#Iwyn Lavellan
thevikingwoman · 3 months
37 and 39 for Iwyn and Solas please?
Thank you bear!!
37. Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
HEH. I mean, it's so tempting to say Solas - we've all seen the Trespasser explosion, right? - but I think he'd also be more accepting of losing Iwyn than vice versa. He has already resigned himself to losing her once? He'd just be oh my purpose, my duty and be sad and go on.
but Iwyn - Iwyn doesn't give up, and her control freak tendencies grow when pressed. She'd be furious, she'd be determined, she'd call in favors. I don't know if she'd avenge as much as try to change the world itself to get him back. (This is all under the assumptions she's not the one who had to kill him. Then she'd just - well do it)
39. Do they dance? If so, who's better?
They do, and they are both able to. Iwyn enjoys it more, Solas is better.
OC relationship asks!
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sunshinemage · 4 months
Ahh OC week! I’m probably not going to be able to write anything but ! My OCs are generally smooch able! Iwyn would kiss Nin on the cheek (lavellan extended family 💖💖). Illa and Vy are up for romantic or platonic kisses, Bhrianna for platonic (she’s so tall perfect for giving forehead kisses)
Meryta will cross worlds to kiss 🥹
No pressure of course!! If you don’t want to include them 💕😃🩷💜
Happy OC kiss week!!
meryta crossed worlds indeed 💜💚
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rinna's not complaining!!
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buttsonthebeach · 5 years
A Softer World
I think I may be a little bit early on this, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY @thevikingwoman!! I wanted to treat us BOTH for our birth month with some sweet OT3 fluff and smut. Sorry it’s so short <3
The masterpost for this shared AU can be found here.
Iwyn is @thevikingwoman‘s OC! And, as always, Iwyn and Ellana are not related despite sharing the last name Lavellan.
Pairing: Solas x Iwyn x Ellana
Rating: Explicit for brief sexual imagery
What Ellana has found that she loves the most about her lovers is their softness.
She does not think that this is what the outside world sees about either Solas or Iwyn right away - they are forceful people, argumentative, passionate, opinionated. Perhaps that is why Ellana treasures their softness all the more. It is something hidden away from the rest of the world.
She loves the softness of them first thing in the morning, especially. Bleary eyed and cozy in their bed, none of them particularly willing to get up. Resetting their alarms and burrowing back into the covers, and sometimes that second time rearranging their limbs and finding comfortable pillows was even better than the way they fell asleep.
She loved the softness of them coming home to the house that was theirs now. Iwyn taking off her shoes and then immediately her bra, putting her hair up if it wasn't already. Solas immediately removing his stiff, formal working clothes and emerging from their bedroom in his sweatpants and his beat up old t-shirt (his favorite was one from his own college days, of a long gone band called Dread Wolf Rising). His colleague, Dorian Pavus, had come over once, seen him like that, and declared him an apostate hobo.
"Well, he's my apostate hobo," Ellana had said, kissing Solas's cheek noisily.
"Ours," Iwyn had corrected from the couch.
Dorian had laughed, a kind sound. It was an open thing now, the three of them, in all their social circles. Welcome and cherished. The subject of sweet and teasing jokes like when's the wedding?
Ellana's heart flutters when they make jokes like that. Because she can imagine marrying this, their shared softness - can imagine celebrating and enshrining the weight of Iwyn's hand in hers when they go for a long walk in the evening. The way Solas sometimes dances with Iwyn in the kitchen if he’s playing music while he cooks. The way he cups her own face and looks down at her like she is precious.
She is precious to them. To both of them. She can imagine marrying that feeling, the one they all share.
(She loves the softness of the three of them in bed, of course. The softness of spread thighs and fingers seeking heat. She and Iwyn love this particularly in Solas - him lying on his stomach, clutching to the pillows and sheets, or to the woman beneath him, while the other spreads him open and fingers him there until he is a shaking mess, utterly spent, utterly soft in every way he can be, deliriously affectionate in his afterglow.)
Once Ellana knows she wants something, she does not hesitate. Usually that's a good thing. This time, it does make her wish she'd been a tiny bit more patient.
"We should get married," she says one morning at breakfast, apropos of nothing. It has been about a year since that first wondrous night, months since the three of them moved in together. She is certain.
Iwyn and Solas both look up at once, not quite shocked - or not shocked in a bad way, at least - but not gasping with excitement either. Ellana feels her cheeks heat up. She should have been more romantic - planned something out.
"I mean - will you? Marry me? Both of you?" Ellana asks, her voice going higher than usual.
Iwyn and Solas look at each other now, smiling.
“Yes,” they both say, one after the other, almost tripping over the words, already standing up from the table and coming towards Ellana, and then she is swept up in their warmth and their love.
Iwyn and Solas each have their turn to ask after that. Iwyn asks them both while they are out on a hike overlooking the city the three of them have come to call home. Solas asks them both in bed the morning after that. Both times the answer is a chorus of yes (and after Solas asks there are even more repetitions of the word, because they are already in bed, and what better way to celebrate than pressed close to each other, bodies wet and aching with need).
There aren’t rings ready for any of the three proposals, but they go out and buy them together after Solas’s. They all choose something simple, durable, with small filigreed designs on the bands that they each approve of. The weight feels unfamiliar and yet pleasant on Ellana’s right hand, where she’ll wear it until they wed.
But the most important part is that nothing changes, not really, after they’ve all agreed to marry each other, while they start considering dresses and suits and venues and honeymoon locales. The softness Ellana so loves is still there. They have all found a place to call home, and it isn’t the walls of the house they’ve rented together. It’s each other. A safe harbor from all of life’s storms, where they can all let their guards down and exist as the purest, most vulnerable forms of themselves.
Ellana plans on holding on to that forever.
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sasshole-for-rent · 5 years
Hey oh heyyyy, it's @thevikingwoman's Iwyn Lavellan!!
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noodlingdoodle · 6 years
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For @bearlytolerablethethird, Iwyn Lavellan as per request.
I’m not particularly happy with the likeness, and I see a few mistakes yet to fix, but I have no idea how to go about it for the moment, so I might revisit it sometime later.
I hope you like it. Thank you so much for the request, you are truly a sweetheart. :)
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empresstress13 · 6 years
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Sketch of @thevikingwoman ‘s wonderful Iwyn!
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ladylike-foxes · 6 years
For the outfit meme - pirate and/or a sharp suit for Halesta (or Iwyn if you’re so inclined esp in a suit) 😘
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I love her, and I think she looks sharp af
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galadrieljones · 6 years
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Some Lavellans.
From left to right: Halesta Lavellan (belongs to @ladylike-foxes) | Faeven Lavellan (belongs to @sasshole-for-rent | Sene Lavellan | Iwyn Lavellan (belongs to @thevikingwoman)
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thevikingwoman · 3 months
hi viking!! 21, 38, and 49 for solas & iwyn, please?
Thank Ellster!! great to hear from you Mwah!
21. Who typically tends to initiate intimacy first (this can be a conversation, action or anything)?
Iwyn. She's more bold and direct about her desires and need for intimacy.
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
Just hanging out in the same space, both of them reading. Solas something research-y, Iwyn something fiction (mystery novels!). And then sex. Maybe even complicated sex ;).
49. Is there a word or gesture that makes either of them melt?
their pet names for each other; Solas calling Iwyn vhenan, Iwyn calling him ma lath. By now these carry so much weight and history, and no matter what they have each other.
oc relationship asks
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buttsonthebeach · 5 years
HEY I am finally here to contribute to the OT3 modern AU that @thevikingwoman and I have going and I spent half my evening looking at houses but now Ellana and Iwyn and Solas have the perfect one!!!
Iwyn belongs to @thevikingwoman! You can see the masterpost for the OT3 here.
Pairing: Ellana x Iwyn x Solas (Ellan and Iwyn are both Lavellans but are not in any way related)
Rating: Teen for sexual references
The decision came after their vacation to Antiva. Ellana left her passport at Iwyn's place, but they ended up spending the night before they left at Solas's apartment on the other side of town, and thankfully they realized what had happened in time to race back, grab the passport, and then head to the airport, but it had been a close call. And then of course there was Antiva in all its intimate glory - all of them under one roof, in one bedroom, no one scrambling to run back to their own home for something they'd forgotten, or cursing that they'd left something at someone else's house, or saying they couldn't stay one more night because they needed contact fluid or medicine or more clothes. No long text chains hashing out where they would stay next.
"We should just move in together," Iwyn said towards the end of the trip.
Ellana cocked her head, thought about it a moment, and then nodded, ever the pragmatist.
"I wouldn't be opposed. The lease on my apartment is up in two months. We'd all save money and see more of each other. What about you, vhenan? What do you think?"
An easy word between all three of them now, six months into their relationship, six months after the fateful day when they'd ended up at the same bar, in the same bed. This time Ellana was directing it at Solas.
Solas was careful, thoughtful, considerate. He had one arm around each of them, his toes dug deep into the Antivan sand as they lounged against the pillows on the beach, the night sky vast and dark and full of stars above them.
"I think it could work. If we are all ready for such a commitment. I would hate for you two to be sick of me after a week."
Iwyn and Ellana laughed, sat up, pressed kisses to his cheeks and neck and eyes. Never, vhenan they assured him.
Of course, there were some nerves at the prospect, but they were all practical: budget, location, size. They came back from Antiva and sat on Ellana's couch with their phones and tablets and laptops and hashed it out. Three bedrooms, good outdoor space, lots of outdoor space, historic details if possible. Ellana teased them both.
"So picky. If we have a roof over our heads and a place to cook and a place to have sex, what else do we need?"
But when the time came to look at places she was as enthusiastic as they were.
"The first one was good but I don't know how I feel about the black and white flooring in the kitchen. It felt very Blessed Age. And the bathtub was too small. And we couldn't have a decent garden in a yard that small and with so little sun."
"We're going to have a hard time finding a bathtub that will fit all three of us," Iwyn said, already looking through the list of homes she had saved. "I already checked. Most homes like that are new construction, so they aren't for rent."
"That will just have to be the goal for our next house, then. To actually buy one, and demand a tub big enough for three."
A next house.
Six months ago they had been three separate people, leading separate lives, in separate places. Now they were forging one life, visiting house after house, searching for a feeling none of them had felt quite yet as adults, but all knew they would recognize it when it happened. Home.
And before that had even come to pass, they were already talking about the next place. A permanent home.
Iwyn felt so lucky at the thought that all she could do was kiss Ellana on the mouth, and then Solas. They were both dazed, taken aback, pleased.
"Let's head to the next one," she said. "I have a good feeling."
It wasn't the next one, but the one after that, that turned out to be perfect. It was modern and quaint at once - clean square lines and floor to ceiling windows, and bright wood floors and white countertops, attached to another townhouse on one side. The master bedroom had room for a king size bed and two dressers in addition to the closet, and the yard was large enough for entertaining and gardening alike.
(The tub was not big enough for three, but they would work on that. And there was nothing to say that two people couldn't bathe while another one watched.)
"I am very lucky, you know," Solas said the first night they spent there, spooned between Iwyn and Ellana. "To be here with both of you."
Iwyn rolled over in his arms so she could face him and kiss him on the lips. Ellana kissed his shoulder.
"Welcome home," Iwyn said, and they both echoed her, the words passing from one mouth to the next, weaving themselves around all three of them, a sign of things to come.
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sasshole-for-rent · 5 years
Oki @thevikingwoman your turn! I went for a more woodsy vibe for Iwyn Lavellan! 😘
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gala-art · 7 years
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Iwyn Lavellan, in a moment of bubbly happiness. ^.^
A very late birthday present for my dear friend @thevikingwoman. <3
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redinkofshame · 7 years
More Polyvore Shenanigans
So I was thinking about how I never do nice things like buy commissions for other people, and at the same time Ket asked me to do more Polyvore outfits but didn’t give me any (decent) suggestions on who to do (crossbow Bianca? Really?), and then this happened. (link)
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@tel-abelas-mofo‘s Pangara Lavellan, featuring a sweater she knit herself and a leather necklace that looks suspiciously like a collar. She probably uses the bag to hold her yarn. (link)
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@littleblue-eyedbird‘s Anise Lavellan, with her kitten heels and an arrow necklace. Sorry, I couldn’t think of a way to incorporate yoga into the outfit. (link)
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Edit: After @thevikingwoman told me Iwyn has an olive skin-tone, I updated the colors a bit. Featuring leggings that look iced and gold accessories for the medal she hopes to earn. I couldn’t decide on a skate-practice outfit or something a bit more daring. (link)
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izzym-art · 7 years
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Syllana @alieverafter - Iwyn @thevikingwoman
Evanura @dreadhobo - Galain @fadedforyou
Scarlet @lafaiette - Ashara @buttsonthebeach
Aravae @solverne - Ava @hellathen-fenharel
3Jane @liderfin - Valyssa @memaidraws
Look at all the gorgeous, magnificent and strong women I’ve drawn. Thank you for making it possible for me to draw them ♥
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ladylike-foxes · 6 years
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OC Kiss Week, Batch #1! Halesta gives smooches to Aura, Sene, Pangara, and Iwyn ( @wrenbee | @galadrieljones | @tel-abelas-mofo | @thevikingwoman ) Ghani kisses on our favorite Warden, Eirwen Surana ( @shift-shaping )
I forgot it was OCKW until Wednesday night, so I have a few more I need to draw, but hopefully I’ll be able to post them before the week is out! ❤️❤️❤️
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galadrieljones · 7 years
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Iwyn Lavellan
I wanted to try armor, and a quiet, sad expression. I ran out of steam at some point, I’ll admit, but I picture this as that very dark, internal moment during Trespasser when she realizes that Solas is the Dread Wolf.
For my dear friend @thevikingwoman​. <4
Full size version here.
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