#Jamsil Stadium
speakofcompersion · 22 days
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A cutie throwing first pitch at the 2024 KBO League game~💕 [×] [×]
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voxyldy · 2 years
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LY SY The Final in Seoul Preview Cuts October 2019
Source: WeVerse
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sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Billowing Floating Park Is Planned for the Former Site of the Summer Olympics in Seoul
A master plan is currently in place for the former site of the 1988 Summer Olympics. The games that year were held in Seoul, South Korea, at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium. The area is in the midst of transformation, and one bold feature of the plan is The Leaf—an undulating floating park planned for the banks of the Han River. Designed by Heatherwick Studio, the new pier takes the shape of a star with rounded edges that are placed at different elevations.
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jmdbjk · 8 months
They take up a lot of space in my head sometimes...
I didn't want to dwell on this in the documentary posts but I know you guys will indulge me as I ramble a little bit.
I want to elaborate on some thoughts I had while watching the second half of Episode 7 when Jungkook went over to Jimin's.
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I watched it several times. I made sure to watch it once with a very critical and skeptical eye to keep myself from straying too far...nothing serious but possibly delulu...
This part of the documentary inside Jimin's apartment was filmed on March 13, 2022 following the last PTD Seoul concert.
This was BEFORE PTD Las Vegas where Jimin has told us he talked to the members about his troubles and that's when he embarked on writing the songs that would end up on his album FACE which was released A YEAR after this interview.
It seems Jimin answers his phone in the car after the concert. Tells whoever to get ready and come over and asks what kind of chicken to order. The documentary camera person is already in the car with Jimin... who is he speaking to on the phone? When we eventually see Jungkook coming over later on in this episode, it's natural to assume he was speaking to Jungkook on the phone, who was probably in another car on his way home to his own apartment after the concert, or perhaps already home since his apartment is much closer to Jamsil Olympic Stadium where PTD Seoul was held.
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Inside Jimin's residence, he talks about what he does there, basically not a whole lot: eats, sleeps, drinks, has friends over, plays on the computer, and from what we've seen since, he's not much of a decorator.
He wonders if he's revealed too much. I think this was a legitimate question for him, since idols typically do not divulge this sort of thing to the fans. It's plausible to me that Jimin has to unlearn all these preconceived ideas he's had about being an idol in order to forge ahead.
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Delivery fried chicken arrives and he runs to get it and runs back to the dining table. Literally runs. The door chimes as it closes. I do love watching him eat. He surely loves his food. A man after my heart.
He talks about how it naturally came about that they needed to have their own spaces. They were maturing young men, they needed their own places even though they'd lived together for so many years. He said their place in Gangnam was so small they put up temporary walls. I believe he was speaking about the house that is now a cafe, Hyuga? He says it was scary living on his own, it was so quiet.
When Jungkook arrives, the door chime sound we hear was different from what it sounded like when Jimin went to the door to get the delivery chicken.
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From this footage, we can't know if Jungkook punched in the code and let himself in. Maybe he did, but this footage does not show that. Unless someone is familiar with how that particular door chime sounds when it is unlocked, when it is locked, when it opens and when it closes, we can't know what that chime meant.
We see Jungkook after he's already inside the apartment. He was followed by a camera person. I am certain the camera-person does not have Jimin's apartment's door code. Make of that what you will...perhaps Jungkook came alone and they re-enacted him entering once he got there because it'd be weird if he was just there all of a sudden... we can't know.
Incidentally (fun fact) this is the same jacket Jungkook wore in the video of receiving the President's Award during his university graduation earlier that month (Mar. 2, 2022)... yes, Jeon Jungkook is a university graduate too. He wore a jacket with "QUIT YOUR JOB" across the back of it, to accept a graduation award.... 💀
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Anyway back to my delulu...
Jimin and Jungkook are chatting at the table while eating and drinking and get on the topic of their sleeping habits when Jungkook says normally he would take a bath, drink a couple beers and go to sleep and even adds now he goes to sleep earlier. Such a grown up.
Jimin says he falls asleep at 1 a.m. so he must be getting old but it doesn't matter if he falls asleep at 1 a.m. or 6-7 a.m., he sleeps until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Jungkook says he decided not to live like that anymore... this the man who in early 2023 was staying up all night to do live broadcasts with us from his living room and waking up his neighbors belting out Unholy, etc... such a grown up.
And then Jungkook says 'oops, I sounded like Yoongi just then, never mind, live how what you want' and whoever that is off-camera wheezing... HAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyway. That whole exchange was... what is it with them? They ride the edge of smart-assy sarcasm and inside jokery with each other constantly. And this time at the expense of Yoongi! HAHAHAHA.
Jimin and Tae sometimes act similarly with each other but it is more role play and nothing like the long-running inside joke Jimin and Jungkook do all the time.
The vibe between them was identical to the one when they were sitting at the dining table that first night of In The Soop 2.
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As episode 7 goes on, they show Jimin and Jungkook again, Jungkook is chopping mushrooms and Jimin says "You are doing so well on your own" and "Be careful" and the translation says Jungkook said "okay" but it sounds more to me like a "ayyy stop nagging" sound he made.
Jimin runs behind Jungkook again. Why does Jimin run so much? He's like a nervous, excited little mouse.
They're terrible Youtubers:
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The ship wars and solo wars and stupid-things-you-could-ask-during-a-live wars over whether or not Jimin ever ate Jungkook's ramen... FINALLY, after posting all those recipes last year and Jimin saying he wants Jungkook to cook that for him, we see JUNGKOOK HAS COOKED RAMEN FOR JIMIN! Cooked it for him way before any of these wars began too... what a waste of energy.
No, Jimin didn't go over to Jungkook's to eat it, Jungkook came to Jimin and cooked it for him.
Ok, but this is the part that made me need to pause and rewind and write this long-ass post:
Jimin tells us that a friend of his helped him realize he needed to explore the possibility he was depressed.
He recounts the story as they were at Jimin's apartment drinking and they had a small argument. The next morning Jimin wakes up, has totally forgotten the argument and goes over to the friend's to help begin moving. They apologized to each other and the friend came over again that night and the friend said "I think you are severely depressed. You act like you aren't, but you've been acting strange. If you're having a hard time, tell me." Jimin said he didn't think he was having a hard time and the friend told Jimin to take some time to think about it. Jimin says a lot changed after that.
This moment when Jimin is retelling this story, "yet you act like you aren't, but you've been acting strange. If you're having a hard time, tell me." Jimin reaches over and actually touches Jungkook. Look at the way they are looking at each other?
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The way Jungkook sat there, looking straight at Jimin while Jimin recounted that conversation/day/moment, chewing on his bottom lip as is his habit, Jungkook nodding during certain points that Jimin was retelling... very very brief moments where body language reveals a lot.
Maybe the "friend" Jimin was supposed to help move, the one who told Jimin he seemed severely depressed... was Jungkook?
You can call me delulu if you want. I see what I see and I hear what I hear.
They have not shown this type of closeness amongst the other members in this entire documentary. And here is Jungkook sitting in Jimin's home, while Jimin tells us this very intimate detail about himself.
If Jungkook was the one... it's plausible, the one who came over to drink, just like they were doing this evening... the one who was moving and Jimin was going to help him. The one who he can look in the eyes and recount this story and his friend can look him straight back in the eye and nod in agreement.
Why retell this story with Jungkook sitting next to him? There were other moments when we know Jungkook is there, he could have been off camera while Jimin told the staff about this intimate moment with his friend. No. He said it while they sat next to each other looking at each other.
It's possible. If not, it seems possible that Jungkook has already heard this story.
Jimin shares more than we've ever heard from him: that he falls into a labyrinth the moment he starts to ponder about what happiness is. He says of course their work and many other things require attention to detail but it's ok if there is vagueness (or imperfection) too. If you get too caught up in the meaning of things (in the importance of things), you feel like you have to risk it all to accomplish them and its ok to let some of it go, enjoy the simplicity of things and not get emotional over everything ... this sounds like Jimin has matured and has tried to push away perfectionism.
He believes he is in a very healthy place mentally right now (at the time of that interview, March 13, 2022) but can't say the same about his body, but he wants to stay healthy as he grows older together with the fans. And Jungkook is still there, but off camera.
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This interview was almost two years ago. And now their first solo career endeavors have been accomplished and these two are doing their military obligation together. They've come a long way. We will see them again next year. It won't be as long as it feels.
Anyway, going back to my delulu cave now. Carry on.
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torakowalski · 6 days
Swimmer Steve Part 10!
I think it's time to start apologising to the real life athletes whose medals and finish times I'm stealing for Steve.
Today I learned that there were no semi finals for these races in 1988. The fastest 8 went through to the A Final to compete for medals and the next fastest 8 to the B Final to compete for 9th to 16th place.
(part one | part nine)
Eddie thinks his ass might have left a permanent dent in one particular seat on the second tier of the Jamsil stadium.
It's a good seat, close enough to the action to still be able to make out Steve's expressions before and after every race but not so close that Eddie will be tempted to shout anything out to him, specifically.
He'd sat closer to start with, near a group who turned out to be the friends and families of a couple of the other swimmers. But when they'd clocked him as American, they'd wanted to know who he was here to support, and he'd had to make up some bullshit about being an exchange student with a swimming obsession.
Now, he sits between some Canadian and French supporters, who are either too polite to ask why he's there or don't give a shit either way.
Steve's heats are going well. He's through to the A finals in all the strokes that have competed so far. Eddie's been watching as the roving press get more interested in him, sticking microphones and cameras in his face while he's still wet and breathless from a race.
Eddie got a postcard from Mike this morning, that just said, For the love of God, make him put on a shirt, so Eddie guesses at least some of the interviews are making it onto TV back home.
Tonight, Eddie's back in his favourite seat, waiting for Steve's first final, the 100m backstroke, and all of a sudden, he can't breathe quite right. This is it. Shit. If he's nervous as all fuck, he can't imagine how Steve must feel.
"Don't expect too much," Steve had said last night, sitting barefoot on Eddie's bed. "Dave, the other Team USA guy? He's the world record holder."
And Eddie's not expecting too much, he swears he isn't, but shit he hopes Steve doesn't come last. No matter what Steve says, that'd hurt him.
Eddie tries to cheer like a regular fan, when Steve comes out, not like a besotted idiot who got given kisses seventeen through thirty-one last night.
It's hard though, because Steve looks really, really good. He slides into the water, all graceful and strong, miles of skin and inches of swim suit and takes up position, feet and fingertips on the side.
Steve's in lane seven, so on the opposite side from where Eddie is sitting. Eddie slides forward in his seat, then a little further, then a little further more. If he goes any further, he's going to end up breathing all over the dude in front of him, but at least he can see Steve better now.
The whistle blows, the guys kick off, and Eddie finds himself saying, "Fuck," without any input from his brain. He's pretty sure it's loud enough in here that even the guy he's breathing on doesn't hear him.
Eddie can see David Berkoff, the one Steve said is gonna win, out front followed close behind by a Japanese dude and two guys from the USSR.
Steve's in sixth just before the end of the first lap, which is great, it's not last, but somehow he's in fifth by the time he actually makes the turn. Heading into the second lap, the final one, he overtakes one of the USSR guys and suddenly he's in fourth.
Eddie jumps to his feet, leaning all the way forward so he doesn't miss a stroke.
Twenty-five, maybe twenty metres to go, Steve pulls level with the other USSR swimmer. Eddie is gonna throw up. Fully puke out all his tension.
Steve's joint third. Right this second, he's joint third. Even if he falls back now, he's gotta be happy with this race.
Except. Except he doesn't fall back, he pulls forward. The guy from Japan takes gold, David Berkoff takes silver and Steve takes the motherfucking goddamn bronze.
Eddie screams. He doesn't care if it's not subtle or if anyone is turning to look. He couldn't keep quiet if he tried. That's his guy down there and he's an actual, honest to god, Olympic medalist.
Down in the pool, everyone is congratulating each other. A few people swim over to clap Steve on the back, but Steve's eyes are locked on the umpire, like he won't believe it until he hears his scores.
"Sakuzi: 55.05; Berkoff: 55.18; Harrington: 55.21," booms over the tannoy, first in Korean, then in French, then finally in English.
Steve's whole face breaks into a smile, and Eddie watches as he laughs to himself, incredulous. He pulls off his swim cap, shakes out his hair, and looks up at the stands.
Eddie wonders, for a second, what Steve's looking for, then he realises that it must be him. He waves, both arms over his head. He should be too far away for Steve to see, but Steve's smile widens, and he waves his cap in Eddie's direction.
What the fuck?? he mouths.
Eddie, who is also thinking, what the fuck, can't do anything but send him an exaggerated, over the top kiss in reply. It'll look like a joke, if anyone sees, but he means it with all his heart.
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shineemoon · 24 days
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Newsen: Onew, first professional baseball pitch challenge in 16 years since debut “For the victory of Doosan Bears” August 31st at 6PM, Onew will be throwing the first pitch at the 2024 KBO League game between Doosan Bears and Lotte Giants at Jamsil Baseball Stadium in Seoul. Onew said "I'm so excited to throw the first pitch in 16 years since my debut. Doosan Bears gave me a great opportunity, which was a meaningful experience. I'll prepare a great first pitch to help Doosan Bears win." Onew is expected to captivate baseball fans with his refreshing energy ahead of the release of his third mini-album 'FLOW' on September 3rd. Onew is known to be showing extraordinary enthusiasm, such as devoting himself to practice even in the midst of his busy comeback preparations.
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atzupdates · 9 months
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🗓 2024. 01. 27(SAT) - 01. 28(SUN)
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ateez-himari · 8 months
Will To Power: A More Mature Concept
ATEEZ surprises fans with moves even more risky than 'Cyberpunk'.
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January 28, 2024 (11:19AM)
On January 27, ATEEZ held their new world tour's very first concert in the Jamsil Indoor Stadium and its mature concept left attendees as well as netizens completely dumbfounded. The maknae in particular made a lasting impression all throughout the setlist as, whether it be solo or with her dance break partners, she seemed to pull away from the cute demeanor fans had grown used to. While 'Wake Up' undoubtedly shook audience members the most, the introduction segment preceding it was equally surprising.
The group's youngest performed a short choreography to an instrumental track before fellow member San stepped out, wrapping a piece of fabric around her eyes before leaning in closely. Despite the scene's relative darkness most people managed to catch the fact that his arm was resting - rather tightly - on her hips before he whispered 'wake up...' in her ear and pulled both of them into the dance's starting positions.
'I was trying very hard not to break out of character' Himari laughed while talking to attendees. 'We rehearsed this a lot of times at the studio but I still can't get used to how intense it isㅋㅋㅋ.'
In terms of intimacy many noticed that during sound check she kissed Mingi on the corner of his lips, though it looked as if he on the other hand was going in for a true lover's kiss. The speculations of a romantic relationship between the two recently surfaced were only strengthened by this concert due to the rapper's difficulty in keeping his hands to himself - the young woman was wearing pants with very revealing cutouts showing off her bare hips and countless videos caught his touch lingering there.
Himari's acting also showed a different sense of maturity throughout both concerts during a solo dance break, leaving many hearts aching at her heart wrenching expressions.
It sets off instantly with the maknae running onto the stage, rapidly caught by two men attempting to drag her over to the center where a structure made of metal bars stands. Unable to fight them off her hand reaches out desperately towards the back of the stage where another figure stands - but the man only shakes his head and walks away. The attackers manage to wrap chains hanging from the structure around her wrists to keep the young woman still and tear something from her back just as they did to Seonghwa - the act preceding hers - though this time the feathers that scatter are not white but rather blue. Left to wallow in the pain alone she falls to her knees, head hung low in defeat and videos taken by attendees caught a tear shed just prior to the lights dimming.
With the idol having been associated very closely with ATEEZ's mysterious blue bird throughout the eras this could very well be a part of their lore - heavily supported by the fact that the backing track was discovered to be a remix of 'Outro : Blue Bird' from their 'From the Witness' album. What the fandom is sure about however is the fact that her performance proved to be on an incredible level, one enough to render everyone speechless.
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ggukkiedae · 3 months
MIYA Kicks of Her Solo Tour, and I Went to All Three Days in Seoul
By: Shin Yeseul || 11:30 AM || June 17, 2024
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MIYA started her tour “Headliner 2024” with three days in Jamsil Olympic Stadium!
Back in 2017, I wasn’t an ARMY, but I randomly ran into Miya. We talked for a bit, and her personality made me want to check out her music. Since then, I became a fan, and I managed to get tickets to all three days of the Initial Seoul stop with the help of my friend Yongsun (I love you, thank you).
I’m here to share my experience on day 1.
First of all, her stage outfits were amazing! My favorite was her act 2 outfit, which she posted on her Instagram account. I’ve included some photos in the cover of this blog post!
Before the concert even began, music videos were playing! Not just her music videos, but also BTS music videos! Although, as a Czennie as well, I’d have to say seeing the video of Miya and Mark’s SM Station both surprised me and made me sad (I miss them as a couple T.T).
Aside from the usual guidelines and lightstick connecting videos, there was a notice shown on the screens every now and then about 45% of the ticket and merchandise sales from “Headliner 2024” would go to medical and relief missions to help the people of Palestine, just like she said in her live a week prior to the concert.
At 6PM precisely, the lights turned off and the opening VCR started. It was insane, it showed some of the biggest scandals she was victim to from the early petition to remove her all the way to the last name fiasco. Then it showed her solo debut and all her achievements as a soloist and a producer, composer, music engineer, and lyricist.
Then the first act started. It began with “My House”, the first “Oh” playing without music and Miya’s silhouette appeared. There was a pause, and chills went through me as everyone’s cheers grew louder. There was the musicless chant of “Who they came to see? Me!” with the white cloth coming down at the word “me” and revealing Miya. There was another moment of silence. Goosebumps rose on my skin as she scanned the crowd. Then, the moment she smirked, the music started up again. No words can express how exhilarating the opening felt. “My House” is definitely the best song to start off a concert titled “Headliner 2024”.
She gave a ment after “My House” to welcome everyone to the tour, then finished the act with “Picture”, “Play”, another ment, “Drama”, then “Holy Moly” before the lights turned off for the next VCR to play.
The VCR started with news outlets discussing her change in “Blood, Sweat, and Tears”, saying she’d be better off not going into sexy concepts. It was at that moment that we all knew the next act would be the more recent songs. We were right. The VCR showed the reactions to her Chapter 2 Comebacks with the more mature concepts.
Act 2, which had my favorite outfit, began with low pink lighting and “bet u wanna” and “got her own”. Her ment was quicker, joking around about making sure minors who came to her concert had either their parent’s consent or a guardian with them. She continued the act with “7 rings”, “b.i.t.c.h.”, and crowd favorite “bloodline”. This act had her more interacting with the audience in comparison to Act 1 that was solely performance.
The next VCR began, this time showing netizens’ comments about how she seemed to be too different from the other members of Bangtan. It played a clip from an interview for her solo debut of her saying “People said I was different from the oppas, so I decided to actually show them what different is”.
Act 3 started off with a y2k vibe based on the songs “Shooting Star”, “Blue Flame”, and “Thirsty”. After her ment, she picked up the mood with “AYAYAYA”, “Wow Thing”, and “SHHH!”, which got everyone excited.
No one was prepared for the next act.
The VCR was different from the others. The screen was black, and an excerpt from one of her interviews on her solo debut schedules played: the audio of her saying “the members? They’re everything to me”. There was no background music when it showed seven different clips of her hugging each member before they enlisted. At the end of everything, there was a video of her getting into a car, the visuals fading to black while a reporter’s voice played saying “Now that the BTS boys are all enlisted, Miya is officially on her own for a while.”.
The lights slowly went on, showing Miya on the extended stage, guitar in her arms. Everyone’s hearts broke as she performed “breathe” live in front of an audience for the first time. She followed it with “Clued Up” before going into a ment.
She asked us all if it was okay to slow things down for a bit and to take a moment to introduce some people in the crowd who meant a lot to her. The screens behind her shifted to show people in the crowd, seated together and all looking a little confused before waving at everyone and waving their lightsticks around.
It was all seven boys of BTS.
I still remember vividly the smile on Miya’s face when the seven of them were shown on the screen. She smiled and introduced them one by one and asked them what they thought of the concert. The boys showed various versions of approval from different hearts to thumbs ups and head nods. “Glad to hear you’re enjoying. I have a surprise for you, if ARMY don’t mind.”
We all cheered, thinking she would perform “Mikrokosmos”, or “Magic Shop”. She carried her guitar over to a piano that was lifted onto the stage near her and sat there. I can’t explain the rush we all felt when Jungkook’s masked face was zoomed into on one screen the moment Miya began playing the opening notes of “Euphoria”.
Miya performed one of the members’ solo songs each, completely acoustic, and each time, the song owner’s masked face was zoomed into on one screen while she was shown on the other screen, making it look like they were facing each other.
She did “Euphoria” for Jungkook, “Inner Child” for V, “Serendipity” for Jimin, “Closer” for RM, “On The Street” for J-Hope, “Snooze” for Suga, and “The Astronaut” for Jin.
Were we all tearing up? Yeah, but so were the tannies! Once she finished everything, she got up and smiled into the crowd, in the direction of the boys. While walking backwards up the runway to the main stage, she thanked them for coming and for being her strength and her family before she introduced the last song of the concert. She performed “Trivia: Why”.
Of course, even if she said that was the end, we all knew it wasn’t. We had ARMY Time, where we all sang “LOVE”’s first verse and chorus.
Then, the lights dimmed again, and the band started playing “Nonsense”, her collaboration with Sabrina Carpenter. She changed the second verse (her original part in her collaboration) into a rap! Not to mention, she came from the crowd! She walked around while performing, taking photos with, hugging, waving at, and interacting with ARMY the whole time. Yongsun and I were a little sad she didn’t get to go to where the tannies were, but they were on the third floor of audience, so it was understandable.
She ended the song on the main stage where she began “Hype Boy”! She’d dance during the chorus, but interact with fans during the verses. Before the last chorus, the music vamped, and she introduced each of her band one by one. It was an all-woman band! She then introduced her dancers, all of which came from the dance studio that she and Jungkook set up and fund together: “Do Studios”.
After the last chorus of "Hype Boy", she thanked her friends who came. For Day 1, it was the tannies, her brothers Yoonsung and Chan, Chan brought Felix and Leeknow with him, the whole of NCT Dream + Jungwoo, the whole of TXT, Kep1er’s Yujin and Bahiyyih, The Boyz’s Sunoo and Eric, the whole of Enhypen, and Boy Next Door’s Myung Jaehyun.
Day 2 had the tannies, Viviz’s Umji, Red Velvet’s Yeri, the whole of SHINee, Chungha, Kiss of Life’s Julie, Hori7on’s Marcus, Unis’s Elisia and Gehlee, and Aespa’s Ningning.
Day 3 had the tannies and her family members, who had flown in from Australia to watch her. That’s her mom, her dad, Yoonsung (with Eunseol, Yoonseol, and Hanseol), Chan, Hannah, and their youngest brother.
These are just those she mentioned, you can find threads on twitter of other idols who watched her concert. She even reposted some of their stories or posts about it on her Instagram stories!
But she never failed to mention how thankful she was to ARMY, not just for coming to see her, but for also being a part of her effort to help people in need.
With that, she ended the whole concert with “good parts” and “Celebrity” all while roaming through the crowd and interacting with people as much as she could from both the ground and the main and extended stages.
All in all, I would say “Headliner 2024” was an amazing experience, from the song choices to the VCRs to the emotions to the cause and all the way to Miya herself. There’s a reason every location sold out in an average of 2 minutes.
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 4 months
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day 401/548 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 180826 with the caption:
Because I was focusing on the performance ... I don’t have any selcas that were taken at the site for these two days...... I love you, everyone.
Our ARMY is da best!!!
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
bonus post from that day:
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[#Today’sBangtan] The second concert at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium was also safely wrapped up. Thank you for filling up the universe of BTS with the galaxy of ARMYs. The memories of our happy summer night🌙  #ThankYouSky🌧 #PurpleYou💜
Banner Translation:
With our galaxy We will fill your universe
(trans cr: Yein @ bts-trans)
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fifisource · 1 year
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FIFTY FIFTY ♡ CUPID LG Twins vs Kia Tigers game (Jamsil Stadium)
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whereswonpil · 1 month
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Young K and Wonpil will be throwing the first pitch and batting for the LG Twins at the '2024 KBO League' Kia Tigers and LG Twins game at Jamsil Stadium on 18th August! [source]
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voxyldy · 2 years
BTS (방탄소년단) So What (JHope Focus) @ Love Yourself : Speak Yoursejf [The Final]
Source: Bangtan TV 📺
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Let's Win This Love; Pt. 2 (Keita's Ending)
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part 1: let's win this love (keita & matthew x planetmaster/idol!reader) wc: 900 warnings: some swears; sad keita with a happy ending :) pronouns: none used; n/a summary: planetmaster/idol!reader goes to look for keita after the finale episode of boys planet ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ this was a request for our mega talented, adorable keita. i'm glad i got to do a part 2 to my previous one-shot; i think you'll like this ending. i'm so happy with our final lineup guys. jay, keita, hyeonni and phanbin are my only regrets. i wish all of them so much luck-- great opportunities will come out of this for them and i hope everyone continues to think positively! i think when zb1 debuts, i'll rebrand the blog to the group but until then we shall remain boysplanetmorelike :) thank you all for a great month and let's look forward to the next 2.5 years of a most likely pretty successful zb1!
Keita looks up at you from where he's sitting, knees hugged loosely to his chest as he leans against the wall of an empty back hallway in Jamsil Stadium. Tears are rolling down his face fairly elegantly and he hurriedly attempts to wipe them away when he meets your gaze.
"Sunbaenim," he greets with a break in his voice. You sit down next to him, mirroring his position as you tuck your knees to your chest. He looks like he wants to say something else, but his eyes water up again before he can get it out. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? There's nothing to be sorry for," you affirm, a sad smile forming on your lips. You try to brighten his spirits a bit by joking, "It's not like you stepped on anyone's shoe again."
Keita laughs through his tears, drying his eyes with the back of his hand again. You can't help but notice how truly exhausted he looks.
"If there's anyone that should be sorry, it's all of us," you say, a gentle hand finding its way to his shoulder. "We'll be missing out on one of the greatest talents here. It's just not fair."
He smiles sadly, shaking his head humbly to dismiss your compliment. "No, no-- thank you, but I don't think I'll be missed by anyone much."
"You'll be missed by me," you say definitively, watching as his eyes widen at your personal sentiment.
You can tell he's not quite sure what to say. "I--... I will?"
You nod, laughing softly at the stunned expression on his face. "Every time I announced another name out there, I was pretty devastated it wasn't yours."
Keita nods slowly. "Oh."
"I really thought for sure you'd make it, Keita. Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking about that solution I came up with for your little dilemma during the First Mission," you continue, trying to keep your heart beating at a steady pace and maintain your cool composure. "And I realized I really wanted you to win."
Keita nods even slower, expression unchanging. "Oh."
You grimace awkwardly at his lack of reaction. "Should I not be saying any of this?"
"Oh shit, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry," he exclaims finally. "I legitimately thought I wasn't awake for a moment. Actually, I'm... I'm still not sure that I am."
A grin spreads across your face, biting your lip to keep from squealing at how cute this boy is being. And to think, you had almost written him off as an evil shoe-stepper forever.
But after he got you those flowers at the Kill This Love evaluation... after you'd run into him at the corner store a week later and he bought your water and ramen for you... after he wore that goddamn adorable red Loverboy bunny hat for his Zoom stage...
"You are," you say. "I promise."
Keita's eyes light up, smiling in absolute awe of his turn in luck. "Really!?"
His brows furrow suddenly, eyes littered with concern. "But... What about Matthew? You said you'd go out with whichever one of us debuted."
"I did say that," you agree, nodding thoughtfully before beaming at him as the solution comes to you. "But I didn't say when that debut had to be."
"Oh my god," Keita whispers after a moment. "I think I fit that criteria."
Your laughter illuminates the empty hallway once more. "I think you do, too!"
"I am a no-good, dirty, rotten shoe stepper though," he counters with a playful smirk.
"Mm," you agree with a nod. "You are. But I've decided I think I actually needed to be humbled like that on national television. I think you were really doing me a favor by tripping me and making me fall on my ass in front of Asia's greatest entertainers."
"You know, you say you're over it, but I'm just not sure if that's the case," Keita says, shaking his head in disbelief.
You smile, punching his arm softly. "I'm just kidding. I'm grateful for the experience though--it's the reason I remembered you! Honestly, I'd consider letting you step on my shoe whenever you want."
Keita's head falls to his hands as he laughs, a rosy blush tinting his cheeks as he looks back up at you. "I might just take you up on that."
You stand up, extending a hand to Keita and helping him up to his feet. He nervously shuffles a bit, smiling shyly at you.
"I'm sorry again that you didn't make your second debut tonight with ZB1," you say, hands clasped together at your waist. "I know it's not nearly as exciting, but... would you be willing to make your second debut as my boyfriend instead?"
Keita's face scrunches up in the most joyful smile. "That was so lame."
"I know, I'm so sorry," you relent, looking up at the ceiling and cringing at yourself.
"It would be an honor," Keita says, nodding as his bottom lip tucks between his teeth.
"HEY ARE YOU GUYS GONNA KISS ALREADY OR WHAT!?" You and Keita are ripped from your moment as a recognizable voice shouts from down the hallway.
Whipping around frantically to see the perpetrator, you groan when the boy making his way toward you comes into view.
"I have to get to my Uber and you guys are blocking the way with your little webtoon-worthy confession scene," Zhang Hao calls, rolling his eyes at you. "So if you're gonna make out or something can you just let me through first!?"
You and Keita glance at each other knowingly before shouting at the same time a familiar phrase:
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day6source · 3 months
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DAY 6, a Mini concert + Keyboard Instrument Gift for Children With Incurable Diseases…A Special Time.
JYP Entertainment (hereinafter JYP) and DAY6 drew attention by carrying out wish-fulfillment activities for children with incurable diseases in Korea and cheering for hopeful dreams. In June 2019, JYP signed a social contribution business MOU with Make-A-Wish Korea and launched its representative CSR activity 'EDM (Every Dream Matters!)', a project to encourage hope by providing emotional support to children with incurable diseases. (hereinafter referred to as EDM). Recently, a Korean patient shared a wish, saying, ‘I want to meet DAY6 hyungs,’ and the members responded and shared a special time. Lee Geonwoo, 7 years old, was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia last year and is receiving continuous treatment. Wish Kid Lee Geonwoo said that he likes DAY6 so much that even during difficult treatment, DAY6's music changes his mood and gives him energy. He was very disappointed that he couldn't go to the solo concert "WTTS" (Welcome to the Show) held in April due to his weakened immune system, and his wish to meet DAY6 was delivered to JYP through Make-A-Wish Korea, which made his meeting with DAY6. DAY6 hosted a special mini concert where members sang their favorite songs. In addition, Lee Geonwoo, who is usually interested in musical instruments, played the instruments that the members actually use and gave them questions. In addition to taking photos to commemorate Wish Day, he delivered albums and T-shirts with his handwritten autographs, and in particular, Wonpil showed affection by presenting his instrument so that Wish Kid can continue to practice the keys. Lee Geonwoo said, "I loved the time I spent with DAY6 as much as the universe. Thank you for giving me the piano (key) that I wanted, and I will practice hard and become a great person like you." Lee's mother said, "I think today will be remembered as 'Best Part' just like the name of DAY6's song. Thank you JYP and Make-A-Wish Korea for leaving a huge page in my child's life." DAY6 said, "I hope that the time spent with us will remain a good memory when you can look back on later. I hope Geonwoo will grow up cheerful and innocent, and we hope him to be healthy and meet again at our concert. I hope you will practice a lot on the keyboard (gifted by Wonpil) and achieve your dream of becoming a great musician," he said. JYP has continued to carry out activities for children suffering from incurable diseases, such as when its head Park Jinyoung personally met children suffering from leukemia and gave them dance and singing lessons, and its artists communicated with patients and invited them to concerts to share memories. Last March, Twice participated in a wish-fulfillment activity for three children at home and abroad. Meanwhile, DAY6 completed their solo concert "Welcome to the Show" in April at Jamsil Indoor Stadium in Songpa-gu, Seoul, with a total of 34,000 spectators. Then, from June 21 to 23, they held their third official fan meeting 'DAY6 3RD FANMEETING "I Need My Day' at the same place and made memories with fans.
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daily-twice-content · 5 months
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TWICE's Sana showed off a lovely first pitch at the baseball game held between the KIA Tigers and the LG Twins at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul
source : MK Sports Site Update
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