quillium · 1 year
Takizawa Sora is waiting outside Hatchimitsu when school concludes. A considerable crowd of girls has already gathered around him by the time that Kai reaches him.
Kai, rolling his neck, raises an eyebrow and says flatly, “I hope you’re not here for Uka. I’m walking home with her.”
Takizawa squeaks and bows. “I’m sorry,” he shouts, “I’m here for you, Kai!”
The girls start squealing and Kai scowls, but tells one of Uka’s friends to pass on the message that he’ll be right with her. Takizawa takes him aside to a private, secluded area, and Kai crosses his arms as he waits.
Takizawa does not disappoint. “I’m in love with you,” he declares, “I want to be with you romantically.”
Kai blinks. He’s never been confessed to by a guy before, though in hindsight, he should have expected this coming one way or another. Takizawa, though... that sure was unexpected. “You’re pretty determined to break this relationship apart,” he grumbles.
Takizawa presses his hands to his cheeks, which are bright red, and says, flustered, “Well... I wanted your advice, actually. I still like Ishimori-chan, so... I don’t know what I should do.”
Kai hums and says, “You know that you can’t have either of us, right? I’m hers and she’s mine.”
“I know,” Takizawa says, “and I already lost to you. But I haven’t lost to Ishimori-chan yet, so... is it okay if I try and seduce you?”
Kai shrugs. “I don’t like men,” he says, “but go ahead and try. It won’t work, though. I belong to Uka.” In a rare moment of sympathy, he says, “Don’t be so eager to get your heart broken.”
“Don’t worry,” Takizawa says, grinning, “because I don’t know if I can get you until I try.”
Truth be told, Kai likes Takizawa a lot. Who wouldn’t? Takizawa is cute, straightforward, and likeable in every way.
Here’s a secret that Kai will take to the grave: when they were playing basketball, and Takizawa stole the ball from him, Takizawa’s broad back looked really cool.
Takizawa is cool.
But Kai has Uka, and she’s everything to him. He’s not going to be swayed by anyone else, especially not another man.
He waits for Uka at the entrance of Hatchimitsu. Uka is unusually downcast and solemn as she meets him, and Kai says, “I guess you talked to Takizawa as well.”
“Yes,” Uka says hesitantly, and then says, “He... told you, then?”
“Yes. Funny, isn’t it? He didn’t tell you to your face that he liked you because he thought it would be unfair at first, but he told me so quickly.”
Uka says, matter-of-factly, “Because Takizawa-kun has changed from back then.”
“You aren’t threatened?”
Uka looks at him thoughtfully, and then says, putting her hands against his face, “You’re mine.” It’s not a question.
Kai answers anyway, “Yes, I’m yours.”
She smiles brightly, “It’s not a problem.”
Ah, Kai thinks. How did he end up with such a cool girlfriend?
Takizawa’s methods of seduction are... how to put this...
It’s kind of hilarious.
Takizawa brings a strawberry milkshake for Uka and a lemon soda for Kai in one movement. It’s almost, Kai thinks with a laugh, as though he were seducing them both.
“I’m shorter than you,” Takizawa says at one point to Kai, “Don’t guys like to be taller than the person they’re dating?”
Kai counters, amused, “Aren’t you yourself a guy? I like girls, you know.”
Takizawa pouts and keeps trying.
Takizawa braids Uka’s hair. Plays basketball with Kai. Studies with Uka. Follows Kai around.
There are a lot of mixed signals.
“You’re not still going after Uka, are you?” Kai demands at one point. “I’m okay if you go after me, but you know already that she’s off-limits.”
“I know Uka-chan doesn’t like me,” Takizawa says, “so I’m just her friend. But you might like me, so I’m going to try. Please give me a month to try and seduce you.”
Kai rolls his eyes and turns away.
Satoru and Ayumi, watching the whole thing unfold, think it’s hilarious.
“First he likes Uka, now he likes Kai,” Ayumi laughs, “No matter who he ends up with, it’s a loss!”
“He should just date both of you at this point,” Satoru snickers, “If he likes you both anyway, why not have all three of you date?”
Uka looks at Kai and says, surprised, “Ah?”
Kai raises an eyebrow at her and says, “If you want.”
“But,” Uka puffs out her cheeks, pouting, “Kai is mine. I don’t want to share.”
“Waah, there it is!” Ayumi squeals. “Possessive Uka appears again!”
“Then don’t share me,” Kai agrees, leaning forward and smiling. Uka turns bright red and Kai smiles to himself, victorious.
That should be the end of that.
But somehow Takizawa hears about this idea and that’s when things really start.
Part 2 (tbw)
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shoujodae · 4 years
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volempaamboli · 8 years
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pastel-senpaii · 6 years
ハニーレモンソーダ 🍯 🍋 🥤 Ch 31 translation
Sorry for the wait guys.. I’m still quiet jet lagged from my flight so I apologize for any mistakes in advance! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! I think this one has been my favorite thus far because of that kiss 😍🙈! I really do wanna see uka be a little more assertive tho because I WOULD LOVE TO SEE kai’s reaction toward that, I also want to see more of Kai being jealous & flustered because it just leads to him being more passionate towards her 💖! I also want to see another make-over for Uka! She’s so freaking cute & precious! I want them to all be in shock when they see uka all dressed up! So the 31st chapter opens up to them being in their second year. Uka is in class B while Kai is in class F. Uka says to herself no way they’re in separate buildings. She then overhears some kohai’s talking saying have you seen the second year senpai’s they’re super hot!? Takamine senpai?! ah! He’s super cool as well!! But hey isn’t Midori sensei cool as well? Right! I wonder how old is he, it looks like he’s 35! But Miura senpai is the one I like the best! Ah there! (those three walking together is like a painting in itself lol 😩) Look! I’m so glad I came to this school. Kai senpai! takamine senpai! Ahh he’s looking over here! (He’s looking at uka lol) Kai waves and tells uka that there a lot of flower petals in her hair. The kohai’s are confused and are like huh flower petals and turn around to realize that he’s talking to Uka. They scream and say what? Who is that? Then one of them says ah that’s overwhelmingly plain soy bean-san.. You didn’t know? That girl is Miura senpai’s girlfriend. HAA!!? You’re lying?! Wai... eh.. no there must be something wrong. Uka says she thinks so too, how it’s unbelievable that she’s dating him. Ayumi comes in & tells her good morning and uka replies back by saying good morning. The kohai’s walk away but refuse to accept the fact that she’s his gf lol Tao says that no matter how much time passes people’s reactions are still the same. Sensei comes in and asks Ishimori if it’s true that she has entered the art department. Uka says yes to please take care of her & sensei says likewise! Moka asks uka why she suddenly entered the club & uka replies that although back in middle school she was in the art department because it was a requirement she wasn’t able to enjoy it or participate with others but this time she has a feeling that things will be different & there’s a flashback of her art supplies being torn. Uka realizes that she now has friends & even a person she loves they all hug her & compares to last year’s entrance ceremony when she had no one 🤧😭 ayumi says that she will take care of uka-Chan forever. Uka laughs & thinks it’s a melancholic spring and how she’s no longer afraid of anything anymore. From how things are going she hopes it won’t change. Uka thinks to herself that Miura-kun is now in the opposite building & says if she tries hard she might be able to see him lol as she’s trying sooo hard she realizes she can’t and ayumi wipes her phone and tells her that if she does it like this she would be able to see! Ayumi says she can try it even with her phone, uka rustles through her bag and says ayumi-Chan and shows her new cell phone. Ayumi is so excited and says yay now we can line! Have you told Kai yet? Uka says not yet and ayumi tells her that she needs to hurry up and tell him quickly! She says she will tell him after school but then realizes that she now has club activities & wonders when they will be able to see each other. Abe-san walks in & says that he’s this class’s homeroom teacher & tells everyone to take a seat. Marin says that last year her homeroom teacher midori sensei was better & tonbo says they can’t change it abe-san is like did you say something? .... ^_^ one of them then says hey isn’t F class pretty amazing? Midori sensei is their homeroom teacher & they also have Miura-kun & kahara-san. Kahara-san is really cute with just one look at her you’ll fall in love. Uka’s like kahara-san then they continue to say that the two hottest girls of the second year classes are serina & kahara uka thinks to herself that person is.. then another person says aren’t they in the other school building? Serína is also over there as well as kiriyuu-kun & nagase-kun. Yeah that group is pretty amazing then another classmate brings up the fact that the cultural festival and sports festival are coming up & how it’ll be so much fun this year & how they’ll see them there. One of the girls then says yeah but we also have our own ikemen with takamine-kun here he smiles & the girls are like I like you ♡ tonbo turns around and asks ishimori if she’s going to be okay and if she’s not worried.. When Kai decided to date her he probably wasn’t being picky enough (implying he didn’t have too many options😒) eh? nnn but before that it was serina. Then they’re like Ahh well that’s bad! I’m glad I’m not in ishimori-chan’s place. One of the girl’s says surely it’s bad you guys are in different classes now... i mean everyone has been saying that you guys will break up soon. (The classmates take them being in separate classes like a symbol that they’ll be breaking up.) Marin starts laughing and says kyaahaha they’ll break up and the other girl proceeds to introduce herself now lol ahh btw i’m Chika, please take care of me. They all look at abe-san lol & say this class is bad uka then says that even though they’re in different classes and he’s far away she thought nothing had changed was she wrong? The student council calls ishimori and asks if she has a minute? She says yes & ayumi is surprised and says why they’re calling her. Uka tells her friends that as soon as she entered the arts department they gave her a project to do immediately! Ayumi’s like heeeehh! What is it?! One of kai’s friends calls him and tells him to look at what he has.. ehh? What is this! It looks amazing! Seto says he wants one as well because the pictures are really good! The other guy tells them that Ishimori-Chan drew this & that the student council had asked her to do this Kai puts a really shocked face. So he’s like huh? You didn’t know? So does that mean you also don’t know she also joined the arts club. They all get quiet because he didn’t respond lol and they’re like seriously are you mad? It goes back to uka saying what’s the difference & what is it. As she’s running she says that she has able to finish what the student council had asked her to do & now has some time to spare & looks for Kai to tell him about her changing her cell phone. It’s class F! Uka stops & the people around her say look! Those guys are in a different world. Kahara-san is seriously super cute. Uka’s like that’s kahara-san.. she’s extremely beautiful then she holds her hands together and says she can’t speak to him & everything that her classmates said before come to mind “it’s a bad thing you guys aren’t in the same class anymore” I suppose so.. if you’re in class then uka turns away and says that she’ll speak to him next time. As Kai and kahara look at each other she also remembers what the guy says “with one look at her you’ll fall in love” “i’m glad i’m not in ishimori-chan’s place.” Takamine calls her Uka-Chan sensei was looking for you uka says takamine-kin aah yes thanks. He looks over and sees Kai & Kai looks at them so he pushes uka by the waist and smirks back at Kai. (waaahh!) Uka tells herself that she wasn’t able to tell Kai anything & now that they’re in separate classes they won’t meet as much. She looks over to the school building where Kai is at & says the distance of that passage way feels really far & wonders if she’s the only one who feels that way? Kai’s friend calls him and asks if he’s looked at his line app & kai’s like ahh is it something bad? Then his friend is looking at his phone and says oh yeah I saw it earlier too & he’s like how long ago did you look? Kai looks at his phone and is surprised again because he reads people you may know? & underneath it says Ishimori Uka. Kai becomes quiet and then asks she changed her cellphone? His friend replies ehhh ahh probably now you guys can talk on line. Kai looks down & uka answers her question from before that it may be so (she might be the only one feeling the distance) then she tells herself wait I might be overthinking things? I shouldn’t be thinking about this to myself & I need to talk to him properly about this. Kai yells ISHIMORI!! Ayumi’s like eh IN A MINUTE GET OVER HERE! His friend tries pulling him back from falling out the window lmaooo and tells him Kai! Be careful! Ayumi says uwahhh from where?! & another girls like what?! (He looks so sad! 😩) ehh Miura-kun!? You’re getting so angry Kai!! A fight?! Eh are they going to break up?! Uka says what is the difference & then says they don’t know each other’s feelings they head to roof top & she apologizes. Kai tells her he hasn’t even said anything yet then uka tells him she now has a new cell phone & that she’s on line she also tells him that she joined the arts club because Kai doesn’t say anything she’s like don’t be shy you, say something & kai just says yeah then uka asks if it’s alright for them to talk on line every day? & Kai smiles. He then says ah i’m so tired & sleepy. Uka says ah miura-kun pillow i’m a pillow and pats her shoulder remembering the time when he slept on her on the bus. Kai looks at her & she thinks pillow so he agrees and says well then i’ll lay here & lays on her lap! Uka starts blushing & she’s happy right now because they’re together but once they return back to class.. (she wants to let him know properly how she feels so) she says “miura-kun i miss you”& begins to tear up Kai gets up and says if we hold hands it’ll make you happy right? Ugh i love uka’s innocence lmao as she’s about to finish saying yeah kai’s says but for me i don’t know if it’ll be enough. *DIESSSSSS* ESEEEE BESOOOO! THAT KISSSSS! 😍😍😍🙈 & in the bottom when he stops to look at her & then continues.. ugh me mueroooo! The bell starts ringing & Kai looks up and says ahhh the bell. Then he’s like see you! Make sure you go back to class properly! & uka’s still on the floor lmao how does he just leave the poor girl there 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ Uka starts blushing even more & says her heart is about to explode. Kai’s friend is like ah you’re finally back! As Kai walks his friend asks if something good happen? And uka says I like him, i like him. Ayumi says uka-Chan and Marin is all happy thinking they broke up & begins to say Kai broke up.. & uka’s face is shown to be blushing and has her hand over her mouth so she says eh? Then uka says she feels as if she’s going to go crazy.
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honeylemonsodas · 6 years
Chapter 28 Summary: (Thanks again to geevee @ otakumole for the trans)
Uka wakes up at 5 am saying her concentration broke. She thought of taking a shower then she remembered Kai’s confession, “I like Ishimori”. She made a noise and her parents got startled. She can’t keep calm while going to school. She then sees Kai who looks like he’s waiting for someone. She calms herself and greeted him good morning and says “who are you waiting for?”. Kai replies “if it’s not you then who?”. Kai then smells Uka’s hair. He says “You smell nice. Did you take a bath before coming here?” Uka falls (lol). Kai apologizes and held her hand. Their friends saw them holding hands and said they’re getting along well. Kai says “Yeah, it’s mutual”. Everyone is in shock. Uka’s friends started questioning what happened and when they started dating. Uka replies “We’re not dating”. Her friends got more confused. She said they haven’t talked about dating. Her friends asked why and doesn’t she want to date him. Uka says she does but she was following what she thinks the order of dating like this:
Kai: Please go out with me
Ishimori: Yes
Her friends starts to talking about dating experience. One of her friends just got a boyfriend. Uka observes their casual talk and slight skinship and walks away thinking that’s not her level.
Kai’s friends asked him if he and Ishimori are not dating. Kai also doesn’t know. Kai sees Uka and he calls her Ishimori. Tonbo sees this and asked why Kai doesn’t call her by her first name. Usually Kai uses first name basis with girls but Ishimori is just Ishimori. Then he thinks it’s because Kai doesn’t know Uka’s first name. Kai should just call her Ishimori-chan then. Kai answers. “it’s Uka, right? Flowers on Feathers” (meaning of Uka’s name). Tonbo is shocked and Ayumi hits him. Uka was shocked too that she stopped breathing. Kai’s friends say Kai really knows Uka well and suggested him for Uka to call him Kai as well (not sure about this trans). Kai says he won’t ask her that. His friends also ask Kai if he’s okay waiting for them to go out. He says of course not. Seto notes that it’s the first time he saw that expression from Kai.
Uka washes her face and gets herself together thinking she doesn’t want to disappoint Kai.
Kai is in charge of the morning greeting. Some speech that goes along with “be purified by my words”. Kai also says he is not going to advance to college and he just wants to make memories right now. Someone says, “then in two years, you’ll separate from your girlfriend.” Someone asked who his girlfriend is and his friends pointed at Uka “There, that soybean child”.Kai says they’re not going out. Uka suddenly speaks out “Please go out with me!” to Kai. She says she says she doesn’t want to be nervous in front of Kai but--.. She was cut off and Kai was brought to the stage for the morning greeting. Uka says maybe her timing was wrong. Kai started the greeting and says “Ishimori-san, please go out with me. Moving on, be purified by my words” Everyone is shocked. Uka’s friends are all happy. Kai with the awkward smile then Uka smiled back at him.
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ginseiden · 6 years
- All the names will be arranged by how it is spelled in Japanese. - I will try to provide a picture of the character if I can. - Voice Actor is shortened to VA for speed.
Eisenach, Ernest von
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VA: Tsugayama Masane Western dubbing roles:  - Kevin Costner / Sayonara Game (Bull Durham)  and others - Gregory Peck / Roman Holiday - Richard Gere / The Cotton Club and others - Michael Douglas / Smile of Ice [Koori no Hohoe] (Basic Instinct) - Robert de Niro / Cop Land
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VA: Kuwabara Takeshi  Western dubbing roles: - Peter Graves 
Islands, Walter 
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VA: Tanaka Yasuo  (t/n: in the book, it’s miswritten as Yasurou)
VA: Satou Hiroyuki  Anime roles: Furuhata Motoki / Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Ashul, Hamdi
VA: Naka Hiroshi Anime Roles: Jii-chan / Shonen Ashibe
Attenborough, Dusty
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VA: Inoue Kazuhiko Anime roles:  - Anthony / Candy ♡ Candy - Shimamura Joe / Cyborg 009 (1979) - Crinn Cashim / Fang of the Sun Dougram - Eiji Asuka (Albatro Null) / Blue Comet SPT Layzner - Daryun / The Heroic Legend of Arslan Western dubbing roles: - Tom Hanks Other roles: - Narration (Sekaimaru Mie!/WORLD GREAT TV)
Attenborough, Dusty (Golden Wings)
VA: Yokohori Etsuo > Buelelink
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VA: Ishimori Takkou  Anime roles: - Doba Ajiba / Space Runaway Ideon - Getsuei Goushi / Space Warrior Baldios - Bravo Ojisan / Mister Ajikko
Adoula, Busias
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VA: Kajiwara Zen
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VA: Kiyokawa Motomu  Anime roles: Tem Rey / Mobile Suit Gundam
VA: Mizuuchi Kiyomitsu  Anime roles: Ouuchi / Red Baron 
VA: Masuda Arihiro
Alarcon, Sandle
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VA: Ootomo Ryuuzaburou  Western roles: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Terminator
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VA: Kitagawa Yonehiko  Anime roles: Poseidon / Triton of the Sea
Aldringen, Welner
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VA: Iida Michirou
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VA: Inoue Makio Anime roles: - Hanagata Mitsuru / Star of the Giants - 
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mandarake-en · 6 years
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☆Coming to the Mandarake Zenbu 88 Auction☆ Cardcaptor Sakura Cel Episode 67 - Sakura, Syaoran, and the Tsukimine Shrine For your chance to buy this and over 1000 other amazing items, be sure to check out the link below to get your copy of the Mandarake Zenbu catalogue. As usual, the Mandarake Zenbu catalogue isn't a mere auction guide, but it also has lots of interesting features, articles and interviews! The live auction gets underway on September 5, so be sure to get your pre-bids in if you can't join us for the big event. Mandarake Zenbu 88: http://www.mandarake.co.jp/publish/zenbu/indexEn.html ● Elephant Special Feature ☆★☆ Elephants have lived with us since ancient times and are know for their intelligence as well as their cuteness. There are also many elephant toys around! We've got tin toys that work in various ways, models that make the most of their trunks, items with people and other animals, money box, and other items to enjoy the charm of the pachyderm. ● Disney ☆★☆ Here you'll find Disney art with familiar characters, and memorable scenes. ● Animation Cels and Anime Gengas ☆★☆ Layouts for Anne of Green Gables, which helped establish Miyazaki's color anime, and 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother. There are also anime cels and genga from Cardcaptor Sakura, Dragon Ball Z, Evangelion, Mushi Productions and the latest hit shows. ● Hand-drawn Illustrations, Shikishi and Manuscripts ☆★☆ We're continuing from last time with Osamu Tezuka of hand-drawn manuscript and shikishis. A line up of great items from vintage artists such as Fujiko Fujio, Fujio Akatsuka, Shotaro Ishimori, Leiji Matsumoto, Kazuo Umezu, Sanpei Shirato, popular artists such as Akira Toriyama and Yudetamago, as well as works from other animators and moe creators. ● Dolls ☆★☆ Art dolls, Tari Nakagawa, Kurohi Kimoto (Kurohi Arai). ● Tankobon (Single Volume Books) ☆★☆ Lots of Rare kashi-hon manga including Noboru Yoshimi's horror comics, Ari Bunko and Taiheiyo Bunko. ● New Size Books ☆★☆ First edition Sun Comics with bookmark ribbon, 4th installment of the Goraku Comics special feature including Otoko no Seiza and Yabou no Oukoku. ● Vintage Comic Magazine ☆★☆ The third installment of our introduction to Manga Shonen - Showa 29 - 30 (1954 - 1955) edition. Boken-Oh, 1969. ● Vintage Supplements ☆★☆ Hisashi Sekiya's Tsuki no Hitomi, Angel-chan and others. ● Female Doujinshi ☆★☆ Muscular gachimuchi man on man special feature from artists such as Gengoroh Tagame, Go Fujimoto, Jiro Takahata and Ratenu. ● Male Doujinshi ☆★☆ Special feature of Hajime Ueda (FLCL - Fooly Cooly). ● Reference Materials and Doujinshi ☆★☆ Comiket official goods special feature. ● Shoujo Doujinshi ☆★☆ Moto Hagio fan doujinshi. ● Cards ☆★☆ Retro card special feature. 5 yen discount bromides, mini cards, Kamen Rider V3 cards and more. ● Voice Actor Goods ☆★☆ Signed goods from both young popular voice actors and nostalgic well established actors. ● Tokusatsu Scripts ☆★☆ Amazing tokusatsu kaiju items including Gamera, Godzilla and Gokemidoro (Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell)! ● Kaiba and Other Books ☆★☆ Line up including swinging sixties photographer David Bailey, signed Haruki Murakami book, and various other valuable literature works. ● Posters ☆★☆ Showa Niji no Omoide Hyoryu-ki. Tokusatsu heroes, Go Nagai's work and more. https://www.facebook.com/mandarake/photos/a.621554837994524.1073741828.621549997995008/1108006792682657/?type=3 Mandarake http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/621549997995008
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ukaishimori · 7 years
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gdwessel · 6 years
Upcoming NJPW Events - 5/17/2018
This is the most up to date list of upcoming New Japan Pro Wrestling events I can provide, with full cards announced where possible.(NJPWWorld) means the event will be shown live on NJPWWorld. All cards subject to change.
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Best of the Super Juniors 25
A BLOCK: Tiger Mask IV, ACH [FREE], Flip Gordon [ROH], Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club], Will Ospreay [CHAOS], YOH [CHAOS], BUSHI [Los Ingobernables], Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
B BLOCK: KUSHIDA, Ryusuke Taguchi, Dragon Lee [CMLL], Chris Sabin [ROH], SHO [CHAOS], Marty Scurll [Bullet Club], Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables], El Desperado [SZKG]
- 5/18/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
KUSHIDA & Shota Umino v. Chris Sabin [ROH] & Ren Narita
Dragon Lee [CMLL] & Tomoyuki Oka v. SHO & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
EVIL & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] v. Chase Owens & Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. Flip Gordon [ROH]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: YOH [CHAOS] v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
- 5/19/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Shota Umino v. Ren Narita
ACH [FREE], Tiger Mask IV & Tomoyuki Oka v. Will Ospreay, YOH & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
Flip Gordon [ROH] & Toa Henare v. Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Dragon Lee [CMLL] v. SHO [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Ryusuke Taguchi v. El Desperado [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. Chris Sabin [ROH]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] v. Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
- 5/20/2018, Shizuoka Kira Messe Numazu
Ryusuke Taguchi & Shota Umino v. Dragon Lee [CMLL] & Ren Narita
Chris Sabin [ROH] & Tomoyuki Oka v. SHO & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
KUSHIDA & Toa Henare v. Marty Scurll & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
EVIL & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. YOH [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Flip Gordon [ROH] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. Will Ospreay [CHAOS]
- 5/22/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Flip Gordon [ROH] & Tomoyuki Oka v. Taiji Ishimori & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
ACH [FREE] & Shota Umino v. Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Will Ospreay & Gedo [CHAOS] v. YOH & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
Tiger Mask IV & Toa Henare v. Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Chris Sabin [ROH] v. SHO [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Ryusuke Taguchi v. Dragon Lee [CMLL]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] v. El Desperado [SZKG]
- 5/24/2018, Shiga Ukaru Chan Arena
KUSHIDA & Shota Umino v. Ryusuke Taguchi & Ren Narita
Chris Sabin [ROH] & Tomoyuki Oka v. Marty Scurll & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
YOSHI-HASHI & SHO [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
Toa Henare & Dragon Lee [CMLL] v. Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Flip Gordon [ROH] v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. YOH [CHAOS]
- 5/25/2018, Osaka EDION Arena 2nd Arena
Tiger Mask IV, Tomoyuki Oka & Shota Umino v. Flip Gordon [ROH], Ren Narita & Yota Tsuji
ACH [FREE] & Toa Henare v. YOH & YOSHI-HASHI
Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] v. Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Will Ospreay & Gedo [CHAOS] v. Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Chris Sabin [ROH] & Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. Ryusuke Taguchi
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: SHO [CHAOS] v. El Desperado [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Dragon Lee [CMLL] v. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
- 5/26/2018, Nagoya Aichi Congress Center Event Hall
Chris Sabin [ROH] & Shota Umino v. Dragon Lee [CMLL] & Ren Narita
Chase Owens & Marty Scurll [Bullet Club] v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. Flip Gordon [ROH]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. YOH [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
- 5/27/2018, Nagoya Aichi Congress Center Event Hall
Tiger Mask IV & Tomoyuki Oka v. Taiji Ishimori & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Flip Gordon [ROH] & Shota Umino v. YOH & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
Will Ospreay & Gedo [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Toa Henare & ACH [FREE] v. Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Marty Scurll [Bullet Club] v. El Desperado [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Chris Sabin [ROH] v. Dragon Lee [CMLL]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. SHO [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Ryusuke Taguchi v. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
- 5/29/2018, Tochigi City Athletic Park Gymnasium
Dragon Lee [CMLL] & Ren Narita v. Marty Scurll & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Ryusuke Taguchi & Tomoyuki Oka v. SHO & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
KUSHIDA & Shota Umino v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
Chris Sabin [ROH] & Toa Henare v. Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Flip Gordon [ROH] v. YOH [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
- 5/30/2018, Fukushima Big Palette
Tiger Mask IV & Shota Umino v. Will Ospreay & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
ACH [FREE]  & Tomoyuki Oka v. Taiji Ishimori & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
YOH & Gedo [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Flip Gordon [ROH] & Toa Henare v. Tetsuay Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Dragon Lee [CMLL] v. Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Ryusuke Taguchi v. SHO [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Chris Sabin [ROH] v. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. El Desperado [SZKG]
- 5/31/2018, Aomori Hachinohe City East Gymnasium
KUSHIDA & Shota Umino v. Dragon Lee [CMLL] & Ren Narita
Ryusuke Taguchi & Tomoyuki Oka v. Marty Scurll & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Chris Sabin [ROH] & Toa Henare v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
YOSHI-HASHI & SHO [CHAOS] v. Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Flip Gordon [ROH] v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. Will Ospreay [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: YOH [CHAOS] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
- 6/2/2018, Gunma New Sunpia Takasaki
Tiger Mask IV, Tomoyuki Oka & Shota Umino v. ACH [FREE], Ren Narita & Yuya Uemura
YOH & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Taiji Ishimori & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Flip Gordon [ROH] & Toa Henare v. Will Ospreay & Gedo [CHAOS]
EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & TAKA Michinoku [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Chris Sabin [ROH] v. El Desperado [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Ryusuke Taguchi v. Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: SHO [CHAOS] v. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. Dragon Lee [CMLL]
- 6/3/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. ACH [FREE]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Flip Gordon [ROH] v. Will Ospreay [CHAOS]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: YOH [CHAOS] v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA v. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Ryusuke Taguchi v. Chris Sabin [ROH]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Dragon Lee [CMLL] v. El Desperado [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: SHO [CHAOS] v. Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
- 6/4/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Best of the Super Juniors 25 Final: WINNER A Block v. WINNER B Block
More TBA
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Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-Jo Hall - 6/9/2018, Osaka Osaka-Jo Hall (NJPWWorld)
Rey Mysterio Jr. [FREE] v. TBA
NEVER Openweight Championship 3-Way Match: Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] © v. Michael Elgin v. Taichi [SZKG]
IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: EVIL & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] © v. Matt & Nick Jackson [Bullet Club]
IWGP Intercontinental Championship: Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] © v. Chris Jericho [FREE]
IWGP Heavyweight Championship Best Two Out Of Three Falls No Time Limit: Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] © v. Kenny Omega [Bullet Club]
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Lion’s Gate: Project 13 - 6/13/2018, Tokyo Shinjuku FACE (NJPWWorld)
Yota Tsuji v.  Yuya Uemura
Ren Narita v Shunsuke Sayama [ASUKA PROJECT]
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Dinosaur Takuma [K-DOJO] v. Manabu Nakanishi & Toa Henare
Yuji Nagata v. Tomoyuki Oka
Shota Umino v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO]
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Kizuna Road 2018 - 6/15/2018, Saitama Tokorozawa Citizen Gymnasium - 6/17/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 6/18/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 6/19/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 6/20/2018, Fukushima Iwaki City Gymnasium - 6/22/2018, Akita Terrsa - 6/23/2018, Yamagata Big Wing - 6/24/2018, Iwate Prefectural Gymnasium
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CEO X NJPW: When Worlds Collide - 6/29/2018, Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL
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G1 Special in San Francisco - 7/7/2018, Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA
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G1 Climax 28 - 7/14/2018, Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium - 7/15/2018, Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium - 7/16/2018, Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center Hokkai Kitayell - 7/19/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 7/20/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 7/21/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 7/22/2018, Tokyo Esforta Arena Hachioji - 7/26/2018, Niigata Aore Nagaoka - 7/27/2018, Shizuoka Act City Hamamatsu - 7/28/2018, Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium - 7/30/2018, Kagawa Takamatsu City General Gymnasium #1 - 8/1/2018, Kagoshima Arena - 8/2/2018, Fukuoka Citizen Gymnasium - 8/4/2018, Osaka EDION Arena - 8/5/2018, Osaka EDION Arena - 8/8/2018, Kanagawa Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium - 8/10/2018, Tokyo Nippon Budokan - 8/11/2018, Tokyo Nippon Budokan - 8/12/2018, Tokyo Nippon Budokan
2 notes · View notes
hunter934 · 7 years
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(Real Sound) Keyakizaka46 Habu Mizuho, dengan Meningkatnya Keberadaannya di Dalam Grup, Dia Menjadi Member Baris Terdepan untuk Pertama Kalinya, serta Kemajuan dalam Penampilannya di atas Panggung
Video klip single kelima Keyakizaka46 “Kaze ni Fukaretemo“ telah dirilis pada tanggal 2 Oktober. Penampilan member yang memakai jas hitam, lalu menarikan dengan riang tarian yang gagah dan penuh senyuman telah menjadi topik pembicaraan yang hangat. Melalui video klip tersebut, kita sekali lagi dapat memastikan tingginya level performa tarian Keyakizaka46.
Di artikel ini, kami ingin pembaca memperhatikan Habu Mizuho yang mendukung Keyakizaka46 melalui penampilannya di atas panggung, lalu mencapai perkembangan luar biasa dalam tariannya hingga sejauh ini.
Dalam single “Kaze ni Fukaretemo” kali ini, Habu terpilih sebagai member baris terdepan untuk pertama kalinya. Masih dalam single yang sama, dia juga ikut serta dalam lagu “Kekkyoku, Jaa ne shika Ienai” yang dibawakan unit beranggotakan 5 orang “Goninbayashi” (Ishimori Nijika, Oda Nana, Saito Fuyuka, Sato Shiori, dan Habu Mizuho). Semasa sekolah, dia sangat mengagumi dunia kecantikan, dia sempat berkeinginan untuk mendaftar di sekolah kecantikan ketika dia duduk di kelas 3 SMA. Namun, atas rekomendasi dari temannya, dia akhirnya mendaftar audisi Keyakizaka46. Dengan tinggi 171 cm, Habu memiliki tubuh langsing layaknya model dan penampilan yang cantik. Dengan menjadi member Keyakizaka46 pertama yang berjalan di atas catwalk “GirlsAward”, aktivitasnya di dunia model tentunya begitu diharapkan. Di sisi lain, dia tidak dapat memanfaatkan ciri khas dan potensinya di acara reguler “Keyakitte, Kakenai?”, keberadaannya tidak begitu menonjol jika dibandingkan dengan member lainnya.
Di “Keyakake” yang ditayangkan 1 Oktober, dalam sebuah segmen yang bertema “Aku seharusnya tidak seperti ini!”, Habu mengatakan tentang penyesalannya, “Seharusnya aku bisa lebih menunjukkan diriku yang sesungguhnya sejak dulu”, dia juga mengaku masih malu-malu dengan member yang lain. Kemudian terungkap bahwa dia memiliki sifat pemalu melebihi yang lain, serta memiliki kepribadian yang introvert. Akan tetapi, Ishimori Nijika di majalah “Gekkan Entame” pernah mengatakan bahwa Habu adalah “Orang yang pandai mengendalikan dirinya. Pada saat berdiri di atas panggung, dia begitu berkilauan memancarkan aura khas idola, tetapi di belakang panggung dia begitu berjuang keras saat latihan, aku merasa kagum dengan gap itu”, member menganggap hal itu sebagai kelebihan yang dimilikinya. Mungkin dunia kesulitan untuk melihatnya, tetapi dia terus berjuang keras di tempat yang tak terkena lampu sorot, mungkin karena itulah kali ini dia terpilih menjadi member baris tedepan.
Di episode-episode awal “Keyakake”, ketika ditanya pekerjaan apa yang ingin dilakukan selain menjadi artis, Habu mengaku ingin menjadi model dan cosplayer. Dia adalah seorang otaku anime yang langka di Keyakizaka46. Dia menjadi pecinta anime setelah menonton “Love Live” saat SMP. Kemudian, dia menggemari serial “K-ON!”, karena terpengaruh salah satu tokohnya Nakano Azusa, dia kemudian bergabung dengan klub musik saat SMA. Selain itu, dia juga menyatakan sebagai penggemar Todomatsu dari serial “Osomatsu-san”. Akhir-akhir ini, melalui blog dan sosial medianya, Habu sering menyebut judul anime dan komik “Ajin” dan “Himouto! Umaru-chan R”. Kemudian, Habu juga menggemari game. Saat dia bermain “Bio Hazard 7” dengan memakai VR (Virtual Reality), sambil ketakutan dia terus-menerus mencatatkan headshot. Berkebalikan dengan auranya yang tenang, sosoknya saat menembak satu per satu zombie adalah sebuah gap yang menarik.
Habu yang seorang otaku dan bertipe indoor, mulai menunjukkan perubahan sejak video klip “Fukyouwaon”. Dalam wawancara dengan majalah “blt graph.vol.18” yang terbit April 2017, dia mengatakan telah menyesali dirinya yang lebih dekat dengan imej yang imut. Dia merasa seharusnya lebih cepat membuat dirinya berjalan pada jalur yang lebih keren. Kemudian, Habu mengikat rambutnya di video klip “Fukyouwaon” dengan maksud untuk lebih menunjukkan dirinya yang sesungguhnya. Baginya, ini adalah langkah pertama menuju dirinya yang lebih keren.
Kemudian, dunia mulai memperhatikan Habu sejak “THE MUSIC DAY” yang disiarkan tanggal 1 Juli. Di acara tersebut, Keyakizaka46 untuk pertama kalinya menampilkan lagu “Eccentric” di televisi. Di koreografi bagian reff lagu tersebut, mereka melepas salah satu sepatu kemudian memutar-mutarkannya. Dalam koreografi yang mengejutkan itu, Habu berada di posisi paling tengah. Di acara radio regulernya “Chokotto Yattemaasu!”, Habu menjelaskan bahwa lagu “Eccentric” adalah lagu yang mementingkan kemampuan berekspresi. “Tubuhku ini tinggi, ‘kan? Jadi, aku harus memanfaatkan tinggi tubuhku ini, lalu menari dengan begiu luar biasa,” katanya. Penampilan dinamis yang memanfaatkan tubuh tingginya ternyata menarik perhatian penonton, bisa dibilang keberadaannya meningkat secara tiba-tiba. 
Perkembangan Habu Mizuho Tak Terhentikan
Kemudian, Habu mengalami kemajuan dalam penampilannya di atas panggung berkat tur nasional di musim panas. Dalam wawancara di majalah “BOMB” edisi November, Habu mengatakan tentang perkembangannya selama tur, “Tarian solo ”Tokyo Tower wa Doko kara Mieru?” berbeda-beda di setiap konser, aku merasa mungkin aku juga sedikit berkembang setelah melalui tur ini”. Habu yang sempat tidak memahami bagian tariannya sendiri, kemudian mendapatkan petunjuk dari TAKAHIRO selaku penanggungjawab koreografi, perlahan-lahan akhirnya dia bisa menyelesaikan tariannya. Koike Minami yang melihat penampilannya itu, ternyata terkejut dengan perubahan dalam tarian Habu. Bisa dibilang juga perkembangan yang luar biasa inilah yang membuatnya masuk di baris terdepan.
Kemudian, Habu yang biasanya jarang menunjukkan perasaannya, menangis saat diumumkan masuk dalam baris terdepan di single kali ini, dia berkomentar “Tidak ada siapapun di depanku membuatku sangat cemas, entah aku bisa melakukannya atau tidak, tapi aku akan berusaha”. Lalu, dia mengungkapkan antusiasmenya mengenai lagu baru ini, “Ini merupakan titik balik kami, aku juga memotong pendek rambutku, aku memotongnya 20 cm lebih. Semoga ini bisa menjadi lagu yang dapat memperlihatkan diriku yang baru”. Habu adalah orang yang memperlihatkan perkembangan paling pesat di antara member Keyakizaka46 lainnya. Mulai saat ini, Habu dan Keyakizaka46 jilid kedua akan dimulai. (hunter934)
Artikel asli: http://realsound.jp/2017/10/post-117548.html
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tokupedia · 8 years
Kamen Rider 45th Anniversary File: Decade
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Sing it with me now..♬ Chan-Chan-Bara Chanbara! Chan-Bara-Bara Chanbara! Samurai Sentai Shinkenjā! Appare!♬  The 33rd Super Sentai authorized by the network! Shinkenger, Goes Forth!
RPM! GET IN GEAR! Power Rangers RPM hits the airwaves on the new Disney XD channel (formerly Jetix in the US). Decreed by Disney to be the final original Power Rangers series, the company wanted to be super cheap by pulling the plug on production and re-airing old episodes next year. The franchise would then get tossed out by the Mouse House after this harebrained scheme backfires.
Fresh Pretty Cure debuts, airing alongside Decade (and Double) and Shinkenger. This season attempts to expand the Pretty Cure brand beyond its young female demographic, which would prove successful next series...
So~(I Can Fly!) Hurry!~ (You Can Fly!) Miracles!~ (We Can Fly) DRAGON CHAAAAAAARGE!~  Tomica Hero: Rescue Fire, the sequel season to Rescue Force, debuts and... sadly is the final installment of the Tomica Hero series. Among the supporting cast for the show was the man, the myth, the legend, Hiroshi Fujioka!  Tomica Hero Explosively Completed its run in 2010.
Engine Sentai Go-onger vs. Gekiranger, the 15th Sentai Vs. series entry, is upgraded from a direct to video release to a feature film. It is the first Sentai crossover put on the silver screen since JAKQ vs. Gorenger in the 1970s. This marks the first time in history that Super Sentai has more than one film in a single year and would continue from here on out.
Victory Pose! Yatter! Yatter! Yatterman, the Tasunoko late 70s anime classic, gets a live action film adaptation courtesy of film director Takashii Miike.
Ishimori Pro declares 2009 to be the “Year of Cyborg 009″ because of the franchise’s 45th anniversary. The company does special events for the occasion, such as showcase Cyborg 009 concept art, animation cels and sketches from the private archives of Shotaro Ishinomori at areas such as Akihabara and the Ishinomori Manga Museum.
Lastly, Koichi Sakamoto of Power Rangers fame sits in the directors chair on several tokusatsu projects, including the Ultra Galaxy Movie and a few Kamen Rider movies.
(2009 was a busy year!)
Kamen Rider’s home network TV Asahi was celebrating 50 years of broadcasting and the number of main Kamen Riders in the Heisei Era had reached the milestone of 10 in total. To celebrate the two momentous occasions, TV-Asahi treated fans to not one, not two, but three Kamen Riders in a single year. The first was the non-canon Kamen Rider G, the later half of the year saw Kamen Rider W, and Kamen Rider Decade was right in the middle.
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Decade brought forth tropes in super hero fiction with near limitless writing possibilities: The Multiverse and the reunified continuity trope. Not only was it now possible for a Kamen Rider to have a crossover with other Riders, but the series can go to other universes such as....
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crossing over with its sister series Super Sentai!
For the first time ever on TV, Kamen Rider and Super Sentai had a team-up crossover special. While JAKQ vs. Gorenger in the 1970s mentioned Kamen Rider Amazon being part of a greater universe of heroes, this was never expanded upon any further other than a quick mention/cameo image.
Often comic book fans draw parallels of this show’s story to another...
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Both serve a purpose, to unify all continuity back into one single linear pathway that audiences can follow. Thus the multiple variants of stories become one sole tale in one setting. That being said, unlike many who recommend Decade as a starting series, I would advise newcomers to hold off a little until they familiarize themselves with the Heisei era a little better, as otherwise the story elements may confuse them as they will have no frame of reference going in.
Heisei Kamen Rider up to this point allowed itself to avoid continuity ties by letting each series stand on its own aside from maybe Kuuga and Agito, but even that could be a stretch. Decade is where things began to merge back together, as after this series, Riders began interacting with one another on a regular basis in movies and direct to video films. Aside from a few teases of non-canon events like the Ryuki V-Cinema and the Den-O and Kiva Movie, Toei didn’t seem too interested in doing TV or film crossovers on a grander scale until this exact year.
So... what happened that may have changed their minds?
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Oh yeah, THAT happened...Marvel made it known at the end of a little movie called Iron Man they were going to do BIG crossovers. So naturally, Toei possibly followed suit (with mixed results depending on who you ask). It is just speculation, but you have to admit it is odd timing given the franchise almost avoided crossovers entirely up to this point.
This show is also the last hurrah of Rainbow Zoukei as the costume designers, as their workload had grown to insane levels. RZ was doing Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Ultraman, prop replacement parts for Power Rangers on top of various movies and TV commercials. In order to ease the burden, the company created a secondary studio based in Tama called Blend Master to divide the workload. Rainbow Zoukei does Super Sentai and new Metal Heroes costumes/replacements while Blend Master works on Kamen Rider from Double to the present day.
Another new addition to the franchise would be the introduction of Bandai’s Legend Rider gimmick for their Ganbaride arcade video game cabinets. Rider Cards were the primordial phase of this gimmick, utilizing the powers of past heroes in the show while being something Bandai could double up in profits on. Later iterations and Ganbarizng would incorporate the electronic collectible toy trinkets in combination with the trading cards. Another staple of this series was the introduction of the Rider lexicon term “Driver” for the belts (Get it? A belt is the driving force of the super powers of a Kamen Rider.)
The biggest thing this series did though was revive the Showa Riders presence in the franchise after a long absence from TV with a story arc about visiting the non-Heisei Rider worlds, with at least one of the originals physically appearing and returning to his role:
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Tetsuo Kurata as Kohtaro Minami/Kamen Rider Black and Black RX! (Parallel universes thing, complicated to explain.)
Decade is a very divisive series, some love it for upping the stakes of conflict with the fate of reality itself hanging in the balance and a war between Riders of past and present series with a super powerful rider that had a cool belt voiced by radio personality Mark Okita.
On the opposite end of fandom, some hated it for undermining their favorite Riders with what some assessed to be a Marty Stu fanfic-y character who was almost super-invincible and ultimately served as a plot device.
On the upside to fans who dislike the show, at least we got a female Rider and a meme out of it...
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Speaking of which...KAMEN RIDE: DECADE!
“The Destroyer of Worlds, Decade. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds?"
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(Mr. Kadoya, circa 2014 in a crossover with Kamen Rider Wizard, lookin’ like a boss.)
Real Name: Tsukasa Kadoya
As a child, Tsukasa was often alone with his sister, but soon discovered she had the ability to create trans-dimensional gateways called Dimension Walls.
Tsukasa ran off into one of them one day and in his later years, came into contact with Dai-Shocker, a revived amalgamation of all the past villains the Kamen Riders had ever faced. They tricked him into playing the role of their Great Leader (which a teen Tsukasa thought was a “fun idea” at the time) and later offered him a new weapon to test out: The Decadriver. The belt device was the intense labor of Dai-Shocker scientists who HATED the Kamen Riders. The Decadriver could duplicate and surpass the powers of all Kamen Riders to obliterate them once and for all or use them as lifeless tools to enhance the Decade system. Tsukasa tested them out, but this ended badly for him as the overwhelming shock of crossing multiple universes all at once caused mental trauma that wiped his memories away. The Decadriver was somehow left hidden and abandoned in an unspecified alternate Earth.
Cut to 2009 and an amnesiac Tsukasa is on an Earth working as a photographer for the Hikari family. Natsumi Hikari is having strange nightmares about a figure who kills all the Kamen Riders in a great war, enveloped in a magenta light. Strange things then start happening as random unexplained catastrophes occur such as monsters appearing from silvery walls and people being randomly teleported to unfamiliar locations and slaughtered by more monsters.
As this happens, a familiar face appears to Tsukasa: Wataru Kurenai aka Kamen Rider Kiva who asks him where his “buckle and cards” are and that this “world will end if he doesn’t do something“. Tsukasa at first does not understand and is confused by all this, but Natsumi later finds the belt and gives it to him when she is being attacked by some Worms. Tsukasa transforms into a new Kamen Rider and then remembers how to fight, using the powers of past Kamen Riders to defeat waves of monsters effortlessly.
Once Wataru and the other Kamen Riders freeze the world in place with their combined powers to prevent further destruction, the veteran Rider explains to Tsukasa that the parallel worlds of Kamen Riders are merging due to an outside force and will destroy all of existence if it isn’t stopped.
To that end, Tsukasa as Kamen Rider Decade must go to the 9 Worlds and destroy the nine Kamen Riders of those worlds to preserve the Prime universe. Wataru laments that creation cannot come without destroying something and promises to hold the world in place for as long as he can with his comrades until Decade “fixes” the multiverse.
Decade ends up doing the exact opposite after befriending the Riders and connecting their stories. This at first did not sit well with the Prime Universe Kamen Riders and they attacked Decade to preserve their existence and those of their loved ones, thus the Rider War began.
But by being a destroyer and connecting with heroes, Decade did find a way eventually to save everyone. Tsukasa now spends his days traveling across space and time, exploring new parallel worlds and helping those in need in his own unique way.
(As many Rider Scouts will tell you: This one idea has massive fanfiction potential as Decade could have visited any number of universes of beloved franchises along his journey: Marvel, DC, Image, Transformers, Doctor Who, Star Trek etc.)
In one non-canon moment of a video game, an enemy called him the Destroyer of Worlds. Decade then casually responded that he is “retired” from that role. Even in Kamen Rider Taisen (*ugh*) any mention of this title seems to annoy/upset Tsukasa, as he feels he is beyond that part of his life.
Decade can become invisible, make copies of himself, has expert markmanship and sword skill, enhanced strength and has the ability to travel across dimensions to parallel Earths.
Decade’s signature ability is for his Rider System to analyze an opponent and if it is a Kamen Rider, copy its data for Decade to assume the powers, weapons and forms himself in the form of Rider Cards. The Rider Cards can also upgrade/seize a Kamen Rider into a new form dubbed as a “Final Form Ride”, transforming them to act as a support such as a new power, a vehicle, a weapon or a device such as enhanced armor.
Decade himself can Final Form Ride into a giant sized version of the Decadriver for Kamen Rider J to wear and he assumes control of Kouji’s body as a giant sized Decade. Decade can obtain the power of Kamen Riders through cards in one of two ways, the first is the Magic of Friendship and the other is straight up beating them to near death and sealing the weakened Rider in a card in a manner somewhat similar to the Blade System with the Undead. Decade prefers option one, but in a rare instance used the second one as circumstances forced him to.
The Decadriver is also compatible with other card systems such as the Gosei Cards from the Goseigers and the Decadriver is shown it can utilize Super Sentai weapon Rider Cards.
Using some kind of construct projector somewhat akin to ZX’s Virtual Image Projection Unit, Decade can assume the form of ANY Kamen Rider. (As confirmed by recent toys, Decade can go up to Kamen Rider Drive currently. But Ghost and Ex-Aid are likely part of his card deck by now). Upon tinkering with it apparently, the Decadriver can holographically disguise itself as another Rider Belt (such as 1′s Typhoon) and through a voice modulator, Decade can fully impersonate a Kamen Rider for stealth/infiltration missions. This image projection is enhanced even further in Complete Form, as Kamen Riders in their ultimate forms appear on command and seemingly mimic Decade’s movements like a shadow for a double final form Rider Finisher.
In his more deadly Violent Emotion mode, Decade can obtain and use any power of a Kamen Rider automatically, even sometimes without the use of the cards and no form change needed. He is seemingly so powerful in this mode that almost no Kamen Rider can stop him and his Rider Kick pretty much becomes a human seeker missile (As shown when he chased down Skyrider in the air and kicked him, turning the airborne 8th Rider into a falling fireball.)  Complete Form can summon the powers of the Heisei Rider’s ultimate forms and utilize their Rider cards in those forms to enhance Complete form further.
Tsukasa as a human is bestowed with new skills in every world he visits to serve whatever purpose the multiverse needs him for. (Ex. knowing the Gurongi language)
Decade, much like the the future Gokaigers who would adopt his same power copy gimmick, is not all powerful on his own in base form and can be beaten in some instances. (Blade in King Form gave Decade quite the beatdown once with just one slash of his sword)  This is more to showcase that Decade on his own is neither stronger or weaker than any previous or succeeding Rider in base form and through the comradery of his fellow Riders sharing their strength with him, he can become the strongest of all of them.
His Rider Cards at first had a one use limit, it is uncertain if this still applies in some capacity. When the cards were used they would seal away the powers selected until they were activated again after gaining a Rider’s trust. Some universes disrupted or negated his power such as the World of Negatives, which rendered all his cards useless until he upgraded to Complete Form.
His Rider Belt is basically a big bullseye, as stabbing or damaging the Decadriver at close range will shut down the device and de-power Decade. Though if the first episode is any indication, dimension wall energy can automatically repair the belt. Still, like most modern belts which are not surgically attached to the Rider, Tsukasa could have the Decadriver knocked away from him or he could lose it.
The Decade system was designed to defeat Kamen Riders, thus other superheroes are immune to the copying of powers on some level. (though this does not guarantee opposing sides victory).
Kamen Riders sometimes had a bit of animosity towards Decade given his reputation and even after the Rider War, some view him akin to a Nuclear Option, as in someone who should only be called upon in a crisis or as an absolute last resort. Like Kuuga, Agito and Kiva, Decade has a dangerous side to the power he wields that could end all life..well..everywhere, especially if he succumbs to his darker impulses such as with using Violent Emotion mode.
Signature Finishers:
Dimension Blast: Using the Final Attack Ride: Decade Card, Decade uses the Ride Booker in Gun mode to fire a charged shot
Dimension Slash: Using the Final Attack Ride: Decade Card, Decade uses the Rider Booker in Sword Mode and executes an energy charged Rider slash.
Dimension Kick: Decade’s Rider Kick which is executed using the Final Attack Ride:Decade Card. Variants include the Enhanced Dimension Kick in Complete Form which utilizes the power of the 9 Heisei Riders in conjunction with his own power and the Final Dimension Kick which after using the FinalKamenAttackForm Ride Card, turns all the Kamen Riders into Kamen Ride cards that Decade flies through to enhance his kick to maximum power.
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Dai-Shocker is a supergroup of past Kamen Rider Villains from various parallel Earths who scour the multiverse to find like-minded individuals to convert/recruit into their army for one ultimate goal: Total conquest, subjugation and absolute rule of the entire multiverse and creation itself!
Out of all incarnations of Shocker, that is a pretty ambitious goal for evil and difficult considering that Kamen Riders exist on other worlds as well as other superheroes who stand in their way. Tsukasa was once their Great Leader, but turned against them and the organization had been crippled and splintered into various forms such as Super Shocker and Space Shocker, but manages to revive at least once.
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Nobody knows what his deal is, but he has a wide array of powers including the ability to create Dimension Walls, summon evil Kamen Riders or monsters and assumes the form of past Generals such as Colonel Zol of Shocker. He hates Decade for some reason and sees himself as a prophet of the Rider’s nature as a destroyer, warning other heroic Riders to try and stop him. He does flip-flop his allegiance at times.
Some fans have theorized he is an incarnation of the real Great Leader, while a still of the pre-production film shots of what would become Decade: Final Chapter gave a bombshell to his possible identity:
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That pink camera is Tsukasa’s..so some speculate from this image that he is an older Tsukasa from an alternate reality.....
Sadly due to unknown legal issues and production delays, this plot was tossed out along with several other story ideas. So Narutaki’s identity and purpose for antagonizing Decade is never explained and his character was taken to a...very weird direction...
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All we can say to those good stories and his identity not being told to us is...
Now we must go on the road to another Rider’s world.... til next time...
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pastel-senpaii · 6 years
Honey Lemon soda ch 30
Here’s a looooong summary/translation on chapter 30 of honey lemon soda! Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!! 
Kai is talking with his group of friends and Uka says that Miura is always the center of attention and she lives in a corner but currently her position is different. She’s running to school because it’s Kai’s birthday (2/17). The girls around Kai ask him if his girlfriend made any plans to celebrate it and his friend asks if Ishimori even knows it’s his birthday. Kai replies no and his friend says seriously? Why didn’t you tell her. Uka arrives and the girls ask her if she even knows what today is.. Uka says Happy Birthday Miura! and hands him a box of lemon soda & treats (kai is so surprised lol) :) The girls are annoyed that she knew and ask if that’s seriously her gift to Kai and that it’s really bad since its cheap. Uka says she wanted to make him a cake and tried looking for a gift but she was really bad at making sweets and didn’t know what else Kai would like. They get annoyed while walking away they say that they still can’t accept their relationship with each other since they’re “unbalanced.”His friend asks Kai if he has any plans after school, and kai replies yes a date with Ishimori at gesen. Uka smiles and vows to always protect their happiness. The sensei’s hiding behind the wall and say that lately Ishimori has been enjoying her youth, midori sensei says that its a good thing and other sensei says no it’s not that Ishimori will either stay in the library or go home after school in order to study but now she’s going on a date with kai. Midori says well yeah because they’re dating and the other sensei says no that they might have to have a parents meeting because Uka’s parents were extremely reluctant in having her attend hachimitsu high & wonder how they should tell them about kai and uka. Midori sensei says she’s able to balance both so it shouldn’t be a problem. The professors are worried because this seems to be Uka’s first relationship so they’re going to keep on monitoring her. (HIS SLEEEEEEEPING FACE *heart eyes*) The professor tries to wake Kai up and after the 4th attempt he wakes up, he tells him that he scored a 4 on his exam and his grades in all his 8 subjects were around 20 points, he asks Kai what his reason for coming to school if he’s always sleeping.. Kai says eh? To see my girlfriend? The professor asks what’s your girlfriend’s full name, and he says Ishimori Uka-chan. Uka blushes and her classmate asks if she’s okay and if she needs to go to the infirmary! Kai looks at her and asks why her face is all red and his friend is like you seriously don’t remember? Abe-san asks if kai and uka have a minute to talk. The sensei’s tell uka that lately she seems to be too easy going and how they notice how she’s putting a lot of “heart” into dating Kai and say what kind of combination are they & they don’t suit each other. He tells them why they couldn’t find other people to be with besides each other he also reminds them that uka’s dad isnt even aware of their relationship and how moving forward she needs to be careful with her behavior since he expects great things from her in the future. Kai looks at Uka and says that they won’t be able to go on their date, uka says not to cancel it because it’s his birthday but Kai makes an excuse by saying that he has to go to his part time job and how he will do something about this for her. uka apologizes and then tells her dad about her relationship with Kai thinking it would be okay and he gets upset. Her dad calls the professors to let them know that uka had told him about kai & sensei says that he will continue to watch over her and he can contact him at any time. Kai walks by and tells seto and ayumi that he will be studying.. they notice uka carrying a lot of textbooks and how although she looks calm she’s studying even more now after what sensei had told her. Seto asks Kai if he’s decided & if he’s going to his job and kai replies that he will be busy for a while. The girls walking tell Uka why she’s leaving kai alone and how she should hold her head up high no matter what. Uka walks into the professor’s office because she didn’t understand a problem and they ask if kai went home already. Sensei continues to say that he would be okay with them continuing their relationship if they at least both came together to study but then says that it’s impossible since Kai has really low test scores. Uka defends him by saying that kai currently has a lot of things going on in his life that prevent him from doing so. He says he is sick of kai and how uka should stop affiliating herself with kai because she might lose sight of herself. Uka replays what the professor’s had told her earlier about her relationship with Kai and says that she can live without kai BUT with kai’s help and influence she was able to become closer to the ideal person she has always wanted to be. She apologizes to them for making them worry however she wants them to see her future. Uka’s dads coworker points out that there is a blonde boy waiting over there to see him. Uka wonders how can she convey her feelings even more to make them understand. Midori sensei congratulates Uka for receiving 100 on her exam and uka thinks that by doing this little by little it will make a difference. Moka calls kai expressionless and tells him that right now is not the time to be sleeping and this why the professor’s continue to bad mouth him, she says if he wouldnt be upset if they had to break up over this and says that ishimori-chan is too good for him. Tonbo laughs and says that it looks like kai doesnt care at all. Midori sensei says that two people had gotten the highest grades in the class the first being Uka and he congratulates her again and then says the second person with an 100 on the exam is Kai ( lol everyone is shocked)  The other sensei comes in and demands kai with an explanation with his current exam grades now being 92, 94 & 98 and if he cheated. Midori sensei says no that he was watching kai studying in the library so he asks then how... Kai tells them that before he didn’t have a reason to put any effort in and smiles back looking at uka <333! the sensei calls uka’s dad and tells him that it seems that they might have been a bit overworried about the relationship between uka and kai & her dad agrees by saying that he started to have the same feeling since the other day and sensei is confused and says the other day? It’s a flashback of the conversation between Kai and her dad when Kai went to go see him and Kai tells him that even after 2 years he will continue to make uka laugh and spend happy times together and as he bows (so precious) he tells him that he will protect her with all his power. Her dad says what is that.. it sounds like a proposal. Kai interrupts the hype and says happy birthday to uka (3/2) her classmates tell her why she didn’t say anything and kai tells her to come because he has a little gift for her. (does anyone knows what pepe means in japanese? I’m personally not familiar with that word so at first I thought it meant the equivalent of baby lol but yeah im not really sure) Her classmates notice the cake box and ask if it’s a cake from angel’s and say that there’s usually a 30 minute wait line! Uka becomes overwhelmed trying to process everything and tells kai that she feels a bit bad because she didnt get him much for his birthday, Kai tells her that next year he expects sweet things and surprises only from her. ( His smile after he says it is just so sweet) Uka says that there are still things she needs to continue to do, as she continues to get stronger she realizes that it’s still not enough for her but for now there are a lot of things that have occurred to her all thanks to her first year in HS. Ayumi says that with this class change they will know who will continue on to college or who will get a job right after school. The kohais surround kai but he notices uka & smiles at her while saying good morning. GREEETINGS TO THE THEIR 2ND YEAR!
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gdwessel · 6 years
Best of the Super Juniors Night 4 - 5/22/2018; BOSJ Night 3, WOTW Matches Online; Strong Style Evolved UK Shows 6/30 & 7/1/2018
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The final NJPW show that was live on NJPWWorld for the month of May has taken place, continuing B Block matches. 
- 5/22/2018, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Taiji Ishimori & Chase Owens [Bullet Club] d. Flip Gordon [ROH] & Tomoyuki Oka (Owens > Oka, Package Driver, 7:28)
Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] d. ACH [FREE] & Shota Umino (Kanemaru > Umino, Boston Crab, 9:43)
YOH & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] d. Will Ospreay & Gedo [CHAOS] (YOSHI-HASHI > Gedo, Butterfly Lock, 8:58) 
Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] d. Tiger Mask IV & Toa Henare (Naito > Henare, Destino, 9:58)
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: SHO [CHAOS] d. Chris Sabin [ROH] (Shock Arrow, 15:09)
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: Dragon Lee [CMLL] d. Ryusuke Taguchi (Desnucadora, 11:14)
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: KUSHIDA d. Marty Scurll [Bullet Club] (Back To The Future, 19:22)
Best of the Super Juniors 25 B Block: El Desperado [SZKG] d. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] (Pinche Loco, 22:48)
Desperado post-match declared he no longer had anything to hide from Hiromu. SHO finallly gets to use his Shock Arrow (cross-arm package driver) finisher. Following the final tag match, a video message from Chris Jericho played, vowing to take Naito’s title and blood. Naito stated that he expected Jericho himself to appear but he must be occupado. He also said this was a crappy thing to do as it took the focus away from the juniors...
Current B Block standings:
Desperado: 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Dragon Lee: 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Hiromu: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) KUSHIDA: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) Sabin: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) SHO: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) Scurll: 0pts (0W 0D 2L) Taguchi: 0pts (0W 0D 2L)
Meanwhile, the matches from Night 3 (5/20/2018) are now online on NJPWWorld, as are select matches from the War of the Worlds tour in ROH that took place two weekends ago, if you are interested in that.
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A series of shows that has escaped my notice til now are starting to get talent announcements. It appears NJPW will be running Strong Style Evolved: United Kingdom on 6/30/2018 in Milton Keynes, and 7/1/2018 in Manchester. I would assume it’s being facilitated through RevPro. 
So far, the announced talents include Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Minoru Suzuki, Takashi Iizuka, Jay White, Will Ospreay and Shota Umino. No matches announced yet. This would explain the paucity of talents at the CEO X NJPW show, the day before in Daytona Beach. But hey, nothing wrong with smaller shows and spreading the talent out among the territories. I’ll keep everyone posted once show cards are announced.
The tour resumes Thursday. Ren Narita is listed on the card still, so perhaps he is over his injury. We’ll see.
- 5/24/2018, Shiga Ukaru Chan Arena
KUSHIDA & Shota Umino v. Ryusuke Taguchi & Ren Narita
Chris Sabin [ROH] & Tomoyuki Oka v. Marty Scurll & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
YOSHI-HASHI & SHO [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado [SZKG]
Toa Henare & Dragon Lee [CMLL] v. Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Tiger Mask IV v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: ACH [FREE] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Flip Gordon [ROH] v. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best of the Super Juniors 25 A Block: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. YOH [CHAOS]
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hunter934 · 7 years
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Dalam majalah bulanan The Televison edisi Juli, member Keyakizaka46 diberi sebuah angket yang berisi 3 pertanyaan. Berikut ini adalah ketiga pertanyaan tersebut!
Seandainya kalian berada dalam kondisi seperti di drama, siapa member yang menurut kalian paling pertama bisa keluar?
Akhir-akhir ini, adakah artikel atau blog dari member Keyakizaka46 yang kalian beri “like”?
Kepada penonton (=penggemar), adakah hal yang membuat kalian penasaran sampai-sampai kalian ingin bertanya apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan?
Dan berikut ini adalah jawaban mereka!
Ishino Sae (Ishimori Nijika)
Yang pertama adalah Oda Nana. Karena sepertinya dia akan berinisiatif melakukan hal yang lucu. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah. Yang terakhir adalah Uemura!
Selfie Miipan (Sasaki Mirei – Hiragana Keyaki) yang sangat imut.
Gaya rambut yang cocok untukku selain rambut lurus.
Uchimura Nagisa (Uemura Rina)
Menurutku semuanya akan berkemauan keras untuk keluar. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah. Aku tipe yang mengikuti orang lain tapi tidak mau di urutan terakhir. Yang terakhir adalah Nagasawa-kun yang tidak mempedulikan soal urutan.
Akhir-akhir ini aku tidak melihat (blog) semua member…
Setelah ini, sebaiknya aku menjalani hidup yang seperti apa? (XD)
Okamoto Yuki (Ozeki Rika)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya. Sepertinya dia bisa membuka pintu dengan semangatnya. Aku di urutan ke-9. Yang terakhir adalah Koike Minami. Sepertinya dia akan tertelan gelombang member lainnya.
Blog Saito Fuyuka tentang GirlsAward.
Karakter seperti apa yang cocok untukku.
Onda Haruka (Oda Nana)
Yang pertama adalah Imaizumi Yui yang pandai menangani masalah. Aku urutan ke-3. Yang terakhir adalah Pee (Rika). Dia tidak akan keluar dan mengatakan “Aku di sini saja”.
Blog tentang Kobayashi, Habu, Hirate, Rika, dan Risa di GirlsAward2017.
Bagaimana cara supaya tidak tidur 2 kali?
Koga Nao (Koike Minami)
Yang pertama adalah Naako-chan (Nagasawa) yang menggunakan kepintarannya. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah karena melihat yang lain dulu. Yang terakhir adalah Oda Nana yang hanya berputar-putar.
Ponkansatsu-nya Oda Nana.
Aku tidak berteriak meskipun melihat serangga. Menurutku itu tidak terlalu feminim.
Koyanagi Ikumi (Kobayashi Yui)
Yang pertama adalah Oda karena dia lucu. Yang terakhir adalah Suzumoto yang sepertinya ketakutan dan tidak bisa melakukan apapun.
Blog Nagasawa tentang softcream super besar. Hebat bisa menemukan hal seperti itu.
Apa yang sebaiknya kulakukan agar menjadi tipe outdoor?
Nagamine Miko (Nagahama Neru)
Yang pertama adalah Rika-chan. Sepertinya dia punya semacam keberuntungan. Aku kira-kira di urutan ke-10.
Blog Nanako-chan (Nagasawa) yang selalu mengupload tentang makanan lezat.
Aku tidak kuat berendam di bak mandi, aku pasti langsung keluar.
Nagano Fuuka (Nagasawa Nanako)
Yang pertama adalah Rika-chan, soalnya dia imut. Aku yang malas-malasan mungkin urutan ke-2 dari belakang.
Blog Rika-chan yang jarang diupdate.
Sebaiknya aku pergi ke arah mana?
Suhara Misora (Suzumoto Miyu)
Yang pertama adalah Neru (Nagahama) yang otaknya pintar. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah. Yang terakhir adalah Sugai-chan. Soalnya dia melihat sampai semua member keluar.
Blog Yonetani tentang coklat tanggal 8 Mei.
Kenapa tertarik pada Keyakizaka46?
Sugisaki Rin (Sugai Yuuka)
Yang pertama adalah Kobayashi Yui. Sepertinya dia bisa membuat keputusan dengan tenang walaupun di kondisi yang genting. Yang terakhir adalah diriku sendiri. Saat aku ingin melucu, ujung-ujungnya jadi garing.
Cosplay-nya Habu-chan.
Aku ingin punya sneaker warna hitam sih, tapi sepatu apa yang fashionable dan mudah dipakai berjalan?
Shiina Kate (Shida Manaka)
Yang pertama sepertinya adalah Koike Minami. Yang terakhir mungkin Watanabe Rika? Soalnya gerakannya lambat.
Aku jarang membaca blog member.
Aku terlalu menganggap serius informasi di internet. (XD)
Sano Shizuka (Sato Shiori)
Yang pertama adalah Oda yang leluasa menggunakan berbagai macam pengetahuannya dan sepertinya langsung bisa lolos. Aku penakut, jadi kira-kira di urutan ke-18.
Blog Saito Fuyuka. Soalnya dia memikirkan tentang member.
Aku ingin bergerak lebih cepat.
Sakamoto Hana (Saito Fuyuka)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya. Sepertinya dia bisa keluar bagaimanapun caranya. Aku ingin berada di bawah urutan ke-10! Yang terakhir adalah Uemura yang sepertinya akan gagal terus.
Blog Shida Manaka yang sangat singkat.
Mungkin tidak ada… (XD)
Hashimoto Runa (Habu Mizuho)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya Akane yang agresif. Yang terakhir mungkin Yonetani yang bisa melihat sekelilingnya dan memikirkan member lebih dari dirinya sendiri.
7 Mei. Saat staff merayakan hari ulang tahun member.
Aku ingin membentuk otot perut!
Hamano Kaede (Harada Aoi)
Yang pertama adalah Rika-chan yang bisa melarikan diri dengan cepat. Aku urutan ke-8. Yang terakhir adalah Hirate.
Moriya Akane yang memberitahukan peralatan makeup-nya.
Seandainya potong rambut baiknya sampai seberapa pendek dan cara menambah tinggi badan (selain minum susu).
Hayama Yuzuki (Hirate Yurina)
Yang pertama Watanabe Risa atau Shida Manaka. Aku mungkin sekitar urutan ke-5? Yang terakhir adalah Uemura.
Artikel diumumkannya Keyakizaka46 tampil di “ROCK IN JAPAN FES.2017”.
Tidak ada sih… (XD)
Mochitsuki Koto (Moriya Akane)
Yang pertama adalah Nagamine (Nagahama) yang otaknya pintar. Dia bisa mengatasi masalah dengan tenang. Yang terakhir adalah Chloe (Shida). Dia tidak bisa serius.
Blog Nagasawa tentang “Apa hal yang ingin kucapai ya”.
Cara melupakan hoax di internet?
Yoshimura Azusa (Yonetani Nanami)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya Akane yang menurutku bisa keluar berkat semangatnya. Karena aku juga ingin cepat keluar, jadi aku urutan ke-3. Yang terakhir adalah Nagasawa Nanako yang tidak terlalu mempedulikannya.
Akhir-akhir ini, aku tidak bisa melihatnya (blog member).
Bagaimana caranya membuat setiap hari menjadi menyenangkan?
Wakamoto Anna (Watanabe Rika)
Yang pertama adalah Oda yang punya banyak lelucon. Aku juga berjuang keras jadi kupikir aku akan keluar duluan. Yang terakhir sepertinya adalah Ozeki.
Blog Moriya Akane. Saat bermain di sungai dan makan yakitori.
Cara supaya tidak gugup di televisi.
Waku Ayano (Watanabe Risa)
Yang pertama pasti adalah Oda. Soalnya dia lucu. Yang terakhir adalah Uemura! Aku tidak masalah di urutan tengah-tengah.
Karena aku tidak membaca blog member, jadi aku tidak tahu…
Tidak ada sih…
Seperti itulah jawaban dari masing-masing member. Sayangnya tidak ada jawaban Zuumin di sini, mungkin angket ini diberikan waktu Zuumin sudah hiatus. Sayang sekali ya…
*Bisa dibaca juga di web Keyakizaka46 ID
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mandarake-en · 6 years
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☆Coming to the Mandarake Zenbu 88 Auction☆ David Bailey's Box of Pin-Ups Swinging sixties photograph collection For your chance to buy this and over 1000 other amazing items, be sure to check out the link below to get your copy of the Mandarake Zenbu catalogue. As usual, the Mandarake Zenbu catalogue isn't a mere auction guide, but it also has lots of interesting features, articles and interviews! The live auction gets underway on September 5, so be sure to get your pre-bids in if you can't join us for the big event. Mandarake Zenbu 88: http://www.mandarake.co.jp/publish/zenbu/indexEn.html ● Elephant Special Feature ☆★☆ Elephants have lived with us since ancient times and are know for their intelligence as well as their cuteness. There are also many elephant toys around! We've got tin toys that work in various ways, models that make the most of their trunks, items with people and other animals, money box, and other items to enjoy the charm of the pachyderm. ● Disney ☆★☆ Here you'll find Disney art with familiar characters, and memorable scenes. ● Animation Cels and Anime Gengas ☆★☆ Layouts for Anne of Green Gables, which helped establish Miyazaki's color anime, and 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother. There are also anime cels and genga from Cardcaptor Sakura, Dragon Ball Z, Evangelion, Mushi Productions and the latest hit shows. ● Hand-drawn Illustrations, Shikishi and Manuscripts ☆★☆ We're continuing from last time with Osamu Tezuka of hand-drawn manuscript and shikishis. A line up of great items from vintage artists such as Fujiko Fujio, Fujio Akatsuka, Shotaro Ishimori, Leiji Matsumoto, Kazuo Umezu, Sanpei Shirato, popular artists such as Akira Toriyama and Yudetamago, as well as works from other animators and moe creators. ● Dolls ☆★☆ Art dolls, Tari Nakagawa, Kurohi Kimoto (Kurohi Arai). ● Tankobon (Single Volume Books) ☆★☆ Lots of Rare kashi-hon manga including Noboru Yoshimi's horror comics, Ari Bunko and Taiheiyo Bunko. ● New Size Books ☆★☆ First edition Sun Comics with bookmark ribbon, 4th installment of the Goraku Comics special feature including Otoko no Seiza and Yabou no Oukoku. ● Vintage Comic Magazine ☆★☆ The third installment of our introduction to Manga Shonen - Showa 29 - 30 (1954 - 1955) edition. Boken-Oh, 1969. ● Vintage Supplements ☆★☆ Hisashi Sekiya's Tsuki no Hitomi, Angel-chan and others. ● Female Doujinshi ☆★☆ Muscular gachimuchi man on man special feature from artists such as Gengoroh Tagame, Go Fujimoto, Jiro Takahata and Ratenu. ● Male Doujinshi ☆★☆ Special feature of Hajime Ueda (FLCL - Fooly Cooly). ● Reference Materials and Doujinshi ☆★☆ Comiket official goods special feature. ● Shoujo Doujinshi ☆★☆ Moto Hagio fan doujinshi. ● Cards ☆★☆ Retro card special feature. 5 yen discount bromides, mini cards, Kamen Rider V3 cards and more. ● Voice Actor Goods ☆★☆ Signed goods from both young popular voice actors and nostalgic well established actors. ● Tokusatsu Scripts ☆★☆ Amazing tokusatsu kaiju items including Gamera, Godzilla and Gokemidoro (Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell)! ● Kaiba and Other Books ☆★☆ Line up including swinging sixties photographer David Bailey, signed Haruki Murakami book, and various other valuable literature works. ● Posters ☆★☆ Showa Niji no Omoide Hyoryu-ki. Tokusatsu heroes, Go Nagai's work and more. https://www.facebook.com/mandarake/photos/a.621554837994524.1073741828.621549997995008/1108059309344072/?type=3 Mandarake http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/621549997995008
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