#Isabel Castillo Flores
bigfrozensix · 2 months
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Happy 8 Year Anniversary, Elena of Avalor!
July 22, 2016 - August 23, 2020
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elena of avalor + text posts (pt 2)
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apupcalyptic-art · 3 months
You take requests!! How about Elena, Isa and Gabe being the precious trio they are (I believe in older brother Gabe supremacy) or the amigos finally getting that beach holiday they didn't get to go on way back in season 1? If you'd like to :>
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Chose the first one cause I love those three 😊 Hope you love it!
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locitapurplepink · 19 days
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Taglist: @photogirl894 , @kanerallels , @bigfrozensix , @lucy-shining-star , @animationfan3000 and anyone else who wants to.
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dittomander · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Isabel becoming Royal Inventor? I know inventing is Isabel’s hobby, but when somebody is titled as “Royal” then that implies that they work for the Royal family. But Isabel is not only part of the royal family, but she is heir presumptive. If Elena dies or abdicates without children, then the throne will pass to Isabel. Isabel’s arc was about learning to become a ruler like Elena. So why make her Royal Inventor, if she could potentially become ruler of Avalor one day?
Narratively speaking, I think it actually makes perfect sense. For starters, while there are certainly themes of leadership in some of Isabel's episodes, I'd argue that her arc is less about becoming a "ruler like Elena" and more about her becoming a leader unlike Elena.
(True to form, long-winded essay below the cut.)
Isabel starts the show as a clingy little kid - from her perspective, she just lost her parents, and she doesn't understand that her sister's new responsibilities mean that she can't spend as much time with her as she used to. A lot of her episodes involve her learning to act independently of Elena. She must develop and defend her own identity, even as she reckons with the limitations of her age.
She goes to school for the first time in "Crystal in the Rough" and struggles to make friends her own age, so she smothers her own identity and tries to just fit in instead. She has to learn to be herself and rely on her own strengths - her skills with math, science, and invention. This episode also gives Isabel her own friend group, independent from Elena and the other amigos. Later, in "Science Unfair", she has to learn to rely on those friends for help. Her sister gives her some advice, but ultimately, she and her new friends finish their project themselves.
Later still in "Class Act", Isabel has to learn to recover from her own mistakes and work with even more people outside of her family, to the point where she's able to teach Elena a lesson about working with difficult personalities in "Norberg Peace Prize". By "Shooting Stars", she's totally confident in her role as a scientist and her ability to give directions related to that role. And in Isa's final focus episode, "Heart of the Jaguar", Elena is literally taken from her, and she must learn to stand up for herself and solve her problems entirely alone.
But even as she learns to become a more independent and confident leader in her own right, she has to deal with the fact that she is still fundamentally Different from her sister. At first, this is largely framed as a function of her age. In "Blockheads" and "Three Jaquins and Princess", she is ignored and doubted because of her youth, though it's her knowledge and ingenuity that solve the problems of the day.
Still, she tries to be one of the "big kids", and in "Sister of Invention", she makes her plea again to be treated as an adult and seen as part of the team. She's ultimately allowed to join the amigos, but it's not because they see her as being like them. In fact, they explicitly say that Isabel can't do what they do... but that they can't do what she does, either. She's allowed to work with them because of her inventions and mathematical skills - that is, because of her differences.
(Arguably, "Science Unfair" has a similar conclusion. Isabel is invited to go to college - that is, invited to join a group of adults - specifically because of her skills with science. Beyond just being her hobby, those skills are at the core of her identity, and they are what tie her to being recognized as a grown-up.)
The point is hammered in further in "Team Isa", where Cristina outright tells her that "you're not Elena and you never will be." Isabel was trying to be a "leader like Elena" and failed, only succeeding when she utilized her and her friends' own unique skills instead of trying to just be like her sister. Isabel and Elena have distinct skill sets, and episodes like "A Gecko's Tale" and "The Family Treasure" emphasize this. Their differing skills allow them to complement each other and give them opportunities to learn, but throughout the show, it's made clear that they are not each other and cannot fully fill each other's roles.
Because again, it's not just that Isa can't do exactly what Elena does. It's also that Elena can't do what Isa does. She tries to handle invention plans in "Sugar Rush", but it only adds to her anxieties, and at the end of the episode, she hands the responsibility off to Isabel, the expert. Elena has to learn to delegate what she can't handle herself.
That's what the Royal Inventor title means. It's respect for Isabel's unique skills. It's an acknowledgement that she's a part of the team. And it's not an act of subordination, but rather a delegation of authority.
So the narrative comes together there. Isabel has gone from a clingy little kid that would hide her interests to fit in to a confident young lady that knows where her skills lie and can be trusted with the responsibility to use them for the kingdom's benefit.
The promotion scene at the end of "Coronation Day" exists primarily for these narrative reasons rather than for making perfect logical sense in-universe. It's meant to showcase how the character arcs have developed - most of them fall apart if you put them under the slightest bit of realistic scrutiny - but if we do want to look at them through that logical, in-universe lens, then frankly, Isabel's promotion probably makes the most sense.
There is a precedent of members of the royal family still working for the royal family. Esteban was chancellor for most of the show and both he and the abuelos were on the Grand Council. None of those three may have had a claim to the throne like Isabel could, but even her claim is pretty meaningless at this point in the timeline.
The only reason Elena had any governing authority as Crown Princess was because there was Literally No Other Ruler at the time. Current heir or not, Isabel won't actually be expected to lead the kingdom unless something happens to Elena, and if Elena ever has kids, then Isa's practically off the roster entirely. So... what's a princess to do in the meantime? Being named Royal Inventor gives her a degree of authority within Elena's court that she may never have otherwise and gives her something to do for the kingdom other than wait around until Elena dies. It's even a job that's in her wheelhouse.
Besides, if Elena does die or abdicate, it's not like being Royal Inventor now somehow cancels out Isa's ability to rule later. Presumably, she'd just ditch the title when she took the throne.
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elizabethsnowflake · 3 months
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mysticshadows13 · 26 days
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I love Isabel copying Elena during this song
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animationfan3000 · 1 year
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Isabel and Varian as Ponyo and Sosuke
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
EoA Incorrect Quotes... But The Names Are Randomised By A Generator
Victor, in Shuriki’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Mateo, climbing past Victor: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Ash: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? Naomi: Well, it’s frowned upon. Ash: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? Ash: That’s okay, right?
Mateo, digging his grave: Long story short, this is my grave.......Want me to make you one too?
Armando: Guys! I found a 100 dollar bill! Armando: *looks around* ….Should I keep it? Elena: Armando, just do the right thing. Victor: And put in your bag. Elena: No—
Shuriki: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Carla, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Ash, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Carla: Coming right up.
Carla: Ugh, the printer broke while printing out Esteban's birthday invitations. Naomi: Well, what are they supposed to say? Carla: "Esteban's birthday". Naomi: So, what do they say instead? Carla: "Esteban’s bi". Naomi: Naomi: Works out either way.
Gabe: My only talent is being stress. Luisa: Don't you mean stressed? Gabe: No.
Dona Paloma, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be… Isabel: I’m literally just going to the store.
*Dona Paloma is in the kitchen and they hear a crash from the living room* Dona Paloma, running into the living room: WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!?! Esteban, looking at the broken TV screen and the remote on the floor: I was trying to throw the remote onto the TV stand! Dona Paloma: And Shuriki didn’t stop you?! Esteban, pointing at a sleeping Shuriki: She's been asleep for the past three hours. Victor, walking in, oblivious to the situation: Hey guys- Victor, realizing: Wait, is the TV broken? Why?! Dona Paloma, pointing at Esteban: He threw the remote onto the TV stand. Victor: Come on! That’s the 5th time this week and it’s 2 in the morning on a Tuesday! Shuriki, waking up to see the situation: *yawns* How long was I out? Shuriki, seeing the broken TV: OH GOSH NOT AGAIN! ESTEBAN, I TOLD YOU NOT TO! Esteban: You were asleep! And I always take a window of opportunity when I see it! Dona Paloma and Victor, in unison: But you broke the- Esteban: My work here is done. If anyone asks, I was never here. *dashes out of the living room*
Francisco: What if we were stranded on a desert island? Who would you eat? Naomi: Mateo. Francisco: So fast? Wh-what about me? I would eat you! Naomi: That’s very nice, I guess. Francisco: Why wouldn’t you eat me? I’m your best friend. Naomi: Look, if other people are having some, I’ll try you.
Dona Paloma: How would you like your coffee? Luisa: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Dona Paloma, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Elena: So, I've been thinking Isabel- Isabel: That's dangerous.
Mateo, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me. Gabe: Yeah, Mateo will straight up cry in public. Don't try him. Mateo: Exactly, I will straight up- Mateo: Mateo, tearing up: Gabe, why would you say that?!
Shuriki: Elena is okay. Armando: She's okay? She said she was going to break my legs! And don't tell me she didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause she gave me the mackerel eyes, she meant it! Shuriki: Armando, Elena threatened me. She threatens Carla every day. She probably threatened Luisa before breakfast this morning. It's what she does. Grow a pair.
Francisco: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke? Isabel: I only like dark humor. Francisco, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle? Isabel: Francisco: An IMPASTA!
Shuriki: I'm not doing too well. Isabel: What's wrong? Shuriki: I have this headache that comes and goes. *Mateo enters the room* Shuriki: There it is again.
Carla: So, you lied to me? Fiero: That depends on how you define lying. Carla: Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it? Fiero: Um, reclining your body in a horizontal position?
Naomi: Esteban, don’t go picking a fight with Gabe. Don’t forget, he's powerful, he could make life difficult for you. Esteban: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
Isabel: I drink to forget but I always remember. Carla: You're drinking orange juice.
Esteban: Oh no! I’m doomed! Isabel: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Dona Paloma at her own memorial service. Esteban: Exactly! It’s impossible!
(I really want the stories behind these adlsjflhk)
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disneymbti · 1 year
Elena of Avalor and Isabel’s big three and personality
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Elena Castillo Flores' MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFJ [The Protagonist]
ENFJs are high-energy people who dislike spending too much time alone. They take initiative and tend to talk more than they listen.
They usually trust their intuition and focus on the future. They are good at analyzing complex ideas. 
Protagonists are motivated by feelings and values. They work to avoid conflict and are very diplomatic.
They like to make lists and schedules, preferring to follow a plan. They are hard-working and responsible.
Big Three: Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon and Libra Rising
Capricorn Sun: Capricorn is ruled by authoritative Saturn, which is why they tend to work hard toward advancing themselves in earthly matters. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Libra Rising: Finding balance in life is essential for Libra risings, who prefer things to be even-keeled and civil.
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
Isabel Castillo Flores' MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: INTP [The Logician]
INTPs prefer spending time alone so they can explore their rich inner world, and prolonged exposure to big groups of people can make them feel drained.
Their focus lies more on understanding the big picture than on noticing the tiny details. They want to know how things connect together, which gives them great intuition for solving complex problems.
As the most thinking-oriented of the types, they rely on logic rather than emotion as their main influence in decision making.
An INTP normally likes to keep their options open rather than locking themselves into a commitment. They’re flexible and spontaneous, which allows them to capitalize on opportunities that come available at the 11th hour.
Big Three: Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon and Gemini Rising
Aquarius Sun: Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes them seek out unique ways to problem-solve and to approach life. They're known to be intellectual and innovative.
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Gemini Rising: Gemini risings are quick-witted and fast communicators, always looking for unique ways to express themselves. 
Enneagram Type: 5w4 [The Philosopher]
Basic Fear: Type fives with a four wing are afraid of being helpless and incompetent. They tend to overcompensate for this by spending their time developing new knowledge and skills to feel useful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel helpful and able. They express this by passionately pursuing knowledge and understanding of the world.
Philosophers tend to guard themselves by withdrawing from others, which may lead to loneliness.
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bigfrozensix · 1 year
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"You tie a string around a thing, it will unravel, it's so fragile. It's way too thin to lift a heavy load alone."
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notmoreflippingelves · 9 months
I'm biased as heck and I'm gonna go with one of my faves - how about 18, 22 and 25 for Francisco from EoA and a freebie question - thoughts on his relationship with Esteban pre and post series?
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
It gets much less screen time/focus than his relationship with the other characters, but Francisco's relationship with Isabel is very underrated and one of my favorites to watch. It's especially poignant and striking as Francisco is the oldest of the main characters, and Isabel is the youngest--but there is still so much understanding and affection between them. And the two of them have such similar personalities.
I feel like they are probably the most alike of all the Flores family members. Both are quieter and relatively even tempered (or at least compared to the rest of the family who are much more talkative and hot-headed), sensitive, creative/artistic. I'd also say that they are the two "wisest" members of the family and the most open-minded. (Though of course, they do have their very stubborn moments as well!)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Honestly, I don't think I've read a ton of Francisco fic, but not really sure that there's a ton out there. But I do enjoy the little I see of him as a background character in other fics. In terms of an aspect that I like (and would love to see more of), I really enjoy seeing focus on his relationships with Isabel and Esteban. Much of the Francisco content that we see in the show itself is understandably focused on his relationships with Luisa and Elena, so it's always nice to see fanwork delve deeper into his dynamics with the other members of his family. I've already talked a bit about his relationship with Isabel and I will talk more in another question about his relationship with Esteban. But yeah, these are really rich, underrated dynamics that have so much wonderful potential to be explored.
As for something I don't like, I read a fic once where Francisco died the day after "Coronation Day," and he sort of knew that it was going to be his last day, which gave him a bit of an extra vitality on the day itself. And just...it made me too sad. Plus, like Esteban was just finally reintegrated into the family again, Elena just ascended the throne. There's so much going on in Francisco's life at the end of the series that he should be there for. Yeah, I get that he's older and he might not be in the best of health (especially given his sweet tooth). But no, in my mind, all the characters (except Shuriki, lol) are functionally immortal for the foreseeable future.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I liked Francisco reasonably well from the start, and I like him even better now. I find him a nice, calming presence for the Flores family. He gets a long reasonably well with everyone and is able to provide some very sweet moments as well as a little bit of humor.
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!!-- thoughts on his relationship with Esteban pre and post series?
While we really don't get to see all that much of it, I feel that Francisco's relationship with Esteban was very, very good-- pre-series, during the main timeline of the show, and post-series alike. In fact, I feel like I would go so far as to say that it's probably one of (if not THE) most positive relationship in Esteban's life. Esteban was around 8-9, when he was orphaned, so he likely remembers very little about his actual father. Instead, Francisco was the fatherly presence guiding Esteban through the struggles of adolescence.
He would've been the one who taught Esteban everything he knows about being a man. He would have been the one to teach him how to tie his cravat and how to shave. (My headcanon is that adult!Esteban decided to grow out his beard and mustache during the Dark Times specifically as a way of honoring his absent abuelo who has his own impressive facial hair). He was probably also the one to teach Esteban how to play the guitar and the one we see in "Secret of Avalor" may even have been a gift from him. (Shame that Shuriki probably had it destroyed at the end of the scene).
And the little hints that we see of their relationship in the main series suggest that the relationship continues to be strong. During Esteban's trial, Francisco is the only one to vote in his favor. His line about judging Esteban not for the mistakes of his past but the man he has become in the present--suggest that in Francisco's view, Esteban has become a man that he is proud of and one that is already worthy of forgiveness/a second chance. As a lonely, love-starved, fatherless boy, Esteban probably worshipped Francisco when he was a child, and so to hear that --even knowing Esteban's greatest mistake--Francisco is still proud of what he's become must have been so validating for Esteban as an adult. That's all he's ever wanted: to be a great man, a true son of Avalor just like his abuelo. Too bad Luisa then totally crushes Esteban's heart immediately afterwards.
I am also very struck by the throne room scene with Francisco, Luisa, and Cahu in "Coronation Day." While Luisa has the flashier role in the scene and the more powerful lines, I'd argue that Francisco is actually the one who ultimately inspires Esteban's decision to sacrifice himself for Elena.
Esteban watches Francisco call for a sword to defend Luisa from Cahu, hears Francisco ask him "why are you doing this, Esteban?" because Francisco still cares enough about him to want to understand. Esteban knows that Francisco is the kind of man that he himself has always wanted to be, the man that he should be. The man that maybe he still could be if only he had just one more chance. And then he does get that chance, and he's finally able to do exactly what Francisco would do--sacrifice himself to save his family.
I also have a lot of feelings about how the last interaction we see between the two of them on the show is at the end of Esteban's sacrifice-redemption-and-resurrection scene. We see Francisco place a hand on Esteban's shoulder as the scene fades to black.
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apupcalyptic-art · 4 months
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Meme redraw to tide y'all over before I start posting better art again. I'm just really overwhelmed with uni stuff rn.
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locitapurplepink · 5 months
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Princess Isabel on "All Heated Up"
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procrastinateland · 2 years
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elizabethsnowflake · 6 days
— tonight is the night i die.
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