#Jan & Dean
americanahighways · 2 years
Music Reviews: Leonard Cohen Tribute, Roy Orbison, Joe Ely, Dean Torrence, the Claudettes, and Daphne Parker Powell
Music Reviews: Leonard Cohen Tribute, Roy Orbison, Joe Ely, Dean Torrence, the Claudettes, and Daphne Parker Powell #leonardcohen @theclaudettes #Joeely @royorbison @deantorrence @omnivorerecords @byjeffburger @DameCalico #newmusic2022 #americanahighways
Music Reviews: Leonard Cohen Tribute, Roy Orbison, Joe Ely, Dean Torrence, the Claudettes, and Daphne Parker Powell Various artists, Here It Is: A Tribute to Leonard Cohen. Nobody performs Leonard Cohen’s songs as well as their creator, though artists ranging from Jeff Buckley to Judy Collins to Joe Cocker have recorded memorable covers over the years. You’ll hear more notable interpretations on…
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thefrogholler · 4 years
Musical Birthday Notes - March 10th
Musical Birthday Notes – March 10th
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indiestardust · 3 years
The Wrecking Crew
by Karen A. Brown @StardustBluePR @StardustBlu “This is a documentary film about an elite group of studio session musicians in Los Angeles in the 1960’s who played on hits for the Beach Boys, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Sonny and Cher, Jan & Dean, The Monkees, Gary Lewis and the Playboys, Mamas and Papas, 5th Dimension, Tijuana Brass, Ricky Nelson, Elvis Presley, Johnny Rivers and Phil…
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charleymckelvy · 5 years
(Lake Michigan) The surf was up Wednesday afternoon, so I went down to our beach with my big honkin’ Canon PowerShot SX50 HS digital camera, and snapped away.  Here are the results of my photo safari:
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A chair with a view.
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A view from the chair with a view.
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Where were Jan & Dean when I needed them?
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Not a good day for a walk on the beach.
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The small craft advisory was in effect.
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October postcard…
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We promised this vaccine waiver 20 years ago
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The world’s 125 poorest countries (2.5b people) have received zero covid vaccine doses to date. The 85 poorest countries project vaccination in 2023/24. This is vaccine apartheid.
It’s not that poor countries can’t make their own vaccines. The Global South has a lot of vaccine production capacity. The problem is Big Pharma, which refuses to transfer the patents and know-how to repurpose those facilities for mRNA production.
South Africa and India have petitioned the WTO for a vaccine waiver. We should all want this: first, because it is monstrous to doom millions to die in order to preserve the regulatory privileges of a handful of hugely profitable, heavily subsidized pharma companies.
But second, even if you don’t care about being monstrous, a waiver is needed to ensure all our survival: the longer and wider the virus circulates, the more mutations we’ll get, with the mounting risk of a more virulent, more lethal, more vaccine-resistant strain.
The pharma industry has an army of high-paid lobbyists (including Howard Dean), and volunteer simps (like Bill Gates) who are pushing the story that a waiver is unfair and counterproductive, a betrayal of the fundamental patent bargain.
They say that the pharma companies committed their capital to vaccine research because we, the people of the world, had promised them exclusive rights to those discoveries (notwithstanding that we also paid for the vast majority of that R&D).
If we alter the deal now, how can pharma trust us next time?
Of all the lies told by the pharma industry about the pandemic, this is the most insidious. Because that’s not how the global patent system works at all.
Gen Xers and their elders will remember the summer of 1999 and the Battle of Seattle, where anti-globalization activists fought for weeks to block the signing of the WTO agreement and its chapter on IP, the TRIPS agreement.
The WTO agreement fundamentally changed the way global patents worked.
Prior to the WTO, it was common for poor countries to completely ignore the patents issued by rich countries (unless the World Bank or a former colonial power coerced them into recognizing these claims).
That’s because countries that are net importers of finished goods have no reason to honor their suppliers’ claims — doing so merely burdens their own struggling manufacturers by forcing them to pay rent to rich foreigners.
This creates drag on local development, ensuring that importer countries stay importers, never becoming self-sufficient.
Ignoring other countries’ exclusive rights regimes — copyright, patent, trademark, etc — is a tried-and-true method to gain self-sufficiency.
That’s why the Framers of the US Constitution decided that America would ignore foreign patents and copyrights, a policy that persisted for over a century, only ending once the US became a net exporter of ideas and inventions, and thus stood to gain more than it lost.
Not just the US, of course. Many European nations spent a century or two a-pirating while their developed their capacity. The Dutch, for example, abolished patents during much of the 19th and 20th centuries.
It doesn’t make sense for a poor country to pay a rich country for rent on ideas. At least, it doesn’t make sense from the perspective of the poor countries.
It’s easy to see what rich countries get out of the deal.
That’s where the WTO (and specifically TRIPS) came in.
TRIPS proposed a bargain to poor countries: if you pay rent on rich countries’ ideas (by recognizing their patents, trademarks and copyrights), we’ll engineer the system so that you become the favored manufacturing contractors for rich countries.
This creates jobs in the short term, and, long term, it builds capacity, by teaching people how to build and operate complex systems.
It’s a form of “technology transfer” that replaces the old adversarial system of rent-collectors and tenant states with global cooperation.
This was a dubious proposition, but the WTO threw in a sweetener: a provision for emergengy waivers. These meant that if there was ever a situation where honoring foreign patents would result in domestic mass-death, those offshore obligations would be immediately suspended.
Think about that for a second. The pharma industry wants you to think that a vaccine waiver reneges on the bargain the world made with it.
But that was never the bargain.
The bargain the Global South struck was, “We will pay rent on rich countries’ ideas. In exchange, we’ll get capacity-building help. In case of emergency, all bets are off: not only will we get access to ideas for free, the WTO will use its might to force tech transfer.”
That’s the bargain pharma signed up for. The claim that a waiver reneges on the deal is truly Orwellian, a heads-I-win-tails-you-lose proposition where poor countries pay rent on ideas and get NOTHING in return — save death and the option to pay yet more rent.
“The TRIPS Intellectual Property Waiver Proposal: Creating the Right Incentives in Patent Law and Politics to end the COVID-19 Pandemic” is a preprint of an LSE Legal Studies Working Paper by a group of Anglo-Irish legal and poli sci scholars.
First published yesterday, it delves into a detailed account of this dynamic, and opens with a devastating argument:
If the pharma companies are right and poor countries truly don’t have the capacity to build vaccine factories, then the WTO is a failure.
The whole point was to build capacity.
If it’s not there, then all the rents the poor world paid all century were a lethally squandered opportunity — they should have followed in the footsteps of America and the Netherlands and ignored the rent demanded by wealthy lands.
The authors describe how pharma gamed the system in the WTO decades. For example, companies devote enormous energy to patenting small variations on their processes and products, allowing them to extend the life of their patents long beyond the 20 years they’re promised.
This produces some genuinely hideous outcomes. In Patrick Radden Keefe’s EMPIRE OF PAIN, the author documents how the Sackler family contemplated seeking regulatory approval to prescribe Oxycontin to children in order to extend the life of their patents.
It’s hard to imagine how we’ll survive the pandemic crisis without a waiver. COVAX, the “voluntary” system that lets billionaires, corporations and rich countries offer vaccine doses to poor countries as charity, is a total disaster.
COVAX has only raised pledges of 20% of the needed doses — and it isn’t delivering on those pledges.
The system isn’t just failing by accident — the pharma companies are actively sabotaging it.
C-TAP, the WTO’s own scheme for pooling vaccine production know-how, has failed, largely because companies like Pfizer and Biontech have forced NDAs on their contractors that prevent them from participating in the program.
The pharma companies have refused to license for mRNA vaccines for production in both in the rich world (Canada, Israel and Denmark) and the poor world (Bangladesh).
The deals pharma struck with the global south don’t just bump the world’s poorest to the back of the line — they also charge the poorest people the highest prices for vaccines. Astrazeneca is charging South Africa twice the going rate in the EU.
This price-gouging is papered over with misleading claims of charity — for example, Moderna says it won’t extract profit from Brazilians Fiocruz until the pandemic ends — but the agreement allows Moderna to declare the pandemic over in July.
Pharma’s claims of acting in the public interest are pure fantasy.
Pfizer says it makes a 20% profit by selling vaccines it makes for $3/dose at $19.50/dose (“the pandemic price”) — and promises that this price will go up to $175/dose for boosters.
The very idea of pharma patents is surprisingly new. France instituted pharma patents in 1960; Ireland, 1964; Germany, 1968; Japan, 1976. Pharma demanded these patents to produce the “incentive” to invest, but the bulk of basic pharma R&D is still publicly funded.
Take the Astrazeneca vaccine, developed at Oxford. Between 97.1 and 99% of the funding for that research came from public sources, not Astrazeneca’s profits.
The WTO agreement promised the Global South that in a global pandemic, the same might that was used to coerce them into passing laws enforcing rich countries’ patents would be brought to bear on rich countries to force them to help make medicine where it’s needed.
The pharma shills who claim that waiving the patents on mRNA vaccines actually have a point: pharma companies have gamed the patent system so that much of the know-how is never disclosed in patent filings, and the filings themselves are sealed for 18 months.
In the face of this sabotage, the WTO could order rich member states to uphold their obligations by forcing their companies to transfer patents AND trade secrets to poor countries — just as the US forced pharma companies to pool their research on pennicillin during WWII.
That would be the fair thing to do. The right thing to do. The rational thing to do — if we want to ensure the continuation of our civilization and even our species in the face of new mutant strains.
The WTO claimed that poor countries that honored the TRIPS would become tech exporters, building their own domestic capacity. Twenty years later, they’re still importers — and on track to stay that way forever (or until we’re all killed by covid).
The US has no standing to complain about a TRIPS waver. A country that built its fortune and capacity by refusing to pay rent to rich nations for their ideas deserves the same treatment once it becomes rich itself.
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03. Scorpion Violente + Air LQD – Quai de Bourbon 03. Handle + CIA Debutante + David Fenech – Espace B 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 04. David Fenech & Laurent Perrier + Phanes – Quai de Bourbon 05. Dorian Pimpernel + Mooon – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. TZII + Sacrifice Seul – Quai de Bourbon 05. Instant Voodoo + Laurence Wasser – Le Zorba 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 05. King Dude + Biere noire – La Boule noire 06. Frustration + Italia 90 – Le Trianon 06. Electric Fire + Fantazio et les Turbulents (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 06. UVB76 + Gaël Segalen – Café de Paris 06. France + Autrenoir + Aho Ssan + Astrid Sonne + Keki + Janomax – La Station 06. Violent quand on aime + Officium + Matière danse – Espace B 06. Chris Liebing + AZF – Dehors Brut 07. Sourdure – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 07. L’atelier d’éveil musical du centre social Raymond-Poulidor + Foudre rockeur (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 07. Substencia + Eastel + MZA – tba 07. Dave Clarke + Kuss + Murd + Toscan Haas – Dehors Brut 07. ABSL + Mind Matter + NN aka Primitive Tribe – Caves Lechapelais 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + Kælan Mikla – La Machine ||COMPLET|| 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 10. Tempers + Alessio Peck + Josee Laïka – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Jerusalem in my Heart + Méryll Ampe et les élèves de l’Ensapc + Lucretia Dalt (Sonic Protest) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Mopcut + F-Space + We Use Cookies + Astra Zenecan (Sonic Protest) – La Station 11. Morrissey – Salle Pleyel 11. Nada Surf + John Vanderslice – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 12 Thomas Bégin + JD Zazie (Sonic Protest) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 13. Jean Jean + All Caps + Quadrupède – Quai de Bourbon 13. Bernardino Femminielli – Le Zorba 13. Emptyset + Hair Stylistics + Méryll Ampe (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 13. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – Le Colombier (Ville d’Avray) 14. Panico Panico + Tabatha Crash + Cosse – ESS’pace 14. Lonely Walk + Tamara Goukassova + Shock – Espace B 14. Why The Eye + WAqWAq Kingdom + Maria Violenza + Fleuves noirs + Jean-Marc Foussat + Julia Hanadi Al Abed + Pierre Gordeeff (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 15. Nosfell (Mondial du tatouage) – Grand Halle de La Villette 15. Das Synthetische Mischgewebe & Anla Courtis + Ricardo Dias Gomes & Loïc Ponceau + Seijiro Murayama & Florian Tositti + Phanes – Les Pianos (Montreuil) 16. Hällas + La Secte du Futur + Meurtrières – La Maroquinerie 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 18. Pelada + Eye + Fiesta En El Vacio (Ideal Trouble) – Petit Bain 18. Lee Scratch Perry & Adrian Sherwood + 2Decks + Zaraz Wam Zagram (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 18. This Quiet Army & Tom Malmendier + John Robin-Bold – Quai de Bourbon 19. HP (Haswell & Powell) + Inga Huld Hakonadrottir & Yann Legay + Asmus Tietchens + Regreb “2 Cymbals” (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 19. Boubacar Cissokho (Paris Music) – Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris 19. Maulwürfe – Musée d’Orsay 20. Bleib Modern + Order 89 + Blind Delon + IV Horsemen + Paulie Jan + Codex Empire + Opale + Panzer + DJ Varsovie (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 20. Jon Hopkins – Salle Pleyel 20. Martin Kohlstedt + Manu le Malin joue Barbara (Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 20. Yan Wagner + Madben (Paris Music) – Cathédrale américaine 20. Monolithe noir + Paulie Jan – Quai de Bourbon 20. Senyawa + Bonne humeur provisoire + Black Trumpets (Sonic Protest) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Paula Temple + 16H07 b2b Ket Robinson + Ma Čka – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo 20. Ellen Allien + Shlømo – Dehors brut 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 21. Stephen O’Malley – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 21. Mind/Matter + Die Orangen + Mitra Mitra + Qual + Rendered + Verset Zero + Years of Denial (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 21. Container + Muqata’a + OD Bongo + Diatribes & Horns + Jealousy Party + Urge + Wirklich Pipit + Me Donner + Cancelled + FLF + 2Mo (Sonic Protest) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 21. GZA – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 21. ABSL + Anetha + Hektos Oaks + High Future + Randomer + Sugar – tba 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 22. Mike Cooper + Yann Legay + Will Guthrie & Ensemble Nist-Nah + Cheb Gero (Sonic Protest) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Skemer + IV Horsemen + Silly Joy – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Joe Gideon – Espace B 24. I’d M Theft Able + Teenage God + Suicide Motorhead + Notre Travail bénéfique – Le Balto Otlab (Montreuil) 25. Low House (Eugene S. Robinson & Putan Club) + Moodie Black – Petit Bain 25. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 25. Buzzkull + Kontravoid + Crystal Geometry – Badaboum 25. Kumusta + Crash Normal – L’International 25. Li Li-Chin + Onceim & Li Li-Chin – Église Saint-Merry 25>28. Èlg + Vincent Epplay & Timo Van Luijk + Dominique Petitgand… (Fest. Interférences) – Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles (gratuit) 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 27. Baston – L’International 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 27. Mongolito + Biere Noire + Bisous De Saddam + Léa Jacta Est + Club Passion (Croux fest.) – Café de Paris 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Cut Hands + NAH + Shit&Shine + France Sauvage + Burris Meyer + UVB76 (dj) – Petit Bain 28. Satan + Noyades + S.O.L.A.N + Traitors + Accès de faiblesse (Croux fest.) – Espace B 28. Denis Frajerman + David Fenech – Plateforme 28. Balladur + Bracco + Coeval + Bajram Bili (dj) – La Boule noire 28. 14anger + Brecc + Oguz + Fuerr + Draugr + Atim – tba 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 31. M!R!M – Espace B 31. Leandro Barzabal + AVC + Vulcanizadora – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) Avril 01. Lea Bertucci – tbc 02. The Futurians + CIA Debutante – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 02. Shannon Wright + Melaine Dalibert (Piano Day) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 03. Kuniyuki Takahashi & Henrik Schwarz + Hugo LX & DJ Nori + Akiko Nakayama (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 03. Tamara Goukassova + Constance Chlore – Le Zorba 03. Victoria Shen + Meryll Ampe + Golem mécanique – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 04. Hiroaki Umeda + Nonotak + Aalko + Make It Deep Soundsystem (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Satoshi Tomiie & Kuniyuki + Hiroshi Watanabe + DJ Masda + Akiko Kiyama + Daisuke Tanabe + Intercity-Express (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Ash Code – Espace B 04. 2kilos &More & Black Sifichi + Plurals – Le vent se lève 04. OOIOO – Lafayette Anticipations 04. Katie Gately – Sacré 04. Wow + Laura Palmer – L’International 06. Julie Doiron – Espace B 06. Bauhaus – Grand Rex 08. Föllakzoid + UVB76 – Espace B 09. Will Samson + Northwest + Lyson Leclercq – Le vent se lève 09. The Chap + Rubin Steiner Live Band – Badaboum 10. Ventre de biche + Badaboum + Videodrome + A Ten Year Later + Paolo Tecon + Le Compas dans l’œil – La Station 10. Manu Le Malin + Popof + Nout Heretik + Noisebuilder + Electrobugz + Krïs Heretik + Broke Heretik + Aness Heretik + Split Heretik + Tom Buld'r.Heretik + Limka + Le Jall + Boubou Antinorm17 – tba 11. Infecticide + Astaffort Mods + Mono Siren – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. IAMX – Café de la danse 12. VTSS + Hadone – tba 14. Lucy Railton & Joe Houston jouent "Patterns in a chromatic field" de Morton Feldman – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14/15. Metronomy – La Cigale 16/17. Metronomy – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 17. Facs + ISaAC – Petit Bain 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 19. Rome + Primordial + Moonsorrow – La Machine 20. Big ‡ Brave + Jessica Moss – La Boule Noire 23. Volkor X + ToutEstBeau + Aphélie – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Health + Pencey Sloe + Dead – Petit Bain 24. Parade Ground – L’International 25. Selofan + Jupiter Jane – Supersonic (gratuit) 25. Tim Tama + Vladimir Dubyshkin + Trym + Regal + Parfait – tba 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas (Ideal Trouble) – Petit Bain 26. Igorrr + Author & Punisher + Otto Von Schirach – La Cigale 27. Dean Wareham joue "On Fire" de Galaxie 500 – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia 27. The Foals + The Murder Capital – Zénith 28. Ulver – L’Alhambra 29. Protomartyr – La Boule Noire 29. Movie Star Junkies + Sam Fleisch + Tibia – Gibus 30. Conflict + The Filaments – Gibus Mai 02. Richie Hawtin – T7 05. The Sonics + Messer Chups – Trabendo 06. hackedepicciotto + Laurence Wasser – Espace B 07. Laurent Perrier & David Fenech – Souffle Continu (gratuit) 07. Trrmà – Le Zorba 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 09. Extrawelt + Oxia + Popof + Wuza + O'Tawa – Le Kilowatt (Ivry/Seine) 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La Légende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 11. Cannibale + Frankie and the Witch Fingers + Euromilliard – La Maroquinerie 11. The Electric Soft Parade + Tim Keegan – Petit Bain 13. Wire – La Maroquinerie 13. Austra – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 14. Aksak Maboul + JFDR + Powerdove (Le Beau festival) – La Boule noire 15. Palberta + Michelle Blades + Good Morning TV (Le Beau festival) – La Boule noire 16. Tops + Corridor + Polycool + Myriam Stamoulis + La Veillée Pop (Le Beau festival) – La Station 16. Black Midi – Carreau du Temple 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 16. Hermann Kopp & Lorenzo Abattoir + Fusiller + Sang-Foutre – Quai de Bourbon 20>24. Giant Swan + Otoboke Beaver + Sinead O’Brien + Kills Birds + Vanishing Twin + Kit Sebastian + Jardin + Rouge Gorge + Derya Yildirim & Grup Şimşek + Holy Fuck + Gabber Modus Operandi + Balladur + Crystallmess (dj) + Squid + Glitter + Black Country, New Road + Murman Tsuladze + Tôle froide + Sorry + Donny Benet + La Créole + La Récré + Lewsberg + Lido Pimienta + Moesha 13... (Villette sonique) – La Villette 20. The Jesus & Mary Chain jouent “Darklands” + Carla Del Forno (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 21. Yves Tumor + Pottery + Disq (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 22. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe + Kristin Anna (Carte blanche Stephen O’Malley/Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 22. Kim Gordon (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet Ouïr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Tout Est Beau (Villette sonique) – parc de La Villette 23. Julien Négrier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-émergence » + Félicia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + Michèle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumière » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23/24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 25. The Church – Petit Bain 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine 30/31. Paula Temple + Dave Clarke + Ben Klock + Len Faki + 999999999 + VTSS b2b Shlomo + DVS1 + François X… (Marvellous Island) – île de loisirs de Vaires-Torcy Juin 01/02. The Dead C – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Bambara – Espace B 04. Phill Niblock + Tim Shaw – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 05. And Also The Trees – La Maroquinerie 06/07. Four Tet + Nils Frahm + Park Hie Jin + Modeselektor… (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 12. The Breath of Life + Box and the Twins – Gibus 13. Flat Worms (Ideal Trouble) – Gibus 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena 18. Acid Mothers Temple – Espace B 27. Meryem Aboulouafa + Nicolas Godin (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 28. Ensemble Social Silence joue “Music for Airport” de Brian Eno (Days Off) – Studio|Philharmonie 28. Wooden Elephant joue “Kid A” de Radiohead (Days Off) – Amphithéâtre|Cité de la musique 29. Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto + Echo Collective joue “12 Conversations with Thilo Heinzmann” de Jóhann Jóhansson (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 30. Emilíana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra + Agnes Obel (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie Juillet 01. Apparat – Le Trianon 01. Arandel : “InBach” (Days Off) – Amphithéâtre|Cité de la musique 02. Orchestre de Paris : “Symphony No. 1 "Low"” de Philip Glass + “Music for Ensemble and Orchestra” de Steve Reich (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 03. Perfume Genius + Anna Calvi  (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 04. Nicolás Jaar : musique pour la pièce chorégraphique “¡miércoles!” de Stéphanie Janaina (Days Off) – Studio|Philharmonie 04. Kevin Morby + Andrew Bird Symphonique (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Boy Harsher + Partiboi69 + Otim Alpha + Jonny Rock + La Famille Maraboutage + Catu Diosis… (Macki Music) – Parc de la Mairie (Carrières/Seine) ||COMPLET|| 05. Ben UFO + Jamie Tiller b2b Orpheu The Wizard + Murman Tsuladze + The Pilotwings + Flegon… (Macki Music) – Parc de la Mairie (Carrières/Seine) 05/06. Suzanne Vega, Ensemble Ictus & Collegium Vocale Gent : “Einstein on the Beach” de Philip Glass (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 07. The Rapture + Sons of Raphael (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Björk – Seine Musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 17/18. Grim + Galerie Schallschutz + Am Not + Linekraft + Deathpanel + Detrimental Effect + African Imperial Wizard – Les Voûtes 18. Oh Sees – Cabaret sauvage 20. Björk – Seine Musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) Août 29. Massive Attack (Rock en Seine) – parc de Saint-Cloud Septembre 27. Mudhoney – La Maroquinerie 30. Peter Hook & The Light : Joy Division. A Celebration – Bataclan
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‪The Song of the Day is: The Surfaris - “Wipe Out”(1962)‬ ‪#SongoftheDay #musicblog #parenting #journal #surfaris #surf #surfrock #oldies #wipeout #guitar ##HearTodayGrownTomorrow Support the Blog - Click Below‬ The Song of the Day is: The Surfaris - “Wipe Out” From the album Wipe Out…
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theerecoup · 7 years
Jan & Dean: Filet of Soul Redux: The Rejected Master Recordings (Omnivore)
Jan & Dean: Filet of Soul Redux: The Rejected Master Recordings (Omnivore Recordings)
Jan & Dean Filet Of Soul Redux: The Rejected Master Recordings Omnivore Recordings
Filet of Soul is a terrible, horrible, no-good album.
Amazingly, that’s exactly the reaction its creators Jan & Dean anticipated. See, in the annals of Rock Music, there’s nothing more interesting than the “contractual obligation” album. Initially, bands would hand over live albums or greatest-hits packages in…
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hanramakers · 7 years
Jan and Dean: An Early Rock and Roll Horror Story
Jan and Dean: An Early Rock and Roll Horror Story
Rock and Roll is laced with legal horror stories and bad, greedy management, especially in the early days. Even well versed artists like the Rolling Stones got taken by one of their managers -Allan Klein- for much of their early songwriting credits. The story of Jan and Dean is one of these. Divide and control is the favorite manipulation of creative forces, sidet-tracked by contracts and…
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nicolebowdenlma32 · 4 years
Black, S., 2013. Costume, Colour And Semiotics Of Heathers. [online] Clothes on Film. Available at: <https://clothesonfilm.com/costume-colour-and-semiotics-of-heathers/> [Accessed 10 March 2020].
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Heathers. (1989) Movie. Directed by Lehmann.
Heathers. (2014) Broadway Musical. Directed by Andy Fickman.
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Figure List
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Figure 4 - The Wrap, 2019. MORE I’M 24 And Just Watched ‘Heathers’ For The First Time – Yikes. [image] Available at: <https://www.thewrap.com/im-24-and-just-watched-heathers-for-the-first-time-yikes/> [Accessed 6 April 2020].
Figure 5 - MBTI Zone, 2017. Jason Dean (Heathers): INTJ. [image] Available at: <http://http://mbtizone.sheylacorry.com/intj/jason-dean-heathers-intj/> [Accessed 6 April 2020].
Figure 6 - The Whisp, 2019. Heathers Style Inspiration: How To Dress Like Characters From The Film. [image] Available at: <https://thewhisp.mommyish.com/style/fashion/heathers-movie-fashion-inspiration-dress-like/> [Accessed 6 April 2020].
Figure 7 - Anablaze57, 2017. Heather Duke Review. [image] Available at: <https://aminoapps.com/c/heathers/page/blog/heather-duke-review/RrX1_5L5FwuwPQ1dMY3P6e1bWLQaRvDXaXe> [Accessed 3 April 2020].
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rockrageradio · 5 years
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For Immediate Release
RUNAWAY Vocalist Cherie Currie Like Page and STOOGES Guitarist James Williamson Team Up For A New Version Of The Shangri-Las’ Teen Heartbreak Classic “Leader Of The Pack!”
Los Angeles, CA - With the roar of a motorcycle, ’60 pop chanteuses The Shangri-Las introduced the world to a new tragic hero, the unforgettable bad boy heartthrob and the titular “Leader Of The Pack.” The year was 1964 and by that time “teenage tragedy songs” had become a genre unto itself with the likes of Jan & Dean’s “Dead Man’s Curve,” Ray Peterson’s “Tell Laura I Love Her” and many others. But none captured the melodrama of heartbreak as well as “Leader Of The Pack,” which would become a #1 pop hit and the defining song for The Shangri-Las. Now, two veterans of garage rock, trailblazing heartthrobs in their own right, have teamed up for a glorious new version of the tune. Famed Stooges guitarist James Williamson pours gasoline on the song’s instrumental track and lights it on fire with his raw, heavy guitar playing, while Runaways vocalist Cherie Currie, aided with backup vocals by Leslie Koch Foumberg, amps up the theatricality for maximum emotional impact.
Williamson sings the praises of this new version saying “When I first discussed playing on a remake of ‘Leader of the Pack’ I was skeptical that we could improve on it. That song is so ingrained in my psyche that I couldn’t imagine anyone other than Mary Weiss singing the vocal. But, when I heard Cherie Currie’s version combined with my guitar, I instantly knew we had done an update we could be proud of. I just love the way it came out.”
This supercharged version of “Leader Of The Pack” is currently available on all streaming and download platforms as well as on a special 7” vinyl single backed with a tune that will be imminently familiar to fans of Cherie Currie, “Cherry Bomb” - a previously released recording featuring music by The MC5’s Wayne Kramer and The Ramone’s Marky Ramone.
Buy the 7”: https://cleorecs.com/store/shop/cherie-currie-james-williamson-leader-of-the-pack-limited-edition-cherry-red-7-ep/
Stream/download: https://orcd.co/leaderofthepack
Track List:
1. Cherie Currie & James Williams feat. Leslie Koch Foumberg - Leader Of The Pack
2. Cherie Currie feat. Wayne Kramer & Marky Ramone - Cherry Bomb
#soundcheckwithgentry #cheriecurrie #rock #jameswilliamson #hardrock #rockmusic #punkrock #rockrageradio #rockisNOTdead
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marlaluster · 6 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. 17 likes bry3045 Genuine Satanic murders are premeditated ritual killings that are committed by individuals whose primary motivation is the sacrifice of their victims. Self-gratification is not a valid criterion, neither is simple bloodlust. While any ritual performed in the name of Satan is likely to offend religious individuals, the act itself has to be illegal for a prosecution to be justified. Real Satanists do not practice the ritual sacrifice of humans or even animals and they abhor publicity, because they know that persecution will follow. In fact, they do not believe that killing is justified, except in self-defense. And why would God or Satan need to rely on Satanisits to do their killing for them, if they are truly omnipotent? . #la #miami #kansascity #likeforlike #newportbeach #santamonica #nyc #colorado #india #japan #tampa #arabia #photooftheday #love #influencer #norfolk #lasvegas #madison #houston #cosmetology #scottsdale #follow edgarmedinastudio Nice one 😍😍😍 JUNE 1, 2018 ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILESHASHTAGSLANGUAGE 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/BstdKnYnjSu/?hl=en 3. 174,505 likes behatiprinsloo 🌾 jt_plus_levines_girl WoW LuV yA bEe😘 thestylishthing 💕💕💕 giorgia_imbrenda 😍💕 loshali_gunjan_ Absolutely gorgeous☺ much love astridintanlegi aduhhh gaga skli otuhan :( _quan.4 😍🔥 pwjkaur I want a photo like this @peachtree.pictures rich_mariegram MAKE ➕ 5000$ ➕OVERNIGHT ➕ NO MONEY NEEDED UPFRONT UN shinanoiiktr So beautiful thetrillionlife 🔥🔥🔥 cntikatddy ❤️😘 sonjadevlamingphoto @roderickswart ik had het kunnen schieten😂 daryza_sony ♥️♥️♥️ oliviananlohy QUEEN ❤️❤️ nihaluznn 😍😋🥰 fadillaawb YASHHHH QUEEN🔥🔥 peachtree.pictures @pwjkaur 😝 okayyy nelyuver Gorgeous🔥 luxuryteethwhitening Is this at Wentworth point ? kiara_yellow 💖🌟💖🌟💖 nimraghafoor5 🔥🔥🔥😍 yxdays 😍 ds_chhangte 🤩😘 neshrr_ 😍 cozezzy OMG that's EXACTLY how i look like when i go for a walk in nature ! mageemae Beautiful! vicsama217 Goddess💗💗💗💗 zafarwestern 💛🌟💛🌟💛 iamsuper_regine I love you😍♥️ stunning😍 @behatiprinsloo Please recognize me from “The Philippines”❤️ visit here please!! roderickswart @sonjadevlamingphoto wow ja! 🤣 aanklagen die handel! 🤣🤣 antobussi ❤️ malawmi_kingbawl 😍😍😘😘 milasoaresf Beautiful! romee_skriver I can’t express how much I look up to you ❤️ d_t_s_14 😍😍😍😍😍😍 reeza_b I love this picture! aalalayne mama 😍 ataevax_x 😻😻😻 sexprinslo Fadaaaaaa monikaneffe You are so beautiful . Wow❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ juan_de_dios_65 Cv behatisunshine I can't explain what I feel with this picture 😭😻 lucky_angel5 Queen Bee 👑👑👑 you are so beautiful honey!!! marbyyyy My rock dsuciw 😍 aninditaarci Bebbb johanes_billy smoking wheat carolinamessias01 💞💞💞 lidialalimomo Wwwaaaah 😍😍😍😘😘 sidonianz 😍🔥🔥🔥🔥 emilyhmar_ 🔥❤️ ehsanvizviz Soooo nice evaamckie Wow 😍😍 nandeibam_ Hot mama😍 4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6607987/amp/Sarah-Jessica-Parker-struggles-shoulder-massive-bag-laundry-set-Divorce.html 5. MORE STORIES Sarah Jessica Parker struggles to shoulder a massive bag of laundry on the set of Divorce By Dailymail.com Reporter 17:36 18 Jan 2019, updated 17:42 18 Jan 2019 0 shares 6 comments Latest From MailOnline tvshowbiz 'What is wrong with you?!' Tori Spelling's furious husband Dean McDermott hits back at body-shamers ... tvshowbiz Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt celebrate engagement over dinner with his son Jack and her ... In real life she's been happily married for over 20 years. Sarah Jessica Parker was spotted lugging a massive bag of laundry around the streets of New York on Friday on the set of her HBO show Divorce. The petite 53-year-old was dwarfed by the enormous red bag that appeared filled to the brim with clothes. Hard at work: Sarah Jessica Parker put in some manual labor on the set of Divorce as she filmed a scene hauling a bag of laundry in Manhattan on Friday The actress and shoe entrepreneur is working on the comedy drama's third season. ADVERTISEMENT During her shoot, the former Sex and the City star wore the SJP version of dressed-down clothes. 0 shares RELATED ARTICLES Sarah Jessica Parker travels in style donning chic beige coat as she kicks off 'first work week' of the new year Sarah Jessica Parker and Divorce co-stars Molly Shannon and Talia Balsam bundle up warm to film third series Sarah Jessica Parker keeps cozy in overcoat and slippers as she films scenes for HBO's Divorce A relaxed fit pair of blue jeans tucked into scrunched brow heeled booties with a printed sweater. On top, her character Frances wore an olive over coat and plum colored leather gloves. Props: SJP's massive red laundry bag clashed with her fashionable casual ensemble of jeans, boots and a sweater in the scene Her signature blonde streaked hair was curled into loose waves. In the scene, Frances was trying to manage getting her laundry done in the bustling city. Sarah wrestled with an enormous red laundry bag as she conversed with another actor. Season three of the show is being helmed by a new showrunner and will consist of just six episodes, according to Variety. Coming back: Divorce is returned for a shortened six-episode season three in 2019 Infidelity: Divorce follows the long drawn out split between Sarah's character Frances and her husband Robert, played by Thomas Haden Church, 58, after she has an affair Divorce, which premiered in 2016, follows the long drawn out divorce between Sarah's character Frances and her husband Robert, played by Thomas Haden Church, 58, after she has an affair. Happily for the star, in real life, Sarah's marriage is much more stable. Sarah has been married to actor Matthew Broderick, 56, since May 1997 when they tied the knot at a ceremony in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. ADVERTISEMENT They share son James, 16, and nine-year-old twin daughters, Marion and Tabitha. 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rollingstonemag · 7 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur http://www.rollingstone.fr/t-m-show-ovni-musical/
The T.A.M.I. Show, OVNI musical
19 avril 1965. The T.A.M.I. Show est à l’affiche de toutes les salles de cinéma d’Angleterre. Ciné-concert de légende, il voit se croiser sur une même scène les Supremes, les Stones, James Brown et les Beach Boys pour le plus grand plaisir de tous les fans de musique
Nous sommes le 28 octobre 1964. Deux nuits durant, les plus grands noms de la musique se sont donnés rendez-vous au Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. De James Brown aux Rolling Stones, en passant par les Beach Boys, Chuck Berry, Gerry and the Pacemakers et Marvin Gaye, c’est un des plus beaux line-up de l’histoire de la musique qu’a réussi à aligner le T.A.M.I. Show.
Chauffée à blanc par un Chuck Berry déchaîné, la scène toute échafaudée voit se succéder talents sur talents, les Beach Boys, Gerry & the Pacemakers et les Supremes en tête. Vient le tour de James Brown. Furieux de ne pas être le dernier à monter en scène, il ne cesse de répéter au metteur en scène que « personne ne suit James Brown » ! Qui sont ces Stones qui prétendent pouvoir clore ce concert d’anthologie ? Mick Jagger et Keith Richards hésitent. Fans de blues devant l’Éternel, ils doutent de pouvoir se mesurer au gigantesque musicien. S’ils avaient su ! Le biographe RJ Smith rapporte que James Brown aurait déclaré que le T.A.M.I. Show était l’un des moments les plus « électrisants » de sa carrière : « J’ai tant dansé que mon manager en a pleuré. Je n’avais pas le choix. Je me retrouvais face à des artistes pop. Moi je fais du R&B. Je devais leur montrer la différence, et croyez-moi, c’était difficile. »
“C’était totalement nouveau et ça n’a jamais été reproduit, » écrivait Keith Richards dans According to the Rolling Stones (Chronicle Books, 2003). Pied de nez monumental à une ségrégation encore rampante, le T.A.M.I. Show marque l’aube du nouvelle ère, celle de la British Invasion et de Woodstock, celle du rock.
Par Jessica Saval
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kaos-sverige · 6 years
Watchmen - The Black Sheep
Published on Jan 21, 2019
In the latest edition of The Black Sheep, we take a look at the underappreciated superhero gem, Watchmen, directed by Zack Snyder and starring Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley, Malin Akerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Matthew Goode, Billy Crudup and Carla Gugino! SUBSCRIBE for more JoBlo Original Videos HERE: https://goo.gl/R9U81J Other JOBLO VIDEOS playlists: THE KILL COUNTER: https://goo.gl/e5fP1U 8-BIT TRAILERS: https://goo.gl/ofMrXn AWFULLY GOOD MOVIES: https://goo.gl/LuxxyJ F-BOMBS: https://goo.gl/Bku43g MOVIE ENDINGS EXPLAINED: https://goo.gl/ujcEAK ...IS KINDA CRAZY: https://goo.gl/kj2wof THE BLACK SHEEP: https://goo.gl/4fseQe MOVIE MISTAKES: https://goo.gl/J5PsPm EASTER EGGS: https://goo.gl/YOEQwI TOP 10 LISTS: https://goo.gl/yY74V3 #watchmen #zacksnyder
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Février 25. Paint Fumes + Os Noctàmbulos – Le Zorba 26. Emily Jane White + Jim Rosemberg – La Cave (Argenteuil) 27. Laurent Perrier & David Fenech + Fantasia Nel Dessert – Le Zorba 27. Sofy Major + Membrane + Pord – Espace B 27. Jessica93 + Ddashband + Absolute Never + Osage + Team PC + Pap’s Club – Le Cirque électrique 27. Deeat Palace + Elek Ember + Philémon – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Zombie Zombie + Kreidler – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 28. Vindicatrix + Extractor Fan + Meryll Ampe + Axel Larsen – Les Nautes 28. Bosco Mujo + DST + Dress Rehearsals + Gerard Jugno 106 + Françoise Pagan + Amosphère + Siink + Thi-Lea (Offnoise) – La Station 28. Shlømo + A Strange Wedding + Adar + Azamat B. + Eastel + Belafa aka Corbeille Dallas – Sierra Neon (Saint-Denis) 29. m-O-m – théâtre Le Montfort (gratuit) 29. Nylex + Plomb + Hélice Island – Le Zorba 29. Vulcanizadora + À Travers + Konpyuta & Richard Frances – Quai de Bourbon 29. Coude + Zarboth + The Guru Guru – Espace B 29. Extractor Fan + Macon + Saada Abe + Vindicatrix + Allpass (dj) –  L’Époque 29. SPFDJ b2b VTSS + Dax J + Hadone + Stranger – tba ||COMPLET|| Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03. Scorpion Violente + Air LQD – Quai de Bourbon 03. Handle + CIA Debutante + David Fenech – Espace B 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 04. David Fenech & Laurent Perrier – Quai de Bourbon 05. Dorian Pimpernel + Mooon – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. TZII + Sacrifice Seul – Quai de Bourbon 05. Instant Voodoo + Laurence Wasser – Le Zorba 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 05. King Dude – La Boule noire 06. Frustration + Italia 90 – Le Trianon 06. Electric Fire + Fantazio et les Turbulents (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 06. UVB76 – Café de Paris 06. France + Autrenoir + Aho Ssan + Astrid Sonne + Keki + Janomax – La Station 06. Violent quand on aime + Officium + Matière danse – Espace B 06. Chris Liebing + AZF – Dehors Brut 07. Sourdure – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 07. L’atelier d’éveil musical du centre social Raymond-Poulidor + Foudre rockeur (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Dave Clarke + Kuss + Murd + Toscan Haas – Dehors Brut 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + Kælan Mikla – La Machine ||COMPLET|| 10. Tempers – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Jerusalem in my Heart + Méryll Ampe et les élèves de l’Ensapc + Lucretia Dalt (Sonic Protest) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Mopcut + F-Space + We Use Cookies + Astra Zenecan (Sonic Protest) – La Station 11. Morrissey – Salle Pleyel 11. Nada Surf + John Vanderslice – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 12 Thomas Bégin + JD Zazie (Sonic Protest) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 13. Jean Jean + All Caps + Quadrupède – Quai de Bourbon 13. Emptyset + Hair Stylistics + Méryll Ampe (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 14. Panico Panico + Tabatha Crash + Cosse – ESS’pace 14. Lonely Walk + Tamara Goukassova + Shock – L'Espace B 14. Why The Eye + WAqWAq Kingdom + Maria Violenza + Fleuves noirs + Jean-Marc Foussat + Julia Hanadi Al Abed + Pierre Gordeeff (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 15. Das Synthetische Mischgewebe & Anla Courtis + Ricardo Dias Gomes & Loïc Ponceau + Seijiro Murayama & Florian Tositti + Phanes – tba 16. Hällas + La Secte du Futur + Meurtrières – La Maroquinerie 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 18. Pelada + Eye + Fiesta En El Vacio (Ideal Trouble) – Petit Bain 18. Lee Scratch Perry & Adrian Sherwood + 2Decks + Zaraz Wam Zagram (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 19. HP (Haswell & Powell) + Inga Huld Hakonadrottir & Yann Legay + Asmus Tietchens + Regreb “2 Cymbals” (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 19. Boubacar Cissokho (Paris Music) – Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris 20. Bleib Modern + Order 89 + Blind Delon + IV Horsemen + Paulie Jan + Codex Empire + Opale + Panzer + DJ Varsovie (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 20. Jon Hopkins – Salle Pleyel 20. Martin Kohlstedt + Manu le Malin joue Barbara (Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 20. Yan Wagner + Madben (Paris Music) – Cathédrale américaine 20. Senyawa + Bonne humeur provisoire + Black Trumpets (Sonic Protest) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Paula Temple + 16H07 b2b Ket Robinson + Ma Čka – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo 20. Ellen Allien + Shlømo – Dehors brut 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 21. Mind/Matter + Die Orangen + Mitra Mitra + Qual + Rendered + Verset Zero + Years of Denial (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 21. Container + Muqata’a + OD Bongo + Diatribes & Horns + Jealousy Party + Urge + Wirklich Pipit + Me Donner + Cancelled + FLF + 2Mo (Sonic Protest) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 21. GZA – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 21. ABSL + Anetha + Hektos Oaks + High Future + Randomer + Sugar – tba 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 21. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 22. Mike Cooper + Yann Legay + Will Guthrie & Ensemble Nist-Nah + Cheb Gero (Sonic Protest) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 24. Skemer + IV Horsemen + Silly Joy – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Joe Gideon – Espace B 25. Low House (Eugene S. Robinson & Putan Club) + Moodie Black – Petit Bain 25. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 25. Buzzkull + Kontravoid + Crystal Geometry – Badaboum 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 27. Baston – L’International 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 27. Mongolito + Biere Noire + Bisous De Saddam + Léa Jacta Est + Club Passion (Croux fest.) – Café de Paris 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Cut Hands + NAH + Shit&Shine + France Sauvage + Burris Meyer + UVB76 (dj) – Petit Bain 28. Satan + Noyades + S.O.L.A.N + Traitors + Accès de faiblesse (Croux fest.) – Espace B 28. Denis Frajerman + David Fenech – Plateforme 28. Balladur + Bracco + Coeval + Bajram Bili (dj) – La Boule noire 28. 14anger + Brecc + Oguz + Fuerr + Draugr + Atim – tba 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 01. Lea Bertucci – tbc 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 03. Kuniyuki Takahashi & Henrik Schwarz + Hugo LX & DJ Nori + Akiko Nakayama (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Hiroaki Umeda + Nonotak + Aalko + Make It Deep Soundsystem (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Satoshi Tomiie & Kuniyuki + Hiroshi Watanabe + DJ Masda + Akiko Kiyama + Daisuke Tanabe + Intercity-Express (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Ash Code – Espace B 04. 2kilos &More & Black Sifichi + Plurals – Le vent se lève 04. OOIOO – Lafayette Anticipations 04. Katie Gately – Sacré 04. Wow + Laura Palmer – L’International 06. Julie Doiron – Espace B 06. Bauhaus – Grand Rex 08. Föllakzoid + UVB76 – Espace B 09. Will Samson + Northwest + Lyson Leclercq – Le vent se lève 09. The Chap + Rubin Steiner Live Band – Badaboum 10. Manu Le Malin + Popof + Nout Heretik + Noisebuilder + Electrobugz + Krïs Heretik + Broke Heretik + Aness Heretik + Split Heretik + Tom Buld'r.Heretik + Limka + Le Jall + Boubou Antinorm17 – tba 11. Infecticide + Astaffort Mods + Mono Siren – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. IAMX – Café de la danse 12. VTSS + Hadone – tba 14. Lucy Railton & Joe Houston jouent "Patterns in a chromatic field" de Morton Feldman – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14/15. Metronomy – La Cigale 16/17. Metronomy – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 17. Facs + ISaAC – Petit Bain 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 19. Rome + Primordial + Moonsorrow – La Machine 20. Big ‡ Brave + Jessica Moss – La Boule Noire 23. Volkor X + ToutEstBeau + Aphélie – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Health + Pencey Sloe + Dead – Petit Bain 24. Parade Ground – L’International 25. Selofan + Jupiter Jane – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas (Ideal Trouble) – Petit Bain 26. Igorrr + Author & Punisher + Otto Von Schirach – La Cigale 27. Dean Wareham joue "On Fire" de Galaxie 500 – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia 27. The Foals + The Murder Capital – Zénith 28. Ulver – L’Alhambra 29. Protomartyr – La Boule Noire 29. Movie Star Junkies + Sam Fleisch + Tibia – Gibus 30. Conflict + The Filaments – Gibus Mai 02. Richie Hawtin – T7 05. The Sonics + Messer Chups – Trabendo 06. hackedepicciotto – Espace B 07. Laurent Perrier & David Fenech – Souffle Continu (gratuit) 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 09. Extrawelt + Oxia + Popof + Wuza + O'Tawa – Le Kilowatt (Ivry/Seine) 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La Légende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 11. Cannibale + Frankie and the Witch Fingers + Euromilliard – La Maroquinerie 11. The Electric Soft Parade + Tim Keegan – Petit Bain 13. Wire – La Maroquinerie 13. Austra – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 14>16. Tops + Aksak Maboul + Corridor + JFDR + Palberta (Le Beau festival) – La Boule noire & La Station 16. Black Midi – Carreau du Temple 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 20. The Jesus & Mary Chain (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 21. Yves Tumor (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 22. Stephen O’Malley (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 22. Kim Gordon (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet Ouïr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien Négrier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-émergence » + Félicia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + Michèle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumière » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23/24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 25. The Church – Petit Bain 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine 30/31. Paula Temple + Dave Clarke + Ben Klock + Len Faki + 999999999 + VTSS b2b Shlomo + DVS1 + François X… (Marvellous Island) – île de loisirs de Vaires-Torcy  Juin 01/02. The Dead C – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Bambara – Espace B 04. Phill Niblock + Tim Shaw – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 05. And Also The Trees – La Maroquinerie 06/07. Four Tet + Nils Frahm + Park Hie Jin + Modeselektor… (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 12. The Breath of Life + Box and the Twins – Gibus 13. Flat Worms (Ideal Trouble) – Gibus 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena 18. Acid Mothers Temple – Espace B 27. Meryem Aboulouafa + Nicolas Godin (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 28. Ensemble Social Silence joue “Music for Airport” de Brian Eno (Days Off) – Studio|Philharmonie 28. Wooden Elephant joue “Kid A” de Radiohead (Days Off) – Amphithéâtre|Cité de la musique 29. Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto + Echo Collective joue “12 Conversations with Thilo Heinzmann” de Jóhann Jóhansson (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 30. Emilíana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra + Agnes Obel (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie Juillet 01. Apparat – Le Trianon 01. Arandel : “InBach” (Days Off) – Amphithéâtre|Cité de la musique 02. Orchestre de Paris : “Symphony No. 1 "Low"” de Philip Glass + “Music for Ensemble and Orchestra” de Steve Reich (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 03. Perfume Genius + Anna Calvi  (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 04. Nicolás Jaar : musique pour la pièce chorégraphique “¡miércoles!” de Stéphanie Janaina (Days Off) – Studio|Philharmonie 04. Kevin Morby + Andrew Bird Symphonique (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 05/06. Suzanne Vega, Ensemble Ictus & Collegium Vocale Gent : “Einstein on the Beach” de Philip Glass (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 07. The Rapture + Sons of Raphael (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 17/18. Grim + Galerie Schallschutz + Am Not + Linekraft + Deathpanel + Detrimental Effect + African Imperial Wizard – Les Voûtes 18. Oh Sees – Cabaret sauvage  Septembre 27. Mudhoney – La Maroquinerie 30. Peter Hook & The Light : Joy Division : A Celebration – Bataclan
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