#It is literally just a crackship because they're my two favorite characters
queer-devil · 1 year
Jronika Incorrect Quotes
J: Can we go to a haunted house? Veronika: What’s wrong with the one we live in? J: Wh-what? Veronika: Goodnight, J.
Veronika, throwing her head into J's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! J, lovingly stroking her hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
*Veronika sends more than 5 messages in a row* J: I ain’t reading all that. J: I’m happy for you tho. J: Or sorry that happened.
J: You know, Veronika, when you generalize, you tell general... lies. Veronika: ... Veronika: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
J: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them?? Veronika: What do you do? J: I die? What kinda question...
J: I’ve organized your messages into three categories. J: “From Veronika” J: “Death Threats” J: and “Death Threats From Veronika”
J: Wow, that was quick thinking on that phony sacrifice stuff. Veronika: Oh, that was all real. J: Wait, you were trying to help them kill us?! Veronika: If I’m gonna be sacrificed, I’m gonna do it right.
Veronika: Do you want a drink? J: I could go for some appy slices right now. Veronika: With a little peanut butter to dip them in? J: FUCKING OF COURSE I WANT PEANUT BUTTER VERONIKA!
J: I’m not being weird. Am I being weird? Veronika: Yes, and that’s coming from me.
Veronika: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween! J: That doesn't exist. Veronika: Not with that attitude.
Veronika, trying to comfort J: What's the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of random arson? I've been there.
Veronika: I want to kiss you. J, not paying attention: What? Veronika: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Veronika: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine. J: Marry me.
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your-pal-nebula · 4 months
Guys I've coined a new WG ship and I think yall will be interested
It's called Cosmic Loserhood.
It's Miss Power x Glen Furlblam.
I'm not joking.
I came up with it because of a bizzare WG Hunger Games Simulator where it was stated that they were holding hands. This is unironically my new favorite crackship in the whole fandom now. They are the two most polarizing characters in the fandom. They're literally perfect for each other your honor
Like I hate Piss Lawnmoer but tbh I like the idea of this crackship a lot. I already have a plot for it vaguely in my head: Miss Power leaves Earth like she did at the end of The Rise of Miss Power, then somehow crashes back on the planet, and somehow meets Glen, at which point they bond over hating Twobrains and somehow smooch in the process
Miss Power now just kind of lives on Earth full time after this. She's a civilian now. But don't get me wrong, she's still an asshole. Except instead of trying to conquer the planet, she's just your rude neighbor and is exclusively nice to Glen. Like she's still awful just ever so slightly less awful than before
I'm going to make this crackship an actual thing in the fandom. You will not stop me. Spread the word of Cosmic Loserhood. Spread the word of the relationship between the superpowerer lizard woman and her boyfriend who doesn't shower and doxxes kids on 4chan. Nobody will get in the way. Don't get me wrong I still hate Miss Power but I unironically love the idea of this ship because it's just so fucking funny to me. Go now, spread the word, join my cult
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blubushie · 1 year
TF2 questions for ya:
Favorite ships if any?
How well do you think you'd get along with the various mercs? Not how much you like em as characters cause I know I very much enjoy Soldier as a character but I could not last 5 minutes in a room with him before we started arguing and it would probably end poorly for me.
I love canon so SoldierZhanna is my only "real" OTP but I basically consider HeavyMedic canon at this point and I enjoy that ship and their chemistry a lot. I also very much enjoy ScoutPauling because Scout's so cringefail but I also want him to be happy and get the girl of his dreams because I'm a sucker for romance and happy endings, and I think he'd be great for helping her relax and have some freedom aside of work. I also enjoy SniperScout because "never shuts up" and "never talks (much)" is a fun dynamic to me.
Favourite crackship is AdminSniper because they're married IRL and I don't think shagging your boss is very professional so it's funny to me. Be professional (except when you're shagging your boss).
How well do you think you'd get on with the mercs?
I kinda covered this here? I'm going to copy-paste some of that but also add more because reasons.
Scout: His incessant yabbering would probably get on my nerves at points but it'd also mean I'd always have someone to talk to. We could discuss baseball and shit. His idiocy is endearing to me and I would constantly take the piss out of him in subtle little ways that he probably wouldn't even notice. Probably easily impressed too. I could skip a rock and he'd sing my praises and I appreciate a little ego stroking (and I'd laugh my arse off when he goes "Pssh, I can do that to" and the rock immediately sinks). Honestly I'm just a sucker for rays of sunshine. I enjoy peoplewatching so I'd love to take him camping and sit down in a folding chair with a beer and watching him try to figure out how to pitch the tent (and then be surprised when he finds out I don't usually even use a tent).
Soldier: Reminds me of my dad. I'd like to get in his head and talk about the military and shit (not that he ever actually was in it, but still). Would take him off-roading but end up dumping him like an unwanted dog when he breaks my Hula Girl.
Pyro: Scares me. Would still do a tea party with him and let him dress me up in a skirt or paint my nails even but only if he promises not to chop my hand off or start a bushfire. Would kill to be a badass and light a dart off his flamethrower. Also would just enjoy reading to him as long as he doesn't tell me to slow down.
Demoman: So many stories. Would love to share a bottle of single malt Scotch with him. I need him to rate my mixology skills (of which there are none. I can make a screwdriver and that's it, but I try). Would love to discuss chemistry with him and have him show me how to make [redacted by the ATF]. I don't know much about Scotland so I've love to discuss legends and cryptids native to our homelands. I can cover two countries!
Heavy: Would like to discuss Russian literature with him. Gives me "alcohol and heavy machinery weapons don't mix" vibes so I probably wouldn't be able to drink with him, but I'd love to discuss books and philosophy and hang shit on communists and go shooting with him. Bonus points if he lets me shoot literally any of his miniguns.
Engineer: He makes me wish I was taller so I could tease him about it. Bonus points if we're just the same height because that's even funnier. "I'm short but I've been told I'm Spiritually Tall, therefore I'm taller than you." Also if he wouldn't mind a little extra work I'd let him have a butcher's at Matilda to find out why her engine makes that ticking noise sometimes when I got over a hundred. I'm not very smart with machinery (my greatest achievement is making a battery out of a lemon) but I'd love to hear him explain it to me even though I wouldn't understand a goddamn bit of it.
Medic: Bloody hell you have no idea how much I wish I was mates with him. Look at my blog and is it any wonder? Oh, to be his assistant for just one day. I've got steady hands! We can discuss bush medicine and natural toxins and all kinds of weird drugs and a million other things. Would let him scar me. I want him to literally rearrange my guts and chat with him all the while because I'd be awake and watching and asking dumb questions like "Is that my appendix?" despite knowing fully well that it's on the other side behind my liver and not my stomach just to hear him correct me. I want him to praise me on the condition of my heart and liver and then backhand me about the condition of my lungs despite me not inhaling. I should've listening to my parents and gone to medical school.
Sniper: ...Aheh. The bush is lonely and bushmen have a tendency to stick together (when we aren't at each other's throats threatening to kill each other territory). I want to make him brekkie with something I hunted (or fished) and we could talk firearms and snares and wildlife and Australia and stars and whatever else. I want to do shrooms and DMT with him. I want to hear the story of every scar he has, I want to exchange stories of our time in the bush and Outback, I want to ride horses with him and have him be my muster mate for just one ride. I want to hear about the world and all the places I've never been from the eyes of someone who gets it like I do. He is the only person I would ever allow to shoot my rifle.
Spy: French, incredibly obnoxious, but I'd still like to be mates with him. I'd love to hear his stories of espionage and women and jobs gone wrong and jobs gone right. I want to sit in his smoking room in a silk smoking robe and enjoy the finer side of life for a while. I want to smoke a $6000 Cuban cigar and taste its flavour on my tongue and chase it with a sip of Scotch that's so rich I'll dream about it for years to come and cost more money than I'll ever see in my lifetime. I want to indulge and discuss tobacco and fine liquor and antique revolvers. Only bloke I'd ever dress up for and I'd put up with him taking my measurements for a suit.
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Despoe 😏
When I started shipping it: I kind of knew about it in the background as a crack ship for awhile, but in earnest? A few months ago tbh when I sort of rediscovered secondhand the fact that the wonderful Jill Thompson Season of Mists mangas exist, with the help of people like you who also thought the pair was actually really cute so it wasn't just a "is literally ANYONE else thinking about this" situation. :) <3
My thoughts: God. Again it started as a crackship but it's become so real to me, I can't lie. They are unconventional but absolutely wonderful just as a concept. Let them be happy together. Let Despair have her human poet. It's what she deserves, goddammit.
What makes me happy about them: That they have a Gomez and Morticia Addams vibe, the fictional version of this real life poet dude writes morbid shit and Despair is the personification of sadness and yet she gets flustered when she notices him?? He genuinely sees inspiration and creativity in her and makes something where others see only darkness? Like in a weird gothic couple way they make sense. Also as I've said before there is really something genuinely deeply touching to me on a personal level about the idea that everyone has someone who loves them, including Despair. In her case of course she has multiple someone's, platonically in the case of her siblings but also with Despoe she gets romance. And isn't that what many people want, the hope that even at our lowest we'll still be lovable to someone?
What makes me sad about them: That they aren't technically canon anywhere else...but they're canon in my heart.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: So, yeah, there is SO LITTLE FIC of these two or Despair in general, I don't really gave an answer to this. I haven't yet been successful in even finding this pair of A03 yet. So...
Things I look for in fanfic: More. Of. It. This is a canoe of rarepairs.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Okay SO yes I know I've said I'm over how a certain ship and character (cough Dr*mling ahem ahem) have taken over the Sandman fandom to the detriment or reduction of so many other characters to the point where it feels totally inescapable without tag filtering out 3/4ths of the entire fandom BUT. But. @softest-punk and their Hobsbandverse au is just. It's so good and everybody is given great dynamics and characterization in it, I will die on this hill. And Despair gets like, the most genuine love and appreciation as a character that I've ever seen outside of this tiny dedicated corner of you me and a very few others. But I haven't really seen any other ships for her period, let alone any that really compel me.
My happily ever after for them: Where Death grants him a similar exemption because she likes to see her sister happy (or as close as she'll ever get to happiness) so Despair gets to keep her boyfriend.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: They trade off because Poe likes to be held and surrounded by his muse. But also, honestly, Despair doesn't get a lot of people who want to hold her. Basically the only people we ever see get close and physically affectionate with her in any way are her twin and Destruction. So she deserves to be the little spoon and I think she thus tends to get cuddled a little more often.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Poe writing as Despair inspires him and admires his work.
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catoscloves · 2 years
tvd/to for the ask
favorite character: caroline forbes (honorable mentions: tyler, rebekah, & klaus)
least favorite character: the s*lvatore brothers (they're just so overrated :p) and al*ric
brOTP: klaus/rebekah/elijah, matt/bonnie, matt/tyler/jeremy, stefonnie, barolena in any variation, carenzo, denzo, bamon, defan i guess :/
OTP: to absolutely no one's surprise forwood, klaroline, steroline, also carenzo and rebekoline as wasted potential crackships. as for non-caroline characters (yes i show favoritism towards her oops): jeremy/anna, klayley, bamon, bonenzo, elejah, beklena, mabekah, matt/bonnie (you two deserved so much more), denzo, kennett, stefonnie, and klaus/bonnie.
OT3: sterowood, bamenzo, klefaroline, matt/rebekah/nadia, [whispers] jeremy/anna/vicki
NOTP: st*ferine, m*roline (although they did have gr8 platonic chemistry/friendship, i just hated when it turned romantic because of ~heteronormativity~ and the fact that being together made their romo relationship extremely stale and uninteresting), d*roline, d*lena, also probs KC at some point based on scenes i like to avoid romanticizing as a general rule
favorite storyline: beklena finding the cure together/elena's vampirism in general. also elejah and forwood's interactions in s2 the good old days, s6 dark!steroline (chef's kiss), s3 klaroline, klaus versus his hybrids, klefan going on a murdery road trip together (they are hizzie before hizzie was even hizzie goodbye), katherine and nadia reuniting before the writers ruined that, bamon and the prison world, bonnie + shane's interactions (dark!bonnie was so so close we could have had it all)...... for such a terrible show it gave so much material.
least favorite storyline: d*lena sirebond nonsense probs, caroline/andie being reduced to a blood bag, st*ferine in s5.
what I wish had happened but didn’t: abby actually working hard for her and bonnie to have a relationship, caroline hating on DE in s4 for the RIGHT REASONS and reminding elena of the fact that she did not "jump into bed" on the first date but was assaulted, elena being free of the [redacted] brothers and regaining agency in s4, sheila having more of a presence on the show (and replacing the s*lvabros/al*ric as PRIMARILY BONNIE'S CARETAKER because she would prioritize her granddaughter first, but also protecting the rest of the scooby doo gang as well she'd also teach bonnie to value her self worth and not allow them to step all over her), BONNIE BEING ALLOWED TO MOURN the same way her white friends were allowed to, a motivation for bonnie outside magic, more love interests for bonnie, bonnie/qetsiyah interaction, caroline having motivations/storylines outside of male love interests, at least half the characters on this show being queer, luke parker being allowed to actually date men, nora realizing her exgirlfriend took the side of valerie's abuser over valeria and that she can do better/dating bonnie, katherine and nadia exploring their mother-daughter relationship, the mikaelsons and bonnie securing some kind of alliance
what happened that I wish hadn’t: d*roline (do i need to explain), tyler!klaus (it could have been an opportunity for michael trevino to show off his acting skills the same way nina dobrev did by playing multiple characters in one body, but instead the writers just had to go there), the second KC biting scene (which was completely unnecessary/recyled idea and totally could have been handled differently), katherine pursuing stefan instead of prioritizing her daughter
the originals
favorite character: klaus mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson (i love literally every character on this show tbh)
least favorite character: mikael i guess? also greta and her supernatural n*zis
brOTP: klebeklijah, davina/cami, davina/hayley, haymille, haybekah, vincent/klaus, klavina is totally my platonic crackship sh
OTP: klayley, klamille, haybekah, haylijah, elijah/gia, elijah/aya, kolvina, klaus/aurora because i find the toxic patterns of their relationship hella entertaining
NOTP: uhm idk...... s5 haylijah i guess
favorite storyline: when klaus found out about rebekah's "betrayal" (i have a lot of thoughts about this arc and the acting in these eps was*chef's kiss*) and totally went off his rocker lmfao, cami becoming a vampire (which for some reason isn't really popular), klamille's slow burn development, haylijah's s1 chemistry and buildup (i lost interest after s2), the introduction of genevieve's character, hayley becoming a hybrid, gia's vampire transition, marcel putting klaus on "trial" after davina's death, lucien becoming a hybrid 2.0 (which is basically just an original on redbull lmfao, how does JP expect me to buy that there's something more powerful than the very first vampires on earth), kol and rebekah bodysnatching, freya reappearing as the Long Lost Sibling in s2
least favorite storyline: elijah's character regression in s5
what i wish had happened but didn't: klayley basically "adopting" davina in some sense; and i wanted cami to be dark!cami for a little while longer so klamille could parallel steroline. also klayley exchanging platonic gestures (klaus's hand on hayley's shoulder, her hand on his arm when she told him kindness=/= weakness) should definitely have been utilized more.
what happened that i wish hadn't: [stares into the distance mournfully] s5
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coolfire333 · 2 years
for the ask thingy 1, 5, 13 deltarune or tc!
Thanks for the ask!! I'll do the questions with both fandoms since I'm feeling chatty :)
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Deltarune: Swatch/Spamton, I mean I kinda understand the appeal with how their relationship is in canon why people would ship them, but the fandom has really turned their relationship into something so drastically different in the lens of romance that it almost boggles me. Swatch always feels so ooc for me in most things I see shipping him and Spamton, and it's rare that I find something depicting the animosity the two canonically have for each other in a shipping piece. I'll still reblog stuff of them that I find artistically appealing but tbh I do not understand the fanonical appeal
Trauma Center: Lloyd Wilkens/Luc Rousseu. Wilksseu must have been conjured up as the most insufferable pairing imaginable because that's the only way I can explain its existence. It makes so little sense but at the same time I feel like I completely understand it. I think it's brilliant and hilarious though so I actually still ship it as a crackship LOL, nasty old doctor men in love get a thumbs up from me I guess
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Deltarune: Probably Swatch/Spamton again, for the reasons above. I wouldn't say "ruined" because I never shipped it to start with (I prefer Swatch/Tasque Manager and Spamton/nobody in canon) but I prefer them to have a hate-love, forbidden romance in rivalry kinda deal if I were to ship them
Trauma Center: Actually no! The only thing I can say is that I do like multishipping so while Angie/Derek is still my favorite pairing for either of them, it'd be interesting if more people were open to shipping either of them with other characters, just to see how the dynamics play out. Like Adel/Derek, for example, I think that's really underrated and intriguing
I also once saw Naomi/Derek and idk if I really ship it but it's certainly interesting, those two interact all the time in second opinion yet I rarely see stuff of them interacting in fandom, and I wish there was at least a bigger brotp thing going on with them in fandom since they seem pretty close (especially in trauma team with Naomi's backstory expanded upon, like Derek consulted on Naomi's diagnosis and operation, and in second opinion Naomi literally operated on Derek, they're ride-or-die buddies in my mind so hard)
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Deltarune: Two things. First, idk if this counts for this question but I don't like the popular headcanon that Spamton and the addisons are brothers/siblings. I do like estranged family dynamics, but I think the main reason people think they're related is that they look alike. I just think they're the same species(?), so in this case I think that having them just be coworkers/friends is much more interesting, compelling, and canonically supported.
Also, I do like Berdly...he is not the most egregious example of this trope (looks nervously at my other fandoms) but I just LOVE nasty bully-type kid characters, especially if they're being that mean to compensate for something really bad that happened to them. His backstory really struck a chord with me, and besides he's not even that mean or even evil, he's just pretty stuck up and annoying. He's definitely not the nastiest character I have "this is my son" feelings towards but I see a lot of people absolutely DESPISING him...por quoi.....
Trauma Center: ADEL TULBA HAS POTENTIAL!! I like what they did with his storyline in canon but my god could it have been expanded upon a la Naomi's story in second opinion. Like I think they should have built him up more as a secondary character with playable missions as him, especially during his time at the hands of asclepius (like Naomi's delphi missions), it would have made him such a stronger character.
And trauma center LOVES to copy their own work across different games when it comes to storylines/specific operations so literally I would not have minded at all if they gave him the Naomi treatment from the start. I'm playing utk2 for the first time rn (as opposed to just watching playthroughs lol) and I'm just like. Where is Adel. Where is he, he's been awol for like two whole chapters!
Still love Adel to bits though. I think that liking him is an unpopular opinion too, I mean I don't think anyone hates him per say, but I'm not sure anyone particularly likes him either, and I think part of that is because the storyline could have made him more interesting
Thanks again for the ask, this was fun! :)
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peachy-kenn · 1 year
Genshin Ships I actually like!
Said I'd do a follow-up post so here it is. I feel like there's more ships I either like or don't really care abt much than one's I dislike, but I'll just list the ones I like with a little caption of why.
Xingqui x Chongyun - this one is just so good. contender for my fav ship. you pretty much never see one without the other. they have a silly dynamic that I think is harmless and fun to see. big fan of time skip au's for this one specifically (I like to see how they've grown as ppl it makes me proud)
BeiNing - old married couple, like cmon "they don't like each other but will show up to hang out and play chess and will even ignore law-breaking for" bruh that's gay as hell. not even rivals literally just lovers.
Ayaka x Nilou - crackship, They're both criticized for being boring which I sometimes agree with (tho only with Ayaka but that's just because I wish she was a little more adventurous cause she's proven time and time again she's very capable of fending for herself). I think they would get along so well like they'd AT LEAST be besties. couples dance?? cute as fuck. also was on by fueled by that stupid ass Aether harem shit.
EiMiko - Miko really is just like the only person not afraid to challenge Ei on a normal basis and not get smitten, hell they get along too. For Ei, imo, it's either Miko or Aroace (which I lowkey like a little better but I still like this ship). Also Miko is gay gay homosexual gay (my Dad works at Mihoyo and confirmed so)
XinYun - MUSIC BABES, girls supporting girls you love to see it, joint performances??? adorable, lantern rite when Yun Jin was running around with Xinyan? CUTE. they're both so adorable and their personalities complement each other well. they're so cute together like I can't. another contender for fav
CyNari - third contender for fav, idk why I like this ship so much. it's Collei's found family older brother Tighnari and goofy ahh brother-in-law Cyno along with her cool big sis, Amber.
XiaoVen - this one grew on me ALOT once I started ignoring other ppl that ship this (sorry but you guys tend to be lowkey annoying and immature probably because you're young and spend way too much time online to respectfully be able to deal with ppl you don't agree with...) anyways I mainly like the potential dynamic these two can have.
Baizhu x Zhongli - two distinguished men that I think should love each other. that's it.
Itto x Sara - holy shit a straight genshin ship?? unheard of. anyways I like the goofball and stickler rival dynamic between them so yea I like this one. think of the shenanigans that could ensue.
Kaeya x Rosaria - the gayest straight ship I've seen since Jessie and James from team rocket. bro drinking buddies to lovers is kind of interesting. I am intrigued and wanna see this ship explored more.
Kazuha x Heizou - unsurprisingly I ship my 2 favorite characters. Like come on they'd be a perfect crime-solving duo!! Also, they get along great so like why not?
Honorable Mentions- Ayato x Itto (lmao), Eula x Amber (cute), Bennett x Fischl (boyloser and goth gf), Bennett x Razor (another cute one), Kazuha x Scaramouche (not explaining), Ganyu x Keqing (work wives fr)
Not tagging with any ships because I wanna genshin ship in PEACE. I know how some of yall get plus I don't want anyone asking me abt other ships I either don't care abt it or don't like it.
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tuiyla · 2 years
for send a character: Ms. Quinn Fabray!
My fave walking Greek tragedy!
favorite thing about them
Is it weird if I say all that she goes through? Like, sucks for her but it makes high-stakes television. I suppose I love that there are so many readings of her story and sure, that's because Glee's inconsistent and they legit hated Quinn but let's look on the bright side. I particularly like the queer reading of her story. And then when it comes to her character I just find it inspiring that she keeps on going. She makes tons of mistakes in the process, sure, but Quinn always stands up. Sometimes literally after mere weeks of having been hit by a truck.
least favorite thing about them
She really does make a lot of mistakes though, huh. I suppose, even though it's juicy on a narrative level, I don't like how reverts back to her old ways as a sort of defense mechanism and how it involves her shutting people out. Nooo Queen Bee Quinnie don't do that. Like remember when she came back to Lima for Thanksgiving, Santana expressed concern about Marley and Quinn went "yeah well I'm fucking my professor and also you're an insecure little bitch haha." Like, girl what? Chaotic queen truly. One step forward two steps back with her.
favorite line
I find this one to be quite underrated:
This freshman just gave me a hug and told me to ‘never change.’ Poor thing is too young to realize that change can be so good.
I just wish her all the friends in the world but I'm partial to Quinncedes and the absolute tragedy it was to just ignore them post season 1. They're forever besties in my heart though. I also really like Quartie.
Honestly just any person (cough woman cough) who makes her happy and she can maintain a healthy relationship with. I really don't see Quinn ending up with anyone from the established cast but I like Faberry and Quinntana in fics. My ultimate Quinn OTP is her and therapy though. Oh and Quinntina is a really good crackship.
I do like the themes and idea of them with what Glee was going for but in practice Quick is just... no. No. Nope, they can remain friends and maybe help with each other's issues but Quinn should not be with Puck.
random headcanon
Hmm well I've written before about what kind of mom she'd be and how I think she had a girlfriend at Yale. For this I'd probably say something about her home life, like her sister Frannie reaching out to her around graduation time or later, full of regret for having lost touch for years and wanting to reconnect. It's a strenuous relationship because when Quinn got kicked out Frannie didn't so much as call and that wasn't very sisterly of her but they eventually learn to make something of the bloody mess that is the Fabray family. It takes Quinn years to truly be able to look at Frannie as a big sister she can trust.
unpopular opinion
Once again what is unpopular lol. Let's see, people throwing the phrase pretty privilege around without showing any understanding of how it applies to Quinn is quite exhausting. I dislike when people dismiss or diminish her trauma in any way whatsoever; I don't consider myself someone who goes ultra-hard for her but I won't have that. And, despite the flimsy canon, I do not see how anyone could view her as straight. Sapphic UHT rights in this house.
song i associate with them
Madonna songs, I think Papa Don't Preach is soo underrated. But I also love love how Keep Holding On is like, her song, despite not singing on either version. Brutal also has Skank Quinn vibes.
favorite picture of them
Dianna Agron is like a marble statue of a Greek goddess so you know, any picture but I do like her season 1 Cheerios look and the season 3 short hair. And who could forget Skank Quinn, we hardly knew ya. Let's go with this one:
Tumblr media
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anothanobody · 3 years
Not only you're an em shipper but finding out that you also like mikahisu, mikannie, coltkasa, and mikasasha is a big W
Lmao tbh I feel like Mikasa is someone that could easily get along with everyone in canon and modern AU.
Like for Mikasa and Historia, they have almost the same roles, royalty and fate, plus the admiration Hisu has for her just makes it so cute, and it's a reason why I hate the 'knight-princess' trope with them. Bro, Hisu literally said they're the same and also plays into stereotypes of the masculine Lesbian and shit like that... which is something i don't appreciate it.
For Mikasa and Annie, I don't know they're like the same person just on different sides when you talk about the stoic side, and the latest chapters really show they could get along. They have the same goals too.
Mikasa and Colt!!! it's honestly my favorite crackship, they have the same adorable, caring, kind nature and personality. They would click instantly because of that and probably have the same hobbies, plus talk about their little brothers and shiii, play dates, maybe even get to know each other when picking up their brothers ^o^
Mikasa and Sasha, I never really too much into it I think, but they're besties, dumb and dumber, dense and denser, sheesh, they're THE DUO, I'm kind of sad we didn't get as much of the two of them together -_-
So, yeah i do like the ships, I don't necessarily see them all as romantic but I like them, I feel like each always cover a good and truthful side of Mikasa, without erasing anything else or changing her character too much. Something that doesn't happen in all the crackships
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