ufoteacherofficial · 9 months
🌌 The Space Liability Convention establishes rules for liability and compensation in case of damage caused by space objects. In the event of interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations, how might this convention be expanded to address potential incidents and disputes?
Photo by NASA on Unsplash
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lochley · 14 days
my hatred of lyta getting stuck with the responsibilities of a war i don't really think even concerns her all that much when she deserves to rest vs. loving her going completely fucking unhinged for it
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letters4amira · 3 years
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6th December, 2021
Distance connect us in a way it is interstellarly bounding. We share the same emotions even though we resided in different cities. We grow to the same beat. We dance to it in our own unique way.
I can't wait for us to be in the same place together. We will sit on the porch and watch the day turn into night.
Sipping our cold brews and contemplating life,
Kissing the top of your head as I call you my wife,
Listening to the crickets chirping in the far away distance,
Stealing kisses from you in every instance.
Let me take you to one of my favorite places, the beach. Can I hold your hand, please?
Wind in our hair, sun-kissed skin, flushed faces, chasing sunsets—
Waves crashing in the shore,
My lips clashing with yours,
We lay together, the lovers, faults and all, intertwined.
I love to spend my day and night with you. The sun can only watch on how much you brighten my day with just having you by my side. The romantic air will be handled by the moon. The stars will take turn to fall from the sky. Falling stars decorating the night, but it's crazy how I'm falling for you everyday. I am in love with you, I hope you know.
The time you became the love of my life was the time I started committing my days in loving you and making you feel loved. I'll be with you through thick and thin. You can always count on me. I'm here for you.
I am mean to you at times. I have my shortcomings in our relationship. But each day, I'm learning to be a better person than yesterday. I want us to grow together, my love. Let's grow old together. I promise I will take care of you with all my life.
🎧; nice piece of art // fm static
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autisticburnham · 4 years
Main memory of this episode: Garak gets bit
Also a Cardassian child is indoctrinated to hate Cardassians. I don't know how to feel about this, bc I think it's a clear metaphor for Native children being stripped of and raised to hate their own culture by colonizers, but I think this is one of the cases of "What if it happened the reverse way?" is offensive, bc it places colonizers (Cardassians) as the victims and also lowkey implies that this is just something that happens when raised in another society? Which A, no, and not a great message for Star Trek, and B, hating colonizers is incredibly fucking different from hating other people who just exist. Of course, this is all just based on my memory of the episode, I haven't even actually started it yet, and hopefully the actual episode has some nuance to it. Regardless, I think this is another episode that would best be analyzed by a Native person from a colonized country and not me, a random white American, so feel free to tell me if I am uneducated or approaching this the wrong way
Watermelon outfit!
Julian being sensitive to smells? Autistic!Julian rights!
The people in the background's hats made me think they had heads like hammerhead sharks for a second and I was so disappointed that they're just hats
Gay bitches
What the fuck is this man wearing?
Garak, don't touch a stranger's child without their consent and comment on how handsome the kid is
Get bit, bitch!
Do you really need to clarify "Garak, the tailor?" Everyone here knows who you're talking about, especially since you ran into ops last season excitedly telling everyone he hit on you
Love that Jadzia doesn't care about Garak being bit and just makes fun of it
Is Garak actually a bad tailor?
How did Dukat find out about this?
Also, why does he care? He hates Garak
Y'all are the ones who abandoned them, of course they're bitter
Which is another reason this doesn't work as a metaphor for residential schools, bc those kids were largely kidnapped or otherwise forced away from their families by the people teaching them to hate their families; not intentionally abandoned
"Poor Garak, an amiable man if ever there was one." Bitch??!??!?! BITCH???!?!?
Again, Garak touched a strange child without his consent. It makes perfect sense the kid bit him
Okay, badly dressed dude's accusations are cause for investigate
Listen, I get trusting Keiko, but Miles is a known space racist. Why would you place a kid you think is being abused bc of his race with a racist?
Does Garak really still need medical treatment? It's just a bite
Maybe I am wrong about what this episode is a metaphor for
Everyone being like "Julain, what the fuck are you doing talking to him?"
Nerys, however, looks delighted
It's Garak's hand, Miles, who cares if it's bitten off?
Get his ass, Keiko!
I didn't realize Bajorans prayed before meals
You could have asked the kid what he likes to eat, Keiko
It's replicated food, it's not like it has to go to waste. Just recycle it and order something different?
It's interesting that it seems to be the norm for everyone to eat the same food when it's all replicated as individual portions
Why is spanking normalized in the Federation???
Maybe it's more about internalized racism in general than specifically Natives? But again, considering he's a member of the colonizing race, it feels like a reverse racism thing. I can't begrudge Bajorans for teaching the truth about what Cardassia did to them
Julian has a surprisingly chill reaction to Garak watching him sleep
Elim Cullen
I know that the Federation isn't capitalist, but Benjamin deserves a raise for having to put up with Julian's Garak bullshit
I know all the captains get made fun of for space skyping people in their pajamas, but it's especially hilarious that Benjamin does it with his mortal enemy
Interesting that Cardassia's "renowned" filing and record keeping system is something that comes up on multiple occasions
Garak, when would you have met members of the Bajoran underground? Where exactly was Garak during the Occupation?
Of course he knows how to fix computers, Julian, he's a member of a species that apparently wants to be interstellarly known for their filing systems
Bi bitch
Garak looks so terrified of these kids
Oh, Julian being upset by parents using and neglecting their children...
Keiko, if the kid is trying to back away from an adult he's clearly scared of, maybe don't hold him in place
Sorry about your wife and thinking that you lost your kid dude, but Rugal's right that it wouldn't have happened if you weren't a colonizer
Dukat's really been planning this for 8 years?
Where's that post about Julian interrupting the dad convention?
Dukat looks like he's about to murder Julian
Julian is so pleased with himself
I don't know how to feel about Rugal going back to Cardassia
Hmm. The Garak-Dukat rivalry hits different after Andy saying they fucked
I honestly don't feel qualified to rate this episode
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jotunvali02 · 4 years
Blankie: “What’s a Prime Directive?”
Aww. That’s sth you swear to never break but you do break all the time! 😊
OMG, that baby is strong as hell!! 😱
Planned obsolescence SUCKS!
Toaster: “Things have changed now.”
Oh yeah?? 😆 That movie dates back to 1998 and 22 years later, planned obsolescence is even WORSE!
Am I crying over a Christmas decoration?? 😢
He and his adorable, interstellarly cute, unparallelled, incomparably sweet southern accent and slangs!! I wanna hug you so bad!! 😭 😭 😭 💞💞💞💙
Why didn’t they give him a catchy song too?
“I’ll miss our old bickering.”
“I’ll miss you.”
I’ll miss you too, De!!  😭 😭
We ALL miss you!!  💙✨💗💖💙✨💗💖💙✨💗💖💙✨💗💖💙✨💖💙
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37q · 4 years
OK im like, with everyone on the pansexual train, but as someone whos been to like a dozen planets with non-human gender systems i dont think its weird to call kara pansexual. like, alien genders arent even nonbinary, which is included in bisexuality! theyre nonhuman! virtually incomprehensible to humans and socially uncategorizable! this goes beyond "trans people are included in bisexuality! nonwhite gender systems are included in bisexuality!" because theyre LITERALLY xenogenders that LITERALLY transcend the human gender atmosphere. you cant put that shit in ANY sexuality label! theres no potential of gender compatibility between lesbians, gay men, straight people, and potential alien mates of nonhuman genders because theres literally no relative comprehensibility between alien genders and the aforementioned groups' potential sexual counterparts / partners! like, if you even TRY to grasp alien gender systems you will fundamentally get it wrong, no matter how wide the breadth of your sexuality, because humankind is still a planetbound species. kryptonians on the other hand, although having a history of colonizing different planets, are ultimately a interstellarly(?) cosmopolitan species, and thus have the literal institutionally sociocultural capacity to absorb xenogenders into their matrix without trying to render them into a kryptonian lens
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star-force-archive · 4 years
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{{So uh.... It’s been a hot minute huh?}}
{{Alright, let me explain by just saying it outright: I’ve lost the muse I have for these characters... Kinda. More specifically, I can’t stand the way I write for these characters, not how I do here at least.
Fact is, I love optimism. Always, always will. It’s why I made Subaru so much happier on this blog, but the fact is, I’ve done a huge disservice (imo) to how Subaru works best for me nowadays. Naturally, some will say that I should just start over, but like... I’ve done that before and it’s not fun. So, where do we go from here?
Well, I’m going to archive this blog. Gonna add a small little -archive to the end of the url, and change up the links so people can still look at what I had envisioned for this blog originally. Will I come back to RP’ing? Maybe? Honestly, it’s kind of in a grey area, where I still have plenty of ideas, but as it is, I’m content with what I am doing right now in terms of writing (aka I’m writing an extremely self indulgent fic right now, and no I will not be sharing it because while I’m very proud of it, I will scream in embarrassment if people I know see it). Can you all still talk to me? Oh, absolutely! I need to update the mod page everytime I change it, but my url will always be there if you ever just want to like... Chat.
I love this blog. I love all the memories associated with it (okay, that’s a lie, some of my memories during my time writing here are the worst). And I love all of you who decided to stick around and wait for an update to anything I did. Whether it be my wacky plot lines or a thread.
Oh, and for where the current story line was going to go: Subaru would learn how to fuse with his friends and some original AM-ians/FM-ians, and at the end he would figure out he wanted to stop being an astronaut and start being therapist who would work interstellarly.
See you all later!}}
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thekaijudude · 4 years
Amongst all the Defense Forces in the Ultraman Franchise, which one do you think is the best one? And how would you rank them?
Tbh I never really pay much attention to the DFs in the franchise cause not much interesting stuff has happened there
But I suppose u could say that whatever was the GDF that ZAP SPACY was part of would be the most capable considering that the latter was created to explore interstellarly for resources. Which means that their GDF is expansive and capable enough to oversee such a huge endeavor
But on a more grounded note, Xio was shown to be an actual capable GDF compared to most so there's number 2
GUYS as well as they have the data of all the previous showa DFs so presumably they have a collection of their capabilities as well so that's number 3
Other than that I don't recall much difference between the various SDFs/JDFs
Thanks for the question!
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blaze8403 · 4 years
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waffle-sorter · 7 years
Concept: space altitude sickness.
Something about the sapient brain just doesn’t like interstellar space. Once you get past the heliopause you gradually start becoming impulsive, paranoid, and short-tempered. Researchers suspect that the effects could kill someone, given enough time, but so far all grant proposals to find out have been denied.
(Naturally, if you want to work interstellarly in such a setting you need some kind of wormholes or suspended animation.)
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ariajoieofficial · 7 years
the-kingdom-come-lately replied to your post: the-kingdom-come-lately replied to your post: ...
Says the interstellar pop star.
uh does it look like i’m still interstellarly popstaring
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fabtrolls · 7 years
A rambling of two castes
Lumina Usoara is somebody strange; a pushover, to avoid unnecessary conflicts that might get her killed before her time. A yellow blood doesn't live long as it is, she didn't want to miss out on the heavens as they pass overhead. She would gush endlessly when people would trouble to listen. Mauros Lenuvi would listen endlessly; the less he had to talk, the less chance there was of someone finding him out. Lumina would paint her stories of the heavens, of her take on constellations. At first it was grating, but it grew into a part of his night routine that he looked forward to. This continued for a whole sweep until 12th perigees Eve rolled around; lumina insisted on giving him a present, having heard his rundown hive was ill lit, presumably because he lived in a cave. She presumed wrong, but the luminous stones she gifted him looked right at home inside, against the crumbling walls of a stolen hive. This was the first time she met him in person; laid long boney fingers on the snout of a sickly yak Lusus. Offered to help if he needed it. Asked about his ears, why they looked so maimed. He blew it off. Plied her with cookies that were burnt on the underside and tasted a little too salty and sent her back home with the rising sun. Thought about her splotched skin; burns scattered across her arms and cheeks. Refused to indulge pity. They continued talking afterwards, perigees into sweeps, until Lumina started to mention her Conscription, her new job she was assigned to; a ship! She's going on a ship, to explore the galaxies, it's so exciting, she cannot wait. Until the day before, when she invited him over. The setting sun found them both on a wooden dock, Lumina pointing out her newest constellation as it emerged. Until she burst into tears rather suddenly, looking at Mauros with wet yellow eyes and confided in him her fears, her night terrors of being not good enough, or of being too good, both equally horrible. She told him she hadn't offed her own Lusus yet; an important rite of passage before being sent into the universe to be a battery. He helped her through it, awkwardly pat her back when she collapsed next to the massive body of a Lunar Moth in its final spasms, a spear struck through its skull that she had put there. He helped drag it into the ocean to dispose of it, flung it far, far away. Lumina disappears. Correspondence is scattered, but she's faked her excitement; he can tell in the clipped sentences. Later still, Mauros reveals himself once more. The tines of fins on his ears grown long, skeletal, like whiskers. No membrane can grow there, too scarred. His coronation is bathed in blood, prying the crown from a slaughtered empress and baring his teeth, sharp needles in his mouth and a challenge echoing in the halls. A rusted trident clenched in both hands, fuschia eyes sweeping over a watching audience. Their first Emperor. Tall, hair wild, feral eyed. He murdered those who call him Empress on sight, those who dared touch him and tried to point out the bulge of his chest. Videos of his coupronation are broadcast interstellarly. He calls home his friend. She never returns. Their ship lost contact with Alternia on the return trip. For a long time, it's quiet.
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radioandpodcast · 6 years
Nov. 16/18 - The Science Behind UFOs with Gordon Lore
Author Gordon Lore, and his book, Flying Saucers From Beyond the Earth: A UFO Researcher's Odyssey, takes a look at the science and technology that these out of this world craft have to travel interstellarly! http://feed.informer.com/digests/QVGGJ1BBHY/feeder
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hustlevision · 7 years
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Interstellarly Stellaristic. #HustleVision http://ift.tt/2wb93at
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blaze8403 · 5 years
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