#Is SAP still in demand 2023?
soracities · 1 year
Your account is absolutely wonderful.. I am assuming that it takes a lot of time and dedication to absorb so much art... I find myself drifting away, always exhausted from my job... So I guess my question is what do you do for work and how do you stay inspired?
most of my time is spent child-minding and while that has left me with very little time to read and watch the things i want--and can be quite exhausting in and of itself--i think there is a little trade-off in that children keep you attentive to the world around you in a way you would not otherwise be, if only because you have to be that attentive to answer all their countless questions. so in a sense there is some inspiration i glean from that.
otherwise, i think this blog sometimes does give off the impression that i'm more well-read than i actually am; in reality, i dance on the surface of a lot of artworks but am passionate about maybe a tiny handful of works, and maybe, like, two painters. i have a "to watch" list that far exceeds my lifespan given that i actually watch, maybe, 3 movies a year. i have finished one (short) book since 2023 started and it took me six months to read that. the books that i've managed to read over the years, i've read chiefly in bursts and almost always in time periods where i was lucky enough in that i didn't have much to occupy me; even then, i'm aware i didn't read as much as i could have done with the time i had, but i'm also the kind of person who cannot devour book after book endlessly, either--i have a very clear saturation point, after which i need to do something different.
i think this blog, more than anything else, is a kind of repository of all the little fragments of thoughts or books or the world that interest and catch me and that i want to keep, but what i actually spend time with and dive into makes up an absolutely miniscule fraction of that. there have been long months (and years) where i did not have it in me to maintain any kind of sustained attention to reading or poetry, but i think the ability to do so is a huge, often unacknowledged, priviliege that requires not just time and economic security, but also mental clarity. i'm saying this to stress that what you feel, especially with whatever demands your job makes on you, is entirely normal and not anything to be ashamed of: the toll bills take, that laundry takes, that cooking and cleaning and countless other errands take are not to be underestimated when you go into them already sapped of most of your reserves in the first place.
it's something i've felt quite often (and still do); carving out the time to read as much or as often as i would like to does require dedication which i do not always have the energy for. but i think for me, to answer your question regarding inspiration, especially during the times when i'm not reading anything, inspiration is in paying as much attention as i can to the world around me, no matter how tiny the details are. there's a quote by william stafford where he talks about the ability to have "one vivid morning" and then "chain myself to it for fifty years". i don't have any set "philosophy" on life, but that is one thing i have always lived by: i still remember a single razor of light i saw on the railway tracks one morning a year ago which caught me by surprise, or the time on the bus when the setting sun filled the top deck and i knew then by the colour of it that summer was coming, or when i got up close to a patch of damp moss to see all its tiny little hairs more clearly, or one afternoon five years or so ago when i bought some loose pears from a corner shop and they were the sweetest, most-melt-in-the-mouth-juiciest pears i'd ever had....i can obsess over the light through a window over and over and over again no matter how often i see it. my mother put some lilies in a vase in the living room a few weeks ago and the entire time i was enraptured with how the scent hit me everytime i'd come into that room. even after more than a week they still enraptured me; each time was like i discovered them all over again and that brightened my mood so immeasurably.
for me inspiration is chiefly about recognizing the things that bring me joy and then holding them as closely as i can. there's a game i've started playing if i'm on a long bus trip where i take the number of a random bus stop i pass and if it's lower than 2020 i google what events happened in that year and pick the one that interests me most: if i'm going to be on my phone anyway, i will be on it in a way that aligns with what i already enjoy (FACTS!) and won't drain me (social media). when i don't have the energy to finish or even pick up a book, i'm subscribed to sites like Aeon, Ordinary Plots, Diaries of Note, or grieftolight on instagram (shoutout to forever beloved @firstfullmoon doing the lord's work with that account, truly), or podcasts i like, which allow me to read or experience little bits and pieces here and there without the pressure or anxiety-inducing commitment. if there is a poem i love i try to spend as much time with it as i can, which often just takes the form of me writing it down (by hand, usually-- that part is important) into a ledger of poems i keep which i can return to whenever i want, underlining my favourite parts or just rereading what spoke to me (i also love going to exhibits or museums (which, luckily, are mostly free where i live) or taking note of all the random bits of street art i see)
a year or so ago i also started, and this has changed my life, to copy down some of my favourite quotes i've reblogged onto little cue cards and stick them on the wall by my bed. some are poems, some are bits of novels or scraps of philosophy, some are motivational tidbits, but all of them are things i want to be reminded of. it helps me remember the lines i most want to keep and also grounds me in an odd way, but more than that, it just makes me happy. if i'm doom-scrolling, or having a rough evening, i can turn to that wall and read the things that mean most to me.
i don't know if any of this helps, and i'm conscious of not putting these out there as a cure-all because i'm very aware of how quickly, and how easily, this society and its set-up can drain you. i am, though, a staunch proponent of approaching art (any kind) and your engagement with it from a place and a pace that is true to you, before anything else, and that includes taking into account your own circumstances and what would bring you the most enjoyment within the means you have available to you: sometimes that's a 20 minute radio interview about blackholes, sometimes it's counting how many birds you pass as you walk through the park, sometimes it's 150 page novella it takes you half a year to finish. whatever it may look like, center your own pleasure first. i hope this can give you something, anon ♡
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askspookyfox · 11 months
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Wow, my artist, my guy, thanks for a whole lotta nothing for 3 years. It's a'ight. It's fine. Cool cool cool cool. Don't worry my sinners, I do still exist! Imma try to make plans to make a dramatic return and have an explaination for everything, but the timing just isn't quite right. Those of you who still watch this blog, I 'presh you. ✌️ Until then, I hope y'all been taking good care of October in my absence (and by 'good care', I mean annoy the heck outta her, heh).
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Mod Mutt: Heeeeeyyy.... So... 'Bout droppin that ball that I mentioned in my last post... Three years, huh? My bad, y'all. 😅
As it was stated in that post, I had some serious financial priorities that I needed a second job that demanded a lot of my free time (thanks student loans, always a blast whenever you sap up a third of my paycheck every month 👍👍👍). As of 2023, even though some things are new in my life, I’m still technically in the same situation as I was back in 2020. It’s really hard to have the energy and motivation to do art in general and when I do, I usually couldn’t do more than a sketch before I tuck it away and don’t finish. I’m knee deep in a burn-out, stuck in a cycle of working two jobs and taking care of adulting shit on my weekends. 
Honestly, I’m tired of living this way. 
I feel like a shell of who I used to be, giving my life to work. I miss the creativity that comes with art and telling stories. I adore watching my best friend do their October’s blog, year after year, and every year, I get the inspiration from them but lack the time to jump back into it. Such as this year, it’s just too late as we only have a week left in the month. 
However, if you’ll have me, as a New Year’s resolution for next year, I want to refocus back to art and sharing Spook’s stories and help Night push October’s storyline along with Spook’s help. If this means having to work on Spook posts once a week every week leading up to October 2024, then so be it! I can’t guarantee anything, I can’t make promises as life do still take priority, but I do have a lot of sketches and answers to your questions sitting in my computer, waiting to be completed, so who knows what you’ll see! For right now, please accept my apologies for literally disappearing on everyone in 2020. I want to do better and I want to bring Spook and all of his scary toothy sassiness back to you. Thank you to those who’s still around, I hope that you’ll come back in 2024.
Until then, stay spooky!
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zoetic-tome · 1 year
Prompt 2: ... To A Monster
Prompt: Bark - FFXIV Write 2023
Characters: Howl Content Warning: Blood, Gore, Death Notes: Part two of From A Man…
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He was hoarse, his throat raw. He had been laying in the cradle of boxes and emptied burlap bags, weeping, for hours. His parents would be expecting him. Reluctantly the Duskwight youth drew himself out of the hole he had near buried himself in, rubbing furiously at cheeks that ached and were still wet and across under a dripping nose. 
He had sobbed his voice gone. By the time he finally made it home, his parents met his entrance with concern. His mother’s voice called after him, sweet and clear like crystal. Something had happened, clearly, but he needed to eat while he told them. He shook his head and ferried himself into the back of their home, closing the door that led into his alcove tightly behind him. 
He felt wrong. Unclean. Hands hurriedly stripped his tunic and trousers off, balled them up and shoved them into the back of the space that served to hold all of his garments. Where they could be forgotten. Ugly bruises still circled his wrist, and against tanned skin he could see where the tumble into the ditch had left its mark on him. 
He pulled his his sleeping tunic over his head and shoved too long and awkward legs into his trousers before he curled up onto his bed, beneath his woven blankets. The fire in his room hadn’t been kindled, and he had no urge to get back out of bed. It would be enough for the night, and later, perhaps after some sleep, he could tend the fire properly and warm himself up. 
Through the closed door, he could hear his mother and father’s voices. Worry warped their words into something else past the wood that blocked him from them, and he rolled over and jerked his blankets up over his head, his lanky frame curling in on itself. Eventually, adrenaline and even worry sapped itself from his frame, and exhaustion took over, dragging him down into slumber.
The sounds that filled his room, bells later, were wrong. They were the whisper of leaves in trees, of crunching branches. They were a peaceful lull in the dark, but there were no Hearers here, to translate the dark words being spoken by the all encompassing spirits that kept the Hedge between the place called the Black Shroud, and everywhere else. 
Punishment, one voice called for. Vengeance, claimed another. Mercy, demanded yet another still. The boy in his bed turned, shifting this way and that as entities far his better decided his fate. Justice, they decided on eventually. Justice for the dead, Justice for the unborn, and Mercy, Mercy for the child who made a mistake.
Mercy was a subjective term when you were not an Elemental, meting out punishment for someone who had collected so much Woodsin all at once. What they called mercy, others would call a curse. A dim glow lit around the youth’s frame as the voices in the pitch of his room declared his fate, one by one. And then, the voices grew silent. 
That silence was broken a moment later by the creak of the bed as he shifted where he lay. His breath came in a shuddering sigh, his head pitching from side to side. His skin was growing flush, burgeoning heat roaring through him as legs kicked, shoving the blanket off him and to the ground. Everything felt wrong. The texture of his clothing. The temperature of the air.
But it wasn’t the heat that finally woke him, or the feelings that made him twist and turn in his bed, unable to get comfortable in his sleep. What jolted him awake was the sickening crunch of bone and the searing pain that coursed through his body. His back was bowed up off the bed, and his mouth was open in a wordless scream. Bit by bit, his body twisted and warped. 
It wasn’t until he could finally inhale that the screaming began.
His father was the first through the door at the sound of his son’s agony, and so was the first to feel the rake of too long claws through the soft meat of his stomach. Blood spilled nearly black in the darkness on limbs that were too long, too warped to be human anymore. Hands lifted to the tumble of insides through rent skin, confusion on the man’s face as he search for any sign of his son in the room. But there was none. 
Not a trace of his boy. Only the inhuman scream of the beast that fell on him, ripping and rending with claws and teeth and a bloodied muzzle. His wife could smell the blood in the air, see the pool seeping from the doorway that her husband had walked into. Without a second thought, on instinct, she turned to run. 
The creature leapt on her from behind, bearing her to the cavern floor. It’s muzzle closed around her shoulder, teeth tearing flesh from bone amid her shrieks of pain. The beast on her back bore her into the stone, claws raking and rending, teeth tearing and biting and ripping until she, like her husband, fell silent.
Blood trailed from fur as black as night, as the creature burst through the door. Up and along paths that were familiar it ran, until it was greeted not by worn stone and long corridors, but by the fresh, overwhelming array of scents of the air above. His teeth dripped and his body ached and all the world felt new. 
Howl jerked awake, his body tumbling from the makeshift bed that he occupied. He had been trailing a target up into Gyr Abanian territory, and had found a little cabin to stay at for the night. The Duskwight planted his hands on the floor and pushed himself upright once more, rising, stumbling to his feet. That dream again. How often had it haunted his sleep over the years?
It had been three epochs since that horrible, awful first night. He staggered out of the cabin and onto the porch, hands raking through black hair streaked here and there with grey. He stumbled down off the porch, and further out into the woods. The night was calm. Bright, beautiful. 
And all of him felt wrong. 
He had been away for too long. His back met bark as he turned to spin and press himself against a nearby tree, trying to calm the hammering of his heart. A glance down at his hands confirmed what he had feared. His nails were long and jagged like claws, his hands stiff and unyielding.
He needed to go home. Weeks were too long, and he was going to lose himself to what lived under his skin. Just as he had so many nights ago, he ran. Somewhere in all of that running, the man stopped being a man. Paws met the ground as a furred body, massive, roamed across the territory he had covered weeks ago. Eventually, browning and stone gave way to green grass and impossibly tall trees, and the creature tipped its head back, staring up into the sky as night began to slowly fade.
Home again, Home again, Monster.
Bound to the Wood, Child of Below. 
Drenched in Woodsin, Wildling.
For Mercy that Never Was.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'In order for you not to feel anything from All of Us Strangers, you almost have to suffer from chronic apathy - or a coma. It's rarely classy to casually praise a film unless it actually deserves it, but All of Us Strangers demands praise. The director behind the film is Andrew Haigh (Weekend) who probably reached his creative peak with this film. If not, a bright future awaits.
The plot follows the reclusive TV scriptwriter Adam , played by the brilliant Andrew Scott , who lives a reclusive and rather lonely existence in London. After meeting their drunken neighbor Harry, portrayed by Paul Mescal , they begin a passionate relationship. Adam also encounters visions of his dead parents, played by Jamie Bell and Claire Foy , and relives moments from his past in his old childhood home.
The visions of his parents make Adam question whether several events or happenings in his life are merely a product of his imagination or actual reality.
The moment of redemption – the relief of reconciliation
The film deals with so many layers of the human nature that it almost feels overwhelming to untangle. Adam's loneliness and the raw questions surrounding his sexuality, along with the childhood trauma he experienced following the tragic death of his parents, result in many pieces of his emotional puzzle still missing. He seems to live in a constant limbo between his past and the ability to move on.
The scenes where Adam tentatively seeks absolution and comfort from his parents in his childhood home are both heartfelt and fragile. Everything that Adam experienced during his upbringing and in his adult life, the absence of his parents, he now seeks their understanding and blessing for. 
The redemptive moments when Adam reunites with both his parents in understanding and forgiveness are a cinematic primordial force. The parents' inadequacy and misunderstanding of Adam's person at a young age is gradually sorted out, and as an audience you desperately hope that it will result in a satisfying climax.
At one point, Adam apologizes for constantly waking his mother every night to sleep in his parents' bed, to which his mother says – I'm sorry I didn't enjoy you driving me crazy.
In another strong scene, the family celebrates Christmas together. When the song "Always on my mind" plays, the mother and father spontaneously start singing along and quickly realize that the lyrics reflect their feelings and flaws towards Adam - a scene as beautiful as it is thought-provoking.
Two lonely souls – each other's medicine
The love story with Harry feels completely uncontrived, genuinely passionate and clinically pure. The line "I'll protect you from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from your door" from the song "Power of Love" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood is played when Adam and Harry first meet, and reappears later in the film. Harry symbolizes the piece that Adam is missing in his happiness puzzle and the power that protects him from that which saps him of joy and happiness. 
Both Harry and Adam are two lonely individuals who are in equal need of each other's company and love in order to find belonging.
The film touches on many aspects of life that ordinary people reflect on all the time. The ability to dare to let someone into your life and let this person help you, love you and challenge you. No one wants to go through life and only be a stranger to their surroundings. Interactions with strangers can be paths to self-realization and personal growth if we only learn to open our hearts and minds to the unknown.
The acting performances, script work, music score – yes the whole movie overall, leaves me with a feeling of gratitude as I leave the theater. A few times in my life, this feeling has appeared after a visit to the cinema. To be able to experience this from time to time is a blessing - so a standing ovation from me, thank you.
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tsasocial · 5 months
Indorama Ventures reports improved quarterly performance
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Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported an improved quarterly performance as the prolonged destocking trend showed further signs of easing. During the quarter, the company progressed its IVL 2.0 evolved strategy to enhance earnings quality and transform its business to emerge stronger from the downturn in global chemical markets.
Indorama Ventures’ reported Adjusted EBITDA1 of $366 million in 1Q24, a 32% increase QoQ and a 2% decline YoY. Sales volume grew 3% QoQ as the widespread customer destocking that sapped demand through 2023 shows signs of a gradual recovery across all sectors, partially offset by a winter freeze in the U.S. The result was supported by lower utility costs in Europe, Red Sea-related supply chain disruptions that benefited the company’s import parity advantages, and favorable shale gas economics that bolstered profitability in the U.S.
Indorama Ventures expects the recovery in volumes to continue through 2024, albeit at a gradual pace as destocking normalizes and the approaching summer supports demand. However, the overall landscape for the global chemical industry remains challenging due to excess capacity builds, as well due to persistent inflation and high interest rates which weigh on industry spreads and continue to impair profitability, especially across the polyester value chain. Our HVA segment ‘Indovinya’ is progressing well into the second quarter after the easing of destocking and anticipating a healthy 2024.
The company’s experienced management remains intensely focused on managing costs, optimizing competitiveness, and maintaining high liquidity. Indorama Ventures’ diverse geographical footprint is a key advantage in the current low-margin environment, allowing its businesses to maintain their strong market premium, supported by protection from trade and non-trade barriers.
In 1Q, the company made headway with its IVL 2.0 three-year plan to leverage its global leadership position and forge a new era of opportunity amid significant structural changes in chemical markets. Under the evolved strategy, which the company outlined at its annual Capital Markets Day in March, Indorama Ventures is optimizing assets, reducing debt, and focusing on generating free cash flow to deliver enhanced shareholder returns. Today, 70% of the company's revenue has deployed the SAPS/4HANA ERP and is using the infrastructure to enhance digital procurement, sales excellence, and integration of supply chains across the business. The company believes these AI tools will improve productivity and costs, as well as release working capital in line with its modernization strategy.
Mr. Aloke Lohia, Group CEO of Indorama Ventures, said, “The first quarter of 2024 marked a new era for Indorama Ventures as we saw a modest recovery in demand and embarked on our IVL 2.0 plan with renewed vigor as a significant pivot in our business strategy. After a period of introspection in 2023, we are encouraged by the gradual easing of destocking in 1Q, but we are under no illusions about the challenges that still confront the industry. We continue to double down on managing costs and improving competitiveness. As we take the first steps in implementing our evolved strategy, I expect that our cautious optimism will gather pace through 2024 as we continue to see volumes recover.”
As part of IVL 2.0, the company is optimizing 7 sites, including the ongoing evaluation of its PTA/PET operation in the Netherlands. It has also made significant progress in its program to refinance $1.1 billion of debt within the first half of 2024 to ensure ample liquidity. Recent capital raisings include a $255 million ‘Ninja loan’, a THB 10 billion debenture, a $100M bi-lateral loan, and this week’s successful close of a $500 million syndicated loan – achieved at lower-than-average spreads compared to previous issuances.
To unlock value, Indorama Ventures is preparing its packaging and surfactant businesses for IPOs. From 1Q24, the Indovinya segment (previously named ‘Integrated Oxides and Derivatives’) is focused on developing its attractive downstream surfactants operations as a separate segment. The segment’s Intermediate Chemicals business, consisting of shale base integrated Ethylene MEG, MTBE, and merchant Purified EO assets, has been moved under the Combined PET (CPET) segment where they are a natural fit.
Segment Performances
In 1Q24, CPET segment (including Intermediate Chemicals) posted Adjusted EBITDA of $249 million, a 34% gain QoQ and 4% YoY as supply chain disruptions and a consequent spike in global ocean freight rates supported high prices and margins, and as Western markets benefited from lower energy costs. The Indovinya segment reported a stable Adjusted EBITDA of $70 million, impacted by the winter freeze in the U.S. and a mini turnaround at a PO/PG plant. The Fibers segment achieved a remarkable 73% increase in Adjusted EBITDA to $39 million QoQ, and 2% YoY, as destocking waned across all three business verticals and drove an 8% QoQ increase in volume.
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rohitpalan · 7 months
Navigating Growth Horizons: Advanced Analytics Market Set to Surpass US$ 15 Billion by 2024
The global advanced analytics market is anticipated to reach a valuation of US$ 15,149.8 million in 2024, driven by rise in self-service analytics. The trend is expected to create new opportunities for the market, leading to a projected CAGR of 5.8% between 2024 and 2034, and reaching a total valuation of approximately US$ 26,688.0 million by 2034.
One of the major factors contributing to the growth of the advanced analytics market is the investment in analytics talent and training. Recognizing the importance of skilled personnel, organizations are investing in training programs and hiring professionals with expertise in data science, machine learning, and advanced analytics. Building a data savvy workforce is crucial for maximizing the value of analytics investments.
Collaborative analytics tools enable teams to work together on data analysis projects in real time. The trend fosters collaboration among business analysts, data scientists, and other stakeholders, facilitating better decision making processes.
Get Sample Copy of this Report at: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-5087
The potential integration of quantum computing with analytics, while still in the early stages, holds promise for solving complex problems and performing computations at a scale that traditional computers may struggle with.
The optimization of supply chain processes through analytics is gaining prominence. Organizations are leveraging advanced analytics to enhance visibility, predict demand, optimize inventory, and improve overall supply chain efficiency.
Advanced analytics enables businesses to create personalized customer experiences by analyzing data on individual preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Customer segmentation strategies are becoming more sophisticated, allowing for targeted marketing and product recommendations.
The combination of analytics with augmented and virtual reality technologies is opening new possibilities for data visualization and immersive analytics experiences. The trend is particularly relevant in industries such as manufacturing, where AR and VR can be used for virtual simulations and training.
Key Takeaways from the Market Study
Global advanced analytics market was valued at US$ 14,355.5 million by 2023-end.
From 2019 to 2023, the market demand expanded at a CAGR of 5%.
The market in India is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6% through 2034.
By industry, the BFSI segment to account for a share of 22.6% in 2024.
From 2024 to 2034, advanced analytics market is expected to flourish at a CAGR of 8%.
By 2034, the market value of advanced analytics is expected to reach US$ 26,688.0
The integration of blockchain technology with analytics enhances data integrity, security, and transparency. Analytics tools can be used to gain insights from blockchain data, providing valuable information for industries like finance, supply chain, and healthcare, remarks an FMI analyst.
Competitive Landscape
Prominent players in the advanced analytics market are Altair Engineering, Inc., Fair Isaac Corporation, International Business Machines Corporation, KNIME, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, RapidMiner, Inc., SAP SE, SAS Institute Inc., Trianz, Infor, and Teradata, among others.
Request for Methodology: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/request-report-methodology/rep-gb-5087
Despite the market’s promising growth trajectory, certain restraints hinder its seamless progression. Concerns regarding data privacy and security remain paramount, posing challenges for widespread adoption. Moreover, the complexities associated with integrating advanced analytics solutions into existing systems and the lack of skilled professionals act as barriers impeding market growth.
Key Companies Profiled        
Altair Engineering, Inc.
Fair Isaac Corporation
International Business Machines Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Oracle Corporation
RapidMiner, Inc.
SAS Institute Inc.
Recent Developments
In 2023, Microsoft announced the launch of its new Azure Machine Learning Studio platform, which features a new visual drag and drop interface that makes it easy to build and deploy AI and ML models. The new platform is designed to make AI and ML more accessible to businesses of all sizes.
In 2022, Teradata announced the launch of its new Aster Analytics platform, which features a new in memory architecture that enables businesses to perform real time analytics on large datasets. The new platform is designed to help businesses make better decisions faster by providing them with the insights they need to understand their customers, predict future trends, and optimize their operations.
In 2021, Oracle announced the launch of its new Oracle Analytics Cloud platform, which features a unified platform for data warehousing, business intelligence, and machine learning. The new platform is designed to help businesses of all sizes make better decisions by providing them with the insights they need to understand their customers, predict future trends, and optimize their operations.
Segmentation Analysis of the Advanced Analytics Market
By Solution:
Big Data Analytics
Visual Analytics
Risk Analytics
Social Media Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Other Solutions
By Industry:
Retail & Consumer Goods
Other Industries
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia & Pacific
East Asia
The Middle East & Africa
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The best motorbike routes in Vietnam
The best motorbike routes in Vietnam
6 min read
The best motorbike routes in Vietnam
Introduction If you're looking for a truly unforgettable adventure in 2023, why not explore the best motorcycle routes in Vietnam? From the North to the South, these routes will take you to hidden parts of the country, show you breathtaking natural beauty, allow you to meet friendly locals, and experience different cultures. So get ready to embark on a journey unlike any other! Best motorcycle tours in Vietnam: "Ha Giang Loop" - An Unforgettable Motorcycle Tour in Northern Vietnam For the ultimate challenge, Ha Giang Loop is one of Vietnam's most demanding motorcycle routes. The mountainous loop runs over 300 kilometers near the Chinese border and features cliffs and narrow uphill and downhill roads with sharp corners, landslides, and potholes. Beware of reckless local riders and drivers! However, the route through border crossings is worth it! Along the way, you'll see impressive mountains, terraced rice fields, and roads that pass through the clouds and lush valleys. Plus, it's less touristy, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to capture incredible photos at every turn. In addition, you can learn about the daily life of locals from different Vietnamese ethnic groups, including Hmong, Yi, Tay, and Giay, by staying at homestays.
Best time to go: is March to May or between September and October.
Must-see attractions: Yen Minh Town - Dong Van Old Vietnamese Town - Ma Pi Leng Pass - Meo Vac.
>> Book Ha Giang Loop Tour DT725 Motorcycle Route - Saigon to Da Lat: The DT725 route from Saigon to Da Lat is an excellent option for those seeking a leisurely ride or just starting. The course takes you through picturesque pine forests and mountains with cool breezes to offer a relaxing riding experience. Adventurous riders can still explore back roads, alleys, and dirt tracks. Nature lovers will enjoy visiting Nam Cat Tien National Park along the way, a tropical rainforest boasting over 600 plant varieties, fresh herbs, 240 bird species, and 50 mammal species. However, it's important to note that the rainy season can make the route more challenging due to poor road conditions and dangerous insects, so it's best to avoid it during that time.
Best time to go: December to May, during the dry months.
Must-see attractions: Ho Chi Minh City - Highway 1 - Nam Cat Tien National Park - Cu Chi Tunnel - Buon Ma Thuot – Da Lat Highlands - Dak Nong
Discover Central Vietnam on Easy Rider Tours - Da Lat to Nha Trang: A perfect way to enjoy Central Vietnam motorcycle tours is by embarking on an Easy Rider tour from Da Lat to Nha Trang. Take three days to make the scenic trip along the DT652 road. With mostly paved roads and minimal traffic, you can ride with ease. In addition, this route features tarmacs that follow the hill contours, leading you through valley floors and making for a more enjoyable and comfortable ride. As you near Nha Trang, you have two options: pass through rural villages en route to the national highways or take the main road through lush pastures. Finally, you'll be in a beautiful coastal town with an active lifestyle and incredible nature. The views on both sides of the road are breathtaking, so slow down and appreciate your surroundings.
Best time to go: All year round.
Must-see attractions: Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, Khanh Le Pass, Lak Lake, Dray Sap Waterfall, BMT City, Phonix Pass.
>> Book Easy Rider Tour From Da Lat To Nha Trang The Best Beach Routes for Easy Rider Tours from Da Lat Did you know that some of the best coastal roads in Southeast Asia are in Vietnam? Take your chance to experience these breathtaking views by taking an Easy Rider tour along the coastline from Nha Trang to Mui Ne on the QL1A road. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life by stopping in small fishing villages to soak up the peaceful surroundings while enjoying the beautiful beaches and stunning scenery. Motorcycle bikes are popular among couples looking for a relaxing day trip together.
Best time to go: March to August, especially in summer.
Must-see attractions: Phan Rang Coast, Mui Ne Beach, and Nha Trang Beaches.
>> Book Easy Rider Tour Departure From Da Lat Hoi An to Phong Nha: Hoi An Easy Rider Tours If you want to take an Easy Rider Tour from Hoi An to Phong Nha Ke Bang, stock up on extra fuel, as there are no fuel stations between the six to eight-hour ride. It's our first piece of advice to prepare you for the journey ahead. As you ride through the valleys, rivers, mountains, and waterfalls, entrust yourself with the stunning side scenery. Once in Phong Nha, be sure to explore the caves. These majestic limestone karsts have been shaped by water over thousands of years, creating a truly breathtaking natural landscape.
Best time to go: Any time of year.
Must-see attractions: Ho Chi Minh Road, Khe Sanh Combat Base, the Phong Nha Ke Bang Caves, Hoi An Ancient Town, Hai Van Pass, and Da Nang City.
>> Hoi An To Phong Nha Tour Kon Tum to Hoi An Motorcycle Tours: If you're looking for an extensive motorcycle tour, we recommend taking the QL24 route from Kon Tum through Quang Ngai and on to Hoi An. With a total distance of 170 km, this route takes at least three days to complete, allowing you to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of central Vietnam fully. One of the best things about this route is the well-paved roads and numerous tourist attractions. We recommend spending your nights at local homestays to get a glimpse of the rich culture of central Vietnam. This route is perfect for any time of year, and remember to check out highlights like the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Kham Duc Town, Thien An Mountain, and the beautiful Hoi An Ancient Town. >> Top Motorcycle Tours in Vietnam With so many great Vietnam motorcycle routes, deciding where to start takes a lot of work. Whether you're going from North to South or vice versa, be sure to hop on a bike and experience the stunning landscapes, rich culture, and delicious cuisine of Vietnam. Keep following our site for more adrenaline-filled Vietnam motorcycle tours!
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kotsworld2021 · 1 year
Bangalore is the fastest growing city in terms of economy, competing with top cities in the world like Tokyo and Beijing, as per Oxford Economics. In 2023, the rates of flats for rent in Whitefield, Bangalore, have increased significantly, worrying engineers and other working millennials seeking residence in the city. The individuals typing "house for rent near me" are finding homes out of their budget. Software engineers seeking 1BHK flats for rent in popular localities like Maithri Layout in Whitefield and others are not finding sustainable homes they can afford.
Many reasons might have led to the rise in rental prices in popular localities like Whitefield, Koramangala, and Sarjapur. The rental struggles of the tenant, reasons for rent hikes, and more will be explained in the upcoming section of the article.
Changing Rental Market Trends (Post Covid-19) - Why There Is a Sudden Spike in Rent in Bangalore:
One of the main problems the tenants are facing is the skyrocketing rental prices, especially in IT Hub residential areas like Maithri Layout in Whitefield, Sarjapur, and Bellandur. The rental value has increased in 2023 compared to last year. There are many possibilities as to why landlords are increasing the rent by almost 30% of the cost. When new-age tenants search for "1BHK for rent near me" or "house for rent near me," they do so with expectations different from Covid-19 times. The trends were much different during the lockdown period, where the working trend shifted from Work-from-office to Work-from-home. Today, it is shifting back to Work from Office. The following are the reasons for rental value hike and issues tenants face in finding a home in Bangalore in 2023:
Demand v/s Supply gap: The increasing requirement for apartments in the IT hub of Bangalore is overshooting the availability of homes in the area. The new residential units added are only a 3% increase compared to 2022. These units are filling quickly, whereas double the demand is coming in. The inflow of migrating working professionals constitutes over 50% of the population in dire need of accommodation. During the lockdown in 2020 and 2021, the construction industry had halted, creating scarce supply. The demand which went home is now suddenly coming back, creating a huge gap in the rental market. It has allowed landlords to hike prices and lease their homes only to individuals who can afford the high rent.
Recovering from Pandemic losses: During the pandemic, most big companies, like Amazon, Wipro, SAP, etc., asked their employees to work from home. These individuals returned to their hometown to work remotely, increasing vacant homes in Bangalore. The landlords had to reduce their rental rates and incur a big loss. Now that the workforce has been asked to return to the office, there is a spike in demand for homes, an opportunity for the landlords to regain the revenue lost.
 Sudden Rental Hike trend: The primary factor affecting the tenants is the sudden hike in the rental rates. The landlords in Bangalore are gaining rental yields of around 3.9%. The rent has increased by almost 40% in the last year, making it difficult for engineers and other working professionals to find a residence in the city. Despite adding 13,560 resident units in Bangalore, there is still a mismatch between the demand and the availability. In Whitefield alone, hundreds of people look for '1BHK for rent near me" and are not finding homes in the reasonable price bracket. The average rent of a 1BHK or a 2BHK home has shifted from INR 25,000 to INR 40,000. The price can go up to INR 60,000 in some in-demand localities.
IT Hub Concentrated areas advantage: Over 350 IT companies in and around localities like Whitefield, ITPL, and Koramangala. There is an increase in demand for homes in these localities, making it difficult for tenants enquiring about the 1BHK homes for rent in Whitefield, Bangalore, to find a home. It increases the value of properties within a commutable distance from the workplace. Therefore, rents of properties in demand around these localities have increased significantly.
Additional issues faced by tenants: Apart from the high rent, there are other issues individuals are facing in 2023 to find a home in Bangalore. Some landlords make decisions based on their personal biases when leasing their property to an individual. Most do not prefer to give their property to unmarried individuals, while others want the tenant not to cook meat in the house. Some landlords rent their houses to potential tenants willing to pay a larger price than the quoted price. It makes the other applicants feel like it was an unfair trade, and the opportunity was taken away. Many landlords are asking for the resumes and LinkedIn profiles of potential tenants to screen the list of incoming applications. Some people ask for the tenant's marks cards and refuse to give them a flat if they have scored below 90%. Working professionals and students seeking residence in the city are finding these demands unreasonable. The stress of house-hunting and the landlords' unreasonable demands affects their mental and physical health, making the process more taxing.
How India's Inflation Rate and Rising Rental Prices are Affecting Each Other:
Inflation is the rise in costs of goods and services in a country's economy. The price rise in 2023 will affect all costs, including the rental market and residential real estate.
India's central bank is fighting against sudden inflation. It is affecting the real estate and rental market as the prices in top cities like Bangalore and Mumbai showed a 30% rise in rent, as reported by 20% of the tenant base in these cities.
Over the last five years, Bangalore has seen an inflation rate of 33%. This percentage is only predicted to grow in the coming years.
The ancillary and house rental costs contribute 10.07% of the weightage of the Indian consumer's price inflation leading to a three-year high.
The inflation in urban housing is rising by 4.47% YoY, as seen in December 2022, compared to 3.61% in December 2021 and 3.21% in 2020.
The RBI's comfort zone of inflation rates is between 2%-6%, where the country's retail inflation fell to 5.72%. But the core inflation excludes fuel prices and food supplies. This inflation rate remains closer to 6%, creating a tricky situation for the bank.
The increase in housing rents affects the inflation rate and could become a risk by leading to a further rise.
The average rent rose to around 20%-25% in top cities than pre-pandemic rates. Some popular housing societies have increased the rent by 30%.
The work-hybrid culture in the post-pandemic era demands larger homes with much more space.
The house pricing index put together by the RBI captures home sales and shows a steady rise in the value, which is the highest in more than ten years.
Although the housing market does not directly fall in the basket that affects inflation, its effect is indirectly captured by the construction sector and raw materials. Analysts have predicted that this rise will only exponentially grow.
Future Prediction- Bangalore to be the Fastest-Growing Asian City in 2023:
The increasing demand for flats for rent in Whitefield, Bangalore, and other localities due to many millennials migrating to the city for career opportunities has increased the demand for growth in infrastructure.
The Oxford Economics survey states that Bangalore is set to outperform other indian cities and Asian Pacific peers in 2023 in terms of overall growth with the help of communication and information sectors as its primary drivers.
Prominent localities in Bangalore, like Maithri Layout in Whitefield and layouts in Bellandur and Sarjapur, are seeing a steep rise in rental home demand as people search for "houses for rent near me."
The city is expected to see a 6% growth compared to other metropolitan cities in India.
Rent in Whitefield and Sarjapur is expected to increase by 12% this year.
The two cities have attracted several investors in the IT and manufacturing sectors.
There will be an increase in the influx of working individuals shifting to the city, rising the demand for 1BHK and studio flats on rent in Whitefield, Bangalore, Sarjapur, and other localities in and around ITPL.
The climb in demand will, in turn, increase the cost of living and house rent. The tenants, consisting of software engineers and other working professionals, must budget accordingly to afford the higher rent.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Saturday, April 22, 2023
World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns (Reuters) The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024, fuelled by climate change and the anticipated return of the El Nino weather phenomenon, climate scientists say. Climate models suggest that after three years of the La Nina weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, which generally lowers global temperatures slightly, the world will experience a return to El Nino, the warmer counterpart, later this year. “El Nino is normally associated with record breaking temperatures at the global level. Whether this will happen in 2023 or 2024 is yet known, but it is, I think, more likely than not,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
Thieves steal nearly $15M in gold, other cargo in Toronto airport heist (Washington Post) Thieves at Canada’s busiest airport made off with gold and other valuables estimated to be worth just over $20 million Canadian dollars ($14.8 million), police said Thursday. No arrests have been made yet and an investigation is underway. The high-profile heist occurred after a flight carrying the cargo landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport on Monday evening, Peel Regional Police Inspector Stephen Duivesteyn told reporters. After the plane was unloaded, the shipment was brought to a holding facility, from which it was removed “by illegal means,” he said. The theft comes amid surging demand for gold, which jumped 18 percent in 2022, according to the World Gold Council—a spike it attributed to geopolitical uncertainty and inflation. The airport heist could rival some of the more famous—and intriguing—thefts in Canadian history. Among them is the so-called maple syrup heist, in which 9,571 barrels of the sap, worth nearly 18 million Canadian dollars—around $13.3 million—were secretly drained and replaced with water.
Tornadoes kill 3 in Oklahoma (AP) Crews scrambled Thursday to restore power to thousands of residents after tornadoes plowed through Oklahoma during another deadly spring storm in the U.S., killing at least three people and damaging dozens of homes. A day after at least eight tornadoes spun through Oklahoma, Gov. Kevin Stitt said authorities were still assessing the scale of destruction. He toured the aftermath in Shawnee, where nearly every building at Oklahoma Baptist University showed damage. “The damage is unbelievable when you walk through there,” Stitt said after touring the city.
Distrust in America: Small mistakes, deep fear—and gunfire (AP) In suburban Detroit, it was a lost 14-year-old looking for directions. In Kansas City, it was a 16-year-old who went to the wrong house to pick up his younger brothers. There was the 12-year-old rummaging around in a yard in small-town Alabama, the 20-year-old woman who found herself in the wrong driveway in upstate New York and the cheerleader who got into the wrong car in Texas. All of them, and dozens more across America, were met by gunfire. Some were injured, some killed. In a nation where strangers are all too often seen as threats and fear has been politicized, honest mistakes and simple acts like going to the wrong address or car in a parking lot, or even just ringing the wrong doorbell, can seem like a fateful question of trust. In the early 1970s, surveys showed that about half of America believed most people were trustworthy. By 2020, that number had fallen to less than one-third. Meanwhile, Americans have believed for decades that crime is going up—even in years when it is going down—and also wildly overestimate their chances of being a crime victim. This American mistrust, when mixed with legal confusion, easy access to weapons, poor firearms training and sometimes outright racism, has produced a string of shootings like these that never seems to end.
Argentine peso hits record low in black market as economy creaks (Reuters) Argentina’s peso currency sank in widely used parallel markets on Thursday, hitting a record low against the U.S. dollar as concerns grew about the Latin American country’s economy, with 104% inflation, reserves dwindling and drought hitting exports. The black market peso , one of several unofficial rates that have flourished as tight capital controls have limited access to official forex markets, weakened almost 4% to 438 per dollar, roughly double the official rate of 218 pesos. Argentina, the world’s top exporter of processed soy and a major supplier of corn, beef and wheat, is battling to keep its economy stable as a historic drought crimps foreign currency income, fans local prices and drains central bank reserves.
Hungary food prices spike most in EU (AP) Magdolna Gozon nibbles spicy green peppers from a fruit and vegetable stall at a sprawling indoor market in Budapest, sampling them to make sure they’re hot enough for a soup she’s cooking. The 83-year-old retiree can’t afford to buy more if they don’t have enough kick—not with her small pension and Hungary facing the biggest spike in food prices in the European Union. “I don’t buy fruits. We got potatoes from the municipality, so we don’t have to buy that, but onions became expensive,” said Gozon, who has stopped buying dairy and rarely shops for meat. Food prices have risen dramatically across Europe in recent months, jumping 19.6% in March from a year earlier and becoming the main driver of inflation as energy costs have fallen. But in Hungary, food prices have surged more than 45% over the year, according to EU statistics office Eurostat, far surpassing the next highest figure of just over 29% in Slovakia.
Russia accidentally strikes its own city, state media says (Washington Post) A Russian warplane accidentally fired on the Russian city of Belgorod, the country’s defense ministry said, according to Tass, a Russian news agency. The incident resulted in damaged residential buildings, Tass reported. The governor of the Belgorod region said that the explosion caused three injuries but no deaths. Belgorod is about 20 miles from the Ukrainian border.
Ukraine’s battle for Bakhmut (Washington Post) Ukraine continues to hold Bakhmut’s western edge, despite suggestions from Washington months ago that Kyiv cut its losses and let the city go, according to a leaked classified U.S. assessment obtained by The Post. The document cautioned that “steady” Russian advances since November “had jeopardized Ukraine’s ability to hold the city,” and Ukrainian forces would probably be “at risk of encirclement, unless they withdraw within the next month.” Ukraine has since clung onto western Bakhmut, framing its defense as an imperative far greater than the city’s strategic military value.
Funding the Taliban? (CNN) On Wednesday, John Sopko, the head of the U.S. government’s oversight authority on government spending in Afghanistan, told members of the House that he couldn’t guarantee that U.S. aid to the country is “not currently funding the Taliban.” Over the years, the U.S. has given about $146.68 billion in aid to the country, with $8 billion provided since the U.S. finished withdrawing its forces in 2021. “While I agree, and we all agree Afghanistan faces a dire humanitarian and economic situation, it is critical that our assistance not be diverted by the Taliban,” Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), said to the House Oversight Committee. “Unfortunately, as I sit here today, I cannot assure this committee or the American taxpayer we are not currently funding the Taliban.” “I haven’t seen a starving Taliban fighter on TV, they all seem to be fat, dumb, and happy,” he said. “I see a lot of starving Afghan children on TV, so I’m wondering where all this funding is going.” Since the U.S. withdrawal, Washington has been sending aid to the country through a network of NGOs and international organizations, with little in the way of actual on-the-ground oversight. Sopko added that the Biden administration’s lack of cooperation in tracking down the billions of dollars in aid sent to Afghanistan “is unprecedented in the nearly 12 years that I have been the SIGAR.”
Israel’s Right-Wing Government Has Jewish Democrats at a Loss (NYT) Last month, as demonstrations across Israel convulsed politics in the Jewish state, Jewish Democrats in the House who have made up the bulwark of Israel’s support on their side of the aisle met privately with the country’s ambassador. Representative David Cicilline of Rhode Island. In meetings with liberal groups on and off Capitol Hill, where support for Israel has grown more tenuous by the month, he had always fallen back on what he called the shared democratic values of Israel and the United States, Mr. Cicilline told the ambassador, Michael Herzog. But the new far-right government in Jerusalem, with its efforts to undermine Israel’s independent judiciary and its inclusion of extremist politicians, was making even that plea “much, much more difficult,” Mr. Cicilline recounted in an interview. In the ensuing weeks, the strains between Israel and the Democratic Party, and particularly an American Jewish community that remains predominantly liberal, have only grown worse. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, may have put his overhaul of Israel’s judiciary on pause, but the beating of Muslim worshipers during Ramadan in the Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem—known to Jews as the Temple Mount—the bloodletting on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian divide and the empowerment of far-right ministers in Mr. Netanyahu’s government are fraying relations between the world’s two largest Jewish communities, Israeli and American.
U.S. Positioning Troops for Evacuation of American Embassy in Sudan (NYT) The Pentagon is moving more troops to the African nation of Djibouti to prepare for a possible evacuation of U.S. Embassy staff in Sudan, where fierce fighting between two warring generals has led to the swift deterioration of conditions in the capital, according to two officials. Senior U.S. officials acknowledged that it would not be easy to get embassy staff out, let alone the estimated 19,000 American citizens who are believed to be in the country. The international airport in the capital, Khartoum, has been the target of heavy shelling, leaving destroyed planes littering the tarmac. Sudan’s air space is also closed. Vedant Patel, a U.S. State Department spokesman, said on Thursday that because of the fighting at the Khartoum airport, “it is currently not safe to undertake a U.S. government-coordinated evacuation of U.S. citizens.” More than 330 people have been killed in Sudan in six days of fighting between the army and a powerful paramilitary force, including one American citizen, the State Department told CBS News Thursday. More than 3,180 have been wounded in the incessant clashes.
Amid joy and tragedy, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr holiday (AP) The holiday of Eid al-Fitr ushered in a day of prayers and joy for Muslims around the world on Friday. The celebration was marred by tragedy amid the explosion of conflict in Sudan, while in other countries it came against the backdrop of hopes for a better future. After the Ramadan month of fasting, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr with feasts and family visits. The start of the holiday is traditionally based on sightings of the new moon, which vary according to geographic location. The streets of Arab capitals Damascus, Baghdad and Beirut were crowded with worshippers heading to mosques and cemeteries. Many Muslims visit the graves of their loved ones after the early morning prayer on the first day of Eid al-Fitr. Visitors toted bouquets of flowers, jugs of water for plants, and brooms to clean gravestones.
Long after heyday, soda fountain pharmacies still got fizz (AP) The jukebox plays Chubby Checker’s “The Twist” as Malli Jarrett and Nathaniel Fornash take turns at the Griffith & Feil Drug food counter preparing old-fashioned, soda-fountain phosphate drinks. Soda fountains like this were hugely popular a century ago. Often located in pharmacies, they were a gathering spot during Prohibition when bars shut down. But over the past half century, their numbers fizzled, relegating soda fountains to the scrapbooks of U.S. history. In West Virginia, Ric Griffith is keeping the tradition going. His 131-year-old business is a Norman Rockwell scene and time-travel tourism all wrapped into one. “When you had a soda fountain, people would stay longer, they’d sit down and they’d share stories,” Griffith said. “It would not become the place where you grabbed lunch. It was a place where you had an experience.”
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virginiaprelawland · 2 years
Vaccine Make Refuses To Refund $1.4 Billion
By Noreen Karam, University of Virginia Tech, Class of 2024
February 3, 2023
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As global demand for Covid-19 vaccines dries up, the program responsible for vaccinating the world’s poor has been urgently negotiating to try to get out of its deals with pharmaceutical companies for shots it no longer needs.
Drug companies have so far declined to refund $1.4 billion in advance payments for now-canceled doses, according to confidential documents obtained by The New York Times.
Gavi, the international immunization organization that bought the shots on behalf of the global Covid vaccination program, Covax, has said little publicly about the costs of canceling the orders. But Gavi financial documents show the organization has been trying to stanch the financial damage. If it cannot strike a more favorable agreement with another company, Johnson & Johnson, it could have to pay still more.
Gavi is a Geneva-based nongovernmental organization that uses funds from donors including the U.S. government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to provide childhood immunizations to lower-income nations. Early in the pandemic, it was charged with buying Covid vaccinations for the developing world — armed with one of the largest-ever mobilizations of humanitarian funding — and began negotiations with the vaccine makers.
Those negotiations went badly at the outset. The companies initially shut the organization out of the market, prioritizing high-income countries that were able to pay more to lock up the first doses. Gavi eventually reached deals with nine manufacturers.
But the shots did not begin to reach developing countries in significant numbers until late 2021. By the time Gavi had a steady flow of supply, demand had begun to decline: countries with frail health systems struggled to deliver the shots, and the dominance of the milder Omicron variant sapped people’s motivation to be vaccinated. Now, Covax is far short of the World Health Organization’s goal of vaccinating 70 percent of the population of each country.
The vaccine makers have brought in more than $13 billion from the shots that have been distributed through Covax. Under the contracts, the companies are not obligated to return the prepayments Gavi gave them to reserve vaccines that were ultimately canceled.
But in light of how many vaccine doses Gavi has had to cancel, some public health experts criticized the companies’ actions. Covid vaccine manufacturers “have a special responsibility” because their products are a societal good and most were developed with public funding, said Thomas Frieden, the chief executive of the global health nonprofit Resolve to Save Lives and a former director of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Another drug company, Novavax, is refusing to refund another $700 million in advance payments for shots it never delivered. Gavi and Johnson & Johnson are locked in a bitter dispute over payment for shots that Gavi told the company months ago it would not need, but which the company produced anyway. Johnson & Johnson is now demanding that Gavi pay an additional, undisclosed amount for them.
Gavi had an indirect supply relationship with Pfizer; the Biden administration purchased a billion shots from it to donate through Covax. The United States last year with the company, converting an order for 400 million doses into future options. The company said it did not charge any fees to change the order.
The terms of Gavi’s deals were kept secret because they were with private companies. There has been no public accounting of how much drug companies have earned from canceled vaccines. The documents say that the manufacturers collectively made $13.8 billion in revenue on the vaccines that were distributed through Covax. Almost 1.9 billion doses have now been shipped, to 146 countries. More than half were purchased directly by Gavi and the rest were donated by high-income countries.
Coronavirus vaccines being manufactured at the Serum Institute, in Pune, India. The Serum Institute also struck a deal with Gavi that allowed it to keep payments Gavi had already made, plus a credit.Atul Loke for The New York Times
Gavi’s settlements with Moderna and Serum took into account that the manufacturers had already incurred costs such as those for raw ingredients, according to the documents.
In a deal to cancel more than 200 million doses reached late last year, Gavi agreed to allow Moderna to keep an advance payment it had made. In exchange, Gavi was released from having to make any additional payments for the doses, meaning they were canceled at a cost “substantially lower” than expected, according to the documents. Moderna also issued Gavi a credit for $58 million for future products, which is good until 2030.
Gavi also made concessions to exit its deal with the Serum Institute of India. Gavi canceled 145 million doses by allowing the company to keep money Gavi had paid in advance, in order to cover the cost of materials that had already been procured. Serum also gave Gavi a credit note of an undisclosed amount that the organization can use to procure the many routine immunizations it buys from Serum each year.
Gavi and Johnson & Johnson are at odds over 150 million Covid vaccine doses that Gavi ordered but has been trying to cancel for months.
Gavi had been expecting a significant share of those doses to be distributed by the end of 2021, but Johnson & Johnson had by then. (Gavi’s contract with the company did not require it to finish deliveries by that deadline.) When the company was finally ready to ramp up its deliveries last year, demand had plummeted. Gavi’s administrators alerted the company by mid-2022 that they would not need those doses and requested that it stop making new shots for Covax, according to the documents.
Johnson & Johnson nevertheless continued to make the shots and sought to deliver them by late 2022, according to the documents. Now, as stipulated in the contract, the company wants Gavi to make additional payment and accept the vaccines. Gavi has proposed that the dispute go to mediation, but the company has “until now refused to engage in meaningful negotiations,” the documents say. Some of the disputed vaccines have expiration dates as early as mid-2023.
In negotiations with Novavax, Gavi is seeking a refund for $700 million it spent on advance payments for shots. Gavi had been expecting Novavax deliveries to begin as soon as summer 2021, but the company bungled its vaccine production. Therefore, Gavi did not proceed with placing the orders for the vaccines it had originally reserved. Novavax said this was a breach of contract and, keeping the $700 million.
The dispute is unresolved. In a statement, the company said it is hoping to negotiate a new deal to supply its vaccine to Gavi.
Had some vaccine manufacturers not been willing to renegotiate their contracts with Gavi, the costs to the organization could have been much higher. Gavi would have been on the hook for $2.3 billion for the doses it wanted to cancel, the documents show, but it saved $1.6 billion by exiting those contracts.
Donations for Covid shots substantially inflated Gavi’s budget, and the lost prepayments for canceled Covid vaccines do not threaten its regular childhood-vaccination work. A vaccine storage space in Juba, South Sudan. Lynsey Addario for The New York Times. The contracts that Gavi has been trying to downsize were negotiated in the uncertain early months of the pandemic, in some cases before the vaccines had been shown to work.
“In a pandemic, I would want to err on the side of buying too many doses, rather than err on the side of not having enough doses, particularly given the fact that countries felt that there weren’t enough doses at the beginning,” Dr. Berkley said. Wealthy countries, who ordered many more doses than they needed, have tried to offload their own surpluses onto Covax, which has struggled to absorb them. Covax began deliveries to developing countries in 2021, but the early pace was glacial. When the program finally had vaccines, the shots that weak health systems were ill-equipped to manage.
Frustrated by the erratic supply, some public health agencies did little to create demand for the vaccines, while a tide of misinformation discouraged people from seeking them out. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the world’s least-vaccinated region, but reported Covid death rates in the region which has further eroded interest in the shots. “We have so many offers of donations but we don’t take them, because we don’t want to have them expire here,” said Dr. Andrew Mulwa, who oversees the Covid response at Kenya’s health ministry. “We wonder, do we need to continue to spend money administering Covid-19 vaccines when we have other glaring disparities?”
Gavi is sitting on a stockpile of vaccines and expects millions more in donations from high-income countries that are seeking to shed their own oversupply. The organization anticipates a maximum demand of 450 million doses this year — half of what Covax shipped in 2022.
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jacobsvoice · 2 years
Thomas Friedman’s Fury
JNS (January 21, 2023)
Unrelenting laceration of Israel has long been the hallmark of New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. It began when, as a Brandeis University student, he joined Breira, a left-wing group demanding that Israel relinquish Biblical Judea and Samaria, restored to the Jewish state during the Six-Day War, and recognize Palestinian national aspirations in that land.  
Years later, when he became  Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Friedman seldom missed an opportunity to criticize Israel. He labeled it an “occupying power” while dismissing Palestinian terrorist attacks as merely a “poke in the ribs.” He identified the violent intifada with the American struggle for civil rights. Returning to the United States as a Times columnist, he warned that without a two-state (Israel and Palestine) solution, Israel would “be stuck with an apartheid-like, democracy-sapping permanent occupation” – of its Biblical homeland.
Friedman’s decades of criticism of Israel laid the groundwork for his recent Times diatribe (January 18). He imagines that “a new Israel is emerging,” with “many ministers having the audacity to be hostile to American values” and “nearly all are hostile to the Democratic Party,” as though its embrace is a requirement for Israeli political leaders.    
Friedman urges President Biden to “wade right in” to prevent Netanyahu and his “extremist coalition from turning Israel into an illiberal bastion of zealotry.” It seems oddly intrusive (except to Friedman) that an American President (to say nothing of a Times columnist) should tell an Israeli Prime Minister how to lead his country.
But, Friedman laments, “the Israel Joe Biden knew is vanishing and a new Israel is emerging.” How so? “Many ministers” (none are identified) “are hostile to American values, and nearly all are hostile to the Democratic Party” – as if Israeli government officials must be bound to Thomas Friedman’s political preferences.
Friedman suggests that President Biden try hard -  while displaying “tough love” - to “nudge things onto a healthier path.” High among the “things” that Friedman cites is the determination of the Netanyahu government to “radically alter the situation in the West Bank” – Biblical Judea and Samaria - by “effectively annexing it.” Thomas Friedman may not like it, but the likelihood that Biden - or any American president – could persuade Israel to relinquish its Biblical homeland is nil.
Friedman becomes a speechwriter for Biden, who must lacerate Netanyahu for “riding roughshod over American interests and values” – as though Israel, or any country, is obliged to genuflect to the United States. First on Biden’s (or Friedman’s) list is whether Israel’s control of its Biblical homeland is “a matter of temporary occupation or of an emerging annexation.” The obvious answer eludes Friedman: Israel does not “occupy,” nor will it “annex,” its promised land.
There is also the issue of the Temple Mount, the ancient Jewish holy site in Jerusalem’s Old City. In Friedman’s rendering, Biden must warn Netanyahu that his “extremist ministers” may “change the status quo on the Temple Mount,” which prohibits Jewish prayer. That might “destabilize” Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and the Abraham Accords, which formalized diplomatic relations between Israel and several Arab countries.
That Jews are the victims of discrimination on the Temple Mount, where the First and Second Temples once stood but they are prohibited from praying, is ignored by Friedman.
Friedman’s self-appointed role as Biden’s adviser is predictable. His laceration of the Jewish state has a long history. Israeli leaders are unlikely to pay attention to Friedman’s fantasies. But he can find comfort in The New York Times, where unease with the Jewish state and its leaders is deeply embedded. Back in November he wrote: “The Israel we know is gone.” Alas, the Friedman we know is still here. Decades of unrelenting criticism  suggest that he, not Netanyahu, may be the zealot.
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kennethresearch · 3 years
Asset Performance Management Market Size by Top Leading Key Players, Various Important Aspects of COVID 19 Outbreak, Growth Opportunities, Share, Trends, Outlook and Forecast to 2021-2030
In a recently published report, Asset Performance Management Market report for till 2030. The report further now discusses; the various strategies to be adopted or being adopted by the business players across the globe at various levels in the value chain. In view of the global economic slowdown, we further estimated that China, India, Japan and South Korea to recover fastest amongst all the countries in the Asian market. Germany, France, Italy, Spain to take the worst hit and this hit is expected to regain 25% by the end of 2021- Positive Growth in the economic demand and supply.
U S Market recovers fast; In a release on May 4th 2021, the U.S. Bureau and Economic Analysis and U.S. Census Bureau mention the recovery in the U.S. International trade in March 2021. Exports in the country reached $200 billion, up by $12.4 billion in Feb 2021. Following the continuous incremental trend, imports tallied at $274.5 billion, picked up by $16.4 billion in Feb 2021. However, as COVID19 still haunts the economies across the globe, year-over-year (y-o-y) average exports in the U.S. declined by $7.0 billion from March 2020 till March 2021 whilst imports increased by $20.7 billion during the same time. This definitely shows how the market is trying to recover back and this will have a direct impact on the Healthcare/ICT/Chemical industries, creating a huge demand for Asset Performance Management Market products.
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Moreover, increase in ICT spending around the globe for hardware, software, services, new technologies and telecom among others is also anticipated to contribute to the growth of the market in the coming years. The spending on new technologies recorded around USD 0.6 million in 2018 and is further estimated to reach close to USD 1.3 million by 2023. The total ICT spending around the globe further recorded close to USD 5 million in 2019 and is further.
Global Asset performance management Market is valued approximately at USD 13.2 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 9% over the forecast period 2019-2026. Asset performance management (APM) systems are used to enhance the consistency and accessibility of physical assets while reducing risk and operating costs. Asset performance management usually comprises of condition monitoring, asset integrity management, predictive maintenance, reliability-centered maintenance, and often includes technologies such as visualization, asset health data collection, and analytics. Asset performance management (APM) is a proven methodology to lower unplanned downtime, reduce maintenance costs, and EH&S risks reduction as well. The market is witnessing significant growth as occupants of various industries, such as chemical, oil & gas, manufacturing, aviation among others, are opting for digital solutions to manage the performance of their assets as part of the efforts to decrease their operating expenses.
For instance, in July 2018, the Colombia Air Force (COLAF) signed agreement with GE aviation to provide digital asset performance management solution for their fleet of military aircrafts. Through this agreement, the Columbian air force aims to enhance its operational efficiency and fleet availability. Similarly, in 2017, MaxGrip and Shell announced renewal of agreement for asset performance and integrity management to manage the capital-intensive assets. The rapid industrial shift towards digitization of asset monitoring and maintenance activities coupled with the growing adoption of cloud-based asset performance management and increasing data security are key driving forces of the market growth. Furthermore, incorporation of Industrial IoT (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 provide new opportunities to improve overall business performance. However, relatively high cost of the asset performance management impedes the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2019-2026.
In the statistics by Eurostat, the total value of the ICT sector including manufacturing and services of ICT in Europe, was estimated to be more than EUR 475 billion in the year 2017. Out of these, the ICT services sector accounted for the largest share. Moreover, the ICT services sector is predicted to be ten times larger than that of ICT manufacturing. On the other hand, the ICT services consist of computer programming, consultancy and related activities, along with telecommunication activities, out of which the former held about 49.1% share while the latter held around 30.3% share in the year 2017. These factors are estimated to impact positively towards the growth of the market in the next few years. According to the statistics by GSMA Intelligence, total cellular connections worldwide as of May 2020 was recorded to 10,18 billion.
As per the Eurostat, the total value of the ICT sector in Europe, including the ICT manufacturing and ICT services, was estimated to be more than EUR 475 billion in 2017. In this sector, the ICT services account for the major share as it is predicted to be ten times larger than the share held by ICT manufacturing. ICT services consist of computer programming, consultancy and related activities which held about 49.1% share while the telecommunications activities held around 30.3% share in the segment in 2017. These factors are estimated to impact the market growth in a positive manner in the next few years.
The regional analysis of global Asset performance management market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the leading/significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to Advances in industrial technology coupled with higher adoption of asset performance management by the different industry verticals. Whereas, Asia-Pacific is also anticipated to exhibit highest growth rate / CAGR over the forecast period 2019-2026. Factors such as advances in digital technology, demand for better solutions to manage industrial plants would create lucrative growth prospects for the Asset performance management market across Asia-Pacific region.
Major market player included in this report are: ABB Aspen Technology, Inc. AVEVA Group plc Bentley Systems, Inc., Inc. DNV GL AS General Electric IBM Corporation SAP ERPSAS Institute Siemens AG
The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:
By Deployment Mode: On-Premises Hosted
By Vertical: Energy & Utilities Oil & Gas Manufacturing Mining & Metal Government & Public Sector Transportation Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Others
By Region: North America U.S. Canada Europe UK Germany Asia Pacific China India Japan Latin America Brazil Mexico Rest of the World
Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows:
Historical year – 2016, 2017 Base year – 2018 Forecast period – 2019 to 2026
Request To Download Sample of This Strategic Report: https://www.kennethresearch.com/sample-request-10306403
Target Audience of the Global Asset performance management Market in Market Study:
Key Consulting Companies & Advisors Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Resellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors
Chapter 1. Executive Summary 1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2017-2026 (USD Billion) 1.2.1. Asset Performance Management Market, by Region, 2017-2026 (USD Billion) 1.2.2. Asset Performance Management Market, by Deployment Mode, 2017-2026 (USD Billion) 1.2.3. Asset Performance Management Market, by Vertical, 2017-2026 (USD Billion) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Asset Performance Management Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Asset Performance Management Market Dynamics 3.1. Asset Performance Management Market Impact Analysis (2018-2026) 3.1.1. Market Drivers 3.1.2. Market Challenges 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Chapter 4. Global Asset Performance Management Market: Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.1.6. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2016-2026) 4.2. PEST Analysis 4.2.1. Political 4.2.2. Economical 4.2.3. Social 4.2.4. Technological 4.3. Investment Adoption Model 4.4. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion Chapter 5. Global Asset Performance Management Market, by Deployment Mode 5.1. Market Snapshot 5.2. Global Asset Performance Management Market by Deployment Mode, Performance – Potential Analysis 5.3. Global Asset Performance Management Market Estimates & Forecasts by Deployment Mode 2016-2026 (USD Billion) 5.4. Asset Performance Management Market, Sub Segment Analysis 5.4.1. On-Premises 5.4.2. Hosted
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nitu5965 · 3 years
IT Operation Analytics Market 2016 to 2027 – Market Share, Growth, Industry Segments, Competitor Landscape, Key Players, Trends and Forecasts
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IT Operation Analytics Market Highlights:
In the field of information technology, information is becoming a primary asset with the greatest value. IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) is among the growing and best sources of new and workable data. A variety of automated systems could be used to make much sense of all information coming from regular IT procedures, from report to operator to wire information. Drawing on the now critical concepts of Big Data, Information Technology Analytics has the ability to provide every enterprise the much-needed versatility to produce intelligent and valuable market insights that enable information-driven and constructive activities.
 Though, many businesses do not know they're actually having a virtual treasure trove of data, because any IT activity which is carried out on a regular basis is still a source of valuable data. Information can be obtained from live network tracking and real-time application operators to determine the utilization of resources and operating system features, as well as from useful applications and network records. ITOA means making the most use of all of this, and a lot more.
 Data obtained in this manner could be used for a wide variety of purposes – the easiest yet most important of which would increase the performance of the organisation's resources by allowing more efficient resource management. The global demand for IT Operation Analytics Market (ITOA) is projected to rise by nearly 39% in the CAGR during the 2017-2023 forecast period. It also helps users to easily concentrate their attention on finding solutions and reducing the amount of time required to do just that.
 Major Key Players:
·         Oracle Corporation (U.S.)
·         IBM Corporation (U.S.)
·         SAP SE (Germany)
·         Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (U.S.)
·         Splunk Inc. (U.S.)
·         Microsoft Corporation (U.S.)
·         Evolven Software Inc. (U.S.)
·         ExtraHop Networks (U.S.)
·         VMware Inc. (U.S.)
·         Prelert Inc. (U.S.)
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Market Segmentation:
The application segment of the global IT operations analytics market consists of real-time log analytics, network and security management, infrastructure management, application performance management, and others. The real-time analytics sub-segment is estimated to hold the largest market share.
 This market penetration is due to a steady rise in log and computer-generated data that requires to be analyzed in real-time in order to provide quicker, more effective and revolutionary data analysis methods. The use of real-time data analysis has a high priority for companies to increase performance and reduce running time. The technology segment of the market covers Machine-Based Learning, Visual Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Root-Cause Analytics, and User-Behavior Analytics.
 Regional Overview:
The North American regional market has the biggest share in the IT operations analytics market, accompanied by Europe and Asia Pacific. The area has a very well-established environment that allows for faster deployment of modern technologies. In addition, the rise of IT organizational data and the growing demand for the next-generation business analytics approaches are key factors driving business growth in the market.
 The global market for IT analytics has been studied extensively and the regional segment covers regional markets present in North America, APAC, Europe and the rest of the world. The global IT operations analytics market growth in North America is due to technological developments and growing amounts of data being produced.
 Industry News:
IBM is releasing Watson AIOps, a package that utilizes AI to automate IT as part of a wider roll-out of automation software. At its virtual meeting, Big Blue is placing Watson AIOps as a way of boosting business resilience. This is not a small issue, considering that the COVID-19 outbreak has changed research, procedures and trade practices in just a few weeks.
 Table of Contents
1        Executive Summary
2        Scope of the Report
2.1       Market Definition
2.2       Scope of the Study
2.2.1    Research Objectives
2.2.2    Assumptions & Limitations
2.3       Markets Structure
3        Market Research Methodology
3.1       Research Process
3.2       Secondary Research
3.3       Primary Research
3.4       Forecast Model
 Access Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/it-operation-analytics-market-5916
 List of Tables
Table 1            Global It Operation Analytics Market: By Region, 2017-2023  
Table 2            North America It Operation Analytics Market: By Country, 2017-2023  
Table 3            Europe It Operation Analytics Market: By Country, 2017-2023  
 List of Figures
Figure 1 Global It Operation Analytics Market Segmentation
Figure 2 Forecast Methodology
Figure 3 Five Forces Analysis of Global It Operation Analytics Market
 About Market Research Future:
Market Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.
We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.
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rohitpalan · 7 months
Navigating the Future: Cognitive Supply Chain Market to Surge to US$ 40.4 Billion by 2034
The cognitive supply chain market is estimated to be worth US$ 9.5 billion in 2024 and is projected to be valued at US$ 40.4 billion in 2034. Between 2024 and 2034, the industry is expected to register a CAGR of 15.6%.
The main factor driving the growth of the cognitive supply chain market is increasing supply and demand from the e-commerce industry. The growth of the cognitive supply chain market is due to its cost reductions, improved efficiencies, and better resource utilization.
The demand for cognitive supply chain solutions has increased in business owing to its advanced analytics and AI-driven insights, allowing businesses to make real-time data-driven decisions and enhancing accuracy and agility in responding to market changes. This real-time visibility of supply chain processes will enable businesses to track inventory, monitor shipments, and enhance transparency across the entire network.
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Adopting cognitive supply chain solutions provides a competitive edge by enabling faster innovation, better service delivery, and improved customer satisfaction compared to competitors still reliant on traditional methods.
Continuous advancements in AI, machine learning, and analytics capabilities have made cognitive technologies more powerful and accessible, driving their adoption in supply chains. Growing need for sustainable practices to boost the market for cognitive supply chains as they reduce waste and support eco-friendly practices within supply chains.
Cognitive Supply Chains will enable companies to deliver highly personalized products and services, responding to individual customer preferences and demands more agilely.
Key Takeaways:
From 2019 to 2023, the cognitive supply chain market is expected to account for a CAGR of 13.6%.
Based on deployment, the on-premise segment is expected to account for a share of 68.3% in 2024.
Global cognitive supply chain demand in China is predicted to account for a CAGR of 16.1% in 2024.
In the United States, the cognitive supply chain industry is expected to account for a CAGR of 13.5% in 2024.
Germany is projected to expand by a value CAGR of 15.1% between 2024 and 2034.
Cognitive supply chain market in Japan is anticipated to record a CAGR of 16.8% in 2024.
“The growing e-commerce sector and increased adoption of AI and machine learning technology is anticipated to drive the market growth during the forecast period.” – says Sudip Saha, Managing Director and Co-Founder at Future Market Insights
Purchase the Report for Key Insights : https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/18629
Competitive Landscape:
Market players are inclined to invest in research development and innovations to increase the cognitive supply chain market applications. Collaborating with other players in the cognitive supply chain market is another strategy followed by major market vendors to gain competitive edge. Some developments from the cognitive supply chain market are:
Microsoft’s Azure AI and cloud services enable cognitive supply chain capabilities, including predictive maintenance, demand forecasting, and supply chain optimization tools.
Amazon Web Service AWS offers machine learning and AI services for predictive analytics, inventory management, and logistics optimization within supply chains.
Accenture provides consulting services and innovative solutions leveraging AI and analytics to enhance supply chain visibility, efficiency, and resilience.
Key Companies Profiled:
IBM Corporation
Accenture plc
Intel Corporation
NVIDIA Corporation
Honeywell International Inc.
C.H. Robinson Worldwide
Valuable Insights Available:
Future Market Insights offers an unbiased analysis of the global cognitive supply chain market, providing historical data from 2019 to 2023 and forecast statistics between 2024 and 2034.
To understand opportunities in the cognitive supply chain industry, the industry is segmented based on Deployment (Cloud, On-Premise), By Enterprise Size (Large Enterprises, SMEs), By Automation Used (IoT, Machine Learning), By Industry Vertical (Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Transportation and Logistics, Retail & e-commerce, others) Region (North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South Asia and Pacific, East Asia, the Middle East, and Africa).
Cognitive Supply Chain Market Key Segments:
By Deployment:
By Enterprise Size:
Large Enterprises
By Automation Used:
Machine Learning
By Industry Vertical:
Food & Beverages
Transportation and Logistics
Retail & E-commerce
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia and Pacific
East Asia
Middle East and Africa
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
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MONTH OF January
Monthly Snapshot
It’s your time, Aquarius! After a tough and trying 2020, you’ve finally floated ashore, completing a long swim in the emotion ocean. You sidestroked through those uncomfortable and oft-choppy waters all last year (and boy are your arms tired…). For a sign that’s famously described as “emotionally detached” you hardly fit that picture.
Then along came the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020, AKA the buzzed-about “Christmas star”. As these two galactic giants united—visibly, unless there were clouds—in YOUR sign, you were launched into a bold and expansive new chapter. Talk about being shot out of the cosmic cannon!
If you’re not feeling the renewal, you will soon enough. With the Sun slogging through Capricorn and your sleepy twelfth house until January 19, it might take a couple weeks for your Water Bearer buzz to full kick in. But when Aquarius season begins on January 19, you’ll start to feel propelled by rocket fuel to pursue your solo goals and personal passions. Prepare for liftoff!
Just make sure you get your exciting plans underwaclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” y before January 30, when Mercury turns retrograde  in your sign for three weeks. You may have to hit the pause button temporarily, or go back to the drawing board to tweak your plans. But this will give you a chance to make sure you’ve got a solid launch strategy in place before you commence your epic debuts. The world will be eagerly waiting, so you might as well do it right!
Week 1: January 1-10
Home is where the heat is
Ready for a mental break? For the past six months, your mind has been on constant alert, thanks to activator Mars blazing through Aries and your interactive third house since June 27, 2020. Mars normally stays in one sign for six weeks, so its quadruple-length visit activated your communication sector for an extended cycle.
For many Water Bearers, this also meant multitasking against a constant backdrop of gadget notifications pinging, WFH Zooms, and calls with coworkers, friends, family and co-conspirators of all kinds. Even your social sign felt the utter overload! Throw in the slightly stressful but much-needed socially-distanced interactions, and you may have felt like your head was in a constant spin state that’s left you mentally exhausted and overtaxed at the same time.
This spell of being both wired and tired ends on Wednesday, January 6, as Mars enters Taurus and your fourth house of home, family and foundations until March 3, turning your attention to self-care and personal matters. Are there things around the house you simply haven’t been able to address? Perhaps it’s a renovation project you’d really like to tackle—or it might even be time for a move, a roommate reshuffle or some other home-based matter. Your mother or a female relative could be a source of either motivation or stress (and maybe both).
Between now and March 3, tackle any home or personal life matters head-on. The new Mars-fueled courage and determination helps you move quickly and efficiently. Don’t be surprised if strong feelings and mood swings erupt along the way, thanks to the fourth house’s thin-skinned nature. Hint: There’s nothing like a good cry or a primal scream in the car to clear those channels! Indulge your inner child as needed.
Week 2: January 11-17
Call of duty
This week finds you torn between your desire to pursue your own agenda and a sense of duty to your family and home. Reconciling the dueling agendas won’t be easy, and you could find that by trying to please everyone, you please no one. Prioritize your passions, Aquarius, but make time to relax with loved ones, indulge in restorative self-care or attend to matters at base camp.
This tension is the result of two activating planets, Mars and Uranus, racing through Taurus and your domestic fourth house, which could bring curveballs and pressure to your personal life. You may be moving, making unexpected changes to your living situation or attending to a relative in need. The demands could definitely spike your stress levels and provoke a few intense mood swings.
At the same time, expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn have just nestled into Aquarius and your first house of self, independence and personal projects. You’ve got big ideas and missions to accomplish, and you don’t have time to be held back by too many people depending on you.
It class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” all begins on Wednesday, January 13, when Mars and Saturn get embroiled in a tense square. You’re in front of some important personal decisions, perhaps even at a crossroads. With Saturn in your sign from December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023, you’re at the beginning of a powerful new chapter. But it’s one that will demand your focused attention, and that won’t leave much time to take care of other people.
With stressful Mars ratcheting up the neediness from your inner circle, keeping firm boundaries—which is what Saturn’s all about—will be essential. Teach them how to fish instead of rushing in for the save, and make sure YOU have enough support if you find yourself pulled into guilt trips or other old family dynamics that are hard to overcome.
On Thursday, January 14, changemaker Uranus, your ruling planet, ends a five-month retrograde. Instability or slowdowns related to your family or living situation will clear up. If you’ve been at a crossroads about where to live or a personal decision, innovative Uranus could bring in some unexpected new options.
That same day, the Sun makes its annual conjunction (meetup) with shadowy Pluto in Capricorn and your twelfth house of closure and healing. Some deeply-buried emotions could emerge or you may need to summon the courage to end a toxic situation for once and for all. Perhaps you’ve been sticking around out of fear, guilt or some misplaced sense of obligation. Cut the codependent ties and follow what your soul is telling you, Aquarius.
If you’re still hanging on, don’t worry, because come Sunday, January 17, liberation will be a requirement, not an option. Your ruling planet Uranus will form an embattled square to Jupiter, pushing you to break free of anything that feels confining or limiting. These two freedom-seeking planets only square off every seven years, and when they do, it’s impossible to stay in a situation you’ve outgrown.
Strong feelings erupt today and you won’t be able to bite your tongue. They may bubble up without notice, and before you know it, you’re having THAT conversation. But if you’re planning to drop a bombshell, make sure you have some emotional support at the ready. The fallout of making a big, life-altering decision could have more impact than you expect.
Week 3: January 18-24
Awake at last! Aquarius season begins this week, as the Sun joins Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the Water Bearer’s domain this Tuesday, January 19, staying until February 18. You’re ready to dive into your 2021 goals and resolutions with full focus. Bring it on!
Midweek, you could be a bundle of nerves and feelings! On Wednesday, January 20, hotheaded Mars and volatile Uranus connect in Taurus and your touchy fourth house. Your moods may be mercurial and your temper could be like an active volcano on the verge of eruption.
With these two game-changing planets in your fourth house of home and family, this week may also bring curveball news about your living situation. Perhaps your dream home suddenly goes on the market and you decide to buy at a rock-bottom price. Maybe your landlord announces she’s selling the building that you’ve rented in for years, or you decide to rip up your roots and relocate…cuz why not? For Water Bearers of the childbearing set, pregnancy news (yours or a relative’s) could come out of the blue!
Your emotions get way overblown on Saturday, January 23, as Mars squares off with outspoken Jupiter in Aquarius. Resentment will boil over toward anyone who seems to be holding you back or demanding too much of you. You’re only human, Aquarius—but remember, so are they! Most people are feeling sapped and burnt out these days. If you bit off more than you could chew, or took on the role of caretaker then crashed, don’t get mad, just make a new arrangement. Relieve yourself of any burdensome emotional duties and decisions for a bit.
But that doesn’t mean you should slip into denial! Take a hard look in the mirror on Saturday as sobering Saturn and the Sun make their annual conjunction, meeting up in Aquarius. This once-a-year alliance rips off the rose-colored glasses and forces us to confront our limitations and shortcomings. Harsh? Yes, but like any tough-love coach or bootcamp trainer, Saturn is “cruel to be kind.”
On this day of self-reckoning, keep it real with yourself—but be compassionate! You’ve been through an incredibly tough 2020, weathering nonstop planetary action in your twelfth house of loss, closure and transition.
If you’re out of shape mentally or physically, or you’ve lapsed into bad habits or addictions, forgiveness is the path to grace. Hitting rock bottom? Good. But once you’ve acknowledged that, make a plan for how you’ll get out of this hole instead of digging yourself in deeper. A coach, expert or supportive mentor can help, so don’t hesitate to send out an SOS. You don’t have to do it alone!
Week 4: January 25-31
Me, myself and I
This week continues to energize your personal goals and passion projects. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn all in Aquarius, you’ve got cosmic clearance to prioritize your own agenda, although you may have to navigate a few obstacles along the way. Nevertheless, you shall persist—and hopefully pick up a few new allies along the way!
On Tuesday, January 26, the Sun in Aquarius will square off against disruptor Uranus (your ruler) in stubborn Taurus, echoing the tension of the January 13 Mars-Uranus square. Your need for “me time” or to pursue your own goals is at odds with curveballs from home and family, particularly a female relative.
One Aquarius we know is juggling supporting her mother going through radiation treatments, a best friend whose family is also dealing with a medical crisis and extended travel away from home to be there for everyone. Just remember that “wherever you go, there you are”—and try a meditation app like Headspace, Calm or Aura to keep calm and centered.
This kind of uprootedness could push you over the edge if you don’t take time for your own needs and self-care in January. We know it won’t be easy to carve out that space, but your mental wellbeing depends on it! Plus, you could find yourself in “caretaker burnout” which could lead you to snap at the very people you’re trying to help. Balance is key!
Luckily, the stars summon your support squad in the nick of time at the Thursday, January 28, Leo full moon, which blossoms in your seventh house of committed partnerships. Is it time for a relationship to turn official, or increase the commitment level? Joyful Leo says go for it.
Because, hey, you’re in the magic hotseat today, Aquarius—a well-deserved throne, might we add! Along with the Leo full moon, the Sun will conjunct expansive Jupiter in its once-a-year meetup, known as the Day of Miracles and considered by astrologers to be one of the luckiest days of the year.
In 2021, the Sun and Jupiter are meeting up in YOUR sign, tripling your fortune. Put yourself out there, pump up a passion project, make a big announcement about a solo endeavor. Love, business success, artistic expression—whatever’s most important to YOU will get a big boclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ost today.
Take advantage of this moment, though, because on Saturday, January 30, communication planet Mercury will go retrograde until February 20. Mercury will back through Aquarius—and put you in a different kind of hotseat. Your splashy announcements could fall flat or be eclipsed by other things.
Dip behind the scenes for a couple weeks, learn from your launch and tighten up your beta version so it’s truly ready for prime time. Be extra careful of what you say, post or announce because you WILL be called to task for anything off-color or offensive. This is meant to be your luckiest year in over a decade, Aquarius, and you don’t want to squander it by attracting the wrong kind of PR  during Mercury’s backspin. When in doubt, cut it out!
Get out of your head and into your heart! After six long months in Aries, passionate Mars leaves your cerebral third house and moves into Taurus, activating your touchy-feely fourth until March 3. Since June 27, 2020, Mars has had your mind going a mile a minute, leading to bouts of indecisiveness, analysis paralysis and, as often as not, overthinking everything! In your hyperactive mind, the grass was greener and FOMO raged—or perhaps because of pandemic, there was a lot of TALK but not so much true connection.
From January 6 to March 3, Mars will tour Taurus and help you get back into your body and your heart. This is a great time for self-care, redecorating (and in the process) re-energizing your home. Anything that needs a fire lit under it will benefit now. Just stay on guard for friction with relatives and roommates since Mars motivates and aggravates!
Venus has been in Sagittarius and your social eleventh house, but she’ll pull up stakes on January 8, relocating to Capricorn and your twelfth house of fantasy. This is a healing zone, so you might take a little time out to visualize, meditate, journal or get over a heartbreak. In the privacy of your own thoughts, you can release something that no longer fits into your life or brings joy.
On January 9, Venus and Mars form their annual harmonious trine, heralding a beautiful moment of tenderness and connecting heart to heart. Pay attention to authentic feelings that arise at this time; they might just surprise you!
Key Dates:
January 9: Venus-Mars trine
Bring on the lasting love! As affectionate Venus and passionate Mars harmonize in stable earth signs, you could have true romance with all the trimmings—sensuality and stability. Skip the “come here now go away” players and their mixed messages. A partner who makes you feel secure is suddenly the most attractive catch in town. Coupled? Mark a long-term relationship with a thoughtful gift to let your mate know how much you cherish them.
  Dear Reader: To bring you cutting-edge financial and career astrology, we’ve discontinued our monthly Money and Career Horoscope. This will allow us to devote the time to courses and offerings we’ve got planned all year to support you in creating abundance.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer with a side hustle or just looking for deeper satisfaction from your work, we invite you to join us for January’s special event to craft your vision for 2021.
2021 Vision Board Experience: January 28 with The AstroTwins Ready to designclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” a path that truly fulfills you in 2021? Join us for a star-powered live online event to create success, leadership and impact on January 28, 2021. Tickets available at https://astrostyle.com/visionboard21
Love Days: 24, 28
Money Days: 8, 16
Luck Days: 6, 13
Off Days: 26, 3, 11
See All Signs
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The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been ELLE.com‘s official astrologers for over a decade.
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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
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