#jasonettejuly2k 20
hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Soulmate AU
Day two of being a writer, im currently on my hotspot, sitting in the dark, at around two am, at my grandma’s house, writing and posting this. I wrote it on my phone so don’t murder me
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
As long as she can remember, she’s seen the beautiful snapdragon flower bloom across her skin. She would always smile and wonder where they would come from but would never ask because whenever she started talking about them, her parents would look uncomfortable and switch the conversation.
Jason remembers seeing the flower across his hip bone, knees, elbows, and hands. His stepfather always called him weak and would hit him for it because if his soulmate was weak it reflects how weak he was apparently. 
For a while, Marinette’s flowers disappeared and she couldn’t help but feel sad they would only appear in smaller portions and didn’t appear everywhere. 
“Mama, where’d the pretty flowers go?” Marinette asked one day while swinging her legs at the kitchen table. 
“Honey, it’s for the best the flowers went away,” Sabine said slowly, not wanting to upset the small bluenette. Marinette’s legs stop swinging at her mama’s words. 
“What do you mean? They’re so pretty!”
“It’s your soulmate being hurt,” Sabine says quietly while pulling Marinette into a hug. 
“What? Why! Why does he have to hurt?”
“I don’t know, honey, but when you find him or her, you make sure to love them and never hurt them. I never want to see flowers on your skin when you’re older,” she says into her daughter’s hair. 
“I promise mama,” Marinette says. 
That was the last time she loved her flowers, while still beautiful, while they were still beautiful it showcases the hurt of the person she would love. 
The scariest time in her young life was when she was ten, flowers bloomed all across her skin. She stayed home and cried, with her mother’s help, she calmed down an hour after they appeared. After the flowers disappear, they don’t appear for eight years, which she couldn’t be more thankful for, but she is always left wondering what happened to her soulmate. It kept her up most nights. 
Apparently she wasn’t paying close attention during a fight, but to be fair she hadn’t needed to recently especially with the help of some of the batfam. Red Hood and Robin had shown up about half a month ago. That shouldn’t matter though, she should’ve been paying more attention. 
She got smacked in the face and thrown up against the wall by the momentum of the hit. She heard a curse followed by a gloved hand offering to help her up. 
He saw her fly and hit the wall he winces as he fell that almost too familiar feeling of the cherry blossoms blooming under his mask and up his back. He swears before rushing to help her up. He was going to say something but then Damian threw her the akumatized item and she used lucky charm and just as soon as the bruise had appeared it had disappeared. 
He sighs and decides since Damian already missed school just to sign him out. He’s waking to the locker room to grab Damian, seeing as it is passing period, to pull Damian from school to just go home. It was when they were leaving, and almost everyone had gone to class when they saw it. Three girls around halfway up the staircase, it seemed like a tense argument. The next thing they knew, the smaller girl, a bluenette, was pushed down the rest of the way and for the second time that day, he felt the flowers blooming. The girls walked away and Jason approaches her. 
“Hey, are you ok? I just saw what happened.”
“Just some bruising ya know?” She responds Jason holds out his now non-gloved hand to her. She pauses and just stares for a moment before shaking her head. “Sorry, deja vu.”
“Yeah I get it, by the way, is your back ok?” 
“As I said, probably just some bruising.” The next thing the man did was quite shocking he turns around and lifts his shirt. 
There she sees he signature cherry blossom and almost starts crying. “Are you messing with me?”
“No I’m pretty sure I’m your soulmate.”
“What happened eight years ago?”
“I’ll explain at a later time.”
*years later*
“Marinette, remember your promise?”
“What promise?” Marinette asked, looking up at her mama in confusion. 
“Just look at your neck,” Sabine points out. 
“Mama!” Marinette blushes, covering her face. 
“What promise?”
Marinette mutters from between her hands, “I promised you would never have bruises on you again, but I have flowers all over my neck from last night.”
Jason cackles and almost falls off his stool. “It’s not funny!”
“Oh, honey, trust me, it’s funny.”
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@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous @ironspiderstark @thestressmademedoit
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Children
Day ten of being committal, I love this one so much. Also not even gonna try sleepin on time. It’s either no sleep or post late.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
He didn’t know what to expect at the age of twenty when he heard crying from an alley while on patrol. What he didn’t expect to find was a crying raven-haired baby. His heart melted, maybe its because he saw himself in her or maybe because she is an abandoned baby. The next thing he knew, he was running back to the manor holding a now more calm baby.
“Hey, Brucie! I know you always have those adoption papers on hand, can I have a pack?” Jason says, walking into Bruce’s office.
“Please tell me I’m dreaming, you’re adopted, my adoption dis- habits shouldn’t affect you,” Bruce says, looking up from his work.
“Wait, I’m adopted, I’m so hurt…” Jason says, putting the back of his hand on his head.
“Stop being dramatic, I’ll give you the papers if you show me my grandchild,” Bruce says, opening his desk draw.
“I don’t know her name, but I would love to call her Maria-Angelina, after my grandmother,” Jason said, showing off his soon-to-be daughter. It was at that moment she starts crying. Not even two minutes later, Damian and Alfred burst into the room.
“Another one Father?”
“Master Bruce, I have always supported you, but another one?”
“No, this one isn’t mine, she is Jason’s.” Bruce smiled, standing up to walk around his desk.
“Alfred, I would like you to meet your great-granddaughter and Damian your niece, Maria-Angelina,” Jason says, holding her out.
“She is beautiful,” Alfred says, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face. 
Jason loved his daughter even though she was not his biological daughter. As Maria grew older she realized she was missing something, more like someone. Her dad did everything for her, she loved him and he did everything her could to make her happy. But even at the age of eight, she knew her dad was missing someone as well. 
It was when she wandered away from dad while they were at the mall did she realize who she was missing and she found it in a dark-haired woman. She was beautiful. She was on the phone when the woman noticed her standing by herself. She puts her phone away and approaches her.
She crouches down to her height and asks “Are you lost, little miss?”
“Hi, yeah, I’m missing my dad,” She says slowly.
“Hi, my name is Marinette, would you like me to help you find your father? Or would you like me to walk you to security?”
“Could you help me find him?”
“Sure, what does he look like? Is your mom here too?”
“I don’t have a mom.”
“Oh I’m sorry, honey,” Marinette says, squeezing her shoulder.
“It’s fine, I never had one,” Maria says with a shrug. “My dad is tall, he has dark hair with a white patch on the front of his head. He has blue eyes, he big and awesome!”
“Where did you last see him?”
“We were at the book store.”
“Let’s head there then,” Marinette says, standing with a smile. They go down the escalator and walk to the book store. “What do you like to read?”
“I like Charlotte’s Web!” She smiles.
“That’s good.”
“What do you do? My daddy helps with my grandpa’s business,” She smiles, looking up at the pretty woman.
“I design clothes,” Marinette smiles, looking through the aisles for anyone meeting the little girl’s description.
“Oh! That’s so cool! Did you make your dress?”
“Yes, have you seen your dad?”
“Not yet,” She sighs.
“What’s you favorite subject?”
“I love English and art class!” she exclaims, rocking on her feet.
“Ok well, it doesn’t look like he’s here, we should go to security,” Marinette says.
“Aww… I’m having fun with you though,” Maria sighs and hangs her head.
“Well, we still have to walk there and wait for your dad,” Marinette points out as they leave the bookstore. The approach the map and Marinette listens to the girl’s chatter as she looks for the lost child area. Third floor.
“Ready? We’re heading up to the third floor,” Marinette smiles toward the little girl. “Do you know your dad’s name.
“Umm…. Jason Todd I think,” She contemplates. 
“Ok, we’ll tell the people who find parent,” Marinette says, as they step onto the elevator. There was a small back and forth conversation and all too soon, they reach the lost child area. “Hello, this is a lost child, she says her father’s name is Jason Todd, would you be able to call him?”
“Jason Todd, please report to security, we’ve found your missing daughter,” a voice comes over the loudspeaker. They continue their conversation until a big man bursts into the room. The little girl jumps up and rushes to hug him.
“Maria-Angelina Catherine Todd! What’ve I told you about wandering off,” He yells, pulling her into a hug.
“Hi, Dad,” Maria says, pulling out of the hug. “This is Marinette! She helped me look for you.” For the first since he entered the room, he looked up and saw the pixie, she was a sight, standing there in her light blue sundress that brings out her eye. 
He stands up. “Thank you so much for helping her, I don’t know what would happen if she was hurt or taken,” her dad- Jason- says taking her hand. “Please let us take you out as a thank you.”
“No, I couldn't, I just saw a lost child and helped her,” Marinette shrugs with a smile.
“Please, Marinette,” Maria asks, looking up at her with puppy dog eye.
“You have better puppy dog eye than Manon did,” Marinette giggles.
“Trust me, I know,” Jason chuckles.
“So is that a yes?”
“Fine,” Marinette says reluctantly.
“Yay!” Maria says, turning to rush out of the room.
“Kids huh?”
“Got any of your own,” Jason asks, a slight smirk spreading across his face.
“No, I don’t even have a boyfriend, but that beside the point, I use to babysit,” Marinette smiles. “What about you? She said she didn’t have a mom.”
“She’s adopted, I found her in an alleyway,” Jason says quickly.
“That’s sweet of you,” Marinette coos. They walk together to a close-by coffee place. They spend time talking and laughing. They leave saying goodbye to each other.
“Hey, Dad, you know how everyone has a mommy and a daddy?” Maria asks Jason nods in response, already knowing where this conversation was going. “Can she be my mommy?”
“Sweetie, that’s not up to me.”
“Can we see her again?” It was at the moment he realized, he never got her number. The next couple of days, though Jason tried to hide it, Maria could see the loneliness in her dad’s actions and the longing in his eyes.
“Dad, are you ok?”
“Yeah, honey, just a bit tired, just as a heads up we’re going for measurements later today at Grandpa’s house,” Jason says, packing her lunch.
“Ok, Dad,” Maria says, hopping off her stool. As she closes the door to head to the bus stop, she hears him sigh. She wishes she could see Marinette again. She wishes her dad was able to make Marinette her mommy, however that worked.
Her dad picked her up and they head over to the Wayne Manor. She rushes ahead of her dad and bursts into the lobby, “Hi, Grandpa! Hi, Great Grandpa!” 
“Hi sweetie, Uncle Damian is getting is measurements taken right now, but you can go in next,” Bruce says.
“Thank you, Grandpa! Will the nice designer make me a pretty dress?” She asks, hugging Bruce.
“Of course I will,” A feminine voice says, coming from the living room. “I’m ready for the princess, as Damian called her.” She giggles.
“Maria? Jason? You guys are Waynes? I thought you are Todds,” Marinette asks.
“Well we are, but Wayne is hyphenated,” Jason shrugs. The measurements go well. In Jason’s case really well,  he gets a kiss and a date. 
They start dating a week later, Maria is really happy, especially a year later when they announce that she’s going to have a baby brother. She was happy before she went wandering off but now she couldn’t be happier, she has a mommy, a dad, and a baby brother on the way. The wedding plans, which she was promised to be the flower girl in, was planned for after the baby’s birth. She loved her family and they loved her.
Tag List:
@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark@thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree @zalladane
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Fabric and Weapons Don’t Mix
Day seven of being committal, it was a long and lonely day ngl. On a different note, I think I might write a Hydra!Peter Parker fic. lmk if ya wanna see it.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
A simple party that’s all she wanted, to be fair she had been forced to go and to go to the after-party being hosted in Jagged’s honor by some billionaire childhood friend she couldn’t remember the name of. She was introduced as MDC during the event. She sighed as she watched everyone socialize. She had tried to keep up appearances for a while and got bored so she retreated to a quiet room, she looked around more and realized it was a library.
She saw comfortable looking are chairs and plopped down in one, letting it envelop her. She lets the silence take her senses over. She's about to drift off to sleep when someone clears their throat. There stood a tall man with a white tuft of hair, sticking out of his dark hair. 
“This is a private library.”
“Sorry, it’s just been a long night.”
“I know what you mean, I don’t even want to be here,” he says, taking a seat in one of the other armchairs. 
“At the party or sitting in this library with a stranger,” She smiles.
“The party, I wouldn’t mind getting to know a pretty princess like yourself,” he says, smirking.
“Nope your charm won’t work on me,” Marinette smirks. After a moment of silence, they fall into a comfortable conversation. It was getting late so she said. “Hey, Jason, I have to go find my aunt and uncle.”
“Wait, want to dance?”
“Ok, but after I must find them, my uncle can be pretty protective of me,” Marinette says, placing her hand on his stretched out hand. They walk back to the main ballroom and take to dancing together. As the song was ending, there was shots and shouts. The next thing she knew, she was pulled away from Jason with a knife at her throat. She starts crying in french to portray herself as an innocent, confused, weak foreigner. The man loosened his grip on her, big mistake. She elbowed him and pulled up a mound of fabric to reach for the knife on her thigh. “Freakin fabric.”
���Why do you have a knife?”
“I have a job to do,” She says, straddling the man with her knife at his throat. Jason took the knife from her and held the guy. 
It wasn’t too much longer later that the situation was handled, Jagged and Penny dragged her away as soon as the cops were done questioning her. “Wait can’t I get my knife back?” Marinette asks, sitting down in the limo.
“I’ll get you a new one,” Jagged said, running his fingers through his hair.
“Aww…. I really liked that,” Marinette says, looking out the window. She perked up at her thought. “Who was the boy I was with?”
“Ohh… he’s Bruce’s son, the host’s son,” Penny said.
“Nevermind, he’ll probably not want to see me again, then,” Marinette sighed to herself. Little did she know the effect she had on him. 
Jason, after everything had been sorted, laid down on his bed, twisting the knife in his hand, thinking about the princess, who had wielded it. 
“Hey, Jay, I came to-- oh sheet I know that look,” Dick said.
“What look?”
“You’re smitten!”
“What no! I only met her once… but it was amazing, she was amazing,” Jason sighs.
“Tell me about her,” Dick says, sitting on the end of his bed.
“We talked for what felt like hours, she danced with the grace of a ballerina and handled a knife as well as anyone,” Jason sighs. “She was able to get away from the man holding a knife to her throat. She was beautiful.”
“Does she have a name?”
“I’m sure she does, but I didn’t ask because I thought I would have more time with her,” Jason said, putting his head in his hands.
“I’m sure Bruce might know who she is,” Dick says. “Do you know who she came with?”
“Her aunt and uncle, I don't know their names either,” Jason said.
“Ask Tim about her in the morning, she sounds perfect for you,” Dick says, winking as he leaves Jason to his thoughts of the mysterious girl.
She felt heartbroken honestly, she knew there would be no way that Jason, the son of the richest man in the world, would want her and even if he did, there would be no way Bruce would allow it. She was called from her bed by Aunt Penny, telling her that Jagged and her would be meeting a friend for lunch. She decided to put away her sorrows and work on Jagged’s next stage outfit. She sighed and started sewing.
He woke up that morning and went to talk to Tim. “Replacement, who was the girl I was with?”
“How should I know, pull it up on the tapes and I’ll see if I know,” Tim says, looking up from his work. Not even ten minutes later, Jason comes back with pictures, “Here,” he says, placing them in front of Tim. 
Tim sighs, and picks them up and nearly chokes on his coffee. “That’s freakin MDC. Jagged Stone’s personal designer. How the heck did you manage that?”
“It doesn’t matter, I have to see her again,” Jason says, picking the picture back up, to stare at her beauty.
“Lucky for you, Bruce and I have a lunch meeting with Jagged and his wife,” Tim says, standing.
“Can I come along?”
“You can, I don’t know if she’ll be attending but you can try,” Tim shrugs, collecting his things. Jason, though he wouldn’t admit it, was jittery from excitement. When they arrived, Jagged and Penny had already been seated, sadly MDC wasn’t with them. After they had finished talking business, Jason was quick to jump in.
“MDC, she’s your niece right?”
“Yep, she’s my rockin little niece, why’d you need to know?” Jagged asks, stroking Fang. (Jason was impressed he had somehow managed to get him in the restaurant.)
“Well I want to return her knife,” Jason says, unwrapping the knife from the velvet cover he had found, showing it off to Jagged and Penny.
“Ah yeah, she was asking about it last night,” Jagged says. “She was really disappointed to leave without getting it back.”
“Can I give it back to her?”
“You could come back to the hotel with us, she’s working right now, but since it’s you and her knife, I bet she’ll be happy to hold off on finishing her work,” Penny said.
Marinette was deep in her work when she heard Penny and Jagged enter the penthouse. “Hey, how’d the meeting go?” When she heard no response she looked up from her work to see nonother than Jason kneeling in front of her holding out her missing knife.
“Jason? You know this is a private workspace,” Marinette smiles.
“You know, I just had to see the most amazing princess in the world again,” He smirks. “And I had to return her knife ‘for work’.”
“It really is for work, not only do I work as Jagged’s personal designer, I’m his and my aunt’s undercover bodyguard,” She says, taking the knife.
“And for returning your knife, can I have this princess’s name?”
“Marinette, and you could’ve just asked,” Marinette says, sliding off her seat to kneel in front of him so they were at semi the same height.
“How about a kiss then?”
“You with your charm,” Marinette giggles, placing a firm kiss on his lips.
“Thank you, Princess, I know I don’t know you well, but I’m smitten,” Jason says, sincerely.
“I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” She says, hugging him, her face snuggled in his shoulder.
Someone clears their throat, “I knew he would like to see you again,” Jagged said. “Just know, Fang will eat you if you hurt her.”
“I won’t hurt her,” Jason promises. “I’m going to treat her like the princess she is.”
This has been the longest addition to Jasonette July, I hope you guys enjoy! This is my favorite one at the moment.
Tag List:
@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark @thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree
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@ash-amg @bee-wrecker @damianette-is-life @mjisntme @i-will-be-your-ace @k-poplunardreams @chocolateherringtacofan @toodaloo-kangaroo @i-is-mysterious @zambie-trashart @imnotfluffy @nanakeid
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Modeling
Day Eight of being committal, its three am and imma go to sleep real soon.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
When he took the undercover job in Paris, he had no idea he would be a photographer’s assistant. Heck, he knew nothing about photography, except the obvious of taking pictures, he just did what he was told. The first couple of photoshoots were for a company he couldn’t remember the name of, all he remembers was holding the lighting for a blonde and Italian.
He sighed and mentally prepared himself for today’s photoshoot. They’re supposed to be going a couple of different places for a couple of different outfits. They’re starting on the steps of the Trocadero. When he arrived there stood a bluenette, getting her make-up touched up.
“Felix! On the steps, we have three other places to get done after this one,” the head photographer shouts. The other model follows. “Nette, head on his knee.” The following pose was her sitting in front of the blonde that looked suspiciously like the other blonde model. He sighs and decides to just not pay attention to them. She was beautiful beyond belief and was totally out of his league. Not to long after their shots on the stair were done, the models changed and moved to the nearest park bench where they sat beside each other, her leg that was closet to the camera on top of his, she put her hand on his cheek and stared at him, he stared at the camera.
After a couple of poses, they packed up the shoot and move to the hilly countryside where they added in another model, a female one. It looked like a wholesome friend get together and Jason would’ve seen it that way too hadn’t it been for the last shoot. There was a small change in scenes and outfits. They took a lunch break after they finish in the countryside. The sponsor of the photoshoot provided food for the workers and tents.
“Hey, you’re a new assistant, right?” Nette asks, approaching him.
“Umm, yeah, I’m Jason, I’m new to Paris,” He smiles.
“Hi, I’m Marinette,” Nette, no, Marinette says. “Want to join Fe, Chloe,  and I for lunch?”
“I would enjoy that,” Jason smiles, following her to the model’s tent.
“Hey, guys! This is Jason, he just moved to Paris,” Marinette greets her friend.
“Hey, you look familiar,” Jason says, referring to Fe.
“You’re probably thinking of my incompetent cousin, Adrien,” Fe sighs.
“So Jason this is Felix and Chloe,” Marinette says, taking a seat beside Chloe.
“So how long have you guys been modeling?” He asks, Felix passes him the bowl of salad.
“We started recently, I did it to rub it in Gabriel’s face,” Felix says, drinking some water.
“I’ve been doing it for a while, my mom has been using me from a young age,” Chloe shrugs.
“For me, I started to get more time from school and ti spend more time with Chloe and Fe,” Marinette says.
“Must be good to work with your friend and boyfriend,” Jason says, trying to be subtly.
“Oh my god, you think they’re dating? That’s ridiculous absolutely ridiculous!”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, I don’t know where you got that notion,” Felix says.
“You guys are really comfortable with each other,” Jason points out.
“It’s called acting,” Chloe dramatically says. The conversation flows from there. They enjoy each others’ company. They were called to go back to work.
“Hey, do you guys want to hang out after the shoot?” Jason asks, walking to the cars fo travel to the next place for shooting.
“Chloe and I have a meeting with her mother about an upcoming out of the country shoot,” Felix states.
“Would you like to hang out with me, Marinette?”
“Umm, sure!” She says, Chloe smirks, seeing her slight blush. The shoot was at the beach because it was fo the summer selection. They did a couple shots of Chloe and her sun tanning. Felix coming up from underwater. They got shots of the three of them building a sad castle. The shoot was over quite quick especially since they had to shoot it in spring for it to be ready for summer, so it was pretty cold. They’re taken back to Paris.
“Jason, I’ll meet you after I get dressed and showered,” Marinette says, getting out of the car, they were being dropped off by the chaperon.
“Wanna go for ice-cream?”
“Sure! Meet me here in like half an hour,” She smiles, he nods in agreement, so she closes the door and runs upstairs to get ready for her dat-- no, hang out. He probably thought she was shallow or something because she’s a part-time model. After her shower, she put on a cropped jagged shirt, put on faded skinny high waisted jeans, and put on her favorite leather combat boots. She walked down the stairs.
There stood Jason in all of his glory. “I may be a model, but how does it feel to be the best-looking person here?” Marinette smirks.
“I don't know, how does it feel?” Jason smirks back, holding out his hand.
She takes his hand and says. “Couldn’t be more happy.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re just so… charming? I guess is the easiest way to say,” Marinette blushes.
“I like you too, I thought you were out of my league,” Jason admits.
“I thought you wouldn’t like me because I’m a model and I thought that you would think that I’m shallow or something,” Marinette says.
“So instead of this being a hangout, could this be a date?”
“I would like that a lot.”
Tag List:
@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark @thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree
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@ash-amg @bee-wrecker @damianette-is-life @mjisntme @i-will-be-your-ace @k-poplunardreams @chocolateherringtacofan @toodaloo-kangaroo @i-is-mysterious @zambie-trashart @imnotfluffy @nanakeid
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: A Single Rose
Day four of being commited, I did it early and it's a touch angsty
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
The first thing he gave her was a single red rose. It wasn’t on purpose, honestly, he was given to him by a nice lady standing outside a flower shop. She had explained that in the city of Love, it was common to give out flowers. He tried to deny the flower but she said it would be more offensive if he didn’t take it. He sighed and took it with him. He would just leave it in his hotel room. Those plans real quick when he met her, he saw her punch blonde that looked like he was bothering her.
He stood in awe, her blue eye filled with fiery. “You gotta anything to say?”
“Will you let me take you out?”
“Ummm…. Here,” Jason says, holding out the rose. “I would be honored to take you out.
At every milestone in the relationship, he always gave her a single rose.
He asked her to be his girlfriend with a rose, a pink one. Marinette got him a white rose when she told him she was pregnant. Not even a week later, he proposed to her with the classic red rose. At their daughter, Rose’s birth (im cringe) he bought a yellow rose. At their wedding, he wore the tuxedo Marinette made him, he did an added touch of a red rose. For every anniversary they got each other roses and yet years and years later, he stands out in the cold and rain. He places the single red rose on the ground next to the stone.
“My love, you left too soon,” Jason said, kneeling down in the mud.
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@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark@thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Shooting Range
Day sixth of being committal, writing this on the 5th actual, but whatever. Today's my birthday! Have I ever mentioned I don’t use a beta?
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
It had been a hobby for her after being an agent for a while. She was recruited a bit after defeating Hawkmoth. She was recruited on the terms of the need for her unique skill set. One mission went wrong and her identity as an agent was blown. To relieve her stress, she would go down to the shooting range. She had been lost in thought letting the silence of her headphones envelope her. She finished her round and checked her sheet. That’s when she left her head and heard the shots beside her. She looks up and sees the person’s sheet. All head and heart shots.
She smiles and waits for the shots to stop. She sees the sheet being pulled back to the stall beside her. She decides to give him kudos (like u should give me lol im cringe).
She leans up on the side of his stall and says with a smirk, “Nice shot?”
“Thanks, I saw yours too, pretty good shot,” he smirks, placing the gun in front of him. “Don’t wanna see who would mess with you.”
“Same goes to you,” She says. “Marinette.”
“So how’d you get this good?”
“Lived on the streets gotta protect yourself, came here for practice, you?”
“Old job. Want to have a competition next time?”
“If you want to have your but handed to you.”
“Don’t underestimate me,” Marinette says, throwing a wink over her shoulder.
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Joint Mission
Day eleven of being committal, I finished this early and I’m watching movies with my sister.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
When she joined the Justice League she didn’t realize how much of a jerk Red Hood would be to her. She asked around and was told that it was just her he acted like this with alone. The worst part is, she had only been nice to him.
“Yes, madame!”
“Pay attention, you two should be very happy we were able to finish the mission even after you guys blew you cover. You’re lucky you had back up and if you didn’t I doubt you’d be this unhurt,” Wonder Woman lectures.
“And this is why we think you should be handcuffed until you two can figure out how to be civil,” Batman said.
“Umm... I have a life, an apartment, and a job that I don’t need this bastard following me around,” Ladybug said, standing in a rage.
“Well then you guys better figure it out soon,” Wonder Woman said, leaving the room with Batman following closely behind. 
“This sucks,” Hood mutters to himself.
“I’m going to make a few calls before I get handcuffed to you,” Ladybug said, standing up abruptly. “Hey, Bee.”
“You got in trouble,” Marinette could hear Chloe’s smirk through the phone.
“Kinda, I can’t come home for a bit.”
“Seriously? How much trouble did you get into.”
“I’m not in trouble, it’s just a teamwork exercise,” She sighs.
“Bull, you and Hood were fighting again weren’t you?”
“The mission went bad because there were some things said, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get it, you guys got into a lover’s spat.” “Seriously, Bee, that’s not even close to being true. Well, I have to let you go, I have to call my client before I’m handcuffed.” “That's fantastic! So much for team building,” Chloe laughs as Marinette shakes her head and hangs up.
Ladybug sighs and dials another number. “Hello?” “Hello, Miss Marinette.”
“Hi, I’m currently sick and won’t be able to take measurements tomorrow, I know this is a lot to ask, would you be able to take their measurements?”
“Of course, Miss Marinette, I hope you feel better, I’ll send them over when I’m done.” “Thank you, Alfred!”
She was walking back into the room when Hood was picking up his phone. “Of course I can try, I don’t know how well it will work, but I can try,” Hood said, looking at her as she entered. “Bye.”
“You ready for this bull?”
“Yeah, sure whatever,” Hood sighs.
“You guys ready?” Bruce asks.
“What took so long?” Hood grumbles.
“We had to find a pair you wouldn’t be able to break out of,” Wonderwoman says, cuffing their hands together.
“I have to be able to work, can you cuff my left hand?” Ladybug asks. Wonderwoman nods and locks her left hand. 
“Hood, you guys can stay in the penthouse, you know where it is, there neither of you have to give away your identities unless you want to,” Batman explains. Wonderwoman and Batman leave the room leaving, Hood and Ladybug alone.
“I have to grab somethings for work and stuff,” Ladybug said, turning to face Hood.
“Ok,” Hood shrugs.
“I’m going to have to ask you to close your eyes, I would love to try and keep my privacy,” Ladybug sighs.
“Fine whatever.”  They walk in silence to Hood’s motorcycle.
“I’m driving,” Ladybug said, trying to climb on his bike.
“No you’re not, this is my bike, my rules,” Hood growls.
“Fine here’s a store close to my apartment, we’ll have to go on the roof the rest of the way, because there’s no one way I’m walking in like this with you,” Ladybug said, climbing on behind him. She didn’t realize how close they would have to sit because of their cuffed hands. They pull into a nearby alleyway and Hood holds onto her as she yo-yo’s on to the roof. “You’re going to have to trust me, I’m going to lead you to my apartment,” Ladybug says.
“Just don’t let me fall off the roof,” Hood jokes. Ladybug picks him up bridal style.
“Put me down!” 
“We’re almost there, calm down!” He’s put down and is about to open his eyes when she put her hand over his eyes.
“What the hell!” 
“You can open your eyes once we’re inside, but no looking around too much,” Ladybug says, opening the window. “Bee, transform, we have a guest,” She shouts into the living room. “You can open your eyes, Hood.”
“Who’s Bee?”
“That would be me,” Chloe says, entering the main living area transformed. “This better than I thought it would be.” Chloe laughs.
“Bee, this is Hood, Hood this is my roommate and best friend, Bee,” Ladybug introduces.
“You said you wouldn’t be back for a bit,” Bee says, sitting down on the couch.
“I have to pick up work, remember the client I was talking about yesterday? Well, their butler is going to be taking their measurements for me, I just told him I was sick and couldn’t come. I still have to do other work though, so I came by to pick up some things.” “Speaking of things to do, I have to go to my father’s house tomorrow, I have to do something, which means you need to be blindfolded,” Hood says, nonchalantly. 
“Whatever,” Ladybug shrugs. “Bee, can you grab my stuff, I don’t really want him to leave this area, ya know?”
“Yeah, sure,” Bee sighs, before walking down the opposite hall of the one she appeared from. They stand in awkward silence. 
“So what do you do for work?” “I’m a superhero, but you mean as a civilian, I’m a fashion designer,” Ladybug says, looking at where Bee had disappeared to. “What about you?”
“I work as head of security in my father’s business,” Hood says, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“And here’s your stuff,” Bee walks out, holding a bag. “Your sketchbook is in there.”
“Well we’re going to have to figure this out soon, I’ll have to use my sewing machine for the upcoming orders. My uncle’s wardrobe needs to be done soon. Did you stick my pencil bag in here?”
“Yep, what’d ya take me for a dumb blonde,” Chloe rolls her eyes.
“Ok we’ve talked about this Noir was oblivious not dumb, there’s a different and look where it ended up. We ended up best friends because he wanted his friend to be friends with each other,” Ladybug shrugs. “Well, we should go. If Mama and Papa call, tell them to call my phone,” She says, opening the window.
“Ok, buginette,” Been calls at their back.
“Bye, Bee,” Hood says over his shoulder.
“Don’t hurt her, I’ll hurt you!” 
“Hold this for me while I carry you,” Ladybug says, holding out her bag. 
“Fine but were taking off out mask and you are going to detransform. I won’t look at you, you won’t look at me,” Hood says.
“As long as you promise not to look,” Ladybug says, picking Hood up. 
“This is embarrassing you know,” Hood grumbles.
“Yep. But it’s also the easiest way to carry you.” They land on the ground and Hood takes off his helmet. 
“Now, your turn.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Ladybug sighs. “Tikki, Spots off.”
They ride to the penthouse Batman promised. They don’t look at each other. Hood reads a book as she sketches ideas for the Wayne’s outfits.
Jason looks over at what Ladybug is working on. “What are you working on?”
“Suits for my clients,” She says quickly, forgetting she’s not supposed to like him.
“They look nice, I like that one, it looks formal while still not looking stuffy.” 
“Yeah one of the sons is against wearing anything formal,” Ladybug says, adding finishing touches.
They end up talking about anything and everything except identities. It was getting into the early hours of the morning and they may or may not be sleep deprived. “So why do you hate me?” Ladybug asks with a yawn.
“I don’t hate you, what made you think that?”
“You always yell at me when we’re on missions and everyone says that you make jokes and stuff but even not during missions, you never seemed friendly, I guess,” Ladybug says, placing her head on his shoulder.
“I yell at you because I like you and I don’t want you to get hurt, and with the jokes and stuff, I don’t want to scare you off,” Hood admits, running his fingers through her hair.
The next thing he knew, he was staring face to face with the most beautiful blue eyes. “You like me?” She asks, her eye glittered with hope.
“Ever since the first mission,” Hood says, and before he could continue, she placed a firm kiss on his lips. “You’re beautiful.”
“I like you too, I didn’t want to show it because I thought you hated me.”
“We can talk about this tomorrow, you and I both have to do things tomorrow.” So there they feel asleep Ladybug wrapped in Hood’s warm embrace. The next morning they were awakened by a call, it was Alfred. “What's the matter, Alfred?”
“Alfred?” Ladybug woke with a yawn.
“You have to come to get your measurements taken,” Alfred’s voice came over the phone.
“Oh ok, did Bruce tell you about my extra appendage?”
“Yes, Master Jason.”
“Ok, see you soon,” Jason said, hanging up. “I guess it’s time to get up.” he sighs, prompting her to stand up.
“If you want, I could still wear a blindfold,” Ladybug says, standing up. 
“If you want to keep any form of secrecy, you can,” Hood said.
“Want breakfast before we go?”
“Maybe just some coffee.” Ladybug nods and heads to the kitchen, dragging Hood behind her. They drink coffee and have some eggs before getting back on Hood’s bike. 
“Welcome home, Master Jason,” Alfred greets.
“Alfred?” Ladybug asks, lifting her blindfold.
“Miss Marinette, you said you are sick,” Alfred says, raising an eyebrow.
“How was I supposed to explain this, but since I’m here I guess I’ll take the measurements,” Marinette shrugs.
“You knew her didn’t you Alfred?” Jason sighs.
“Of course, Master Jason,” Alfred smiles.
“Thank you, Alfred.”
“I see you both learned to get along,” Bruce says, entering the lobby.
“You knew too, I’m going to guess,” Marinette sighs.
“Of course, I’m Batman, I know all. I just knew you too needed some time to get to know each other to realize you have feeling for one another.”
“Thank you, Brucie, I now have an amazing girlfriend because of this “Team building”,” Jason says, using air quotes around team building.
“Now, not that I don’t like hanging out with you Jason, but could you please uncuff me, I have measurements to take,” Marinette giggles.
“Of course, Marinette.” They're uncuffed and she hugs Jason. 
“I guess we can go on missions together and not worry about arguing,” Marinette murmurs.
“How about we try a couple of dates first?”
“I’d be happy with that,” Marinette says, kissing his cheek.
Tag List: @jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark@thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree @zalladane
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Pit Madness (Part Two of Angst)
Day Sixteen of being committal, went to the drive in, saw The Exorcist and The Shining, so yeah thats why this is a touch late, Part three continued on the eighteenth
Jasonette July: Master List
The Master: Master List
When he came back, Red was standing above him, staring at him. “What happened?” He asks.
Jason sits up and looks around while saying, “Marinette, she’s gone. She was sent by Talia to earn our trust.”
“Was it all fake?!” Tim exclaims. 
“In the beginning, we have to go free her,” Jason says, standing. 
“What! Why would we do that?”
“Because I love her!”
“First, cringe, second, how do we know she’ll even want our help?”
“Because she loves me too,” Jason says, turning to run back to the manor.
It took a couple of hours to convince Bruce and to find where Talia would’ve take her.
She woke up to bright room, strapped down to a chair. “Welcome back,” the important-looking woman greets.
“Where am I?”
“You’re home, I am your mistress,” She responds, unclasping the restraints.
“Who am I, Mistress?”
“You’re a tool in the journey to better our world,” Mistress explains, holding out a hand to helping her off the chair. “You are who you are because of me, what do you say?”
“Thank you, Mistress, for giving me a purpose,” she responds, bowing her head.
“Why can’t I remember anything?”
“Well, a bad man hurt you, and you couldn’t bear to live with the memories, so instead of getting rid of you like he wanted to, I gave you a new purpose,” Mistress explained.
“Thank you for giving me a second chance,” She says.
“To repay your debt to me, there is a mission I need you to complete,” Mistress says, holding out a picture for her to take. “This is the man that hurt you, he is a liability to the mission. He’s going to come find you to kill you, you need to finish him before he can finish you.”
“What do I need to know about him?”
“He’s in trained multiple fighting styles, he’s a skilled marksman. He will try to manipulate you, you can’t let your defense fall around him,” Mistress explained.
“Yes, Mistress.” 
The next day is when she was called to gear up and be prepared for the man’s attack. What she wasn’t expecting to see was a man in a red helmet. 
“Mistress, is that him?”
“Yes, deal with him quickly and remember I’m watching. I need to make sure you are worth being apart of out cause.” “Of course, Mistress.”
“Marinette, please come home, we can work this out.”
“Who the hell is Marinette?” She asks, the man takes off his helmet to reveal the man from the picture.
“Do not let him manipulate you,” Mistress stresses through the coms.
“Yes, Mistress,” She says before rushing the man. She threw punch after punch, some he would catch others he would take. He never threw a punch or kicked her back.
“Marinette, please stop this, I won’t fight you. I love you,” he says, dodging a kick.
“No, you want to kill me,” she growls back.
“Why would I want to kill you? I can’t live without you!” He says, sweeping out her legs so she will fall.
“You’re lying to me, Mistress, had to wipe me to forget the pain you put me through,” She screams, standing back up.
“Do not speak to him.” Mistress commands.
“Yes, Mistress,” she responds, not noticing the hand flying at her face. He took her com and smashed it.
“Pixie, it’s just you and me now, tell me what’s happening.” After a bit of no response, he pins her. “It’s me Jason, last time you saw me we were in this position, but you were sobbing because you were called back. Mari, it’s me. Remember all the good times? We went to the circus, you took me to that vintage book store because I love English. You made me authentic Mexican food because you knew I missed my Abuela’s cooking.” The dead stare in her face made him want to cry, it was like the person he loved was gone. “Please remember me,” he sobs out, kissing her forehead.
It was like a barrier was broken. She stared up at him and tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. “Jay?”
“Pixie!” He exclaims, hugging her to the best of his ability. “Do you remember me?”
“I have bits and pieces, but it’s all blurry,” Marinette says, hugging him. They stand to find his brothers when she hears her.
“I guess, we’ll have to try this again, just leave the problem to me,” Mistress says, standing on the balcony. The shot was fired too fast, but she couldn’t lose Jason just after trying to murder him. She didn’t know what happened, but the next thing she knew was immense pain followed by spots in her vision. There was another shot and a lot of shouting, and maybe even some sobbing, but she’s too tired to remember. 
She lifts her hand to the person in front of her, they’re to blurry to make out, but she touches their face, hoping it was Jason and says. “Hey Jay, I may not remember you much, but I remember loving you, I wish we had… more… time, but I must…. Go.”
“Marinette! Keep your eyes open! Somebody get help!” Jason shouts.
“Bye, my love.” Blackness covers her vision.
“Todd, we must move if you want to be able to help her,” Damian commands.
“What! How can I help!”
“The pit.”
He picks her up and runs to the green liquid, forgetting everything, just thinking about nothing other than holding his love in his arms once more. He ignores the shouts of his family as he places her in the pit.
She sees a green light surrounding her, it didn’t take long for her to realize she couldn’t breathe. She burst up from the water and sees Jason and his family. It was too loud, too much light, too much everything… She jumps out of the green liquid and can’t remember much after that, she remembers someone tried to touch her and she freaked out. She threw a punch and she can’t remember if it landed or not, all she knows is that she has to get away from everyone, she has to find someplace to curl up and just be still.  She wants the world to be quiet and to be still, she doesn’t want to feel anything but darkness.(i tried to write like a sensory overload idk if you can tell)
She got as far away from everything as she could, she stumbled upon a cabin. She decided since it looks likes nobody has been there in a while to crash there till she could think straight before she could take on all the life of the city and seeing him again.
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Villain Attack
Day Three of doing something that requires commitment, posting an hour later than I have, got distracted making memes, don’t judge.
She was as excited as ever she’s been training extra hard with Jason and after a week of patrolling with him, she was cleared to join the rest of the batfam. Everything had been going fine and continued to go fine for a while. 
“Jay, are you coming on patrol tonight?”
“No, Pixie, as much as I would love to, I have plans wit Dick tonight,” Jason says, throwing on his leather jacket made by his sweet girlfriend. She walks up behind him and straightens out the shoulder. 
“I knew it would look good on you,” Marinette said before hugging his back.
“Give me a real hug,” Jason whines.
“Turn around then,” Marinette smirks into his shoulder. They savor the hug before being interrupted by the doorbell. “Well, I guess that’s your ride, love you.” She finished, standing on tiptoes to peck his lips.
“Love you too, stay safe, I’ll be home soon enough to hold you in my arms,” Jason says as he walks out the door. (ik cringe).
She smiled and got ready for patrol, she was meeting up with Tim at the Wayne building. After the meetup, the patrol went smoothly until there was a red alert and everyone was called to deal with Joker and his goons. One minute she was fine the next thing she knew was blackness before the loss of sound and feeling. She was left in complete darkness.
So this will be continued, I’ll let you know the day when it happens.
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@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous ​ @ironspiderstark @thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: First Meeting
Sooo yeah I decided to  do it cuz why not, but I suffer from committal issue and may or may not finish it.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
Honestly, it wasn’t his fault. I mean, he could’ve been paying more attention, but he was distracted trying to reach the book he had been waiting for, which had just been returned. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who was distracted cause the next thing he knew, a small body knocked into him and somehow, though he wouldn’t admit it, knocked him over. He heard some of the other bookcases falling like dominos.
“Fuck, why’d you knock into me,” Jason says, rubbing his head as he opens his eyes. He watched as the person stood up abruptly.
“Sorry, monsieur,” She says, holding out her hand. He stares, she beautiful adorable. She’s about to draw her hand back when he grabs it, she helps pull him up. When he’s upright again, they’re closer than strangers should be. “Can I make it up to you?” She asks, her thick French accent bleeds through.
“How about you let me take you on a date?” Jason smirks, the girl’s face turns bright red.
“That would be lovely,” She smiles.
“Wait what happened to your accent?”
“Eh playing foreigner so you wouldn’t be mad,” She says with a smirk.
“You really are my type of girl, ready for our date?”
Someone clears their throat. “How about your first date is picking up all these books you guys knocked over?” The librarian says, a hand on her hip.
“Uhhh…. Sure?” Jason says, looking down at the girl.
“I guess it’ll leave us with nothing else to do but talk,” the girl shrugs.
They talk for hours as they put the book backs. The sun was rising as they finished putting back the last couple of books. With a yawn Jason says. “Well, I guess that was the longest date I’ve ever been on and not going to lie, it was probably one of my favorites.”
“That’s good, umm, by the way, I never got your name.”
“That’s awkward because I never got your name either,” Jason says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well, Marinette, it’s been an honour to meet you, I’m Jason,” He says, kissing her hand.
idk what to type, oh wait! You can ask to be tagged and stuff.
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@ash-amg @bee-wrecker @damianette-is-life @mjisntme @i-will-be-your-ace @k-poplunardreams @chocolateherringtacofan @toodaloo-kangaroo @i-is-mysterious @zambie-trashart @imnotfluffy
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Master List
Yep as I’ve stated, I have comital issues and idk If I’m gonna finish. I just wanted something to do over the summer (or winter for some people I guess).
The Master: Master List
First Meeting
Soulmate AU
Villain Attack
A Single Rose
Villain AU
Shooting Range
Fabric and Weapons Do Not Mix
Joint Mission
First Aid
Fake Dating
Pit Madness
Gods AU
Joy Rides
Pirate AU
Summer Photography
Beach Day
First Date
Wayne Gala
So ya asked to be tagged and stuff
Tag List:
@jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark@thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree @zalladane
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