#IoT Raj
canonically47 · 8 months
the people want to see the reboot IOTS draft
lol that was quick
i was thinking the name would be “Wawanakwa Massacre of ‘23”, but that’s still in the works
i may just draw the deaths instead of making a fully-fleshed fanfic, just like the original creator did
here are the names of the chapters/deaths of everyone:
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an alternative name for zee would be pork soda, inspired by the glass animals song :3 some of these are also still not sure, especially because i’m still figuring out the survivors. as of now, i’m thinking the survivors are damien, ripper, raj, scary girl and MK! breaking up as many couples and friendships as i can >:)
the plot is obviously similar to IOTS, but also very different in certain parts. for example, this would happen in the first season, just like IOTS, and the killer is also unknown; but what makes this very different is the first victim is chris himself. chef would find his body and would be the next one to go. this would happen at night, and the contestants would find the bodies the next day.
some would think it’s a fucked up challenge, but when they come to their senses and try to escape, it would be too late. the killer will have burnt the boats and all means of escape.
the main ships will be rajbow, ripaxel and mkulia. you can tell how well those will turn out.
their rescue will come from none other than a few of the previous contestants. they were supposed to be there as special guests for the season, after all. and not just owen; i’m unsure what the whole squad would be yet, but maybe owen, noah, heather, alejandro, courtney, duncan, leshawna etc.? definitely some influential players so it would make sense why they are there
i don’t have much figured out yet tbh :P i just miss my children in peril
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deimosbreakfrost · 8 months
ok so i’m confused about ur iots 2023 au, so could u explain it?
Okay, so--
The start is just like the original IOTS au. Caleb dies, Scary girl, Zee, Axel and Ripper go insane because there's literally a CORPSE INFRONT OF THEM (they we're the ones that found Caleb's body)
Chris leaves them all alone then (in order) Damien, Zee, Wayne, Emma, Raj, Chase, Julia, nichelle and Priya
And the survivors are Axel, Millie, Scary Girl, Bowie, MK and Ripper
If you want to know more details, ask @ferocioustrout
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fire-feather-flies · 9 months
idk I'm going insane HELP-
1st. Caleb "A Offering..." "He don't know what is gonna HIT him" Basically, he was HITTED by something heavy on HIS head. His body was below his bed, and it was found by Scary Girl, Zee, Ripper and Axel.
Musical reference: A offering... By My chemical romance The music is fully made of just a instrumental. But by the time the music stills plays, it slowly starts playing some Whisper's while the music loses it calm and chill tone. That's how the the day of his death was. It started all chill and calm and then it was ruined by his premonition and death.
2nd. Damien "Come into water" "There's nothing here, just you. Not counting with me and the water of course." Damien was all alone, cuz he was waiting for someone appear. But during this time, the killer found a him. He got killed by having right side of his through cutted, but he fall into the water and drowned cuz he couldn't move. His body was found by Scary girl and Axel
Musical Reference: come into water by mitski. Come into water with me blub blub
3rd. Zee. (SORRY MARK😭😭) "Pork Soda" "I'm sorry for you having HIM as a friend" he was left behind by Chase. Chase said that he didn't noticed Zee, but actually he just ignored him because he wanted to save Ripper (Ripper also didn't noticed, when he tried to look behind Chase forced him to look Infront again) Zee ended up like the IOTS Ezekiel, ya know? His body was Found next to the ferocious trout cabin by Ripper. Ripper went back to where he Last saw Zee because he didn't found him anywhere, the killer noticed him and cutted Ripper's left eye and Ripper was saved Chase
Musical Reference: Pork Soda by Glass animals. Zee was kinda of "faded" while Chase lefted him behind, he didn't even noticed the killer. And until the killer even killed him, he's was pratically numb, felling nothing and not even sure if he was alive.
4th Wayne "Where's you head at?" "If you was selfish you could be alive for Seeing a another day" Wayne and Raj where running from the killer, but Raj fell behind and Wayne went back to save him. Raj could run fast enough, but only him was alive
Musical Reference: Where's your head at by Basement Jaxx WHERE'S YOU HEAD AT?! oh, it is in a plastic bag!... WAIT WHAT?! He body wasn't found, but they found his head. His head was found by Raj in the morning of one day after the tragedy. His head was in a plastic bag, and was Infront of the cafeteria door.
5th Emma "Thank you for the Venom, Chase" "It wasn't me. Maybe was someone else" Emma was feeling really sick during this days, and no one had a medicine or someone to help her cuz they were completely alone without no one else. So Chase convinced them to leave her behind, Emma accepted without begging. Her last words where "thank you for the venom, Chase". The killer found her body, but the unic thing he did was put any flower or plant he could find next to her.
Musical reference: thank you for the venom by My chemical romance SO GIVE ALL YOUR POISON, AND GIVE ME ALL YOUR PILLS, AND GIMME ALL YOUR HOPELESS HEARTS AND MAKE ME ILL. Her body was enside the Frogs of death cabin. She was in her bed, and when the killer found her, she was already dead. He dragged her body to the Florest and putted every plant or flower he could find next to her.
6th Raj "Homecoming" "You'll never come back home" Raj was trying to run from the killer, and almost could. But when he tried to Get in the cafeteria, Julia was at the door making him get outside till the killer gets him. He tried to run again but he falled and failed. He was killed by a rock, a heavy and sharp rock.
Musical reference: Homecoming by Green day "I have a rock n roll boyfriend! Someone get me out of here! Am I getting out of here?! I should have stayed in home, ARE YOU HEARING ME RIGHT NOW?! nobody cares about me?" Raj wanted to stay completely alone after Wayne's death, he keeped all the time with the "nobody like me, everyone left me, they are all out without me having fun. Could you go?" Thoughts, and that annoyed Julia. She makes his words go against him, as could I say. His body was found by Axel.
7th Chase "Till the end" (CHIPPER ALERT😨) Chase: "Ripper... If you could marry me, would you bury me and carry me till the end? No homo tho." Ripper: "Pff, what type of question is that, dude!" Chase: "yeah, edgy right? I've heard that on a emo song!" Chase went back to try to kill the killer, he almost did. But the killer used dirty tricks to end him, Chase was lefted alone to die of blood loss cuz the killer tought that he was a horrible person.
Musical reference: Till the end by My Chemical Romance Chase and Ripper HAD a "colorful friendship", during the entire incident Chase tried to keep Ripper safe while Ripper gets anxious if Chase was doing that because he loves him or that he'll leave him when he thinks it's the time. Ripper have other thoughts than just "friends" with Chase, but he never told him because he: thought it wasn't the time, cuz he thought it was something pathetic of saying, cuz he was anxious of Chase reject him and leave him. Chase thought the same on Ripper, he loved Ripper. but he never said it to him and never will.
8th and 9th Julia and Nichelle "Inferno" "Please don't/let me die" Nichelle was the nicest person in there, Julia was the worse in there. When the Killer could actually kill Julia, Nichelle also appeared. So he killed them both and let them together.
Musical reference: Charlies inferno by That Handsome Devil "I SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE!" "Please don't let me die"
10th Priya "Cálice" "Are you'll demented or are y'all disturbed?" Priya was the last one to die, she went to fight the killer just like how Chase did. She actually was close of doing it, but she got severally hurt during the fight, so she finded a way to put all the place on fire and to her die alone in the woods.
Musical reference: Cálice by Chico Buarque It's a Brazilian music so I'll try in my own way to translate the lyrics "Maybe the world isn't small... (Shut up)" "I want to create my own sin (shut up)" "I want to die by my own poison (shut up)" "I want to finally lose your head (shut up)" "And my head lose your sense (shut up)" "I want to smell diesel gasoline (shut up)" "Get high till someone forgets me (SHUT UP)"
After all the deaths, Chris arrived in the island. He went there to rescue the 6 remaining  Campers: Mary Kate (mk) Ripper Millie Lauren (Scary Girl) Bowie Axel But he didn't came back with them, the spirit of all the other 10 campers went to him and drag him to the same hell hole that they ended.
Mk was numb, she was happy of being alive but depressed for the Unic friend she had was a horrible person. Ripper was emotionsless, not knowing if he should cry for the friends he lost or should be happy for being alive. Millie was crying, her heart was completely broken because there still was something inside her saying that Priya was alive. Scary girl was traumatized, during her entire life she said that she was interested in death, but seeing the people that supposed to be her friends dying was too much. She NEVER asked for that. Bowie was miserable. Miserable for losing the guy he most loved, for never loving anyone again, for losing all his friends, for being a victim of a 1 million dollars trap and for being left for death. Axel was anxious, she don't know how to react by the fact that she is scaping. She thought that their tragedy was gonna last forever, but now she's finally going back home... But what now?
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ferocioustrout · 10 months
Deimos lore 17?:
Surely most of them will be more gruesome than the original IOTS
And because surely they all will find a way to mafaking kill chase and ripper (I mean, in MY slaughter au Chase will also mafaking die but NOT RIPPER)
So yeah, um
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Also... Here's the start of the IOTS fan fic that I am doing
chapter 1: Deadmans Party
???: "Hey, did you know that there's a new Reality show that will premiere?"
?!?: "Really? What's the name of the reality show??"
???: "well... Ah... Total Drama Island. As I can remember, It's been like... 15 or 16 year's since there's no new season."
?!?: "For real, For real??"
???: "yeaaaah."
???: "And there's like, 14 places available, just 2 places are unavailable and their owners are... Uh, Julia and Caleb."
?!?: "Julia? Aren't she that one 'vegan, love n' peace' girl from Instagram?"
???: "uh huh"
?!?: "pfff, i NEED to see that girl from closer. Ain't no way that she acts in the same way that she acts in Instagram in real life. Okay that's it, I'll be on Total Drama Island, do you promise to be in there to?"
???: "yeah, man. I promise."
?!?: "GOOD. see you in summer"
That was the WORSE mistake of my life, worse than meeting THAT FUCKED UP GIRL.
What happened in the Summer 2023?
- Something Horrible, it was pratically from a slasher horror film, or worse.
But I should explain what happened, right? So I'll explain.
"Island of the Slaughter accident"
-It really supposed to be a Great the Day, it was the Premiere of The Total Drama Island, after 15-16 years. Everyone that should be in the show was there;
Caleb, Axel, Nichelle, Lauren, Damien, MK, Wayne, Raj, Ripper, Zee, Chase, Emma, me (Millie), Bowie and Priya.
And the challenge, well, my team won. But after the challenge I noticed that Caleb was... Unquiet?
Chase: "So, Ripper Right?"
Ripper: "Yeah, what do you want, Mr Beast Wannabe"
Chase: "Ah, Nothing, It's nothing. I just wanted to know if you wanted to chat a little bit about the things that happened today... Specially when your sh-"
Ripper: "Ah Shut up! Is not my fault that I am... Uh, that I am-
Chase: "thick?"
Ripper: "WHAT?!"
Chase: "Pff, calm down man! It's just a joke i am just saying that cuz... Is that Caleb?"
Ripper: "AH DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO CHANGE THE SUBJE... Why does he look... 'scared'?"
Chase: "actually, Millie said that he was like that during the entire challenge so--- I'll just talk with him"
Ripper: "What?! He's from the other team! You can't just talk with him becau-"
Chase: "ENOUGH, RIPPER. Yo, Caleb! What's wrong man? Why are you like that?"
Caleb: "huh? What do you and 'Ripped Pants' Want from me?"
Chase: "calm down. We're just asking a question, what's wrong with tha-"
Ripper: "A... Premonition?"
Chase: "that's... Uh. W-what was you premonition...?"
Caleb: "as far I can remember, IT WILL HAPPEN SOMETHING HORRIBLE Tonight, something horrible like someone disappearing"
Ripper: "uh... Just that? I trough it would be worse"
Caleb: "what's wrong? You don't think that a teenager like you, me and you friend disappearing in a reality show is horrible?"
Ripper: "No, I-"
Chase: "okay that's ENOUGH" *grabs Ripper by the arm*
Ripper: "Huh?!"
Chase: "okay it was just that, really. Sorry about the way that My LITTLE BUDDY here acted Infront of you, that's it. Bye Caleb!"
Caleb: "huh... Goodbye then, SEE YOU TWO TONIGHT"
Ripper: "urg..."
Chase: "why did you acted like that?"
Ripper: "I panicked for one second because of the 'premonition' of Caleb, and because that Asshole didn't waited to me explain why was I... You get it right? Huh?"
*Chase holds Ripper's Hand*
Chase: "ah... Don't worry Buddy, it happens sometimes. But what do you think it will Happens tonight?"
Ripper: "ah... AH, ME? well I think it will happen a...
Millie: *writing* "so that's how Ripper acts when he's 'panicking'? Interesting, I guess. But what about the 'premonition'...? I hope Nothing bad happens..."
"I've had a Premonition?" Ah, such a 'intelectual' sentence to come from a guy like Caleb. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT WILL HIT HIM
-and after the "premonition" thingy, I just waited till Night. During the entire day I honestly did nothing THAT interesting, I just chated a little with Ripper and then I started Walking around with Priya... Ah Priya... But let me get back to the incident subject.
Night finally came, and that was the worst night that someone could ever see.
Zee: *sip*
Axel: "Ripper was right, where the heck does you take this sodas from?"
Zee: "urg... I don't know... *Sip* also, aren't the elimination cerimony happening right now...?"
Axel: "of course, you idiot"
Zee: "haha... That's coo-
Ripper: "HEY, FUCKS!"
Axel: "Ah Damn, here he comes"
Ripper: "Chris said that they can't do the 'loser' cerimony without Caleb, he's missing and is somewhere"
Zee: "But where?"
Ripper: "That's the question, we don't know where the fuck he is... Was because of that premonition shit that he said? Or is he just playing around?"
Axel: "did you at least searched in the frogs of death cabin?"
Ripper: "WHAH? HELL NO! I will not get into the the other teams cabin! And because Bowie said that he will get into ther-
I still didn't ended the first chapter aha-
(spoiler: Ripper and Axel obviously won't die)
wait wait this goes hard actually….
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omsoftwarein · 5 years
What Are The Features In An Iot Solution?
What Are The Features In An Iot Solution?
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The Internet of Thingsis a system of computing devices, objects, and digital machines, mechanical machines that are given unique identifiers and have the ability to transfer the data with the help of a network. Internet of Things does not require any human to human or human to computer interaction. The sensors available in the system of the Internet of Things consist of devices and sensors that…
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iimtcollege · 3 years
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IIMT Group of Colleges, Greater Noida  Heartiest #Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. Mayank Raj,  Dr. Sanjay Pachauri & Prof. S K Mahajan for the Patent Issuance of your Innovation in "IOT BASED WATER QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM FOR SMART CITIES."
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iotraj · 7 years
Blockchain Choking Hazard
Blockchain technology has radically transformed and gained traction in the capital markets industry as one of the most revolutionary technological developments in the recent history. The last few decades was about the ‘Internet of information.’ Now the internet is entering an era based on the blockchain. The industry is witnessing the rise of ‘Internet of Value.’ In the era of the Internet of Information, the industry experienced the convergence of computing and communications technologies, while the Internet of Value will be powered by a smart combination of mathematics, cryptography, software engineering and behavioural economics.
The blockchain technology which is also called the distributed ledger technology promises to disrupt industries by challenging how we define value, structure society and reward contribution. The technologists strongly believe that blockchain will disrupt the business and redefine organizations and economies. Blockchain technology is although, in the early stages of R&D and Prototyping of use-cases, has significant potentials and helps create value by simplifying business processes and create trust, reducing the settlement times, safe records of transactions and business agreements, minimize counterparty risks, increase transparency for regulatory reporting, improve contractual term performance and User controlled networks.
Today, almost every company be it a start-up or a corporation is trying to create their own blockchains with specific use-cases to disrupt an array of industry sectors like Manufacturing, Healthcare, Trade Finance among many others. According to a survey conducted by “World Economic Forum, predicts that 10% of global GDP will be stored on the blockchain by 2027.” Even though the majority of the blockchain technology is in the finance industry, there is increasing interest in exploiting the application of the blockchain technology in other sectors especially in the manufacturing industry is growing.
Knowledge and Understanding of the Blockchain technology remains one of the principal challenges of the blockchain as there is lack of awareness and understanding of how it works, especially in sectors other than the banking industry. The blockchain will be able to create the most value for organizations only when they work together on areas of shared opportunity or pain, especially issues related to each industry sector. However, the problem with the current approach is that they are stove-piped – Organizations are developing their independent blockchains and applications to run on top of them. Hence, in any one industry sector, there are many different blockchains being developed by so many organizations for many different standards. This defeats the purpose of the distributed ledgers as it fails to harness the network effects, becomes inefficient in the current approaches that the industry is adopting.
Several big companies and start-ups are investigating the application of blockchain technology for supply chain management and auditing. Recently, IBM and Maersk recently announced a joint venture to create and deploy the world’s first blockchain based electronic shipping platform that will digitize the supply chain and track the international cargo in real-time for the manufacturing industry. The objective of this project was to reduce the paperwork and effort involved in the shipment. It is an end-to-end shipping solution which will give all the parties involved in the global trade a single view of where the cargo is and allow authorities to grant electronic approval for its movement. Blockchain will enable a single view of all the goods and shipping information via a virtual dashboard for the concerned parties right from manufacturers, shippers, port authorities and government agencies. IBM and Maersk hope to reduce the shipment costs dramatically, by reducing the paperwork, providing critical information rapidly and frequently, and prevention of shipping fraud. To learn more about this use-case, please refer to the link here
However, the problem which I foresee might arise say for, e.g., Maersk has their containers across the world. The containers are lifted from London and shipped to Dubai where Maersk’s has its own terminal, but if Maersk wants to ship to an ‘X’ country where it has no terminal and is represented and operated by a local vendor since the ‘X’ country might not allow for direct investment. Likewise, in every country, if Maersk were to go through a different vendor, there might be a possibility of a massive problem as Maersk might have to work with various blockchain technology platforms in each of these countries with the individual suppliers. Assuming Maersk has one million suppliers and one million transit points of its different suppliers how are IBM and Maersk going to solve this problem?
Similarly, the world’s Metal Exchange (LME) is based in London just like the United Nations, or NewYork Stock Exchange is in the United States. The registrar of shipping is in London. Let us assume that country ‘Y’ might disagree to get the metal rates from London. Similarly, every country might come up with its own challenges. For, e.g., With Iran, India has signed a deal for trading in ‘Indian Rupees.’ Hence, India has been able to circumvent the sanctions against countries – Iran, by being able to work out an agreement for transacting with them in Indian currency.
These challenges have led companies to develop their own blockchain platform for authenticating their transactions or claims for a particular currency or product for that country alone since they would own millions of nodes or computers within their network to provide solutions to the businesses and countries for smooth operations and expansion of their business across the world. The idea of eliminating the intermediaries or the traditional cumbersome processes has led to the companies swarming with use-cases using blockchain technology to disrupt the conventional way of doing business and adapt to simplified ways of doing business era of digitization.
The blockchain is touted as the world-changing technology in many ways. Imagine with every company getting into blockchain; they will need to own millions of computers for building the blockchain network or platform of high-performance systems or nodes powered on for authenticating the transactions. This has led to the growing demand for high-end systems which in turn has led to the increase in the hardware, software, service and infrastructure costs. Besides, there might be a potential demand-supply issue to meet the market demand.
However, these technological advancements potentially might lead to server overloads, bandwidth issues, and a significant increase in the power consumption. With millions of systems in use and every node having to authenticate a transaction, it might become the cause of critical outburst for data storage given that all data will have to be stored on Cloud, and the cloud infrastructure shortly might enter a zone where the incapacitation of the data storage is bound to happen.
Johann Snorri Sigurbergsson from Icelandic energy company HS Orka told BBC that, “The energy used by Iceland’s bitcoin mining market is experiencing “exponential growth,” and data centres may use more energy than all of the country’s homes in 2018.” He also said, Iceland “won’t have enough energy” to power numerous new data centres that have been proposed. This indicates that the world is going to face a severe demand-supply challenge for Energy and Power Supply; with the growing number of data centres, high-performance computing systems owned by both organizations and individuals would require energy which might not be available.
Amazon has already stepped up in addressing this issue by announcing the launch of 18 wind and solar projects across the United States with 35 more to come to address its ever-expanding global network of fulfilment and data centers. These projects will generate sufficient energy to power 330,000 homes annually and also provide hundreds of jobs and millions of investment across the country for now and globally in the future.
The next issue is the growing electronic waste which poses a massive risk to the environment and human health. E-waste management is a critical issue in today’s digitally dependent world, where the use of ever-increasing electronic devices are polluting the environment beyond one’s imagination. Only 20% of the approx 10.5 million metric tonnes of all e-waste was recycled. What happens to the remaining 80% of the e-waste un-disposed? Many start-ups along with their Government are coming up with solutions for recycling and disposing of the e-waste. The ramp up can only be possible with corporations investing and supporting the effort.
In my opinion, blockchain technology would work wonders if it is regulated and follows the Industry standard and methodologies. The solution which I am proposing is that every industry should develop their own industry-specific blockchain which is authorised and approved by that particular industry bodies globally with well-defined relevant industry-specific Standards, Policies, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks. I believe this will create a ‘Secured and Trusted’ Industry-specific ‘Shared Network.’ This solution will eliminate the need for an individual company to build their independent blockchain platform and this by itself will resolve many of the above challenges which I have raised.
To summarize, any new transformation has its underlying challenges which could pose significant roadblocks on the path of implementation if not address early-on. However, blockchain technology will evolve in the coming years which I predict to be a ‘Trillion Dollars’ Market, and after all, just like nature, technological advancements will find their way around the artificially constructed barriers as they evolve.
(Disclaimer: Please note no part of this blog may be copied or reused or republished or reproduced in any way, except to share using either the share feature of LinkedIn or posting a direct link to this blog. An excerpt from the blog can be quoted while sharing it in an above-mentioned manner. Any other form of reuse must be done only after obtaining an explicit written consent of the author)
Rajashree Rao (Raj) is an Industry Thought Leader & Visionary for IoT/IIoT/Smart Cities, Digital Evangelist, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, and Entrepreneur. While Raj writes on a wide variety of subjects, her favorite topics are IoT Technologies, Digital Transformation, Leadership, Women’s Empowerment, and ‘Self.’
Follow Me: Linked In      twitter
Source:  Rajashree K Rao(#IoTRaj)
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technuter · 2 years
MapmyIndia Mappls invests in KOGO to build travel & hyper-local discovery, commerce, social, gamified platform integrated with maps and navigation
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MapmyIndia announced it is acquiring 26.37% stake in Kogo Tech Labs Private Limited, a cutting-edge start-up aiming to build the world’s largest travel & hyper-local discovery, recommendations, commerce, social and gamified platform, for USD 1.25 Mn (INR 10 Cr), with option to raise stake to 50% in 2 years. MapmyIndia Mappls offers global solutions including hyper-local maps and rich & real-time places data, automotive N-CASE technologies (Navigation-enabled Connected Vehicle, Autonomous Safety & ADAS & Autonomous Safety, Shared and Electric Mobility platforms), consumer-facing apps and more. Millions of 4-wheelers, 2-wheelers and new-age Electric Vehicles and their companion apps, are built-in with MapmyIndia Mappls N-CASE maps & technology solutions. By integrating Kogo’s gamified travel, outdoors and hyper-local content, community & commerce platform into the Mappls N-CASE suite, MapmyIndia Mappls will now enable Automotive OEMs in India and globally to increase consumer engagement, brand loyalty and in-vehicle commerce monetisation opportunities. Launched in February 2020, with its strong community-building and engagement platform for travel, KOGO has received significant interest from Automotive OEMs, who can drive post sales engagement & build communities and engagement around their brands. KOGO is a gamified social travel commerce platform where users earn KOGOCOIN as they step out and travel, and can spend these on Hotels, Experiences, Services, Accessories and stores on the KOGO Marketplace. The KOGO marketplace has over 8,00,000+ Hotels, Experiences, Stores and service providers across the world and continues to expand its network to maximize spend & burn opportunities for its users. Subscribers of KOGO earn & burn 3x more on their trips, experiences and adventures. This currency can be spent on KOGO’s large network of in-app and in-platform bookings, services and marketplace. KOGO’s solutions already integrated into Bajaj Auto KTM, Mahindra Classic Legends Yezdi, and MG Motor Hector. Raj K Gopalakrishnan, Co-Founder & CEO, KOGO, and Praveer Kochhar, Co-Founder, said “We are happy to have MapmyIndia Mappls as our strategic investors and partners as we build on our vision to offer the world’s largest social travel commerce platform. Our goal is to ensure that KOGO is the go-to platform for Automotive OEMs that give their users an experience of connecting with like-minded people via our community and discovering new places and experiences in an engaging and unique gamified format. KOGO will benefit through integration with MapmyIndia Mappls best-in-class maps, navigation, N-CASE & geospatial technologies and IoT to help us build something unique, and working with them on go-to-market will help us scale rapidly. There is a lot more planned as part of the partnership for the future, that will also deliver integration solutions & apps to consumers, the travel eco-system, brands, businesses and government. We are excited to progressively unveil our vision for travel, outdoors, hyper-local, social and gamification, in the time to come.” Rakesh Verma, Chairman and Managing Director, MapmyIndia and Rohan Verma, CEO & Executive Director, said “Building world-class digital maps & technologies and delivering their positive benefits to everyone through infinite use cases has been our core mission and conviction in India since the last 27 years through MapmyIndia, and now globally, through our global platform and brand, Mappls. We are excited to welcome and join hands with KOGO to boost and enable the next-generation of travel, outdoors, hyper-local and on-the-go experiences and use cases for everyone. Not just does this strategic investment and business partnership deepen MapmyIndia’s Automotive OEM portfolio and open up larger multi-billion dollar addressable markets for the company, but it helps us deliver on the innate needs and aspiration of all people to travel and experience the world in better and more ways. We are very excited about KOGO’s prospects to grow into a very large business and happy to partner with Raj and Praveer, two visionary, passionate and seasoned entrepreneurs, to build something wonderful for the world.” Read the full article
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hcldr · 2 years
#MedTech #MachineLearning #IOT #SaMD #pandemic #patented #medicalequipment #Portable #trillion #dollar #ROI #PatientCare #remotecare #future #digitalhealth #mhealth #healthit #hit #ehr #meddevice #her #ptsafety #meded #healthinnovations #HCLDR #HCSM #ACA #emr #dpc #health20 #Hit
— Raj Bonam (@BonamInventions) Jul 31, 2022
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Investigating Messaging Protocols
Received April 20, 2020, accepted May 3, 2020, date of publication May 8, 2020, date of current version June 2, 2020. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993363 Investigating Messaging Protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT) EYHAB AL-MASRI , (Member, IEEE), KARAN RAJ KALYANAM, JOHN BATTS, JONATHAN KIM, SHARANJIT SINGH, TAMMY VO, AND CHARLOTTE YAN School of Engineering and…
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myassignmentonline · 2 years
Investigating Messaging Protocols
Received April 20, 2020, accepted May 3, 2020, date of publication May 8, 2020, date of current version June 2, 2020. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993363 Investigating Messaging Protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT) EYHAB AL-MASRI , (Member, IEEE), KARAN RAJ KALYANAM, JOHN BATTS, JONATHAN KIM, SHARANJIT SINGH, TAMMY VO, AND CHARLOTTE YAN School of Engineering and…
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Mobile Phone Accessories Market,Industry Analysis and Forecast 2021–2028
This report on the worldwide Mobile Phone Accessories market was developed by CMI, a collection of specialist market research analysts, with the express objective of presenting the current condition of the market for Mobile Phone Accessories and casting light on its potential prospects. The report's target consumers include mobile phone accessory manufacturers, government agencies, and other research consultancy service providers. The study covers the hurdles or hazards that existing players must consider in order to stay competitive in the global Mobile Phone Accessories market, as well as the most recent developments that existing players must consider in order to stay competitive.
Size and Growth Rate of the Mobile Phone Accessories Market: According to a recent market research report conducted by CMI, the global mobile phone accessories market is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 7.3 percent over the forecast period, reaching US$ 92,762.1 million by 2022.
Ask for the Sample Brochure of the report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/2070
Because the study report is aimed squarely at shareholders in the global Mobile Phone Accessories market, it's only natural that some of the industry's most well-known vendors be chosen to highlight their product portfolios, market share, and recent strategic business decisions to expand their market presence. This chapter also seeks to comprehend the potential of new players' emergence, as well as the types of new market opportunities that they would encounter. Secondary research was performed to identify important players in the global Mobile Phone Accessories market, and their market dominance was investigated using rigorous primary and secondary research approaches in different countries.
The global market for mobile phone accessories has been segmented into five distinct regions: Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa. Because of the rising popularity of smartphones in the region, Asia Pacific dominates the entire market. The second-largest market for mobile phone accessories is North America, followed by Europe. The Middle East and Africa mobile phone accessories industry is predicted to grow significantly in the near future.
Prominent companies in the global mobile phone accessories market are: • Panasonic Corporation • JVC Kenwood Corporation • Sennheiser Electronic GmbH & Co. • KG, Energizer Holdings, Inc. • Sony Corporation
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/mobile-phone-accessories-market-2070
Mobile Phone Accessories Market Geographical Insights:
The Asia Pacific region dominates the global market, due to rising smartphone penetration in countries such as India and China. Other factors driving market expansion in the Asia Pacific include rising internet usage, the need for portable gadgets, and rising per capita income. North America and Europe are likely to be lucrative markets in the projected period, following the Asia Pacific in terms of revenue. Changes in technology, acceptance of IoT devices, and the use of mobile phones for a variety of activities are all factors that can boost market expansion in those regions.
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ellamaemachelabv95 · 3 years
Taoglas Signs Distribution Agreement with Distrelec
Taoglas Signs Distribution Agreement with Distrelec Taoglas, an enabler of digital transformation through IoT, has signed a new distribution agreement with Distrelec, an online product and service provider of electronics, automation and measurement technology to maintenance professionals. This partnership brings Taoglas’ range of advanced components and highly-sophisticated RF, antenna, cables and connectors to Distrelec’s customers around the world.
Taoglas’ pioneering technology in advanced antenna designs is backed by a global team of experts - delivering standard and custom engineered antennas and RF components from world-class engineering facilities around the world. Using the latest in high-performance RF antenna design, Taoglas has one of the most comprehensive portfolios of external and embedded antennas covering Cellular, GPS/GNSS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, UWB, NFC/RFID, LPWA, ISM band and Satcom applications.
“Taoglas is proud to launch our new partnership with Distrelec. The new distribution agreement strengthens our ability to provide customers with greater flexibility and access to the most advanced RF and antenna technologies worldwide,” said Taylor Kimmerle, VP of Global Distribution Sales for Taoglas. “As one of the leading high-service online distributors, Distrelec is well positioned to ensure customers quickly get the support they need to develop reliable, high-performance solutions.”
“We are delighted to be part of Taoglas' global distribution network. Distrelec is well positioned to extend the reach of Taoglas products through our large customer base across Europe. We look forward to offering customers an exciting new range of high-quality industrial antenna solutions, which closely matches the needs of our diverse customer base,” said Raj Patel, Managing Director at Distrelec.
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omsoftwarein · 5 years
SEO In 2020: What is on the horizon?
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Technologies such as AI, IoT, perspective analysis, automation, AR/VR, machine learning are constantly shaping the foundation for the future. The focus is to make life smarter with clarity and consistency. All of these developments and a lot of others have sizable footprint on how digital marketing is going to look like in the future. Read on!
A school of thought argues that SEO will be dead, and it will be non-existent soon. However, this is not the fact. SEO will always exist, of course in a more redefined form - aligned with the changing priorities of digital natives. It is evolving everyday and getting better to accommodate the demands of searchers. If you look at the ways Google search has become more relevant and focused, you can understand what we mean to say.
SEO is not dying. It is changing because it needs to
Google's algorithms keep changing and the reason is very simple. The search giant holds an incredible search market share, and to stay at the top, it is committed to offer searchers the most relevant, and best ever search results for any given keywords. More than 90% search market share means people trust Google for being accurate, and relevant.
Google search algorithm - Getting better every day!
Offering a searcher with information is not the focus here. If it were, then anyone could rank higher with keyword stuffing. The prime objective is to connect a searcher with most practical and desired information that solves a problem. As a business, you should as well understand that sticking to the traditional SEO best practices might not be always beneficial and evolving with time is the way to go.
Trends to watch out for: SEO trends in 2020
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SEO IN 2020 - as it seems now - shall continue the tradition of developments already established in 2019 - but with more focused intent. Here are a few expected developments -
Beyond Click and Tap: Voice search replacing keyed-in searches
Voice search is taking over and by 2020; it is estimated to cover around 20 percent of all searches. Traditionally, search engine optimizers would target keywords that were mostly the result of keyed-in entries - usually small. But when a user conducts voice search, he prefers to enter more information - a string of thoughts.
What does this mean?
• SEOs should target long-tail keywords more frequently than ever
• Target featured snippets
• Focus on more local searches since voice searchers are actively looking for local information
More than desired information: Searcher's intent to take centrestage
If you look at the Google search results today, you will find an increased focus on relevancy and intent. This is going to be stronger in the days to come, and it means a lot.
What does this mean then?
• Content should be clear, consistent and contextual
• SEOs should make sure their website is offering values across all the stages of audience touchpoints. This includes not just providing the desired information - but things searchers have not even expected. A searcher looking for generic information on "How to write a good SEO content" should find an extensive article around this topic relevant, but what about offering videos with tutorials, link to an upcoming webinar that promises better SEO writing skills, and what about incorporating a feature on the page that guides the searcher to test SEO writing live?
Smooth User experience: Clear, focused information that is effortless to find, and simple to understand
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UI - short for - user experience - is our next suggested trend in the list, and it is very much aligned with the previous entry we mentioned - searcher's intent. Google is giving prominence to user-focused search results, and websites that understand this are enjoying better ranking.
What does this mean?
• Optimize speed load to save on a searcher's time
• Use high quality content that quickly solves a problem, including CTAs
• Use uncomplicated design
• Headlines, bullet points, long-form content
Content is the New Currency and Kingdom
We cannot stress on this enough. You know content has been the king, and every single development SEO in 2020 will experience will have a content connection associated with it. Content writers have a very important role to play in this.
What does this mean?
• Writing relevant content that solves problems
• Covering different forms of content
• Using keywords strategically across the content without overstuffing
• Covering long-form content
• Reputation of the content creator to gain more importance
Mobile-first is going to be the new normal
Mobile is the new normal, and mobile first indexing is thus the new SEO priority. How better your website loads and is optimized for mobile version is critically important to gain increased ranking status.
What does this mean?
• Website loading speed on hand-held devices
• Content formation in the devices
• Creation of Mobile-driven content
Page speed has always been and will always carry value
When we talk about SEO IN 2020, we should remember that this is the age of fast information searches. People will not wait. Despite having the best of information, if your website is slow, they will move elsewhere.
What does this mean?
• Optimize all versions of your website for all devices
• Improve server response time
• Use a content distribution network
Brand Reputation Is One Thing No One Can Expect To Lose
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Trust is going to be a decisive factor - like it has always been - in SEO 2020. A lot of factors collectively decide the authenticity and reputation of a website.
What does this mean?
• Your website should be populated with useful content
• The website's partnership should be with other reputable websites
• An increased flow of reviews that are positive help brand building
• Number of complaints published about the brand online also matters
Localizing search is the normal
Local search results are gradually making inroads to mainstream, and over the years, it is going to be the number one thing of prominence in the optimization industry. Of course local SEO is already dominating, but it is going to be more crucially important soon.
What does this mean?
• Localize content
• Claim your Google listing
• Invest in a full-fledged local SEO campaign
New Age Technologies To Redefine New SEO Practices
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When new age technologies join SEO, expect what happens? Awesome results and Smart Outcomes!
Artificial intelligence can help marketers gather smart insights to site performance. With pinpointed data, better competitor analysis can be done. AI can be holistically used across content marketing tactics. With AR, local SEO will be more important, accuracy of information will help improve user experience.
Time is unpredictable, and future is a mystery. No one has ever lived in the future so we can only predict how would it look like based on what we are living today. Be it SEO trends in 2020 or thereafter!
SEO is going to be more stable, and matured in 2020. Businesses will incorporate new ways to rank higher using latest tools and technologies, and thus the demand of the service will exist always. That also means SEO industry will need more human resources and remain to be lucrative career opportunity.
Hope you enjoyed reading the article. What other trends do you think will dominate the SEO in 2020? Please let us know. For suggestions to make this article better, we welcome your comments.
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wiseguyreport1221 · 3 years
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rohit890 · 3 years
Smart Materials Market Growth Factors, Business Developments and Segmentation 2021-2025
Market Overview
Smart materials have the power to change one or more properties when a controlled external stimuli like stress, temperature, moisture, pH, electric and magnetic fields are applied on the fabric . Piezoelectric, magneto-rheostatic, electro-rheostatic, and other shape memory alloys are the foremost widely used smart materials. Properties like viscosity, volume, and conductivity are often altered as per requirement in end applications. The smart material market is segmented on the idea of type, which incorporates biomimetric materials, piezo-electric materials, thermally responsive materials et al. .
The piezoelectric materials segment dominated the smart materials market. Smart materials are adaptive to different environmental and operational conditions. Increased investments in R&D to innovate new smart materials has resulted in broadened applications in automotive, construction, healthcare, aerospace, and chemical industries. Shape memory alloys have wide selection of applications in manufacturing actuators and motors.
Request Copy Of This Business Report:https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/smart-materials-market-281
Market Dynamics
Increasing technological advancements have resulted in increased use of developed materials instead of conventional materials like polymers, metal, and glass various industries like automotive, consumer electronics, and healthcare, among others. The property of smart materials to vary one or more of its properties thanks to external stimulus is driving the usage of smart materials for various applications like transducers, actuators & motors, structural materials et al. .
The use of smart materials require high investments. Various governmental and non-governmental bodies are that specialize in increasing awareness and fuel uptake of smart materials. as an example , Centexbel launched a replacement TIS action along side Sirris to teach companies about the varied applications of smart materials that are available commercially. The increased demand for consumer electronics and wide selection of applications for smart sensors by the top users act as a driving factor for growth of the smart materials market. The introduction of internet of things (IoT) and therefore the increased demand for connected devices is driving market growth globally.
Global Smart Materials Market Taxonomy
The global smart materials market is classified on the basis of the following segments:
product type
Piezoelectric materials
Shape memory materials
Smart fluids
Smart hydrogels
Electrochromic materials
Actuators & motors
Structural materials
Major players involved in the market include TDK Corporation (Japan), CTS Corporation (U.S.), Optotune AG (Switzerland), AMM Technologies (Italy), Lord Corporation (U.S.), Fort Wayne Metals (U.S.), AI Technology Inc. (U.S.), AVX Corporation (U.S.), Advanced Cerametrics,Inc., (U.S.), Wright Medical Group (U.S.).
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
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Phone: US +12067016702 / UK +4402081334027
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