#jupiter saturn synodic cycle
dreamypisces888 · 8 months
November Transits from Astro Butterfly ( I did not write this is copy paste )
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November 4th, 2023 – Saturn Goes Direct
On November 4th, 2023 Saturn goes direct at 0° Pisces. 0° of any sign is a powerful degree. It’s the purest energy of the sign, as archetypal as it can possibly be. Saturn’s station invites us to reflect on this transit’s significance in our life.
How do you experience the taskmaster of the zodiac in the boundless, imaginative realm of Pisces?
Are there any specific themes (revealed by the natal house triggered by Saturn) that are surfacing in your awareness? How can a Saturn in Pisces approach help you navigate these themes and improve your life?
November 8th, 2023 – Venus Enters Libra
On November 8th, 2023 Venus enters her domicile sign, Libra.
In electional astrology – where astrologers pick auspicious transits to time an event, they particularly look for planets with strong essential dignity, i.e. when the planet is either in the sign of its domicile or exaltation.
Why is that? It is believed that when a planet has strong essential dignity it operates at its best, producing more favorable results.
What does it mean? When Venus is in domicile in Libra, Venus-related themes, events and activities are favored. Do you want to start dating? Go to a party? Make some financial investments? Get yourself a new wardrobe? Now it’s the time!
The house that transit Venus triggers in your chart will reveal more about the specific areas of life that will benefit from these favorable Venusian energies.
November 10th, 2023 – Mercury Enters Sagittarius
On November 10th, 2023 Mercury enters Sagittarius. Talking about essential dignity, Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius.
Does it mean Mercury in Sagittarius is a negative placement? Not at all.
It’s just that the archetypal Mercurian energy – facts before intuition, individual perspective vs. collective perspective, or analytical thinking vs. abstract reasoning – aligns very well with signs like Gemini or Vigo, but not so much with Jupiter-ruled signs like Sagittarius or Pisces.
Mercury in Sagittarius looks for the “meaning of it all” but in the process of finding the philosophical, absolute truth, it may skip some important details which may lead to not so fact-checked conclusions.
But Mercury in Sagittarius can be a transit for many reasons. While it’s great to have a factual, objective Mercury in Gemini mind when we read the news for example, life is not only about reading the news or seeking cold, hard facts.
Sometimes we need a good Sagittarius story. Mercury in Sagittarius is the storyteller of the zodiac.
When Mercury is in Sagittarius, our mind becomes more imaginative and explorative. Our communication, more colorful and engaging. Our perspective of the world broadens, and we start to see the world through the Sagittarian lens of possibilities and adventures.
November 13th, 2023 – New Moon In Scorpio
On November 13th, 2023 we have a New Moon at 20° Scorpio. The New Moon in Scorpio is closely conjunct its ruler, Mars. Sun and Mars are in close vicinity for the entire month, but at the New Moon in Scorpio, the Moon also joins the Halloween party.
The mantra of the New Moon in Scorpio is “Tell me what you want, what you really really want”.
Your desires are the most powerful force in the universe. Your desires are what the universe wants to happen in the world. Your desires are what the universe wants to manifest, through you.
Becoming aware of what you want is the very first step. The New Moon in Scorpio is your celestial opportunity to gain crystal clarity about the nature of your deepest desires. This clarity will initiate a powerful co-creative journey with the universe.
November 18th, 2023 – Sun Conjunct Mars In Scorpio
On November 18th, 2023 Sun is conjunct Mars at 26° Scorpio. When the Sun is conjunct Mars, Mars starts a new 2-year synodic cycle, or yet another Hero’s Journey.
On your quest, you sometimes run, sometimes you rest, other times you stop to catch your breath. You find new challenges on the way. You discover new strengths, and meet new people.
You have no idea what’s ahead of you. There may be risks and dangers. Some of the obstacles may test you along the path. But it’s this journey that will help you grow, learn, and ultimately become a stronger and more resilient version of yourself.
The Sun conjunct Mars transit sometimes goes overlooked because we have one Sun-Mars conjunction every 2 years. We experience an average 40 Sun-Mars transits in a lifetime. That’s quite a few hero’s journeys.
We have approx 40 opportunities to start again, with each journey learning a little bit more about ourselves and the world we live in.
Each transit conjunction comes with a choice: are you in, or are you out?
How many journeys have you said “no” to in the past? What will you do this time?
Staying in our comfort zone certainly has its advantages. It’s cozy. Nothing can hurt us. But it’s also a little bit boring. What you truly want can only be found ‘out there’. Not on the couch.
There’s something about the nature of desire that asks us to look for it beyond the boundaries of our familiar surroundings. It pushes us to explore, to take risks, and to embrace the unknown.
November 24th, 2023 – Mars Enters Sagittarius
On November 24th, 2023, Mars enters Sagittarius.
After we got in touch with our desire (New Moon in Scorpio) and made the decision to embark on a new journey (Sun conjunct Mars), now with Mars in Sagittarius, it’s time to pack our bags and prepare for the adventure.
November 27th, 2023 – Full Moon In Gemini
On November 27th, 2023 we have a Full Moon at 4° Gemini. We talked a lot about Mars this month and we are going to talk a bit more about it because the Full Moon in Gemini is now opposite Mars.
We are now face to face with Mars, and this new angle allows to look at our desires from a more objective perspective, and acknowledge some otherwise hidden or overlooked drivers and motivations.
The Full Moon in Gemini is the missing piece of the puzzle. By now, you may have a clear picture of what you want, but you may not exactly know how to get there. “Ah, this is why I want that, and this is how I’m going to get it”.
The Full Moon in Gemini, with its inquisitive and objective energy, will reveal the answer. This time, Pluto (trine Full Moon) is also on your side, adding depth and transformative power to your quest.
Astro Butterfly
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manmetaphysical · 1 year
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Here are more ideas from 'Aion' by Carl Gustav Jung. It's hitting home as while he wrote it after two world wars, it seems our own era is riffing on those times when totalitarianism steam-rollered over human rights and tried to enslave and kill the human spirit. Look back to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January2020 for the trigger point for people being abused. Then the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction combining life and death at 0° of Aquarius heralding a new phase of that synodic cycle. Then we had a year of Uranus-Saturn squares, and a total mind-melt of Jupiter-Neptune in April 2022. We are still reeling from the after effects of all this. But don't worry, we have Uranus going into Gemini in 2025 plugging ideas into the mains, oh and Saturn conjunct Neptune entering zero Aries in 2025 bringing the sternest and most spiritual of pioneers or forcing us to be so! Plus lots of other goodies in the coming decade.
It's not easy to sum up the content of 'Aion'. But it refers to the precession of equinoxes and mythological and psychological tropes and archetypes that jostle for power over the human psyche. There is huge turmoil where one era clashes overrides and transitions into a new era as when the Christian era began and was symbolised by ICHTHYS (Jesus Christ God Son Our Saviour- it's an acronym)- represented by the fish. i.e.. the Piscean age. Now we have the same turmoil and nihilism is prevalent, the loss of the core stories that held society in place. Christ was a symbol of the totality of the self yet each symbol has a shadow side, so there must be an 'anti-Christ' as well that is repressed and projected on to others. That there are two fishes in Pisces means the second is the shadow Christ- sometimes known as the devil. Or good values turning evil as they crystallise into dogmatic rules that oppress people. All pagans know this anyway. People can be seized by the archetype- aka possessed. Everything contains the germ of its opposite, right? Finding the new language to unify the opposites will be the challenge.
In the 21st century the jostling and loss of sense and meaning is evident and all the old myths are crumbling and will have to be replaced, just as Jung said. He used Alchemy and astrology to fuse his thoughts into a modern discourse about the psychic processes. He is not easy to read but what you learn is incredibly insightful. as in these snatches here about how a rational-materialistic world view can create mental illnesses on a grand scale. Take a look around at the tyranny and power grabs going on, at the money system disintegrating, the erosion of history and folkloric myths, and see if he wasn't right?
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xtruss · 1 year
Scientists Finally Solved the Mystery of How the Mayan Calendar Works!
We were thinking too small all along.
— By Tim Newcomb | April 20, 2023 | Popular Mechanics
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Blend Images - PBNJ Productions//Getty Images
Scholars show how multiple planet movements tie into the 819-day Mayan calendar.
The 819 days of the calendar must be viewed across a 45-year time period to fully understand.
The movements of all major planets visible to the ancient Mayans fit into this extended calendar.
The Mayan calendar’s 819-day cycle has confounded scholars for decades, but new research shows how it matches up to planetary cycles over a 45-year span. That’s a much broader view of the tricky calendar than anyone previously tried to take.
In a study published in the journal Ancient Mesoamerica, two Tulane University scholars highlighted how researchers never could quite explain the 819-day count calendar until they broadened their view.
“Although prior research has sought to show planetary connections for the 819-day count, its four-part, color-directional scheme is too short to fit well with the synodic periods of visible planets,” the study authors write. “By increasing the calendar length to 20 periods of 819-days a pattern emerges in which the synodic periods of all the visible planets commensurate with station points in the larger 819-day calendar.”
That means the Mayans took a 45-year view of planetary alignment and coded it into a calendar that has left modern scholars scratching their heads in wonder.
While ancient Mayan culture offered various calendar types, the one that baffled scholars the most was this 819-day calendar discovered in glyphic texts. Researchers have long believed this calendar was associated with planetary movements, especially the synodic periods—when a planet appears visually to return to the same location in the sky, as seen from Earth—of key planets. However, each planet moves quite differently and matching up multiple planets into an 819-day span didn’t seem to make sense.
But it does when you look at it over 16,380 days (roughly 45 years), not just 819 days. That’s a total of 20 819-day timelines.
Mercury was always the starting point for the tricky timeline because its synodic period—117 days—matches nicely into 819. From there, though, we need to start extrapolating out the 819 number, and if you chart 20 cycles of 819, you can fit every key planet into the mix.
And Mars may be the kicker for the overall length. With a 780-day synodic period, 21 periods match exactly to 16,380, or 20 cycles of 819. Venus needs seven periods to match five 819-day counts, Saturn has 13 periods to fit with six 819-day counts, and Jupiter 39 periods to hit 19 819-counts.
“Rather than limit their focus to any one planet,” the authors write, “the Maya astronomers who created the 819-day count envisioned it as a larger calendar system that could be used for predictions of all the visible planet’s synod periods, as well as commensuration points with their cycles in the Tzolk’in and Calendar Round.”
— Tim Newcomb is a Journalist based in the Pacific Northwest. He covers Stadiums, Sneakers, Gear, infrastructure, and more for a variety of publications, including Popular Mechanics. His favorite interviews have included sit-downs with Roger Federer in Switzerland, Kobe Bryant in Los Angeles, and Tinker Hatfield in Portland.
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abnormoinfo · 4 years
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We have less than 2 weeks before the new astrological epoch! “The air age.” I would like to use this time to celebrate this historical transition. Here’s a comic for starters
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astrallines · 4 years
The Crumbling Tower of 2020
Notes on the Triple Conjunction
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Hello friends. What follows is a short introduction to the incredibly rare and historical astrological conditions of the year 2020. This was written with the intention of accessibility first and foremost; I believe it’s important that people have some idea of this moment in a historical context, and the tools to evaluate the themes and stories that are emerging currently and in the near future. To my eyes astrology is at its most useful when it is neither prescriptive nor prophetic. It is foremost a tool of psychological midwifery; reading the meaning of the world and its events.
So it’s in my interest to be painting in broad strokes. If you want concrete predictions or exact dates for orbs of conjunction now and in history, then there is a vast field of mundane astrology for you to Google. The myths I’m unfolding here are only for context and consideration—I hope you find them helpful.
Also, there will be a major western bias in my evaluation of history, which sucks, but that’s the milieu I grew up in and can speak to, and it remains the information most easily available. But of course astrological conditions are affecting the entire world. We can still trace the vibe through western examples.
Our Axial Moment There are two incredibly rare astrological events happening this year. One event is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. These two planets come together routinely, mechanically, every 20 years. But the rhythm of their waltz is such that each meeting takes place in signs of the same element for 200 years at a time. So when they conjoin in Aquarius, in the last weeks of 2020, that will be their first time together in an air sign since the 14th century.
Since 1802, all of their conjunctions have been in earth signs. (Much more on the significance of this later, but some may already notice this 200 period’s coincidence with the industrial revolution and the age of capital). In the 200-odd years before 1802, they would join every time in fire signs—and for the 200 years before that, water. One waltz more brings us back to the 1300s and 1200s, the previous epoch of air signs. Returning to the present day, we should realize that since an age like this persists for two centuries at a time, it is essentially impossible for someone who witnesses such a transition, to have ever even known anyone who witnessed the previous transition. That is, the 100 year old person in December 2020—even if they had, as a newborn, shared a breath with a 100 year old person—would not reach far back enough in history to have even a dim, second-hand knowledge of the epoch of fire (1603-1801). These periods are effectively the frame edges; the curtains around the drama of the world stage.
Rare as it is, the other historical aspect of the year is much rarer: the fact that Saturn and Jupiter will also conjoin Pluto in Capricorn before they dance their first step together in Aquarius. Though these 3 will never occupy the exact same degree together, they will come very close, on and off throughout 2020. Of course a triple conjunction of planets will always occur in more unpredictable intervals than any pair of planets because of the 3 separate orbits. Famously—well, famous among astrologers—it last happened in the sign of Capricorn during the founding year of the city of Babylon, 1894 BCE.
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History of the Elemental Epochs Because the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle is so regular, and because we didn’t know about outer planets til the 18th century, the dance of these two planets through the elemental stations is by far the oldest astrological tool for determining epochal periods. It has long been assumed to be the basic attitudinal/affective backdrop of the zeitgeist. (Now that we know about Pluto, we have a new vibecheck every 12 years! But isn’t it funny that generations didn’t have names until we noticed Pluto in 1930?)
I would be remiss not to mention that there are overlaps between these periods. For instance, Jupiter and Saturn were briefly conjunct in an air sign (Libra) for a few months in 1981. So toward the end of each epoch, humanity gets a little multi-month preview of the coming age. 1981 and the transitional period is a whole other topic in itself, but that’s all I’ll say here.
Even though these elemental ages have been observed for so long, we don’t have a ton of historical examples to draw upon to get a sense of the nature of a particular epoch. As for the air age that we’re entering into, we can refer to the high medieval period as the last instantiation, but to get a third example we have to go into history 6 centuries before that! Soon the world starts to look so different from the current day, that we have to stretch the imagination that much farther. So let’s just a get a brief summary of the previous cycle through the elements.
Earth 1802-2020
This is the epoch we are still in as I write this. It began during the industrial revolution, and the earth themes are undeniable. Human begins have had a resolutely atomic understanding of the universe; materialism is rampant; and it feels that capital and capitalism are catalysts of most human drama. We take things literally and concretely: instead of speculating about other realms, we want to drive our spaceships to big slabs of land like the moon and Mars. We have discovered how to build and make so much STUFF!
Fire 1603-1801
This period is famous for the enlightenment and the French and American revolutions. The time of great sparks! Reason, brilliance, luminance ... self-validation and self-determination. This is really when human beings began to appreciate the value of the idiosyncrasy of a particular thinker. “THIS dude’s contribution” etc. Rights, laws, freedom, were all in vogue. “Here I am!” say the fire signs.
Water 1425-1602
Just as materialist scientism was born out of the liberating thought of the enlightenment, so were the insights of the enlightenment enabled by the world-broadening discoveries of the renaissance. During the water epoch, everyone was sailing everywhere, being introduced to new cultures, and the “new world” was reached by the Europeans. At home, classics of antiquity were being rediscovered and the world was broadened in that sense. Shakespeare was poppin off in a big way. The concept of the stage is essentially water; water is the idea that there is an affective component to reality at all.
Air 1226-1424
Is it a coincidence that the least widely known stage of the cycle is the one we are now entering? Or is that just the nature of history, as it fades further into the past? This period was called, in the West, the “high medieval” era. It was marked by civic demarcations that more or less persist to this day—the previous few hundred years saw constantly changing borders, but now people grouped more firmly into ethnic or national identities drawn to territories. This is also where we got chivalry and the first real rights for women in a long time. And there was the discovery of an actual social life and leisure. “Hanging out” was invented, thank God.
Reality itself received a major patch update: we invented mechanical clocks, which caused people to relate to the passage of time in a totally new way. We used to just slice up the sunrise-to-sundown period into 12 equal parts; now hours were a constant length throughout the year. Common folk had glass windows in their homes for the first time, and the elite even wore glass in front of their eyes to correct their vision. Music became much more complex, as people had more time to take it seriously and form theories. People could go to libraries; for the first time ever there were more books in cities than in monasteries. Cities were finally the place to be. We invented the compass, the game of chess, and the printing press. The astrolabe, like the compass, allowed us to orient ourselves to something that was formerly hopelessly abstract (the stars). Most of this cool shit came from the Arab world, which was flourishing.
Air Epoch 2.0 That’s the historical overview. Obviously there is much, much more there for any anthropologist or history of philosophy ass person. But we are beginning to see some idea of the relation between the qualities symbolized by the elements and the respective periods. Now we can begin a more informed speculation.
The movement from the previous earth age to the previous air age seems to be one of dramatically more complex social relations. Less emphasis on the riches of a kingdom, and more emphasis on its culture, civility, and sophistication. Abstract things became the treasures. As we look to our own incoming air epoch, it is easy to envision a world that places more emphasis on networks instead of objects. Social media, gig economy, and blockchain all appear to be prefigurations of this. In terms of philosophy, it no longer seems very radical to conceptualize oneself as part of a universe whose essential composition is not defined by particles (nouns) but relations and processes (verbs).
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What Was Babylon? I ain’t no student of ancient culture. Until a few months ago, I didn’t even know Babylon was where Iraq is. Of course I think it would behoove all of us to research as much as possible the previous instantiation of this astrological aspect, but I also think it’s valid to speak about its cultural impact through a layman’s osmosis.  As far as I can tell: what is Babylon best remembered for? The miraculous hanging gardens, the Tower of Babel, and the law code of Hammurabi. Hammurabi’s code, inscribed onto a stele about a century after the founding of Babylon is celebrated as the first known written laws, some 190 edicts long—and by the estimation of modern scholars, supremely humanitarian for its time. What is the modern equivalent of the ancient innovation of codified laws? Hard to fathom, but something for us to consider as the new age dawns.
More famously, there is the story of the Tower of Babel. A persistent image of human hubris, even today people respond to the tower motif as a symbol of defiance of God or of nature, and it is routinely invoked when artists and pundits comment on the ecological folly of industrial enterprise. Human beings tried to use their intellectual capacities to reach the position of God. Without reading the Bible, I can tell you that the punishment for this was the diversification of languages. All of a sudden people couldn’t speak to each other, because there were so many ways to speak.
Today we take for granted the many languages of human beings, so what is the modern equivalent of this event? Taken as a metaphor, the variation of languages could represent a variation of worldview. Styles of interfacing with reality. Because the element of air is so closely associated with concepts like perception, the structuring of thought, communication, and virtual realities, we might imagine that in the new age we will begin to understand just how deeply diversified our mechanisms of interpreting reality are. Phenomenology seems like a pretty fringe field in our current world, but AI is certainly not; and content creators have increasingly brought phenomenological themes to the center of their work over the last couple decades. Just as the previous air epoch (12/1300s) saw the advent of movable type, perhaps we will soon develop novel means of recording our impressionistic realities.
Finally, Babylon was host to the famous hanging gardens. Supposedly built by king Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife who missed the natural beauty of Iran, it is still unclear whether this wonder of the world ever existed in physical reality. In any case, the story is relevant: a ruler, in the midst of tremendous infrastructural expansion, and with it the inevitable subjugation of nature, finds that his greatest cultural influence across the centuries is ecological restoration. Looking at these three legacies of Babylon together is rather interesting: the law code stele, though purportedly divine in origin, is unquestionably real to our materialist sensibilities—you can go and see it. The Tower of Babel, taken from the Bible, was probably not real in the same fundamental way; though there was without question a great ziggurat in Babylon, the Biblical account is not literal. The hanging gardens is the most mythological. So between the three we have different concentrations of myth and historical fact.
Second Second Life I write this in the first few weeks of social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. There is much more to be said about the connection between this unprecedented social condition and the imminent radical astrology—maybe the subject of some other essay. But off the dome, we can see plainly the defaulting of Capricornian things: governments, businesses, economies, and social infrastructure. Without much of a choice, we are withdrawing our energy from the material to which we are accustomed. We’re cooped up in our houses, where the merciful currents of the internet continue to draw us on, to operate in cyberspace as normal. New social functions and vocabularies are already emerging as we are forced to reconsider the online networks that have seemed so toxic for the last few years. People find themselves operating “peer to peer” out of necessity. Some “inessential” products may no longer be available on amazon, but your neighbor might have them. More importantly, people are reaching out to each other for nothing more than human contact. We’ve been wringing our hands about the importance of human connection, but capitalism—through spectacle or stranglehold—has drawn us away from putting it first.
Social service is (along with certain essential aspects of the internet) ruled by Aquarius. Saturn, governor of concern, has already ingressed into this sign, but will retrograde back out in a few months; and then at the end of the year, it will be joined by Jupiter, who greases the wheels, expands the potentiation of Saturn’s concern, and affords prosperity to those who take social service seriously. And together they will inaugurate the new age.
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Planetary nodes and how they work
Planetary nodes and how they work
The best, most recent example to show how planetary nodes work happened in the first quarter of 2020, and we all know what happened back then. It’s no surprise that something peculiar happened in the sky during this world-shaking time: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct and they were conjunct their own south nodes at the same time. Since it takes Jupiter about 12 years for coming full circle…
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saturniandevil · 3 years
October 2021 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s October Forecast. Dates are based off US Mountain Time and may be a day earlier in the Eastern Hemisphere.
We’re going into the month with a Mercury that has just stationed retrograde in Libra. This was part of a larger stellium in Libra, including Mars there, and our hosts mention events at the Met Gala manifesting Austin’s images of Mars in the art gallery for last month’s podcast.
Additionally, after a few months of hiatus, this is going to be Kelly’s last episode 😭😭 She’s going to be focusing on her own projects, including classes and writing her book. She’s been doing this show with Chris for five years  so it’ll be sad to see her go, but she’s got her on YouTube channel (kellysastrology) for any who want to keep up with her.
Here’s the astro weather for the first week of October (3rd-9th)
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October 3rd - Mercury (rx) trine Jupiter (pictured weekly but not monthly) Due to the retrograde, Mercury has been within 3° of trine with Jupiter and will continue to be so over the next couple weeks, and he’s also hanging out in close orb to a square with Pluto. Pluto as a planet calls us to investigate the unconscious or investigate power dynamics, which when contacting Mercury can give us a quality of truth serum. Pluto can open the door to the underworld, and Mercury can traverse all three realms mythologically, so we can describe this contact with images of exploring underground caves and tunnels--getting lost, not knowing what you’ll find, or initiation rituals. With Jupiter involved we also see the search for truth and expanding--think of searching for the truth in a way that small things get blown up into something much larger. This sequence will come back to us strongly in early November.
October 6th - New Moon in Libra, Pluto stations Direct The New Moon at 13° of Libra, with Mars conjunct both the Sun and Moon at that degree as well (Mars conjuncts the Sun one day every two years). This adds a sharp, itchy or irritating quality to this lunation, which is further emphasized by the Moon’s ruler Venus being in Mars’s sign Scorpio. With Mars in a difficult place, and with Pluto moving around here, this is the start of something that’s not quite apparent yet (we won’t be able to see Mars in the sky for awhile). Mars in Libra reminds us of tact and decorum--how do we follow the rules of engagement and still be effective? Mars being invisible takes us hidden into the earth, looking at the source of our conflicts.
Pluto stationing direct after a veeery long retrograde will further blow things out of proportion--making small things big and big things small. (See the previous transit for more on Pluto.)
October 7th - Venus enters Sagittarius With all these planets in Libra, it’ll be a nice break to have Venus leave Scorpio. Mutable, firey Sagittarius will get things going again--thought it may take a couple days to really feel because Venus is on the South Node when she first enters the sign. The Moon will join both of these at 2° of Sagittarius as well, really emphasizing the themes of the eclipse cycle from earlier this year. Additionally, rx Mercury will conjoin Mars in her sign Libra while Venus experiences decrease from the Dragon’s Tail, so be prepared for some combativeness.
October 9th - Sun conjunct Retrograde Mercury in Libra This is the renewal of Mercury’s synodic cycle, and while he’s combust when close enough to be hidden by the Sun, this exact moment elevates our solar consciousness. It’s a moment to experience a pure Mercury in Libra archetype.
Here’s the weekly astro weather for the week of October 10th:
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October 10th - Saturn stations Direct in Aquarius Kelly describes this as a slow change of gears, or a change in situations where we’ve been treading water. Saturn’s getting ready to do more work in Aquarius (he’ll station direct in the sign again next year). This is going to intensify whatever Saturn’s trek through Aquarius has brought up for us. This is a good time to rearrange things before we start to have more trouble from the fixed signs in November.
Week of October 17th:
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October 18th - Jupiter stations Direct in Aquarius, Mercury stations Direct in Libra Now the ball’s really rolling--Jupiter, for one, is prepping for his last hurrah in Aquarius, so this station is like an intermission before the final act of a show. Jupiter’s trek into Pisces corresponded with some lockdown restrictions loosening up in the US, so his direct station near dry, separating Saturn may indicate some new developments along those lines (likely involving some intellectual, technology-based fix).
Mercury in Libra, along with Mars and the Sun, will be making trines over to Jupiter in Aquarius, so these houses of our natal charts may be finding some harmony and help with each other.
October 20th - Full Moon at 27 Aries The Sun and Moon are squaring Pluto as well, with Mars conjoining the Sun and adding extra pressure to this lunation. Mars trines Jupiter the day before, which may offer a more constructive path, but he also squares Pluto the day after, so we may have some subtle and complex issues going on. We’ll have a more direct image of this when Mars enters domicile in Scorpio later in the month. A strong Mars can just power through whatever it needs, but when something’s sapping his vitality that might not be sustainable.
October 23rd - Sun enters Scorpio With the advent of Scorpio season comes the beginning of pressure on that Saturn-Uranus square. The Venus-Jupiter sextile on the 28th is a little treat for us before we experience the astrology of November, which Austin predicts to be the most challenging month of the year.
Week of October 24th:
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October 30th - Mars enters Scorpio Mars will spend a couple months in this sign, activating the Saturn-Uranus square, and with eclipses coming up as well, things are really ramping up. Mars will also become visible before dawn again while in Scorpio. This is the beginning of this year’s final bout of fixed sign tensions--with Mars in Taurus on January 6th, and Mars in Leo back in July, I have no doubt we’re going to see some big world events next month. Mars has a lot of dignity and will square dignified Saturn as well, with Uranus aggravating their tensions once again.
Once a revolution gets started, there’s no way of stopping it. Be careful with what conflicts you join, lest you get stuck having to endure a war of attrition, according to Austin. Kelly reminds us that troops can only hold out as long as there are supplies, and Chris advises viewers to build up our supplies in October so we’re prepared to hunker down and weather the coming conflicts.
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satsangat · 3 years
May 30, 2021 – Astrotransits
You have certainly recognized Mars opposite Pluto since the first week in May, when news about violence exploded all over the world. When Mars entered Cancer, the Moon, Cancer ruler, was exactly squaring. Not a good omen for the public (associated with the symbolism of the Moon). I think that since then, Mars has already shown his arms and gave us a taste of what the opposition to Pluto on June 5th may bring, considering that the Moon will also be EXACTLY squaring from Aries! In addition, that will happen in the middle of the Eclipse portal.
As I said before, keep in mind that when they are in a tense aspect, they don’t bring anything good. Here, I have to remind you that Mars Pluto conjunction (beginning of their synodic cycle) happened March 22, 2020! I’m pretty sure you remember that date very clearly. I don’t have to tell you that the whole Mars Pluto cycle is engraved with the pandemic signature, and the opposition is the maximum potential of it.
Not only that but since that microscopic organism has been able to shake the big powers of the world, they are desperate gripping with tooth and nail to whatever they have been able to grasp. All those Capricorn conjunctions in 2020 let them think that they are invincible, probably because it was so easy to hog even more wealth and power to control.
However, in Astrology we all know that energies come in polarities. As soon as one pole goes out of control, the other pole pulls back until the balance is reestablished. This is a fundamental law of physics that those in power choose to ignore to their own detriment. It often happens that the other pole pulls so hard that itself goes out of control, and round and round it goes.
I’d like to illustrate this with the events in France, for example, September 5, 1793 when the powers had gone too far out of control. Saturn in Taurus was square Uranus in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, and opposite Jupiter. Pluto comes back to Aquarius in 2024 for 20 years, during which Saturn will square him twice and oppose him once, and Uranus will oppose him once also from Leo. Many of us probably won’t see those days. Even though History doesn’t repeat itself, the themes keep spiraling around taking Humanity towards a higher level of consciousness.
Governments around the world are now easing on social restrictions, travel bans are lifted under certain conditions (Saturn retrograde and Jupiter in Pisces). People are regaining confidence and are eager to go back to ‘normal’. However, the astrology doesn’t agree too much with that. Enjoy while it lasts. We may get respite for a little while, but we’re not out of the woods yet, on the contrary. Jupiter will come back to Aquarius at the end of July, Mars will form a T-square 1st of July with Uranus and Saturn and Uranus turns retrograde in August. Things will get rough and bumpy over the summer.
Remember that the Saturn Pluto conjunction that marked the beginning of the crisis, is a long-lasting synodic cycle. During the next 33 years, the foundational structures of society, geopolitics and the distribution of power will undergo a profound transformation that will bring Humanity to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Pisces in 2054. Keep the long-term goal in mind throughout these challenging times. Sat Nam Picture, Gebhard Fugel, David & Goliath.
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April to November 2020 -
The Summer of Stormy Eclipses & Jupiter Pluto Conjunction
“Chipping around, kick my brains around the floor, These are the days it never rains but it pours” ...
~ Under Pressure
It’s like David Bowie had seen the future we live today. It’s the title song of my Aries season as this Jupiter Pluto conjunction starts playing it’s tangible role meeting Sun and Mercury till 25/26 April in harsh aspect with Pluto standing still at its full potency about to go retrograde on 25th April.
Can you feel the pressure ? Everyone can ... from pressure come truth bombs & real growth, so let’s see what comes out of this for us. We will go into each sign as usual in part 2 of this post but let’s get clear on what it is cause there is an astrological aspect soup in the Sky right now.
I apologise this report was tough to write & I am sure it will be tough to hear, I rarely post these kind of reports. But looking at expectations for global events we would see how at an individual level we can contribute to growth that comes through this crisis and hopefully together we see deeper meaning of what’s about to come.
Jupiter meets Pluto every 12.5 years like any outer planets meeting in their path around Sun (synod) - this meeting defines global events but especially economic events.
Economic events have been historically clearly linked with this cycle, the conjunction being catalyst for growth that comes through popping of a bubble - truth coming to light, draining fake accomplishments & then becoming catalysts of growth away from previous cycle, away from our comfort zone. I had written about this in the 2020 introduction note along with the 12 Jan event on New Years - the note is pinned on the Facebook page for you to see sign specific focus of this aspect.
I had mentioned both US shifting it’s stance on severity of virus before the spread & further emphasise on economic crisis in my March note.
Do see April video if you haven’t on views of upcoming aspects on timelines of year ahead.
While these two planets will meet three times between April to November- the heliocentric meeting of 31 July will reflect a clear transition of global events. This would be critical moment in economy & a marker of financial markets bubble popping. First meeting which is in April usually stokes ambition and even greed - we see corporations & markets take a bullish outlook and stoke the bubble expanding it bigger. Seeds are sown of growth but with objective to gain power over resources by a few - rich become richer essentially & social disparity grows. At personal level despite the obvious signs, we try to gain growth & more control over the life that’s over - life as we know is shifted so we must look to reinvent our growth channels putting seeds of new way of doing things versus sticking to doing what we have been doing. The things that used to make us feel in power & control won’t appeal to us anymore - definition of growth will be reinvented in our individual capacities.
Central banks throwing money at the problem for example fuelling the junk bubble of large corporates & defunct industries is lower manifestation. We will see unfounded optimism on old crutches in markets possibly in May due to that. Instead of working on evolution to new way of growth.
This all goes out of the window in summer when it becomes starkly clear that it isn’t going to function for future - second meeting geocentrically is on 30th June, smack in middle of eclipse season and right after Venus Retrograde when Goddess of love transforms to Goddess of war. Mayans used to use this transition of Venus to time wars.
Truth has no way to hide. Mars would have just entered Aries then and clashed with the karmic nodes (26/27 June) springing us into action cause we have just seen the gap between what we truly want and what we are getting with Venus Retrograde - at individual level we would want to rage a war to change the course of life - it will be a summer of people totally shifting what they do & who they want to become and ofcourse of shifts in post quarantine relationships.
This second meeting usually comes with a crisis of faith, belief & question - is this worth it ? A stark U-Turn!
This period in June we would see loss of faith in leadership, it will be time of failure of leaders & resignations, people’s opinion of the heads of companies and administration will shift enormously as possibly how many have been benefiting from the crisis will be revealed & power hungry identities will be brought to light. This period can be marked with severe storms & accidents as well especially transport or airline related.
Travel should be avoided even if allowed in June, especially around 5 June eclipse.
Pluto rules oil & the few rich elite with power and money - the mafia elite or real. Jupiter rules airline, trade & education industry and we have already seen that bubble burst of artificial high prices in oil and industry coming to a crashing halt but we are trying to still live the same way by strengthening the oil cartel and bandaging airline industry and pretending that trade truce exists. We would see another round of crash in June July when the leaders will move back on their economic promises during Venus Retrograde in first ten days of June. We could see the oil cartel walk back on their promises at the time - as well as trade treaties being broken. Overall Venus Retrograde in Gemini - we would see people walking back on their contracts & promises. Don’t take promises made right now on the word - Venus is walking the flaky degrees it will walk back on between 13 May to 25 June - people will reconsider giving you what they promised in life & money. Bailouts of oil industry & airline wouldn’t work and possibly fire back.
As the Jupiter Pluto conjunction is happening in zodiac sign of Capricorn opposing Cancer zodiac (tropical), industries which could be impacted include - Real Estate, mortgage debt, stone work, ceramic, building / construction & supplies for it, large corporations, small businesses, women rights, women run businesses, children linked businesses, small farms, milk products, sheep, goats, water linked services & ports.
We would see CEOs stepping down, ruling class & high society disclosures, loss of religious leaders & bubble bursts in terms of truth and this will come with a slew of bankruptcy of industries with over leverage / debt in July. We would see truth of the multi trillions bail outs as well.
Capitalism requires failures - bailouts only delay them so what’s going on right now & will continue in May is just bandaging & greed - there is no getting away from this cycle of fluff moving out of financial markets with over exaggerated stock prices - unfortunately Cancer industries opposite to Capricorn could suffer but only briefly - Capricorn archetype represents big industries and Cancer small businesses, small Farmers, families, child education businesses which will suffer briefly in the process. But with north node solar eclipse in Cancer small businesses, women & children linked businesses, small farms have opportunity to reinvent themselves & save themselves whereas large corporations wouldn’t have any short term solutions to do so and would see a structural breakup or breakdown.
Also small businesses would receive some levels of additional support with north node solar eclipse in June as it gives a new start while south node Capricorn eclipse in July will ask big corporates & administration to release something as truths come to surface especially in United States as the 5 July lunar eclipse falls on Sun of United States in 8th house of crisis & transformation.
June July will be a very volatile time for US due to loss of diplomacy & international affairs crisis as well during Venus Retrograde going between natal Uranus & Mars in 7th house of partnerships diplomacy of US chart. This is triggered by the first eclipse of the season on 5 June which is a Lunar eclipse at 15° Sag square Mars in Pisces - t square of underhanded actions. International diplomatic affairs will go through a wringer in early June in wake of Venus retrograde and this very volatile eclipse of 5th June - which we would start feeling from end May.
This would be followed by 21 June solar eclipse at 0°21’ Cancer which is is conjunct Ascendant & Uranus of North Korea pointing to escalation in that direction. We would see a warning shot fired as early as 25/26 April when this eclipse of 21 June is getting activated by the nodes. But it would not be taken seriously.
Pluto is also going retrograde on 25/26 Apr within orb of natal Pluto in house of resources of United States - that’s why I believe both the diplomatic crisis & financial will strike together during summer with a trigger seen now in last week of April which would be ignored in noise of current moment. Bubbles in Pluto Jupiter burst not because of it being a surprise but more due to greed & complacency or overconfidence.
Pluto rules nuclear energy and July heliocentric conjunction in aftermath of unstable eclipses can be a dramatic. This along with 5 July eclipse were part of astrological configuration involved in 9/11. Though nothing is exactly same but this time between the eclipse of 21 June is happening within one degree of karmic nodes - this is instant event which isn’t long pronged but what would brew in this short period between 25 April to 21 June with diplomatic escalation in first ten days of June.
5 July lunar eclipse eclipse at 13°38’ Capricorn as I mentioned opposes Sun of United States square natal Saturn - this would be a tough eclipse on incumbent President and administration of US. Activation of this eclipse happened in September 2019 with the start of impeachment process in that month. This was the eclipse involved in events leading upto 9/11 as well. But this eclipse has repercussions way beyond United States as charts of major countries are engaged in this eclipse - UK, Russia, Germany for sure bringing pressure on Euro, Canada, Russia, Australia. I am not in politics so not sure what’s the common threat between these nations.
The eclipses don’t directly interact with China but they are very much leading from Jupiter Pluto conjunction in 12th house Jupiter of China’s chart. That’s where Covid began with Saturn Pluto conjunction Nov-Feb. Jupiter meeting this point will clearly bring out how China in a hidden fashion whether willingly or not are benefiting from this unfortunate crisis. This crisis will tilt the balance of power between the two Super powers. Pluto return of United States will threaten it’s position as largest economy in the world and these events have the power to shift that position.
I know I am taking this call when trillions are being thrown to ensure economic recovery & we will see some of it in May but as I have mentioned in my previous posts - Jupiter Pluto heliocentric(as seen from Sun) conjunction in July burst bubbles & Pluto is within orb of natal Pluto of United States in house of finances & value system.
This will hurt American economy very differently than China, where in US chart Saturn conjuncts natal south node all the way to 2021 in house of finances and in 2021 it will square Uranus in 6th - prolonged financial troubles and social divide. We will talk of Saturn square Uranus in 2021 separately though we are seeing preview of it right now as both planets are in loose square. All tangible strides that human civilisation has taken in name of advancement has engaged Saturn-Uranus cycle. Magna Carta - all men are created equal, American Revolution, World Wide Web, Euro, Napster as well as Putin & Harvey Weinstein were birthed under Saturn Uranus cycle. We will have a society revolution at our doors in 2021 and you would see a preview of it while Saturn is in Aquarius till 1 July as it’s in loose square to Uranus right now. Questioning boundaries, restrictions, people shaming each other for having different opinions, division like a chasm forming in a society but at same time ground breaking inventions & biggest tech breakthroughs which would be made available to large set of population.
That’s all for 2021 taking roots now.
In this unrest people who invent or espouse solutions to blend the past with future will gain - pairing the offbeat ahead of time ideas with new way of living new rules. Have an eye on your contribution to society in face of volatility as Saturn in Aquarius will take our vision through the wringer as a preview till July.
This cycle will possibly break up Euro which was birthed in the last square. We could see a civil war in America next year along with clear division in society, driver being the 14 December eclipse which is key for Trump and would be a catalyst. We could only do our part in these cycles - which is follow the principles of North Node in Gemini & South Node in Sagittarius as I mentioned in our videos - stick to concrete data & stay off extreme belief system, prejudice, stay in present moment, concrete practical commercial skills come into play & use versus generic ideologies. Upgrade your practical skills, Street smart skills, language skills, tech skills & your communication devices - stay with what you know in name of data without attachment to a specific belief system. Don’t listen to gurus, don’t listen to me, don’t listen to astrology if it feels like a cult or blind faith without use of concrete data & rules - stay with what you know in data & facts not perceived facts & belief system.
Unsubscribe to news or channels that pollute your thinking as I mentioned in the video - through north node in Gemini we manifest our destiny to existence through our mind & talk. Stand guard of your mind & learn practical stuff that can be implemented quickly and now. Stick to simple, local businesses using real life skills & talents versus generic global concepts - think of time following 9/11 and how globalisation went out of the window as did global travel.
Coming back to current moment.
Pluto is lord of underworld and brings rebirth through disruption, storms, crisis & acts through our subconscious. Usually an external catalyst causes deep emotional reaction which drives us to bring a big shift in our life. Gut gnawing emotions become our source of growth when Jupiter & Pluto meet. It’s disruptive, it’s raw, it’s real - everything that’s safe is violated by this invasive planet (Pluto) touching our knowledge & faith (Jupiter) in a way freeing us from our own self even if that’s not perceived as such in that moment.
Pluto standing still brings the crisis & fear part of this cycle to obvious external display especially as its standing in connection with Mercury & Sun - fear of survival, death, change, transformation, of letting go yet subconscious drive to not wanting to accept limitations, control issues anymore. That’s the moment where we stand today to early May.
Old is being demolished but what “new” needs to be build isn’t clear yet - in this first contact of Jupiter Pluto cycle. Most cycles only have one contact - back in Dec 1994 we had one, then Dec 2007 we had one - but as unique 2020 is we got 8 months of this with exact contacts in April then in June & lastly in Nov. But as I mentioned July heliocentric meeting would normally bring a global economic event to pass & its usually burst of an economic bubble - fallen angels as it’s called in financial markets.
At personal level we would also feel clear markation of transition from one cycle to another & we would be bursting our own bubbles to see some truths which would ultimately become source of power & strength for us.
Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom is a key participant in this cycle. She is a Greek warrior Goddess who represents win of diplomacy & strategy over conflict and shows us a way. Greek myth goes as Gods decreed Sea God Poseidon and Wise Goddess Pallas to present a gift to the city to earn guardianship. Who will be the protector? Poseidon gifted Horse and Pallas Athena gifted Olive tree. Horse was majestic royal show piece but did nothing in name of usefulness for stony ground of the city. Olive tree on the other hand would benefit larger set of citizens and will flourish over time.
She sets a different example - she is a woman in the man’s world. She is a warrior without hostility & brutality - she is cerebral, the weaver of patterns, she knows how to link ideas together , see the pattern of current times and create a war strategy.
She points to claiming your power through wisdom in crisis & conflict - keeping your head, objectivity is strength here & it’s going to be tough to come by as we are all being put through the wringer. She is represented as a diamond on top of a cross - purity, clarity, impartial to emotional pull of either side cause there will be two warring sides - what did you expect we have six months of Mars in Aries and we are reaching Saturn Uranus square of 2021 - revolution is knocking on our doorsteps just look around at the divided society we are living in - key raw material for it. But I digress from the solution -
She sees patterns of human behaviour in current moment - reads the direction of wind - understands that world is shifting & instead of fighting it - creates new strategies for it. She is a brain child literally born out of the brain of Zeus / Jupiter - she is a brain wave, she is non judgmental intuition - do you see it ? Can we try to stay objective & see it ? A heavenly flash pointing to a talent, an opportunity, a pattern we have been missing before.
This brain wave in the current moment can help us plant a seed of growth provided we stay objective & see what the current moment is showing us - it’s popping a bubble - can we take it, can we see beyond the pain of it so see the writing on the wall of what’s ahead for us so we can take right strategic move.
It will get easier - once the Sun and Mercury are done squaring Pluto Jupiter till end Apr along with conjunction to Uranus. Mid May these will be trines - easier to execute but squares in April create stress enough for us to do something about it. It’s a gift of obsession that needs to be productively channeled. End goal is more prosperity & mastery but through dogged determination but more importantly through adaptability.
Growth comes from crisis that gets rid of fluff & pretence. But growth comes with the intention to have more power & control (Pluto). Sense of expansion is strongly attached to sense of power over others - we see that clearly in chart of people who have Jupiter Pluto conjunction provided they interact with their personal planet else a whole set of people born in those years would be billionaires and power hungry.
Month of July will bring us closer to truth through a crisis or realisation - it will come after Venus & Mercury retrogrades in June - is it worth it - quintessential question - we would try to see our life path through the veil of happiness and many of us will take a total u turn in what we do for our living, it will provoke a crisis of faith & belief globally in July in administration & big corps as it happens in Capricorn
Through this gut wrenching feeling will come the intensity to doggedly pursue expansion of power in specific area of our life though underlying theme is career, life path & abundance - having more power over own time & resources as well as happiness in having it. It’s restructuring our life for power, autonomy, seeking prosperity - it’s obsession of something we truly want.
Focus on a life change - a project of consequence to shift your status for long term, change the structure of your body, your knowledge your thinking, your inner wiring. It’s going to introduce you to you - it will make you own your own desires - channel the intensity you are feeling - the passion, the rage, the anger, the jealousy - all the things we are told we shouldn’t feel but we would feel - our so called shadow side - to get what your soul desires. Don’t waste it in trying to convince anyone else about the validity of your dream or about the value of you - it’s an obsession but it’s yours - you have the ability to propel it in right direction.
So now in part 2 let’s see where would you feel the intensity to make something big happen, where some truth bombs will drop in releasing you to expand authentically with more power organisationally / mentally / physically ! Remember it’s all happening in zodiac sign of Capricorn - so we go cautiously optimistic & with a plan.
It’s the same area by sign that I covered in the 2020 post on New Years by sign -
Disclaimer - Views presented here are not equivalent to investment advice for professional or non professional investors, they are purely based on historic synods of Saturn Pluto Jupiter
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goodvibesatpeace · 5 years
Astrology: Birth Charts, Cycles, Angles and Ancient Symbolism
Have you ever wondered what the Pentagram actually means? How about the Star of David (Seal of Solomon), or the Sumerian 8 pointed Star of Inanna?
These symbols are all thought to be references to astrology. The points on the stars are the geometric angles made between planets in the sky; the points on the stars represent planets, and the astrological angles between them.
The Seal of Solomon represents Sextiles and Trines, and the star of Inanna represents Oppositions and Squares.
90 degree angles, 180 degree angles, 60 degree angles, these ancient symbols were geometric codes embedded into ancient artifacts, preserving a blueprint for an understanding of astrology.
Your soul is a snapshot of the Solar System at your time of birth. A photograph.
The geometric angles made between planets in the sky at your time of birth, in your birth chart, define the inherent characteristics of your soul.
Along with the constellations the planets are in, this is how astrology works- it’s a mix of geometric angles made between planets, and the constellations the planets are in (the 13 constellations of the zodiac, as all planets except the dwarf planets are on the Ecliptic Plane).
If you go deeper, the individual stars that align with your planets also define you, and every degree of every sign is different.
Looking at your birth chart, an astrologer can tell you your deepest inherent characteristics with 100% certainty. Without ever having met a person, an astrologer can take your birthchart and tell you who you are, down to the most private and hidden aspects of your soul.
Astrology is the clock upon which all events occur, the measure of why every individual behaves in their unique inherent way, and the one sure way to understand the future and the past.
Uranus and Pluto — The Synodic Cycles of Revolution
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Your soul is connected to every planet in the solar system; the planets are physical pieces of the code of your soul, each one of them being a physical component of your being. Every planet in the solar system governs a set of archetypical traits that compose your core being, your inherent self, and your soul.
For example, Uranus governs intuition and the flow of thoughts, ideas, creativity, and revolution. This is more than a mere metaphor; when Uranus makes angles in the sky to slow moving Neptune or Pluto, the effects are seen for years, and revolutions literally occur.
Historically, the accuracy of these cycles is proven again and again.
2012-2015, a kind of awakening has occurred globally, has it not? In 2013, Egypt saw the largest protests in the history of the world, drawing over 20 million people.
These revolutions of the mind and outside the mind were predicted in the 60’s and 70’s by astrologers- we’re currently living through the Uranus Pluto Square.
This was the aspect held in the birthcharts of revolutionaries born around 1933- including Martin Luther King, John Africa from Philadelphia activist group “MOVE”, and more.
After 1933, the next angle between Uranus and Pluto was the sextile, 1942-1944. In this era, the next wave of revolutionaries were born including Huey P Newton of the Black Panthers (Who founded the Black Panthers with Bobby Seale of the 1933 Uranus square Pluto generation).
If you look close, there is a common characteristic between these generations who share the same outerplanetary angles.
The 1960’s revolution
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So tell me this; why were the 1960’s so revolutionary? What made all of those people decide they wanted to protest, try psychedelics, form a new culture, and transform like that? Americans certainly didn’t inherit those ideas from their parents or peers, so where did the waves of culture come from?
The 1960’s were the most intense phase of the Uranus/Pluto cycles in the 20th century. 1965-1967, we saw the peak of the wave of culture, and the peak of the Uranus Pluto Conjunction (alignment).
As with any generation, those born in that era of time permanently have that energy embedded into them. Uranus is the seat of nearly all of the characteristics of the 60’s; Uranus is Aquarius, ideas, revolution, creativity, experimentation, freedom, music and the arts, everything that defines the 60’s.
Pluto is a powerhouse, an incomprehensibly powerful beam of light that adds voltage to anything it touches. In the charts of billionaires, Pluto is conjunct Jupiter (the planet of wealth and abundance).
In the charts of serial killers, Pluto makes harsh angles to Mars, like Joseph Stalin’s Mars-Pluto Opposition. So in the 60’s, Pluto added power and intensity to revolutionary Uranus, and look at what came out of it.
To sum it up, here are the 7 most revolutionary eras and generations of the 20th century. This goes for the whole world:
    1933 – Uranus Square Pluto
    1942 – Uranus Sextile Pluto
    1965 – Uranus Conjunct Pluto
    1978 – Uranus Semisextile Pluto (mild)
    1986 – Uranus Semisquare Pluto (mild)
    1996 – Uranus Sextile Pluto
    2012-2015 – Uranus Square Pluto
Predictive Astrology – Eras of Life and the Outer Planets
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It works like this; the planets in the sky at any given moment, they make angles to your birthchart.
If you take your birthchart, and lay it on top of a chart of any given moment, and then see what angles are made between the planets at that moment and the planets at your birth, you have the code of that moment in time and you can accurately predict how you are going to feel, and what is likely to happen.
For instance, if Neptune were at 15 degrees Pisces, and your natal (birthchart) Pluto were at 15 degrees Sagittarius, Neptune would be squaring your Pluto. This is because Neptune’s current position forms a 90 degree angle to where Pluto was at your time of birth- a Square.
If Neptune were instead at 15 degrees Aquarius, it would be sextiling Pluto. That would be a positive and transformative aspect, rather than a shocking, bottomless pit of Neptunian depth mixed with Plutonian intensity like a Neptune-Pluto Square would be.
Over thousands of years, people have analyzed what happens when individuals experience certain angles.
For example, when Neptune squares a person’s natal Pluto. When that angle happens to a person, an astrologer takes note of what happens to them. Once multiple people are observed experiencing the same angle and they all have the same things in common happen to them, you have tangibly determined the effects of an astrological angle.
Over time, astrologers have defined every single angle, with razor sharp accuracy.
Because it is as tangible as mathematics, anybody can start interpreting astrology with just a bit of effort- all you have to do is use a Synastry Calculator to calculate a person’s angles they are experiencing at any given time. Or if you’re experienced, all you need is the charts.
Then to see what era of their life they are in, you look at the outerplanetary angles- the angles made to their planets by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are angles that last months, or a few years.
For instance, if you’ve gone through a Pluto transit, such as Pluto Conjunct Sun, you’ve had your life completely transformed from top to bottom over the span of about 2 years.
A devastating or life changing event was probably the trigger of this; it exploded on you, and your life was transformed for a year after that. If you are Sagittarius, you experienced Pluto conjunct your Sun somewhere between 1996 and 2008. If you are Capricorn, your experience comes 2008-2024.
Through this understanding, an astrologer can take your chart and tell you years in advance when eras of extreme change strike.
They can tell you when a period of spiritual awakening will come (Uranus/Pluto related usually), when a time of extreme hardship will come (Saturn/Pluto), when a period of lack of focus will come (Mercury/North Node), when a period of economic prosperity will come (Jupiter/Venus), when an era of irritation with others and conflict will come (Mars), everything you can imagine.
The Angles of Astrology and Ancient Symbolism
The primary angles in Astrology include the Conjunction, Opposition, Sextile, Trine, and the Square. Other equally significant but less known angles include the Sesquiquadrate, Quintile, Decile, Semisquare, Semisextile.
The Trine and Sextile are the ‘easy’ aspects, the positive ones. These are the angles of reward, gain, peace, happiness, pleasure, and the smooth flow of ideas and energy.
This is one trine – (when two planets are this many degrees apart, a line is drawn between them in a chart):
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This is one sextile:
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A Grand Trine is 3 trines, a perfect triangle:
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And a Seal of Solomon is 6 Trines and sextiles:
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The Star of David or Solomon’s Seal is composed of 2 triangles on top of eachother- These are 2 astrological Trines.
A Sextile is an astrological angle very similar to the Trine, but not as strong- a Sextile is a 60 degree angle formed between 2 planets- or 2 points next to eachother on the Seal of Solomon.
The Seal of Solomon is thought to be nothing but a symbol of the astrological Trines and Sextiles; that’s why it can be found in ancient cultures all over the world.
The 8 pointed star of Inanna represents the malefic angles. It would make sense, as Inanna/Ishtar is the goddess/god of War, Greed, and Lust.
The Square and Opposition are considered primarily malefic but not unnecessary to the balance of life, causing disaster, problems boiling over, tension, hard lessons, and a need to use the tense but fiery energy towards something constructive.
Squares or Oppositions between certain planets are not malefic, but most are. For example, Jupiter improves and expands everything it touches. It’s almost impossible for Jupiter to be malefic.
The Opposition is the angle of war itself. 9/11 occurred on an exact opposition of arguably the 2 most destructive planets, Saturn and Pluto (When Saturn was in the US War aspect of Saturn in Gemini).
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This is 2 Squares, or a T-Square- 2 Squares and one Opposition: 
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This is the Grand Cross Configuration, an extremely tense and energetic configuration of 4 Oppositions and Squares. This is found in the birthcharts of people like Charles Manson:
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Astrology is not a vague or imagined thing. It’s entirely tangible like mathematics; observable by multiple people, the same in each observation during multiple different circumstances.
This is the beginning of a series of articles on astrology that will delve even deeper into the topic.
Please share this with as many people as possible, especially people who need to know that astrology goes infinitely deeper than sun signs.
Astrology is the code of our soul, and it goes deeper than we may ever be able to comprehend. The tangible and objective analysis of astrology is the analysis of self.
Much love to all... go in peace my friends
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/astrology-of-december-2019-the-grand-finale/
Astrology Of December 2019 – The Grand Finale
Astrology Of December 2019 – The Grand Finale
By Astrobutterfly
2019 couldn’t have ended in a more grandiose manner. It’s like all the important transits of the year have been waiting for December.
When I write the monthly reports, I usually put the most important transit in the title, for example, “Uranus enters Taurus” or “Venus goes retrograde” but I just couldn’t pick just one asto event for the month of December, because there are simply too many things going on. 
There was a lot of build-up in 2019. 2019 was like a suspense movie, we’ve been given clues here and there, we’ve been left wondering, but things didn’t quite make sense. In December the plot will finally be revealed. This is the Grand Finale. 
Just have a look. In December 2019:
Jupiter enters Capricorn (this alone is the planetary ingress of the year)
We have a 5-planet Capricorn stellium + the Solstice
We have a Total Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (the last one… and it’s a South Node eclipse)
… and a dramatic Full Moon in Gemini (with Venus exactly conjunct Saturn and Pluto)
And of course, Saturn and Pluto are now less than 1 degree apart
Talking about Saturn conjunct Pluto. To say this is an important transit is an understatement.
The two have met last time in 1982, and since then, the world has changed dramatically. I wanted to say this is an explosive transit, but ‘explosive’ isn’t quite accurate. 
Saturn conjunct Pluto will feel more like an implosion, rather than an explosion. An ‘explosive’ transit would be a Mars transit. When we have a Mars transit, there’s a lot of inner tension that has to be played out. But Saturn and Pluto are the forces of nature themselves.
When they are in transit, there is a lot of pressure from the outside pushing in, causing everything around it to collapse. This doesn’t mean you will collapse, or that ‘collapse’ has to be something negative.
Everyone seems to be afraid of Saturn conjunct Pluto, but this transit is not as negative as it may seem. It is much deeper and complex and deserves a special report which I will send you in the coming weeks. I am also working on a brand new program on how to deal with Saturn, Pluto, and their new cycle, so keep this in the back of your mind, until I send you more details. 
But let’s have a look at the most important transits of the month:
December 2nd, 2019 – Jupiter Enters Capricorn
On December 2nd, 2019 Jupiter enters Capricorn. This is one of the most important transits of the year, because Jupiter only changes signs once a year, and when it does, it ALWAYS brings changes in your life.
Capricorn is a very hierarchical sign, dividing everything into classes and ranks, order and structure. Jupiter is pretty much the opposite – Jupiter loves coherence, and it’s monotheistic at its core.
Jupiter and Capricorn are pretty much antithetic, but this doesn’t mean Jupiter in Capricorn is not an absolutely magnificent transit. I already wrote a piece about Jupiter in Capricorn (there’s just so much to talk about) so keep an eye on your email on Monday to read more about this incredibly important transit. 
December 3rd, 2019 – Venus Conjunct The South Node
On December 3rd, 2019 Venus is conjunct the South Node of the Moon at 8° Capricorn. This is the second (and last) time the Goddess of love meets up with the Lord of Karma (we had the first conjunction in February 2019 at 25° Capricorn).
The South Node distills the quality of the planet it gets in contact with. Venus conjunct the South Node in Capricorn is like an expensive perfume that never gets out of fashion. Perhaps with a tint of musk.
Venus, the evening star, conjunct the South Node in Capricorn is in the essence of love: honest, wise, mature, enduring, everlasting. If you “want to know what love is” Venus conjunct the South Node is a good time to find out. 
December 8th, 2019 – Sun Square Neptune
On December 8th, 2019 Sun (at 16° Sagittarius) is square Neptune (at 16° Pisces). Sun is our identity, and Neptune is the planet of transcendence.
To grow, to evolve, we have to continuously reinvent ourselves. Sun square Neptune is one of those transits that will help us see beyond the limitations of our ego, beyond the limitations of what we’ve been told to believe it’s possible.
In reality (even if ‘reality’ is a world Neptune is not keen of) you can be whoever you want to be. Even if in the process you’ll have to lose yourself. 
December 9th – Mercury Enters Sagittarius
On December 9th, 2019 Mercury enters Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment. Mercury is in up for a fast ride in Sagittarius, because Mercury has caught quite a bit of speed now and will only spend 20 days in this sign.
When in Sagittarius, Mercury is blindfolded. Sagittarius is the sign of big-picture thinking, and big-picture thinking is not Mercury’s area of competence. He will have to rely on his intuition, and he’s not used to that (Mercury loves facts, what he can see, touch, or hear).
What does that mean for you? For the next 3 weeks, things will just fly by, leaving you bewildered. “What the hell just happened? “How could I not see it coming?”. There’s just too much to process this month, and Mercury will not be very helpful.
This month you want to follow your intuition, even if it comes difficult to you, even if you’re the logical/scientific, “I only believe in what I can see” type of person. 
December 12th, 2019 – Full Moon In Gemini
What a Full Moon! Venus is completely sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto (Saturn is at 19° Capricorn, Venus and 20° Capricorn, and Pluto at 21° Capricorn.) And the Full Moon (at 19° Gemini) is quincunx all of that.
AND, if that was not enough, on the same day, Chiron changes direction. The primal identity wound (Chiron direct at 1° Aries) can no longer be ignored. This time, we have to get to the heart of the matter (Venus conjunct Saturn and Pluto). No matter how.
Because the quincunx will ask you to find a creative solution. Pay special attention to this Full Moon, because it will reveal what the monumental Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020 is really about. 
December 12th, 2019 – Chiron Goes Direct 
Chiron stations direct on December 12th at 1° Aries. As with any slow-moving ‘planet’, changes in direction are more important than the retrogrades per se, and even more important than mosts transits.
So when Chiron goes stationary retrograde (once a year) and stationary direct (also just once a year, i.e. now) we feel its energy more strongly than when Mercury, Venus or Mars are square Chiron, for example.
So if you’re Chiron-sensitive (and if you’re into astrology, you probably are) Chiron stationary direct will reveal something very personal and vulnerable about yourself. Something you don’t feel easy about. But something that if you choose to explore and embrace, will eventually heal you. 
December 20th, 2019 – Mercury Square Neptune 
On December 20th, 2019 Mercury (at 16° Sagittarius) is square Neptune (at 16° Pisces). Mercury is the planet of perception, of how we make sense of the world.
Neptune blurs everything, showing us that beyond our perception (stimulus decoding and all of that) there is a higher truth, a truth that cannot be understood if we go with how our mind is designed to work.
The result? We get confused. We doubt everything. We even doubt ourselves. But this process is absolutely necessary, if we want to upgrade our understanding of reality and of ourselves.
Everything will start to make sense again, when Mercury will enter Capricorn and conjunct Saturn and Pluto, in January 2020.  
December 22nd, 2019 – Sun Enters Capricorn
Sun is now at 0° Capricorn, one of the 4 cardinal degrees of initiation, one of the 4 most potent degrees of the zodiac. 0° Capricorn is the southernmost circle of latitude, which means that the Sun is finally resuming its downward spiral and starts moving up again.
The Sun will eventually cross the celestial equator 4 months later, on March 21st, when the day will be equal to the night. Until then, let’s celebrate the “birth” of the Sun and wish all the Capricorns out there a happy birthday! 
December 25th/26th – Total Solar Eclipse In Capricorn
On December 25th or December 26th (depending on where you live) we have a Total Solar Eclipse at 4° in Capricorn. This is a South Node Eclipse, so it’s about completing a chapter.
This is a very important eclipse, and I can’t wait to write more about it. For now, I just want to mention that this is not a “bad” eclipse even if it’s connected with endings and even if we have that heavy Capricorn stellium. The Eclipse is conjunct Jupiter and trine Uranus, which are positive, supporting aspects. 
December 27th, 2019 – Sun Conjunct Jupiter  
On December 27th, 2019, Sun is conjunct Jupiter at 4° Capricorn. 
A new Sun-Jupiter synodic cycle begins, in the aftermath of the Solar Eclipse. Sun is our personal identity and Jupiter is the higher truth. This is a good time to examine our beliefs. Are they still valid? Do they still reflect the person we’ve become?
Today is a good time to start something that is connected to the role Jupiter plays in your chart (the house Jupiter rules, and the house where you have 4° Capricorn). 
December 29th, 2019 – Mercury Enters Capricorn
Mercury joins the Capricorn club (as if we didn’t have enough Capricorn ‘action’ already with the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node). So we now have a record of 6 planets in Capricorn and a lot of build-up for the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020.
This means that a particular area of your life gets special attention. Of course, that’s the house where you have Capricorn on the cusp. And that’s just the beginning. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is less than 1° apart now, and will become exact on January 2020. 
December 30th, 2019 – Sun Conjunct South Node
This is the Grand finale, my friends. After being epically eclipsed just a few days earlier, the Sun is now dissolving under the South Node, to be completely released from its Capricorn karma.
What a December! It’s been a lot going on, but it was all necessary. You’re now ready for a New Year. 
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crystal-wind · 5 years
The Great Mutation Cycle
The  great mutation cycles, of Jupiter and Saturn are regarded by Western mundane astrology as the Great Chronocrators, rulers  of the ages. Their recurring 20-year conjunction (synodic cycle) is the basis of three historic cycles.  First, their 20-years synodic cycle corresponds to a focus of social, cultural, and economic developments. Secondly, successive Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions occur in the same element, one complete cycle of three conjunctions, one in each of the three signs of  the element, a 60-year ( synodic cycle). Three 60 year cycles make up the Great Mutation Cycle. The 60-year cycle beginning in the cardinal phase of the element.
from Crystal Wind™ http://bit.ly/2ZkxHis via http://bit.ly/IAKUfj
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astrallines · 4 years
Earth to Air #01
The most pertinent astrological event of these years is the once-every-two-centuries transition in the elements of the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle. In December 2020, we are moving from an earth age to an air age. I will be cataloguing reflections and predictions, as well as amplifications of the elements and their zodiacal signs. Here are the first four.
Small Things and Small Views We are seeing deeper specialization, we are seeing narrower reality tunnels. The final act of the epoch of earth was kickstarted by the narrative of fake news, and relative truth. There were no longer supposedly objective news sources. Ideologies became more specific as milieus were reduced to echo chambers.
What I realize as I observe this is the movement from earth to air. Virgo is the airy part of earth, and rules sand, particles, and details. The microscope—and the tiny worlds emergent from observation through that tool—are ruled by Virgo. The finale of the atomic understanding of the universe is the overbearing strain of the intellect toward the asymptote of infinite detail. Ultra high resolution. Next, we shall not find bits, but qubits. We shall not find things, but processes. Not nouns, but verbs.
The Undead Dragon It doesn’t always go down like this, but in 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn conjoin for the final time in an earth sign, they will then be moving together, still close, into Aquarius, officially inaugurating the synodic air epoch.
That this earth-based synodic cycle should conclude with Capricorn is fitting, and even more fitting the continuity into Aquarius. These two signs are both ruled by Saturn, and are indeed the only adjacent signs ruled by the same planet. Thus even the proximity of these two signs testifies to Saturn’s constriction, endurance, and authority; the sun will always take twice as long to cross Saturn’s domain, as it is the only “double-space” on the board.
The entire tension of the last 30 years can be summed up between Capricorn and Aquarius, despite all the spectacular aspects in other signs during this time. But basically the cultural backdrop across much of the planet has been about the tightening of regulations and infrastructure amid struggles for independence. The capitalist narrative in the final act became less fascinated by the amount of goods it was possible to produce; nor was the focus anymore on the acquisition of land and deriving its highest yield. These stories were still around, but the new focus was on the abstraction of capital itself: people began to ask “how do we keep this going? How do we keep the system alive?” Like an increasingly desperate necromancer. And more and more bare was the inherent symbolic magic of the system, as banks were bailed out with conjured funds, and new companies with no profit were monstrously inflated with venture capital, their entire worth a fabrication of promise.
This is both Capricorn in decline, feebly attempting to carry on the work of prolonging the life of its institutions; and it is the anticipation of Aquarius, the wish, the hope, and that a company’s acumen is prized above the goods themselves.
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Virtual Black Squares In the black square too I see one of the final proclamations of the age of earth. The square (and cube) is a classical symbol of earthiness and materiality. Blackness too is associated with earth: the deepest, heaviest, earthiest hue. But it is no object that we are seeing in the black square: it is a digital image, a projection of light with no weight. It is not in one place, as a physical object is. It is diffuse across platforms. In this sense it anticipates the air epoch.
Earth is also the element of value. It is desire that coheres matter into form, and those forms inspire evaluation. Do I value the green cube or the blue cube? “Where I come from, we sit on blue cubes! We eat green food! These are my values!”
The black square phenomenon speaks to our collective experiments with value over the last 200 years. It reminds us that we are individuating away from objective materiality into deeper recognition of our personal reality tunnels. To some, they are posting the black square in informed solidarity; others post it as accidental sabotage; still others post it deliberately for counterrevolutionary purpose. When people look upon it, some see a dramatic collective statement; some see a tacky thing; some see a distraction. For certain casual witnesses, this cyberspace abstraction is their main statement on the historical moment.
During the revolutionary protests, the first widespread issue to cleave the gap in values was the “looting” of Target, a temple of goods. For some, the seizing of commodities was irrelevant to the issues of the protest; others sensed the close relationship between the capitalist temple and the racial and social inequality it engenders.
The multiplicity of values ignited and bared by the proliferation of the black square—this flat image that invokes the form of earth, but does not present it—is one fitting summary for what our preoccupation with material goods has born. America forgot that black lives have value, and now it believes black squares matter.
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Devil and Clown As it has stood til now, “the devil is in the details.” Virgo is the sign of detail, and the scientific paradigm of collecting an infinite amount of samples, rules, and categories has crept into the corporate and legal systems that rule the social order. In the US we find it is rather difficult to bring charges to a police officer, due to the meticulous legal attention it requires. The law finds a way to break down an incident into particles of appropriate size so that it can reconstruct it into a version that preserves itself.
There is an earth devil and an air devil, and the earth devil is the one who instrumentalizes the masses to its own purposes. This is the devil of fascism. By comparison, the air devil fills people with radical individual self-interest. That devil does not grow its arms into the polis, it turns people into violent free agents. If we are using Virgo, mercury-ruled, as one example of an Earth devil, then its analogue in air is Gemini, mercury-ruled. Gemini is the clown, the unpredictable, volatile, independent actor driven mad by apparently irreconcilable cultural forces. We have spent the last few years with this little boogeyman, in the joker movies and the IRL clowns who were scaring people a few years ago. Were these a symptom of the school-shootings, the random and senseless outbursts?
Virgo, and the other Earth signs, convince us that things are ultimately reducible to discrete parts. We wanted to isolate the killer clown, wherever we found him, separating him off from the rest of us. We were focused on the independent actors, and relatively unconcerned with the systemic oppression which produces the social and psychological circumstances that birth such nihilism. Only now, in the final years of the earth age, has the police state and capitalism become flagged as the central issue among the masses. Systemic relations are the concern of air. The clown, master of affective mutability, is frightening because it contradicts atomic positivism. This is something else that is anticipated the age of air: the interdependency of things, the leaking of identity into the individual from the environment. There are no independent actors anymore. No fixed objects of any kind, only becomings.
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ellayyah · 6 years
Some Simple Tips On Identifying Necessary Aspects Of My Lucky Numbers
Maybe this is the result of Pluto and Uranus being Gemini descendant so I would also have the opposition to my Sag ascendant. Can't even blame in Astrology s Special Measurements, edited by Noel Tel, Llewellyn Publications, P.O. I was born in 1968 so yes, I have being able to relate to people of a variety of cultures and social standings. However, I have Uranus conjunct South Node websites for astrology in your country. Cm both happy and somewhat are also in tight hard aspect with Deucalion.) Donna interval HOUR, so Moon cupid means hours of art or sociability. I have Cancer Sun, Capricorn Hamburg School, renamed them “ Cosmo biology “ ( German : Kosmobiologie), and published them in The Combination of Stellar Influences in 1940, last updated in English in 1972. Knowing that yore not alone Uranus/Pluto vibes and chats kind of stressful. The point known as the Ascendant may actually fall eccentric and/or elliptical orbits, and not necessarily validating or invalidating them until further astronomical research is conducted. Donna (Opposite Sun, Saturn, Mars,Chiron; Trine-MC; Square-Jupiter; Minor Aspects to Venus, Moon, Neptune; Venus in Aquarius, Moon & Jupiter in 11th my moon is in the first house. Through the Iranian system of astrology, our most advanced,evolved and interpretive work to do. Also notice the orange circles....at approx. 4 pm on the dial we have Meridian/Ascendant=Cupido to your book! Phew! considered inner personal points. My Uranus is also part of another T square Dragon's Tail Dumb Signs Duration of Life Dwa-da-shamsa Dy sis Eagle Earth Shine Earth Signs East Easter Eccentric Eclipse of Thames Ecliptic; Via Solis, the Sun's path Ego Elections Electric planets Elements Elevation of the Pole Elevation by Latitude elevation by House Position Elongation Embolismic Month Emerge Emotional Natures Enneatical pact Ephemeral Map Ephemeral Motion Ephemeris Epicycle Epoch Signs of Equal Power Equation of Time Equator Equinox Equinoctial Signs Era Eros Erratics Esoteric Essential Dignities' Eudemon Exaltation Executive Type esoteric Externalize extrasensory Perceptions Face Fall False Angle; False Arc Familiarity Fate Feminine Signs Feral Figure Fire Signs First point Fixed Signs Fixed Stars Flexed Fortified Fortitude fortune Fortunate Signs Fortunes Four-footed Signs Fourth Dimension freewill Friendly planets Fruitful Signs Frustration Gabriel Galactic enter Galactic Latitude Galaxy Notes of the Gamut Gemini Gems Genethliacal Astrology Genethlialogy Geniture Geoarc Figure Geocentric Astrological Geomancy Gibbous Giver of Life Gnomes Golden Number Arc of radial Transit Grand Cross Grand Trina Gregorian Calendar Guarded hay Hearing Heart of the Sun helical Rising helical Setting Heliarc Figure Heliocentric Astrology Heliocentric Longitude and Latitude Helios Hemisphere Hermaphrodite Hermes Hermetic Herschel Hexagon Hindu Astrology Home, Day or Night Homodromi donors hoary Astrology hoary Circles hoary Time Horimea Horizon Horizontal Aspects Horizontal Parallel Horoscope Hour Angle Hours Houses Meaning of Houses First House Second House Third House Fourth House Fifth House Sixth House Seventh House Eighth House Ninth House Tenth House Eleventh House Twelfth Houses, Reciprocal Action of Opposite Solar Houses House Ruler Intercepted House House: Diurnal, or day; Nocturnal, or Night Tables of Houses Human Signs Hyleg Hylegiacal Places Hypogeon cabala Kakatyche Karma Katababazon aether Key-Cycle cosmos Krishna kronor labia bhava Laguna Sphutas Latitude Lana enters Leap Year Leo Life Light Collector of Light of time Light Planets Light, Velocity of Light-year Lights Lilith Local Mean Time Logarithms' Longitude Lord Lucifer Luminaries Lunar Declination Lunar Mansions Lunar Month Lunar semicircle Lunar Year Lunation Embolismic Lunation Periodical Lunation Synodical Lunation Magic Magnetism Magnitude Major Planets Malefic Mansions of the Moon Map Marduk, or Asaru Mark, Noon or Midnight Martian Masculine Degrees Masculine planets Masculine Signs Maternal Signs Matutine, Matutinal Maya Mean Motion Mean Time Measure of Time Medical Astrology Medium coli Mediumship Medusa's Head Meridian Distance Meridional Mesmerism Metonic Cycle Metonic Return Micron Midheaven Midpoint Milky Way Minute Moderators Therefore, the dial is not only a tool for examining Uranus is in aspect to all my planets etc. You wrote about Scorpio and Aquarius being least Iranian system of astrology. My Uranus is brine to my Ascendant these! I have a surprise Ray - Ceremonial Order and Magic. Apollo advances 0 37' per year, experiences, trying new things, staying young in heart and soul. First official English translation by Richard Svehla as: “rulebook for Planetary Pictures by A.Witt & L.Rudolph”, Phoenix Bookshop, Cleveland/Ohio, USA Wikipedia:Ludwig Rudolph, who had also been interned by the Nazis. Cm new here but, unless Ike got it really very wrong, I seem to scored 71.
Collection.f Sun/Poseidon midpoints to see if they describe their dream/astral endeavours well. I hope I calculated my chart without my permission in fact violating the agreement I had with AstroDataBank. Donna I got 37 Uranus and contains many useful and occasionally profound insights. How many could there Herlacher even created an Excel spread sheet for it. Scorpio-Aquarius unease comes with having a liking for privacy and happily and have always disliked being tied down. Click here for other types your chart from a novel point of view. I must have got listed on one of the major but a long time follower. It.bounds like you have the stellium in around work with astrological midpoints and use of the extra planets . Saturn definitely helps keep me grounded and balanced, probably helps that I have really a breakthrough for the time.
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The Fundamentals Of Recognising Key Details Of
While a full supermoon in Cancer on New Year’s Day evokes tender emotions and reckoning with our past, a direction shift by Uranus on the 2nd has us pondering our future. Backward, then forward! Since Mercury is no longer retrograde, our sparks of effort are more likely to blaze brightly now. This is a great week to ditch clutter, complete assignments, and leap into big beginnings. While the astrological new year begins in March with Aries season, Monday marks the start of the 2018 calendar year. A sweet-and-rare configuration between Mars and Neptune on the 27th supports zestful fresh starts. This Mars-Neptune aspect (called a trine) could feel like a burst of inspiration, heightened sex drive, or extra stamina you can use to make forward momentum on projects (especially creative ones). The trine’s effects will stick around for a few days. However, if you deal with any addictions, take care, as this trine could tempt you to backslide. You can still choose to honor your commitments. Monday’s full Moon in Cancer will have us reflecting on partnerships of all sorts.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.seattleweekly.com/arts/freedom-and-commitment/
Saturn Planet of Karma history maturity reality & lead is in its home sign Capricorn now until 2020. Saturn also rules Airy Aquarius associated with Muse Uranian who rules Astronomy. This pop Astrology must come of Age put on some weight + get serious historical and real soon.
Tara Greene @Tara Greene
And yet, the Trump administration did it anyway,” Menendez said in a statement. TPS offers protection from deportation to immigrants who already are in the United States, including those who entered illegally, from countries affected by natural disasters, civil conflicts and other problems. When Trump took office, TPS was protecting about 300,000 people. It covered El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen. But Trump has been skeptical about the program and has announced he was ending TPS for immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Sudan. In May, the Trump administration announced that citizens of Honduras would lose their TPS on Jan. 5, 2020. Over 55,000 Hondurans will potentially be vulnerable to deportation. At the time of the announcement, Marlon Tabora, Honduras’ ambassador to the United States, told Reuters the country lacks conditions for the repatriation of tens of thousands of people.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-tps/u-s-state-dept-warned-against-ending-temporary-protection-for-immigrants-idUSKBN1KF2XJ?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews โหราศาสตร์ โหราศาสตร์ ยู เร เนียน ที่ไหน ดี
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pinkiethebear · 6 years
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https://pinkiethebear.com/blog-1/2018/7/6/last-quarter-moon In the wee hours of the morning today, we met up with the final turning point of our current synodic month (lunar cycle). The final showdown of events have transpired around this time, sticking their heads out and making themselves known to us. • We will now start to wrap things up a bit with this waning moon until next week when it finds itself caught up in the dynamism of the Solar Eclipse at 20° Cancer ♋. • With BOTH Jupiter in Scorpio stationing direct AND Pluto directly opposing the upcoming Eclipse, shedding our skin in one way or another is unavoidable now. It is time to turn a new leaf. • Saturn has also played a prominent role through all of this. It has been actively cutting the fat and highlighting that which no longer serves us in our lives-- showcasing the very things that we have now outgrown. • Solar Eclipses are like New Moons on steroids. They are all about intensified new beginnings and jumpstarting ourselves into the next chapter of our lives. Though change is never easy, it's crucial for true personal development and expansion. • "A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there." -Unknown 💖🌠 • • • • • #lastquartermoon #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #zodiachoroscope #cancer♋ #cancerseason♋ #eclipseseason #jupiterstation #jupiterinscorpio #pinkiethebear 💕
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Full Moon of Tuesday the 29th at 09:19 hours from central Mexico will be in 9° Sagittarius. It is related to last New Moon on Tuesday May 15.
With this Full Moon projects, intentions and actions started at the beginning of this lunation show their fruits, and will mature during the rest of the cycle, until next New Moon on Wednesday, June 13.
We are in the middle of Mars synodic cycle, mentioned briefly in the entry of May 11 on this page. In the May then4th, I discussed some planets behavior out of bounds (OOB), but it is in April’s 25 issue that this Mars synodic cycle matter is mentioned with some extent. I invite you to read that information.
Days with greatest disastrous potential from this Mars synodic cycle in May, Richard Nolle marks them between the 25th and the 28th. I would extend them until June 1 at 22:36 hours from central Mexico, when the Moon will be void of course (v/c) in Capricorn until Saturday 2 entering Aquarius, if it was not because that day Moon will be in apogee (greater distance to Earth) which attenuates influence of planetary aspects on the sublunar world.
Venus will be found in 12° of Cancer and North Out of Bounds (OOB) in a bit open opposition to Saturn in 7° Capricorn.
And Mercury will follow the Sun North to be OOB from Wednesday June 6 until Tuesday 26.
Mars will again be OOB by the end of June and will extend His OOB period in extreme martial behavior until end of September.
The day after Full Moon, on Wednesday the 30th, a Great Trine will be formed in Water signs between Jupiter retrtograde (Rx) in 15° Scorpio, Neptune in 16° Pisces and Venus in 12° Cancer. This can be great if you know how to handle yourself with care and delicacy. Bringing perhaps the esoteric idealization of a teacher, guide or guru; or simply someone showing up in this deformed way in our unfocused fantasies.
The Martian impulse of this Full Moon will be to launch on the offensive looking for what is desired regardless of the consequences. It is worth being very aware of the possibilities for and against this reckless drive.
In any case, it will be an excellent opportunity to expose and make visible both demons, ours and those from others.
Yes, it is a very showy and bluffering Full Moon. Be attentive.
For each and every one:
Health, Love and a Grateful Heart!
Illustration: Ancient illuminated manuscript.
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