#JUST so i can play as all the sora alts that didn't get love
madeimpact · 8 months
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If Final Smashes still worked the way they did in Brawl/3DS/WiiU you know Sora's would've been a drive / formchange
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karis17love · 5 days
opinions on the previews?
Okay, let's go!
My previews ranking • part 3
1. Whenever, Wherever
So I give it the first place because I didn't expect to like the preview at all. I knew this song would be added to the game and for some reason I had a feeling the map wouldn't be good, but surprisingly the choreo actually looks amazing, as does the coach. I like it, it's cool and also a big plus that we got another Shakira song!
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2. Exes
EXES IS SOOO GOOD, omg I love this choreography, it's so sassy! ​​Sora created a masterpiece! Also, Jennifer's new look is great, I really like it!
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3. Stop This Fire
Guys, I know this choreo is very easy, but I honestly really like it? I mean, I love the coach, the background, and especially the song (it's amazing) and the choreography (especially after watching this preview a few times) go together so WELL, it will definitely be one of the best cool-down maps.
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4. You Love Who You Love
Okay, this song is a banger! I'm very curious about the lore (the drawings, Eva's shadow?!?). In my opinion, the beginning of the preview is the best - I love both the song and the choreography here. I like the choreo overall, but I'm not sure about some moves (like the moves at the end) idk if I like them or not.
I adore the coach's outfit! Honestly, after the teaser I expected a different color of it, like blue or purple.
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Enemies to lovers👀
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5. Sleigh Ride
It's adorable, imo this Christmas map is better than last year's, I know not everyone agrees, but I love stop-motion maps, they are usually very cute and perfect for playing the game with family and kids.
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6. Move Your Body
Alright, well...
I don't really know what you think about it, lol I guess I could call it a bit of a troll map, but only a bit. Honestly, this preview surprised me less than The Lion itself, so...
I think it's a cool, silly map to play with friends, the choreo looks fun and... I don't know what to think about the song.
But I feel I will love this map, I had that with Chacarron - I didn't expect after the preview that I would even like the map - but here I am...
I love Chacarron.
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7. Basket Case (Bathtub Version)
and the last map, I expected that Basket Case would get a different alt version like extreme or don't have any. But if you think about it, it makes sense, considering that the classic version, regardless of which coach you choose, is difficult and can be tiring. This is why the sitting version is perfect for people with disabilities or who simply do not have that much energy. I think it's a cool alt, every time I see such maps I admire the creativity + the duck is cute. The choreography is okay, it's just nothing wow...
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I have one more thing to write - I never can guess what song will have an alt! I didn't expect that Basket Case would have an alt or Lovin On Me is actually Moo Version and not just classic version, I never get alts right, lmao
Overall - this week previews - 10/10
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videogame1up · 3 years
Ranking Smash DLC based on my own excitement (The definitive list)
I don't especially like fighting games, and I don't like playing as Ken or Ryu also doesn't help I had never heard of Terry or his game. I couldn't care less about Terry being in smash
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I like Fire Emblem, I hadn't played three houses when Byleth was announced but when I did I enjoyed the game. The problem with Byleth is that 8 Fire Emblem reps is just a bit too much, I think everyone would have been happier with literally anyone else making it in over Byleth
10-Min Min
All I'm saying is that there's a mummy looking dude in Arms that we could have gotten. Min Min looked unique, that's where my excitement capped at for her
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9-Piranha plant
"Lol, okay"-Me when Piranha plant was announced
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"But you said you don't care about fighting games and that's why Terry was at the bottom of the list" That is true, but I've also heard of Tekken, also he looked fun to play as to me, and he is.
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I play as Pyra and Mythra for the story. Also her moveset looked unique and fun and i liked the stage she came with.
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Also the first DLC that people got excited over (No disrespect to Piranha plant outside it's fairly low ranking) Persona crosses over to Smash? I didn't see that coming, did you? Joker was a great starting place for DLC, not the most hype character we will end up getting but a pretty exciting starting point none the less.
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With how long running and significant of a series Dragon Quest is, it's really no surprise to see Hero make his way in. Fun fact, in Japan the newest Dragon Quest games are sold on weekends, because so many kids would skip school on the launch of a new Dragon Quest game. I'm kinda of a sucker for sword fighters, i like seeing new sword fighters added in smash (Don't tell the smash community i said that though) Hero looked like a fun sword user, with plenty of alt costumes to please fans, and a really unique down B, whether or not i like Heroes Command menu he can pop up, is for another list.
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4- Steve
I think, like many people i got a lot of fond memories with Minecraft over the years. In High school i remember a friend getting so mad at another one of our friends because he went in and destroyed the wall he had spent the better part of an afternoon building, in college me and two of my roommates set up our own server, open our bedroom doors and yell at one another as we were playing, to this day i still play online with a couple of friends from time to time, Smash Ultimate is a celebration of gaming as a whole, Minecraft is the also the best selling video game of all time, seeing his inclusion felt like a fever dream and a no brainier at the same time
"I really want Sephiroth in"-a friend
"Idk i don't see it happening, that would be really cool but probably not for ultimate"
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2-Banjo and Kazooie
I'm going to be completely honest with everyone for a second, i actually don't care for Banjo and Kazooie, i beat the game from start to finish, i just did not love it. So why was i more excited for Banjo than pretty much everyone else? Because while i didn't love the game, i did love that music, i also liked the design for Banjo and Kazooie and viewed them as a great fit for smash. Banjo would have likely been in back in Melee or Brawl had Rare not been bought up by Microsoft, i also knew the overwhelming fan support that Banjo had online, I'll be honest it was hard not getting swept up and excited for Banjo and Kazooie finally making their way back home.
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1- Sora
I made this list because I wanted to discuss how excited for Sora i am and how deeply sad i am that there's going to be no Utada Hikaru singing simple and Clean as Sora destroys what he thinks is a heartless but is really just Mr.Game and watch. To say I'm excited for Sora being in smash really just does not do it justice. That first Kingdom hearts game is a real contender for favorite game of all time, I've attempted a speed run (I wanna say i can beat that first game in under 5 hours) Sora was a character I would have loved to see make it, but with Disney I really didn't think we would get Sora, also the DLC had been getting a lot of love from Square and i fee like Sora was really pushing our luck. BUT NOPE HE FUCKING MADE IT IN BITCHES.
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With 12 characters making their way in i know my list won't be exact same as yours, i would love to hear who were you excited for? Who did you not care for? Was it Terry?
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missavira · 2 years
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KINGDOM HEARTS 4 LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was pretty sure this was gonna be the announcement with all the hints but I'm still finding it hard to believe. Like I just woke up but it's early here so I was going to go back to sleep for a few hours but then I was like "oh yeah! KH 20th event finished, gotta check the news while I'm up." And now I'm wide awake with my jaw dropped. I truly feel like I'm in a dream or an alt reality or something holy crap!
I probably will go back to sleep so I'll reblog a bunch of stuff later, but I wanted to write down my first reactions. Shocked aside, I'm immensely excited (obviously!) And I'm smiling like an idiot. I love this series so much ❤️
Sora looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL 😍 The CGI looks sooo good ✨ Like wow! Baby boy I love you and I've missed you and I'm ready to bring you back home.
The only thing though is that I really don't like his hair. Like the hair itself is totally fine, but it doesn't really feel Sora-esque :/ It's not spikey enough and if you removed the little flips on the sides it'd be resemblant of Riku/Yozora/Noctis. Like everyone is just starting to look the same... Idk I'm sure it will grow on me (I didn't like his KH3 hair as much at first either) but that's how I feel at this point.
Also his clothes. He looks great and I love them (like who doesn't love that super groupies look), but they are a bit boring compared to past games. Like I get it, it fits better with the modern-esque Quadratum but hmmm. Wonder if that'll be his outfit for the whole game or just the Quadratum part.
I'm really worried it will be for PS5 only. Me buying a console specifically to play KH is nothing new, but I absolutely do not have the money to get one right now. 🙏 Please please please be a PS4/PS5 deal 🙏
I'm super excited to have another mobile game! While it's not my favorite medium for KH, it's fun to have something KH that I can play at anytime and anywhere 😊 (KHUX I miss youuu) Looking forward to hearing more about it and how it will play into the main series (as they all do lol) 💕
KHDR in August!! 🎉 Can't wait to get the whole story for that 😁
Phew okay, is that all?? I literally only saw like one post explaining things so not sure I got all the details on everything. But wow! So many things!!! My serotonin is MAXED and I'm so excited hahaha
Kingdom Hearts my dearly beloved ❤️
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