#Jane and Olivia I love you please make better decisions
Hi I saw your posts about Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and I need your thoughts about the newest episode… I need someone to rant with it about lol
Hello Anon! and OH BOY, I am so excited to scream about this show to literally anyone who will listen.
So, Episode 5! Gotta admit, there was some things in this episode I didn't love, but also some things that I did.
Starting with a good thing, the songs in episode 5 SLAPPED and my favorite thing about this show will forever and always be the friendship between the Pink Ladies. The little shadow box they gave Jane at the end of the episode was so cute and this?
"my parents will make us pay, but I can just steal the money back of the register later." - Nancy, a true queen
I didn't know if I was going to have a favorite Pink Lady, but Nancy is definitely pushing hard for that spot! Her costumes were amazing and I just *screee* I love her and I think she deserves good things.
How are we all feeling about the Cynthia/Lydia kiss in this tumblr tonight? I'm not a huge fan of Lydia but that scene and song was fantastic and the whole "does this mean I'm a thespian now" made me laugh. I loved it! It even made Lydia grow on me a bit!
Absolutely disgusted that the school is considering messing with the votes but I would not be surprised to see Buddy suddenly come out in the lead because they'd 'miscounted." I'm honestly more interested in seeing Buddy's reaction to that than anything. If this show wants me to like Buddy in any which way shape or form they have got to make him stand up for something. It's one thing to congradulate Jane in private, it's another to do so in public and stop being a passive doormat to the antics of his shitty friends.
"That wasn't me it was Susan!" - Buddy, being an epic fuckboy. Like his ass did not stand there silent while all this shit happened around him and IN HIS NAME. Jane was not wrong when she called him spineless in her basement speech.
And speaking of Jane, girl what the fuck. GIRL, WHAT THE FUCK? I love Jane but goddamn. Pick a man and fucking STICK WITH IT. I hate love triangles! Modern media stop making love trianges a thing challenge. PICK. ONE. MAN. (And also, maybe don't pick Buddy? The guy who stood idly by as her reputation was trashed- something that was almost entirely his own fault- and as his friends consistintly made nasty comments and spread rumors about her. Maybe let's not go with that guy, huh?)
Also not into the whole Teacher/Student thing they got my girl Olivia doing. She's better than that. Did she forget about the remarks Mr. Creep made about her, the ones that are now in her permanant record? Did she suddenly not remember seeing that? Cause I remember. Even if he wasn't her teacher (but he is, let's not forget that) he still clearly values his own self interest and reputation over hers. Olivia can do better. OLIVIA CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS.
Overall I still liked the episode, but very disappointed in so many characters right now.
Not Cynthia and Nancy though, they were flawless.
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doctor-caparty · 1 year
Okie dokie artichokies now that I’ve had time to think more about the episode and refine my thoughts and not on my half hour lunch break at work let’s do some thinking. Updates are in pink.
There was a lot to process in this episode and I would love conversations and thoughts about it too.
Anyway that was a backslide episode all around and I’m sad for them.
Olivia, Olivia, Olivia… I’m disappointed but not surprised. It seems jealousy and jumping to conclusions is a Valdovinos trait. I don’t want to seem like I’m demonizing her but if I was an adult witnessing all of this first hand I would of told her not to take it out on her girls or make any rash decisions, I understand she’s a teenager and that she herself had an overwhelming two days, what with deciding to let Mr. Predator go, being forced to trust Susan’s word about presenting to the PTA and then the whiplash of Jane hugging Susan like she missed something crucial during drivers Ed, the dance being accepted by the PTA, having a boy she has a “flirtationship”with ask her to said dance, setting up for the dance, then being told that her not meeting mr. Predator made him realize he wants her (typical narcissistic behaviour I might add), being told he’s left his fiancé for her, him kissing her, her rejecting him, then Susan walking in but not saying anything (which is sus to Olivia but we as viewers know she’s trying to be genuine), being excited for her date and the dance, suddenly being barred from said dance and thinking Susan is to blame and all this before there’s the spontaneous sharing circle which admittedly would ruin anyone’s fun. Susan does have some apologizing to do before she makes the progress to do better in good faith but Olivia, she didn’t say anything about Mr predator until you spilled her beans. She got Johnny Vavoom to the Frosty Palace. It’s also not Jane’s fault that Richie and Buddy got into a fight. She decided to go with her girls, which didn’t work for her but she did decide instead of back tracking with either of the boys to just go stag which good on her. Jane even let the boys down gently without lying to either of them. Olivia you could have gone after Gil and cleared things up saying he kissed you and you rejected him. Instead you backslide and go see the predator anyway (I understand Olivia is a child and a victim but I can still be disappointed that the progress she made last episode seems at the moment for nought it just means I’m invested in her story and characterization) I truly think if Olivia would’ve taken a calming breath none of the problems in this episode would have happened.
Cynthia, I am sad for you and your desires in the time you’re in. It looked like Lydia really wanted to go with you and I think you could’ve asked her even under the cover of as friends but I understand you don’t know your feelings fully but yelling at shy guy and insulting him isn’t chill and I hope you can come back from it and be friends.
Nancy and Jane seemed to be the only level headed ones this episode but Jane already had her backslide episode.
I feel I was partially right about Richie and Dot in that he was trying to make her feel better about potato and wasn’t trying to make Jane jealous. Also her poor nose.
I’m kind of glad Richie was the one to tell Jane about the stolen election and not drunk off his ass Buddy. Buddy had multiple chances to come clean but chickened out and even though he said he went to the FP to tell Jane, there was nothing to show that was his intention in the preceding scenes.
I know I’m skipping over a bunch of things that happened but I have no space in my brain for organizing my thoughts and I invite conversations and opinions on the episode so please!
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rockofcalifa · 6 years
shut up about your clearly brilliant plan and kiss me already
part of the Oli & Melv Regency AU
"Twenty-five pounds, or their first offer, right?" Olivia paced back and forth in front of the door, where Melvina stood, watching, hand on the doorknob, as it had been for the last few minutes. "No more than fifty probably and certainly not more than a hundred for the both of us, unless it's really all just a scam and we're being taken for -"
"Liv, please. Calm down." Melvina opened the door. "We've been over all this. It'll be fine. I won't be gone for long."
"Right, I know, sorry." Olivia stopped pacing and rubbed at her face with her hands. "You remember we talked about what you should do if you notice someone following you?"
"Bye," Melv called, closing the door maybe a little too firmly as she left. She understood that Olivia was stressed. Of course she was stressed - they were both stressed. So if it felt like Liv wasn't trusting her with this totally manageable task, she had to acknowledge where the other was coming from. Liv was cooped up in their crappy little rented room and had been for days, unable to go out because of the price on her head (significantly greater than the reward offered for Melvina) and the government agents searching for them. There was nothing Liv wanted more than to go out and make these arrangements herself; but it was too dangerous, so Melvina went alone. That was also tough for Olivia, the thought that something could happen to Melv while she was out, while Liv was powerless to help. Melvina understood this not this because they'd talked about it - because they hadn't - but rather from the way Olivia clung to her at night on the rickety little bed, from the way that she herself felt the same cold worry every time she left Liv in the room to purchase food or run some other errand like this. The thought that - maybe the last time she'd gone out she had been followed back, and the agents were waiting for her to leave so they could get Liv on her own. Capture her, maybe kill her, since they didn't need her alive. And then Melvina would return to an ambush and a dead body -
She shivered. It was wet outside, spitting rain, which made it easier for Melv to make her way through the city and down to the docks inconspicuously. She was searching for the captain of the Kilduroy, which ship had, according to the schedule she had found the last time she'd searched, come into the city last night. The very ship that Lady Braintree had recommended to them before they'd fled her estate, the little cargo ship that would hopefully, if all went well, secret them away across the Atlantic, far away from the dangers they were facing here in England.
The Kilduroy. There it was. It did not look like a particularly trustworthy vessel, but she'd seen worse. The anonymity was to their advantage. After a bit of asking around and, to her dismay, a few curious looks, she found the captain, a middle-aged, disinterested man who immediately perked up upon presentation of Lady Braintree's letter of introduction.
"We're setting out again in six days," he said, "and we can easily accommodate you, and keep it quiet. Every last man on this ship is trustworthy, they know sometimes we carry sensitive cargo. It's going to be -"
"Two," Melvina said. "There are two."
"Oh, all right," said the captain. "What'd you say your name was, lady?"
She hadn't. "J-ane. I'm Jane. And, uh, Catherine."
"Well, Jane. It'll be forty pounds for the both of you, and you can pull your weight on board as well. I'll take half the fare now and half when we set out."
"Okay," Melv said, pulling out the money. Forty was not the twenty-five Liv had been hoping for, but they couldn't exactly be picky.
"Good," said the captain, pocketing the payment. "Six days from now. Be here at dawn."
It was an exceptionally tense six days. Melv didn't really know how they got through it. Olivia was increasingly antsy and would get frustrated at the littlest things. By the last day she had taken to lying on the bed for hours in a miserable daze, staring at the ceiling, unfortunate because that's exactly what Melv wanted to do, and there wasn't room for both of them up there, not when they could barely stand each other.
Purgatory ended on a Wednesday. They brought themselves and their meager baggage to the dock at five in the morning, far earlier than any of the crew actually showed up - and now it was eight-thirty, and they should have pushed away from land at least half an hour ago. In order to stay hidden until they actually did leave, Melvina and Olivia were sitting against against the least dirty wall of the most deserted corridor outside the cluttered crew's quarters where they were to be staying along with everyone else. For forty pounds Melvina might have expected better accommodations, but - mostly she was just upset that she and Liv would not be getting a moment alone for at least a month, or however long this godforsaken journey took them. They couldn't risk their position on the ship, so they had to be on their absolute best sisterly behavior.
At least the others couldn't understand what they were saying to each other. Probably. Surely no one else spoke their language?
"I want to know what's taking so long," Liv muttered. Melvina turned to her curiously. "It seems harmless but if the ship's paperwork is not in order, the dock authorities might perform an inspection of some sort."
Oh. She was right.
"I should go up to check with the captain," Melvina said, standing. "And you should stay here."
Liv looked like she was going to protest, but ultimately she just gave a small nod, quickly squeezed the other's hand, and let her go.
Melvina rounded the corner, coming to the part of the level that was an exposed walkway, and stood standing for a few moments, listening. Hearing nothing unusual - but it was hard to hear anything, with the din of work going on nearby - she proceeded up the stairs to the top deck, where she was greeted by the sight of not only the captain and some recognizable members of the crew, but also the the very uniforms they had been desperately trying to avoid. And everyone was staring at her.
Her hand immediately flew to her hip, where her sword was - not, it wasn't there, it was down with Liv and the rest of the baggage. Oh, god, she couldn't take on this many men anyway. She had half a mind to turn and flee down the stairs but when large hands closed around her shoulders - where had those two men come from? - she realized that she couldn't. That this was it. That they'd finally gotten her, and she wasn't getting away.
"Good morning, gentlemen," she said, fairly loudly, hoping Olivia would hear and get the right idea. "Can I help you?"
"You're under arrest, Utkin," barked the uniform in charge, a lieutenant. "Search the rest of the ship."
Fuck. No. They'd gotten her but they couldn't get Liv, they couldn't.
"Gentlemen, please," said the captain, pale and distressed. "I only have one passenger aboard, and it's this woman."
"Your lies are becoming tiresome," the lieutenant said, condescending. "That's not what your first mate told me when he came to collect his reward."
The captain cursed. At least the man hadn't betrayed them on purpose, right? She supposed it didn't really matter who had done it. All that mattered now was that they didn't find her.
"There's no one down here, sir," said a man from the bottom of the stairs, and it took all of Melvina's self-restraint not to smile or show her relief.
"You keep looking," said the lieutenant. "Return in half an hour if you find nothing. I'm bringing this one in now."
Still being firmly restrained by the lieutenant's goons, Melvina was brought off the ship, down the busy dock, and into a waiting carriage, inconspicuously black and plain. She didn't bother resisting, didn't acknowledge or even notice the curious looks she was getting, instead scanning the sea of faces and bodies for some shape that she would recognize, some discreet, anonymous figure among the crowd that would confirm her hopes that Liv had escaped. Maybe she was the person with their back turned and their legs dangling off of the walkway. Maybe she was hidden among the walkers she could barely make out on the beach. Maybe she was still on the ship, and she was hidden so well they wouldn't find her. Maybe she was in the process of swimming to the shore. Maybe they'd spotted her from the ship. Maybe they'd shot at her. Would they miss? Would she drown? Alone in the cold, dirty water -
"I've heard about you," said the lieutenant, snapping Melvina's attention back to the immediate. "Not a lot, but some. A real troublemaker, huh. I bet you thought it was fun, going around in revolutionary circles, right? We'll see who's having fun when you're serving fifty years hard labor for sedition."
Melv didn't respond, stubbornly looking down at her lap instead of at the smug man sitting across from her in the carriage. Unsatisfied, the lieutenant kept going. "You seem smart enough. You're clearly a woman of ideas. What I want to know is why you've been attaching yourself to that Hvorstovsky. Do you understand?" Melvina gave no acknowledgement. "You aren't a problem for us if you aren't in the country. You become insignificant. There are plenty of rabble-rousers back at home we could make examples of. It's Hvorstovsky we're after. You've made yourself a bonus."
Melvina understood the question, and understood the lieutenant's curiosity. But she had never doubted her decision to stick with Olivia, not when they'd fled the Braintree estate with the agents' dogs at their heels, not even during the past week stuck in that awful little room. They were stronger, more capable, when they were together. And then there was the whole issue of them maybe being a little in love or whatever.
"Not going to talk?" the lieutenant said after a minute. "That's fine. We don't need you to."
The rest of the ride proceeded in silence. Melv didn't know where they were going, but she wasn't surprised when they ended up at the embassy. It was a large, gated structure, heavily guarded, and the lieutenant had to get out and show his badge to the men out front before they were let in.
Once inside, they passed through the public area of the embassy, where an array of men and women waited to have requests and documents processed by officials, and through another security point into the private part, whereupon, after the lieutenant had all of the information processed regarding the arrest, Melv was finally released by the goons.
"I'll have someone show you around," the lieutenant said. "One of my men will accompany you at all times." He held up a warning finger. "If you cause any sort of trouble there will be consequences for you and your friend. I know how to make your stay here as unpleasant as possible. All right?"
She nodded to show that she understood. And so her captivity began.
In a different situation, she would have found her stay at the embassy pleasant, almost enjoyable. Despite the various silent men following her around and watching her every move, she was given a private room far nicer than that in which she'd last stayed, and she was permitted to move about the building freely, a privilege which she fully exercised. For two days she spent much of her time in the back corner of the embassy library, burning through its the supply of books and documents which were in languages she could actually read. Keeping herself distracted.
She was consoled by two things: one, that she was still alone, which she took to mean that the agents hadn't yet managed to capture Olivia; and two, that she was still being kept here, because surely (maybe?) if Olivia was dead, they'd be on their way back home already.
(Then again, if the agents brought her back without Liv and without telling her otherwise, she'd just assume Olivia had managed to escape. Wouldn't he? She'd assume Olivia had managed to get on a ship and leave. She'd assume it as a kindness to herself.)
That didn't stop her from giving every other morbid possibility its fair share of consideration.
It was the night of her second full day at the embassy and, predictably, she couldn't sleep. Tired of imagining all the different ways she might never see Olivia again, she'd instead taken up an amorphous, permeating sense of dread which may have been just as hard on her heart but was at least not as taxing on her brain. She didn't expect anything to break her from her trance, and certainly did not expect anything - or anyone - to literally break into her room.
"Utkin, get up," the man hissed. Melv recognized that voice - it was the lieutenant who had arrested her.
"What?" she asked groggily, her eyes adjusting to the light from the hallway. "Has something happened?"
"Shut up," said the lieutenant. He held out a long black coat and a large-rimmed hat. "I need you to put these on."
Melv did as she was told. She wasn't sure what was going on but it didn't seem entirely... legitimate. She bit off a yelp of surprise as the lieutenant grabbed her by the front of the coat and tugged her into the (empty? weren't there supposed to be men posted outside her door at night?) hallway.
Something must have happened. Had they found Olivia? Had they killed her? Had they decided Melvina wasn't worth the trouble of keeping her around, or alive? She was pulled through the rest of the strangely deserted building, and outside. As they approached the main gate the lieutenant turned to grip both sides of the coat and pull Melvina's face up to his.
"Breathe a word of this to anyone and you're dead, got it?" Melv gulped and nodded, and the lieutenant let her go, instead walking beside her the rest of the way up to the gate.
The guards on the other side of the fence didn't give much acknowledgement to the odd pair, only muttering a "Good night, sir," as the lieutenant passed.
They walked together for another block, Melv too confused to do anything other than follow the other as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Then, as soon as they turned the corner out of the embassy guards' line of sight, the lieutenant turned to her and held out his hand.
"I need those back," he said. Melvina took off the coat and hat and handed them over. Shouldn't she be running? Wouldn't this be a good opportunity to get away? But she stood and watched the lieutenant put the items on.
"You're free to go," the lieutenant continued. "And when you see Hvorstovsky tell her I said she's a real asshole."
"W-will do," Melv replied, a little shocked. And just like that, the lieutenant turned and left.
What? That was it? She'd just been freed like that - while, based on the lieutenant's comments, Olivia was still out there? Was this some mind game - was she going to be followed?
But there was nobody around. She made her way back to the building in which she and Liv had been staying - it was the only place in the city she could think of to go. She took a circuitous, confusing path, partially intentional so as to lose anyone who was following her and partially because she didn't entirely know where she was.
Eventually, after an hour or so, she arrived. She didn't actually have a plan, but she realized that because of the possible change in occupancy it might be a bad idea to go barging back into their old room. Luckily, she noted that the housekeeper had a light on visible through her window, so she didn't feel to bad about knocking.
"Oh, it's you," the housekeeper noted immediately upon opening the door, not waiting for her to explain herself. "I was told to give you an address. Let me get it." She left briefly, then returned with a blank envelope, which she handed to her.
"Thank you, ma'am. Do you remember, um, when this was... given?" A more advanced English sentence than she was accustomed to delivering.
"Wednesday night, I believe," she replied. "Now, excuse me, good night."
So Olivia had escaped from the ship after all. "G-good night!" The landlady shut the door, and she tore open the envelope. Inside was a slip of paper with an address she knew to be in the north part of the city in a script she knew to be Olivia's.
Thank god.
She got herself to the address as quickly as she could, almost running. The morning was lightening and people were appearing on the street and in just a few minutes, she'd be with Olivia again, Liv would be there, or she wouldn't... she would or she wouldn't, just a few minutes, she would or she wouldn't, and in this way she arrived at the correct street, then the correct block, then -
She heard a shout from the other side of the street, and then a slightly smaller person was colliding with her and it just felt so right, after what felt like an impossibly long time, that she was choking back unexpected tears.
"Melvina. Melv," Olivia looked up, unburying her face from Melvina's shirt. "I can't believe it worked."
"Liv," Melvina croaked. "I can't believe you're okay."
"Are you okay?" Liv removed her arms from around Melv's waist, gripping her face and moving it back and forth, inspecting. She then took a step back and looked her up and down. Melv laughed.
"I'm great. I'm excellent," she said, allowing Liv to pull her by the hand towards a door, using the other to wipe at her wet face.
"That can never happen again," Liv said, entering the building and starting up the stairs, Melv still in tow. "I only got our bags back by freak luck and it took most of the rest of our money to get them to let you go, and I had to feed them so many lies about which of their secrets I'd told to whom, and even then..." They arrived at a room which Liv unlocked and entered, shutting the door behind them. "I had no control over the situation, I didn't know if they were actually going to do what I asked or if they were just going to keep the money and laugh at me, I -"
She broke off her train of thought and let go of Melv's hand, beginning to pace around the room as she launched into her next slightly manic tirade. "And then, clearly the plan we were given didn't work out, it's not like we can go back and ask for more help, we're completely on our own and in a way that's fine, I got us tickets for the ferry to Dublin today, even though I didn't know if you'd make it, I figured I could sell them if -"
Melvina caught her arm as she passed. "Liv, please," she asked softly. "Will you shut up about your clearly brilliant plan and kiss me already?"
"Oh," Liv said, looking up at her, eyes widening. "Yeah, okay."
[And she did, cradling Melvina's face in her hands like a sacred object and trying to give and give and give what Melvina needed - heartbreakingly sweet and earnest and Melv thought she was going to start crying again - until they were both breathless.]
"Now what was that you said," Melvina panted, "about ferry tickets to Dublin?"
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misscrawfords · 6 years
I can’t stop thinking about that terrible movie, The Christmas Wedding Planner. It doesn’t deserve 1/10th of the mental energy I’m giving it and yet here we are.
The main problem is that just a few tweaks could have made it a decent film and that the things that were wrong with it were just so wrong. So I’m making two lists. The first is its greatest atrocities. The second is what I’d tweak to turn it into something watchable, even good.
The premise: Kelsey is a rookie wedding planner, about to get her big break with her rich cousin Emily’s wedding to the oh so charming, Todd. Then she bumps into Connor, Emily’s ex, a private investigator mysteriously charged with investigating Todd. He wants to recruit Kelsey to help him with his investigation. She wants him to piss off. Sparks fly while my suspension of disbelief remains firmly rooted to the ground.
This post will contain spoilers. I really wouldn’t bother caring. Buckle yourself in - we’re going for a very inane ride!
The leads have no chemistry at all. This is obviously a problem. Buying a romance and attraction between them was just impossible. Their first kiss was meant to be awkward but, my god, surely not THAT awkward! 
This lack of chemistry was added to a flat script that clearly was trying to present Kelsey and Connor as a sparring love-hate dynamic who grow to appreciate each other and eventually come to realise that their connection is really deep as they share the same values. But, uh, that may have been the intention but not the story that came across on the screen. Which was just two people who irritated each other suddenly and for no reason getting upset about how the other was behaving after knowing each other for about three days and then...
THEY GOT FLIPPING MARRIED. I mean. WHAT. They’ve kissed twice. They know basically nothing about each other. Half an hour previously she thought he was a villain. This isn’t romantic, this is INSANE. I give them till the end of the honeymoon.
She’s called Kelsey. Like, that’s not a name. It’s just a random word. (This is petty as hell, but still.)
Kelsey has a “tragic backstory” where her mum died and she’s narrating her life in text messages to her mum which are text message overlays of exposition in case the viewer is finding the plot too complex to follow. I have no idea why this exists. It goes nowhere.
A romantic comedy ends with Emily, described as the most perfectly lovely and sweet person, discovering at the altar that her almost-husband was cheating on her and got a maid pregnant and then dumping him. And then she watches her wedding planner get married to her ex-boyfriend who she barely knows. I don’t particularly care about Kelsey and Connor but I’m very, very concerned about Emily! Make your beta couple happy, you cowards!
Todd was cheating with the maid. Wow, what a radical secret. And then Emily just doesn’t even talk about it. She just accepts the wedding is off and wants to plan a girls trip away instead. She was going to MARRY this guy. Doesn’t she want to IDK hear his side of the story? Why so quick to believe the worst? I mean, wow, clearly she shouldn’t be marrying this guy if she doesn’t care, but she’s meant to be intelligent as well as beautiful!
So basically none of the characterisation makes sense. In that there basically isn’t any. Just plot points that apparently have to be hit. Like, Aunt Olivia is a bitchy Rich White Woman (tm) half the time and a caring, mother-figure the other half. I was getting whiplash keeping up with her 180 degree character changes.
Connor isn’t even vaguely attractive. Physically or emotionally. That’s kind of a problem in a romance film. (I mean, YMMV with the physical aspect but, eurgh really.) He’s as charismatic as a block of wood. She’s... eh. She’s a generic Hallmark movie protagonist.
The way these characters dress and look. It’s so... 90s? I don’t mean that exactly. I mean, everyone looks the same and it’s a kind of glossy Clueless vibe. The women are all in tailored mini dresses and with long waves of hair. The men wear slacks and a shirt and have a bit of stubble. They all live in massive mansions or cute apartments that are all spotlessly clean and neat. They literally look like Barbie dolls except even my dollhouse was more realistically lived in than any of these sets. It’s such a weird aesthetic. And it makes no sense for the demographic these people supposedly belong to.
Perfect, sweet Jane Bennet Emily has three caricatured bridesmaids who are horrible. Why? Why are bridesmaids always jealous, miserable bitches? WHERE ARE HER ACTUAL FRIENDS? Speaking of, who even has weddings like this? What is the deal? Who WANTS this kind of wedding? Who behaves like this about their wedding or their child’s wedding? I’m so confused. If this is some kind of fantasy, I wonder whose it is, because everything about it is horrible. Which brings me back to this all feeling very dated in its aesthetic and early 2000s obsession with skinny women getting carried away with designer weddings in romcoms written by men. IDEK. This is 2018 and we have Set It Up and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. This kind of film just doesn’t belong any more.
So that’s quite enough issues. Let’s try to solve a few and make this a better film.
Most of the problems could be solved by making the lead couple appealing. Cast different actors and write the script that they think they already have. If you can actually buy the narrative of two people who have more in common than they think growing closer from antagonists to partners, then the ridiculous ending where they decide to just get married could potentially work. POTENTIALLY. If they had more lingering looks that were genuinely hot, their awkward kiss melted into something real, their interactions sizzled with wit and suppressed passion then... yeah. Maybe then the spontaneous decision at the end would make you think, “Actually, yes, it’s mad but LOOK AT THOSE TWO CRAZY KIDS!”
Work on characterisation. So Kelsey’s deal is she’s concentrating on managing other people’s happiness instead of concentrating on her own because she can’t let go after her mother’s death. This is kind of heavy for a romcom. Let’s scrap the dead mother altogether. Make Emily her actual sister instead of the cousin who is like a sister and make Aunt Olivia her mum. Streamlines everything. This is better. So Emily is the perfect daughter who is beautiful and sweet and having the perfect wedding and Kelsey is the younger daughter who is determined to make her way in the world without the family money. This causes friction because she thinks her mum favours Emily and her determination leads her to believe that if she gets involved in a serious relationship which would please her mother then she is compromising her desire to be independent. Cue touching moment near the end when her mother admits she’s got it all wrong and she admires Kelsey’s entrepreneurial spirit and reveals that it’s possible to have a career AND a relationship. None of this is rocket science or even that interesting but I’m trying to make this a better Hallmark movie, not Citizen Kane.
Connor’s turn. Good grief, get a better actor for a start. And the entire plot here needs to change now. Because the PI bit is good but being hired by Aunt Olivia because Todd is cheating is just... so BORING. So before we can improve Connor we need to work on what he’s there to do.
Time to look at the actual plot. Wedding planner forced to work against her will with PI to investigate the wedding she’s planning is a genuinely cool concept. We have a bunch of tropes here: spies! we had to kiss for cover! love to hate! fake dating! All of these need to be fully exploited and above all the spying has to be funny. This needs to be the centre of the film. Not a single montage. It needs to circle through every conceivable trope to romantic and comic effect. We need to see these two bickering and flirting and denying their attraction in ridiculous undercover situations. This should be basically 90% of the film. Because that I would watch. But “Todd is cheating” is beyond boring. So what will the scenario be?
A couple of options and I’m not sure what I’d go with at present. Firstly would be sticking with the “Todd is cheating” plotline but... he isn’t. He’s a great guy! The spying is all pointless and both Kelsey and Connor realise that but... just... can’t quite bring themselves... to stop... because that’s their excuse to see each other. Todd and Emily find out in the most embarrassing way possible, and find it hilarious. Because they’re a well-adjusted couple ready to take the next step into married life. Either Aunt-now-Mum Olivia did start it and then has to eat humble pie and realise she was wrong about everything or someone else instigated it. Maybe a jealous ex? IDK. It doesn’t really matter. They’re proved totally wrong and true love triumphs!
The alternative is that Todd is really a bad egg but in that case we need to play his relationship with Emily differently so she doesn’t come out looking like a robot or an idiot. We can do a Much Ado situation where their superficial relationship - Emily desperately trying to please her mother as much as Kelsey is trying to distance herself (two sides of the same coin) - is contrasted with the real and flawed relationship that develops between Kelsey and Connor. Meanwhile, because this is a romcom, while Todd and Emily’s relationship is obviously wrong from the start, Emily builds up a cute friendship with the adorable baker making her wedding cake - who is the only appealing character in the film as it stands. Once Emily’s relationship with Todd is exploded, then give her a shoulder to cry on and the hope of something real with the lovely baker in the future.
But even if Todd is a genuinely rotter, the spying needs to be a smokescreen. If Kelsey and Connor do discover whatever is dodgy about Todd, it needs to happen accidentally and so all their spy antics need to be a complete waste of time except to lead to them falling in love. Because actually spying on people and so on is... not very nice and turns this into a spy film rather than a romcom. Even better, let Emily come to the realisation herself. When Kelsey breaks the news to her (she has to do it, not Connor for maximum emotion, and not ridiculously while she’s at the altar) then Emily has to admit she already worked it out so she can make a really informed decision.
If you’re going to have Connor propose at the end (which is stupid) then the correct response is for Kelsey to laugh hysterically and say something like, “Are you crazy? But you can take me out for a real date!” Cue kiss, applause and credits.
So Connor. Firstly, his background needs to be simplified. He shouldn’t be Emily’s ex. That’s just weird. And the whole money business is dubious and overly-complicated and doesn’t make him look great and is just shoe-horned in for ~drama. He’s just a stranger who is a PI. The end. This ought to be an easy job for him, a boring one. He didn’t count on the genuinely smart, witty wedding planner he got entangled with. Bless his snarky, so over-it cotton socks.
So, I can see you wondering, haven’t I removed all sources of tension? No issue with the ex, no money problems, Kelsey and Connor don’t even affect Emily’s relationship. What is the massive problem that will occur 4/5ths the way through and make our hero and heroine desperately miserable for five minutes before the final denouement? But, my friend, if you think this is a problem, then you’ve completely missed the central premise of this story. They think they’re just forced to work together! As spies! Undercover! But actually! They have real feelings! For each other! Isn’t that enough of a plot? When Emily and Todd’s wedding either goes ahead without problem or is broken up no thanks to the inept spy duo, they have no longer any reason to see each other! And thinking that the other one doesn’t care, they just sadly say goodbye and prepare to part for ever... BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU. Look, this is all the level of conflict this film needs. Nobody is watching this because they want this part of the film to last more than a couple of minutes maximum. Just let them roll their eyes at each other like the Beatrice and Benedick dynamic they so desperately wish they had and kiss!
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Avec Nocturne Ch. 6
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Summary: AU A little thing called the flu forced him to call out sick for days. What he didn’t bargain for was his workplace hiring a girl to spin the tracks while he was out. He’s pissed off but why’s he thinking random thoughts about her?
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Strip Club setting, Flirting)
Characters: DJ!Chanyeol x Kit OC, featuring appearances of OT12 members
Notes: This is a spin-off (no pun intended!) series of Unwind written by @xiubaek13 and @oh-beyond. (Written with their blessing – thank you!) I own nothing except for my own OC and the content written here. (I recommend reading Unwind first to get a better understanding of the story’s universe.) I do not claim to be an expert in DJ-ing. Banner created by me. Absolutely no reposting anywhere else as your own!
Ch. 5 | Ch. 7
I swear you need to come clubbing with me again soon!
Sent 21:26 PM
How’s work going? Did those clothes work?
Sent 21:27 PM
I can’t - I work at night, remember?
Sent 21:29 PM
It’s interesting.
Sent 21:31 PM
Yeah, they were fine. Thanks again. I’ll wash them and get them back to you.
Sent 21:33 PM
Nah keep ‘em - you looked hot. Besides, you never know if you might need them again... ;)
Sent 21:34 PM
Sometimes I wonder if the bakery was a safer choice, Kit thought as she unloaded the washer and began moving clothes over to the dryer. She pressed a few buttons for the drying cycle before closing the door and heading to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
She checked her watch and determined she had roughly 3.5 hours before her regular shift at the club. Secretly, she was hoping for a more normal night, especially with everything that transpired in the past few days.
When Luhan and Xiumin had called her in on her day off, she hadn’t anticipated going into the office days after her run in with Chanyeol. The bruises had faded but she wished she could turn around and walk right out after seeing him in the front, preparing to head to the managers’ office. Instead, she avoided eye contact with him as they headed to the office, stopping briefly when a well-dressed young man passed them.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” the young man prompted Chanyeol as he laid eyes on her.
Kit ignored the tall DJ’s gaze as she stuck her hand out toward the young man addressing her. “Hi, Kit Adler.”
The young man flashed a charming smile as he clasped her hand in his. “Hello pretty Kit Adler. I’m Kim Junmyeon, but you can call me Suho, now that you are part of the family,” he replied.
Forward but he seems inviting, compared to Mr. Ray of Sunshine I’m following, she thought before they let go of each other’s hands.
Chanyeol stepped closer to the pair, glancing at Suho with a casual look. “So…2 weeks, right hyung?”
Suho nodded and looked wistful, bemoaning to the pair that he had nowhere to go.
Kit raised a brow at his response. 2 weeks for what? Vacation? Or had something happened and no one was telling her the whole story? Knowing her luck, it was probably the latter and part of her felt bad for this guy for some reason.
“Oh, you don’t? Well maybe you can crash at my place if you’d like,” she found herself suggesting, “I do–”
Suddenly she felt a large hand on her back nudging her in the direction of Luhan’s office, followed by Chanyeol’s deep voice lightly telling her that Suho was joking. She glanced up at his face and saw that he had a strange fixed smile on his face, eyes staying on the older boy.
“That is so nice of you Kit,” Suho replied. He raised a brow at Chanyeol’s choice of words to address Kit. “Noona? You don’t look like a noona to me. How old are you?”
“She’s not your noona – she’s your age,” Chanyeol mumbled as he tried to nudge Kit forward again.
She put on the brakes and glanced back at Suho, asking him what year he was born. “I was born in 1990,” she shared.
“Then you are one!” Suho blurted out with a gleeful look.
“OK we need to get going,” Chanyeol announced, jerking his head toward the office.
“I’m actually heading to Shanghai for a few days,” Suho reassured her. He glanced over at Tao and Sehun, who were lingering by the front entrance. "Please don’t worry about me – I have a place; I live with these two baby boys.”
Now that has to be an interesting situation, she thought as she pictured poor Suho trying to keep the pair from fighting. Like a father with two man children.
She felt Chanyeol’s hand move away from her back, long fingers wrapping around her forearm to tug her toward the office. Her insides twisted at the contact but she forced herself to keep the smile in place. “All right, it was nice to meet you Suho, have a good time!” she yelled over her shoulder.
She allowed Chanyeol to tug/guide her down the hallway toward the office. Once she was out of Suho, Tao, and Sehun’s sight, she pried her arm out of Chanyeol’s grip and stopped abruptly, shoulders tensed.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” she hissed.
“Me? Nothing!” Chanyeol said as he blinked back at her.
“I think I have already made it clear that I do not like being manhandled!” she shot back.
“I wasn’t, I jus- Suho – he was flirting,” he protested.
“Well at least flirting won’t give me bruises,” Kit retorted as she passed him.
The emergency meeting she had been called into ended with signing confidentiality agreements for an upcoming VIP event, followed by special equipment training with Chanyeol in the booth. She had anticipated that it was going to be a long, painful ordeal of him talking and pointing things out. What surprised her was hearing a genuine apology from the young man, who confessed that he loved his job and felt upset that the managers made a decision to backfill his position without telling him.
“This booth is my safe space. When I’m here, I can be free. I’m not stressed about life or what’s expected of me as an adult. Here, I can call the shots and make my own rules, well sort of,” he explained. Things became less tense after his apology and the training went smoothly.
Because the managers asked her to dress up for the VIP event, Kit enlisted her friend Olivia, better known as Livy, for help, as she had no time to shop for something special. The following day, Livy had showed up at her door, armed with a suitcase full of club-worthy clothes and shoes. Several hours were spent playing Olivia’s questionable Barbie doll, slipping into skin tight dresses that showed every line and curve in her body and debating over hems and necklines. While she loved her friend’s confidence, their tastes couldn’t be anymore different.
“Lady, you need to look like a girl – this grunge 90s thing you’ve got going on is sad,” Livy whined after Kit rejected a very risque bodysuit with a neck collar and low-cut sweetheart neckline.
“Livy, I stick out like a sore thumb at work – like I need more attention put on me!” Kit groaned as she dug through her friend’s offerings, trying to find the least revealing garment in the pile.
After an hour and twenty minutes of rejected clothes, the pair had agreed upon a black bodysuit with a subtle neckline design, deep wine velvet skirt, and block heeled Mary Janes. Delicate silver accessories in the form of a wavy bangle and minimalist earrings completed the look. Livy had wanted to do her makeup but Kit kept it to a simple winged eyeliner and the Bloodroses lipstick. Hair was curled into soft waves with a deep side part.
Thankfully her jacket covered the top half of her outfit while she rode the subway – more stares than usual were aimed in her direction but she kept her eyes on her phone until her stop was called.
“NOONA?!” Sehun sputtered when he saw her enter the main performance hall. The towel he was using to dry his shaker slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor.
Kit paused and turned her head, trying to suppress the wince threatening to spread across her face. “The managers said ‘Look nice – it’s a VIP event’ so um, yeah,” she replied. “By the way, these aren’t mine – had to borrow from a friend and if you can believe it, they were the least slutty things she owned.”
Sehun quickly picked up his towel and composed himself, smiling as he studied her look and flashed her a thumbs up. “You look pretty,” he said, eyes crinkling into half moons. “Not that you don’t normally look nice, but it’s a good change for something like this.”
“Thanks Sehunnie,” she mumbled with a faint smile before heading to the booth. She began setting up her gear and slipped the headphones around her neck, fixing her hair in the process.
“What are you staring at?” Tao demanded as he passed Sehun before following the latter’s gaze. His eyes widened and he gaped when he saw Kit standing in the booth, doing a double take. “Wait, that’s not the savage girl from earlier, is it? Where are her ugly clothes?”
“I heard that,” Kit shot back as she stuck her head out. She sighed as she dragged songs into her queue, avoiding their eyes. Was it too late to negotiate with the managers to just bail on this and all future VIP events if it meant being ogled?
She heard someone cough and she spotted the familiar figure lingering at the entrance to the booth.
“Ah um...hello noona,” Chanyeol murmured as he played with the strap on his bag. “You um, you look...nice,” he said as he gestured to her outfit.
Kit looked up and nodded with a small smile. “Hey Slim Shady,” she said, “don’t get used to this – the managers asked for something less casual so this is what they’re getting. Probably won’t ever see these again ‘cause they’re going right back to my friend after tonight.” She moved closer to the controls so he could slip past her and he pressed his lips together as he stepped into the booth.
He began getting his equipment out of his bag, mumbling that he would let her handle the controls for the waterfall effects tonight. Kit nodded as she gave him space for his laptop and focused on adjusting the volume and settings on her mixing program.
“You look nice too,” she murmured.
“Oh um, me? Thank, thank you - it’s nothing special,” he admitted as he rolled his sleeves up as neatly as he could.
Silence had settled in until they heard footsteps and saw two young women flanked by bodyguards entering the main hall. Chanyeol flashed a charming smile at them and Kit managed a polite one, accompanied by a bow of her head.
“Should be a good night if we pick the right tracks,” Chanyeol murmured with a nod as the women were greeted by Luhan. He quickly programmed an effect to allow fake snow to fall upon the manager as he came closer to the women.
“Why am I not surprised that rich people have filthy desires like us?” Kit deadpanned in a low voice, traces of a smirk threatening to spread across her lips. “Surprised none of them have jumped on the performers yet.”
Chanyeol blinked at her comment and quietly asked if she knew who they were. Kit shrugged as she switched places with him to stand closer to the waterfall controls.
“Don’t know and I kind of don’t care,” she said as she swept her hair off the back of her neck, fanning it lightly. “Not into gossip or celebrities if you couldn’t already tell. To me, they’re just fancy people who we’re entertaining tonight. Period.” She reached for her water and took a long swig. Maybe it was the fact that there were two people standing in an tight, enclosed space, but she swore it started to feel a bit warm in the booth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chanyeol fanning himself with his shirt collar, small beads of sweat starting to form across his forehead.
Kit flickered the stage lights to focus on the waterfall before allowing a steady stream to flow into the area, Chanyeol blending in a song to complement Xiumin’s performance:
Lonely night millyeooneun neol Mageul su eomneun saebyeok I pado sorie Nan tteonaeryeoganeun jungingeol Oh no   Oh no
“I kind of envy him right now – at least he’s not sweating it out like we are now,” Kit muttered as she moved her hair to one shoulder with a free hand, the other lingering on the controls.
“I...I think the A/C’s...dying,” Chanyeol huffed as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.
Kit took another swig before she held out her water bottle and prompted him to take some, which he gladly accepted.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t faint on me Slim Shady,” she murmured, eyes staying on Xiumin as she adjusted the waterfall elements to match his movements. “Maybe we can crack the door open a bit once this is over?” As Xiumin wrapped up, she turned off the waterfall and glanced over at Chanyeol, who was drenched in sweat.
“Hey, I’ll get you a cold water from Sehunnie once Cat Eyes sweeps her off somewhere,” Kit promised as she noted his eyes looking a little glazed over. “You need to stay hydrated – keep drinking my water for now, okay?”
“Noona...you should take some...” he managed to get out.
“I will in a –”
“What’s going on here?” Xiumin hissed as he yanked the door open. He recoiled slightly when he felt the heat wave hit him.
“Hyung, the air conditioning went to shit and I can’t breathe,” Chanyeol bleated, almost panting.
“Kit do me a favor, there should be a fan under Chen’s counter – get it please before we have a roasted elf named Park Chanyeol,” Xiumin instructed.
Kit nodded before she slipped past Chanyeol, flashing Sehun an amused look as she darted to the front desk. She sucked in a deep breath of air before going behind the desk, leaning down to retrieve the fan from underneath. She carried the cord in one hand and the fan in the other as she returned, eyes widening as Xiumin ordered the sweaty young man to shed his shirt.
Chanyeol did as he was told and chucked his sweat-soaked shirt to the ground. He messed up his silver hair and froze when he saw Kit had returned with the fan.
“I am sorry but–” Chanyeol started to apologize.
“No Slim Shady, you do what you gotta do,” she replied as she slipped past Xiumin with the fan, “we don’t want you to faint and have me try to perform CPR on you.”
“Here hyung,” Sehun said as he quickly handed over a clean towel and cold waters to Chanyeol. He held his hand out for the cord to the fan and carefully plugged it in. The fan began to blow air and Sehun angled it between the DJs, keeping it against the back wall so they wouldn’t trip on it.
Chanyeol wiped the sweat from his face with the towel before tossing one water to Kit, who thanked him as she caught it. He quickly cracked his open and began guzzling it.
“Noona, Xiumin-hyung has Tao up next - you’re going to need to get something up for him soon,” Sehun prompted as he glanced up at the stage.
Kit straightened up and pursed her crimson lips together as she debated over songs to pick.
“Oh you have no idea how badly I wanna psych him out with this gem,” Kit chortled as she showed them her screen of a song titled Caramelldansen. “But since we’ve got high rollers who are expecting the cliches, I’ll keep it serious.” She pulled up a track, the cover art depicting a woman with a crazy, spiky hair-do walking off the cover:
Everybody wants me to be their angel Everybody wants something they can cradle
Oh, they don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn
"Beep beep! Beep Beep!”
Kit blinked and pushed back her chair at the sound of the dryer going off. She wiped her hands on her napkin before heading over to collect her load.
The fan had helped cool down the booth, but things became slightly awkward afterward. Chanyeol kept his eyes averted while Kit busied herself with the controls and music for Tao’s performance. The earlier disturbance with the A/C had caught one of their guests’ attention and she shamelessly eyed the sculpted abdomen of the tall DJ.
“Did our bosses just leave the high rollers hanging?” Kit muttered as Tao continued his performance. “I have a feeling that if they don’t come back soon, the one who was ogling Cat Eyes is going to devour you instead.”
“Wha? Ah no, no, I don’t think–”
“She’s eying you like a tiger eyes its prey,” Kit noted as she stole a quick glance over at the woman. A teasing smile appeared on her face and she looked over at Chanyeol. “You know how to dance in case –”
“I think I see Luhan-hyung,” Chanyeol interrupted, relieved to see him coming into view.
Kit had followed her co-worker’s gaze to see their boss passing the entrance to the main performance hall, tugging a woman clad in black behind him.
“I don’t wanna know, do I?” she asked as the pair disappeared from their sight.
Chanyeol shrugged and muttered that he only heard bits of the gossip.
“Something about new clients and wanting VIP I think? Look, we shouldn’t worry about it,” he said as he adjusted the lighting effects.
Song List
White Noise (EXO)
Caramelldansen (Caramell)
Devil Inside [RJD2 Remix] (Utada Hikaru)
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Just Yours - Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Five - Say You Love Me
A/N: Final chapter! (Of part one) Yayyy! I hope you all like it! Please let me know what you think! I’m going to edit the whole thing and release it as one long fic. I definitely meant to make this chapter longer, but it’s kinda perfect just like this, so. I used lines from Jane the Virgin, The Last Five Years, and Nightingale by Demi Lovato. Please, please, let me know what you think!  Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader Word Count: 3,346 Synopsis: Final Chapter! Tags: @sergeantdodds, @la-devotees, @amelia-save-me, @evs14u, @cumberbabe92, @sweetsummertime99, @gibbs274, @standing-in-a-downpour
Previous Chapter
Olivia’s hands weren’t the only ones that had blood on them. You finally caught Rafael’s eye, and you let out a sigh of relief when you saw him. His sleeves were rolled up, and he looked frazzled as he spoke to one of the corrections officer. Although the entire court room looked a little bit frazzled.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” he asked, moving quickly your way.
“I heard there was a shooting. Are you okay?” you asked, touching his arm gingerly. 
“Yeah,” he said, although he was looking at you nervously. “Johnny D is dead. Did uh, Liv talk to you?”
“Talk to me about what?” you asked, looking Olivia’s way. She made her way towards you, looking more stressed than anyone in the room.
“Nick was shot. They’re taking him to the hospital right now.”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m driving up there now, do you want to come with?”
“Yes.” She nodded and walked towards the door. Rafael looked at you, and you touched his forearm softly again. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He nodded and smiled softly.
“Go to him.” You started walking away, but looked back on him once before leaving.
“Let’s talk later, okay?” He frowned slightly and nodded.
When you got to the hospital, you met Amanda in the waiting room on Nick’s floor. She hugged you, and smiled comfortably.
“Hey, how is he doing?”
“He’s in surgery. A bullet hit his liver, so they had to do an emergency laparotomy. Now they’re working on his knee,” she replied.
“The liver can heal itself, but a bullet to the knee-” Amanda cut Carisi off by shaking her head. The tall Italian had just walked up, and was already making you feel worse.
“Yeah, I know that,” she said firmly.
“Sorry. I’ll get us some coffee,” he said, scurrying off. The waiting room was filled with fellow officers, each worrying about Nick. Amanda rubbed your arm and smiled at you.
“He’s gonna be okay.” You nodded and sat down next to Fin, who touched your shoulder. He said the same, and you tried to believe it. For the next few hours you sat in the waiting room. Groups of people came and went, but only your squad stayed the entire time.
“Hey, Y/N,” Fin said, sometime around midnight. “I just want to wish you luck in Chicago. I know we’re all gonna miss you a lot-”
“I don’t know if I’m going,” you said quickly. He cocked an eyebrow at you and you sighed, falling back in your seat.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know how I can leave all of this,” you said. Fin started to say something about Rafael, but you were pulled away from this conversation when a nurse walked over to your group.
You stood up first, and Olivia was right at your side. She told you that surgery went well, and he was in recovery. It was going to be a few hours before he came to, and she encouraged you all to come back in the morning.
Carisi and Fin decided to head out, and Olivia said that she needed to go home to see Noah. You of course understood, considering everything that had happened today, she wanted nothing more than to see her son. And unfortunately, Amanda had to go home to let out Frannie.
Olivia told you not to stay here by yourself, but you weren’t going to leave. Once everyone left, you texted your dad and your brother, to tell them that you were going to be here for longer. You also texted Graham, who had been here a few hours ago, just to update him on everything.
An empty hospital room at one in the morning was a good place for you to think, and you had a lot of thinking to do. You didn’t know what you would have done if Rafael had been the one to get hurt. It was bad enough to sit out here knowing that your best friend was in there, but if it was -
You stopped yourself before you let any tears fall. You told yourself that Rafael was safe. Yet, you didn’t feel any better. Even if he made it through this moment, who knew if there would be more.
Rafael may not be safe forever, and he wasn’t going to wait forever, either.
“Are you alright, sweetie?” a blonde nurse with a kind smile asked. You nodded and politely smiled. She went behind the counter and grabbed you a blanket, and gave it to you, although you protested.
After the day you were having, and all of the thoughts swirling around your head, you didn’t think you would fall asleep. However, when you woke up again, you were face to face with Zara, and Nick’s mother, Cesaria.
“What are you doing?” she asked with a laugh. You sat up and stretched, noticing the sunlight coming through the windows. You smirked at her as she threw her arms around you. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, cutie. You have to tell me all about California.” Zara opened her mouth to start, but her Abuela cut her off.
“In a little bit. Someone else needs Y/N’s attention right now.” At that moment, it suddenly dawned on you that Nick was probably awake now.
“He’s up?” you asked.
“Yes. And he’s been asking to see you.” You stood up, hugged Zara once more, and patted down your hair before walking in to the hospital room.
Nick was propped up in bed, looking tired, but happy. He smiled at you, and you took his outstretched hand quickly. You kissed his hand and he laughed.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you said.
“I’m glad you’re here. But I don’t know why you stayed here all night.”
“I didn’t stay here all night.” Nick cocked an eyebrow at you and called your bluff.
“That’s not what the nurses said.”
“Well can you blame me? My best friend was just shot by a serial rapist and pimp, I’m not gonna abandon him.”
“You’re a good friend, Y/N.” You smiled again and looked down at your hand in his. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“About that, Nick-”
“Although, I’ve been thinking, and maybe we don’t have to be that far apart. I know that I’m going to be off for a while because of my knee, and I just heard back that the department doesn’t want to promote me.”
“Oh, Nick, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I honestly think it’s for the best. This injury and the news has got me thinking. I don’t think I’m going to stay in New York. I mean, Zara and Gil are both in California. There’s not much here for me. I figure I might as well put in for retirement, and start over in California.”
“That sounds really great, Nick.” He smiled and squeezed your hand.
“I’m glad you said that, because it could be a new start for you, too. I know you were set on going to Chicago, but I think California could be great for you, too. You won’t be lonely because you’ll see Zara and I’ll be there, and,” he stopped and laughed for a moment, while you watched him in surprise.
“And I’ve always loved you, Y/N. California could be the time and place where we-”
“Nick!” you said, pulling your hand away. “I’ve already put in for transfer to CPD. Mike is there, I couldn’t.”
“Hey, hey, just think about it, okay?” he said, smiling at you, and before you knew it, he was leaning in to kiss you. Kissing Nick used to leave you breathless and flushed. Not that it didn’t now, but it wasn’t the same feeling. It wasn’t the feeling that you felt with another man.
“Nick,” you said, pulling away, putting a hand on his chest. “I’m going to ask Rafael to marry me.”
“But didn’t he just-”
“Yes,” you said, grinning as you stood up. “But this is what I want. I should never have taken this job in Chicago. Rafael is everything I want.” He looked disappointed, so you sat back down on his side quickly. “I’ll always love you, too, Nick, but-”
“You don’t have to explain. I am happy for you.” You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, Nick.”
“He better know how lucky he is.”
Rafael walked into the precinct Sunday night, more than a little bit irritated. He had hoped that after the case of Johnny D, he would get a few days off. However, Olivia had different ideas as she called him in.
As he walked in, he noticed that all of the lights were dimmed. The front desk was empty, and he heard phones ringing from somewhere in the back. He smiled to himself as he walked deeper into the squad room.
“What kind of budget cuts are thes-”
"Hi.” Rafael stopped breathing for a moment when he caught a glimpse of you. You were standing in front of the cork board that he had given so many presentations in front of before. There were candles lit all around the room, making you glow, and look even more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. You were wearing a blue dress, and your hair was up, and you looked incredibly nervous.
“Hi,” he said, walking closer to you until he was close enough to see the tears that were brimming in your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Trying to be brave.”
“Brave?” he asked, although it came out in a squeak.
“Yes. I thought that going to Chicago was the right decision, that it was the grown up decision. I thought that putting my career forward was more important than anything. But, I learned that going to Chicago won’t change anything. I’ll still be a detective, I’ll still rise up in rank as I would here. The only thing that would be different is you. I learned that I don’t ever want to lose you, Rafael.”
“But what about Mike, what about-”
“I can visit,” you said, shaking your head. “I was terrified today that I might lose you, and I don’t want to feel like that. So.” You took a deep breath, and struggled to get down on your knees in the heels you were wearing. Rafael reached out his hand and made you stand up.
“You don’t have to kneel. You don’t have to do this.”
“Yeah, I do. Now, I had a speech prepared, so let me say it.” Rafael laughed softly but nodded. “So, I propose a new deal. We’ve made many in our time together, first when we started hooking up, and then when we decided to give dating a try, but I think - hope this deal will be our last.
“I propose that you and I spend the rest of our lives together. It doesn’t matter where we go, or what we do, as long as we’re by each other’s sides. I propose that we love each other no matter what, through whatever ups and downs we may face. I propose that we get married because I really want to see you in more tuxedos, and I couldn’t even last a week apart from you. I couldn’t imagine a life without you.”
Rafael laughed a little as he smiled at you. He could feel tears forming in his eyes, but tried to hold them back. 
“I don’t know why people run. I don’t know why people are afraid to fall in love. I don’t know why things fall through. I don’t know how anybody survives in this life without someone like you.
“I could run, I could let this fall through, I could survive a life without you; but why? Why, why, why? I want to be your wife! I want to bear your child! I want to die knowing I had a long, full life in your arms. I want to spend forever with you.” You took a deep breath and Rafael opened his mouth to say something else, but you cut him off by holding up your hand.
“I’m not done yet. Before I propose to you, I need you to know all the facts. You need to know that I’m sorry for breaking up with you, even if it was only for a week. You need to know that I love you more than I have ever loved someone in my life, and it was hell to turn you down. And most importantly, you need to know why I love you.
“I don’t love you because you’re smart, and clever, and handsome, and caring. I love you because you’re my best friend. You’re my sanity. Everything that we’ve been through has tested us, proven to us that we are meant to be together, that no matter what happens, we’ll always have each other’s backs.
“You bring me peace. You make me a better person. You’re never selfish, you never want anything from me, you love me for me,” you said, as you started to cry fully. “When I told you about Chicago, you wanted me to go. You are the most supportive man I have ever known, and you’re my dream. 
“And there are so many dreams that I need to see with you. There are so many years that I need to be with you. I will never be complete until,” you took another breath and noticed that Rafael was crying at this point, too. 
“Rafael, will you marry me?”
“Hell yeah,” he said, laughing. You laughed too and wrapped your around his neck, as you finally kissed. It was wet, as you were both crying pretty hard, and you were both smiling too much, but it was perfect. 
“I love you,” you said.
“I love you, too, cariño.” He kissed you again, and this time he heard the applause. He turned his head and saw the entire squad standing in Liv’s office, watching the whole thing. Rafael laughed and shook his head. You shrugged and put your hands up in mock surprise.
Rafael waved them over, and soon you were both met with a wave of hugs and congratulations. 
“I called it,” Fin said when he came up to you. You laughed and Carisi smiled from behind him.
“He did. He said you two would get married.”
“So I take it it was good news?” You turned around and saw your dad and brother walking into the precinct. You nodded and they both grinned as they hugged you. 
“Congratulations!” They then went over to Rafael and shook his hand, before hugging. You smiled as Nick wrapped his arm around you. You leaned against his chest and he kissed your forehead.
“I’m happy for you, Y/N.”
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“He better treat you well or I’ll beat his-”
“Okay, Nick,” you said, looking up at him. “I know he will.” He kissed your forehead again and you hugged him. 
“Oh, I gotta call Zara and Graham. I promised I’d keep them posted.” You laughed and nodded as he hobbled away on his crutches. You found Rafael again and you kissed. Your friends cheered again, and you smiled, even though you were already smiling. You smiled more. 
“Have I mentioned how lucky I am to be in love with you?”
“It might have come up,” you said. Rafael laughed and leaned in to kiss you, this time keeping his hand on the back of your head to make it last longer. “I am the lucky one though. I found a man who loves suspenders as much as I do.” Rafael laughed heartily and kissed your temple.
“You and your weird kinks.”
“Come on, babe. If you don’t hurry up we’ll be late to Liv’s,” you said as you put on your earrings in the mirror. Rafael groaned from the other room and you heard the bed creak.
“Or,” he said, snaking his arms around your waist, startling you slightly. “You could come back to bed.” You spun around and put your hands on his bare chest. 
“We need to celebrate with Liv. This is a really happy occasion.”
“It was a happy occasion in there, too,” he grumbled, walking back into your bedroom. You laughed and followed him, only to grab your dress from the closet. You slipped on the silky dress, and went into the bathroom. 
“Mi amor,” Rafael gushed as he walked in. You rolled your eyes as he slid his hand across your back. “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you. I have the best accessory to go with it, too.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked. You nodded and he smiled, knowing exactly what you were going to say. You drew up your hand and showed him the ring again.
“Doesn’t it just look amazing with everything?”
“It’s not the ring,” he said, kissing you happily. 
“With talk like that, you might get me to stay.” Rafael grinned and wrapped his arms around you tighter, looking up at you.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Our wedding is going to be a magical event everyone will remember for years to come.” You hummed happily and kissed him. 
“Rafi, we have to go,” you said, pulling yourself away from him. He groaned, and let you walk away. “Be downstairs in seven minutes, or we’ll be late,” you said, trotting down the stairs.
About half and hour later, after coaxing Rafael downstairs, falling on the couch together, and then coaxing each other out of the house, you arrived at Olivia’s. She hugged you both when you walked in, and you were soon holding Noah. Rafael smiled at you and you bumped his hip as you swayed with Noah in your arms.
“Do you wanna hold him?”
“No thanks,” Rafael said. You raised your eyebrows at him and he laughed. “I don’t do so well with kids. Although, I’m sure when we have kids I’ll do better.” For some reason you blushed and he kissed you quickly.
“I love you,” you whispered as Carisi walked over, bringing along Fin and Olivia’s babysitter, Lucy. You all cooed over Noah and Liv smiled on happily. Eventually, you gave him back to his mother, who beamed up into his face. Carisi scurried into the kitchen and got everyone a glass of champagne.
“Congratulations, Liv, you look happy,” Fin said. You all nodded in agreement, and Olivia smiled, as happy tears formed in her eyes.
"Amaro coming?” Rafael asked.
“He’s doing better, right?” Carisi asked
“Yeah, he’s only two weeks in to PT so it’s gonna be a long road.”
“But he is doing a lot better,” you said. At that moment, the door swung open, and Amanda and Nick walked in, although Nick had to hobble in on his crutches.
“Hey, you guys started without us.”
“Nick, Amanda, thank you for coming,” Olivia said, meeting them halfway. They handed her a bouquet of flowers and she hugged them. You all milled around together, talking with each other. You watched as Nick walked with Olivia into the kitchen, and you figured he was giving her the speech he gave you, minus a few details.
When they came back over, they both looked as if they’d been crying. You all circled around, ready to toast to everything that you had been through. The last year had been hell on all of you, but you made it through together.
“I just want to thank you all for being here,” Olivia said. ”I couldn’t have done any of this without you, and as a dear friend recently told me,” she said, looking at Nick. “Friends for life.” She held up her glass and you all raised your own.
“Friends for life,” you all repeated, clinking your glasses together. You locked eyes with Rafael as you took a drink. He laced his hand in yours, and stepped closer to you.
“And to a wonderful life with you,” he said. You clinked your glasses together again, and kissed instead of drinking to your toast. 
“Forever and ever.”
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awjoj · 7 years
beatles asks... all of them
Oh wow. Thanks anon ^^; Here we goo1. Have guitar lessons with John or have drum lessons with Ringo
definitely drum lessons with Ringo because I’m not particularly drawn to John’s guitar playing but Ringo’s drumming is just A++++++ yes yes good shit sign me up please thanks
2. Date John, Paul, George, or Ringo
guess i’ll have to go with George but this is weird ajkgaf
3. Take LSD with George or smoke weed with John
LSD, partly because I want to see what all the hype about “mind/consciousness expansion” is about, and partly, well, it’s George, so.
4. Attend the Shea Stadium concert or watch the Rooftop concertROOFTOP CONCERT
5. Meditate with George or spread peace and love with Ringo
Spread peace and love ~~~
6. Early 60s, mid 60s, or late 60s
Late 60s, that’s when all my fave Beatles albums were made, basically, and I like their more experimental studio based sound :)
7. Go to the hair salon with Maureen or get your nails done with Cynthia
Hair salon because I actually like getting my hair done (!!) but I will never get my nails into any fancy shape or form oh god no
8. Eat dinner with Brian Epstein or eat dinner with Mal Evans
Brian, he’s just precioussss
9. Listen to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band or listen to the White Album
c’mon ofc the white album it’s my fave album of all time
10. Spend your birthday with Paul or spend your Christmas with Ringo
Christmas with Ringo, definitely, because I prefer to spend my birthday with myself (!)
11. Go to Japan with Yoko or go to India with Pattie
OH OH OH Japanese with Yoko for sure. I haven’t been for a long time and I LOVE that place. Also it’d be super cool to see how Yoko is irl
12. Read a McLennon fanfic or a Starrison fanfic
McLennon lmao
13. McLennon or nah
Actually nah but it doesn’t bother me that much until you start bothering sir paul mccartney for it (not cool)
14. Wear John’s iconic round glasses or wear Ringo’s St. Christopher Medal
Round glasses, I just really like them
15. Save John from dying or save George from dying
:(((((( WHYYYY. This is so hard and even though I like George better I’m gonna go with John because it was so unexpected and unfair that some crazy d-bag just came up and shot him like that. I still cry over that, tbh, it just seems so ridiculous. But George’s was from natural causes, and he was really, so it somehow feels easier (but of course thinking about it still makes me super upset :(((( )
16. Meet old man Paul or old man Ringo
I actually can’t choose I feel like I’ll get super nervous and make a fool out of myself either way but I’ve heard Ringo can give fans sass sometimes and I know it’s still banter and all but I’d still be crushed…so I’m gonna go with Paul, at least I can show him how to cut onions properly
17. Listen to Revolution 9 on repeat for 30 minutes straight or stare at John and Yoko’s nudes for 15 minutes straight
Oh god the latter would leave me traumatised so sign me up for Rev9 I mean it cant be that bad right
18. Have Ringo’s adorable big nose or have George’s bushy eyebrows
George’s eyebrows because I kind of already have bushy eyebrows so it’d be easier to get used to
19. Have Paul sing Till There Was You at your wedding or have John sing It’s Only Love at your wedding
Till There Was You, because I feel like It’s Only Love is a bittersweet song about a breakup or unrequited love (?)
20. Wear Beatle boots or have a moptop
Moptop actually, it’d be fun to shake my head and then have my hair fall perfectly back in place
21. Have John’s jawline or Paul’s puppy eyes
Paul’s eyes LMAO because I have a prominent jawline already and I don’t really like it ack
22. Ride in John’s Rolls Royce or ride in George’s Mini Cooper
TBH I don’t really care much about cars but it’s George, so the Mini
23. Punch Ringo or slap George
WHHATT, WHY… I’d slap George I guess because there were times he deserved it I guess and a slap would potentially do less damage than a punch, at least, when it’s coming from me…also I tend to slap people on the shoulder when I laugh uncontrollably so this could be that kind of slap
24. Have Paul write a song about you or have George write a song about you
25. Listen to Wings or the Plastic Ono Band
The Plastic Ono Band because I just like their sound more in general
26. Bungee jump with George Martin or skydive with Neil Aspinall
the latter - I’m not even making this decision based on whether it’s George or Neil I just prefer skydiving so
27. Have a girl’s night with Cynthia, Olivia, Jane, Maureen, Linda, Yoko, or Pattie
Olivia because she’s my fave Beatle wife
28. Make mashed potatoes with Paul or do a bit of light gardening with George
Gardening with George because I like gardening more in general but also because I’d cringe at Paul the whole time
29. Be a vegetarian like Paul, George, and Ringo or still eat meat like John
I’m already a vegetarian so…!! I’d stay that way :)
30. Sing with the Beatles or play an instrument with the BeatlesPlay an instrument (possibly piano) because I can’t sing to save my lifeWhoa, that was fun.
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Just Yours - Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-One - Offers
A/N: So! I think only like three or four more chapters to go! I’m splitting this story into three parts. So, if you think you aren’t going to want to be tagged as I continue, please let me know. In a few days or so I’ll let you know what the next part will be called. Stay tuned! For this chapter, the episode I centered around is Devastating Story. Word Count: 2,696 Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader Synopsis: Rafael plans while the reader struggles with a big decision. Tags: @evs14u, @sergeantdodds, @sweetsummertime99, @gibbs274, @standing-in-a-downpour, @camasy, @cumberbabe92
Previous Chapter
His lips were warm on yours, and you could taste a bit of the coffee on his mouth. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his, catching your breath for the moment. 
“Rafi, if I don’t leave now, I won’t get there.”
“Then don’t go,” he said, grinning as he pulled on the loops of your coat’s belt. You giggled and kissed him once more.
“I love you, but I have to go.”
“I love you, too,” he said. He kissed you once more and you relinquished your grip on his hand slowly. You kept your eyes locked on his as you backed away. Eventually, when you reached the door to the train station, and had to turn around to keep from running into it.
Mike had invited you out to Chicago for the week. Alice was hoping to get your help on some wedding things, and you hadn’t seen Mike in months. In fact, you hadn’t ever seen his home in Chicago. 
Mike had intended on inviting both you and your father, but your father decided he was too busy. So, he sent you with his love, and you took off the week, much to Rafael’s disagreement. You told him he could come with, mentioning something about the trip to the Hamptons and how you could relive that, but alas, he was too busy, too.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had traveled by yourself, but as soon as you got seated and your ticket checked, you settled in for the train ride, your forehead pressed up against the cold window.
When the train came to a stop, you smiled as you walked out into the station, looking for your brother. As you walked passed the very crowded bathroom, a body slammed into you, and wrapped it’s arms around you.
“Hello,” you said, awkwardly, looking up into the smiling face of Mike. He released his death lock on you so you could hug him properly. 
“How was your train ride?” Mike asked, taking your bag from you.
“Good. This way,” Mike said, nodding his head towards one of the many exits. “Alice is waiting in the car. How does lunch sound?”
“Amazing, I’m starving.”
“Perfect. It’ll give us a good chance to catch up,” he said, still keeping the never fading smile on his face. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“So am I.”
“No comment to the Italian press? They’re on this already?” Rafael asked as Liv hung up the phone. She gave him a look, telling him that she was just as exhausted and confused as he was.
“I gotta tell you, bad news travels fast. I mean, there are already Twitter campaigns calls for campus rallies and revoking the frat’s charters.” Rafael rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his coffee, finally sending some warmth into his body on this cold winter day.
“Which explains why the mayor and the D.A. are all over this,” he said, before adding, “And me. So, have you managed to I.D. Jane yet?”
“Carisi is still trying but the closest he and Rollins have gotten is Jane’s self proclaimed advocate, Professor Dillon.”
“And she’s gonna produce Jane?” he asked.
“No, Jane is scared of fraternity retribution if she goes public, and she doesn’t trust the police.”
“So she’s not gonna talk?” Liv shook her head and Rafael sighed. “I could subpoena the show, or this professor.” Liv frowned and shook her head once more.
“There’s gotta be an easier way. Now Jane said on the AWC piece that she disclosed to the university.”
“Well they didn’t specify to whom,” Rafael quipped.
“So let’s go to the top and find out,” Liv said.
“Okay, you want me to come with?” he asked, starting to walk again through the cold wind.
“Not necessary. President Roberts and I have history,” she said, smirking a little. “Plus, it doesn’t look like you need more stress.” Rafael sighed and looked up at his friend who seemed to be reading him like a book.
“I’m fine. This case-”
“No, you’ve been like this before the case. Is everything alright?” she asked, grabbing his elbow to stop him.
“Everything’s fine. Great, actually,” he said, grinning as he walked again. 
“Okay, so what’s up?” Olivia asked, trying to look into his eyes.
“I just have an important thing to do, and I’m not sure when.” Olivia smiled and nodded as if she understood one hundred percent, even though Rafael hadn’t given her much information. “Did Carisi tell you somet-”
“No, no, it’s just- Rafael, I’ve known you for a couple of years now. I haven’t seen you this happy since we’ve met. Y/N’s been gone for a day and a half, and you’re miserable without her.”
“I know,” Rafael said with a laugh. “So what do you think you should do?”
“I think you should ask her.”
“What do you think she’ll say?” he asked, biting his lip as he looked up at her.
“I think you’re charming and handsome and Y/N would have a hell of a time trying to say no,” she said, making Rafael blush and laugh nervously. “That being said, you’ll definitely need to do it right.”
“As I had intended,” Rafael said with a little smirk.
“Well,” Olivia said, matching his face. “In order to do that, you’ll have to ask Chief Dodds.”
“Oh, come on, aren’t we beyond asking for someone’s hand in marriage?”
“Maybe, but I doubt he is. I think it would mean a lot to him and Y/N if you did. He doesn’t have to say yes, you just have to ask.”
“Well it’d be nice to hear at least one yes.”
“Then you better make both proposals perfect.”
When calling Rafael didn’t work, you figured he was still at work. So instead you called his office. Carmen answered and you smiled.
“Hey, Carmen it’s Y/N. He’s still in the office?”
“Yes he is,” she said in the same tone as you. You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“Can I talk to him?”
“Sure, hold on one second.” There was a click on the other line, followed by the aggravated voice of Rafael.
“Hey,” you said. He let out a breath, this time a happier one.
“Hey, how are you?” he asked.
“Better than you, it sounds like. My dad told us about the case. How’s it going?”
“You’re eating right? You’re not just running on coffee?” Rafael laughed on the other side.
“Yeah, I had some Chinese delivered today.” You groaned and laughed a little.
“That’s not much better.”
“I know, but I do better when you’re here. How’s Chicago?”
“Amazing. We went down to Lake Michigan today.”
“Isn’t it freezing outside?” he asked, and you could hear him shuffling through some paperwork. 
“Yes, but it was very beautiful,” you said with a laugh.
“And how’s Mike?”
“Really good. Their apartment is beautiful,” you said as you examined a bookshelf in Mike’s home. “You seem kin of busy.” He sighed before he answered.
“Not too busy to talk to you.”
“It’s okay. I’m suppose to go visit Mike at work, actually. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, I’m picking you up at the train station at seven.”
“Right. Don’t work too late tomorrow. I’m gonna want some time with you,” you said with a smirk. Rafael giggled on the other side and you heard his chair creak.
“Yeah? What did you have in mind?”
“I don’t have time for this,” you said, laughing. 
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“You too.” You hung up the phone, and finally noticed the time. If you didn’t leave now, you would be late to see Mike at work. You grabbed your purse and wrapped your coat around your waist.
You made your way out, and down the cold street. His precinct was only a couple blocks away from his apartment, and you arrived there in fifteen minutes. Walking into the familiar looking place, you felt wrong not being one of the many people scurrying around.
“Hey,” Mike said, startling you as he walked past and touched your shoulder.
“Want the tour?” he asked with a smile. You nodded eagerly and followed him. He brought you first to his desk, and made you sit down in his chair before spinning you around.
“So, this is what it’s like for you every day?” you asked with a smirk. He laughed and knocked your shoulder. 
“Come on.” He showed you where his sergeants’ offices were, their holding cells, interrogation rooms, break room, everything. When he was showing you the bathrooms, you stopped him. 
“Mike, I love you, and I’m so excited that you love it here, but why are you giving me such a detailed tour?”
“I just want you to see it,” he said with a shrug. You smiled up at him and he sighed. “Plus, there’s something else I’d like to talk to you about.”
“Okay,” you said nervously. He led you back to the interrogation rooms, and sat down across from you. “Is everything alright, Mike? You’re kind of scaring me.”
“No, everything is actually great. But, uh, my partner is retiring.”
“Oh. And that’s great?” you asked.
“No, well, I mean yeah I guess for him. But the point is, there’s an opening. I talked with my sergeant, and he’s very interested in meeting you.”
“Really?” you asked in shock. You shook your head and thought about what it would even mean if you though about taking the job. “Mike, I have a job in New York. Dad’s there. Rafael- There’s no-” you stopped yourself and sighed. Truthfully, you loved Chicago, and wanted to be closer to Mike. He always talked about how much he loved work, you wanted to feel that, too.
“You don’t have to do anything right now, I just wanted to let you know.”
“Thank you. I’ll definitely keep the offer in mind.”
“Great. And don’t worry about it. I know you’ve got your life in New York, and I don’t want to ruin that. Decide when you want to. Let’s go to lunch.”
When Rafael came to pick you up from the train station, you tried to hide everything that had happened. You couldn’t stop thinking about Mike’s offer, and the more you thought about it, the more you thought that you might take it.
However, most of your worries washed away when you saw Rafael. He was wearing a purple sweater that you had bought him last month, and had his coat lazily undone. He grinned when he saw you, and walked towards you. As soon as he reached you, the two of you kissed. 
“I’ve missed you,” you said.
“I’ve missed you, too,” he said, kissing your lips once more. He took your bag from your hand, and took your hand in his other. “How was Chicago?” 
“Really good,” you said, trying to remain as casual as possible. “How was your case?”
“Not great,” he said. “I’ll tell you about it later. It’s kind of a long story.” You stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his arm and smiled lovingly up at him. “What?” he asked.
“I just really missed you.” He kissed the tip of your nose and smiled. 
“I missed you.”
“Good, because we aren’t leaving bed once we get home. I need a good hour of cuddling.” Rafael laughed and nodded. 
“That’s fair,” he said, “But I should tell you that I have lunch plans.”
“What? With who?”
“Just someone from the D.A.’s office.”
“Ugh, why?” you groaned, releasing his arm from your grip.
“Well, it’s supposedly to discuss a few of my cases, but its true intent is to kiss ass.” You snorted and eventually sighed.
“Okay, but when you get back we have to cuddle,” you said, lacing your hand in his as you waited for a taxi. He smiled and nodded.
“And other things,” you said with a smirk. He kissed you again and pulled away with the same look on his face as you.
Rafael dropped you off at home, and was only able to stay for a few minutes of relaxing with you. In truth, the only ‘relaxing’ you did was make out for about ten minutes, but that’s all he really wanted. He wanted to stay with you, but this meeting was too important.
He told you that it was with someone in the D.A.’s office, but in truth he was meeting with your father. Rafael was determined to convince Chief Dodds that he was worthy to marry his daughter, even if it annoyed him to even ask. 
He arrived at the coffee shop they were to be meeting at, and groaned when they, unsurprisingly, didn’t have anything hard to drink. He ordered a coffee, and nervously sat in the corner. Your father walked in a few minutes later, and nodded at Rafael before ordering something to drink.
“Hello,” he said, sitting down across from Rafael.
“How are you doing, Chief?” he asked.
“Just fine. What’s going on?”
“Nothing, really. I just wanted to get together with you to talk about some things.”
“And that couldn’t have been done closer to city hall?” Rafael laughed nervously and shrugged. 
“Sorry, this place is close to home, I just forget.” Chief Dodds nodded and took a sip of his coffee. “Would you maybe want to take a walk?” he asked. He shrugged and stood up, walking towards the door. The two men walked in the frigid air in silence for a few minutes until Dodds spoke again.
“So, Y/N got back from Chicago today, right?”
“Yeah, about an hour ago.”
“And you’re here with me?” Dodds asked with a laugh.
“Well, I like to keep my appointments.”
“Alright, so why did you really ask to meet me? I know it’s not just to catch up. We see each other at east once a week.” Rafael laughed nervously again, and ran a hand through his hair.
“You’re right. There’s something I want to ask you.”
“Okay,” Dodds said casually. Rafael took a deep breath and looked up at your father.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear about this, but I love your daughter very much. I know we haven’t been dating for that long, and we spent a lot of time in the dark that you might think that I’m not a good fit for her, but I promise you, Chief, I will take good care of your daughter and love her forever.”
“What exactly are you talking about?” he asked, looking at Rafael in confusion.
“I would like to ask Y/N to marry me, and I would feel a whole lot better, and I think Y/N would too, if you could possibly give me your blessing?” He walked in silence for a few moments, not looking at Rafael. Rafael waited as patiently as he could, watching his face for a reaction.
“You really want to marry her?” Rafael laughed a little, mostly at himself and nodded.
“More than anything in the world.” He smiled and stopped, before reaching out his hand. Rafael took it and tried not to cry or laugh when Dodds shook his hand eagerly. 
“I know that you make my daughter happy, and I also know that if you hurt her, she’ll kick your ass. I give you my blessing,” he said. Rafael smiled, and initiated an awkward hug with the Chief. They were both smiling when they pulled away.
“So,” Dodds said, beginning to walk again. “When are you gonna do it? Do you have a plan yet?”
“Oh yes I have a plan, but I’m not sure when I should do it yet.”
“Well, I promise you’ll know when it’s ready. When I met Y/N’s mom, and even when I met my first wife, I knew I was going to marry them, and when I wanted to propose, I knew exactly when. It seems terrifying, but I know she’ll say yes, so you don’t have much to worry about.”
“Thanks, sir,” Rafael said with a smile. The other man clapped his shoulder and smiled back at him, a reaction that Rafael only dreamed about.
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