#It remind me of dreamon hunters
comp3titions · 9 months
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bird-wells214 · 3 years
seeing bad put ranboo’s grass block in his ender chest just reminds me of how funny it is that ranboo is just busting his way into literally all the lore. like I don’t remember the last time him and bad actually had a full conversation but as soon as bad is in the middle of lore mode and ranboo is nearby doing ender things bad just goes YES. PERFECT. THATS EXACTLY WHO I NEED IN MY LORE.
or when ranboo hijacked phil’s stream while in the middle of his “enderwalk” and as soon as phil woke him up the rest of the stream was about asking him how his ender powers work 
or how ranboo might become part of the dreamon hunters
he busts his way in and everyone just welcomes it 
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nerdycolorcupcake · 3 years
Well, here goes my highlights on Tommy's stream first
-Phil tried to do therapy with Tommy, which at the moment felt good but... it backfired horribly, Tommy got confident but as soon as he saw the signs and Dream's fucked up shit all his PTSD came back full force, which btw...;
-And then sapnap showed up when Tommy went on Tubbo's old house bc he misses Tubbo ;-;
-Sapnap and Tommy bonding and swearing they'll kill dream together, god i loved it, "The hunters" remind me A LOT of the Dreamon hunters, so maybe one day they'll return?...;
-And then Philza showed up again after Tommy thinking that he got caught by Dream, damn that made me anxious af that birdfucker don't ever scare me like that again;
- How convenient of Sam comming to Tommy to check out on him, you don't check shit you motherfuk- anyways, Tommy better watch out to not spill his plan on killing Dream;
-Tommy finally returned to the hotel, and found SAM NOOK! After he and Phil activate him again it was the best bit of the entire stream, Sam nook my beloved, just as happy to see Tommy like he was to see him, amazing!
-Also Connor showed up too and got to talk with Tommy after so long, explaining how he got to prison and giving very funny advices XD gotta love some Connor lore :3
-Eryn showed up and he and Tommy did some bickering, y'know like how they do as friends, (and Eryn got killed by Sam nook on the way bc Tommy told him to which was fun af, also Sam nook is a indestructible robot, what a machine) and Phil is the dad who watches them all and well it's at least trying;
-Phil's fascination and fear for Sam nook is kinda like those old dudes who never saw anything technological and just get instantly shocked when are first seeing it in action;
And that's all for now, Sam's stream will b next, then Antfrost's
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meteor752 · 3 years
Dsmp Hogwarts AU, except it’s all the characters and I go into why they are what they are, please reblog this took a long ass time
Man, what a title Huh? Anyways, this will obviously go over the characters and not the content creators, because in some cases those are vastly different
Also, before we start, I will go over an important thing that I will mention probably a few times, and that is the difference between Hufflepuff Loyalty and Slytherin Loyalty.
Both of these houses value loyalty, but in very different ways. Take for example that you’re a spy who has their best friend as their partner, and you’re out on some super important mission. Let’s also say that your partner got shot and is close to death, and the only way to save them would be to abandon the mission entirely.
A Hufflepuff would try to complete the mission because it would be the best for all, while the Slytherin would abandon the mission despite the fact that it could result in countless deaths, just to save their friend.
See it as Selfish Loyalty vs Selfless loyalty. Both are great things to have, but are still different.
Anyways, on with the show
Tomathy Danger Kraken Careful Innit
I have seen people try to argue that this boy is a Hufflepuff because of his loyalty and such, but gosh darnit everyone this child is a god damn Gryffindor. I mean, one of his main character traits is that he’s brash and too brave for his own good. The reason he got fucking exiled is because he burned down George’s house without thinking of the consequences, and then just screamed at Dream without thinking of the consequences. The same goes for Ghostbur’s “death”, it was because he had no real plan except Stab Dream with an axe. So yeah, Gryffindor
Wilbur Soot
Slytherin, 100%. This man has created one and a half nation, one entirely out of spite, he was both a general and a president, he’s a smart lil fella, and he managed to hold his own against the god of the server. I don’t even thing you guys wanna argue with me here
Tuberculosis Underscore
This one is tricky, because it’s really between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for me. Like, he does possess the Hufflepuff loyalty™ plus he is very kind, but he’s also one of the more logical and observant characters we have in this server (The bar is very low let me tell ya). But I think I will have to go with Ravenclaw, just because like, the boy invented nukes. He built fucking nukes. So yeah, a very chaotic Ravenclaw that will spout bee facts at you, be prepared
My man is a Ravenclaw, no doubt about it. I mean, he started talking about an old greek myth in the middle of a war? Just Ravenclaw things amiright?
Philza Minecraft
I will have to go with Slytherin on this one, simply because of the large amount of Slytherin Loyalty, but also because of his cunningness and resourcefulness, but for real this was very tricky, simply because I don’t like to think about c!Phil too much because as some of you may know, I kinda hate him (Not the cc though, obvs, he’s awesome)
Ranboo My Beloved
Hufflepuff. This boy’s ideology is literally “Choose people, not sides”, he’s an honest and compassionate boy who works hard, and has a very open mind. He’s literally the by the book Hufflepuff
Honestly, Slytherin. I mean, they are ambitious as fuck, both shown by them betraying L’Manburg for the throne, but also by working hard towards their redemption arc. They are also a good leader of the smp, and in general a great role model to have
Nikki Nihachu
This one is actually difficult, simply because Nikki has gone through quite the character arc the past couple of months. She started out kind, sweet and loyal, a classic Hufflepuff. Then she joined the syndicate and straight up tried to kill a child, which is less Hufflepuff but who am I to judge. But in her core, as seen through her discussion with Jack about Tommy’s revival, she is still a good person that works hard for what she believes in, wants the best for everyone (Despite sometimes working in her best self interest) remains kind through it all. So yeah, Nikki is a Hufflepuff, just a bit of a sadistic one. But we can’t all be perfect ya know?
Fun Jonathan Michael Vincent Georgina James Sus Dy Soot
Ah, my favorite character, and also one of the best examples of a Ravenclaw. And I ain’t saying that just cuz I’m a Ravenclaw, Fundy is one of the most Ravenclaw characters out there. He’s creative, Clever, Spontaneous, Witty, Curious, Sharp, and a real trickster. The idea of Ravenclaws being the goody two shoes kids that always does their school work is just false, we never do our Homework and instead sit and read about things we find interesting, and Fundy is a good example of that. Also he was quite the eager learner during the Dreamon Hunters arc, which again is a good example of a Ravenclaw. So if Ranboo is the by the book Hufflepuff, then Fundy is the by the book Ravenclaw.
I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed that Dream is actually a Slytherin, and I ain’t arguing with that. This boy is cunning, sly, a leader, traditional, Self-Preserving, and a master with words. There is not much more to say here, apart from the fact that Slytherins main colour is literally green, so it all checks out, this boy is a snake.
George Lore
Mr not found over here really is hard to pinpoint down, simply because his main character trait is his apathy, which isn’t really a trait for any of the houses. I was discussing this one with my girlfriend, and both of us were pretty clueless of what to do with him. I was thinking if Hufflepuff since they take the ones that don’t fit anywhere else, but then I was reminded of the most recent Dream XD stream, which showed us one thing, and that is that George is clever, observant, and Sharp Minded, all the traits of a Ravenclaw. Sure, he could also be Slytherin as he was both cunning and sly as well, but I think Ravenclaw fits him more personally.
Sappitus Nappitus Boyhalo
Finally we have another Gryffindor, there’s been a serious lack of them on the list. My man is a fighter, he’s bold, he’s brave, he’s passionate, he’s confident, and he doesn’t really think that much of the consequences of his actions (Cough the pet war cough), so yeah this boy a lion.
Ah, Punzie, the mercenary themself. Tbh, I know very little about them because Punz don’t get involved that much in lore unless they are hired for something. I mean, they were in the eggpire, but even then they were barely involved, which is sad cuz I like Punz. But what we have seen of Punz is that they are someone who does not care about you or what you want, as long as you pay them. They are power hungry and self preserving, which means that I have to put them in Slytherin.
Jack Thunder1408 TV Manifold
The boy who I can’t help but be sympathetic towards. Jack is also a hard character to pin point because of the reason that he’s gone through quite the development. Jackie boy is a very broken character that has literally been through hell, so it’s hard to properly sort him. He’s quite confident and clever, yet cunning and resourceful, so for me it’s either Slytherin or Gryffindor. But I do lean towards Gryffindor more, partly because of his stubbornness and gullibility, and part because of all the fire imagery that’s associated with him. I mean, the cc described him as burning inside, he’s been through the scape of fire and death, and he burnt his nation to the ground. In case you didn’t know, Fire is the element of Gryffindor, so yeah, another red and gold boy.
Schlatt is as both charming, charismatic and calm in the early days, using subtle manipulation tactics to get his way and achieve ultimate power. He’s ambitious, narcissistic, cunning, and tyrannical, while still hiding it all behind a facade of smiles and waves. He could also be both cruel and irresponsible at times, aka the time he had an underage child drink during an event, but ya know, mistakes. So all in all, I think it’s pretty clear that he’s a Snakey boy.
As much as I love CC!Quackity, I also fucking hate him because of the many, many different directions he’s taken this character which makes it possible for him to fit in literally any of the houses. The duckie is both Chaotic and lawful, he’s both friendly and hostile, he’s a smart cookie and a fucking dumbass, so like bruh. But, I’m gonna have to go with how he is now, which is manipulative, power hungry, cruel, and strong willed. Aka, another Slytherin.
Karl Jacobs
Finally, a character that is not broken down to the point of barely making out a readable personality. Karl is a kind and funny person, who is very open to new people considering how often he gives tours to visitors and new people, and he is quite literally loosing himself traveling through time in an attempt to help people. Hufflepuff
This one I know will be controversial, but I’m saying Hufflepuff on him. Sam is one of the best cases of the Hufflepuff loyalty, literally letting both Tommy and Ghostbur be stuck and ultimately die in the prison just so he wouldn’t risk Dream breaking out. Before that point he was very kind and gentle towards Tommy, literally building a robot to keep him safe and take care of him. Sam nook is a reflection of Sam’s feelings towards Tommy, and they are kind and gentle.
Ughhhh, another tough one. Ponk is a chaotic being who is mostly neutral in conflicts, but is shown to be very open about their feelings towards those they care about, like Sam or Foolish. They seem to be have strong feelings in what they believe in, and can be a bit brash sometimes, not really caring about the consequences of their actions, which is what makes me say Gryffindor for them.
Our favorite muffin demon. I assume, I don’t know what life you live. Anyways, Bad is like the stereotypical Hufflepuff. The kindhearted, well meaning, sweet, responsible Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff that’s like in all of those incorrect quotes blogs and “Slytherin and Hufflepuff friendships uwu” posts. But for real, Bad is very Hufflepuff. He does however have Slytherin Loyalty, considering he pretty much sacrificed the entire server for Skeppy, but if you would try to convince me that Bad is a Slytherin I will just laugh at you
It was at this point I realized what I’ve gotten myself into with this post, which you know, not fun. Skeppy is both cocky and filled with energy, with a real ambition to cause chaos. He’s also shown to be willing to sacrifice himself for the person he loves, Bad, when he gave himself up to the egg. I’ve seen some people say Slytherin, but I’m kinda getting Gryffindor from the lad, so yeah, another lion.
Frosty here is a kind hearted person that for the most part seem to be along for the ride. He reminds me a bit of a parent of toddlers, with his patience and serenity towards the more chaotic people on the server, so of course my natural instinct is Hufflepuff. Buuuuut, then there’s again the issue with the egg and the Slytherin loyalty, this time towards his boyfriend Velvet who he was willing to join a cult for (relationship goals) but again, you can’t really say Ant is a Slytherin considering how wrecked he was about what he did while in the eggpire when he was released from it’s grasp. So yeah, Puffle boy
Captain Puffy
Oh captain my captain, you are such a Gryffindor. And some of you may disagree on that, stating that she’s a Hufflepuff or something (I did research before this to check what other people think, I know) but naaah, she a lion. Puffy is very motherly and protective towards other people on the server, especially the minors, but in the way that a Bear is protective towards its cub, which is gentle towards them but fierce towards others. Puffy also falls natural in the role of a leader as seen with Pro-Omelette, but that is kinda expected since she’s a past Pirate Captain. But she wasn’t the leader she was supposed to be, as she waited quite a while to act against the eggpire out of fear of hurting her friends, which lead to quite the damage towards the rest of the server. She’s also been shown to act on impulse, killing Antfrost and taking one of his lives after he killed her son. Idk if this is a good explanation of why I believe Puffy to be a Gryffindor, it sounds more like I’m claiming her to be a Slytherin or Hufflepuff, but she is a Gryffindor I promise!
Foolish Gamers
Foolish is a kind and friendly being, if not a bit naive and easily distracted. He’s also not the brightest person, in fact I’d go as far as to call the guy a Himbo, and he can be a bit skittish sometimes if he’s stressed or haven’t taken a break in a while. But despite it all, the guy is someone who’s creative and hard working, with a brilliant mind for his building. The man is an artist who can get grumpy if you suppress his creative aura, and put his heart and soul into his works. He also has a habit of getting wrapped up in big projects, and ignoring sleep or personal care until he’s finished them. This all leads me to say that Mr Gamers is a Ravenclaw, just not the smartest one. But hey, we can’t all be geniuses, can we.
Slime is very naive and very trusting towards people around him, taking every word they say as a fact. He can also be a bit dark and ominous at times, but quickly shakes it off as nothing important. This all makes him quite childish, which is very hard to sort, so I’m gonna say Hufflepuff for his friendliness and move on.
Purpled Bedwars
I actually started loving this guy the minute I saw him, purely because Purple is my favorite colour, like my man has taste. Purpled, like Punz, is a guy who helps whoever pays him the most. He’s not interested in most things on the server, too busy looking out for number one (And Dogchamp of course). He’s very self reliant and resourceful, but still quite passive. He may not be the most ambitious guy, but Purpled is definitely a Slytherin (It also brings me and my girlfriend Serotonin knowing that the mercenary siblings are both in the same house, we love those two)
I don’t watch Hannah that much, but god I love her voice, it makes my lesbian little heart happy. Hannah is a friendly person who is very naive about the conflicts on the server, thinking it all can can be solved by placing a rose (God I wish). She’s a good decorator and a good hearted person, who unfortunately fell victim to the egg’s influence. I’m going with Hufflepuff on her, but I’m honestly not entirely sure as I don’t know that much about her.
H is a very well meaning person that only really wants people to be friendly towards each other. He had a strict moral code and he keeps to it, as shown where Fundy tried to get his help with blowing shit up. He’s very helpful to those who ask and is willing to back up his friends when it’s needed, which makes me say that the friendly totally not dirty cat maid is a Hufflepuff.
I just want you all to know that I’m writing this before Connor’s lore stream that surely will just go against everything I say because fate hates me, just so ya know. Connor is not a person that does stuff on the server with lore and he for the most part keeps to himself, so this is a bit hard. Connor also has this thing where he likes to say things just to confuse him, and also making a bit of cursed lore, but he’s still a fairly humble person. He does lie and steal a bit, and has this habit of moving into other people’s houses, but I digress. I’m actually leaning towards Ravenclaw on him, for some reason, so that’s what I’m going with until I have more of an established character.
I know she has left the server and stuff, but she was one of the original members so it would be a crime not to include her. Alyssa is a bit chaotic, often going on killing sprees, or burning down the trees outside of L’Manburg. So I’m placing Alyssa in Gryffindor, but to be honest I don’t really know at this point.
How do you sort a person who does not speak, stream, or show like anything of his personality? The answer is, you don’t. Hufflepuff is the house of those who don’t fit in anywhere else, and that’s where I’m placing him.
Please log onto the server I’m begging you, I didn’t watch you as a kid and honestly know nothing about you. From what I’ve seen of Vik he’s a very humble person that tries to stay out of it all, instead forming a land together with his bro Lazar. Honestly my instincts say Ravenclaw and I trust my instincts, so I’m putting him in Ravenclaw
Lazar was actually a big part of the exile arc which I realized after already have written his, so now I gotta rewrite it. Lazar is fairly ambitious on the server, and has the goal to obtain the most powerful objects on the server just to rival the other strong members of the smp. He’s especially against Tommy, and aims to do a lot to be the opposite of him, aka well respected and not a war criminal that got exiled (Totally fair goal). Despite that, he was able to show some empathy to the British child, even going as far as to give him a disk during his exile. This all makes me say Slytherin on him.
Newest boy. Michael is a very apathetic person, showing little to no empathy towards most people’s trauma on the server. The person he does feel empathy for however is Dream, who of course did nothing wrong and is locked up in the prison which is just horrible oh no. Michael just truly does not care about what you’ve been through (as of now) which is why I’m gonna say Slytherin, because he does have Slytherin loyalty towards Mr Was Taken.
So all together we have Seven lions, Ten Snakes, Seven Eagles and Ten Badgers. I think that’s fair tbh
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246 days since we’ve had Dreamon Hunters on the Dream SMP
Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake
If I were a tardigrade I'd move out from home
Why live in the shrubbery when you could have a throne?
Pressure wouldn't squash me and fire couldn't burn
These are the things that I will never learn
The spores held the two in almost a chokehold without the suffocation. They were certainly at the brink of it with every breath of the contaminated glowing air. The raven-haired bored holes of his eyes at the Dreamon, the one so casually letting more tiny mushrooms grow at his palms. In the cramped palace of towering capped fungi, the only Hunter remained in a state of disgusted shock. Yet, his jaw never slackened, only tightened as he grit teeth. He wondered why must he kneel with his torso so lowered in front of a dead man on a throne of amanita. The question only whitened his knuckles and dug crescent nail dents into his palms. He turned to the dirty blond with the cursed mask affixed to the thief's side.The reminder of what was at stake still eyed him with mocking smiling expression. Behind that, the thief looked back at the Hunter with uncertainty in his lightly creased brows.
"You really want his help?" Sapnap hissed, at least the whisper held the courtesy in faux silence
"I'm sure, just trust me-" Dream huffed in a hushed tone too.
"I can hear you fools and your breathing from here," The Dreamon stopped toying with the mushrooms in his hand, "Every word is crisp and clear in my chambers"
"Sorry 'your highness' that I would rather trust a cow than a Dreamon to give an answer to...whatever this is!" The Hunter added volume to his words, heavy and angered
"I never said I'd give answers, I just wanted to extend out an offer, and that human there said yes."
George paused only to lower his crossed legs and lean forward to the living beings.
"I'm glad he did. It's not every day in this forest I see a human survive that mask. To survive such stinging pain, a condition worse than death, is a strange gift after all."
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devak66 · 3 years
The Visit
Time for the third tale from the AU. This one involving tubbo visiting dream ooooo
Word count: 1383
The pop of lava was about the only thing he heard as the bridge he was on led him to his destination. Tubbo didn’t want to do this but he needed answers. The mode of transportation suddenly stopped once it reached the end. The maximum containment cell. Tubbo stepped off the bridge, keeping his gaze on the man inside as the bridge moved back to the other side of the lava moat. Once it reached where it had started, Sam called out “Once the lava is back down you'll be able to talk to the prisoner. Tubbo simply nodded. He was starting to regret this idea as he felt the lava pouring behind him, the residual heat on his back. He looked at the other in the cell, the divider had retracted as the lava had completely covered the entrance to the cell. The prisoner was first to speak
“I wasn't expecting you of all people to come visit me” Dream spoke, his expression unreadable from behind the mask. Tubbo was honestly surprised he got to keep it, seeing how Sam had been so thorough about nothing being brought into the prison. Tubbo honestly didn't know what to say. This man had done so much and Tubbo had prepared so many questions so he did not get overwhelmed in panic of being so close to the man who had threatened his last life. “So, are you here to gloat? You’ve finally won”
At that point, Tubbo had finally found his voice “No. I actually need to ask you some questions”
“Oh? About what? About how I sleep at night? The answer is not as well as i used to”
“No” Tubbo repeat “I want to specifically ask you about Ranboo” This caught Dream off guard, before he could question why, Tubbo added “He had a dreamonic transformation and i want to know if you were involved with that.. Somehow”
“He.. he actually transformed” There was a hint of a smile in Dream’s voice. Not a mocking or cruel tone.. If anything.. It seemed proud “What triggered the transformation?” he asked Tubbo
“I.. thought it had something to do with you,” Tubbo was worried about what Dream would say. He had been mad at how willing to attack Fundy had been, but he was right. If Ranboo is as dangerous as any other dreamon.. He’d have to be dealt with.
Dream shook his head “That’s not how dreamons work. The first dreamonic transformation, well technically any to a dreamon not trained to control it, has an emotional state that will trigger it. It can be anything from wanting to defend themself to simply stress. So. What caused his transformation?”
“I, in all honesty, have no clue” Tubbo admit “Fundy messaged me about a dreamon and when i got there i found Ranboo like that”
Dream was getting angry with what he heard “you have to be fucking kidding me”
“What is it?” Tubbo was concerned
“I told fundy about Ranboo in a moment of damn trust” Dream said “what im fucking saying is Fundy probably asked him questions that he couldnt answered and caused the fucking transformation” Dream was getting pissed, the roots of his hair starting to go white. Dream noticed Tubbo starting to back away and took a deep breath to calm down, his hair going back to its normal light brown color “I’m calm. I’m good” Dream assured. He put a hand to the mask and traced along the crack going down the middle to part way past the center.
“I have a few more questions for you, if you don’t mind answering them” Tubbo was terrified at the idea of a potential dreamonic transformation when he had no potential of getting out safely
“Go ahead. I have nothing better to do” Dream said “When you’re done I’ll have a little offer for you”
Tubbo didn’t ask what that could mean, and immediately asked the first of the questions “What did you tell Fundy?”
“Simple. I told Fundy about Ranboo’s other half, which is dreamon” 
“How did you know it?”
“Dreamons can… sense it” Dream lied “Dreamons have a magical aura that normal folk cannot notice”
“If that’s true, you'd be able to say if there’s another dreamon in the area” Tubbo wished he had been able to bring a book, this information is incredibly valuable and if he could had taken notes on it
“Yes. But why would i tell you, dreamon hunter?” Dream is glad Tubbo hadn’t noticed the amount of lies Dream had made. Because, why would he lie? He’s not leaving. But he’s not lying for himself. If anyone knew that Ranboo was his brother… who knows what the people would do to him
“Why did you get so mad about what Fundy did?”
“I… Um.. cant let my pawn and fellow dreamon get hurt” Dream said, thankful that he had his mask to hide his expression for that blatant lie
Tubbo frowned “You know Fundy told me what you had told him”
Dream didn’t respond. How to get out of this situation… “I know Ranboo is your brother,” Tubbo said, studying Dream’s body language. He couldn’t read his face, because of the mask, so he’d have to find other ways to analyze how he’s feeling in the moment or if he’s lying
“That could have been a lie,” Dream said. He’s definitely tense but trying to not be too obvious
“But why would you say something like that” Tubbo replied almost immediately “I know how you are, green man, but i don't see the strategic point in telling him. On top of denying it afterwards. Maybe you told him and regret it afterwards”
“If you know me so well, you know how i'm always a step ahead of you”
“But i also know that even you can make mistakes. And your biggest mistake for this conversation was showing how protective you are of Ranboo” Tubbo grinned. Checkmate
Dream was quiet for a few moments before he sighed “fine. You got me. But put yourself in my shoes. The tyrant that is hated by all, if people knew ranboo was my little brother, how do you think that would go? It would be a repeat of everyone finding out who your father is'' he said blatantly
Now it was Tubbo’s turn to be quiet “But all you did to him”
“What i did was all for a reason. I don't need to explain myself to you” He took a deep breath “You said little Tantabus had a dreamonic transformation?”
“You’ll want my help to help train him” Dream said “his dreamonic state will be difficult to keep in check without it, and i don't mean emotional training. Let me do this” “No..”
“You need me!”
“I don’t! Fundy snapped him out fine without you” Tubbo said
“You don't need to know”
“How did he snap him out, Tubbo” Dream was stern, staring at the goat hybrid
“By reminding him who he is” Tubbo replied, which made Dream laugh
“It’s not that easy. You need me. Ranboo was just tired, that's why he reverted to normal form”
“Tubbo. You don't understand all i've done for ranboo! Let me do this!”
“NO! Just stop!”
“I’ve done everything for him! The lies i’ve said to keep him safe, the lives i've ruined to keep him safe- this.. this isn't helping, is it”
Tubbo was backing away “No.. i can't”
“Think about it, please. I'm not your enemy in this situation. I just want to help Ranboo.. I’ve missed him” Dream pleaded
“Sam!” Tubbo called out to the warden, he was done with this visit
“Tubbo.” Dream tried
A voice spoke over the PA system “are you done talking to the prisoner”
“Think about it.. Please… i want to help” Dream said
Tubbo kept his gaze on the masked prisoner “Yeah, Sam, i'm ready” He looked away from Dream.
It took a few minutes for Tubbo to be brought out of the maximum security cell. Sam studied the smaller male “Did everything go well?” Tubbo simply nodded, he had a lot on his mind. Sam led the way out of the prison, after a few minutes of walking, Tubbo piped up
 “Hey.. Sam? Can I ask you something?”
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dsmp-thoughts · 3 years
//dsmp, spoilers, roleplay
i want to go more in-depth about a theory i had a few posts ago about how karl, ranboo, dream, and the egg are connected. i’ll refresh my theory.
the inbetween is the place where karl goes to once he finishes a tale. the inbetween is something that is very bittersweet to me, something that /seems/ sweet but has a hidden truth. karl reads books that is written by an unknown person(?) and it tells him that the inbetween is a safe space where karl is able to relax and recollect his thoughts. but hidden in certain spots within the inbetween, karl finds books that warns him to not ‘stray away from the path’.
it leaves many of the audience to wonder who wrote the warning and why. i theorize that if you stray away from the path, you result in death. what i mean by that is the fact that the inbetween is somewhere where time doesn’t exist. i say that because the inbetween reminds me of what is /inbetween/ dimensions, meaning an area where time in nonexistent. so if you go against the guide, you immediately get sent to another place where time doesn’t exist, the void/afterlife.
this is where ranboo comes in. we all know ranboo is half endermen, but we never learn what his other half is. i believe that ranboo’s other half is from the inbetween, or at least someone who died within the inbetween. if you also think about it, endermen ARE travelers since they are able to teleport from the overworld to the end and even to the nether. if ranboo were to have died and really is part of the inbetween, then this is where the revival book comes in.
it sounds crazy, but what if ranboo is someone who has been revived. it would make sense as to why ranboo has terrible memory problems and why he doesn’t remember where he came from. it also makes sense WHY dream has control over him.
dream has the revival book, something that controls death essentially. since ranboo is already weak-willed in terms of mental state, it gives dream more opportunity to have control over him. let me be a bit more specific: ranboo’s other half is unknown, his unknown half is something from the inbetween/afterlife. the book was used on ranboo to bring him back to life, which explains his memory issues and why he’s half white. the book has control over ranboo. dream has the book which means dream has control over ranboo.
this is why during the stage before ranboo filly “enderwalks” he hears dream’s voice. because dream is the one who has the book and ranboo’s other half knows what dream is capable of and the power he has with the book, which causes ranboo to lose consciousness.
we’ve seen as the audience through several perspective that dream acts different with every person that visits him. with badboyhalo, he’s nice; with sapnap, he’s quiet; with tommy, he’s manipulative. it’s almost like dream doesn’t know his relationships with others are which makes me believe dream isn’t dream.
i feel like dream is dead, he’s been dead for a long time. maybe even as far back as the ‘dreamon’ hunters “bit”. but the moment the egg came into the plot, that’s when “dream” changed. maybe the dream we see now is just the dreamon. we all just assume that dream went power hungry but it doesn’t make sense since he’s always had power to begin with.
so the dreamon fed onto its first victim and now has his body, which was dream’s body. so this is how the egg fits into this theory. the egg obviously possesses people but what exactly is in the egg? i’m not confident to say it’s dreamons BUT whatever is in the egg can send a dreamon. the egg controls all after all.
this is just a theory that lives in my head rent free. could be some flaws as more streams come about but feel free to discuss if you want haha.
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now’s not the time
Summary: Tubbo watches from afar each day, as Tommy paces back and forth in endless circles. Ever since the watchtower has been finished, Tommy's been staying at the old dreamon hunter campsite, staring down the prison during the day and sleeping with one eye open during the night. He can't miss any details, any block out of plays that may hint at Dream's escape. Because he can't escape. He won't. Tommy is going to make sure of that.
Tubbo, on the other hand, is going to make sure that his friend will be okay. They'll both be okay.
It’s been a week and Tommy’s been staying at the watchtower ever since it got finished. He stares down the prison during the day and sleeps with one eye open at night. He doesn’t want to miss any details, any block out of place that may hint at Dream’s escape. Because Dream can’t escape. He can’t. Tommy is going to make sure of that. He climbs up the ladder with tired limbs and heavy eyes.
Tubbo watches from afar, frowning at the way his best friend paces back and forth in endless circles at the top of the watchtower. He fidgets with the fur trimming of his winter coat, that is much too warm for the warmer climate around the prison, before he decides that he will have to intervene. Just… not right now. Michael needs him in Snowchester.
The nights have become colder and Tubbo’s winter coat has become more and more appropriate, as the sun falls from the sky. The watchtower is empty and instead he can see a prick of light, probably a campfire, further down the coast. Walking closer, he can make out a small silhouette huddled dangerously close to the flames. It is Tommy.
Tubbo approaches slowly from the right, watching his friend shiver in the crisp night air with his thin shirt. At least his neck was protected by his bandana. He rips his gaze from the deep green of its fabric, focusing instead on Tommy’s face. The empty look in his eyes scares him. He averts his gaze once again, directing it at the dying fire instead.
He stares into it until he sees white spots flicker in his vision. The flames remind him of burning craters, created both by his enemies and by his own hands and he wonders if… he shakes his head and looks towards Tommy again, whose eyes are dead set on the prison. He wonders if the flames remind him of the same thing.
“Hey, Big Man,” he says, sitting down to his left. He ignores the scar that peeks out underneath his dirty hair, he ignores the images of Dream striking Tommy down again and again, that go through his mind. Now’s not the time. “What’re you up to?” No response. “Hm, guess I’m just gonna fill the silence for the both of us.” He fidgets with the sleeve of his jacket and watches his friend shiver in the cold.
“Do you know Foolish? A few weeks ago, I commissioned him to build us a mansion, so that Ranboo, Michael and me can live together in one big house and all that. I know that you’re not that fond of Ranboo, but he makes me happy. They both do and I can’t wait to move in with them. To live under the same roof that I own and paid for. Well, I guess Ranboo pays for it and technically owns it, but that’s besides the point. The reason why I actually brought this up is… Tommy, would you like to live with us? There’s more than enough space for you an-”
“SHUT UP, TUBBO!! Can’t you see I’m trying to concentrate here. This is important,” he yells out, interrupting his friend. He doesn’t notice the way Tubbo flinches at his sudden yelling, shrinking in on himself. Now’s not the time. “This is important…” He rubs at his eyes, looking exhausted. Tubbo stops talking, lowering his hands which he had raised in excited gestures. This is okay. They’ll be okay.
“Okay,” Tubbo mumbles, watching the dying embers in front of them. He hadn’t even noticed how fast time was passing. He slowly gets up from his sitting spot and retrieves some more logs and kindling from a chest close to the watchtower. He looks up at its top with a frown, shaking his head as he returns to the campsite and throws the logs and the kindling onto the embers. The kindling catches fire and soon the whole thing lights up in flames and burning heat. Tommy doesn’t move an inch. Not until Tubbo tugs at his shirt again and again, until he finally moves with a glare. 
“I’ll be right back.” He leaves for a few minutes, returning moments later with a bag full of steaming hot baked potatoes. “Eat.” He offers Tommy a potato wrapped in some tin foil. 
“Not hungry,” Tommy replies, blinking frantically as he continues to stare. His vision feels a bit blurry.
“It wasn’t a question. Eat.” He shoves the potato into Tommy’s hand and leans back, as he tears into his own. He can feel the warmth of the food and the fire spread through his body, making him feel much better. At least physically. He glances to the side and watches Tommy take a small bite. A surprised look spreads across his face and he, too, tears into the potato, eating it in mere minutes.
“Good. Now sleep,” Tubbo instructs, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around Tommy’s shoulders. He knows that Tommy won’t actually follow his order, but he tries all the same.
“Are you fucking crazy, Tubbo?? There’s no way I can go to sleep now,” Tommy argues. He doesn’t take off the jacket. “What about ‘this is important’ did you not understand?! This- this is so much bigger than the both of us and- and I can’t afford to sleep when he is in there, plotting and shit and oh god, what if he actually escapes, what if he-”
He is interrupted by a sudden almost burning heat on the left side on his face. It was a potato.
“What the fuck, Tubbo! Get that shit away from me, now’s not the time!!”
“I know,” he says, moving closer and leaning against Tommy. “I know, Tommy. But if you don’t sleep, then I will. So try to keep it down.”
“What th- you are the one talking my fucking ears off and-”
“Oh fuck off.”
Tubbo closes his eyes, shifting a bit to get more comfortable against his friend-shaped pillow and promptly dozes off. Tommy scoffs, but doesn’t wake him. He doesn’t try to move him, either. He moves his eyes back to the prison, watching the lava encased in the watchtowers lazily flow down, down, down.
It only takes a few moments for him to finally fall asleep as well.
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comradeboyhalo · 3 years
the egg arc reminds me SO much of dreamon hunter streams
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devak66 · 3 years
His first transformation
Eyyy i finally finished this
i thought it would be fun
word count: 1457
explaination in tags
The day starts… much better than others. Ranboo is going for a walk, paying some respects to the damage that Dream had caused to L’Manberg. The crater where it once stood. Ranboo clutched his memory book, looking at what the now imprisoned man had done. Ranboo smiled. Things were going to get better. He hadn’t heard the voice in a while, he found a new home by Phil and Techno. Nothing could ruin this moment.
“Hello dreamon” Fundy’s voice chirped from behind Ranboo, making him jump, luckily he wasnt so close to the ledge he was at risk of falling into the crater but he was still spooked. He turned to face the fox with a very confused “What..?”
“Don’t play dumb with me” Fundy said with a smug smile “Dream told me a while ago. Now Dream is in prison and i want to run some tests on a real dreamon”
“I.. I’m not a dreamon. I’m half enderman-”
“And your other half is dreamon. Honestly i'm surprised i didn’t realize sooner” Fundy took a step towards Ranboo, making the hybrid step closer to the ledge
“N-no… that.. That can't be” ranboo felt his anxiety rise at this idea. It feel wrong but… what… what if Fundy is right. No. That can’t be “I… If I were, why does it matter…?”
Fundy was reaching for something in his bag “well. Ranboo, i'm a part of a little group of people called Dreamon Hunters. And if you’re at all related to a dreamon like Dream, you need to be dealt with”
Ranboo took a step back, right on the ledge. What? Related to Dream…? No.. that can't be true, can it..? “What.. does that mean…?” he glanced down as Fundy had grabbed what he was looking for and with a quick movement had produced a bottle of something and splashed it on Ranboo, who screamed in pain and fell backwards. What Fundy had splashed on Ranboo was not just any water, it was prime water, something very dangerous to dreamons. “Holy shit..” Fundy said looking over the edge, Ranboo had landed on a decent sized ledge, clutching his new burn. The stress and raw emotion of this situation was making Ranboo’s body change.. and transform “it worked!” Fundy smiled
Ranboo’s horns grew longer, as did many of his features. His fingers became closer to claws as a growl grew in his throat. This is when Fundy realized “wait.. it worked” he backed up a few steps when he heard what could be described as a sheik of rage. Fundy quickly pulled out his communicator and sent a message to Tubbo “dreamon. L’Manberg crater. Hurry” he looked up to see the creature that was earlier Ranboo use his longer limbs and claws to pull himself out of the pit
Fundy started to back away from the very angry dreamon “H-hey… ranboo… i can guess youre a little angry” he reached for his bag. Ok.. take inventory. Sword, hoe(of course for defending against dreamons), and.. Perfect. A bottle. Fundy triumphantly pulled it out to find.. Empty. Fuck “C-come on.. It wasnt personal a-and in my defence… it was for research and I didn’t think it would work” that was the exact wrong thing to say. The dreamon roared in rage and charged. Fundy turned tail and ran, checking his communicator with hopes that Tubbo was nearby, but he couldn't tell because tubbo hadnt responded. After several sharp turns, the fox had made it to the holy land. Dreamonic ranboo skid to a stop just at the border, not even trying to step onto the land of prime, he did try to rake his claws at Fundy, who was thankfully just out of range. Fundy’s communicator chirped with a notification. Fundy took it out and glanced at the dreamon pacing the border. Waiting. Fundy checked the message, it was from tubbo, that said ‘A dreamon! Holy shit! Where are you so you can tell me more’ 
Fundy responded with a simple ‘I’m at church prime, barely escaped it. Be careful when you get here, it's still roaming’ Tubbo gave a quick response and Fundy looked at the beast. It’s eyes held a rage that Fundy didn’t know Ranboo could even have. Moving to the safer space of the church, he glanced over to the dreamon, who was pacing by the border of the holy land.
After a few minutes, Tubbo walked in, wearing his dreamon hunting clothes, looking over at hi compatriot “I messaged Sapnap but he said he’s busy doing something with Karl and Quackity”
Fundy sighed “Then it’s just the two of us”
“How did dream even get out of prison. I thought that place was inescapable”
“It’s not Dream. Its someone else. I thought you’d be able to tell when you saw it” Fundy felt a twinge of panic at what he knew was coming of Tubbo’s response
“I didnt see any dreamon” tubbo saw the fear in Fundy’s eyes
“We need to go. Now. before someone else finds it. Someone who cant defend themself” Fundy was ready to go, as he had already filled some bottles with prime water. Tubbo nodded and turned to leave, Fundy following after “I doubt we’ll be able to do the ritual, but with any hope we can weaken it enough to transform back to normal form”
“You saw the dreamon transform.. Holy shit” as they passed over the border  of the holy land, Tubbo thought to ask a very important question “If not Dream, who is the dreamon?” 
Before Fundy could answer, a roar echoed through the air, startling some birds. Fundy reached for a bottle of prime water, looking around quickly trying to pinpoint where the sound came from, before he saw it. Long thin limbs ending with clawed almost paws. Those red eyes completely ignored Tubbo as it charged, running on all fours, to kill the bastard who burned him in the first place. It was more difficult to tell with the burns on his body, but the white of his skin was creeping further as he was in this form longer. It was barely noticable as it hasnt been too long but anyone who knows Ranboo well would be able to tell. Before he could lunge he heard a the voice of his best friend, in absolute shock, say “Ranboo?”
Ranboo, if you could call this dreamonic form Ranboo, skidded to a stop, basically sitting on the ground like a dog. “Ranboo.. Is .. his other half is Dreamon..” Tubbo was dumbfounded, but he did notice how ready Fundy was to use his prime water “Fundy! Put that away, this is our friend!”
“That thing isnt ranboo! Its a monster using his form to trick you!” Fundy replied, hearing the growl growing from Ranboo.
 “Fundy. Stop. We.. we can try to snap him out of this..” Tubbo said
“Are you kidding! It doesnt care about you! It will kill you at it’s first chance”
“Stop. We are doing this and that is final. Understood fundy?” Tubbo was getting angry, fundy didnt say anything “we.. just need to remind him of who he is” Tubbo looked at the dreamon. He had calmed down, his tail swaying a bit like a cat’s. On his back was a small set of insectoid wings, Nowhere near large enough to use to fly. Neat.
“Ranboo.. Do you remember who i am?” Tubbo tried, only getting a tilted head in response “I.. I’ll take that as a no.. I’m Tubbo, you-”
“This isnt going to work. If you want to remind him of who he is-”
“Who he is is a fucking coward” fundy looked straight at the dreamon, who seemed to actually flinch at that “When i first heard what he believed i thought he was an indecisive, insane spineless fuck but when i realized he was right and wanted to join him to continue what he believed he left me like everyone in my fucking life” Ranboo seemed to be slouching.. Or at least.. Smaller.. Closer to his normal size, he backed up a bit away from the angry fox “and even now when he could so easily kill me, youre being a fucking coward” Ranboo whimpered
“Fundy enough”. Tubbo was looking at the dreamon. Ranboo was about his normal size but his eyes were still that red. “Ranboo.. Its o-” Ranboo had gotten up and made a run for it in the opposite direction, Tubbo was angry “fundy what the fuck!”
“Looks like it worked”
“Thats not my point!”
“Hes half dreamon. Hes a danger and if you dont understand that then i will deal with him if he ever goes to that state again. Understood, Tubbo?” Fundy glared
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