#Interlude : Set me free
btsx50states · 1 year
Hi everyone. It's that time again: 4th of July BTS songs!! Some are obvious, others need... explaining.
This one is self explanatory I feel like. 🧨
"FLOWERWORK!!!!"🌼 Also, just LOOK at this music video.
The Founding Fathers signing the Declaration of Independence
The Founding Fathers signing the Declaration of Independence: part 2
Make sure you're careful with those fireworks so you don't cause a "FIRE!"
Or any other type of fire
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bunny-stereo · 2 years
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lokisasylum · 3 months
Don't know if anyone's talked about this yet
But its interesting how 'FACE' begins with slow, eerie clown/carnival music as an entrance to the first track, 'FACE OFF', giving way to strong/harsh lyrics speaking of betrayal and an ultimatum. Which progresses slowly from one track to another as one heals and regains strength to stand up once again to keep fighting.
Which is how 'Set Me Free Pt.2' begins and ends; with a chorus, orchestra and band like instruments in an anthem to one's freedom. Marking the end of a dark era.
And now we have 'Smeraldo Garden Marching Band' which also begins with much livelier carnival music. A show is about to begin. A voice announces the band and the music begins with colorful visuals and positive lyrics.
Its a perfectly executed contrast between two eras telling 2 different stories. Of course we have yet to hear the rest of the tracks to get a better picture of what makes 'MUSE' stand out.
But on that same note, we also can't forget 'Closer Than This' which we received first as a sort of "fare well for now." before Jimin left to furfill his military service and duty. And we also now know its a track that will be part of the album as the final song.
But from what little we know right now, if SMFPT.2 was about setting yourself free, and Track 02. 'Interlude: Dive' is a retrospective to happier times in the midst of dealing with darker ones. Then 'Closer Than This' is a recollection of (happy) memories to remind you that it was all worth it in the end.
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mobikosmos · 1 year
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set me free x 2
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curio-queries · 8 months
Disclaimer: The following post is full of my own opinions and interpretations. I do not share this with the intent to convince anyone else that this meaning upholds for all. My interpretations are also limited to English and that is an important distinction to make when accessing art from another language and culture. There are absolutely intentions and meanings that won't translate. Art is beautifully subjective, and I hope you all find your own reasons to love Jimin's music.
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This is quite a lengthy post. Thank you to anyone who reads. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well, so don't feel shy to share! 💜
So FACE has been out for nearly a year, why am I making this post now? Honestly, it's all because of Closer Than This and the few nuggets we can glean from the music video. The very first clip of the mv is of Jimin's team discussing the lyrics and then Jimin's recording session. Honestly, I was quite surprised CTT was written at the same time as all of the FACE songs.
So the question then rises: Why wasn't CTT included in FACE? The answer I've arrived at is because CTT is not part of the journey Jimin was describing with FACE. More on CTT below but first, we need to revisit FACE:
(US dates - I have to do too much timezone manipulation in my job, I'm not spending the time here):
30 DEC 2018 : Promise Release on SoundCloud
21 FEB 2023 : FACE announcement
16 MAR 2023 : Set Me Free pt.2 Release
23 MAR 2023 : FACE Release
22 DEC 2023 : Closer Than This Release
And here's the FACE schedule:
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These phrases are ALL OVER the FACE project! They're in the digital media that was released, on pretty much every side of the physical albums, on the back of the photocards and postcards... They're pretty much on everything official connected to FACE. They're not just fluff included to fill up space; these words have MEANING in this project. I've been using these phrases as guide posts to help me interpret some of the meanings behind FACE recently, and I would encourage anyone interested in Jimin's deeper message to do the same. I've highlighted my references below.
Circles of Resonance Reflection of vulnerable minds and unexposed wounds. An echo, tremor and small movement to reach you. Face of facing the deepest part of inner-self. Face, the reflection of myself in an unfamiliar appearance. Waves originated from the deepest invisible inner world, pass through the face on the surface and reach others to resonate while transmitting the inner voice. Waves spread beautifully, finding its own flow despite wounds and distortions from a smallest scratch. The face of unwavering effort despite repeated falls and pain.
When asked what the album was about, Jimin freely shares that it relates to the events during the pandemic...and then the conversation usually moves on without any deeper discussion. This interview is probably the most verbose Jimin was any time he described the meaning behind FACE. If you haven't watched it recently, I highly recommend it.
We know that Jimin rarely shares the problems he's having whilst he's going through them (with us at least). He always waits until after he's moved on so that he can tell us not to worry, that it's in the past. (This concept comes up again in this post so keep it in mind.)
The distinction that I think is important to make is that, yes, FACE is about the pandemic, but it's not a straightforward diary of events. It's about how those events affected him. How the waves caused by the pandemic RESONATE, ECHO, and TREMOR through him - effecting the UNEXPOSED WOUNDS. Jimin found something in himself through this experience and had no choice but to FACE it. There were no distractions anymore, no pushing it to the side to deal with later. And he was able to share that journey with us in such a tragically beautiful way.
I made the below gifs for each track but I think they look best as a set without the tags so you can get the full effect of the differing ripples. Check out this post to see what I mean. ☺️
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I know everyone likes to meme about Face-Off and trying to find who hurt Jimin to make them pay...but I really don't associate Face-Off with an external person. You can betray yourself in much worse ways than anyone else can because you know exactly all of your own weaknesses. You know exactly what pretty lies to tell yourself. And honestly, the source of the event doesn't really matter in the context of FACE. I view Face-Off as the initial incident. The SMALLEST SCRATCH that pushes the waves to spread.
There's also a lovely bit of foreshadowing with the lyric "Like crazy, everyone shout out, yeah yeah". CIRCLES OF RESONANCE. Not singular, multiple; we are in for a bumpy ride.
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I admit, I only listen to this track when I'm doing a full album listen. I love instrumental tracks but this isn't instrumental to me, it's sound effects. And I just personally have a sensory issue that comes out to play here BUT it's important to include in our discussion so don't skip it when you're trying to delve into the meanings!
The message I glean here is just how pervasive the issue is becoming. Jimin can be going about his life, trying to disregard it but the UNEXPOSED WOUNDS are there lurking underneath it all.
The pretty music overlaying the track may sound like glitz and glam, but this is just the beginning of the WAVES SPREADING BEAUTIFULLY, FINDING ITS OWN FLOW DESPITE WOUNDS AND DISTORTIONS...
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I've been promising a post on Like Crazy for ages and this may be the closest I get to it. Let me know if any of you are interested in a more in-depth discussion on how the movie and the song work together. My short summary for both is this: there are moments when you willfully take actions that you KNOW are against your best interest. Not in a fleeting eats-too-many-cookies way. In a I-know-putting-my-hand-on-the-stove-and-turning-it-on-will-burn-me way.
I hope none of you experience this to such a damning extent. I have. Despite being the kind of person who I thought would never venture down such a path. It's not something I wish upon anyone. This is the WAVES ORIGINATED FROM THE DEEPEST INVISIBLE INNER WORLD, PASS THROUGH THE FACE ON THE SURFACE...
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Have you ever repeated a word enough that it starts to sound bizzare? What if you got the point where you thought the weird sound was reality? And then you were confronted with the truth. This song is that point. Where you are left with the sober understanding of yourself. FACE, THE REFLECTION OF MYSELF IN AN UNFAMILIAR APPEARANCE.
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The rise! Jimin was able to find a way to push himself beyond the betrayal of himself. It absolutely wasn't easy and there were setbacks, but this is a clear call to any who find themselves in similar circumstances: you CAN overcome. THE FACE OF UNWAVERING EFFORT DESPITE REPEATED FALLS AND PAIN.
Remember when I said earlier that Jimin only tells us about his struggle once it's over? I honestly believe that's why SMF was the pre-release track. He needed us to know that there was a happy ending before he would tell us about the pain he went through.
LIKE CRAZY (English Version)
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As I mentioned my sensory issue above, I cannot talk about Like Crazy without mentioning the whispered English at the beginning/end. I HATE it sooooo much! It just twigs my brain in all the wrong ways. It's a huge part of why it took me a long time to appreciate LC. As much as I hate it though, it's absolutely necessary for the interpretation of LC. It firmly gives us a landmark into where and how the song relates to the movie. It also creates a bookend structure that gives the original and the English versions their own rightful places to exist.
My very first post on this blog was a simple comparison of the lyrics in Like Crazy from the translation on the original music video to the english version. There is absolutely a difference here and I think it's a very important distinction that there are two versions of Like Crazy in the album. One is AN ECHO, TREMOR AND SMALL MOVEMENT TO REACH YOU. This phrase is for us, the audience. None of the other phrases use "you". Even though Jimin has set himself free, there are still CIRCLES RESONATING.
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If you have seen any of my posts prior to this, you likely know how obsessed with Letter I am. I have the hardest time naming anything as a favorite (even favorite colour, there's just sooo many good uses of different colors) so I hope you understand how revolutionary it is for me to unequivocally state that Letter is my favorite song. Like ever. For all of my (cough*decades*cough) of music-listening, opinion-having life. Letter is THE ONE. Letter is it. I probably have stronger feelings about Letter than any relationship I've been in (but I'm aspec so take that with a grain of salt...)
I listen to Letter A LOT (sometimes on literal repeat - there's a video on YouTube that loops it for over an hour and I've definitely contributed several of those listens) and while working on this post, I would still get emotional hearing it at the end of FACE. This song is the absolute definition of the beauty that can only truly be understood after utter tragedy.
To me, Letter is about how this experience has effected Jimin to the point where there's a noticeable difference in the way he interacts with and appreciates those he loves, in all interpretations of the word love. WAVES...REACH OTHERS TO RESONATE WHILE TRANSMITTING THE INNER VOICE.
I am not using this post to debate the merits of exactly who Letter is for: a significant other, ARMY, or Jimin himself. Frankly, I don't think it matters to the meaning of the song. Use whatever flavour most appeals to you. That's the real genius and gift of Jimin's music imo. He creates it in such a way that we can fold it around our own personal stories and needs.
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Right, so rewind to the release of Closer Than This. I'd had very little sleep as I traveled for the holidays and was absolutely feeling the timezone difference. But I stayed up to hear Jimin's new song. I listened to it first in Spotify and thought it sounded like a beautiful, happy, well-produced gift of a song - perfect for the end of the year and to comfort us with his departure for military service. Then I watched the mv to read the subtitles... Y'all, I absolutely was NOT expecting to see clips from the time covered in Jimin's Production Diary! I wouldn't have been surprised if it was the same team that Jimin worked with before but at a later time - he trusts them artisically after all. BUT these clips were the same angles and same conversations we saw from the development of FACE.
So I started my due diligence. Is it possible CTT was supposed to be part of FACE but they held it specifically to release when it did? I listened to FACE multiple times trying to insert CTT into the narrative. And it just doesn't fit this journey...at all. Like not in the slightest. I thought maybe immediately after Letter or even replacing Letter but no. I even tried inserting Promise as a bridge and it just doesn't work in the context of FACE.
CTT has a pretty literal storytelling narrative. It describes the journey WE have been on with Jimin. It lists his promises to US going forward. The music video being an album of memories, supports the nostalgic and loving viewpoint of the song. It has absolutely nothing to do with how Jimin was affected by the events of the pandemic or anything he found inside himself because of it.
Both songs have been described by Jimin as a 'fan song' and as I described in this post, there are many reasons that support both of them falling into this categorization. To me, Letter is more about Jimin having a deep intimate conversation with us because he trusts us. While CTT is literally about the relationship between ARMY and Jimin.
Anyway, I think that's all I've got to say about it for now. What are your thoughts? Should Closer Than This have been included in FACE? Was it just a marketing ploy to keep generating our interest after Jimin left?
(BTW I'm really happy with those FACE gifs and how the ripples look when they're together. They took some time to figure out. I just wish I had some better software to turn them into gifs so the colours display better, but alas, beggars can't be choosers. They look really great in the ppt that I made them in but I guess that's just for me to enjoy!)
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rkivenjoy · 4 months
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Jimin making a splash in the Greek music press
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Post Date: 15/08/2023
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cq-gifs · 8 months
...I couldn't resist, it looks so much nicer all together, without the tags in between them all. So.. I guess this is my first actual gif set rather than just individuals...
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Check out this post if you want to know why I made these. There are links there to the individual gifs which have the sources linked if you're looking for that.
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lunarslauren · 4 months
My 7th ARMY Anniversary
Today is my 7th ARMY anniversary!
I became an ARMY on May 23, 2017, and have officially been an ARMY for 7 years. I was 16 then and now I'm 23. It feels like time flew, yet it also feels so long ago.
To celebrate I will write about some of my favorite songs and moments:
1. Favorite BTS song?
I love Film out! Lyrically it means so much to me. It's up there with Yet to Come and Life Goes On regarding its meaning and what I personally get from it. Also, BTS' vocals are amazing, and the song is my vibe sonically. I love the simple yet artistic music video as well.
2. Favorite BTS performance?
All of their performances are amazing, so my pick isn't necessarily more amazing than any other they've done, but no one can deny that Mic Drop is amazing, and this live version is my favorite. Nothing beats a live band version.
3. Favorite BTS album?
I have a connection to all of their albums, but Wings is without a doubt my favorite. From top to bottom, its sound and lyrics are full and impactful. I love that it shows the talent of BTS as a group and as solo artists. It starts with a questioning of the self and ends with BTS' connection to each other and ARMY. In between it showcases the personal feelings of each member, and I can relate to each song in different ways. Overall, it's the BTS album and it has no skips!
4. Favorite BTS cover?
Without a doubt, Fix You. As a child, Coldplay was my first introduction to music and spearheaded my love for music. Hearing my favorite artists cover one of their songs so beautifully (as they always do) makes me speechless. 10/10.
5. An unforgettable moment?
My most unforgettable moment was probably when I became an ARMY. (Yes, I went to the Love Yourself: Tour, but in all of the excitement it's a blur in my memories.)
I remember hearing Ma City for the first time in 2015 on Spotify's radio system, but it wasn't until 2017 that I saw the artists behind the song. As a music lover, I was watching the 2017 BBMAs when I saw them getting their first award. I immediately fell in love with how authentic and grateful they were. Joon caught my eye, and soon I was falling down the rabbit hole. It wasn't long before I officially declared myself an ARMY, made an ARMYs Animo, joined ARMY Twitter, got my first bias (Jin), participated in voting for MAMA, streamed, binge-watched all of Run! BTS, their YouTube content, etc., and eventually experienced my first comeback with Love Yourself: Her. Soon after I got my first of many birthday albums and got solidified by getting my ARMY Bomb.
So, my most unforgettable moments are every time I was at my lowest and BTS helped me smile and made me feel like I wasn't walking alone.
Shifting gears a bit, let's focus on the art they've done recently:
6. Favorite Joon song?
In the same vein as Film out, the sound and lyrics of everythingoes are my favorite. I am a person who struggles to let things go, so this song helps me remember the importance of change. Sonically, this song feels like dancing on a cloud as it rains.
7. Favorite Joon album?
Right Place, Wrong Person comes out very soon, so I'm sure it very well could become my favorite since the word on the street is it's in the alternative genre (my favorite). However, my current favorite Joon album is mono. The album came out when I was one month away from turning 18, stumbling through my first semester of college, and failing said semester. It was October when it came out, and with the rainy nights spent waiting to be picked up from night class, I would blast mono. in my earphones and feel as if I wasn't alone with those heavy feelings. mono. will forever be one of the most personal albums for me. 
8. Favorite Jin song?
Jin, my first bias and fellow Sagitarrius. I see myself in his words of living for the joys in life, and I hope he doesn't struggle with the same moderation issues I do. That being said, my favorite song of his is The Astronaut. As I said, Coldplay means a lot to me, just as they do to Jin, so I'm grateful that Jin collaborated with them. The song is the perfect combination of Jin and Coldplay and the lyrics are perfect as well. Sonically it's uplifting and every time I hear it it makes me remember why music was my first love all over again. Jin's vocals are so beautiful. Also, I have always loved space. It just feels like this song is an example of why I love and connect with Jin as an artist and a person.
9. Favorite Yoongi song?
This is hard. D-Day is my favorite because it's a song that is hype in all of the best ways. Snooze is my favorite sonically as well as lyrically, but there's also Moonlight, People and Life Goes On. My true favorite, however, is Interlude : Set me free. It's up there with Film out, everythingoes, etc. as songs I will always have on my playlist. The vibe of the song is unmatched and lyrically it is so impactful and emotional for me. It makes me want to set myself free. Also, the instrumentals... 
10. Favorite Yoongi album?
I probably played D-2 too much when it came out, but nothing can beat the absolute BANGERS that are on D-DAY. Banger, after banger, after bop, after lyrical legendary, after VOCALS, etc. Listening to D-DAY feels like liberation from the self. 
11. Favorite Hobi song?
Arson. While I have always loved Hope World, and more recently Equal Sign, MORE, STOP, and NEURON; Arson was and still is so different and amazing every time I hear it. However, that isn't to say Hobi has any skips (he doesn't). Sonically, Hobi's vocals have always captivated me and lyrically I think he's truly my favorite writer in BTS. Arson has a chill yet dark vibe that I enjoy and the lyrics are twisted poetry. All I need now is the live and remix ver. on Spotify and I'll be happy. 
12. Favorite Hobi album?
Hobi never misses, all of his albums are amazing, but Jack In The Box (HOPE Edition) is my favorite. Firstly, Hobi's vinyl is my favorite BTS album I own, and his Hope Editon CD album is by far my favorite concept he's ever done. The whole storyline the album goes through is so well done and I love how (at the time) surprisingly Hobi the album is. He truly crafted each song with love and care. Also, special shoutout to some live versions of the songs included. (More please). 
13. Favorite Jimin song?
I love Alone so much. It is completely my vibe. Everything from the dark vocals to the mixing is great. I love the sad yet hopeful lyrics as well. It's one of those songs I always have on my playlist.
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14. Favorite Tae song?
The entire Layover EP is such a vibe, but I have always loved Tae's song Winter Bear. It reminds me a bit of some of Coldplay's older songs and Tae's vocals in it are so beautifully understated. The instrumentals in the song are so relaxing as well. 
15. Favorite JK song?
In My You, JK writes and sings such beautiful words, and the instrumentals are so whimsical. However, my true favorite JK song is Shot Glass of Tears. As a person who has a rocky relationship with alcohol and those who overconsume it, listening to this song is like a beautiful sonic therapy. JK's vocals are perhaps my favorite I've ever heard from him, and the instruments of the song are so emotional.
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If you read all of this, thank you. I have enjoyed my journey with BTS and I know I will continue to enjoy their art that inspires and heals me for many years to come.
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km-kindredspirits · 1 year
Jimin's Interlude: Dive is worth a deep dive. Let me explain.
At first glance, the sounds and noise seem quite random. However, if we pay attention to the chronological order of the sounds, it actually tells a story. Jimin said that he is not good at speaking in codes, so we should take his music and art as they are being presented. Although Jimin should give himself credit for creating a track that says a lot without much dialogue, I will do as Jimin has instructed. Please note that this just my interpretation. I am not claiming anything to be factual.
The track takes us back to a time in Jimin's life where he was stuck in a cyclical routine consisting of work, sleep, work, sleep. There was not much room for other life enjoyments.
0:00 rewind/re-do/repeat
0:16 knock on door
0:21 sheets ruffling as Jimin wakes up
0:28 Jimin is talking to someone. Could be his manager coming to pick him up for the day's schedule.
0:37 Jimin said this recording is of him running. It can be interpreted as him panting after a performance.
0:45 We hear Jimin's on-stage introduction during BTS' Busan concert. The fans are cheering him on.
1:01 Someone is walking and dragging their feet while having a conversation. I interpret this as him walking to the waiting room after the concert is over.
1:07 - 1:17 I listened to this part over and over, but I cannot decipher what it is. At first, I thought it sounded a bit like inhale/exhale (smoking or something similar); however, the more I listen, the less convinced I am of my thought.
1:18 Jimin walks to the exit and opens the door. The sound that the door makes is identical to how a door with the push bar exit device would make. This fits the narrative of him leaving a venue or stadium. Then we hear the door latch click as the door closes shut.
Jimin proceeds to get in the car, start the car, and drive off.
Lastly, he arrives back to home (or hotel) and pours himself a glass of water (or another type of liquid). He gulps it down. End of track.
Next track is 'Like Crazy'. The MV presents Jimin to be in a dreamlike state. I won't go into the MV or song, but I'd like to say that it fits the story above perfectly.
After 'Like Crazy' is 'Alone', which begins with the sound of the alarm clock waking him up.
Jimin is just… WOW. I am in aww of his creativity and his dedication to developing an album that is structurally and thematically sound. Like reading a good book, I am able to conjure up images in my mind as he takes me on his journey of betrayal, self-loathing, and sense of inadequacy to forgiveness, self empowerment, and phoenix rising. His story is both heartbreaking and breathtaking.
I dare say that this album presents the clearest storyline out of any BTS albums, including solo albums by other members. I sincerely commend and thank Jimin for sharing his story with us. As this is only the beginning, I am beyond excited for what he will share in the future.
P.S. I did not speak about Face-Off and Set Me Free but their lyrics and placement within the album are also perfect.
P.S.S. Like Crazy is a perfect song with zero flaws.
In Jimin fashion, I typed the draft on my pc's notepad ;)
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levelslevels · 2 years
set me free is lie pt. 2 and face-off is filter pt. 2. by the way
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btsx50states · 9 months
You ever get your life taken over by end of year work?? BECAUSE I HAVE! Fortunately, at least we have BTS music to get through it! Here are some of my favorite jams to get through the work woes:
The "SICK AND TIREDDDD" hits SO HARD right now!!
A BANGER about working hard!
GREAT for motivation
I too think about all the things I'd do if I had a day off 🥲
These last two... not exactly work related but you get the idea.
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kim-namjuns-baby · 2 years
seems like all the songs on 'Face' revolve around night, and the last one, Letter, is dawn breaking the night
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lokisasylum · 5 months
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jimimn · 2 years
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seoul-bros · 6 months
FACE live highlights
Post Date: 24/03/2024
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