lionkin · 7 months
‘If youre really an animal why are you a human’ ridiculous question. I am a bearer of The Curse. Obviously
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damianyadesmond · 11 months
If Anya and Damian both like and read manga, Anya would like shounen and Damian would like shoujo
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shrikebrother · 7 months
🎓 student--raskolnikov
i swear to god if my landlord gives me any more shit im going to kill someone
#shut up rodia #vent
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🎓 student--raskolnikov
oh my god
🎓 student--raskolnikov
what the fuck. what the fuck what the fuck
#my sister is getting engaged to some fucking douchebag #why???? she doesnt even like him they dont have ANYTHING in common #i dont understand #it doesnt make any sense this isnt like her at all #apparently she & my mom have some fucking. plan to ''help'' me by convincing him to let me work at his law firm #this isnt fair. she shouldnt be tying herself to some asshole she barely knows just for my sake #im not going to let this happen i cant have this happen #what kind of brother would i be to let this happen to her #god fuck you dunia why do you have to love me so much #fuck #i feel so guilty i dont know what to do #shut up rodia #vent
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🎓 student--raskolnikov
ok u know what im gonna go on a walk i need to. calm down.
#shut up rodia
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🎓 student--raskolnikov
??? theres a. drunk girl on the street. god she looks like 15 years old & some dude is perving on her. im gonna get him to fuck off
🎓 student--raskolnikov
a police officer got the guy to leave her alone & i even gave him money to get her a cab. why the fuck did i do that. i dont even care anymore. nothing matters. i hope everyone dies
#im such a shitty person just giving out money #my mom is taking that out her goddamn pention #shut up rodia #vent
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🎓 student--rasknolnikov
ok uh. just as a hypothetical. if there was like. someone who took advantage of ppl & everyone hated would it be morally good to kill them
#i mean like . if society would be better off without them it shouldnt be a problem right #shut up rodia #rb for larger sample size please
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🧹 lizavetaaaa
whhat the hell oh mmy god oh ny g;od
🧹 lizavetaaaa
my half sisster got fucickcing mur
💔 sadgirlsonia
liza ? what were u going to say ??? are u ok bestie???
#u havent replied to my dms pls im worried
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ofmd-ann · 10 months
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You're the King, baby, I'm your Queen
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rocky-roadd · 5 months
Say what you want about Kuvira but she’s the perfect example of “the path to hell is paved with good intentions”.
She started off genuinely trying to help people, but she was misguided along the way. She was too extreme, and let the power get to her a little (okay, a lot).
I think her redemption arc was deserved, and I also think that not enough people slam Bataar Jr. for his actions. I for one think that he deserved to be locked up as much as Kuvira did, and only squirmed his way out of jail because he was Suyin’s daughter.
‘But Kuvira ran re-education camps!’ she already said she genuinely didn’t know that people were being brainwashed, and that she should’ve done a better job monitoring said camps.
I just don’t understand how some people can like certain villains like Amon for example, and turn up your nose on Kuvira and even Azula.
Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk :)
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When Sarah Baldwin talks to Jon in episode 96 of TMA she says this:
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Guys are we kind of doing this with Hilltop Road?
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helenvader · 3 months
I am editing stills of jewellery of the different cultures as seen in S1, and I have noticed something fun!
Sadoc wears... A RING ON A CHAIN. Now that's an in-joke if I ever saw one.
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skittishmutt · 3 months
A friend said he's Simon henriksson but I'm also Simon henriksson so who else is Simon henriksson ? where are the other Simon henrikssons? Are we all Simon henriksson?
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unholycourier · 3 months
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fun fact for those who don’t know: [ hits the puerto rican beam on gomez ]
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anobjectshowguy · 10 months
I’m working on a Diary/Moonstone animatic (that has been sitting in my “work on” pile for months 0-0) and I’m updating the frames and, so far, this is my favorite rough fram. I just- ahhhh
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Meme thing
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This is how Tori (and I) looks at you when you put pineapple on your pizza
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panicpr1nce · 7 months
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lanadelreyluvr76 · 6 months
please do not be mean to me i will breakdown and think abt it for the next three years🙏💔
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ofmd-ann · 10 months
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I'm the King, baby, You're my Queen
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
Random stranger: I hate flies Gabriel *spawning from thin air*: take that back!!!
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noname-nonartist · 1 year
My friend, K: What do you even like to draw in jjk other than your favorite characters?
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