#Interstitial Lung Disease
gloriayang · 5 months
Prayers for Lennon, January 2024
To our family and friends,
This month is a big one for our family, especially for Lennon. He will be going in for a follow up CT scan tomorrow morning at Beaumont RO. This scan will show us whether his lungs have worsened, healed, or stayed the same. It will be the first time we’re seeing the condition of his lungs since August. The last scan showed an abnormal result — lots of holes and scarring on his lungs. We have been waiting for this scan and praying so hard to see improvement in his lungs. We want our baby to be on his way to healing and to experience life without the need for supplemental oxygen if it’s in God’s will for him. More than that, it’s our hope that this scan will give his pulmonologist and team of doctors new information. Up until now, they’ve been clueless in how to treat Lennon’s lung disease. We are hoping this scan offers new insight that gives his doctors a new angle to consider. We are anxious yet hopeful about his results and would appreciate prayers for strength and peace as we wait.
Following his scan, we’d also like to ask for prayer for Lennon’s upcoming appointment at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital / UofM on January 9th. We are seeking a second opinion at UofM and we’re praying so hard that there is a doctor on their pulmonology team that has seen or cared for a baby like Lennon before. His lung disease is not a common one which has made it hard to find care for him. We are praying for just ONE doctor who knows how to treat Lennon or at least point us in the right direction.
We are growing weary from all the uncertainties. We don’t know what type of lung disease Lennon has or how severe it is — only that it’s interstitial lung disease (an umbrella term). We don’t know how life threatening the disease is. We don’t know how long we have with our baby. My own research tells us it’s between 3-5 years for babies born with ILD. We don’t know if he’s in pain or if he needs immediate intervention to give him the best chance at a long and healthy life. We need some definite answers to be at peace. We don’t want our baby to suffer more than he has to if there’s something we could be doing to help ease his pain now.
We’re preparing ourselves for changes following Lennon’s pulmonology appointment at UofM. We don’t know what will be required of us once he’s an established patient there. Whether we’ll need to make the commute to Ann Arbor often, or have Lennon readmitted for observation, or even be turned away…we’re just praying that the Lord provides us with what we need for every outcome.
Please pray for these specific things and anything else you feel led to pray for. We are so grateful for each of you and we couldn’t do any of this without your support and love. We will update you as we receive his results and process what it will mean for our family. Thank you so much.
All our love, Gloria and James
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spooniestrong · 9 months
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brahmhomeo · 2 years
What Is Interstitial Lung ??
Interstitial Lung Disease Best Treatment In Homeopathy
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is another term for pulmonary fibrosis, which means “scarring” and “inflammation” of the interstitial (the tissue that surrounds the lung’s air sacs, blood vessels and airways). This scarring makes the lung tissue stiff, which can make breathing difficult. ILD may be limited to the lung, or it can be related to a condition that may affect other parts of the body.
Symptoms of interstitial lung disease
Shortness of breath
Coughing, typically non-productive
Decreased exercise tolerance
Weight loss
Causes of  interstitial lung diseases
Certain drugs or medicines
Exposure to substances at work or in the environment such as organic or inorganic dusts
Certain connective tissue or collagen diseases and sarcoidosis
Family history
Radiation treatment
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sanjivinihospitals · 2 months
If you have interstitial lung disease, don't give up; just go to Sanjivini Super Speciality Hospital Lucknow and receive the greatest care.The multi-disciplinary super-specialty and tertiary care hospital has the best team of doctors and high-end facilities to treat such critical diseases.
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Breathing Easier: Navigating Interstitial Lung Disease with Dr. Parthiv Shah, Lung Specialist in Mumbai
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Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) casts a shadow on the lives of many, affecting their ability to breathe freely. In Mumbai, a ray of hope shines brightly in the form of Dr. Parthiv Shah, a distinguished Lung Specialist dedicated to alleviating the burdens of ILD and related conditions.
Understanding Interstitial Lung Disease
Interstitial Lung Disease encompasses a spectrum of disorders characterized by progressive scarring of lung tissue. This scarring impairs lung function, compromising the body's ability to oxygenate the bloodstream effectively. Dr. Parthiv Shah, a leading Lung Specialist in Mumbai, offers comprehensive treatment for all forms of ILD, extending a lifeline to those in need.
Causes and Challenges of ILD
The causes of ILD are varied and often elusive. Long-term exposure to hazardous materials such as asbestos or certain autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis can trigger the onset of ILD. However, in many cases, the underlying cause remains unknown, posing diagnostic challenges.
Dr. Parthiv Shah emphasizes the irreversible nature of lung scarring once it occurs. While medications may help slow the progression of the disease, full restoration of lung function is often unattainable. Hence, seeking timely treatment from a Lung Specialist is crucial for managing ILD effectively.
Prevention and Diagnosis: Key Strategies
Preventing ILD involves minimizing exposure to known risk factors, such as wearing respiratory protection in hazardous environments and quitting smoking. Additionally, receiving vaccinations for flu and pneumonia can bolster lung health and reduce susceptibility to respiratory infections.
Diagnosing ILD requires a comprehensive evaluation, including blood tests, imaging studies like CT scans, and pulmonary function tests. Dr. Parthiv Shah employs a meticulous approach to pinpointing the underlying cause of ILD, ensuring accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans.
Treatment Approaches: Navigating the Options
While lung scarring in ILD is irreversible, certain treatments can alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Dr. Parthiv Shah discusses various therapeutic modalities with his patients, including:
Corticosteroid medications to reduce inflammation.
Medications targeting specific types of ILD, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Oxygen therapy to enhance oxygenation and alleviate breathlessness.
Pulmonary rehabilitation programs to optimize lung function and physical endurance.
In some cases, participation in clinical trials may offer access to experimental therapies, underscoring Dr. Parthiv Shah's commitment to exploring innovative treatment options.
Your Partner in Pulmonary Health: Dr. Parthiv Shah
At Sparsh Super Speciality Lung Clinic, Dr. Parthiv Shah provides compassionate care and expertise in managing a wide range of lung conditions, including asthma, COPD, tuberculosis, and obstructive sleep apnea. His dedication to patient well-being is evident in every aspect of his practice, from personalized treatment plans to ongoing support and guidance.
Take the First Step: Book Your Appointment Today
If you or a loved one is struggling with ILD or any other respiratory condition, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Parthiv Shah, the best Pulmonologist in Mumbai. With his unwavering commitment to excellence and patient-centred approach, he offers hope and healing to those in need.
Contact Sparsh Super Speciality Lung Clinic by calling on 93242 47349 / 90297 72904 today to schedule your appointment and take a step towards breathing easier. Your journey to optimal lung health begins here, guided by the expertise of Dr. Parthiv Shah and his dedicated team. Click here to know more.
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sommesick · 9 months
To assess the efficacy of rituximab (RTX) on lung function and the prevalence of adverse events (AEs) in connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD) by meta-analysis.
RTX was associated with AEs such as decreased pulmonary function, all-cause mortality, and infections in CTD-ILD. Adverse reactions during and after RTX treatment should be carefully monitored
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rkchpatna · 1 year
Lung Specialist in Patna-RKCH
Ram Krishna Chest Hospital’s Dr.Sudhir Kumar is one of the best lung specialist in Patna.Patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases,asthma,pneumonia,sarcoidosis, pleural effusion find this hospital a better place of treatment.The hospital is equipped with all the latest machines that are needed to treat above mentioned diseases in an unparalleled manner.The nursing staff associated with the hospital takes very good care of yours from the day of admission till discharge.Visit us at least once to know more about our services.
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asthmabhawan-blog · 1 year
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms of Interstitial Lung Disease that concern you. If you don’t have any signs or symptoms, but you are worried about your risk of lung disease, discuss your concerns at Best ILD Diagnosis in India. Hence, call us Tel: +0141-2235005 or Mob: +91-93529 345315 and get more information.
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myositisandme · 1 year
Wed Dec 21st 2022
It was a very tiring day. I really didn't do much. My body felt sore so I was in bed most of the time. When I did get out of bed, I showered, and then I had to sit back down again because my arms were so tired from washing and drying my hair. The arms!!
It was also emotional. My rheumatologist looked at my PFT and CT scan results and told me that I have Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). It was weird, I took it well at first because I was kind of expecting it and I read up on it so much the past week. But the heartbreaking point was when I told my husband about it. When I told him the news, he asked me if there is a cure for it. My heart just sank when I told him that there is no cure and I would need medication to manage it (well, we'll see what the pulmonologists think). He seemed down but he was calm. I cried in the shower because of this. It really just hit me that I have a lung disease and that I'll have to live with it. I think I am starting my grieving process.
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drjcsuri · 1 year
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The term "interstitial lung disease" (ILD) refers to a number of disorders that result in lung inflammation and scarring. Shortness of breath and a dry cough are ILD symptoms. Medication, radiation therapy, connective tissue conditions, as well as breathing dangerous substances, can all contribute to ILD.
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life-after-65 · 2 years
RA Paths and Complications
RA Paths and Complications
I just read an old post from 2016. I was starting IV Rituxan. Hopefully. I said I felt like I had been in a constant flare for three years. It made me think about others with rheumatoid arthritis and the unique paths that RA takes. The Arthritis Foundation has said those who start the biologics early in their course of treatment fare better long term than those who haven’t. I started the…
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swaranhomeopathic · 3 months
Are you or someone you know Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)? Dealing with a chronic respiratory condition can be incredibly challenging, affecting your quality of life and overall well-being. However, there is hope for those seeking alternative approaches to managing ILD. Swaran Homoeopathic, a renowned provider of holistic treatments, offers effective solutions for interstitial lung disease.
Contact Info​ Visit: https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/interstitial-lung-disease-treatment/ +91-93102 12429 [email protected] H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7 Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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swaranhomoeopathic · 9 months
Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic: Effective Homeopathy Treatment for Interstitial Lung Disease in Dwarka, Delhi
Welcome to Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic, where we prioritize your health and well-being. Located in Dwarka, Delhi, our clinic offers specialized homeopathic treatments and medicines for patients suffering from interstitial lung disease (ILD). In this blog, we will explore the benefits of homeopathy in treating this chronic lung condition and how Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic stands out as a trusted provider in the field.
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Understanding Interstitial Lung Disease:
Interstitial lung disease refers to a group of chronic lung disorders characterized by inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue (interstitium), leading to impaired lung function. Common forms of ILD include idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), sarcoidosis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, among others. Symptoms may include persistent cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pain.
The Role of Homeopathy in ILD Treatment:
Homeopathy, a holistic approach to medicine, presents a promising alternative for ILD patients. Instead of focusing solely on the disease symptoms, homeopathic treatment aims to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies, prepared from natural substances, work by addressing the underlying causes of disease, promoting overall health, and alleviating symptoms.
Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic: A Beacon of Hope
1. Expertise and Experience: At Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic, we boast a team of experienced and qualified homeopathic practitioners with expertise in treating ILD and other respiratory conditions. Our practitioners are well-versed in the principles and practices of homeopathy, ensuring the best possible care for our patients.
2. Personalized Treatment Approach: Our clinic believes in individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs. Through detailed consultations and comprehensive case analysis, our practitioners develop a customized treatment strategy to address the unique symptoms and characteristics of each ILD patient.
3. Powerful Homeopathic Medicines: Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic utilizes high-quality homeopathic medicines that are prepared according to the highest quality standards. These medicines are safe, non-toxic, and free from side effects, making them suitable for patients of all ages.
4. Integrative Care: In addition to homeopathy, our clinic embraces an integrative approach to ILD treatment. We work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, offering a range of complementary therapies like respiratory physiotherapy, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle modifications to support the healing process and improve the overall quality of life for our patients.
If you or your loved ones are struggling with interstitial lung disease, Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic in Dwarka, Delhi, offers a ray of hope. Our dedicated team of experienced homeopathic practitioners, personalized treatment plans, and high-quality medicines aim to provide effective and holistic care for ILD patients. Experience the gentle and natural healing power of homeopathy at Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic and take a step towards improved respiratory health and overall well-being. For More Information Visit: https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/ And contact us [email protected]
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ecomehdi · 10 months
Unveiling the Silent Killer: Exploring the Link Between Lung Cancer and an Undiagnosed Lung Disease
Our lungs play a vital role in keeping us healthy and alive. They are responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, ensuring that our bodies receive the vital oxygen needed for proper functioning. However, when our lungs are compromised by disease, the consequences can be severe, leading to health issues such as lung cancer. In this article, we will delve into the connection between…
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sanjivinihospitals · 6 months
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Make an appointment at Sanjivini Super-Specialty Hospital to receive the best care for interstitial lung disease and lead a healthy lifestyle. The multidisciplinary super-specialty and tertiary care hospital's skilled physicians and experts ensure that patients receive the finest care possible. The hospital located in Gomti Nagar has 100 beds.
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drmutha · 1 year
Best Interstitial Lung Disease Hospitals Nashik
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Book an appointment at Chest & Sleep Center with the Best Interstitial Lung Disease hospitals in Nashik. Get immediate guidance from experts for ILD Treatment.
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