#Its upsetting
ineffectualdemon · 11 days
Me: *trying to find hurt/comfort stories about Bingqiu about a specific trope*
The tags for the fics showing up: Bingqiu critical, bingqiu hate, no happy ending for bingqiu, not Luo Binghe friendly, Luo Binghe Hate
Me: Bruh :(
Obviously I'm just not going to read them but bruh :(
Shen Qingqiu would be so upset
Anyway put your favourite cute Bingqiu fic in the notes please
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sapphicisland · 1 month
Gmmtv is performing character assassination on Sun and I wont stand for it. Outing 3 people in the span of a minute? Episode 9 Sun would never.
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
if any of the kids were to accidentally trigger something for phil durring babysitterza days, what would they do ? would they try to help or just instantly send someone out to call for an adult (and if so which adult(s) would they call for?) - 💿
Its inevitable that one of them would. Given how a lot of eggs are, Bobby and Ramon in particular, they are bound to trigger Phil at some point
When they do, Richas is absolutely the first to act, he stops everything and gets everyone's attention because he has seen this before. He has been with Phil for months of his imprisonment and he knows how to deal with it. He can work out what triggered him and get rid of it quickly
Chayanne is the one that gets help from an adult, usually Missa, and if he's not available, Bad and sometimes Wilbur bc even if hes evading his own guilt he still wants to help
And if Richas isn't there, Tallulah tries to help as best she can. She's a very smart kid, despite being the least developed and "youngest" egg. She's very good at comforting Phil and having a kid around helps calm him a lot
All of the eggs stop what theyre doing as soon as they notice and have varying methods of helping. Bobby shuts everyone up, Chayanne gets help, Dapper makes sure the environment is calm, Ramon takes Chayanne's place as protector egg, Tallulah sometimes plays music and Richas figures out what went wrong
Phil feels really bad that the kids have to help him but they all make sure he knows its okay and he cant help it and theyre big kids now and know how to help!!
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l0vurrrr · 7 months
It's green now. I love green. Green is so tasty ugh.
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I decorated the case myself please be proud of me.
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taniushka12 · 7 months
alan wake is a horror game and with reason, but to me one of the scariest part of alan wake 2 is finding pat maine's radio shows and slowly realizing theres something wrong about him this time
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
I know the fandom has divisive opinions about it, but I truly do believe Pyrrha's death is a crucial moment in rwby.
However, I also fully acknowledge that the writers didn't handle her or the aftermath of her passing properly and think it's one of the best places to point to in why we needed more content/time in Beacon before the vytal festival plot starts and new characters get introduced.
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gregorybacon · 7 months
if you repost my art for an edit please dont tag it as #hellpark its crossing over my boundaries especially since i specifically said im not a hellpark artist nor i wanna be associated. please. :(
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ququoquaw · 2 months
i always dislike mls that sleep around but dont want the same for the fl
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eusuntgratie · 11 months
that thigh zoom at the end...jon is one of us (7.24.23)
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mudstoneabyss · 11 months
genuine question ig how do yall not feel bad seeing complaining/complaining yourself whenever I see a lot of it or do it I just feel like shit what
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ame-gojo · 3 months
i miss him so much it's not even funny ☹️😭
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wardlow · 5 months
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Went to the game tonight. Mildly upsetting except for actually getting to see Timo in person. I paid $8 for this donut which was actually pretty good. Last one is me debating on exiling my Timo jersey to the closet.
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capfalcon · 2 years
why r circular knitting needles so expensive.....:(
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
4 and 5 from the interview game for pheonix?
4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
"I, um, I always wanted to help people. I admired heroes, because, um, they had the power to help others and themselves. And they could defend people. It's not, um, quite what I hoped it would be, but. I've wanted to be a hero since I was little. Or help people in some way, anyway, but there aren't, um, many famous examples of people with powers like mine, and a hero was all I could think of."
5. Do you have any role models? Tell us a little bit about them.
"Kai and Aaron! They're so, um, kind, and nice, and Aaron's so calm and collected even when I really mess up. Kai gives the best hugs. And they're, um, both so brave. I know Kai doesn't, um, take missions that involve killing and I, um, admire him for that. And Aaron treats so many people, they're so patient and good to them, and they're so talented too. He doesn't give up easily. So, um, they're my role models."
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nervous-jester · 2 years
saw a post asking what do people see in each other to love and it made me think
its just. when my friend sends me a post of 2 cats hugging and say 'us'. when my mum brings me something she's cooking so i can have a taste. when my dad leaves me the sweeter oranges because i don't like sour food. when someone asks me if im okay when i zone out. someone holding me the door even if their hands are full. when a small child asks me if the stray dog im petting is friendly then they also cautiously approach and pet the dog. when a baby smiles back to me when i take off my mask to smile so they don't have to grow without seeing people smile at them kindly. when my friend gets me something because it reminded them me. all the inside jokes i have with different people.
there is so much to love in this world and if you cant trust your heart to love something or someone for a long time maybe you should look around a little more and try to see all the small things that deserve more love than we give them
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fagsarecool · 2 years
Me when i see another stupid fucking comment about narcissism
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