#It doesn't matter either way he needs them 😩😩
pirates-and-posies · 2 years
Everybody in this fucking fandom needs to stop being such cowards. Make Rome a silver fox. FUCKING DO IT. (G)DILF THAT MAN UP!!!!!
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becca-e-barnes · 9 months
Imagine being stepdad Bucky’s dirty little secret😩🤫
I've been listening to 'Bad Man' by FIGHTMASTER and it's inspired some filthy fantasies that would fit stepdad Bucky perfectly 🤤
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I have so much I'd like to talk about but I'll start with how hot it would be to have him catch you playing with a toy when you think no one is home. Especially if you'd already been sleeping together but maybe you decided to stop when you got a new boyfriend.
You were so sure the house was empty, you didn't even think twice about slipping your vibrator from it's hiding spot. With your earphones in, you hadn't heard the footsteps down the hallway towards your bedroom. You didn't notice that your door wasn't closed tight either. All that mattered was the delightful buzzing of the toy against your clit, your hand squeezing your own breasts and the flithy thoughts that inspired you to touch yourself.
Fuck, this was a show for Bucky. He hadn't meant to invade your privacy but he wasn't quite sure how to look away. The memory of you writhing in pleasure kept him up at night but now he's getting to see it up close again.
"You really ought to close your door if you're going to do that, sweetheart." You miss the first half of what he said because you weren't able to take your earphones out fast enough, choosing instead to cover yourself.
Bucky only rolls his eyes. "No point covering up, honey. Did you forget I've kissed, licked or bitten pretty much every inch of you already?" There's an overwhelming cockiness in his tone and it makes knots twist in your stomach.
"Look, if that new guy you're dating can't take care of you, you only had to tell me." He steps inside and closes the door behind him and you swear he hasn't taken his eyes off you yet. "I'm not surprised he's not enough for you. I bet he's selfish, isn't he. He doesn't think about you. He won't take the time to learn what you like. He can't make your thighs shake the way I do."
His stare is intense but when you look away, he catches under your chin with two fingers, redirecting your line of sight back to him.
"You don't need to be shy." His voice is soothing, his hand creeping under the sheets and you don't make any effort to stop him from finding what he's looking for. He trails his fingers up your thigh, groaning softly when his fingertips reach the slick, messy folds of your sex.
"We shouldn't do this..." You protest feebly but that only makes him laugh.
"You're right. We shouldn't. So tell me why you're grinding yourself against my fingers like you're in heat." It's humiliating but he's got a point. "If he's not taking care of you, I'll have to remind you how sex is supposed to feel." Two of his thick, long fingers glide into your eager body and you feel him hook them inside you exactly how you always loved.
"You don't know how many times I've stroked my cock and tried to remember exactly what this little cunt feels like. I’ve tried to remember the way you squeeze me when you're cumming. Nothing feels like you do. Your body is a fucking luxury." He's losing his self control far faster than he wants to.
"Get on your hands and knees." It's an order you only start to respond to when he slips his fingers out of you and you reposition yourself in front of him. He tugs his zipper down, freeing himself from his underwear, giving his cock a few firm strokes before lining it up with your entrance.
"Oh sweetheart, it's been a while." He groans, pressing just the tip into you at first.
"Feels so fucking good." You babble, pressing yourself back on him, encouraging him to inch into your body. You haven't felt this blissed out in months and he's only getting started. You knew this wouldn't last. There was no way you'd be able to turn down the one man who truly knows your body. He understands your needs in a way no one else has ever even tried to. Maybe it's the age difference or the extra experience he's got but this man really understands your pleasure.
"Fuck, it does, doesn't it?" He laughs, pressing the rest of the way into you and giving you a couple of sharp, half thrusts.
It's not long before he's established a good rhythm, his cock slipping in and out of you while he reaches around you to rub your clit. You feel him kissing the back of your neck, groaning against your skin that he missed your body, up until a faint buzzing sound makes him pause.
At first you'd thought your vibrator switched back on but then you notice your phone screen illuminated on the sheets beside you and your boyfriend's face filling the screen.
"Answer it." Bucky demands, resuming his thrusts at the same pace as before. "I want you to answer it. Tell him what we're doing. Or hide it from him. It's up to you."
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mikuni14 · 6 months
One of the many things that attracts me about The Sign: a pair of adults who are equal, different, but similar in the things that matter. There have been couples like this before: Tan and Bun in Manner of Death, Charn and Tinn in Laws of Attraction, and now there are Phaya and Tharn. Personally, I love it. Adult people, aware of their feelings and sexuality, who are hindered by external factors, not their immaturity, on their way to having a relationship. Who are good at what they do, at their jobs. When both MLs are smart, brave, talented and independent. They're not like, a knight on a white horse who does everything and a damsel in distress who either does nothing or acts stupidly and needs to be saved. They talk, they are open about their feelings, not necessarily verbally, and yet everything is clear, because no one is dumb and clueless. Not only that, Tan and Bun, Charn and Tinn, and Phaya and Tharn are aware of their mutual attraction from the moment they MEET. And what's important for me, what I always pay attention to: there is no situation, where one person is sexually aggressive and the other is shy and skittish and acts like sex is something bad and dirty and oh my, maybe we will do it someday but not so fast! That's why I love these couples, because from the very beginning it's clear that they're all. equally. horny. 😍 And they're not weird about sex. They don't make it a big deal and attach morality to sex. Their feelings and desire are very visible and very simple: "gods, you're so hot, I want you so bad, we would have been in bed a long time ago if only it weren't for all these life-threatening situations, if only you weren't a potential criminal / a corrupt lawyer / in danger, if only I didn't have to sacrifice myself to keep you safe🥺🥵". IT'S ACTUALLY VERY SIMPLE, THEY'RE SIMPLE, I LOVE SIMPLE lol
I'm so happy that Phaya and Tharn have roles written like this. They are both smart, brave, independent, both have undergone hard training and passed the exam, both have a work ethic, are inquisitive, want to be professionals, and have ambitions. They proved that they can cooperate with each other, putting aside their own feelings. I really like that both of them are also presented as dudes, that they have their own stupid behavior, that they banter, tease each other, that they are not perfect and act silly, that they can behave like normal people. I liked how Phaya is fully aware that Tharn will allow him to do many things, but not everything, that he can kiss him, but leave it at that, not press him for more. And that Tharn, although stunned by the kiss, doesn't make a big deal of it. They are so normal, they are both freaks and clowns crazy about each other, but still very, very normal. And it drives ME crazy 🥳
All this is extremely attractive to me. Adults, self-aware people, equal, struggling with the outside world (usually it's a murder investigation 😩 ), but when it comes to romance, they're thriving and having the time of their lives (while fighting for these lives).
I like pretty much all types of BL series, but I really wish there were more series about adults, especially romances in which both lovers are equal in everything. There are so few of them and that's probably why The Sign makes such a huge impression.
(shout out to @the-wayside for inspiring me with this post to put my chaotic thoughts into probably even more chaotic words!)
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
How would the boys (Jake, Samuel, Warren, anyone else) react if reader got hurt? Like stabbed or shot?
Also there are not enough Warren Chae x reader scenerios and headcanons so if you have time and/or energy please I beg of you😩😩
Thanks for the ask :) i'll try and incorporate more of Warren. I always find it hard to write scenarios and hc of people with canon love interest/partners because i feel like such a homewrecker!
Lookism reacting to S/O getting hurt
(Jake Kim, Samuel Seo, Warren Chae, Gun Park, Goo Kim)
Jake Kim
So much guilt at seeing you getting hurt regardless of whether it was a direct consequence of being with him or not.
Starts doubting the relationship. Not because he doesn't love you, because he does. So so much. But your safety is his number one concern and he would rather lose you than put you in any more danger.
The guilt piles on when he realises that you are consoling and comforting him, when it should be the other way round. You talk to him and tell him that there's nowhere else you'd rather be than by his side. The remorse lessens, ever so slightly.
While you're recovering, Jake clears his schedule to make sure he can spend all his time with you. Puts on an extra brave face to make you smile and laugh at his silliness. Laughter is meant to be the best medicine, after all.
In the meantime, there are strict orders to the rest of the crew to make sure that the person pays for what they have done to you.
Samuel Seo
After making sure you're ok and well on your way to recovery, the first thing he would do is find out exactly who injured you and where they are.
Doesn't care about exactly why you are injured, just that the person is punished for harming you. How dare they harm what is his. How dare they even touch you.
The second thing he does is grab his brass knuckles to rain hellfire. He doesn't involve anyone else. It's personal. Samuel does all the talking with his punches until they are left dead, or wishing they're dead.
Insecurities and doubts start to kick in after the dust has settled. Why isn't he strong enough to protect you in the first place? Your words of reassurance, as usual, always does wonders for his inferiority complex. He would be lost without you by his side.
Doesn't let you out of his sight when you are healing, and completes all his work from home. You're touched. You know how ambitious he is, so to put you above everything else shows how much he loves you.
Warren Chae
Completely shaken up by what has happened. No doubt he will exact his revenge but will be left traumatised by the incident.
He swore to protect you and he's failed to do so? How could he think of himself as your partner. What's the point in telling people about his wins/losses/draws? The stupid ratio doesn't matter if he loses you.
Struggles with omitting words even more after this, and trains harder than ever to get stronger. Absolutely dotes on you 24/7 until you are better and also beyond.
Similar to Jake and Samuel, you need to comfort and console him about his insecurities. How you can't plan for every eventuality, Warren can't be with you all the time even if he tries. Together, you build his confidence back up.
The first time he speaks to you in a full sentence again, you cry. He didn't think it was possible to love you anymore.
Gun Park
Immediately checks that it's not fatal. If it is, he will rush you to emergency care. If not, then he will be chasing after the attacker.
Either way, it all ends up the same way for the person who hurt you. There is no mercy, he will burn the place down to the ground to find out who it is and kill them. If they're affiliated with someone, then consequences be damned.
If by some stroke of luck they manage to evade Gun, then he will happily spend the rest of his life tracking them down.
Surprisingly caring when you are recovering, making sure your every need and whim is tended to. To be honest, gets extremely overbearing. You wouldn't be allowed to go to the bathroom on your own if you didn't insist.
This side of him doesn't come out often though so you try and take advantage. Gun knows this and lets you anyway.
Goo Kim
Absolute seek and destroy. Goo hates people touching things that are his. There is no way whoever harmed you is getting away, and especially not with a painless death.
The sadistic side of his character really comes out. He wants to see your attacker beg for death. For every moment left in their pitiful life to be hell on earth. To see the light finally go out in their eyes. And he wants to be responsible for all that.
A complete 180 from this is the way he is with you when you are recovering. Your every wish is his command.
Goo will stick to your side like the strongest superglue known to mankind. You are never getting a moment of peace for the foreseeable. It's annoying and cute in equal measures.
Underneath the clinginess is a whole lotta love and worry, so you take it in stride.
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bluecoolr · 1 year
What if Vincent and Bo just drowned y/n with affection for an entire day, never letting em lift an arm
Honestly, you don't know how much I need this 😩😩😩
Lets be real, both these boys give off major lazy energy. The only real day work they do involves tinkering with their big boy toys of choice (cars and art). Messy house I can excuse, but the mountain of dirty dishes? 💀 Femme Y/N? Always wanted to be a princess? Well, get ready because you're entering your Cinderella era 💕
However, on days when neither you or your Sinclair of choice feel like doing anything, they're more than happy to just stay in bed and be affectionate.
He is so fucking clingy
He doesn't like to admit it but he is! Usually he prefers if you do the clinging when you're in public, but in private he's all over you.
It's also him being possessive but yk
First thing in the morning, he'll pull you against him and tell you he wants 5 more minutes.
Lots of little kisses on your cheek, your neck, your shouders, your lips.
Soft, content little hums.
5 more minutes become an hour and Vincent is wondering why breakfast isn't ready.
Bo's a hefty dude, and when he drapes his leg over yours, you're locked in.
You don't complain. He's so very warm and his hugs are so nice.
Once you're both fully awake, you just lay there and talk about anything - giggling like a pair of teenagers in love.
All the while, you're constantly touching; running your hands over each other's sides, caressing each other's faces.
Bo's always the sweetest and tenderest in the morning. Over all you're getting a lot of praise and compliments from him, no matter how cheesy.
He'll tell you how pretty your eyes are and that your hair looks nice (freaking liar XD)
Either you stay in bed all day and he goes and puts something together for breakfast lunch n dinner (don't expect it to be that good btw) and you eat it there, or you eventually come down to cook together.
Although, Bo jokingly tells you to stay out of his way. He fully intends to have you kick back - if just for the day.
You hang out on the couch and watch TV
He strokes your hip while you're stretched out and lying on his lap or chest. He runs his fingers through your hair.
Vincent's even more clingy than Bo.
He practically wraps himself around you while you're in bed.
He rests his head on your chest, feeling you breathe and listening to your heart beat. You can comb through his hair with your fingers while he's at it, he loves that.
His hug is so tight it's like he's afraid that if he lets up for even a second you'll slip away and disappear.
He'll talk with you too, but not as much as Bo. He's a little more concerned with appreciating you than anything else.
He wants you to know that he appreciates everything that you do, and that he's grateful that you stuck with him after everything.
Will give you a backrub if you want, he knows you work so hard around the house.
Plants little kisses on your back while he's at it.
He also likes to feel your skin on his cheek - appreciates how smooth and soft it is.
If you have scars, and if you're comfortable with that, he'll give them light kisses.
If you have freckles or beauty marks he traces them and tries to commit them to memory.
He'll make you breakfast, too.
Nothing gourmet (he and Bo like to say that). He was a sad tinfoil-wrapped old food eating bachelor before you came around, so-
He'll sit in bed next to you, just sketching away, while you do your thing (reading, drawing, sewing, knitting, you name it. He loves it when you two create together).
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sugar-omi · 7 months
Ya know, I love the idea of dilf!Cove being a huge tease during edging, but I gots to know how he’s like when he’s feeling a little more desperate than usual. Like the tables have been turned on ol’ dilf daddi. Any HCs to grace us with 👀
this..i had thoughts abt him i buried n then i rmbred them n they ran w me n now we have this horny mess
tags : NSFW, gn reader, top/service bottom reader, bottom cove, i babygirled him a bit sorry guys 😋, ooc ofc bc DILF COVE., edging/overstim, this is just horny af ok lemme ALONE /lh
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no bc I was thinking abt this earlier n this is kinda dilf!cove (not yall breaking up though)
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he's desperate. he acts like he NEEDS some or he's gonna parish
if you ask, he'll beg like a dog for some ass, he rlly will
althoughhhh if we wanna talk abt that scenario....
you can expect some drunk/midnight calls from ex-husband/ex-bf dilf!cove... ANYWAY <33
imagine walking around in something sexy, or short or tight
he's in pieces, following you around n touching you, kissing you n telling you you look gorgeous in that outfit...
if you're teasing him, walking around the house or you're out on the town looking fine as fuck, he's either bricked up or he's like that damn meme, telling his dick to stay down 💀😂
but that's just one basic way to make him desperate
the best way to tease him n have him under your finger, is to edge him alllll day
morning? I'm torn between jerking him off while he sleeps, until he's dripping n twitching n his cock is flushed
also i love the idea of stuffing him with a dildo
or riding him, making yourself cum and pulling away just before he can finish
I think he'd fucking love that, his brain would turn to mush n go straight to his dick I know it 🤭🤭
this big, tired, sexy man with his ass up n stretched around a thick plastic dick
he'd look so pretty...
when he was younger, cove was so embarrassed to own or use monster dildos
but now? he has dildos with knots and ridges,tentacles, n tapered tips. even has one shaped like a dragon (yes im projecting, i wanna be him😩)
so imagine stuffing him w his favorite toy, the ridges drugging along his walls, the tip bumping against his prostate perfectly
and he's so blissed out, loving the stretch from the toy getting thicker at the base..
but then you slip a cockring over him n he whips his head around. he's torn between causing a stink n crying
oh god, imagine making him go about his day, unable to cum but the toy hitting all those delicious spots inside him
his legs are shaking the whole day, he'll fall to his knees tryna wash the dishes because you came up behind him,
n smacked his butt or purposefully thrusted your hips against his butt, the toy slamming against his g-spot..
please don't forget to pull him to the side, shove down his pants and jerk his cock until he's sloppy, tears on his lash line bc he can't cum w this damn ring on...
n pull away, wipe your hands on his shirt n tell him to clean up the pre he dropped...
definitely mutters n calls you mean
tries to grind against the seat/couch, palms his bulge through his jeans... but he can't finish
it's like you know when he's thinking abt taking the ring off n cumming bc then you're there, kissing him n asking him his color/safe word and telling him he's so good, n just a little more...
it makes him dizzy how much you're controlling his pleasure n he loves it
by the time you're ready to let him cum n stop teasing him, he's so easy to pull apart
he'll beg, claw at your clothes, n his legs are shaking n his pants are stained w pre..
when you finally pull the cockring off to let him cum,
doesn't matter if you jerk or suck him off or fuck him, he's so whiny n flushed n teary eyed n babbling
babbling abt how he wants to cum, begs you to fuck him n abt how good your feel n abt how deep you're hitting, or how warm your throat/hole is. you've broken him🤭
even after all that... he begs for more, he loves when you edge n use him like this<333
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someone pls come talk to me abt ex-husband dilf!cove i....i have thoughts n im open to maybe a lil toxic, definitely a lot horny ex-husband dilf!cove situationship ykw im sayin
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
I need more Pebble in my life 😩
Will we ever get a peak behind his bags? Since he has two heads and two tails, how come he doesn't have two dicks? Just curious ☺️
And how would he react to his lover being low-key obsessed with him eating her out with both his tongues?
Pebble would really rather you didn't pry. His facial features are deformed and he's not comfortable keeping both heads exposed at all, not even when alone. The only things that seem to have been generated correctly are his horns. Even if you express that you'll love Pebble no matter what he looks like underneath those bags, the gargoyle mutant is still very adamant that you never see his faces.
The Clergy's Eye sort of put together a gargoyle in the same way a kid mold play-doh together. What it did was take the sheddings of other gargoyles to try and make one. Sheddings from their bodies, several different tails and heads. This resulted in Pebble having an odd coloration and extra body parts. However, gargoyles don't shed the material of their genitals, so it wasn't very likely that he'd end up getting double the manhood. Or, who knows, it might just have been pure chance.
Pebble is very eager to eat you out, he only wants you to be happy and pleasured, so if he gets to taste you and slurp your cum while he does it, isn't that a win-win? Know that he'll only ever eat you out in dark places or totally isolated environments where you're in a position where you'll never see his heads (or blindfolded). He doesn't like it too much when you put your hand on one of his head either throughout it, often pausing just to gently redirect your touch. He'll start a little clumsily, but coordinating both tongues will come naturally at some point. One of them is much longer than the other.
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htchnr · 5 months
★ nsfw alphabet ❥ D. O'DONNELL.
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PAIRING ➻ David O'Donnell x Fem!reader.
AUTHORS NOTE ➻ the header has me screaming honestly, he's JUST SO 😩🤭 this was both fun and challenging to write, hope you guys enjoy it 😉😁
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★ - © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍��. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫! - ★
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Aftercare (what they’re like after the act?)
❥ he's an absolute sweetheart. you need water? already on his way to get a glass. need a bath? already running and almost full. need a massage to relax your sore muscles? say less.
❥ if the sex was particularly rough, or maybe he said certain things that were a little on the edge, he'll be the sweetest man ever afterwards, holding you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he combs his fingers through your hair.
Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers?)
❥ he is most definitely a tits man. he just l o v e s your tits so much. doesn't matter how small or large, he loves them SO much.
❥ he's always been a tits man, but one day when you were wearing the most flattering shirt, he realised just how much he loves your tits. safe to say, he bought you a few extras of that shirt after he showed you just how much he liked it ;).
Cum (anything that has to do with it)
❥ L O V E S to cum all over your tits. we've established how he's a tits man, he absolutely looses it when he cums all over them.
❥ he also LOVES to cum inside you if you allow it, but nothing beats shooting his load a l l over your tits.
Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
❥ secretly really enjoys being tied or cuffed to the bedframe as you either go down on him or ride him. throw in a blindfold as you tease the shit out of him with barely there touches or licks, oh boy he's in for a great time.
Experience (do they know what they’re doing?)
❥ definitely has plenty of experience. in the show people make a few comments on how he's had a lot of past lovers/flings, so we know he's got plenty of experience ;).
Favorite position
❥ in order — 1. cowgirl. he LOVES bouncing you up and down in his lap, his face in your tits. 2. missionary. loves watching your expressions closely as they morph into pure pleasure. also loves being able to burry his face into the crook of your neck. 3. doggy style. pretty self explanatory really, loves roughly pulling your ass flush against his front, watching himself disappear inside you. also loves to occasionally pull back your hair ;).
Goofy (how serious are they?)
❥ it really depends on the situation before hand — he can be really serious, yet he can also be light hearted and sweet. i think he can pretend to be really serious, but on a base line i think this man could never be 100% serious.
Hair (grooming habits)
❥ definitely clean shaven down there. light hair covers his chest and fades out to barely anything on his stomach. also has relatively thick happy trail starting at his belly button. light hair also covers his arms, slightly thicker hair covering his legs.
Intimacy (in the moment are they more romantic or more rough/dirty?)
❥ once again, it depends on the situation before hand — he can be super sweet, gentle and romantic — but he can also be really dirty and rough about it, man handling and mocking you until he gets what he wants — or guiding you with the gentlest touch and sweet words.
Jack off (do they masturbate and how often?)
❥ definitely jerks off a fair bit. especially while you two are together and he gets heated while you're away — he's definitely jerking off a lot. is also absolutely down for mutual masturbation ;).
Kink (kinky things they like doing/having done)
❥ k n i f e k i n k. he LOVES (only if you're okay with it.) fucking you with his switchblade against your throat. or dragging the blade down from your throat till your stomach, making you shiver under his touch..
❥ definitely also has a thing for formal clothes — seeing you all dressed up in a fancy dress and stockings sends him into an absolute f r e n z y.
❥ scratch. marks. he LOVES to have his back covered in scratch marks. loves the slight sting of them the next day, and loves being reminded of you in that way, in pure ecstasy, scratching at his back as he fucks you.
Location (where they like to get it on?)
❥ literally anywhere. against the counter, on the table, bent over the couch — anywhere. though he'll say that he doesn't have a preference, he definitely loves you on top of him on the couch.
Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
❥ so much honestly. teasing him about things, bending over to pick something up, wearing cute little dresses or skirts. also goes into a frenzy when you apply your lipstick in a certain way, he doesn't know why it gets him going, all he knows is that he either wants to fuck your lips are kiss them.
❥ also get unbelievably hot and bothered when you're having clever moment, say you work with him and you go on a rant pointing out a bunch of things he missed and it all suddenly clicks, he wants to pounce you right then and there.
No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
❥ intentionally hurting you would be a definite no. he may have an absolute knife kink, but if he accidentally nicks you he would immediately stop and take care of the wound and relentlessly ask if you're okay.
❥ anal is also a definite no. not a finger, not a toy goes down there.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
❥ loves, loves, LOVES going down on you. cannot get enough of it, and if you allow him — he'll spend the whole day eating away between your thighs.
❥ i feel like he's more a giver than a receiver, but he absolutely would not turn you down if you went down on him. he loses his shit when you go down on him.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
❥ definitely prefers a relatively fast pace, but depending the mood is absolutely not opposed to slow and deep. he can definitely last a while before he cums — though if it's been a while since the last time you went at it, he will definitely not last as long as usual, merely happy to finally be in you again.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer quickies, or taking their sweet time?)
❥ definitely prefers taking his time, but also absolutely loves quickies — loves taking you up against the front door before he leaves for work, or in the bathroom at a bar before going back out to drink and join your friends, or fucking you up against your vanity just before the two of you go to work, as the way you applied your lipstick got him going.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things?)
❥ he loves to stick to what he knows, but if you come up to him and ask to try something knew, he could never say no to you. unless it's something he absolutely does not want to do.
❥ as for risks — he is absolutely up for risky semi/public sex. got all riled up while out at work? he has no problem taking care of it for you in a public bathroom, or tucked away in an alley.
Stamina (how many times they can go?)
❥ he can FUCK. for a hot minute. depending on how busy his day was he can last anywhere from 2 to 4 rounds — taking small breaks in between. though if the day was long or busy, he can last 1 to 2 at best. he definitely will try to make it more, but usually finds himself too exhausted by the end of the first round or halfway round two.
Toys (do they like using toys on themselves or lovers?)
❥ he's not the biggest fan of using them on you, he much prefers doing everything himself — but he's absolutely not opposed to you using them on yourself. and if you bat your eyes, he might not be opposed to you using them on him ;).
Unfair (do they tease or do they enjoy being teased?)
❥ loves LOVES L O V E S teasing. so damn much. he loves nothing more than to tease you till you're hot and bothered, be it in public, or at home. if he's away for work, and it's not too serious, he will definitely tease the fuck out of you till you're begging him to come home.
Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk during the act?)
❥ i don't think he's really loud, but he definitely pants fairly loud and whines.
❥ depending on the mood and the direction the moment is going he might be more vocal, moaning and groaning more loudly, or mostly just letting you hear his breath catch and his low whimpers in your ear..
❥ definitely talks you through it — praising or degrading you, letting you know how much he loves it, he's got the foulest mouth on him.
Wild card (random headcannon of any sort)
❥ loves it when he's wearing a tie and you tug him by it to kiss him — or alternatively, when you're pissed and you tug on it to get your point across. makes him go absolutely insane ;).
Yearning (sexdrive level)
❥ high. so high. anything gets him going honestly. i think once the two of you have properly settled down it'll lessen a little though, and if the two of you were to have kids it wouldn't necessarily lessen, but more be a lower priority than other feelings and needs.
Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after?)
❥ definitely not immediately, aftercare is important to him. he can't find it in him to think about falling asleep before making sure you're okay/cleaning up and taking care of you. if it was a long day and the sex really took it out of him he'll definitely fall asleep quicker. but if it's a relatively relaxed day, it'll take him a little longer.
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taglist — @sheen4gh @toast8410
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mimikoolover · 2 months
i think people are genuinely tweaking when they pick up certain moments to justify their ideas only when it fits into the narrative they've made of the bois relationship however we can never with surety give any labels to their relationships as fans either, we believe in what we want to be true and sometimes that affects our opinions. what you said about jungkook choosing mingyu and jimin over certain others was also out of pocket and very insensitive to jungkook himself, it really does show how skewed your opinions are, there are people in his life that we don't know about, same for jimin and that's how it'll be, we all have friends and jungkook/jimin is friends with taehyung the same way he shares a close bond with the other members, human relationships aren't limited, you form bonds with different people, what jimin and jungkook have is really special and their relationships with other people in no manner speaking will ever negatively affect it, some of you really tend to show your true colours especially with your responses towards reactionary comments
no it was not insensitive, I'm allowed to have an opinion based on what I see the same as you're doing about me - I could say your ask in insensitive to me then can't I? like it or not IMO jungkook is closer to jimin and mingyu than he is to the wooga squad. by certain people I meant the wooga squad since tkkers are so happy to say jk is friends with them - the fuck he is not. and what they did leaving him there on his own was shitty. and IMO while jungkook is obviously really close to tae it doesn't touch his bond with jimin and probably mingyu and this is coming from someone who's been defending taekook's bond since the beginning of time. you can think whatever you want. jungkook will never know me or read any of my posts on Tumblr so what does it matter in relation to jungkook if I'm expressing my opinions online? if anything you are doing to me exactly what you're claiming I'm doing with your skewed opinion about what I'm saying - I never said jikook are dating for sure for fucks sake so stop acting like that's what I'm doing and that it clouds my judgement. what i think about the wooga squad has nothing to do with jimin. you've no need to patronise me on human relationship or on jungkook himself. I usually don't judge what we see happen cause I know we never have the full story but the ski trip thing was bad enough for me to have a bloody opinion on ffs. and idk what happened with the movie premier jungkook supposedly was going to attend with tae again but the fact that he skipped on that second movie premier says a lot to me cause that's not very jungkook at all. but again I didn't mention that cause we don't know the full story there however I'm allowed to have an opinion about it knowing I could be wrong😩i'm one of the few people who always considers more than one explanation to stuff yet you're coming to me saying i'm reactionary and my opinions are skewed. you're welcome to have that opinion but then don't be calling me insensitive when you're coming to insult me whereas jungkook will never even know i exist so it's not like i'm going to be telling him how much i think he likes his friends lmao
and I beg to ask why are you and all the other anons nitpick every word I say?
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
The only person I trust to spit facts unapologetically besides myself is my ex best friend. Are you her?
I have nothing to say to this other than FACTS.
Spot on.
My exact sentiment
He likes to stir the spot, and add some shit
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He's basically me on Crack honestly
He trolls, he taunts, he antagonises, he will pull your leg till you fall and then keep pulling🤧
And if you understand this about him then you can't take him seriously at all😩😩😩
I don't think he takes himself seriously he's so goofy😫
When it comes to him ,JM and their "obsession" with Kook it can get a bit 🥴🥴🥴🥴
I always say they both often come across as wanting and seeking validation from JK. Which I'm sure they are both aware of but don't care.
If you are a JK solo Stan then you might have a problem with both of them bcos of this. Especially when all that seemly unwanted attention makes Jk appear more closed off than he actually is.
Most people i know who hate Jungkook say they hate him because they see him as often being rude towards Jimin or Tae or whomever.
People want him to be more open and receptive towards their biases and that creates problems for him when he's subjected to such intense and sometimes unwanted attention.
I'm not a fan of either Jimin or Tae imposing themselves on Jungkook. They might think they doing it out of love, to show their affection or to stroke Jk's ego or whatever but it doesn't make Jk look good out here. Matter fact, it cast him in a bad light and amplifies his "negative" traits. Not cute.
Personally, I like to think it's their own way of showing love and support for Jungkook. Its the only way I can rationalize it. If you've ever been the quiet one among a trio, you recognize some of these friendship behavioral patterns:
The louder outgoing ones are constantly egging the quiets one on, encouraging them to be active, to participate in things, losen up, relax, have fun etc.
And that's just the problem with extroverts. They always think they're helping 😐
One time I let this person bulldoze me into thinking I could belt at church- I cried in front of everybody and became a meme. To this day I don't go talking to that person.
Sometimes when a person tell you they can't do shit believe them. Don't go playing Barbara the builder trying to get them out their comfort zone and making them a fool in front of everybody😐
When you listen to Tae talk about his dynamic with JK it's obvious that's how he sees Jungkook. Which is why he pushes his boundaries often- pushing him to take off his pants to shower together, posting their Tae Kook selca when JK cropped himself out. He thinks he's helping but SIRE BOUNDARIES!
Jimin is like that too as you rightfully said.
The difference is Jimin seems to know and understand the limits and if he recognizes he's pushing too far he stops. In my opinion of course. I could be wrong and Jungkook may not see him in that way at all.
Frankly, I cringe at their earlier dynamic too 😬
Jokers like to romanticize it but damn is it hard to watch. I have selective amnesia when it comes to that part of their history 😓
And I understand, it's important to take Jungkook's perspective into consideration when discussing these topics.
We might be rallying up to free him from Vmin but for all we know HE LIKES THAT SHIT💀
He comes across as the type who would let shit fly as long as he's enjoying it. The moment he doesn't enjoy it he puts up a stop sign.
I think this is what Tae probably doesn't or didn't seem to understand about JK. He takes his no for a yes and go a little bit extra each time thinking he likes it.
But it's not everyone who feels comfortable insisting on boundaries. Some people hesitate to say no out of politeness, some wanna let you down easy- I've learned the hard way. These days I'll kick you in the throat and narruto run into your guts if you fail to register a no.
Jimin goes: I feel awkward I need to film with Jk
Tae goes, well I'm feeling awkward too lemme get JK.
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Speaking from a delulu standpoint point, I like to think some times these are just ploys and tactics they use as excuse to film content with Jungkook. Which raises the question, who in hybe is preventing them from freely filming content with eachother and why do they feel a need to monitor them while they film live?
Tinfoil hats people. Tinfoil hats.
Out of all BTS members Tae could have had issues with, he names Jungkook and decides they have dirty laundry to air out in Soop.
Then Jimin is given an opportunity to ask any member in BTS a question and he chooses the most obvious pick- JK.
See this is why I don't get shippers who like Jikook but can't stand Tuktuk or vice versa😩
If you like Jimin it should be very easy to like Tae and if you like Jikook then liking Tuktuk is easy 💀💀💀
They both have JK in common
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It goes without saying then that if you like JK then liking Vmin should be so easy too🥴
Is the friend of my friend principle.
Yet tuktukkers can't stand Jikook because then they have to face the reality that what Tuktuk have is not so special afterall😫😫😫😫😫😫
I can say same for Jikook but we both know there's that silently loud question mark around Jikook that no one seem to want to answer or can answer- not even them 💀
I like to remind people Jikook is just a ship like Tuktuk- that's until you clock the difference then jikook is right about alting that ship💀
So I like your honesty. If the Fandom thinks Jimin clinging to Kook is cringe then it's only fair to say Tae is cringe too if he does the same. Real discrimination is when we think it's cute when Jimin does it but it's a problem if Tae does it and vice versa.
And for sure, there's a marketing element to this. Ships are highly commercialized. I keep saying jikook is a brand. The rhetorics around their ship is positive. They are not the chaotic duo that team up for mischief. Or the always fighting duo of the group. They are more or less a love story in the literal sense. They have numbers and engagement and purchasing power to sell out almost anything because people like their friendship.
Then there's the concept of feeding ships.
I think by now they all know what constitutes feeding ships. Tae saw a run episode and pointed out "I think Army would love this." And it was a moment of him kissing Jin👁👄👁
Do I think when he name drops Jk like this he is doing it to feed a ship?????????
I don't know... cos then I would have to assume when he name drops Jimin he is feeding a ship and that just conflicts with my Vmin lesbian agenda 🤧
And I must confess, I've been feeling kinda salty he is not posting about Jin like Jimin😒
(Putting this in the universe because the last time I complained about him not posting Jimin he went and posted a vmin IG. Universe hear my prayer and quench my taejin thirst🕯)
No. Seriously, Jimin is the only person showing Jin love since he left😒
I'm snitching on every single one of them when Jin comes back. It's the kajafeluv for me.
I don't know. I think it's healthy for them to be engaging eachother on social media as organically as possible. And although I wish he was name dropping certain people more or as equally as or along side Jungkook, I also don't think they should interact with all just to interact with one.
Whether we like it or not tuktukkers are his primary fan base. Just as jokers are Jimins. In wake of their solo careers, it's only reasonable they establish these fanbases firmly.
I mean.....
it's not as if jokers are lining up to support him🤷🏾
Let's be fucking for real😩
He shares a fan base more with Jk than Jimin or any other member. Although they all have Army in common too. But he's a smart guy. Surely he knows what's up with the Fandom.
He made that clear from the get-go. Since their solo was announced he's been aligning himself more with Jk and tuktukkers. It's cool tho. I'm still gone ship him with Jimin with my full chest and occasionally Jin after I snitch on him and Jin kicks his ass for me🙂
At the end of the day all he has is his tuktukkers and solos better treat them right, build them a fools paradise and watch them build conjure castles in the air like a supervillian.
Tuktukkers can read whatever meaning they want into this mi nuh care. THEIR SHIP AIN'T REAL🤣
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skania · 1 year
I just binged the whole manga and the anime of onk after I saw a clip of Akane. She is my fav character and I love reading your takes. Like this manga is so nuaced like it's tiny small details you need to look at. Did aqua like Kana? It isn't clear non of his feelings are clear for anbody. It is clear he cares for them, he cares for a lot of people but when it comes to who he loves romantically nothing is clear because most of his actions steem from guilt. At first not letting Ruby be an idol was so he could protect her because he felt guilty about Ai, distancing himself from Kana also steemed from his guilt of not protecting Ai. Because he made Kana an idol and if he got closer to her the same thing could happend to her as it happened to Ai. It's his guilt of not protecting Ai that made him not want to repeat the situation again. This is harder to apply to Akane because while she is in the entertainment industry she doesn't share the traits of the idol life and she is ultimatley the only one tigwther with the director that sees how guilty he feels which adds layers to their relationship. I kinda feel robbed we actually didn't get to see much of them together, they were together for almost a year after all. But back on track it's clear he cares a lit about Akane by breaking up with her to protect her which parallels how he didn't want to hurt Kana either. But spoilers for the latest manga chapters, Akane has declared she is going to stop him and it seems like the feeling he had for Kana really became more platonic or even less. Because while he always was about protecting her he now ropes her in and puts her in center of the danger while trying to push Akane out. It's so hard to figure put what he is thinking but it used to be clear he cared a lit about both of them and now he's gone of the rails and it will be interesting to see if anyone can bring him back. I am worried about Akane as she had been given the white flowers and, I do think ruby will get the role as Ai, if by chance Akane actually gets it would be terryfying to see aqua and akane mirror the love between ai and Hikaru. Even if we don't know much about ai and hikarus love story I feel like it parallels Aqua and Akane in many ways minus the urge to kill part. Sorry this got long but I just really love your takes about Aqua and Akane and needed someone to talk to about the show and quite frankly I just need more Akane and hopefully I'll get that in the upcoming arc as she declared war but also I'm terrified of her actually getting hurt now that the other actress got killed.
I just binged the whole manga and the anime of onk after I saw a clip of Akane.
I love how we're all in the same boat! Akane is just too powerful 😂
because most of his actions steem from guilt.
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Aqua's guilt and how it feeds his self-destructive behavior is something I've been meaning to talk about in the context of his relationship with Akane, because there are so many moments when Aqua completely overplays the ways in which he has "used" Akane, and it's all because guilt is such a big part of him that I'm not even sure if he's capable of having a single thought that doesn't end up relating to it lol
I kinda feel robbed we actually didn't get to see much of them together, they were together for almost a year after all.
Me too. Honestly, that sucked, specially because the two or three times we got to see them were fantastic. The way he off-screened their time together actually made me think of his previous manga and how he handled the dates between Tsubame and Ishigami, which doesn't help matters any 😩
Because while he always was about protecting her he now ropes her in and puts her in center of the danger
Honestly, Aqua is such a liar that I wouldn't be surprised if he's just gaslighting himself into thinking that he's okay with using her. I'll believe it when we actually see him have an use for her lol
while trying to push Akane out.
This though is fantastic development and the biggest testament as to how much Aqua has grown to care for Akane. It's so funny how he couldn't help himself so he ended up going to see her anyway 😭 he's such a clown.
I am worried about Akane as she had been given the white flowers
I don't know why, but I'm confident Akane is safe. I feel that if Aka were intending to kill her or put her out of commission, the chapter were she got pushed down those stairs was the perfect time to do so. It had Aqua having a monologue about how much he wants to be with Akane, Akane having a heroic moment, etc. It would have been the perfect lead-in to Aqua losing himself in his revenge too, in fact it would've been better than what we got.
But instead of that, Aka just had Aqua break up with Akane to achieve the same result. So I'm not really worried about her for now. Even less so because it'd be very anti climatic for Akane to be set-up as the L to Aqua's Light only to die right after.
Sorry this got long but I just really love your takes about Aqua and Akane and needed someone to talk to about the show
Nothing to apologize for anon, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and I get you completely! I'm having tons of fun talking about the show with fellow Akane fans like you.
and quite frankly I just need more Akane
Truer words have never been spoken. GIVE US AN AKANE CHAPTER AKA 😭
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
nat -- coming to you with some disheveled thoughts bc you have the best sexiest brain -- i was talkin with one of my other friends about canon-adjacent reiner with a secret marleyan s/o 🤔 specifically, reiner starting a family with them and how torn he'd be about having to keep his lil baby a secret 😩 i'm just here to yell into the void with you about this poor teddy bear man
Rory you are too kind to my brain. It is truly just a lump of mush that fires decent thoughts once in a blue moon but let's see here
I know we were all talkin in the server about exactly how much status becoming a Warrior gets you in Marley, and it doesn't seem like much so definitely would need to be a secret baby.
For stuff like this my brain always swings to someone who is either a doctor or scientists. I know it's definitely not always the case but being in such a profession makes me think that person might be more sympathetic to Eldians cause when things get right down to it, the only way they become "monsters" is through the tampering of Marley science and carrying on this legacy of the 9 through--if we're being frank--barbaric practices ((I've been thinking about the intricacies and ritualism of titan transfers though and would love to chat about that in another post/with peeps))
So maybe they're a medic or someone who's consistently in contact with Reiner and the other Shifters and candidates as their primary physician/researcher?? I feel like it'd need to be someone who'd be close enough to be around when they get sent out on the front lines of the Mid East War battles. It took four flippin years, and doesn't seem like the Shifters were used very often due to the heavy artillery.
I'm getting so in the weeds with this and not what you asked lol
But them spending so much time around Reiner, maybe in the interim after taking blood samples and waiting on test results to take more samples they strike up conversation with him? Maybe they're curious about what things were like over in Paradis, but from a like-- what kinds of plants do they have? Is their food similar? What do their schools teach in history ((cause like is it common knowledge that the king guy erased the memories of the folks on Paradis? I don't think so right? Like do the brass in Marley know? @erudianokabe @lemmetreatya yall are like my lore go tos))
But anywho, maybe it's refreshing for Rei to get to talk about what it's like there without having to focus on the people aspect too much. Or at least the people he knew. So he doesn't have to spend so much time balancing the lying and keeping up pretense?
In my canon adjacent insert au, YN is in a similar profession as above + knew Rei and everyone before they got shipped off. And part of what draws them closer together is they're around when Rei experiences a couple DID shifts that get triggered through some things ((I honestly need to do more research to feel comfy writing those but that's my thought))
But yeah, I think you're right it would be really really tough for Rei having to keep his child a secret. Cause hello, cycles repeating much. I think once knowing about said child he'd do everything he could to be their father short of them calling him their father? Ya know.
I don't think his self loathing and chronic depression egged on by shit tons of survivor's guilt would vanish cause of this new love in his life or their baby. Which sucks. Wish brains weren't so dumb and awful. But I think, he'd be trying to figure out how best to set them both up to be taken care of after his time is up in a couple years. Oh gosh. That'd be such a big thing for him too probably!!
I feel like the baby would definitely not be planned. Cause he wouldn't willingly want to bring a baby into the whole secrecy scenario, but also, then not even being able to be around as a surrogate dad in principle cause he'll be dead no matter what before they're even 8 years old would really crush him. :/
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angelicyoongie · 1 year
I just wrote a little list about how I think about the LS characters. Feel free to ignore, but I’d love to hear what you think of them individually when it comes to them being *bearable*:
I have to say, I do have favouritism toward Yoongi and Jk in LS. They seem the least pushy and most *comforting (I mean, as comforting as they could be given the situation)
There is no way in hell I would ever trust Hobi after he drugged her drink, Jimin would obviously be another avoid at all cost character; I would’ve snapped at him too. Probably a lot sooner than she did lol.
Tae I’d only find bothersome when he either became clingy or decided to scheme with Jimin. I feel like he’s super into forced cuddling.
Joon I don’t reeeally mind, but I would despise him trying to organise my life and care for my health (like getting the doctors records, booking appointments without permission,) blegh. No.
Jin I haven’t found too bad, he’s not mean or overly uncomfortable to be around, but he doesn’t seem to be overly comforting to mc. (And I don’t mean comforting as like, coddling and them making themselves feel better, (because we all know most of them are good at the personal space invasion stuff) but I mean more like giving her some sort of normalcy, which i feel as though Yoongi and JK do that the most.)
At least JK adknowledges that what they’re doing is wrong and he’s apologised, and Yoongi knows that she doesn’t love them, and he’s not going to push her so he gives her space, time, and some normalcy. I honestly think if it was just those two she’d probably develop Stockholm syndrome a lot quicker.
Genuinely, if I got caught by Joon and taken back, I’d 100% have to * myself dude. I could not fall with going back after thinking I was finally free. Hoo.
Sorry for my little rant! I hope you’re doing well. Please let me know if you don’t like these kinds of messages and I’ll make sure to send shorter ones ☺️
Also! (Sorry!) to add on the my last ask, i just remembered you said she’d die if one of them did, so if mc ended up * herself when she got back, at least they’d all go down with her 🥲 … or would they not?
I LOVE long messages so please never apologize for sending them to me! Thank you!! 💖💖
Hoseok is a decent character to be around as long as he gets his way. He's not too overbearing or in your face like Namjoon and Taehyung, but he can get pretty intense if he feels like you're avoiding him.
Jimin is just a big no no haha!
I guess Taehyung can be bearable as long as you play along with him, but once he gets too lost in his own delusions he'll be rough to deal with. He definitely loves a good cuddle and it doesn't matter much to him if the person he's hugging actually enjoys it 😬
Namjoon is similar to Taehyung I feel like, except he's a little less crazy lol. He's the type to do everything for you (feed you, clothe you etc) and I feel like that would become suffocating veryyy quickly.
Seokjin is honestly not that bad! He's willing to give you some space and take things slow (to an extent at least) but yeah, he does have rose coloured glasses on.
Jungkook and Yoongi are the most realistic of the bunch and defintiely the most bearable. Like you said, they know that what they're doing is wrong and feel somewhat bad about it, and they don't mind giving the MC as much time/space as she needs. You're right, she definitely would've opened up to them much quicker if the others weren't there!
Ugh, I shudder to even imagine it. I wouldn't be able to mentally handle that trauma on top of everything else 😩
It depends on how she does it and if they can get help to handle the shock/trauma in time. :)
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
so I have a fic request which is actually based on a dream I had a few days ago 🤞🏻😩 its basically where oc and haechan are dating but to hyuck, oc is a rebound and he often ends up unintentionally? hurting oc. she feels like she comes second to him no matter what. oc well, continues to be with him bc she is enamored by him (I cannot stress this enough) like she can't see his red flags or even if she can she finds them real pretty djsjsj just yea she is smitten and will take whatever haechan gives, even if it's a stupid heart breaking relationship bc hey at least they're in a relationship. like idk how to put this but oc is sooooo in love? idk if we can call that but oh well. this is how things progress but cut to a few scenes into this and oc meets jaemin through a common friend or maybe they were already friends (also if you do actually end up accepting this req can you make them all friends - hyuck oc jaemin and hyucks ex, that way it'll hurt more 😗) and like- oc and jaemin are soooo compatible? like idk they just share the same goals and all when it comes to being in a relationship and all that and so maybe like jaemin does actually harbour a smol crush on oc and gets real mad when hyuck keeps treating her bad. he often ends up idk wishing oc just woke up from whatever fantasy land she is in and sees things as they truly are. idk but if you could add soft smut (with either of the two boys (or both idontmindjejsjs)) and like lots of jealousy and hurt (from hyucks side as well like, I want him to be all you're MY girlfriend to oc but then proceed to not treat like that YK) also sorry this got so long. it kinda made sense in my dream but dkjsjs it's all hfkajejd here 🥺🥺🥺
and most importantly if you're open to accepting anons, can I be 🫧 anon pls. I'd like to interact more with your blog 😭
OH MY THIS IS SO GOOD AKKDKF I WANNA KISS YOUR BRAIN i love this so much but i need to plot this well because it can be really interesting if i do it well. maybe it would be better as a small series, like around 5/6 chapters. i think that a one-shot would cut a lot of important parts??? (or it would be way too long like my usual) i think it would be even more heartbreaking if haechan is the one that makes oc and jaemin meet like imagine being unknowingly the reason why your partner finds somebody that treats them better and will probably leave you for them PAIN also i love the idea of jaemin being haechan friend but having no problems pointing out how much of an asshole he is (hyuckie i'm sorry i love you one day i'll write you as a good person) even before he catches feelings for her and then he starts to have a crush on oc and gets even angrier because she doesn't want to see all haechan's red flags. about hyuck'sex... how important does she have to be? like was she nice in the dream or was another reason of pain? it could be interesting if she's actually nice and tries to wake oc up too but oc takes it personal maybe thinking that haechan's ex is not doing it for her but just wants to have him back so she gets defensive because he's a walking red flag but red is her favorite color aaand i'd never say no to some good smut but i guess cheating is allowed, right? or do you want it to be like haechan and oc break up but he's still jealous and wants her back but on the other side there's jaemin and she's stuck (so jealousy, sex, and all that)
yes i actually have an anon list but there's just one person (two with you) so i can add you to it. but there's a problem... i can't see the emoji I'M SORRY. i copy-pasted it on google and saw that it's the bubbles emoji (right?) and the weird thing is that i can see it on every other social (and i even have it on my whatsapp keyboard) but i can't see it here and i don't have it on my phone keyboard so can you pick something else and then i'll change you to it when i'll have it?  i'm just temporarily tagging you as bubbles anon so i can easily come back here and change it to the anon you want to be
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piduai · 2 months
I totally agree with you , I tend to remember the bad more than the good . I guess for self care it's better to just watch the arcs you loved . I watched the episode 153 or 157 something ( I don't remember the exact number but it's about Kagura not wanting to sleep ) more than ten times because I liked it. I think it's the best way to view an anime like this.
After all not much is to be  expected from an author like this.
The aliens versus us is just a way to portray the pre opening era . CLEARLY . No reach. If he could write "THOSE FOREIGNERS " he would. Very weird it's giving Isayama with Snk , the world population vs us the people of ( I don't remember honestly 🥴). It's like a nostalgic / xenophobic stand but not outspoken.
I just wish we got more contents of characters like Asaemon and nobume + mutsu these three really could introduce  interesting drama with their profession and personalities. I will never NEVER get over it 😩👹. You know what ? I wish gunatama was a female only cast ( I DARE TO SAY IT👹👹👹)
Also I don't like Emosugi , Kamui is so  cringe , he's what to expect from a teenage boy. He's so predictable, a violent  emotional red hair emo .
But  Takasugi Dramasuke ?!  I just can't . His rage is valid but he never gave anything . A plate of pasta without salt . The hype about him is what all his character is . I never understood it. He doesn't look cool and I think his feet smell NGL.
He's the example of a delayed frontal lobe growth. Soratchi just used limited appearance to tune the citizens on. I don't know how they fell for it . When the whole truth was finally exposed i was disappointed 🧍🏻‍♀️.
I don't know how to explain it and why . He's just so cliché i thought ginballma would be more original but it's not when you look back when it's about serious topic.
i don't have arcs i particularly hate, tbh i watched it in 2013 for the first time and a lot of the cultural & linguistic jokes flew over my head, as well as a lot of references. so now i rediscover a lot of stuff on my rewatch, which is fun. but ig if you have stuff you really hate it's just better to skip altogether, i mean who cares. i only started rewatching it bc i need something to play in the bg while i eat/do my nails/clean around the house etc and short series end too fast while i don't feel like committing to a long series i haven't watched yet
yeah i do wonder, i didn't notice it the first time at all but now it feels very sus. it's also funny that earth = japan it seems, the word japan is never uttered actually but the existence of other nations is never brought up either. and amanto = foreigners, with kagura and the rest of the yato being alien chinese while catherine being alien something vaguely southeast asian. with the rest being animals. i don't think it's that deep just something that made me raise an eyebrow
asaemon is a one arc character and mutsu was shown for a bit towards the end, but nobume was snubbed lol. but again everyone else who isn't g*ntoki was also snubbed. with nobume it's a shame that her shoyo disciple side was never explored while some whomstie (oboro) got an entire thing around it. zura was also sidelined when it comes to this. nobume didn't really do much after sabuchan died from what i recall which is a shame. but also the cast is HUGE so with sorachi's limited formulaic writing abilities it's understandable lol
people always praise the character writing in gintama and i always disagreed with that because 98% of the cast is the same thing from different angles, or rather it seems that he can't write anything else. default character in this series is kind of a rude jerk who is actually super duper kind and niceys deep down and when it matters, and if push comes to shove they'll give you a helping hand no questions asked. most of them have their own quirks (kagura is an abrasive glutton, tae is arrogant, mean and backstabbing, nobume is aloof and apathetic, kyuubei and tsukuyo are overly-serious and awkward and so on and so forth) but the mold is the same. which is like, fine for shounen standards, and a lot of them are very likeable, but let's be real no giocondas are being painted here
i liked kamui until it was revealed that he actually fr fr is obsessed with his mom and sister and this whole time he was just lonely and misunderstood and lashing out. boring. he was fun as a power-hungry #psycho little shit but obviously we can't have any divergences from the mold in this house. as for takasugi he's always been one of my favorites so i can't say much here lol to each their own
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gleefullypolin · 2 months
Glad to be a breath of fresh air! I don't want to say that I cringe a lot in the tag with the takes but, you know, yeah.😩
I don't particularly enjoy the double standard on either side but it really does seem to always come down harder on the women, especially any woman who doesn't present as expected. Just look at our little Pen being called the villain when we know if it was someone else there'd be a lot less of that. I'm still seeing bad takes 4 years later from another fandom I was in where a man and woman both made the same mistake and strangely, only her bad choice is talked about. Never his.
I agree, this isn't even on my list of things to worry about, ha. I have heard two versions of the rumor, one where he's there with them and one where he's watching them. I'm not going to get into the sudden fandom activism taking place about two women being paid to entertain a man but I will say that the distinction (if either is true!) is what I'd be most interested. It doesn't matter either way in the end but if it's the latter with him just watching, that's an entirely different thing that would need to be unpacked. Either way he's using escapism but not participating and a later scene being unable to participate? That's a man going through it and probably deserves some grace when he's also about to make himself suffer needlessly further.
People have made up their minds what the scene is without context or confirmation and it's certainly up to them to do so but having so much fandom experience I can say I've never seen anyone's worst case spiral of doom scenario they proclaim as fact be true in the end.
This man looking all over the world to find what he needs right across the road is great. He's been trying to be a Very Grown Up Man since s1 and he hasn't found purpose yet. I can't wait to see him actually find it this time.
Oh I agree, the media is the worst with fandom. It's best to stay out of it if possible. The media doesn't seem to understand the passion that the fandom has in all and tries to utilize it in all of the wrong ways. They're out of touch with a lot of it and truly, adding in the way a lot of fans feel entitled to what they want, it's always going to end in a melt down. Given the generational divide as well, you're going to have a bunch of people who think something is the worst thing in the world and the people who think it's really not that big of a deal so what are they yelling about?
I'm not saying it's easier to wait for context but in a month I feel like most of them won't even remember the full scope of their freak outs.
I have to say I DO cringe a lot, I try and stay neutral. That’s what I tell myself. I have actually stayed away from Tumblr honestly, but then there were all these pretty pictures, and I couldn’t resist. And then my big mouth takes off and all these ideas get in my head, and I use my blog as my therapy sessions.
Usually, my therapy is just with myself because most people just ignore what I have to say until you so thankfully came along to join into my sessions, and I must say I have truly appreciated not having to talk to myself all day long!
To the issue at hand…double standards…My word. We do live in a world today where women are sure held to a different standard than men and interesting that as I had thought we were moving out of regency standards of women having much more say and agency of themselves, we seem to step backwards more and more each day.
But that is a much bigger hole of a topic, when it comes to fandom however, we do seem to hold our men to a larger standard when it comes to our ships. God help Luke after this season airs. I pray our ladies and gents are on their best behavior to remember that Nic and Luke play these characters with the best intent and love for who they are and what is written for them.
I don’t know what will come of the article, I know the Sun is iffy and I’ve seen a lot of people say, “Yes its true” But there is 1) saying its true and 2) seeing it on screen. Back when screeners would give us a play by play of Glee episodes, they would tell us how a scene would play out and we would all get angry over a single phrase or an explanation of a specific description of a scene. Our brains all would create the story of what the intent was behind this one sentence or descriptor. Then we would get to the episode and the actual script around what played out was nothing near what my brain had created in that 2 second nightmare.
I’m sure we get a set up scene showing us that Colin is knowledgeable around a bodega, he’s been to these in his travels, he’s experienced with women, these are something that interest him and he’s curious about. That’s the set up. Then comes Pen. There is a kiss. There is confusion. Not realization, but confusion. Pen meets Obi Wan Debling. They hit it off. Success. Colin has done what he set out to do. He has accomplished his goal of making up with his best friend for his careless words the season prior. His unnerved, he needs release for some reason. He returns to what has calmed him before…but now scene two returns us to the familiar that is a set up for the audience and Colin to see that now is different. He no longer has interest. His confusion lifts because all he sees is Pen and he no longer wants what is offered in front of him.
And maybe I am also guilty of making up my mind about a scene before it plays out, because I have no context or confirmation either, but I would certainly be ok with being wrong also. I would prefer to take that than spiral into something else. To accept that Colin who has never been needlessly cruel instead is just a whore who is using his friend Pen to hurt her further while getting his rocks off. Because that is not the same person who can’t even swallow because she told him his eyes are really pretty. It just doesn’t compute so I refuse to spiral any other way.
In 27 days, all we will care about is that these beautiful people are staring at each other on our screens and we will be freaking out for more wonderful reasons.
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