#It wasnt the same sittuation at all
beastofhearts · 2 years
Why Lukka and Not Wrenn
I seen people making this compassion and I don't really get it.
Realmebreaker DID try to infect Wrenn when she bonded with him and we see her suffering and struggling for it. But she did had some defenses against it thanks to Melira’s magic (At least I think she does) and Chandra’s help to keep her anchor and fuel her will. She is aware of Realmbreaker intent and -because of it- fights against it.
Lukka, on the other hand, started to accept he creature opinions and ideas and loosing track of his own (Like not realizing he changed paths). That was his downfall. He never realized he was being corrupted and so, he couldn't fight it.
In summary: A) Different creatures and how they tried to complete their planeswalkers B) Different planeswalker with different personalities/knowledge. C) Different assets to deal with the infection.
PS: She wasn't completed but she payed a high price to avoid doing so and bond with the Realmbreaker
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zmayadw · 3 years
I’ll post a bit earlier today :) So here is next part!
Have a nice day!
WARNING! contains a sex scene (no its not an april fools day joke :P)WARNING
  When i woke up, i was alone in the bed, and i checked the clock. 7.38. „Jake?“ i called, but i got no ansewer. I looked to the desk, his stuff was still there. I got myself sitting, and noticed a paper on the nightstand. 'Went for coffee' was written on it, and i smiled. I went to the bathroom, thinking of last night. It felt so nice being with Jake, it felt right. I smiled as i brushed my teeth,thinking how i finaly got my answer about if he feels the same. After last night, i was sure he does. As I stepped back in the room, i noticed an envelope sticking from under the rooms door. I took it of the floor, feeling something was inside. I opened it, and a feel of fright washed all over me. I quickly went for the door, wanting to check if i could see anyone near. As i opened the door, Jake was standing on the outside, holding two coffee cups and about to push the key into the lock. He had a smile on his face, wich was quickly replaced with worry. „Whats wrong?“ he asked as i stepped outside next to him, looking arround. „Did you see anyone?“ i asked starting to get agitated, „What?“ he said, and i repeated, sounding even more agitated now „Did you see anyone? As you wer coming back?“ „Maya, calm down.“ He told me, and i practically screamed at him „Jake, please, answer me!“ He looked at me really worried, grabing me by the hand, guiding me back inside, sitting me on the bed. I havent realized i was shaking, still holding that cursed envelope in my hand. Jake threw a blanket over me, taking the envelope from my hands. His face got grim when he saw the content of it. It was just one raven feather inside. But it was enough for that bad feeling to creep all over me again. „Is this some kind of a bad joke?“ i asked „Because if it is, i sure as hell dont find it funny.“ Jake looked at me, not being sure what to think „I dont know what this is, Maya.“ I shot up from the bed, blanket falling from my shoulders. „You said nothing will happen!“ i started, getting a bit histerical „This isnt nothing, Jake!“ „Maya, please, calm down.“ He told me, and i franaticaly started to walk back and forth through the room. „Calm down?“ i yelled „I cant, Jake! My life is tumbaling down  in front of my eyes, and you want me to calm down?!“ „Maya, stop!“ he said, rising his voice a bit, but i just ignored it. „I cant calm down!“ i continued walking back and forth, sounding histerical. „Im terrified at the moment, Jake. I have no clue what the hell is going on here. Everything was going great at one moment, the next, all hell broke loose!“ I paused a bit to catch my breath. „Why is this happening? What does this all means? What..“ i didnt managed to finish, because Jake grabbed me, pulling me to him, and kissed me. I was so shocked by it, it took me a moment to realize what just happened. As it finaly did hit me, i relaxed a bit, my hands moving at the back of his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. I stopped the kiss abruply, moving a bit from him, but still holding him loosely by the neck. He looked at me puzzled. „It wasnt supposed to be like this!“ i exclaimed, Jake being even more puzzeled now. „What are you talking about?“ he asked. „Our first kiss!“ i started „It wasnt suppose to be like this.“ I said again. „And how was it suppose to be?“ he asked, raising his eyebrow at me. „I dont know!“ i said confused myself „But definatly not like this, me being histerical, and you probably didnt know how to stop me, other then kissing me.“ My eyes opened wide then „Did you even wanted to kiss me?“ i asked, insecurity creeping to my voice. Jake looked at me, that unknow glow again present in his eyes, making me flush. He had one hand around my waist, and he moved the other slowely across my back to my neck „Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?“ he said, leaning in for another kiss. I smiled, and this time i was ready for that kiss, welcoming his soft lips on mine. I wanted this to happen for so long. I hugged him tightly, pulling him as close to me as i could, deepening the kiss. My hand went through his hair, another thing i longed to do. I bit gently at his lower lip, and he moaned softly at it. I got my leg up, wrapping it around him. He grabed me under my other leg, pulling me up, moving us towards the bed. We fell on the bed, not breaking our kiss. I felt heet all over my body. He moved his hand under my shirt, sending tingles all over me. I wanted to feel his skin on mine, so i broke our kiss, unzipping his hoodie and taking it off, then grabing his shirt, pulling it over his head. I took my shirt off, and i could see him soaking up every inch of me. I pulled him back to me, the warmth of his body intensifing my own heat. He burried his face at my neck, kissing, sucking and biting gently, moving slowly towards my belly, and this time i moande softly. He moved a bit from me, pulling my pants and panties down slowly, leaning back to me as he did it, kissing me fiercly. My hands wer all over him, and I moved them, searching for the zipper of his pants. He moaned as i touched him down there. He was ready, and it made me feel even more wild with desire. With his pants and boxers gone, i pulled closer, wrapping myself arround him. He kissed me fiercly again, before moving his head back to meet my eyes. He slowly pushed in, gasping breath escaping my mouth. His eyes flared at it, and he pushed in completly. He moved slow at first, intensifying the pace and depth with every heartbeat. My body arched under him, my nails digging deeper and harder at the skin of his back, moans of pleasure escaping us both. I felt as if my whole body was on fire, leaning my head back, my hand clenching tightly at the bed sheets as the orgasam hit me. He continued for a while, quickening his pace some more, as the pulsing pleasure continued to spread through me, and our panting breaths being the only sound heard after it.
Laying in bed with Jakes hands around me made me feel so calm. I could stay like this forever, forgeting the world outside exists. I felt safe with him, like nothing can touch me. I still couldnt belive it finaly happened. I dreamed of this moment for so long. I turned on my other side, facing him. His eyes wer closed, his hair ruffled even more then usual, wich made me giggle. „What you giggling at?“ he asked, his eyes still closed. „At you.“ i told him. He opened his eyes, looking at me sleepily. „Well, not you, more at your hair.“ He raised his eyebrow „And what's so funny about it?“ „It's messy! More then usual i mean.“ I told him, still smiling. „Well, i have you to thank for that.“ He said teasingly, pulling me for a kiss. „You're welcome.“ I said grining. He shook his head at me „You're impossible.“ „I know.“ I said grinning even more „But you like me nonetheless.“ His eyes sparkled „More then you can imagine.“ He pulled me to him, kissing me so fiercly, i got goosebums all over my body. I wraped myself around him, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss, his eyes flashing with devilish glow. „Round two?“ he asked, with heavy breath. I grined at him „Round two.“
I'v opened my eyes, laying on Jakes chest. We must have dozed off after everything. I got up slowely, not wanting to wake him. I grabed my shirt and panties from the floor, heading to the bathroom. I poured a glass of water, gulping it down, not realizing how thursty i was. I got dressed, poured some more water in the glass and went back to the room. Jake was sitting on the bed, with just his boxers on. „Can i have that?“ he asked me, indicating at the water i was holding. „Ofcourse.“ I smiled handing him the glass. „Better?“ i asked, after he finished it in a heartbeat. „Definatly.“ He smiled. I took the glass from him, turning to head back to refill it, but he pulled me back on the bed. I chuckled „You know, we cant stay in bed the whole day.“ „I know“ he said, burrying his face to my neck, kissing it „But five more minutes wont make a difference.“ I pushed him, roling him on the back, sittuating myself on him, and grinned „Five minutes is more then enough to start 'round three'.“ His eyes sparkled with desire „Would that be a bad thing?“ „Definatly not.“ I said, leaning at him for a kiss. I had to force myself hard to break that kiss. „But, if you havent forgotten, we actualy have some things to take care of.“ He groaned „Fine, you win.“ adding as he got himself in sitting position, with me still on him „This time.“ He gave me a soft kiss. „You do know you have to get off me, if you want me to get out of bed.“ He told me teasingly. „I know.“ I said „Im just contemplating if i should do it or not.“ He laughed „You just said we cant spend the whole day in bed.“ „I know, i know.“ I started, sighing „But just for the record, i reluclantly made that decision.“ „Noted.“ He said, getting up slowly from the bed, me sliding off him as he did. We just stood there, neither of us trying to move, staring at eachother. Something beeped from the desk. „The phone checking is done.“ Jake said, still not moving. „Mhm.“ Was all i replied. He looked at me, raising his eyebrow „Maya, if you dont want to end up back in bed, i suggest you stop teasing me.“ I was tempted by that, i had to force myself so hard to move from him. „Fine“ i groaned „But only because im curious about the phone.“ He smiled at me, giving me a peck on a cheek, taking his shirt from the floor and heading to the desk. He sat down checking his laptop, and I sat back on the bed, waiting for him to tell me the result. After few minutes he turned to me „Everything is fine with your phone.“ „Oh, i see.“ I said, a bit of desperation creeping to my voice. „You're not satisfied with that?“ he asked. „I dont know, Jake.“ I started „I was hoping you might find something, anything that would shed some light to all of this.“ „I can do one more thing.“ He said. „And what is that?“  „Well, i can connect to your incoming calls, again. Might be able to get the location of the caller that way.“ I didnt hesitate with my answer „Do it.“ „You sure?“ he asked. „Yes, Jake, its fine, go ahead.“ I told him, giving him a reasuring smile. „Allrigh, it wont take me long.“ He said, turning back to his laptop. „Ok, its done.“ He told me after a while „Now when someone calls, hopefully i'll be able to get the location from where the call was made.“ „So, now we wait. Again.“ I said, sighing desperatly. He came to sit next to me on the bed „Maya, i know this is frustrating, and i'm doing everything i can to help.“ „I know, and im grateful to you for this, dont get me wrong here, but all this waiting is driving me insane.“ „I get it“ he said, his look full of compassion. „Tell me what i can do, how to make you feel better?“ I looked at him, his eyes showing me he would do whatere it takes for me. „You've allready done so much. Just by being here with me, I feel ten times better.“ I would do anything for you, Maya.“ „I know.“ I hugged him, giving him a soft kiss. His stomach made a strange sound then, and i started laughing. „That was...unexpected.“ I said, chuckling. „Hey, what to say“ he started teasingly „You worn me out woman! Im actualy starving.“ „I could eat myself, definitely.“ I said, smiling at him. „Guess we should go grab some food then.“ „Or, we could just order something here again.“ He said, with that devilish glow in his eyes. „Hmm, i like that idea better.“ I said, grining, and he pulled me to him, embracig me in a hug.
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benreily · 6 years
Little project
Soooo.... This is my little project ^^ Something that i wanted to do for a long time... So its a fanfiction more specifically a prequel to a Boku No Hero Academia. Its also a little "What If". It tells a story about a teachers of U.A. as students. I know that there may be a huge numbers of mistakes that dont really tie up to a story of original Manga/Anime but I'm doing this as a form of entertainment and sort of "leveling up" my English. And that's a second thing. English isn't my first language so there may be lots of grammar issues :/ So keep that in my mind and just tell me what's wrong, if it's about grammar or if you would change something about the story :D Hope you enjoy it :P So let's start with the basics: My name is Ben, Age 17, Quirk: Air based (yet unnamed). Current sittuation: Sports festival at U.A. 2nd round. As expected it is a fight 1v1. Rules are simple You and your opponent walks on the arena and you must win. How? 1. When your opponent leaves a area of arena. Alone or with your help 2. When your opponent is unable to fight (unconcious, barely standing) 3. When your oponent will give up. And that's all. Well you have basics rules like no killing and no torturing and stuff like that., Cause this is not entertaining for the audience. As for audience: This sport festival thing features stands full of people. Noone telled us how many people are there but i think somewhere near 60 thousand people. Not mentioning the people who watches it on TV. Add to it sponsors and pro heroes who search for young blood for their agencies. So pressure is pretty high. Sports Festival replaced the old Olympics in some ways since it would be unfair cause about 60% people have superpowers. Hey, hey Focus... You have a fight ongoing remember? My overthinking is sometimes a issue for me. Like a huge one. So i take a look at who will i fight. There are 16 people who get to “Arena” so that means 8 fights, then 4, next 2 and Final. All of us are in groups A, B, C, and D and there are 4 people in each group. Your first fight is with randomly selected opponent and when you win you move up to next fight with guy (or girl, i dunno) who won their battle in the same group and then you fight him/her to exit group. If you succed then you fight with someone who exited a group near you (A with B and C with D) and then you have Finals. Pretty simple. So i look and i see my name at third fight from eight. Im matching against a guy named Kiro. I remember him from last competition but i wasnt completely sure what his quirk was. I think it may be water type since he was doing good back then on Sea Fight. He made quite a problem for us when he did this Maelstorm (water whirlwind). It made me think how he could use water in the arena since there was not any or maybe he can create it. That wouldn't be good since it makes for a great combo. And too much similar to mine. I have tried to come up with few tactics but then Shouta came up to me. Well that is it for today ^^ If you read it all i am very happy and dont be affraid to drop a comment what you think :P or Message me personnaly what can be fixed or changed, since i am really open for anything that could improve my writing :D
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