pkmnomegaverse · 6 months
I’m adding brief little description to the region tabs on the ChampionVerse family list and it got me thinking about how while Green/Ethan and N/Nate are meant to be each rival character getting with the “wrong protag” who reminds them a bit of their proper “true love protag,” both Ethan and Nate very much admire Red and Hilbert, respectively. With Nate especially, I’ve always seen him as having a bit of a celebrity crush on Hilbert. And Ethan is confirmed bi (even tho it takes him a while to realize that about himself) in my verse so like….what I’m saying is those two would probably be very open to a threesome route. Green and N wouldn’t even need to cheat. Their spouses would be down for bringing in those specific third members, their partner would just need to ask.
Although it’s only Green I can see being tempted to cheat. N is not struggling with that impulse. With N/Hilbert in ChampionVerse, I see it that Hilbert is the one who’s tempted to cheat but stays loyal to Cheren and also doesn’t really want to do that to N. Feels like he’d be taking advantage of N (cause home wrecking the happiness he’s found). So he takes the affair on Cheren’s end extra hard (it’s what he wanted to do, so how dare Cheren go through with it while he’s been restraining himself. Like I can see Cheren bringing up Hilbert’s obvious feelings for N while they’re fighting about things. How he’s been basically emotionally cheating and then the whole thing blows up even worse).
But yes, I’m not committed to it but Green/Ethan/Red and N/Nate/Hilbert sit there as perfectly valid and possible OT3s for ChampionVerse cause Ethan and Nate would be down for it.
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silvreclipse · 3 years
I KNOW this is mostly a reguri blog but like,,, hibiguri though,,,
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pichupurin · 5 years
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absolutely everyone: SWORD AND SHIELD
me, mumbling to myself: ... kanto... johto... fankids time....
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sleepythan · 5 years
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dozygoats · 6 years
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shows up 20 years late to this fandom with shitposts
Ethan/Hibiki/Gold wasting his Alola vacation time napping with some losers. A gift for my wife-to-be as a thank you(?) for finally getting me into pokemon fandom.
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seniichi · 6 years
Summary: Red and Gold like Green.That would be fine, Green thinks, if they didn’t constantly try to upstage each other in trying to woo him. He was too busy for this shit. Duo Nameless and Imperial/Inspirational as part of a gift montage for a certain @murdeirin.
Note: If you like my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi account - Seniichi.
Green doesn’t quite realize it at first. He chalks up Red’s mysterious return from the mountain as Gold’s doing, which isn’t entirely wrong... just, not the whole story. Gold had dragged his brother down, sure, that was all fine and dandy. But he started cottoning on a few months down the road, when the boys had started actively flirting with him.
(Yes. It took two months. He was usually quicker on the uptake, but really, his self-esteem could not have been lower right then, and he’d been busy with challengers.)
Silver had taken one look at them, snorted, and laughed at Green when his - protege? apprentice? Silver was no replacement, that was for sure. - his student had brought up the subject.
(He was only running on ten hours of sleep that week. Shut up.)
He thinks it’s cute. It’s probably a passing fad, Gold would turn his eyes onto someone more - ehhh. He couldn’t say achievable - Green wasn’t really the best he could get, after all - closer in his age. That was better. More socially acceptable, at least.
It didn’t, obviously. It started small. He’d find flowers on his desk - random shrubbery from Red, but actual flowers from Gold. He’d walk down from his catnap - or sixteen hour binge depending on what day of the week and how much his paperwork had spawned - from his office with actual food for lunch instead of ramen and/or whatever cereal he’d scrounged up for the day.
It started getting annoying when they began to fight each other over every little thing. He has more food than his fridge could hold, and he knew that they were gloating behind his back whenever he picked one of their special handmade bento, made just for him. Really, he should have put a stop to it, but it was kind of nice to have food in his fridge for once, rather than whatever quick-fix or takeout he ended up getting.
He really, really liked food.
But it got way out of hand when Green had to break up a fight between them that had Silver worried about property damage.
This was the kid who helped him build the damn place - if he was worried, so was Green.
“Okay.” Green says at last, pacing between two shame-faced idiots. “This has gone on long enough.” He glares at them both, and they have the grace look sheepish and apologetic. “It was almost cute when it started, but now? It’s getting annoying.“ He plants his hands on his hips, expression irritated as they shuffle guiltily in their seats.
“Sorry...” Gold sounds apologetic, but he knows without even looking that he’s glaring at Red.
“You should be,“ Green snaps, and they both flinch at his tone. “You took out power in the entire block - do you have any idea how much of a nightmare it could have been if the hospital wasn’t on a separate power grid?“ They look down even more, drooping in their seats. “This dick swinging contest is going to end.“ Both boys choke at his words, and he crosses his arms, expression brooking no argument. “I don’t want to hear it, you two nearly cost me my job.” Lance had not been happy to hear what had happened, and if Green hadn’t reassured his boss that he was going to deal with it, he would have been in so much more trouble.
“As much as I’d love to kick you out, you two are still going to fight over this unless I make a decision.” Both boys have the gall to look hopeful, and he remorselessly slaps it down, not even flinching at the droop of their shoulders. “I expect a date out of both of you. You’re going to book a day with my secretary, and you’re going to take me out for what you think I’d like. And whoever wins, wins. I want no arguing, no attempts to ‘win’ me over, nothing. I am not putting up with more property damage.”
Was he being petty, making both social disasters attempt a genuine social situation? Absolutely. Was it satisfying? Yes.
At least he would get two free meals out of it. Maybe.
It was hard to tell with these two.
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garbagetravelinpack · 7 years
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Behold, the ultimate shitpost!!
I redrew the poster of Conan Detective into my shitty crack namelessshipping AU that you can find here
Summary:  Red = Ethan (=Shinichi=Conan)
Team Rocket = the black organization
The rest is self-explanatory (Silver is Haibara Ai lul)
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demetxri · 7 years
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proud parents y/y? that is most definitely an eevee egg
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A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
((Hoo boy that’s a long list.
I doubt I even have to mention Coppership here, Fire and Green snarking at each other and bonding over being second best gives me life no matter if it’s platonic or romantic. Also Green actually managed to get his life in order, running his own gym and all. Please Green, help my garbage child, he needs it!
I’m also a big fan of MtSilvership because it’s goddamn adorable, and Conflictingship because more snark is always good. Inspirationalship has both of those things and is another fav (I even have a Para AU for this, it involves a lot of pizza and it’s great). Then there's Fire’s and Red’s relationship as brothers of course - 10/10 would write about again, especially considering the significance Red has both in Fire’s life in general, and in his mind. Another non-romantic relationship I love thinking about is the one between Fire and Giovanni.
Oh god I’m not even scratching the surface here, there’s so many more.
While they’re not relevant to this blog or even this fandom, it wouldn’t feel right not to mention Sandstormship, Swampship, and Steamship from the Golden Sun games, so I’m just gonna end on that.))
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pkmnomegaverse · 1 year
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Pokemon Ship Week Day 2 - Parallels/Swap
"Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven't seen him in a long time...I wonder where he is and what he's up to… Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just...Just a little bit. Whatever..."
This quote from Green in HGSS has always taken me out.  It has such good angst potential and is why I made these two endgame in Championverse.  While it really is the angst that speaks to me playing with the idea of Red as the "one who got away", I feel Ethan does have a personality that would mesh well with Green’s. So despite any of Green's initial interest in Ethan being due to his similarities to Red, I do feel they can grow past that
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sleepythan · 6 years
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Some older doodles from when I had a fever lol I'd use that as an excuse but the sad truth is I draw nonsensical stuff like this normally ;;;;
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seniichi · 6 years
Flower Bouquet
Summary: Green doesn’t often feel loved. Red and Gold want him to be. (Or how in a handful of months, Red and Gold learn that they want nothing more than to make Green feel like diamond.) Duo Nameless and Inspiship for one (1) @murdeirin for the gift week conga.
Note: If you like my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi account - Seniichi.
“He likes flowers,“ Gold tells Red one day over lunch. Ever since Red had come down from the top of the mountain, Green had been in a decidedly worse mood, though the reason why was anyone’s guess. Red looks mystified, gesturing with one hand in a question of why that would be significant. “Because he just got back from doing work in Pallet Town, and he could really use someone who cares right about now.” Gold says flatly. “I mean, unless you don’t.” Red flinches at the accusatory tone, glares at how Gold frames it. Of course he cared! The man stands up, now thoroughly affronted, and disappears. Gold continues eating lunch, a smirk on his face.
To say Green is bewildered when Red arrives, a soft bouquet of lilies in hand would be to understate his confusion. But he accepts the flowers, skeptically eyes the roots while Red hides behind his hat, cheeks red. He’s thoroughly surprised when Green’s face breaks into a genuine, if confused smile.
“That’s sweet Red,” Green smiles up at the man, ducking a little to see under his hat. He stretches up to lay a kiss against his cheek, expression soft and smile warm. Green takes the flowers off to a flowerpot, and Red slowly unfreezes from the embarrassed - but oddly pleased - statue he’d turned into. The next time Red visits, he can see his flowers growing in a pot. He curiously signs a question, and Green’s smile spreads. “They still had roots silly,” Green laughs at him, tugs on his hat playfully. “They took root pretty well, I’d say.” Green leans over to kiss the top of Red’s head. “Thanks for them - They really made a bad day better.“ Red gives a flustered response that amuses Green, and he escapes while he still has the chance.
The next time he sees Gold, the boy is running around with a basket of eggs. The boy waves at him, and he waves back carefully.
“... Green loves Eevee.” He says at last, when Gold stops by him, panting for air. The boy frowns.
“Yeah, he’s mentioned it.” The boy points out. Red shakes his head, frustrated at the lack of understanding. He doesn’t like talking out loud, and he has to emphasize it, using his signing to punctuate his meanings.
He loves Eevee. Red knew how Green adored the fluffy things, always cooing over his Eevee’s ruff and spoiling the darn thing rotten. Gold’s eyes widen.
“Ooooh. I see.” The boy gives a grin, salutes him. “I gotcha captain.“ The boy speeds off, and Red resigns himself to an annoyed chewing out from Green later.
“So, what’s so special about this batch?” Green asks Gold when the excitable boy takes his hand and leads him into his daycare. In response, Gold whistles. Green’s eyes widen at the sound of a lot of little voices of a familiar pokemon preceding the veritable flood of twenty extremely fluffy coats as the Eevees purr on him, clambering over his shoulders and licking his face. Green’s laughing, but this is cute, they’re really damn fluffy, and Green can’t help but fall in love. He barely looks up when Gold guides him into the living room, leaving him to enjoy his afternoon.
“I kind of ignored you...” Green’s embarrassed, hand rubbing against the back of his neck. Gold smiles at him warmly, bumps his fist against a shoulder.
“Honestly, I needed someone to distract the Eevees for me,” Gold grins openly. “I haven’t been able to cook undisturbed for weeks. Feel free to visit anytime you like - I could use a chance to make Pokemon food without them climbing up my legs and trying to get at them.” Green laughs, a faint flush on his cheeks.
“I’ll remember that.” Green says his polite goodbyes, waving slightly as the gym leader leaves to focus on other things for the evening.
The next time Gold sees Red, the man gives him a faint smile and thumbs up. It starts this way, so simply. Green does a hideous amount of work for an atrocious amount of pay, and it’s in their interests to see to it that he’s happier - the rest of the league doesn’t need him to be so stressed out.
But spending time with Green, just the two of them - or all three, depending on what they’re doing - brings far more into play, feelings growing deeper every time they saw the delighted expression on his face, the rapturous joy they had helped bring about.
“I think it’s pretty safe to say we like him,” Gold greets Red with that statement after one of their practice battles. Red looks a little offended at first, but Gold raises a challenging brow and the man wilts a little. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m not acting on those feelings.” He says easily, misses Red’s doubletake. “I really like him. I like him a lot. But we both make him happy, and he’d be pretty heartbroken if he had to choose.” Red looks torn, but shuffles his feet in agreement.
“I don’t think he’ll ever pick,” Red says the words quietly. Gold looks at Red, tilts his head up to match the taller man’s gaze.
“And can you live with that?” He asks. Red seems to waver at first, before a faint, determined expression crosses his face. He nods firmly.
“Yeah. I can live with that.” Gold grins.
“Great. Listen, I’ve got a plan for Friday - there’s a movie opening up, and I was planning on taking Green - but if you’d like to come, I can spare an extra ticket.” Red looks at him in interested suspicion, before taking his word as genuine and smiling slightly.
Sounds great. He returns to signing now that the important part was over. He was kind of sad, but after Gold leaves, Red can’t help but smile a little. He was making Green happy. And someone else was too. That alone was worth it.
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demetxri · 7 years
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one day i’ll finish this inspirationalshipping, but today is not that day.
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 months
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They’re expecting :)
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garbagetravelinpack · 7 years
Conan Detective AU! Namelessshipping
Hear me out. Remember in HGSS, Blue/Green/wev said that Gold looked like Red? So I have an AU.
Red = Shinichi Kudo 
Gold/Ethan = Conan (de-aged Shinichi)
Blue = Ran Mouri
Team Rocket = The Black Organization 
Red encounters Team Rocket grunts or Giovanni himself on a crime scene. He is force fed poison, but instead of dying, Red de-age. He comes to prof. Oak for help; the prof takes him in and gives him a new identity (Gold) incase Team Rocket discovers their fail murder attempt. Red (Gold) is then placed in Blue's care, in the guise of a son of colleagues who are currently working abroad. Blue takes care of Red (Gold) and wonders why the kid reminds him so much of his missing rival. Feelings are revealed when he unknowingly confides in Red (Gold) his secret... Throw in some crimes and actions and BAM! You got a crack AU. Also Silver = Ai Haibara, so technically also preciousmetal?
Sb pls write a fic.
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