#It's not squishy or gummy it's SOLID
bonefall · 1 year
i saw this and i immediately went "irl tunnelbuddy !!!!" . no idea what a marzipan is but ur worldbuilding has CHANGED ME
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[ID: Wikipedia article of Marzipan Pigs, a confectionery]
Something SUPER similar happened to Troutfur the other day! He came across some kind of old text of a man defending himself from accusation, which translated directly to, "I contain no burglar-ness!!" and he was like "WOW, SERIOUS CLANMEW VIBES FROM THIS ONE"
My partner also keeps seeing villain cats in media and comes to me like, "Is this a warriors?"
So know that I have infected everyone who becomes exposed to me and it's contagious
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lgcsaem · 10 months
✰ … NO SNACKING ON THE JOB. where he's just as helpful as he is negligent ( solo ).
misaki has always had rather sticky fingers.
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always one for mischief, his attention often being pulled back and forth between the expectation that he act normal versus his more inviting intrusive thoughts, it's no surprise see that wherever misaki went, disaster was likely to follow ( whether said disaster befell him or his surroundings, that was always up in the air— someone or something was bound to get the short of the the stick in some way ).
the annual halloween party is something he's always enjoyed, the company usually fulfilling his innate need for all things spooky and, somewhat, crazy. it's a night full of fun costumes, loud music, and hour of dancing. despite dance making up the majority of his dna, it was an action that never got old for him. another thing that never got old?
misaki had been told the decorations weren't edible from the very moment a staff member had caught sight of him, and explicit warning being drilled into his brain for a solid five minutes before he'd hesitantly been given the green light to enter where the gingerbread village was. misaki had frowned the whole way in— both for the lack of trust in him being able to abide by simple rules and for the lack of edible decorations. in reality, he wasn't really upset with the lecture; he could care less, seeing as it was an act he went through on a weekly basis. no, what upset him was just how tasty all the objects spread out for decoration purposes looked.
seriously, why go the inedible route for halloween— it was a sacrilegious choice.
for the first minute or so, misaki plays around with the different things on the table, getting a feel for each item as he surveys what's already been added to the structure. a lights here, sparkly sprinkles there, an ungodly amount of candy korn looking abominations.
gummy bears.
fake, of course, but squishy enough to fool an idiot. misakis no idiot, but he's also no coward.
taking a handful of gummy bear decorations, he decides to place some inside the little chimneys atop the tiny houses. finding one of the cameras scattered around, he makes eyes contact while point at the poor, bear riddled chimneys. "the bears smelled some good eats and got stuck trying to get in."
then, quite unceremoniously, he tosses the lone bear ornament left in his hand right into his mouth. he gives it a single, honest chew, then frowns. "i was kinda hoping i was being lied to when they said the candies weren't real."
misaki will learn to listen some day.
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clowngames · 1 year
I have a problem with PMD: Explorers of Sky that's keeping me from enjoying it. I'm really determined to customize my team with my favorite pokemon. I brought a Lileep with me, since it's available early on, but I reached a point where it can't meaningfully contribute. Its HP is so atrocious that it faints too quickly, and leveling it up doesn't seem to help. Is the game just designed so that certain team members are non-viable, or is there something I could be doing better?
I'm playing a mod called Explorers of Heaven which does things a little differently, so I'll try to answer keeping in mind the differences in both versions.
PMD's stat system is pretty much identical to the core games' system, with three exceptions. The first is that, as far as I can tell, EVs and IVs are not a thing. Two Lileeps will have identical stats if they're at the same level, Gummis notwithstanding. This means, unfortunately, that investing a lot of time into a pokemon doesn't make up for its naturally low stats.
The second thing is that starter pokemon have buffed stats to make up for the fact that, if one of them faints, it's an automatic game over. At the same level, they're going to be stronger than anything else. IMO this creates a big problem with the extra team members since they'll be underlevelled anyway.
The third thing is that Gummis are a game changer in Explorers of Sky specifically, because once you unlock the Spinda Cafe, 1 gummi = 1 random stat boost. The base game doesn't give you nearly enough gummis to make this meaningful, though the EoHeaven mod improves this. Given infinite gummis, you can bring a pokemon's stats to 255 in everything (and 999 in HP).
Gummis serve as a sort of equivalent to EVs, since they increase a pokemon's IQ which provides them passive buffs even when they don't come with stat increases.
All that to say, PMD is not designed for team composition, or picking your favorite pokemon and building them up to get through the game like the core series is. The other two mons on your team should be there to make up for weaknesses, but You and your Partner are the main characters of the story and the gameplay. I even turn off the IQ move Item Master on extra teammates so that they don't consume my Reviver Seeds. Regardless of what mon it is, it is very normal for your extra team members to faint.
EoHeaven increases the difficulty by quite a bit so my experience may differ, but it was always rare for me to end a dungeon with a full party unless I recruited new ones to replace the ones that fainted. In fact, there was one dungeon where I went through 8 party members! I don't think it can get that extreme in the base game, but the point is everyone is squishy except the main characters.
To that end, the majority of story dungeons (in the form of "Expeditions") don't actually let you bring any pokemon other than you and your partner. Even though the narrative is stronger for it, it's a pretty solid criticism of the game that you don't have access to a major feature for most of the campaign.
Now, if you wanted to see what you could do to make Lileep viable even despite the game's insistence that other team members serve mostly as extra targets for enemies to focus on instead of you, you can consider using TMs to teach them moves that affect the room so they can participate in fights while staying out of the line of sight of opponent attacks. You can change their Tactic to Avoid Trouble so that they run away if their health gets too low (although leaving the group comes with its own set of problems).
Essentially, since the game wants extra team members to serve only as support, you can lean into that and try and figure out how to make them most useful in that role.
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nemxricultrix · 3 years
Small fun headcanon: Morwen and Kairos both love gummies. Lysvher doesn't enjoy them much. It's the texture, and there's preference towards soft squishy gummies over more solid ones.
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murumokirby360 · 3 years
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My USB Silicone Dust Cover Cap Review - Part 1 (with my Paper Dolls) [Aug 7, 2021]
Hello! Time for another item to review this month!🙂
Here’s Part 1 of my USB Silicone Dust Cover Cap review (with my Paper Dolls).😊
This is a must-have item that wants to cover our USB type A sockets from PC/Desktop or USB Extensions/ Hubs to prevent unwanted dust. And in this part, I’ll be tested out to see if it fits.💻🖥🙂
BTW: In case you missed my Part 3 of my My UGREEN USB Extensions: Cable and Hub - USB 3.0 variant Review, then please [CLICK ME!].
So without further ado, let’s get started:
1st & 2nd Image(s):
• Here are my USB Silicone Dust Cover Caps looks like, inside in one single package. At first glance, I thought these cover caps are made of solid material plastic but it’s a squishy silicone rubber plastic material.🙂
•My paper dolls saying that they look like a delicious gum snack like gummy bears but in different shapes.🍬 Yeah, but it’s not food nor a gummy bear reference. So try not to eat... Unless of course you’re made out of cardboard paper.😅
3rd & 4th Image(s): • I unpack from the plastic and I lining up via (reverse) telephone dial position... Well kind of. With a total of ten pieces of USB cover caps, I think I have enough to cover my unused USB sockets.🙂
• Still, you can’t eat up though, or you might end up with vomit. Eating silicone plastic objects are not allowed to eat for younger kids.😉
5th & 6th Image(s): • Anyways, to test it, I have two Ugreen USB Extension Cable and Hub (3.0 variant) to see how it fits. I use that plastic for my USB Hub for a weeks now. Same goes to my USB cable (with nylon braided), I use my un-brand USB type C cable as a USB protector; I’ve been waiting for weeks until my order of USB cover caps has arrived at my house, so here we are. 📦✈️
• My paper dolls seem excited to see as well, and they promise that they won’t eat my USB cover caps. Okay good.🙂👍 Let’s move to our next two snapshots.
7th & 8th Image(s): • Here, you see my two Ugreen items are now completely covered with my USB cover caps; my USB Hub seems perfectly fit and sealed, my USB extension cable on the other hand seems pretty okay, though I was expecting to seal it like the USB hub, that’s fine by me.☺️👍
• My paper dolls appreciate it, and they say that they love the color you choosing. Thanks.😊 I pick this color because not only it’s my favorite personal color but also it’s a perfect fit for my USB 3.0 sockets of two Ugreen USB items.🔵
9th & 10th Image(s): • I only have 6 USB cover caps remaining, so why not add another one for my PC desktop.🖥😁 And it looks quite fit, to be honest.😊
BTW: On your left, that’s my UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter. I haven’t updated my review topic since February 27 [CLICK ME!] of this year, and so far it functions pretty well. If you want to see my parts about it, then please [CLICK ME!]. And uhh my apologies for the dust, I should it clean it before I take a snap.
• My paper dolls saying that it fits well on my PC desktop. Yeah indeed.😁 And they also saying that will it fit on my USB chargers. 🤔 Hmmm... I haven’t tried yet, to be honest. But will see in my next part.😉
Overall: • I’m happy that I order this USB cover cap, this is good when I’m disconnecting from my functional USB devices I could plug my cover cap to prevent dust and particles.😊
• I purchased 10 pieces of USB cover cap from Lazada 🇵🇭 for ₱57.05, with a shipping cost of ₱41.50 (at the time). A total of  ₱ 98.55, but I do have an ₱8.07 off on my voucher so now it’s ₱90.48. That’s a fair deal for me.😊👍 Please [CLICK ME!] to see the item. It also has different colors to choose from; aside from light blue (which you just saw), there’s also dark blue, white, red, black, and even transparent. Black would be nice to fit, but unfortunately, I can’t see it though, to be honest.😅 It’s a good thing that there’s blue color available.🔵🙂
Anyways, that’s all for now, and I’ll see you in Part 2. If you want to see my previous parts from my Ugreen USB Extensions topic, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
My UGREEN USB Extensions: Cable and Hub - USB 3.0 variant:
• Recorded Video [Jul 1, 2021] • Part 1 [Jul 9, 2021] • Part 1.2 [Jul 9, 2021] • Part 2 [Jul 15, 2021] • Part 3 [Jul 24, 2021]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @neutralized-l
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portfoliokokkailuun · 3 years
Everything in balance recipes
Orange custard tartlets Wheat bread + butter
Seaweed bread + salt-cured fish
Makes 12-16 servings
Active work 1hr
Passive work 48 hours Contains gluten and fish
800 g salmon
250 g rock salt
1 tablespoon sugar
3 stalks of rosemary 1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar 1 tablespoon whole red peppercorns
take a whole deboned salmon fillet with the skin still attached and wipe it dry from any fluids. Cut away any possible excess fat.
In a bowl, mix together sugar, salt and whole red peppercorns.
Lay the salmon flat on a piece of baking parchment or film skin side down. Rub the salt-sugar-pepper mix on the salmon, covering it as completely as possible. Lay the rosemary stalks on top. sprinkle a very little amount of vinegar on the salmon.
Tightly wrap the fillet with the baking paper and some film or baking parchment. Move the salmon to a large enough oven pan to let it lay flat, and stack something heavy on top of it to weight it down. 
Let your salmon cure for at least 48 hours, flipping it over every 12 hours to guarantee that it seasons evenly.
Take your fish out the fridge and carefully unwrap it. wipe away all the seasoning from the fish.
Place the fish on a cutting board skin-side down. Start slicing the salmon from the tail-side. You can cut off a small piece of the meat to make cutting easier.
Slice the fish as thinly as possible. You should be able to do this by cutting the fish slanted, keeping your knife around 30 degree angle while cutting and making a small sawing movement while cutting. Very sharp knife also helps!
Go through the whole fish slicing thinly. You can freeze the excess fish after cutting, and defrost the amount you are going to use. You can season the fish more with some lemon or dill.
500 g sour cream
300 cups rolled oats
50 g butter, melted
25-50 g seaweed powder
1-2 teaspoons salt
In a bowl, mix together oats, seaweed powder and salt. Add butter and sour cream.
heat your oven to 225 degrees celcius / 430 degrees fahrenheit)
Line a baking pan with a baking parchment.
To make the round breads, pour a part of the batter in a pan and gently pat it to the desired shape. You can dust it with more seaweed powder if it sticks to your hands or tools too much. Poke the bread with a fork for a few times before cooking.
Serve hot with salmon and butter. If not eaten right away, let cool and wrap in film to prevent from drying out.
Berries and caramel ginger sauce Serves 2 15 minutes + cooling
150 g raspberries
50 g cloudberries
100 g blueberries 50 g lingonberries OR
150g raspberries 100g blueberries 50g mulberries 50g cranberries Caramel ginger sauce
2 teaspoons of powdered ginger 2,5dl / 1 cup white sugar 1 dl/ ½ cup water 50g butter, cold & cubed
In a saucepan, mix together water and sugar. Bring to boil and let boil on low heat (your burner turned into the third or fourth available setting) until the sugar dissolves and the mixture starts to turn golden. Turn off the heat.
mix in the powdered ginger, stir.
add in the butter, keep mixing until it is completely dissolved and mixed into the sauce. Be careful not to burn your sugar! 
In a bowl, mix together all the frozen berries. Split the mix into two serving bowls and pour some still warm caramel on top of it. 
Berries can be substituted with other non-sweetened berries. Do not substitute berries with jam or other cooked and sweetened concoctions.
Chili jelly ducks
Makes 10-18 candies depending on the mold
Active work 45min
Cooling time 2-7 hours Contains gelatine
1 pomegranate
1 teaspoon of chili powder or 1 fresh chili
200g sugar
1 dl / ½ cup clear raspberry juice or pomegranate juice
16 g gelatin
Bowl of cold water for the gelatin leaves, enough to cover them (2-5dl)
Edible gold dust
Start by putting your gelatin leaves into a bowl of cold water. They will need at least 10 minutes under water, and they need to be completely submerged
Peel and scrape the pomegranate seeds into a pot.
Pour raspberry juice and sugar in. Heat until the sugar dissolves. Use a hand-held blender or a fork to break the pomegranate seeds, but be careful: the mixture may splash a bit while doing this!
Chop your red chili into 5-6 pieces, leave the seeds in. Add to the pot.
Let the mixture boil until it has reduced to approximately half and its consistency is like thick, runny syrup.
Gently lift your gelatin out of the water and squish as much water out of it as possible with your hands. Add to the pot, and stir to dissolve.
When the gelatin has dissolved, sieve your mixture. Lay out your duck-shaped molds (or other silicon molds of your choosing!) and gently pour the mixture into them. Move to the fridge to cool for approximately 2-7 hours until your gummies are hard and squishy, and easily pop out of molds. You can store them in molds until serving! These will hold in the fridge for 3-6 days.
Lemongrass-ginger cookies
Makes 12-15 cookies Active work 20 minutes cooking time 10 minutes Contains gluten, milk and egg
150 g salted butter
250 g sugar
250 g wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon of salt
 2 eggs
2 teaspoons ginger powder 50 g candied ginger pieces
1 stalk of lemongrass
Pre-heat your oven to 200 C
In a saucepan, add your butter and one chopped stalk of lemongrass. Bring the butter to boil until it froths and slightly browns. You can gently stir it once or twice while it cooks. Turn off the heat and set the butter aside to cool. Let the lemongrass steep in the butter while it cools.
In a bowl mix together ginger powder, flour and baking powder. Set aside.
When the butter has cooled down a bit, pick out the lemongrass pieces. Pour the butter into a bowl and add sugar. Mix with a mixer until the butter and sugar are properly mixed and the mixture has lightened a bit. Add eggs and mix until properly incorporated.
Slowly add the flour mix while mixing continuously. When all the flour is added and mixed in, add the candied ginger pieces and mix them in. The dough should be easily moldable cookie dough at this point. 
Roll your dough into kumquat-sized balls and move them into an oven pan lined with a parchment paper. Cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool down before eating!
Makes 12-15 tartlets 1 hour active work 1,5 hours cooking and cooling time Contains gluten, milk, egg
For the bases 180 g Wheat flour
130 g butter
80 g brown sugar 
pinch of salt
1 egg
For the filling
8 egg yolks
750 g full-fat milk or cream, both work equally well.
150 g sugar
15 grams grated orange peel
For the tartelette bases
In a bowl mix together flour, sugar and salt. Add cold, cubed butter and rub it into the flour. When the mixture is well mixed and crumbly, add the 1 egg mentioned in the first set of ingredients and knead it in. Keep kneading the dough until it forms a firm ball and does not stick to your fingers.
Wrap the dough ball into cling film and let rest in the fridge for at least 30-40 minutes.
While the dough rests, butter your tartlet molds.
When the dough has rested, flour a workstation and cut up your dough into 12 evenly sized balls. Move the balls to your tartlet molds and gently mold them to fit to your molds. The dough should be evenly thick everywhere. Cut off any excess that tries to stick out from the mold. 
Poke a few holes to your dough and gently brush the innards with egg yolk. Bake the molds for 5-10 minutes, until their edges just lightly start to brown. Unmold the bases and set them aside to cool. You can still store the bases in the molds after first unmolding them.
For the filling 1. In a bowl whisk together sugar, orange peel and egg yolks.
2. Pre-heat your oven to 175 degrees celcius / 350 degrees fahrenheit.
3. Heat the milk on a saucepan until steaming but not boiling. Move your pot away from the heat. Pour half of the milk into the egg-mixture while stirring.
4. Pour the milk-egg -mix back to the pan and heat with low heat until the mixture just slightly starts to thicken. Pour the mixture into the tartlet molds.
5. Bake the tartlets in the oven for 20-25 minutes until the custard domes up lightly. Be careful not to overcook the custard! If the slight doming collapses, your custard has been a bit overcooked and should be removed from the oven immediately. 6. Let the tartlets cool in room temperature before removing them from the molds. Sprinkle a bit of brown sugar or orange jelly on top to serve.
Makes 9-12 large buns
45min active work 2 hrs of rising and steaming Contains gluten and milk
500 g wheat flour
50 g fresh yeast or 20 grams dry yeast
200 g whey from the butter recipe
1 teaspoon salt
pinch of sugar
500 g heavy/full fat whipping cream
Rock salt to taste
For the butter
Pour your cream into a bowl. You will need to mix your cream to whipped cream and over. When you over whisk the cream, the fat in cream will separate forming solid clumps and leave behind light colored liquid. When all the fat has separated, strain all the solid matter from the liquid. I recommend using cheesecloth for this if one is available. Do not toss the liquid, as it will be used for the bread!
Move the separated fat into a bowl. Using ice-cold water, rinse your butter until your water runs clear. You can use a spoon or a spatula to press your butter in the water to get out all the remaining leftover.
When your water runs clear, dry out the excess and add your salt. Use a spoon to work the salt into the butter. Taste, and add more salt if desired.
Move to an airtight container and set aside to wait.
For the bread
Warm the whey until it is 36-38 degrees celcius warm. Crumble yeast into the whey. If you are using dry yeast, heat the whey to 42-45 degrees before adding the dry yeast to it.
In another bowl mix together flour, salt and sugar. Make a well into the centre of the bowl.
Pour in the whey-yeast mixture and mix until the dough becomes smooth and separates from the bowl sides. 
Cover the bowl and leave the dough to rise for 45min in a warm place.
Flour a workstation and move the dough on it. Knead the dough until it feels firm and smooth. Split the dough into 9-12 separate pieces and roll them into balls. Leave the bread to rise for another 20 minutes.
Line a steamer and turn it on high heat. When the water in it is boiling, move your buns into it. Steam them for 25-30 minutes.
After the first steaming turn off the heat and let the bread rest in the steamer for 5-10 minutes. 
Serve hot with butter.
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daily-shade · 4 years
Answering Asks!
Hello friends! Resh here! I have a bunch of asks in my inbox and they’re really nice but if I answer them with a picture the story is gunna go out of wack so I’m just going to answer them all at once to clean things up, take my stress down by like 75%, and make sure people don’t feel left out or forgotten! Also, if I did not answer your ask or get to it on here or my blog it was probably too similar to a previous ask to answer, so I deleted it. Do not let this discourage you from asking something else though! With that said. Onwards!
Anon: So does Shade officially hate anons now? Some of them basically have ruined Shade's life and stuff so I wouldn't be surprised.
Shade does not hate anons. Shade has a very limited emotional capacity and cannot feel feelings the same way you or I might feel such things, due to their void like nature, but the small bit of soul in them will allow them to feel a more complex array of emotions. That said, the anons irritate them a bit, but they do not hate them.
Anon: Hey! Why not you accept the flower? You know How hard to bring it from Resting ground to Forgotten Crossroad!
Anon: *gently pushes the flower somewhat inside shade*
The flower arc was weird and got cut short unfortunately haha, whoops. I have too many asks about it that are more roleplay and less of a question, so I cannot answer any of them at this time due to the fact that the timeline would be confusing if I did. I would be interested in another round of exploring how Shade reacts to the flowers though, so feel free to ask something to get a saga started!
 Anon: I can't help but think of shade but they're a melon ball
Anon: Hes a salad. Liquid salad. I dunno what that means but its just what he is now. Like a smoothie
Anon: Forbidden Fuit Gummy.....
Anon: No, Shade is now a shake.
Anon: *sips*
I tried like fifteen times to draw shade as a desert, a fruit, a melon ball, a parfait, ice-cream, jello and a bunch of other food items due to the colorful nature of the lifeblood saga, but it never worked asdjhk. I’m sorry to everyone that asked about it! >x< I just didn’t know how to draw any of the requests!
 Curious Anonynous: Oh! long time no see to this blog. Welcome to Biology 101 everyone! Today we will talk about fungus. Could you draw some ordicordicep (umm I can’t spell it) to illustrated?
I thought about answering this for the longest time but I just can’t anjsk it wouldn’t fit with the blog and I have no interest in drawing this subject at this point in time, sry!
 Anon: are you squishy like mashed potato
Have you ever felt a bunny? Or something super insanely soft? Shade feels like that, but with no solid mass on the inside. They are also very cold!
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thottiewinemom · 4 years
50 Questions Tag
Tagged by @halfwaythereroyal​ thank you❤️
i’ve got fuck all else to do so:
1.) What color is your hairbrush?
i don’t really brush my hair in quarantine i think it’s black and green? idk 
2.) Name a food you never eat
Ripe mangoes, the smell...i instantly vomit
3.) Are you usually too warm or too cold?
I have hyperhydrosis, waaaay to warm
4.) What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
drinking a truly lemonade watching phineas & ferb 
5.) What’s your favorite candy bar?
6.) Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
few and far between, but yes 
7.) What’s the last thing you said out loud?
"fuck me!” because my truly fizzed all over the carpet 
8.) What’s your favorite ice cream?
cinnamon! but i’ve only seen it at the marble slab near my parent’s house  
9.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
how many times am i going to mention my truly in this post LMAO
10.) Do you like your wallet?
okay listen, i’m a bartender outside pandemic circumstances so all my money is in single dollar bills and technically my wallet is just a large makeup kit. so yeah, it’s cute 
11.) What’s the last thing you ate?
12.) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
yes! i found artists making tshirts and donating to BLM projects and there was a really cool streetwear company and their designs were so cool 
13.) What’s the last sporting event you watched?
uhhh...no clue 
14.) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
butter with peanut m&m’s in it, sweet and salty is the way to go
15.) Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
a groupchat called “Perverts and Rhexars luv xx” ...don’t ask 
16.) Ever go camping?
when i was a kid yes! i used to go with my dad a lot 
17.) Do you take vitamins?
i ONLY take children’s gummy vitamins, pills make it less fun
18.) Do you go to church every Sunday?
19.) Do you have a tan?
i used to, lost it after living in cloudy nyc for 3 years 
20.) Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
new york dollar slice all the way 
21.) Do you drink soda through a straw?
yes so it doesn’t stain my teeth
22.) What color socks do you usually wear?
it’s either solid black, or game of thrones/star wars patterns, there’s no inbetween
23.) Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
i was raised in texas so, yes of course
24.) What terrifies you?
being a failure in comparison to my family’s expectations (cue Mulan)
25.) Look to your left, what to you see?
my juul ontop of my nintendo switch 
26.) What chore do you hate the most?
27.) What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
so weird but i think of when little mix did that accent challenge and jessie couldn’t think of “jamaican”
28.) What’s your favorite soda?
if i ever drink any it’s ginger ale, is that even a soda?
29.) Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
drive through, there’s rona out there...
30.) What’s your favorite number?
8, it was my water polo number when i played, and that’s how my body is shaped LMAO 
31.) Who’s the last person you talked to?
not a person but my mom’s dog, i was complementing how squishy he looks
32.) Favorite cut of beef?
i don’t eat red meat 
33.) Last song you listened to?
super rich kids by frank ocean 
34.) Last book you read?
do fics count? (yes they do @ all you amazing fic writers) i read Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk for the film class i just finished last week 
35.) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
no i have baby brain 
36.) Favorite day of the week?
wednesday, pre-rona that was happy hour & trivia at the bar night after classes with my friends 
37.) How do you like your coffee?
not too much sugar and soy milk
38.) Favorite pair of shoes?
my doc marten’s 
39.) Time you normally wake up?
i am simultaneously a night owl and an early bird so i’ll wake up at any time my alarm says it’s time to get up. i can sleep until well past noon though
40.) Sunrise or sunsets?
sunset! alexa, play golden hour by kacey musgraves
41.) How many blankets on your bed?
5? a heated one, a sheet, a light knitted blanket, my duvet, a tiny fleece that i sometimes throw over my face to keep light out, and my “I 💜 1D” blanket. listen i live in a basement in nyc it’s frigid at night and i CRANK the a/c in the summer 
42.) Describe your kitchen plates?
the plastic teal ones from target lol, i’m very clumsy i can’t do ceramics
43.) Describe your kitchen at the moment?
messy, i’ve been baking all day 
44.) Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
gin mule, extra lime
45.) Do you play cards?
with my family yeah
46.) What color is your car?
like bright cherry red 
47.) Can you change a tire?
i can, but i’ll definitely break one of my nails. if i can call someone and wait i’d do that instead
48.) Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
state? texas for the price, new york for the experience. country? austria, i went after i graduated high school and that city felt so alive
49.) Favorite job you’ve had?
definitely my bartending job since it’s steady and really good money but i sometimes get contracted to photograph concerts and a free show never hurts 
50.) How did you get your biggest scar?
i was drunk at an outdoor concert my friend and i collided way too hard on the hug and her jacket zipper caught my arm. so now i have a battle scar from a t-pain concert.
tagging: @huliabitch @niceboypaolo @finelinebaddie @wanderedcreature 
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cameoappearance · 6 years
Every Don’t Starve character eating Halloween candy
 (because the wiki doesn’t list the examine texts individually and since I already had the speech files open I might as well)
Updated with Wanda 09/09/2021
Candy Apple:
Wilson: "The cavities are probably worth it, right?"
Willow: "That's wayyyy better than a regular apple!"
Wolfgang: "Wolfgang eat many bushels!"
Wendy: "Oh... it's... g-good."
Wickerbottom: "Remember to eat in moderation, children."
Woodie: "Even the stick is delicious."
Maxwell: "Oh good, it's solid candy. I feared something healthy had snuck in."
Wigfrid: "How sinister! I nearly mistook it for a true apple!"
Webber: "Oh, Wendy! We'll trade you for your choco pigs!"
Winona: "A nice change from baked apples."
Wortox: "Something to sink my fangs into!"
Wormwood: "Careful! Don't eat stick"
Warly: "These can be enjoyable, now and then."
Wurt: "These even better than regular apple, flort!"
Walter: "Even candy's better when it's on a stick."
Wanda: "An apple improved by a delicious candy coating."
Candy Corn:
Wilson: "What corruption of science grew these?"
Willow: "Do people actually eat these or are they just a bad joke?"
Wolfgang: "Little corns get stuck in Wolfgang's mighty moustache!"
Wendy: "The most delicious lie."
Wickerbottom: "Delightfully colored kernels of high fructose corn syrup."
Woodie: "Don't worry, I'll eat enough for the both of us, Lucy."
Maxwell: "Waxy, just like me."
Wigfrid: "A clever ruse. It is not corn at all."
Webber: "Haha ew! It's weird!"
Winona: "Is this even food?"
Wortox: "I suppose I could eat a delightful treat."
Wormwood: "Not for dirt"
Warly: "There are better confections available, in my professional opinion."
Wurt: "Made corn even better?!"
Walter: "A handful of candy kernels."
Wanda: "Delicious candied corn to munch on."
Not-so-Candy Corn:
Wilson: "It's... corn."
Willow: "Ewwww it's corn flavored!"
Wolfgang: "Very bland. Reminds Wolfgang of back home candy!"
Wendy: "Sigh. At least it's honest."
Wickerbottom: "Hmm, well, at least there's a healthy option on the table."
Woodie: "Just a regular ol' cob of corn."
Maxwell: "Who is making all this candy, exactly?"
Wigfrid: "A confection to strike terror into any warrior's heart!"
Webber: "Haha, that's not candy!"
Winona: "That's no treat."
Wortox: "It's just human corn."
Wormwood: "Yum!"
Warly: "It could use some butter and salt."
Wurt: "Corn!!"
Walter: "Not very spooky, but it is tasty."
Wanda: "Who is trying to pass this ordinary corn cob off as candy?"
Gummy Spider:
Wilson: "They wriggle on the way down."
Willow: "Eww! I hate black licorice!"
Wolfgang: "Wolfgang feel strong when mashing tiny spiders between teeth!"
Wendy: "Don't worry, Webber, it's just candy."
Wickerbottom: "I was always a fan of black licorice, myself."
Woodie: "Yeesh. That's a lot of candy legs."
Maxwell: "Black licorice, my favorite."
Wigfrid: "Monsters, prepare to do battle with a Viking's teeth!"
Webber: "We aren't totally comfortable with this."
Winona: "That gummy has too many legs for my taste."
Wortox: "I could be persuaded to try a taste."
Wormwood: "Squishy"
Warly: "Licorice is only for the most refined palates."
Wurt: "Didn't know Spiderfolk could be tasty!"
Walter: "Maybe that spider kid would like this. Or maybe not..."
Wanda: "That'll be something to chew on for a while."
Catcoon Candy:
Wilson: "My teeth are going to have something to say about this tomorrow."
Willow: "These are a meow-uthful."
Wolfgang: "Wolfgang not sure he has heart to eat."
Wendy: "Nine lives are not enough to save you from my hungry maw..."
Wickerbottom: "It almost seems a shame to eat them."
Woodie: "These ones don't puke. I like 'em."
Maxwell: "Almost endearing. Almost."
Wigfrid: "The perfect treat!"
Webber: "We forgot what good things tasted like!"
Winona: "Not made of catcoons, thankfully."
Wortox: "Fweehee! Little kitties!"
Wormwood: "Hehe!"
Warly: "The closest thing I've found to an after dinner mint."
Wurt: "Will eat you in one bite, florp!"
Walter: "It's wearing a little mask!"
Wanda: "I'll stash some extras in my pocket, I'm sure the children would love some hard candy."
Wilson: "I... don't think I'll be eating those."
Willow: "Hey Wolfgang, eat one and tell us what it is!"
Wolfgang: "Maybe is chocolate?"
Wendy: "Lumps of bitter sorrow."
Wickerbottom: "I'd prefer none of you eat these at all."
Woodie: "Not sure that's food, eh?"
Maxwell: "A mystery I'm not keen on solving."
Wigfrid: "What have I done to anger the gods so?"
Webber: "No worse than the other stuff we've eaten out here!"
Winona: "Not sure anyone should eat those."
Wortox: "This prank is ingenious!"
Wormwood: "Sweet stuff for belly"
Warly: "I don't think those are fit to eat."
Wurt: "Taste good to me, florp."
Walter: "Those look suspicious."
Wanda: "Do you think I was born yesterday?"
Wilson: "Everyone'll be raisin' a fuss over these."
Willow: "Burn them!!!"
Wolfgang: "Little shrivelly sadlumps."
Wendy: "Life is a swirling abyss of suffering and disappointment."
Wickerbottom: "I'll take the ones you don't want, dears."
Woodie: "Eh. I don't mind 'em."
Maxwell: "I am much more disappointed than I thought I'd be."
Wigfrid: "That monarch swine insults me."
Webber: "Oh, Ms. Wicker! We saved these for you!"
Winona: "That's just regular food."
Wortox: "Hm... I don't think I'll like that."
Wormwood: "Belly stuff"
Warly: "Real raisins! Think of the culinary potential."
Wurt: "Can eat yours if you don't want them, florp"
Walter: "I don't know what some people's problem is, raisins are good!"
Wanda: "A little extra fiber never hurt anyone."
Ghost Pop:
Wilson: "Only a sucker wouldn't love this."
Willow: "Yesssss! Lollipops!"
Wolfgang: "Is tasty little treat!"
Wendy: "This is... fun..."
Wickerbottom: "How darling!"
Woodie: "I'll tell you what it tastes like, Lucy."
Maxwell: "No one is above enjoying a good lollipop."
Wigfrid: "I shall uncover its secret center!"
Webber: "Candy candy candy!"
Winona: "How spooky."
Wortox: "Hyuyu, a candied soul!"
Wormwood: "Sad?"
Warly: "I don't need the whole thing, just a couple licks."
Wurt: "Yummy yum!"
Walter: "Maybe I'll give it to the twins."
Wanda: "This little ghost I like."
Jelly Worm:
Wilson: "Sticks to your teeth."
Willow: "Why does something so yummy have to look so gross!"
Wolfgang: "Is look yucky, but taste okay."
Wendy: "As perplexing as it is delicious."
Wickerbottom: "I had best not hear of any tummy aches later."
Woodie: "Not too bad, eh?"
Maxwell: "How the tables have turned, worm."
Wigfrid: "The battle was mighty, yet in the end the worm was consumed!"
Webber: "Gummy worms, yummy worms!"
Winona: "Real gelatinous."
Wortox: "Hyuyu, it slithers all the way down!"
Wormwood: "Wiggly!"
Warly: "I wouldn't want to ruin my dinner."
Wurt: "Even better than normal worm!"
Walter: "Gummy."
Wanda: "Chewy, and only a little wormy."
Tentacle Lolli:
Wilson: "Only a sucker wouldn't love this."
Willow: "Yesssss! Lollipops!"
Wolfgang: "Is tasty little treat!"
Wendy: "This is... fun..."
Wickerbottom: "How darling!"
Woodie: "I'll tell you what it tastes like, Lucy."
Maxwell: "No one is above enjoying a good lollipop."
Wigfrid: "I shall uncover its secret center!"
Webber: "Candy candy candy!"
Winona: "Curious flavor."
Wortox: "First time for everything, they say, they say."
Wormwood: "Mmm..."
Warly: "The younger among us would enjoy it more than me."
Wurt: "Mmm, taste like swamp!"
Walter: "Is it made with real tentacles?"
Wanda: "Something sweet that never goes bad, what's not to love?"
Choco Pigs:
Wilson: "Much better tasting than the real thing."
Willow: "I'm gonna need about a dozen of these."
Wolfgang: "Little men of chocolate stand no chance against Wolfgang!"
Wendy: "You have to bite their heads off first... heehee..."
Wickerbottom: "I fear I've a terrible weakness for a spot of chocolate."
Woodie: "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand."
Maxwell: "Eating them makes me feel powerful."
Wigfrid: "Tis not meat, but tis close enough!"
Webber: "Mmm! Sweet revenge!"
Winona: "Best eaten by the handful."
Wortox: "Harumpf, it melts all over my claws."
Wormwood: "Twirly Tail?"
Warly: "There are few things I love more than milk chocolate."
Wurt: "Grrr, will eat you all up!!"
Walter: "I'm far too mature for trick or treating."
Wanda: "Oh alright, I'll take a nibble."
Candy Lice:
Wilson: "Did that candy just move?"
Willow: "Yuck! That's disgusting!"
Wolfgang: "Is gross little candy bugs!"
Wendy: "Today I eat them. One day, they'll eat me."
Wickerbottom: "The candy itself is quite pleasant, if unappealing in appearance."
Woodie: "Not the biggest fan of bugs."
Maxwell: "Ah, maggots... how novel."
Wigfrid: "They look like that which writhe and crawl."
Webber: "Wriggly, yet satisfying."
Winona: "Ha, yuck! Everyone watch me eat'em!"
Wortox: "How delightfully disgusting!"
Wormwood: "Yum!"
Warly: "I'm sure it tastes better than it looks."
Wurt: "Yum yum in the tum-tum!"
Walter: "I think these might be real bugs!"
Wanda: "If nobody else wants them I'll happily take them."
Otherworldly Jawbreaker:
Wilson: "Oh, my poor jaw."
Willow: "It's sorta tangy."
Wolfgang: "Hard candy is strong like Wolfgang!"
Wendy: "A candy as hard as my heart."
Wickerbottom: "There will be some sore jaws in the morning, I imagine."
Woodie: "It's pretty good stuff."
Maxwell: "It's not terrible."
Wigfrid: "You shalt not break me, confection!"
Webber: "We like these a lot."
Winona: "I ain't patient enough to eat these."
Wortox: "I'll try a nibble, I will, I will."
Wormwood: "Ball of belly stuff!"
Warly: "It's a little too sweet for my taste."
Wurt: "Mermfolk have jaws of steel!"
Walter: "Huh. It's sour."
Wanda: "That seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy."
Lava Pepper:
Wilson: "I don't do well with spice."
Willow: "Mmm! It burns my mouth so good!"
Wolfgang: "Is too hot for Wolfgang!!"
Wendy: "What is this eternal burning?!"
Wickerbottom: "A delightful ten on the Scoville scale."
Woodie: "Lucy doesn't like it when I eat spice."
Maxwell: "Only ruffians enjoy torturing themselves like this."
Wigfrid: "Wretched Hel's fire!"
Webber: "Gosh, it's spicy."
Winona: "Whew! That's the kick y'need!"
Wortox: "Ooo hoo hoo, spicy!"
Wormwood: "Ho! Ha! Hot belly stuff!"
Warly: "It sticks in my teeth, but it's well worth it."
Wurt: "Hot-hot, HOT!!"
Walter: "Oh! I wasn't expecting it to actually be spicy!"
Wanda: "Sweet mixed with spicy!"
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Jimin is Away; Summer, Chapter One
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Summary: Jimin, despite everything the two of you have been through, is slowly fading out of your life. But when you find someone to fill the void, Jimin starts to become a bit strange.
Word Count: 1,552
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Jimin, who is Jimin? My mother would say he is everyone. Every girl. Every boy. Every person that anyone has ever loved.
Before senior year of college
It was late at night, but even the moon and stars couldn’t escape the humid and sweltering heat of the summer’s day. Inside a small apartment (with the air conditioning unit running on high) the dim lighting of a small lamp illuminated the frame of a person resting on a living room couch. The small TV across the room was softly emitting the dialogue from the movie, ‘Be Cool’; John Travolta’s voice barely audible over the humming of the icy A/C. Not that it mattered anyways, since the person inside was dozing off to the mafia-esque comedy. The front door then started to shake, and behind the other side, a young man cursed softly to himself.
“Damnit Y/N, why do you always have to lock it during the days of my long shifts?” Jimin sighed and dropped his backpack with a muffled thud. He could practically hear his College Algebra book cursing him out for such the rough treatment as he fished out the spare key from underneath the doormat. He quickly unlocked the door and threw the key back under the “Carpet Diem” mat his roommate had put there when they had decided to move in together, and drug himself and his bag inside the room.
Jimin sighed and slumped against the door. He threw his keys into the stone bowl by the door and kicked his backpack into the entryway corner. He still had two days; the impending headache that would ensue from the study guide he had could wait for another day, Jimin decided. He toed off his shoes and padded into the open living space. He dug his hands into his jean pockets and eyed the person curled up on the couch, the corners of his lips turning up at the sight. He approached it; the illumination from the TV screen making the outline of his body glow with fluorescent light as he gently shook the person.
“Hey Y/N, wake up.” He whispered. Her eyes opened almost instantly, her breath catching in her throat as she stared wide-eyed at the man in front of her.
“Jimin! You gave me a fright.” Jimin chuckled and ruffled her hair, watching a small smile grow on her face.
“What’s up?” he asked softly, plopping himself down next to her on the couch. Jimin noted her worn-out Ramones t-shirt, figuring she was wearing the rest of her favorite pajama set under the blanket that was draped across her lap.
I hope she got enough rest today, Jimin thought. She had been working so hard lately, and she deserved to rest on her first free day in months. From her studies to her jobs, Jimin had it easier and couldn’t complain when he knew that Y/N had it much worse than him.
“Nothing really, I slept most of the day and vegged out. I got some of the movies on my watch list knocked off. How was work?”
“Slow since school’s coming to an end and the weather’s getting warmer. The baristas tried to keep me busy though throughout the shift, but I had to lock up tonight.” Jimin said sheepishly, leaning on his side against the back of the couch.
“Did you do anything else fun today?” Jimin asked, genuinely curious as he watched the girl stretch.
“I played video games when Jungkookie visited today.” She grinned and Jimin couldn’t help but show off his own gummy smile.
“Cool beans, I wish we could have played together. What did you play?” Jimin propped his arm up and rested his head inside the crook of his elbow as he sunk deeper into his couch crease.
“Damn, pretty solid choice. Did Kookie kick your butt?” Jimin giggled as he watched Y/N sulk.
“Terribly, but I’m a sucker for FPS’. I swear that maknae doesn’t do anything but game all day.” Jimin laughed and Y/N eventually joined in.
For a few minutes, the duo sat in a comfortable silence as the movie played in the background. Jimin’s stare turned soft the longer he looked at Y/N’s face, that is, until a beep cut off his wandering train of thought. Jimin pulled out his cellphone and groaned when he saw what was on the screen. He noticed Y/N staring out of the corner of his eyes and saw how her eyebrows creased in confusion and worry.
“Quick, I need your help coming up with a good excuse.” Jimin said, his voice still as soft as ever as he looked up at his friend.
“What for?”
“Wheein wants to hang out with her friends this weekend, but I really don’t want to.” Jimin smiled regrettably. He could see Y/N’s frown deepen at his words and she scooted closer to him.
“Don’t like her friends?” she asked, her hand reaching out to rub Jimin’s shoulder soothingly. Jimin chuckled, although Y/N could tell Jimin meant it half-heartedly.
“No, nothing like that. Hanging out with them just means sitting around and getting drunk. I don’t drink, so I don’t know, it’s just not my idea of “fun”.” Jimin confessed, his big eyes straying from Y/N’s gaze. Jimin shifted in his couch crease and let a small sigh slip past his lips. Y/N could smell peppermint in his breath and it made her heart stop; she smiled softly.
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.” Y/N admitted, wrapping her arms around herself. Jimin caught her action and he placed his hand on top of hers.
“Do you drink Y/N?”
“Yeah, I drink sometimes in social situations. And you know I always talk wine when our psych study group gets together.” She said, nudging his shoulder gently.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just tired. I guess I’m just weird.” Jimin mumbled.
“Oh, come on, you’re definitely not weird.” Y/N reassured Jimin. Jimin was one of the sweetest guys in the world. With his love for learning, coffee, and dance, Park Jimin was the epitome of the pastel best friend everyone needs and Y/N loved the boy to death. Literally and figuratively; she was in love with Park Jimin. And after everything he has done for her throughout their years and years of friendship, she vowed to be there for him like how he was for her; romantic attraction aside.
“I don’t know, it’s just hard not having someone see it from my perspective. Should I just say I already have plans?” Jimin brushed the topic aside, opening his phone and looking at Y/N with his head half buried in his arm.
“The old scheduling conflict? It’s a classic.” She nodded. Jimin smiled slightly and typed out the message, hitting send before dropping his phone into his lap.
“Now I just need plans for tomorrow. It’s my day off.”
“You could hang out with me? Namjoon and I are studying for our Chem final at the library though, so it might not be ideal.”
“Maybe…how about when you come back we could hang out and play some games?” Jimin suggested. His eyes looked hopeful and Y/N could feel her heart melt at the sight.
“That sounds nice, Jimin.”
“Do you want to invite anyone?” Jimin asked. Y/N opened her mouth, about to say that it would be fine with just the two of them, but Wheein popped in her mind and she closed her mouth with a sigh.
“I don’t care.” She said and Jimin pinched her cheek.
“We can have Kookie come over again then. I know he’s been dying to beat my score in Mario Kart 8.” Jimin said happily, not noticing the disappointed aura radiating off her.
“No problem. That sounds good. We can talk about it tomorrow.” Y/N said, standing from her place of the couch. She made a move to walk away and hide herself in her bed in slight embarrassment and disappointment when Jimin caught her wrist. She glanced down at his tiny hand encircled around her wrist and she looked down at him.
“Stay up with me?” Jimin’s soft voice was back and it took all of Y/N’s self determination to push back the desire to stay with him on the squishy couch.
“I can’t last much longer, Jimin. It’s late, and Namjoon and I are meeting up early.” Y/N said, removing her hand from Jimin’s grip. The look of disappointment on Jimin’s face tugged at her heartstrings. She gently ran her hand across his cheek to console him, but Jimin just leaned into her touch like a cat and Y/N had to step away before she’d spend the entire night with her friend.
“Goodnight, Jimin. I’ll text you tomorrow afternoon when I leave the library.” She said, calmly, assuringly, before walking down the hall into her room.
Jimin watched her go from his place on the couch, sighing softly when the door closed behind her. He sprawled out across the couch and ran a hand over his face. His conflicted feelings roamed through his brain as his eyes traced patterns into the ceiling. The movie on the TV still played, and Jimin turned it off as he walked towards his own room with the remote still in his hand as his mind whirled into the summer’s night.
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
The Great Big Postpartum Post
Today’s blog post has been a long time coming! Well, I guess it hasn’t been brewing for that long considering Ryder is just now 8 weeks old but it has taken me a lot longer to find the time to sit down and type up everything about this postpartum period than I anticipated.
I’ve actually been working on bits and pieces of this post for weeks and thought about breaking it up but decided against it so everything is in one place. Today’s post touches on everything from Ryder and breastfeeding to newborn sleep and the transition into life with two children. Brace yourselves because you guys are getting a VERY wordy post comin’ at you today!
Oh Ryder! My sweet little boy! Ryder is such a gift in our lives and I absolutely love being his mother.
I don’t quite know how to put the way I feel about this little guy into words but he has a personality that feels almost calming to me which I know sounds crazy but there’s something about the way he locks eyes with everyone as he coos away that makes me feel like he’s going to be an introspective and thoughtful little boy. We all say he seems older than his 8 weeks somehow and I cannot wait to watch his personality develop and unfold as time goes on.
As far as babies go, he’s pretty darn easygoing and as Ryan likes to say, “He’s a good baby… but he’s still a baby,” which I think perfectly sums things up around here. It’s basically our way of saying he’s not too challenging but newborns are never a cakewalk! Ryder is admittedly an easier baby than our first (I hate to compare but I think it’s only natural for those with two kids to admit that all babies are different and some are easier than others) and Ryder truly feels like an angel baby to me because most of the time he’s just so content.
He loves to kick and coo and look at lights and fans and faces. High-pitched baby talk works wonders with Ryder and brings about the cutest little expressions that seem to showcase 5,000 emotions in 2.5 seconds. He’ll look at us with a big, gummy smile that will morph into a skeptical look that will quickly morph into a judgmental baby face and I’m trying to soak them all up!
It’s so neat to see Ryder’s personality develop right before my eyes and the past few weeks have brought about tons of smiles, gurgles and sweet baby chirps and coos that I just adore. He loves people and will lock eyes and stare at anyone and everyone who meets him.
Ryder is out of all of his newborn clothes and into 0-3 month and some 3 month clothing already. When he was born, I thought we lucked out and would be able to reuse all of Chase’s old clothes since they both have summer birthdays but I am beginning to wonder if Ryder’s size might not make this a possibility!
I love his squishy thighs, the milky bubbles he blows, the way his gummy smile creeps into his eyes and overtakes his whole face, his fluffy mohawk and the way he’ll come off my chest after nursing and give me the cutest little flirty smiles. It melts me every time and I am so grateful for this little boy.
Breastfeeding admittedly got off to a bit of a stressful start. When we were in the hospital and I attempted to nurse Ryder for the first time, he latched well but would only take one or two powerful sucks before coming off my breast. We now realize this was likely because he couldn’t breathe well while nursing. Once he was admitted to the NICU, I spent the next few days setting alarms and exclusively pumping which resulted in some incredibly sore nipples and stressed me out because after my first pump, I was pumping next to nothing or nothing at all. I was assured that this was normal and encouraged to continue pumping.
During this experience and also in hindsight, I felt incredibly grateful that I was a second-time mom because I cannot imagine how much more stressed I would’ve felt to have to learn how to pump immediately and then try to navigate nursing for the first time. I also know I am very, very lucky that our NICU stay was relatively short and I was able to nurse Ryder after a few days. I know this is not the case for many and I will always feel so grateful for everything.
Once my milk came in and I was able to nurse Ryder, breastfeeding improved dramatically. I felt my uterus begin to cramp, my bleeding increased and my body seemed to physically respond to nursing Ryder in the most incredible way.
Nursing Ryder in the beginning was a very different experience from learning to breastfeed Chase. It’s truthfully been much, much easier this time. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that Chase had a tongue tie that resulted in bleeding, scabbing and a lot of pain and I needed to use nipple cream like it was my job. I remember dreading the moment Chase would need to latch again because it would hurt so much until he had his frenulum clipped. Another thing I believe has contributed to an easier experience this time around is the simple fact that this is my second time breastfeeding. I truly believe nursing Chase for 15 months permanently changed my nipples and paved the way for Ryder a bit. Is that weird? Unfounded? Maybe! But whatever it is, I’ll take it!
Ryder is nursing well and seems to be a very efficient eater. He rarely wants to nurse for an extended period of time but he definitely wants to nurse often. I am nursing on demand at the moment which means that some days I feel like all I do is nurse, especially when Ryder wants to snack or cluster feed all day long. Ryder will often stay latched well for several minutes but then he likes to come on and off my breast and intersperse nursing with looking at me or looking around the room and cooing. This will often result in a very messy and milky nursing experience (my breasts will often spray milk or drip milk when he breaks his latch), so we’re going through a lot of milk-soaked burp cloths and blankets over here right now.
One obstacle that surfaced for the first few weeks of Ryder’s life that was somewhat related to breastfeeding was a pretty horrible diaper rash. His poor little booty was so red and he had little bloody sores on his bottom. The pediatrician had my breast milk tested to see if Ryder might have a milk protein allergy but everything came back normal. His diaper rash cleared up dramatically around 6 weeks and I think a HUGE part of this was the fact that Ryder started pooping less and his butt finally had time to recover between poops.
In the interim, we did a lot of naked baby time to give his butt a chance to breathe in between diaper changes and tried a bunch of diaper rash remedies, creams and oils. Most diaper rash remedies didn’t work well for Ryder (even a prescription cream) but Triple Paste seemed to work the best for him and we went through that stuff like it was going out of style!
My expectations for newborn sleep were really, really low. Chase was up nearly every two hours for feedings for well over a month or two and when I looked back on my monthly update posts for Chase, I saw that he was still waking up at least two times a night at 4-5 months old. This is what I was expecting from Ryder so I cannot tell you how incredible it has been to have a child who seems to sleep well. It’s pretty darn amazing. But I say this in the same breath that I say we are doing NOTHING different this time around with Ryder so if you have a baby that is a horrible sleeper, you’re doing a GREAT job and you’re doing nothing wrong. I feel you. Chase’s sleep was rough but in the beginning I had no point of comparison and thought all babies woke up a million times a night. (In this instance my naivety as a new mom worked as a benefit for me.)
Once I started to realize some babies were, in fact, sleeping through the night when we were still up all the time with Chase, I began reading baby sleep books which mostly made me feel like a big fat failure. As a second-time mom, I now realize some babies are just better sleepers and some parents just get really lucky. That’s not to say following sleep training techniques and implementing schedules doesn’t work for babies — I think they totally DO! — but babies are so different and as someone who has had a baby who was a pretty awful sleeper and someone who has a baby who seems to be a naturally good sleeper, I just feel like that’s an important thing to say to any moms out there who might be reading this post with bags under their eyes after months of horrible sleep. You’re doing great and it will get better! That’s something I also carry with me this time around — bad sleep DOES come to an end and it happens faster than you might think. Understanding that all of the baby struggles are temporary somehow makes it easier this time, too.
In the beginning, Ryder was up every three(ish) hours in the night. Some nights were filled with more frequent feedings but as the weeks went on, the time between Ryder’s feedings stretched out more and more. Right now I typically feed him before we go to bed between 8 and 9 p.m. Ryder will then typically wake up between midnight and 2 a.m. and again around 4 or 5 a.m. The fact that I am usually getting at least one solid 4-5 hour stretch of sleep between nursing sessions feels like an incredible gift and has been a huge help when it comes to my energy level every day. We’ve even had a few nights where Ryder skips his middle-of-the-night feed and wakes up to nurse for the first time between 4 and 5 a.m. (I pretty much wanted to high-five everyone I saw the next day after those nights!)
Of course some nights are still rough around here — just last night I found myself pacing around our room and rocking him from 2:30-3:30 a.m. — and I admittedly found myself throwing a dirty diaper in the washing machine last week because I was so out of it but, on the whole, I am counting my blessings in the newborn sleep department at the moment.
Physical Recovery and Changes
My physical recovery from this pregnancy has honestly been pretty good. Labor was fast and my delivery was pretty easy (thank you, epidural) and I only needed two stitches so I wasn’t too sore for too long. I continued to bleed and experience some serious postpartum night sweats up until around 5 weeks postpartum.
I started walking for exercise (and sanity!) when Ryder was about a week and a half old. I kept my pace nice and easy and gradually worked up to walking three(ish) miles almost every day. I feel really good now and just started to return to boot camp classes this week.
I am definitely easing into fitness and currently modifying my workouts quite a bit. After I received the okay from my doctor at my 6-week postpartum checkup, I began doing some moderate strength training in our garage but only a few days and every workout left me feeling so sore!
From an aesthetic standpoint, I’m softer everywhere and the cellulite is REAL over here but I’m not really focused on that right now. I’m not weighing myself regularly (I didn’t before I got pregnant and don’t plan to start now) but I hopped on the scale for the sake of this post and saw I’m up about 12-15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I know from my experience with Chase that the final 10-15 pounds of pregnancy weight gain took the longest to lose and it took me a solid 9 months to lose it all after my first pregnancy.
My plan for postpartum weight loss is the same this time around: I plan to focus on being as healthy as I can, work out regularly to make myself feel strong (mentally and physically) and trust that my body will do what is best. Breastfeeding is a priority for me and along with nursing comes ridiculous hunger so I feel like I’m an eating machine and I wouldn’t want to mess with anything that could effect my milk supply.
I say all of this in one breath but I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking I’m completely confident with my postpartum body. I feel secure in my body and so grateful for what it has done but getting dressed feels awkward since I’m in a weird transition stage where maternity stuff doesn’t really work and my regular clothes all cling to my body and feel too small. I am just not dwelling on my physical appearance and I am trying to put my focus where it matters — on my two boys — and remind myself that my body just did something amazing and it should look different right now.
Despite what the media and social media portrays, I know it’s not realistic to look like I didn’t just give birth 8 weeks after our baby arrived so I’m trying my best to embrace the softness, cellulite and body changes and focus on the incredible reason my body looks different. It just produced a HUMAN and that’s pretty freaking incredible!
Transition to Two Children
In today’s post I’m focusing on how I’m personally handling the transition into life with two kids but you may read more about how big brother Chase is handling the transition in Chase’s Three Year Update. 
To be completely honest, the hardest part about this postpartum period has been the transition from one child to two. This is not because Chase is acting out or we have a colicky baby or anything dramatic but simply juggling two children is very, very different than one baby. There’s basically NO downtime and every day feels a bit chaotic right now.
When Chase was a baby, I could count on his nap time to work but now I can count on one hand the number of times Chase and Ryder’s naps have coincided which means I am constantly feeling behind on everything. I cannot blog or get work done nearly as often as I used to and our house rarely looks clean but I know this is a season and I’m trying to embrace this time as best as possible.
Possibly the biggest blessing in this postpartum transition period was having my mom here to help after Ryder was born. So many fellow moms encouraged me to accept help during this time and I’m so, so glad I did even if my first inclination was to say, “I’ve got this!”
My mom mostly helped with Chase after Ryder was born which is exactly what we wanted and needed most. Ryan got one week of paternity leave so his time off was all used up while we were still in the hospital with Ryder. Having my mom’s help during this time and right after Ryan went back to work was so incredible and absolutely helped with the transition. Her help made a huge difference to me during the first couple of weeks with two kids and I know how lucky we were to have her here!
When Ryder “woke up” (aka was no longer sleeping all day every day), I had quite a few meltdown days. Seemingly overnight, Ryder needed more attention and soothing to be content and on the days when Chase wouldn’t nap or didn’t nap well, he’d often be in a serious MOOD by 4 p.m. Let’s just say the hours from 4 p.m. until bedtime often felt (and can feel) like an eternity. This is the time of day that is still the most challenging for us and it can feel really long and draining some days since it’s typically the time of day when Ryder seems the most hands-on (they call it the “witching hour” for a reason!) and, depending on his mood, Chase can be needier and whinier than usual.
Ryan often doesn’t arrive home from work until after 7 p.m. (this isn’t a complaint, just a reality) and there have been more than a few days that he’ll arrive home to me telling him I just want to face-plant into bed. (Side note: My back often feels totally destroyed by the end of the day from all the rocking, bouncing and soothing. I don’t remember this happening with Chase but the pain I feel in my mid/upper back is killer at the end of some of the rougher days! Has this happened to any of you!?)
As far as the impact of two kids on our marriage, all is well over here but in full transparency our time to really connect as a couple feels rather limited on a daily basis. I swear an entire week can easily go by where I feel like I’ve barely talked to my husband! By the time Ryan is home from work and we tackle the bedtime routine, the only thing I want to do is go to sleep and since we both seem to fall asleep the minute Ryder goes down for the night, it can be a little challenging to get that one-on-one time to talk and connect. We’re trying our best but many times during the week our conversations feel fragmented by bursts of one child needing this or that or family playtime. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love building airplanes or playing dragons with Chase, Ryder and Ryan but playing dragons with my husband is very different from actual adult communication!
It’s more clear than ever to me that we need to be intentional in our time together as a couple and we’re slowly getting into a better rhythm. I’m not quite ready to schedule a date night and leave Ryder with a babysitter (I still need to pump and get him used to taking a bottle again) but hopefully that isn’t too far off! In the meantime, we’re doing our best to keep communication open, acknowledge our feelings and lean on each other even if we’re not getting as much couple time as usual these days! Thankfully we both seem to understand that this time with a newborn is so fleeting and we are just trying to go with the flow and be great parents and great spouses even though the parenting role admittedly — and understandably — seems to be taking the front seat at the moment.
Sooo there you have it! A bazillion words and way more than you guys all probably cared to know about this postpartum period! I will likely do a followup post to this one in the coming weeks much like I did after Chase was born to address any lingering questions, so please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to touch on that I may have missed! And if you made it to the end of this post, thank you so much for reading about this special and crazy time in our lives!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/the-great-big-postpartum-post/
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beejuboxes · 7 years
Freedom Japanese Market (Affiliate link) $14.99-$45.99/month–Free international shipping! Ships from Japan *Use “beejuboxes” in the comment box upon checkout to receive a free additional snack!
Run by an expat family in Japan, Freedom Japanese Market offers three sizes of Japanese snack boxes: Puchi, 5-8 snacks ($12.99/month), Original, 12-16 snacks ($24.99/month), and Family, with twice the snacks of the Original ($45.99/month).
Every curated box includes an English content list and handmade, seasonal origami. Shipping is free worldwide! Longer subscription plans also come with a discounted price. You can also purchase a single box with no subscription in each size for $16-$50 depending on size. I’m reviewing the original size. They include a mix of sweet, savory, and seasonal snacks.
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The info sheet lists all the snacks with a brief description, as well as their origami of the month. For October, they included a cute skull origami. Very appropriate for the season! Halloween decorations and themed snacks are getting more and more popular here in Japan, which is fun as someone who grew up with the holiday.
My parents visited us in Japan the week I received this box, so I had lots of help taste testing. We tried everything while watching our home baseball team and having some drinks.
Halloween Umaibo This puffed corn stick is their popular corn soup flavor but in festive Halloween packaging. I love corn potage Umaibo, which has strong sweet corn flavor.
Pineapple Candy Pineapple ame is a super common sweet in Japan. It is a ring of sweet pineapple hard candy in a Halloween themed wrapper.
Chocolate Umaibo This umaibo is their plain corn puff stick but coated in a thin layer of milk chocolate. Corn and chocolate may sound strange, but you don’t get any corn flavor. Just the texture of the puff and the chocolate taste.
Hot Chili Aerial These were an easy favorite in our family. It’s a layered puffed corn snack flavored with hot chili and spices. It wasn’t overly spicy, so you could taste the chili flavor.
Puccho Apple Candy Puccho is another common Japanese sweet, similar in texture to Hi-Chew. The info sheet says it’s green apple, but I received soda and grape flavors.
Halloween Marshmallow This marshmallow has a good cola flavor and squishy texture. I enjoyed the taste, but I especially liked the cute Halloween packaging!
Osatsu Snack Since it’s fall, sweet potatoes are everywhere in Japan right now! These puffed chips are grilled sweet potato flavored. It almost tastes like candied sweet potatoes (also very popular). The taste was very subtle, but still good. However, I could have used more sweet potato flavor!
Porickey These pretzel sticks are coated with a corn flavor. This snack is very mild. I prefer stronger flavors, but this would be a good introductory snack to Japanese flavors.
Doki Doki Fishing I’m always happy to see DIY kits! This kit is relatively simple, as you add water to the included powders to make grape gummy fish. The packaging and design of these kits are always wonderful and fun to make. I’ve yet to try a DIY kit that I didn’t enjoy!
Kaki no Tane Kaki no Tane, named because they look like persimmon seeds, are a popular beer snack. It’s a mix of seasoned rice crackers, often with peanuts. These were also a family favorite due to their strong, spicy soy sauce flavor!
Puchi Puchi Uranai Chocolate (Bonus Snack) Hooray for bonus snacks! This bonus item is fortune-telling chocolate. Each strawberry milk chocolate has a topic written on the packaging. When you punch the chocolate out of the foil, a shape will be printed on the foil inside. A double circle is great, a circle is okay, a triangle is not great, and an x is bad.
Google Translate is your friend here—you can use your smartphone’s camera to translate. Or, my favorite online Japanese dictionary is jisho.org. Some of the categories are fun, like karaoke and shopping. Also pictured is this month’s origami. The skull is so cute!
  Overall, I was a little disappointed. I think the uniqueness and value this time around were lower than normal. The smaller pack, “puchi pack,” is sadly not a good value this month based on the prices I see in supermarkets here. The price is $14.99, but I would place the value at no more than $4.  I also wish the savory snacks had a little more variety—it was a lot of corn and/or puffed products. Besides the chili puffs, sweet potato chips, and DIY kit, everything else is pretty common and cheap. Still yummy, but not the best value.
The Hot Chili Aerial puffs, Kaki no Tane, and DIY kit were our favorites. I also like that they included Halloween and autumn themed treats!
You can subscribe to this box here, starting at $14.99 up to $49.99 depending on size (affiliate link). The original box is $24.99/month. All boxes have free worldwide shipping. Mention BeejuBoxes in the “Where did you hear about us?” section for bonus snack too!
  PR Sample. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received. Affiliate links are in this review, and they are noted when used.
Freedom Japanese Market – October 2017 Review & Coupon Freedom Japanese Market (Affiliate link) $14.99-$45.99/month–Free international shipping! Ships from Japan *Use “beejuboxes” in the comment box upon checkout to receive a free additional snack!
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advocatewrites-blog · 7 years
Simple/Clean Chapter 7
Simple/Clean: An Original Character’s Story
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (1, with mentions of other installments)
Synopsis: There are many worlds, but they share the same sky. One Sky, one Destiny. And when that destiny is threatened, the universe calls on one hero to save the day. Or, more like, five. When the Earth is consumed into Darkness, Danielle Scott and her friends are given the Keys between light and darkness. If they are going to save the worlds and find her brother, they are going to have to go on a multiverse-wide road trip to find the Door to Light. If only they had a better weapon than keys.
Rated: +K for violence and occasional language
Disclaimer: The Kingdom Hearts series was created by Tetsuya Nomura and owned by Square Enix. The Final Fantasy series was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi and owned by Square Enix. The films depicted were created by the Walt Disney Animation Studios and owned by the Walt Disney Company. Any other work mentioned or homaged are property of their respective owners. This is a non-profit fan-based work that only seeks to entertain. Please support the official releases.
Chapter 7 of 12
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Chapter 7: There Be Whales Here
There was not really a night on the Gummi Ship.  The Gummi Ship constantly moved through space, and time was always different on each world. However, there was a universally acknowledged bed time, just as soon they had gotten off of one world and Donald was able to set a course for the next one.
Just because their bed time was set up by exhaustion didn't mean that insomnia didn't exist on the Gummi Ship.
Hanna curled up in the copilot's chair. It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep on the ship, but she hadn't been comfortable sleeping since she got on the ship. Let alone the fact she was in a small vehicle with six other people, she had no pajamas, what blankets there were worn and thin, and there was only one bed for all seven of them. That, and there was an overwhelming sense of panic and fear just being on the ship. Not to mention, the adrenaline boosts she got whenever she even stepped off on the ship. And the realization she kept pushing back that everything she knew was gone…
The point was, Hanna couldn't sleep.
She adjusted the privacy curtain between the pilot and passenger's sides of the ship. If she couldn't sleep, than she should do something productive with her time. She had the fortune of having her backpack with her the entire trip, but that only had so many books, and you can only read about the Pythagorean Theorem so many times before you wanted to scream.
Screaming, in the middle of the night, in the middle of space, was ill advised.
Instead, she grabbed Genie's lamp and the papers found inside. The papers were crinkled and old, and Hanna worried that if she applied too much pressure to any spot the whole thing would turn to dust. The handwriting was unbearably neat, thick cursive in thicker ink. Still, Hanna read on.
It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments:
•     Extract the darkness from a person's heart.
•     Cultivate darkness in a pure heart.
•     Both suppress and amplify the darkness within.
The experiments caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most stalwart. How fragile our hearts are! My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle.
Some time later, I went below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born of darkness...What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their hearts in my experiments?
The shadows that crawl beneath the castle... Are they the people who lost their hearts, or incarnations of darkness? Or something entirely beyond my imagination?
All my knowledge has provided no answer. One thing I am sure of is that they are entirely devoid of emotion. Perhaps further study will unlock the mysteries of the heart.
Fortunately, there is no shortage of test samples. They are multiplying underground even as I write this report. They still need a name. Those who lack hearts... I will call them the Heartless.
The Heartless appear in groups, and are multiplying rapidly. I've provided them both living and nonliving samples. They've responded only to the living. They seem to multiply after absorbing something from the living creatures. Their prey vanishes without a trace.
I believe the Heartless are taking hearts. They are born from those who've lost their hearts, and thrive on hearts seized from others. The hearts taken by the Heartless become Heartless themselves.
Though I lack proof, I am confident in this hypothesis. I must also study their behavioral principles. Though they lack emotions, they do seem to have some intelligence. How to communicate with them?
It's just occurred to me: Could they be the darkness in people's hearts?
The rustling of the privacy curtain behind her startled Hanna out of the text. Sora sat down on the pilot's chair next to her.
“Can't sleep either?” Hanna asked, not looking up.
Sora shrugged. “I was thinking about Jasmine...and Kairi.”
Hanna tensed, and nodded. “We did what we could. Now we should just try our best to do more of that.”
“I don't know if my best is good enough.” Sora said. “I mean, look at you!”
Hanna blinked.
“You've never wielded a sword in your life before, and now you can do three with ease! Or Katie, or Nadine! I just have the one. And I'm not all that great with it.” Sora said.
“If I could get rid of my Keyblade powers and give them to you, I would.”
“You don't like it?” Sora asked.
“I haven't liked it since day 1. I just want to go back home.”
There was silence again.
“Did you turn off the auto-pilot?” Sora asked.
It was so casually said, it took Hanna a minute to realize how dangerous the notion was. “What?”
“The auto-pilot's off. Did you turn it off?”
No sooner were the words out of her mouth when the ship shook. Hanna and Sora glanced up.
Against all rational thought, the first thing out of Hanna's mouth was “Is that a blue whale?”
This was the third time the Gummi Ship had crashed since Katie had first stepped on it. It was quite the resilient little ship.
“I didn't touch anything, I swear!” Sora said. “There was just this...huge whale!”
“In space?” Donald asked, suspicion as thick in his voice as his lisp.
Katie was the first one out of the Gummi Ship. She regretted it almost instantly. The floor was soft and squishy, making it hard for her to hold her balance. The walls were made of a similar material. Wet noises sounded under her shoes, making her feel nauseous. The way the floor pushed against her confirmed her suspicions: whatever she was standing on was alive.
Something fell close to her head, causing Katie to jump. A treasure chest, recently looted, now sat at her feet.
“So if there was a whale, where is it now?”
Goofy was the second one out. He confirmed Katie's theory. “I think that whale just swallowed us up.”
He swung his shield up, just in time to block another falling treasure chest.
“Thanks.” She said to Goofy. “Knock it off up there!” She said to whoever was throwing it.
They responded by throwing another one.
The floor shifted and shifted some more as the others left the Gummi Ship.
“What's going on?” Nadine asked.
“We're expecting showers.” Goofy said.
Another treasure chest fell. This time Goofy didn't get a chance to block it. It collided with his head before tumbling to the floor.
“Heavy showers.” Goofy added, nonplussed.
“You're made of steel, aren't you?” Katie asked. “Like, not even in a metaphorical sense; you're just solid metal, aren't you?”
“Garwsh,” Goofy said. “Pete always told me I had a thick skull, but....”
“Who's up there, anyway!” Donald interrupted.
“It's me!” A voice chimed from above the ledge.
“Oh, it's just Pinocchio.” Donald said. “Wait, Pino--”
Jiminy Cricket crawled out of Sora's hair. “Hey! Pinnoch! What are you doing? Pinnochio, come back here! Gepetto won’t like this!”
“I’m off to find father right now!” Pinocchio called. He sounded very far away.
“What! Why you—come back here!” The cricket scampered off.
“You know him?” Katie asked.
“Only though Jiminy.” Donald said. “But come on. He might be out only chance out of here.”
Katie looked about her. There were the ledges, but they were a bit too high to climb up. There was the floor, which was too hard to climb about on. The only thing they could cross through was a body of water, the origin of which Katie could not quite identify.
To nobody's surprise, Pinocchio wasn't holding up for Jiminy. This was perfect! He had all the pieces he needed now! All he had to do was take it back to Father and--
He froze as he caught something out of the corner of his eye. There were more people in Monstro. He only caught a glimpse of them, but he knew for a fact it was not someone he recognized. Even worse, he was entered one of the stomach chambers.
That wasn't good. Even without the Heartless, it was dangerous to explore around Monstro.
Well, a quick detour wouldn't hurt. Besides, helping people was a good thing, right? Jiminy couldn't judge him for that!
The interior of Monstro turned out to be very stable. Sure, it was still a living breathing organism, but nothing seemed to be passed along to lower digestive systems. This included a whole house. Admittedly, it wasn’t as much a house as it was a fort, with only a few pieces of furniture made of remnants of ships. There was no denying, however, it was lived in. It had been lived in. For a while.
“Oh, hello there!” The houses’ occupant said once he saw them. “Have you seen my son?”
“That depends. What does he look like?” Nadine asked.
“Let’s see…he’s about this tall, black hair, blue eyes, big nose…oh, and he was wearing the lederhosen I made for him.” The man said. “Oh, and he’s also made of wood.”
“It’s a good thing we’ve already met him or else I’d think you’re crazy.” Nadine said. “But he said he was running off to find his father.”
“He was? Oh dear...he might have gotten lost in one of the stomach chambers.” The man said. “He’s been helping me build a ship to get us out of here.”
He gestured behind him to a Gummi Ship, mostly finished.
“We can help with that!” Donald said.
“Yeah!” Goofy added. “We’ve learned to always keep some extra gummi parts on the ship!”
The man’s eyes lit up. “You would? Oh, thank you, thank you! We have been in this beast for far too long!”
“How long?” Hanna asked.
“What year is it?” The man answered.
“How about we go look for Pinnochio for you?” Dani asked. “We needed to go find our cricket anyway.”
“Cricket? Jiminy Cricket?” The man said. “Well, at least I know he won’t get into trouble by his own hand…but do be careful in there. Even without the Heartless, they’re a bit tricky to navigate.”
“Relax.” Dani said as she summoned her Keyblade. “We’re heroes.”
“This place is gross and I don’t want to be here anymore.” Dani realized.
“Where even are we?” Nadine asked. “Do whales usually have more stomach chambers than this?”
“If they do, I don’t think they’re usually a labyrinth like this is.” Dani said.
More Heartless materialized.
“Well that can’t be good for this thing’s digestive system.” Dani said.
“So how do you think this thing functions?” Katie said. “Because I’m not a marine biologist, but I generally don’t think whales generally have ready to climb platforms around its stomach.”
“I also don’t think they fly in space and eat things that aren’t krill, let alone at least two ships full of people.” Hanna said.
“Hm. Maybe you have a point.” Katie slowed down as she looked down another corridor. “Do whales generally have Heartless inside them as well?”
Sora and Hanna rushed to her side as fast as they could without bouncing around the stomach. They looked through the corridor. There was another chamber, occupied primarily by stomach acid and one big Heartless. It was shaped like a pumpkin, with a body composed of bars. Tendrils waved behind it. Someone sat inside it.
“Uh…” Pinocchio said from within. “Help?”
“Interesting, isn’t it?” A voice spoke.
“Riku?” Sora asked.
That was Riku? Katie’s eyes shot upward as a figure perched on one of the platforms above. White hair, evil-looking smirk, and eyes that glistened with dark…Katie didn’t like him.
“Interesting, isn’t it.” Riku asked. “A puppet with a Heart. Too bad he’s going to lose it.”
“The proper response to that is hi, by the way.” Katie said.
Riku gave her a look and she suddenly regretted speaking up. “Still trying to make new friends instead of helping your old ones?”
“I’m not replacing you, Riku.” Sora said defensively. “And what are you talking about anyway?”
Riku let out barely a breath. A scoff, Katie realized. Half of one, at least.
“Maybe your new friends can help you with this.” He said. He vanished, tendrils of Darkness snapping where his feet were supposed to be.
The Heartless chose that moment to move. Its tendrils shot towards the three. Hanna moved first, jumping out of the way and summoning her two Keyblades.
“Can somebody please take care of this unattended child?” Hanna said over the chaos.
Katie summoned her Keyblades and jumped in. It took some effort, but she managed to pry the bars open enough for Pinocchio to crawl through them.
“Sora, can you make sure he gets back to his dad?” She asked.
Sora hesitated for just a moment, before leading Pinocchio out. He looked oddly…hurt. Why, though?
Katie stopped thinking about it as she was nearly chucked into stomach acid.
“I think Hanna would say that that’s a ship for ants.” Sora said. He would have said the Gummi ship in front of him was as big as his shoes, but that also wasn’t exactly a fair measurement.
“It’s much bigger on the inside.” Gepetto said.
“And we’re going to be towing them to Traverse Town anyway.” Donald said. “Now, are you ready to go?”
Sora was about to say yes, but he stopped as he his hair being pulled.
“Can you lower me down, please?” Jiminy asked.
Sora held out a hand. The cricket scrambled down it, and stood firm against Sora’s palm. He looked Pinocchio dead in the nose, and straightened himself out.
“Now Pinocchio,” Jiminy said. “I’ve got a very important responsibility to assist the Queen. As such, I will not be able to officially act as your Conscious for a while. But that’s no excuse not to be on your best behavior. I know you’re capable of great things. Now take care of your father,”
Pinocchio’s smiled wobbled, like he wasn’t sure if he should be sad that he was leaving Jiminy or happy that he was being praised. “Right!”
“And don’t follow strangers who say they’re going to make you famous,”
Pinocchio’s face dropped at that. “Right.”
“And if you any need any help, go find Miss Aerith.”
Jiminy looked very proud of himself, and started the climb back up to Sora’s head.
“Why Aerith?” Sora asked.
Jiminy made a face. “Leon, Yuffie and Cid are all my friends, but I don’t exactly trust them with the care of a little boy.”
That was fair. He waited until Jiminy was safe on his scalp before withdrawing his hand.
“Now Dani,” Donald stated. He stopped. It looked like it took a considerable amount of effort to say the next part. “You can drive Gepetto’s ship.”
“But don’t get any ideas!” He snapped. “That thing’s top speed is 11 miles an hour, and we’ll be right in front of you!”
Her triumph deflated. “Then what’s the point?”
“You at least have some experience seeing how the ship is run, where Gepetto doesn’t!”
Gepetto shrugged. “I make toys for a living.”
“Jiminy, can you go with them?” Donald asked. “I would feel a lot safer with somebody that has a good head on their shoulders and doesn’t take up a whole lot of space inside.”
“Well that’s my specialty!” Jiminy said.
The groups divided. The ships were loaded. But Sora remained where he was, too lost in thought to move. Dani noticed first.
“What’s up?” She asked.
“I dunno.” Sora said. “I should have been able to do something.”
“What? About Riku?”
“No, just…about everything.”
Dani gestured for him to follow her into the ship. He followed. There was room in Gepetto’s ship…barely. While their Gummi Ship was about the size of half a room, Gepetto’s Gummi ship was about the size of half a boat. Between the five of them, there was barely any room left.
They squeezed in closer to the captain’s seat.
“I just feel like I could have done something else. Maybe Riku was right.”
“About what?”
“Maybe I can’t find Kairi.”
Hyopcrite. You are the one who has made your heart a prison.
All for one and one for all!
I must warn you again—the road will not be easy.
A heart is never lost for good.
You know, I was gonna come swooping in, Keyblade in hand, but I just couldn’t get mine to materialize. Must be in the snap of the wrist or something.
 “Well, not with that attitude.”
It snapped Sora out of thoughts he was not aware he was having. He fought to focus back to Dani.
“I mean, c’mon!” Dani said. “You’re a Keyblade master! You’ve travelled through other worlds! Who cares if you don’t have as many flashy powers! I think you make up for it in the fact that you’re also one of the only ones who actually knows how to wield their sword.”
He couldn’t argue that one, he realized with a laugh.
“Now, we’re gonna go find Kairi, save the King, and prove to the whole universe we’re awesome!”
The ship kicked into life and began to fly. And Sora realized she was right.
He was just as good a Keyblade master as the rest of them.
Author’s Note: You know I’ve never really seen Pinocchio all the way through. Even as a kid I was a lot more interested in the book, which was a lot more morally complex for everyone involved. I like the Disneyland ride?
So there are feelings I have about Sora and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. It’s okay if you like it; I personally thought it was a very fun game with a very bad plot. However, these feelings will be shaping the rest of the story, as well as Sora’s development from here on. Even if not all of it is in this installment.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Review Special: Blippo.com Order
Initially my plans for today was to do my review on the December Doki Doki crate. But wouldn’t you know it, not only did I get the newest Gacha Gacha box, but my order from Blippo.com showed up too!
Exactly 2 weeks after shipping, the box arrived. So I figured I would do this review, Doki Doki (because I had it done and ready), then Gacha Gacha.
So in this review, I will be going over my thoughts and opinions regarding the process, the order, quality, the items, etc.
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I was filled with complete anxiety and had a feeling this wouldn’t go well...
So for anyone unfamiliar to Blippo.com, it is the associated shop of Kawaii Box. They sell a variety of kawaii items ranging from stationery to snacks, Japanese magazines, toys, apparel, squishy, etc. They also have “spin-off shops“, the Squishy Kiosk and Happy Cute, a shop that’s almost exactly like Blippo but offers a free purse instead of a random item.
Blippo also offers “mystery packs“ of snacks/squishy/accessories/items for a set price, if you would rather be surprised. I did heavily consider purchasing the squishy one but ultimately decided against it since there is a chance I could get a bunch I already own from Kawaii Box (unless they read this blog and would make sure I didn’t get repeats. But what’s the chance of that?).
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So opening the box this is what greeted me: a paper depicting the person who packed this specific order (who I do not blame for the condition of it, thank you very much Sam), and an ad for their snack box and Kawaii Box, both with codes I could use on the.
Oh, also, a pile of packing peanuts. It’s too bad they don’t make cute heart-shaped ones, or maybe some pink ones. That would be an adorable touch.
Okay, so let’s just get on with the items cause this is going to be something else...
Free Items
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Now, each order comes with 1 free item if you spend 25 dollars or more. I got 2 because I had a free item code from Kawaii Box.
So today I got a glittery rainbow slinky toy; which I already got, actually I think I got it last summer. I’m disappointed but given the box, at least it’s in one piece right? This would have been the thing I expected to break out of everything else.
We also got this cute little notebook. It’s very thin so it’d only really be useful for little things, or if you wanted to keep it in your purse. The inside has lined pages but is otherwise plain, I also discovered this...
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I noticed on my box, it said it could be searched if necessary so I’m not sure who to blame for this.
Before they used to give us a list of items we could choose for our free gift and they weren’t the best things- but I’m pretty sure they were better than this. I know “its free what do you expect“. Honestly I don’t know.
Butter and Soy Sauce Chip Star
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I think this item was the worst of them all. The seal was broken open, the tube is bent, the bottom is slightly less-worse. However, because the bag holding the chips was entirely sealed I decided not to just pitch them. Each pack of these are 263 calories.
The chips are okay, I don’t really taste the soy sauce. I mainly taste butter but they aren’t too bad.
Crown and Ribbon Headband
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I’ve always had a fondness for things like crowns and tiara, so I fell in love with this when I saw it. It reminded me a lot of something you’d see in Aikatsu, or Pripara, or maybe a Magical Girl series. 
I only own a few headbands and rarely ever wear them, mainly because they give me headaches. It’s been disappointing, and I knew there was a risk in getting this but how could I pass it up?
These are available in pastel shades of Pink, Red, yellow, purple, and light blue. Each one consists of a big lace bow with a smaller bow, a sequin crown, and a small sphere on each tip of the crown. The spheres alter for each one, but are made of the colors of the five different headbands.
I really, really like this! It doesn’t give me a headache or anything, and after all the other damage of the box I was worried this would have suffered. I was surprised by the amazing shape it’s in. Although, one of the little spheres has a very faint stain on it, it’s not too noticeable.
I’m tempted to purchase one of each color so that I can wear them with multiple outfits.
Ice Cream Octopus Blind Bag
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I’ve been eyeing this for a long time and I was so happy to finally get one of my own. These are adorable octopus made to resemble scoops of ice cream, and they’re scented and magnetic. The idea is that you can not only carry them on a chain, but you can plug them into your phone to carry around, put on anything that can hold magnets, and they can connect to the other octopus and cones! 
It also turns out the package art was done by TheHollyCopter. I used to watch her on Youtube.
Ironically, I got the one that I thought I would get. I don’t mind because I love smores~ It is scented, it’s kind of like... honey and maybe a little marshmallow or chocolate? It’s kind of weird but  don’t hate it. It’s an extremely soft squishy, but it is a fast riser, maybe an 8 out of 10 in terms of speed. It’s nice if you like soft squishy but don’t care about the rising speed. 
It’s also recommended for anyone 14 and up, but honestly I think these would be fine for anybody at least 8-10 years old.
Unfortunately, these also cost about 13 dollars- which is why I only got one. What bugs me is that I assumed you would get a cone too, but you don’t. So I’m not sure if they only come with some of the octopus, or if you might get a cone instead of an octopus.
For that price, I’m worried about buying another one, even though I really do like it. I’d like to get more but I think I’m going to wait for the time being.
Egg Highlighters
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(sorry for the blurry pic)
This is another item I’ve been looking at for a long time, so I was excited to get these :3 It’s a set of 6 small highlighters, each with its own color, expression, and scent. They come in an adorable little pouch to carry them around easier.
The scents are probably very obvious, but I made this chart:
Pink - Strawberry - Strong scent
Peach - Orange - Faint scent
Yellow - Lemon - Very Faint scent
Green - Apple - Light/Medium scent; stronger in the marker than paper
Blue - Blueberry - Very Strong scent
Purple - Grape - Strong scent
As markers for writing or coloring or scribbling, they work great. I had no problem with the ink, but as a highlighter they’re a bit too solid for that, at least blue and purple seem to be. But for circling and underlining it’s fine.
These had a handful of other problems though, like one is “too juicy” around the nub/tip, almost all of them have flaked or smudged faces. But these work really well for me. I read the reviews on Blippo though, and a lot of people had similar problems, so I would warn you to really take thought into this item before you buy it.
Choco Mint Taiyaki & Pretty Cure Gummies
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Next up are the 2 other snack items I got. After everything else I wasn’t sure what to expect with them- but I was relieved to find they put them in a zip lock bag. I’ll give them a point for at least doing that.
We’ve been over this before, I’m obsessed with Pretty Cure so I HAD to get these. You get a set of 4 packs, one of each Cure, and the flavors are lemon, peach, and grape, but they each have 2 or all 3 flavors per-pack. Each gummy is rounded with a heart on top, very cute and soft.
If you read my prior review you might recall me mentioning that you would be seeing another taiyaki very soon- and this is it :D I was very enticed to order this when I saw it, because I LOVE mint-chocolate, so a mint flavored chocolate has to be good right?
This thing is AMAZING! The mint flavor is very strong, and there’s a long-lasting cooling sensation in my mouth, even though I only took two bites of it. It feels as good as it tastes~! Would recommend!
Dress-up Puffy Stickers
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These are other items I really wanted to get for a long time, but back then they had a bunch- they really downsized now but they still have a bunch of really cute ones. Mostly all of them have 2 different sets includes, but due to how it’s folded I couldn’t show both of them. But don’t worry, because I was considering making a separate post for these if you want to see it up-close and personal. 
I came up with a wonderfully kawaii idea; I’m going to get a pretty notebook or a binder to collect these in. I’ll dress them up and decorate the pages, it’ll be so much fun~
But of course with the box being banged up, this was too. The top portion of it is really bent, and so are a few of the items and one “doll”. But while I might not be able to get rid of the annoying lines in the items, I can at least press this a little to try to rid of the annoying bend.
I really hope when I get more of these that this isn’t a problem again...
~Closing Commentary~
Okay, so to begin with... I’ll say it now, I was highly disappointed by the shape of the box, as well as the fact it’s just an average box. I’ve ordered from the Japan Crate shop before (2 cheap items) and they provided us with a clean, branded box. I’ve also paid more money (but less than this order) for an order from Candysan and got an average box, but at least nothing was damaged and it had a cute thank you letter they send everyone.
They made me feel special for ordering with them basically, and this made me feel distraught. I don’t blame Blippo for the shape of the box, but I can blame them for not putting more effort into their own branding. Although if you buy their “specialty packs“ I mentioned earlier then you’ll get a cute exclusive Blippo bag.
Next, I paid... I think $34.00 dollars for a beaten up box with beaten up or marked up items. I did get everything, and a couple of things were fine, plus I got two free items (one of which is just sad).
I feel like I was punished for free shipping...
All and all, I wouldn’t discourage anyone from ordering from Blippo.com, but if you can afford it I would recommend not doing free shipping, and also, if an item has reviews make sure you look at them before you make a decision.
I had planned on ordering from Blippo next month and changing things up a little to see if it goes any better, but I might just check the other shops related to the other subscriptions I get and see if anything interests me. I’m not sure yet.
Until next time remember to stay cute and keep opening up (hopefully non-beaten up) boxes of cuteness!
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box Sept 18
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This months theme: Travel with Sumikko Gurashi!
This months word: Hikouki - Airplane
Inu Sticky Notes & Unicorn Washi Tape
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Our first items are these sticky notes that come in a variety of Inu and Neko styles. There are 30 pieces in all and they stand 50mm x 90mm. Each one costs $2.60 on the Blippo website. I think these are the standing sticky notes, base on how it looks.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s very cute, and I love the detail. Pen just glides on it very nicely. But I did notice you have to be careful tearing it and take your time, otherwise it rips and you don’t actually get any of the stickiness, which is also very light. I found this out after wasting 2 of them.
Our next item is this cute pastel Unicorn washi/masking tape. It’s 1.5cm x 5 m length and costs $2.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This one actually left me a little conflicted. I love unicorns and pastels, and the design is pretty simple, but cute, but I noticed that unless you have something white beneath the tape, it’s extremely translucent! And even then it’s still a bit hard to see!
On the plus side, if you write on it, you will see it very easy.
Sparkly Deco Tape Set
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This next item is a whole set of deco tapes. Now, if you’ve been a long-time reader, you may recall a set I got like this a long time back. I thought the little tapes were cute, the little tape dispenser was adorable... but it BROKE on me the second I very gently opened it up.
So when I saw this, I was both excited, and a bit worried <3< especially because I’m convince this is one of those dollar store products. On Blippo, each set costs $1.80
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I am happy to report that this time that didn’t happen. So they either change something, or my first one was faulty. I was pleasantly surprise, although the tear is a little messy and you might be better off cutting these with scissors. I think the tapes themselves are pretty decent, and even though they’re small, you get a nice amount.
Sumikko Gurashi Winter Plushie Charm
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Our next item is this kawaii Sumikko Gurashi cloaked plush charm. Each main character is available and wears a cloak that has a string bow on the front and a string strap with a felt “companion“ matching the character. Each character also wears a cloak based on someone else- except for Ebi, who wears her own cloak.  
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The chain is attached to this part of the character, rather than the cloak; I assume it’s to make sure they don’t slide out of it if you were to take it outside or attach it to a bag. On each of their tags, they also have little images and descriptions about the character you got, which I think is a nice touch.
Each one costs $6.90 on the Blippo website. But as of this moment they aren’t available.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love the concept! I think it’s very cute, and I think they executed it very well. However, this is probably just me, but I think it’s kind of weird that this is qualified as a charm plush when the chain is beneath the cloak. I mean I can see why they did that, and I love the idea of dressing it up whenever I want, but I feel like if you use it as a charm, you could easily misplace the cloak.
I also notice a small amount of accuracy issues with the characters. Like compare Ebi up above between her plush and cloak form. She has her normal black mouth on the cloak, but the actual plush has a pink nose/mouth. I also notice Shirokuma has no nose but his cloak does, Neko is missing his markings, etc. That might not bother a lot of people, but it bothered me a tiny bit.
Gudetama Transparent Delicacies Sticker Set
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Available for $2.90 on the Blippo website, this Gudetama set of transparent stickers includes 20 styles of sticker per set/pack (4 in total), and there are 60 stickers per set/pack.
And yes I did count just to make sure. There are 20 different stickers, and I think there’s 3 of each to equal 60.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
These are translucent as you can see, and they almost match the level of the unicorn tape- but they are WAY more defined than it was. I love them, and I’m pretty sure any Gudetama fan would enjoy these too! I like how you can see how they would look wherever you’d put them before application.
Sumikko Gurashi Traveling Around the World Badge
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Our next item is this really cute badge, base on the traveling Sumikko Gurashi theme. Each costs $1.90 and there was 8 different types.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Although I favor Neko and Shirokuma, I think this is actually really cute. They were all cute actually, if I had somewhere to put them I’d probably buy all 8!
I have one issue though. I don’t know if they’re all like this or if it’s just mine- but I notice the fastener on the back is very flimsy and wriggles up and down, making it a little difficult to hold and un-fasten and fasten. Not impossible, just a little bit of a hassle.
Sumikko Gurashi Traveling Around The World Medium Notepad & 2 Unicorn Pens
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On occasion we get these items in Kawaii Box that surprise me by it’s quality, and this is the one for this box. Not only is it sturdy an super-cute, but it features designs on both the front and back, a sheet of stickers,a shiny spine, and 4 sets of page designs, one of which is horizontal rather than vertical. Each notepad has it’s own set of designs too!
On the Blippo website, there is a variety of these available for $4.80.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I really really really REALLY love it! If you like Summiko Gurashi I’d recommend!
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Besides this cute notepad, we also get 2 unicorn pens, which is a surprise because we normally get 1 per-box.
I’ll start with the pink tubed pen, which features 0.5mm pen and an LED unicorn on top. It comes in this pink tube, white, and lavender (which features a pastel mane in comparison to the other two) and costs $2.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It smears just barely until dry, and I think it’s a pretty cure and simple pen. The unicorn on it is cute, but it’s one reflective looking solid piece, meaning the horn, mane, and ears are attache. The mane looks fine, but the ears and horn are kind of weird from the front and back, to me anyway.
The other pen is fairly similar, but features no LED, has a different texture, and the unicorn is completely molded. It’s also a gel pen.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Out of the two, I noticed this pen isn’t as lasting as the other (just barely though), but it’s way more smooth when writing and right after writing I rubbed my finger on it and got no smudges. I also really like the more details on this one, so out of the two pens I favor this one.
Oddly enough though, I couldn’t find this one on the Blippo website. I spent 20 minutes looking and didn’t see it. I would assume it was around the same price as the other one though.
Happy Nikukyu Paw Gummy Candies - Cola 
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Our last item is this pack of adorable, cola-flavored paw gummies. I've gotten one or two bags of these before, but as obsessed with Cola as I am- I was definitely anticipating these, and their scent is heavenly~
Each bag is about 90-something kcal, and on Blippo they cost $3.60.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
They’re so soft and squishy, it almost feels like you’re chewing on a real cat paw (as cringey as that image may be), and they taste very good. The only thing I can really think that's noteworthy to mention is that they have a "coating" to them, which may leave a bit of... grime in your mouth while eating these. But I feel like it would only bother some people. 
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  I really liked everything in this box. I wasn’t super-excited or anticipating this review because nothing really excited me an I didn’t have much to do with the stuff- but I thought thee quality and details really made up for last time.
Price -  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  If by some chance I added up right (and remember one item I couldn’t find) then this box came up to about 30 dollars! And keep in mind a few items are on sale right now. That’s about 10 or so dollars more then we actually pay, so I think this was a really good deal!
Theme - ♥ ♥ ♥ The theme was about... half-included this time around. I wasn’t displease by it, but I can’t say I would have guessed it if I was asked to. I know they could have done better.
Total Rank: 7 out of 10 Cuties. I really wanted to like this box, and initially i did until I was forced to really look at it. Usually the quality is really good, so I was kind of disappointed I found so many little problems with a lot of the items. I really liked this box. It didn't excite or entice me in any shape or form- but I love the items we got and the quality was great! I had very few complaints an even then they didn't hinder anything. 
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
(I decide to skip the cutie scale for this one only because I’m not feeling well an I wanted to get this published before I went to bed. Until next time, stay cute!)
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