#International Traffic Survey Companies:
aurizondatatech1 · 9 months
Navigating the Road of Data: International Traffic Survey and Data Collection Companies in India
#policy formulation#and infrastructure development. In a country as diverse and dynamic as India#understanding traffic patterns and collecting accurate data is essential for transportation planning#urban development#and more. International Traffic Survey (ITS) companies and Data Collection Company in India have emerged as crucial players in this domain#facilitating the collection and analysis of data related to traffic#mobility#and transportation systems. This article explores the significance and role of these companies in India's evolving landscape.#International Traffic Survey Companies:#International Traffic Survey Company specialize in collecting#processing#and analyzing data related to vehicular traffic#transportation infrastructure#and mobility patterns. Their services are instrumental in aiding government bodies#urban planners#and businesses in making informed decisions. Some key aspects of ITS companies in India include:#Data Collection Technologies: ITS companies employ a variety of advanced technologies such as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)#GPS tracking#traffic cameras#and sensors to gather comprehensive traffic data.#Traffic Studies: They conduct traffic surveys and studies to assess traffic flow#congestion levels#vehicle types#and road usage patterns. These studies are essential for designing efficient road networks and transport systems.#Toll Collection Management: Many ITS companies are involved in the management and operation of toll collection systems on highways and expr#ensuring seamless traffic flow and revenue collection.#Public Transport Analysis: ITS companies also analyze data related to public transportation#including bus and metro systems#to improve the efficiency and accessibility of these services.#Data Collection Companies:
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stelladess · 5 months
I strongly recommend anyone else angry about what Yostar Korea pulled (tl;dr: they took down the work of an artist who has made a lot of promo stuff for the Korean social media account because incels dug up a years old tweet where she said women deserve equal pay for equal work and another years old tweet where she did a doodle for international women´s day, these posts were then used to justify taking her work down and saying she was inciting "division" in the fandom with radical political positions, they then said that arknights is a game that strives to tell a fun story without getting into any divisive politics which is absurd) Anyway I strongly advice anyone else mad about it to write about that in the current survey in the game, ESPECIALLY if this has made you no longer want to spend money on the game, and if so to specifically say that. I also recommend you write to Hypergryph: [email protected] They had nothing to do with this decision and has in the past had a good track record on condeming misogyny even from business partners, but they have not commented on the current situation yet, and I believe HG speaking about it would make it FAR more likely for Yostar to actually do anything here. I would also suggest contacting Yostar, but their complaints forum has been down since this situation broke down. Either this is from too much traffic (in which case they are clearly unprofessional for not handling this amount of outrage with any sort of apology or recompensation to the artist they wronged) or its deliberately taken down, in which case that is even worse. Do not put insults, just be clear and concise that you think that behavior from the Yostar Korea branch is unacceptable, the fact that Yostar as a whole has not done anything about this, despite how this was also a blatant overreach from Yostar Korea (they took down her art less then an hour after complaints from incels began, meaning there is no way anyone at their parent company or at Hypergryph was consulted) makes them look unprofessional and poisonous for studios to work with, and that continuing to associate with Yostar unless they do anything about this will only make HG also look like they support this.
It is far more likely something will be done or at least said about the situation if we keep messaging HG and Yostar about this.
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Marijuana use is more acceptable than ever in Georgia, with a majority of residents saying it should be made legal for both medical and recreational purposes, according to respondents in a poll by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
About 53% of Georgians surveyed said marijuana should be legal for adults, a high point from previous AJC polls. By comparison, 46% of poll respondents in 2017 said marijuana should be legalized for any purpose.
The poll indicates that attitudes about marijuana have changed eight years after Georgia passed a law allowing patients with an approved medical condition to consume it. Dispensaries could finally open in Georgia as soon as this spring.
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Medicinal marijuana is even more popular than recreational use, according to the poll. An additional 23% of respondents said medical marijuana should be legal.
“Make it legal. People are doing it anyway, so why have a penalty attached to it?” said Patricia Harris of Newnan, a retiree from the health care industry who took part in the AJC poll. “In so many states now it’s legal, not just for medical purposes.”
The AJC conducted the survey to find out the preferences of Georgia voters on a variety of issues as legislators are meeting at the state Capitol to consider new laws.
The AJC’s poll included 860 registered Georgia voters and was conducted Jan. 9-20 by the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs. The margin of error is 3.3 percentage points.
Some poll respondents such as Jon Lippold of Marietta were more reluctant to embrace full marijuana legalization.
Lippold, who works in information technology management, said he supports allowing marijuana consumption for people with legitimate medical issues, but it could be abused if anyone were allowed to use it.
“My concern is if you legalize it, where does it go? If it’s fully legal, how are they going to control and monitor it among bus drivers or if pilots start using marijuana?” Lippold asked.
Georgia lawmakers in the majority-Republican General Assembly have shown little appetite to expand marijuana beyond medicinal use. No bills for recreational marijuana have been introduced by legislators from either political party so far this year, and previous proposals didn’t advance.
Meanwhile, registered patients are closer than ever to being able to buy the drug that state law has permitted them to consume since 2015.
Two companies have been awarded licenses to produce and sell low THC oil to the state’s 25,000-plus patients and 18,000 caregivers. Low THC oil is allowed for patients suffering from several approved illnesses including severe seizures, Parkinson’s disease and terminal cancers.
The Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to approve rules for inspections and distribution, a key step before the product can go on the market.
The AJC poll showed just 7% of Georgians surveyed said marijuana should be entirely illegal. About 15% of respondents said marijuana should be decriminalized and treated like a traffic ticket, but not legalized outright.
Conservatives were less likely to embrace marijuana than liberals and moderates.
The poll showed that 37% of conservatives back legalizing marijuana for recreational or medical use, compared with 77% of people who identified themselves as liberals and 58% of moderates.
Substantial majorities of Georgians support President Joe Biden’s pardons of people convicted on federal charges of simple marijuana possession. About 79% of poll respondents either strongly or somewhat approved of the marijuana pardons, while 15% opposed it. The rest said they didn’t know.
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promilo · 1 year
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Crafting a Demand Generation Strategy with Data-Driven Insights
As businesses compete to capture market share, they must continually refine their marketing strategies to stay ahead. One of the most critical aspects of marketing is generating demand for products and services. Demand generation strategies seek to identify and engage with potential customers, helping to drive brand awareness and revenue growth. In today's data-driven world, businesses can leverage analytics and insights to craft highly effective demand generation strategies. This article explores how to create a data-driven demand generation strategy.
Step 1: Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Before crafting a demand generation strategy, it's essential to define your ideal customer profile (ICP). This is a detailed description of your target customer based on demographics, behavior, and other characteristics. Understanding your ICP will help you create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with your target audience. To define your ICP, consider factors such as:
Demographics: Age, gender, income, education, job title, and other relevant information.
Psychographics: Personality traits, values, beliefs, interests, and motivations.
Firmographics: Company size, industry, location, revenue, and other relevant information.
By understanding your ICP, you can tailor your messaging, content, and outreach strategies to better resonate with your ideal customers.
Step 2: Analyze Your Data Once you've defined your ICP, the next step is to analyze your data. This includes both internal and external data sources. Internal data may include website analytics, CRM data, and customer surveys. External data sources may include market research reports, industry benchmarks, and social media analytics. By analyzing this data, you can identify patterns and trends that can inform your demand generation strategy.
For example, website analytics can help you understand which pages and content resonate most with your target audience. CRM data can help you identify your most valuable customers and inform your sales and marketing strategies. Social media analytics can help you understand the topics and trends that are most relevant to your target audience.
Step 3: Craft Your Messaging and Content Based on your ICP and data analysis, the next step is to craft your messaging and content. Your messaging should be tailored to your target audience and communicate the value proposition of your product or service. Your content should be engaging and informative, providing your target audience with the information they need to make an informed decision.
Consider creating a content calendar that aligns with your sales cycle and customer journey. This can help ensure that you're providing the right content to the right people at the right time. Examples of content types that may be relevant for demand generation include:
Blog posts
Case studies
Step 4: Develop Your Outreach Strategy Once you've crafted your messaging and content, the next step is to develop your outreach strategy. This may include a mix of inbound and outbound marketing tactics, depending on your target audience and marketing goals.
Inbound marketing tactics seek to attract potential customers to your brand through content marketing, SEO, and social media. Outbound marketing tactics seek to reach potential customers through targeted advertising, email marketing, and events.
Consider leveraging marketing automation tools to help streamline your outreach efforts and ensure that you're reaching the right people with the right message.
Step 5: Measure and Refine Your Strategy Finally, it's critical to measure and refine your demand generation strategy continually. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), such as website traffic, lead generation, and sales conversion rates, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your strategy over time.
Consider conducting A/B tests to determine which messaging, content, and outreach tactics are most effective for your target audience. Demand generation strategies seek to identify and engage with potential customers, helping to drive brand awareness and revenue growth. In today's data-driven world, businesses can leverage analytics.
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Elevate Your Business with Alraz: The Best Digital Marketing and Recruitment Service in Kerala
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Top-Notch Recruitment Services: Finding the right employees is crucial for any company’s success. Alraz excels in connecting businesses with top-tier talent that matches their specific needs. Our extensive recruitment process involves rigorous screening, interviewing, and evaluation to ensure that only the best candidates are presented to our clients. By understanding your company’s unique requirements and culture, we help you build a team that drives innovation and achieves outstanding results.
Exceptional Digital Marketing Solutions: Alraz is renowned for providing the best digital marketing service in Kerala, aimed at enhancing your company’s online presence and engagement. Our digital marketing services encompass a wide range of strategies, including SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, and content creation. We optimize your website to rank higher on search engines, ensuring that potential customers can easily find you. Through targeted social media campaigns, we increase your brand’s visibility and interaction, fostering a strong connection with your audience.
Comprehensive SEO Services: Our SEO experts use the latest techniques to improve your website’s search engine rankings. By conducting thorough keyword research and optimizing your site’s content, we ensure that your business appears at the top of search results, driving organic traffic and potential leads to your site. This enhances your online visibility and establishes your brand as a leader in your industry.
Social Media Management: In today’s digital age, having a strong social media presence is essential. Alraz’s social media management services help you connect with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We create engaging content, schedule posts, and manage interactions to ensure your brand stays relevant and top-of-mind for your followers.
Effective Telecalling Services: Alraz also offers professional telecalling services to enhance customer interaction and support. Our telecalling team handles customer inquiries, conducts surveys, and drives sales through direct communication. This personalized approach not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps build lasting relationships with your clientele.
Holistic Business Solutions: At Alraz, we provide a holistic approach to business development. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring that the strategies we implement are effective and aligned with your business goals. Whether you need recruitment services, digital marketing solutions, or telecalling support, Alraz is your one-stop solution for comprehensive business improvement.
Conclusion: Choose Alraz International Business Links to elevate your business with the best digital marketing and recruitment service in Kerala. Our commitment to excellence, personalized approach, and extensive expertise ensure that we deliver results that drive growth and success for your company. Trust Alraz to help you find the right employees, enhance your online presence, and build a strong relationship with your customers, all contributing to the development and success of your business.
Feel free to contact us: 8921531095, 9745310563
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pressreleasearticles · 2 months
Mogul Press Reviews: Strategic Engagement of Stakeholders Through PR
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In today’s fast-paced digital age, the importance of strategic public relations (PR) cannot be overstated. Companies like Mogul Press have mastered the art of leveraging PR to engage stakeholders effectively. Through targeted media placements, personal branding, and innovative marketing strategies, Mogul Press helps its clients navigate the ever-changing media landscape and stand out in their respective industries.
The Power of Strategic PR
Strategic PR goes beyond simply getting media coverage; it's about crafting compelling narratives, building meaningful relationships, and shaping public perception. Mogul Press understands that every interaction with the media is an opportunity to strengthen a brand's reputation and influence.
Media Placements: Putting Brands in the Spotlight
One of the key services offered by Mogul Press is securing strategic media placements for its clients. Whether it's a feature in a prestigious publication, a guest appearance on a popular podcast, or a mention in a trending online article, these placements help brands increase their visibility and credibility in the eyes of their target audience.
Personal Branding: Amplifying the Voice of Thought Leaders
In today's digital world, personal branding is more important than ever. Mogul Press works closely with entrepreneurs, influencers, and industry experts to develop and amplify their personal brands. By crafting compelling narratives and leveraging various media channels, Mogul Press helps these thought leaders establish themselves as authorities in their respective fields.
Marketing Strategy: Building Strong Brand Presence
Effective marketing strategy is at the core of Mogul Press's approach to PR. From developing comprehensive communication plans to executing innovative campaigns, Mogul Press helps brands build and maintain a strong presence across multiple channels. Whether it's social media, email marketing, or influencer partnerships, Mogul Press knows how to reach and engage target audiences effectively.
The Role of Stakeholders in PR
Stakeholders play a crucial role in the success of any PR campaign. From investors and employees to customers and the media, engaging stakeholders effectively is essential for building trust and credibility. Mogul Press understands the importance of cultivating positive relationships with stakeholders and works tirelessly to ensure that its clients' messages are heard and understood.
Measuring Success: Metrics that Matter
In the world of PR, measuring success is not always straightforward. While traditional metrics like media coverage and website traffic are important, Mogul Press believes in going beyond vanity metrics to measure the true impact of PR efforts. Whether it's tracking brand sentiment, monitoring social media engagement, or conducting audience surveys, Mogul Press uses data-driven insights to continually optimize its PR strategies.
Expanding Global Reach: Mogul Press Goes International
As businesses increasingly operate on a global scale, the need for international PR expertise has never been greater. Mogul Press has expanded its reach beyond borders, helping clients navigate diverse cultural landscapes and connect with audiences around the world. With a network of media contacts and cultural insights, Mogul Press is equipped to launch successful PR campaigns on a global scale.
Innovative Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Narratives That Resonate
At the heart of every successful PR campaign is a compelling story. Mogul Press specializes in innovative storytelling, helping clients craft narratives that resonate with their target audience and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's through thought-provoking articles, captivating videos, or engaging social media posts, Mogul Press knows how to capture attention and drive meaningful engagement.
Thought Leadership: Establishing Authority in Your Industry
In today's competitive marketplace, establishing thought leadership is key to standing out from the crowd. Mogul Press works closely with clients to position them as experts in their respective industries, whether through speaking engagements, guest blogging opportunities, or industry awards. By leveraging the power of thought leadership, Mogul Press helps clients build trust, credibility, and influence among their peers and customers.
Building Brand Resilience: Navigating Challenges with Confidence
In an age of constant scrutiny and rapid change, brand resilience is more important than ever. Mogul Press helps clients build resilience by proactively managing their reputations, preparing for crises, and responding swiftly and effectively to challenges as they arise. By building strong foundations and fostering open communication, Mogul Press helps clients weather the storms and emerge stronger than ever.
Measuring Impact: The ROI of Strategic PR
While the value of strategic PR is undeniable, measuring its impact can be challenging. Mogul Press takes a data-driven approach to measuring ROI, tracking key metrics such as brand sentiment, website traffic, and lead generation. By providing clients with clear, actionable insights, Mogul Press demonstrates the tangible impact of its PR efforts and helps clients make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.
1. What sets Mogul Press apart from other PR agencies?
Mogul Press stands out for its innovative approach to PR, its focus on building meaningful relationships, and its track record of delivering results.
2. How does Mogul Press work with clients to develop PR strategies?
Mogul Press takes a collaborative approach to developing PR strategies, working closely with clients to understand their goals, target audience, and unique selling points.
3. Can Mogul Press help with crisis management?
Yes, Mogul Press has extensive experience in crisis management and can help clients navigate challenging situations with professionalism and sensitivity.
4. How does Mogul Press measure the success of its PR campaigns?
Mogul Press uses a variety of metrics to measure the success of its PR campaigns, including media coverage, brand sentiment, social media engagement, and audience surveys.
5. What industries does Mogul Press specialize in?
Mogul Press works with clients across a wide range of industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, entertainment, and more.
6. How long does it take to see results from a PR campaign with Mogul Press?
The timeline for seeing results from a PR campaign can vary depending on factors such as the client's goals, target audience, and the complexity of the campaign. However, clients can typically expect to see tangible results within a few months of launching a campaign.
7. Does Mogul Press offer ongoing PR support?
Yes, Mogul Press offers ongoing PR support to help clients maintain and strengthen their media presence over time.
8. How does Mogul Press stay ahead of the latest PR trends and developments?
Mogul Press has a team of seasoned PR professionals who are constantly monitoring industry trends, attending conferences, and staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the media landscape.
9. Can Mogul Press help with social media management?
Yes, Mogul Press offers social media management services to help clients build and maintain a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
10. How can I get started with Mogul Press?
Getting started with Mogul Press is easy! Simply reach out to our team to schedule a consultation, and we'll work with you to develop a customized PR strategy that meets your needs and goals.
In conclusion, strategic PR is essential for engaging stakeholders, building brand credibility, and driving business growth. Companies like Mogul Press understand the power of effective PR and are committed to helping their clients navigate the ever-changing media landscape with confidence. Whether it's securing strategic media placements, amplifying personal brands, or developing innovative marketing strategies, Mogul Press has the expertise and experience to deliver results. By focusing on building meaningful relationships and delivering measurable results, Mogul Press continues to set the standard for excellence in the world of PR.
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speed-seo · 2 months
How To Optimize Your In-House SEO Team For Business Success
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Building an in-house SEO team can be a game-changer for driving organic growth. By leveraging internal resources and expertise, you gain greater control over your SEO strategy and alignment with broader business goals. But how do you assemble a high-performing team? This comprehensive guide will walk you through proven steps for optimizing your in-house SEO program. Follow these best practices, and you'll be on track for delivering tremendous value through search engine optimization. Align SEO Efforts With Overarching Business Goals The first step is ensuring your SEO initiatives support your company's main objectives. What are the key goals - driving leads, boosting brand awareness, increasing sales? Understanding the core focus allows you to tailor programs accordingly. For example, if lead generation is the priority, focus on ranking for commercial keywords that attract high-intent visitors. If brand-building is critical, target informational queries around your products, services and industry. Always view SEO through the lens of business impact. An in-house team enables this strategic alignment more seamlessly than an external agency. With an intimate understanding of the company and direct access to cross-functional teams, an internal group can design initiatives that move core metrics. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research Now it's time to dig into the keywords and phrases that searchers are using to find your offerings. The right toolkit here combines data from multiple sources: Google Keyword Planner provides monthly search volumes for keywords. This indicates demand. SEO tools like Ahrefs reveal how competitive each keyword is to rank for. Look at top-ranking domains and pages. Google Autocomplete surfaces long-tail variations of core keywords that users search. Google Trends shows geographic and time patterns in keyword usage. Once you've compiled a list, narrow it down by focusing on 3 tiers: - Tier 1 - High-volume, high-value targets crucial to goals - Tier 2 - Medium-volume keywords supplementing Tier 1 - Tier 3 - Low-competition long-tails for easy wins Group keywords by theme to guide content development. Audit existing pages against opportunities in each tier and persona. This forms the foundation for optimization. Create Detailed Buyer Personas And Customer Journeys Now that you've identified key terms, it's crucial to understand the people searching them. Creating detailed buyer personas ensures your SEO content will resonate. Check on Search Engine Journal: Buyer Personas: A Beginner’s Guide for Marketers Start by researching your existing customer demographics - location, age, gender, income level, company size etc. Look at their interests based on social media profiles. Conduct surveys and interviews to uncover their challenges and motivations. Grouping personas by their role in the purchase process also allows you to map content types to their customer journey. For example: - Problem Awareness Stage - Blog posts, videos, and guides targeting knowledge gaps - Information Gathering Stage - Comparison articles, product specification pages, and detailed tutorials - Decision Making Stage - Pricing pages, demo requests, free trials, and customer testimonials In your content strategy and optimization, cater to each persona's search behavior at their current stage. Benchmark Your Competitors' SEO And Content Performing a competitive analysis uncovers opportunities by revealing where competitors rank for target keywords. Use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Alexa to analyze their: - Technical SEO - Site speed, mobile optimization, indexing issues - On-page optimization - Keyword usage, meta tags, content types - Backlink profile - Quantity/quality of backlinks by type - Most popular content - Highest-traffic pages and assets Look for strategic gaps where you can create differentiated, better-optimized content to pull search traffic. For example, a top-ranking comparison article missing your product presents an opportunity to publish a more comprehensive version. A commonly shared but outdated "Ultimate Guide" presents a chance to update and outrank it. Optimize Technical SEO Elements For Maximum Crawlability Before creating content, it's crucial to have the technical SEO foundations in place. Technical issues can prevent search engines from properly crawling, indexing, and ranking your pages. An effective in-house SEO team will be well-versed in diagnosing and addressing technical problems like: - Site speed - Leverage page caching, compression, CDNs to accelerate mobile and desktop site speed - Mobile optimization - Ensure a responsive design and mobile-friendly, crawlable configuration - Indexation issues - Fix crawling errors preventing pages from being indexed, like robots.txt blocks and broken links - Site architecture - Create a logical IA that enables discovery of key content with minimal clicks - Structured data - Implement schema markup to power rich snippets and sitelinks in SERPs Proper technical SEO greatly enhances the ability for pages to get discovered, crawled, and ranked - setting the stage for content optimization. Develop a Content Strategy Optimized for SEO When it comes to ranking, the content is king. An effective content plan will help your pages attract searchers and satisfy their intent. Start by mapping your personas, keywords, and customer journey stages to relevant content types and topics. Look for gaps where new content assets are needed to capture search traffic. Some proven formats to include: - Blog Articles: Useful for informational keywords. Aim for 2500+ words with keywords throughout. - FAQ Pages: Target transactional keywords for each product/service. Structure with h2/h3 headers around questions. - eBooks / Guides: Lead magnets that provide step-by-step advice for complex topics. 40-50 pages works well. - Product Pages: Optimize for commercial keywords around features, pricing, and use cases. - Video Tutorials: Engage searchers looking for quick how-to lessons. Embed videos in posts for amplification. Repurposing content across formats (blogs into videos) further maximizes reach. Define Roles and Responsibilities For SEO Team Members Assembling a skilled in-house SEO team requires defining roles and responsibilities clearly. While separation of concerns, collaboration is essential. Here are typical roles needed: - SEO Manager - Develops strategy, manages programs and campaigns, reports on performance - Content Strategist - Creates content plan, manages content creation, drives ideation - Content Creator - Writes and optimizes articles, blogs, guides around keywords - Technical SEO Lead - Oversees site audits, technical optimization, fixes crawling issues - Link-Building Specialist - Creates relationships, secures backlinks from other sites - PPC Manager - Manages paid search campaigns across Google, Bing, etc. - Data Analyst - Analyzes performance data, extracts insights, and presents reports Determine which roles your business needs most. Hire strategically for SEO experience. Filling skill gaps with training and mentoring improves team capabilities over time. Provide Tools and Systems For Collaboration Technology and systems enable the team to collaborate smoothly. Some essential tools include: - SEO platform - Centralized workspace for keyword research, content optimization, rank tracking - Content CMS - Creates intuitive workflow for content creation, review, and publishing - Document management - Shared access to files like keyword research, audits, campaign briefs - Communication - Email, Slack/Teams channels for constant collaboration Also establish processes for content development, optimization, and reporting. Document checklists, guidelines, and SOPs in a knowledge base for training. With the right tools and systems, the team functions as a cohesive unit. Enable Continuous Education And Development SEO changes rapidly. An ongoing investment in education helps the team keep pace with best practices. Dedicate time for staying up to date on SEO through: - Industry news - Reading blogs, forums, publications - Webinars & events - Attending virtual summits, conferences - Certifications - Getting certified through programs like SEMrush, Moz, HubSpot - Training - Blocking time for internal training on new techniques Education expands capabilities, allowing the team to evolve the SEO program. It also helps retain talent by supporting their growth. Track Performance And Optimize Accordingly Measuring SEO performance is crucial for optimization. Establish processes for monitoring: - Rankings - Track keyword ranks in Google to improve targeting - Traffic - Analyze trends across organic, paid, and referral channels - Conversions - Connect rankings and traffic to business outcomes like leads and sales - Technical metrics - Crawl stats, page speed, structured data adoption - Content metrics - Engagement on articles, videos, and other assets Set targets and monitor progress against internal goals and competitors. Use data to identify issues and opportunities to test new approaches. Continuously refine efforts based on measured results. Link SEO Impact To Business Goals Ultimately, SEO success is defined by impact on the business, not just website traffic. Clearly convey how your activities, campaigns, and optimizations move the needle on core KPIs. Some examples of showcasing SEO value: - Leads generated from organic traffic - Bounce rate decrease from better targeting - Increased brand awareness through more keyword visibility - Higher revenue from specific landing pages ranked - Faster break-even on marketing spend due to SEO scale This builds credibility internally and justifies further investment. Work closely with sales, product, and leadership teams to align on goals. The Key To SEO Success Lies Within You By following the best practices outlined above, you can build an elite in-house SEO team tailored to your business needs. Develop the right skills, processes, and technology foundations. Obsess over continuous improvement through testing and metrics. Most importantly, align SEO with overarching company goals, and demonstrate the tremendous value delivered through search. This will earn the buy-in and resources to enable organic growth for the long-term. The opportunity is right in front of you. With a strategic approach and effective team, you can own the search results your customers are searching for. Now get out there and start optimizing! Free Customized SEO Assessment Want help improving your SEO program? Our experts will evaluate your current strategy and provide specific recommendations tailored to your business goals. Request a free assessment today! Read the full article
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mamun258 · 5 months
 What does the short video’s “inner loop” mean?
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At the end of last year, news from the three major short video platforms in China revealed their respective development trends under the HE Tuber competitive balance - Byte's strategic withdrawal from the game and VR business was behind the ruthless consideration of "ROI first" in traffic allocation. ; The video account revealed that the total e-commerce transaction volume (GMV) in 2023 will exceed 100 billion yuan, showing the outside world the unlimited potential of commercialization; Kuaishou announced a new round of organizational structure adjustments to safeguard the continued advancement of its "internal circulation" strategy.
If the video accounts have not had a significant impact on the status of Douyin and Kuaishou since their launch, and the three companies occupy their own ecological niches, then as the commercialization of video accounts accelerates, they will build their own "internal brands" in business lines such as e-commerce and local life. Circulation system" is destined to be in close contact with Douyin and Kuaishou, and traffic utilization efficiency will become the "winner" that determines the commercial prospects of the three companies .
In addition to the overall contraction of gaming and VR businesses, Byte has also slowed down the expansion of its food delivery business and selected core cities as MVP (minimum viable product) run-through verification. Behind the strategic shift is the "red line" of traffic efficiency - investment promotion A survey by Securities showed that although some stores that have launched Doujin have reached tens of millions of impressions, their transaction volume is less than 100, and the transaction volume/exposure volume is less than 0.01%. Even if they take the route of high customer unit price, it still means a serious waste of traffic.
In fact, it is precisely by relying on the constant comparison of traffic efficiency that Byte's revenue in 2023 has the opportunity to catch up with Tencent and close to Meta, and this mainly relies on the two-wheel drive of information flow advertising and e-commerce business .
According to data from Great Wall Securities, Douyin's ad loading rate will be close to 15% in 2022, which is close to hitting the ceiling that affects user experience. This means that Douyin's future commercialization focus will mainly be on e-commerce business.
According to LatePost, from January to October this year, the GMV of Douyin’s e-commerce content field (short videos and live broadcasts) has exceeded 130 million yuan, which is approaching the ceiling calculated by the company team (2-3 trillion per year) . In order to reduce the pressure on the loading rate of content e-commerce, Douyin has vigorously developed shelf e-commerce since 2021, guiding users to actively search and browse on the site. At present, the shelf market has contributed 30% of the GMV of Douyin e-commerce, but the penetration rate growth has begun to slow down.
When the content traffic dividend gradually peaks, Douyin will begin to get involved in the deep water area of ​​​​traditional e-commerce "low-price and good goods", thereby meeting Pinduoduo on a narrow road . When Douyin becomes the biggest fish in the pond of short video e-commerce, in addition to working hard to expand the area of ​​the pond (such as the recently tested "worth watching" function), it can only swim to other ponds and fight tooth and nail.
Compared with Douyin, video accounts with an ad loading rate of less than 3% do not need to consider the ceiling issue . Tencent’s financial report shows that the number of video accounts played increased by more than 50% year-on-year in the third quarter, and it is still in a stage of rapid growth. Not only that, more and more WeChat users are actively opening video accounts, switching from fragmented viewing to immersive consumption. The Growth Hacker's "2023 Video Account New Increase Research Report" shows that in December 2022, 42.2% came from the discovery page, and this proportion should further increase in 2023 .
When the distribution ratio of social networking and algorithms begins to tilt towards the latter, video accounts are also shifting from the "private domain era" to the "public domain era". Not only are the officials encouraging merchants to turn the private domain into the public domain, but more and more merchants are also In the absence of accumulation in the private domain, relying solely on public domain investment and traffic will put forward higher requirements for the algorithm distribution efficiency and ROI conversion rate of video accounts, and creating a commercial internal cycle will be the only way to go .
Tencent’s third quarter financial report also specifically mentioned that “pan-internal circulation advertising revenue (advertising revenue linked to WeChat mini programs, video accounts, official accounts and corporate WeChat landing pages) increased by 30% year-on-year and contributed more than half of WeChat advertising revenue.”
However, if we want to make a breakthrough in the internal circulation of e-commerce, WeChat may need to say goodbye to its past strategy of driving business growth through product mechanisms, and take the initiative to take on the "dirty work" that it has never done before, in terms of supply, logistics, after-sales, etc. We must work hard in the contract fulfillment process to ensure that the products and services are rich and accurate. Only in this way, the video account advertisements will not be filled with content such as mini-games, filling teeth, and selling shoes for the elderly. As soon as the loading rate is mentioned, the viewing time will immediately drop. "
As the only short video platform listed in China, Kuaishou's stock price fell by more than 20% in 2023. Although it has got rid of its dependence on live broadcasts and its advertising revenue share increased to 52.6% in the third quarter, it has been surpassed by video accounts in terms of daily activity data and has retreated to the industry. After the third, it urgently needs to prove to investors its future imagination.
The good news is that in the face of the two-way attack from Douyin and video accounts, Kuaishou still firmly maintained its user base last year and formed an efficient internal business cycle around the user base. Currently, the proportion of internal cycle advertising has exceeded 60%. .
The recent round of organizational structure adjustments is to strengthen the coordination of the two major businesses of e-commerce and advertising, thereby further improving the efficiency of the "internal circulation". After all, Pinduoduo’s rapid growth last year shows that the consumption potential of “veterans” in the sinking market needs to be further explored. If Kuaishou can become their main consumer position in the future, it may not be able to replicate Pinduoduo’s miracle.
3. Short drama Dou Guai leads the way, Aiyou Tengmang still has a chance
The keyword we selected for the entertainment industry in 2022 is "electronic mustard", which highlights the emotional value of "group carnival" and "air-distance companionship" that are difficult to replace in the short video era of dramas and variety shows.
In 2023, the hottest keyword in the entertainment industry is short dramas. Short dramas have also replaced dramas and become the latest generation of "electronic mustard".
If the last wave of short dramas was that long and short video platforms went hand in hand and jointly explored the path, then the explosion of the short drama market in 2023 will be mainly dominated by short video platforms. It is difficult for the self-made route of long video platforms to achieve scale effects, but the "Surge of the Storm" under the traffic baton of short video platforms has suddenly made short dramas a new generation of national entertainment. In 2022, the number of domestic micro-short dramas registered will be close to 2,800, a year-on-year increase of 600%. In November 2023, the number of micro-short dramas registered exceeded 300 in a single month. In the face of the good news that short video platforms are often "recharged over 100 million", and in the face of the industry carnival of "vertical stores" in Hengdian, the long video platform seems a little lonely.
However, the short drama industry, which has grown wildly and is prone to chaos, has faced heavy blows from the regulatory authorities. The entry of the "regular army" is squeezing out the profit-seeking "grass team" from the market, and quality products are becoming a platform and an industry. The unanimous consensus of readers and audiences. In the future, high-quality short dramas will surely replace the homogenized and routine inferior content and become the mainstream of the market. This has already happened in the Internet industry. In the field of high-quality short dramas, both long and short video platforms have been making efforts for a long time and are expected to compete in the future.
Not only that, the consumption of short dramas is also changing from a "passive choice" based on algorithm recommendations to an "active choice" based on platforms and brands.
The audience no longer refuses all comers, but begins to select carefully . According to industry trends, long video platforms are expected to "turn disadvantages into advantages."
Although long-form dramas are still the main focus of Aiyoutengmang, short-form dramas are expected to become the main attraction for long-form video platforms in the future, attracting more users from lower-tier markets, thus breaking the ceiling that has been weighing on the industry for many years.
In the first three quarters of 2023, Tencent Video launched 154 new micro-short dramas, taking the lead among long-form video platforms and occupying 8 of the top 10 micro-short dramas on the entire Yunhe network. In April, the short drama "Provoking" entered the top 10 of Tencent Video's weekly new list, which can be regarded as a positive signal for the industry. Beginning in 2022, iQiyi and Youku have also begun to "make a second effort" in the short drama track, and have successively launched a number of works with remarkable market performance.
Although Tencent Video has launched "Shifen Theater" which focuses on short plays and has begun to experiment with label operations, currently Aiyu Tengmang has not yet formed a distinct brand image in the field of short plays, nor has it formed enough with the "mini program short plays" of differentiation. In the future, on the basis of sophisticated production, long-form video platforms should fully mobilize their advantages in IP, production, technology, etc., and take the initiative to carry out the development of "high-quality short plays", "IP-based short plays" and "linkage of long and short plays". Big flag. Of course, long video platforms also need to reconcile the conflicts in business models between long dramas and short dramas. For example, the membership model and "pay per drama" can go hand in hand.
In 2023, the short video platform will become the "home" for the explosion of the short drama industry because it has established an industrial ecosystem that runs through all aspects of production, trading, and distribution, and has developed a "light subscription" business model that is very different from long videos. . Behind the competition between Dou Kuai Wei and Dou Kuai Wei is the PK between the creator ecology, and film and television companies and MCN organizations have become the targets of their competition. After all, they are the main force in the creation of high-quality short dramas.
Since 2020, Kuaishou has launched a series of content support plans such as the "Photosynthetic Project", "Starlight Project" and "Drama Star Project". Although Douyin started a little later, it has also cooperated with Changxin Media, Ningmeng Film and Television, and Noon Sunshine Ten leading film and television brands including Huace Film and Television, Perfect Film and Television, etc. have carried out co-creation cooperation. The brand effect, audience maturity and commercialization capabilities of the platform determine the return on investment of high-quality short dramas, and also determine the cooperation choices of professional creators .
On December 14, Mango TV and Douyin announced that they would use the joint development of short dramas as a starting point to promote in-depth cooperation in various aspects such as second-generation video and brand marketing, which means that "long-term and short-term cooperation" may also continue to advance in the field of short dramas. The respective evolutions of long and short video platforms can also go hand in hand . In 2024, we hope to hear more news about platform cooperation. After all, the barriers between long and short videos are being broken down, and there is no need for deep gaps and high barriers between platforms.
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lalsingh228-blog · 5 months
Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals Market to See Huge Growth
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Latest business intelligence report released on Global Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis: Dow(United States), Eastman Chemical Company(United States), Henkel AG & Co. KGaA(Germany), Exxon Mobil Corporation(United States), Arrow Solutions (United Kingdom), ALMADION International (UAE), Velocity Chemicals Ltd.(United States), Â Aircraft Spruce(United States), Quaker Chemical Corporation(United States), Nuvike Chemical Compounds (United States), Callington Haven Pty Ltd.(Australia), Royal Dutch Shell PLC(Netherlands). Download Free Sample PDF Brochure (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/58256-global-aerospace-maintenance-chemicals-market Brief Overview on Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals: The global aerospace maintenance chemicals market is expected to grow at a healthy pace during the forecast period, according to the AMA study. The growing demand from aftermarket MROs, the growing number of commercial aircraft production & deliveries due to the rising global passenger traffic, and the rising number of airports, airlines, and flight take-off & landing operations are some of the major factors aiding into the growth of the market.
Key Market Trends: Increasing Adoption of Organic and Eco-Friendly Chemicals
Opportunities: Expected Deliveries of More than 38,000 Commercial Aircraft Across the World During the Next 20 Years
Market Growth Drivers: Rising Commercial Aircraft Production & Deliveries Due to the Growing Worldwide Passenger Traffic
Rising Number of Airports, Airlines, and Flights
Challenges: The Outbreak of COVID-19 Leading to Cancellation of Scheduled Airline Flights For the Next Uncertain Period of Time Across the World is Reducing the Demand of Product
Segmentation of the Global Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals Market: by Type (Aircraft Cleaning Chemicals, Aircraft Deicing Fluids, Aircraft Paint Chemicals, Degreasers, Others), End Users (Airlines & Airports, Aftermarket MROs), Technology (Organic Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals), Aircraft (Commercial Aircraft, Military, Helicopters, General Aviation, UAVs) Purchase this Report now by availing up to 10% Discount on various License Type along with free consultation. Limited period offer. Share your budget and Get Exclusive Discount @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/58256-global-aerospace-maintenance-chemicals-market Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) • North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical data – 2017-2022 The base year for estimation – 2022 Estimated Year – 2023 Forecast period** – 2023 to 2028 [** unless otherwise stated] Browse Full in-depth TOC @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/58256-global-aerospace-maintenance-chemicals-market
Summarized Extracts from TOC of Global Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals Market Study Chapter 1: Exclusive Summary of the Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals market Chapter 2: Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals market Chapter 3: Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis Chapter 4: Market Segmentation by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2027 Chapter 5: Decision Framework Chapter 6: Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges Chapter 7: Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 8: Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Buy Full Copy Aerospace Maintenance ChemicalsMarket – 2021 Edition @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=58256 Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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zorbasmedia · 5 months
What Changed in Advertising in 2023: Trends for 2024
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2023 was a bumpy ride, for sure. The economy was shaky, customers were careful with their spending, AI was on the rise, and there were lots of rules about privacy and data tracking. It all messed with the marketing game. In this article, we will talk about digital and affiliate marketing trends and its prospects in 2024. 
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The shift in ad spend 
In 2023, many marketers had an increase in ad spending compared to 2022. Half of the people surveyed by Stacked Marketer were spending the same amount as before, yet many increased their ad budgets by 10–25%.
In particular, spending on physical products increased significantly. This is most likely due to media inflation: advertising prices (placement and production) are rising and competition is increasing.
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Also, keep in mind that this study went down in the last quarter of the year. You know how it is — sales always take off at the end of the year. Christmas and New Year’s roll around, and people are splurging on gifts, grub, and getaways. With a ton of products flooding the market at that time and brands fighting tooth and nail for attention, companies gotta step up their game. So it totally makes sense that advertising costs would spike during that period.
Which channels and sources emerged as favorites?
According to the same research, the advertising dominance of Meta and Google continues, with a significant majority of advertisers continuing to allocate their budgets to these platforms. 
Notably, TikTok is losing ground to LinkedIn, which has recently introduced new ad features and algorithm updates. 
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Influencer marketing is also worth highlighting — this is a really notable trend of the previous year and is likely to intensify in 2024. Our internal research shows that Influencer marketing is especially booming in the iGaming niche. 
And since we started talking about niches, let’s point out the most popular traffic sources for different affiliate marketing niches in 2023:
E-commerce: Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, BIGO Ads
iGaming: Facebook, Google Ads, Google UAC, ASO, SEO
Mobile gaming: Facebook, Mintegral, BIGO Ads, SEO
Tips: • Test the local traffic sources of the GEOs you’re working with. Very often they give good results and are a valuable addition to traditional platforms, and sometimes even a good alternative.  • Don’t spread yourself across different sources, choose one and invest your efforts and resources there. • As for SEO, buy domains and links today, in a year or two the current prices will seem like pennies.
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The current landscape of AI in marketing
It looks like the year ended just like it started — all about artificial intelligence. And now it seems like most marketers are onboard with AI, with 36% saying they use it in their daily marketing. Digital product advertisers are really into AI, with 42.3% using it every day, while physical product marketers are the least interested, with 12.3% saying they never use it. That’s astounding because there seem to be so many ways of using AI in e-commerce. Probably, the situation will change in 2024. 
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Tip: Master AI writing tools — it will save you a lot of budget.
What to expect in 2024?
The advertising scene in early 2024 can be said to be shaped by the challenges and trends of the previous year. 
Meta and Google continue to dominate as the preferred advertising platforms. 
Influencer marketing has become a notable trend. 
The use of artificial intelligence in marketing is gaining momentum and a significant portion of marketers are incorporating it into their daily strategies.
Regulation and compliance will continue to be a top priority for brands and affiliates alike. Brands will be looking to work with affiliates who are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to data privacy, gambling, and financial services. Affiliates will need to be aware of the latest regulations in their target markets and make sure they are in compliance.
The growing importance of mobile traffic will continue to drive affiliate marketing trends. More and more people are using their mobile devices to shop, play games, and engage with content. Affiliates who focus on mobile will be well-positioned for success.
Nutra and e-commerce
Growth in emerging markets will continue to drive affiliate marketing in these niches. Brands and affiliates will be looking to tap into the growing markets in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
The rise of influencer marketing will continue to be a major trend in these niches. Brands and affiliates will be looking to work with influencers who can reach and engage with their target audiences.
The legalization of iGaming in more countries will create new opportunities for affiliates. Brands and affiliates will be looking to expand into new markets.
The growing use of AI will be a major trend in this niche. AI can be used to automate tasks, personalize campaigns, and improve targeting.
Payment systems
The growing popularity of cryptocurrency will create new opportunities for affiliates. Brands and affiliates will be looking to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method.
The rise of mobile payments will continue to be a major trend in this niche. More and more people are using their mobile devices to make payments.
Mobile apps
The growing popularity of iOS will continue to be a major trend in this niche. More and more people are using iOS devices.
The rise of PWA will continue to be a major trend in this niche. PWA apps offer a better user experience than traditional mobile apps.
Going forward, marketers need to constantly update their technical knowledge and carefully select traffic sources by looking at local options and investing efforts in a targeted manner. 
Best of luck with your marketing endeavors.
Interesting headings:
Affiliate marketing case studies
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f-shipping · 6 months
6 Marine Services Offered by Offshore Shipping Company
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A major part of many vessel-related activities and functions are performed by offshore shipping company. These services are intended to assist in controlling the flow of vessel traffic, promote safer vessel manoeuvring and berthing, and even enhance port or marine efficiency and security. Currently operating offshore vessel operators frequently provide these services. 
Operators of offshore vessels can take many various forms, from those that offer services for supply, maintenance, logistics, and many other operational needs. With their role in the sector, these vessel operators may demonstrate effectiveness and high calibre performance.
The many maritime services provided by operators of offshore vessels are covered here. For more information, keep reading.
1. Dive Support
Supporting different nautical projects and activities is one of the most typical services provided by offshore boats. These services are frequently tailored to meet the needs of diving operations. Securing and hooking up the vessel during diving operations is the main duty of offshore boats in dive support. Effective anchor mooring techniques are frequently used in the service. How operate mooring systems? The mooring line for this system is constructed from fibre ropes, chains, wires, or any combination of these materials. The water depth may affect the materials utilised. During operations, mooring lines' anchors are fixed to the bottom, restricting vessel movement.
Maritime services are vital to the economies of many nations. These services have had a significant impact on the supply chain and economic expansion of the United States. From the domestic market to the international one, they are integral to the end-to-end trade activities. hence permitting the ongoing flow of supplies and materials for the nation's industrial sectors. American marine services are frequently offered at Chalmette, Newark, and other locations.
Similar to this, Australia's marine sector has significantly boosted the country's economy. Many major cities, like Darwin, Perth, Brisbane, Dampier, and many more, rely heavily on offshore services for their shipping and trading needs. They assist oil and gas activities, provide engineering and project management, energy and transmission from renewable sources, build and install offshore structures, conduct offshore surveys and positioning, and more. They provide a variety of maritime services.
2. Offshore Accommodation
Existing boats are provided with offshore lodgings for offshore workforce. For their sizable personnel, the majority of marine businesses require sufficient space. Offshore shipping company supply this necessary housing by using module decks to accommodate and shelter surplus and current offshore personnel. 
By using dynamic and adaptable facility quarters or stations, these accommodation boats give staff a permanent or alternate place to sleep in addition to a host of other uses. In this way, marine enterprises can keep running their businesses and give their staff higher standards of living and comfort. 
The number of staff and available space might also change based on the projects being worked on. The owners of offshore vessels will be the ones to purchase and modify the necessary lodging facilities.
3. Transhipping and Supply
Transferring different kinds of cargo from one vessel to another is the aim of transhipping. To aid finish the transfer of goods or containers, offshore vessel operators can offer this form of maritime service. 
In addition, this maritime service may handle the carrying and transportation of workers, supplies, and equipment to meet the production and operational needs of mineral and energy resource extraction. Supplies of gasoline, freshwater, liquid mud, dry mass, etc., may be among them. 
4. Oil and Gas Field Support
For the oil and gas sectors, offshore vessel operators also offer oil field assistance. The duties performed by this naval service include drilling to extract hydrocarbons from the sea floor and exploring for oil and gas. Jack-up installations, which raise boats above sea level and are also utilised for offshore wind farms, are an additional offshore vessel service associated with these activities by offshore shipping company.
It may also offer vessel tenders and floating platform installations as complementary services for oil and gas field assistance. Support is offered, particularly during exploratory activities, by these floating platforms and tenders.
5. Standby Operations
Rescue and response vessels and services are crucial as offshore industries heavily rely on evacuation and emergency procedures. In order to properly carry out evacuation plans and prompt reactions during crises, offshore vessel operators that provide standby operating services must provide extra facilities and equipment. 
Search and rescue, first aid, and safety monitoring through approaching vessel alerts are all capabilities of standby operating services. They also include all the amenities required for survival and medical attention in some unanticipated underwater situations. 
6. Geo Survey
Geo-survey activities are among the marine services offered by offshore shipping company. What do these mean? Geospatial surveys offer the data required for various activities such as exploratory mining, wind farm projects, and more. Geo surveys offer high-resolution information and mapping of the geological composition, shape, and state of the seabed. 
Geophysical and geotechnical surveys are the two categories of offshore geo surveys. Geophysical surveys are mostly required to make sure that projects and developments at water depths are safe enough to lower or eliminate risk for offshore developers and similar entities. Conversely, geotechnical surveys are in charge of examining and evaluating soil qualities and foundations; these services are mostly required for the oil and gas sector and other associated activities.
Diverse services offered by offshore shipping company like Focal Shipping are beneficial to many maritime businesses. In addition to the services listed above, they are still able to provide and supply more. An overview of how these offshore vessel operators may meet the requirements of a particular project or activities offshore can be obtained by being aware of the various services they offer. 
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proliteofficial · 6 months
Build and Monitor Your Employer Brand with the Right Technologies
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In today's competitive talent market, having a strong employer brand is no longer optional, it's essential. A compelling employer brand attracts top talent, boosts employee engagement, and reduces turnover costs. But building a strong employer brand requires a strategic approach and the right tools.
This is where technology comes in. By leveraging the right employer branding technologies, you can streamline your efforts, amplify your message, and measure your success.
Here are some key areas where technology can enhance your employer branding efforts:
Content Creation and Management: . Social media scheduling tools: Automate scheduling and publishing content across multiple social media platforms, saving time and ensuring consistent messaging. . Content creation platforms: Create engaging and visually appealing content, such as infographics, videos, and blog posts, to attract and engage potential candidates. . Employee advocacy platforms: Empower your employees to share their positive experiences and perspectives about working at your company, building trust and authenticity.
Career Page Optimization: . Applicant tracking systems (ATS): Manage the application process efficiently, from resume screening to interview scheduling. . Career page builder tools: Create a user-friendly and mobile-optimized career page that showcases your company culture and values. . Interactive tools: Utilize quizzes, assessments, and other interactive features to personalize the candidate experience and collect valuable data.
Employer Branding Analytics: . Social media analytics tools: Track the reach, engagement, and sentiment of your employer branding content across social media platforms. .Website analytics tools: Monitor website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates to identify areas for improvement. .Talent intelligence platforms: Gain insights into industry trends, competitor analysis, and candidate sentiment to inform your employer branding strategy.
Employee Communication and Engagement: .Internal communication platforms: Share company news, updates, and employee stories to keep your workforce informed and engaged. . Employee recognition platforms: Recognize and reward employee contributions to foster a positive work environment and improve employee morale. . Pulse surveys and feedback tools: Regularly gather employee feedback to understand their needs, satisfaction levels, and perceptions of the company culture. . Remember, Strategic Employee Communication is the Key to Your Company's Success Partnering with an Employer Branding Agency: While technology can be a powerful tool, it's important to remember that it's just one piece of the puzzle. Building a strong employer brand requires a strategic approach, a clear understanding of your target audience, and a commitment to continuous improvement. This is where partnering with an Employer Branding Agency can be invaluable. By investing in the right employer branding technologies and partnering with an experienced agency, you can build a strong employer brand that attracts top talent, boosts engagement, and drives organizational success.
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aurizondatatech1 · 8 months
Queue Length Analysis Company in India and International Traffic Survey Company
In the modern world, efficient traffic management and analysis have become paramount to ensure the smooth flow of people and goods. Two key players in this field, the "Queue Length Analysis Company" based in India and the "International Traffic Survey Company," are at the forefront of providing innovative solutions for assessing and optimizing traffic conditions. In this article, we will delve into the essential functions and contributions of these organizations, shedding light on their roles in shaping the future of transportation worldwide.
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Queue Length Analysis Company in India:
The Queue Length Analysis Company, headquartered in India, specializes in offering comprehensive solutions for analyzing traffic queues and congestion. With a focus on enhancing traffic management and safety, this company provides state-of-the-art technologies and services that aid in assessing and mitigating traffic bottlenecks.
Services and Capabilities:
Queue Length Analysis: The company utilizes cutting-edge software and data analytics to determine the length and duration of queues at various traffic junctions. This information is crucial for city planners, traffic engineers, and local authorities to optimize traffic signal timings and reduce congestion.
Real-time Traffic Monitoring: They offer real-time monitoring solutions that enable authorities to respond swiftly to changing traffic patterns, ensuring that traffic flows efficiently.
Data-Driven Insights: By collecting and analyzing traffic data, the company provides valuable insights that can be used for urban planning, infrastructure development, and improving road safety.
Traffic Signal Optimization: Queue Length Analysis Company India assists in fine-tuning traffic signals to reduce waiting times and fuel consumption, contributing to a greener and more sustainable environment.
International Traffic Survey Company:
The International Traffic Survey Company operates on a global scale, providing a wide range of services related to traffic data collection, analysis, and surveying. They play a crucial role in offering insights into traffic behavior, patterns, and trends, helping governments and organizations make informed decisions.
Services and Capabilities:
Traffic Data Collection: The company conducts comprehensive surveys and utilizes cutting-edge technology to gather data on traffic volume, speed, and vehicle types. This data is invaluable for urban planning, road safety measures, and infrastructure development.
Global Reach: With a presence in multiple countries, the International Traffic Survey Company can provide international clients with a holistic view of traffic trends, facilitating cross-border transportation solutions.
Traffic Behavior Analysis: Their expertise in analyzing traffic behavior helps governments and businesses make data-driven decisions. For example, it can assist in identifying accident-prone areas, congestion hotspots, and areas with potential for future infrastructure development.
Customized Solutions: The company tailors its services to meet the unique requirements of each client, ensuring that the data collected and analyzed aligns with specific needs and objectives.
In the ever-evolving world of transportation and traffic management, the Queue Length Analysis Company in India and the International Traffic Survey Company are vital contributors. Their dedication to employing cutting-edge technology and data-driven solutions has a profound impact on traffic optimization, urban planning, and road safety, both on a local and global scale. These companies continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of transportation, making our roads safer and more efficient for everyone.
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mailboxesetcuk · 10 months
How to deal with a sales drop during the summer
Tips to avoid a summer e-commerce slump and optimise performance during the summer period.
There are many factors that can influence the growth of an e-commerce business. In addition to the daily management of orders, shipments and marketing activities, it’s now essential to implement strategies aimed at avoiding the e-commerce summer slump – the inevitable decline in sales during the summer season. This period can be tricky for an online business. User engagement drops and there is a higher rate of cart abandonment, with a subsequent decline in conversions.
This is primarily because consumers are spending their money on travel, vacations and outdoor activities, so that less time is spent on online shopping. Meanwhile reduced use of electronic devices means less engagement with e-commerce platforms. Globally, e-commerce traffic drops by 30% between July and September, before picking up with Black Friday promotions, according to research conducted by Parcel Monitor.
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The challenge is how to influence users’ decisions and minimise the reduction in sales activity. Tapping into the buoyancy of the e-commerce marketplace is a worthwhile investment: data provided by Insider Intelligence estimates that online sales will reach 7 trillion dollars worldwide within the next two years.
• e-commerce sales register an average drop of 30% during the summer months. • according to the latest Qubit survey, the most purchased categories online are fashion, electronics and groceries.
Strategies to optimise sales during the summer
Companies experiencing an e-commerce summer slump should aim to stimulate customer engagement and enhance the performance of their online business. By adopting better digital solutions, they can ensure they maintain a strong online presence and identify the needs of their target audiences even during the summer months.
There are many strategies that can be implemented to optimise summer sales:
Generate a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
Timed promotions on specific categories of products help encourage summer sales. Limited-time offers, both on a daily and weekly basis, along with customised promotions, can be useful for clearing out inventories. A psychological principle that can be exploited in this context is scarcity: communicating a sense of urgency and scarcity around certain products can increase their perceived value, leading to an increased likelihood of conversions. This strategy can create an atmosphere of exclusivity and prompt customers to make faster purchasing decisions.
Increase visibility on social media. It is important to expand your marketing efforts to reach an increasingly large audience segment. One effective strategy is to leverage the opportunities provided by social networks, which enable continuous engagement with the target audience throughout the entire purchasing journey. After updating your social media pages with personalised cover images for the summer period, create a well-structured editorial plan that taps into the summertime vibe, so your customers will be more likely to treat themselves.
Use live shopping. To capture your customers’ attention, explore the latest digital marketing trend of live shopping, also known as live commerce. This innovative format involves leveraging live streaming to sell products, providing an interactive and engaging shopping experience for the audience. According to the latest data from Statista, last year, in the United States alone, the purchase of products via live shopping reached 17 billion dollars and is expected to triple within the next three years.
Improve user experience. Use this time to improve the customer’s experience on your website. Identify bottlenecks in the purchasing process and optimise every aspect of your online platform to help you increase retention of existing customers and acquire new ones. According to data reported by Exploding Topics, 92.3% of users worldwide access the internet using a mobile device and approximately 55.4% use it to purchase a product or service online. That’s why it’s increasingly important to improve website loading speed, ensure your platform is fully responsive and mobile friendly, and streamline the checkout process.
Build customer loyalty. A comprehensive marketing plan must also take into account the post-purchase stage, when users start to get familiar with the goods or services they have chosen. It's important to maintain an active post-purchase dialogue with customers, which may include requests for feedback, promotional offers, or personalised content to encourage further purchases. Direct mail is one of the most impactful solutions for establishing a lasting relationship with customers. It ensures a positive and consistent brand image and can be seamlessly integrated with digital mailing services.
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Click here to discover how MBE can help support your e-commerce business.
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sotyrantgentlemen · 1 year
Checklist of 10 Things to Clean in Your House
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Walking into a clean and organized home is an instant mood lifter. It's a space that rejuvenates and renews, inviting us to relax and unwind. But with the myriad of chores that accompany daily life, it's easy to overlook certain cleaning tasks that play a crucial role in maintaining a pristine environment. Fear not! This checklist outlines the top 10 areas that deserve your attention for a truly sparkling abode.
Entryway and Foyer
Your entryway sets the tone for the entire home. Wipe down surfaces, vacuum or sweep the floor, and give any mirrors or glass a quick polish. According to a survey by the Cleaning Institute, the entryway is one of the most neglected areas, yet it's often the first impression guests have of your home.
Kitchen Appliances
The heart of your home, the kitchen, is also home to appliances that need regular attention. Clean your oven, microwave, refrigerator, and dishwasher. A survey by the American Cleaning Institute indicates that 76% of respondents clean their kitchen appliances less often than recommended, potentially impacting their performance and lifespan.
It is always recommended to hire a professional cleaning company. Spot it cleaning is offering cleaning service is Atlanta GA.
Bathroom Surfaces
Bathrooms are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Scrub sinks, countertops, and toilet bowls. According to the National Sanitation Foundation, your kitchen sink might actually be cleaner than your bathroom sink. Disinfecting these surfaces regularly is crucial for a healthy living environment.
Windows and Mirrors
Unobstructed views and mirrors that gleam – it's more than just aesthetics. Clean windows and mirrors not only enhance your home's appearance but also let in more natural light. A survey by Better Homes & Gardens revealed that 72% of homeowners say they clean windows only once a year or less.
Floors and Carpets
Floor surfaces endure daily foot traffic. Vacuum, sweep, or mop as needed. Pay special attention to carpets, which can harbor dust, allergens, and pet dander. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 20 million Americans are allergic to dust mites – a reminder of the importance of clean floors.
Upholstery and Curtains
Upholstered furniture and curtains accumulate dust and odors over time. Vacuum upholstered surfaces, use fabric-friendly cleaners, and don't forget to address any stains. The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors notes that dirty upholstery can trigger allergies and worsen respiratory conditions.
Bedroom Sanctuaries
Our bedrooms are havens of rest, and cleanliness contributes to a better night's sleep. Change and wash bed linens regularly, vacuum under the bed, and dust surfaces. A survey by the National Sleep Foundation revealed that 75% of people sleep better on clean sheets.
Baseboards and Moldings
Baseboards and moldings often go unnoticed, but they accumulate dust and grime. Wipe them down with a damp cloth to keep your home looking fresh. According to a study by BrightNest, only 37% of respondents claimed to regularly clean their baseboards.
Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fixtures and fans collect dust that can be easily overlooked. Dust light fixtures, chandeliers, and ceiling fans to prevent dust particles from circulating in your home's air. A study by Berkeley Lab revealed that dust contributes to indoor air pollution.
Outdoor Areas
Outdoor areas deserve attention too. Sweep entryways, patios, and balconies. Clean outdoor furniture and accessories, and tend to your plants. According to a study by the National Association of Landscape Professionals, a well-maintained outdoor space increases property value by up to 14%.
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xtruss · 11 months
Can Wind Turbines Make You Sick?
The United States ranks first in the world for electricity generated from wind, according to the Department of Energy. But for some, the shifting winds of the renewable energy revolution isn’t a pleasant one.
— By Kelsey Tsipis | Published: Wednesday June 27, 2018 | NOVA — PBS
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Twenty-five peer-reviewed studies have found that living near wind turbines does not pose a risk on human health. Photo Credit: Daniel Brock/Flickr
The amount of wind power generated in America has nearly doubled in recent years. Today, the United States ranks first in the world for electricity generated from wind, according to the Department of Energy . But for some, the shifting winds of the renewable energy revolution isn’t a pleasant one.
In places like Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont where industrial wind turbine projects have recently been introduced, residents have reported symptoms such as nausea, sleep disorders, fatigue, and increased stress that they account to a low-frequency hum—a combination of audible bass sounds and inaudible vibrations—generated by the turbines. In one instance , an air traffic controller attributed a near-fatal mistake on the insomnia and stress he experienced after a wind turbine was installed near his home in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
As public support for renewable energy technologies like wind gains traction, some local communities are putting their foot down, arguing that these efforts shouldn’t come at the expense of their health. But whether the sound, audible or inaudible, actually impacts human health remains a deeply contested issue.
Scientific consensus suggests it does not. Twenty-five peer-reviewed studies have found that living near wind turbines does not pose a risk on human health. The studies looked at a range of health effects from hearing loss, nausea, and sleep disorders to dizziness, blood pressure, tinnitus, and more. Recently, a new study using retrospective data reported that stress, as measured by hair cortisol levels, was not associated with proximity to wind turbines.
The study, published in the June issue of The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , found no direct link between residents’ distance from wind turbines in Ontario and Prince Edward Island and sleep disturbances, blood pressure, or stress. The stress levels were both self-reported and measured via hair cortisol levels, a hormone secreted under stress that prepares the body for its fight-or-flight response.
“It’s not that we don’t believe that people aren’t feeling well or aren’t sleeping well,” said Sandra Sulsky, one of the study’s co-authors and an epidemiologist at Ramboll, an international engineering consultancy company. “What we don’t know is how that is related to presence or absence of a wind turbine.”
The study used publically available data from a 2013 public health survey commissioned by the Canadian government, called the Community Noise and Health Survey, which is the only large-scale study on both subjective (self-reported symptoms) and objective (cortisol levels, blood pressure, heart rate, sleep monitoring) health outcomes in relation to living near wind turbines. Both the original 2013 study and new retrospective analysis found that wind turbine noise and proximity, respectively, were not associated with any adverse outcomes except for annoyance.
However, the results of the two studies deviated in one interesting way. The recent analysis found that the closer the respondents lived to wind turbines the lower they ranked the quality of life of their environment. The original study found no link between sound levels and these quality of life ratings. Though because there is no baseline data for the sample, Sulsky said, it’s difficult to distinguish whether respondents were dissatisfied before the wind turbines were installed.
“But it does suggest that there’s something other than sound itself that influences those perceptions,” Sulsky said.
With no proven biological basis for the reported symptoms, some have pointed to the “nocebo effect” as the cause of the complaints. The nocebo effect is akin to the placebo effect, where an individual’s positive perception towards a drug or treatment produces positive results, except in the nocebo effect, it’s negative attitudes and negative results.
The idea that a nocebo effect may be driving people’s reported problems is backed up by a 2014 study that pointed out that health complaints are more common in areas with the most negative publicity about the alleged harmful effects of turbines. A large-scale population survey in the Netherlands found that reports of stress and sleep disturbance were more common in areas where the turbines were visible.
For those living in the shadows of the wind turbines, there is little debate that the turbines have damaged their previously bucolic way of life. Annette Smith, the head of the group Vermonters for a Clean Environment and a long-time critic of industrial wind projects, said the projects have “destroyed the community.”
“If you just talk to people who live around these things, there’s no question that people are getting sick,” Smith said.
Through the grassroots organization she heads, Smith has helped organize public hearings for residents who report serious illnesses as well as lost hobbies such as gardening due to infrasound vibrations. In one case, a resident named Luann Therrien, who lives less than a mile from a 400-foot turbine, said she initially supported the wind projects.
“We were not against the turbines before they went in [but after] we were dizzy, had vertigo like you wouldn’t believe,” she said at one hearing .
One theory from residents as to why these effects don’t show up in the studies is that the Vermont mountains funnel the sound in a way that the flatlands of the Midwest do not. Others say some people may just be more susceptible than others to the inaudible noise, like sea sickness.
In response to these lobbying efforts, Smith said the utility companies have shown no willingness to talk about tangible solutions, such as real-time monitoring of noise, like what happens at airports. “They just deny it happens,” she said.
Apart from noise, Smith has what she calls “a menu” of other issues with industrial wind projects in residential areas. She cites the environmental effects of building roads and blasting ridge lines, changes to the topography of the land, and changes in wildlife populations. Smith, who lives “off the grid” with solar panels and the occasional diesel generator supplying her electricity, questions whether a commitment to this carbon-free source of electricity comes at too large of an expense to the rural communities that house them.
“We’re all expected to solve the energy issues of the world if we don’t want wind,” Smith said. “And I think that there are many other ways of developing and getting energy that people aren’t sacrificed or getting sick or leaving their homes… or being ridiculed.”
As to whether complaints from nearby residents will put a halt to wind power’s expanse in the U.S., recent data suggest they will not. From 2011 to 2016 electricity generated from wind turbines rose from 120 million to 226 million megawatt hours in the United States—a rise that also has not produced an increase in evidence of adverse health outcomes.
“It’s natural to look for causes, and something that seems to be new in the environment is a natural conclusion to draw,” Sulsky said. “But so far the evidence doesn’t support a causal association.”
— July 26th, 2023
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