#Ivar the boneless x oc
mrsalwayswrite · 9 months
To Call Forth Love - Chapter 18
Here it is, friends! The promised update! A massive thank you to everyone who replied to my prior post. You guys are truly the best and y'all give me the desire to finish this story.
I'll confess, this chapter is short (by my standards). I also feel like its not up to my usual quality of writing, so please give me some grace as I step back into the world of writing and remembering how to use words.
Lastly, if I missed anyone who wants to be added to the new tag list, please let me know!
Words: 3900
Warnings: Violence (both graphic and implied), swearing, Ivar still struggles with feelings
Series Masterlist
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The day of reckoning had come. 
A red sun rose that morning. The locals glanced nervously at the sky and muttered under their breath at the strange sight. But Ivar knew what it meant. A blessing on this day from the old gods. 
Everything had fallen into place far more easily than he anticipated, a blessing indeed. The manipulation, the lies shared to convince the traitors to meet with him, feigned ignorance to soothe any worry of their deceptive being known. It all dripped from his lips like poisoned honey, until it was too late. Until the door was shut and a gun was pointed at their heads. Then he dropped the façade and allowed his guile to show. Only then were the traitors introduced to the truth of their failed scheme….and become close acquaintances with his knives. 
It was a day for justice.
A day for vengeance. 
And Ivar relished every moment. 
Amidst the dim light leaking through the few windows into the basement, the stench of dry, stale air, piss and blood permeated. 
Two men knelt on the concrete ground before their executioner. Naked, with their clothing scattered beneath them, cut from their bodies with artful precision. Arms outstretched as in the worship, yet thick rope bound them to this position. Not as devout petitioners, but as those in bondage without even a god able to save them. 
For Armageddon had arrived, led by a blue-eyed devil with a malicious smile and blood dripping from his knives. 
Studying the one still conscious, he casually wiped the traitor's blood from his knife with a clean rag, for he refused to miss a single moment of pain or despair that was to come. 
The trial of judgment had not truly begun yet. This was only the first act. 
A vibration from his phone drew his attention away momentarily as he checked the text. A smirk adorned his face as he replaced the phone in his pocket and returned his gaze to the one before him. 
"They are here." Ivar stated, "should I wake your friend? He's been unconscious for some time now."
The traitor remained silent, his eyes staring at the gray floor, even as blood slid down his skin like raindrops. His chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm, almost as if in meditation. But Ivar knew better. The man was waiting. Biding his time. Enduring the pain until the others came.
Unfortunately for him, no amount of waiting would save him from what was to come. 
Ivar glanced over to the other man on the left. Before he had even been restrained, the man had pissed himself and was begging for mercy, crying out and spewing secrets and half-truths in the futile hope for forgiveness. At the first pass of knives over his flushed skin, he fainted. 
Fucking pathetic. 
At Ivar's command, buckets of cold water had been tossed on the sniveling coward to awaken him. He would not get away from his prescribed torment. Not that easily. Twice the man fainted while receiving his medicine. And twice Ivar had him painfully revived. This third time, Ivar allowed him longer in his brief respite. But no longer. 
The day of vengeance had arrived for those who betrayed the Lothbroks, and Ivar would see they were conscious for every moment of it. 
"Wake him up." 
At Ivar's command, his white-haired driver picked up the bucket at his feet and tossed it on the unconscious man. 
The man sputtered and gagged, returning to the land of the living and the land of his torment. Immediately he began whimpering, as if that could save him. As if anything could save him now. 
The echo of footfalls on the wooden staircase sounded in the basement. 
Ivar's smile widened as he met the pained but calm eyes of the traitor kneeling before him. "Better start fucking begging for forgiveness."
Ragnar came around the corner, followed by Lagertha and Bjorn. A gasp filled the air once they came into sight. A sound of recognition. A sound of disbelief. 
“Please! I'm sorry! He made me do it!” The coward began sobbing, his whole naked body shuddering at the strength of his cries and voice. “Please! I didn't–”
“Silence!” Ragnar roared, drawing close, eyeing both men. A predator inspecting the prey. His bright eyes glared at both men, focusing most of his anger on the one known to him. “You thought you could betray me?” He crouched before them, studying them, reading them. A devilish grin grew on his lips after a moment. “How'd that go?” 
He chuckled darkly as he stepped to the side, already knowing the outcome but here to watch the show. With a quick glance to the side, he gave permission for another to step forward and to hear the case. 
The coward continued to whimper but wisely made no move to steak. A pity really, Ivar was hoping to cut out his tongue. 
"Kalf?" Lagertha asked, coming closer. The initial look of shock faded away, leaving behind confusion and anger. A deadly combination. 
"Lagertha, there's been a misunder-" Kalf started to say but cried out in pain after Ivar hit him on the side of his head with his wolf's head cane. 
Ivar returned the cane to his side, leaning back in his plastic chair casually. "Tsk tsk. You do not speak unless spoken to." He shifted his gaze to his father's first wife. “All the evidence is on the table over there.” 
Lagertha followed the nod of Ivar's head, looking towards a table pressed against the wall. On it were stacks of papers, all the threads from the web of betrayal, cut and laid out to prove his betrayal. Every string, every conversation, every transaction, every knot in the thread. The damning evidence Ivar had been gathering for months. All there in black and white. 
With a resigned sigh, Lagertha glanced down to Ivar. “I believe you.”
Ivar nodded silently, shifting the cane from his left hand to his right, still encased in the damn cast. He had never liked Lagertha and she had never liked him. They tolerated one another but that was the extent, prefering to avoid one another's company in casual or public settings. Except when it came to business. There was an unspoken respect they harbored for one another in this one regard; and for her to take Ivar's word alone on this matter, furthered his respect for her. 
He did notice that Bjorn walked over and started leafing through the papers. Maybe his eldest brother was finally learning to use his half-wit brain. 
The fierce businesswoman moved to stand in front of her lover, seemingly uncaring of the splatters of blood and shredded clothing under her heeled boots. “Why?”
He opened his mouth, eyes full of hurt and hope, but before any sounds escaped, she cut him off. 
“Do not lie to me, Kalf.” She practically snarled, a she-wolf rising in fury, with no sight of a heartbroken lover. 
He gazed at her, tone beseeching. “I did it for us.”
Her hand moved so fast that even Ivar did not catch it until the loud sound of a smack echoed in the basement, followed by Kalf's grunt as his head jerked to the side. 
“If you did it for us, you would have included me in your schemes.”
Kalf worked his jaw before returning his gaze to his lover. “I planned on it, but–” 
Another smack reverberated in the air. 
“Try again.” Lagertha spat out. 
Ivar could see it. The moment Kalf's pretense swiftly crumbled. His face hardened, eyes switching from a hopeful innocence to angry slits. His body tensed as if preparing to fight back, to finally show some spine and no longer take the abuse. 
“I knew we could run the organization better. Make more money and be unstoppable. But I knew…I fucking knew you'd never leave Ragnar. You'd never leave his side because you'll always be his side bitch. So I did what I had to.” Kalf grinned but there was no humor. Blood darkened his teeth, giving him a monstrous look. “Does that make you feel better, baby? I'd have given you everything but you'll always run back to Ragnar. You never stopped loving him, you just got better at hiding it. What a fucking waste. I would have made you a queen!” 
Lagertha yanked out a pistol from the holster on her thigh and aimed it at Kalf's head. Hand steady. Lips in a thin line. Eyes focused on him. A she-wolf ready for the kill. 
Kalf chuckled darkly. “You won't do it, my love. You don't like getting your hands dirty.”
Ivar waited to see the outcome. Ragnar already commanded that Lagertha was to choose Kalf's fate. A fucking waste in Ivar's opinion but he relented. Hopefully he would be given the other one, an example needed to be made. Although the other man was only the accountant to scrub the books and try to hide the betrayal, not the mastermind that Kalf was, he was still involved. That was enough to earn his death. Preferably at Ivar's hands. 
But Kalf's death would be decided by Lagertha. 
Ragnar and Bjorn watched from the sidelines, witnesses to the impending justice against their organization and family. Holding a paper in each hand, fury coated Bjorn's face, understanding of the undermining that had been allowed to run rampant for too long, especially by one he trusted. With arms crossed and an impassive expression, Ragnar watched on. When Ivar caught his eye, he received a nod but returned his gaze to the show, waiting for his ex wife to make a decision. All the papers and what they represented were already reviewed by Ragnar as Ivar discovered the treachery.  
After a long tense moment, a gun shot rang out. Almost deafening in the small basement. Yet no one flinched. The sound as familiar as birdsong for those still breathing. 
Surprise and pleasure flooded through Ivar as the coward's head lolled loosely, brains blown out and splattered on the wall and floor. Payment for his crime painted for all to see.
Kalf jerked his head to look at his accomplice and then back to his lover, confusion and shock in the lines of his face.  
“You shouldn't have dragged Philippe into your mess.” Lagertha calmly said, replacing her pistol at her thigh. “Ivar, he's all yours. Do with him what you want.” She took a step back. “Good bye, Kalf.” Then with the poise of a queen, she turned on her heel and headed back up the stairs, washing her hands of her former lover and his demise. 
In the next moment, a hand landed on Ivar's shoulder. “Good work.” His father commended. He gave him one more fatherly pat before following Lagertha up the stairs. 
Ivar grimaced as he knew his father was following his first wife to help her blow off some steam. Something that happened but no one spoke of. 
A different set of footsteps came to his other side. As Ivar looked up at his eldest brother, a grimace on his own face at his parents, echoed Ivar's own sentiments. With a shake of his head, Bjorn looked down at Kalf who had gone suspiciously silent and still. 
“I thought she would shoot you…guess she thought that was too fucking easy for you.”
Kalf spat out a bloody mess towards Bjorn's leather shoes, eyes blazing and fresh blood trickled down his chin. 
“Have fun with that one.” Bjorn said. “And try to keep your cast clean. Fuck, you'll never get all that blood out.”
“I'll get a new fucking one. Fucking hell.”
“Fine.” Bjorn crossed his arms over his broad chest. “What are you going to do with him?”
Ivar shrugged, examining the man like a piece of marble waiting to be sculpted. “Cut off each of his own fingers and make him eat them?”
“That's disgusting.” Bjorn shuddered. “Don't take too long. We need you in Spain. We got a call on the way here.”
“What happened?” 
“I'll fill you in after your fun, but it sounds like you'll be there a few days.”
The eldest Lothbrok son opened his mouth for a moment, then stopped to lick his lips before starting quietly again. “Have you…have you heard from her yet?”
There was only one her that Bjorn could possibly be referring to and it made Ivar's blood boil even as his heart shattered. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Ivar seethed, fingering the head of his cane, wondering how much trouble he would get in if he broke Bjorn's shins by striking him.
As if sensing the impending violence, Bjorn backed away. “Call me when you're done here.”
Ivar grunted, still beyond pissed his brother would bring her up right now. 
“You know…my mom mentioned that Kalf had an almost irrational fear of fire.” 
At Bjorn's lazy comment, Kalf's head lifted to stare at Ivar, face blanched and eyes wide with panic. 
A truly ferocious grin appeared on the youngest Lothbrok's face at the pure terror radiating from the man before him. Even when his flesh had been pierced with Ivar's knives, beaten with Ivar's cane, the man had endured without fear. Oh, but the sweet scent of terror that radiated off him now…
Ivar barely heard Bjorn's retreating footsteps up the stairs. He turned to look at his driver, his long white hair tied back, highlighting his cruel scar on the side of his face. 
“Toss me your lighter.”
Pleas for mercy tainted the air, but not for long.
As he stepped out of the elevator, it took all of his mental capability to keep his feet moving purposefully and his gait steady. His eyes were gritty and dry from lack of sleep, his body threatened to revolt against his restless mind and collapse in desperate need of rest. He refused to acknowledge it, propelling himself forward. After this one last meeting, he would allow himself to give in and seek the rest his body so desperately needed. 
Ignoring those scurrying around, he passed the several offices on the top floor of Ragnarssons Trading. The scowl he wore must have been fearsome for how quickly it made those plebeians scatter out of his way. Wise on their part. He was in no mood for empathy or kindness, traits he was not commonly known for anyway. He just wanted to fucking sleep. The temptation to stab anyone who tried to stop him was exceptionally high. 
“You live!” 
“Fuck off.” Ivar grumbled, more out of habit than true ill intent. Well, if he tried to stop him, there may be some violence. 
Falling into step with him, Hvitserk looked smart in his gray suit, a clear contrast from Ivar's own rumpled jeans with t-shirt and leather jacket. “How was Spain? No, wait, you were just in Morocco. Or was it Turkey again?” 
“Hmm…What I heard, you've spent more time in dungeons and airplanes than in a bed. Those bags under your eyes make you look like a zombie. Ah hell, when did you last sleep?”
Ivar grunted, annoyed with his brother's ceaseless chatter and the reminder of his lack of self-care. “Father in his office?”
“I think so. I was about to go for a late lunch. Want me to wait for you?”
“No, I'd probably fall asleep before the food came.”
Hvitserk chuckled but did not dispute the claim. 
The pair arrived at the door for Ragnar's office. With a quick knock on the wood and a following ‘enter’, Hvitserk opened the door for them. 
Ragnar sat at his large desk, an organized chaos to all the things upon it. Scattered papers and files resided in piles, along with a cheap, tourist paper map of Stockholm spread out and a bronzed human skull which Ragnar refused to admit if it was real or not. Ivar had always bet it was real. 
Torstein also occupied the room, standing behind the desk beside Ragnar, pointing at the laptop screen open in front of them. They must have been continuing speaking of logistics for a particular expansion of goods into Stockholm. 
At their entrance, Ragnar kept his gaze on the screen while addressing him. “I thought you were coming in tomorrow?”
“I can just as easily report today.” Ivar ungraciously plopped into one of the leather chairs in front of Ragnar's desk. He winced at the impact and the sharp pain shooting down his legs. With more care, he set his right hand, still in the cast, on the arm rest. 
At Ivar's audible pained inhale, Ragnar aimed his piercing gaze at his youngest son. “You look like shit.”
Ivar snorted. “The devil doesn't sleep and neither do I.”
That made Ragnar smirk and Torstein chuckle. From the other seat beside him, Ivar could feel Hvitserk's eye roll. Everyone knew that Ivar had been running himself ragged, anything to keep himself busy, which usually involved his face glued to a computer or phone screen or blood on his hands. Ever since Kalf's fall from grace and his fiery demise, Ivar had been cauterizing the wound left in the company…and reminding people what happened when they placed themselves on the Lothbrok's bad side. 
“Suit yourself. Tor, finish this and I'll make a phone call–” Ragnar spoke to his friend but Ivar tuned him out. 
He closed his eyes, dropping his chin to his chest as he waited. His father was not wrong. He felt like shit. Then again, he had felt like shit for the past three weeks now, ever since Kari had told him she needed space. So he focused on what he could do for the family business. Anything to distract himself from what his heart yearned for. During this time, he learned it was easier to feel physically shitty and move on. It was much harder to ignore and move on when his heart was fractured and bleeding her name. 
Eyes closed, his mind began to drift lazily like an autumn leaf, thoughts moving at a sluggish pace due to his exhaustion. He had tried to sleep in his car on the way here from the airport but sleep eluded him- still too wound up from the flight, too many cigarettes and too much caffeine. The trifecta of sleep deprivation. He never slept on planes, even on private planes, he could never relax enough. Especially when they flew over open water. 
A buzzing from his pocket jerked him out of his almost meditative state. Without opening his eyes, he dug around in his pocket and pulled his personal phone out. Only a few people had his private number, preferring to direct most of his calls to his work phone, which lay silent in his other pocket. 
“‘eah?” He mumbled amidst a sudden yawn. 
A hesitant but professional male voice spoke. “Mr Lothbrok?” 
“Is this–ah, is this Ivar Lothbrok?”
His brain awoke on full alert at the implementation that a stranger had his personal number. “Who the fuck are you?” Those sluggish thoughts went into overdrive, trying to recognize the voice or how this fucker got a hold of his number. 
“I'm Nurse Olsen, calling from the General Hospital. A patient we have gave us your name and number as an emergency contact. My apologies for bothering you, we just needed to verify. Do you know a Kari Larsen?”
What racing thoughts died a spectacular death by crashing into a wall of shock and disbelief. 
Someone was calling him about Kari. 
As an emergency contact. 
From a hospital. 
Where she is a patient. 
In a strange form of whiplash, his brain went from a screeching halt in shock to overdrive of all the reasons she could possibly be in the hospital, each scenario worse than its predecessor. “Is she hurt?” He wheezed out, as his heart and lungs threatened to be strangled with the sudden fear that exploded within him. 
“Sir, I'm not allowed to discuss patients’ wellbeings over the phone–”
“IS SHE HURT?!” He screamed, the building panic in his chest rising higher and higher, suffocating him. 
His mind easily conjured her laying in a hospital bed, nurses and doctors swarming her like parasites, sticking tubes in her, cleaning up her precious blood, all in an attempt to save her. She laid there unconscious to her precarious position. Or maybe she was screaming for him. That was how they got his number. She needed him as she lay dying. 
He drew a ragged breath but it failed to relieve the painful pressure in his chest. Gods, if she died….he promised. He promised to take care of her. 
A new level of loathing sunk its claws into him, a demon from the darkest pits burrowed into his mind, taunting, tormenting. 
He had promised. 
And he failed. 
“Mr Lothbrok, are you able to come to the hospital?” The nurse sighed before speaking again. 
“Yes.” He croaked out. 
“Excellent, what you can do is park–”
But the nurse's explanation was cut off as Ivar ended the call. 
Ivar stumbled to his feet, grabbing the edge of the desk to steady himself. The floor beneath him shifted and rolled like waves. Or maybe it was the demon cackling in his ears, messing with his equilibrium. Spots danced in his vision but he ignored them, pushing past. He had to get to her. He had to see her. Was his heart even beating anymore? His chest burned, each breath a struggle to take. As he tried to slip his phone back into his pocket, he realized his hands were shaking. Or was it his whole body?  
What exhaustion previously had taken root was brutally ripped out and replaced with a buzzing, paralyzing panic. 
“Ivar? What happened?” Hvitserk's voice broke through. His hands grabbed his younger brother's shoulders, saving him from falling in his unstable haste to move. “Ivar?!”
“I–I have to go to the hospital.” Tears welled in his eyes, that terror and panic finally having risen to his mind, strangling his rationality, constricting his thoughts until all he could think of was Kari and he failed. 
“What happened? Oh shit. Is…was that about Kari?” Hvitserk's eyes widened in horror. 
“She's there.” Ivar gasped, weakly pushing his brother aside, hands still shaking. ”She's there right now. I have to go– fuck, I've got to see her.” 
Stumbling, forcing himself faster than his crippled legs would allow, to escape the way his chest was collapsing even as he fought for breath, fought for each step. He had to see her. There was no other option. 
She had to be okay. His kitten. He refused. He fucking refused to believe she was dying, even as his mind continued to create horrific scenes. 
This was not how he wanted to be reunited with her. 
Hvitserk grabbed his arm, steadying his erratic pace. “I'm coming with you.”
Gratitude swelled within Ivar but the panic clogging his throat refused to let the words pass. 
The two rushed into the hallway, as fast as Ivar's crippled legs would allow. Hvitserk already had his phone out, calling Ivar's driver to have his car ready at the front for them. At the pounding footfalls behind them, Ivar glanced over his shoulder to see Ragnar following like an intimidating guardian angel. 
Ragnar snarked. “Hurry your ass up or I'll carry you on my back like when you were a boy.”
“You're too fragile, old man.” Ivar managed to retort. 
“Shut the fuck up, you little asshole, and let's go get your girl.”
As the three of them hurried out of the building, the same thought swirled like a growing storm in his mind. 
Hold on, Kari, I'm coming. Just please hold on. 
Tag List:
@southernbe @tessakate @ivarlover @nothingtolosebutweight @beautifulweaselplaidsalad @noway4u @cdauni @istorkyou @ringpopdust @lotr-got
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crowwritesaway · 1 year
Ivar the Boneless x Reader
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“I don’t understand how you put up with them.” Ivar told you, clenching his fists.
“I know right.” You replied, smiling. One dinner and they have him gripping his hair.
“They’re lucky you’re their daughter.” He groaned, rolling his eyes. “How can they just speak over you. They don’t even try to listen to you.”
You nodded, crossing her arms. “They’ve always been like that. It’s their way or nothing.”
Ivar tilted his head, his eyes focusing on her. “The person I know doesn’t let anyone push her around.” “Yeah, that’s the one you know outside of this realm of chaos.”
“If only I could let you see what’s inside my mind. It would be so much easier.” She mumbled, looking at the ground. “I-I don’t bother opening up for a reason…well..reasons.”
Ivar exhaled, he was trying to control himself from marching back into her family’s house. They’re gonna pay. I’ll make sure. He swore.
“I’m here for you. Even if you don’t want to talk or if you feel like there’s no words to describe how you feel, my arms are open.” Ivar told her, moving closer to her. She looked up at him.
“I appreciate that.” She smiled softly, grasping his hand. He squeezed her hand, trying to comfort her.
“You can move in with me. I’m sure mother will understand.” Ivar told her, grinning at the idea of living with her.
She thought about it. How? As if my family would ever allow that. She bit her lip. But to finally be away from the continuous conflicts. I could finally be released from the place that once felt like a home.
She sighed. In a another life, maybe.
“I wish. But I feel bad leaving them. As much as I hate…I can’t. I owe it to them.” She mumbled, looking away from him. She didn’t want to see his reaction.
He stared at her. He opened his mouth but closed it. No, I’m not like them. “Okay. When you’re ready or when you want to get away, let me know. I’ll make the arrangements and get you away from them.” She has a choice with me.
She hugged him, surprising him. She wasn’t a hugger. Ivar hugged her back. “Whatever it is, don’t feel guilty about messaging me or calling me.” He mumbled, laying his head on her neck.
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163 notes · View notes
aissa-snapped · 2 years
The Heathen and the Christian
Ivar the boneless x reader ( OC)
Word count: 3401
SUMMARY:When a young anglo-saxon meets Ivar in the woods, she thinks he is a nice innocent boy, only to be shocked when she finds out who he REALLY is and what he is capable of.
A/N:This is my 2nd time writing with Vikings. I hope yall like it. I am also apologizing for (possible) mistranslations of irish and icelandic. I might do a part two to this series cuz i like how its going. Also not readproof
1-Oh Cernunnos god of the forest bless me and guide me.
3-That one is mine
4- Do that again and you`re dead
Wandering the woods at this time of the year, gave any passer-by a spectacular and magical scenery. The rays of sunshine were breaking through the branches, illuminating the forest in the most wonderful ways. Summer was without a doubt the best time of the year. The weather was finally favorable for farmers, crops were flourishing and nature was thriving. But there was a downside to it. This season naturally brought along raiding parties coming from the north, with the intention of pillaging and eradicating every village in sight of any gold or treasure.
Villagers were adivsed to be extremely wary of their surroundings, and in case of any suspicious sighting to report to the guards.
Walking out of the small one-room cottage, Frigyth took her woven basket, hanging it on her left arm and took steady steps towards the neighboring woods that surrounded her village. She was a young maiden, '' ready to be married'' according to her parents, who took her tasks very lightly. She came from a typical peasant family, with three other sisters and one brother. She was at that age where she cared more about enjoying life than actually being helpful around the house.
She begged her mother days in a row to let her go harvest some berries from the woods, seeing as that was her only opportunity to explore nature and relax a tad bit. She took her already forming path that led her into a meadow, hidden from view by some on-growing bushes. She found a larger boulder, and took a seat in a dent, placing her basket next to her. She had plenty of time to finish her task, she thought, so for now she could enjoy a little bit of warmth.
Clasping her hands in a prayer-way, she took a glance around her, making sure she was alone, and started chanting an old prayer she used to hear as a child from her grandmother.
Ó Cernunnos Dia na foraoise
beannaigh dom agus treoraigh
mé tríd an bhforaois...
From a small distance, the prayer spoken by the girl was heard by a trespasser, that was lurking around in the woods seeking some alone time. Instead, the stranger took a detour and followed the voice, leading him into the hidden meadow. upon his arrival, he analyzed the young lady up closely, noticing how she had her eyes closed, and was in a vulnerable state. It would`ve been very easy for the young Viking leader to take his dagger out and kill her on the spot, which was what he should be doing, otherwise he risked getting noticed by the saxon girl, who in return would alert the whole village of the presence of Vikings.
Or perhaps he could kidnap her, get any valuable information out of her and THEN kill her. That seemed like a better idea.
The warrior got lost in his thoughts for a few moments that only when he heard the girl gasp did he snap back to the current situation he was in. The young woman that was not so long ago sat in a peaceful position was now standing up, grabbing her basket in front of her, as if she thought it would protect her from the unknown boy. You did not need to be a schooled noble to notice that the stranger`s attire was different from the regular anglo-saxon clothing, and the weapons well secured around the belt hugging his waist were a big tell-tale sign that she had just ran face to face with a Viking.
Frigyth was not sure what she could possibly do to escape this situation. If she ran, would she meet other Vikings? Or perhaps if she yelled for help, the barbarians would much faster come in to the aid of the mysterious boy and do her in. Her mind along with her heart were racing, blood pulsing through her whole body, as if it was preparing for whatever would happen next. Feeling a giddy feeling in her stomach, she spotted her way out, then she got into a running position, one leg in front of the other, slightly leaning on it and being ready to sprint at any given time.
The Viking however, seemed too lost in his tracks to think of what he should do to her. He was observing her. Long, curly hair, with a vibrant color that glimmered in the sun. He felt sort of... entranced by her?
Before he let her go, he wolf whistled at her, gaining her attention. '' I am Ivar.'' He spoke in a very thick anglo-saxon accent. Frigyth did a double-take, not being sure she actually heard him speaking in HER language. While on the outside she remained frozen, her mind was filled with multiple questions. Probably because she has never heard foreigners speak her language- or because she has never faced a norman before.
'' What is your name?'' Asked the Viking in an iritated tone. The young girl was not sure it was a good idea to tell divulge her full identity. But realizing she had no other choice, she defeteadly answered.
'' Frigyth.'' It was a simple and short answer, for which she hoped it would suffice. But by the looks on the warrior, he smirked slowly at her, watching with predator eyes as she was shifting uncomfortably her weight from one foot to the other.
'' What was that prayer you were saying earlier? It did not sound like your language.'' The maiden`s heart started beating at an alarming rate. Deep down she knew, that the prayer she was chanting earlier was considered heresy and it was forbidden among the christians. But it`s not like him, a Viking, would go and tell on her to a guard. After all, weren`t they pagans as well?
'' It`s an ancient language. I was praying to Cernunnos, the god of the forest, fertility. I- It`s forbidden to pray to any other god other than the One True God. But my grandmother used to tell me that the old Gods never left and are ever present.'' She finished, admitting what has been laying in her heart for many years, sighing in happiness when she mentioned her grandmother.
To say Ivar was shocked at the newfound information was an understatement. In all his life, he had never encountered a christian praying to a different deity. He was getting more and more intrigued by the girl, and the logical part of his brain that was constantly nudging him to kill her was shutting down completely.
The young leader-who had previously found a good sitting spot on the grass- nudged his head towards the empty place next to him, indicating to her to take a seat. With careful, calculated steps, she approached him, leaving a few centimetres between them, just in case he was going to strangle her, or who knows what else.
'' So... tell me...'' He trailed off, in hopes that the girl would tell him something about herself.
With frowning brows, she kept silent, waiting for him to continue with a question. Ivar rolled his eyes, and asked her about her family.
'' We`re but a family humble peasants .'' The Viking could tell she loved cutting straight to the chase, not giving out any other detail unless asked.
Gaining all the courage she could muster, she turned slightly towards him, asking the dreaded question.
'' Where did you come from?''
Raising his eyebrows, Ivar chuckled darkly, shaking his head softly.
'' I don`t think you want to know.'' He admitted cynically.
'' Will that get me in trouble?'' She asked shyly.
'' You could say that.'' Smiling softly, Frigyth directioned her eyes to the ground, trying to ignore the burning stares of the curious Viking whose hand was slowly reaching up to her face, pausing for a second and taking a hold of a piece of her hair, and twirling it around his finger -almost lovingly so- which made her flinch for a second, before relaxing back and letting him play with strands of her hair.
The atmosphere between the two was peaceful, even though there was silence, but it was a welcoming one, in which neither felt the need to interrupt it. It was as if an unspoken rule was set. Both simply wanted to sit down and get lost between the thousands of trees and take a break from their societal obligations. Ivar leaned back on his elbows, straightening his legs in front of him, to give them a stretch, which gave the girl a full view of his crippled legs. She widened her eyes in surprise, but quickly gained her composure when she noticed Ivar clenching his jaw in anger, averting her eyes elsewhere.
It felt like they were there for an hour or two, when Frigyth sighed sadly and stood up, clenching the handle of the backet in her left fist and started taking small steps towards the hidden entrance marked by two bushes with a beaten track in between them. Ivar frowned, his eyes following her figure sharply, similar to a wolf following his prey.
'' I should go.'' Looking at her feet, she was swinging the basket slowly in her hand, as if waiting for the boy to stop her from going, although, deep down, she knew she was running behind with her tasks and she was bound to return home eventually, and her mother would not be happy if she came back empty handed.
Ivar nodded stoically, breaking his eyes from the girl and with a loud groan, he rolled onto his back, and began crawling towards the girl, ignoring her stares of bewilderment at his methods of traveling.
'' I should probably go too.'' He responded and begudgingly so.
'' It was nice meeting you.'' Frigyth complimented, with a small voice.
'' We will meet again, christian.'' He winked at her, which caused the maiden to let out a nervous laugh, having no idea what he could have possibly meant by that, and on that note, they both departed their own ways.
Upon her arrival back home, she was welcome by her worried mother, who seemed to have a look of concern mixed with irritation displaying across her face.
'' Where have you been?! It`s almost dark outside. And what is this? This is all you gathered in all this time you were gone?!'' She pointed at her basket, which was barely filled with any berries.
Frigyth shrugged off the hand her mother had placed on her shoulder, sprinting inside the cottage. The one-room hut was warm and all her family was gathered round at the table, chatting lively amongst eachother. Her presence was sensed by her father, and one by one her siblings all paused mid-conversation, to look at the newcomer. Her father smiled warmly at her, motioning with his hand to take a seat next to him.
'' We were wondering when you would come back Frig. Your mother was worrying terribly.'' He laughed, patting her back twice.
'' And I had all the reasons to. You know what they tell us, the priests. The woods are no longer safe.'' Her mother huffed angrily, stepping into the cottage and slamming the door shut, checking the small window incorporated in it for any intruders that might be lurking outside their homes. She took her seat, next to her husband and continued eating her freshly cooked pottage.
Frigyth`s father let out a breath of air, rubbing his face with his face. The rebel daughter rolled her eyes, pretending to be oblivious to what her mother was saying. Should she tell anyone that today she has met and spoken to a possible Viking? If she did, then she would reveal to everyone that she had been slacking rather than actually gathering food for the family, and she risked losing the task she was given, and probably forced to return to her old duties, which were mostly around the cottage. So she took the smarted option, and never mentioned the encounter with the stranger.
'' I know. Aelflead and the other blacksmiths think that we are to prepare for an attack.'' The father confessed sadly.
'' What makes you think that, dad?'' The youngest sibling asked, with her curious natured eyes.
'' Because sweetie, we have been ordered by the king to forge as many swords and shields as fast as we can manage. But when we tried asking the guards why, he refused to tell us. They were all acting suspicious.'' He shrugged, ripping a piece of the wholemeal bread and dipping it in the stew.
Frigyth was starting to get nervous. What if they are about to be attacked? But again, Ivar did not look dangerous. Evenmore, he was crippled. Surely that meant he was maybe thrown out of his tribe and forced to die alone. And even if she decided to tell her family about her encounter, in what way would that help them escape the fury of a Viking raid?
The contact she had with the mysterious boy was what kept her awake most of the night, and by the time her body was exhausted and allowed her to fall asleep, the rooster was already crowing, alerting the family that it was dawn and that meant time to go back to work. However, something felt odd. While Frigyth`s family members were grumbingly getting out of bed, the young maiden heard screams and clanks of swords outside. When realization hit her, she alerted her family to be silent for a second in order for them to pay attention to what might have been going outside.
''Haeddi, take the girls and hide in the barn. Wilfred and I are going outside to see what is happening.'' The father instructed his wife. ''Here, grab this.'' He threw a newly forged seax to his son, and he took an old rusty looking blade for himself, gesturing with his head towards the door. '' Let`s go.'' With one solemn look, Frigyth`s father glanced at his girls, holding a strong and loving eye contact with his wife, silently reassuring her that everything was going to be all right.
When the girls were left alone, Haeddi looked at her daughters, trying to contain the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. '' We`re going outside. Stick close to each other. Once we reach the barn, find a hiding spot. Underneath the hay, behind it. I don`t` know. But do it as fast as you can. We don`t know what awaits us out there.'' The four girls looked at her mother, nodding shakily and following closely behind her towards the door. The mother was counting with her fingers how many seconds they had left before she would open the door and the chaos would start. Frigyth could hear the faint screams of terror coming from the villagers and once the door was open and they started running, everything went in slow motion. The action outside became more vivid. The shrieks and cries of pain were amplified and all of those made the girls run faster than they had ever done so in their entire lives.
Once they safely reached the barn, her mother grabbed the youngest offspring and she chucked them both behind some haystacks. The other two sisters went off climbing on a ladder and finding a safe space to bury in.
Frigyth was looking around, trying to find the first hidin place and duck under it, but to her terror, she was forcefully grabbed by her arm by a very muscular man, that looked like he could eat her alive. She gulped, eyes wide open and heart drumming against her chest, almost as if it was ready to jump out of her chest. He gave her an animalistic smile, that sent shivers down to her spine. Her sisters and mom were watching terrified from the hiding spots how poor Frigyth was going to get killed...or worse.
With an unmatchable force, he turned her around with her back facing him, and raising his axe and readied himself to cut her thin linen dress open, ignoring her pleas and screams to stop, but a powerful voice made him pause mid-action.
''BÍÐA!'' Both the cruel man and Frigyth turned their heads to look at whoever just stopped the brutal Viking. The girl couln`t believe her eyes. Sitting in a single seated strange looking carriage pulled by a beautiful white stallion, sat the very guy that around this time the other day she was enjoying her time with in the meadow.
''ÞESSI ER MINN!!'' Ivar approached the enormous barbarian and pulled him away from his victim by his hair, holding his dagger against his throat.
''Gerðu þetta aftur og þú ert dauður!!'' He spat with venom, letting go of him. When he looked at the shaken lady, he softened his eyes, offering a friendly hand for her to take. She shakily shook her head no, losing any trust she had in him.
Seeing how reluctant she was, Ivar huffed annoyed. '' If you come with me, you`ll be safe.'' He promised. She glanced back at her mother and sisters-who were terrifyingly and confusingly observing the interaction between the two-, looking back and forth between them and him. He instantly put two and two together, and rolled his eyes playfully. '' They will not be harmed IF... you come with me.''
But before she had any chance to speak, her father and brother came rushing to her aid. Wilfred, her brother, seemed unharmed, except for a few cuts here and there and some blood staining his blade, but her father seemed to have a pretty deep cut on his side, that was bleeding alarmingly.
'' STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!'' Her father yelled, pointing his old and chipped sword at the Viking.
Ivar mockingly raised both his arms in surrender, faking a terrified expression. After a few moments, he then grabbed his trusty dagger, swirling it smoothly around his finger and pointing behind him at the army that was currently ravaging the village.
''See that? I am the leader of all of them. I can order them to stop anytime if I want to. That is why I am asking YOU again.'' He pointed his dagger in Frigyth`s direction. '' Are.You.Coming.With.Me?'' He asked slowly, putting an emphasis on each word, to ensure he was being understood.
The curly haired girl looked with saddening eyes at her dad, who was still clutching his sword with all his being, as if believing THAT could actually help her, then at her brother, who was copying his father`s movements, but with less confidence and then at her mother and sisters, who were all shaking their heads no and crying silently, not knowing what the outcome of this woul be.
There was no backing out of this. She had two simple but impactful choices. She either went with him, probably ending up a slave, but at least her family was safe, or so she hoped. Or she could refuse, and get killed by the previous Viking.
With determined steps, she approached Ivar, making him smirk in victory. Her father yelled at her angrily to get back there behind him, but she was already climbing Ivar`s carriage. The young ruler grabbed her hand softly, guiding her to sit on his knees, that she now got to observe, were covered in some sort of metallic braces.
Once she took her seat in his lap, he stroked her hair with one hand, while whispering in her ear. ''Good girl.'' She sat frozen in his lap, letting him wrap a strong arm around her waist to keep her steady.
She took a one last glance at her family, waving sadly at them and struggling to keep her composure.
'' They will be safe, right?! You promised!'' She asked desperately, glacing back at her house, which was now growing to be more and more far away.
'' On my arm ring.'' He pledged, placing his palm over his bracelet for a moment, showing her that he was serious about his oath. Grabbing with one arm the reins and with the other gripping her tightly against him, he yelled something in Old-Norse to the other men, fleeing the village afterwards towards an unknown location to the girl, from where a new life was about to start for her. She could only hope it was going to be good.
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Ravenblade - Part 2 // Ivar Lothbrok x OC
Summary: As Björn would like to keep an eye on his mysterious sister, she has her sights set on someone completely different, to the surprise of her brother and his.
Warnings: Language, Description of violence, light smut (implied but not fully described)
Pairing: Ivar x OC
A/N: Here is the second chapter :) Still, let me know if you wanna be on the tag list ;)
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That evening the great sacrifice takes place, which is supposed to bring victory to the Vikings over the Saxons. Some Earl has decided to sacrifice himself for the cause, and Liv now stands beside her big brother and his brothers before the ceremony.
"You still owe me an answer," Bjorn whispers to her as they wait for Lagertha.
"I don't owe you anything," she says, continuing to look straight ahead.
"I still want to know why you're doing this and whose side you're on."
Now Liv looks at her big brother. "I am on Ragnar's side. I am doing this to avenge his death. Nothing more, nothing less."
"But why?"
"Have you seen him in the last ten years? No? Well, I have. And I have my reasons. But let my reasons be mine."
Then, as Lagertha begins to speak in the old language up front, Liv notices Björn slinking away. She doesn't care, but now she is standing next to Ivar. She looks at him briefly, and her eyes meet his. She grins briefly before turning her attention back to the front.
Lagertha is now sacrificing the Earl. Liv watches closely. It somehow fascinates her how her mother pushes the sword further and further into the man's chest.
Liv looks enthusiastically at Sven, who looks at her with a slight smirk. She feels Ivar's eyes on her. Liv likes it when a man is interested in her. It makes it all the easier to manipulate him. But with Ivar, it is something else. Somehow she feels drawn to him.
Once again, her gaze wanders to him, who is also looking at her with his deep blue eyes. A smile creeps onto her face.
When the ritual ends, Liv sees Ivar in front of the large bowl of blood. She walks up to him and stands next to him.
"May I?" she then asks, pointing to the blood. Ivar looks at her in surprise and then nods hesitantly.
Painting blood on someone is a sign of affection. Liv taps two fingers each into the blood and then looks Ivar in the eye before wiping her fingers across his face. Ivar closes his eyes briefly and then looks at her again. They maintain eye contact for a moment before Ivar dips his fingers in the blood and then does the same to Liv.
From a distance, they are watched by Björn and Ubbe. "I don't like this," murmurs Ubbe. He is not comfortable with the young warrior and does not trust her.
Björn shakes his head with his arms crossed. "She's manipulating him. That's what she's good at."
"Normally, I wouldn't have thought of Ivar as someone women so easily manipulate, but with her... I'm not so sure," the younger of the two concludes.
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When everyone has retired to sleep before leaving, Liv sneaks out of the hut she and the Ravenblade have been assigned. She walks through the deserted town and creeps towards one particular hut.
Carefully she listens at the door and hears nothing. Then she opens it quietly and squeezes through a small crack. In front of her on a chair lies Hvitserk, snoring heartily. The position can't be comfortable, Liv thinks to herself and tiptoes past him. Then she stands in front of two doors. She briefly points her finger at both and then decides on the first one.
Silently she opens it, and to her luck, it is the room she was looking for. But to her surprise, he is sitting, still awake, with his back to her, and seems bent over something. Still silent, Liv closes the door again and takes a few steps toward her.
"You're quiet, but I know you're here," Ivar says suddenly, then turns to her.
She looks at him with raised eyebrows, a smug smile on her face. "But only because I wanted you to," she says, winking at him.
"What are you doing here?" he asks then.
Liv takes a few steps across the room, looking at what he owns. "Oh, I felt like company..."
Ivar follows her closely with his gaze. He can't figure her out. Liv walks up to him and stops in front of him. She leans down to him and looks him in the eye.
"Don't you want my company?" she asks directly.
"I... Uh..." he stammers briefly, which throws him off.
"I can leave as well," she says, standing up again and walking towards the door.
"No!" he says quickly. "No. Please stay."
Liv smiles at him and then walks back towards him. She pulls a chair towards her and sits in front of Ivar, so they are at eye level. She is so close to him that her knees touch his, and she has placed them to the left and right of his legs.
"Tell me something about yourself, Ivar the Boneless. That's what they call you, isn't it?"
Ivar nods, slightly befuddled, then looks away. "They do..."
"You don't like the name? I think it's a great one. Not as boring as 'the feared' or 'the cruel'.  Most of the time, they don't live up to their names anyway, but you... You're different."
Ivar looks her in the eye again and notices that Liv is getting closer to him. Suddenly she puts her lips to his, and he enjoys it briefly before pulling away from her again.
Slightly ashamed, he looks to the floor and bites his lips. "I can't..." he says, turning away from her. "If you're looking for that kind of company, I'm the wrong guy..." he continues seriously, and Liv looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What are you trying to say? If I want to spend time with you, I want to spend it with you, not with someone else."
Ivar looks at her again, and Liv can tell he is incredibly uncomfortable. "I can't... I can't do this. It."
Liv continues to look at him without making a face. Ivar would have expected something else. Either she would laugh at him or feel sorry for him, but nothing of the sort comes from Liv.
"Have you also been told that a deaf person cannot communicate?" she asks, and Ivar does not know what she is getting at. She takes a deep breath and then moves closer to him again. "How many times have you tried? With how many women?"
"Only with one, and it didn't work," Ivar says quietly.
Now Liv begins to laugh softly. But it's not that she's laughing at him, but rather at his pathetic attempt.
"And that already tells you it can't be done?" she asks, kneeling before him.
She starts to undo his trousers, and Ivar grabs her wrists. "What are you doing?" he asks, irritated, but she grins at him.
"I'm trying to prove you wrong." Hesitantly, Ivar lets go of Liv's wrists, and she expertly undoes his trousers.
Ivar feels the lust rising in him and his body changing. She looks him in the eyes and then begins to massage him slowly. Her movements become faster and her grip tighter, but Ivar doesn't mind. Then she winks at him and lowers her head.
It is not long before Ivar can no longer hold on. His body tenses, and he opens his mouth. He tries to stifle a moan and then looks down at Liv, who is just breaking away from him.
She straightens up again, grabs a piece of cloth lying on the table, and wipes her mouth and hands before looking at him triumphantly.
"What did I say? I guess it all comes down to technique."
With those words, she tosses the rag back on the table, winks at Ivar one last time, and then leaves the hut. Ivar looks after her in disbelief. How is he supposed to keep his hands off her now?
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The following day the time has come. The enormous army leaves for England. All along the docks, people are saying goodbye to their loved ones.
Liv walks towards the dock where her boat is moored and stops as she passes her brother's ship. It is right opposite hers. Lagertha is standing there with Björn, saying goodbye to him.
"Oh, how sentimental," she says with amusement, and Lagertha looks at her. As always, Liv has uncovered her sarcastic smile.
"I just wish him good luck on his journey, and may the gods watch over him," Lagertha justifies herself. "Wouldn't you like someone to say that to you?"
"I don't need that... I know the gods are with me. I don't need someone like you to tell me that. And luck is for beginners." Liv walks over to her ship and then looks at Ivar momentarily. "Hello, Ivar," she says, winks at him, and then hops onto her boat.
"Well, folks? Are you ready?" she asks the crowd, where her people are already busy making final arrangements for departure.
"Here you are," Sven says, coming up to Liv. "Where were you tonight?" he asks more quietly, looking at her.
"Oh, here and there," she replies, and her gaze briefly wanders to Ivar, who keeps looking at her.
Sven follows her gaze and glares at Ragnar's son. "Were you with him?" he asks, following Liv across the boat.
"Even if I was, it's none of your business Sven, understand?" she says more seriously now.
She is always very relaxed with her people, but if someone tries to undermine her authority or gets too nosy, she is good at putting a stop to it. Now Liv turns to her whole troop.
"It's finally time!" she shouts, then climbs a mast. "We are travelling to England, and we will avenge the death of Ragnar Lothbrok! Until now, you have followed me, and I hope you will continue to follow me! We are the Ravenblade! Du bekar! Du bekar!" shouts Liv, and her men and women cheer.
From the other boat, Ivar watches her closely. She is a true leader, and one day, she will be his.
With anticipation, Liv waits for her cue. It is a grandiose plan; she has to admit. The first troops of the great army get ready and line up. Then it's their turn. She stands up and leads her Ravenblade up the hill as well.
The shieldmaiden lines up not far from the sons of Ragnar and grins. She loves fighting and slaughter. She turns her sword once in her hand and draws the shield closer as Ivar stops beside her in his chariot.
He looks at her briefly but then directs his gaze forward. And then Björn gives the signal. Together they run off into battle.
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After the battle, Liv climbs onto the chariot with Ivar. Behind him, they have tied King Aelle, and he is now being pulled through the mud by Ivar. Liv smiles triumphantly at Ivar and then looks ahead again.
As Ivar comes to a stop, the other sons of Ragnar lift Aelle out of the mud. Ivar also turns on his buck and watches while Liv jumps from the chariot. The Boneless One watches her movements closely.
She seems to be examining where they are when Björn asks Aelle about the location of Ragnar's death. The anxious king looks at a place where Liv is already standing, and she then points to the ground with a nod. She steps on the floor with her foot and notices wood under her feet. She pushes the leaves back and forth and then looks at the king.
"Is this the place?" she asks in English. Liv has learned many different languages on her travels. The king looks at her and then nods hesitantly. "This is it," she says to Björn, and he asks his men to open the hatch.
Together they look inside. Ivar has now joined them as well.
"This is the place where our father was killed," he says, looking at his brothers.
The brothers exchange a look, and then Aelle looks at Björn. "How much gold and silver do you want to spare my life?" he asks tremblingly. "Name a price! Anything, anything you want!"
Liv laughs out loud. She bites her lip and waits anxiously for her big brother's answer. But then Ivar interferes.
"You are mistaken! Our father was worth much more than gold and silver." Then he looks to the king. "That is not the price you must pay."
The king knows fully that he is done for and begins to weep. Liv, meanwhile, looks at Ivar, who returns her gaze. Again, a nasty smile creeps onto her lips.
Then Floki grabs the king by the collar and forces him to his feet.
"I was told that your god was a builder. And you don't believe it, but so am I!"
A little later, Floki nails the king by the hands to posts so that Björn has a clear path to his back. Liv knows precisely what is coming now. She stands in front of the king and looks at him disparagingly.
Then Björn tears the king's tunic off and cuts his back open. He cries out in pain, and Liv looks briefly at her brother. When he looks at her, she raises an eyebrow, then turns around and sits down on a tree stump.
Liv watches tensely, and suddenly she notices how Ivar is next to her and creeps closer and closer to the king. Blood splatters around with every blow of Björn's axe, but Liv doesn't care. She is covered in blood anyway. She sees the fascination in Ivar's gaze and watches him momentarily.
With each successive blow, the life drains more from Aelle until the king is dead.
"I didn't think he'd last this long," Liv whispers to Ivar as she leans down to him.
Ivar looks at her briefly, and enthusiasm is reflected in his eyes. He is probably more like Liv than she thought.
The following day, the lifeless body with its open back hangs over their heads, finally wiping the blood from its face with a scrap of cloth. Ivar sits with Floki on his back, and they all look at the pathetic king.
"Come on...  Another king is waiting for us," Björn says and trudges off.
Liv looks at Sven, who is eyeing her critically. She walks towards him.
"If you have something to say, say it," she demands.
The big man looks at her momentarily but then shakes his head.
"Thought so," she says, then follows her brother.
It's beginning to get on her nerves that Sven always looks at her with that reproving look.
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Estrid Ragnarsson x Ivar the Boneless
↳ for @megandaisy9 as part of her gift exchange! 
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
She Is A Lady (Ivar x Targaryen Reader)
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Ivar has always been such an interesting character to me so imagine how delighted I was when I got my first request for him. Also I would like to announce that I will not be accepting any more requests for daemon Targaryen as of right now cause i have written so many and I have also others that I must write. Enjoy!
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Y/n) had always been an adventurous character, ever since she could walk she would wobble away from everyone, curiosity fuelling her little chubby legs, when she got a little older and was able to get on her dragon, Rhaenyras's heart raced as she waited patiently for her daughter to come home.
She was her father's daughter, stubborn, brave, and resilient, “the noble she-dragon” was her title when she would often be referred to in the songs of barbs, she would smirk under her cloak as she would often cover herself to visit the small taverns.
When war called for her (y/n) defended her mother with the fierceness of a dozen warriors, however, the pain of losing her brothers one by one, her dear Daemon who taught her so many things, her grandmother Rhaenys, she could not risk the death of her mother.
“We can still fight dear”
“Mother our troops have fought fiercely for so long, most of our men are dead, we need an alliance”
“What if they kill you?”
“Then I’ll let my brothers know how much you love them and we will be waiting for you, my queen”
Rhaenyra overcomes with emotion fell into her daughters' arms in desperation, her precious little girl was now grown up. (Y/n) hugged her mother back with the same amount of love, she hated the fact that she had to leave her mother's side, but this was their last resort.
Rhaenyra pulled away slightly, her fingers reaching for the few strands of Dark hair that were entangled between her Targaryen silver hair, a small token she had inherited from her late father.
“Promise me you will come back to me”
“I won’t come alone, I’ll come with an army to protect you”
(Y/n) had searched for inhabited land beyond the wall for a full day, the sun had been tucked away and replaced by the moon when she noticed a land lit by torches, it would unwise to make a haste landing without a warning first, for all she knew this land could be home for cannibals or demon worshippers.
(Y/n) commanded her dragon to fly a bit lower, circling the city to make her presence known, not only did the people notice her, as they had gathered around for supper to celebrate their victory, they rose from their seats to follow the beast that appeared to make landing a bit further down.
“I am unharmed, well… except the dragon”
“Who are you?”
“Princess (y/n) Targaryen, I come from kings landing”
The men came to a standstill with the princess, both parties waiting for a sudden move so they can “defend” their own, you could only hear the sound of the fire from their torches and their breaths created a mist from the cold.
“I understand this is sudden for you but I have come in peace, I have been traveling on dragon back since dawn, it would be certainly easier for me to explain after I get some type of food if you could be so kind to offer one”
The dim light was not enough to reveal the contraption Ivar was using to stand up on his legs, his eyes piercing through hers in such intensity that (y/n) felt like the man was trying to look into her brain, still she did not waver, she challenged him with her strong look she beheld on those intriguing hues, her flame could be identified from a mile away, this was not a meek princess, she came flying in a beast and stood by it proudly, she was a true warrior sent from the Gods.
“Fine, princess. Leave your sword and dragon here and then you can follow us”
Of course, he knew she was lying, he saw the sword that rested on her hip the minute she got on the ground, intrigued by the astonishing beast she came with he decided to offer her sanctuary.
To his surprise, the princess took out her sword before she came on one knee with it laying flat on her palms.
“This has been given to me by a beloved family member, I do not wish to leave it unattended but I trust you with it, Ser”
“Ivar, Ivar the boneless”
Her face showed exactly how puzzled she was by the nickname the name claimed that he was holding, howbeit she did not have time to question it for long since from the first step Ivar took (y/n) picked up on the metal sound and observed just how stiff his walking as she realized that the man was probably barely able to stand up, his entire weight was supported by a delicates design of metal that went all the way up to his thigh.
Ivar smirked at the sight of the woman offering her sword, she seemed smart enough according to her calculated moves, the sword felt light in his hand as it shined under the moonlight, arrogantly he pointed the tip of the sword directly under her chin, his ego allowing him to consider that he had the upper hand.
(Y/n) gently placed the weapon away from her face and rose to her feet, she had been nothing but gracious she would not allow herself to be disrespected.
“Lead the way, my lord”
She simply suggested, she concealed her facial expression well though the devil was always in the details, Ivar could see her hands forming into fists.
“Welcome to Kattegat princess”
He turned his back on her while she took small steps to stay behind him, she did not want to offend him by walking faster so her pace was slow enough to let him walk.
(Y/n)s eyes traveled around everything, people’s faces, their clothing, their tables, their homes, it seemed like everyone was living a simple life, it reminded her of the roads of kings landing.
Ivar could hear the whispers from his subjects, they were all taken back by Ivars sudden kindness, and they all expected him to kill her on the spot, he had to admit that the idea did go through his head, yet something in him told him to let her join their feast, maybe it was the fearsome dragon, maybe her alluring appearance.
Alas, (y/n) took a seat next to him, and quite swiftly the servants gave her a plate full of food and a goblet with ale, the chicken was warm and the ale did the trick of warming her up as everyone danced around the fire, a faint smile played on her lips while Ivar observed her.
“So what brings you here princess?”
“War I am afraid”
“In my homeland, we have one king that rules over the land, my family has been been in that position for over a century, yet it is the very first time that a woman-my mother- is to assume authority, that did not go well with her half brother”
“So you ran?”
“I certainly have not, my brothers were killed, my stepfather, my grandmother… all gone”
Ivar felt sadness rush through his chest at how the princess's chin quivered, her hushed tone trembling as she uttered the last two words, her doe eyes misting in the firelight, Ivar was not known for his empathy, still, he reached for her hand under the table to give it a slight squeeze.
“My mother was killed by my father's first wife, she released an arrow while my mother was walking away”
“How did you respond?”
“Oh I’ve tried to kill her several times”
“It is quite macabre, how the family is always the one that causes the biggest pain”
“I suppose, if you are not running then what brought you here?”
“Desperation, countless battles have taken most of our men, I was hoping to look for allies”
“You described it perfectly, desperation is the only thing that could make someone believe that another army of men would come to die for you”
“My mother is all I have left, wouldn’t you do anything to bring your own back to life?”
“It might sound cruel but forgive me for saying I do not crave to understand your pain”
She was honest Ivar gave (y/n) that much, they sat there gawking at one another, she stood tall, she did not waver under his eyes as most people did, she showed no signs of fear, she did not care about anything, and let’s not even start of how ambitious she appeared to be.
Ivar took a swig of his ale without looking away from those distinguish violet hues, he recalled how the prophets have whispered to him of a queen of a faraway land.
“Your queen will help you fly amongst the clouds, you’ll know lands beyond the eye”
He had brushed it off as a riddle, but now he started to understand that it was the only time the prophet meant every word, could she- princess (y/n) Targaryen- be his queen?
There, for only the briefest moment and for the first time he felt the warm sensation of his heart thumping at the mere sight of her smile, like Freya had come from the clouds to place her cloak around the two youngsters. For so long Ivar had brushed off the idea of love or marriage, sometimes he would even the joke that the goddess herself has cursed him or turned his back on him, cruelly denying him the blessing of a true loves match.
“I cannot throw my men to a war over lands I know nothing about”
“I figure that we will ride tomorrow”
“We can strap you up on Daylight and you will be safe as a passenger”
“You mean I go up in that?”
“Hey, she is a lady”
Ivar cackled at her correction regarding her dragon. It had been a while since one was so casual with him, that treated him with kindness without fearing his outbursts, sure her ignorance of not exactly knowing his antics had something to do with it, albeit Ivar thoroughly enjoyed her presence, her wit and pride complimented her.
As (y/n) bit her bottom lip her gaze went over to his legs, she wanted to ask as silence overtook them, but she debated if it was the right decision.
“It’s not an injury, I was never able to walk”
“Brittle bones, the masters in my land had informed me of such condition. Back in the day, they used to kill babes that seemed to hold such an illness”
“Oh that is what happens here as well, my mother forbade it”
“She sounds like a lovely woman”
“She was”
(Y/n) could deeply empathize with the look that took over Ivars handsome face, how his expression clouded for just a moment, how his jaw tensed and his lips stiffened to a thin line, she could tell that Ivar was not looking at anyone particularly, he was reminiscing as moments that they shared passed through his ice blue hues.
Ivar was pulled back to reality by her gentle hand resting on his thing, usually, he would shove away anyone that dared to touch his legs, but surprisingly he just allowed his hand to find hers and rest on top of it, a part of him yearning for the warmth of her touch, her genuine interest and zest.
“I am certain she is very proud of you, I understand you two probably shared a very close bond”
“We did, but let’s not dwell on such events, you must rest I do not want the rider of such a large beast to fall asleep while they hold my life in the reigns of a dragon”
They smiled at one another, a grin that behind it was resting countless words left unsaid. Ivar was a stranger to the goodwill of people, although with her, as his eyes rested upon her features he felt like his anger vanished, like a wave that held her name washed through his experience with cruelty and even his brothers belittling him was now gone.
“This feels strange”
“I agree princess, but I do not want it to go away”
“Me neither”
She whispered, her eyes lowering down to the ground to avoid the foreign sensation that was Ivars presence. Ivar allowed her to retreat, as he looked around it dawned on him that a few of the others had also taken it to become viewers of their encounter, he could not blame them.
With some difficulty he rose from his seat with the goblet of Ale in his hand, demanding the attention of everyone to realign with their leader.
“It is with great honor that I present to you the princess (y/n) Targaryen, the future queen of her land, she has come to us with a request for an alliance, to fight alongside her army for a land we do not know. Tomorrow I will ride with the princess to see for myself that foreign land, as well as to marry her”
“To unite our kingdoms, to rule by her side in her homeland and for her to rule by my side in mine, to give us a reason to help her. Raise your glass, to your future queen”
Requests are open!
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lavender-romancer · 1 year
Ivar Ragnarsson x Reader CW: suicide mentions, conflict
You wanted to be his again, not owned by him but a part of him. But it had been so long since you'd felt close to Ivar that it felt out of reach as he descended into rage filled madness
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
You were drifting apart more and more with every hastily made decision fueled by anger that Ivar made. He would curse you, berate you and you could do anything because you didn't trust that he wouldn't kill you himself. You knew something was deathly wrong when you kept finding yourself high on a hill looking over a rock face, moving closer to the edge every time and not feeling afraid. It was impossible to not feel that you were lost in the dark of Ivar's tyranny. But you still craved his adoration, his love and the affirmation that he only wanted you. All of these things would never happen now, you weren't good enough for him.
You needed him running through your veins like a sickness that couldn't be cured- a toxicity that fuelled your love and in turn, your hatred for him. You didn't want to need anyone, when you were younger your mother had always taught you to never need anyone more than yourself. To stay self-reliant and not let anyone control you but, it was impossible. When you met Ivar he was the son of Ragnar, a grumpy boy with no battle experience and a soft spot for you. Now, after 6 years of marriage you couldn't decide if you needed to try harder or just throw yourself on to that cliff face.
"It feels like he's trying to erase me, fade me out of his life and forget I was ever there." You told Helga as you sat descaling some fish with her.
"Ivar is… complicated, I'm sure I had this conversation with you when you started seeing him. He's a different type of person from us. Not as emotional," she tried to smile but could tell that her words weren't necessarily comforting.
"I was so convinced that he loved me then, that he would do anything for me. But he just wants power and money and meaningless sex, I just can't believe he deceived me into this marriage." Helga suddenly gripped your hand.
"This is not your fault. As you said, you were deceived by someone who claimed to love you. The boy has some kind of power. It pulls some people in and I don't know what it is but it captured you," She paused. "I think you should tell him."
"He wouldn't even see me, I can guarantee there's a thrall rooted to his lap right now." You clenched your teeth together and tried to hold in your rage.
"You need to let it out, your rage. Go to the top of a mountain and scream, allow yourself to feel it." Helga suggested and you nodded.
"What I really want is to have him, it's pathetic but I'm so in love with him it's hard to overcome." You placed down the fish and groaned.
"It will pass, and if it doesn't, meet someone else who will be more emotionally attentive. Ivar seems like the kind of man who needs other people's feelings laid out in front of him." Helga smiled and her dark rimmed eyes made contact with you as the two of you carried on with the fish.
Ivar was drunk out of his mind, two naked thralls sitting on his lap as he'd occasionally take their breasts into his mouth. Some days he would forget you were even his wife, you hardly saw each other. He wouldn't say it was an excuse for his behavior but it was definitely a promoting factor of it. You used to smother him, cover him in a blanket of affection and make him feel like no one could hurt him. Ivar didn't remember when that stopped but he also didn't remember when he began sleeping with other women. The crossover between the two was so seamless it made him feel less remorseful, as if your absence made his actions warranted.
When Ivar saw you walk into the Great hall he felt less than he thought he would. In some ways he was happy to see how miserable you looked, hopeful you'd come crawling back to him in pure adoration. Ivar couldn't think of a better way to gain a woman's affection than by making her jealous. Unaware of his ridiculous thought process, Ivar continued looking you up and down through his eyebrows. You could only glare back at him as you headed towards your room, but you annoyingly had to go past Ivar.
"You despise me, wife?" Ivar asked and you stopped in your tracks, sighing deeply.
"Yes." You said simply, even though you loved him you needed him to wake up.
"But… that's not. What?" He said confused, pushing the thralls to the floor, with a resounding yelp from both the women.
"What do you want, Ivar?" You looked at him with such disdain it genuinely surprised him.
"You cannot speak to me like that!" He yelled and you sighed again.
"Then kill me." You sounded defeated, you didn't care anymore. It would be easier for it to all be over so you didn't have to deal with the emotional turmoil of him.
"I'm not going-" he paused. "You are my wife! Why won't you respect me?" He yelled again and you almost winced at the level of noise he was making.
For a few moments all you could hear was the scrape of his crutch and the crackle of the fire, for a moment it felt surprisingly peaceful. You just wanted to exist in that scene, a beautiful fire with furs on the floor in front of it where the local children would sit and be told stories. There was such a serenity to watching children's faces as they listened to a story, they hadn't experienced the hurt or the pain. All they knew was that this was their favourite day because they could sit inside the great hall and feel important. Even Ivar couldn't take that sense of pride away from them.
"Are you going to say anything, wife?" Ivar broke the blissful silence and you couldn't quite believe how aggravating it all was.
"I hate you, I hate what you've done to me." Was all you said and he looked astonished.
"I won't have this bullshit!" He yelled even louder before calling for his guards. "Tie her to a tree in the forest." He swatted you away like you were a pest but, at this point you saw no reason to resist. Ivar would do whatever he wanted with his power and most of the time that would mean fucking you around.
Even the guards were uncomfortable as they threw a rope over a strong tree branch and tied you by your wrists so that your arms always had to be extended. It wasn't the worst punishment you could have got, you were surprised Ivar hadn't got a lust for blood when you disrespected him. He would continue to degrade you and debase you no matter what you did, even though you loved him it didn't matter anymore. Ivar was so consumed by greed or power or hatred for you that he couldn't focus on anything else.
Your heart felt cold and tight. There wasn't any room for any more love because you had given it all away to someone who didn't want it or didn't realise how much he needed it. In one breath you would hope that he would just come and kill you and in the other, you still hoped he would wait for you. That he would allow your coupling to at least attempt to survive. Sometimes when you were around Ivar, you would feel a tiny part of your body decompose. One part of you died because you couldn't hold on to someone who only wanted to break away from you. But all you wanted was to be taken back to when you were younger, you needed him, you wanted him and he would never be what he was again.
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miss-madness67 · 2 years
It Is You (Ivar The Boneless)
Ivar the Boneless drabble
Imagine you are the one that catches Ivar's eyes, not Freydis.
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The crowd is overly excited by the army’s return to Kattegat, they had finally avenged the death of Ragnar Lothbrok. I had not taken long to recruit the great heathen army, and less to decimate the Saxons. Most of the hassle had been travel discrepancies and what to do after. Now with all that finally over, Vikings have a chance to celebrate victory. It is no surprise, then, when the great hall is completely packed with drunk people in the late hours of the night. The celebration of the great heathen army’s conquest is something to brag about, and Ivar the Boneless is doing precisely that.
You have never seen the Viking prince in person, considering that you are not a shieldmaiden, and could not go to avenge Ragnar. Also, you grew up in Ringerike, not Kattegat, thus you never encountered him during your childhood. You have heard the stories, though, not only the most recent ones about his victory against the Saxons, but also those speaking of his cruelty and quick temper. And so when you came to welcome your brother back from fighting in England, it was not in your plan to cross paths with Ivar the Boneless. However, once you entered the great hall, your destiny was entangled with his.
He is not the only man that stares at you more than he should, but his gaze is so intense that you can not shake it off. It burns through your skin like fire, stealing all of your attention from your brother’s words. When you look up, Ivar is already glancing your way. He does not smile or try to approach you like the rest of the men, he just stares.  His look is heated but not loaded with anger, it is something else. No one has ever gazed at you like that, it has such desire and amazement. It makes you feel like a goddess. So, while your brother is still talking, you leave his side to introduce yourself to the cruel prince. That is the first step that changes your life.
Tags: @cdauni @justsomecreaturewandering
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underscorewriting · 1 year
Could you do one where the reader is Lagertha younger sister and in a relationship with ivar the boneless
this. this is the one I might be the most excited for to write!
Thank you for your request :)
May the gods forbid.
Ivar Ragnarsson x Reader
Warnings: Language probably?
Words: 2.425
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This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was. He wasn't supposed to happen. The gods were playing tricks on her, this couldn't be real. She wanted to hate him, hate how he despised her sister. He was a smartass, an arrogant little boy with anger issues if something didn't go his way.
One son of Ragnar was her greatest fear for her younger sister. Ivar. He was unpredictable and even though the girl was taught how to fight, Lagertha knew that she would not be good enough to protect herself from him. That was the main reason why Lagrtha forbid her sister to leave her side. Lagertha was always very protective of her, even more when the sons of Aslaug and Ragnar started planning to kill her or hurt her the same way she hurt them by killing their mother.
So one night when the girl was upset and searched for a place to hide away, she walked into the woods. Flokis and Helgas place always brought her the most comfort when her and Lagertha fought, those were the times she thought the girl was quietly in her chamber. Sitting down in a small meadow, she leaned back, watching the stars, inhaling the fresh air.
Rustling behind her made her hand quickly shoot to the dagger she kept on her thigh. "Well don't you look cozy." The cold voice of the prince made her flinch as she sat up completely, her body being on alert if he tried anything. "What do you want, Ivar?" The exhaustion from was as clear in her voice and how she said his name as it was on her face. She didn't want to live like this. To live a life that held nothing for her, since she wasn't allowed to do much. Even her nephew Björn was always watching over her when he was here.
Tilting his head Ivar studied her face for a second before crawling over to her and settling down besides her. "I decided I won't kill you." He pursed his lips looking over at her a playful glint in his eyes. "Not yet at least." A small smile pulled at her lips as she averted her face. "Ubbe told us about how Lagertha screamed at you. She was always quiet..." A stern glare from the girl made the boy hold his hands up in defense, a small smirk on his face as he saw her hand moving away from the dagger, finally starting to relax.
Ivar was a simple man, his plan to kill Lagertha was only left uncompleted due to his attraction to her little sister and now having her here in front of him was something he didn't know he longed for. Looking back up at the sky she sighed in frustration. "How is the world out there? You traveled didn't you?" Sitting up straight she turned to him.
The young princes eyebrows raised in surprise as he smiled slightly. "The world is huge, it has so much to see." pouting slightly the girl cursed her sister as she listened to Ivars stories. He told her all about Wessex and the people there, how different their belief are from theirs, which she as well found hilarious. As the night turned colder they took the path back to their home. Not once did they stop talking about what he saw out there and what she would want to see once she'll get out there.
"Gods, I want to see the world, Ivar." Smiling softly she twirled and inhaled the fresh air. Watching her Ivar felt his heart swell at the sight of her carefreeness. "I want to show it to you." His tone was serious and when she looked at him she saw the sincerity in his eyes. "Ivar..." Her voice was a mere whisper, shaking her head she sat down in the dirt near a haystack.
"We can't. Lagertha would never allow this. She wouldn't allow us, Ivar..." She was desperate for him to understand that this would never happen, but he was not having any of it. He would take what he want and if he wanted to have her, then he was going to have her. "Your sister does not control you, nor does anyone else. You should be able to live your life how you want it to be, the gods forbid that you won't live it to the fullest."
Looking around she kissed his cheek quickly. "I'll meet with you in the meadow tomorrow night, don't be late!" She turned around as she quickly ran to her chambers, smiling brightly at him before entering. The young prince couldn't help but grin at her actions, feeling a little giddy himself.
After that night they started sneaking around at night, only sharing small meaningful glances at each other when they passed one another or during a feast. Soon Lagertha grew suspicious, but not because she noticed any of the glances, no, it was because suddenly her sister started training more, stopped questioning her about being able to travel. It was as if she suddenly stopped caring about all that.
Ubbe offered to train with her, Lagertha trusted him so she allowed him to take her sister to the woods during the day as well. Ivar told his brothers about her and how he wanted to see her at any costs as much as he could. In the woods the four of them would train, Ivar didn't trust Sigurd close to her, due to disgusting glances he threw her way when she was merely visiting them over the past years.
She soon found herself growing closer to the brothers and feeling accepted by them. Freedom, was so close she could almost taste it. Walking with Ivar at night was her newly found escape, after he got his greave done for his legs and fixed up his crutches they could even hold hands while walking. Him rubbing her hand soothingly with his thumb, placing ocationally kisses onto her palm , whenever she talked about something that upset her. He enjoyed listening to her almost as much as her gentle kisses he would get to feel whenever his pain was unbearable.
They balanced each other nicely and after a few months the word marriage appeared more and more in their talks about their future. The girl was scared of how her sister would react to her and the youngest Ragnarsson being inseparable and spent every minute they could together.
But she didn't need to tell her, because one day during her and Ubbes training lessons, while she was play fighting with Ivar . Lagertha walked up the path, none of them noticed her sharp eyes watching. Ivar had her pinned down, laughing while she tried to push him of before rolling over and sitting on his stomach, having the prince at her mercy making her grin down at him.
Ubbe and Hvitserk were watching them, drinking ale and laughing at what the other said. Lagertha was disappointed in her, why didn’t she tell her that they were lovers? She continues watching them and filled an old familiar pain in her heart. Ivar was holding her sister now, not strong enough to hurt but strong enough to let her know he had control over the situation but her sister seemed completely fine with it as she leaned into his chest looking up at him with gentle eyes and a loving smile.
Ivars smile matched hers and in this exact moment Lagertha realized that she kept her sister protected from the most beautiful thing out there, a thing she herself shared with Ragnar even after his death. Love. Ivar was similar to Ragnar in many ways, but with her in his arms he resembled his father more than anyone would guess. Of course, she didn’t want her sister to be with someone like Ivar, he was dangerous, but if it is him that makes her as happy as she is right now, then that is all she would ask for.
Returning to her throne back in the great hall Lagertha couldn’t stop thinking about how she should’ve noticed the signs. Ivar was more around than he used to be, it wasn’t his normal behavior. Besides he was being a lot kinder than usual. As Torvi entered the great hall she noticed how lost in thoughts the queen was. „What is the matter?“ She said as she walked next to to sit down by her side. „Did you know about Ivar and my sister?“ Lagertha turned to Torvi catching the younger woman smile apologetic. „Ubbe said I wasn’t supposed to tell you, I apologize.“
As she heard giggles and laughter she could tell the four of them were coming closer, she prepared herself to confront her sister about this. But how was she supposed to? She was spying on her when she found out, not having had one good reason to walk out there in the woods except to check up on her actually being there. Ubbe was the first one to walk into the great hall, he noticed something was up when Torvi didn’t greet him right away. The girl was still outside giggling and whispering. Her whispers could be heard in the whole hall. Quietness settled in as the last three of them walked in, the girl walking a little behind but smiling brightly whenever Ivar would turn around to see if she was still there with him.
„Hello sister!“ The girl greeted and smiles brightly at Lagertha. The queen did not respond, making her feel uneasy as she glanced toward Ubbe, who sighed quietly looking down. Instantly the girl knew what was going on. Panicking she walked closer to her, a nervous laugh escaping her as she looked back to Ivar in reassurance. „It isn’t like you think…“ Lagerthas raised an eyebrow making the girl feel even more uneasy. „Well then how is it? Because it looks like my sister is keeping secrets from me. Keeping secrets because she thinks I don’t want to see her happy or loved.“
The girl gasped softly wondering just how much her sister had seen. „Lagertha, I promise you I do not have any intentions behind my bond with your sister. It’s about her not about you or how you killed my mother.“ Ivar broke the silence looking at Lagertha with pure hatred but his eyes seemed to soften when he looked over at the girl standing close to her. The girl flinched at Ivars harsh words. The woman on the throne couldn’t stop herself from laughing. „I did not even think about that for a second Ivar, because you wouldn’t even be able to.“
„Sister, Ivar would be capable of ruling over Kattegat just as well as you are. His ideas for this village are incredible. If you would just listen to them you’d see how capable he would be to do everything he wanted to.“ With wide eyes the girl just realized what she said, covering her mouth she looked down. „I’m sorry I spoke out of tune.“ Lagertha studied her and saw a lot of how she acted because of Ragnar in her sister, smiling slightly. As her eyes wandered to Ivar, she caught him smirking, his eyes glistening with pride and love as his eyes wandered over her figure.
Getting of her throne Lagertha stopped only in front of her. Her hand went up to cup her cheek, making the girl flinch. The boy tried to crawl over to them making sure the girl stayed unharmed, but Ubbe held him back making the young boy fight against his hold. „He makes you happy, doesn’t he?“ Lagerthas voice was quiet as she smiled down at her sister softly. Nodding her head the girl looked back up at her. „More than anything.“ Her eyes held a sincerity that the woman saw rarely. She was a bit taken aback by her truthfulness. Of course, she was upset about it having to be Ivar. Hvitserk would’ve been easier to accept but sadly that’s not what happened. „How could it be him, he is cruel and no good for you, my sweet sister…“ She could see Ivar lowering his head, knowing that Lagertha was right about him being cruel, not being good enough for the girl.
„He wants to show me the world. He isn’t cruel, he is just easy to upset and in pain, Lagertha…“ Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about how bad Ivars legs had been these past weeks. „The gods are cruel to him sometimes, so I pray. I pray to them to stop it and he starts to feel better. He is not a cruel man, Lagertha. He just isn’t!“ Her hands were trembling as she clenched them into fists. Lagertha could only stare at her in shock. For how long was their relationship kept a secret from her? „How long did you feel like this about him?“ She grew angry for being held in the dark that long. „All of this started a little over six months ago…“ The girls head hung low as she fidgeted with her fingers.
Looking at her hand she noticed a little mark on her ring finger looking over at Ivar she saw the same small mark on the same finger. „You’re thinking about marriage…“ She gasped quietly taking a step back from her sister. „I accept your decision, but I do not support it. Though I will give you my blessing only because I haven’t seen you happy like this in ages. You are my little sister and I love you and I want you to be loved. As much as I don’t like Ivar, I have to say that he truly seems to love you and care for you.“ Smiling widely the girl hugged her sister tightly, throwing her arms around her. „Thank you!“ She repeated those words until she turned to Ivar grinning at him shyly.
Ivar walked over to her cupping her cheek before he kissed her forehead and leaned his against hers. „I told it would work out somehow, my love. May the gods forbid anything would part us until we both are on our way to dine with the gods in Valhalla.“
Lagertha couldn’t fight the smile as she watched the both of them. Even though she disliked Ivar, she was certain he would treat her right. Maybe even better than Ragnar treater her. She could tell in his smile, in his eyes, in every action towards her sister, that he adored her.
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mommytauriel · 1 year
+ · 。~ OC chart for Thyra
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This is my oc chart for my oc Thyra! She will be the main character for my upcoming Vikings story! I’m still wondering if I should post the story on here as well, please let me know what you guys think! I hope you guys like her!
This was my first time doing something like this! I’m definitely going to be doing this for other oc’s of mine 🤗
Feel free to send in some asks or questions that you have for this story! I would love to answer them 🫶🏻
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eu-nicola · 1 year
vikings x fem!oc
It was going to be with reader but I needed to give it a name
my first language isn’t English and I didn't correct this
summary: vikings brothers have a sister who can control dragons and has powerful magic (anon request)
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The baby Freyja had been born with an eye the same as that of a snake with a different color and pupil shape, it was thought that it was because of her ancestors and that it was a way of proving that in the future she was going to be a strong and powerful as her father was. And they weren’t wrong.
In one of Ragnar's trips he found a somewhat strange egg, larger than a normal one with scales and green in color, he took it and took it to his sweet daughter, this was going to be the compensation gift for being gone so long. The day her father returned home the little girl was playing away from everyone while they were looking for her, she didn't care and continued with her game because she thought it was funny how she could move the twigs in the air and throw them far away she even try to try with a big stone but it was too big for someone so tiny.
When they finally found her, her mother didn't realize what she was doing, she just told her it was time to stop playing and took her inside so she could see her father, he welcomed her with open arms and a kiss on the cheek. When the girl began to ask him a thousand questions about where he had been he immediately smiled and took out his gift, Freyja was surprised to see her new gift, it was beautiful for her.
Over time the girl realized that it was not a normal egg and saw a small dark green dragon come out of there, just like its shell, she loved this but she did not want to tell anyone because it was her secret, it was her dragon and if she said so maybe they would want to take it from her and she didn't want to, so she decided to hide it in a cave that she had seen once with her father and brothers not so far from the place but that no one ever went to.
Months passed and even in such a short time the dragon had grown immensely, Freyja, only 6 years old, escaped every day without anyone seeing her and brought the dragon something to eat, she always convinced a prisoner to follow her and she took them there for the dragon she had called "Arrax", certainly she was never afraid to take a prisoner because she knew that they couldn't do anything to her because she had her dragon taking care of her.
One morning Freyja was trying to get a prisoner and escape but for the first time her brothers saw her and instead of telling her something they just followed her to the cave with the prisoner being sure that the man was not going to do something before they killed but it was not necessary because they were surprised when they saw the dragon eat the man in one bite. Immediately the girl noticed the presence of her brothers and smiled at them as if what she had done was a little game. "brothers", the little girl yelled, she came to hug them and at that moment Freyja introduced Arrax to them and she tell them that he was a good pet and very pretty, when her half-brother Bjorn wanted to push her away, she immediately made him fly away the air raising it as she had once done with that twig but now she had been able to do it with it.
"Don't try to take me away from Arrax again." she told them.
At first everyone was so surprised at the beast that even they who are not afraid of anything for a moment were afraid of the dragon. For now no one was going to say anything but maybe in the future when his sister became a woman they would be able to use the dragon for their own purposes. Without speaking they all looked at each other and it seemed that they agreed even Freyja herself that she was already eager to ride the dragon and feed it with her enemies.
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mrsalwayswrite · 8 months
To Call Forth Love - Chapter 19
An update in less than a month? What is this?
This is the long anticipated update and I'm so excited to share it with you. Please let me know what you guys think!
Words: 5500
Warnings: All the feels! brief violence, language, just grab some tissues.
Series Masterlist
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Ivar loathed all hospitals with an unholy passion. Far too much of his childhood was spent surrounded by sterile white walls and people in scrubs giving him pitying looks that boiled his blood. He hated the continuous beeping sounds, that unnatural sterile scent, even the loud-ass flooring that made each step sound like a heavy weight being dropped.  He despised everything about hospitals. 
But none of that crossed his mind as he stormed into the main lobby of one with the force of an unrelenting tornado. 
He slammed his hand down on the counter, feeling his bones rattle and threaten to break but he ignored the pain. He already had one hand in a cast, why not the other? 
“Where is Kari Larsen?” He demanded of the two nurses behind the counter. 
Neither nurse berated him of how he cut in line, bypassing the four other people, to demand their attention. A fucking miracle. As he stood there, waves of anger and desperation crashing over him, he wondered if they could see it and it kept their mouths shut. Was it so obvious how his edges were fraying? How what sanity he possessed was beginning to crumble until he knew - he could see - that Kari was alive. 
One of them glanced over his shoulder, at his father and brother flanking him, and waved him closer. “Give me a moment and I'll check.”
The desire to scream at her to ‘hurry the fuck up’, ‘didn't she know who he was’, and how he wanted to ‘burn this entire building to the ground’ stung the back of his throat. But none of that passed his lips. For immobilizing terror gripped at his heart with claws sunk in deep, making that blackened organ threaten to stutter to a stop. How his lungs ached as if petrifying within his chest causing each breath to be a struggle to take in. 
He had promised her. 
He fucking PROMISED! 
Uncaring of his hardened reputation, of never showing pain, he dropped his head in his hands, the cast rubbing against his cheek. He tried to take a deep breath, but the panic and self-loathing continued to crush his chest like a Medieval torture device. He just needed to know…he needed to see her. 
The nurse's ‘customer' voice broke through his internal panic. “Miss Larsen is still in the emergency room but has been moved to a separate room for examination.”
Ivar moved before the nurse fully finished her sentence. Ignoring all those around him, he stormed through that hospital with only one destination in mind. At this point, he almost wished someone would try to stop him so he could hit someone, just do something instead of feeling like he was falling apart. Anger, he knew. Anger, he could work with. But not this terror, not this panic that was draining his sanity and attempting to suffocate him. 
Perhaps, it was the scowl on his face that made people jump out of his way, the aura of danger that radiated off of him, or how he was flanked by his father and brother. With only a few concerned stares from nurses or those that worked there, he guessed they recognized him and his family. He had visited this godforsaken place enough times. Besides, he was a Lothbrok. 
And Lothbroks owned this city. 
Hvitserk raced ahead to open the doors leading into the emergency area, separate from the main hospital. They passed through without incident, into the chaos and mayhem. Sounds of a baby screaming, raised voices, the tang of blood and antiseptic cleaner, it all assaulted his senses but it barely phased him. There was only one thing he cared about right now. 
Marching up to the large desk, he stopped, glaring at the first nurse he came across. Her gray hair was tied back in a bun, with a ‘don't give a fuck anymore’ look as she typed away on the computer. 
Too bad she had met her match today. 
“Kari Larsen. Where is she?” He gritted through his teeth. 
The older nurse sighed, looking up at him. “Young man, you need to wait–”
Silence echoed in the room. The sudden lack of sound felt like a black hole that suddenly exploded to destroy them all. All eyes turned to the trio at the front desk.
His father put a hand on Ivar's shoulder as he stepped up beside him. Most likely intervening before Ivar jumped over the counter and repeatedly stabbed the ugly bitch with that damn pen she kept clicking. 
“We received a call from this hospital that Kari Larsen was here. We've come to check on her and I am personally paying for any treatment she receives while here.”
“Fine. Your name, sir?”
“Ragnar Lothbrok.” He smirked lazily. “My information is on file. Send the bill to Mr Weber, the CFO. He knows how to contact me with any further questions.”
The five other nurses behind the desk all stared, one or two having paled at the name of Lothbrok spoken. The older nurse before them began to stutter out a response, her eyes having widened and mouth dropped open, like an wrinkly goldfish. 
“Now, you will answer my son's question.” His father's voice hardened in displeasure. “In which room is Kari Larsen?”
“I…um…” One of the nurses stumbled out, clasping a blue patient folder to her chest like it was some shield to protect her from the Lothbrok's wrath. “I brought her for a CT scan…just…fifteen minutes ago, maybe.”
“Excellent, now–” Ragnar started to say but a rasped cry yanked the youngest Lothbrok's attention away. 
He spun on his heel, facing the hallway just behind him and slightly to his right. All his fear, panic, anger, self-loathing- it all bubbled up to spectacularly erupt as he heard that voice call his name. Her voice! A voice even after three weeks without hearing its sound, he immediately knew. The voice his soul cried out for. 
And there she was. 
….with dried blood on the side of her head and splattered on her sweater. 
“Kari!” As quickly as his crippled legs could go, he bolted towards her. 
At his responding cry, she broke away from the nurse walking next to her. The damn nurse tried to grab her, but Kari shook her hand off and began running. 
Running to him! 
With tears running down her cheeks. 
She slammed into him, almost knocking them over with her momentum. Ivar stumbled back a couple steps, barely catching his footing, but he did not care. She was in his arms. Where she should be. Where she was meant to be. Finally. 
As soon as she was enclosed in his arms, face pressed against his chest and hands fisting the front of his shirt, she began sobbing earnestly. He tightened his arms around her, drawing her as physically possible against himself as her whole body shook with each ragged sob. 
Hearing her, he wished he could carve his chest open and allow her to crawl in. Fuck, he would do anything to take her pain, to have her even closer, to prove he was never letting her go again. 
That he would always protect her. 
“I've got you, Kari. I'm here.” The words flowed from him like an anguished prayer. “I'm here, sweet Kari. I'm not going anywhere.”
The scent of blood clung to her but he ignored it for the moment. She was here in his arms. Alive and well. 
That was all that mattered. 
He could have stood there for all eternity, the world continuing to spin and empires rising and falling without an ounce of care from him. None of it mattered. Three weeks he had been in turmoil and despair, waiting, wondering, hoping for a sign from her. Anything to prove she still cared about him, still wanted him. That he had not completely fucked up the best thing in his life with a stupid mistake. He planned on planting roots right here on the dirty hospital floor for as long as Kari needed him. The fucking nurses and other patients could move around his crippled ass. 
His father had other plans though. 
A tap on his shoulder had Ivar looking up into his father's face, a subtle look of relief there.  “There's a room for her. Let's move her there.”
He gave a brief nod. With the movement, he became aware of the moisture on his face. When had he started crying? He had been so absorbed in finally - finally! - seeing his kitten, in holding her and providing any kind of comfort she needed, he had not realized his own roiling emotions had exploded out in tears of relief and gratitude, that he was practically bleeding out his stress and harbored despair. And for one of the first times in his life, he did not care if others saw his tears. 
Somehow he coaxed Kari along as he followed his father. A strange dance as they moved since she seemed to have no inclination of letting him go. Not that he objected in any way. It was in moments like this he cursed his legs, for if he was whole-bodied he could have picked Kari up and carried her. Instead, with an arm tight around her shoulders and her pressed against his side, refusing to release her vice-like grip on his shirt, they slowly moved. 
The ‘room’ they were directed to was just a curtained off section with a single bed, single chair and some monitors pressed against the wall behind the bed. Similar to the many other sectioned off ‘rooms’ of patients waiting to be moved on or sent home. 
Carefully, Ivar maneuvered Kari and himself to sit on the hospital bed. She curled against him, her ear against his heart and one hand toying with his Mjölnir necklace. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her against him. His other hand's fingers were intertwined with hers in his lap. 
Like sentinels, his father sat in the chair, sharp gaze shifting from the closed curtain to his youngest son, while his brother took up position next to their father, arms crossed over his chest. The two began whispering but Ivar only briefly noted their presence.
His attention was drawn to Kari as she whispered something. 
“What was that, kattungen?”
“You came.” She breathed, her voice raspy and shaky as if holding back more tears. “I gave them your number. I–I wasn't sure if you'd come. I just...I was scared and wanted you.”
How was it possible with such a simple statement, it completely disarmed him. His heart lurched at hearing the undercurrent of fear in her voice, sounding like a child admitting they were scared of the dark. What was worse, what broke his heart, was her fear that he would not come. That he would abandon her. 
He pressed his lips to the top of her head in a slow syrup-like kiss, hoping his actions and words would penetrate through her worry. “I'll always come for you.”
“Please don't leave.”
He tipped his head up for a moment, a useless act to try and stop the fresh wave of tears from flowing freely down his cheeks. “I promise.” His voice broke as he answered. “I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave you.”
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.” She sobbed out, clinging to him even tighter if possible. 
“Shhh…it's okay. Let's focus on getting you out of here, okay?”
She nodded, a faint thing, but he felt it for how tightly she was pressed against him. 
A couple minutes later, a doctor stepped behind the curtain, joining the crowded space. He paused a moment, seeing to register the group along with his patient. He cleared his throat loudly before glancing down at the folder in hand. 
“Good day, I'm Doctor Schultz, the attending doctor here today. Miss Larsen?” The doctor paused, eyes focused on his patient. 
When she did not respond, Ivar squeezed her hand. “It's okay, søte Kari, I'm here.”
“Yes, doctor?” She quietly, hesitantly, said. 
“How are you feeling?”
With that fucking stupid question, Ivar wanted to punch the absolute, incompetent asshole of a doctor but settled for glaring at him over Kari's head. 
“I've been better.” She replied. 
The doctor smiled. “I'm sure. The good news is your scans came back clean. You do not appear to have any cranial or brain damage more than a concussion.” He hesitated, as if rolling around a question in his mind before carefully allowing it out. “Is there anywhere else that hurts? My understanding is the paramedics said you were initially screaming when they arrived on scene.”
“Doctor, can you explain what occurred? We were not told about the incident beyond the fact that she was being attended to at this hospital.” Ragnar broke in, his voice broking no argument that his question would be answered first. 
“Of course. Miss Larsen and a companion were involved in a car accident. It appears another driver was not paying attention and drove through a red light, impacting their vehicle.”
A car accident.  
A goddamn car accident. 
Inhaling sharply, Ivar felt the air stick to his lungs like glue. Mentally he thanked the gods, Fate and anyone listening for keeping Kari safe. The outcome could have been very different. 
“Is Erik okay?” The quiet query came from beside Ivar.  
“I'm not supposed to speak of other patients,” the doctor said but his face softened as he looked at Kari, “but I just saw him and he sustained more injuries than you. He likely will be walking out of here later today.”
“Erik?” Ivar asked his kitten. 
“My neighbor. He was driving us to the grocery store.”
Erik. Fucking Erik. Ivar did not like the overly friendly neighbor, the twat was trying to encroach on HIS territory. Now hearing this, he hated the man even more. The accident may not have been entirely his fault, but Kari was injured and traumatized while in his presence. That was unforgivable. 
“Miss Larsen, is there anywhere that hurts? You were fairly nonverbal when you arrived.”
“My…my shoulder…and my neck.”
“May I take a look?”
Ivar loathed to separate from her, but he removed his arm from behind her so the doctor would examine her. Damn, if he was going to move though. Plus with the way Kari did not release his hand, he doubted she wanted him further away. 
The doctor opened his mouth, but at the look that promised death on Ivar's face, he wisely did not ask Ivar to move. 
“Hmm.” The doctor hummed as he looked at Kari's neck and ran a hand along the slender column. Gently, he tugged the neckline of her sweater to see better after touching it and asking if his touch caused pain.  
Ivar gritted his teeth, as he glared with disdain at the invasive doctor. He was ready to intervene any moment the doctor went too far in his opinion but a purposeful squeeze from Kari's hand brought him back down. To distract them both, he brought their entwined fingers to his mouth. Teasingly, he kissed each of her knuckles as he held eye contact and gave a cheeky wink. His heart soared as a faint blush warmed her cheeks and a small, shy smile turned the corners of her lips up.
“Well, Miss Larsen,” the doctor stepped back and scribbled on his chart, “I do not see anything too concerning. I suspect the pain is from whiplash and the seat belt tightening. I can already see some bruising beginning on your shoulder, which may worsen. Unless the pain dramatically increases, you will be fine. You will be sore for a few days. My suggestion is to take some over the counter pain meds and rest for the next several days. If the pain worsens, either in your body or your head, come back to the ER. Any increasing headaches, double vision, spots in your vision, fainting, anything along those lines, please return and we will check on your concussion again. Before I release you, do you have anywhere to stay that someone can watch over you?”
“She's staying with me.”
Both the doctor's and Kari's gazes swung back to him but he only stared resolute at the man that needed to hurry the fuck up. 
“Alright…Miss, are you agreeable to that?” 
She nodded silently. 
“Good. One final question, the paramedics were quite concerned about your hysterics. They made note that you only seemed to calm once they helped you out of the vehicle and even then you were silent and unresponsive for a period of time. Do you remember any of this?”
“Yes.” She croaked out, a violent shiver shaking her fragile form. 
“Can you explain what happened?”
“Is this fucking necessary?” Ivar seethed, curling his arm protectively around her and tugging her back into his side. 
“I would like to follow through with–”
Ragnar stood up, blue eyes hard as ice as he stared down the doctor. “Thank you for your time and follow through. If you can finalize the release paperwork, we will be on our way and allow you to move on with your many other patients.”
Bewildered gaze swinging to every person in the room, as if silently questioning Ragnar's subtle rebuke, the doctor sharply exhaled and stepped back to the closed curtain. “I will send a nurse in to provide the paperwork.”
With that the intrusive doctor swung open the curtain and strutted away. 
Once out of sight, Ivar mumbled, “thought he'd never fucking shut up.”
“Be nice.” Kari murmured without any heat in it, more as if it was a reflex. 
Ragnar stepped around the bed and began rustling through the small rolling cart beside the bed. He came back around with an antiseptic wipe. Ivar watched as his father ripped it open and then delicately wiped away the lingering blood on her temple and ear, with far more physical tenderness than he had ever shown his sons. Kari hissed at the initial contact but did not pull away, closing her eyes and slowly taking deep breaths. 
Once cleaned to his satisfaction, Ragnar tossed the wipe into the nearby bin. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair as if steeling himself for something. Ivar glanced over at his brother, who just shrugged, his own gaze focused on their father. 
Ragnar crouched down, bringing himself eye level with Kari instead of standing over her like he had done. “Kari, do you want to leave?” He asked softly. 
What kind of dumbass question was that? Ivar opened his mouth to intervene but a cutting look from Ragnar had him almost biting through his tongue to keep quiet. 
“Yes.” She rasped back. 
“Mmm…” Ragnar nodded. “I need you to look at me, yeah? Good girl. Will you be comfortable riding in a car after this?”
Kari tensed and Ivar wanted to bash his own head against the nearest wall. Of fucking course! Why had he not thought of that yet? 
“I–I don't know…I'm sorry.”
“No, Kari. Don't be sorry.” Ivar pressed his forehead to her uninjured temple. “We'll figure something out. It's not your fault.”
Ragnar spoke again, all soft edges and thoughtfulness. “Driving Ivar's car back would be the easiest and fastest. If you are uncomfortable with that, we can find an alternative mode of transportation or we can ask a nurse to mildly sedate you.”
With a tremor in her voice, she stated, “I can try. I think I can do it. Just…could you maybe drive slow?” 
Ivar smiled as he pressed a kiss to her temple, a silent encouragement, astounded by her quiet bravery. 
“I'm certain we can manage that.” Ragnar grunted, amusement in the quirk of his lips. “One last question.”
She nodded hesitantly. 
“I need to know, if while we are driving, will you start screaming?” 
This time she answered shakily. “No.”
“Do you recall why you were screaming at the accident?”
“Father.” Ivar growled, disliking this turn of questioning. 
“I need to know for our safety.” He returned his sharp gaze back to Kari, but did soften his voice.“Do you remember?”
“Memories?” Ragnar repeated. 
She hummed. 
“Were you in a car accident recently?”
“That's enough.” Ivar snarled, tugging her closer into his side, as her quivering began anew. Whether it was those memories or fear that caused her bodily reaction, he refused to let his father bully her into an answer. He had promised to protect her…even if it was from his father's interrogation. 
Icy blue eyes shifted from his youngest to the trembling, young woman in his arms before nodding and rising back to his feet. “I'll be back.” He swept out of the small room, the curtain fluttering closed behind him. 
“I'm sorry.” She whispered, just before pressing a hand to her mouth and releasing a shaky sob. 
Ivar held her close, sheltering her from her own turbulent emotions, as she tucked her face against him. Careful not to disturb her more, he wiped away the residue of tears from his cheeks with his right hand, mindful of his cast. 
At the feeling of being watched, he met his brother's eyes from across the small closet of a curtained room. His favorite brother had always been an open book, easy to read his emotions. Even now, the relief and concern for Kari was evident in his eyes. Without a word, he nodded slowly and deliberately toward the woman in his arms. Ivar nodded in reply. A silent conversation but Ivar knew what it meant. 
Whatever you need. I'll be there. 
Several minutes later, when Kari's quiet sobs transitioned to sniffles, a nurse arrived with a clipboard and release papers. She nervously asked the two men in the room to step outside so she could ask Kari some questions privately. Ivar's hackles immediately rose, a scathing retort on his tongue ready to unleash on the nurse but a squeeze of his hand made the words fade away. 
“I'm okay.” Those blue-green eyes held his, even though red rimmed and watery, he still thought they were one of his most favorite sights. “It'll only be a minute.”
“I'll be just on the other side of the curtain.” He promised, lifting her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. “Call out if you need me, kattungen.”
The subtle blush that arose on her cheeks drew a wicked smile to his lips. Before he could swoop in and kiss her, making them both forget the outside world, Kari lightly pushed on his chest. 
“As my priestess commands.”
Her quiet laughter followed him out of the room, lightening his darkened heart like an eternal candle. Hvitserk closed the curtain behind them, taking up a position mirroring his own, standing guard in front of the room. 
Other patients and nurses moved about the long hallway, some staring at the two brothers, but they were mostly ignored, the chaos and mayhem of the emergency room taking precedence.  
Ivar closed his eyes, rubbing a hand along his forehead to try and encourage the brewing headache to fuck off. 
“How are you holding up?”
He did not even open his eyes as he heard his brother's question. The exhaustion he had been fighting, dulled by the adrenaline from the phone call and finding Kari, now hit him like a semi truck. At this rate, it was debatable if he would actually be able to fall asleep or his body would crash into a coma, forcing him to rest. He just needed to get Kari to his house. If he could get the two of them there, then they could both rest and recover….and he could beg for her to never leave him again. 
He released a long sigh. “I need a cigarette.” 
“Want to step out? I'll stay with Kari.”
For a second, he considered it but ultimately shook his head. “I'm not leaving her.”
“What's your plan now? Sounds like you offered for her to stay with us.”
“Yeah. That a fucking problem?”
Hvitserk nudged him with his elbow. “You know it's not. Just…make sure that is what SHE wants.”
“I know.” Ivar ran his hand over his head. “I need her close by. After this…I need to know she's okay.”
“Well, with the way she wouldn't let you go, I think the feeling is mutual.”
Ivar chuckled quietly, warmth flooding his entire body at the reminder. He thought that perhaps she had forgiven him and they could move forward after this. Whatever that looked like, he would take. As long as she was by his side, he did not care what title it held. He just needed her. She was his morning sunrise, the stars in his night sky. Without her, his world was dark and filled with pain and anger. 
A new set of footsteps coming down the hallway had the brothers looking up. At the face that came into view, Ivar's fatigue drained away again. Fury pulsated like a second heartbeat in his chest, shooting its tendrils throughout his body like a living organism. 
Without a second thought, his feet moved. 
The nurse walking with the man seemed to take note of Ivar first and her face paled. She halted, eyes darting around as if searching for help, for someone to intervene. It was only then her patient took notice. 
But it was too late. It was time to pass the man's sentence and in this case, Ivar was judge, jury and executioner. 
He stormed up to the man, with rage a phantom above him and vengeance nipping at his heels. “You stay the fuck away from Kari. This is your fucking fault she's here!”
“No, the other driver–” Erik tried to defend himself but Ivar was beyond caring about excuses. 
Ivar shoved him. Hard.
Erik stumbled back and fell on his ass, unable to fully stop his fall with his right arm in the sling. A pained hiss slipped from his lips as his body jolted at hitting the floor. 
“Sir, you can't–” the nurse tried to step in but Ivar pointedly ignored her, his full attention at the man sprawled at his feet. 
“I don't give a fuck! You stay the fuck away from her!” 
He took a step back, his eyes, cold as stone, stared the man down as if daring him to say anything. He could see the scattering of cuts on Erik's face and body, most likely from the airbag, the arm sling, and the wrap around his knee. None of it phased the Lothbrok. He did not give a flying fuck about him or his injuries. Under Erik's watch, Kari had gotten hurt. Something that would NEVER happen again. 
Satisfied he had gotten his point across, Ivar turned to head back to his brother when he heard the resentful mutter behind his back. 
“Psycho asshole.”
He could feel the insult sink in and flow through every part of his body. His concern had been for Kari, with keeping her safe. But now, with that one utterance…the idiot had made this personal. 
Before Erik blinked, Ivar had whipped around and grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt. He hauled him up roughly to stare into his face. The youngest Lothbrok reveled in the shock and fear that coated the blond's face. People always forgot that he spent a good portion of his life crawling around when his legs were unusable due to surgeries or pain, which built up his upper body strength. Even now, he still enjoyed working out his upper body, being as strong as possible, proving he was more than his useless legs. 
“You want to say that to my face, you little fucker?” He sneered. “Huh?”
At the shout of his name, he looked over his shoulder. Hvitserk stood beside Kari, the latter with a hand over her mouth and beseeching eyes wide. A few paces in front of them stood his father, the one who called his name, poised ready to intervene and yank his son away. 
Without remorse, Ivar roughly let go of Erik. “Stay away from her, or I won't be so nice next time.” With the threat looming above them, he turned and headed back to his family…
…Back to his kitten and hopefully away from this fucking awful place. 
“Kari, you don't have to go with him!” 
Ivar froze. Again. 
“I–I can drive you home. I'll be discharged soon if you'll just…wait.”
The entire hall waited with baited breath. Only the sounds of the machines beeping could be heard. 
Yet his whole world had narrowed down to Kari. His eyes zeroed in on her, waiting, watching, for a sign, a subtle hint, instruction on what to do next. Did he go to her? Or was she terrified of him once again? Should he turn around and rip that little fucker's spine out of his body? As these questions whirled about like a chaotic storm, his feet remained firmly planted. 
Until her. 
Like a sunbeam breaking through the darkest storm, that was his Kari. 
His light. His life. 
With his name on her lips but no sound uttered, she held out her hand for him. Those stunning eyes focused on him, calling, summoning, drawing him in. 
And like a moth to the flame, he followed. But instead of death being at the source of light for him, there was the brightest joy and affection, belonging and loyalty. 
He reached out, taking her hand as he got closer and drew her back to his side. He planted a brief kiss on the top of her head. “Let's go home, kattungen.” 
Neither Ivar nor Kari looked back at Erik. 
They followed Hvitserk and Ragnar out to Ivar's car. Ragnar drove with his son in the passenger seat, and Ivar and Kari in the back. Kari was still tucked in his side, head on his shoulder and holding hands. 
As the vehicle pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, her body began to subtly shake. Ivar tugged her onto his lap and began softly speaking, trying to soothe her in his native tongue. Like a child, she tucked her face into his neck as if to hide from the world. Her hand gripped his with a death grip, but he paid no mind, encouraging and comforting however he could. 
About halfway through the drive, Kari finally spoke, her trembling having subsided. “Why do you have a cast?” 
He glanced down at the damn thing laying across her thighs. “Broke my hand.”
“Hmmm…did you win?” 
He snorted, glancing at her, meeting her face with a small smile. “I always win.”
“Uh huh. Sure you do.” She rasped out, her voice sounding a little stronger but still rough. 
“Are you teasing me right now?”
She mock-gasped. “No one would dare tease you.”
He squeezed the top of her knee, making her squirm and squeak. “And you remember that.”
The conversation died out; silence reigned for a while. Ivar rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand as he rested his head on top of hers with eyes closed. Exhaustion crept back in once again, tugging his eyelids shut and numbing his mind. All he wanted to do was crawl into his bed, with Kari joining him, and lock his bedroom door so no one could bother them for at least three days. Maybe a week. 
“Oh no!” Kari gasped, abruptly sitting upright. 
Her sudden startle, sent a shockwave through him. He bolted upright, mind racing. “What?”
“All my groceries. They were in the back of Erik's car. I don't– I don't have money to buy more.”
He chuckled, tugging her back to lean against him. He could not believe she would panic over such a small thing. “Don't worry about it. I've got it.” 
“But, that's not–”
“Kari,” he interrupted her, grabbing her chin and forcing her eyes to meet his. “I'll take care of it. Understand?”
She answered correctly but he could see - could sense - her hesitation, that wavering confidence. Something he needed to alleviate.
He released her chin to tenderly caress her cheek before guiding her forehead to press against his. “I'll take care of you.” He repeated, hoping his words would sink into her mind and plant there, for he meant every one. “Whatever you need. Groceries. New clothes. A car. I'll get it, you just tell me. Okay?” 
“You don't have to. It's not–”
“I want to.” He interrupted. “I want to take care of you. Don't you understand. I…I failed you but that won't happen again. Please, kitten. Please, just let me do this.” 
Time paused as he waited for her reply, for her agreement, for a sign. Anything! Forehead still pressed to his, she slowly breathed. Panic might have crept in to discourage him if he had not been able to feel her hand playing with his hair at the nape of his neck. She was still so relaxed, so trusting, in his lap. He knew all he had to do was wait.
And so he waited for her. 
Like he promised he would. 
Finally, she quietly sighed out her response before slipping back against his chest and cuddling close. “Thank you, Ivar.”
A wave of gratitude and affection filled his soul. A dopey grin on his face, he tugged her closer and laid his head back on hers. 
“Anything for you, Kari.”
Tag List:
@southernbe @tessakate @ivarlover @nothingtolosebutweight @beautifulweaselplaidsalad @noway4u @cdauni @istorkyou @ringpopdust @lotr-got
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crowwritesaway · 3 months
Ivar the Boneless x Female Reader Pt.4
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Ivar grew furious at every single insult and incident that you mumbled to him. The pain could be heard in your voice. Your vision become blurry when you recalled everything you desperately wanted to forget.
Ivar held you. You were at the club. A drink or two down and you were letting go. Ivar narrowed his eyes. He had been looking for a concrete reason to take you away. And this…this was dynamite. It set him off. He understood now, more than ever. The constant headaches, the stomachaches, and the second guessing. You were taught to keep quiet. To be perfect. To put their needs above yours.
Reacting would be disrespectful in their eyes. Not reacting would be ignoring them. Anything you did was wrong. You couldn’t be right without being wrong.
You shook your head. “Enough about me. Let’s enjoy this one in a lifetime night.” Ivar laughed, typical of you to brush off your sadness. He nodded to himself while he tighten his grasp on you. I won’t leave you alone. Not now, not ever. Your lonely days are over. We will make those nightmare disappear…one by one. I promise.
He clicked his tongue. “I don’t know why feel people find it hard to love you? I love you.” You laughed. “Maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe people love me but from what I see, their love doesn’t feel like love.”
“Well, they can go to hell. My love is more than enough to supply you with love for all eternity.” Ivar emphasized on the eternity.
You smiled. What can I say to that? How do I respond? You looked down. People were dancing. Ivar stared at you. He smirked. Quiet as always. His eyes were filled with rage when he thought about your family. “You should just move in with me.” You scoffed. “It’s not that easy.” Ivar leaned closer to you. “It’s as easy as saying yes.” He nudged you. “Come on. Willing or unwilling, I refuse to see you sad.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “Ivar.” “Y/N.”
“Look at me, please.” You slowly turned away from the crowd and looked at him. “I’m listening.” Ivar rolled his eyes at your sarcasm. “You have nothing to lose if you leave.” You sighed. Nothing. What about my family? “That’s not true. What about my…” “That’s not family and you know it. Family shouldn’t feel like dead weight.” Ivar interrupted you.
You laid back in the fluffy chair. You didn’t know what to say. He had a point. Family was supposed to lift you up, not drag you down. You cleared your throat. “Uhh, no matter how much I try to forget. It always comes back to them.” Ivar put his hand on your cheek. You leaned into his hand. “I’ll decide for you. Take a few days. That’s a start, right.” His icy blue eyes shined into your eyes. “With what right.” You said with an amused smile on your face. Ivar raised an eyebrow. “I’m your best friend.” He said, smiling softly at you. “Right. How could I forget?” You laughed. His hand fell from your face. “I’ll arrange everything. Be in the moment. Let’s just live.”
“Do I have a choice?” You said, looking at him. Ivar tilted his head. “I think you know the answer to that.” You nodded. Perhaps, this is what I need. “Alright then. Maybe I’ll pick up a boyfriend by the end of this night.” Ivar eyes narrowed. Boyfriend? “Hate to break it to you, Y/N. But it’s just me and you.” You put your hand on his shoulder. “Ivar. Today is about living in the moment. Have fun. Fuck responsibility. Let’s just live. Isn’t that what you said.” He put his hand on yours. Ivar coldly laughed. “Us. Me and you. No one else.” There’s no room for outsiders. “Ivar, it’s a joke. There’s no need to be jealous. I’m all yours.”
His shoulders lowered. He took a deep breath and exhaled. “For now.” You mumbled. His eyes went wide. “I’m kidding.” You laughed harder when you saw his startled face. Ivar shook his head. She’s playing with me. “You jokester. Come here.” He pulled you into a hug. You laughed in his chest. “There’s nothing. No one that could come between us.” You hummed in agreement. His plan was just starting. He finally had what he always wanted. You.
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Stay around more of Ivar the Boneless x Female Reader
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aissa-snapped · 2 years
The heathen and the christian part 2
Word count: 4k+
Pairings: Ivar x OC
Warnings: depiction of violence, sexual harassment, mention on sex
As requested by @youbloodymadgenius , here`s part two
Summary: Frigyth finally arrives on the Viking`s homeland, and just when she thought things are finally settling in, things take a south.
The moment Frigyth left the safety of her family, everything seemed to be a blur. Any ounce of trust she might have had in Ivar from when they first met, was all gone. She couldn`t remember clearly how she ended up in a strange, unfamiliar tent, her hands bound tight together by a rope. To say she was frightened was an understatement. From this moment onwards, anything could have happened to her and no one.... NO ONE would come and save her.
She desperately analyzed the room, noticing a huge bed in the middle, some sort of table, and a pair of crutches resting next to a chair. Only when she directed her eyes towards the exit of the tent, did she notice a creepy looking figure, sitting on the ground and watching her, with a sinister looking smile. Her heart was back at pumping blood faster and faster, and she inaudibly gulped.
Ivar slowly crept up towards the table, grabbing his crutches, so that he could dominate over her with his height and intimidate her even more -not that it was necessary since the poor girl was already wishing she could just die rather than be there with him-.
Once he got in front of her kneeling figure, he tsked, silently ordering her to look at him.
'' I trust you know what your status is from now on, right?'' He questioned her, as if waiting for her to say no, just so he could arrogantly remind her of her new role.
Frigyth shrugged, keeping the silence of a mouse, refusing to accept that this was her new life. Because acknowledging it would be too hurtful.
'' Well, dear Frigyth... as of now... you are my new personal slave.'' Although it was pretty obvious that this was what would become of her the moment she was rudely taken away from her family, she still had a spark of hope that maybe Ivar would be kind enough to not undermine her like that. But of course that was a foolish thought.
Fighting hard against her own body, she couldn`t help but let a few tears run down her cheeks. And after those, more and more tears escaped, making her a crying mess. She was attempting to respond to him but simply couldn`t, as she was now sobbing. Ivar huffed, waved at her in a 'stop being so dramatic' way and turned around, walking towards the empty chair and taking a seat, and waited for the girl to calm down. Placing his chin in his palm, he watched her boringly as she was shaking her head in madness.
After a few good minutes, she took a big breath, calming down and finally being able to spill what she has been trying to tell him for the past hour.
'' You... YOU MONSTER. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU?! WHY ME?? LET ME GO BACK!!'' She was yelling, thrashing her body around as much as it allowed her, since her arms were tied behind her. Ivar watched with curiosity, observing how she was slowly being driven mad. She continued screaming, kicking her legs in plain air. Her tantrum was heard by two guards outside the tent, who rushed inside, going straight for the girl, grabbing both her arms and lifting her up. Ivar frowned deeply, noticing how they were going to take the girl out of the tent - and probably move her to the slave tent, where they were to be tortured-.
''LÁTTU HANA EIGA SIG. FARÐU ÚT'' Ivar shouted angrily, and by the looks of it, people around here listened to him in a heartbeat, without oposing for a second, or stumbling. Dropping her back down, she fell back on her knees, glaring as hard as she could at the guards, who turned swiftly and left the tent. ( Leave her. Get out)
Once she was once again in the presence of the crippled Viking, she huffed frustratedly, while Ivar raised his eyebrows questioningly.
'' Are you done now?'' Pointing with his hands towards the entrance, from which the two buff Vikings appeared  a minute earlier, he continued '' I don`t think you appreciate what I do for you. Those guards would have taken you to training. You know what that is?'' Shaking her head no, he chuckled. '' Training is what every slave goes through. Especially those who do what you just did. They get tortured until they learn to behave and listen to their masters.''
Shuffling uncomfortably trying to find a more comfortable position, Frigyth widened her eyes, thinking of the horrors the other women must endure. She hoped with all her heart that all this was worth it, as long as her family would stay alive.
'' My parents... sisters.. they are all right? You promised to not hurt them.'' Her voice broke, eyes looking down at the ground submissively.
'' Yes. I talked to my men. Told them not to raid your little cottage. Happy?''
'' Can`t say I`m happy. I just lost my freedom to some Viking haven`t I?'' She retorted back sarcastically, subtly testing the boundaries and seeing how far she can go with her witty remarks.
Ivar hardened his gaze, once again creeping up to her slowly, planting his crutches under the ground with more force. He then threw his crutched to the ground, and dropping next to her, now they were both level to level. The only difference was, he was a head taller than her, and his status as king was intimidating her. The young leader raised his right hand, cupping her cheek in his hand, and running his thumb over it. With one quick and precise move, he slapped her firmly, leaving her in a state of shock more than pain.
'' Whatever might have happened on that day we first met, forget it. I am now your king AND master and I will expect you to act like a good slave and keep your thoughts to yourself. What I just did was the lightest form of punishment. From now on only worse ones will follow if you keep that attitude. UNDERSTOOD?'' The same hand now was having a solid grip on her neck, squeezing only softly to ensure he made his point across and she would now stay in her lane.
The first week in her new position were awful, to say the least. She was to follow Ivar around at all times, helping him around, carrying anything for him, cooking for him, preparing his baths. And as sad as it might have sounded, she was the luckiest. 
Throughout her trips outisde the tent, when she was following her new master around, she was able to observe how the other female slaves were being treated worse than her. Raped, groped, disrespected and even beaten if one refused to offer themselves to one of the thirsty disgusting men, she did have to admit it to herself that she had it good. While being with Ivar, no one dared come close to her, or order her around. At least she didn`t have that to worry about.
During her first days at camp, when she and Ivar were heading towards the council to plan more strategies and talk about the future of the army, she met the other Ragnarssons. Ubbe was the second oldest, and the most mature one out of all of them. He was the first one to break a fight between his younger brothers, which was usually started by Ivar. Hvitserk was a funny guy, though he never tried to hide the lust that was poorly hidden behind his eyes when they first greeted eachother. He would often shamelessly stare at her up and down, smirking, right before Ivar would yell at him and threaten to smash his face with an axe.
One particular night, while Frigyth was warming up Ivar`s water so he could bathe, he insisted they were to discuss something important.
''We`re leaving tomorrow.'' This was the ice breaker. She didn`t know what tha meant exactly. Is he leaving and letting her stay here with her family? Very unlikely, but she would not dare ask, so she preferred to let him continue.
'' We are going back to Kattegat. And I want to tell you some things before you go...for your safety.'' He observed the girl, trying to hold any sort of eye contact, but not being succesful since she was avoiding his eyes.
Ivar sighed, both from being tired and annoyed, and cleared his throat.
''You can speak,you know?'' He reminded her, amused by her reaction when he saw her jerk up at the mention of her being able to talk. Last time she checked, he asked her to keep her thoughts to herself.
'' Ugh thank God I can speak. I was starting to feel as if I`m losing my voice.'' She joked, half expecting to get slapped again, but instead she was taken by surprise when the young boy actually let out a small laugh.
'' In Kattegat, slaves, especially christian slaves, are harassed more than others. So I make a suggestion, for your own good. Stay close to me and you will be fine. Do NOT pray to your God, or talk in that weird language, just be a good slave and listen to orders.'' He explained simply.
'' What if I DO want to pray to God hmm?'' Frigyth challenged, feeling a new sentiment of bravery.
'' Then you`ll do it in my chambers only, when everyone is busy.'' He offered begrudgingly, seeing as  he had to give something to the eager girl, otherwise she would complain all day.
The following morning began earlier than usual, with Ivar commanding her along with his personal guards to pack his things and move them on his long boat.  Frigyth was pushing through the mass of giant Vikings to load some of the easier belongings that she could carry for her master, trying to avoid getting stepped on.
With one final look at her homeland, she started feeling homesick already. Thinking about the fact that this might be her last time seeing those hills, the forests, this exact shore they were soon casting off from. With Ivar sitting at the end of the longboat, and next to him his dear slave, the Viking army all sailed off into the distance, back to the cold lands.
Kattegat was abnormal. That was Frigyth`s first impression upon arriving there. First thing she noticed, or rather she felt, was the cold. It was barely end of summer and back in Northumbria, the weather was still pleasant around this time. But here, it was torture. Ivar took notice of her shivering frame, and yelled at one of his men to hand her a thicker dress that seemed to have been made out of wool. 
The girl did not hesitate and threw the new piece of clothing over her already existing attire. Instantly, she sunk down in the warmth it was providing her, trying to keep as much heat inside her clothes as she could.
Ivar smiled - almost lovingly- at her. ''You`re welcome.''
Frigyth blushed, out of fear or embarassment not even she knew, and replied with a quiet `thank you'.
The arrival of the army was welcome with a big feast, which was something the anglo-saxon girl was not familar with. Before the big party that night, Ivar showed Frigyth the surrounding area, trying to bring some familiarity in her.
'' These are my chambers. Where I`ll be sleeping. And that in the corner is your bed, where you will be sleeping.'' He pointed his sharp end of his crutches to a tiny bed sat in a corner. She nodded her head, not coming up with an adequate answer.
'' You should probably go to the kitchens, help some of the other servants, get familiar with the chores.''
'' But-'' Before Ivar was about to yell at her for opposing his command, she quickly continued '' I don`t speak the language. I will not undertsnad them and make a fool out of myself.'' She ended on a sad note, trying to bring the most vulnerable side of her out, in hopes to guilt trip Ivar.
Instead, as a means of comfort, he approached her, and made a new unknown move to her. He placed his dominand arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him, so now she was at evel with his chin. She glanced up at him fearfully, not knowing what his next move might be. Maybe another slap? But she was surprised all he did was lower his head and place his forehead on hers, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.
Frigyth was frozen up, not daring to breathe or move an inch. Still with his eyes closed, he instructed her. '' Follow whatever they are doing. And if they give you any trouble, come to me immediately.'' And with that, he backed away from her, lowering his arm to her bum and patting it softly, indicating she left.
Opening the heavy  worn-down wooden door slowly, she stepped shyly inside the warm room. Slaves and servants were running around frantically, working stressfully under the eyes of a very severe looking middle aged woman. It seemed everyone was equipped with a task. Some were cooking the food, others were preparing the mead or other drinks, some were taking horned cups and placing them in the great hall.
Her presence was noticed by a few younger girls, who seemed just as fidgety and nervous as her, so she thought they must be new as well. Not knowing what to do, she stood there awkwardly, stepping out of the way every once in a while when one of the girls was carrying something, she was spotted by the big lady that was watching over everyone, and with big, fat steps she strode over to her tiny figure.
''HVAÐ ERTU AÐ GERA ÞARNA? EKKI LÁTA HJÁLPAST AÐ.'' She yelled angrily at Frigyth, making her flinch. With watery eyes, she tried replying to her, but all in vain.( What are you doing there? Don`t just stand, HELP!)
'' I- I don`t speak your language.'' She stuttered, wishing she could get a grip on herself and not cry everytime someone yelled at her.
The lady seemed to be fuming after hearing her. Throwing her hands angrily and pointing at the girls cooking something she signaled for her to go up to them.
Striding over to one girl that seemed to her to be the nicest out of all here, Frigyth smiled kindly at her. The stranger returned the smile, and shoving her a piece of dough, indicating for her to start kneading it.
Moments later, after they were both working in a peaceful manner, and ignoring the noise from the rest of the kitchen, Frigyth stopped her actions, pointing her hands to herself and repeating her name slowly for the other girl to understand.
Furrowing her brows in response, and then slightly giggling, the young maid smiled kindly at Frigyth. '' I am Berwyn. I am from Northumbria as well.''
The gasp that left the red headed girl was so audible that other two girls turned around to look at the pair of them.
'' No... WAY. This is fantastic. I thought I would never see anyone from my homeland ever again. You do not understand how happy I am.'' She hugged the girl tightly, taking her by surprise, but she soon warmed up to her and reciprocated the gesture.
The two girls engulfed in the hug almost forgot where they were for a second, embracing each other in a comforting way, but were roughly interrupted when the old lady pulled them apart aggressively, tugging at their hair, making them wince.
She immediately started scolding them and shouting something that sounded aggressive to Frigyth, and when the old hag turned to her and asked her something, she was yet again oblivious to what she was saying.
'' She`s asking who our masters are so she can go tell them we have been misbehaving.''  Berwyn informed her fearfully, shaking in terror at the thought of what her master might do to her. Frigyth was thinking the same, only until she remembered what Ivar had told her before coming here. ' And if they give you any trouble, come to me immediately.'  
Straightening her back, she proudly mentioned Ivar`s name, upon which the other girls in the room paused for a second, looking at her, some with fear, others it seemed with jealousy. The old lady widened her eyes in shock, but quickly composed herself and in an alerting rhythm, she left the kitchen.
Berwyn turned to her shocked, mouth agape. '' You never told me you are King Ivar`s slave.'' Shrugging simply, she replied wittily. '' You never asked.''
'' Who is that lady?''
'' That is Mistress Greta. She takes responsibility for us. She trains new slaves, and breaks them into becoming the most obedient for their masters.''
'' So.. what is she going to do now? Tell on us for hugging and laughing?'' She snorted.
Berwyn looked down sadly at her kneaded dough, nodding sadly. '' She is going to inform our masters we were misbehaving. And from there they will decide what to do with us.''
She was praying to God, or any other deity that was willing to listen, that Ivar would be in a good mood and would take her side. She did not wish to know what his REAL punishments must feel like.
The saxon girls both went back to work quietly, with a nervous feeling settling in their guts for the return of Greta.
The wait was cut short when the door was pushed open harshly, and Greta, alongside Ivar stepped inside. Everyone in the room, including Berwyn bowed down to him, not daring to lift their faces from the ground, or at least not until he had passed by them.
Frigyth was eyeing Ivar, who was already gazing at her with a piercing, intense look. Wetting his lips, he gestured with his hand for her to go to him. Passing by a few girls, she noticed how some looked at her with pity for what was about to happen, meanwhile others were glaring at her with envy, and she couldn`t understand why.
Being next to Ivar, he pulled his free arm around her shoulders, squishing her into his side. '' Greta has been telling me you have been neglecting your duties.'' He repeated what the hag has been telling him casually, not even a hint of anger being present in his voice.
This was her chance to win or lose it all. She could agree with that fact and let the punishment come, or she could tell him the truth and try  to manipulate him into taking her side. It was about risking it all.
'' She is lying. I was working but I just hugged my new friend and she yelled at us for laughing. But WE WERE working I promise you Ivar.'' She pleaded, trying to reason with him.
The young king softened his pupils, staring into her eyes, trying to detect any lies, then at her lips, and for a second time ever since they`ve met, he was tempted to feel her soft looking lips on his own. Quickly snapping back to reality, he looked to Greta, who was eagerly waiting for a verdict, and hardened his gaze at her, talking harshly in old norse, making her gasp, along with the other slaves in the kitchen.
'' Go to my chambers.'' He whispered in her ear, and similar to a few hours ago, he smacked her butt softly, pushing her towards the exit. Frigyth left the kitchen hurriedly, but not before hearing the way he was screaming at Greta as if they`ve done him wrong.
Sitting on the edge of her bed, she was fiddling with her fingers, occupying herself with anything to distract her mind from thinking what was about to happen. When she heard the door crack open, she quickly stood up and went over to Ivar, getting on her knees in front of him and placing her palms in a prayer way, she pathetically began apologizing for her actions.
'' PLEASE... Please... I promise I will no longer talk to anyone. But please don`t punish me.'' With her eyes closed, she could only feel his hand patting her on the head.
'' Get up.'' Sighing, he looked at her, sitting in front of him, her head at the same  level with his cock, and he tried stopping the inappropriate thoughts circling his mind before it was too late.
'' I am not going to punish you.'' Confused, Frigyth stood up, and faced her master, tilting her head to the side. '' No?'' She asked confusingly.
'' No. You did nothing wrong. I told Greta and the other slaves that if they ever harass you, I will burn them alive.'' He smiled innocently, stroking one of her cheeks fondly.
Frigyth, for the first time in days, felt a sense of safety. She noticed, if she stayed on Ivar`s good side, he would protect her from anyone wanting to harm her. Maybe she was now beginning to understand why those servants were throwing her looks of jealousy. After all, she was one of the closest people to the king. She was going to sleep in the same room as him for God`s sake. Of course others were envious.
The feast was like none other she has ever seen. Not that she`s been to many before. Ivar instructed her to stay by his side, and by NO MEANS to go and pour the other Vikings ale or mead. She was made aware that she was HIS slave and his only.
With a small wooden chair placed next to the throne, she was overlooking the large hall. She could see anyone entering the longhouse, the slaves and servants serving thirsty men ale, and when she observed how the buff Vikings would grab the servants` bottoms, or pull them in their laps and forcefully grope them, all she could as a form of greatfulness was make eye contact at 
Ivar, and thanking him for letting her sit next to him. All he did was smile, and grabbed both her hands and intertwined his hands with hers, bringing them in his lap.
It was odd for her to say it but the way he was hoding her, warming her ever-freezing hands, almost made her feel at home, in a twisted way.
Halfway throughout the evening, a drunk Hvisterk stmbled upon the steps that were leading to the throne, throwing Frigyth a very drunken looking wink, that made her giggle. Ivar just scoffed at his brother and went back to analyzing the crowd.
Hvitserk kept conversing with Frigyth, even though she couldn`t understand a thing. She was just laughing along because every two words he said, he would start hiccuping of laughing like a maniac, which in return made her do the same.
Ivar was squuezing her hands every so often, but she didn`t know why exactly. Only when towards the end of the feast, when the king seemed to hold a look that usually arrived before he would kill someone, he pushed Hvitserk away from his slave, and broke his hands free from the grasp he was having on hers, putting them around her face, and bringing her closer to him until he finally planted a rough kiss on her lips.
He moaned in her mouth, but she was too stunned to speak. Bringing her face for another kiss, she tried pulling away but he was a lot stronger. He started kissing her again, but this time was poking her entrance with his tongue, creating a feeling she has never felt before. Frigyth was desperately trying to push him away, and only after a few minutes did he finally let go of her.
As if snapping from a trance, Ivar immediately realized what he had done and before he could talk to her, Frigyth ran away, far from him.
She was now officially realizing that this is what it meant to be a slave. Only God knows what was going to happen once Ivar returned to their chambers, and she deeply wished Him and other gods would be there to protect her from his wrath.
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Ravenblade - Part 3 // Ivar Lothbrok x OC
Summary: The battle against the saxon forces is about to occur, so Ivar wants to inspect the grounds. Liv and Ivar are having an intimate moment.
Warnings: Language, light smut
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Tags: @liebgotts-lovergirl
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Liv watches the landscape passing to their left and right with an alert gaze. They are on their way to Wessex to bring King Ecbert to justice. Again and again, Liv feels the youngest Ragnar's son's look on her, but she tries to ignore it.
"He stares at you all the time," Sven whispers to her, and Liv looks to the other boat, where Ivar immediately averts his eyes. "His gaze is like that of an animal seeing its prey."
Liv looks at her most loyal companion. "Are you jealous, Sven?" she asks, amused, and he shakes his head.
"I'm not saying that… Just that somehow he seems a little off to me."
"So are we. Do you think my brother or Ubbe and Hvitserk trust us? Probably not," she says, steering the boat slightly to the left. "I know, my brother. He probably doesn't trust me as far as he can throw me. He knows what our motives usually are. But this time, it's different. It's something personal!"
Sven looks at Ivar again and then lets it go. Liv is right. Probably no one trusts them.
As night falls, Liv begins to sing to herself.
My mother told me Some day I would buy Galleys with good oars and Sails to distant shore
Stand up high on the prow Noble bark I steer Steady course for the havens Hew many foe-men Hew many foe-men
In the second verse, Sven joins in, and Liv looks at him with a grin. In the third verse, everyone joins in, and Liv gets goosebumps.
When the song dies down, and Liv only sings lightly to herself, her gaze wanders to the boat next to them, and she notices Ivar looking at her. She holds his gaze and then smiles.
When they finally dock, they continue on foot. Liv walks next to Hvitserk er and chats with him. He actually seems quite nice.
"Why are you helping us anyway? I thought you only fought for reward," he says suddenly, looking at Liv. "And Ragnar wasn't your father."
Liv smiles, but honestly, this time. "No, he wasn't. But I did know him. In the ten years you didn't see him, I saw him often. Did you know he was responsible for me ending up with the Ravenblade?" Hvitserk looks at her in surprise.
"How so?"
"Well, I grew up with Lagertha and my father. My father was not a good man. He beat mother, and he beat me too. Lagertha had lost her will when Ragnar left her for your mother. I probably have Bjorn to thank for that being the worst thing my father did to me."
Liv lifts her tunic a little, and Hvitserk recognizes a long scar on her side.
"Björn protected me, but anger was building up inside me. Anger at my father for being such an abusive person and anger at my mother for allowing him to do such things to me. All I ever heard was what a fierce shieldmaiden my mother was, but it didn't look like that. I have never forgiven her for that. So when Björn decided to go with Ragnar, I was even angrier. Angry at Björn. But Ragnar came to see me before he left. He promised me that when the time was right, I could leave Hedeby. And so it was… He had contacts with the Ravenblade, and they came for me when I was 12 years old."
Still amazed that Liv is revealing so much to him, he listens intently.
"And how did you come to be the leader?" Now Liv laughs again.
"The Ravenblade trained me. Of course, I had training with Lagertha before that, but what I learned from them is worlds apart. I honestly don't remember what it was exactly, but suddenly I was face-to-face with my mentor. He raised me and trained me. He was the leader before me, and now I had to fight him. I later learned that when the leader of the Ravenblade takes in a ward, that tradition wants you to fight your ward when the time comes. This is where you show whether you have trained them properly."
"And you killed him?"
"I'm here, aren't I? It's part of the test. When you kill someone you love, it destroys the last bit of empathy you have in you. So you become the perfect weapon. And the perfect leader."
"That sounds kind of… extreme."
"Maybe it is. That was three years ago," she says, shrugging her shoulders.
Hvitserk and Liv continue talking, and of course, Ivar watches his brother and the young warrior closely. A stab of jealousy hits him, and he squeezes his eyes shut as Björn stops them all.
One of their scouts comes riding towards them. He tells them that the great Saxon army is a day away from them, prompting Björn to set up camp here. But it seems Ivar has other plans.
"You can set up camp," he calls to his brothers, and Liv looks at him with interest. "I want to see the place where we fight."
"What are you talking about?" asks Björn, looking at his younger brother.
"They will expect us to fight in a certain way. Why should we do that? Why don't we plan to fight in a different way and surprise them?" he asks, and Liv likes his way of thinking.
Björn waves his brothers closer to Ivar's chariot, and Liv also stands next to it. None of the brothers seem to mind.
"Our warriors will not understand what is happening," Hvitserk reflects. "We fight with the shield wall. That's how we fight."
"But we have a bigger army now. And they have a bigger army, too, Hvitserk. They don't fight the same."
"It's too late to change that now," Sigurd interjects.
Liv takes a deep breath and listens intently to the brothers' conversation. They really can't work well together.
"Who are you to say such things? Shut your mouth!"
"We are brothers! Together!" Björn now says firmly. "Why do you want to change tactics?"
"Do you want to win, brother?" Ivar asks. He knows he has Björn with him. For a moment, the two look at each other. Then Ivar rolls his eyes. "Listen… Come with me, Björn. Let's survey the battlefield. Maybe it's better if we don't keep the battlefield on a plain but expand it to hills and a few miles further, and we need their landscape. They have only hills and forests."
The brothers all look eagerly at Björn. He has the last word.
"What do you say?"
"If it works, it's a good plan. If it doesn't, it's a bad plan."
A man brings Björn a horse and he sits up.
"What are you waiting for?" asks Björn, and then Liv steps onto the chariot.
"Me," she says casually and Ivar looks at her in surprise.
"What are you doing?" he asks and Liv raises an eyebrow.
"I'm coming with you."
"Liv…" says Björn warningly, but she just looks at her brother.
"What? Six eyes see more than four. Let me help." Björn takes a deep breath and then rides off, and Ivar follows him.
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In the evening, Liv is sitting by the fire when Sven sits beside her. He holds out a cup to her, and she accepts it.
"Thank you," she says.
"What are we going to do after this? When we have killed this king and avenged the death of Ragnar Lothbrok?" he asks, and Liv shoves a piece of bread into her mouth.
"The thing we always do?" she asks him and he smiles at her.
"Fighting is all good, but I'm more the quiet fighter than the one on the battlefield."
Liv smiles and takes a sip of her mead. "You've done well for yourself, though."
Sven laughs too, but then Liv notices in the corner of her eye Ivar creeping towards his tent. She sits up and follows him with her gaze.
"Liv…" says Sven, but she gets up and follows Ragnar's son into his tent.
The latter is pulling himself up onto a chair and straightening his legs. When he catches sight of Liv, his eyes grow wide for a moment.
"I'm impressed," she then says and walks towards him. "You really have strong strategic thinking. You're smart. I like that," she says, brushing her blonde hair out of her face.
"Um… Thanks, I guess," Ivar replies, then fills two mugs with mead and holds one out to Liv. She accepts it and then sits down beside him.
"You are much smarter than your brothers…. At least when it comes to tactics. You should take advantage of that."
"I know… They always think straight. But at least Björn listens to me."
Liv takes another sip and looks Ivar in the eye again. Then she stands up and sits on his lap. She takes his face in her hands, and her grey eyes meet his piercing blue ones.
"They don't give you enough credit. You are worth much more than you might think, Ivar," she whispers to him. Then she leans down and kisses him. When she pulls away from him again, he looks at her in amazement.
"Why are you doing this?" he asks, and Liv smiles.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, this? You bring me affection, but I don't know why. You're an incredible woman. And I'm just a cripple."
"Don't say that. There's so much more to you. And I don't know what it is, but something about you draws me in."
Again Liv leans in and kisses him. A little more demanding this time. She strokes his muscular chest and shoulders. She runs her tongue over his lower lip, and he opens his mouth. Their tongues dance together, and Liv can't suppress a smile.
Then she runs her tongue along his stomach and down to his trousers. As if by reflex, Ivar grabs her wrists and stops her. Liv raises her eyebrows in surprise.
"We've been here before," she smirks, and Ivar slowly lets go of her wrists.
Then she stands up, unbuckles her belt, and lets it fall to the floor. Ivar follows her with his gaze as she walks towards the bed and pulls her tunic over her head. He sees her back, which is covered in tattoos and some scars to boot.
She is wearing a bandeau that covers her breasts and holds them in place. She sits down on his bed, covered with furs, and slides back a little. Then she beckons him to her with her index finger.
Ivar hesitates momentarily but then pushes himself off the chair and crawls to the bed. He pushes himself up with his arms and slides towards Liv. He examines her body, which is simply incredible.
She is muscular but also defined by all the training and fighting. He spots a long purple scar on her left side, briefly runs his fingers over it, and Liv flinches.
"What's that?" he whispers, and she looks down momentarily.
"An old memory," she only replies, probably not wanting to elaborate.
Then he looks into her eyes again and sinks into the grey eyes that look at him in the same way. He lies down beside her, and their faces are only inches apart.
"You are beautiful," he then breathes, and Liv smiles. Warmth rises in her, and she doesn't usually know such feelings.
She never thought a man could throw her off the track like Ivar. He strokes her stomach again and slides closer to kiss her again. The feeling is just incredible. Not like with Margrethe, but really good. Her lips are soft, and Ivar's desire grows with every kiss.
He caresses her soft skin and kisses her demandingly. He feels Liv unbutton his tunic and pulls it over his head. Briefly, she looks at him, and his upper body is just incredible. From all the years on his arms, muscles have naturally formed.
Then she strokes his belly with her cold fingertips as light as a feather, which makes him wince briefly, yet the son of Ragnar sees how Liv reacts to his body. He pulls her to him and kisses her. Then Liv turns them both and sits Ivar astride.
Her hands rest on his chest. Then she reaches behind her back, undoes the button holding the bandeau, and lets it fall. She is so perfect. It seems as if the gods had carved her themselves. Ivar doesn't let this go on for long, though. He turns her again and leans over her, stroking her cheek briefly.
"I want you, Liv. You have no idea how much I want you," he whispers, and she feels his breath on her face.
Liv closes her eyes in pleasure as Ivar explores her body with his hands, kissing her repeatedly. Ivar climbs over her half-naked body and starts kissing her all over, which earns him a satisfied moan from Liv. Then he unbuttons the button of her trousers and pulls them down so that the young woman is completely naked. He looks at her briefly and takes it all in before looking into her eyes.
Then she turns with Ivar again so that he is lying under her. Slowly Liv pulls down his trousers without breaking eye contact with Ivar. As she throws the trousers aside, she looks at his deformed legs, which makes Ivar visibly anxious. Then Liv looks him in the eye again and smiles.
"You're perfect just the way you are, Ivar," she whispers, and he pulls her to him again.
He kisses her gently at first, then more and more demanding. He turns them both around again, so he has the upper hand. Liv feels his hardness against her middle, and now she, too, becomes slightly nervous.
With slightly trembling lips, she looks at Ivar. It's not Liv's first time, but it's the first time it's even remotely meant anything, which makes her all the more nervous.
He winces briefly as she reaches down and takes his hardness in her hand. Ivar kisses her again, but the feeling of her hand down there is just overwhelming. When she has placed it that far, Liv looks at him approvingly, and he slides slowly but firmly into her.
A tentative moan comes from her; for Ivar, the feeling is simply outstanding. He can barely hold himself up, so he pulls back a little and then penetrates her again, but not so gently this time. Liv opens her mouth in surprise and then slaps him on the shoulder.
"Hey!" she says firmly and looks at him.
"Sorry," he mumbles, now softening again. Slowly, eyes always on Liv to stop immediately if he should hurt her again, Ivar starts moving again.
And in her eyes, he finds only approval. And lust. He can read that in her gaze, for her grey eyes are like a storm.
He braces himself right and left against her and penetrates a little deeper, and Liv closes her eyes with pleasure before moaning. She throws her head back, and Ivar moans her name softly. She is giving him so much now that she doesn't even notice.
Not only that, he is really having sex for the first time, and then with the woman he wants, but he can do it. Carefully he takes her ankle and puts her leg on his shoulder to penetrate even more profoundly, and Liv looks at him, surprised but not averse. Suddenly he notices her tightening around his member.
"Liv?" he asks sceptically, not sure what that means, but she still has her eyes closed.
"Just keep doing that," she breathes and he does as he's told. And then she moans loudly and tears her eyes open.
A wave of pleasure rolls over her, and she presses her fingernails into Ivar's back. Then she slumps a little and breathes heavily. He has done it. He has satisfied Liv.
Confidence grows in Ivar. Then he looks at the woman of his desire. She nods.
"Go on," she whispers, and Ivar doesn't have to be told twice.
Still careful not to hurt her, Ivar begins to move faster. Liv tries to help where she can, and he can feel her. A little later, his body also tenses, and he pours himself into her.
For a moment, only their heavy breathing can be heard. Then Ivar wipes the sweat from his forehead, pulls out of her but stays on top of her. He looks at her beautiful face from top to bottom. He notices that she is trembling and then sees that Liv has closed her eyes.
All the exertion and sex with him must have taken more out of her than she thought, so he reaches for the furs and spreads them over them both. When she opens her eyes again, she looks at him.
"That was… That was amazing," he says and Liv can't help but chuckle.
"Liv, I…" he begins, but before he can finish speaking, the tent entrance is opened, and Hvitserk and Ubbe come in.
"Ivar…", Hvitserk says, but then he notices that his brother seems busy. "I uh… Sorry," he says quickly and turns away, and Ubbe does the same.
Ivar pushes himself off Liv and lies down beside her. Liv quickly gets out of bed and puts on her tunic. It is long enough to cover everything essential. She picks up her boots and puts her trousers over her arm.
"It's all right. I'll leave you to discuss your things," she says quickly and Ubbe and Hvitserk turn back around. The young woman approaches Ivar once more, presses a passionate kiss to his lips and then leaves the tent. The two brothers look after her with open mouths.
"What do you want?" Ivar then asks, annoyed that they have driven Liv away.
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istorkyou · 11 months
A Thousand Battles (A Modern Ivar AU)
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A modern!Ivar x F OC (Julietta Lothbrok)
Warnings- Angst, violence, death, smut.
Synopsis - Julietta wakes up with no memory of her life or her husband, Ivar. Will it ever return? Does she want it to?
Word Count - 3113
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree
Chapter 14 - Final Chapter
He is in a meeting when his phone vibrates in his pocket. Well, it’s not really a meeting, more of an information gathering session in a warehouse involving sharp instruments and spilled blood. He’s been taking on more and more of these ‘meetings’ since she disappeared, a good way to expel some of his rage and sadness productively.
He walks away from the man he is dealing with, wipes his hands on a cloth and gets his phone out to an interesting message on his screen.
One of her passports was used to get into the country three hours ago.
A smile quirks onto his lips very briefly followed by a deep inhalation of breath.
“You, take over from here. Just kill him. I’ve got the information I need now.”
He hears a gunshot behind him as he heads out to his armoured SUV to take him back to the estate.
When he arrives back he doesn’t go to the main house but straight to their house. He knows Ragnar would have got the same message and he needs to check something out first before he sees his father. He hurries to their shared closet, still full of her clothes and he pulls out the black shoes with the red soles, her stash spot, pulling out an untraceable phone. He turns it on and waits. The phone beeps twice. Two messages. Both from anonymous numbers, both from her.
Coming home. Too dangerous now.
See me before they get to me? I will come alone. I miss you so much.
He texts back quickly.
Yes. Will message soon. I love you. Thank you for all the photos last week, baby.
As he stashes the phone back he lets his finger run over the notebook that took him less than three days to decipher. One of the reasons he searched so hard for her and established secret communication. He cried for days when he broke the code and read her words. An anthology of love, dating from the night they met, describing every feeling she ever had for him, her deep love, the light he had reignited inside her after years of living in the black. Much as he had before he met her. The reasons why she acted as she did after Sardinia, the threats made against his life, the coldness she showed him when underneath she felt nothing but adoration. She explained it all in a diary she never intended for anyone to read. Her soul lives in these pages, and so does his.
Always and forever, no matter how far apart.
He heads to the main house and into his fathers study.
”I am sure you’ve seen the message. She has returned.” Ragnar says without looking up from his papers.
Ivar nods. “I’ll take care of it. She will contact me soon, I’m sure of it.”
Ragnar looks up and stares into his son's eyes, carbon copies of his own. “Will you be able to finish the job this time? She cannot live, Ivar. She simply must die. If you feel like you can’t do it, or she will get the drop on you again I’ll send a whole team to hunt her down.”
“I’ll do it father. She is my responsibility. I will not fuck it up again. I’ll let you know when she contacts me and what the plan is from there.”
Ragnar nods in agreement and rounds his desk to embrace his son. “I am sorry for this, sorry it has to be done. You understand though?”
“I do. It’s been a long time coming,” Ivar says tersely, “I’ll speak to you soon.”
He leaves the estate in his own vehicle, he drives for an hour and no one is following him. He pulls into a multi-storey car park and switches cars and drives for an hour to another car park and does the same.
It’s dark by the time he reaches the hotel. A shitty, off the track hotel he’d never be seen dead in usually. He walks as quickly as he can to a door and knocks three times.
The door opens a fraction and he pushes it the rest of the way, slowly revealing his wife to him. She has her gun pointed at him.
“Alone, baby.” He steps in and shuts the door behind him before they walk quickly towards each other, arms pulling the other into a tight embrace, clinging to the other, tears falling.
“I missed you so much, Liet.”
“Fuck I missed you so much too.”
They pull at each other’s clothing, frantic to get the other naked as quickly as possible. When their goal is managed they fall onto the crappy, lumpy hotel bed together on their sides, her leg over his waist before he pushes her onto her back and he crawls over her, their mouths attached the whole time. She grabs his hard cock and lines him up a half a second before he pushes deep into her.
Their mirrored groans into each other’s mouths make them giggle.
“Fuck, love, you feel so good,” he says into her mouth before moving her inside of her, drawing deep, low moans from her. “I missed you every second of every day.”
“Me too, Ivar. Harder, please, harder!”
Their fingers dig into each other's skin, pulling into the other, trying to close the millimetres left between their bodies, a desperate need to feel every part of the other, a desperate need to fill the two year gap since they last were with each other physically.
It takes no time for their knowledge of each other’s bodies to kick in and they make each other orgasm. Shuddering against each other, the air blue with obscenities.
When they finally loosen their grip on the other they stay as close as possible, noses touching, laying on their sides, hands running up each other’s backs.
“Hi, baby,” he laughs out.
“Hi, love,” she giggles in reply.
They just stare at each other, who knows for how long. Long enough for him to run his hand through her longer hair. To run his fingers over some new scarring on her body. Long enough for her to touch his thigh where she inflicted a break. Long enough to revel in his eyes and compare them to his.
“Anyone since us, Ivar? Are you happy?”
“No one. No one ever again. Always and forever, baby. You?”
“Never for me, Ivar. You and only you. I need you to be happy again though. After all this.”
Ivar waves his hand as if dismissing her words. There is no point in lying to her, pretending he will ever let anyone in again so he just changes the subject.
“I did what you asked, love, I killed Lev.”
Her eyes fill with tears and she lets out a giggle of relief. “Thank you, Ivar. How?”
“I peeled his skin off slowly and I made him watch videos of us when we were happy, after the accident. He begged for your forgiveness and his life in the end, love.”
A nasty sneer flashes across her face. “Good, he deserves every second of pain you inflicted on him.”
A comfortable silence settles between them again before Ivar breaks it. “Where is he, Liet?”
“He’s safe I promise. I will need to get back to him in the early morning. That’s why I’m back, it’s too dangerous now. I’ve had too many close calls and I’m frightened for him. He needs stability, Ivar. I’m done running. I’m here to face what I need to, and to give you your son. You need to keep him safe from now on. I can’t offer him that any longer.”
Ivar knew this is why she had come back. Knew his men had almost caught her in Belize. Had heard rumours of her father almost tracking her down in Peru. Ivar almost gave himself away numerous times trying to throw them off her and their sons scent, Ragnar was suspicious at one point and that was when the Belize incident happened. He had warned her but a little too late. He begged her to bring his son back to him but she wasn’t ready.
She is ready now.
Ivar clears his throat, trying to dislodge the ball in it. “I am going to talk to my father. Things are different now, with the baby. I… I’ll talk sense into him. We can be toget…” the rest of his sentence is cut off by her lips crashing his. When she pulls away she gives him a little smile.
“Ivar. We’ve talked about this. Your father will not allow me to live, for his reputation and his own peace of mind. I knew coming back here it would be the end for me, I’m under no illusion I will not die tomorrow. I thought you had come to terms with it, baby?” She runs her hand over his furrowed brow and her thumb wipes a tear away. “Even if Ragnar allowed it, which he absolutely will not, I wouldn’t allow it. If my father knew I was back, knew about our son, he would never stop coming for me, for him. He wouldn't stop until we were all cold in the ground, everyone, your mother, father and brothers. There would be no peace until he had our son in his care. I can not allow that. I’m here so our baby can have a life without being hunted for the mistakes I made.” She is aware her voice isn’t as soft as she would like it to be, but she also knows that Ivar responds to this cold, detached hard truth. “I have loved you enough for a whole lifetime, this is how it has to be, love. You know this.”
He doesn’t reply, he nods stiffly and a silence settles between them.
“Liet. He will always know about you, I’ll never let him forget how much you love him, how much we love each other. No one will poison his mind against you.”
His heart breaks entirely to pieces as she crumbles down in front of him. She knows this is her last night on this Earth. Her actual last night this time. She is giving herself up for the sake of their baby. Their 14 month old baby who has his fathers eyes nestled in the features of his mother.
The greatest sacrifice a mother can make.
“Ivar, try to raise him out of this life. I know that won’t be easy, but send him to college, make him useful away from the violence. Make sure my father doesn’t get to him. Make sure Ragnar doesn’t ruin him. I’m trusting you with our baby, Ivar. You need to do for him what my past had robbed from me, a chance at a happy future. Be soft with him, like you are with me. Be loving and supportive no matter who he turns out to be or the choices he makes. Show him my Ivar, not the Ivar everyone else sees. Promise me?”
“I promise. I will be the best father,” Ivar says resolutely.
She gives him a genuine smile. “I have absolutely no doubt that you will.”
“Tell me more about him, baby.”
They spend the next few hours talking about him, his likes, his dislikes, how he sleeps curled up next to her every night with his favourite Elephant cuddly. She explains how rough the next few months will be for Ivar, he is his daddy but FaceTime can’t replicate a real connection. She explains how to best comfort him, what songs to sing him and how to make him laugh, what she wants for him in the future. She tells Ivar she has written letters for when he is older so he can understand what happened, but that it will be up to Ivar to judge when and if he feels their son can handle the information. Ivar says nothing, he just soaks up every word.
“I think that’s it.” She glances at her watch.”I will send you a text at 11am to tell me to meet me at 4pm. Your father will intercept it, we both know he will send someone. Just…. Just cover his eyes before, promise me you won’t both watch me die.”
“I promise. I promise you. We have 8 hours until I need to be home to get the message.”
“8 hours.”
“Those hours are for us and us only.” He reaches for his phone, and taps until the room is filled with music.
Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac.
He stands up and holds his hand out to her. “Come dance with me one last time, baby.”
Her eyes mist over again as she goes to him, clinging to him tightly. She closes her eyes, compartmentalises the coming day and enjoys every second they have remaining.
9am rolls around and it’s time for him to go.
They cling to each other before she loosens her grip and grabs his face, pulling it closer to hers.
“In the next life, Ivar. I will find you in the next and every life we have after. Look after our baby.”
He holds her face, forehead touching hers. “This life and the next. I love you. I will keep him safe. I promise on everything I am, my beautiful Liet. The bravest person I’ve ever met, my fighter, my Valkyrie.”
They share a kiss, a kiss so full of love, pain, admiration and promise that they both smile and cry as they pull away and he leaves.
His phone beeps dead on 11am.
Meet me at warehouse 2c at 4pm. Just you. I have something for you.
He enters the main house to his father waiting in his study.
“You saw the message?” he asks his Father.
“I did. I wonder what she has for you?”
“A bullet in my brain I would imagine?”
Ragnar regards him, hard eyes travelling over his face. “Take your gun. You shoot her on sight. There is nothing she has that we need, nothing she can give you worth anything. Kill her and we can all move on.”
Ivar nods quickly. “That is my plan.” He turns to walk out of his fathers office.
Ragnar waits until the heavy slam of the front door hits his ears before picking up his phone. “4pm. The docks. Set up a sniper. Kill her if he hesitates.”
Ivar pulls up to the warehouse and sits for a second. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply, trying to stop the flow of tears that have been cascading down his face the whole 45 minute ride over. His heart is ripping to shreds inside his chest, despite having years to come to terms with it, a tiny sliver of bright hope lit his black soul thinking they could be a family one day. His rational brain knew it would never happen, she told him weekly it would never be the case, but the fact that the end is now is too much for him to bear.
But bear it he must. Not for her, or himself, but for their beautiful son.
He walks into the warehouse and his trained eyes see the minuscule glint from the sniper rifle up high in the corner. He will be sure to tell his father about the snipers fuck up.
His eyes find her, standing in the centre of the massive room, her back to him. His heart stops. She hasn’t brought the baby, he can’t see his son. When he is close enough he gets his gun out and points it at her.
She turns slowly, their baby asleep in her arms, she doesn’t look at Ivar, she doesn’t take her eyes off their baby, soaking in every last second she has with him. He lowers his weapon as soon as he sees his son.
“The sniper is shit, love. I spotted him the second I walked in,” she chuckles lightly, “tell Ragnar I said he needs better men.
The sniper can’t hear what they are saying, and neither can Ragnar watching from his office from a camera feed attached to the rifle.
“Sir, she has a baby in her arms.”
“I can see that.”
“Shall I take the shot?”
“No. Do not dare. I’m pretty sure I am looking at my grandchild.” Ragnars eyes are full of tears. It’s been years since anything elicited such emotion from him. He understands now why Ivar has tried to keep her safe these past two years, not just out of love for her, but a fathers love for his child.
Ragnar wipes his eyes and rolls his shoulder. “Be ready. This is an exchange. When it’s done I will give the word.”
Julietta gives Ivar a look of pure love. “Ready, baby? When I hand him to you I need you to turn away and walk out. Don’t watch me die, love. Okay?”
Ivar’s nods twice. They step towards each other, he drops his gun on the floor so he can embrace her one last time. With their foreheads touching, and tears on their faces she hands the baby to Ivar, bends down, sniffs the baby's head and kisses him before turning her attention back to his father, placing a slow kiss on his lips.
“In the next life, love,” she says
“Always and forever,” he replies.
She takes two steps back and Ivar swivels on his heels, clinging to his son, lurching away on his crutch.
“Sir, shall I take the shot now?”
Ragnar is silent. His heart is breaking for his son but he knows what must be done. Even if he saw fit to let her live Ragnar knows her own father would never stop coming for her and if he were ever to catch up with her he would torture her to death. Ragnar rolls his shoulders and clenches his teeth.
Ivar hears the pop and the whizz of the bullet from the sniper fly past him. He hears the grunt from her chest on impact and he hears as she falls to the floor with a thud.
The tears in his eyes blind him, he squeezes his eyes shut to clear them. He wants to scream up into the universe, make the whole world hear his pain. But he looks into the face of his sleeping son in his arms and knows he won’t, he won’t scare him. So he holds it in, to be let out at a later time when his son is not with him.
He will be the best father to their son
For her.
His beautiful Liet.
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