#Jagged Peak
artaintfart · 3 months
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Buncha those wc design challenges hehe
Gray pov girlies
Gray tabbies
White cats
Golden cats
[Tigerclones were my own idea cuz I’ve been wanting to do that for a while…. Tigerstar I, Brambleclaw, Hawkfrost, Tigerstar II, Lightleap, and the Imposter]
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midzukishino · 3 days
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Busy with artfight stuff, but finished something
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hazelwhisker-designs · 4 months
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Jagged Peak
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justapigeonn · 10 months
Ok so I know I said I'd never do an actual rewrite for DOTC but after some thinking I honestly couldn't help myself so here;s a megadump of some of the changes I'd make:
Turtle Tail and Bumble would escape the twoleg house together after she becomes pregnant and Tom shows his ugly side
2. Gray Wing actually realises he was the reason Turtle Tail left in the first place and apologises for being a twat
3. With Turtle tail's help, Bumble convinces the moor cats to let her stay, but she soon discovers that she's not cut out for their way of life so Turtle Tail takes her to River Ripple to live with him and his colony and she becomes a seasoned river dwelling cat. She ends up living a long, peaceful, happy life and she and Turtle tail visit each other regularly
4. Tom eventually shows up to demand Turtle Tail's kits. He ends up finding the hollow by actually scenting them out as opposed to Gray Wing doxing them out of sheer stupidity and attempts to sneak into camp and take them, but Turtle Tail intercepts him and kills him where he stands
5. This is a big one that may spark controversy but SkyClan does not exist and Clear Sky never gets to be leader. He proves time and time again even after the battle that he is not worthy of being one, let alone a FOUNDER by any stretch of the imagination. He continuously demonstrates irresponsibility, is unnecessarily controlling and cruel, even to the cats he's supposed to care about and only seems to get his shit together in the very last book, long after he should have 'learned his lesson'. He never changed and should never have been given the countless chances to redeem himself. Instead, after the battle he is stripped of his leadership role by StarClan and the other founders and the forest cats fall under Thunder's authority instead, who leaves the moor after the battle to be where he truly wants to be. Clear Sky is allowed to join his ranks but he does so with the utmost resentment and bitterness. When One Eye and Star Flower enter the scene, One Eye takes advantage of his hatred and convinces Clear Sky to spy on and betray Thunder's group with the promise of him joining his rogue group and earning a position of power by his side and Clear Sky accepts (you have full permission to interpret this as gay) while Star Flower grows close to Thunder as she does in canon, manipulating him from the side line. At some point along the line Clear Sky outs himself and Star Flower and he joins One Eye's group before having a change of heart while Star Flower has her own redemption and blah blah blah still working on it). Clear Sky realises that being a meanie head ain't it, turns against One Eye and his rogues and supports his son wholeheartedly etc. At some stage during the final battle Clear Sky is killed by one of One Eye's close supporters as a final sacrifice/attempt to redeem himself, though I'm not keen on giving him a particularly heroic death considering how angry Tom's canon death made me so I figured it would be funny of the other settlers were like 'ohh noooo, anyways' with a couple of solemn words as opposed to a whole grievingfest. As for my reasoning for omitting SkyClan completely, half of it is due to the fact that it's basically just defacto ThunderClan except for the fact that they can jump high and hunt in trees, which are easily things ThunderClan can adopt. Firestar's quest and the latter half of AVOS can just not happen which I'm sure not many people will complain about
6. Gray Wing is not a Clear Sky apologist loser and actually resents him for all the grief he has caused
7. Rather than his own big bad, Slash is rather one of One Eye's devoted followers. One ruthless manipulative rogue leader would have been quite enough to serve as the arc's main antagonist for the latter half of it's duration, with better writing they could've spread it out and and left a true impact. Considering have him kill Clear Sky in the heat of the final battle maybe as opposed to giving his slaughter to One Eye
8. Fern and and a few of the other various mistreated rogues still exist, but this time under One Eye's command. She still ends up working with Gray Wing and joining the moor cats along with some of her friends after betraying One Eye
9. Star Flower never becomes Clear Sky's third mate or is reduced to a stock sweet baby mama where her getting kidnapped, abused then giving birth in an inconvenient place is introduced as a form of conflict, but rather reconciles with Thunder and builds on the previous connection they had already established (which would be stronger in my au). He eventually forgives her and they bond over the fact that they have manic shitty bloodthirsty fathers plotting against them and team up to be their foil, eventually becoming mates at the end of the arc.
10. Slate and Violet Dawn do not exist. This isn't because I don't like them as characters but imo never existing in the first place is a far better fate than being last minute underdeveloped love interests for the male protagonists with no other function in the story whatsoever
11. Quiet Rain is not guilted into forgiving Clear Sky for the atrocities he committed on her deathbed by Shaded Moss (who had no business doing so considering the fact that he wasn't a victim of his and she was particularly angry at the fact that he has killed Rainswept Flower who seemingly didn't get a say in the matter)
This was super lengthy and I ended up adding way more than I expected but I do hope to expand on them in the future. There are other things I have issues with such as the way Gray Wing treats Jagged Peak in numerous scenes as well as the overall ableism of the arc but this is all for now :3
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artaintfartwarriors · 6 months
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marmosetpaw · 1 year
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i fucking hated it when Gray Wing got that one badass line ("kill me and live with the memory") it should've been someone else
Gray Wing was never "badass" he was a culmination of everything WRONG with this series. The pro colonial themes, the extreme misogyny, the xenophobic and racist rhetoric, the blatent fatphobia, the ableism, even the inconsistencies between one book right after the other due to lack of communication, and right down the blatent Writer Projection and Bias. The writers see themselves in this awful character, and while he WAS supposed to die in The Sun Trail (which would honestly have made for a pretty interesting twist) the writers/this weird editing team that actually makes the real choices loved him too much, which you know wouldn't have happened if Gray Wing was female. Any character this team grows attached to can do no wrong. Bramblestar, Alderheart, Nightheart, Clear Sky, Jayfeather, Rootspring, and Gray Wing. Notice a pattern here? Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Sparkpelt, Finchlight, Sunbeam, Every Woman Clear Sky Slaughtered or had Die For His Arc, Leafpool, Violetshine, Twigbranch, Needleclaw, Bristlefrost, Turtle Tail, Storm, Tall Shadow, Wind Runner, BUMBLE, Star Flower, I can keep going.
All of these female characters suffer for them. Whether narratively through bad writing (Turtle Tail, Tall Shadow, Needleclaw, Finchlight, Sparkpelt) or through the story needlessly putting them through the wringer (Leafpool, Squirrelflight, BUMBLE) or just straight up killed, all for the express purpose of a Sad Boy Character Arc.
He will not even be TOUCHING that line, anon. He isn't even part of that SCENE. It's Jagged Peak leaping up to knock Clear Sky off the boulder like a little kitty headbutt missile, saving Rainswept Flower's life inadvertently and proving his pathetic sycophant brother wrong. The shock of the big bully falling on top of the pile of writhing cats is enough to make it stop, just for a moment long enough to realize the carnage that has just been committed.
Sorry for the vent, been feeling passionate about Battle Cats misogyny. 1000% agree with you anon!
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indi-ak · 5 months
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One of the favourite couples in this arc.
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blujello · 2 months
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Did a few more (might do more bc it's a fun little doodle exercise) as before these designs are on my design account on here and insta under @lightningwaters
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eggfeather · 8 months
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jagged peak
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i-am-a-living-god · 8 months
wtf is wrong with Clear Sky
He's like worse then Tigerclaw and yet he's barley treated as a villain. he kicked out cats for being disabled including his own brother.
His own brother, a mere child, kicked out the moment he no longer has a use.
He murdered a cat for being in their home because he wanted to expand his already most of the forest territory, and then wanted to murder her children after he realized she was a mother who was only protecting her children.
He abandoned his child all because he was sour about his ex wife only to manipulate Thunder into abandoning his real family (Gray wing and Turtle tail) to join his fucked up little group of traumatized cats.
and then when his son breaks up with his girlfriend because he found out that she was actually just using him so that her murderer dad could kill his family easier. you know what Clear Sky does? He marries her!
He marries his son's ex girlfriend.
Who's dad tried to kill him and his family.
What. The. Fuck.
Also not to mention he's the whole reason for the shitty clan system in the first place.
Yup every problem with this series you can blame on Clear sky.
Gray Wing deserves a better brother honestly.
Ooh! We can't forget about the whole Falling Feather and Jackdaws Cry situation.
This mf took Falling Feather's very real concerns about how Clear Sky is leading as treason and then stripped her of all her rights.
He called a clan meeting just to publicly shame her and he told everyone that she is basically dirt beneath their paws and they can and should boss her around like she's worthless.
He told the clan that she is only allowed to eat the leftovers of whatever food was hunted, that she hunted herself because she was talking with her friend about how Clear Sky is kind of shit.
Oh did I mention that he grew up with this cat? These two cats have known each other since birth, how can he treat her like that?
He also threatened to kill Jackdaws Cry when he came to his camp to see his sister. They weren't even separate groups yet.
Anyway because of Clear Sky's horrible abuse of his camp mate's he ended up getting like ten cats killed (probably more) and Falling Feather and Jackdaws Cry ended up killing each other in this battle, all because Clear Sky is worried there won't be enough food in this pray rich forest.
He's greedy and doesn't even barely regret it.
He had two siblings kill each other because he is paranoid. The way Falling Feather acted in that battle really makes you feel how horrible Clear Sky's punishment must have been. She was so desperate to prove that she is loyal and not a traitor that in the end she ended up losing her life and taking down the one cat she cared for most with her.
Wow. Just wow.
The only "good thing" Clear Sky ever did was sacrifice his tail to save Gray Wings child.
I consider that just a fraction of a debt repaied. He still owes Gray Wing so much.
In conclusion, fuck Clear Sky.
And there are probably so many more awful things he did but I don't feel like listing them all. He's just the worst.
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theanoninyourinbox · 5 months
Leafstar's Nine Lives
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Cloudstar: Enduring Faith
Willowpelt: Second Chances
Jagged Peak: Good Humor in Bad Times
Turtle Tail: Defending the Defenseless
Bumble: Joy in the Small Things
Grey Wing: Knowing When to Ask for Aid
Smoke: Love and Affection
Jake: Knowing When to Let Go
Nutmeg: Balance and Adaptability
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janadog · 2 months
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Six warrior cats characters!
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rewirenova · 1 year
Definitely not a hot take, but Clear Sky/Skystar should have never been redeemed.
Mostly bc he doesn't deserve it obviously
But also, can you imagine the story potential of keeping him as a villain? The impact it would have on Clan history and culture forever?
One of the five founders of the Clans - legendary figures renowned by all Clan cats - ending up in the Dark Forest among the rest of the traitors and killers?
The leaders after him trying so, so hard to redefine their Clan outside of what he did, but despite it all there's still a stain on SkyClan's reputation for years to come?
The other Clans seeing the destruction of SkyClan's territory as a sign from StarClan that they don't belong after what their founder did?
This same sentiment carrying on as Bluestar tries convincing Firestar not to rebuild SkyClan? But he doesn't listen, because he knows better than anyone not to judge someone based on their origins?
Gray Wing, Jagged Peak, Storm and Thunderstar all giving Leafstar one of her nine lives as a sign of trust that she can do what their brother/mate/father could not?
GOD I hate that Clear Sky was redeemed
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justapigeonn · 11 months
sorry sorry i'm on a full on dotc ramble rn cause i'm properly reading the arc for the first time but i wanna know why this value was later overturned. it'll probably 'explain' later on in the arc but tall shadow correctly points out that your loved ones are most important and should never be cast aside for 'the greater good of the group', yet the modern clans have such a toxic opposing mindset
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clear sky is very obviously painted in the wrong here so why is it his rhetoric that gets adopted and carried on through generations of cats?? “if you are not useful to the group, you are nothing to us”..... the rhetoric that tore so many cats apart and ruined lives. again the books will probably make up some lame excuse later on but i’m completely stumped here
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also ofc i’m aware that the cruel ableism influencing clear sky’s decision here has been MOSTLY phased out (briarlight, cinderpelt, longtail and brightheart for example are still loved and accepted within their clan, though the 4 of them still struggles with issues of self worth and for a period of time, only feeling as though they are valued if they’re ‘useful’ to the clan, which is incredibly sad and often influenced by their clanmates’ behaviour, even if it’s sometimes unintentional), but this also extends to cats who have been forced to choose between their clans of the cat(s) they love - always frowned upon and shunned if they choose the latter. it’s the same thing i discussed in an earlier post regarding bluestar; how she’s forced to give up and forget every cat she’s loved and lost ‘to save her clan’ because according to goosefeather “her loss is small compared to the fate of her clan”. how this value is framed as an obvious catch by mapleshade as she manipulates crookedstar as he’s forced to watch everyone he loved die around him as he wails to take back his promise.
there are so many mixed messages regarding this value cause despite the agony it caused it was carried on through the clans for decades and is only *just* partially starting to get phased out with the code changes in asc. still baffles me tho. sorry might have gone a bit off tangent there but i had to get my thoughts out lol
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