#Jaspers Rambles
soupdwelling · 3 months
ok au where after becoming archivist jon starts getting into the habit of making vent tiktoks in his car after work because tim showed him how and at first he was like “this is stupid” but then it genuinely started helping him decompress so he just kept doing it in secret. and he eventually he gains a minor following who are becoming increasingly concerned because it goes from “the most INSUFFERABLE statement giver came in today” to “i got fucking KIDNAPPED AGAIN!!!”
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
The Cupid scene but it’s Leo’s crush on Jason getting outed with Nico as the witness. and then they bond over unrequited crushes on heroes with perfect girlfriends.
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So I've been rewatching the Twilight movies and certain scenes from them recently, and there's something that caught my eye while going through the post-battle scene in Eclipse.
We have Jane and the others show up, being like "blah blah blah, you guys did pretty well against all these newborns, how curious, blah blah" before Jane notices that one of the newborns is still alive, pointing out Bree.
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Now, here's where it gets interesting for me. Because Jasper immediately moves and stands next to her protectively.
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And yeah, sure, he's the newborn expert, he's in charge of all-things newborn vampires, so in that sense alone it makes sense for him to associate himself with her in that way, but I think it's a lot more than that; namely something that is always mentioned in passing in the movies, but never really pointed out as something significant (unlike Edward's telepathy and Alice's precognition, which are always mentioned first in terms of desirable acquisitions of power). I of course speak of his pathokinesis.
Bree is scared. At this point she has realized that she's a vampire and what that means for her life, but she has no idea if she will come out of this stand-off alive, so naturally, she is nervous.
And thanks to his pathokinesis, of course Jasper can feel that. So I think he's standing with her, almost protectively, not just because he's in charge of her, but because he can feel her fear and tries to comfort her with his presence (she with her vampire sight can of course see that his skin is decked out in scars, so that intimidating display alone probably tells her him being on her side is a good thing).
And then we come to Jane starting to torture Bree, and me having another observation.
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When she falls to the ground and is screaming in agony, we can assume that Jasper can feel that, too (not the pain itself, but the mental anguish connected to it). And look how startled he seems when he sees her fall and looks from Bree to Jane.
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This moment here makes me think that this is probably the first time he's ever seen Jane's power in person. Of course he knew about her, knew what her powers are. Alice probably filled him in in detail about the events in Volterra from New Moon, and I assume Carlisle has shared many stories over the years, too.
But hearing about something and actually seeing it first-hand are two very different things.
For someone like him, who can feel what other people are feeling, from their happiest moments to their most devastating mental pain, watching Jane not only use her powers, but relish in their effect without a second thought since she can't feel the pain she's causing, must be absolutely nauseating, for lack of a better word.
Jasper's experienced several lifetimes of anguish by proximity and is trying his best to make others feel better, while Jane deals blow after blow with her powers without any consequence. It must feel wrong and unfair to him.
Anyway, back to the point.
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This is the face of a man who has fully realized what the antagonistic force is capable of, and he'll be sure to be prepared, next time they cross paths.
And lastly, something sad.
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He turns his back on Bree, probably because he can't deal with watching her die on top of feeling her fear and pain. Neither he nor the other Cullens can stop Bree's death from happening without declaring war on the Volturi in the process (because I'm certain that's how Jane and the others would see their push-back).
So all he can do is turn away, and maybe make an effort to lessen her pain (it doesn't look like he did, but I think it would make sense if he used his powers to make death less frightening for Bree).
Anyway, rest in peace, Bree, you would have made a wonderful addition to the Cullen family. ♥
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Any time you watch the Percy Jackson show and go "why would they do that" the answer is "because they're twelve"
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emthimofnight · 6 months
oooooooo do you have any interactions of jasper and warden or any headcannons of their relationship and does knuckles or rogue like him what about jade (sorry for being nosy just really interested)
OMG YOU AREN'T BEING NOSY AT ALL!!! 🥺❤️ It makes me so happy that people are interested in my silly little AU!
Warden finds Jasper to be exhausting, honestly. Can you imagine trying to collect a bounty on someone, and they won't stop hitting on you the whole time?? He drives him crazy. 😂 He would have decided the bounty wasn't worth it a long time ago if it hadn't become a matter of pride at this point. Jasper doesn't mind being chased around by a big handsome wolf, he finds it entertaining, if anything.
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As for his parents? Rouge thinks it's cute. 😆 Baby's first wanted poster!! Knuckles is less enthusiastic, he wishes Jasper wouldn't cause so much trouble, and he worries about him getting hurt. Jade doesn't really care either way, she's happy to see her brother having fun! However, if she saw Warden actually trying to hurt her brother he would have her to deal with. Eggman has found out she is not the pacifist he originally thought her to be when he tried to use Jasper as a hostage in the past!
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(forgive my messy sketches)
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helen-high-water · 22 days
Steven having the problems he had and then going to Jasper for help is like hey I need to glue my broken cup back together I'm gonna go ask for help at the bomb factory
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pizzaratzz · 4 months
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See idk what possessed me here
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jasperflickercats · 1 year
I wanna write this eventually but, I have a Bramblestar's Storm au in which the literal storm still happens, but instead of a stupid love triangle, it's about Bramblestar facing consequences for being a DF trainee in TNP.
The Clan is still divided on the OOTS trainees, and then when it's revealed that Bramblestar was an og trainee, all hell breaks loose. ThunderClan almost splits in half. And because of the physical storm going on, it almost destroys them. The pressure is immense. Some cats want Bramblestar forgiven, some don't trust him, and some hate him, because he saw firsthand what Tigerstar was like. He knew better than almost any DF trainee just how horrible Tigerstar had been. But he still trained with him.
So ThunderClan must try to reunite under the hurricane, while Bramblestar struggles to keep everyone together when so many simply don't trust him.
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averagetmntfan · 4 days
yay OCs
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I love these lil Fellers so much..
Monica: @m3rcuryxd2763
Zaria: @rebootgrimm
Sora: @small-world-au
Nerd (Jasper) @schnozzlebozzle
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birdinabowl · 9 months
Headcanon time again :D
It be neat if healed corrupted gems eye's reflect light similar to cats eyes (or animals eyes in general)
Because just imagine Steven trying to get a picture of Jasper and it comes out looking like this:
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no-ditches-no-bitches · 2 months
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soupdwelling · 20 days
my favorite somewhat underrated jarchivist moments
“a COMPLAINT? i could just as easily COMPLAIN about her WASTING MY TIME”
“before i address the central point of this statement, namely the question of…. whether the sky can eat people .”
melanie: “i should have known this was a COMPLETE waste of my time” jon: “probably 🙄”
“you don’t seem like you’re in your fifties?? or- or burnt to a crisp”
“you’re serious? you’re going on a date with… the dullard of skull mountain just so you have an excuse to eat a shopska salad?”
“another startling insight from the piercing investigative mind of georgie barker”
“WHAT is my metaphorical pit???”
melanie: “i mean it’s not like you have any reason to kill me” jon: noncommittal sound
martin: “melanie seems okay but i get the feeling she’s planning something?” jon: “i- i got that feeling. Too.”
“so. kidnapped. Again.”
“like colors, but if colors hated me. got it. christ i need a cigarette.”
basira: “so would you say this was supposed to be churchill or alfred hitchcock?” jon: “jowls like that, could be either”
“coma! great! let’s rearrange his office! sleeping people don’t need. pens!”
“police brutality lawsuit? :)”
[picture of edwardian offense] “I what?”
daisy: “it’s a joke, jon.” jon: “oh! hAha! yes.”
“i mean you’re not suggesting that santa works for the people’s church..”
long-suffering sigh “fuck.”
“i’m starting to feel a little. Self Conscious being a post apocalyptic google !”
martin: “did it stir any feeling in you?” jon: “Yes! Nausea! Because of the Horrible Things In It!”
“Yes the Colossal Web stretching down into an Endless Pit is a Significant improvement😑”
“‘free will’ she says, as we stand in the middle of her FUCKING WEB”
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Thinking about Jason Grace who has never had a decent experience with romance.
His first contact with it was with his best friend and fellow praetor, one forged by Rome’s expectations but not his will.
His second experience - also the last - was a fake girlfriend given upon his manipulative step-mother’s ideas, who later turned out to be into girls. It also created a rift between him and his previous almost-girlfriend, who above all was his best friend.
And the only time he got to meet a god of love - the supposedly cute and sweet Cupid - was only to watch, in helplessness, the god brutally threaten his friend to come out as a payment for helping them save their world.
All of that - and he died before he got to know what love’s supposed to mean.
Why did love forsake you, Jason.
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ender-cloud · 3 days
That new update ahshshbsbdhejsjdheha Tgs spoilers under cut
GUYS RACHEL IS CRYING AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO :( MY GIRL, I’ve been begging for a reaction and now i’m sad seeing it.
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It’s kind of the expected reaction and it’s an appropriate reaction but i feel so bad for her. I need a Rachel rant pages, i just need her to get her emotions out Holy shittt!!!
Also Jasper???
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I wanna know if its like, did he see Rachel upset, or is he like doubting Jekyll? From how the panels are set up I think it’s him being worried about Rachel and I’m hoping we get Rachel ranting next page please please please, I need it so bad
Ok ok, now Lanyons Monologue the actual important part of this page so time to break this down:D
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“But in Return, it tears your life Apart” god that’s so well written man, It’s so hard to unpack these things but i find it so interesting how Lanyon went from “Holy shit my boyfriend has been lying to me” to “Is it because of this Rouge science?”
The thing that stood out to me was Lanyon knowing that Jekyll was slipping but seemingly ignoring it because he didn’t want to believe Jekyll was slipping, he didn’t want to see Jekyll as anything except for “perfect” as we’ve seen in the last few pages
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“Maybe I wouldve been able to rescue Henry from himself” LANYON I LOVE YOU BUT YOU CAUSE ME SO MUCH PAIN HOLY SHIT
Was part of it Lanyons fault? Sorta???? Like in a way Jekyll made the potion so he could be this perfect person for himself and the society but it’s likely that Lanyon also had a big part in why.
Mind lanyon of course, what Jekyll wanted/inspired to be more like. But, Lanyon is only a factor why, I’m not sure how much he could’ve done for Jekyll, there is probably a way he couldn’t helped more but it’s not like 100% certain that even if he changed some things Jekyll wouldn’t have made the potion
Now it’s time for the, Guys please stop calling Hyde a disease, portion
AGHSHSHAHHEHEHWJW I get why Lanyon says these things, I do, I really do, BUT COME ON MAN, he’s still a human being dude, just a ball chaos. BUT A DEMON???
Like Hyde was still a part of Jekyll that’s now separated and has the ability to form his own thoughts but a demon???? I think Lanyon really needs to accept that Jekyll did this to himself, there wasn’t an outside force, its not a demon, Jekyll made the potion and drank it, studying the affects it might have even before he did it.
It’s just interesting how Lanyon refuses to accept it no matter how much Jekyll has told him about how he made the potion and chose to drink it and Lanyon is still here thinking “It’s a demon, Thats why”
God dude, Hyde hasnt even killed anyone in Tgs too so it’s even more like unreasonable, did he start a fire… yes, but in self defense! The Hyde slander is getting out of hand, :(
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Forget fourth of july
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Happy drawfee portrait redesign day
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emthimofnight · 7 months
Who of the two kids of Knuxouge is gonna inherent being a guardian to the chaos emerald
Jade is the one that takes guarding the Master Emerald seriously! She takes a lot after her father, where Jasper is a lot more like his mother. The last thing he wants to do is sit around in nature guarding a big rock!
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