#Jasonette July And They Were Roommates
miracle-sham · 3 years
Crack Your Bones and Say Those Lies.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Saturday Challenge 3: And They Were Roommates} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| After getting roped into the Vigilante life by Chat Noir, her friend and partner in crime, Maladroit tries her best to help fight crime to make the city a better place, if only Red Hood and his gang would stop causing problems. |
| Or alternatively, Marinette and Jason are roommates with secrets. Both have huge crushes on each other but more importantly, both are trying to juggle moonlighting as their secret identities. However, when watching the nightly news together, everything changes. |
| Word Count: 5,014. |
| Warnings/Tags: No Miraculous/Different Powers Au, Roommates, minor gang mentions/Red Hood is a gang lord, gun violence, Vigilantism, Identity Shenanigans/Mistakes, Miscommunication, some emotional hurt, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, and Domestic fluff. Also Oblivious, Protective, & Mutually Pining Marinette and Jason. |
| A/N: Hey! Sorry this is nearly a week late but where I live got hit with a nasty heatwave and I was barely able to write from sheer exhaustion from the heat. But on a happier note, I'm so glad I've finally been able to write and post a proper Vigilantes au (as in like Spidey style vigilantism with homemade gear and all!) Because that kinda Vigilante au especially combined with roommates is my favourite trope ever! Well maybe joint with Dragonrider AUs, but still! I've had multiple Vigilante Aus sitting in my notes and drafts so it's brilliant to finally release one into the wild! Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
It's Friday night, and Maladroit and Chat Noir are midway through their usual patrol of their slice of territory in the city.
“Race you to the billboard!” Chat Noir calls out, snickering in an almost cat-like-chitter as he launches himself forwards. Swinging over Maladroit's head with his grapple, he lands on the next roof ahead, in a perfect three-point landing.
Maladroit giggles, “Oh, you're so on!” She grabs her grapple and shoots. Swinging after him and onto the same roof. She instead, dive forward rolls for her landing and uses the momentum to propel her into a run.
Losing his lead due to the momentum loss of the three-point landing, Chat Noir vaults over a roof vent.
Forced to swerve to the side, Maladroit barely dodges a massive puddle of rainwater on her side of the roof.
Neck and Neck, the two raced across the rooftop. Closer and closer to the billboard they raced.
Nearly there! She thinks, c'mon! Reaching an arm out to slap the billboard—
“Eep!” She yelps, startled by the buzzing crackle of her earring-comms. Unintentionally, she accidentally veers to the side and crashes straight into Chat Noir's side.
They collide with a loud thud, and two of them crumple into a pile.
“Graceful as ever, Mal.” A voice teases over her earring-comms. “Joking aside, didn't mean to spook you, sorry!”
Maladroit groans, “thanks,” and gingerly extracts herself from the vigilante limb pile.
“Gamer!” Chat Noir cheers, having heard him through his own disguised comms. “Got any crimes for us to fight tonight?”
There's a chuckle over the line, “Lucky you should ask, Chat, I do happen to have found some villainous plans for you to thwart.”
Chat Noir cracks his knuckles and stretches. “Oh? What are they?”
“Two which are time-sensitive.” Gamer adds.
Maladroit stifles a squawk, “Two! That are time-sensitive?” Her voice goes up a pitch on the last word, making it sound like a question.
“Uh-huh.” He confirms. “Chat Noir, there's a break-in at a jewellery store two blocks over from you. I'm sending you the directions now to your phone.”
Chat Noir does a two-fingered salute to the nearest security camera. “Got it, G! Detective Noir is on the case!”
“And Maladroit, we've got reports of sightings of Red Hood outside his usual area. By the Warehouses on fourth. There are no security cams around there so I've got nothing but rumours to go on. See if you can check it out and find out what he's up to.” Gamer informs her, sounding slightly irritated at the fact he's got little information to give her.
Maladroit nods, grumbling slightly. “When isn't he up to something.”
Slinging an arm around her shoulder, Chat Noir grins like the Cheshire Cat. “C'mon, Mal! It'll be a quick sweep and nothing will turn up like the last twenty times we've gotten this kinda tip-off!”
“You owe me ice cream from André's when we're in civvies tomorrow!” She huffs. “I made us macarons last time!”
“I haven't forgotten!” Chat Noir protests. “Anyway, see you tomorrow if we don't catch each other for the end of the patrol?”
Maladroit nods. “Yep! See ya later Minou!”
The two split. Chat Noir dashing after the directions, and Maladroit swinging towards the warehouses on fourth.
Breathe, Maladroit—reminds herself, perched on the rafters in one of the warehouses on fourth. Staring at the blood-red glowing mask of the red hooded villain, who happens to be oh so creatively named the 'Red Hood', leaning on the balcony railing on the opposite side of the warehouse to her rafter, and presumably glaring up at her.
“It's you again, Maladroit.” He growls, distorted by whatever voice modifier he's got wired into his mask.
She can't help but wince at the reminder of the word she had accidentally said the first time she had ever helped Chat Noir fight crime. Which irritatingly enough, stuck as her vigilante name. Especially since her second attempt at a name, Ladybug, didn't stick. She frowns beneath the black and red spotted bandana covering her mouth, and tightly grips her bladed yo-yo—with piano wire instead of string—of the same colour scheme.
“What are you planning, Red Hood?” She spits out, voice also modified by her bandana, a tad too grumpy and bitterly for the awkward-but-smiley "persona" she's supposed to act like (although it's not so much of a persona when that's just how she is almost all the time). But in her defence, she's had a rough day at uni, things have been awkward at home because of her crush on her roomie lately, and more importantly, Red Hood's lackeys have been a pain in the neck for the past week, so her reaction is more than warranted.
He has the audacity to laugh. “What makes you think I'm going to tell you, Pipsqueak?”
“Well,” Maladroit huffs, “I was hoping you were feeling considerate.”
Red Hood shifts his shoulders. “Aww, sorry Pipsqueak. I'm not feeling particularly considerate today.” In a split second, he slips both guns from his holsters, spins them, and shoots.
Maladroit squeaks, instinctively tugging on her power, and dives off the rafter to dodge the shot. “Rude!”
She's just able to shoot her grapple off and swing up to another metal beam.
“How the fuck do you keep dodging my shots?” He snarls, gesturing at her with his guns in short angry-looking motions.
In response, she throws her yo-yo at him, tugging on her power again. The yo-yo spins through the air, slashing through the Red Hood's jacket sleeve and slicing a deep groove into the gun, then rewinds on the wire back to her. “What makes you think I'm going to tell you, Bullet Boy!” She parrots back, cheekily.
“Hey!” Red Hood snaps, aiming another shot at her.
Tugging on her powers once more, Maladroit yelps as she swings to yet another metal rafter beam in order to avoid the shot. “Your aim sucks!”
“Fuck you!” He retorts, firing off four more shots aimed at her head.
There's a horrifying moment as she barely manages to tug on her powers in time. The bullets barely skimming past her hood, one even tearing the fabric slightly.
“Mal!” Comes Gamer's terrified voice over her earring-comms, “I need you to pull back immediately! Red Hood and his gang have been spotted nearby and Chat can't get to you in time to back you up if you do get into a fight!”
She raises a hand to her earrings and quietly laughs hysterically. “Little too late for that, G! I'm uh currently staring… face to gun to him”
“Oh, fuck!” Gamer responds, voice going up a pitch. “I'm contacting Chat now. Try and get out if you can but prioritise not getting yourself killed, please!”
Red Hood fires his guns again. “Eyes and ears on me, Pipsqueak.”
Squeaking yet again, Maladroit desperately tugs on her power once more and swings to another rafter. Her heart thunders in her chest as loudly as his gunfire. She spits out a frantic, “no promises!” to both of them.
“I've informed him, your backup is on the way.” Gamer tells her.
The main warehouse doors clatter open with a resounding slam! Followed by the stomping of multiple pairs of boots storming inside.
Maladroit waves at Red Hood, the quiet terrified hysterical laughter practically bubbling out of her mouth. “Haha, well I'm afraid that's my cue to Bug Out!”
“Oh, I don't think so, Pipsqueak.” Red Hood taunts, shooting six bullets at her, rapid-fire. “I ain't finished with our convo yet.”
Squeaking for the umpteenth time, and really just giving him even more reason to keep giving her that stupid pipsqueak nickname, she riskily shoots her grapple, aiming and swinging towards the warehouse's large balcony windows.
“Get the fuck back here!” He snarls, voice deepening with fury. Pausing to reload before firing off more shots at her with abandon.
Maladroit wriggles midair, tugging on her powers to try and dodge the shots. She curls into a dive forward roll as the grapple forces her to land onto the balcony. The same one that Red Hood has been stood on this entire time. Oh, help me! She thinks, eyes widening behind her makeshift red with black tinted lenses, goggles-slash-domino mask.
He aims his gun at her once more. “Move and you fucking die, pipsqueak.”
Putting her hands in the air, she swallows a gulp of air. Her body armour is padded beneath her red, and black spotted, hoodie but it isn't bulletproof. And she can feel the straining exhaustion of overusing her powers clawing at her.
They're at a standoff. Still as statues, the both of them. It's almost poetic how they parallel each other. He's got his gun aimed at her, whilst she's desperately clutching at her grappling hook gun in one of her raised hands. Both donned in red. Both committing crimes in the eyes of the law. Two sides of the same coin, one and the same.
Maladroit feels sick to her stomach, staring down the barrels of his guns. Ever so slowly, she tugs on her powers. The window a little bit behind her creaks quietly enough that Red Hood doesn't seem to notice beneath the clamour of his gang doing whatever it is they're doing below.
She counts her breath and tugs on her power. A minute passes with no movement, no words, nothing happening on the balcony. Out of the corner of her eye, she can just see that it's now open enough that she should be able to make it out unscathed. Or at least mostly unscathed.
Closing her eyes, not that he can see, her power snaps. Instinctively she doubles over and slaps a hand over her mouth. Barely in time as a stifled scream is yanked from her throat, leaving her panting for breath. Her knees crash onto the balcony flooring. A bullet whizzes past her neck.
“Shit. What the fuck was that?” Red Hood grumbles, sounding genuinely concerned. He storms across the balcony towards her.
Maladroit can't help but flinch, bodily throwing herself back as far away from him as she can. Mind racing in panic.
He stows one gun back into a holster then reaches a hand towards her. “Hey, hey, hey. Calm down.”
“Gotta go! Bug-bye!” She squeaks out, wrenching on her power with all her remaining strength, and bolting for the window.
“I think the fuck not! Fucking pretending to be hurt.” Red Hood barks, ripping the gun back out of its holster.
Narrowly dodging the spray of bullets shot at her, Maladroit dives through the window and fires off her grapple. Safely swinging far away from the warehouse.
Carefully Maladroit drops with the ease of far too many nights of practise, onto the fire escape outside her bedroom window. She crouches and lets the shadows of the night hide her form. Creeping closer, she checks the windowsill for any marks or signs of tampering but it all comes away untouched. Content with her quick security check, she fumbles for the disguised piece of string wedging the window ajar in a way that's barely visible unless you know where to look for it. Got it! She thinks to herself, grabbing ahold of it and prying it, and the window above it, up and open.
Slipping through the open window, she sits on the sill to rip her thankfully not-too-dirty studded steel-toed boots off. Picking them up in one hand, she wiggles the rest of the way into her room and immediately resets the security measures, yanking the curtain down for privacy.
Maladroit then shuffles over to her bed. Tikki—her gorgeous fluffy red and dark brown miniature dachshund—blinks sleepily up at her, from the dog bed next to it. The puppy yaps in greeting before snuffling and curling back up to sleep.
She coos at the cuteness before continuing on. With the other hand not carrying the boots, she pries the blanket covered duffel bag out from underneath. Wrestling to unzip it in one janky and awkward motion, grunting slightly at the exertion. The metal of the zip digs in but the discomfort is mostly mitigated by the padded gloves and wrist guards she's wearing. The easy to clean plastic bag designated for temporary storing of her boots is dragged out of the bag and said boots are tossed in without a second glance.
Huffing, she starts to take the rest of her cross between mostly homemade and refashioned sports kit vigilante gear off. First, tugging down the hood of her hoodie and unclipping the black scrum cap hidden under it. It's dumped unceremoniously into a secondary plastic bag in the open duffel bag. After that, Maladroit removes the black neck guard and pulls her makeshift goggles-slash-domino mask over her head. Those too, are dumped into the other plastic bag. Then she unties the bandana with the nose guard underneath, from around her mouth and nose. Unsurprisingly, they're also dumped in the bag.
Next, she undoes the velcros on her red and black padded gloves, black wrist guards, as well as black elbow, knee, and shin pads. Also dumped into the other bag. With the outer protective wear removed, Maladroit pulls her hoodie over her head. Continuing on, she peels the padded rugby body armour and shorts off, and then the thermal under-armour. All dumped into the third and final plastic bag. “I swear,” Maladroit mumbles to herself, “getting changed out my gear never gets easier. And to think back when I had my last P.E. lesson at school, I thought I'd never have to touch this kinda kit ever again. Rip me.”
Lastly, Marinette—no longer Maladroit seeing as she is no longer in her vigilante gear—throws on her running-to-the-bathroom spare bathrobe to cover herself. She hastily shoves the three plastic bags into the duffel bag and kicks it under her bed. Purposefully leaving it unzipped but quickly fixing the blanket covering the bag, so that she can more easily grab her kit to clean everything later, whilst keeping it sufficiently hidden.
With that mostly taken care of, she nabs the mouthguard case, some clean pyjamas, and dashes out of her room—clinging awkwardly to the bathrobe. She hops in the apartment's shared bathroom, the rest of the place is silent, meaning her roomie, Jason, must have gone out. Still, Marinette locks the door regardless. If there's one thing she's learnt in her foray into the nightly masked vigilantism, is that one can never be too careful.
“Shit! Nearly forgot to take this out.” She grumbles to herself, just as she was stepping into the shower. Prying the mouthguard out of her mouth as she shuffles over to the sink, she gives it a quick rinse under the tap. Followed by a thorough scrubbing with her toothbrush and glob of toothpaste. She pops it into the mouthguard case and leaves it on the side of the sink for now.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Marinette finally allows herself to indulge in a good half an hour-long hot shower to get the grime from a night of crime-fighting off of herself.
She's only just drying off her hair, having already changed into her pyjamas, when the blare of the TV echoes through the apartment. Tensing up, her anxiety runs wild. It's what they get for living in the cheaper but slightly dodgy apartments where the walls are thin and the doors are thinner. Grabbing the mouthguard case, she wraps it up in the bathrobe and peeks out the bathroom door and looks down the hall into the open plan kitchen lounge. Jason's back, he's sitting on the sofa watching the TV.
Shoulders untensing, she finished drying her hair and heads out into the hallway. In place of a greeting, she exclaims, “oh! Jason, you're back!”
Jason flinches slightly and looks over his shoulder back at her. “Yeah, a friend had an emergency so, y'know.”
Immediately, concern wrenches at Marinette's heart, “oh no, I'm sorry. Are they… okay?”
He waves a hand in a so-so gesture and clears his throat awkwardly. “Uh, yeah. They're fine now.”
“That's good!” She says, nodding, as she makes her way fully into the lounge and the TV catches her attention. “Oh is it nearly the eleven o'clock news already? I need to watch this! Alya texted me earlier saying I have to, and she sounded really excited!” Glancing down at the bundle in her arms and flushes red. “Actually, I'll be back in a second!”
“I'll yell as soon as it actually starts.” Jason offers, smiling warmly at her.
Marinette just misses the smile, rushing back to her room, and throwing a quick, “thanks,” over her shoulder back at him.
Also missing his smile turn fond and the good-natured roll of his eyes at her antics.
Barely half a minute passes before she's bounding back into the lounge, with a sleepy Tikki at her heels. She plops herself down on the sofa next to him and hopes the blush on her face could simply be mistaken for the flush of running about like a mad thing instead. Tikki whines until Marionette picks her up and lets her on the sofa with them, padding over to the furthest corner to curl up in.
Jason points to the pink floral steaming mug on the coffee table, right next to his Pride Prejudice and Zombies themed mug. “Whilst you were in the shower, I made us both hot chocolates with marshmallows, my granddad Alfie's recipe.”
“Oh!” Marinette responds in pleasant surprise. She turns to him and positively beams, eyes shining with happiness. “Thank you so much, Jason! You're always so thoughtful!”
He blushes and rubs the back of his neck bashfully. “Yeah, well, I thought it's only fair since you normally make 'em. And I visited Alfie recently, and I promised to get you his recipe to try, so I thought it'd be a nice surprise for once!” He pauses and points at the big bowl also on the coffee table, “also I cooked us some popcorn.”
“Aw! Thank you again! I really appreciate this!” She scoops up the hot chocolate with slight reverence and takes a sip. Immediately her face lights up even more in joy. “Oh, this is delicious!”
Jason chuckles, “isn't it the best! I'll pass that onto Alfie though, he'll be glad to know you like it so much. Speaking of which, he's gonna give making them a try next time I'm up since I wasn't there long enough this time. Would you fancy coming with me to see him, then?”
Her eyes widen and her heart stutters in her chest, feeling close to bursting from happiness. “I'd love to! Do you have a date when you're thinking of going up?”
He nods. “Yeah, maybe around—”
But he's interrupted by the starting audio of the eleven o'clock news.
They both immediately shut up and watch the screen intently as the news anchors appear on the show. The starting discussion is somewhat boring, talking about the local billionaire Wayne-or-something business and a related upcoming charity event of some sort.
Marinette doesn't pay attention to it, but she does catch Jason wrinkling his nose and scowling at the conversation.
Luckily, the topic shifts quickly enough. “And now, over to our newest reporter, Alya. We hear there's been some rumblings regarding the conflict between local vigilante Chat Noir, his sidekick Maladroit, and the gang controlled by the infamous Red Hood himself.”
“That's stupid,” Jason grumbles, “Maladroit is a fully-fledged vigilante in her own right and not just the catboy's sidekick. That's like saying Nightwing is Batman's sidekick!”
Marinette frowns, very touched by his words and trying her damnedest to appear nonchalant. “I don't know… from all the-uh news clips, Maladroit seems like Chat Noir's sidekick to me. She's always hovering nervously near him like a strong wind would spook her.”
“C'mon! She's been reported to have held her own against Red Hood on multiple occasions, alone!” He argues, sounding rather offended on her alter egos behalf.
Scoffing, she shakes her head. “Clearly that's because he's going easy on her! He's never directly shot her, according to the reports clearly, he's soft on her!” The lies taste bitter on her tongue.
Jason splutters and flushes bright red, turning away from her slightly. “W-well that's obviously a testament to her skill and not Red Hood's mercy! He's always reported as being a merciless killer, why'd he be soft on her!”
“I don't know!” She makes a dying-choking noise as she flushes even more red than earlier. Shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth to avoid having to respond any further.
Luckily, the news shows pans over to Alya standing in front of a screen showing a recorded feed of a warehouse. Not just any warehouse, but specifically the one on fourth that Maladroit had faced Red Hood in less than an hour ago.
Marinette feels her pulse quicken at the reminder of the close shave she'd had.
“Hey wait a second, those warehouses don't have security cameras at all? How'd they get this footage?” Jason complains, eyes narrowed at the TV.
It feels as though ice has been poured down her spine at his words. She freezes, body stiffening in shock. He's right… G said there's none because that's why he asked me to check things out. The only people who'd know this are Chat, Gamer, myself, and Red Hood and his gang. She swallows thickly and tries to subtly side-eye Jason. Oh no. I've been crushing on my roommate who works for Red Hood's gang? Oh god! The friend with the emergency was referring to Red Hood calling him into work!
She can't help but inhale a shallow panicked breath. He could've been one of the lackeys shooting at me and Chat this past week. Or, or I could've hurt him with my yo-yo. Or—
Jason turns to fully face, clearly registering the blatant panic on her face. “Hey, hey, hey, Marinette, you're okay, you're safe. What's wrong?”
“Are you working for Red Hood?” Marinette blurts out, accidentally, the words pouring out in an unintentional panicked rush. “Are you in his gang?”
He jerks back, fear, confusion, and hurt crosses his face. “Wh-what? What makes you think that?”
“His gang was just in that warehouse, and you were out on an emergency for a "friend". And how would you have known unless you were there tonight and working for his gang?” She chews her lip forcefully and winces as the taste of iron floods her mouth.
He reaches towards her, eyes widening concern.
She flinches back, suddenly reminded of how similar this is to that moment with Red Hood on the warehouse balcony.
Jason jerks back as if her flinching burnt him. Raising his hands, he leans away from her to give her some semblance of space. “Fuck. Look, I'm not going to hurt you! Have I ever hurt you whilst we've been roomies?”
Nervously, she shakes her head.
“I really care about you, Marinette. Hell, we've lived together for nearly a year now. I would never hurt you, okay! I promise.” Tears prick in his eyes, and he grimaces slightly, lowering his hands to rest on his lap. “Yeah, I uh, I'm working for him. But I do everything I can to keep work from following me home. I didn't tell you because I never wanted to scare you.”
Guilt gnaws at her. “I'm sorry! I shouldn't have judged. I—” She takes a shaky breath, “I really really care about you too. I'm just worried, what if Red Hood, or even Maladroit, or any of the other vigilantes hurt you? What if you get hurt in one of those gang wars?” Her words aren't lies but they're not the full truth either.
He sighs, “I can't promise I won't ever get hurt on the job. Maladroit and the other vigilantes do a lot of good but Maladroit especially is far too nice to hurt any of us. I've uh, seen her fight some of the others gang members, and been fought by her too. And out of everyone against the gang, she's the one who leaves us with barely more than a scratch at worst.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Most in the gang really respect her for that, y'know.”
Marinette's brain feels like the windows shutting down sound. “Oh. Oh.”
Sheepishly, he smiles half-heartedly at her. “Yeah.”
“So, is that why you were so adamant she's a fully-fledged vigilante in her right?” She asks, feeling bashful yet honoured whilst completely surprised.
Jason clears his throat and glances away. “Uh-huh.”
“Oh.” Her brain rewinds a moment. She splutters for a second, desperation racing through her. “Wait, she's fought you!?”
Full-on grimacing, he nervously laughs. “Left but a scratch!”
“Are you misquoting Monty Python right now? Oh good gods, that's the knight who says that after getting his limbs chopped off!” Marinette exclaims, looking every bit as horrified as her tone of voice conveys.
“Seriously, I've never gotten worse than a couple of minor cuts and bruises, I'm fine!” Jason reiterates.
She frowns and gingerly shuffles across the sofa closer to him. He keeps leaning back away, so she physically throws herself at him, pulling him into a tight hug. Incidentally burying her face in his shirt. “Okay, okay. Just, please let me know next time you get hurt. I've a friend who lived in a bad situation before, so I know how to help patch up minor injuries. Promise?”
Jason stiffens at the hug and slowly moves one hand to cup the back of her head whilst wrapping the other around her back. He shuts his eyes, cocking his head back and sighs. “Alright. I promise I'll tell you. And I'm sorry for keeping something this big from you. As I said, I was worried you'd be scared of me or that you'd get dragged into gang-related shit because of it.”
“You don't need to apologise.” Marinette mumbles in response, “I get it. I really do understand.” She bites at her sore bleeding lips again in guilt, her secret identity left unspoken on her tongue.
He shrugs, “so uh. I'm guessing you're still happy to stay roomies then, right?”
“Of course!” She responds without missing a beat hugging him even tighter.
Eventually, they release each other from the embrace to finish their now lukewarm hot chocolates and popcorn. The news continues playing, no longer forgotten in the background as the two try to act as if nothing has changed.
Jason collapses onto his bed with a heavy sigh. He pulls out his phone and rings a number on autopilot.
The dial tone plays as the line connects. “Hey, whaddup Jay?”
“Holy fucking shit balls, man.” Jason groans. “I fucked up.”
Roy hums, “like need help burying a body fucked up or what?”
Jason groans even louder, smushing his face into his bed covers. “My roomie is smart, right. I accidentally let a tiny detail slip when we were chatting whilst watching the eleven o'clock news as usual. And she now thinks that I'm in Red Hood's gang.”
There's a long pause, before Roy bursts into raucous laughter. “Holy shit, I'm dying! She's not wrong!”
“Yeah. I know. She ain't right either though.” He grumbles in response. “She was absolutely terrified when she realised. Nearly had a full-on panic attack and everything.”
“Oh fuck.” Roy helpfully says.
Jason grunts in agreement. “She was also real concerned that Red Hood or the vigilantes have hurt me.”
“Well, that's better?” Roy offers, sounding rather unsure of his own words.
“Yeah but she's taken thinking I'm some low-level member of my gang this badly, how the fuck d'ya think she's gonna take finding out I'm the big bad Red Hood himself?” Jason sighs. “I don't want to ask her out without her knowing this, 'cause it could endanger her.”
Roy hums again, “well, you've been roommates this long already and she's been completely safe from the Vigilante-Gang life so far.”
There's a gentle thump as Jason lifts his head and throws it into the sheets again out of sheer frustration. He relents, reluctantly. “That's true…”
“See. And since it sounds like she's not planning on moving out, clearly she doesn't mind living with you. Just ask her out to dinner already.” Roy adds, cheerfully.
Huffing, he rolls over on the bed. “I'm starting to feel like those weird girl slumber party ads with the creepy phone-a-boy games.”
Roy wheezes, followed by a thudding noise and the distant sound of his cackling.
“Wow. And to think I called you for help. I'm offended.” Jason goads with no bite, waiting a few seconds to hear Roy's response but it's just more laughter.
He rolls his eyes and ends the call, not like Roy will mind. Throwing an arm over his face, Jason barely refrains from grabbing his pillow to scream into. He doesn't, obviously. Because the walls are thin enough that Marinette might hear him and he's worried her enough this night as is.
Sighing like a lovesick protagonist in a period romance novel, Jason moves his arm to run his fingers through his own hair. A date. Just gotta ask her at some point, to dinner at a fancy-ish restaurant. It'll be fine, what's the worst that can happen?
Her terrified reaction on the sofa flashes through his mind, followed by the reminder of how small and scared Maladroit had seemed when she had fallen to her knees on the warehouse balcony. There was no way that she was faking the pain, like he'd initially thought. She had practically staggered in her mad dash to escape. And there's no way for me to find out whether she got to somewhere safe afterwards. God, she could be lying dead in some dank alleyway for all I know right now. Fuck, I hope she's okay...
He groans in distress and shifts in place. Already feeling like he really won't be getting any sleep at all tonight at this rate, thanks to his concern for those two.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are much appreciated! |
| I decided to go close to canon for names this time, hence why Chat Noir remains unchanged but Max is Gamer (because A. that was his Akuma name, and B. he's like Player from Carmen Sandiego in this, couldn't help myself), and Marinette is Maladroit (from the first thing she calls herself in Origins). |
| Oh, also whilst it's not explicitly stated in the text; Marinette/Maladroit's has the power of luck/being lucky, Chat Noir has the power of being unlucky, and Red Hood has "Perfect Aim" aka he's a hitscan. Which is why Maladroit is able to dodge his bullets by making herself "lucky enough" to dodge in time. |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Hot and Bothered
Jasonette July SC 3: roommates
All Jasonette July
My masterlist
Marinette had just moved in with her roommate Tim a couple weeks ago. They didn’t know each other very well but he heard she needed a place to live and offered his place. His former roommate had moved out a couple months before. It was an awkward couple of weeks with coming and going at different times and never knowing when they could see each other. So when they both arrived home and neither had anything they would need to wake up early for they decided to hang out and get to know each other a little better.
The best way to do this was obviously while drinking to take the edge off a bit and relax them. It had worked wonderfully. They were both happy and giggling and had learned a lot about each other. But now they were hungry and discovering that they both had been forbidden from touching the stove while drinking. They ate cheese sticks and the rest of a bag of doritos but they were out of easy options that didn’t require cooking.
“Do you think we should risk it,” Marinette asked.
“I don’t know. My brother would kill me. We should call him and convince him to bring us Bat burger.”
“Oh yes! That sounds great. Do you think he would do that for you?”
“Probably not. Here you call him. He likes pretty girls. I bet you could convince him.”
Marinette hesitated but Tim pushed his phone over to her unlocked and another shot when she didn’t immediately move to take the phone. She took a breath before downing the shot and picking up the phone. She nearly dropped it but instead fell back onto the couch and the phone landed on her. The contact wasn’t on the screen anymore so she selected the phone app to find him by his name.
“Who’s your brother?” she scrolled down. “Oh here it is.”
She laughed a little when she saw Bother listed instead of Brother. She supposed that was part of having siblings. Tim looked up at her voice but she seemed to have answered her own question. She smiled at the phone. He was used to people smiling at pictures of Dick so he watched her put the phone to her ear.
“Hey, you’re Tim’s brother.”
“Who is this and why are you calling me from Tim’s number.”
“I’m hungry. Tim said you would bring us Bat burger even though he has you in his phone as bother instead of brother.”
“He said I would do it just out of the goodness of my heart?”
“Oh. No. Hold on. He said you would think I was pretty and do it just to see me. I’m not sure that actually works. Oh. Here is the camera.”
Marinette held the phone out so her face showed on the screen. She smiled big.
“You didn’t push the button so I can’t see you. Do you know how? I guess it doesn’t matter if I can see you. Pretty sure I’m not exactly the kind of girl guys go out of their way to buy things for. But we were hungry and Tim said it would work.”
“Is Tim there?”
“He laid down on the couch because everything was spinning. I’m not sure if he is awake.”
“I think you are exactly the kind of girl guys should buy things for. Try to drink some water.”
The phone went dead in her hand so she set it down on top of Tim where he was laying. His hand automatically went to the phone to keep it from sliding off him. Marinette went to the kitchen to get a couple glasses of water and brought one to Tim.
“He said to drink water. I don’t think he is bringing us food.”
“That sounds like Dick.”
“Definitely a dick move.”
Marinette started a movie and then realized she wasn’t drinking anymore so she went to make another hurricane. She was headed back to the living room when there was a knock on the door. She rushed to open it and saw a tall dark haired man in the doorway with a bat burger bag.
“Oh, food. Tim, I take back everything I said about your brother being a dick.”
“No, his name is--Jason?”
Marinette grabbed Jason’s arm and yanked him into the apartment pushing him down to a chair. He let her move him but she was expecting more resistance or was just more unsteady on her feet than she realized because she landed right on top of him and dumped her drink on his shirt.
“Tim, save the food!”
Marinette handed the bag off to Tim. Then, she pulled Jason to follow her to the bathroom and pushed him to sit on the closed toilet lid. She tugged at his shirt until he moved to allow her to pull it off him. She rinsed the shirt as best she could in the tub and then hung it over the rack. When she turned back to Jason she suddenly realized that she had left him there with his chest bare.
“Oh!” she said. She reached out her hand to touch him before realizing and pulling back. “I don’t think Tim’s shirts would even fit you.”
“Probably not,” he said.
“I think I would be okay if you stayed just like that until your shirt dried.”
“Would you?”
“Would I what?”
He laughed at her assuming she hadn’t even realized she had said anything.
“I might have something that will work. It won’t look as good as all that.”
She motioned in front of him while she was talking. She hadn’t looked back up to see the grin on his face.
“Your boyfriend’s.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend. But I could make you a shirt and it could be my boyfriend’s.”
“Well, I’m not sure you should be making clothes if you weren’t even allowed to use the stove. But I could stay just like this for a bit if you liked.”
Marinette nodded her head slowly.
“Sewing isn’t allowed either. You’re right. Too many finger injuries and the one shoulder injury.”
“How did you hurt your shoulder sewing?”
“Can I touch your shoulder?”
He nodded and Marinette reached out and brushed her fingertips along his shoulder. When they reached his neck she trailed them down his chest. She couldn’t stop there so she slid both palms up his chest to his shoulders, stepping closer to him so she could run her fingertips down his biceps. He stood up in front of her and her eyes were level with his chest just below his throat. She swallowed hard as he reached over her. He opened the door and guided her ahead of him back to the living room. Tim had put out all the food while they were in there. He gave them a funny look, but said nothing.
“Yay, food,” Marinette said. “You are such a life saver.”
She enthusiastically started eating a burger, not noticing the tension between the brothers. They all ate quietly for a few minutes. When Marinette finished eating she laid back on Jason. Tim looked a little like he wanted to say something but Marinette didn’t notice.
“I bet you don’t get muscles like this eating bat burger all the time. You must have a killer workout routine.”
“It is pretty killer.” Tim said.
“It used to be a lot more intense. But it's definitely not as rough as it used to be. I wouldn’t call it a killer.”
“That hasn’t gone unnoticed,” Tim said.
There was a moment of silence while the brothers watched each other. Marinette missed the seriousness of the moment.
“Well, I think it is great either way. No need to push yourself. You will make an excellent boyfriend either way.”
She turned slightly, still laying on Jason, and fell asleep.
It was hours later before she woke. She moved slightly, trying to untangle her legs in the blanket and then looked up to see a man with a very nice looking, bare chest looking down at her. She looked around to see that she was in her apartment on the couch and still wearing what she wore yesterday.
“So um, do you want coffee?” she asked.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Saturday Challenge: And They Were Roommates
Written by: The Maribat Pit  @jasonette-july-event
Prompt: And They Were Roommates
Rated: T
Tim was surprised to learn that MDC Designs had set up shop in Gotham City of all places.  He was in dire need of a new suit for the Wayne Gala after the last one was sliced to ribbons. The mysterious designer had worked with Jagged Stone when she was just a teenager. Now he was on his way to her home studio across town.  
Tim got out of the car and knocked on the front door of the apartment.  "Just a minute!" A young woman's voice called from the other side of the door.  She rushed over and opened the door to greet him, on the other side of the door was a petite young woman with dark hair and blue eyes.  "Hi, you must be Tim, right?" She asked cheerfully.
"Yeah, are you MDC?" Tim asked, maybe she was their assistant or something.  
To his surprise she nodded, "yes, I am. Those are my initials." she explained.
"I was hoping to commission you for a suit," Tim held up the order confirmation.
"Yes, by all means, come in" she said as she opened the door a little wider to let him in.  Tim looked around the studio as he let himself in, and he found it hard to believe he was still in Gotham.  
There were pink fairy lights hanging on the walls, the furniture was either pastel pink, lilac, and maybe a soft jade green on occasion.  There was a small kitchen in the corner of the studio and a few separate rooms off to the side.  She gestured to the small podium in the middle of the studio.  She had asked Tim to wear simple, basic clothes so that she could take his measurements accurately. Tim took off his shoes and made his way over.
"So, why Gotham?" Tim asked, trying to make some conversation with the young designer taking his measurements.  "Not that I'm complaining just that..." he assured her.
"It's fine," she said, "I came here because I thought," Marinette tried to choose her next words carefully.  "I thought maybe I could bring some light into Gotham City, it's just so different from what I'm used to growing up." She explained, "Sometimes it's so different that it inspires me... creatively, I mean."
"Braver men have tried to do just that." Tim thought.  "So uh, Miss..." Tim stumbled on the young woman's name.
"Just Marinette is fine," she said, smiling up at him.  He honestly wasn't expecting her to be so... friendly, especially someone who had been living in Gotham for any length of time.
"Can you finish the suit by the end of the month?" Tim asked.
"Won’t be a problem, I'd say it’ll be done maybe two weeks from now," Marinette told him.
He heard the door open behind him but couldn't turn around and see who it was. Not unless he wanted to annoy the person taking a tape measure to him. They were probably a roommate or someone, this was clearly a studio that someone lived in. Maybe they had a roommate or there was another artist who was living here. That was until Tim heard the other person speak.
"Hey Pixie, need anything while I'm out?" a voice asked, one that was too familiar to Tim.  He whipped his head around to find...
"What's he doing here?!" The two of them asked in unison.
Marinette gave Jason a confused look, "Wait, he's 'Replacement'?"
"Dude, that's what MDC knows me as?" Tim seemed more annoyed at Jason than at Marinette.  "Also what are you doing here?" He asked, while Jason looked through the fridge for something that wasn't either sweet or an expensive wheel of cheese.
"I live here." Jason deadpanned, grabbing a soda can from the fridge.
As Jason was looking through the fridge, Tim whispered to Marinette. “I’d move out if I were you, Jason’s dangerous.”
Just as Tim finishes whispering to Marinette, Jason yells “I can hear you asshole!”
Marinette frowned at Tim’s advice, “I know he’s the Red Hood. We’ve been living together for a while.”
Tim’s eyes widen, he looks back at Jason to see him walking back towards the living room. “You told her?” he cries incredulously.
Jason takes a large gulp of soda before answering, “I kinda came back injured.”
Marinette interrupted. “You still owe me a bolt of silk.”
Jason continued, ignoring Marinette’s interruption. “I kinda bled all over her stuff.” Then taking another swig of his soda.
Tim tentatively asks “So, uh, how did you two become roommates?”
“Rent in Gotham is stupid expensive, it takes two people’s income to pay for rent and utilities.” Marinette huffed.
“Yeah Timmy, not everyone can afford to live the high life at Wayne Manor” Jason said.
“Jason, if I lose customers because of you, this tape measure is going to have a very tight fit around your neck” Marinette hissed, before giving Tim an apologetic smile.
Tim groans and rubs his own forehead, “Okay fine, but what about you Jason? I doubt money was the issue.” he asked.
Jason shrugs, “Do you honestly think anyone would go looking for the Red Hood in a bright pink fashion studio?”
“Point taken” agreed Tim. Marinette resumes measuring him, moving on to measure his waist.
“Whoa Replacement, have you gained weight? No wonder you need a new suit.” joked Jason.
Marinette shot a glare at Jason, “All right that’s enough, don’t you need to be somewhere?”
Jason tosses his empty soda can into the bin all while chuckling at himself, “All right fine, need anything while I’m out?”
Marinette ponders for a second, “Chicken and wine, I’ll make Coq au vin tonight.”
Jason smirks, “Sure I’ll head to the grocery store to and ask for cock and wine” laughing like a maniac before leaving.
Tim releases a breath that he has been holding, “finally some peace and quiet.”
“Sorry, he’s usually out or reading quietly in the corner when other customers are here.” Marinette assured him.
“We’re brothers, trust me this is us being friendly.” He told her.
“Brothers?” Marinette asked, she would have thought that meant they had the same surnames.
“Adopted brothers. ” Tim clarified, Marinette nodded her head as she gathered up her sewing supplies.  
“I see” Marinette replied, she looked over at Tim as he stepped down from the podium.  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.  I’ll have your suit ready in time for the Wayne Gala.” she said as she stowed her supplies away.  
Bonus 1:
The next time Red Hood and Red Robin run into each other.
Jason: You need to lay off Alfred's baking, or you might need a new Robin suit soon.
Tim: Why? Are you gonna bleed all over this one too?
Bonus 2:
Ladybug climbs in through the window late one night, Jason dramatically flicks on a lamp.
Red Hood: Well well well, it seems you have some explaining to do young lady.
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another-cancer · 3 years
Day 1, July 5th Suit Up
Jason 22
Marinette 21
“Looks like there's an attack happening downtown. Suit up.”
Jason and Marinette shared a look before the two bursted out laughing.
Jason Todd found his family difficult. Despite that, he could be spotted at the manor quite often. And that was all due to his best friend, Marinette. His polar opposite and possible clone. She enjoyed spending time with his family. And where she went he followed. Begrudgingly of course. After a while, they got roped into doing patrols with the bats on their schedule. That’s why they were spending a Wednesday afternoon in the Batcave sparring.
“Take him down Pixie!” Jason yelled, watching Marinette and Dick fight.
Marinette grinned. The support kept her motivated as she landed her hits against the taller man and ducked, avoiding his attacks.
“Grayson this is disappointing,” Damian muttered as he walked away.
Dick hit the floor and groaned in pain, “Thanks for the support, Damian!”
Marinette extended a hand to Dick, “Nice match.”
“Yeah try not to get your ass handed to you next time,” Jason said, coming to Marinette’s side, “Pixie you did great, as usual. Last match with Tim then I figured we grab some food and get the hell out of this house.”
“Is fighting Tim even fair? He looks like he hasn’t slept in days,” Marinette questioned.
“Actually, this is what I look like after getting eight hours of sleep. Someone woke me up,” Tim said glaring at Dick.
Tim was slumped over with a coffee in hand and his hair was a mess. He was set to spar with Jason. It was the last spar of the day and he looked like a mess. He was cranky. And Jason, well Jason was ready to spar. After the spar, he’d be leaving with Marinette to get some food and go back to their apartment.
“Whatever. You ready, Replacement? I got places to be, so let's make this quick.”
“Whatever Jason.”
Marinette and Dick cleared the space for Jason and Tim who both took wide stances. And then the spar began. Tim was doing much better than anyone expected due to his given state. However, much better wasn’t going to beat Jason. Beating Jason was interesting. He had the training of a Robin, with some basic league training he picked up after dying, but he still fought like a street kid. Every moment in a fight was life or death to Jason.
Jason would have won. But an alarm broke out. Damian was sitting at the monitor next to Bruce who had decided to join the family midway through the spar.
“Looks like there's an attack happening downtown. Suit up.”
Jason and Marinette shared a look before the two bursted out laughing.
The rest of the family gave them a look before Jason finally spit out, “Who the fuck are you? The Arrow or something?”
It came out between all the snorts and giggles from the two of them and it was all the more genuine.
“It sounds like Roy’s Oliver impression,” Marinette snickered.
Bruce looked slightly offended while the others stared at the two waiting for them to compose themselves. And to their credit, they were trying. But when Jason and Marinette bursted out laughing, calming down took a while.
“Look we’ll catch up with you guys when we calm down,” Jason wheezed.
“Fine,” Bruce grunted, signaling everyone else to follow him.
“Suit up,” Marinette tried to say as seriously as possible.
The laughter came harder. The two were lost in that own world and they were only going to exit out by riding the laughter out. And laugh they did. Forty minutes later, the rest of the bats returned to Jason and Marinette getting out the last of their giggles.
“Did you guys laugh at one joke for forty minutes?” Dick asked.
“No, we also laughed at other stupid things Bruce has said over the years, like that time he wanted to be ‘hip’ and started using slang at work,” Jason explained
“And when he mistook me for an adopted kid,” Marinette added.
“Well damn, I lost the bet,” Tim said looking for the coffee he left.
“What bet?” Marinette questioned.
“I bet Dick that you two would have sex in the Batcave. Thankfully, it seems you didn’t. But on the other hand, I lost two hundred dollars to him.”
“Tim, you weren’t supposed to tell them about the bet,” Dick said, elbowing Tim.
“Well if I knew where I left my coffee, then maybe I could keep quiet.”
Marinette looked slightly horrified with a blush covering her face while she stuttered, “For the last time Jason and I aren’t together.”
“Yeah, what she said,” Jason seconded.
“Yet,” Tim said, receiving another elbow to the rib, “What? They share a one-bedroom apartment, it’s going to happen sooner or later. They are basically one big walking example of the ‘and they were roommates' trope. For christ's sake, they only own one bed.”
“We like to cuddle,” Jason said before adding, “platonically, of course.”
“Yeah we cuddle as friends,” Marinette added.
“Tt. I have to agree with Drake on this,” Damian said before walking away.
“Look I may be a sucker for friends to lovers, but if Jason and Marinette say they’re just friends then I think we should believe them,” Dick tried to mediate the conversation.
“Why does it not surprise me that he likes friends to lovers?” Jason asked Marinette.
Dick was slightly embarrassed his taste in trope was being brought into question. But he was glad the conversation was moving away from the controversial topic of Jason and Marinette’s relationship status. A topic Tim loved to bring up all the time. Though Tim claimed to dislike the two being publicly affectionate, Dick suspected he shipped the two just as much as he did.
“I mean it makes sense, Dick probably likes fluff too,” Marinette replied.
“I-” Dick said, trying to interject.
“Definitely,” Jason cut him off, “Anyways, what type of food do you want to pick up for lunch?”
The two left their room discussing their food choices leaving Dick standing there alone.
Masterlist  AO3
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mochegato · 3 years
I really wish I was writing for the ‘and they were roommates’ prompt for jasonette july tomorrow but I do not have the time so I’m relying on y’all to do it for me
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Thank you to everyone who participated in last Saturday’s challenge!  That was much needed.  The next challenge for Saturday, the 17th is:
And they were roommates
Please remember to tag @jasonette-july-event when you post so we can reblog them!  If you post them to AO3, remember to add them to the JasonetteJuly2021 Collection/Challenge.  If you have any questions about uploading, send an ask.
Sunday is a free day.  Use your own prompt or skip it.  It’s up to you.  
Good luck to everyone!  Happy writing everyone.
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Joint Mission
Day eleven of being committal, I finished this early and I’m watching movies with my sister.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
When she joined the Justice League she didn’t realize how much of a jerk Red Hood would be to her. She asked around and was told that it was just her he acted like this with alone. The worst part is, she had only been nice to him.
“Yes, madame!”
“Pay attention, you two should be very happy we were able to finish the mission even after you guys blew you cover. You’re lucky you had back up and if you didn’t I doubt you’d be this unhurt,” Wonder Woman lectures.
“And this is why we think you should be handcuffed until you two can figure out how to be civil,” Batman said.
“Umm... I have a life, an apartment, and a job that I don’t need this bastard following me around,” Ladybug said, standing in a rage.
“Well then you guys better figure it out soon,” Wonder Woman said, leaving the room with Batman following closely behind. 
“This sucks,” Hood mutters to himself.
“I’m going to make a few calls before I get handcuffed to you,” Ladybug said, standing up abruptly. “Hey, Bee.”
“You got in trouble,” Marinette could hear Chloe’s smirk through the phone.
“Kinda, I can’t come home for a bit.”
“Seriously? How much trouble did you get into.”
“I’m not in trouble, it’s just a teamwork exercise,” She sighs.
“Bull, you and Hood were fighting again weren’t you?”
“The mission went bad because there were some things said, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get it, you guys got into a lover’s spat.” “Seriously, Bee, that’s not even close to being true. Well, I have to let you go, I have to call my client before I’m handcuffed.” “That's fantastic! So much for team building,” Chloe laughs as Marinette shakes her head and hangs up.
Ladybug sighs and dials another number. “Hello?” “Hello, Miss Marinette.”
“Hi, I’m currently sick and won’t be able to take measurements tomorrow, I know this is a lot to ask, would you be able to take their measurements?”
“Of course, Miss Marinette, I hope you feel better, I’ll send them over when I’m done.” “Thank you, Alfred!”
She was walking back into the room when Hood was picking up his phone. “Of course I can try, I don’t know how well it will work, but I can try,” Hood said, looking at her as she entered. “Bye.”
“You ready for this bull?”
“Yeah, sure whatever,” Hood sighs.
“You guys ready?” Bruce asks.
“What took so long?” Hood grumbles.
“We had to find a pair you wouldn’t be able to break out of,” Wonderwoman says, cuffing their hands together.
“I have to be able to work, can you cuff my left hand?” Ladybug asks. Wonderwoman nods and locks her left hand. 
“Hood, you guys can stay in the penthouse, you know where it is, there neither of you have to give away your identities unless you want to,” Batman explains. Wonderwoman and Batman leave the room leaving, Hood and Ladybug alone.
“I have to grab somethings for work and stuff,” Ladybug said, turning to face Hood.
“Ok,” Hood shrugs.
“I’m going to have to ask you to close your eyes, I would love to try and keep my privacy,” Ladybug sighs.
“Fine whatever.”  They walk in silence to Hood’s motorcycle.
“I’m driving,” Ladybug said, trying to climb on his bike.
“No you’re not, this is my bike, my rules,” Hood growls.
“Fine here’s a store close to my apartment, we’ll have to go on the roof the rest of the way, because there’s no one way I’m walking in like this with you,” Ladybug said, climbing on behind him. She didn’t realize how close they would have to sit because of their cuffed hands. They pull into a nearby alleyway and Hood holds onto her as she yo-yo’s on to the roof. “You’re going to have to trust me, I’m going to lead you to my apartment,” Ladybug says.
“Just don’t let me fall off the roof,” Hood jokes. Ladybug picks him up bridal style.
“Put me down!” 
“We’re almost there, calm down!” He’s put down and is about to open his eyes when she put her hand over his eyes.
“What the hell!” 
“You can open your eyes once we’re inside, but no looking around too much,” Ladybug says, opening the window. “Bee, transform, we have a guest,” She shouts into the living room. “You can open your eyes, Hood.”
“Who’s Bee?”
“That would be me,” Chloe says, entering the main living area transformed. “This better than I thought it would be.” Chloe laughs.
“Bee, this is Hood, Hood this is my roommate and best friend, Bee,” Ladybug introduces.
“You said you wouldn’t be back for a bit,” Bee says, sitting down on the couch.
“I have to pick up work, remember the client I was talking about yesterday? Well, their butler is going to be taking their measurements for me, I just told him I was sick and couldn’t come. I still have to do other work though, so I came by to pick up some things.” “Speaking of things to do, I have to go to my father’s house tomorrow, I have to do something, which means you need to be blindfolded,” Hood says, nonchalantly. 
“Whatever,” Ladybug shrugs. “Bee, can you grab my stuff, I don’t really want him to leave this area, ya know?”
“Yeah, sure,” Bee sighs, before walking down the opposite hall of the one she appeared from. They stand in awkward silence. 
“So what do you do for work?” “I’m a superhero, but you mean as a civilian, I’m a fashion designer,” Ladybug says, looking at where Bee had disappeared to. “What about you?”
“I work as head of security in my father’s business,” Hood says, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“And here’s your stuff,” Bee walks out, holding a bag. “Your sketchbook is in there.”
“Well we’re going to have to figure this out soon, I’ll have to use my sewing machine for the upcoming orders. My uncle’s wardrobe needs to be done soon. Did you stick my pencil bag in here?”
“Yep, what’d ya take me for a dumb blonde,” Chloe rolls her eyes.
“Ok we’ve talked about this Noir was oblivious not dumb, there’s a different and look where it ended up. We ended up best friends because he wanted his friend to be friends with each other,” Ladybug shrugs. “Well, we should go. If Mama and Papa call, tell them to call my phone,” She says, opening the window.
“Ok, buginette,” Been calls at their back.
“Bye, Bee,” Hood says over his shoulder.
“Don’t hurt her, I’ll hurt you!” 
“Hold this for me while I carry you,” Ladybug says, holding out her bag. 
“Fine but were taking off out mask and you are going to detransform. I won’t look at you, you won’t look at me,” Hood says.
“As long as you promise not to look,” Ladybug says, picking Hood up. 
“This is embarrassing you know,” Hood grumbles.
“Yep. But it’s also the easiest way to carry you.” They land on the ground and Hood takes off his helmet. 
“Now, your turn.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Ladybug sighs. “Tikki, Spots off.”
They ride to the penthouse Batman promised. They don’t look at each other. Hood reads a book as she sketches ideas for the Wayne’s outfits.
Jason looks over at what Ladybug is working on. “What are you working on?”
“Suits for my clients,” She says quickly, forgetting she’s not supposed to like him.
“They look nice, I like that one, it looks formal while still not looking stuffy.” 
“Yeah one of the sons is against wearing anything formal,” Ladybug says, adding finishing touches.
They end up talking about anything and everything except identities. It was getting into the early hours of the morning and they may or may not be sleep deprived. “So why do you hate me?” Ladybug asks with a yawn.
“I don’t hate you, what made you think that?”
“You always yell at me when we’re on missions and everyone says that you make jokes and stuff but even not during missions, you never seemed friendly, I guess,” Ladybug says, placing her head on his shoulder.
“I yell at you because I like you and I don’t want you to get hurt, and with the jokes and stuff, I don’t want to scare you off,” Hood admits, running his fingers through her hair.
The next thing he knew, he was staring face to face with the most beautiful blue eyes. “You like me?” She asks, her eye glittered with hope.
“Ever since the first mission,” Hood says, and before he could continue, she placed a firm kiss on his lips. “You’re beautiful.”
“I like you too, I didn’t want to show it because I thought you hated me.”
“We can talk about this tomorrow, you and I both have to do things tomorrow.” So there they feel asleep Ladybug wrapped in Hood’s warm embrace. The next morning they were awakened by a call, it was Alfred. “What's the matter, Alfred?”
“Alfred?” Ladybug woke with a yawn.
“You have to come to get your measurements taken,” Alfred’s voice came over the phone.
“Oh ok, did Bruce tell you about my extra appendage?”
“Yes, Master Jason.”
“Ok, see you soon,” Jason said, hanging up. “I guess it’s time to get up.” he sighs, prompting her to stand up.
“If you want, I could still wear a blindfold,” Ladybug says, standing up. 
“If you want to keep any form of secrecy, you can,” Hood said.
“Want breakfast before we go?”
“Maybe just some coffee.” Ladybug nods and heads to the kitchen, dragging Hood behind her. They drink coffee and have some eggs before getting back on Hood’s bike. 
“Welcome home, Master Jason,” Alfred greets.
“Alfred?” Ladybug asks, lifting her blindfold.
“Miss Marinette, you said you are sick,” Alfred says, raising an eyebrow.
“How was I supposed to explain this, but since I’m here I guess I’ll take the measurements,” Marinette shrugs.
“You knew her didn’t you Alfred?” Jason sighs.
“Of course, Master Jason,” Alfred smiles.
“Thank you, Alfred.”
“I see you both learned to get along,” Bruce says, entering the lobby.
“You knew too, I’m going to guess,” Marinette sighs.
“Of course, I’m Batman, I know all. I just knew you too needed some time to get to know each other to realize you have feeling for one another.”
“Thank you, Brucie, I now have an amazing girlfriend because of this “Team building”,” Jason says, using air quotes around team building.
“Now, not that I don’t like hanging out with you Jason, but could you please uncuff me, I have measurements to take,” Marinette giggles.
“Of course, Marinette.” They're uncuffed and she hugs Jason. 
“I guess we can go on missions together and not worry about arguing,” Marinette murmurs.
“How about we try a couple of dates first?”
“I’d be happy with that,” Marinette says, kissing his cheek.
Tag List: @jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark@thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree @zalladane
Permanent Tag List: @ash-amg @bee-wrecker @damianette-is-life @mjisntme @i-will-be-your-ace @k-poplunardreams @chocolateherringtacofan @toodaloo-kangaroo @i-is-mysterious @zambie-trashart @imnotfluffy @nanakeid
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Jasonette July 2021
Saturday Challenge 1: Hurt Without Comfort
Day 1: Suit Up
Day 2: Protection
Day 3: Grave
Day 4: Game On
Day 5: Fairytales
Saturday Challenge 2: Tooth Rotting Fluff
Day 6: Trust
Day 7: Guns (references to events in ‘Suit Up’)
Day 8: Family
Day 9: Pixie (continuation of ‘Game On’)
Day 10: Light
Saturday Challenge 3: And They Were Roommates
Day 11: Enemy Mine
Day 12: Dare
Day 13: Bee
Day 14: Loss
Day 15: Night (Continuation of ‘Game On’ and ‘Pixie’)
Saturday Challenge 4: Double Crossover (Maribat x Phantom of the Opera)
Day 16: Heist
Day 17: Crime Boss
Day 18: Design
Day 19: Mistakes
Day 20: Then Perish
Saturday Challenge 5: Continue a Fic You Wrote for Jasonette July (’Then Perish’ part 2)
Hanging By A Thread 
(Soulmate AU, Jasonette - Jason Todd/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 [End]
Love and War
(Enemies and Lovers - Jason Todd/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A Return To Gotham
(Batman Beyond AU - Jason Todd/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Fiasco At The Wayne Gala
Christmas Shopping With Alfred
The Lost Wayne
(Biodad Bruce AU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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miracle-sham · 2 years
Jasonette July 2021 Masterlist.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Saturday Challenge 1: Hurt No Comfort} |
| Yet So Poison Entwined We Fracture (YSPEWF) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 1, Day 2: Protection} |
| Amidst the Howls of Death Your Divinity Gives Me Breath (AtHoDYDGMB) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 1, Day 3: Grave} |
| Memento Mori Cries Our Shattered Souls (MMCOSS) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 1, Day 5: Fairytale} |
| Stitch Your Ragged Wings and Hope to Soar (SYRWaHtS) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 2, Day 7: Guns} | (Chapter 1)
| Die Like the Butterfly Shoot With Their Guns (DLtBSWTG) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 2, Day 10: Light} | (Chapter 2)
| In the Atelier's Glow the Pupa Phoebus will Eclose (ItAGtPPwE) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Saturday Challenge 3: And They Were Roommates} |
| Crack Your Bones and Say Those Lies (CYBaSTL) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 4, Day 19: Mistakes} |
| Long for Who You Could Have Been (LfWYCHB) |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| [Masterlist Link] |
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mochegato · 4 years
Will you Fake Date Me?
A bit of fun for the Jasonette July Fake Dating prompt.  I think this was the first fic I actually completed.
 “Explain this to me again,” Marinette said with slight exasperation as she stirred her coffee. She watched her friend, one of her best friends, run a hand through his hair looking slightly desperate and anxious. The fact that messing up his hair like that just made him even more attractive was utterly not fair.  Wait, she was supposed to be annoyed not turned on. Stop Marinette, focus!
Jason sighed staring down at the coffee in front of him, “I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for the upcoming Wayne gala.  Bruce is forcing me go and I need some protection.”
“You need my protection?” she asked eyeing him suspiciously.  He nodded, still looking intently at his coffee. “From?”
“Bruce, Alfred, attention seeking harpies looking for a meal ticket,” he listed off gruffly, “Dick.”
“Dick?” She raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Dick,” he nodded.  “He is positive I need to find a significant other. But, see, here’s the genius of the plan, if I have one already, he’ll stop trying to set me up with every single, roughly our age, mildly-attractive-in-Dick’s-eyes person he sees.”
“Just to be clear, you think pretending you have a girlfriend that Dick didn’t know about will get Dick to pester you less,” she deadpanned.  “I’m still looking for the genius part of this plan.”
Jason opened his mouth then closed it quickly.  She wasn’t wrong, but that wasn’t the point.  Stupid logic. “Come on, don’t make me go to this thing alone.  It’s going to be miserable and boring and annoying and it would be at least tolerable if you were there with me.”
“Wow you are selling it so well.  When you put it that way, how could I resist such an amazing offer?” she scoffed and rolled her eyes taking a sip of her coffee.  “Also, ‘tolerable’?  When did you turn into Damian?”
This wasn’t working.  He needed a different tactic, one he knew worked on her every time, “Please?” he begged asked in a very manly way, giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes he could manage.  
Marinette looked at the puppy dog eyes warily.  She could already feel herself giving in.  Damn beautiful, gorgeous, big blue eyes she could get lost in.  He knew she couldn’t resist his eyes.  She needed to think of something quick or she was going to lose her dignity and pretend to date someone she really did want to date and she was not some fucking fanfic trope, even if it was one of her favorites. One of Jason’s favorites, too, if she remembered correctly.  Even if it would be fun to “have to” spend even more time together, close together, touching and making out endlessly in order to sell the story.  
Wait, she had a point… Right! She was not going to let her real life succumb to her and Jason’s favorite trope…
Jason’s favorite... trope
What. The. Fuck.  That scruffy-looking, fic-loving, nerd-rat!  He was playing her… but only if he liked her.  So… he liked her?  What!?  When did that start!?  Why weren’t they already dating!?  He was sitting there playing games instead of kissing her!  Bastard.  He needed to stop playing games and act.  They could be kissing right now!!
Okay, so maybe he hadn’t asked directly because he was afraid of how she would react.  He wanted to keep their friendship and his dignity intact no matter what.  Aww, that was so adorable.  Still a nerd-rat, but an adorable one.  It was going to take tact and finesse to help keep the fine balance Jason was walking.
“Jason, if you want to ask me out, ask me, you coward.”  Finesse.  To be fair to her efforts... screw the balance.
Jason stared at her mouth agape.  Shit. This was not how this conversation was supposed to go.  She was supposed to agree to go with him to the gala.  He was supposed to show up wearing a dashing tux that would make her blush deep red and render her speechless.  She was supposed to wear a beautiful dress that took his breath away and made his jaw drop, so any dress really, or anything… or nothing.  No wait.  That wasn’t a fantasy he had time to indulge in right now.  If he started down that road…. What was he thinking about before? Oh right.  “What?” He gurgled out.  Eloquent. He knew words.
“We’ve both read enough fake dating fics to know how you think this ends.” She looked at him with narrowed eyes.
Jason considered his options for response and still keep his self-respect.  He was Red Hood.  He took down mob bosses, hell he was one for a long time.  He could handle this little soft-hearted pixie.  Surely.  
His knee-jerk response to any situation was his patented emotional detachment.  He didn’t care, not about this not about her.  But that wouldn’t work with Marinette, especially if he wanted to get a date out of this.  She knew he cared.  Maybe she didn’t know how much he loved CARED! cared about her, but she knew the detachment was a mask.  She’d certainly called him out on it enough.
He could play dumb.  He was good at that.  Damian always leapt at the chance to believe he was an idiot. Mari knew him better though and always trusted his insights into any situation because she trusted that he knew what he was talking about.  She knew he was smarter than he liked people to think.  She treated him like he was brilliant.  Even if it wasn’t the same way Tim or Barbara were, he still had as much to contribute, as much value.  She completely trusted him, even when she shouldn’t, giving him those eyes that melted him into a puddle.  So that was out.
He could try to play her, a corollary of the Play Dumb approach, playing off of her weaknesses; her refusal to back down from a challenge, her anxiety, her willingness to believe the best in everyone, her need to help everyone around her, her soft heart, her creativity, her kindness, her intelligence, her wit, her bravery, her beauty, her… wait… what was… WEAKNESSES!  Right.  He’d already used his puppy dog eyes though.  He could pull them out again and it might work, but...  Fuck it.  The direct approach then.  Just be straight forward with her, sincere.
“What are you talking about?” Sincerity is vastly overrated.
She stared at him, mouth set in a thin line.  He was still playing games.  Fine. He wanted to play games?  She could play, too.  And just like every game she played with him, she would destroy him.
“I don't know... I’m thinking about becoming a roommate with Roy and…” she gasped placing her hands on her cheeks, eyes and mouth wide open in shock. “…there might only be one bed,”
“The fuck you are,” Jason growled out under his breath before he could stop himself.  He noticed the victorious grin and light blush that appeared on Marinette’s face at his outburst before she schooled her face again.  He narrowed her eyes back at her.  She was playing with him.  She wasn’t walking away and she wasn’t saying ‘no’.  That meant… she was interested too, right?  She was interested and flirting with him.  A small smirk spread across his face before he schooled his expression as well.  Flirting he could do. “You better be careful or you might make me into an enemy, then when I get hurt I’ll have to come to you for comfort.”
Marinette drew in a breath “enemies to lovers, 10,000 word slow burn” she whispered in mock scandal nodding her head.
He chuckled at her and looked back into her eyes, “you didn’t say no, you know”.
“No” she said leaning back.
He stared at her for a second, his heart stumbling.  Had he read this wrong?
“I will not fake date you.  If you want a date, you can ask for one.”  
She started to get up but Jason grabbed her hand gently “Will you go on a date with me, secret princess Marinette?”  He said looking at her with soft eyes, smiling at her as a shy smile spread across her face.
“Yes, of course I will. I could never deny my soulmate.” She smiled wider.  “But…” She paused hesitantly.  
“But?” He asked nerves suddenly surfacing.
“But, where will we go? We’re already in a coffee shop…” she threw him a devastatingly wicked smile.
He groaned.  This was his life now.  He was never going to live this down.  
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” He held her hand as they walked out of the coffee shop, reveling in finally being able to touch her for more than a few seconds at a time.  He could feel her warm skin whenever he wanted.
“One thing though,” she started as they left the coffee shop.
He groaned again and threw his head back in mock exasperation, “Oh God, what?  You worried about your found family?”
“Oooo, that’s a good one, but no.  I was thinking,” she said suddenly a bit bashful, “that we don’t want anyone to suspect that we are just pretending to be dating, right?”
He eyed her suspiciously, “Right… because we’re not.”
“Right, but we don’t want Dick to keep pushing, so we want to make sure we look completely comfortable with each other, right?”
A happy grin spread across his face as he caught onto where she was going with this, “right, so we should maybe practice.  Things like being close to each other, holding hands, hugging, touching, kissing…”
“Exactly,” she nodded, looking up at him through her eyelashes.  “Just to make sure we completely convince Dick we are completely in love… so there’s no question.”
His hands cupped her cheeks as he stared into her eyes, “and I am” he whispered, lowering his head down to gently touch his lips to hers.
 Slightly dirtier bonus:
“Oh God,” he said with sudden realization breaking the kiss.
“What?” Marinette asked concern edging into her expression.
“Am I the Alpha or the Omega in this relationship?”
She let out a loud laugh, wound her arms around his neck, and pulled him down for another more searing kiss. “Who said you had to choose?  We can always switch.”
  Thanks to @gajer-1226 for helping me figure out who share the one bed with.
And thanks to siderealSandman for teaching me what “switch” means.
@fsketchart  @jasonette-july-2k20
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