kenuo-krisp · 1 year
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I <3 drawing goofy characters going batshit crazy 😊😊
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beauleifu · 2 years
I have an idea for a prompt: Yin & Jin introducing Y/N to Scorpion Queen after work.
okay so imagine Y/N only knew about SQ by way of Jin and Yin mentioning her a few times. So their grasp on the deadly desert demon is thin and based on cryptic discussions Jin and Yin have.
The only way those two buggers would ever introduce Y/N to SQ is with their permission. If they knew that Y/N was eager to meet the scorpion demon (they're constantly making sure they have your consent for pretty much everything, anyways).
So imagine the surprise on their faces when you came up to them, requesting to visit their friend.
"Blimey, I must got somethin' in my ear," Jin says, aghast.
Yin's eyes never leave your face; he leans forward earnestly. "(Y/N), you 'ave no idea how long we've wanted to hear ya say that."
You cock a brow. "Uh. Why's that?"
"SQ's gotta be the number one demon all humans avoid at all costs!" Jin says, walking around to the closet and flinging it open. Hands on hips, he continues pompously; "The big scary scorpion of the desert. No one visits her an' no one seems to like her much, either."
Looking between your partners, you fiddle the hem of your sleeve.
"I think she sounds pretty cool. From what you guys say about her, of course," you add hastily. The rumors have not gone unnoticed by you.
Yin shrugs. "What we say an' who she really is are gonna be two different things, mate. Almost done, Jin?"
"Maybe if you'd help me. . . ." Is Jin's irritated reply.
You glance over your shoulder, realization dawning at exactly what the Golden Demon is doing. Three duffle bags lay unzipped on the table behind you, halfway full of clothes and toiletries and waterbottles. For the desert, of course.
Wait what are you THINKING?
"What are you doing-"
"Packing your bag, whaddya think?" Jin snorts, dropping the last pile of clothes into the bag and zipping it shut.
You jump off the stool. "Now? We're leaving now??"
"It's the perfect time!"
No, no it's not. You whip around to face Yin, searching for the voice of reason that will be your aid in defeating your chaotic partner. But the Silver Demon merely grins stupidly at you, eyes glittering with excitement. Yeah, you forgot the only voice of reason is yourself.
"Guys, c'mon. We need time to plan this stuff! How are we gonna get to the desert anyways it's literally like, miles away," you say, gesturing all about.
Yin looks incredibly smug. "Jin?" He drawls.
Said brother straightens, three duffle bags slopped over one shoulder.
"Our glider?"
"Hell yeah our glider."
You blink stupidly. Of course the two idiots spent their free time tinkering away on a project unbeknownst to you - perhaps for this very occasion. A glider? To sail the desert sands? No way in hell do you want to risk your life for that.
Huffing, you shake your head firmly. "Nuh-uh. There is no way I am stepping foot out of this vicinity."
"Is tha' a challenge?" Yin pipes up.
Jin cracks his knuckles.
Your partners can be very persuasive when they want to be.
Hence why you're on the glider.
Holding in a scream.
Sure, you have the Golden and Silver Demons holding you safely within their strong, burly arms, but it doesn't stop your heart from hammering as you use the mechanical glider to sail across the desert. You don't ask how the feat is accomplished. All you're aware of for approximately half an hour is the smell of your demon companions, their reassuring/teasing/mocking voices in your ears (sometimes they can't decide whether to comfort or make fun of you. Most of the time it's a chaotic mixture of both), and the wind in your face.
The three of you make it to SQ's lair in no time at all, for a hopefully welcome visit. You're shaking, partly from the adrenaline from riding the skies with your life on the line, and partly from the nerves.
Yin and Jin are friends with the Scorpion Queen.
Unfortunately, most demons have a taste for human flesh, and you have yet to befriend your unsuspecting host.
Yin and Jin seem to deter the truth from your expression before they walk inside. The entrance is musty and laced with spiderwebs and torn tapestries. Sand cakes the walls and fills every crevice, paired with the dust covering every structure.
"Awe, someone's a wee nervous," says Jin, grinning.
"Jin! (Y/N) should be scared, this is the Scorpion Queen we talkin' about," Yin grunts, patting your back rather roughly. "Don't worry, mate. She'll love ya."
You bite your lip. "Uh-huh."
Jin offers you a slightly less mocking smile before parading through the entrance, ducking under the torn and dirty sheets waving in the wind.
"Yo! Anyone home!"
The three of you enter as casually as possible, but it's hard when you're gripping Yin like a lifeline. He bears it dutifully, though, but the likelihood of getting a bruise from your grip is a grantee.
And then you find her.
The Scorpion Queen had been doing whatever when Jin suddenly burst into the room, striking a pose, and announcing your arrival in a loud voice. Funny, in a few seconds you know the reason why your partners and this infamous demon click so well. It's because the Scorpion Queen can match their chaotic energy and double it. Triple it, even.
As you peek past the filthy tapestries, you catch her break into a wide, shark-toothed smile, in all her demon glory. She jumps forward and almost crushes Jin under her demon form, but your idiot dodges easily.
You know in an instant that she'd be down to take over the world, if only someone would ask.
Your introduction is sloppy and awkward (on your part, at least. You can't stop gripping Yin tightly and averting eye contact). But the Scorpion Queen is ecstatic to have company, and pushes aside her surprise regarding the unexpected visit to favor your company. It seems that she has no interest whatsoever in eating you. Literally, what a champ.
She's friendly, funny, loud, and obnoxious. A perfect match for your partners, who are so excited to introduce you to their friend. You're like a prize they're presenting to their parents, their demeanor all puffed-up chests and sparkling eyes.
You don't know how long you stay there. Thankfully, you don't have work. The day passes quite slowly, but the four of you have a ton of fun goofing around.
"Ugh. Monopoly is so harddddd," the Scorpion Queen groans, hands dragging down her face.
Yin siezes claim to half her money, her having landed on his hotel.
"Sorry, there can only be one winner."
"You just wait until I pass Go and get enough money for my hotel," the demon seethes, hoarding what little money she has like a hound would its bone. "Oh ho ho, then you'll feel real pain."
Monopoly was what you suggested. Now it was their turn, and the three of them wanted to play something demons do, and it involved lots of weapons and clothes catching on fire or getting torn in various places. At one point you had scrambled to the peak of one of the crusting pillars and refused to come down unless everyone stopped trying to kill you.
"It's just a game!" They all complained.
All of them.
You got down, eventually. Demon tag is something you can cross off your bucket list, now.
By the time everything is done and over, Jin had been caught dozing off in your arms and the Scorpion Queen is begging you to visit sometime again soon.
You agree wholeheartedly, nerves gone.
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