#It looks fuzzy but im hoping that’s just the app being silly
•Andrea M. Ghez•
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hey-hey-chan · 6 years
Coffee vs Scantrons - Changbin
❀ College AU + Fluff 
❀ Word count: 3.2 K
❀ Your grades are consistently being one bad after another, and you’re not here for it. You decide to take matters into your hands and meet your teacher during office hours... but unexpectedly, one of your classmates is there as well and invites you to coffee to repay a favor. You’re not jumping for joy since the boy doesn’t have the best reputation in your class, but will you forever be annoyed by his rambunctious nature, or fall for his boyish charm as the class goes on?
❀ A/N: ... i don’t even like coffee, i need to stop writing about it. also shoutout to my number one hype woman ruby who misses my writing and motivated me to write this,,, this one for u <3 also this is unedited. im sorry my writing is so bad,,, iM RUSTY 
“Ok, don’t tell me if the grade is bad though.” 
I planted my hands over my eyes while I shoved my test at my best friend, Euna. She grabbed the test and put it face down so she couldn’t see it either and rolled her eyes at me. 
“C’mon y/n, it probably isn’t even that bad. Like you’re a smart girl, missus straight A.” I groaned at her comment and kept my eyes closed.
“Shut up. I have gotten a... B before. But, seriously just tell me if I should look or not.” Joy just shook her head and look at my test grade. I immediately noted how her features shrunk together and her eyes turned to me sadly. I frowned at her expression.”w-what, is it THAT bad?” 
She pushed the test towards me and there and behold a C- staring at me. I sighed and tried to push the image out. I peeked over at her test score and saw a big fat A taunting me. I wasn’t jealous. I was just disappointed in myself.
...And a tiny bit jealous. 
I groaned and shut my eyes again, hoping I wouldn’t start to cry in the middle of my business class. 
“Hey, it’s okay, we have more tests and Professor Lee is a really good guy, it’ll all work out.” Her advice went in one ear and then out another. 
Yes, a C was passing, but I don’t want to just pass, I want to excel. Plus, my mom would kill me if I got a C, especially because I dropped another one of my classes during the quarter. I had no excuses now. 
“Hey.. hey!” My friend snapped me out of my trance while I just shook my head at her. “Y/n, why don’t you just meet with him after class and get help?” 
I took a big gulp of water, hoping it would calm my nerves. It didn’t. 
“Well, the point is is that I feel like I’m not even struggling.. yet the results I get back are not what I expected. I don’t know what to ask him.” I confessed babyishly. I felt like I was whining for no reason. 
Euna shrugged and packed up her backpack and headed out the door, which made me run to catch up with her. 
Before I could head out the door, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I skittishly turned around and was now locking eyes with Seo Changbin, the class clown who happened to be incredibly smart and cute to say the least. I always had a small problem with him. 
“Uh, hey, I borrowed a scantron from you the other day, right?” I nodded my head. He gave me a sheepish smile and I knew what was coming. “I’m sorry, I forgot to bring an extra one for you-” Before the boy could finish his sentence, I waved him off.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to pay me back, it’s just a scantron.” I quickly said. Honestly, I was a bit irritated since scantrons are not the cheapest thing, also this is business, I should’ve charged him for it. But I was too nice to be a businessman. 
I turned and walked out the door before he could say anything else and caught up with Euna.
The girl was already out the door and waiting for me with a smirk upon her lips.
“What?” I barked. She pulled on her rain jacket and gave me a suspicious look.
“He totally likes you.” I felt my face turn red at her statement but it was a foolish thought. 
“You’re so wrong, he has a bunch of other girls he talks to. Plus, we have never talked before.” Euna shrugged and walked faster so that I had to speed up my pace. 
“Well, he at least thinks you’re cute. Did you see his blush?” I raised a brow but didn’t want to egg her on. 
“Whatever, think what you want, loser. Focus on Heejun instead.” The girl gasped and slapped my arm lightly while I laughed. Heejun happened to be the boy she was crushing on, but was about 4 years older. It was ... weird. 
“Shut up, don’t come running to me when you discover lover boy likes you.”
I scoffed and pushed the thought out of my head immediately. 
Changbin doesn’t like me. And I won’t give him a chance to.
Professor Lee’s office hours were from 7:30-8:30 am. I had to take the 7am bus to come to school during that time, which means I slept on the bus and almost missed my stop. Thankfully my body naturally wakes up at the rough turn. 
I stepped out into the cold air and wondered if my business grade was even worth the trouble. Ok... it definitely was. But not at 7am. 
I walked up the steps into the building and found his office number. I took a deep breath, not even feeling my anxiety due to the cold, and knocked on the door. 
I waited a few seconds before walking in. I saw my professor sitting quietly, typing away on his computer. 
“Hi Professor Lee.” I greeted. He turned quickly and gave me a bright smile, which was unsettling since it was 7am. 
“Hey! What can I help you with?” He said brightly. Suddenly my fear of meeting him washed away.
“Um, so I just haven’t been doing so well on the tests and I was wondering if you could clarify some terms for me?” He nodded and pulled out a chair for me. I got my notes out while he finished typing an email up. 
“So, how’s it being up at 7am?” He asked suddenly. I let out a nervous chuckle as I swear I could see my breath in his ice cold office.
“It’s... a new experience. I used to wake up at 6:30 for classes, but that was last year. Now my first class is at 9, so I feel like a slug to be honest with you.” He let out a loud laugh, making me feel more welcome.
“I get that, but I’m an old man, and I love sleeping early and waking up early.” I let out a small smile. 
“Yeah, I am usually an early bird too... but I like to wake up early and do nothing.” He chuckled until I held my notes out to me. “So uh, I’m not really understanding 5 styles of leadership and how they relate to Maslow’s hiearchy of needs. Like I understand the 2 separately, but now how the connect.” I explained. 
He nodded and wrote all of them down. “So, autocratic, bureaucratic...”
He went on and on about different questions I asked him about business, but they still felt fuzzy to me. I also learned things I didn’t know before, showing how I wasn’t as good as business as I thought.
“So, what are your favorite movies?” He asked when I was done asking him questions about business.
“Hmmm... right now, it’s The Polar Express?” He laughed loudly and shook his head.
“It’s only November and you’re thinking about Christmas movies?” I nodded frantically. 
“Of course! I’m always thinking about Christmas movies because Christmas is my favorite holiday.” I grinned just thinking about sitting next to my TV and drinking hot cocoa as the snow falls. School will me put on pause and I’ll finally be done with college apps; sounds heavenly. 
“Agreed, I love Christmas too.” I heard a deeper voice come from behind me, making me swivel around. And just my luck, Changbin was leaning against the doorway like he was cool or something. He gave me a quick smile until he turned to face Professor Lee. 
“Hey James, I came to turn in that assignment I missed last week.” Changbin handed him a white paper and I grew curious about how close the boy was to our professor since he called him by his first name. 
“Ah yes, how did your job interview go anyways?” Changbin’s smile brightened up and I felt his ego expand.
“Amazing, I got the job.” He high fived Jame’s hand and backed away. Then he turned to me and gave a look of guilt. “Oh gosh I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?” I shook my head and Prof. Lee did too.
“Nah you’re all good, I was just about done too. See you later Professor Lee.” I turned to walk out the door and unfortunately, Changbin was going the same way. 
“Hey, you’re y/n, right?” I nodded, a bit, ok a lot, surprised that he knew my name. “Cool cool, sorry I’m bad with names.” 
“No big deal.” I hated how I was so cold to guys, and only guys. There’s something about boys like him who make me put this wall up.
“So the Polar Express huh?” Now that caught my attention as I raised a brow. 
“Yup, one of my favorites. Brings back all the Christmas feels I know and love.” The boy nodded enthusiastically. 
“True. Classics give you those feel good vibes.” I nodded, unsure how to respond. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I forgot to give you your scantrons back right?” I shrugged. 
“It’s just one-”
“Well how about I treat you to coffee to make up for it?” I paused in my tracks  and raised a brow at him, suspicious at his motives. He gave me a sheepish smile, but I could tell he was waiting in anticipation for my answer. 
“Really?” I stated like I was disinterested, but really my heart was jumping like crazy. I didn’t know if it was because of the cold or nervousness, but his cheeks were tinged a light pink. 
“I mean, like, in a friendly nice way. Not like I’m coming onto you in any way, I swear. Guys who come onto girls too strongly are freaks.” I chuckled at his answer, and how could I say no to that... and free coffee.
“Then fine, I’ll let you buy me some coffee.”
His smile lit up and he ruffled his messy hair that was still messy from pulling his hood down. 
“Oh good, for a split second, I thought you were going to reject me.” He faked his dismay by putting his hand over his heart and clutching it dramatically. I laughed at his silly antics but didn’t let myself become comfortable with him yet. 
The school cafe was just around the cafe so we hit it pretty quickly. 
“Hi, what can I get for you two?” The pretty girl at the cashier greeted. I could tell Changbin was checking her out as he pretended to scan the menu. I wanted to roll my eyes, people who order coffee don’t need the menu, they always know their order. But I didn’t care who he checked out, it wasn’t like I was into him.
“How bout a venti iced americano please.” The girl nodded and wrote it down. 
“And for you?” 
I hummed and scanned the menu, since I, a college rookie, didn’t drink coffee often. But I definitely needed it for the early hour I woke up.
“Um, I’ll just get an tall caramel macchiato.” I didn’t even know what they tasted like, the drink just sounded cute. 
“Great, one venti ice american and one all caramel macchiato, that’ll be 5 dollars 13 cents please. 
Changbin let out a low whistle which made me snap my head at him. 
“What?” I snapped. He laughed and gave me a mischievous grin.
“Nothing, it’s just that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl or a guy order a tall coffee in the morning before.” I shrugged and tapped my shoes on the ground-- a habit I had when I was nervous.
“Well, I’m not much of a coffee drinker, so it doesn’t take much to wake me up.” He raised a brow. 
“Wow, not a daily coffee drinker? I’m not sure if I know anyone our age who doesn’t drink coffee every morning.” I shrugged and put my hands in my butt pockets. 
“Well, now you do.” I wiggled my eyebrows jokingly while he laughed at the ground like he was trying to hide his loud laugh. 
Our drinks were soon ready and I grabbed my drink while he grabbed his. I put a little coaster around mine while Changbin talked to the the pretty cashier once more.
“You two enjoy your day.” She gave him a small smile and whipped her hair at him. I felt uncomfortable.
He gave her a small smile and nodded. “You too.”
As we walked away, I gave him a little nudge, as to which he was surprised at. “What?” I scoffed.
“That girl...” I trailed off, hoping he would pick up my sentence. He just stared at me dumbly. “The girl thought you were cute.” 
At my words, he just shrugged and sipped his drink. “Okay... do you agree with her?” Now his words caught me off guard. 
I took a sip of my coffee to wake me up. “Uhhhhhh ... hmmm... uhh..” I heard him laughing at my response and wiped his hands on his pants sicne they were wet due to the condensation to the iced drink.
“Ok honestly, I’m curious! I won’t tease you or anything, I’m just genuinely curious on what a normal person thinks of my looks.” 
Changbin was... hot. To say the least. He was an attractive guy who I’m sure who got lots of girls and got lots of attention, especially with his nice style as well. 
“Ok fine, yes you’re cute, but I’m sure you already knew that.” I said pretty quickly, but he still understood it. His cheeks were flushed and a pretty pink. I knew my cheeks matched mine unfortunately.
He then turned to me and said, “thank you for your deep insight.” I laughed at his boyish humor and I heard him laughing too. 
“You’re pretty funny as well.” He didn’t respond to this compliment but stopped in his tracks. I quickly looked down at my watch and saw that time.
“Oh shit,” I mumbled. 
“What?” He wondered.
I shook my head. “Oh no big deal, I just have class in 5 minutes, so... see you in class?” He nodded slyly and waved me off.
“Definitely, see you later y/n.” 
And as I walked away from him, I felt my heart warm with a feeling I’ve never felt before and an excitement and anxiety I wasn’t sure I liked or hated.
Business seemed so far away yet it came so quickly. I walked into business and sat next to Euna who was already waiting for me. 
“Yo, are you drinking coffee?” I nodded.
“Yup, a caramel macchiato.” She gave me a weird look.
She pulled out her bottle filled with tea and raised it to take a sip. “What’s the occasion?” 
“Changbin bought me it.” Euna almost spit her drink up on me, but I pushed her away and she swallowed. “Dude!” I shouted at her. She coughed viciously but ignored me.
“Changbin?? You mean in this class Changbin??” I immediately shushed her and looked around and saw people staring directly me. Oh great.
“Wait, you and Changbin are a thing?” The guy behind me asked. I felt my cheeks heat up at his question. 
I shook my head. “No, we are not.” 
“But he bought you coffee.” I nodded.
“Yeah, um, he owed me a scantron so he just bought me coffee.” The boy named Soonyoung narrowed his eyes at me.
“You know a pack of scantrons are like 50 cents while coffee is like... more than that.” I rolled my eyes and shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just met Changbin practically yesterday.” I felt weird talking about my life, it was just ... weird. 
Suddenly, Changbin walked in and I turned back around. The class was silent. 
Changbin’s laughed filled the silence. “Why is everyone so quiet today?” I leaned back in my chair while Euna patted me on the arm comfortingly. After Changbin’s comment, the conversations resumed and the class was noisy once again. 
“You bought y/n coffee? You never buy me coffee you jerk.” Soonyoung joked while punching him on the arm. Changbin glanced quickly at me but punched Soonyoung back.
“Shut up, I only buy coffees for pretty girls.” He said while looking right at me. Oh my god... how does this guy how such confidence. 
I pretended I didn’t hear it, even though I obviously I did, and faced the teacher while even my professor gave me a small smile. 
“Ok class, today is gonna be a fun day!” The class cheered and whooped in excitement. Everyone hated lectures, so when he spiced it up, we were all thrilled. 
"So, I’m a bit sick and I’m a bit too jumbled to do lecture today, for the first 20 minutes, I’ll lecture, then I’ll let you guys ask me any kinds of questions you want, sounds good?
We all screamed “yes”. 
The lecture seemed to fly by since he had a way with making boring topics fun. 
Then, after the lecture, he pulled out a chair and sat in the middle of the room. “Question time!” He called out while everyone started to raise their hands.
“How old are you?
“Old enough to be your dad.” He laughed and then said “53.” He kept calling on people with ridiculous things like how many pets have you owned throughout your life and then simple questions like what’s your favorite movie? And so on.
“Hey James, do you ever ship your students together?” Soonyoung asked. 
James furrowed his eyes together. “What do you mean?”
“Like, do you ever think 2 students would be a good couple or something?” 
“OHHHH” James laughed and shrugged. “I mean, sometimes, of course I don’t know my student’s sexualities most of the time, but yes sometimes students come up to me, who I know fairly well, and tell me who they find cute and I then ‘ship’ them.” 
“Is that the case right now?” Another student asked. James gave a small smile and shrugged, which meant yes.
“Don’t worry, we all know who it is.” Soonyoung called out while Changbin punched him on the arm.
“It’s probably you and Changbin.” Euna whispered in my ear. I just kicked her leg. 
The class flew by and since it was a Friday, I took my time leaving. Before I could turn to Euna, she was already gone. That rat. 
“Hey y/n.” I heard the familiar voice of Changbin. I felt my heart speed up without wanting it too.
“Hey Changbin, what’s up?” I asked confidently. He seemed a bit taken aback, but he recovered smoothly, as he always did. 
“Uh, so, I was wondering if you had a Snapchat?” I raised a brow and leaned against the table while it was his turn to look nervous. 
“Hmmmm indeed I do. You want it?” He nodded shyly so I felt a bit bad for teasing him. I saw him add me on snap and I added him back quickly. 
“So, coffee is definitely better than a scantron right?” He asked. I laughed at the inside joke.
“You know, I think I’m going to have to forget my scantrons more often so I can treat you to coffee more often.” He joked, but I felt like was nervous saying it. 
“Well, you don’t need to forget your scantrons to treat me to coffee.” He paused at my words, letting them sink in. Before he could act on them, I said “bye Changbin, see you Monday.” 
And this time, I felt at ease with my small crush on the boy. 
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