#Jack chambers x reader
multifandomworldsposts · 10 months
Day 6 of Kinkmas: In Victory With Jack Chambers
pairing: jack chambers x fem!reader
warning: eating out, fingering, unprotected sex
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I get started on cooking the chicken I bought at the grocery store, I cut up some carrots, celery and onions for the chicken until I feel arms around my waist. I turn my head and it’s Jack with his famous smirk.
“What’re you cooking?” He asks about to eat a cut carrot.
“Chicken.” I say continue cutting some celery.
He kisses my neck and hugs me tightly. I giggle by the little pecks he gave me.
“I’m almost done with this chicken so go sit down and wait, okay?” I say looking at him.
Jack walks to our kitchen table and sat in his usual chair, looking attractive to be honest. I get the vegetables on the table and went back to get the chicken which smells delicious. We finally get to eat and talk about our day.
“How was the boys today?” I take a bite of chicken.
“Well, they’re all going good, Peg is now 4 months pregnant already.” He says picking some chicken from his fork.
“Oh really? We should have a little get together party for them one night.” I say.
“I think we should.” He smiles.
After we eat, I get more comfortable in my chair and ask Jack, “Do you want dessert?”
“I rather have something else.” He smirks.
“I’m still sore from last night Jack.” I confess.
“Come on, please?” He gives his puppy dog eyes.
“The answer is no.” I say grabbing our dishes and heading to the sink to set them in the sink.
“Please Y/N/N, you know I won’t hurt you.” He approaches the ledge of our kitchen counter.
“Jack, you know I can’t trust you.” I say.
He knows I’m right.
“Y/N/N, please, I won’t hurt you this time, it’s just you love the way I take you.” He walks over to be behind me and whispers.
“Fine Jack, just take to bed and have your way with me.” I turn around and say.
He picks me up and takes us to our bedroom. When he sets me on the bed, I help him take his suit off and he helps me get my dress off, but he notices I don’t have my panties on.
“You knew that we’ll be doing this?” He says touching my thighs.
“You were still in the mood this morning.” I say getting comfortable on the edge of the bed.
He smirks. He begins to eat me out, I lay my head on mattress, arch my back, and I tug on his hair. He continues to eat me out, I can feel his tongue inside me. He stops and I can see his eyes looking up at me, I whimper.
He begins to finger me. I feel myself about to cum on his finger, he gets up, looks at me, and tastes my cum. I reach out for him and he gets on top of me and begins to make out with me.
After a while, he’s making me scream, moan and gasp. He goes in and out of me, giving me hickeys, the bed banging against the wall. I can’t believe he’s still in the mood.
“You’re a lot bigger then last night Jack.” I moan tugging on his hair.
“Well you are a turn on.” He looks at me and smirks.
“Just fuck me Jack.” I breathe out.
He fucks harder, I scratch his back, I already can tell he’s going to get made fun of.
After all that, we lay on the bed beyond heavy breathing. He was totally in the mood.
“Are you still in the mood?” I look at him.
“Not anymore Y/N.” He looks at me and smiles.
“If you want to do this again, I’ll happily do it, just not when company is around.” I say.
He chuckles.
“Alright Y/N/N. Oh by the way, I’ll always be in a mood for this.” He smirks.
Anytime we’ll do that, he’ll be forever be horny.
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sourholland · 2 years
Welcome to Victory || Jack Chambers
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In which Y/N and Jack Chambers are madly in love and new to Victory. ***smut included***
Everything was sort of distorted and blurry, you rolled over in bed with a pounding headache that sent blazing pain behind your left eye. You breathed out shakily, trying to adjust your eyes to the darkness of the room. You couldn’t think, suddenly feeling the sensation of someone’s arm wrapped around your waist.
Turning hastily you saw the outline of Jack sleeping, your throat ached and your head pounded. It was like an array of thoughts hitting you at once. Suddenly you were remembering everything kind of fuzzy. You were from Boston, you met Jack and you were married shortly after, you honeymooned, and now you’d come to live in a nice area where he would work for this new company project.
What’s it called, again? Where are you? How did you get here? Why does everything feel so different?
Thoughts began to implode the inside of your mind, you looked down and saw the outline of your fingers through the dark room. Wiggling them, you saw your wedding ring. Your brain felt like it was exploding.
Your wedding. You tried to remember everything from your wedding.
What is this place called?
Victory, the thought hit you suddenly like it’d been shot at you. You were in Victory. Why couldn’t you remember this? You feel so out of place, so disoriented.
“Darling,” his rough, tired breath could be felt on the back of your neck. “What’re you doin’ awake? Are you alright?”
You spun around, laying facing him now. He was so casual, his eyes hardly open and the look on his face confused. Oh yes, this was your life, this was your husband. The thoughts felt sort of artificial, but slowed your heart rate nonetheless.
“I’m okay,” you whispered. “Bad dream.”
“S’alright,” he murmured, leaning into you and kissing you warmly. “C’mon, get some rest, sweetheart.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and hearing him breathe out in what sounded like relief. He was warm and his arms wrapped around you strongly. This felt like contentment and suddenly all of your worries were dismissed and you could only feel the beat of Jack’s heart beneath you while you slept on his chest.
The feelings resurfaced when you woke to the light streaming in through the sheer curtains of your bedroom which felt so familiar, but somehow unfamiliar. It was colorful and the bedspread was a fun green and yellow abstract pattern.
Jack was groggily blinking his eyes, looking over at you tiredly and smiling. You sighed out loud, unable to overcome this ominous feeling inside of you. He leaned over and kissed you, your hair tickling his cheek and making him laugh into the long kiss.
“Good mornin’,” he smirked, running a hand down your torso and finding the hem of his dress shirt that hung to your thighs. “You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous.”
Blushing furiously, you let your fingers find his hair and shivered at his hands grazing the bare skin of your thighs. He laid his spread palm on the bottom of your stomach, just under your navel. His fingers toyed with the waistband of your panties, teasing you while he sucked on your neck.
“Mmm, it’s too bad we’ve got to get up,” he smirked.
“No,” you sighed. “We don’t have to.”
His fingers slipped under the fabric, inching lower and lower, your breath heavy and uneven as he found his fingers running over your soaking slit. You pleaded with him without saying a word, staring into his eyes with lust as he entered you with his index finger.
“How’s that, baby?” He asked you lowly, pumping in and out achingly slow. “You’re such a good girl, my good girl, aren’t you?”
“Mhm,” you nearly cried, feeling his middle enter next.
He brought his thumb to the small bud of nerves, embracing your nails digging into his back. Your head swam with thoughts, a tight coil forming in your stomach as he penetrated you with both fingers and rubbed incessantly at your clit.
“How’s this?” He said as another finger entered your centre. “Feel good, baby?”
Your legs began to shake, and the build up became too much. You high pitched whimpers came out pleadingly as he brought you tensed around him and came to a finish, he was soon kissing you with ease and reveling in your unsteady breaths.
“Such a good girl,” he pushed the hair out of your eyes and pressed his forehead against yours. “Let’s get up and ready, yeah?”
The rest of the early morning consisted of you making a nice breakfast, watching Jack get ready for his first day of work, and pushing the feelings inside down deeper. You meandered around in his white button down, putting a record on and watching him sip on his coffee.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re the most beautiful woman?” He asked, walking over to you by the dinner table and snaking a hand around your waist.
“Only you on every day that ends in y,” you smiled, leaning in and kissing him.
He lifted you onto the table and you spread your legs for him to stand in between. He smiled as he kissed you, like he was the happiest man in the world.
“I,” he kissed you again. “Have,” he kissed you once more,” he couldn’t not kiss you again. “To go.”
He pulled away finally and laughed as you fell back in defeat. He checked his wristwatch and moved to grabbed his lunch you’d just made him. You followed closely behind, giving puppy dog eyes and protruding your lower lip when he looked back at you as he opened the front door.
“You’re lovely, you know that?” He said as he walked outside and got into his car.
“I love you,” you leaned in and kissed him. “I will see you tonight.”
“And I love you.”
You stepped back and watched all of the other cars leave their driveways, and all of the other wives stand back waving their husbands farewell. The pain behind you eye began again suddenly, the feeling clawing it’s way up after being dismissed so quickly.
It was a yell from across the street that brought you back to reality.
“Y/N, right?” A woman called out. “Welcome to Victory!”
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mustachrryluvr · 2 years
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Jack Chambers one shot 
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: smut, spanking, slight degradation, roughness
“Don’t worry, darling,” Jack responded while popping open the microwave and pulling out the package he had placed in it earlier to cook, “We still have broccoli.”
Jack’s voice ringed through their home as he entered through the front door, coming home from a long day at work. 
Jack had been working a lot lately. He had just been promoted at work and wanted to prove to his boss that he was worthy of the higher ranking, so he had been spending an ungodly amount of hours at the office. 
Y/N was currently in between jobs after coming to the realization that her job was ruining her. She was a shell of a person whenever she would come home from her receptionist job at a local law firm and Jack couldn’t stand to see her that way. So, with him getting promoted, they knew they would still be financially stable if Y/N took a step away from working for a bit to get her mental health under control. 
With having all this time on her hands now, Y/N had gotten back into some old hobbies to fill up her days. Drawing and painting had always been a love of Y/N’s. That was one of the things Jack had initially fell in love with, her passion for the things she loved. The day he came home from work to her in their spare room to find that she had filled it with brand new canvases and a multitude of paints, he knew that she was settling back into herself again. That evening, Jack ordered her a desk and easel to add to the room, and even spent the next day moving out the spare bed in the room so she could create an “art studio” for herself. 
Usually at this time of night, Jack would come home to find Y/N about done with dinner for the two of them. When she didn’t answer him when he called out for her as he walked in the door, he knew exactly where she must be. 
Jack made his way to Y/N’s art studio and could hear her humming along to the music she had playing that was leaking out through the cracked door. 
Carefully, he peaked in the crack of the door, trying not to disturb her. 
“With you all the time…” Y/N sung to herself as she kept her focus on the brush strokes she was creating across the canvas she had infront of her on the floor. 
With a small smile on his face, Jack backed away from the door and walked towards their kitchen, on a mission to make dinner for the two of them while Y/N finished up her painting. 
Jack didn’t have much experience in the kitchen as he was often working late and Y/N would make something before he got home, but surely he could figure something out. 
Shifting through the contents of the fridge, Jack came across some chicken breasts that Y/N must’ve been planning on cooking tonight as they had already been taken out of the package and prepped. He figured it would be easy enough to do something with that. After he preheated the oven, he found himself a baking pan, placed the chicken in it, and then hunted the cabinets for some type of seasoning. After seasoning the chicken to the best of his ability, Jack placed the chicken in the oven before moving on to find something else to prepare to have with the chicken. 
Jack found a bag of potatoes in the lazy susan and decided that mashed potatoes must be a dish he could easily conquer. Before beginning on those, he found himself looking in the freezer to see if they had any of Y/N’s favorite vegetable, broccoli,  to also go with their meal. Jack always found it weird that out of all the choices out there, broccoli was her favorite. But, he wanted to make her a good meal and he knew that would make her happy. 
They had some microwavable packages of broccoli, so, after he found one, he placed it in the microwave to cook for a few minutes before working on the mashed potatoes again. 
Taking the potatoes out of the bag and sitting them on the table, Jack quickly realized he had no idea out to make mashed potatoes and that maybe he couldn’t easily conquer them. 
He leaned his hands on the table and looked down at the potatoes with his eyebrows pulled together. 
“Well…I at least need to mash them,” he said to himself, pushing off the table to find something to mash them with. 
He turned around with his hands on his hips and his lips pulled in his mouth as he glanced around the room. His eyes spotted a bottle of bourbon on the bar cart placed in the corner of the kitchen, “I guess this will do.” 
Jack placed the potatoes in a large bowl, glanced at the bottle of bourbon in his hand, shrugged, and the proceeded to *try* to mash the potatoes with the bottom of the bottle. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
Jack paused with the bourbon bottle mid air as he heard Y/N speak behind him. He quickly placed the bottle down and turned to smile at her.
“Don’t look at that, but I’m making dinner! Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and your favorite,” he said to her as he walked up to her and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her in to him. 
Jack smiled down at her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I missed you today, darling.” 
Y/N hummed and relaxed into him as she looked up at him, “I missed you, too. Didn’t realize you were home or what time it was. I would’ve made you dinner, love.” 
“You always make me dinner, let me take care of my wife for the evening, okay?” 
“Okay, but I don’t think you’re gonna get very far with those mashed potatoes if you keep that method up,” Y/N giggled looking around him at the bourbon bottle placed next to the bowl of raw potatoes. 
“I don’t think I’m gonna get very far if you keep that up,” he responded, voice an octave lower and his eyes growing heavy. 
Y/N looked back up at him, surprised by his switch in behavior. “If I keep what up?” she questioned as her heart started to beat a little faster. 
“If you keep looking so beautiful. Crazy how fast you turn me on just by existing,” Jack murmured against the side of her face, gently bringing his lips down until they graze across her lips. 
They stay like that for a beat, just grazing their lips against one another waiting for the other to make the move to connect their lips. 
Not being able to take it any more, Y/N reached up and grabbed the side of Jack’s head, bringing his lips roughly into hers. This told him everything he needed to know about how their night would go. 
Rough and rushed. 
They were devouring each other as if they had been starved of one another for a lifetime. 
Jack held on to Y/N as he moved her backwards into the living room before pushing her down onto the couch and crawling on top of her. 
He breaks the kiss and looks down at her, “Oh look at my precious little wife. I spend my evening preparing a whole dinner for her, but shes desperately hungry for something else. Hm? Isn’t that right, Darling?” 
“Always hungry for you,” Y/N quietly, breathily responds as she looks up with him with those big eyes that make him unable to restrain himself. 
Without hesitation, Jack lifts himself up to rip Y/N’s sweatpants off her body while proceeding to toss her body around until she laying on her stomach. 
He goes to land a slap against her ass when something catches his eye and he can’t help to lower his hand and let out a laugh instead, his dominant demeanor immediately dissolving. 
“What?” Y/N asks, looking back at him worried and confused as to why he was laughing at her. 
“I don’t even want to know what you have been doing in that studio to get paint all over your bum,” he said through a smile and chuckled as he lightly tapped the few splotches of paint. 
Y/N craned her neck over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the paint he was referring to before responding, “I honestly don’t either, but if you don’t stop laughing at me and just fuck me soon then I’m g-FUCK!” 
She yelped as he brought his hand roughly down on her ass, a loud smack sounding through the room. 
“I’d shut that dumb little mouth of yours if you expect me to give you anything tonight,” Jack said, rubbing the place on her ass that he had just hit. 
Y/N sighed, closing her eyes, “Yes, sir.” She relaxed into the couch knowing that if Jack was in his dominant state that she would be getting exactly what she wanted no matter what. 
He was so pussy-whipped. 
“There she is, been waiting for my good girl to come out.” 
Jack leaned back and brought his hand to the zipper of his dress pants. He undid them and pulled his pants and underwear down just enough to let his cock spring free. He reached down and pushed Y/N’s underwear to the side, feeling how wet she already was. 
“Hmmmm, barely even touched you. What? Does seeing me in the kitchen turn you into a whore for me?” 
“Always a whore for you,” she hummed back as she wiggled her ass aganst his hands rubbing her up and down. 
He removed a hand at the action and brought his hand down in a spank against her ass. “Cmon, don’t be greedy, darling.” 
While Y/N squirmed from the spank she just received, Jack to line his shaft up with her entrance brushing himself lightly against her. 
“Not greedy, just missed you.”
“Missed me? You had me last night,” Jack said as he roughly pushed himself into her. “But I guess I missed you too fuck.” 
Jack began fucking into her so roughly that Y/N couldn’t even catch her breath to moan out. 
He kept his quick pace for a minute before reaching around Y/N’s throat and bringing her up on her knees against his chest. He slowed down, giving her harder thrusts. 
She threw her head back in a moan as he slightly tightened his grip around her throat and began whispering in her ear, “There ya go, darling, there ya go. Let yourself feel it all.” 
“Mmmm, I love you so much, Jack,” she lazily spoke out with her eyes softly shut. 
“Love you forever, always want you to feel good,” Jack responded as he began kissing and sucking on her exposed neck. 
No matter how rough they were with each other, their love was always the number one thing fueling the passion. Expressing their love for one another no matter the intensity of the moment was extremely important to them. 
Feeling he was close, Jack reached around Y/N’s body with the hand that wasn’t around her neck to press his fingers against her clit. 
A whine escaped the back of her throat, her face scrunching up, and her body wiggling in his hold as he began to move his fingers to bring her to the edge with him. 
“Cmon darling, I’ve got you. Just gotta let go for me, yeah?” he said into her ear. 
Immediately following his words, Y/N’s entire body clenched up and she gripped onto Jack’s arms has tight as she could, feeling her orgasm tack control of her body. 
Shortly following, Jack halted his thrusts and released inside of her, his body shuddering has she continued to clench around him. 
They slowly caught their breath and relaxed into one another. They sat peacfully recovering in each others arms when Y/N spoke up, “Jack…” 
“Hm, darling. I got you,” he responded tightening his arms around her to keep her grounded after her orgasm. 
“No, I-is…” she stammered out, “Is something burning? Smells funny?”
Jack’s eyes shot open as he jumped up heading for the kicthen while shoving himself back into his pants. 
He forgot the chicken in the oven. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he chanted as he ran into the kitchen. 
Y/N got up and followed him into the kitchen to see him open the oven as smoke billowed out of it. 
Jack waved the smoke out of his face and quickly grabbed a pair of oven mits to get the chicken out of the oven. 
He threw the pan and burnt chicken onto the counter before slamming the oven closed. “
“Don’t look at that, either,” he let out a breath before looking back up to Y/N whose had was covering her mouth as she tried to keep herself from laughing at him. 
“Burnt chicken and raw mashed potatoes. Not sure if this is much of a dinner love,” Y/N teased with a smile on her face. 
“Don’t worry, darling,” Jack responded while popping open the microwave and pulling out the package he had placed in it earlier to cook, “We still have broccoli.” 
only the second one shot i’ve written and writing smut is still kinda weird for me but i’m enjoying it! omg but jack deserves it bc he’s hot !!! that’s all !!!!
lmk what you think ab it!!
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
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“Fuck…please. Please, Angel, just—”
Jack’s plea is cut short by the sound of your insatiable whine, your head dropping back as you slip a second finger in and curl upward. You let the pleasure settle, mind fuzzy and eyes squeezed closed as you hear the familiar clink of the handcuffs tugging against the headboard.
“Angel,” comes his voice once more. Rougher. Angier. “Get the fucking key, or I swear to God—”
“What?” you find the strength to ask. “Or what, Jack? What are you gonna do? Tied to the bed and begging for me?”
His teeth grit but you’re not finished. You won’t be finished for hours after the way he treated you at that party.
You thrust your chin toward his cock, smirking to yourself as he refuses to look down. “So fucking pathetic, baby. Just dripping for me. Needing me. S’a shame, really. I would have loved to take care of it for you.”
And he knows you would. Knows there’s nothing Victory could offer you that’s sweeter than Jack’s cock.
He pulls again, strong muscles contracting as his veins press against his skin. To be honest, you’re quite shocked he hasn’t ripped the headboard apart yet, but you suppose deep down, he likes being helpless. In fact, you don’t doubt it at all.
And this torture has been going on for at least an hour. You laid him down all pretty on the bed. Lured him into a false sense of security. Tied his hands to the bed the moment he’d become distracted by your tits and proceeded to get your revenge.
You started by fucking yourself with his cock. Because of course you did. And he was so miserable. So desperate to touch you, have you, take you. Make you his own personal plaything and you adored the fact that he couldn’t.
When you came around him, you swear he cursed every god in existence at the feel. Then, he nearly pulled a muscle in protest when you climbed off of him just before he had the chance to find his own release.
You figured this is exactly what he deserved. To sit there and behave the same way he’d made you just earlier this evening.
So, you indulged in his punishment. Crawled to his side and began to fuck yourself with your own hand, desperate for more. And my gosh, you were gonna kill him. You could see it. Written all over his face. The way he’d never felt so inferior to you. The way he’d never needed someone more than he needed you. The way he needs you. In this moment and all the others.
“Angel,” he murmurs, coarse and deep from the back of his throat. As if his own body is protesting the force it takes just to speak. “You don’t wanna play this game with me, I promise.”
You hum, lazy smile slipping free as you hit that spot, the hand that was holding you up now slipping away as your back finds the mattress. “Think I do.”
“You don’t,” he corrects but you can tell there’s nothing behind his threat. You own his ass and he knows it. “Unless you’re just desperate to get punished and I think I know my angelic little whore well enough to know you are.”
“How do you know this doesn’t hurt me, too?” you ask in an airy whisper, so caught up in your own pleasure you can hardly think straight. Your head rolls to the side so you can catch a glimpse of his face. That beautiful, outrageously pissed-off face. “Hurts me not to have you touch me, baby.”
He yanks his wrists forward, only to scowl when they catch on the chain still trapped behind the headboard. “So, let me go…and I’ll make it better.”
You pull your lip between your teeth, head shaking gently. “Then how will you learn?”
With that, you thrust to the knuckle, palm pressing into your clit as you come for a second time, jaw dropping as you whimper a curse and his name, back arching off the mattress as you vaguely hear him call out for you.
You still for a moment or two, just listening to your own pants for air and the thumping of your heart in your chest.
He’s quiet now. Waiting. He thinks this is it. Thinks this is where you give up and unlock him.
Jack Chambers is many things.
But bright is not one of them.
You sit up, scooting closer for just a moment as you watch the hope find its way to his eyes. You take your soaked hand and reach out to him, swiping your finger along his bottom lip.
He has the nerve to glare at you but he takes your thumb into his mouth and sucks, biting gently as your lashes flutter and your stomach flips. 
And he watches you. The entire time. Keeps his eyes on yours and never deviates for even a moment. Desperate to make sure you know that he’s enamored by you. Even now. And always.
Once he’s through, you let out a soft chuckle and lean back, swinging your legs off the bed before straightening up and moving for the door.
You hear him lean forward, confused and furious. “The fuck are you doing?”
You don’t turn back until you’ve reached the hallway, glancing over your shoulder to call, “Don’t go anywhere.”
And the flat, unamused look he gives you in response just about makes your day, and you suppress a louder laugh as you stroll to the kitchen to grab some water and rehydrate.
You spend about five minutes smirking between each sip of water as you hear him call out his threats, demanding to be released, or demanding you finish what you started, or demanding that you get your ass back in there so he can ruin it.
When you return, now feeling much better, you make a show of it. Hips swaying as you stride toward the bed, hands pulling your hair down your back and out of your face, and fingers reaching for his thighs.
He tenses as if so wound up, even a brush of your skin against his will send him over the edge. And you imagine it just might. Which, of course, had been the goal.
You make your way closer, knees and palms deep into the mattress as you hover over his body, lips ghosting near his pathetically ignored cock, and he thrusts his head back against the wall in anticipation.
He doesn’t speak. He’s learned. Knows that if he wants you, he’ll be quiet. He’ll be good.
You reward this realization with a smile, head dipping until you swipe your tongue along the underside of him, watching the way his fingers curl into his hand to brace himself.
He sucks in a sharp breath, and you think to yourself how fucking beautiful he still is to you. Even after everything. He’s so beautiful.
Another lick before you move to the top, ready to take him down your throat when you hear the clang off the cuffs and his voice, murmuring a desperate, “No…wait.”
You hesitate, brow wrenching up as you meet his eye.
He swallows, hips shifting slightly. “I’m sorry.”
Your heart warms and your expression softens, your touch caressing his thighs to comfort him. “I know, baby.”
He huffs, but he’s not through. “You know I wanna fucking ruin that throat but not right now. Not…can’t do it that way.”
“What do you mean?”
His teeth clench together tightly, head thumping back against the wall once more as he struggles to get the words out. “Shit, can’t…can’t be anywhere else but inside you, Angel. Need to feel you like that. Please…please.”
And you swear you’ve never heard him sound more sincere and desperate, and your heart and your cunt go out to him. 
A second or two passes between his admission and your agreement, filled with the sound of his gentle voice whispering, “Please,” once more as his earnest eyes find yours.
So, you reach for the lock on the nightstand, despite the warning in your head that you’re gonna be fucking in for it the second he’s free.
And the moment you bring it back to his wrists, he exhales a heavy breath, so relieved that he rolls his head to the side to kiss your arm gratefully. Mumbling all the while, “Shit, I love you. Love you, Angel. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
The moment his hand falls free by his side, he reaches out to loop his arm around you and toss you onto your back, settling himself between your thighs as your head spins.
You gasp when his fingers find your throat, but you can’t help grinning with him as he nudges his nose against yours. You don’t care if he never lets you forget tonight because my god…was it worth it.
And Jack can see it written all over your face, desperate to fulfill the promise he’s been making all night.
“Oh, my sweet Angel…you’re gonna fucking regret that.”
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~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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gottagetbetter14 · 2 years
This Is Paradise I
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Someone had to go the sacrifice and get the Jack Fanfics started.
Summary: Where the hell was she? And who the hell is her "husband"?
Jack Chambers x Fem Reader
Dazed. Dazed and confused is how she had woken this morning.
The pleasant morning sky shone through the bedroom window. Taking her out of the dreamless night that plagued her minutes before, finally gaining her senses back she could feel a strong grasp around her waist. Boxing her in, surrounding her. Overwhelmed, she shot up quickly, shoving off the body weight of the person in bed with her. Looking from left to right is a room she didn’t recognize. A groan next to her indicated someone else was waking up too. 
“Good mornin’ my love.” said a voice she couldn’t put a face too, they sat up next to her. The same arms that caused claustrophobia only moments ago wrapped once around her again. A face dug into her neck , taking a deep breath. Almost as if they were trying to memorize her scent. A kiss was then placed causing a shiver to run down her back. The face moved and lifted their hand to pull her chin to the right. “Are you alright? You’re very quiet dear.” The beautiful face pondered, looking thoughtfully into her eyes. “Where am I?” Were the first words she had uttered that morning. A smile graced the man's face and his thumb ran across her bottom lip. “You’re home honey, you know that.” He laughed getting up from the bed and leaving the room all together. His statement caused a furrow in her brow to form. What was the last thing she could remember? Her mind was a blank canvas now. Was this really her home? How long has this been her home? Her gaze followed the figure as he left. She has never been more lost.
Finally getting the courage to get up, she leaves the bedroom. Following down the long hallway filled with pictures of her and the unnamed man. Some were just of her or the man separately, but most were pictures couples took together. One stood out to all the rest, A wedding photo juxtaposed with the others. She is dressed in a white gown, the man in a contrasting black suit and tie. A happy look strewn about their faces. When had she gotten married? The thought leaves her nauseous and she quickly keeps following the windows till she reaches the front room. 
The man is in the kitchen now, waiting expectantly at the counter. Almost as if he’s waiting to be served like a diner guest. He turns his head to look at her with a grin while she navigates the house lost. She hesitates before stepping into the kitchen area. The man looks around with his hands clasped under his chin like the action he wants is obvious. “Are you going to start breakfast? I’m thinking of eggs this morning.” His words broke her silent confusion. A pout shows on his mouth as he places his chin in the palm of his hand. She tilts her head to the side a bit, Taken aback by his demand.
 His mouth drops to a straight line with a crinkle in his forehead. “You do remember how I like my breakfast, right darling?” He asked in a condescending tone. He once again left her in the kitchen to her own devices. 
While she definitely doesn’t belong here, she still can cook a mean breakfast. She almost feels very proud of herself for making this. Plating the scrambled eggs and bacon and setting it down on the table, she sits off to the side. Waiting for his return. 
He comes back just in time with the smell of food. Sitting down at the head of the table he stares down at his plate. He looks very dissatisfied. “And here I thought you could do a simple task, You know better than to make scrambled.” He grunts out, eyes turning a shade darker than his perfect blue eyes. “I didn’t think you’d be so picky. I was the one who made the breakfast you asked for.”  She exclaimed. As If he couldn’t get more intimidating, he gives her a sly grin. Not fully reaching his eyes. “That’s strike one darling.” 
A/n: Could this be shite, absolutely. Also this is only part 1. I swear there will be more!
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
A Rainy Night || Jack Chambers x fem!reader
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Summary: You're paying a visit to Jack, and as the rain begins to fall heavily, he refuses to let you out of his house in a protective manner
Warnings: none
Word count: 535
Author: Fenrir
A/N: today’s prompt: Time Spending
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As you watched heavy clouds extend, creating one, huge, dark mass on the darkening sky, your index finger slowly traced a huge rain drop that was gradually moving down the glass of Jack's living room window. "If we could only look closer, each raindrop is a kaleidoscope. I imagine what it would be like to stop time, to suspend this watery gift and look through each drop. Perhaps it would be fun to sit inside those raindrops and ride that gravity-propelled ride to the earth," you chuckled softly, more to yourself. "I see raindrops on the cars, on each leaf, on the grass. They will soon come together to form the puddles. Maybe it's not normal to enjoy the rain so much, but who cares? I like it," you told Jack with a little hesitant smile playing in the corners of your lips.
"It's pouring pretty heavily out there," as he gazed out the window, Jack stated. He turned away from the pouring rain to look at you. "I don't want you to go out there, especially when it's raining like that, it's quite dangerous."
"Okay," you placed your coat and bag on the couch beside you. "I guess I'm staying the night then," you whispered, a small smile on your face, secretly excited to spend your first night with him. You were aware that Jack was a little overprotective, but it didn't bother you in the least.
Jack chuckled softly, his hands tucked into his pockets. "You certainly are. Let me go find you some sleeping clothes." Jack gently took your hand in his and led you to his bedroom. "All of my clothes are too big for you, but I think you'll look great in them," he winked at you.
"Well, there's only one way to find out," you chuckled.
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Soon, you were lying with your head on his chest, and he was idly playing with your hair.
His heartbeat was soft and soothing, like the rain outside. It was a little unusual for rain to fall on Victory though, you thought to yourself.
"I'm glad you're staying over with me," Jack murmured into the night.
You smiled and reached for his torso. "I'm delighted as well. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with you. You never fail to make me smile, Jack."
"Me too, darling," Jack murmured as he ran his hands over your side. "I like the way you are, so precious and so innocent."
You repositioned yourself in Jack's arms so that you were now beside him rather than on top of him. You intertwined your fingers with his, which were hidden beneath the blanket.
Jack planted a soft, feather-light kiss on your brow.
You both closed your eyes, ready for sleep, after a quiet "good night" mumbled to each other.
Jack was gone in under ten minutes. As he slept, his soft snoring filled your ears.
You remained awake, staring at Jack as he slept peacefully. You knew you weren't going to sleep anytime soon, especially since you were relishing this new experience of spending your first night with Jack, soaking in the warmth that spread inside your chest, filling you with the cosy feeling of being so in love with him.
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lovecanyon · 2 years
MAJOR dwd spoiler + a question i need answered
(to all the people that already watched the movie pls respond)
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so you know how victory is a simulation…what if jack and y/n knew each other outside of the simulation…and had a relationship in both ‘worlds’…THIS REQUEST GOT ME THINKING
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 40
this is almost 100% about jack chambers I'm sorry but he's yummy
harry when you're not feeling well ☹️ maybe you have a cold or something and you've been out doing stuff all day, and he knows you're not feeling the best so he's trying really hard to keep the running around to a minimum ☹️ he keeps offering to take you home but you're insisting it's okay and you'll be fine☹️ then he can tell you're really starting to feel bad, he brings his hand to your forehead and frowns when he feels how warm you are ☹️ he says we need to go home baby, you need to take a little nap before we do anything else" and you say it's fine, but he just ushers you up to the checkout so you can get out of there ☹️ and he knows he did the right thing because you're so tired you nearly fall asleep on the shirt ride home ☹️ he's holding your hand and has some music playing softly, trying to get home as quick as he can so you can get in bed ☹️ when you pull in the driveway he opens your door for you and helps you inside and into one of his old shirts you normally sleep in ☹️ he runs to get you some water and cold medicine, then he climbs into bed with you to cuddle you bc you're chilled from the fever ☹️ holding you close and telling you it's gonna be okay and you'll feel better soon ☹️
harry taking a bath with your baby in a tub like that 🥹 she always cries when you try to put her in the tub and the only way she stays calm is if one of you is with her 🥹 so every time she needs a bath he hops in with her 🥹 distracting her with funny faces and singing to her 🥹
ugh harry is literally such a freak 💔 he loves sex so much and he's obsessed with pleasing you every time 💔 he's sooooo into foreplay and getting you all worked up, probably making you cum more than once before you really get into things 💔 he likes to cum on you, usually pulling out just a few inches so it get on the hair down there and he can rub it around and push it back in with his fingers 💔 he kisses all over your neck bc he knows how sensitive it is and he just loooves to hear you moan💔 he loves the way you grip onto his shoulders and squeeze your eyes shut when it's feeling really good, and how he can tell you're close when you start clenching around him 💔 he's always whispering filthy shit like "you close for me? i know you're almost there, be a good girl and cum for me baby" 💔
ok so harry proposing,... I've thought about this so much and honestly the only place I can imagine it happening is Italy 🥹 he's just so lovey and close to you the whole vacation, and you're both so relaxed just spending all your time together doing whatever you feel like and eating yummy food and having soft lovey sex every day 🥹 then one evening you're out on the porch of the villa watching the sunset and you're still in your pretty sundress that he loves so much, and he's been kind of fidgety all day but you didn't think anything of it, but as the evening goes on he's getting more and more restless and finally you say "is something wrong? you've been acting kind of weird" and his eyes go wide when he realizes he hasn't been subtle at all and he goes "no, no, there's nothing... I just was thinking- and i need to ask you something- oh wait, i forgot- hold on let me go grab- stay right here I'll be right back" and you're so confused by his rambling so you're just watching as he runs inside, and when he comes out he says "okay sorry about that, i just..." and then he gets the most loved up look on his face and he gets down on one knee in front of you 🥹 he pulls out the little box and opens it, and your jaw drops when you realize what's going on and you say "no... what are you doing, oh my god what are you doing" and he just smiles and says "i have loved you for as long as i can remember, you know that? you're my favorite person in the entire world, I love you more than I'll every be able to put into words... so I'm asking you if you'll make me the happiest man in the world, and spend the rest of your life with me" and you're already crying and saying yes before he can even finish, and you pull on his arms to get him to stand up and give him the biggest hug 🥹 he holds you so tight and says "I'm really fucking glad you said yes, I was about to throw up there" and you can't help but laugh, smacking his chest and saying "way to ruin the moment" and he laughs too, wiping the happy tears off your cheeks before he takes your hand and slips the ring on your finger 🥹 you don't say anything when you see his eyes are a little watery too, you ignore it and lean in to kiss your fiance 🥹
thinking about how harry would absolutely fucking worship your body 😵‍💫 kissing up your legs so slowly, trying to feel every inch of skin with his lips bc he just wants to take his time with you 😵‍💫 leaving open mouth kisses over your inner thighs before he goes down on you, murmuring how pretty you are and how much he loves you 😵‍💫
he def loves when you flash him but I think even more he loves when he can see your nipples through your shirt 😋 he comes up all 😋 and puts his hands on your ribs so he can run his thumbs over them 😋
ok this might be weird but lately I have been really fascinated by the history of feminine power and how it's different throughout cultures and different rituals that women have done over time and why do I feel like harry would learn about that with you ☹️ he loves hearing you talk about the interesting things you read and he would def help out wherever he can (like I've read sensual massage is really good during some parts of your cycle, and he would love to give you a hand with that 😌)
after you watch the dwd trailer you're like "i want to fuck jack 😋" and Harry's all "heyyy 😤😤" and it's quiet for a moment and then he's like 🫣👀 omg no bc that's actually so hot.... saying you want to fuck jack and Harry laughs, then you're both quiet for a bit watching the tv and then he says "you know... i could make that happen" and you look over at him saying "yeah?" and he nods, saying "it's not exactly complicated, I was thinking about cutting my hair again soon anyways" and you're both just like 👀👀👀👀 😌 then when he does get his hair cut he shaves his stubble too, and he comes home one day wearing a tailored suit and carrying a briefcase 😌 you're both laughing bc it's a bit ridiculous but you're also so into it 👀 then you say "why don't i make us some dinner, i know you had a hard day at work 😌" and he's all "oh so kind of you, my lovely wife 😌" he helps you set the table and you ofc give him a kiss as a thank you for being so helpful 😌 then while the food is cooking he lifts you up on the table to kiss you, and it ends with him pushing you to lay down and we all know what happens next 😌 the whole time he's saying how much he loves you and stuff like "need to be a good husband and make my wife cum" like an absolutely filthy whore 😌
jack is such a jealous possessive freak ugh 😋 getting mad when you talk to other guys and leaving marks all over you that night to remind you that you're his 😋 he's so rough with you saying stuff like "you're mine, no one else gets to see you like this, or touch you like this, or fuck you like this... you're mine" and he's throwing you around like a ragdoll 😋 mocking the way you moan and when you tell him you're close, he bites your neck and says "you don't get to cum until I say so, brats don't get what they want" 😋
i think Jack is for sure the filthiest harry 😋 he's so controlling and filthy, he loves spitting in your mouth and making you tell him exactly what you want 😋 he has you ride his thigh to show him just how desperate you are, and says stuff like "pretty pathetic that you're about to cum just from rubbing yourself on my leg, isn't it?" and he smirks at how you whine and hide your face in his chest 😋
jack love love loves kissing you 😋 whenever he had a rough day he just wants to make out with you for a while, let you kiss the stress away 😋 then he goes down on you saying "let me do this baby, it'll make me feel better" and when you've already cum once and you're gasping and trying to squirm away he just holds tighter saying "come on, can you take another? for me?" and he's asking but he's not really asking 😋
harry is alllllllways teasing you for how wet you get ❤️ you've been kissing for a while and finally he slips his fingers down to feel you, and he gasps against your lips saying "you're all sticky baby, gonna let me clean you up?" and leans down so he can lick you 😋
jack watching his wife with a little smile on his face while she talks about whatever, and hes partly listening but mostly just looking at how cute she is 🥰 you help tie his tie and straighten his suit before he walks out the door, and before he goes he takes your face in his hands and says "bye" giving you a little smooch 🥰
ugh jack just loves to make his wife cum 🥰 it's the best way to keep her happy and avoid questions or arguments so he does it as much as he can 🥰 any time he knows she's had a rough day he's all "come lay down baby, let me take care of you" such a caring and considerate husband 🥰
but thinking about when you get in an argument with jack, he's deffo a little toxic, even raising his voice at you 😋 then he storms for a while, and when he comes back a few hours later he's apologizing and murmuring how bad he feels as he kisses your neck softly 😋 he says "why don't you lay down, made my girl feel bad earlier so I just want to make her feel good now" and just this once he doesn't even make you beg, he lets you cum whenever you feel like it 😋and he probably gets you there more than once, saying he just wants to apologize 😋 he's so sweet and cuddly after, holding you close and saying he never wants to fight with you again 😋 kissing the back of your neck and running his fingers over your bare skin, telling you what a good wife you are and how he'll never be upset with you again 😋
stop it he literally loves toying with you and seeing how much you can take before you start crying 🫶🏻 even then he just wipes the tears away with his thumb and mocks the little whimpering noises you're making and says "crying for me already? that's pretty pathetic baby, I'm nowhere near done with you" 🫶🏻
saw this tt where a girl was talking about how she was shocked by how different the sex is in sapphic relationships than in straight ones bc it just goes on and on and I'm sorry but alllll i could think about was Harry 😋 he's definitely the type to play with you and tease you and make you cum three times and he considers that all foreplay 😋before you know it it's been two hours and he hasn't even fucked you yet 😋 no thoughts only marathon sex that leave you boneless and fucked out for two days 😋
shut the fuck upppp I'm thinking about the first time you have sex with Harry and how he's so eager to please you and show you how good he is 😋 he probably wants to make out for a while first, just to get a feel for things and also to get you turned on for him 😋 then he goes down on you and you're already so needy and desperate, and he has to hold your hips to keep you still 😋 you cum harder than you have in a looooong time and you're so out of it, breathing so hard and trying to collect yourself, and he barely gives you a minute before he's leaning back in 😋 you gasp and say "what are you doing?" and he looks up saying "you thought I was done? I'm nowhere near done with you" and he makes you cum on his tongue one more time 😋
but one day you actually do convince him to stay home 😌 you lean up against him on your tiptoes so you can whisper in his ear "you've never called in sick before, they won't be mad at you just this once, and you know I'll make it worth your while if you do..." before you give his chest a little pat and walk away 😌 you don't even make it out of the kitchen before he's throwing his briefcase down and rushing to follow you 😌
no literally jack is obsessed with giving pleasure he's sick he's absolutely 100% sick .... he loves overstimulating you and having to hold you down bc you keep trying to squirm away..... smacking your thigh and saying "be a good girl and stop fucking moving" and his voice is low and scary 😵‍💫 sucking harder on your clit when you moan desperately and pull his hair to try and get a minute to breathe, but he's not having any of that and he just doubles down 😵‍💫
jack on his honeymoon 😋 he's so feral and filthy, he's so relaxed bc he doesn't have work to stress about so he can devote all his time to his wife 😋 pleasing her and making her feel good so she knows how her husband is gonna treat her 😋 definitely some baby making talk in there, he says "maybe now that we're married you should stop taking those silly little pills, you don't really need them anymore do you?" 😋 and if she's not quite ready for that he says "that's okay, we can still do some practicing though" 😋
ugh jack makes sure to give his wife at least one orgasm every day 😋 he knows that a happy wife equals a happy life so he's always doing his best 😋 such a good husband 😋
jack is literally the meanest lover... he's obsessed with edging you and watching you squirm and cry..... he loves how desperate you get and how you try so hard to move your hips for more friction.... he just laughs and pulls away.... he has your legs tied down so you can't move too much but he still makes a point to lean in close to your face and whisper against your lips "you'd better be good for me and stay still if you want to cum tonight" and you know he's not bluffing, he would not mind doing this for hours 😵‍💫
ok no bc jack chambers has a breeding kink omg...... he's always begging you to let him fuck you bare and whenever you agree he's so feral 😵‍💫 saying stuff like "I'm gonna put a baby in you, gonna make you cum so hard and then I'll give you a baby" and when he cums he grips your hips as tight as he can and pulls you flush against him so that he'll be as deep inside as he can 😵‍💫 he's gritting his teeth and his eyes are squeezed shut bc it just feels so good 😵‍💫 then he doesn't pull out right away and he says "gotta keep it all inside baby, I'm gonna stay right here so we know it works" 😵‍💫 when he finally does pull out he holds your legs open, and uses two fingers to push his cum back inside when it starts dripping out 😵‍💫 clicking his tongue and saying "what did I tell you baby, need you to keep it all inside" and you're whining so much bc you're so sensitive but he just keeps working 😵‍💫 using his fingers to fuck it backside of you over and over until he's satisfied 😵‍💫 then he comes up to kiss you and says "what do you think, is it gonna work?" and you're too fucked out to do anything but nod 😵‍💫 he smirks and says "well that's good, and if it doesn't we can just keep working on it can't we?" giving you another gentle kiss while his cum is literally dripping out of you 😵‍💫
jack chambers would be soooooo mean when you're more feral than normal for whatever reason 😵‍💫 saying "yeah? my pretty little wife is desperate for me, hm?" teasing you until you're about to cry from frustration 😵‍💫 pulling away every few minutes so you chase his fingers with your hips and he smirks at you 😵‍💫 tracing his thumb against your mouth and pulling your bottom lip down and saying "needy little thing" and he mocks your pouty face 😵‍💫
oh yes jack dealing with his bratty wife 😋 dragging you up to the bedroom and throwing you on the bed 😋 ripping your panties down your legs and saying "you want to be a fucking brat to me all night? you go ahead and do that, let's see how happy you are when I'm done with you" and he edges you with his mouth and fingers until you're crying 😋 then he says "this is what happens when you're not a good girl for me, you did this to yourself baby" and he's rubbing your thigh to calm you down, and it's quiet for a few moments before he says "and now you're gonna give me a few more, i don't think you've learned your lesson quite yet" 😋
watching the dwd trailer for the first time with harry and when it's done you're there like 😶 and he's nervous bc you're not saying anything and then you burst our "i need you to fuck me right now" and he's like 😧 but then he recovers right away and throws you over his shoulder like a good little boyfriend 😌
jack is an absolute demon when you're doing housework, he thinks his wife looks so good keeping the house running 😋 he can't keep his hands off you and he keeps distracting you, when you tell him you have things to do he's all "you can do that any time, housework will keep... but you know what won't? me 😋 i have an issue and it's time sensitive 😋"
jack trying to get you to marry him 😋 like anon said he 100% goes down on you saying "don't you want this forever? want me to be your husband... you know I'll take good care of you, always gonna be here to make you cum whenever you need it... want to make you my wife so I can touch you whenever I want, and i can give you babies like you've always wanted.... come on, just marry me and everything will be okay" and then he starts sucking on your clit 😋
making jack jealous at parties 😋 wearing the sluttiest little dresses and his favorite lingerie under just to tease him all night 😋 flirting with anyone you see, watching him out of the corner of your eye and he's absolutely fuming the whole night 😋 then finally he's had enough so he's grabbing your wrist and dragging you away 😋 he's still a gentleman so he opens your car door for you but he's a little rough when he helps you in 😋 then he slams his own door saying "such a fucking whore, talking to other guys all night... what was that about? who bought you that dress you're wearing? who bought you the lingerie? whose car are you sitting in right now?" and you're just trying not to smile bc you have him exactly where you want him 😋 you say "I didn't want to make you mad, just maybe a little jealous" and he says "oh yeah? you wanted me to be jealous? wanted me to be mean? I can be very fucking mean baby, I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face when we get home" 😋
jack refuses to let you cum until you say please and beg him enough 😮‍💨 he has his hand on the side of your face to keep you looking at him and he's all "poor thing, you're so desperate for it aren't you" and you nod, nuzzling into his hand a bit 😮‍💨 then he smirks and says "that's too bad, i don't think you've shown me you want it bad enough" and gets right back to edging you 😮‍💨
then after you watch the trailer you're so feral and he can tell you're close after just a few minutes of touching, and then he teases you about it saying "you liked watching me go down on someone else? maybe i should do that again and let you watch in real time" he would smirk when you blush and hide your face, and he says "don't lie to me baby, I know you liked seeing me between another girl's thighs"
jack being your condescending husband who doesn't really listen to you sometimes bc he's a busy man and he has other things to do 😌 but ofc he always has time to back you against the wall and kiss you until you quiet down and go weak in the knees 😌
wait I just had a thought 🥹 harry getting you one of those earpieces to wear during the show so you can be listening in while you watch from backstage 🥹 he knows you get anxious when you don't know what's going on so this way you can stay in the loop the whole time 🥹
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domripley · 3 months
Okay so the dom jack x reader x sub reader x dom Alice has turned into switch jack x sub reader x dom Alice dkjdkfj
So here’s a small preview before i take a nap to see if that’ll get rid of my headache
Jack shook his head at her threat, knowing she wasn’t bluffing. “I-I Alice, please let her use her mouth on my cock, Darlin’, please m’need her pretty, wet mouth on me.”
Alice smirked, grabbing the base of his cock. “Go on, puppy, suck his cock.”
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themotherofblood · 2 years
I have this entire Jack Chambers fic written because I wanted him to have a back story, and not be a sleazy fucking loser. Idk if I should post since I’m not seeing much fics about him anyways
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Day 6 of Kinktober: Having an Affair with Jack Chambers
pairing: jack chambers x fem!reader
warning: eating out, riding, protected sex.
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I moved into Victory a year ago and I’ve been having an affair with Jack Chambers. We go somewhere private secretly so no one can’t see us.
One night, his wife Alice, went out for a girls night but I didn’t want to go so I lied about me being sick, meaning, fucking around with Jack. When the coast was clear, I went to the house and Jack immediately let me in the house.
“I’ve waited so long for this Y/N/N.” Jack says pulling me into him.
“What’re waiting for Jack, I’m here, take me somewhere that you make me beg for you.” I say making his face be close to mine.
Jack takes me to a counter and makes my dress go up so he can see my new lingerie I bought. The way his smirk grows, I’m so ready for him to fuck me up. He makes me take off some of the lingerie off and eats me out while I’m still sitting on the counter, I tug on his hair and gasp while I lean my head back. I position my right heel on his left shoulder blade which made him hold my right leg in place so I couldn’t move it at all.
“Fuck!” I scream.
He’s so good at this it makes me think that my husband is lousy in bed.
Jack stops eating me out and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he takes me to his bedroom, He lays me down and takes his clothes off which made me want him even more. When he got fully naked, I made him get down to my level and he wraps his arms around my body and takes me to the end of the bed. He gets a condom from his nightstand and put it on his cock. He fucks me, I scratch his back each time he went harder into me. I take control a bit, I flip us over to make me on top of him.
I feel my strap falling off, Jack unzips my lingerie and I take it off. I can tell he wants me, I position myself to ride him. I took him so well, Jack leans up to face me and we kiss, I moan into the kiss.
“Ja- Fuck.” I moan while he gives me love bites on my neck.
“You’re so much better than my wife.” He moans continues giving me love bites.
“Why you say that?” I stop him giving me bites.
“She’s been acting crazy lately, I think you already know.” He looks at me.
“Yeah, she has been crazy, that dinner the other night, her crazy idea about Victory and you looking at her when Frank talked about her at his house.” I said.
“I know that she would lie, you don’t lie at all.” Jack touches my cheek.
“I mean the food was good.” I chuckle.
“I think your food is better.” He says.
“Jack!” I chuckle.
“It’s the truth.” He makes us do nose to nose.
We continue kissing and fucking each other, Alice catches us.
“Jack!?” Alice in a scared way.
Jack and I look at Alice, I get embarrassed, I hide my naked body and I look at Jack who has a kinda of an embarrassed face.
“How long has this been going on?” Alice questions.
“A several months.” Jack says.
Alice’s face looks mortified and she walks out of the room.
Ever since that day I’ve been at home not going to any parties or clubs with Jack and he’s friends. I’m so embarrassed, I wish that I never came here or met Jack. Thank god we stayed protected. I hate myself. Fuck Victory!
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maddie7writes · 10 months
summary: harry doesn’t ever want his darling to worry, and she doesn’t
warnings: this fic isn’t for everyone, y/n is a housewife (no i don’t hate women’s rights jack chambers is just really hot) also sorry this is short! mentions of smut
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she would be a liar to say she hated it. she could lie and say she wished to work, wished to go outside the town they lived in. truth was, the only part she hated was harry leaving in the morning. she loved doting on him, making him his favorite breakfast in the morning, making sure the house was clean for him when he got home, making sure he had dinner on the table, making sure the mini bar was fully stocked. those were her second favorite moments of the day, the first of course being the moments she gets to spend with harry.
she always woke up first, mainly out of habit. the clock on the nightstand read 6:23, and the tattooed arm around her waist tightened at the different breathing pattern. she let herself close her eyes and breathe in harry’s scent. it was cruel to think that in three hours he’d leave her, and not return for another eight.
“your thinking is waking me up.” harry whined in her ear, she yawned out a laugh and turned in his arms to look up at him, her chin against his chest. “go to bed baby, you don’t want to be exhausted all day.” she tucked a unruly curl of his away from those deep green eyes glancing down at her lovingly. green was her favorite color.
“don’t worry, darling.” he whispered to her, pulling her impossibly closer. “it’s worth it, a little more sleepy, for a little more time with you.” he kissed the top of her head as she snuggled into him.
he would always whisper that phrase to her; don’t worry, darling. she never had to worry, not about him, not about her, not about them. all she had to do was exist and love. then harry would take care of the rest. it was blissful, why would she ever want anything different?
8:45 rolled around, all the husbands and wives began to step out of their houses, to either wish them off, or go to work. harry always followed behind her, wanting to bask in the sweet little dresses she would always wear for him. though she didn’t always find that fair, especially when he was wearing her favorite navy suit.
“do you have to go?” she whispered, blocking the handle to the car door, he leaned down and kissed her, her hands finding his jaw. “yes love, but i’ll be back. don’t worry, darling.” he repeated the loving phrase to her again. she sighed and let her forehead rest against his chest, taking in one more breath of his cologne before her senses were filled with the sweet smell of cleaning supplies. he kissed the top of her head before opening the car door, “i love you.” he told her, she kissed him one more time before reciprocating the sentiment and watching him drive off. their goodbye was always the longest in the neighborhood, not that they cared.
she spent the rest of the day cleaning. washing the suit harry wore the day before, cleaning the bathroom, making sure the wood wasn’t scuffed, dusting their photos, organizing harry’s record shelf, all of the daily things that needed to be done. she started on dinner at two, and when harry walked through the door at five, dinner had been set, and she had touched up her hair as she opened the door for him.
“god you look divine.” harry sighed, letting his briefcase drop to the polished floors, and using y/n’s back to close the door as he kissed her into it. her heels shuffling trying to keep herself up, to be met with harry’s hands to support her. she giggled at his enthusiasm, “i made lasagna.” she told him. harry nibbled her lip instead, “i’d much rather have you.” he told her, she felt the breath get knocked out of her at his words.
“you have to eat your dinner first baby.” she laughed, she felt like a mother scolding her child to eat their vegetables before they were allowed ice cream. now she was telling harry he needed real food, before he could have the woman he loved. “i like my idea better.” he picked her up bridal style and began carrying her to their bedroom. she whimpered as he set her down gently, “i worked so hard to cook for you.”
“don’t worry, darling. your food won’t go to waste, but i need to thank you properly for the care you take of me and this home.” his kissed her softly, before kneeling in front of her, and thanking her properly.
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
Jack Shit
Summary: In which Jack Chambers is not a selfish, egotistical man-child with raging control issues that apparently wants to climb into Alice's womb like she's his mommy, but instead just a regular guy with a different set of control issues.
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There is absolutely nothing better than the taste of him.
You’ve never felt so depraved. So irrevocably addicted to someone. Every fucking inch of the glorious man sitting just across from you.
His smile. His hair. His fucking arms, and hands, and fingers.
His fucking thighs.
You could just drool. You’ve never felt so pathetically needy in your life. He’s laughing at a joke one of his friends made, running his palm down his chin and your eyes fall to the facial hair that you absolutely adore.
Your thoughts are sinful. Looking at him like he’s sex on a stick. Truthfully, you’re almost embarrassed to be remembering him in such a way, and maybe chemically something is off in your body, but you don’t even care.
Because look at him.
You imagine everyone in the room can feel the tension. The way you’re attempting not to squirm in your seat as you look on. As you watch him settle into his chair as his legs spread comfortably.
Fuck, you could just moan. You have to pull your lip between your teeth and turn your head just to find a moment of reprieve.
And after what feels like hours of pure, unadulterated torture, he seems to notice, head cocking to the side before he nods his chin at you wordlessly. 
You say nothing. Shake your head. Chew on the inside of your cheek.
His eyes narrow thoughtfully before his long finger lifts into the air and beckons you forward. 
You feel your stomach drop, so cock-whipped by this man that you’re standing to your feet before you can think better of it.
The rest of the group continues their chatter as you make your way toward where he resides. And before you have a chance to sit beside him, he’s sneaking an arm around your hip to tug you onto his lap.
Both a blessing and a curse and your legs pull shut within an instant as his head dips to find your ear.
“What’s going on with you, hm?” he murmurs, soft and silky, which certainly doesn’t help. “What’s the matter?”
His hand finds your leg. Innocent enough, mostly in an attempt to grab your attention.
But you’re too far gone, breath hitching at the feel of his skin against yours and he takes note of this immediately.
“What?” he repeats, a tremor of concern in his voice as he glances over the flutter of your lashes. “What’s the matter, angel?”
You could kill him, you really could. Your throat clears gently as you shake your head, now slightly mortified by the thoughts running wild inside your head. 
“Nothing. M’fine.” You won’t meet his eye. Can’t. If you do, you’re done for.
“Liar.” His tone is playful, yet the way he hisses the simple word sends chills right down to your cunt. “I know you better than you think I do. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” you repeat, hoping to sound at least a little convincing. “I just…I’m ready to go home.”
“Oh?” His brow quirks upward. “Why, you all right?”
The gentle lilt of trepidation has you reeling, your heart hammering in your chest as you fight the urge to just climb on top of him.
Your knee begins to bounce, lip back between your teeth as you tug. Commanding yourself to remain indifferent. Relaxed. “Yeah, I just…I’m just—”
Suddenly, a look of realization passes over his face. And pure, unadulterated glee. He leans closer, nose brushing your cheek as he whispers, “Angel, are you dripping?”
You feel your head spin, your skin growing hot and your tongue going numb.
You don’t have to answer for him to know it’s true.
His fingers rub delicate circles into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, subtle enough to slip beneath the observation of everyone else in the room but determined enough that you can’t focus on anything else.
You exhale a deep breath, hand landing over his as you squeeze his knuckles. “Shit, don’t…don’t—”
“Don’t what, hm?” He brings his hand higher and you still at the sensation. “Think it’d be really unfair of me to leave you like this, don’t you?”
You imagine it would be unfair, but you’re so deep in your lust for this man, you don’t imagine you’ll survive if he attempts to do something about it.
When you meet his question with silence, his grip becomes tighter. Unrelenting. “Angel,” he warns, subtly yet forcefully tugging you further along his thigh. “Don’t test my patience.”
And you aren’t trying to test him. God, you can’t even fathom the thought, and yet your own body betrays you as your voice disappears into thin air the moment he asks a question.
And because Jack Chambers is an evil, sadistic, and relentless man…he answers the question for you.
Despite the room full of people, he slips his hand up your leg until it disappears beneath the soft hem of your dress.
Nobody notices. Maybe you want them to, maybe you don’t. But you notice. Feel the way those long fingers graze your inner thigh as they travel up. Up and up and up until they find the silk of your underwear. 
You also notice his breath hitch. Rather pleased at his obvious enjoyment of what he’s finding. The way, despite his power, he’s still overcome at the thought of you.
You watch his lips mumble something. You don’t catch what, exactly, but that hardly matters because he’s finally touching you. Thumb down the front of the fabric as he applies the subtlest amount of pressure. Just enough to make you squirm. Enough to have you sucking in a sharp gasp as you turn to hide your face in his neck.
“Shh,” he warns, cadence soothing and gentle. Soft and reassuring. It’s odd, the way he can seem both animalistic and tender all at once. You imagine that’s what you adore most about him. How he makes you feel both safe and terrified. “I’ve got you, yeah?”
He does, he’s got you, and you nod. You’ve never needed him to get you so badly.
A bit more pressure this time around. Up and down. Pressing. Circling. Kneading. Until you physically feel a blood vessel about to pop from how hard you’re trying not to whine. Until your stomach is cramping from the pain of holding the pleasure at bay. The way your thighs burn from attempting to squeeze them shut around his hand.
And the voices around you. Everyone laughing and talking and drinking and singing along to the music. Nobody pays you two any mind. If someone were to look over, they’d simply think you were whispering a secret in his ear. 
And you are. Repeatedly. “Please, please, please.” Desperate and fraught. Needing him to take you home, or to the car, or even to the fucking hallway if that means he’ll give you what you want.
He’s so close to going a bit further. You wish he would. Need him to. Need him to actually touch you. Skin on skin. No more of this over-the-panties bullshit. 
And he knows it. Knows what you need and is refusing to give it to you and you’re not sure why but you could kill him, you really could.
But that might have to wait until tomorrow because right now, with the thought of getting caught so close, and his hand much closer…you realize, you’re done for. Because skin on skin or not, you’re about to tip over the edge. His practiced and determined touch bringing you right to the cliff as he holds you there. Dangles you by one fucking finger.
And you can feel it. Bubbling. Ready to tip over at a moment's notice and it’s almost there, just a couple more seconds, and you’ll have to bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming, and it’s so good and so close, and just one more second—
He stops.
Pulls his hand back.
Leaves you there. On the cliff. Dangling. Falling. Disappearing into the black abyss.
“Ja…Jack,” you just barely manage to whisper as he smooths the hem of your dress along your thighs, as if putting you back together. “What…what—”
“You never answered my question,” he tells you calmly, green eyes finally looking up to meet yours. “My angel knows better than that.”
You exhale a tense sigh. “Jack—”
“Off,” he demands, patting your hip to signal he wants you to stand to your feet.
But you hardly can, legs wobbly and chest caving in on itself. “Jack, I—”
“Off,” he repeats, a bit sterner, and immediately, you’re up. “Good. Go sit down and wait for me to take you home.”
“Don’t push it, darling.” His tone hardens, lids narrowing as you feel the urge to cry bubbling its way up your throat. “Next time, you’ll tell me what I want to hear, and I’ll be good to you.”
“No, Jack, I promise…I was listening, I just—”
“S’too late now, Angel,” he hums, that familiar smirk attempting to sneak its way into his expression as he pulls his brows together and throws his arm over the back of his seat. His chin nods toward you as you settle on the couch. “Good girl. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to go.”
You suck in a deep breath. Hold it. Nails digging into your thighs. “Jack…please—”
“Uh uh,” he warns, head shaking once. “You can wait.”
“You can wait.” He regards you carefully, and you can see the sadistic pleasure settle behind his eyes. “That’s it. Just like that. Sit there and behave for me.”
And you do. For the rest of the long, tumultuous evening. You sit there. You wait. You don’t make a sound.
But you do plan your revenge.
And as you watch him laugh with his friends and throw you a knowing wink, you smile through gritted teeth.
He’s so fucking in for it now.
And you’re gonna make it hurt.
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~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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gottagetbetter14 · 2 years
This is paradise II
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Summary: Where the hell was she? And who the hell is her "husband"?
Jack Chambers x Reader
Warnings: Jack is very manipulative and toxic. Arguing and semi angst.
Part 1
Broken glass was now being collected into a dustpan. Her grip on the yellow broom never faltered.The man had left for work leaving her behind to take care of her “mistake.” She was still shaking like a leaf from his outburst. Terrified he would come back and lose his temper again.
“I have much disdain for back talkers.” He says getting up from his seat and taking the glass she had earlier filled with orange juice into his hand. Taking a long sip he stares into her eyes before speaking again. “This will be the last time I am disrespected like that again, do you understand?” She nods her head fast. He slams his hands on the table causing a glass to fall and shatter below her feet. “I’d like you to use your words and address me correctly.” He demanded with a new dark look in his eyes. She’s taken aback at the command. “Yes I understand.” He walks to her seat taking her chin between his pointer finger and thumb. “I understand what?” He smirked watching her mouth open and close, deciding how to answer back correctly. “I understand sir.” She utters quickly not liking the taste of the words on the tip of her tongue. He gives her a grin, rubbing his thumb along her bottom lip like he did in bed. He moves his hand to her cheek giving it a tap. “Good, clean this up.” She sits there with the order flying past her ears as she watches him leave her alone once again.
She doesn’t have the stomach to eat the breakfast left on her plate. She gets up finally leaving the dinning room to dump the rest of the food into the bin. Not having the energy to continue cleaning she puts the dishes in the sink and leaves to find the bathroom.
Standing in front of the mirror is a woman she doesn’t recognize. The figure in the reflection has voluminous hair, clean skin, and a different glow to her face that she isn’t used to. She looks healthy. Not a hair out of place and no eye bags in sight. This is not what she ever pictured herself looking like before, so why does she look like this now?
She breaks herself out of the trance and steps away from the counter like it burned her well manicured hands. She turns to leave back to the bedroom making sure to not look back at the reflection again.
The bed was unmade, clearly the man avoided it, leaving her to clean up after him once again. The brown flowered comforter lay at the end of the bed, while the white linen sheets are on top. While looking upon the room she had mysteriously woken up in this morning she sees something sparkle in the light on the left side table.
Going closer she can see a ring and picking it up shows the gorgeous fat diamond that sits on a delicate gold band. She’s never seen anything this beautiful in her life, she's honestly quite scared of it. Knowing this might be the ring that has tied her to the man forever. The cold feeling of the band leaves a lasting need to put it on and of course it fits perfectly.
Scaring her out of the ring inspection taking up her time was a knock at her door. Placing the ring down quickly she rushes to the blue front door. Hesitant to place her hand upon the golden she hears a woman’s voice speak up.
“Y/n honey, it’s Bunny! Jack mentioned you might want some company!”
So that’s the man’s name.
This is also not my favorite but I swear it gets better!
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Baby Susan; Jack Chambers
Jack and Alice looked in awe at the sweet baby bundle tucked away in her crib. The flamingo crocheted quilt, hugged her tight enough for security. "Alice, isn't amazing how we created something so beautiful?" Alice laid her head on Jack's shoulder.
"Yeah.....look at her little nose," As if on cue, Susan's diaphanous nose twitched like a little bunny. "She has your eyes Alice, and your hair and smile." Alice giggled, while continuing her gaze at her baby girl.
"She has your nose." Jack beamed in pride as seeing that when Susan was born, she looked like a copy of Alice. Despite the colossal jubilation Jack felt at Susan's birth, his mind did bellyache at the fact of Susan only favoring him to a microscopic degree. When he pictured his new offspring, she would have light brown hair with enriching green eyes like her mother and deep dimples like him. She would be a gentle and ladylike soul like Alice, but a stubborn jack rabbit like himself.
But nonetheless, Susan was more than anything he could've dreamed of. She was perfect in everyway. He soft pale skin, her mushy cheeks that he splattered in kisses every moment he got and her benign little cries that she echoed throughout the house for a diaper change or a bottle.
Her personality was already shaping itself. She was a quiet baby, with only a little to say, Susan was a miss independent as she focused her baby brain on doing things herself. She was also obedient; determined to mind the do's and don'ts of her parents. She would stare into their eyes, almost as if asking for approval for an okay to squawk out a cry or to grab something that seemed edgy for her.
Jack and Alice too their positions into their own bed, after reading a goodnight story and kissing the 2 month old baby goodnight. Jack watched from the bed as Alice fixed herself up for bed; her gentle smooth hands rubbing her sheeny face and neck. She stared at herself in the mirror with such modesty yet insufferable pride at the same time.
Alice sat legs crossed while applying her night serum. Her black lingerie layed perfectly around the curves of her body. She finished up before inviting herself next to Jack in the bed. Alice's head hit the pillow before Jack had the chance to ask her if she wanted to indulge in the book the two had started together. But Alice's snores told something different. Jack had to face it, she was home most of the day with Susan and it was a daunting task in itself to care for such a little susceptible infant. I guess it's just me. Jack thought before turning the page of the chapter he already finished.
Soon it turned dusk midnight, Jack asleep with the book page cornered and set aside on the nightstand, spooning Alice as the young couple were snoozing away in the mildly heated pale yellow room, tucked away in azure pixelated covers. That was until a baby's shriek wrested them alive.
Alice dashed into Susan's bedroom; rollers in her hair bouncing along with the lavender robe she covered herself in. Jack laid in bed still; hand going over the empty indention of where Alice's body was.
"Shhh, my butterfly...there, there." Alice cooed through the monitor. Jack was soothed by Alice's sweet song like voice, gently rocking his baby back to sleep. "You just wanted someone to hold you? Well, mommy's here baby....she'll always be there." Jack didn't even recon the smile that had incoherently spread across his face. Alice had said the last part with the gentle voice she always uses. But the feeling of deep admiration and devotion for her baby lingered in her tone which uprooted Jack from his warm spot in the bed, and into Susan's bedroom, where he was greeted by a nursing Susan and a sleepy wife.
Jack was awestruck by the site. The tiny baby was suckling for milk and her sapped mother, laid back in the pale green rocking chair the couple had taken the liberty to make. Mostly Jack. Being the do-it-yourself type of guy, Jack constructed the chair as a present for Alice, like a thank you for carrying the baby. Jack carefully took Susan after she was done with her midnight snack and placed her into the crib.
He then adjusted Alice's top part and carried her into the shared bed they had. "Goodnight my princess," Jack placed a sweet kiss to Alice's cheek. "I love you."
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lovecanyon · 2 years
but make my own ending with jack not…
dying at the end. maybe him and y/n could run away…
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