#Isotope Soap
bandcampsnoop · 11 months
Several years ago, I went through a punk phase. I mean a specific kind of almost "math punk". Short, choppy, angular songs in the mold of Devo. The Coneheads, Ausmuteants, and Isotope Soap are all examples from posts that serve as examples.
Madrid, Spain's Waldo Faldo fit nicely into this genre. These songs are short and catchy. When I saw the cover art, I kind of assumed this was a band from the 1980s and some of the unsold 7"s were being put up on Bandcamp. But no, Waldo Faldo are a current band. "Nueva Especie Humana" is their 2nd 7" single. It looks like it is self-released.
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electrosquash · 2 months
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itmeblog · 6 months
X-Men '97 is a full on soap opera and trying to explain the plot three episodes in has got me like
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And like, you have to understand, I'm very much a Spiderman person (At least volumes 2 - 4.2 ish, yes I'm very upset they nerfed the Black Cat arc and decided to go Peter Parker = Iron Man and maybe they fixed it but I wouldn't know.) Most of the information I know is from brief cross-overs (In one universe Parker dates Pryde for a bit) and like info dumps from the autistic community (your service is appreciated). Which means a lot of people think I'm a fan and I've held my own against a "so you're a real fan prove it" bro but, and I cannot stress this enough, I do not go here.
So I'm just sitting at the diner table trying to explain to my mother that it probably is possible to figure out how old a clone is by the proteins in their blood but probably not as fast as Beast did it and that it sounded like he was using the half-life of nuclear isotopes to do so which is questionable but might be viable. BUT none of that matters because Scott fucked the clone because he has no idea when his wife got switched out (so at least 9 months passed, THEY HAVE NOT YET EXPLAINED WHERE THE ORIGINAL GREY HAS BEEN OR WHY SHE PASSED OUT ON THE DOORSTEP) and the clone that realizes she's a clone goes all Phoenix in less than an hour and gives their baby to some bro named Sinister who gives the baby (who will become Cable, Deadpool's unwilling boy toy) a cybernetic virus that somehow turns people into ???? and kills them (somehow this was supposed to make cable invincible he wanted Grey and Scott's DNA to make a powerful li'l... weapon of war, I guess?). And they have this fight and when Pheonix is about to kill Scott, Grey reminds her that she watched her best friend get killed by a car to awaken her powers. And that there is sadness and light in the world so why not stop being evil and save the damn baby! WHICH WORKS?!?! So they save the baby but have to send it 100 years into the future (one of their friends is a stranded time traveler who can go home one time?? presumably??) where there's a cure. Oh yeah and Storm lost her powers in an assassination attempt for Magneto that took place at the UN because he was standing trial for his... y'know, terrorism?, and he wanted a clean slate as Charles (maybe dead? Possibly just off on his own adventures??) runs the X-Men, there's some Portuguese dude with the power of the sun who may be sort of dating Dazzler who is now closer to a pyrokinetic? There was a scene of Rogue draping herself off Magneto's 70s style GILF body because apparently that's a fear Gambit has. Wolverine is just sort of there?! Oh the Portuguese dude was rescued from a mutant trafficking... group(?) with sentinel technology? But like... only the arms? There's a rave.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things but like... yeah... there's 3 episodes out so that's in like... the first hour in a half
Oh and like... obvi Cyclops and Grey's relationship is in shambles as it should be SCOTT.
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emilyjcannistra · 7 months
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ithisatanytime · 8 months
Spiderman Opening Theme (High Quality)
in those short couple of decades the so called nuclear age, radioactivity was set to explain everything! roughly half of the jewish comic book heros becoming popular at the time owed their powers to this new mysterious force, radioactive spiders, gamma rays, beta rays, mr fantastic, the sun and the moon and the stars. we were on the brink of a nuclear age! of nuclear weapons unlike the world had ever seen before and a new exciting form of power, NUCLEAR POWER. so you use some specially prepared plutonium or uranium or some radioactive isotope and you put it in a pool of water and that generates steam which turns a turbine and then you got power baby and clean too! nuclear waste is NOTHING compared to coal waste and there are far fewer greenhouse emissions as its generating power from steam not burning carbon, so why havent we adopted nuclear power wholesale? why do we instead choose to dig metric fucktons of coal out of the earth and burn it when we could get the same for a fraction of the labor, and a fraction of the cost with almost NO greenhouse gas emissions? why isnt greta thunberg screaming from the roof tops about this? its not chernoble or the three mile island incident i mean we still HAVE nuclear power plants all over but just not nearly as many as we have coal burning power plants, and do you know why? because it fucking SUCKS! thats why, its horribly inefficient way to produce steam let alone power, and the powers that be know it and they are as reliant as the power grid as we are so they fucking dropped it, told some horror stories and dropped it dont think about it too much. you see i could get the average man getting bored of the nuclear hype, but not industry, they would quietly make them anyway without giving a shit if the average man was entertained and sleep on piles of fucking cash, but its shit, everything nuclear was exaggerated. many of these exaggerations i know if they had the ability they would go back and undo, and again parallels to the holocaust mythos where early on before the official narrative was cemented long after the supposed events took place some time in the mid fifties, before then there were all kinds of messy competing theories all about equally popular as far as hitlers favorite method of killing jews was, electrified floors was popular as was throwing them alive screaming into burning pits as eli wiesel relates in his supposed first hand account of the deathcamps, his book being the second most popular autobiographical account (its night btw) behind the diary of anne frank, neither book mentions ANYONE being gassed to death, and WEASELs account of people being thrown alive into the pits was challenged by fellow jews when they finally settled on gassing, but besides the big details were all those little details that made for excellent horror propaganda such as human lampshades and soap and babies sewn into soccer balls and men masturbated to death with machines and many other lies that were once accepted as factual but the jews would rather be left forgotten, i get that same sense when i think about the nuclear winter, the shadows permenantly etched into the concrete, the blinding flash, the thousand year uninhabitable zone due to fallout and all this shit some of which theyve already had to backpedal on considerably namely the nuclear winter and fallout stuff they have publicly recanted more or less to very little fanfare 
oh and ill go more into space later but i just want to briefly mention that growing up i was told that venus was not just uninhabitable but unexplorable, due not just to extremely high temperatures but due to its literal either hydrocholoric but more likely sulphuric acid atmosphere, come to find out russia during the space race, was sending ALL their shit to venus, and the only known images from venuses service come from several russian missions to venus... WHY? the narrative is america had set its sites on mars because they thought it might be habitable someday, and it makes sense, seeing as how its not coated by a thick atmosphere of fucking eight hundred degree sulfuric acid, what were they hoping to accomplish and it cant be a propaganda moral victory or else they would not have kept their achievement a secret. let me make it clear i was learning this information from someone much more knowledgeable about the topic than me as i never gave a shit about space it always seemed gay to me, but i would try because i considered myself a science nerd you know, but this guy believes in all of it, everything nasa says probably wants to work for them some day, point is this was not a conspiracy channel or video just someone relating the cool declassified images from “venus”. and he was conveying that these missions greatly challenged preconceived notions about the planet itself, and thats really what im getting at with this shit.  as a species we seemed to be advancing slowly at first but then we started accellerating and faster and faster, fire copper bronze iron steel steam electricity automobile, and then manned flight, the first manned controlled flight with a biplane, then just fifty years later, jets helicopters and most amazingly of all, space flight, we finally left our planet, and in the same way that fire revolutionized the life of the common man, and so to did jet engines revolutionize life for the common man in its commercial applications imagine how much more radically manned space flights to other celestial bodies will have changed life for the common man! except beyond what technology is supposedly only possible with the use of satellites in outer space, it hasnt really effected shit. there is as much time passed between now and the so called moon landing as there was time between the wright brothers first manned flight with their paper mache looking trash to the supposed first manned flight to the moon, do you see what im getting at? the same for the so called nuclear age, everyone and i mean EVERYONE has the sense that we have been moving backwards since about the time all these wild and revolutionary things were invented, things that seemed like magic, and then its like they were forgotten. i understand that we couldnt remain in a space craze or nuclear craze forever but even if the public moves on industery doesnt, and if a tool has a practical use than it will be adopted for its practicallity not its popularity but its as though knowledge of space exploration tech and nuclear tech were forgotten, for as much good as they do the common man. the craze is the invention, the actual invention a fabrication.
how has it been so long since anyone was even afraid of nuclear war the way they were during the cuban missile crisis, and how could such an incident happen when M.A.D. which is the sole reason that for ONE HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS no other country has used the nuke besides the first and last time on japan. i know the premise of the crisis but its a shakey premise because while cuba had missiles in striking distance of the US we had missiles in striking distance to them and our allies had missiles pointed at their allies over sees so you know... mutually assured destruction? i dont think they could MAKE americans actually afraid of nuclear war at this point and they dont even try hard, i know they try but they wont commit because even they can tell its just poinless. if nukes were at all real, btw, that would literally be all anyone was talking about twenty four seven 365, because we are currently on the “verge of world war three” but in reality no one is sweating it because deep down you just kind of know dont you and im already over explaining.
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666radio666 · 1 year
Rise Above - Aug. 23, 2023
Black Flag - Rise Above, Damaged Husker Du - I'll Never Forget You, Zen Arcade Bikini Kill - Blood One, Pussy Whipped The Ghouls - Treachery II, In Blood Chilling Stereo Luminous Green Snow - Luminous Green Snow, Split cassette with Yogsothoth/Boiled Lollies & Puppy Dogs (Demo)/bonus track Neuros - orchids on a budget, 7" Trungllion Horsepower - Just Meat, Just Meat-single Otoboke Beaver - I'm Tired of your repeating story, Itekoma Hits Replacements - GImme Noise, STINK The sound of Mercy Killing - Living under the constant threat of being fisted by ruth Cracknell and her leathery fisting machine, 2 minute warning Jaguar God - Heart of the Jaguar, Revenge asnd retribution Raw Power - Our Oppression, Screams from the gutter - After Your Brain Cull The Band - Master Plan, Live From Studio 3 The Damned - Melody Lee, Machine Gun Etiquette The Twenty Second Sect - It Ain't Good, Unexploded + Bonus Tracks Celibate Rifles - Billy Bonney Regrets, The Turgid Miasma of Existence X - Your Phone's off the hook, but youre not, Los Angeles Paul of Blood - Fuck for the revolution, The Good Time Buddies ep Jihad against America - Terrorism is the New Black, 2 minute warning Meat Puppets - Split Myself in two, Meat Puppets II Geza X - Isotope SOap, Let Them Eat Jellybeans Grong Grong - Poor Herb, To Hell 'N' Back Mudhoney - slidin' in and out of Grace, Superfuzzbigmuff The IInvisibles - evador, 2 Minute Warning Hit The Jackpot - the football team, Hit The Jackpot Flipper - HA HA HA, Let Them Eat Jellybeans The Fall - Rebellious Jukebox, Live at the Witch trials Goon Wizarrd - mediocre Mountain, Hoyeons secret girlfriend Aborted Tortoise - Primordial, A ALbum Black Flag - Police Story, Let Them Eat Jellybeans Bad Brains - Pay to Cum, Let Them Eat Jellybeans Belle of CHaos - Dead Orpheus, Belle of Chaos Rollins Band - 1000 times blind, Life Time Rollins Band - Lonely, Life Time Minor Threat - Stepping Stone, Discography True Radical Miracle - Divorce '87, Taste The Rainbow x - Nausea, Los Angeles Dead Milkmen - Serrated edge, Big Lizard in my backyard Blood Sucking Freaks - Nekromantik, Nose Full o' snot, Dick full o' attitude Luminous Green Snow - Creeping Mould, V Fugazi - Back to Base, Red Medicine Lost Sounds - Do You Wanna Kill Me, Black Wave Johnny Thunders - CHinerse Rocks, LMFA
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wildwaxshows · 2 years
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Fest Artwork by Marcus Schäfer (chunkymaggots.de)
Do., 24.8.2023 - Sa., 26.8.2023: GET LOST! FEST IX Hamburg
Poppets (SE) // Pleasants (AU) // The Shitworker Orchestra (DE)
Fr., 25.8.2023: HAFENKLANG
Split System (AU) // A Giant Dog (US) // Tramhaus (NL) // Aborted Tortoise (AU) // Bad Anxiety (US) // The Celetoids (HR) // Liiek (B) // Autobahns (CH) // Rotter (D)
Fr., 25.8.2023: NIGHT-SHOW – MOLOTOW
Heihaizi (HR) // Rubber Duck (SE)
Sa., 26.8.2023: BOAT SHOW – MS HEDI
Split System (Secret Set) (AU) // Mutant Strain (US)
Sa., 26.8.2023: HAFENKLANG
The Shocks (B) // Ghoulies (AU) // Pointed Sticks (CA) // Bad//Dreems (AU) // Isotope Soap (SE) // Dixie Buzzards (SE) // Upploppet (SE) // Exwhite (ST)
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bampotsdiary · 1 year
New Monster Munch Review
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A wis jist gied a wee taste eh ma wan time fav munchies better known tae masel as The Biggest Snack Pennies Can Buy.
Aw a cin say is thit a um no impressed wey yer new recipe Pickled Onion Monster Munches .
So in ma review fur the uninitiated new millennium munchers ,a stated thit the hings they ur masticating oan noo ur pure shite an no a patch oan the original Smiths which wir guaranteed tae draw yer lips thegether and gie ye heartburn ,an a couldn'y gie a flyin fuck if the auld wans wir seasoned wae carbolic soap ,hydrofluoric acid or radioactive isotopes ,the Smiths hings were multitudinous an most excellently flavorsome ,so they wir ..Ay
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rajukumar8926 · 2 years
Which medical gadgets can be sterilized using gamma radiation?
In the gamma irradiation procedure, germs on several different items are exposed to radiation from cobalt 60 in a cell that has been specifically constructed for this purpose. The radioactive decay of the isotope cobalt-60 produces gamma radiation, and the high-energy photons that are produced as a byproduct of this process are an efficient disinfectant. Medical sterilization is advantageous because of its high penetrating capabilities, which enables the delivery of the desired radiation dosage to regions of goods that may be greater in density. This is one of the most important features of gamma irradiation. 
KiloGray, sometimes written as kGy, is the unit of measure for absorbed dosage. The product density, the size of the packaging, the dosage rate, the exposure period, and the architecture of the facility all have a role in the delivery and absorption of the dose by the product. 
What does the process of gamma irradiation involve? 
The method of medical irradiation is capable of efficiently treating a broad range of goods, each of which is made up of a distinct kind of material and has a varied density, configuration, and orientation. The following are some examples of items that have been processed: 
Medical devices 
Products that combine pharmaceuticals and medical devices 
Items of living tissue and biological material 
Animal retail goods 
Vanity items and personal care products 
Horticultural supplies 
Packaging materials 
The following are examples of medical equipment that can benefit from gamma sterilization: 
Insulated syringes 
Insulin needles 
Scrubs and gloves for surgery 
Instruments used in surgery 
Sticky bandages 
Bandages that adhere to the skin 
Premature infant bottle teats 
Safety measures while using gamma radiation: 
By taking the following measures, you may operate in areas with radiation and/or contaminants without risk: 
Reduce your exposure via the use of isolation, distance, shielding, and time. 
Dosimeters (film or TLD badges) should be worn if provided. 
Keep your distance from the potentially dangerous pollution. 
Put on safety gear that can be easily changed out if it becomes contaminated. 
Any skin that may have come into touch with the contamination should be washed with nonabrasive soap and water. 
Assume that everything and everything that comes into contact with pollution, including people, is polluted. The area should be monitored for radioactivity before anybody leaves. 
Meaningful contribution to clinical medicine: 
The fact that gamma rays are effective against all forms of life is useful in oncology. Radiation treatment, which uses high doses of gamma rays, may effectively eradicate cancer cells (lower doses could lead to cells becoming cancerous). By using an accelerator or irradiating the patient from the inside, radiation treatment destroys the DNA of cancer cells and stops them from dividing.  
To minimize unwanted consequences, radiation oncologists place a premium on pinpointing the radiation dosage exactly where it's needed: on the tumour. The probability of experiencing unwanted effects increases in conjunction with the region of the body that is being treated. Some medical devices and instruments may be sterilized using gamma radiation. Only very thick lead can effectively shield medical equipment against medical sterilization, which may penetrate thin plastic and destroy microorganisms and other forms of life. 
Potential health benefits 
Gamma knife surgery, which employs gamma rays, is often used to treat cancers and other malignant tumours. Nuclear medicine also makes use of gamma rays for imaging procedures, such as the "PET Scan" and "Gamma Cameras," both of which aid in diagnostics. 
Consultation with your preferred provider is the best approach to confirm whether medical irradiation is the best solution for your surgical supplies. Several variables might be at play. Proper sterilization of surgical instruments is crucial for safe and effective patient care. Gaining knowledge and teaming up with a reliable partner may ensure success for both you and your healthcare equipment. For more information on the sterilization of surgical instruments, contact Symecengineers.com today! 
When faced with complex automation or remote handling projects, Symec Engineers are recognized for their innovative solutions. 
We tell you which medical equipment benefits from gamma sterilization. 
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unearthedmirrors · 5 years
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Isotope Soap & Henrik Palm! Live in Stockholm January 12th, 2019
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midnightmines · 5 years
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On 6 June we’re playing the brilliantly named Snotty Seaside in Stockholm with Isotope Soap
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bandcampsnoop · 5 years
Emotional Response (Flagstaff, Arizona) sometimes make it too easy for me to post.  They release, and I post.  They’ve got a couple of new releases, and Isotope Soap gets the first post.  They are a Swedish punk/new wave band.  Emotional Response took their debut EP and added their previous 7″ output.  I love maximum output.
Emotional Response mentions Devo, and without a doubt that’s here.  But so is Jay Reatard, and some Australian bands like Ausemuteants.  And frankly, just the other day I posted about the space/metal rock of Zolar X.  This has a definite hectic space rock vibe to it that I’m sure Ygarr Ygarrist would appreciate.
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ikkiba · 4 years
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dustedandsocial · 2 years
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Pictured: Guro Skumsnes Moe / MoE
01. RXKNephew - Pocket Knife Nephew 02. Coins Parallèles - Coins parallèles 03. Officine - Thriller 04. Sam Media - Simple As Fuck 05. Société Étrange - La rue principale de Grandrif 06. Paperniks - Segment F 07. Mikhail Mineral - Infa 08. El Khat - La Sama 09. Lucrecia Dalt - No One Around 10. Loris S. Sarid & Innis Chonnel - Sanity Beach 11. Heavy Petting - bier 12. Elektronik Body Girl - Jiburi 13. Veeze - Let It Fly 14. Savage Grounds - Sex Is Violence 15. Isotope Soap - Shattered Delusions 16. Nick Klein - PFEFFERSPRAY 17. Shit And Shine - Socktagon 18. Unsanitary Napkin - TERF War 19. PYLAR - Fervor Espiral 20. Gustafsson & Lugo - Chewed Twice or Less 21. Junk Drawer - Middle Places 22. Toe Ring - Staring At The Sunn 23. Anadol - Ablamın Gözleri 24. 10KDunkin - DJ Don't Play No Love Song 25. Bergsonist - FASTING 26. JCow - Groove Ryder 27. MIDDEX - Basement 28. Ninetees - On the knees 29. MoE - The Crone 30. Treasury of Puppies - Rotten Apples Of Love 31. Macchiatto - Minstrel 32. ONYON - shining river utah 33. Amir Bresler - House of Arches 34. IceBirds & Dylvinci feat. Tony Shhnow - No Handouts 35. Olivia - Protesters 36. White Suns - night pours in 37. Ecko Bazz - Twala 38. ASSID - Accès aux Plans Subtils de L' Etre 39. Mars89 - Aeropolis 40. Fly Anakin - Sean Price 41. MEOWHAT - First 42. Inre Kretsen Grupp - Buffo 43. S for Swallow - TT33 44. Black Tempel Pyrämid - Dark Strobes 45. Bogdan Raczynski - DLEDA 45. Pink Siifu feat. Valee - Griptape'!! 47. Lawrence Le Doux - Pico 48. Sote - I'm trying but I can't reach you father 49. Romain Baudoin - Rondèu de Carrère 50. Fievel Is Glauque - the River
Download: https://mega.nz/file/jVMWASoJ#jJQtII-pJjapYF-n8nPBrddyUmow8s3Rz5lI1gDf_dY (copy and paste direct link if for some reason the redirect asks you for an encryption code. Tumblr’s redirect service is a little janky.)
Stream on Mixcloud
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fatehbaz · 4 years
Interruptions of these relations and habits threaten existence itself. When efforts are made to wipe out the American bison [...], it is not just a habit or practice that changes. The interruption of a form of life kills people and frequently cascades into genocides and extinctions [...]. It was not just the bands and nations of the Great Plains whose precarity was leveraged for the strategic goal of genocide and settlement. The entire prairie ecosystem was targeted, moving on from human inhabitants to predators such as wolves and big cats to make way for leisure hunting and grazing practices that created the dust bowl and the subsequent collapse of riparian habitats throughout the United States. [...] [W]hen form of life is seen ecologically, what becomes apparent is how many different species, practices, histories, cosmologies, habitats, and relations come to constitute what we might call a form of life. Form of life is a particular origami in the “fabric of immanent relations” [...].
Geopolitics is [...] a husbandry of global life [...] structured to be selective, and to ensure that selectivity by lethal force. [...] However [...] with an often zero-sum game over form of life at its center, global war [...] is not primarily about direct killing. The violence of geopolitics is an ecological principle of world making that renders some forms of life principle and other forms of life useful or inconsequential. [...] Geopolitics as a European-led global project of rendering, in the way that fat is rendered into soap, or students are rendered pliable and obedient subjects, is the driver of our epoch and the obstacle to any other version of our world, whether plural or differently unified. [...]
[T]he point is not to [...] declare the kind of “end of history” of the Eurocene or the inevitability that homogenization will prevail. Instead [...], on every continent [...] the technics and waste of geopolitics connect every space to every other space, whether by satellite feed, radioactive isotope, aircraft carrier, unexploded ordinance, [...] or tragic absence of forced removal. The global network of open wounds, bruises, and scar tissue that runs over the surface of the planet, through its water table and abandoned mine shafts that sprawl out on the vast ocean floor, exceeds the migratory and circulation patterns of [...] other species [...]. Five hundred years of geopolitics has built a global savage ecology. [...]
At the half-millennium of the [European] geopolitical epoch [...]. Coastlines, rivers, gravitational fields, and the atmosphere are elements that have been altered in addition to whole populations and individual bodies. The scale of these alterations is not recent. The decimation of continent-wide populations and global temperautres have been in the fabric of geopolitics since its beginnings. [...]
The point of saturation has taken on the feel of an end of history; however, it is not an end. It is something else. [...] The question of apocalypse for whom [...]. Rather than seeing apocalypses as inevitable [...], [they can be] transformations or bifurcation points where other ways of life become possible.
Jairus Victor Grove. Savage Ecology: War and Geopolitics at the End of the World. 2019.
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abominable-hominid · 5 years
Listen/purchase: An Artifact Of Insects 12" by Isotope Soap
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