#Jealous Verse: Sam p1
Jealous (1/2)
Title: Jealous Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, others.... Summary: Ticklish!Sam; Sam is a big boy now and doesn't need help from his big brother. But, that doesn't mean others could have Dean either! (Not Wincest) Wee!Chesters
Sam was becoming a big boy now. He could brush his teeth on his own (though Dean still hovered over his shouder) and he could get himself dressed. He was proud of what he can accomplish so far and said so. Sam told Dean that his big brother didn't need to watch over him anymore, he was growing up and could do things on his own. Dean had just smiled, in his big brother knows all, kind of way and ruffled Sam’s hair.
Currently, they were at the park and Sam was playing in the sandbox, waiting for Dean to help him build his castle. Even though Sam was a big boy, his brother always made building castles fun and totally awesome looking. Dean was hanging around the swings the last time Sam looked but when the six year old glanced back, Sam noticed a younger boy swinging on them too. Then Dean did the unthinkable.
He pushed the little boy on the swings. Sam could hear the child’s joyous shouts and yells for Higher! Higher! It made a feeling of something Sam wasn't really accustomed to but made his chest ache and his mood sour. Pure Jealousy.
Dean was his big brother. Not that kids! Dean was supposed to help Sam build a sand castle and they would play with the small army men Dean hid from Dad so Sam would have something to play with. But, Dean was pushing some little kid on the swing, having fun. Without Sam. It hurt his head and his heart because he wanted Dean’s attention.
Hot tears burned Sam’s eyes and he quickly shook his head. Sam was a big boy and big boys don't cry. The smallest Winchester wiped his eyes, sniffling into his sandcastle. It didn't seem so fun anymore and Sam wanted to go home. Dean looked like he was having fun with his new little brother and Sam didn't want to make Dean upset. He noticed how his big brother did a lot for him as their Dad wasn't around most of the time. Dean always watched Sam so maybe Dean grew tired of his baby brother. It made Sam sad even to acknowledge that. 
Sam stood and quickly ran to the slide, hiding into the tunnel. He stretched as far as he could so he could hold on at both ends and not slide down. The little boy sniffled again as the tears of jealousy and shame trickled down his cheeks. Maybe Dean wouldn't even notice he was gone.
He was dead wrong.
Not even five minutes later, Dean’s panicked voice called for Sam. The sand box was empty and there was no trace of his little brother anywhere. Every urge in Sam said to call back to Dean to assure him that Sam was okay but the stubborn boy stayed silent and cried quietly. 
Dean’s batman sneaker’s that their dad bought for his son’s tenth birthday ran past the slide and up the ladder. 
“Sammy?!” Dean called again, tears of fear and frustration getting the better of him. He peeked into the slide and paused at the small figure curled inside. “Sam?” He asked, softly. He got an answering sniffle and Dean sighed in relief. “Come on out, Sam. I need to talk to you.”
Now that he found Sam, anger pulsed through the older Winchester. He was terrified when he found his baby brother missing. Dean was at the swings, watching Sam build a little castle albeit unenthusiastically when a little boy asked for a push on the swings. His dad was putting his baby sister in the carriage and couldn't do it at the moment. Dean easily agreed, only when he looked up for Sam when the father did show up, his own tyke was gone.
“No,” Sam cried back, curling in on himself, nearly yelping as he slid a bit more down the slide.
Dean could hear the tears and felt some of his resolve soften and he lowered himself into the slide. “Okay, then I’m coming in.”
Sam’s eyes widened and he scrambled down as Dean pushed himself toward Sam. His legs came on either side of his little brother and Sam used them to lever himself out and took off in another run. Dean huffed when he didn't grab Sam immediately and ran after his baby brother. Dean was taller and older so he easily grabbed his younger sibling, ignoring his own hurt at the struggles Sam seemed to be going at to get away from him.
Dean pulled Sam into his arms and made his way back to the motel, wincing every time Sam kicked a bit to harshly. Sam was now making tiny whimpers, weakly hitting Dean with his little fists as he tried to get away. Dean was confused and hurt at what Sam seemed to be doing to get away from him so much. He was pretty sure this had nothing to do with being a big boy. And just this morning, the two were cuddled on the couch watching cartoons, so what changed?
Dean opened the motel door and closed it, being careful of the salt lines before putting Sam down. The little brother ran onto their shared bed and buried his face into the pillows. Dean walked closer and sat on the edge of it with a frown.
“Sammy...whatever I did, dude, I’m sorry.”
“Mhhm dumht whmmmt meh?” Sam mumbled back. Dean gave a fond snort and tilted his head.
“What was that, kiddo?”
Sam turned his head and gave big teary eyes to Dean, effectively breaking his heart, and repeated, “You don’t want me?”
Dean gaped and his eyes widened in surprise, “What?!”
Sam sniffed as his eyes grew extra watery and the tears escaped down his chin and onto the sheets.
“Where the hell did you hear that?”
Sam wrinkled his nose. Dean wasn't supposed to curse even though he was a bigger boy then Sam. Sam knew he would be called a baby if he told Dean so he turned his head and hid back in the pillows. Dean waited before realizing Sam wasn't going to answer...willingly.
“I didn't want to have to do this, Sammy, but you leave me no choice,” Dean mock-sighed, rubbing small circles on Sam’s back before fanning them out to the dips of the smaller boys sides. 
Sam squeaked in surprise, the tears pausing as the tingling ticklish sensation that passed through his body. Sam immedietley started squirming, arms reaching behind him to catch his big brother’s hands while trying not to laugh. He only lasted 15 seconds.
“Yeah, kiddo?” Dean asked, moving to the tiny hips and rubbing his thumbs on both sides, knowing how much―he himself―hates it and knowing Sam would too. 
Sam laughed loudly, childish howls of protest escaping his little mouth as he tried to kick his big brother away. “Nohohoho tihihihickles!”
“No tickles? But you love tickles!” Dean lightly danced over the small thighs before crawling back up to Sam’s butt, giving it a playful smack and tickling the little boy’s back. “That’s for hiding when I was calling for you, Sammy! Don’t you ever do that again.”
At the words, he dug into every rib he could reach, smirking at the pleading Sam squealed on and on about.
“Dehehean! I’m sohOHORRY!” Dean was able to wiggle a finger in both clamped armpits. He prided them open and dug his thumbs into the center of each pit, his fingers scratching the outer muscle.
Sam had new tears welled in his eyes but still not the reaction Dean was craving. He pulled away from Sam and expertly flipped his baby brother over. Sam yelped and looked up at Dean with those big hazel eyes. Dean leaned down and kissed Sam’s nose with a smile.
“I don’t know what’s going on in your head today, kiddo. But, I’m giving you a chance to tell me or I’m going for the tummy!”
“No tummy!”
“Talk to me, Sammy.”
Sam let out a tiny sigh and looked guiltily up at Dean, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. But, kid, please tell me what’s wrong,” Dean pleaded, running his fingers across Sam’s forehead, brushing away the hair.
“I...I don't want to be a big boy,” Sam cried, clutching Dean’s shirt with his little fists. Dean blinked a bit startled, before soothing his baby brother with small pets. “I-I still need you, De! Please don't leave me!”
“Sammy, I am never leaving you! What brought this on?”
“You-You were pushing that k-kid on the swings. I-I was waiting for you! You make t-the best castles b-but you never came!” Sam sobbed, eyes squeezing shut as they flowed down his cheeks. His face flushed with shame that he was crying but Dean was the best big brother ever so maybe he wouldn't make fun of Sam too much.
“S-Sammy, were you jealous?” Dean sounded a bit choked up, which Sam didn't understand. Sam didn't realize how happy it made Dean to know his little brother was trying to grow up but didn't want anyone to have his Dean.
“Yes,” Sam stated.
Dean curled his little brother into his chest and cooed, nuzzling into the thick hair. Sam took a shuddering breath and cuddled closer, nosing Dean’s collarbone and finally relaxing. The older brother let out a small chuckle and pulled the younger one away so he could look into the bright hazel eyes.
“Sammy, that kid didn't mean anything. He’s just a kid. You on the other hand, are my baby brother. You’re mine. Mom gave you too me so you don't have to get jealous. I’m always yours too.”
Sam smiled brightly and allowed Dean to lower him back onto the bed. Dean drummed his fingers against the ticklish sides. The smaller boy started giggling immediately, sounding happier and lighter then when he was tickled before.
“I still think you need to laugh, Sammy,” Dean smiled as Sam giggled excitedly. He darted his hands toward the middle of the slim tummy and scribbled his nails in circles and cursive words. Sam shrieked loudly, kicking his feet and grabbed onto Dean’s wrist, though this time, not pushing him away.
“I gotcha, Sammy.”
Dean turned the light tickles to hard ones, switching in between because of Sam’s reactions. The smaller boy was letting out such adorable child laughter that it seemed to brighten the room. Finally, going for the kill, Dean pushed up Sam’s shirt further and blew a big raspberry right on the tiny navel. 
“AHHHHH! AHAHAHAHA! DEEEEE!” Sam screeched loudly, hands tightening on his brother’s shoulder’s now. Dean ignored the pleads and put multiple tiny ones all over his brother’s belly, soon stopping himself because he couldn't stop laughing with Sam.
Sam curled on himself as Dean settled next to him, one hand clutching his brother’s shirt still. Dean scooped up Sam into his arms and hugged the small boy close with a grin.
“I’m yours, Sammy. It’s okay.”
And Sam was just fine with that.
~Fin~ Maybe continued eventually...?
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