The Interview Series: Agree to Disagree - Chris Evans x Reader
A/N: Not all opinions in this oneshot reflect my own views
Summary: After working on an animated movie together, you finally get to meet your co-star and find out exactly how much you agree on.
Pairing:  Chris Evans x British!Actress!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Fluff! Dialogue Heavy! Mention of current political climate!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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You had to admit you were slightly nervous this morning. It was the first day of the UK press tour and today was the first day you’d be meeting your co-star. Because that was the way with animated movies, you’d spend your time in the recording booth all alone with only the director and technicians. Sometimes you’d hear your co-star's voice if they’d already taped their section of the conversation, but you’d never meet them.
 So far during the press tour, you’d either been alone for the interviews, or you’d been with other members of the cast. You’d yet to meet your fellow lead actor, the guy who voiced your character's love interest, the one and only Chris Evans.
 You had to admit you had a teeny tiny crush on the man that once played Captain America, and you were worried that he’d never meet the expectations you had in your head because they do say never meet your heroes. Yet you were pleased to report that Chris lived up to every expectation, he was the perfect gentleman and you’ve never had so much fun doing interviews. And this was him suffering from Jetlag, leaving you to wonder what he’d be like fully energised.
In the few hours you’d spent together, it felt like you’d already established some good foundations for a friendship, however that could be about to crumble with the next interview.
 “is it weird that I feel nervous?” you say as you sit down at the agree to disagree table.
 Chris chuckles as he sits down “why are you nervous?” he asks.
 “I mean we’ve only known each other a day, what if we end up disagreeing over something that destroys this friendship,” you say gesturing between the two of you.
 “you guys have only just met?” the director of the shoot asks surprised.
 “Yeah, that’s the thing with animated movies, you do all your parts alone and don’t meet anyone until the press or the premier” Chris explains nodding his head.
 “Yeah and I had to skip the LA premier because I was so poorly, I think I ate some dodgy plane food,” you say with a small grimace.
 “It's a good thing these guys know how to pull together a good cast, imagine if you had to do press with a diva or something,” Chris says shaking his head.
 “well….” You say your voice high as you tilt your head side to side.
 “oh is that how it is?” Chris asks laughing, you just smirk and wink back at him.
 “okay we’ll start off easy: stealing movie set props is totally normal” the director reads out “3, 2, 1”
 Both you and Chris instantly move your glasses over to the strongly agree sections of the table.
 “I mean I haven’t done it myself” you smirk making Chris laugh “but I mean if somehow things find their way back to my place then who am I to say anything?” you say holding your hands up.
“Totally, I mean I’m just into theft in general” Chris states shrugging his shoulder.
“yeah I mean finder’s keepers” you laugh, Chris nodding along with you.
“what have you stolen?” the director asks.
“Everything!” Chris says shaking his head.
“hearts, mind and souls” you laugh.
Chris grins nodding his head “oh yeah definitely hearts” he smirks.
“okay next one: I am excellent at karaoke” the director reads out.
You move your glass straight to the strongly disagree while Chris moves his to the agree section.
“whoa, whoa, whoa hold up! I call bullshit!” Chris exclaims pointing to your glass.
“I am terrible! Absolutely terrible!” you laugh shaking your head.
“no you are not,” Chris says pointing over at you “I’ve seen that video of in that karaoke bar with Scarlett”
“she showed you that!” you exclaim in disbelief.
“Yup, and you brought the house down!” Chris exclaims “you can sing, very well in fact, much better than me”
You shake your head in disbelief, not only at the fact Scarlett showed him that video, but that he remembered it well enough to bring it up and compliment you’re singing abilities.
“she’s a traitor, I will be having words” you state shaking your head.
“Next question: the US office is better than the UK office” the director reads out.
Once again you and Chris are on opposite sides of the table, you firmly on strongly disagree while he’s on strongly agrees.
“well you’re just wrong” Chris states shaking his head.
“no I’m not, the OG office will always be superior, I’ll admit the US office is better than other copycat shows but you guys just don’t understand our humour and repeatedly murder our beloved shows” you argue.
“isn’t imitation the best form of flattery?” Chris points out, arching a brow.
“Not when you take everything that’s good and completely disregard it, and create the monstrosities you guys make” you state firmly.
Chris nods his head “agree to disagree?” he asks holding his hand out.
You throw your head back laughing “deal” you say shaking his hand.
“Next question, Captain America has the suit of any superhero” the director reads out.
You move your glass to the agree, while Chris moves his to disagree.
“I have to disagree, of course, I’m a little biased, but we have to play by our truths” Chris starts “it's not the best suit”
“I mean it's not the best overall but I think it’s a pretty good suit” you argue.
“it’s the suit that's best for him, and it works for him, but if we’re measuring against all the avengers, it's not the best suit, they’re all better than his” Chris says shaking his head.
“I guess, does good things for your tooshie though” you point out making Chris laugh.
“my tooshie?” he laughs.
“Yup,” you nod smiling back at him.
“Next question: American football is better than Rugby” the director reads out
You and Chris move your glasses to opposite ends of the table, him strongly agreeing, you strongly disagreeing.
“I mean of course we’ve grown up watching different sports, and I just don’t understand American football, you don’t even use your feet!” you say.
Chris laughs shrugging his shoulders “I mean nobody’s perfect”
“I did use to preach that American football was more dangerous but then I did see a six nations match, and all these guys are massive and the tackles are insane” Chris explains.
“yeah they could rip you in half, and we don’t wear any padding” you point out.
“True, true” Chris nods “I just grew up on American football and I don’t understand Rugby enough to enjoy it,” Chris says shrugging his shoulders.
“Exactly, and I think with any sport if you don’t understand the rules of it, you will never enjoy it” you agree.
“Definitely, tell you what, let's watch them together and explain the rules to each other” Chris suggests pointing between the two of you.
“deal” you nod shaking his hand.
“Next question: A difference in political views is a red flag,” the director says.
You keep your glass on the neutral line while Chris moves his to the agree “I think this is kinda the UK vs US again” you say gesturing to the glasses “cause here in the UK while there is a political divide, its nothing like the US”
“Right,” Chris says nodding along.
“Like I have liberal political views, but some of my best friends are tory voters, we have different views of how the country should be run and where the money should go but when it comes to the big things like basic human rights we generally agree” you explain “that being said I would never be able to date someone who’s political views infringe on people’s basic human rights, abortion and gay rights”
“yeah I completely agree with that, small differences are fine but with issues like that you kinda have to agree if you wanna move forward together,” Chris says nodding his head.
“okay we’ll go a little lighter for the next one: the British accent is the sexiest” the director reads out.
“I don’t think we’ve agreed once,” you say as you move your glass to disagree and Chris moves his to agree.
Chris laughs shaking his head “only once so far, but I mean your accent is pretty sexy I have to say” he says his voice deepening as he leans forward.
“I mean I guess it’s alright,” you say shrugging your shoulders.
“It's very sophisticated, but not I poop on a golden toilet posh,” Chris says making you laugh loudly.
“Thanks, but saying British accent is too broad, and not all of them are sexy,” you say shaking your head “you have the scouse, Geordie, Brummie, west country accents that are generally a lot harsher and less melodic than the British accent you hear on screen, I mean I know I hide a lot of my accent because it doesn’t translate well to screen” you explain.
“Really?” Chris asks surprised.
“Yeah I mean I wasn’t born there but I spent a lot of my life in the west country, so you pick up phrases and pronunciations, if I spend too much time over there I go full farmer” you chuckle.
“Now that is something id like to see” Chris laughs.
“And I mean your accent,” you say before whistling “damn sexy, it's no wonder they cast you in this movie,” you say making Chris laugh loudly.
“Okay, last one: cats are better than dogs,” the director says, both you and Chris moving your glasses to the disagree.
“hey look we’re finally agreeing again!” you exclaim pointing to the glasses.
Chris smiles warmly over at you, nodding his head “I’m not gonna strongly disagree because I respect cats, they’re beautiful animals but I’d rather have a dog” 
“same, I feel like a dog just wants to be your friend while you really have to work with cats, gain their respect,” you say nodding your head.
“which is respectable, to be honest, gotta earn their trust,” Chris says nodding his head.
“exactly, but even then, you can feed them every day of their lives and they still don’t wanna be in the same room as you” you point out shaking his head.
“Yeah, they’re assholes” Chris states making you laugh loudly.
The director then called cut, allowing you and Chris to stand back up and start making your way offset.
“Okay I have one more question,” Chris says putting his hand on your arm to stop you “I enjoy spending time with the person next to me, and want to spend more time together”
You smile up at him “strongly agree”
“good me too, follow up question I want to spend my time after the premier tonight getting drinks with the person opposite me” Chris grins looking down at you, his eyes making you melt.
“strongly, strongly agree” you grin nodding your head, biting your lower lip slightly.
“Great, it’s a date” Chris winks.
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korrektheiten · 7 months
Geimpft, geschädigt, geleugnet
Manova: »Das Interview mit Katharina Koenig ist der erste Beitrag der Interviewserie „geimpft, geschädigt, geleugnet“, in der der Verein MWGFD (Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie) mutmaßlich Impfgeschädigte, deren Therapeuten und Ärzte, sowie Wissenschaftler zu Wort kommen lässt. Ziel dieser Serie ist, die für impfgeschädigte Menschen so wichtige Öffentlichkeit herzustellen, exemplarisch aufzuzeigen, welche therapeutischen Wege beschritten werden können, und nicht zuletzt einen Beitrag zu der so notwendigen Aufarbeitung zu leisten, um dadurch einen Bewusstwerdungsprozess über das Verbrechen, das so vielen Menschen angetan wurde, anzustoßen. http://dlvr.it/SyhfD1 «
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theliteraryvault · 11 months
#Announcement #newontheblog #interviewseries #authorinterviews #theliteraryvault #theliteraryspotlight #bookreviews #bookblog #bookreviews
I am ecstatic to announce the launch of a brand-new segment on my blog called "The Literary Spotlight", where I have the privilege of interviewing esteemed authors who have captured my heart with their exceptional works. In this series, I delve into their inspiring journeys, their unique experiences as writers, the obstacles they have overcome, and the remarkable triumphs they have achieved.
To kick-start this series, I am incredibly honored and grateful to feature the legendary children's literature author, Dan Gutman
Thank you Dan for accepting my interview invite and sharing the writing inspiration with me and the readers of my blog.
Read on to know more about Dan's literary journey. If you enjoyed reading the interview, please do not forget to like, share, and comment to spread the literary inspiration.
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The Interview Series - Chris Evans x Reader Masterlist
A/N: okay so basically I had lots of ideas for interview scenes that I really wanted to write but didn’t want to come up with a whole series to add them into! Then I realised I could just make a series of drabbles!
The longevity of this series is gonna rely on YOU guys sending in what interviews you wanna see, so if there’s an interview Chris hasn’t done like the buzzfeed puppies one then let me know!
I haven’t decided if it will be the same reader in every oneshot (e.g if they’re an actress, musician etc) but it’ll say which reader they are at the start if that makes sense!
Warnings will be posted at the start of each drabble but this is supposed to be lighthearted and fun so it will most likely just be fluff!
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Pick A Director
GQ Couples Quiz
The Greatest Love Song
The Grammys
Spill Your Guts
Buzzfeed Puppy Interview
Trailer Reaction
Agree to Disagree
Best Wrapper
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juniehoang · 3 years
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Thank you Joe for having me on your #BehindtheCharacter #InterviewSeries for your #YouTube channel #HotlineSehwani 👾 #gaming #remixes #actorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4RZyRpNMR/?igshid=104sdknb8s0k9
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rinsartcafe · 4 years
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freelancershahin · 3 months
Lansing Bryan Interview @theempowernetworktv
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weareellectric · 4 years
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Lately for our interview series '5+1' we spoke to Mihriban Minaz, Head of Mobile Engineering at unu. Learn more about how Mihriban got into computer engineering, her opinion on how to encourage more women to study and work in the tech sector, her general career and job at unu, her favourite form of transportation, the male-dominated mobility industry and how it looks at unu. Read the interview now online – https://www.weareellectric.com/magazine/5-1-with-unus-head-of-mobile-engineering-mihriban-minaz.
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thewaybackcloset · 4 years
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Together they are VINTAGE MRKT
A couple of Rockin’ punks with a mind for trends, sustainability and serving the local community at Popups and the nation with their Depop shop.
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