and trendy, but whilst throwing around really important issues.
I wanted to ask Jonny if his company had a moral and ethics code or if they literally just followed the money. They seemed very proud of their work on Budweiser's Labour Day branding exploiting American workers and making them feel cared for. Would they, for example, do branding for a maccies burger full of fat and overwhelmingly poor farming conditions that was aimed at poor children who specifically lived on the breadline and in tower blocks, if it made them a bit of money? Since they referenced Pearl Fisher as a influence or whatever.
Saelia Aparico
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Inspiration and referenced artists, institutions and galleries - FUMI, Frieze, Matches Fashion, Carlos Place, MK Gallery, The Tetley
I found the dynamic in lecturer very interesting. We got an insight into two very different worlds. The world of the corporate brander, and the work of a fine art sculpturer.
I found Saelia very interesting, her brain seemed to have a really expansive imagination so I found hearing about her work and process fresh through the perspective of a passionate artist. She is very successful at creating a lot of really amazing and original work whilst revealing a lot about herself and letting the audience think about themselves. She also just seemed very introspective, funny, worldly, caring, and relevant.
I love her use of the interactions and flow of natural forms, the human body, and found objects.
One of Saelia's projects campaigned for social housing, which is a really important issue for our country and in particular working class areas in London that are being degraded by gentrification. She also shone a light onto the effects of living in the city such as stress, less empathy and grumpiness, which we can all relate to through ourselves and those around us. I think hearing it makes you more conscious and aware.
Saelia also worked heavily with oxymorons that added an insight into how we can't understand a topic with a single look and how some unanswered questions are good to represent the changing, uncomfortable and confusing nature of life.
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How Custom Interior Signs & Graphics Can Transform Your Workplace
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In today’s competitive business environment, creating a visually engaging workplace is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Custom interior signs and graphics can play a crucial role in transforming your office space, boosting employee morale, and leaving a lasting impression on clients. But how exactly do these elements make such a difference? Let’s explore the ways in which custom signs and graphics can transform your workplace interiors, as well as some of the most impactful signage and graphical solutions that can leave a positive impression on your employees and customers.
Why Branding of the Walls and Windows in Your Worplace is Importatn
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First Impressions Count: When clients or potential employees walk into your office, the environment sets the tone. Custom signs and graphics can provide a warm, inviting atmosphere for all who encounter them. Reflecting Brand Identity: Your brand is more than just a logo; it’s the essence of your business. Custom graphics ensure that every corner of your workplace reflects your brand’s ethos. This reinforces brand identity among employees and visitors alike, making your business memorable and trustworthy. Boosting Employee Morale: Employees spend a significant portion of their day at the office. A visually stimulating environment can improve mood, creativity, and productivity. Custom signs and graphics can inspire and motivate, making the workplace feel more vibrant and less monotonous.
Key Areas to Transform with Custom Signs and Graphics
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Reception Areas: The reception area is the first point of contact for visitors. Custom signage here can set the tone for what they can expect inside. A well-designed welcome sign can make a powerful statement about your brand’s professionalism and creativity. Conference Rooms: Conference rooms are where big decisions happen. Custom signs and graphics in this space can keep the atmosphere engaging and focused. Conference rooms are ideal opportunities to display inspirational quotes, key branding initiatives, long term goals, company imagery, and captivating colors to make meeting spaces more visually appealing and conducive to productivity. Workstations: Individual workstations should be visually transformative spaces in addition to larger gathering areas. Custom signage can personalize each workstation, making employees feel valued and individuated.
The Power of Color Psychology
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Choosing the Right Colors: Color psychology plays a significant role in how we perceive our environment. For instance, blue can promote calm and focus, while red can stimulate energy and excitement. Choosing the right color palette for your custom signs and graphics can enhance the overall mood in the workplace. Creating a Balanced Environment: It’s essential to strike a balance when incorporating colors. Too much of one color can be overwhelming, while a well-thought-out mix can create harmony. Custom graphics allow you to tailor the color scheme to match your brand while also considering the psychological impact on employees and visitors. Enhancing Specific Areas: Different areas of the workplace may benefit from varying color schemes. For instance, a break room might use bright, cheerful colors to energize employees, while a quiet room could use muted tones to create a calming atmosphere.
Practical Tips for Effective Custom Signs
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Understand Your Audience: Before designing custom signs, it’s crucial to understand who will be seeing them. Are they employees, clients, or both? Knowing your audience helps in crafting messages that will resonate effectively. Keep It Simple: Simplicity is key when it comes to signage. Overly complex designs can be distracting and hard to read. Focus on clear, concise messaging and straightforward graphics that communicate your point effectively. Maintaining Branding Consistency: The power of effective custom signs and graphics is their ability to maintain the consistency of your brand while remaining visually appealing. Keep this in mind when considering how custom signs and graphics can be utilized in your workplace to bring your brand to life at every stage of the customer and employee journey.
Types of Custom Signs and Graphics to Consider
Dimensional Letters
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When entering a workplace, the aesthetics can have a tremendous impact on one’s impression of the environment. Dimensional letters can be a game-changer in setting the tone of the interior. These letters, made of materials like aluminum, acrylic, and more, give a physical depth to signage. With their versatility in design, the letters can embody the company’s culture and brand image, acting as a statement piece. This bold display makes a difference in office morale, as the space becomes a representation of the company’s identity and values. Dimensional letters can transform a workspace into a dynamic and engaging environment.
Wall Wraps
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Wall wraps can completely transform workplace interiors and create a welcoming environment that inspires employees and visitors alike. Wall wraps have become a popular choice among companies as they allow for endless design possibilities. Made from adhesive vinyl, wall wraps are applied directly onto existing walls, saving on costly renovations while revitalizing the workplace’s aesthetic. Not only do they offer a visually engaging experience, but they can also convey a company’s values and messaging. With wall wraps, businesses can showcase their brand, culture, and mission, creating a memorable experience for everyone who enters the space.
Acrylic Signs
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Acrylic signs have become the latest go-to solution for many businesses that want to give their workplace interiors a sleek, modern look. These signs are known for being durable, lightweight, and highly customizable, making them perfect for offices, lobbies, and storefronts alike. They are available in a wide range of colors and designs, making it easy to find the perfect match for any brand or aesthetic preference. Not only do acrylic signs help create a professional atmosphere, but they can also be used to showcase company values, mission statements, and product offerings. The sleek, polished finish of acrylic signs can transform workplace interior spaces into ones that inspire, motivate, and impress. For businesses looking to make a bold statement, acrylic signs are an excellent investment.
Lobby Signs
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Lobby signs play a crucial role in shaping the perception of your office among employees, clients, and partners. A well-designed lobby sign can communicate your brand’s personality and values, reflect your industry expertise, and create a welcoming atmosphere that puts visitors at ease. Whether you opt for a sleek metal panel, an illuminated display, or a custom logo design, lobby signs have the power to transform the look and feel of your workplace interiors.
Wall Displays
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Wall displays offer a creative and impactful way to transform the interiors of offices and other workplaces. These standoff mounted signs can accomplish multiple functions within a workplace interior such as highlighting important donors, celebrating important events in the timeline of an organization, mission statements, core values, and more. By adding color, texture, and visual interest to the walls, these displays have the power to motivate staff and promote productivity. They can also communicate brand values and corporate culture, providing a sense of identity and cohesion in the workplace. Through the clever use of art and design, wall displays can help organizations enhance their environment and create a more welcoming and enjoyable space for employees and visitors alike.
Window Graphics
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Window graphics have become a popular tool for transforming bland and boring workplace interiors into vibrant and engaging environments. These graphics offer businesses a chance to add personality and character to their space, making it more welcoming and inspiring for both employees and visitors. Window graphics can enhance workplace interiors and retail storefronts in an affordable and effective way.
Frosted Vinyl
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Frosted vinyl can transform an ordinary office into a sleek and polished workspace. This innovative material is made from high-quality vinyl that is installed on glass surfaces, creating an aesthetic appeal that is both functional and visually pleasing. Frosted vinyl serves various purposes, from adding visual interest and texture to concealing unsightly office clutter, providing privacy while still allowing natural light to flow through. With its versatile and customizable designs, frosted vinyl is the ideal solution for businesses that want to create an atmosphere that reflects their brand identity and values. By incorporating this versatile material into a workspace, businesses can elevate the look of their interiors while enjoying the benefits of improved productivity and employee morale.
Elevator Wraps
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Elevator wraps have become a popular trend in the business world, and for good reason. Not only do they add a creative touch to workplace interiors, but they also provide a unique opportunity to leave a lasting impression on clients and employees alike. By incorporating vibrant colors, eye-catching graphics, and even subtle messaging, elevator wraps can transform a drab and ordinary lift into a powerful marketing tool. In addition to enhancing the aesthetics of the space, they can also highlight the company’s branding, values, and personality. There are endless options to choose from when it comes to elevator wraps, making them a fantastic way to enhance the overall ambiance of any workspace.
Office Signs
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Custom office signs and graphics play a significant role in creating an engaging space that reflects your brand identity. From brand logos to inspirational quotes, office signs can be designed to match your company’s unique personality and culture. In addition to boosting your brand visibility, office signs can enhance the overall ambiance of your workplace by creating a more cohesive and professional look. They can also help to create a positive first impression for clients and employees. High quality office signs enhance the aesthetic of your workplace environment, transforming it into an inspiring and productive space for employees and guests.
Museum Exhibits
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Museums, galleries, and non-profit interiors all have a common goal: to showcase and communicate information effectively to visitors. One of the most effective ways to do this is through custom signs and graphics. These design elements have the power to enhance a particular exhibit, providing a visual focal point for visitors to focus on and engage with. They can help to create an immersive experience that complements the overall theme of the exhibit and educates visitors about the topic at hand. Custom museum exhibits can transform any interior into a visually captivating and informative space. Through thoughtful and strategic use of custom signs and graphics, museums, galleries, and non-profits can elevate their storytelling and create more engaging experiences for their visitors.
Educational Environments
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Universities, colleges, and schools can all benefit from the thoughtful inclusion of custom signage and graphics. Aesthetically pleasing and well-crafted signage and graphics are a small piece of the puzzle, but they can have a significant impact on enhancing educational environments. Custom signs and graphics can effectively convey a school’s values and mission to students and visitors. They can highlight particular areas and important information while providing a visually appealing and engaging space for learning.
Why Choose Heritage Signs & Displays for Your Custom Signs and Graphics Needs?
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Heritage Signs & Displays stands out as a leading commercial signage company specializing in commercial printing, custom signs, event environments, and environmental graphics for a variety of companies and organizations. Founded in 1977, our sign shop boasts decades of expertise, ensuring customer delight and top-notch craftsmanship in every project. Garnering hundreds of 5-star customer reviews and a plethora of regional and national accolades for our unique signage creations underscores our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.
The Design and Installation Processes Are Straightforward and Collaborative
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When you connect with us at Heritage Signs & Displays for the creation, design, and installation of your custom sign, a dedicated project manager will evaluate your objectives, financial plan, schedule, placement, and other pertinent aspects. Following this, we carry out an on-site inspection to ensure no unforeseen adjustments are needed prior to scheduling the installation. On the appointed installation day, our team efficiently and swiftly sets up your personalized signage, leaving your space noticeably transformed for the better!
Want to Learn More or Get Started? Contact Heritage Signs & Displays Today
Custom signs and graphics are more than just decorative elements. They play a crucial role in enhancing branding, improving navigation, boosting employee morale, and creating a safer, more inviting workspace. By thoughtfully integrating custom signage into your business environment, you can transform your workspace and create a lasting positive impact for both employees and clients.
At Heritage Signs & Displays, our expert project managers, skilled graphic artists, and experienced installers are ready to collaborate with you. We specialize in transforming corporate spaces, enhancing brand identity, and delivering custom signage that resonates with your vision. Call us at (704) 551-0700 or Get a Quote for free using our user-friendly online form. We are excited to embark on this creative journey with you!
Original Source: https://heritageprintingcharlotte.com/blog/how-custom-signs-and-graphics-can-transform-your-workplace/
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focusdrinkselixir · 23 days
How to Create a Stress-Free Environment: Tips for Home and Work
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In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common part of life. However, creating a stress-free environment at home and work can significantly improve your well-being. Below are some practical tips to help you achieve tranquility in both settings.
Declutter Your Space
A cluttered environment often leads to a cluttered mind. Start by organizing your surroundings. Remove unnecessary items from your workspace and home, keeping only what is essential and meaningful. This not only clears physical space but also reduces mental clutter.
Incorporate Nature
Bringing elements of nature into your environment can have a calming effect. Consider adding plants to your home or office. The presence of greenery not only beautifies the space but also improves air quality and promotes a sense of calm.
Use Calming Colors
Colors play a significant role in affecting our mood. Opt for soft, soothing colors like blues, greens, and neutrals in your home and workspace. These colors are known to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Create a Comfort Zone
Designate a specific area in your home or office as a “comfort zone” where you can retreat when feeling overwhelmed. This could be a cozy corner with a comfortable chair, soft lighting, and perhaps some of your favorite books or music.
Limit Technology
While technology is essential, excessive use can increase stress levels. Set boundaries for technology use, such as limiting screen time before bed or during meals. Consider implementing tech-free zones in your home to encourage more face-to-face interactions.
Incorporate Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help reduce stress and improve focus. Dedicate a few minutes each day to these activities, whether at home or during breaks at work, to clear your mind and recharge.
Establish Boundaries
Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life is crucial in managing stress. If you work from home, establish a dedicated workspace and stick to regular work hours. Make sure to take breaks and disconnect from work-related tasks after hours to recharge.
Promote a Positive Atmosphere
Surround yourself with positivity. Display inspirational quotes, photographs, or artwork that uplifts your spirit. Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, cooking, or spending time with loved ones.
By implementing these tips, you can create a stress-free environment that fosters peace, productivity, and overall well-being both at home and work.
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evgorluxury · 25 days
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Styling Your Home Office: Tips for Productivity and Comfort
1. Choose the Right Furniture for Functionality and Comfort
1.1. Invest in an Ergonomic Chair
The foundation of a productive home office begins with comfortable seating. An ergonomic chair that supports your posture and reduces strain on your back is essential. Look for chairs with adjustable height, lumbar support, and breathable materials. Remember, you’ll be spending hours sitting, so prioritize comfort and health.
1.2. Opt for a Spacious Desk
Your desk is the centerpiece of your home office. Choose one that offers ample space for your computer, documents, and other essentials. If you’re short on space, consider a wall-mounted desk or a compact corner desk. Ensure that the desk height allows for comfortable typing and writing.
2. Lighting Matters: Create a Bright and Inviting Atmosphere
2.1. Maximize Natural Light
Natural light can significantly impact your mood and productivity. Position your desk near a window to take advantage of daylight. If natural light is limited, use light-colored curtains or blinds to enhance the brightness of the room.
2.2. Layer with Task and Ambient Lighting
In addition to natural light, incorporate task lighting for focused work and ambient lighting for a cozy atmosphere. A desk lamp with adjustable brightness can be a great addition. Don’t forget to consider the color temperature of your bulbs; warmer tones are generally more relaxing, while cooler tones can help with focus.
3. Organize Your Space: Keep Clutter at Bay
3.1. Use Storage Solutions to Stay Organized
Clutter can be a major distraction, so invest in storage solutions that keep your workspace tidy. Shelves, drawers, and storage boxes can help you organize documents, stationery, and other office supplies. A clutter-free environment is key to maintaining focus and efficiency.
3.2. Implement a Filing System
A good filing system is essential for managing paperwork. Whether you prefer digital or physical files, ensure that everything is labeled and easily accessible. This will save you time and reduce stress when searching for important documents.
4. Personalize Your Space: Make It Yours
4.1. Add Personal Touches
Your home office should reflect your personality. Add personal touches like family photos, artwork, or plants to create a space that feels welcoming. Personalization not only boosts morale but also makes your office a place you enjoy spending time in.
4.2. Incorporate Inspiring Elements
Inspiration can come from various sources, whether it’s a motivational quote, a vision board, or your favorite books. Surround yourself with items that inspire creativity and drive. This can significantly enhance your productivity and help you stay focused on your goals.
5. Technology Integration: Streamline Your Workflow
5.1. Invest in Quality Tech Tools
Having the right technology is crucial for an efficient home office. Invest in a reliable computer, high-speed internet, and noise-canceling headphones to improve your workflow. Consider cable management solutions to keep wires organized and out of sight.
5.2. Set Up a Charging Station
To avoid clutter and ensure your devices are always ready to use, set up a designated charging station. This could be a corner of your desk with a charging dock or a dedicated shelf for all your gadgets.
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readitreviewit · 9 months
Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder how you can slow down the signs of aging? Do you wish you could live longer and feel healthier? Well, according to Dr. Mark Hyman's Young Forever, you can! This instant #1 New York Times bestseller presents a revolutionary guide to reversing disease, easing pain, and living younger longer. And let me tell you, it's a game-changer. For years, we've been conditioned to believe that disease, frailty, and decline are inevitable parts of aging. But Dr. Hyman challenges that notion and shows us that we can prevent and even reverse the signs of aging by addressing its root causes. Young Forever explores the biological hallmarks of aging, their causes, and their consequences, revealing the strategies we can implement to overcome them and live a healthier life. If you're ready to turn on your body's key longevity switches, reduce inflammation, and support the health of your immune system, then this book is the perfect place to start. Dr. Hyman's Pegan diet, a combination of paleo and vegan diets, is one of the cornerstones of this comprehensive guide. It's designed to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight off disease and slow down the aging process. But Young Forever is not just about what you eat. Dr. Hyman recognizes that our overall lifestyle plays a significant role in how we age. By exercising regularly, sleeping soundly, and de-stressing, we can improve our brain function, boost our energy, and enhance our mood. And don't forget about the importance of supplements, which can provide our bodies with crucial nutrients that may not be present in our daily diet. One of the things that make Young Forever such an enjoyable read is the vast array of scientific evidence and strategies included in the book. Dr. Hyman leaves no stone unturned when it comes to aging, providing tips and techniques for everything from improving your skin to preventing heart disease. And with dozens of practical, science-based tips included, this book is sure to be an essential reference guide for anyone who wants to live a longer and healthier life. What sets Young Forever apart from other books on aging is Dr. Hyman's fun and approachable style. He seamlessly combines scientific evidence with personal anecdotes, making for a fun and engaging read. Plus, his quotes from other thought leaders in the health and wellness space, like Tony Robbins and Jay Shetty, add an extra layer of insight and inspiration. In conclusion, if you're looking for a comprehensive guide to aging that covers everything from diet to lifestyle to supplements, then look no further than Young Forever. Dr. Hyman's easy-to-follow strategies are backed up by sound scientific research, and his approachable style makes this book an enjoyable read. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey to living younger longer today! "Ready to embark on a journey of inspiration and personal growth? Don't miss out on this life-changing book! Order your copy now or sign up for a 30-day free trial of audible and listen on-the-go. Start your transformation today!" Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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two-oaks-farmstead · 9 months
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haruwrites21 · 1 year
Mood-Boosting Cute Quotes for Girls
Life's roller-coaster journey is laden with joy, sorrow, excitement, and disappointments. Sometimes, girls might need a sprinkle of positivity to brighten their day. That's where mood-boosting quotes can serve as a breath of fresh air, offering an instant pick-me-up. Let's delve into such delightful cute quotes for girls that promise to elevate their spirits.
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A Twist of Fun "A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, but hard to catch" - Using a fun metaphor, this quote emphasizes the blend of grace and mystery that girls often embody.
About Beauty and Strength "She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future" - This quote encapsulates the depth of a girl's character, celebrating her strength, dignity, and optimism.
Determination Personified "She believed she could, so she did" - A simple yet powerful statement, reminding girls of the significance of self-belief and determination in achieving their dreams.
Empowerment in Simplicity "Simple things become complicated when you expect too much" - A precious reminder to maintain simplicity in life and manage our expectations.
On Shining Bright "Be a diamond, esteemed and rare, not a stone found everywhere" - Encouraging girls to value their uniqueness and radiate like diamonds.
Sweet Acknowledgement of Self-love "Loving yourself is the greatest revolution" - A sweet revelation about the transformative power of self-love.
Wit in Adversity "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" - This timeless quote promotes a positive outlook when facing life's challenges.
A Distinct Reminder "You were not born to be just pretty, you were born to create a life that is pretty" - Highlighting the importance of being more than just physically attractive by creating a life filled with rich experiences.
The Value of Persistence "Fall seven times, stand up eight" - A potent mantra symbolizing resilience and persistence.
Authenticity over Imitation "It's better to be a lonely lion, than a popular sheep" - Emphasizing the significance of staying true to oneself, even if it means being different or standing alone.
Love for Animals Rendered Cute "Dogs before dudes" - An amusing reminder of the heartfelt companionship animals can offer.
Embracing Quirks "You don't have to be crazy to hang out with me… I'll train you!" - A light-hearted quote embracing one's quirks and eccentricities.
Appreciation for Inner Beauty "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself" - A gently worded reminder emphasizing the importance of inner beauty.
Chase Your Dreams "Your dreams are your wings" - Encouraging girls to chase their dreams without fear, using them as their wings to fly high.
Kindness "Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud" - Kindness can transform your world and the world of others around you.
Conclusion These splendid quotes for girls are like balm for the soul - they entertain, comfort, inspire, and bring joy. They serve as gentle, uplifting reminders that girls are strong, capable, and can conquer any challenge that comes their way. In essence, these delightful cute quotes might just possess the magic potion to turn a frown upside down and boost every girl's mood, creating a ripple of positivity. Let's harness the power of these quotes to spread happiness, strength, and uplifting vibes far and wide.
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emilias-altar · 2 years
Inspirational Quotes for When Your Mood Could Use a Boost
Whether you need some Positive Short Inspirational Quotes beforehand of a challenging week or you've got been caught in a rut for a while, actively searching for out proposal is a terrific way to carry your spirits and sense energized.
1. "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." — Dalai Lama 2. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." — John Lennon 3. "Get busy living or get busy dying." — Stephen King 4. "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West 5. "Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."– Thomas A. Edison
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girlbossdaily · 2 years
Inspirational Quotes for When Your Mood Could Use a Boost
Words are powerful, and two Positive Short Inspirational Quotes can be sufficient to heal wounds, inspire or encourage yourself. Pick one that you resonate with and breathe it, devour it, hear it, contact it, be it for a while, and then pick out some other one and begin over.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Og Mandino
Real men treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO. Michelle Obama
Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them. Winston Churchill
Accomplishments will prove to be a journey, not a destination. Dwight Eisenhower
If you surround yourself with quality people and great friends, the sky's the limit. Wayne Gretzky
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Inspirational Quotes for When Your Mood Could Use a Boost
At Everyday Power, we have compiled prices from a extensive range of splendid minds such as authors, athletes, TV personalities, and CEOs. Each of the following Positive Short Inspirational Quotes is overflowing with innovation, creativity, and knowledge.
There are three essential elements of confidence: believing, feeling, and being. Spear Rhett, How to Be Confident
You don't lose if you get knocked down; you lose if you stay down. Muhammad Ali
If you quit once it becomes a habit. Never quit. Michael Jordan
Get your ideas on paper and study them. Do not let them go to waste! Les Brown
There is no growth in comfort. Geoff Thompson
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dani-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
*how the signs are acting during quarantine*
~with a touch of unsolicited advice: my venus in cancer’s specialty~
<3 pick your sun, moon, rising, mars, mercury, venus, or dominant sign <3
overall, restless. the day seems to drag on and on, and they cope with it by playing video games and snapchatting someone every 20 seconds. self-hatred lingers in the back of their mind, because of all the time they have to analyze themselves. at random times (usually at night), they may be hit with big waves of profound emotions, where they just need to cry it out and acknowledge how lost they feel. may wonder what their purpose is, or where they fit in in the big scheme of the world. gets philosophical, but not in that condescendingly vague, optimistic way--they truly want answers, because the nothingness is just getting to be too much.
is actually doing pretty okay. is reading a lot about how they can improve themselves, and probably have a few google docs open with plans on how to upgrade their life. they’ve probably started a garden of some sort, or bought some plants to take care of. the day may seem to pass by quickly for them. they fill their time with watching movies and discovering new recipes to cook. has started getting more sleep, which makes their alluring eyes even more beautiful. the downside is that they may feel a bit groggy, or their head feels heavy, because even the most security-loving, routine-oriented zodiac sign needs some variety. 
getting really excited about all these new methods for self-improvement: exercise, mental health, new projects, clearing their skin, etc. is consistent with these newfound activities for a few days, then gets annoyed when they don’t have 45 inch hips, a 22 inch waist and graceful, 11-shaped abs after less than a week of the chloe ting hourglass program. talks on the phone as they sit on the toilet. watches youtube videos about how to achieve the glow-up that they crave, but can never commit to a single video’s advice. wants something exciting to happen in their life, so they lean into their big emotions and taboo curiosities to compensate for the lack of stimulation. on their phone a LOT.   
has gotten even more beautiful since the quarantine started. loves the simplicity they’re getting accustomed to, but also constantly worries if they’re “making the most” of all this free time. probably will scold themselves after all this is over for not being more disciplined during self-isolation. goes on walks outside a lot, and finds that connecting with nature significantly boosts their mood. observes the quiet beauty around them as a way to cope with the universal chaos of our world. since cancer tends to be a very empathetic sign, they may feel like a sponge for fatigue and suffering whenever they read the news. being aware of the world is great and necessary, but take care of yourself, cancer. know when to take a break from the news.
is really excited about reinventing themselves--they want it all! new clothes, improved mindset, cleaner room, a kinder social circle, new hair--the works. they want to bust out of quarantine looking even more striking than before, with a wardrobe reflecting their new style. probably has either already done something drastic to their hair (like dying it, or the dreaded 2 am impulsive bangs cut), or is at least seriously considering it. really wants to get out of their house and camp out on the beach or something--they miss seeing their friends face-to-face, and try to make up for it by calling them to hear their voices. is irritated that they happened to be born at a time where the pivotal years of their life are being wasted by such an awful series of world events.
has upgraded their bedroom to look as aesthetically pleasing and soothing as possible. their social life has most likely downsized to 2-3 super close and genuine friends that they call, text, and/or facetime with daily. since virgo is a mutable sign, they’ve probably done a great job adjusting to their surroundings and are helping their family with domestic tasks. however, they may feel anxious, and unsatisfied with their current mindset and resources, so they feel the urge to expand their horizons and feed their genius mind as much as possible! it may be hard to find motivation, virgo, but the world needs a physical manifestation of your potential right now. if you have an idea you want to pursue but are too scared to, take the plunge. this sounds cheesy and cliche but, this is your sign to start!
reminisces a lot about the past. thinks about how they would have handled past situations differently, and mentally shames themselves for it. is probably doing a lot of self-reflection, which is good for their sweet hearts and furthers the progress of their mental health, but also depresses them, as libra energy tends to be highly critical of itself. sleeping in too late and talking aloud to themselves at ungodly hours of the night. finds their mind going on the philosophical route more often than usual. might be posting passive-aggressive mood quotes on instagram
is actually exercising pretty consistently like they said they would. their body has been getting curvalicious and toned, and to that i say WOOHOO GO SCORPIO! however, they’ve probably completely messed up their entire sleep schedule, and may be practically nocturnal some days. probably feels really emotional at the moment, and is overwhelmed with the amount of pain in the world that they wish they could singlehandedly stop. may be pretty loner-ish at the moment, and is probably not very active on their social media, because they’re realizing who their truest friends are. scorpio does well with transformation (they’re ruled by pluto, the planet of regeneration) so rest assured, they will emerge from quarantine new and improved! 
is eating too much junk food. sagittarius, if you’re reading this right now, PUT DOWN THE CHIPS BUDDY BOY. is probably finding ways to hang out with their friends in person, like yelling across the sidewalk to them while wearing a mask. has been super active on social media regarding current social justice issues. feels enormous compassion for the oppressed and has been signing petitions at the speed of light. probably getting in fights with their family and being a little feistier than usual. i can’t blame them though...sagittarius is a sign that needs entertainment, so they’re gonna be a little punchy in this stagnant yet catastrophic time. 
has established a daily routine that keeps them feeling grounded and stable. they may realize how little they’ve actually prioritized their own joy in the past, and they’re using quarantine as a way to get to know themselves again. purchases luxury pajamas and is most likely drinking a hot beverage in a mug right now. probably on a health kick. is getting even closer with their closest friends, and basically forgets about acquaintances. cuddling their pets a lot (or fantasizing about adopting a pet if they don’t have one). misses putting on mascara and stepping into that cute skirt, because that sPeCiAL pErSoN isn’t there to see it lol
thinking about ways they can make money. getting bursts of hyper inspiration to flip their life around and start working super hard for their dream life. is masking hopelessness, and finds themselves pondering the fragility of human life. may experience thoughts of nihilism that they don’t act on, and is increasingly worried about the state of their environment. is stuck between feeling motivated and believing in their ability to positively transform, and getting depressed and detached from their earthly obligations. 
probably painting their nails a lot. is finding ways to put a little spice of excitement in their life--like making a nice breakfast (at 4 pm, which is like an hour after they wake up lately), giving their pet a concert of them, naked, singing ski mask the slump god songs into a hairbrush they’re pretending is a microphone. stares at themselves in the mirror for too long, letting their insecurities get the best of them. has probably gotten in touch with their grandparents (or any other relatives they usually don’t keep in close touch with) over the phone. may be dealing with worsened anxiety and feelings of depression at this time, and sleeps a lot to try to escape it. their room might be pretty messy at the moment as well, which they’re overly hard on themselves for. pisces: you are such a uniquely sweet and tender soul. take it one day at a time and never underestimate the power of reaching out to someone <3
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readitreviewit · 9 months
Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder how you can slow down the signs of aging? Do you wish you could live longer and feel healthier? Well, according to Dr. Mark Hyman's Young Forever, you can! This instant #1 New York Times bestseller presents a revolutionary guide to reversing disease, easing pain, and living younger longer. And let me tell you, it's a game-changer. For years, we've been conditioned to believe that disease, frailty, and decline are inevitable parts of aging. But Dr. Hyman challenges that notion and shows us that we can prevent and even reverse the signs of aging by addressing its root causes. Young Forever explores the biological hallmarks of aging, their causes, and their consequences, revealing the strategies we can implement to overcome them and live a healthier life. If you're ready to turn on your body's key longevity switches, reduce inflammation, and support the health of your immune system, then this book is the perfect place to start. Dr. Hyman's Pegan diet, a combination of paleo and vegan diets, is one of the cornerstones of this comprehensive guide. It's designed to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight off disease and slow down the aging process. But Young Forever is not just about what you eat. Dr. Hyman recognizes that our overall lifestyle plays a significant role in how we age. By exercising regularly, sleeping soundly, and de-stressing, we can improve our brain function, boost our energy, and enhance our mood. And don't forget about the importance of supplements, which can provide our bodies with crucial nutrients that may not be present in our daily diet. One of the things that make Young Forever such an enjoyable read is the vast array of scientific evidence and strategies included in the book. Dr. Hyman leaves no stone unturned when it comes to aging, providing tips and techniques for everything from improving your skin to preventing heart disease. And with dozens of practical, science-based tips included, this book is sure to be an essential reference guide for anyone who wants to live a longer and healthier life. What sets Young Forever apart from other books on aging is Dr. Hyman's fun and approachable style. He seamlessly combines scientific evidence with personal anecdotes, making for a fun and engaging read. Plus, his quotes from other thought leaders in the health and wellness space, like Tony Robbins and Jay Shetty, add an extra layer of insight and inspiration. In conclusion, if you're looking for a comprehensive guide to aging that covers everything from diet to lifestyle to supplements, then look no further than Young Forever. Dr. Hyman's easy-to-follow strategies are backed up by sound scientific research, and his approachable style makes this book an enjoyable read. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey to living younger longer today! "Ready to embark on a journey of inspiration and personal growth? Don't miss out on this life-changing book! Order your copy now or sign up for a 30-day free trial of audible and listen on-the-go. Start your transformation today!" Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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malethirsty · 4 years
Loyalty - Tyler Lockwood
Summary: When Klaus’s #2 makes eyes with you, Klaus sets the two of you up. But when you encounter an issue, it’s down to you to pull through for the both of you.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (However Orgasm occurs once Tyler pulls out, make of that what you will), Homophobic comments, Elena and co. become villains
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/MaleThirst/status/1196818509830819841
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Life had changed drastically since Klaus had found out how to make hybrids. He moved you quickly into his house & got his new army to guard you in case Elena and her friends tried to pull any punches, The Council did indeed cut you off, but the Mikaelson fortune was extended to you by Klaus & the day spent shopping with Rebekah helped you both to bond. What was the most surprising thing was that you were now spending more time with Tyler Lockwood. You expected Elena to surround a support group around him, or ask him to spy on Klaus, but she ditched him, as it had been found out that Klaus had sired Tyler, and thus Tyler was now fiercely loyal to him. It was good to have someone else to share an admiration for Klaus & on days when the Original Hybrid had to battle against Damon & Mikael, you took time with Rebekah to train the newest hybrid. It was a Friday night that you all finally got to take a break from hecticness of it all. “Don’t you usually go to the Mystic Grill on Fridays, love?” Klaus pondered as he saw you flopped down, trying to find something on Netflix. “I mean I would, but Elena and all her friends are there, and I know they’ll send me out of the bar.” Klaus could tell you were still a bit down following your exile & leaned in to give you a kiss “Y/N, You need to boost your confidence. I’ll send Rebekah to watch from afar, but also, to make them that much more pissed, tonight I’ll send you out to the Mystic Grill with Tyler as a date, make Caroline jealous.” You snorted, it did sound like a good idea but “Is Tyler up for this?” You asked, you wanted it to be his idea & not Klaus planting him there “I asked him, he said yes. He also said he has a thing for you as well, so I’ve booked you next to her hotel room where she’s staying for the night before flying out for some Miss Virginia thing, keep her up all night.” “And how would I do that?” Klaus leaned up to whisper in your ear “You know how love. Do you always do with me every night” you knew that Klaus meant to fuck Tyler and while the idea sounded good.
“I’ll let Tyler know to be ready at a quarter to 8.” Klaus smiled, dimples on show as you headed into the closet, to pick out some good clothing. In next to no time, whether it be a need to impress you or due to his newly acquired speed, Tyler was ready & waiting as he walked you down the street, hand in hand. Right behind you was Rebekah not only your escort but also giving dirty looks to those who were giving you & Tyler side eye, which was comforting to you, it was nice to know Klaus, Tyler & Rebekah at least cared about your wellbeing, even if the world around you was less than sympathetic. As you entered the Mystic Grill, you saw the majority of the building taken up for Caroline’s big title party. Rebekah positioned herself near the door as You & Tyler selected the same secluded booth that you had gone to the night You & Klaus became partners. Ordering your usual Chips & Garlic Bread, Tyler ordering the same with a massive burger, you eventually opened up the conversation. “So Klaus told me about you having a thing for me.” Tyler gave a slight grin “When did you know & why didn’t you tell me earlier?” “Well it was a while ago, after Dad died, I realised I was free from his vileness, and I was going to tell you after the funeral, but then everything with Mason and turning happened, I threw myself into what I had become instead of managing both my crush & that.” Tyler swallowed, clearly not used to letting out a lot “It’s alright Tyler, you went through a lot so quickly, I’m not angry and you had every right to work on yourself before hand.” Tyler grinned as his burger got placed on the table “Jesus Christ, That’s massive! How are you gonna get through that?!” Tyler shrugged “You know that before I was a hybrid, I played football right Y/N? I’ve always had a big appetite.” “What exactly is the appeal of football? I’ve never understood.” Tyler shot a grin at you “Y/N, tonight I’m gonnna give you a crash course.”
And indeed he did, outlining the rules of the game, his favourite team and some spectacular moments that he had achieved with Mystic Falls during his tenure as a player. Usually you’d scoff at sport talk but Tyler was so engaging in great conversation, that you didn’t mind a second, and as much as you listened to him, he listened to you discuss your likeness of musical theatre with the same enjoyment plastered on his face as you had when he talked. “Y/N, I’m having one of the best date nights ever, Little Miss Blonde over there couldn’t compare” you were about to start laughing when at that exact moment, Elena’s group came over to your table. “Well hello there” Damon said somewhat curtly “Hello Damon, I guess you’re here to intimidate us” you responded, “Now Y/N, me intimidate, never!” Damon mockingly feigned outrage “Well it’s not for the bourbon since there’s none at our table” you quipped back, Elena stepping in. “No we aren’t here to intimidate, we wanted to take a look at the man who stabbed me in the back last week, who sold us all to Klaus, who made me a blood bag, how you had the nerve to show up at our bar and stage some sort of mock date to get under Caroline’s skin”. Whilst Elena was right about trying to get Caroline riled up, she had no business questioning Tyler’s feelings for you, which made you angry, and looking over to where Tyler sat, you noticed he was gripping his fists angrily, trying bot to let an outburst emerge and ruin the night. Looking to your left, you saw Rebekah had heard what was going on and had stepped up from her table, with your own group of friends ready to back you up, you decided that you might as well strike back, wasn’t as if she could do worse “Wow Elena, your ass is jealous at the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth” Seeing Elena’s shit eating grin thinking that she had intimidated you fall was quite possibly the sight of the year, but you weren’t done, not at all “Firstly, Tyler was close to dying, so if I hadn’t said anything, he wouldn’t be here, also when was the last time any of you acknowledged me in your supernatural group of expertise? I didn’t owe you a God damn thing. And this ‘mock date?’ How would you know that Tyler’s feelings are genuine?” “Because I dated him for several months & as an ally I can tell when someone has feelings for men.” Caroline said now stepping forwards next to Elena to survey the scene. You turned to face Caroline, intending to give her the same verbal lashing as Elena “It’s about time someone told you Caroline, but having a group of Gay Friends who help you shop & quoting lines from RuPaul’s Drag Race does not make you an ally, it makes you an insufferable cunt.” A snorting laugh came from your left, and without turning, you knew that Rebekah had enjoyed your comment Now Caroline was looking like she’d been hit over the face with how red she’d turned, embarrassed she’d been called out at her party, good.
“Why would you have even gotten up with Klaus though?” Inquired Bonnie, “Yeah, what did he offer you: Money, Power, Immortality?” Jeremy seconded. “Nothing, what he did do was tell me about his loneliness & I remembered the times I felt pushed out and I thought if others could give me grace after being tossed to the side, the least I could do is return it to others.” “Oh Boo Hoo.” Damon prodded in, “Klaus is making an army without asking any of the wolves if they want in.” “How-” Tyler began angrily and Rebekah’s feet began to stomp towards the table, which Elena & Bonnie had acknowledged by the look of intimidation on their faces, however you stood up very suddenly, determined to stand your ground “How’s Vicki? Did you make sure she wanted to be immortal? You know, after you gave her your blood & snapped her neck.” An uncomfortable silence filled that section of the bar. “Bonnie, how is carrying Anna’s death going? You know the woman your current squeeze was dating? How were all the vampires minding their own business going before you tripped up the device & caused so much disaster, that almost caused Jeremy to die? Wasn’t that because all vampires were the same?, a pity story after your Grams passed, yet you stand with Damon and have the audacity to lunge after me. And you two” Y/N pointed at Elena & Jeremy, “You two are cut from the same cloth. Jeremy you knew about Bonnie tripping up the device, killing Anna & yet you two are dating and Elena you complain about Klaus needing your blood for something so little as turning which is somehow so bad, yet when Katherine didn’t open her legs to welcome Damon, he snapped your brothers neck, yet you forgave him somehow. I’m not saying you can’t forgive him, but if you’re going to let Damon’s miniature things go, then you need to let Klaus’s go. I’m aware that Klaus isn’t the picture perfect idea of humanity you all want, but you keep excusing the darkness in your own supernatural partners, not to mention yourselves, so you have some nerve isolating me like I’m the only one lavishing in it. Stay the fuck away from me.” You grabbed Tyler’s hand and marched out of the Mystic Grill. “Nice work-“ Rebekah began, but in your angry mood, you marched right past her with Tyler in tow. “Rude” she muttered under her breath as she reached for her phone to tip off Klaus that whilst you’d blown her off, you finally grew a backbone.
You walked several streets in a huff before stopping to breathe, at that point, Tyler hugged you. “T-Tyler, are you alright?” You questioned, “Yeah, it’s just that you could see me getting angry and you stood up for me instead. You were so scared of being confronted by them, but you stood your ground to their faces. You may not have faced down a vampire or a wolf, but you Y/N are the bravest out of us all.” You smiled “Thanks Tyler” he leaned in & kissed you. You took a moment to let Tyler endulge before you began to kiss back, running your hands down Tyler’s back before you were slammed into the lamppost. Whilst you wanted Tyler, you didn’t want to be written up for public sex, so you broke the kiss “Let’s get back to Klaus’s and continue this there.” “But what about antagonising Caroline?” Tyler questioned, but you had your answer ready “I think we’ve antagonised her enough, besides she’d probably rub herself to your moans and shit, I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.” Tyler let a cold smirk cross his face, he knew you wanted to be fucked hard, and that’s what he planned to do. Deciding to test out Tyler’s compelling skills on a homeless person, you gave him the room Klaus had booked out & you both made your way back to The Mikaelson Compound. It was empty, so you & Tyler could fuck as loud as you could, so he sped you up to your room and as the door closed, Tyler slammed you up against it, kissing you passionately, the same as he did on the street, however this time, your clothes were removed with vampire speed. Standing there naked, Tyler took in your nude form with a twinkle in his eyes, you blushed slightly which made Tyler smile “You’re cute when you’re flustered Y/N.” Tyler commented and with that he began to undress as well, intending to take time so you could see the goodies under his clothes.
As he removed his shirt, Tyler pulled you in for a kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth as he deepened it. You began to feel around his shirtlessness, tweaking at his nipples which make the newly turned hybrid moan in your ear, the sound like molten gold to you. Suddenly you were thrown with all of Tyler’s might onto the bed, Tyler made sure you were looking up as he disposed of his pants and underwear in one go, his cock standing proud and hard. He began to walk towards you, cockily flaunting all the while “You want this dick don’t you Y/N?”, you nodded, but that didn’t appease the hybrid who sped towards you and gripped you by the neck, softly yet dominant “Talk to me Y/N, do you want me to fuck you all night?, have you crying my name as I make you cum from my stroke? Answer me.” He spoke the last part cooly as he playfully tightened his grip on your throat, making you feel a bit light headed “Yes Tyler, please fuck me as hard as you can.” You moaned out, making him laugh “As hard as I can? God this is gonna be good.” He laid his hand out, spitting onto it before stroking his hard member, coating it with the makeshift lube all the while looking at you all sprawled out, naked for him, and while he tried to maintain his cockiness, you could see from the ripples of pleasure on his face. Once he had lathered himself up enough, Tyler didn’t waste anymore time and used his newly acquired speed to to thrust deep into your ass, making you cry out at the sting. “Fuck, shit, your tighter than Caroline.” Tyler moaned out, you couldn’t even form words from how big he was and how he was stretching you out so right, all that came out was a mewling cry, which the hybrid smirked at. Rocking his cock deeper inside your tight canal, he began a passionate pace, looking down into your eyes as he fucked you deep so he could see how you crumbled apart for him, how desperate you were to take his dick. He locked you in another kiss again, moaning into it as you trailed your hands down his back, until he slammed in balls deep, colliding head first with your prostate, you cried out & instictively tightened your grip, sinking your fingers into Tyler. “Sink it in pretty boy, scratch down my back till you draw blood while I fuck you the way Vicki & Caroline could never handle, but you can, you fucking slut.”
The rough dirty talk emerged a desire in you to meet Tyler’s challenge head on. You dug in harder as Tyler cried out from the mix of pain and pleasure, all thoughts of Caroline and the confrontation gone, all you both wanted to do was chase down your orgasms. Your fingers began to feel a bit moist and you took them away from Tyler’s back to see you’d got him deep that there was blood dripping “Taste it” Tyler panted in your ear “Taste me Y/N, I know you want to.” With Tyler’s encouragement, you locked eyes with him drew your tongue across your fingers, tasting Tyler’s blood. You moaned out from his taste, knowing it would incense him into fucking you rougher and indeed, Tyler began to rock into you so hard that the bed began to slam into the wall with every thrust. ”God, this is amazing, keep this up and I’ll cum for you Y/N.” “Do it Tyler, cum.” Once again Tyler squeezed your neck “I’m the hybrid here baby, you’re the human, I control you, I won’t cum till you cum apart from my dick.” Tyler’s words were accompanied by a sharp thrust deep inside you, well and truly smashing into your prostate, the driving force combined with his words was what it took for you to reach your peak and crying out Tyler’s name, you came in spurts over yourself. “Fuck, that’s hot, seeing you cum for me. You want to taste me again?” You nodded and began to move your hands to Tyler’s back again, intending to leave new marks, but instead you were met by Tyler’s full force as he slammed your hands to the bed. Groaning and spluttering out of ecstasy, his body also rippling with the same energy, Tyler pulled out and with a few simple strokes let out a loud moan as he came all over you, splattering you with even more hot cum.
As he calmed down, Tyler wiped his hand in his load, covering his fingers with the sticky white substance and held it up to your mouth “Taste it” he said again, reminiscent of when he wanted you to drink his blood, except this time, there was a more erotic tone to his voice, he wanted all of his essence inside you. Never losing eye contact with the Lockwood, you licked across your hand, taking in his salty sweet seed, even sucking it off your fingers while moaning which made Tyler grin “Fuck, if people only knew how perfect you are.” He breathed out “I do” came a distinctive british voice that could only mean... “Klaus!” you both exclaimed as you looked over to see the hybrid standing in the doorway, watching you both with a smirk on his face “I thought you were at the hotel making Caroline sulk.” “No, you should have seen though, Y/N pretty much tore them all a new one” “I don’t doubt that, Rebekah texted me and told me about it. She also told me you’d left without talking to her.” He eyed you closely “I was in an angry mood” you tried to explain, but Klaus held his hand up to silence you and you obeyed his command. “I have to say nice technique Tyler, you wanted Y/N to take his fill you of you and that you did. But now I want you to step back” With the sire bond in affect, Tyler took several steps away from the bed, Klaus grinning at his power as he walked towards you and to your excitement began to strip his clothing off “You’re going to watch as I now fuck Y/N, cause while you know how to fuck, you don’t have a thousand years of experience to you. You can masturbate to us if you want, as long as you cum once we have.” Klaus stopped at the foot of the bed, Tyler nodding as he fisted his hardening length “Good. Now love” he turned his gaze to you “Tyler’s got you ready for me, like a good sweet progeny, ready for another hybrid cock inside you.” He palmed at himself and nodding, you threw yourself back on the bed, spreading your legs. Oh yes, this was the life.
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horanghaechan · 4 years
Freedom (Johnny) - final
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pairing: Demon!Johnny x Dancer!You (female character)
word count: around 6k
synopsis: After dancing at NCT’s party and having a private session with Johnny, you find yourself in a different situation. 
Inspired by Freedom - Kris Wu ft Jhené Aiko.
(Part 1 here)
[a/n]: i actually had a side-blog once and posted it there but i got author’s block and deleted everything. anyway, i’m rather proud of this scenario so i decided to post it again lol
You say you want some freedom You ain't got a leash on, you ain't coming home But where you wanna go You already know We can blow a creeper on the low I’ll be on my throne Tryna take it slow Guess you can control, let's play
 On rainy days, Y/N would rant about having to go to college in such a weather, then she would eat a schwarma and watch a good “Vines Compilation” until her mood was slightly better. Chances were that, if the “Bewitched boy vine” or the Mexican kid screaming "Alguien se comió mi torta” were in them, she’d smile.
However, since Johnny Seo happened, Y/N didn’t do any of that.
And that was three months ago.
“You’re really refusing a ride for college in this shitty weather?!” Yuta rolled his eyes.
“I’m refusing dying for a second time, Yuta.” Y/N chuckled.
“I won’t pick you up if the storm gets stronger, you know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” She opened the door of her apartment. “Before you leave, turn  the lights off.”
“Why don’t you move back to our house?”
“Because I can’t stand Youngho.” Y/N quipped. “Don’t forget the lights, dear!”
“I’ll pick you up at 9PM, college’s main door. One minute late and you’ll go back home all alone and in the rain.” Yuta yelled while she was leaving.
“Thank you.” She grinned, knowing he would always play hard to get.
  Later that night…
When Johnny heard a loud – excited – scream coming from Lucas, he knew she was there. It took her almost two months to come back... But who was counting, huh?
He pushed the girl out of his lap and barely looked at her while he dressed back.
“You gotta leave.”
“What?” The blonde beauty glared at him, shocked.
“You gotta leave. I need to address to an important matter right now.”
“B-but you said you didn’t have any business today!”
“Turns out I do.” He sighed. “Hurry up, I’ll escort you to the door.”
The girl pouted, but it didn’t make him change his mind. His attention drifted to the new female demon that had entered his property, the one that made his blood boil. He checked himself in the big mirror, feeling extremely hypnotising and sensual. Obviously, Y/N would pretend not to feel a thing, but he wanted her to be a bit shaken by his appearance. They didn’t part in good terms, so Johnny decided to give her a sample of the life she lost by gently telling him “to fuck off” and storming out of the room like a crazy ex-girlfriend. While closing his door, he made sure the sound was loud. When he walked to the stairs, he could hear Taeyong and Yuta saying something about ‘kitchen’ and there was a small silence. Perfect for his dramatic entrance.
Y/N looked up to the foyer at the sound of steps, her insides tightening at the sight of Seo Youngho. Then, right behind him, there was a tall, golden-haired lady that looked like a model.
“Cassiopeia is leaving.” Johnny announced in that hypnotic voice of his.
“I thought she had just arrived?!” Lucas frowned.
“Turns out she has some stuff to do.”
The girl looked so offended by his remark but didn’t object to any of it.
“Oh, ok then.” Lucas shrugged. “Y/N, Doyoung and I are going up to play some games, she’ll sleep over. Yuta and Tae are cooking dinner. Wanna join us?”
“Yes.” He shook his head. “Bye, Cassiopeia.”
And without a word, he left her alone in the staircase. She made an ‘I’m offended’ sound and came to the main floor, looking at Y/N and Lucas in pure annoyance.
“Johnny said he didn’t have anything to do, but then he kicks me out… What is happening, Lucas?” She inquired, trying to pout cutely.
“How would I know that, dear?” Lucas ventured, dismissing her with a soft grin. “C’mon Y/N, I’ve bought the French deck so you can teach me that truco game.”
Truco is a card game for two, four or six players, who shout a lot and make signs to tell their partner what cards they had. It’s a popular game in Latin American countries, with some regional differences, but funny either way. She was used to play that with her friends, Inez being the one that taught them how to. Since she couldn’t see the girls ever so often, Y/N decided that she would teach the boys, so whenever she felt like playing, she’d have company.
When Lucas opened his bedroom door, Johnny was there – his silky black hair parted in the middle and the white button-up shirt with the three first ones unbuttoned. Y/N felt as if she was punched in the stomach, his beauty too much for her own good.
“What are we playing?” Johnny asked.
“Nothing.” She replied. “Actually, I’ll go to the kitchen to help Yuta and Taeyong.”
“Are you really going to run away every time we meet?” Johnny pouted. “I didn’t take you as a coward, mei fortuna.”
“And I didn’t take you as a joke, Youngho, but look at where we are now?!” She spat.
“Ok, I’m gonna get Doyoung and when I come back, I want everyone behaving politely and pretending to be friends, huh?!” Lucas spoke slowly, as if he was talking to small, naughty children.
He left the room, closing the door with a dry sound. Y/N sighed, throwing herself on his bed and facing the ceiling in a stupid attempt to ignore the male demon.
“So, how’s life?” Johnny tried going for a small talk.
“Pretty good.” Y/N muttered. She intended to sound rude.
“Did Yuta tell you about the party this weekend?”
“He did, yes.”
“You coming?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe.” She looked at her nails, pretending to be uninterested.
“You can’t possible think about living only with your friends’ sins, Y/N. What if they notice you’re always the reason they start gossiping?”
“I don’t live off of only gossips. People commit sins every hour, duh.”
“You manipulate them to commit small sins, then?” Johnny laughed. “That isn’t enough.”
“Well, you should’ve thought better before ruining my life and turning me into a demon. I prefer doing things this way, it’s easier and doesn’t make my conscience ashamed.”
“Are you kidding me? You make your friends sin! What type of conscience is that?”
“And what about you? Do you even have one? You, I quote again, ruined my fucking life!”
“Aw, don’t be petty. At least I did it for myself and never pretended to have done with for something or someone else.” The corner of his mouth quirked up and she rolled her eyes. 
What was she expecting, to begin with? That he killed her to save his friends?! To save the world?! Ha, ha.
“See? And I’m doing this for myself too.”
“You won’t be powerful enough if you keep doing it.”
“I don’t intend to be powerful enough.”
“Are you sure?” Youngho tilted his head to the side, only the tiniest bit, but it drove her crazy.  That horrible man was so sarcastic and so arrogant… Ugh! She wanted to choke him!
Doyoung walked in with Lucas, automatically putting an end to their discussion.
“Let the games begin!” He shouted happily.
Y/N really tried not to get affected by Johnny’s presence, but it was impossible. She couldn’t stop remembering everything. Every fucking thing.
The tension when they met, how she was so hypnotised by him at first glance. Her dance and his eyes on her all the time. When they flirted. When she rejected him. The lap dance. When they kissed. When they fucked and how amazing, ethereal, unique that was… Then she died because of him. Fuck, it was so hard to accept the truth! Only being able to live because she took advantage of others and made them sin… She even brought her loved ones into the mess! What kind of disgusting creature would even do that?
But demons were like that and the faster she learned to deal with it, the better.
Also, there was one more thing bothering her: if she hadn’t arrived, Johnny would’ve slept with that Cassiopeia girl… Right? She said he kicked her out when they arrived.
Y/N felt the need to vomit.
“You seem a bit off, dear.” She was surprised by Doyoung’s soothing voice and the petname. Normally, Lucas was the one to be affectionate (and caring).
“I’m tired from college, so I can’t get into my competitive mode and make the game funnier.”
“How many months until it ends?”
“Two, thank God.” She chuckled, earning three smirks in response.
“You’re really a believer now.” Johnny teased her, knowing she would get annoyed.
“I actually had no other option.” Y/N’s tone was dry and she refused to look at him.
“Well, I’m sure the supper is almost ready, so what about we stop the game for now and go to the kitchen? If you eat you’ll get a boost of energy.” Doyoung held her hand, shocking her even more. 
Did the boys actually feel sorry for her having to put up with Johnny?!
“Agreed.” Lucas shook his head. “Let’s go, princess.”
Youngho was frowning due to Doyoung’s odd behaviour, but it got unbearable thanks to Lucas’ boldness. What the fuck was wrong with his friends? Did Y/N need to be pampered and treated as the most delicate flower now?
If he was going to be honest with himself – which he was not –, he'd admit that he was a bit jealous. Y/N didn’t need sugar-coated treatment; she liked things rough, she was tough and cold when she needed to be, and knew how to put people in their place. A woman like her should be treated as a goddess, not as a fragile lady. And, well, Johnny knew how to treat her right. He knew exactly what to do to make her squirm, to capture all of her attention, to crawl under her skin. Unfortunately, since they were connected by her transformation, he was sure Y/N knew what to do to him as well…
Even though she never seemed interested in using it to her favour.
That was the saddest thing about turning people into demons: you created a bond with them; so you could feel when they are struggling, when they’re excited, when they’re mad or happy... That’s why less and less demons offered or agreed to do so; it was too much trouble. When Y/N woke after “dying” and they talked, Johnny went out to find more experienced demons who could help him figure out what really had happened, but there wasn’t much information about what happened when someone becomes demon without selling their soul and requesting to come back as one of them. Then, he wasn’t able to answer all of her questions and Y/N freaked out, deciding she had enough and was wasting her time... So she left him.
She didn’t leave Yuta, Taeyong, Lucas or Doyoung.
She left just him.
Moreover, it was a hard punch on his ego. No one ever left him, he left them.
When they sat down for dinner, Y/N was between Yuta and Lucas, looking more relaxed than before. She loved Taeyong’s food because it was always homemade and he usually cooked dishes she could use as “comfort food”; besides, that’s what eating meant to her: comfort. He had prepared dough soup (sujibae), mushrooms, courgettes and garlic bread as sides, and for dessert chocolate lava cake. 
Yuta poured her some soup while she devoured in one bite the bread.
“Do you live in hunger?” He joked.
“Only when the weather is shitty.” Y/N stated. “Oh God, Tae, I love your food!”
“I’m glad I can help.” The leader smiled lovingly. “Did you have fun playing cards?”
“No, dear, not at all.” She shook her head. “Would you ever be so kind to pass me the mushrooms, Dodo?” The adorable smile she gave Doyoung (and that hideous petname) made Johnny scow. 
What the fuck was happening there?
“Should we start with the British accent as well?! Maybe some Regency outfits and a full decoration?” Doyoung joked, handling her the mushroom bowl.
“Capital! That would be precious.” Y/N leaned forward, a hand on her heart and eyes twinkling. “I’d like to be called ‘Your Grace’ or ‘milady’.”
“Holy fuck!” Lucas tried to muffled a laugh. “Suits you perfectly, tho. However, since I’ve always been calling you ‘princess’ I might have to stick with ‘Your Highness’, huh?”
“The higher the better.” She winked.
“Damn, you’re still here but I’m already missing you so much!” Yuta bawled. “Please, come back home! You’ll be safer and happier here, I swear.”
“Agreed.” Lucas and Doyoung said at the same time.
She felt her heart warm up with that. It was awesome living together with them – unfortunately, she didn’t want to put up with all the trouble Johnny brought her, and he sure would. Also, what would she do if he showed up with girls night after night? She couldn’t spend the whole day in the bedroom and the boys would think she was sick or going officially crazy… Yes, of course she could talk about Johnny with any of them, but she didn’t want to. Talking about him would make things more real… And she preferred to ignore it.
“You know I can’t, Yuta.” She was about to change subjects when she earned the puppiest ‘puppy eyes’ look of all them: Taeyong. “Stop, Tae! Don’t look at me like that! It’s not good for the baby.”
“Which baby?” He paled.
“Me.” Her mouth twitched.
Lucas chuckle soon turned into a laugh and soon everyone started laughing too… Everyone but Johnny. His eyes were bored into her, trying to tore her skin and uncover all truth she had hidden – sincerely, with the intensity of that gaze, she wouldn’t be surprised if she was naked.
  Johnny left her mouth, his strong body hovering over her and his hand kept its work. Y/N felt her heart beating loudly thanks to the pleasure.
It had to be the pleasure.
‘We’re not doing things your way.’ She moaned.
‘Are you sure?’ There he was again, being the stupidly arrogant man he was.
‘We’re not.’ Y/N tried to assure her own head.
‘Aw, I think we will.’ His long digit eased its way inside her, making Y/N’s eyes shut automatically. The hideous man! ‘What do you say?’
‘Stop, Youngho, that’s what I say. Stop.’
He paused as instructed but his finger was still in her.
Y/N abruptly shifted on the bed, the wet dream still painfully alive on her memory. She looked to the side – Lucas, as the heavy sleeper he was, didn’t even flinch at her agony. Leaving the mattress, she grabbed her night-robe and decided that the kitchen was the best place to deal with frustrations… Or whatever “wet dreams” should be classified.
  She was in the middle of preparing hot chocolate when she heard steps.
“Oh, you’re here.” Johnny’s voice sent shivers down her spine.
“Youngho.” Y/N breathed in.
“Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to enter my own kitchen?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I’m here because I was hungry and smelled chocolate, so I thought Tae was having a midnight-crisis and wanted to bake something to chill out.” He shrugged. “Anyway, mei fortuna, what about you? What made you wake up so early? A wet dream?” He smiled innocently at her, doing his best to look uninterested.
“How the fuck did you know?”
“I’m connected to you, I told you already.”
“Yeah, in a really dumb and weak way.” She sneered. “Stop reading my mind, then.”
“I’m not reading it; what the fuck do you take us for?! We’re not in Twilight!” Johnny crinkled his nose. “You died in lust and greed, that’s why these are more intense in your life now. And, not to be nosy, you need to fuck often.”
“Oh my fucking God.” She rolled her eyes, turning off the stove.
“You’ve been calling Him a lot.”
“Yeah, I found out He’s the only one listening to my complaints, currently.”
“Aren’t your soldiers working hard to grant each one of your wishes?”
“My soldiers?”
“Lucas, Yuta, Taeyong and Doyoung. I’ve never seen them this devoted.”
“They aren’t my soldiers, but I won’t apologize for the way they treat me.” She smiled coyly. “If it bothers you, I suggest you mind your own business, then.”
“It is quite hard to mind my own business when they’ve been all petnames and sugar-coated actions on you.” Johnny stated matter-of-factly. “You don’t need this.”
“What are you trying to suggest? That I don’t deserve to be pampered?!”
“Precisely.” He agreed. “You don’t like that.”
“Do you even listen to yourself sometimes?” She scoffed, offended.
“Mei fortuna, you like roughness and choking, you like playing the femme fatale and you like the idea of being in control even when you know that it ain’t true.” Johnny raised a brow. “Or am I wrong? Do you really enjoy those ‘princesses’ and ‘dears’ and ‘sweethearts’?”
“Judging by this I suppose you call me a whore when you go on with your ‘Mei fortuna’ thing, right?!”
Johnny’s eyes lighted up in surprise. He thought she would know by now, but that wasn’t the case.
“Actually it’s a Latin expression that means ‘My luck’… Since you’re my lucky charm.”
She didn’t mean to be touched by it. She didn’t even like what it represented… But she, somehow, felt her heart getting warm and small.
Oh, for fuck sakes, the man was hideous!
“Hmpf. Well.” She stuck her nose in the air, dismissing him. “I’m going to sleep.”
“Without your hot chocolate?”
“You can have it.”
“Are you coming to the party this Saturday?”
“Perhaps I will.” Y/N disappeared into the hall, leaving Johnny with a smug smile.
It was flattering that she had a wet dream with him and felt bothered by it. He couldn’t wait to put his hands on her again… And he would make sure to do it on Saturday.
Yuta had showed Y/N all the possible souls she could buy or feed off. He knew how to handle her and how to make it all seem less horrible – which she preferred.
“You have to feed yourself, love. Properly.” He had told her, compassion shining on his dark eyes.
Yuta was right, as expected. After corrupting two souls, her body felt stronger, alive. And the feeling was addictive; she wanted to keep doing that for ages.
Congrats Y/N, you’re a hideous being. – her conscience screamed.
A tall man walked past the group she was talking to, the dark blue suit so beautiful and shiny that it caught her attention. Her eyes went straight up to the man’s face… Just to find out he wasn’t a stranger at all. Of course Seo Youngho would be walking around as if he was God himself. They exchanged glances and Y/N felt another type of hunger.
Damn, she would give everything to get dicked down by him (again).
With a handshake, she dismissed her targets and approached Devil.
“Y/N. You came.”
“Not really.” She couldn’t help but rejoice in his grin.
“That can be arranged.”
“Oh, I’m afraid it can.” She shook her head positively. “These guys are really easy to convince. In fact, Yuta showed me some of them, and the rest happened almost automatically.”
“So no more gossips? Are you eating properly?”
“Wanna check out?”
“No, no. I might get jealous.” He gave her a half smile. “But I’m glad you’re finally doing it right.” His eyes turned slowly into the devilish cognac colour, shining with wickedness and proudness, and Y/N felt her throat burn with desire.
That man was impossible.
“Isn’t Cassandra around?” Right after asking, Y/N felt stupid and childish.
“Cassiopeia?” Johnny looked at her with humour. “I don’t think she will come. She’s mad at me and I’m not in the mood to deal with humans.”
“But are you in the mood for demons?”
“It depends. Are they female?”
“Interesting. What else?”
“It’s just a possibility, though.” Y/N started cautiously. “I mean, you’re really arrogant and I’m still fed up with all that happened months ago – but maybe, and I stress it, maybe, I want us to fuck.” She blushed. “The wet dream and all…”
Johnny smirked.
“Wanna discuss it somewhere private?”
“Please.” She agreed.
  They got inside Johnny’s chamber and Y/N remembered the day she went there for the first time. Apparently, even though she didn’t sleep with him that night, it was bound to happen. And now, luckily, she would lay on that wicked bed and do wicked things with Mr. Wicked.
“Why are you still mad?”
“I’m having a hard time concealing my demon shit with my previous life. Now that I’m eating properly, it downed on me it’s real, you know?!”
“Yeah, it is tricky in the beginning.” He chuckled. “But I don’t see why you should stay mad at that, nor at me.”
“Oh, of course you only turned me into this, but where’s the problem, huh?!”
“Are we having this conversation again?”
“Well, I apologize for not fully adapting into a life I didn’t ask for!” Her tone was sarcastic, but the way her brows knotted together made her just cute.
He could feel her anger and her lust… Oh, she was so adorable! He couldn’t help himself.
“Y/N, look, I know you didn’t ask for it and I know you’re annoyed by what happened but there’s no way to reverse it. So, instead of being bitter and petty forever, why don’t you enjoy what was given to you? You have powers, you can manipulate lives and destinies… And you have me.”
“What?” Her jaw dropped.
“Well, I’m here to fuck you senseless, aren’t I?”
“I-I kinda hope so… I guess.”
“Then let’s close the topic. After I'll fuck your brains out, I think you’ll be able to see things clearer, alright?” Johnny locked the door. “Now be a good girl and strip for me. This skirt is driving me nuts.” He gestured to her leather skirt.
Her hands went to the clothing piece, but she stopped mid-way.
“What?” Johnny inquired.
“I was thinking… I’ve stripped for you once and did a lap dance.” She tilted her head to the side. “Would it be too greedy of me if I ask you to take them off yourself?”
He hesitated for a brief second, then smirked.
“It would be a pleasure.”
Y/N felt her heart beating fast while he approached her – those long fingers going straight to her cropped top. Her boobs fell down, free from the fabric, and Johnny’s mouth watered at the sight. He played with one nipple, feather touches, just to tease. Y/N was too focused on his alcoholic yellow eyes to try to make him stop with the teasing.
“You make me so thirsty, Youngho.”
Something in the way she said his name – as if it was a prayer – ignited him inside.
“For what?” One of his hands travelled up to her chin, cupping it.
“For cognac.” She closed her eyes and breathed in. “For kisses.” And then when she looked at him again, her irises were also yellow. “For you.”
He kissed her urgently, passionately, violently. It had been months since he felt something like that… Something so right. It couldn’t be just because he transformed her; he had that feeling long before. However, Johnny didn’t want to analyse anything but her body… Well, not yet. He tugged on her skirt, pulling it down slowly. Stopping the kiss to look at her in her burgundy lace set, he sighed contently. Oh, he would devour her.
“What?” Y/N questioned.
“Nothing. It’s just that you are too pretty for your own good.”
“And you’re too dressed for my own good.” She giggled.
“Well, do you want me to strip?” His voice was pure mockery, but his eyes were predatory.
“If you’d ever be so kind, sir.”
“Oh.” He smiled, his body beginning to withdraw from hers. “Then if you allow me to be greedy too, I have a request.”
“I thought you were the boss here.”
“Normally, yes. But once in a lifetime I can let someone else play the role… That being said, can you call me ‘Youngho’ or ‘Johnny’ as for tonight? Nothing about ‘sir’ or ‘Devil’.”
“That’s an odd request coming from you, sir, but I can comply.”
“Alright. Now that we’re settled, maybe you should sit down… I won’t be able to catch you if you faint while I strip.” He blinked in fake innocence, which made Y/N grin.
She didn’t want to argue with him right now. They were teasing each other and it felt good, not resentful like it has been for the past months. Even though calling him by his name would make things way more intimate, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Also, she needed a proper fuck. She needed someone like Johnny; and she didn’t want to ruin everything before she had an orgasm. 
When Y/N sat down on his bed and it was as if she was embraced by pure lust. She touched the black satin sheets and smiled to herself… She had a set that looked like that, and it was her favourite one. Then she looked up and forgot how to breathe. Handsome boys undressing from their suits should be elected as the first of the Seven Wonders of the World. After taking out his jacket, Johnny started unbuttoning his shirt, loving the way Y/N followed his fingers as if she was under hypnosis. He threw it aside, hands now on his belt, and Y/N licked her lips.
“Holy fuck, let me do it.” She reached out for him, but he slapped her hand.
“No, no. This is my time to shine, mei fortuna. You asked for a strip and you’ll get one.”
“You’re taking too long!”
“You took two months and a whole ass song! I’m not even gonna take four minutes.”
“My tongue is impatient.” She nagged. “Please, Youngho.”
“What does your tongue have to do with it?”
“I want to lick every inch of you, that’s the problem!”
He chuckled, finding her eagerness so adorable that he gave up. “Oh, ok then. Guess you can control now.”
Y/N wanted to take her time with his body, so she started from his neck. Getting up, she let her hands touch his shoulders while her mouth went to his chin and collarbones. Oh, he was delicious and addictive! What a horrible, hideous man! Johnny’s chest rose, breathing in, closing his eyes to enjoy the caress properly. Her tongue left small licks all over his torso, getting lazier with every step further down, next to his belt. One warm hand got rid of his trousers in a quick move, leaving him with his underwear. Y/N smiled to herself, undressing him from his last piece of clothes. Without warning, she swirled her tongue over his shaft, receiving a raspy grunt in response. She looked up, repeating the movement, slower. Youngho sighed, feeling shivers run through his body. He watched, mesmerised, Y/N start to suck him off, swallowing him as far as she could handle. He tightened the grip on her head, but not moving at all, because it was her time to dictate the rhythm. Her large nails clawed at his thighs and the shivers intensified. He let out a loud groan as Y/N squeezed her testicles lightly, testing them. Johnny leaned against the wall, succumbing to the pleasure, but his attention remained on her, unable to take his eyes off the wonderful scene that Y/N was sucking his dick.
She guided his wrist to her hair, not really needing to “be in control” to make him cum. Johnny accepted it as if he needed to be tugging on her hair tightly for his life. He kept her head still and started to fuck her mouth. Y/N looked up again, and her eyes were so lustful that it was more than he could bear; Youngho was never prepared to see her as beautiful and disposed as she was in sex. He really wanted her to be in Louvre, the most precious paint to ever be shown.
“Can I cum in your mouth, mei fortuna?” He asked, wiping a small tear from her eye, his thumb caressing her cheekbone while he kept thrusting inside.
She shook her head positively the best she could, due to their position. It didn’t take much to make Johnny cum – he got out slightly, so he could see his seed filling her mouth. It was all too erotic, too lustful, so right. He watched Y/N eagerly lick her mouth, giggling. Without giving him more time to take enjoy of the scene, Y/N stood up.
“I think you should lay down, Youngho.”
“Anything you want, love.” Johnny mocked her, doing as she suggested. “What are you going to ride tonight?”
Y/N tried to pretend she wasn’t surprised he guessed what was going to happen. “Your face, and then your cock... If you behave.”
Johnny chuckled. “The only noise you’re going to listen from me is my mouth devouring you, I promise.”
It took her a deep breath to start moving. Her heart was beating so fast and she was so anxious to have his mouth on hers that she, for a moment, thought she wouldn’t handle it. Y/N passed one leg on either side of his face, slowly going down before sitting on that pretty mouth. His tongue began to move, the friction and speed so wonderful that it made her moan loudly. That was so much better than what she had imagined. Holding on the headboard, Y/N tried to focus entirely on the sensations. Youngho licked her like a lazy cat, sucking ever so often on her clit and letting one hand rest on her thigh. When she felt fully enchanted, her hips started moving slightly, riding his face as she had warned before. Johnny growled, his tongue speeding up.
“If you suffocate, please just throw me aside.”
He pushed his face further on her pussy, as a response. Y/N’s eyes flew shut, the orgasm building quickly. Oh, the hideous man he was! Her body just couldn’t get enough of him! She gasped, tipping her head back, enjoying the tight grip on her stomach. Somehow, he smacked her butt and it was everything she needed to fall into the pool of pleasure.
Johnny didn’t wait for Y/N to calm down. He gently pushed her to the side and sat down, bringing her to his lap, kissing her hungrily. In a matter of second, she was already aligning herself in his member. His eyes brightened in anticipation. It was incredible how anything made by her became an intense erotic act. Her breasts arched forward while she sunk on his dick, and he took them in his hands, squeezed them, sucking her nipples and leaving little bites that made Y/N moan loudly. He stared at the spot where they met, feeling pure bliss. The first thrust was so precise that she ran out of air. Only Johnny could touch her in the right way, make her feel right. At that moment, while the two were together, Y/N did not think about her problems or their complicated relationship; she concentrated only on Youngho and all the wonderful things that made her feel. How desperate she had been for him, and it seemed to get worse over time. Staring into his alcoholic eyes, Y/N began rock against him, increasing their pleasure. She was still sensitive from the past orgasm and that was enough to make her hungry for another. Johnny grabbed her hip, the noise of thrusts being louder than the grunts and gasps they let loose. She ran her hands down his tanned backs then wrapped them around his neck, still grinding, but she lost some speed as he lowered his face and sucked one of her nipples. It was hard to focus on only one place in her burning body. She began to quiver, her nails digging into his shoulder and indicating her orgasm.
“Here.” Youngho took her hands on his, intertwining their fingers. “To keep you steady, love.”
The petname was too much.
He should come back with ‘Mei fortuna’ or anything that remembered her of who they truly was… But ‘Love’ was too much. ‘Love’ made her heart feel warm and melt. ‘Love’ made her think she could never stay a day without looking at those yellow eyes.
Y/N gave in to the spasms and searched for air as she reached her high – she was far away, plunged into absolute delight. No more than a minute later, she felt Johnny's arms hold her down, laying her on her back while he climbed up and shoved into her again. Y/N let out a little shriek from the surprise thrust. The strength in which he held her would leave marks, but Youngho was too eager for release to care. When he came, he moaned loud his hips slowing down only a bit. He grinned, sticking his forehead to hers and opened his eyes.
“One time I heard Lucifer is the prettiest being alive.” She murmured, hypnotised. “Are you sure your name is Youngho?”
“I am, Y/N.”
“Damn, if he is prettier than you than I hope to never meet him.”
Johnny couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s good when you don’t die after we fuck.”
“It only happened once.” She groaned. “Are you really going to ruin the mood?”
“It keeps me from doing something crazy.”
“Such as?”
“Asking you to move back home… Asking you to stay.” He shrugged, getting out of her.
Y/N sat down, shocked. “What to do you mean?”
“I thought fucking you would make you come to your senses, but turns out it backfired.”
“Youngho, I don’t have time for metaphors.”
“Maybe demons do fall in love, Y/N, and maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
She choked, too surprised to answer or pretend to be fine with what he said.
“And maybe that’s why you didn’t officially die when I corrupted you.” Youngho ruffled his hair, wiping a bit of the sweat off. “I don’t know, honestly. Nothing like this happened to my friends that corrupted beings of light, but none of them felt this drawn into their victims.” He approached her, holding her chin up and looking into her now yellow eyes. “When we met… When you left two months ago… It was you from the beginning, Just Y/N, not your light.”
Oh, the hideous, horrible man!
And just like that, he had her heart wrapped around his finger.
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