#James ✖ (Headcanons)
crowsandmurder · 2 years
James Potter Tags and Verses
James  ✖ (Aesthetics)
James  ✖ (Thoughts)
James  ✖ (Character Development)
James  ✖ (Crack)
James  ✖ (Headcanons)
James  ✖ (Photos)
James  ✖ (Starter Call)
James  ✖ (Verses)
O N L Y  C H I L D
James Potter is an only child. He tends to be given anything he wants. He’s friends with other purebloods, but also halfbloods. He doesn’t quite understand the big deal, about blood status. He’s also reckless and has broken way more bones, than most children. His parents are older, and don’t watch him close enough.
E V E R Y B O D Y  L O V E S  M E
From the moment James Potter entered Hogwarts, he was popular. He and Sirius Black both were. They became friends quickly with Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, and the boys ruled the school. James was cocky, and was known to pick on some people, especially Severus Snape, but a lot of it was immaturity. Getting girls was easy for him, well except for one.
H E A D  B O Y
At the beginning of his seventh year, James Potter of all people, became Head Boy.  He had matured a bit, was a lot more serious and was noticing that the world was becoming worse. He still got in quite a bit of trouble, but he also took being Head Boy serious. That didn’t mean that he didn’t use it to his advantage, though. 
T H E  O R D E R
Before leaving Hogwarts, James was recruited by Dumbledore, to take part in the Order of the Phoenix, a group that would fight against Voldemort and his followers to hopefully put a stop to the Wizarding War. It was something that was dangerous, but if anyone could handle it, he could. 
S A F E  A N D  S O U N D
James and Lily are hidden away, while she was pregnant, because their son may be part of the prophecy, and what Voldemort is after. Only the secret keeper knows where to find them, which will be their undoing.
Verse to be expanded on, where James doesn’t die.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
James Potter was born On March 27, 1960, to Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. Although they were older parents, they both still actively worked as aurors for the Ministry of Magic. Due to the fact that they spent the first few years busy with work, James was mostly raised by their house elf. They didn’t ignore their son though. They loved him as much as two parents could, showering him with all sorts of gifts and a lavish lifestyle, being that they were wealthy. When James turned 11, he didn’t wonder if his acceptance letter to Hogwarts would come. He knew that it would. He also was confident that he would be sorted into Gryffindor. His parents were both Gryffindor and James had every quality that is frequently found in Gryffindors. He was brave, almost to the point of being reckless and had the many injuries from his many adventures to prove it. James Potter was right, and off to Hogwarts he went. On the train, he befriended Sirius Black, and the two boys took an instant dislike for Severus Snape, which would grow throughout the years. This caused him to butt heads with Lily Evans, although there was something about her that even 11 year old James Potter couldn't help but be intrigued by. As predicted, he was sorted into Gryffindor, and the two boys quickly grew attached at the hip and befriended Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Early in second year, James had been noticing more and more that Remus continued to disappear. After grabbing his invisibility cloak that his father gave him before leaving for Hogwarts, he followed him out and that was when James discovered that Remus had a secret: He was a werewolf. James had been stunned and didn’t know how to handle it, in the least. But the one thing that he did know was that Remus was his friend. After not speaking of it to anyone, he had spent the next day in the library and while Remus was still recovering, James went to Sirius and Peter with an idea. They would become animagi and do what they could to help protect Remus during his transformations. James knew that transfigurations was something that they needed to excel in and he was at the top of their year already. When he went to Remus, Remus was determined that he didn’t need anyone to help him but James wasn’t convinced. He wanted to help his friend and wasn’t going to take no for an answer. As the Marauders continued to rise in popularity and pranks, which did include James and Sirius bullying people, particularly Snape, they worked hard and finally becami animagi, and did what they could to help Remus. As James’ popularity grew, his ego continued to grow and it didn’t help that he excelled at everything that he did. He quickly rose to be one of the best Quidditch Chasers Hogwarts had ever seen and impressed girls in all directions, except for the one he wanted to impress: Lily Evans. James hatred for Snape continued to grow, the more Lily continued to reject him and James and Sirius took great pleasure in making the boy suffer. It wasn’t long until James was learning to turn Snape’s hexes against him and he took great pleasure in it, even if he continued to ask Lily to go out with him and she continued to reject him. But it all came to a head in the spring of their fifth year. James had gathered his fellow Gryffindors out at the Lake, and as Sirius encouraged it, James hung Snape upside down by his trousers, quite enjoying the boy’s public humiliation. A part of his arrogance faltered when Lily defended Snape and he released the hex on him, as he fell to the ground. James was horrified when Snape called Lily a horrible name, and as much as he wanted to kill him for what he had done to her, he knew that part of that was on him, and it caused him for the first time to consider his actions. The summer before their sixth year was one that James couldn’t forget. On a particularly dark night when James was still grounded for the incident at the Lake with Snape, there was a banging on their door. As his mum answered it, he saw his best friend on the other side. But this wasn’t the arrogant Sirius that mirrored James’ ways. He was broken and James heart broke for his friend, moving to hug him and from that day on, James Potter and Sirius Black were brothers. Sirius was part of the family and had found a new home. Although most people didn’t become Captain of the Quidditch team until seventh year, James was made Captain at the start of his sixth year. As sixth year unfolded, James continued to ask Lily out and she continued to reject him. He still spent his time hexing Snape when he could, partly because he was still mad that he had hurt Lily the way he had. But one night during Remus’ transformation, Sirius took it too far and lured Snape to the Weeping Willow, so that Remus could get rid of him once and for all, while a werewolf. James found out about the plan and even though he hated Snape more than he hated anyone, he stopped it and at the last minute, he saved his life. James continued to spend time with girls from all directions, notably Emma Vanity and Glenda Chittock. But not long before sixth year ended, he and Lily wound up sharing a heated snog in the dark corridors, and Jame knew then that no other girl would compare to her, and broke it off with both girls. That summer was one that changed his life completely. One day an owl arrived from Dumbledore, and he had been named Head Boy. After pulling Sirius off the floor from his laughing, James wondered what the hell Dumbledore was thinking. But, his mother, who had grown rather ill had pulled him into her room late that night and told him this was a chance to change, and that he needed to deflate his head. But, the next few days were ones that James Potter hadn't seen coming. His parents had died, only a few days apart. He was broken. He only confided in Lily Evans, who as she helped him through it and they served as Heads, they grew closer, and eventually, after them not labeling their newfound intimacy, he finally got her to agree to be his girlfriend. He really started to pull it together but the more he pulled it together, the more he started to see that he was growing up and starting to see that the wizarding world was getting darker and finding less joy in the recklessness he once had. Dumbledore noticed it too and right before Christmas, he approached James about getting involved with a new project, a resistance to fight Voldemort and his followers. James signed up eagerly and became the first student to be recruited into the Order of the Phoenix. Along with the Aurors planted at Hogwarts, James helped recruit people that could help, and backed the Order financially. He even found himself proposing to Lily before leaving, and helped lead Gryffindor to victory in the Quidditch Final. James Potter left Hogwarts how he wanted to: popular and a Quidditch Star. Once out in the real world, it became quite clear that this war threatened to destroy them all. James resolution to help fight and end this war was stronger than ever. He tried to still find things to take lightly, but it got harder, the more blood that was spilled. It became a real question, whether, any of this was going to break James Potter once and for all, or if he will rise up and be the fighter that he was likely born to be. Lily was often his rock and them marrying was something that managed to be something happy in their lives. As time went on, things just continued to get worst. Just when James and Lily thought that nothing could become more complicated, Lily became pregnant. While they were overjoyed at this development, they both knew that it was frightening. It became even more frightening when their child became a part of a prophecy. Though they went into hiding, they were betrayed, and Voldemort came to kill Harry. James tried to fend him off, wanting to give Lily and Harry time. He knew he would be killed, and he was right. He died protecting his family.
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Tags and Verses
Nathan  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Nathan  ✖ (Thoughts)
Nathan ✖ (Character Development)
Nathan  ✖ (Crack)
Nathan ✖ (Headcanons)
Nathan  ✖ (Photos)
Nathan  ✖ (Verses)
Nathan Scott was raised to never want anything, as the son of Dan and Deb Scott. But, life wasn't always perfect. He knew his father had a bastard so, and he hated the kid, because he existed. He knew they were only several months apart, and he just hated him. It wasn't like they traveled in the same circles though. Nathan was popular, head of the basketball team, propular girlfriend. But, that didn't mean he didn't make him miserable when he could.
It wasn't all easy though. His fa her was obsessed with his basketball career, since the time he could dribble a basketball. He wasn't stupid. He knew it was more about his dad, than it was about him. His family was pretty much crazy.
His life got even crazier when his 'brother' joined the basketball team and he made his life hell for it, only easing off, when he promised Haley James he'd ease off, if she tutored him. He'd made a bet he could get with her. But, he hadn't expected her to make such an impression on him. Everything kind of changed, after that.
His parents decided to divorce, and sick of them trying to put him in the middle, he emancipated himself. He and Lucas get along on off weeks, and he and Haley, well that was another story. It was normal to get married in high school, right? Everyone said he changed, and maybe they were right...until she left and went on the road. He reverted to before and even when she returned, he was hard on her, and Lucas both.
Eventually, he worked it out with them all, but things are never easy with his life, and he didn't always make the best choices. But one thing was good, for sure and that was holding his baby son for the first time, on his graduation day.
In college, he went all-American and nearly lost it all a few years later, when he went through a glass window, and hurt his back. But over time, he got it back, and with the support of his family, finally made the NBA. But sometimes, dreams changes and ability to hold his family becomes more important.

I have never had a dad who wished I was a stain on a bed sheet
Nathan Scott, younger son of Dan Scott, or if you ask Dan or Nathan, only son of Dan Scott, is pretty much the star of the Tree Hill Ravens basketball team. He's popular, has an attitude, and has been known to bully people. The thing he hates most: the existence of his father's bastard son, Lucas. What Nathan didn't anticipate was his effort to get under Lucas skin after he joined the team, to change his whole life.
I already know my future
The last thing that Nathan would have imagined a year ago, is that he would be married, and that he and Lucas would be friends, and even brothers? But, he's trying to navigate it the best he can, and deal with basketball. But, the pressure from his dad hasn't gone away, despite being emancipated. Being married this young isn't as easy as it looks, and there's this asshole singer who is giving him a bad feeling, who seems to be 'helping' Haley.
Like a man possessed
Married or not, he still didn't always handle things the best, and well, neither did Haley. First, she went on tour, and he went completely off the deep end. But, it just got worse. He was self-destructing and fast. She reappeared the night before he left for High Flyers for the summer, and he didn't know how to handle it, so he didn't.
The roots are still there. It just takes time.
Senior year is starting. He is Captain of the Tree Hill Ravens. His game is looking better than ever. Everything should be going great, except it wasn't. He still was married, and...he didn't know if he wanted a divorce...wanted to be married...wanted to punch Lucas, or drive another race car into another wall. He'd tried reverting to the old Nathan Scott before, and it hadn't really worked. Now, he was trying to co-exist in the same town as Haley, who kept saying she wasn't going anywhere. But, he didn't know if he could trust her. He and Lucas were still at odds, despite the fact that deep down, he knew it wasn't Lucas' fault that she'd left. He was slowly letting her back in, but it would take time, among other things. This year would be one he would never forget though, one of loss, pain, and new life.
Getting into college wasn't easy for Nathan. The mess with point shaving, to try to pay back Dante, had made him unappealing to Duke, and so many other schools. If it wasn't for Whitey, he wouldn't be playing ball anywhere. He wound up playing for Whitey, with Lucas as Assistant Coach at Gilmore University, while he and Haley worked to balance school, life and raising their baby, James Lucas Scott. Eventually, Nathan transfers to University of Maryland, College Park, where he was a First-Team All American.
I am not good at being vulnerable.
During the next several years, Nathan continues to work towards the NBA, even getting a shoe deal. It is looking like he is going to be drafted to the Seattle Sonics, but it all changed when he got into a fight, that led to him getting thrown through a window, and losing feeling in his legs. He felt like everything had been taken from him, and he started drinking all the time, depressed. Over time and realizing he needs to be there for Haley and Jamie, he is able to stand up and try to work his way back, even working with a troubled teen on Lucas' basketball team. But, things never stay easy in his life and his comeback was difficult, as was his life at home, due to problems with the nanny, his father and many other things. He tries to face things as a family, but sometimes, things are hard.
I got called up.
After trying slamball and nearly injuring himself again, Nathan makes the D-Team Charleston Chiefs. He faces yet more adversity, as the player with the current #23 tells him that he's not just going to let him walk on the team. He butts heads with a couple of the players, but eventually, he finally gets his call up to the Charlotte Bobcats, finally making it to the NBA.
You have saved me so many times.
Life as an NBA player is not a bad life to have. Nathan Scott worked hard to get there, and it's nice playing in Charlotte, since he gets to be close to family, unless he's on the road. His agent has become like family and he really likes being a Bobcat, and likes watching Jamie grow. As he gets closer to a contract year, he's not hearing what he wants to hear and he's starting to get worried about it. It doesn't help that some woman is claiming to be pregnant with his child. His father manages to get her to admit she's lying, but even in the midst of everything, Haley's mom dies, and at the last moment, Clay gets him a contract to stay in Charlotte and overjoyed at Haley being pregnant, he doesn't initially tell her that the doctors think he doesn't have that much time left, with his back.
I will be leaving the game of basketball.
After Clay is shot, Nathan leaves camp and he tells Haley about his back. He wants to try to be an organ donor, even if he is not a match. He makes the hard decision to put basketball behind him. Once Clay recovers, he helps him with the new agency, and tries his hand at being a sports agent, and turns out to be a pretty good one. Life seems to be okay, even without basketball, well unless you count, getting kidnapped and nearly murdered. He was able to make peace with his dad, who died saving his life. But, he thinks it all might be okay. He's got a great family, and he doesn't hate this sports agent thing, but maybe, he'll take a vacation for a bit.
Someday is today.
Life continues in the Scott home, as Jamie and Lydia grow up. Nathan continues to work with Clay, and Nathan proves to be a good, loving father, and hasn't nearly gotten murdered recruiting athletes again. When his son passes his scoring record, he's proud of him.
James Lafferty
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crowsandmurder · 11 months
hc + ⛄ (James Potter )
Thematic Headcanons // @writtenxbeginnings // Accepting
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hc + ⛄ for a season-themed headcanon
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James is not a huge fan of extremely cold weather. It makes his hair act weird, and he doesn't like what it does to his complexion. Those kind of things are extremely important, when someone is James Potter. Summer was okay, but it wasn't that great either. He preferred the seasons that he was at Hogwarts, when he was there, before everything had gotten complicated.
Fall was probably his favorite season. It was the season he'd always liked. It was the season that the stag part of him liked too, the way that the leaves fell upon his hooves. But, the part of fall he always liked, since he was young was Halloween.
Halloween was his favorite time of year.
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Harry Potter tag drop
Harry ✖ (Aesthetics)
Harry ✖ (Thoughts)
Harry ✖ (Character Development)
Harry ✖ (Crack)
Harry ✖ (Headcanons)
Harry ✖ (Photos)
W A S T E  O F  S P A C E
Harry has not ever had it easy, when it comes to anything. His parents died when he was a baby and his aunt and uncle treat him like he’s a waste of space, make him do all the chores, and make him sleep in a cupboard, under the stairs.  
Y E R  A  W I Z A R D
When Harry turns 11, his whole life changes. He’s accepted into Hogwarts.  The thing is, everyone knows who he is, because he is the only person to ever survive being attacked by Voldemort. But, along with all his classes, he has to deal with the threats that Voldemort is still making, despite the fact that he was effectively killed, only not really. But, he also is making friends along the way and learning more than he ever could imagine. (Years 1-4)
B U T  I A M  T H E  C H O S E N  O N E
Now that Voldemort is back, Harry is facing all new problems. He is dealing with everything that happens, as a teenager, but he also is dealing with the fact that Voldemort is back and wants him dead and is bringing all sorts of problems, back to the wizarding world (Years 5-6)
T H E  B O Y  W H O  L I V E D 
Now on the run from Voldemort and his people with Ron and Hermione, Harry is having to face all sorts of new threats. But, the threat is even greater when they return to Hogwarts and have to face a bigger battle, than they ever imagined.
A L L  I S  W E L L 
Voldemort is gone.  The ones who survived are left to move on, figure out where they go from there. Harry isn’t as well as he lets on, after the war. But with time, maybe he will be able to get over it all. 
Harry Potter is the only son of James and Lily Potter, and was born on July 31, 1980, to James and Lily Potter.  His father and mother loved him more than anything, and wished he would not have been born, in the middle of a wizarding war. But, they did whatever they could, to keep him safe.  Unfortunately, that meant they wound up giving their lives to protect him.  Lily’s love saved his life, when Voldemort tried to kill him.
He didn’t grow up easy. His aunt and uncle treated him horribly, and Hogwarts was the best thing that ever happened to him. He met his best friends there, learned about being a wizard and it was his home, away from the awfulness that was his home.  But, his life was far from simple. Voldemort was still trying to attack and eventually, he became corporeal again and started to attack more directly. 
Harry had to find a way to destroy the horcruxes, before Voldemort could be destroyed. It took a lot of pain and suffering and a horrible Battle of Hogwarts, to do so.  In the wake of it, he tried to rebuild his life, but faced the fallout of what war had done to him. But, he did find happiness, as an Auror. 
0 notes
crowsandmurder · 1 year
Nathan  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Nathan  ✖ (Thoughts)
Nathan ✖ (Character Development)
Nathan  ✖ (Crack)
Nathan ✖ (Headcanons)
Nathan  ✖ (Photos)
Nathan  ✖ (Starter Call)
Nathan  ✖ (Verses)
Nathan Scott was raised to never want anything, as the son of Dan and Deb Scott. But, life wasn't always perfect. He knew his father had a bastard so, and he hated the kid, because he existed. He knew they were only several months apart, and he just hated him. It wasn't like they traveled in the same circles though. Nathan was popular, head of the basketball team, propular girlfriend. But, that didn't mean he didn't make him miserable when he could.
It wasn't all easy though. His fa her was obsessed with his basketball career, since the time he could dribble a basketball. He wasn't stupid. He knew it was more about his dad, than it was about him. His family was pretty much crazy.
His life got even crazier when his 'brother' joined the basketball team and he made his life hell for it, only easing off, when he promised Haley James he'd ease off, if she tutored him. He'd made a bet he could get with her. But, he hadn't expected her to make such an impression on him. Everything kind of changed, after that.
His parents decided to divorce, and sick of them trying to put him in the middle, he emancipated himself. He and Lucas get along on off weeks, and he and Haley, well that was another story. It was normal to get married in high school, right? Everyone said he changed, and maybe they were right...until she left and went on the road. He reverted to before and even when she returned, he was hard on her, and Lucas both.
Eventually, he worked it out with them all, but things are never easy with his life, and he didn't always make the best choices. But one thing was good, for sure and that was holding his baby son for the first time, on his graduation day.
In college, he went all-American and nearly lost it all a few years later, when he went through a glass window, and hurt his back. But over time, he got it back, and with the support of his family, finally made the NBA. But sometimes, dreams changes and ability to hold his family becomes more important.
I have never had a dad who wished I was a stain on a bed sheet
Nathan Scott, younger son of Dan Scott, or if you ask Dan or Nathan, only son of Dan Scott, is pretty much the star of the Tree Hill Ravens basketball team. He's popular, has an attitude, and has been known to bully people. The thing he hates most: the existence of his father's bastard son, Lucas. What Nathan didn't anticipate was his effort to get under Lucas skin after he joined the team, to change his whole life.
I already know my future
The last thing that Nathan would have imagined a year ago, is that he would be married, and that he and Lucas would be friends, and even brothers? But, he's trying to navigate it the best he can, and deal with basketball. But, the pressure from his dad hasn't gone away, despite being emancipated. Being married this young isn't as easy as it looks, and there's this asshole singer who is giving him a bad feeling, who seems to be 'helping' Haley.
Like a man possessed
Married or not, he still didn't always handle things the best, and well, neither did Haley. First, she went on tour, and he went completely off the deep end. But, it just got worse. He was self-destructing and fast. She reappeared the night before he left for High Flyers for the summer, and he didn't know how to handle it, so he didn't.
The roots are still there. It just takes time.
Senior year is starting. He is Captain of the Tree Hill Ravens. His game is looking better than ever. Everything should be going great, except it wasn't. He still was married, and...he didn't know if he wanted a divorce...wanted to be married...wanted to punch Lucas, or drive another race car into another wall. He'd tried reverting to the old Nathan Scott before, and it hadn't really worked. Now, he was trying to co-exist in the same town as Haley, who kept saying she wasn't going anywhere. But, he didn't know if he could trust her. He and Lucas were still at odds, despite the fact that deep down, he knew it wasn't Lucas' fault that she'd left. He was slowly letting her back in, but it would take time, among other things. This year would be one he would never forget though, one of loss, pain, and new life.
Getting into college wasn't easy for Nathan. The mess with point shaving, to try to pay back Dante, had made him unappealing to Duke, and so many other schools. If it wasn't for Whitey, he wouldn't be playing ball anywhere. He woundle up playing for Whitey, with Lucas as Assistant Coach at Gilmore University, while he and Haley worked to balance school, life and raising their baby, James Lucas Scott. Eventually, Nathan transfers to University of Maryland, College Park, where he was a First-Team All American.
I am not good at being vulnerable.
During the next several years, Nathan continues to work towards the NBA, even getting a shoe deal. It is looking like he is going to be drafted to the Seattle Sonics, but it all changed when he got into a fight, that led to him getting thrown through a window, and losing feeling in his legs. He felt like everything had been taken from him, and he started drinking all the time, depressed. Over time and realizing he needs to be there for Haley and Jamie, he is able to stand up and try to work his way back, even working with a troubled teen on Lucas' basketball team. But, things never stay easy in his life and his comeback was difficult, as was his life at home, due to problems with the nanny, his father and many other things. He tries to face things as a family, but sometimes, things are hard.
I got called up.
After trying slamball and nearly injuring himself again, Nathan makes the D-Team Charleston Chiefs. He faces yet more adversity, as the player with the current #23 tells him that he's not just going to let him walk on the team. He butts heads with a couple of the players, but eventually, he finally gets his call up to the Charlotte Bobcats, finally making it to the NBA.
You have saved me so many times.
Life as an NBA player is not a bad life to have. Nathan Scott worked hard to get there, and it's nice playing in Charlotte, since he gets to be close to family, unless he's on the road. His agent has become like family and he really likes being a Bobcat, and likes watching Jamie grow. As he gets closer to a contract year, he's not hearing what he wants to hear and he's starting to get worried about it. It doesn't help that some woman is claiming to be pregnant with his child. His father manages to get her to admit she's lying, but even in the midst of everything, Haley's mom dies, and at the last moment, Clay gets him a contract to stay in Charlotte and overjoyed at Haley being pregnant, he doesn't initially tell her that the doctors think he doesn't have that much time left, with his back.
I will be leaving the game of basketball.
After Clay is shot, Nathan leaves camp and he tells Haley about his back. He wants to try to be an organ donor, even if he is not a match. He makes the hard decision to put basketball behind him. Once Clay recovers, he helps him with the new agency, and tries his hand at being a sports agent, and turns out to be a pretty good one. Life seems to be okay, even without basketball, well unless you count, getting kidnapped and nearly murdered. He was able to make peace with his dad, who died saving his life. But, he thinks it all might be okay. He's got a great family, and he doesn't hate this sports agent thing, but maybe, he'll take a vacation for a bit.
Someday is today.
Life continues in the Scott home, as Jamie and Lydia grow up. Nathan continues to work with Clay, and Nathan proves to be a good, loving father, and hasn't nearly gotten murdered recruiting athletes again. When his son passes his scoring record, he's proud of him.
James Lafferty
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
Harry Potter Tags
Harry ✖ (Aesthetics)
Harry ✖ (Thoughts)
Harry ✖ (Character Development)
Harry ✖ (Crack)
Harry ✖ (Headcanons)
Harry ✖ (Photos)
Harry ✖ (Starter Call)
W A S T E  O F  S P A C E
Harry has not ever had it easy, when it comes to anything. His parents died when he was a baby and his aunt and uncle treat him like he’s a waste of space, make him do all the chores, and make him sleep in a cupboard, under the stairs.  
Y E R  A  W I Z A R D
When Harry turns 11, his whole life changes. He’s accepted into Hogwarts.  The thing is, everyone knows who he is, because he is the only person to ever survive being attacked by Voldemort. But, along with all his classes, he has to deal with the threats that Voldemort is still making, despite the fact that he was effectively killed, only not really. But, he also is making friends along the way and learning more than he ever could imagine. (Years 1-4)
B U T  I A M  T H E  C H O S E N  O N E
Now that Voldemort is back, Harry is facing all new problems. He is dealing with everything that happens, as a teenager, but he also is dealing with the fact that Voldemort is back and wants him dead and is bringing all sorts of problems, back to the wizarding world (Years 5-6)
T H E  B O Y  W H O  L I V E D 
Now on the run from Voldemort and his people with Ron and Hermione, Harry is having to face all sorts of new threats. But, the threat is even greater when they return to Hogwarts and have to face a bigger battle, than they ever imagined.
A L L  I S  W E L L 
Voldemort is gone.  The ones who survived are left to move on, figure out where they go from there. Harry isn’t as well as he lets on, after the war. But with time, maybe he will be able to get over it all. 
Harry Potter is the only son of James and Lily Potter, and was born on July 31, 1980, to James and Lily Potter.  His father and mother loved him more than anything, and wished he would not have been born, in the middle of a wizarding war. But, they did whatever they could, to keep him safe.  Unfortunately, that meant they wound up giving their lives to protect him.  Lily’s love saved his life, when Voldemort tried to kill him.
He didn’t grow up easy. His aunt and uncle treated him horribly, and Hogwarts was the best thing that ever happened to him. He met his best friends there, learned about being a wizard and it was his home, away from the awfulness that was his home.  But, his life was far from simple. Voldemort was still trying to attack and eventually, he became corporeal again and started to attack more directly. 
Harry had to find a way to destroy the horcruxes, before Voldemort could be destroyed. It took a lot of pain and suffering and a horrible Battle of Hogwarts, to do so.  In the wake of it, he tried to rebuild his life, but faced the fallout of what war had done to him. But, he did find happiness, as an Auror. 
0 notes
crowsandmurder · 2 years
Kai Anderson tags and verses
James Potter Tags and Verses
Kai  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Kai  ✖ (Thoughts)
Kai ✖ (Character Development)
Kai ✖ (Crack)
Kai  ✖ (Headcanons)
Kai ✖ (Photos)
Kai  ✖ (Starter Call)
Kai ✖ (Verses)
P R E - D I V I N E  R U L E R
Before Kai was damaged by finding his parents bodies and seeing what that pastor did, he was relatively normal.  He graduated college with a degree in religious studies, and as a child was regarded as highly intelligent.  He was relatively normal. 
D I V I N E  R U L E R  [ C U L T  T I M E L I N E ]
Kai Anderson has become obsessed with controlling people through fear, destroying people, and it’s just the start. He is capable of awful things, yet, he still gets people to follow him. He manages it with normal people, with people who have weaknesses, even with prison guards.  He is dangerous
Evan Peters
Kai is a cult leader, the original founder of FIT, but that was not always who he was. He graduated college with a degree in Religious Studies. It wasn't until he found his parents bodies after his mother killed his father, tired of his emotional manipulation and his brother convinced him to cover it up, that Kai started to learn all about emotional manipulation and the effect that it can have on people. That was just the start. He witnessed a Pastor use Biblically themed violence, and it's what caused him to snap. He has an obsession with controlling people through fear, and it is something that he found he was able to take advantage of people with. He is also extremely intelligent, which makes him all the more dangerous. He gets people to open up to him by locking pinkies, and manipulates them. He does this to family, all sorts of people. It did not take him long to start to gain followers, to gain a seat on the City Council and for his power to grow more and more, as he continued to prey on the people he chose in town, often ethnic minorities and LGBTQ+ people. He's very dangerous and not to be trusted, on any level. He looks up to many of the major cult leaders over time, such as Charles Manson, Jim Jones, etc.
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crowsandmurder · 7 years
James Potter Tags
James Potter ✖ (Aesthetics)
James Potter ✖ (Thoughts)
James Potter  ✖ (Character Development)
James Potter  ✖ (Crack)
James Potter  ✖ (Headcanons)
James Potter  ✖ (Photos)
James Potter  ✖ (Starter Call)
V: Privileged Childhood [Childhood through turning 11]
V: Everybody Loves Me [First Year - Sixth Year]
V: Time to Deflate the Head [Summer of Sixth Year - Leaving Hogwarts]
V: The Order [Summer of 1978 - 1980]
V: Will our world come tumbling down? [James and Lily in hiding]
V: Sometimes the Heroes Win [James and Lily survive]
V: Different Time, Same James [Modern Times]
V: Not everything’s the same [AU]
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