#It’s always a joy seeing how the pokemon company tackles that
driftingballoons · 4 months
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Day 2: Evolution
it may not evolution in the typical sense, but they can’t dwell on that right now
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mymanskabu · 5 years
Milo One-Shot:
Tumbling in Love
@pokemonappreciationhcs requested: ❝Henlo! ☺️ so could I request milo and his S/o where they both have herds of wooloo and one wooloo runs off and bumps into milo and they just kinda hit it off from there? Don’t wot if you can’t. Thankies 😌❞
× I don't know if its noticeable but I have one soft spot for fire type mons : >
× I shall get through all your requests and you guys shall love them ! I hope !
× Thanks for the request ! It was super cute and done at 2:30-ish in the morning!
× I'm sure some of you noticed but I changed it from "drabble" to "one-shot" because that's what it is 💀 I promise you they start off as drabbles but then they get to around 2k words.
Every morning was another one filled with manual work. You took care of a lot of Pokemon but the most time-consuming has to be the herd of Wooloo at your farm. Surprisingly enough, your Flareon handles rounding them up just as well as any Yamper or Growlithe would do. It was less difficult with your trusty partner and usually getting the Wooloo to where they must be was fairly simple. It only becomes a crisis when one of them runs off from the group, then it has to be chased down, something both you and Flareon very much wished to avoid.
In order to wake up early, you must have a resolve to actually remove yourself from the comfort of your bed. Once your eyes open, it takes you a moment before you sit up and stretch. You don't even consider laying back down because if that happens then there's no getting up again.
You lived near Turrfield, when you went to the Pokemon Center there, you would always see a Wooloo or two running around through the windows. You wondered if they were your Wooloo at times, but there was always the same man chasing them with a big smile on his face. Somehow, you related to this. Chasing Wooloo is work yet if you love the Pokemon enough, it won't feel like it as much. When you see him it always seems to bring a smile to your face, not only because it reminds you of your own Wooloo, but because the man himself always appeared to be content.
It was slightly windy today, your Wooloo quite liked this weather. They're so fluffy, they roll around and let the wind push them around a bit. Flareon and you make sure none of them go too far out or hurt themselves, some of the Wooloo are a little smarter than others and dodge the fence but other (younger Wooloo) need more attention. You stood by the gate while Flareon made sure it had the young Wooloo near it. It seemed as if it was going to be calm day, no Wooloo chasing until the wind blew a little harder and happy Pokemon flew over the fence.
"Flareon! Ms. Poof flew away!" You said, while hopping over the gate. It would have taken longer to unlock it, open it, close it, then lock it again. "Make sure the other Wooloo stay here! I'll be back with Ms. Poof!" You ran after the ball of white fluff that was rolling rapidly down a hill. At this rate Ms. Poof was going to hurt herself or hurt someone else by accident.
"Ms. Poof! Please try to stop yourself from rolling so fast! You're going to damage yourself or someone else!" You shouted. Thankfully it heard and Ms. Poof was a playful Wooloo but it never wished to cause pain to itself, much less to other people or Pokemon. She slowed down by a small amount, the steep hill was making it difficult for her.
You tried to run at a quicker pace, almost tripping on your own feet to catch Ms. Poof but nothing was in your favor as of now. There was a shift in the weather, the wind didn't calm itself and poor Ms. Poof was making struggling noises, realizing that she wasn't in the best situation. There was someone else outside right now, a man it seemed, he was walking across at the bottom of the hill and about take a full powered tackle. Granted, it was from a low level Wooloo but even then, it'll do damage.
"Sir! Excuse me! Please be careful!" You yelled as loud as you could to warn the man. His head perked up and he instantly caught sight of you and Ms. Poof. You recognized the fellow Wooloo chaser after seeing the familiar hat along with his vibrant green eyes. He has been in these situations a few times, so he squatted and took the tackle with open arms while falling back in the process.
Your eyes widened as you abruptly came to a halt and fell back as well. He stood up then helped Ms. Poof get back on her feet to guide her back to you. She rubbed against his legs and pranced around him with a light blush on her face.
"Ms. Poof... I'm glad you're safe!" You pull her into your arms. She protested a bit at first but then snuggled into your arms, feeling the genuine worry you had for her. "Thank you very much, she probably would have gotten hurt if you weren't there! Are you alright?"
"Don't worry, I'm glad to have helped." His gentle smile caused your heart to flutter like the wings on a Butterfree. "I'm alright, you should worry about yourself and... Ms. Poof ain't it?"
Your irises shifted to the side, staring at nothing in particular. You were somewhat embarassed that he had to find out that you named your Wooloo. Worst of all, it had to be Ms. Poof. Her of all Wooloo; it could have been Fluffy, Cloud, or Snowflake but it was Ms. Poof that flew off as if she was a flying type Pokemon.
"Y...Yes," You stumbled on the simple word, "I'll take Ms... Er.. Poof to the Pokemon Center to make sure she's okay and be off. Thank you again!" He offers his hand and you place your hand in his bigger one, immediately getting a warm feeling from your hand to your chest. Unbeknownst to you, he got the same feeling knew you were someone he wanted to get to know.
You patted your clothes to get rid of dirt that may have gotten stuck to you then politely smiled before picking up your Wooloo and started heading towards the Poke Center. He appeared in front of you once more, not allowing you to walk any further. He didn't seem to have any bad intentions so your head tilted to the side, wordlessly asking if he needed anything.
"It is rather late and I wanted to ask if I could walk you home?" You raised a brow at him. "Not that I think you can't handle yourself! I was thinkin' I could..." He paused, not quite sure how to proceed with his sentence.
"I wouldn't mind the company," You answered while mentally hoping he wanted to get to know you as you wanted to get to know him. "I never got your name, savior of my Wooloo!" The title you gave him made him smile, it was a sweet and shy grin.
"I'm Milo, and you are?"
"Milo..." You tested out the familiar name. Wasn't he the Gym Leader in Turrfield? Oh gosh he is, isn't he? Milo the Grass Type Gym Leader of Turrfield sounds about right. "I-I'm (Name), a pleasure to meet you!"
"Pleasures' mine really," He says.
After Nurse Joy told you that Ms. Poof was okay, you and Milo walked to your home. It wasn't very far but it was still a lengthy walk there. No one brought up a Flying Taxi and you were fine with that. It felt much nicer to talk to him like this.
"How'd you come up with lil' Ms. Poof here's name?" He was carrying her now, she liked Milo a lot and it was a cute sight. One big man holding one of your baby-ish Wooloo, it was a pleasant sight that you wouldn't mind having more frequently.
"Well, I think its self-explanatory... She is quite fluffy and I already had a Wooloo named Fluffy so I came up with Ms. Poof!" He nodded, shaking his head at the information.
"I also give my Wooloo names..." His face reddened at what he told you, but he thought only he would name Wooloo and know the difference between all of them.
"You do!? How do you tell them apart? For me its personality and coat density. On rare occasions its coat density, some of them have colored wool or styled wool because I let kids play with them and I tell them apart that way."
"You are makin' sure they use colors safe for the Wooloo right?" You hum in response, your short way of saying yes.
"I'd be a bad Pokemon caretaker if I was putting my Wooloo in danger, don't ya think?" As if you didn't like him before, he asks about the care of your Wooloo and you adored him even more. He glanced at you apologetically, probably for assuming that you didn't use safe colors for the Pokemon. You waved it off instantly though. "Better to make sure I know about Pokemon safe colors, right? Better safe than sorry. It's fine."
"I'm glad you didn't take it as an attack or somethin' like that, I'm sure you're great at takin' care of your Pokemon!" Not only did you also take care of a herd of Wooloo, you take care of other Pokemon, you were smart enough to know how to care for them all, you were definitely handsome/beautiful, and you got along well with kids from what he's hearing.
"Thank you, I'm sure you care for your Wooloo and other Pokemon well too. I'm glad I'm not the only one that names the Wooloo!" You share some more names with him and he shares what he has named his Wooloo. Aside from that, you liked listening to his stories about the Gym and when he competed in the challenge. It felt as if you'd known each other for a long time and at some point you'd even shoved him playfully with no hesitation. You both laughed it off like old friends, not something you want to remain as though.
Once you made it home, your Flareon was sitting out front. It was waiting patiently for you to get back and all the Wooloo were back in the barn so that they didn't float away. Flareon is very well trained to understand weather conditions and the health of the Wooloo. It also knows at what time they are supposed to be back inside the barn. All done by you! You struggled to train Flareon but now you two had a good schedule going along with a good relationship.
"It was nice talking to you Milo! Let's walk together again sometime," You nervously suggested. Milo was gently setting down Ms. Poof when Flareon noticed your mannerisms change and ran around your legs. Tackling the back of your legs for you to trip right into Milo's hands. "Flareon wants you to agree, I believe." You laughed, trying to hide your embarrassment behind one of your hands.
"I was goin' to agree anyway," He said. Milo blushes and places a hand on the back of his neck. "Would it be alright if I visited at times? You don't have to say yes--"
"You're welcome here anytime!" You cut him off, happily. You had no doubt, you wanted him to come by whenever he could. "It would be great to see you more frequently and hopefully spend more time together?" You scolded yourself mentally for letting the statement sound like a question. Milo found this nervousness you had endearing though, it was an even more adorable aspect to you when he knows he caused it.
"I would love that." He took hold of your hands and gave them a light squeeze. "I will be back soon for you." Your eyes widened but his words pulled on your heartstrings just as a smile pulled on your lips.
"I'll be looking forward to it then."
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kariachi · 5 years
Chapter 4 of the pokemon au! I actually got out a damage calculator to make sure I got this battle just right!
“Finally! We made it, Rose.” Though she couldn’t see the town at the edge of the trail, all but carved into the side of the mountain, Kevin’s little Deino still gave an excited cry. He’d called her out as soon as he’d gathered up his broken pokeballs, determined both to get to know his first pokemon (first friend) and that if he was going to wander around the mountain aching with bites and bruises so was she. The company had been nice, though he’d had to develop a habit of trudging through the snow with an arm around her neck to keep her from blindly wandering away and falling off a cliff or something. They’d even been through a few battles, though those maybe hadn’t been the best showing…
It was fine, she’d already been injured, once they were both patched up everything would be great.
This close to Tambou the trail was much smoother and easier to follow, even growing a fence at some point, which meant it only took about an hour and a half for the pair to make their way passed the town gate and to the Pokemon Center, where the resident Joy had just about choked to see them covered in Kevin’s haphazard bandaging.  The two were immediately hustled into the back, where Kevin had been forced at Chansey-point to explain exactly why they both looked like they’d fallen down the mountain (carefully leaving out the point where they had, the day before, almost fallen down the mountain, because telling adults that sort’ve thing never ended well).
Honestly Kevin had very quickly found himself very uncomfortable with the situation, unused to everything from having someone else patch him up to having someone else make sure he ate. Rose hadn’t been much better, being only a few days out of the wild and possibly catching on to his own discomfort. She bit the Chansey twice and the nurse once before she and Kevin were able to flee out the front door with a key to one of the Center’s dormrooms, a note asking someone at the local market to sell him a replacement tent for cheap (with a promise Joy would make up the difference later) that Kevin was tempted to toss, and an order to not head for the gym until they at least had a good night’s sleep under their belts.
Kevin had never in his life followed an order and he certainly wasn’t going to start now.
The Tambou Pokemon Gym was the highest building in the town, up what felt like hundreds of steps towards the mountain’s peak. It was an impressive thing, all carved stone and glass, with loads of thick wooden beams that served as perches for great flocks of flying types. Kevin had never seen so many in one place before, nor such a variety- everything from Unfezant to Corviknight preened and chattered and watched people bustle around below. It was almost intimidating. It was intimidating. A hint of doubt nibbled at the base of his spine as he watched them, only to be shoved away with a shake of his head. He was smart and talented and a trainer who had caught his own first pokemon, which was more than you could say for most people, and he was not about to be intimidated by a bunch of birds. No. Arm in place around Rose he purposefully strode forward and shouldered open the door.
The fact that the first gym trainer they saw was just, staring at them in concern did nothing to stop Kevin leading Rose forward, back straight and shoulders back.
“I’m here to challenge the gym.” The trainer looked down at their bandages, bruises, cuts, then back at his face.
“You’re sure?”
“Yep.” She chewed her lip for a moment, then sighed and turned to another trainer.
“Go tell Akash he has a challenger?” The other teen also gave Kevin and Rose a critical look, but nodded and trotted across the arena to a door at the back, his Hoppip floating behind him. It was only a few minutes, five at most, before Flying Master Akash strode back out the door with a grin on his face and a Swoobat hanging from his arm, clearly more than ready to greet and face whoever had arrived.
Then he saw Kevin and Rose.
Face softening to something less bombastic, he walked forward and held out a hand to shake, one that Kevin gave his best grip.
“Hello there, trainer. Ivan didn’t give me your name?”
“Kevin,” he replied, “and this is Rose.” She chirped at her name, then tried to take a bite out of the Swoobat when it dropped to the ground to come investigate her, only being stopped by Kevin’s restrictive grip. Akash watched this with some interest.
“How long have you been a trainer, Kevin?” That, was not a question he liked.
“About a week,” he didn’t quite lie. Akash just nodded.
“And you already have a Deino, she from family?”
“No, caught her a few days back.” The trainer he’d spoke to before took a hissing breath through her teeth, prompting Kevin to throw a glare her way, through the gym leader and his pokemon paid neither any mind.
“Well,” he said instead, “that’s quite an accomplishment for someone only a week into their journey.” The compliment ricocheted around Kevin’s head, bringing the first hints of a smile to Kevin’s face before he continued. “Still, normally the challengers we see are a little… bigger.”
Which was certainly one way of saying they didn’t tend to get new trainers challenging. Okay, he understood that Tambou was usually a gym trainers hit later in their journeys, and that most trainers did put their journeys on pause early on to spend a few years growing and learning before continuing, but-
“Part of your job is to be able to adjust to give a proper challenge to trainers at any point in their journey,” he said, jaw clenching and familiar stubbornness steeling his spine. Rose crooned agreement.
“That it is,” Akash said with a sigh, looking like he was honestly concerned, which just aggravated Kevin further. “I just want to be sure you want to challenge me now. Most people take another week to challenge their first gym.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not most people.”
“Clearly.” He looked Kevin and Rose over one last time, then nodded and began to head for the far end of the arena, where he pulled a drawer out of the wall. “How many pokemon do you have?”
“One.” And Akash froze. The gym trainers froze. It was clear, especially with the way all of them turned to stare, that they were doing the math in their heads and coming up with numbers they didn’t like. Kevin just glared back until everyone else looked away, the trainers bustling over to the stands to watch and take notes, and Akash returning to choosing his team.
“Alright then, Kevin,” he said, “it’ll be a one-on-one battle, first pokemon to be rendered unable to continue will lose, agreed?” Kevin lead Rose to the challenger’s end of the arena and ushered her within the boundaries as the gym leader spoke.
“Agreed.” Akash took his place opposite Kevin, tossing a single pokeball in his hand, watching Rose for several seconds before sighing and releasing the pokemon inside.
The Spearow gave a harsh cry and immediately took to the air, clearly ready for a fight, and Kevin couldn’t stop himself from grinning. He’d always liked Spearow, they were his favorite flying-type for their perfect combination of form, function, and aesthetic. Capable of exactly what they needed to be capable of, with no excess fuss, while looking like something whose nest you should stay away from. It was right about Weedle as a species that, in that dull pre-Rose world, would’ve been a tempting catch.
But his Deino was better.
“Rose, Dragon Rage!” With a trill the little dragon let loose a familiar plume of blue flame towards the Spearow. Technically. Kevin cringed as it missed with the flying-type hardly having to move at all. “Again!” Another plume, and another miss. She just couldn’t tell where it was, only a vague idea from the sound of it’s wingbeats. Akash allowed this to happen three times, giving them plenty of chances to land a blow before retaliating.
“Aerial Ace!” Contact move, their best chance-
“Bite!” Rose tried, bless her, twisting and lunging in the direction of the approaching bird, but Spearow were faster by their very nature and she was barely able to close her teeth around the end of it’s tail as it collided with her, yanking out a few feathers when she tumbled aside with a whine. Kevin’s stomach dropped as from just the one blow she struggled to return to her feet.
“Again, Spearow!”
“Tackle!” Again the Spearow dove, and this time Rose threw herself forward to meet it, releasing a cry when they collided and the bird’s momentum overpowered her own. For the second time she was sent tumbling, skidding over the boundary line to Kevin’s right as the breath caught in his throat. She whimpered, and didn’t rise again.
It was only barely that Kevin heard one of the gym trainers declare Flying Master Akash and and his Spearow the victors.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #189
"Splender Guts, Grinny the Thief, Prepping for Company”
[Doc] I take that as a yes. Oh hey! Splender, I have something for you! - Xe takes out the mirror- you want that x-ray now?
[Splender] Happy gasp- Yes!- He takes the mirrpr from Doc and holds it in front of him
[Doc] Drops another block of ice and stands on it before making a statick hole over his chest - That's interesting... See for yourself.
[Splender] Looks in the mirror and see's a dark curling mass which fills his inside which pulses and shifts around-
[Doc] I don't even know what to think about that. It's certainly unusual...
[Splender] - It's weird looking
[Doc] You have a digital form, I wonder if you have any hearts? Have you tried to use your heads-up display at all?
[Splender] - What's that?
[Doc] Oh, it's this, it lets you look at your inventory and your health/food bars. I'll just turn it on for you- Xe makes a small movement to bring up the display.
[Splender] Looks at it- I don't see any hearts...
[Doc] Your display doesn't have any? Do you have a food bar? I know you get hungry. It should look like a row of cooked chicken drumsticks.
[Splender] - I see a bunch of happy faces!
[Doc] Oh that's funny! But it is accurate. Here, I'll show you mine - Xe toggles the spectator view for a moment so Splender can see himself through hir eyes as well as the display with all of Doc's things in the quick bar. There's a jar of healing slime, the dragonwort, a few chunks of packed ice, the blue pills, hir coffee mug, and a large red heart.
[Splender] - Ooh!  What's the heart for?
[Doc] Oh that? It's a box of chocolates. Do you want it? I've got lots.
[Splender] Yes!
[Doc] Copies the box and holds out a full one to Splender. -Cp told me all about Valentine's day. I've been handing them out like... well.. candy!
[Splender] - Offender always brings home lots of candy from that!
[Doc] I'd be suspicious of any candy Offender gave me. I bet he likes chocolates with liquor in them! Ha.
[Splender] - Yes, but he gets a lot of other stuff too!
[Doc] I've heard it's a good time to get flowers too, so I suppose so. But I'm getting sidetracked. Here, I'll show you something. -Xe gathers the statick with a sweep of hir hand and opens a spot on hir own chest. - This is what I was expecting, a cluster of ten of the red ones is normal for the entities that live here- There's a glitter from the muted light of the statick and Doc's heart cluster sparkles under hir ribs. In between the fleshy hearts are others made of gold, crystals and polished gems.
[Splender] - So pretty!
[Doc] Thank you. The odd ones I made myself. Cp and Lie have some of my handiwork as well. -Grins- If you ever need guts, it's one of my favorite things to make.
[Splender] - I don't think we could fit any in here
[Doc] Cleans up the statick and puts it away. - Just a thought. You know I can make specialized stuff too.
[Grinny] Sneaks over and hides in the shadows-
[Doc] Cleans up the ice and looks around to check on the dragons-
[Grinny] Darts past Doc to get back outside-
[Doc] What the...? Did I set my mug down? I thought I had it a minute ago.
[Splender] - No, I didn't see you put it down...
[Doc] Scratches hir hair - That's a bit unsettling. You haven't seen any of the Chomplies about have you? I know they like to play with stuff.
[Yaunfen] Angrily looking after Grinny- Burp!
[Doc] What is it kiddo? That burp sounded a bit annoyed. Did I leave it outside?
[Yaunfen] Chases after Grinny which results in them getting scratched-
[Doc] Hey! You two play nice! What's gotten into you? - Xe takes out the cold slime to dab a bit on Yaunfen's scratch.
[Grinny] - Fuck off!
[Yaunfen] - NO!
[Doc] Is startled - Yaunfen? What's wrong? - Xe grabs at Grinny - You chill!
[Grinny] Bites at Doc-
[Doc] Gives the cat a rap on the nose- No! Why is Yaunfen so upset with you?
[Grinny] - Who cares!
[Doc] Grinny... Do I need to fetch an honesty blossom?
[Grinny] - The fuck is that?
[Doc] It's a flower that makes you unable to lie, now fess up. What did you do? Apart from scratch my little one!
[Grinny] - Nothing you ass!
[Doc] Fine, then you and I are going for a walk. Splender? I'm gonna borrow Grinny, so when Smile comes back you'll know where he is, okay?
[Splender] - Okay!  Have fun!
[Doc] Marches purposefully towards Lie and Cp's house with Yaunfen following at hir side.
[Grinny] Yowls and struggles-
-Lie's house is relatively silent as Flux is the only one up and about, making some food for Notch-
[Doc] Gets near the patch of honesty blossoms and hangs onto Grinny tightly - Now fess up. Why did you hit Yaunfen?
[Grinny] - Because it came after me!
[Doc] But that's not normal. Why would Yaunfen go after you? They seemed quite aggravated.
[Grinny] Is struggling not to say something-
[Doc] Come on...
[Grinny] - I somehow ended up with your fucking cup...
[Doc] Huh? Why? Did you want my coffee? I mean, I'd give you some if you want it. You're digital,it's not like it will hurt you.
[Flux] See's them and opens the door- Doctor?  Is everything alright?
[Grinny] - I don't know how I fucking ended up with it you asshat!
[Doc] Oh, hi Flux. I just needed to use Lie's honesty patch. What happened right before you had it? Anything odd?
[Flux] - I see...
[Grinny] - Words...
[Doc] What words?
[Grinny] - How the fuck should I know?  I'm a cat!
[Doc] Okay... I'll just check your chat log- looks and then stares blinking- Oh for... yeah, that's gonna get abused...
[Grinny] - What?
[Doc] You learned a move. It's a pokemon thing. They get abilities spontaneously as they get experience fighting and grow up. Smile learned 'tackle' a while back. You learned 'thief'. I guess you can steal stuff now.
[Grinny] - Hmmm...
[Doc] Shakes a finger at him- don't abuse it! You only have one inventory slot anyway and I can check it manually.
[Grinny] - Fuck off
[Flux] - Would the two of you like to come in?  I was just making some breakfast for Notch
[Doc] Please and thank you. Are you giving the brothers a break from watching him?
[Flux] - Yes, both were spending time with their mates
[Doc] Awww. That's good to hear. I hope everyone had a nice night. - Xe shakes off hir hair and a bit of pollen drifts towards Flux-
[Flux] - Yes, I stayed with Notch the entire night after TLOT put some sort of substance on my lips
[Doc] Well then, as long as you're both happy...
[Flux] - Yes
[Flux] Grabs some food and motions for Doc to grab what they want-
[Doc] Uses hir free hand to grab some food for hir and Grinny. Xe's already carrying food for Yaunfen. -
[Flux] Goes into the workroom and approaches Notch- I brought some food
[Notch] Thank you - takes it gratefully- Hey Doc, and you brought Yaunfen and Grinny too. Is something up?
[Doc] Just the usual nonsense.
[Yaunfen] Starts sniffing around-
[Grinny] Grumbles-
[Doc] Puts a large chunk of chicken on a plate and sets Grinny down near it before giving Yaunfen a large bar of golden carmel to chew on. Xe munches on a sadwich. - It's been an odd morning. Splender has no internal organs and Grinny learned a pokemon move and used it to swipe my coffee. And Yaunfen has a second word now, 'no'.
-There's the thudding of small paws as Hope comes racing into the room-
[Grinny] Perks a little at the sight of the other cat-
[Yaunfen] - No!  No!
[Doc] Yaunfen? No is for when you don't want a thing to happen. You like Hope, don't you?
[Yaunfen] Runs over and aggressively sniffs Hope who darts away and up onto Notch's lap-
[Notch] Whoah! Be gentle! Hope's tiny. You'll scare her.
[Hope] Little mew-
[Grinny] Swats at Yaunfen-
[Doc] Gives Grinny a poke on the head- stop that! Eat your chicken and chill out.
[Grinny] - Oh bite me
[Doc] Gives Grinny a pinch on the ear-
[Grinny] Hisses and tries to swat Doc-
[Doc] Pfft.
[Notch] You certainly bring a lively crew when you visit.
[Flux] Sits near Notch's bed-
[Notch] Puts out a hand towards Flux. - You can join us if you want...
[Flux] - I don't want to intrude on your conversation- She does touch Notch's hand though
[Lie] Sleepily walks into the workshop- I smell food
[Doc] You're always welcome Flux. - Xe's watching Markus's eyes, they're only black beads but his expression is communicating quite a bit.
[Doc] You smell correctly. Good morning Lie.
[Lie] - Mmmm, are we having a check up?
[Doc] Heh. I just needed to borrow a cup of flowers. Grinny learned a move and I needed the details.
[Lie] It takes her a moment to process what Doc's saying- Which flowers?
[Doc] Honesty. Grinny can now steal stuff he's in proximity too, even from an inventory.
[Lie] - Oh joy...
[Doc] Well he only has one slot. It might be handy later.
-There's a slight crackling sound from outside as a portal begins opening-
[Flux] Turns her head towards the noise- We have a visitor
[Doc] Is already scanning to make sure they're not hostile-
-The portal opens to reveal Winston in his human form before he steps through and shifts back to a skeleton-
[Lie] - Winston...
[Doc] Oh, hi Winston, let me get my - Xe fumbles around a bit and puts down an end chest before taking the translation code egg out
[Notch] Hello again Winston.
[Winston] - Is the Master here?  There's something I need to speak to him about
[Notch] Gasps- I understood that!
[Doc] That's odd....
[Flux] - You did?
[Lie] - He's still in bed, I'll go get him for you- She turns and heads for the bedroom
[Doc] Maybe because you have a little of Cp's blood? He can understand all the mobs.
[Notch] Just looks stunned
[CP] Teleports down into the room- Winston?  What is it?
[Winston] - I believe your mate should hear this as well sir
[Doc] Is it bad?
[Winston] - Perhaps, but definitely problamatic
[Lie] Re-enters the room- What is it?
[Winston] - The other generals are at unease, most likely spurred on by Giselle and Blake.  They haven't seen you perform your normal activities in months sir and they seem to be working on recruiting Grayson to turn against you as well.  They wish to come here to see for themselves what you've been doing, which would put your mate in potential danger
[Doc] You know what brines are capable of, are they really a threat?
[Winston] - Not to the Master directly, but they could cause a rebellion, and the Master would loose the loyalty of many if he turned against those he made a contract to work with and protect to the best of his abilities
[Doc] So do we need to impress them or beat them up?
[Winston] - A mixture of that and deceit, they can't find a thing wrong, or anything they can use against the Master
[Doc] Cp? They're your people. What do you want to do? If you want me to let them in for a bit I will.
[CP] Stands there thinking- Winston, have you found a suitable guard for Lie yet?  Not having her at my side will probably be one of the best courses of action, but I won't leave her completely unprotected...
[Winston] - Yes sir, I have
[CP] - Alright, now what to do about the generals...
[Doc] Cp? You don't want to just leave Lie with me?
[CP] - No, I'll need you to make sure there's nothing around they can use against me, no matter how trivial
[Doc] Like what?
[CP] - I don't know, I just don't want them to find anything which could be used against me, we can figure out what later, before they arrive though
[Winston] - Might I suggest that if Grayson is coming, that you show him his place by having more than one person beat him?
[Doc] I can arrange that. Mb would love to fight someone and TLOT would mop the floor with him.
[CP] - Good, Magnolia won't be a problem, she's level headed, now what to do about Giselle and Blake...
[Doc] I volunteer for that. I'd be happy to kick Giselle's ass personally.
[Winston] - They'll use that as an excuse, we need a more subtle way of getting them to understand their place.  You've tried basic attacks before, and it's barely swayed them
[CP] - It used to shut them up until they learned I had an actual mate...
[Doc] Well what should I do? Diplomacy isn't my strongest point.
[CP] - I'm thinking!
[Flux] Moves closer to Notch- What about showing a "replacement"?  It doesn't have to be true, but if you hint at it they might get nervous
[Notch] That's a good idea. Does it have to be the same mob?
[CP] - So far my generals have always been the same mob type as those they lead, or something of the same family, like Magnolia, she leads both Magma cubes and Slimes
[Doc] Well... Gk is completely unique but I think he'd pose as a replacement for either or both if you asked him.
[CP] - True.... But he's been rather busy helping Endrea lately
[Doc] I doubt that's a problem. If we asked Splender nicely I bet he'd help Endrea for a few days.
[CP] - Fine, we have a basis for what we want to do, but when would we do this?
[Doc] I'd say right away, before they have a chance to make more mischief.
[CP] - Fine. who wants to contact GK?  Because I have no idea where he is
[Doc] Well, he's likely wherever Endrea is. Can't you mentally call her or something?
[CP] - Alright, give me a sec- He goes silent, contacting Endrea
[Grinny] Has been staring at Hope this whole time-
[Notch] Pets Hope a little bit-
[CP] - Joy, they're in the End
[Doc] I guess the heat got to her. Is she just going to tell Gk, or bring him back?
[CP] - She's letting him know now and will create an opening for him if he wants
[Gk] Slips through an opening in the front yard and looks around. - where is everybody?
[Doc] In here!
[Gk] Hunkers by the back door and puts his head inside. - What's up?
[CP] - Interested in deceiving some of my generals?
[Gk] You know I love anything sneaky. Lay it on me.
[CP] - We're going to make a couple of my generals think that you'll be replacing them
[Gk] I love it. Should I be small and briney to start or just roar and spit fire from moment one?
[CP] - Whichever you prefer
[CP] - Shit, what are we find do about him!- Motions towards Notch- The generals will have a for if they learn that I'm working with him, especially since they don't know there are multiple NOTCH's
[Notch] wilts - I'm sorry to be a burden...
[Doc] Oh that's easy. Flux, are you willing to keep watching over him? If not I can ask Dolly and Zeke to take turns. You guys can hide in my house. As long as Markus stays off the chat no one will be the wiser. We can do a code word on the chat if his condition changes. Tell me... my command block is done compiling. That's innocent enough.
[Flux] - Yes, I can continue to watch him
[Lie] - Should we hide Stevie to?
[Doc] Okay - chats-
[TLOT] Tp's to Doc and makes a graceful slide away as they clip- Herobrine moving services. We can make anything disappear! -chuckles-
[Doc] They already know about Stevie, why bother?
[CP] Groans-
[Lie] - But do they know they're no longer fighting?
[TLOT] How about one of the rooms under the bay? They're pretty secluded.
[Notch] Anything is fine. It's not like I can get up. - gestures to the trunk nearest him- I've been doing a lot of reading...
[Doc] Whatever you think is best TLOT. I don't know Lie, but I'm sure his and Alexis's abscences have been noted.
[CP] - My mobs are used to attacking those two
[Doc] Okay... Aren't we digging a rather big hole by lying to them anyway? You said only the pigman general is actually supid.
[CP] - But I don't want to deal with the back lash, they are rather set in their ways
[Doc] I don't think I want to advise you on how to deal with your family in this case Cp... You know these people better then I do. But if they're not adaptable then that means they aren't very good at their jobs after all.
[CP] Frustrated noises-
[TLOT] If you tell him to just stay home for a few days I doubt he'll argue with you. Same with Alexis.
[CP] Is beginning to pace-
[Winston] - Sir, I would suggest explaining the current situations after the threat of a rebellion has passed.  Bringing that information forth now could give Giselle and Blake reason to spread propaganda
[TLOT] Soooo.... I'm taking Notch and Flux back to the house?
[Flux] - Yes
[TLOT] Does a graceful little bow and picks up the bed with Notch on it -
[Notch] WHOAH-
[TLOT] Takes Flux's hand and the three of them vanish, tped to Steve.
-Faint Steve suprised scream-
[CP] - Winston, go gather the guard for Lie, there are a few things I want to go over with them before the generals are brought here
[Winston] - Yes sir- He creates another portal and returns to the other server
[Doc] Does a little salute to Cp and looks at him with an expectant grin-
[CP] Scowls at Doc- Don't fucking do that
[Doc] Okay. Just trying to get into the spirit of things. General.
[CP] Growls- Shut up
[Gk] Snorts with laughter-
[Shuppet] Does a quick pass over Cp and stops suddenly in the air-
-Shuppet has evolved into Banette-
[Banette] Is now on the floor. It looks like a puppet with a zippered mouth and a very creepy smile
[Doc] Well that's disturbing...
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake...
[Winston] Soon opens another portal and leads four other wither skeletons through, each skeleton steps lightly and makes surprisingly little sound- Sir, I chose her guard from the stealth squadron since I suspect she will not like having them to close
[Lie] - Thank you for the consideration Winston
[Banette] Stares up at Winston-
[Doc] Good choice.
[CP] - Right, you four, your orders are rather simple, make sure NOTHING happens to my mate, and if anything does...  Well, I don't think you'll like the results...
[Lie] - CP...
[Doc] I'm still insulted that you didn't ask me....
[CP] - Doc, they'll probably expect to see you, so in other words, you'll pretty much be a distraction
[Doc] Still pouting - How many times have I kept Lie safe from danger? Including you?
[CP] - Shut it
[Lie] - CP calm down, Doc does have a point
[CP] - Nope, rather have them where I can see them
[Doc] Picks up Yaunfen and hugs them. Xe's still obviously annoyed.
[Winston] - Shall I gather the generals sir?
[CP] Groans- Fine, go ahead
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skyphile · 8 years
Happy V(b)day!
a pair of whirlwind like piercings, a silver, smaller set like this, for his cheek dimples
matching fish toys for him and bongwater, this one for the cat, a Way bigger version for the… larger cat /:
a cardbox built castle shaped like a bong - for bongwater (google failed me here… )
non sweet chocolate pastries - using the alternian chocolate to make sea-salt based sauce and savory churro dough for the pastry
his reinterpretations (piano and softer) of the entire écailles de lune album - the og album here
this dumb vday card
a pair of luvdisc plushies like this, with magnets on the tip of their mouth
a whole nest! - from the same verse he’s taken daven to. john’s found an entire network of underwater tunnels made from some definitely alien tech, that serve as an observatorium of the sea life right there. the tunnels are mostly metallic, but they have several entryways into the sea, protected by nothing but a barrier you can phase through, but still keeps the liquid perfectly outside. there’s several rest points too, which john’s littered with cushions and other comforts, and one of them even has a kitchen area with a teleporter especially made to receive john’s fridge-like sylladex cards. john knows nothing of the civilization thats made these - if it even still exists - but figures fucker will enjoy the mystery. he knows very little of the marine life of this verse too, except it’s Very different, but also gets it if fucker wants to go out and explore too. the kitchen has a PLEaSE FEED ME button, that sends a signal to john whenevers pressed and he can respond to.
In plain white paper, in pretty blue swirly cursive,
happy birthday, and merry heart day double whammy, fucker!!
ordinarily i write a very tender one of these any time an important birth event comes, but i figure it’s only fair i up my game for you - the big perk of landing the one day that should be about showing love and not be shy of it, to remind your important people why their place in your life matters.
so here it is…..
looking back at our first conversations now, it makes me so surprised to see how far we’ve come, from the the nervous back and forth of few words to…. the straight up sin that comes with the… pokemon fucking… topic. but, um. anyway!
for the longest time i honestly believed that i was? annoying to you, some sort of a loud factor that you had to take in small doses, and i didn’t want to give cause to make that worse or put pressure on you at all, so i guess that’s why i never really tried to talk much… i hope this doesn’t sound accusatory, because i don’t mean it to be!! it’s perfectly normal for people to be compatible with different ones in different moments of their lives. and i still got to secondhand see you and sbw work together, and the nice impact that had, and that made me very, very happy too.
now i realize that. we’re actually pretty similar in our origins here, the trouble that comes with opening up for the first time, to sow the seeds for something better, and i recognize that and i’m!! so proud of you for getting this far and, it’s very very nice to share this boat of recovery with you. i couldn’t ask for better company!
and also… i’m just… very happy that the veil of insecurity was drawn away and, well… we happened too!
because from day one i’ve seen you as someone grand and whose opinions i admired, someone who kind of? ressonated with me even if in subtle ways, someone who could shift my mood like five tiers better just by saying something nice, by giving me even the smallest compliment.
your insight has always been! really valuable to me, and to feel like we shared some key ideas on life and stuff has always felt very empowering.
seeing you talk of me with such honest kindness, to learn that!! the way that i am - which i struggle with on the regular because it’s… so easy to feel like anything that falls outside the norm is bad and bound to fail - is something you admire and even strive to achieve in your own terms, i can’t!! begin to describe how wonderful it felt, to have that kind of validation from someone i hold in such high esteem, for something i do without even thinking. so thank you, so much…
but it isn’t just that.
that opened the door to!! so much more. from then on, it kind of clicked on me that i’d been!! dumb and wrong all along, and that my paranoid feels of immediate rejection were. so silly to begin with… and as you helped me strip off that, everything else fell into place and! i found my way to be with you. and how wonderful that is!!
i adore that you carved your way into my home, and i love every second you spend here - i love laying back and feeling its heart beat, and knowing that the cadence of your own bloodstream is entwined in it. i love it when sbw gets teary over the new baby and thanks you under his breath, i love it when daven touches something up in the mirror and goes about how right you were over something you’ve mentioned about color combos, i love holding up sord to slice through veggies and they start humming something i’ve heard you hum before. you’ll always have a place here - you’re already embedded in the walls! 
no matter where life takes you, you’ll have a haven here.
and then i love it so much, the ease with which you’ve set camp in my own heart too.
from distant admiration through to mutual support of our out-of-the-norm, amazing ventures, it’s so natural to want you close, to love you with the friendly purity and joy of a child, to see you flourish, to tend to you in ways that’ll help you get there better.
i know this is because you’re so tiny (:P), but it makes me smile to feel how cosy you fit in my arms, and it makes me melt just! how tenderly you react to even the gentlest shows of affection, just how!! fucking adorable you are, and how nice cuddling you is… i hope it’s just as good to you, and please know that you deserve these and more, given regularly and by people who know how, and i’ll be on my toes to volunteer my tribute every time - i am!! that smitten, yes!! to see you soothed down and relaxed, breathing easy and at peace, is such a thing to treasure.
from then on there’s just!! a series of many other tiny ways you make me smile, that you fill up my heart with, you’ve made my life brighter…
you’re gorgeous, skin deep and every layer below that, in either form, in every shade of action i’ve seen you in, and i’ll fight you if you ever disagree with any of it (with more hugs and face kisses, i mean. i am kind of shit when it comes to aggression, although i guess sparring would be fun too?? I DIGRESS…). some of the events that happened to!! help break the ice between us were unorthodox as heck, to say the least, and very… flustering still to look back on and remember, but in the best way possible. ://)
i can count literally in one hand, the people i feel comfortable sharing that more!! intimate, sexual side of myself, and there’s an undefined bond now, because you got to feel as i feel, and more than that, you’ve?? treated it with such respect, described it in a way that? has really made me tear up like a dweeb, because gosh, you?? get it, you understand the amount of love i endlessly pour into them, and if anything that’s made me feel like i’ve made the right choice, however impulsive, when i dragged you to all that…
like you’re a comfortable presence there too.
i don’t know if anything similar will happen again, but i know now that i’d really love to, to even have!! a more active role in it, because! i feel as comfortable with you there as i am with them, and that’s. a rare, special thing for me. even if i’ll!! always need daven to be near to Want to put any of it into action….
to get to kiss you, to get to make you feel good in added other ways?? (gay peter pan voice) would be an awfully great adventure…
but then at the same time i realize how complex your relationship with sex is by now, and more than anything i want you to know that!!! my epitome of happiness already happens through looking after you, through feeding you and holding you close, and despite the attraction still DEFINITELY being there, the best way i can be with you is the way where you’re just as happy as me, and. yeah…
in many ways, this weird, unique intense mix of different ways i’m drawn to you, fits the qpp Experience™ for sure. because it’s its own thing, it’s still pretty wild to get used to it, and a big exciting adventure to figure out as well!! the languages i’m comfy talking you in, and again, i don’t want this to put any pressure on you either way, or for you to feel like you need to?? indulge in any of these things for me to be happy with you in my life, for me to want you to stay.
because i want you for you! no matter what!
if anything i figured!! baring open my full feelings for you here would be fitting for the day and would be… a good way to show you just how much of a positive, growing impact you’ve had on me, and how my happiness has weaved to yours in ways i don’t want to untangle.
how much i!! want to be the same to you.
i hope you can remember this, even when things get rough, but i will never be too far that i won’t want to remind you either!
finally it’s just. infinitely precious that we get to build on all these broad and diverse and wonderful scenarios where dirk and you and i are together, tackling the odds and creating a family based on love and trust and support, and i love getting to spend time with both of you almost like kids, sprawled belly down on the floor with lots of paper and crayons, drawing up our castles and treehouses, our effigies holding hands. it’s been!! such a blessing to get to love you both, and thinking about our verses helps add sugar to this one and… honestly, i hope that our friendship translates just the same, in our own safe ways.
and then i… wanted to say, just how obvious it is, how much you’ve grown, just how awesome the path you’ve taken is, and how?? happy i am to see you here and now, rid of things that had you down, and surrounded by others that get your eyes twinkling and your fingertips typing for miles, on love and devotion, cherishing and respect, happiness.
love and happiness look so good on you, you are!! infinitely lovely when you delve in subjects that instill either and both in you, and i hope i always get to hear you talk about your boyfriend and the people you coexist with, your projects that keep you pumped, all the little quirks and things that make you yourself - because all that is so good…
so!!! here’s to all this… to keep this going and see where it leads, like a bottled message in the current, all those fish that migrate far into the sea, only to always be led back home. i am really excited to keep loving you, and i hope these tokens and these words always help.
stay well, fucker! i love you!!
~ john
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