#Jan 14
hey-color-palettes · 2 years
can i get a palette for the name finnegan ? :]
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c47c4f || #dfb58b || #66a0a0 || #b0602e || #1d4b69
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dogperday · 8 months
jrma dog
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double dog because i liked both of them
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msbarrows · 8 months
Jan 13 - Fixed my computer chair! Replaced the chair lift cylinder; took me a bit longer than expected, but wasn't too bad of a task. It's now both a higher class cylinder (to bear more weight without problem) and a higher seat (because I specifically looked for one that'd give me a few more inches of chair height).
Made mild Italian sausages, mashed potatoes with rosemary and fried onion, and steamed mixed veg for supper.
Jan 14 - Did a little sorting and putting away of stuff.
Made pasta with meat sauce for supper.
Jan 15 - Defrosted the freezer. Nice to once again have a recent idea of just what-all meats are buried in it, and to have them mostly sorted by kind to general locations within the chest freezer.
Just me for supper, so I had chicken fingers and french fries.
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delux2222 · 2 years
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Happy 78th Birthday, Einar Hakonarson
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
Hey party peoples so it's no secret I've been having an epically Terrible, No Good, Very Very Bad year so far (and 23 is my number, figures); so first of all please excuse my tumbling I will mostly be on hiatus but then come on and like post 123663532524 things at once so bear with me. Second of all, the trend with me has been then whenever I'm going through an extra tough time is right when Taylor swoops in with some amazing content so basically I'm thinking Lavender Haze video, Speak Now TV, 1989 TV, and TS11 at midnight?
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four days since official thomastair content was released
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little women (2019) @visionsinfilm Jan 14
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mistfunk · 8 months
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Mistigram: you don't have much time remaining in which to do it, but I have just learned from this helpful piece of #ANSIart that Jan 14th was National Dress Up Your Pet Day. This screen was part of AdeptApril's daily holiday calendar for Storm BBS.
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Sorry, this is one of the best songs ever, and it only even exists in like 4 fan vids and the memories of a couple hundred people. Can't wait until this is released to the world
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almondmilkyear-2023 · 2 years
happy almond milk year!!
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[Image ID: A carton of "Almond Breeze" almond milk. End ID]
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msbarrows · 2 years
Jan 14 - Didn’t do anything special, and nothing about the day was at all noteworthy.
Jan 15 - Ooo aaah, I’m doing laundry. Excitement. *Said in the most deadpan voice possible*
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delux2222 · 2 years
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"Perhaps the world's second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore."
Happy Birthday, Cecil Beaton (1904-1980)
Self Portrait, Cambridge Footlights, 1925
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joytraveler · 2 years
11. Last Of Them All
This game once again features a well-drawn title screen, showing a house at night with warmly glowing windows, a treehouse in the front yard and a tricycle underneath it. The only instructions are "Press Start".
When Bea does so, a JRPG begins! The graphics are reminiscent of the original Dragon Quest, and the opening cinematic shows a family waking up. First there's a boy with red hair, who jumps out of bed and runs down the stairs. He's followed by a much smaller girl with pony tails, then two more boys. The last one to emerge from the bedroom is the character Bea controls.
"Hello! Hey! Hi! Hi! He- oh its me, good morninnng! Is this gonna be like.. Chrono Bound? Earth Trigger"
"First things first, I have to eat video game breakfast"
Glockroach: Bea speaking as someone with four siblings your life is gonna be hell now HNV: oh shit Bea you need to play Earthbound Beginnings after this
When you trot downstairs, the kids are all playing, tossing dolls around and making a mess of things. The red-haired boy-- apparently the eldest-- says, "Go get Mom and Dad for breakfast, I'll go get the paper."
Going back upstairs, the doorway to Mom and Dad's room is now open. Mom's sprite looks familiar, she has the same red hair as your big brother.
Llord_Kuruku: Was mom up all night keeping bedbugs out of my bed? Love you mom! Baconnaise: That's all they do when we're asleep and now we know what ungrateful wretches we were
Once you wake up Mom, she goes down the stairs. Father stays in bed and mumbles "Go ask your mother", when you address him
He does, however, tell you your name-- apparently you're Zoku. "Shouldn't I be a big green soldier robot- oh Zoku, never mind!"
aroseahorseboy: yeah, you're a desktop popsicle maker, congrats.
"Okay I get all your breakfast then!" Bea holds down the "B" button and finds she can dash, neat! "GAH, NYOOM.. forgot I had my Nikes on, right?"
"And you can move in every direction, i don't feel like i'm on a grid like most of these"
As soon as Zoku hits the edge of the screen where the stairs lead from upstairs to downstairs, though, the screen goes black. There's a loud banging sound effect-- and a digitized woman's scream.
"DON'T-!!! What for!? Why??"
Glockroach: You tripped you clumsy idiot berd_snurglar: oh man i was worried they'd be dead when we found them but i'm glad we could be there
"Nobody's dead- are they?? Damn you game, are you LOADING on me?!" "How...dare you"
Finally, after that long black screen, the lower floor loads-- but different. The house is dark, it's night. The house has been even more torn apart than by five children; furniture smashed and scattered, windows broken, moonlight coming through.
Zoku is different too. Bea is now controlling an armored, gun-toting soldier in helmet and goggles, who is accompanied by two more. One of them gestures for him to follow, and he pauses and says, "I knew this looked familiar," before handing control back to Bea.
Baconnaise: So Earthbound grew up and it turned out all bad :( berd_snurglar: i really wish i hadn't voted for the pig kid on retrospect
"I assume we'll figure out more as we get further in, but hang in there guys, this could still be fun! Look, one guy is a robot! Or maybe he just has a cool helmet. I'd say this is like Metal Max but nobody knows what that is"
she tries walking around the area- the ruins of a town. she hasn't encountered any enemies yet, but there's nothing to find either.. it really does feel lonely.
When Bea reaches the rendezvous point, the soldiers rejoin Zoku for another briefing.
["You all know a save point when you see one. They're the cornerstone of what's left of our civilization. I need to tell you now: BEWARE. Some of the ones you'll be seeing up ahead are booby traps."]
Baconnaise: Heehee, booby
"Maybe this is just the kids playing in the backyard and its all in their imagination.. Hey let's play dystopian crapscape in the backyard, that's always a blast"
Glockroach: They're all Fallout nerds Llord_Kuruku: I like how save points aren't just something imaginary, they're a literal presence in the game
"He did say that.." The first one she sees makes her pause. Can she trust this old standby in this game? She goes for it.
aroseahorseboy: bea that was a huge gamble you just took there
"All right, we're just gonna have to try to get as far as we can and save as little as possible, then. Looks like that's the name of the game!"
The journey through the town commences, with shattered buildings and rubble to navigate your way through-- and surprisingly frequent save points. What isn't frequent is enemies, or anything at all to fight; nothing appears on the screen but your fellow soldiers, and there don't seem to be random encounters.
"First I was excited.. then I was worried, then I was excited again and now I'm just booored" she finally groans. "It would have been nice to have game to go with this opening scene we just had, huh"
The only thing that seems to change is the number of save points-- at first we were seeing them every few screens, but now there's two and three per screen. Soon the screen starts to become a maze of save points to avoid!
Baconnaise: This IS the game bea, you're in save point hell
"Ugh, forge ahead, or quit this one, guys? I really think they just didn't finish this one because otherwise- No Bacon come on, nobody's that cruel.."
HNV: See if you can find one that's booby-trapped, I want to see what happens!
"Good idea, let's see what thats all about!" she steers her party right into the next column of save points she comes to!
The whole row keeps saving her place... until the last one. This one causes Zoku to pixelate and disappear!
The black Continue/End screen appears.
"Well that was.. underwhelming?" she reflects on the game a moment. "Heh, the last one. I guess so. Weird."
aroseahorseboy: Bea these are weird but i honestly can't get enough of them Baconnaise: Me neither, keep doing them Don't question it just keep going til you get to the men
"Well, we're finishing this page anyway, it's been a pretty crazy session! I mean I knew it would but, wow. It's been great doing it with you guys though, I'm so happy I dont have to make the journey alone!"
Klickitat_Street: At least there'd be plenty of save points for you if you did! aroseahorseboy: we love you too now PLAY, ho ho ho
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poemsbyifk · 2 years
Pharmacology sucks
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Wylan: I believed for many years that our voice box only had so much voice in it, so if you talked too much as a kid you would run out and be unable to speak as an adult
Wylan: Eventually I realised that was just my Fathers way of getting me to shut up
Jesper: *Loading his gun* …Mmhm
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