#Italian loafer shoes
oxfords---notbrogues · 2 months
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Crockett & Jones x Anglo Italian Company
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dandyshoecare · 2 years
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Before and after.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Oliver with a Twist
Aaron Hotchner has handled everything life has thrown at him, conquering courtrooms, criminals, death, divorce, fatherhood, and false imprisonment with dignity and grace. He’s a highly respected FBI agent, the Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico, an accomplished prosecutor, an excellent father and friend. Ever stoic, he’s the very pillar of strength that holds his unit above ground despite their being forced to delve into the minds of the worst that humanity has to offer day in and day out. He rarely allows himself to get emotional.
And he most certainly does not get jealous.
Hotch steps through his doorway with a case file in hand, pausing mid-stride on his way to Dave’s office when he hears the words coming out of Emily’s mouth.
“So how’re you and Oliver getting along as roommates?”
“Oh, he’s just the best,” you gush, and Aaron can actually hear how radiant the smile on your face is without so much as a glance your way. “Now that I can officially call him mine, I can’t believe it took so much convincing to make it happen!”
He drops to one knee on the carpeted floor, feigning the need to tie his shoe. It’s not eavesdropping, he reasons. After all, you’re speaking freely in an open space. In fact, he’s just ensuring the well-being of his agents from afar.
Crouched on the floor.
Hidden out of sight.
“I mean, just look at this picture,” your voice carries on in a downright giddy tone.
There’s a soft gasp and then an appreciative, “He’s so handsome,” from an awestruck Garcia.
“The cutest, sweetest, most handsome guy ever,” you assert, and Aaron feels a strange stirring of warmth deep in his gut.
He’s not jealous.
“He loves to cuddle all night,” you tell the girls, receiving a chorus of dreamy sighs and supportive hums in response. “Like, seriously, once we go to bed, he has to be touching me at all times. And he especially loves sleeping on my chest.”
Aaron’s cheeks flare red hot at that last statement. Maybe, just maybe, he’s a touch jealous.
“Lose something?” A pair of Italian loafers comes into view, and Hotch’s guilt-ridden gaze lifts to meet his friend’s poorly disguised smirk. “Your dignity, perhaps?”
Not deigning to give Dave the satisfaction of a response, Aaron stands abruptly and clears his throat, then raises his voice to be heard across the bullpen. “BAU team, round table room, please. We have a case.”
Just under forty minutes later, the team is settled in on the jet and finding ways to pass the time on the way to Topeka. Hotch tries to devote his attention to the case file before him, but he finds his focus straying in your direction, honing in on the smile playing at your lips while you scroll through your phone. Probably reading a text from Oliver, he thinks, shocking even himself with the vehemence with which his inner monologue spits out the name. Unbidden, his thoughts drift off to the man taking what should be his place, if he just had the guts to take a leap of faith for once in his adult life.
Does this Oliver know how you like your coffee in the morning? (A healthy splash of hazelnut creamer and two sugars, for the record.) Does he know you secretly listen to country music alone in the car even though you profess not to like it in public? He probably has no idea that you used to love line dancing in undergrad, and that your worn cowboy boots are tucked into a hidden corner of the closet in your apartment. Or how about the fact that you used to be in theater as a kid and still hum Broadway songs to yourself while you work? Your favorites are from Heathers, although if he’s not mistaken, Wicked is a close second. Has Oliver noticed the way your nose scrunches up when you smile, or the tiniest dimple that appears on your left cheek when you gnaw on your lip in concentration?
Does he know just how lucky he is to have you?
Blinking out of his stupor, Hotch notices that you’re worrying at that damn lip again and god, if he doesn’t want to-
Why are you looking at him like that?
“Aaron?” The soft smile on your face and the way your voice ticks up at the end of his name tell him that wasn’t the first time you tried to get his attention.
“I asked if you wanted to see a picture of Oliver? Rossi says it’s imperative you know about the new guy in my life,” you explain with a playful rolling of your eyes.
Hotch’s gaze darts to the older man, his lips pressed together in signature disapproval because Rossi knows damn well he doesn’t want to see that. But you’re already approaching with a beautiful smile, phone in hand, and Aaron squeezes the armrest to channel his emotions anywhere but on his face, trying to prepare himself for what he’s about to see and-
It’s a cat. It’s a cute little orange tabby with white paws, soulful eyes, and a notch missing from his left ear.
“This… is Oliver,” he says rather unintelligently, and you let out a soft laugh while nodding.
“Named after ‘Oliver and Company’,” you add for his benefit, as if he didn’t already know that’s your favorite childhood animated movie. “Isn’t he just precious?”
Aaron’s truthfully always been a dog guy, but in that moment, with the way you beam at him while proudly showing off your fur baby, he decides he can learn to coexist with a cat- and maybe even come to love it one day.
“Yeah, Y/N,” he concedes, his features softening into a smile reserved just for you. “Oliver’s pretty damn cute.”
🫒 Read the next part of the Oliver saga here!
[A/N: This was inspired by my little girl, Olive, and my desire for Aaron Hotchner to be her dad and my daddy 😜 Also I’m lame and I like puns 🙃
Writing this brought me much joy, and I hope it makes someone smile :)]
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner
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raina-at · 4 months
The journey through my AUs continues, today it's my kind of Unilock boys from Guess Who's Coming for Christmas Dinner, but this stands very well on its own as well.
“Stop fidgeting.”
“I can’t help it. I look ridiculous.”
“You do not,” Sherlock says, indignant, reaching over to adjust John’s tie. “The suit is perfect. Now stop fidgeting and keep your eyes open. One of these people is a cat burglar and a jewel thief.”
“Yeah, and the rest are bankers and brokers,” John mutters, adjusting his cufflinks. “Find the thief in a roomful of thieves. Like looking for a needle in a pile of needles.”
“Careful, your class prejudices are showing. Now look around and try to look like you regularly spend a thousand pounds on a bottle of wine.”
John snorts and takes two flutes of champagne from a tray, handing one to Sherlock. He takes a sip and hums appreciatively. “At least the booze is good.”
They make their rounds, chatting with several people, and for the first time, John is glad for the hours and hours he spent trying to make nice with Sherlock’s posh family, because he now knows how to use summer as a verb, and he’s learned to pronounce chalet correctly. 
“What about this chap?” John points at an elegant older man across the room. “He gives me the creeps.”
“What are you basing this deduction on?” Sherlock asks, taking an unobtrusive look at the man John pointed out.
“Dunno. Something about him. Intuition.”
Sherlock huffs an exasperated sigh. “John, there is no such thing as intuition.”
“‘Course there is.”
“No. What you call intuition is your brain making deductions and drawing inferences from a hundred subconscious clues and disseminating the data to you as uneasiness, because you haven’t trained your brain to observe consciously. You need to learn how to separate the context clues and observe them, systematically and consciously.” Sherlock gestures at the man John indicated. “Look at your fellow here. His shoes are bespoke Italian loafers, incredibly expensive, this make and model are only made in Florence, which just happens to be the site of one of our thefts. His watch is British Army issue, meaning he has military training, further fitting our profile. He’s wearing glasses he clearly doesn’t usually wear, given there are no imprints on his nose, and he recently dyed his hair. He fidgets with his tie like you, meaning he’s unused to wearing one, and what banker isn’t used to wearing a tie?”
“So, what you’re saying,” John says, with an amused smile, “is that I’m right?”
Sherlock rolls his eyes. “Yes, John, you are right. But for the wrong reasons.”
“You’re so lucky I love you, you incurable smartarse,” John mutters, depositing his empty champagne glass on a nearby tray.
“If I’m not entirely mistaken,” Sherlock murmurs as he leans closer to speak in John’s ear, “you especially love my smart arse.”
John grins. “Not entirely accurate. I love your smart brain, and I love your spectacular arse.” John leans closer and kisses Sherlock once on the lips, then murmurs, “How about we get out thief and go home, and then I can show you just how much I love your smart arse?”
“You’re right, you know,” Sherlock says, drawing back a little to give John an affectionate smile. “I am lucky.”
John pecks him on the cheek, smiling softly. “So am I. Now let’s get our jewel thief, and go home.” He makes a gesture for Sherlock to precede him and then follows, making no secret out of his appreciation for Sherlock’s truly fine arse.
Lucky indeed, he thinks, as they walk once more into battle.
I think I'm done with my AU journey, I think I hit them all at least once. I'll double-check, and if you can think of one I haven't done, please drop me a line, but I think I've done them all.
Um.... Bingo?
Tags under the cut as usual, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. Also, periodic reminder that I'm posting these on AO3 here.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @jrow @peanitbear @jolieblack @meetinginsamarra @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @friday411 @givemesherbet-blog-blog @weeesi @thalialunacy @thegildedbee @dapetty @salmonsown
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
xiao zhan’s mfw interview clues, talismans and matching ads. 🎤
based from the ones released today: v magazine, tencent fashion, tod’s and mr. bags. nothing too big, just some connection/s to already established cpns. feel free to appreciate and enjoy the interviews for what they are even without clowning. 🫶🏼
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* V Magazine China
when he talked about superpowers, he has changed his answer from being invisible, he just wishes that there will be no disputes in the world. tho the topic is really about what he wants a parallel world to be like. interesting answer. i’m gonna wait for wyb to have an interview with a similar question and see if they will match 😂😂😂
he also answered that his style is more casual and comfortable which is exactly the same as wyb answered a similar question. not that we ever doubted how similar their personal style is. they may choose or prefer different pieces, but it has the same feel. this is who they steal each other clothes and blend in when they want to.
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how he answered the question what he learned about style is to subtract. which may mean less is more or something like that. it matches what wyb said he learned about a different thing — acting. so i see this as a similarity between them, they don’t do overdo things.
🎤: If you had two hours of free time, where would you like to spend it?
🐰: Just strolling around. A city-walk.
I hope he does this with WYB! We was this happen in a lot of ZZ’s vlogs.
🎤: What is the most surprising thing from Gucci 2024 Autumn/Winter Women’s Wear show?
🐰: I think the biggest surprise is the bag. I like it very much, the shape of the bag is very avant-grade and bold.
His interest in bags is here again 👀 In his 2019 interview for MFW, he was asked about what his favorite accessory and he answered bag. The CPN happened because WYB was asked in an interview of his promotion of a jewelry brand (Emphasis ) about what jewelry he will give to his loved one. he answered a bag. lol. the question is about a jewelry but he still answered something different. who is he thinking about? a certain someone who loves bags?
🎤: Do you have any unforgettable anecdotes during the Chinese New Year that you can share with everyone?
🐰: There seems to be no Chinese New Year because I spent the Chinese New Year with the crew.
A confirmation what we already know, that he spent CNY in HD. the thing we won’t ever know tho is if WYB was there. Tho some clues point to the answer being yes.
* Tencent Fashion interview
Not much here but he just repeated how he loves bags. Lol. && how his priority is to film. I imagine the same is true for WYB.
* Tod’s interview
I didn’t share the translation for that. sorry! here it is in all it’s glory. not much cpn tho because the questions are centered on his clothes and the show.
🎤: After watching the first show of Tod's new creative director Matteo, can you share with us your first impressions?
🐰: Excited! and then when I was watching the show, I have been taking pictures all the time. Because there are many coats which I like it very much, including the bags, and I think it’s a brand-new attempt. You can see the second show, which is very unique especially it is placed at the tram stop in Milan — I heard that this tram stop is still in active service, can still be used.
🎤: What are the highlights of today’s outfit? Can you introduce it to us?
🐰: Today’s outfit is a more elegant and low-key style. It is a design of the collar on this coat, in fact you can see that it is actually a leather material, this collar can stand up, then you can put it on here and put it on in another way. Then, include this pair of shoe which is also my favorite loafer and this belt, it is also has a very unique design, it has a hemp material and then combine it with leather.
🎤: If you were asked to recommend one of the most “Italian” items you saw on the show today, which one would you recommend?
🐰: Ah~ it’s so difficult! I think there is a lot of it — I think it’s leather, I think everything about leather, the coat including leather on it’s shoes and trousers.
🎤: What are the three must- have travel stuffs during fashion week?
🐰: phone, passport, also…also the (important) card.
🎤: In a series of film and television works, how do you think different costumes help shape the character’s image?
🐰: It does help yourself to get into the role better.
🎤: You have been to Milan Fashion Week many times. Compared with the first time, what changes do you feel this time?
🐰: This time I felt more relaxed and also more cordial. There is a feeling of going home, especially there is DDV Yeye ( Tod’s CEO ) just now, he always tell me how he always welcomed me back says “Welcome back!” I felt woah! that moment was very warm. Then, of course there is conscious lifestyles of Tods that can’t live without.
🎤: Not long ago, you sang “As You Wish” at the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala. What kind of New Year wishes do you have for everyone?
🐰: (smooth and healthy) for everyone
* Interview with Mr. Bags
this is year 3 of his interview with him! it’s one i’m waiting for cause xz is comfortable with & i feel like he can get away with asking more personal questions.
🎤: Yes, then I saw your personal clothes later I did serious study and research of it on internet. I think our Xiao laoshi really have a personal style, is very good at dressing and I just found out that — for example you will wear some hats, then the scarf and then you will also wear some of these big coats?
XZ: That’s right.
🎤: It looks warm, it has a sense of youth.
XZ: In fact, I felt it safer and then it’s more comfortable because I’m actually myself, in terms of personal clothing I prefer not too many colors, It is mainly; gray, black series and white colors. Those that are comfortable to wear and can’t go wrong and also most effective.
same thing about his personal style and what colors he chooses which is very close to wyb’s.
🎤: I also heard that Xiao Zhan is actually a very homely person. If it weren’t for work then you would just stay at home so I wonder what you usually do when you are at home?
XZ: Actually, I can also play games, sometimes I will have fun, but for most of time I spend my time working out.
this matches some recent fake rumors. 😭😭😭 especially with the part about how xz prefers to stay-in. and then how he likes to play games! who does he play games with??? WYB. there are already a couple of fake rumors and interviews of them talking about the two playing! it’s so nice to hear it from xz.
p1 is GG recently, from his flight back home and p2 is a not so clear photo of WYB’s phone during HB screening where you can see what looks like a yellow paper. I have no question that GG does this, we have seen it before. but i like the idea of WYB doing something similar, maybe GG even drawing one for him. and this may be the reason why they chose this type of card case.
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Finally, the matching ads by Shu Uemura and Loreal. Two different brands and products but I can’t help but see the similarity with the ads 🥹🥹🥹
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scientia-rex · 10 months
I am crushing it at Christmas gifts this year. I think. I never know for sure until people report back several months later but apparently my oldest nephew (the funny smart kid who’s also a complete dumbass, turning 16 this year) ended up really liking the skincare kit I got him last year even though on Christmas Day he was like “I don’t need this, my skin is perfect, people always tell me that” so if the day of goes a little rough just know they might realize they love it down the line. My goth weeb nibling, who is his younger sibling, will like what I got them because I shopped as if for my younger self and the only real difference between us is that I didn’t get into anime. I bought designer purses on a great sale for my sisters in law, nice shoes (he made a comment about it last spring, “some nice Italian leather loafers,” and he might have been joking but hey it’s an idea) for my one good brother in law, a rocking camping chair for my worst brother in law, and nothing for my ex brother in law because if he shows up at Christmas he’s getting something from the Box of Generic Gifts (mostly plaid throw blankets from Five Below). I bought my mother in law a real cashmere sweater (not like 400 dollar nice but still nicer than the “this is technically cashmere” I always see in the mall) and a rose gold and pearl necklace (pearl pricing is stupid and insane, but a solid gold chain is worth something if she ever needs to sell it for cash). The hubs is working on a genuinely nice idea for a present for his dad. I’m going to get my mom jewelry again and my dad can suck eggs. Probably get him a box set of Why Racism Is Bad Actually books or something. I like passive aggressive presents, like the year I sent him a DVD set of documentaries on pre-colonial African civilizations. Mom made a genuine lemon face about that one. Maybe Dad needs to hear more about how the Europeans deliberately separated Africa into countries where the borders would actively create strife. I got my MA a bottle of perfume because she noted out loud how good one patient smelled and it’s an easy to find fragrance (Victor & Rolf, Flowerbomb).
I love shopping, I love Christmas, I love getting people presents. I just wish my worst brother in law would stop trying to ruin family Christmases like it’s his job. It’s been 15 long, long years of knowing him, and in that time I have never ONCE slipped him a sedative, and I deserve a martini and a medal for that. I could 100% poison that man and get away with it and I WON’T because MORALS.
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blmed · 4 months
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JOHANN'S PERSONAL STYLE. meticulously crafted as a person who has a high-standard upon his imagery, johann possess the desire to be seen as a prominent person without abandoning his personality, thus his choice of attires are well-thought, &. oft carries sentiments from people he loves.
a habit he takes during his adolescence, sometimes johann will grow his hair into medium length because he remembers the compliments he used to receive from his mother or his first love that say they love how he has curly hair on the ends thus oft times he will grow his hair, however he will immediately cut it once it reaches the end of his nape. furthermore, johann starts to outgrow his beard rather than have a clean-face shave because his laughing lines become pronounced &. he starts to fancy how his beard have two-tones colour: black and white. johann takes shower twice in a day, in the morning &. after he returns home from outside and does skincare as anaïs taught him; he still uses the same product as anaïs instructed to keep his skin flawless. apart from that, ever since he begins to wear reading glasses, he keeps two to three glasses around the apartment; clear, brown, &. black frames.
as for his formal attires, he still uses the suits that were given by anaïs because they were associate ambassadors. there are several italian brands such as armani &. zegna for his tuxedos  and  dinner   jackets, with his favorites vary from wool with satin peak lapel to velvet tuxedo. one distinguish appearance that can be seen from the formal attires is that johann will always a necktie, whether it is a formal tie or a bowtie; he rarely uses a necktie in his business endavours however when a special occasion that requires him to wear a tuxedo, he will wear the necktie from the beginning to the end of the occassion. apart from that he uses cufflinks and oxford & monk strap shoes. as for the timepiece, during his formal occassions, he will use a. lange & söhne watches, especially the brown clad leather with rose gold saxonia langematik perpetual &. the navy leather clad with gold triple split watches.
on contrary of his formal attires, business attires are more relaxed however luxury clad within the suits as it is personally chosen than sponsored. half of his suits are brunello cucinell, brioni &. loro piana, with its tendency to have monochrome colours or navy for both suits &. shirts. he doesn't like to wear a necktie for business, unless the client he will meet is a part of the certain high government, however he won't use a necktie for his daily use to go to the office; he will always unbuttoning his collar. he wears his oxfords &. leather loafers &. rotates his iwc schaffhausen watches, depending on his mood whether it is portofino or portugieser.
for casual clothings; his styles are varying from simple modesty to silent luxury. johann can be found wearing a combination of turtlenecks, sweaters, plain shirts &. blazers, leather jackets, coats, &. trousers, or jeans. his colours will always be monochrome: black, grey, white, &. navy, and sometimes dark green or cream can be worn. he will wear scarf as an accessories &. it is colour-coordinate with his top; black or grey or navy scarf. when it is summer, he will wear shirt or polo shirt than turtleneck or sweater. and sometimes he will wear his oxford shoes or sneakers from adidas. he will never been seen wearing sandals or brickenstocks because it is inconvenient for him if drives a motorcycle or a car thus he only keeps slippers around the house. apart from that, he will never been seen wearing flannel shirts because he thinks it's too .. poor.
johann will always carry his leather bag, he prefers the ones that could fit his necessities &. can be carried on his arm than sling it or a brief case. that's because he doesn't want to be seen carry a lot of baggage, whilst he carries a lot of necessities within such as his laptop, tablet, workfiles, books, &. stationary. as for rather casual occasions, jo won't use a bag, or will be used a small pouch bag that merely carries his tablet or note/book. he prefers to keep his wallet or keys on his pockets than in the bag because he fears he will forget if he lose his bag.
in conclusion, johann will always wear expensive attire to establish the imagery he wants to show to the people that he is a man to be respected &. admired, however it is a silent luxury than boastful ones; as if he were established from the beginning of his life, instead of earning the lifestyle he chose. but when he is in casual environment, he won't hesitate to wear jeans &. sneakers because he feels that there's no necessity to show who you are, &. he prefers to be comfortable with his own skin.
he expects others will dress the same; he is very cautious when it comes to women because he likes elegancy within women thus if his date is wearing boastful, colourful, or modern trends clothings, he will be silently judging at the moment, before bringing up to it in personal space. more times he will buy clothes for his partners without essentially ruining their aesthetic or identity, but he will carefully choose the ones that he thinks will look good or in same aesthetic as his because he doesn't want to look stand-out too much, but also be seen as someone who holds his ground.
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dxsole · 8 months
FIVE THINGS! | Lázaro Vega
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TAGGED BY: Stolen from @wornclean bc I too love association games! TAGGING: @devilmass, @bruisedconscience, @kiingsnake, @misshclly, @dogtccth, and anyone else who'd like to do this~!
EMOTIONS. 001 . Calm. Nothing ruffles his feathers outside of near-death experience, and you don't come across those often as a florist 002 . Elated. While he's not easily angered or annoyed, he's easily enthralled, easily excited. A particularly yappy dog in the street can make his entire week 003 . Contemplative. When you're surrounded by silence and enough greenery to trick yourself into thinking you're alone in nature, your mind wanders 004 . Personable. He could befriend the boogeyman 005 . Confusion. He's sometimes lost, sometimes a little behind other people, but that's okay because that just means he's about to learn something new
COLORS. 001 . Moss Green. An obvious choice, but still his favorite 002 . Mustard. Not sure why but he's always like that shade. It's like a more sophisticated yellow and it's great on a hot dog 003 . Black. Like his jeans, like his motorcycle, like his hair— it just goes with everything 004 . Purple. It's his wife's favorite color, so he always brings her bouquets of flowers in every purple shade he has. It grew on him and he can't look at it the same way now
SCENTS. 001 . Soil. That earthy scent of damp dirt after rainfall. It's under his fingernails, it's stuck to his jeans, it's under his shoes 002 . Lilac, Peonies, Jasmine, Roses. Every day its a slightly different bouquet depending on what he gathered for customers that day, but it's always sweet 003 . Old Spice. He thinks the commercials are funny 004 . Pot. It lingers on his clothes after a smoke, musky and earthy and good 005 . Honey. A local jar is in his shop's backroom to put on toast and in tea and leaves his fingers sticky
WARDROBE. 001 . The same floral shirt nightmares your beach house uncle wears 002 . Black jeans, black slacks, everything that hits his legs is black 003 . Ribbed wifebeaters to lounge in on hot days 004 . Thin gold chain swinging from his neck 005 . Italian loafers. It's the one part of his wardrobe he splurges on. He likes nice shoes
OBJECTS. 001 . Carving knife. Good for pruning the plants and carving the little wooden animal sculptures that litter his shop 002 . Family photos in his wallet. His grandparents sitting on a porch on a hot summer's day. His sister's at one of their graduations, all smiles. His kids lined up in front of the house, slightly blurred due to their toddler energy. A close-up of his wife mid-snort from some joke he told on their fifth date, it's not flattering but its her. 003 . Walkman. Yes, he still has one and yes he uses it. He is listening to Marky Mark on CD as we speak 004 . Jerky. He's got those sticks stashed everywhere. Man's gotta have his meat 005 . Sunglasses. Can't go anywhere without a pair. He's a cool guy
VICES. 001 . Doubt. It creeps in some days, the idea of not doing enough, not having succeeded enough, especially when his sisters were further ahead of him in every way 002 . Weed. Maybe he's got his head in the clouds a little too much, but it's a nice place to be 003 . Passive. Doormat at times without even realizing it. He's too chill
ACTIONS. 001 . Squints at everything. He has naturally sleepy eyes and it doesn't help that he just narrows them further at every inquiry 002 . Hip pops, leaning, just in general not standing or sitting straight or splaying himself over a seat because he's here to be comfortable 003 . Fancy footwork. Always has a slight spring in his step or a dance at the ready. Shoulders shimmy, hips sway, twirls on a heel 004 . Stares. Never means to be rude and certainly doesn't have anything deep going on behind his eyes. Probably thinking about lunch
SONGS. 001 . GOLD - BROCKHAMPTON 002 . Finesse - Bruno Mars Feat. Cardi B 003 . The Highs & The Lows - Chance the Rapper Feat. Joey Bada$$ 004 . sophisticated - bbno$ 005 . Good Vibrations - Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch
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The iconic Gucci loafer
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chiyoda-division2 · 1 year
“The price of wisdom is innocence. So, I have definitely become wiser but sadly a little less innocent.” -Mahira Khan
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Introduction 💡
Chiyuri Seiguni(清国池百合), a.k.a. Algernon/ALiCE on rap battles is a graphic designer and 3rd member of Chiyoda Division’s 狂音INC. A rogue experiment, he is one of the more recent employees in Wonder⇓anD compared to his teammates.
Though he is pretty much the reason why his team is in the DRB to begin with, he is willing to use this opportunity to prove himself to a certain woman he once called his “mama.”
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Link to picrew used
Link to picrew used
Chiyuri is a pale man of average height in his early 20s. He has long, curly black hair fading to periwinkle and bright blue streaks tied to a ponytail. His eyes are of a bright blue color and they glow in the dark.
At work, he is usually seen in a suit composed of a white button up with a red ribbon as a tie, a blue vest, a black suit jacket (seems to be 3 sizes bigger than him), blue cropped pants, black socks, and black loafers. The rising graph on his vest is merely an addition to the outfit he chose to go with in the DRB as it’s not there on his usual work clothes.
Outside work, he is usually seen in Jirai Kei and Menhera fashion, his outfit is typically a frilly white blouse with several black bows, he wears loose black suspended shorts with frilly heart-shaped pockets and silver heart-shaped chains, fishnet stockings held up by garters and black Mary Jane platforms. His hair is straightened and tied into twin tails held by black bows instead of the usual singular pony.
Name Meaning
Chi(池) - Pond
Yuri(百合) -Lily 
Sei(清) -  Pure, clean
Guni(国) -Land, country
Nicknames and Aliases
Algernon/ALiCE - MC Name
Yuu-Chan - his housemates
Yuri - others
“Landmine Boy”
“Seiko’s crash test dummy”
“Piece of junk”
“Subject: EPSILON”
Biographical Info
Gender - Male
Age - 21 5???
Birthday -  February 11
Star Sign - Aquarius
Ethnicity - Italian-Japanese
Hair Colour - Black and periwinkle
Eye Colour - Bright blue
Height - 5'7" (5'10" in platforms)
Markings - Several stitches at the scalp and abdomen, injection marks and discoloured veins on the neck; epsilon branding at the right shoulder
Piercings - None, prefers clip-ons
Family - 
Creator (unknown)
Co-creator (deceased)
Countless siblings?
Voice Claim: Yoshitaka Yamaya (speaking); Saitou Tomoki (singing/rapping)
Fun Facts
Occupation - Graphic designer
Division - Chiyoda
Team - 狂音INC.
Position - 3rd Member
Favourite Food - Candied nuts
Least Favourite Food - Instant rice
Likes -  Cute things, fairy tales, cooking, sweets, his two housemates, Aimé happy
Dislikes - Laboratories, hospitals, needles, Raiden’s antics, solitude, Beelzebuz
Image Color - Cobalt (#0047AB)
Hypnosis Microphone
Chiyuri’s Hypnosis Mic takes the form of a wooden puppet, the puppet is made of oak wood, it has dot eyes painted on, a mop of blue hair, it wears a white shirt, blue suspender shorts and wine red doll shoes, lastly, it wears a beret on its head which acts as the mic’s windscreen. The puppet has strings tied to all of Chiyuri’s fingers.
Chiyuri’s speakers take the form of a woman halfway coming out from a mirror significantly larger than Chiyuri himself. She is a faceless, translucent white figure with long wavy hair appearing to wear a typical scientist outfit, coming out of the mirror are a dozen star-shaped speakers with the same material as the woman. Whenever Chiyuri activates his mic, it starts off as an empty mirror only for the aforementioned things come out of it. The woman always looks like she’s trying to grab onto him.
Chiyuri’s rap ability, Strings of the Puppet —[REDACTED] “Fuck around and find out :D” —Fusao
Chiyuri’s rap themes revolve around feeling lost like a stray creature aimlessly wandering around the strange world it lives in, another thing he raps about is being curious about the world around him past his “cage”. He often compares himself to Pinocchio and constantly mentions about a “blue fairy” who loaded life into him.
At work, Chiyuri is a very polite person and follows rules down to the word, he is hard working and doesn’t have trouble with extra workload from time to time.
Outside of work however, it turns out that he’s quite naive, he still has a lot to learn about the world around him; if he gets curious of something, he’ll run to it without thinking of anything else. He has a dangerously low sense of danger and usually gets taken advantage of for that and this brings heavy concern for his teammates. Despite being taken advantage of on several occasions, he never ceases to be kind to the people around him.
Really, all he wants is to be useful to the people around him and he tends to push himself pst his limits for that.
His birthday is also Thomas Edison’s birthday, the infamous inventor and entrepreneur known for the lightbulb
The woman on his speakers is based on the likeness of his “mother”
His mic is more or less modelled after Mokku from Kashi no Ki Mokku, an animated series adaptation of Pinocchio
He often uses kaomojis in texting
Asides from Japanese and English, he is also fluent in Italian and Latin; he could learn another language in the span of 3 months if he wants to
He was offered the job while Fusao was away by a different employee
He has super sharp memory which Chuuoku’s scientists have tried and failed to get rid of
His brain thinks he needs lollipops to survive, not in the same way as kids wanting sweets, but like his life depends on it
He has blocked Kokoro Kuju online on every platform and has no plans to unblock him.
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salparadiselost · 2 years
The bitty universe is so good omg 💜 thank you and jube and birbteef, ahh I can't wait to see where you take this universe (I mean I can and will but also know my brain is spinning it around like a yoyo)
Thank you! Thank you!
We have been having a ball writing the bitties. They are so versatile and adorable. But that underlying sense of horror… I think that’s delicious.
Here’s a small snippet! I hope you enjoy:
“You little shits, get away from that!” Bruce yelled, chasing the itty bitties away from the shoe they had begun to tear apart.
Last week he made the mistake of showing them a documentary about important inventions throughout history. He thought it was a safe, albeit maybe boring, subject for them.
He was wrong.
Now they were taking everything apart to see how it worked. Everything.
The itty bitties paused, blinked, and then scrambled with the pieces of shoe.
“No!” Bruce yelped as he watched Jason physically tear the tongue out of his $800 Italian leather loafers. Tim had the shoelaces and kept being distracted by them to hunt them despite the fact they were hanging from his mouth. Dick had the sole which he had been chewing on.
They took their bounty with them as they scampered out. They chirruped merrily and Bruce got the distinct sense they were laughing at him.
“Those little….” Bruce picked up the remnants of shoes and frowned. “I’m going to need to replace the pair.”
“Can’t you get them some training?” Clark asked from the bed shoes off and watching Bruce with a disapproving frown.
Clark… wasn’t the biggest fan of the itty bitties. Dogs and cats he was fine with, hell he even liked them, but the itty bitties…
Clark never said it outright, but Bruce could tell. Clark avoided them. He never touched them. Their antics earned frowns and annoyed eye twitches instead of the bursts of affection that their shenanigans inspired in Bruce.
Clark never hit them. He never showed them any aggression whatsoever. Bruce would kick him out the moment he dared try, but it was clear that he wished Bruce didn’t have them.
“I’ve taken them to training,” Bruce said with a sigh. “It wasn’t a good fit.”
Bruce frowned at the memory. He had tried to take Dick and Jason to training only once before he had adopted Tim.
He had shown up at the gymnasium with his two bitties both fitted into their chest harnesses because Bruce had researched that those were the best options for a lead. Dick and Jason didn’t love their harnesses. They more enjoyed playing in them and tangling each other up in the straps than actually wearing them.
But they were obedient enough to allow them, especially because harnesses meant they got to go outside or into town.
The moment Bruce had walked in holding onto the leashes that were attached to the harnesses, the trainer had immediately frowned.
“Those things are useless,” he said to Bruce’s face. His bitties crowded around his legs, chirping anxiously as a stranger got too close. “Your bitties will never be trained if you use those.”
Instead, he had given Bruce two noose collars that were spiked on the inside to intentionally cause pain.
Bruce had hated the twisting, awful feeling that curled in his stomach when he slipped the collars onto his bitties’ throats. They looked up at him with their huge eyes, so completely full of trust, and Bruce’s chest physically clenched at the sight.
“Won’t these hurt them?” He asked while staring at Dick as the bitty shook his head and scratched at the uncomfortable collar with a back leg. He was already beginning to try to pull it off. “I read that their necks are delicate and very sensitive.”
“If they follow directions, then they won’t get hurt at all.”
The rest of the class had been a complete disaster. Dick and Jason were wary of the stranger and they didn’t take well to having a lead handed over to him. They were confused by the commands. They were punished for every sign of confusion. Their curiosity was quickly turning into fear as the stranger drove spikes into their throat with every mess-up. They ended the night hiding behind Bruce’s legs absolutely refusing to come out as Bruce yelled at the so-called trainer for making his bitties bleed.
The trainer said that his bitties would never be trained. Bruce said that he didn’t want them trained if it meant beating them into submission.
Clark huffed, rolling his eyes. “Maybe you could take them to different training?”
Bruce shrugged. “I don’t mind them the way they are. I love that they get into mischief and attack the world with curiosity. Training usually destroys that.”
Because most times it breaks a bittie’s spirit into a hundred pieces.
“I mean, you’re not going to keep living with them being so wild are you? There has to be better options. statistically, most itty bitties get either in their second home or repurposed by age eight-“
“I’m not fucking giving them up,” Bruce snapped, practically growling. “Do you hear what you’re even saying? Re-purpose. Do you even know what that means?”
Clark fell silent, and Bruce heard him shift on the bed. “No,” he admitted. “Why? What does it mean?”
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I needed walking shoes that weren't my sneakers so I bit back my pride and bought a pair of sketchers flats and they are the most comfortable fucking shoe in the world... I'm converted. Fuck my Italian leather loafers it's silly sketchers orthopedic shoes now forever
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zablife · 2 years
Back again because I saw this and immediately thought of you 😘 Hope you are having an excellent weekend darling!
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This should be illegal, no? 🫠 Enjoy! 🤍 xx
😍😍😍 I LOVE THIS!!! Imagine modern!Luca indulging his (slightly manipulative, but ultimately kind) wife who is constantly bringing home rescue animals. However, three dogs and two cats later he mentions the house is getting full. He tries to be stern with her and she only cries so he takes a more gentle approach. "Amore, please, no more animals," he begs, pressing the heels of his palms together and shaking his hands for mercy. She stifles a giggle at the feared mobster, Luca Changretta, pleading with his wife over a dog. "Luca, we have a responsibility to care for those less fortunate. You always tell me that," she says trying to use his own words to persuade him. "Baby, I'm less fortunate because I have to buy so much pet food AND all new shoes because they use my Italian leather loafers as chew toys!" She begins to pout, lip trembling as she says, "Don't say that you're less fortunate for having us, Luca. Don't say you don't love me." He pulls her into a tight embrace to calm her. "That's not what I said. I do love you," he says trying to free himself from the messy argument. "Then let me keep Enzo," she sniffs, looking up at him with desperate eyes. "Who?" he asks having forgotten the little brown and white beagle sniffing at his feet. She points to the ground and stoops to pick him up. The puppy starts licking Luca's face, floppy ears swinging in time with his tail which thuds against her arms happily. She smiles at the sight and Luca huffs out a little chuckle as he realizes they'll be adopting one more pet.
Bonus: In time Enzo becomes Luca's dog and goes everywhere with him. This picture was taken one month later and becomes his wife's lock screen. Whenever she's hesitating about helping another animal, she remembers her biggest triumph.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
xiao zhan - sohu fashion exclusive interview @ tod’s milan fashion week 🎤
Q: Today is the first time I came to TOD'S Milan show, How do you feel?
XZ: I was very excited, and I was shocked by the combination of the installation and the art of light and shadow on the site.
Q: Let me briefly introduce today's style, What is the matching idea?
XZ: What about this jacket? First of all, I like TODS's 2023 autumn and winter series. It uses this jacket that I like very much. The material of matte leather is very textured, and this belt is also a single product that I like very much. I often wear it in private, including this shoe, which is Timeless. The loafers with this logo is also my favorite.
Q: Which qualities of TOD'S are similar to yourself, Is it more suitable?
XZ: I think TOD'S has been adhering to the inheritance of the Italian craftsmanship, craftsmanship, and the adherence to the original intention and attention to detail.
Q: What does TOD'S look like in your impression, Is it the same as the Italian style you imagined?
XZ: The impression of TOD'S is actually handmade inheritance and then combined with fashion, very elegant and very classic
Q: How do you understand what TOD'S stands for Italian style?
XZ: I think TODS is very good at making good use of leather materials and then making the most of the leather materials. I like it very much.
Q: What is the different feeling when you come to Milan this time?Is there any food to check?
XZ: I think there are many, many, because the last time I came to Milan was very rushed, so this time I hope to have more time to feel the charm of Milan
Q: What is the most important aspect of buying clothes every day?
XZ: I think comfort may be more important to me.
Q: what do you like to do when you are not working? Relax?
XZ: prefer to stay at home, stay at home and rest
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thebuckblogimo · 11 months
For me, this is when "the '60s" started.
October 23, 2023
Since we roomed together as freshmen in college almost 60 years ago, my buddy Eric and I have shared numerous letters and e-mails. Over the last few years we have compared personal insights into our early years at MSU. Recently he caused me to reflect on the subject of "when everything changed" on campus. I thought you might enjoy my reply to him. Here is my communication, edited slightly for the blogosphere:
Eric, My Boy...
Two years ago you asked me what kind of thought process brought me to Abbot Hall as a freshman in 1965. Then, a couple weeks ago, you e-mailed a reference to what life was like on campus during that first year at MSU. It struck a chord, inspiring me to reminisce about the zeitgeist of those times. So buckle up as I unload. Some of this stuff you've heard before. Some of it you may not be aware of:
A month prior to the move from my East Dearborn neighborhood to East Lansing, some of my closest friends--Tony, Garry, Larry and Vince--had already begun their freshman years in late August at Western Michigan and U-M, schools that were on the trimester system. Other close friends--Joe, Butch, Keller, Bernie, the "Bear," etc.--probably hadn't thought seriously about what they would do after high school. Within a year they were all either drafted into the service, enlisted, or joined the reserves due to the escalation of the War in Vietnam.
MSU was on the quarter system back then. I would be moving into Abbott Hall at the end of September--on my own, without anyone from my considerable childhood "support group." For the first time since going to camp, I was beginning to feel--pick an adjective--apprehensive, anxious, lonely. 
For some strange reason, three images stand out for me from those last 30 days that I was home: 1) shopping with my Mom for "school clothes," including Italian "swirl" shoes and a brown corduroy-and-suede winter jacket at the downtown Hudson's store; 2) reading a story in the Detroit News--while sitting on a milk crate, in the doorway of my Dad's marble shop--about a 13-3 MSU football victory in the season opener against UCLA; and 3) sitting in my Dad's '63 Pontiac Bonneville, feeling melancholy as I listened to Johnathon King's "Everyone's Gone To The Moon" on the radio while he ran into Allo Bar at 35th and Horatio in Detroit for a "fast one" after work.
During the run-up to the start of school, I kept thinking about how I would soon be entering an unknown world. It was heady stuff for the first kid in the Bokuniewicz family to attend college.
Finally, on a Sunday afternoon, my parents drove me to East Lansing, helped me move my stuff into the dorm, and said goodbye. I didn't kiss my mother. I'm not sure I even hugged her, as my family just didn't do that sort of thing. My folks would never again set foot on the MSU campus.
I met my two roommates at 271 Abbot Hall that day--a couple of guys from "the thumb" of Michigan. One with a vaguely moppish head of hair, wearing jeans, penny loafers and "no socks" (that would be you); the other a pimply-faced son of a big-time sugar beet farmer who told me he was an "egg major." (Turns out he actually said "ag major." Who knew?)
Usually wearing tight pants and my Italian swirls during those first few weeks--and with a jar of Dixie Peach Pomade on my dresser, plainly visible to all who entered our room--it took only a few days for me to realize that in the eyes of the guys in the House of Abode, I had been judged as someone "different."
A couple guys, I would eventually learn, thought that I was possibly a member of a gang. I was being perceived by some as that "streetwise kid from Detroit."
I began thinking, What don't these people get about me? And what is it about them? When they dressed for Sunday dinner (as we were required to do in the dorm in those days), they wore herringbone sport coats, rep ties and wing tips. I wore a sharkskin suit and "thick-on-thin" socks. They liked tunes such as "Little Honda" by the Hondells, which I thought was kinda weird. As a matter of fact, I was amazed by the proliferation of Hondas (especially Honda Hawks) all over the MSU campus.
In my neighborhood, guys rode big-ass Triumph, BSA and Norton motorcycles. We listened to the Temptations, Four Tops and obscure groups on black radio stations. Where I came from, most popcorn-machine-riding, bubble-gum-music-listening types would be derided as "cake eaters."
So that's the backdrop to the period you succinctly described in a dozen words: "The times, they weren't a-changin' yet, but a change was gonna come."
And "Whoa, Nellie," did things ever change.
During that first quarter at MSU, I recall sitting in my seat at the Nat Sci building one morning, reading the State News before class started, about Mario Savio and the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley. It seemed that people all over campus were talking about it. Also, I was aware that something called the Gulf of Tonkin incident had occurred the previous year, but now I was beginning to hear about a troop build-up in South Vietnam.
The change that was gonna come--at least in East Lansing--seemed to begin with the Ramparts magazine article a few months later (April of '66) about MSU's clandestine involvement with the CIA and South Vietnamese government. I remember well the four-color illustration of a large-breasted, Vietnamese-looking MSU cheerleader--Michigan State pennant in hand--on the cover.
Next thing I knew, shit was hitting the fan. 
That story marked the beginning of things radical and revolutionary on campus. I soon found myself reading more than just the sports section every day and listening to political debates among students in the grill. Sophomore year I started attending speeches in protest of the war at Fairchild Theater; and about "black power" and the class struggle, as espoused by the Black Panther Party; and about revelations concerning ground bits of bone and mouse ears that could be found in hot dogs, according to consumer advocate Ralph Nader.
After the Ramparts story, it seemed as though students were railing everywhere against the Vietnam War--in the State News, at gatherings in kivas, and at sites on campus such as the old administration building and Beaumont Tower.
Initially, I was bewildered by it all. My Dad and uncles were World War II veterans. I had never heard them criticize the concept of war. How could our country not be right about what it was doing in Southeast Asia, I thought? 
I can't pinpoint the exact moment that I came to understand that the War in Vietnam was "all wrong," but by the time you and I moved into 276 Abbot Hall (or was it 275?) in the fall of '66, changes of all kinds were indeed on. Some examples:
Long Hair. The style on campus was transitioning from Brian Wilson-like to Mick Jagger-like. (By Thanksgiving I was parting my hair rather than combing it back ala Bobby Rydell.) Guys began wearing "fatigue jackets" and girls were getting into the "peasant look." (Thanks to your influence, I ditched my typical footwear for a pair of Bass Weejuns in the fall and a pair of Bates Floaters to plow through the snow winter term. These were the first mini steps in a change of personal identity for me.) Along with the changes in hair styles and clothing on campus we began hearing terms like "hippies, radicals and freaks."
The Music. By September of '66, the Beatles had released at least a half dozen albums. Same for the Rolling Stones. The next thing I knew, you went from being a Chad and Jeremy fan to a devotee of the Mothers of Invention, as well as Captain Beefhart. Big-time change. I hung in there as the maven of Motown in the House of Abode which, of course, underwent a name change to the House of Abortion.
The Sexual Revolution. I recall walking alone to the auditorium across from Bessie Hall to hear someone--I have no idea who--give a speech about the sexual revolution. I recall sitting in my seat when the speaker on stage exhorted everyone to turn and look into the eyes of the person next to us, and, on the count of three, to yell "pussy"--ostensibly to help us get over our inhibitions. I thought to myself, Lenny, we're not at St. Al's any more.
The Generation Gap. I think it was Jack Weinberg of the Free Speech Movement who said, "Don't trust anyone over 30." I recall you concluding, "When I turn 30 I won't be able to trust myself anymore." And every time I would go home and see my next door neighbor, Mr. Phillips, some of my uncles and, eventually, work associates from the Greatest Generation, we would engage in a lively debate about "the war." I think of that time as the beginning of the first "great divide."
Politics. Now I was really paying attention to the national dissent over Vietnam. In fact, practically every student on campus was paying attention. I started subscribing to Newsweek and would do so for the next 40 years, in order to stay apprised of the great issues of the day. I even took an elective class called Great Issues, as well as a political science class called The Isms (socialism, Marxism, Leninism, Communism, Fascism). By junior year I was watching the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite practically every night. I couldn't wait to hear the insightful commentary of Eric Sevareid at the conclusion of each show.
The Civil Rights Movement. As a child, I had been aware of "colored" kids being escorted into an all-white school in the South during the Eisenhauer administration. But it was Martin Luther King who epitomized "the movement" in the early-to-mid '60s with his non-violent approach to civil disobedience. Then came the Detroit riot during the "long, hot summer of 1967." "The times they were a-changin'."
Drugs. I'm not even sure that I had heard about pot or LSD in high school. But during that first term at MSU there was all kinds of coverage in the student newspaper, Playboy magazine and other media about Dr. Timothy Leary and his experiments with LSD. He was exhorting everyone to "Tune in, turn on, drop out." Or was it "Turn on, tune in, drop out"? Anyway, by the time we graduated, it was the rare college kid who had not at least tried smoking reefer. Beyond that I did dexedrine a few times to stay up all night to cram for final exams, but I never did a psychedelic trip on acid.
Many times I have said that society changed more from 1965 to 1970--socially, politically, racially, musically, culturally, sexually, etc.--than during any other five-year period in my lifetime. And, while it was happening, our football jones was being satisfied by Duffy Daugherty, Bubba, and his All-American buddies, leading up to the first "game of the century," the 10-10 tie with Notre Dame in the last game of the '66 season, and a share of consecutive national football championships our first two years in school.
Oh, how the world turned in the '60s. For my money, it was the best time in history to be a student at MSU
Ad finem.
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david-pavoncello · 2 years
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Name: David Michael Lorenzo Pavoncello
Nickname: Fuckboy
Birthday: April 15
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Launceston,  Massachusetts
Places Lived Since: Launceston & London
Current Residence: Camden
Nationality: American
Parents: Corrado & Deji Pavoncello
Number of Siblings: Two brothers
Relationship With Family: Dead.
Happiest Memory: When the Audtiore’s and Vespucci’s allowed him to stay with him after what happened with his traitorous family. 
Childhood Trauma: Learning that his father was an FBI informant and turned on the only people he ever considered to be his real family. 
Height: 6′2
Weight: 200lbs
Build: Tall and muscular
Hair Color: Black
Usual Hair Style: Most days whatever the fuck it wants to do.
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses? Contacts?: Neither
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Whatever looks good on him. He does tend to stay with more designer labels because he can afford it. 
Typical Style of Shoes: He likes a good sneaker, having more than he should. For loafers and dress shoes, he leans towards Valentino. 
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: He has a few chains and rings he wears. He has a right arm sleeve and plans to get more. No piercings. 
Scars: He has a few litters on his body, but nothing too visible. 
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: He will tap his fingers on any surface when he is thinking. 
Athleticism: Very athletic. He likes to keep fit and in shape.  
Health Problems/Illnesses: None.
Level of Education: High School Diploma
Languages Spoken: English, Italian & Korean
Level of Self-Esteem: High
Gifts/Talents:  He can sing.
Mathematical?: Average, prefers not to touch anything math related. 
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: Logic most of the time, unless they bring up his family. 
Life Philosophy: Be careful who you trust. Even the devil was once an Angel. 
Religious Stance: Catholic
Cautious or Daring?: Daring
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: His family thrown in his face
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist
Extrovert or Introvert?: Extrovert
Current Relationship Status: Single.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Past Relationships: None
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: He doesn’t want anything too committed and is labelled as a fuckboy
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: Losing interest and finding something better. 
Ever Cheated?: Once
Been Cheated On: Who knows, doesn’t really care.
Level of Sexual Experience: Always evolving.
A Social Person?: Hell Yes.
Most Comfortable Around: His Italian family.
Oldest Friend: Alessandro Elsayed.
How Does He Think Others Perceive Him: Loud and charming. 
How Do Others Actually Perceive Him?: He doesn’t care.
Life Goals: Continue to kill Russians and finally prove that he is nothing like his father. 
Dreams: Find a hot girl that he actually wants to be with.
Greatest Fears: Being kicked out of the Sovrani
Most Ashamed Of: His father.
Secret Hobbies: Cooking.
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): Too many to list, and no he hasn’t been caught.
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Night Owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Light
Favorite Animal: Lynx
Favorite Foods: Food
Least Favorite Food: burnt food
Favorite Book: Magazines about cars and health.
Least Favorite Book: All books. 
Favorite Movie: The Godfather
Least Favorite Movie: Romcons
Favorite Song: Humble - Kendrick Lamar
Favorite Sport: Boxing, basketball, football
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Smooth
Type of Car He Drives: Blue BMW i4 M50
Lefty or Righty?: Right
Favorite Color: Blue
Cusser?: Fuck yes.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: Smoker, Yes. Drinker, Yes. Drug User, fuck no.
Pets: None
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