reverintherevery · 8 months
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Ninjago Inktober #2- Companion.
I was originally going to draw Cole and the kids, but it looks like the word companion has more romantic connotations than what I though? I am not entirely sure I am using this word correctly, but any ways. Jaya in the lighthouse is what I did.
I DONT like this but the point of this Inktober for me is to draw something small every day, not for me to like it. Btw I am following @alastair-1205 prompt for the ninjago Inktober, forgot to mention that last time.
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bugstinytalks · 10 months
Ninjago Ship Thoughts
First and foremost I’m gonna tell you my head-canons for the ninjas sexualities since it’s probably gonna affect my thoughts on the ships.
Cole - Gay - the entire “dad I’m a ninja” is so fucking queercoded so that’s my reasoning.
Kai - Bi - this man primarily flirts with women but he gives strong bisexual energy and I stand by that.
Zane - Pan - I don’t feel like Zane has a strong enough grasp on gender for it to affect who he dates.
Jay - Omni - I feel like he has a preference for women but I feel in my soul that he’s at least had a crush on a guy before.
Nya - Bi - I don’t know if she’s ever had a crush on a girl but a girl has definitely had a crush on her and she would not be opposed to dating a girl.
Pixal - Pan - I feel like she has a better grasp of gender than Zane but gender doesn’t affect who she likes.
All other characters are up in the air for me. I lean towards seeing lloyd as aroace but I’m not certain. Anyway I’m with my thoughts. (These are in no particular order)
(Jaya) Jay/Nya - let’s start with a canon ship! I like how this relationship is portrayed in later seasons and they have some cute moments earlier in the series, but I definitely like there relationship post Nadakhan the best (I’ve butchered the genies name I know it) Jaya is sweet and I’m happy that Nya was given strong characterizations outside of her relationship with men overall I’d say this is a solid 8/10.
(Pixane) - Zane/Pixal - I love this ship so much, she has half his fucking heart and there both so great. Zane and Pixar are both fully independent who love each other and there so cute. I think one appeal of this ship for me is that I can see the both as romantic or platonic partners because they both mean so much to the other. Anyway love this ship 9.6/10
(Kailor) - Kai/Skylor - I love Skylor she’s super cool but this pair really only interacts once and awhile to briefly flirt before they just go there separate ways. Obviously both of them are busy so it makes sense that they don’t get a lot of time together. Kai definitely had a crush on Skylor and I think Skylor reciprocated those feelings. There cut and interesting but don’t have as much development as they need for me to be compelled to be invested. Solid 6.5/10.
(Llorumi) - Lloyd/Harumi - these two have a fascinating dynamic that I think is really fun to watch but I cannot see them as romantic partners. I know some people see them as siblings and I really don’t see them that way. And again there really interesting as a duo and while I want the pair to heal and improve there relationship I don’t really want them to date. Overall 5/10 cool duo don’t see them as romantic.
(Lloykita) - Lloyd/Akita - It’s pretty cute, I love Akita so I do hope we see her again. There relationship feels like a summer relationship they have this brief sweet period of time together and they leave on good terms unsure if they’ll ever meet again or if the other will still have feelings if they do meet again. I also really like the idea of these to being together in a queer platonic way. It’s really cute and I love both of the characters individually so it’s a pretty solid ship in my opinion. 8/10 it’s sweet.
(Conia) - Cole/Vania - it feels like a lesbian and a gay man being best friends. I love these two I think there great friends and could even see them being platonic partners but like I don’t see them doing more than that. Solid 5/10 cool pair don’t see it as romantic.
(Lava) - Cole/Kai - There so cool and I think this ship is really fun. I think that these two are both really great characters who mesh well I can totally see them dating and think it’s a really cute ship. These two are bonding over there weird ass family lives and crippling self doubt! These two are a cute pair 9/10
(Bruise) - Jay/Cole - these two are so silly and honestly this is a cute ship. I think Cole was definetley involved in Jays realization that he wasn’t straight. I think this is a cute ship but not one I have super strong feelings on 7/10
(Mudshock) - Jay/Cole/Nya - the best solution for a love triangle is polyamory. That said I wasn’t a big fan of the love triangle but in Ninjago since Cole didn’t actually seem interested in Nya, and Nya only was interested in Cole cause a matchmaking system said so. These three are definitely great friends who joke about the love triangle and hang out but I don’t know that it’s my favorite ship. 6.7/10 Cute but not great.
(Polyninja) - Jay/Cole/Kai/Zane - I think this is probably one of the greatest things I have ever seen. All of these characters are so close and care for each other so much. Together they can help each other grow and thrive. It’s really an awesome ship solid 10/10
There are lots of other ships I will talk about but I’m supposed to be doing my summer class final so I’ve gotta go try to be responsible. Anyway have a good day/night I love seeing comments so say hi if you’d like to :D
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zayrenvie · 29 days
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Design my own ninjago character's costume!! I tried tho, with the patterns and everything for each characters, I hope I nailed it.
Anyways, here's a closed ups
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And the shortest and tall trio be like :
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1-noone-1 · 3 months
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galaxyhanart · 4 months
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Cole says something like this in the Dreamzzz crossover and it’s haunted my mind ever since. Cole what are you talking about. Destiny is most certainly NOT on your side
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ann-archyy · 6 months
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The sillies
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alizibtheterrible · 6 months
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I just like the idea that Zane and Nya are RUTHLESS during snowball fights. Let the braincell holders go apeshit
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Don’t tell me either of them haven’t dumped slush down someone else’s neck. There are no rules except for one. Win.
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kunshokunsho · 26 days
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(this took so long guys pls like and subscribe jsshgsywjnwakskxhhdbrjrkrjghrbrjkekekrj))
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biscuithoney · 20 days
The sillies!
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They know Zane, they know...
Based on an interaction between me and my friends.
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riicahr · 1 month
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Finally updated my headcanons for the main Ninja's appearances ♡ The ones from last year looked ew to me so this was overdue.
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Lloyd: I know he doesn't have curly hair, but I was unhappy with the way I drew it before so I tried something different and really liked this so I stuck with it. Light freckles, scars too obviously. The little braid is a personal touch of mine representing a connection to my OC hehe
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Nya: the markings from her Ocean form were so pretty I had to keep them faintly, and the blue streaks in her hair seemed fitting too. Also a small nose piercing because she would. I love giving her turquoise colors too. Round face features
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Kai: his spiky hair is always a challenge so I tried finding a way that's easier for me to draw. I love giving him a mullet too. Slightly crooked nose, sharp features overall & moles. Lotsa ear piercings. Tattoos probably as well
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Zane: the most fun to do, his robotic features give a lot of freedom to work with. Making his hair half dark half white was a random idea but I love it now. Straight and angular features
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Cole: wider face and body shape, long scar from his forehead down to the eye. I gave my best drawing dreads for him and I think I did well. Orange-green eyes from his ghost phase. Oh and a slight stubble, I thought it fit him well. Originally wanted to give Kai one too, maybe next time
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Jay: saw a cosplay of him with this lightning scar across his face and I loved it so much I took it over. Also heterochromia for him, it just feels right. Lots of freckles, super fluffy hair. One hair streak looks like a lightning bolt. Soft shapes and features
Bonus ~☆°•.*
Ninjago OC yeaahh ♡
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Nemari: Sharp jawline, pointy chin and nose. Very light freckles, big scar on right shoulder. Pointy ears, few ear piercings.
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paperbooart · 1 month
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way to take the romance out of it
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sharksandjays · 7 months
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i think their locker elevators are funny
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yeajeedraws · 2 months
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Ninjago on my mind 24/7
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dominolemon · 2 months
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Omg….omg that’s so…that’s so crazy 🤭
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derlingly · 2 months
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Them the whole time in DR lmao
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peachybruiseslego · 2 months
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oh nya.. oh poor poor nya.
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