cringemesstickles · 5 months
Cat And Mouse
Summary: This is basically just the scene from s10e03 except it’s normal and Dean is just Dean and also isn’t trying to kill Sam-
Pairing: None
Word Count: 1,010
A/N: *Posts this and runs*
Literally this is all I could think about during this scene. :’)
“Cmon sammy, don’t you wanna hang out with your big brother?” Dean called out, stalking the bunkers halls in search for his little brother.
Sam heard his brother’s taunts, and from the sound of it, he wasn’t too far.
This little cat and mouse game had gone on for about a minute; Dean calling out taunts and teases while Sam tried to get himself as far away as possible from his playful older brother.
The goal was to get to Dean’s room, as It’d be too obvious to hide in his own; and besides, it was only a few corners away.
“Sammy? You’re just making this worse for yourself man.”
Sam pressed himself against the wall when he heard his brother’s voice from around the corner.
He was so screwed.
He peered over the right hand corridor, Dean’s room was right there! If he was stealthy enough, he may be able to slip under Deans radar.
Just as he was about to make a break for it…
“GOTCHA!” Dean grabbed his younger brother and flung him over his shoulder, carrying him to his bedroom.
How Dean was able to carry him, Sam had no clue.
Dean wasn’t weak by any means, but Sam was 6'4 for crying out loud!
There’s no time to dwell on it! right now, he had to find a way to escape.
When they reached the room, Dean dumped his brother onto his bed and quickly climbed on top of him, making sure he was pinned.
“Well little brother, it seems I’ve caught you…” He said through an evil grin,
“You know what happens next, don’t you Sammy?” raising his hands, he wiggled his fingers above Sam’s stomach.
“Dean w-wait, can’t we talk about thihihis?” A nervous giggle slipped past his lips as he started pleading with his big brother.
The sight of his brother’s wiggling fingers tore down his crumbling resolve, reducing him to a giggly mess.
“Sorry Sammy, I caught you fair and square… take your punishment like a man!”
With that, he vibrated his claws into the center of Sam’s belly, making the younger scream with laughter.
Dean grinned cheekily.
“I’m already tickling you, there’s nothing to wait for!”
Sam gripped the soft sheets, head thrown back in mirth, laughing harder than he has in a long while.
Dean’s hands drifted to Sam’s sides, kneading the sensitive flesh while an evil grin made its way to his face.
“Ohhh, I get it… you just can’t wait for me to raspberry that cute belly of yours!”
He said, letting a finger trail back to his brother’s stomach and lightly tracing.
Just at the mention of raspberries, Sam’s eyes widened, shooting his hands down to protect his tummy from the inevitable attack.
“Nonono! Dean, please dohohohont!!”
He was squirming side to side, trying anything to throw his brother off.
“Why not? Too ticklish? Surely you can handle a couple measly raspberries.. unless you really are that ticklish?” The older brother tapped against the younger’s side thoughtfully, smile glued to his own face at the image of his little brother so happy and carefree.
Sam’s face reddened, the teasing easily getting under his skin.
“Shut uhuhuhup!!!” His hands moved from protecting his stomach to covering his face in embarrassment.
“Hey!” Dean poked his brother’s belly button, eliciting a squeak.
“Don’t tell your big brother to shut up!”
As if to punish his little brother for his actions, he dove his head down and blew raspberry after raspberry on the ticklish tummy.
“NOOO DEHEHEAN, I’M SORREEHEHEHE!!” The taller squealed, bucking his hips and shoving at his brothers head.
Sam could feel the older’s smile against his skin; he didn’t know what got Dean in such a playful mood but he had to admit, he was having a lot of fun. It felt nice to let go and laugh, and it felt nice for Dean to hear his brother laugh for real.
It’s not that Sam’s laughter was never genuine, it’s just that it was never really full on laughter, only light chuckles mostly at Dean’s expense.
This laughter on the other hand, loud, boisterous, happy, this was the laughter that Dean had missed so much.
He lifted his head to give his brother a break, lightly tracing along his sides.
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Sam. Telling your big brother to shut up is a horrible offense!”
Sam just giggled.
“You tehehell me to shut up ahahall the tihihime!”
Dean shrugged.
“Well, I’m the big brother. I’m allowed.” He grinned at the eye roll he received.
“You’re sohoho annoying.” Sam grumbled, his attempt at a frown looking more like a pout.
“Aww, there’s no need to pout, Sammy. Luckily, I know just how to fix it!”
He caught both of his brothers wrists and pinned them to either side of him, diving down again, this time nuzzling against Sam’s belly, rough stubble rubbing against soft skin and making it all the more ticklish.
The younger hunter snorted, throwing his head back and screaming with bright happy laughter.
Sam was practically screeching, squirming as best he could.
The older brother laughed against the shaking tummy, finding the reactions both funny and cute.
“Why not? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”
Dean laughed.
“Well that’s all the reason to continue!”
Tears of mirth were starting to form in Sam’s eyes and his cheeks were getting sore from smiling so much.
Dean could tell it was about time to let up, he gave his brother one last raspberry before rolling off of him.
Sam curled into ball with his arms wrapped around his stomach, leftover giggles falling from his lips.
The older hunter grinned and pat the younger on the shoulder.
“You alright there, little brother?”
Sam nodded, a smile still stuck to his face as he tried to get his giggles under control.
“I hahahate you.”
Dean chuckled at that.
“No you don’t.”
Sam’s laughter subsided a bit but his smile still remained
No I don’t…
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fluffyhare · 3 months
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settled 💙
for @smolknismofox !
🔞 No minor interaction, please. 🔞
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smolknismofox · 2 months
Your ler pinning you down and tickling you out of your mind while watching tv is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Just ignoring all the pleas and begging and squeals as they tickle and tickle and tickle~
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sleepy-gee · 27 days
cutesy dps headcanons because why not
neil used to pretend that he didn't know how to tie his tie to get todd to do it for him. he found it odd but did it without complaint
when neil finally does start to tie his own ties, todd turns into a proud mother and smiles like silly
charlie has specialized nicknames for all of the poets + gets offended when anyone else uses them (think dean with other people calling sam 'sammy')
cameron is the jacket king. he has 50 million tucked away in his closet. always brings extras on cold nights for the other poets
meeks' favorite class is choir, my man loves to sing!! he often gets caught by the others humming or singing to himself
pitts is the kind of guy to get offended when someone 'ruins' a book, whether that be annotating or dog earing the corner of their pages. he carries bookmarks for this very reason
meeks is the complete opposite. he has no problem with annotating his book/dog earing the pages
they fight over that all the time
todd can play guitar at a pretty decent level
he plays and meeks sings :]
mr. keating makes his students hot chocolate on cold days/rough days (like the day before a test or during finals week)
knox is extremely ticklish
cameron and todd snort when they laugh
cameron doesn't care while todd is absolutely mortified by it
neil is unfortunately tone deaf. doesn't stop him from loving music tho
pitts and charlie are the kings of dad jokes. they can go back and forth for hours, to the annoyance of the poets.
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saturnzskyzz · 6 days
This is mainly a ficlet until I write more of the actual fanfic about this show.. I have so many ideas, it's insane.
Family reunion
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Lee: Ben
Ler: Bumpy
Ben reunites with Bumpy. As both were excited to see each other, bumpy couldn't help her excitement. Let's say that Ben gets a tickly warm welcome.
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・divider credits・
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"Ah! Bumpy! I can't believe it, haha!" Ben says, excited to see his Dino friend, running around the open field not far out from Sammy's place.
Ever since their rescue from the stranded island, the gang had been off to do their own thing for a while. But since they all collectively decided to live on the island, where work was made to get the island "dinosaur free" in a safely manner, they've been collectively working on themselves, and what they were wanting to do and pursue for the rest of their lives.
But since the hunt; Ben, Darius, and soon Sammy, will have to get on the road before the "hunters" get to them.
As much as Darius and Ben were in a hurry-still hadn't told Sammy because of her cut-in small talk. They were dragged into seeing Sammy's surprise out back, near her little farm area.
And a surprise it was!
"Ah! Ahaha, Buhuhumpy! H-hohohold on now gihirl!" Ben giggled. He lightly tried to bat away Bumpy's face as she muzzled into Ben, who was currently laying on the floor due to Bumpy pushing him over in excitement.
"Awee! Look at them! I've never seen Bumpy happier until this very moment!" Sammy said, squealing in excitement. She stared at them in awe, filled with happiness that the two were finally reunited. It's been hard trying to get Bumpy all the way out to her home, but luckily she had managed.
"Wow! H-how did you do it, Sammy?! This is amazing!" Darius said, looking at her with a shocked expression.
"Oh, it was nothin'! As long as our dear friend is happy, there ain't no story to tell." Sammy said, smiling her worries away.
Bumpy made a sound of happiness, as she dug more into Ben's neck and chest, still trying to get the excitement wiggles out of herself.
"Ehehehaha! Ihihi'm hahahappy to sehehee you tohoo, buhumper cahar!" Ben gave Bumpy some loving pets to the head, as he tried to signal Bumpy to let up on the nuzzling because of how ticklish it was for him.
"Ohohokay girl! Thahat's ehenough- plehehease!" Ben tried to wiggle out of her grasp, momentarily causing his beanie to slip off his head-but it seemed that she wasn't letting up anytime soon. She knew that Ben was happy in this moment, and if her nuzzling is signaling her any sight of happiness from Ben, then she continued.
When Ben figured out that Bumpy wasn't letting up anytime soon, he settled to just wing it out until Bumpy was satisfied.. Unfortunately he doesn't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
As for Sammy and Darius, taking in the wholesome scene, they were both astonished by how happy the two seemed to be. Almost like they haven't seen them this happy in a long time..
"Ihi don't think I've seen bumpy this happy to see Ben before.. Nor have I heard that laugh from Ben in a looong time!" Darius remarked, showing a bit of empathy. Sure, they've had their fun before, where Ben would let loose and be himself, but it wasn't the type of happiness that he's been known to see as for when Ben is around Bumpy. He's really got a soft spot for the dinosaur..
"Guhuhuys, ahaha lihihittle help,, plehehease?!" Ben asked, overwhelmed of the situation now. He kicked his legs to accidentally show how much the nuzzling has gotten to him, as he still tried to get Bumpy to stop with the affectionate Nuzzling as he seemed that laying limp wasn't actually going to do anything.
"Ohokay! Okay! C'mon Darius, let's help the poor soul out of his ticklish agony." Sammy said, jogging up to Ben and Bumpy.
"Ohon it!" Darius halfly shouted out, now jogging up to them as well.
. . .
If you want to be tagged in any chaos theory fics, let me know! :]
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pahtoosh · 1 year
Can you write Bucky Barnes x little reader where he playfully tickles her with his mouth (kisses, raspberries, gnawing/biting)?
mouthed and dangerous
wc: ~460 words
warnings: lots of kisses! ticklish reader, fluff, deep questions about birds.
a/n: get it? like ‘armed and dangerous’? hehe
pairing: mafia!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Daddy? Do you think a real pelican can hold Marlin and Dory in his mouth and not eat them like Nigel?”
Bucky opened and then closed his mouth. It wasn’t often that the mafia boss was rendered speechless, but you managed to catch him off guard. “That’s a good question, angel. Maybe you should ask Sammy the next time you see him.”
You nodded and snuggled back into Bucky. Sam liked birds, surely he would have some ideas on the realism of Finding Nemo. You tried focusing on the movie but it was difficult with Bucky tapping his foot. You were sitting on his lap and the movement sent vibrations throughout your body. He’d been fidgeting a lot for the past few minutes.
“Daddyyy, stop bouncin’. I wanna see Nemo.”
“Oh, sorry baby.” He stopped bouncing his leg but then replaced the habit by toying with your hands.
“Dada!” you giggled. “No more! It tickles.”
If you weren’t facing the other direction, you would’ve seen the mischievous glint in Bucky’s eyes.
“Does it now?”
“Yeah. And I wanna wa-“ your squeal cut off the rest of that sentence.
Bucky was full-on tickling your sides now. You flopped onto your side on the couch, still laughing and trying to escape.
He mirrored your position and held your wrists by your head, trapping you. He blew a raspberry on your belly, making you shake with laughter.
Then, he grinned down and leaned in to give you a kiss. It seemed innocent enough and you even thought you were free from his assault but then he playfully nipped at your jaw and collarbone.
“Nooo! No bite, Dada!”
He looked at you incredulously. “No bite? What can Daddy do then?”
You thought about it for a second. “Kiss!” You thought you were so smart, but Bucky had a taste of your infectious laughter and he wasn’t going to stop just yet. He placed a bunch of featherlight kisses in the crook of your neck. The brush of his lips and breath made you giggle so much it was nearly silent. He called this your “sweet spot” because any tickling in this area rendered you a useless puddle.
Finally, you managed to choke out “N- no more. No more kiss.”
Bucky obeyed your wishes and stopped his attack. You looked at each other, just trying to catch your breath.
“Can Daddy have one more kiss?” he asked.
A beat of silence passed.
“Just one,” you said, nervously.
He gave you a soft peck on the lips and then helped you sit back up.
“Do you wanna keep watching the movie, angel?”
You shook your head. “Maybe just more cuddles. And more kisses. But no tickle!”
Bucky laughed. “Okay, baby. No more tickles, Daddy’s had his fill.”
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soft--dragon · 9 months
Taking A Break
Words: 1,794
Warnings: None
This is my first Supernatural fic!! I started the show a few months ago and I'm on season 15 now (lord help me) Hope you guys enjoy <3
This is all entirely platonic, I do not ship wincest. Do not tag it as such. Wincest shippers do NOT interact with this post.
This was inspired by this absolutely adorable fanart by @carrie-tate . Go show her some love!! His work is incredible :D
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Now, Sam wanted to go on record to say that he was grateful for Dean being his big brother. He had looked up to him ever since he was a kid, trying to be just like Dean - having a strong heart and an even stronger sense of loyalty. Where their dad had failed in their youth, Dean had picked up the shattered pieces left behind and made Sam's childhood as good as it could be. He'd sacrificed everything for Sam, and he'd do it again in a heartbeat. Hell, Dean had practically said those words himself.
Sam was lucky to have Dean. He knew that.
However, right now, he really, really wanted to be anywhere but stuck in a motel room with his big brother.
“Stay away from me, you dick!”
“C’mon Sammy, you can’t seriously still be ticklish can you?”
“I said stay away!”
Sam’s face was split into a wide, nervous grin, shifting his weight from foot to foot on his side of the dining table the motel room had. Dean was almost entirely leaning over the damn thing, a toothy smile on his face with that same spark in his eyes Sam had often seen when they were kids. He honestly didn’t know what spurred Dean into such a playful mood, and he knew what was surely coming along with it.
“We were in the middle of researching!” protests Sam, trying to divert Dean’s attention to the more important task of hunting the latest creature of carnage.
Dean merely scoffs. “Nope. You were researching and acting like you had a stick up your ass, I’m simply helping you balance work and living.”
“The work kinda is our life, Dean-”
“And there you go again.” Dean sighs impatiently. “Could you liven up at least a little? The motel room feels even sadder than usual when you get broody.”
Dean suddenly lunged around the table and advertently kicked Sam’s fight or flight into overdrive, a rather undignified squawk leaving the younger man’s mouth in fear of the speed his brother tore around the furniture. He bolted around the table to stop at the opposite side, mirroring his brother, who was grinning even wider.
“Stohop!” Sam pleads, a breathless laugh weaseling into his words and only egging Dean on more.
“Why? You’re laughing, aren’t you? That’s good!”
“Dean, I am going to kill you,” Sam swears, trying to look serious - but with his anticipatory smile and bright eyes, it was difficult to seem threatening.
Dean snorts. “Uh-huh, sure.”
Then, with the engrained speed of a trained hunter, Dean fakes out a fast step to the right and causes Sam to take off to the left around the table - straight into Dean’s awaiting trap. Realising his error immediately, Sam yelps and tries to backpedal in a panic, but Dean leaps forward and wrestles him onto the carpet before he can even hope to escape.
Sam’s outraged shout only made Dean laugh harder. “You gotta stop falling for that, Sammy,” he comments playfully, grabbing his little brother’s swinging arm and forcing it to the floor. In a split second, Sam’s yells of annoyance morphed into fast-paced pleads as he registered being pinned.
“No- no, Dean, listen- I’ll take a break, okay? I’ve been a stick in the mud, and whatever else you think. We’ll go out and get a drink somewhere. Sound good? Great. Fantastic. Now lemme up.”
Dean smirks in amusement as Sam bargained like a crossroads demon desperate to get a sale - paired with a nervous grin and hands held up in defense. As he pauses to take a breath between his rambled offers, Dean hums, effectively making Sam stop short.
“Tempting offer, but I think we'll both be entertained by this, bud.”
With the hand not holding his brother's wrist captive, he starts to poke along Sam's midriff, grinning when his younger sibling flinches away from it with a strangled noise.
"Mhm?" Dean hums innocently, delighting in every involuntary jerk and muffled squeak Sam gave at the light prodding.
"Cut it out." Sam hisses through tightly pressed lips, eyes crinkling with his wobbly grin as he fruitlessly tried to avoid Dean's probing fingers.
Dean almost looked offended. "Cut it out? Dude, I haven't done this to you in years. Let a big brother be nostalgic."
Then, without any warning, he quickly squeezed at Sam’s sides, causing a shrill yelp to suddenly pierce the air. Sam dissolves into fits of laughter instantly, wriggling on the carpet in his mirth from childhood instinct.
“Aaaa~nd there it is," Dean snorts, his unforgiving nails digging into Sam's side and delighting in the familiar hiccuping giggles pouring from his brother's mouth. Even after all these years, his laugh hadn't changed a bit. "Always gonna be a little brother."
Sam's legs flailed wildly, shoes scuffing the floor in a repetitive motion to not kick Dean in the back. Though it was growing tempting the longer his big brother kept scratching at his damn sides.
"Dehehehean!" He protests through tumbling laughter, pressing an arm against Dean's chest to shove him away, but he hadn't grown out of his childhood habits. His strength was being sapped by the tingling sensation plaguing his body.
Dean notices and chuckles fondly. "What? Got something you wanna say, little brother?"
"Ihihim twehehenty fohohour!"
"And yet here you are on the floor giggling like a child. Something doesn't add up here, Sammy."
While his hand journeyed to squeeze up and down Sam's ribs, causing the man to be honest-to-god squeak in laughter, Dean got a rather mean idea. He lifts his hand above Sam, wiggling his fingers, and instantly, Sam curls into himself with wide eyes. The hand pressed against Dean's chest swiped out to snatch up the older man's wrist.
"Nonononono- nohoho Dehehean!" He pleads, his bright laughter unbridled in a way Dean hadn't heard in far too long. "Nohohot thahat!"
"Aww, why not? You loved this growing up."
Sam's face burns with warmth, suddenly glad he was already flushed from laughing, because he knew Dean wouldn't let him live that reaction down. "Ihihi dihidn't!"
"Liar, liar, Wendigo on fire," Dean scoffs, prodding Sam's stomach with his free hand and smirking as the man did his best impression of a folding chair, his giggles melding with snorts. With little difficulty, he tugs his wrist from Sam's grip and returns to the wiggling motion above his little brother.
Sam's nervous giggles increased as Dean kept his hand suspended, watching with wary eyes as it seemed to circle above like a vulture. Though, with Sam's eyes locked to the overhead threat, he didn't see the second wave coming until there was a sudden flurry of feather light touches ghosting over his neck.
"W-Wahahait! Crahahahap!" Sam squeaks helplessly, shoulders rocketing to his ears to block Dean's fingers from tormenting the soft spot. It had been a favorite of Jessica's when she wanted to mess with him - a delicate kiss or soft fingernails were enough to make him fold into himself in seconds. It was something she had used against him constantly when they were dating.
"Dehean!" Sam whines, pressing his head against his shoulders alternatively when his older brother starts targeting his ears.
Dean's heart melted slightly at Sam's childish noises, his smirk slipping into a fond grin without him realising. "Did you get more ticklish since you left for Stanford?" he asks, half teasing - half genuinely curious as he sneaked a few fingers into the gaps of Sam's top ribs, dangerously close to his underarms that were ridiculously sensitive.
Sam instantly jack-knifed in reflex, an embarrassing yelp pulling from his throat as he tried to protect his infamous soft spot. "Nohot thehere, Dehehehean! Uhuncle!" He cries out, half rolling onto his side and swatting at Dean's hands that place gentle pokes up and down his ribcage. As much as he was enjoying messing around with Dean, he wasn't sure he could handle that spot being tormented.
Thankfully, Dean hears the weary notes in Sam's voice from laughing so much. He chuckles fondly and pulls his hands away from the sensitive skin, observing his little brother, who is becoming one with the floor. The younger man gulps air into his worn-out body, holding his stomach that was slightly aching from laughter.
"J-Jesus," he gasps, wiping at his eyes that had gathered moisture from mirth. "That was brutal."
"Be grateful I didn't actually go for your worst spots," Dean snickers, "think we would've got a noise complaint with your screaming."
Sam kicks Dean's shin with his signature 'resting bitch face', but the lingering smile on his lips took away the effect. "Jerk," he grumbles.
"Bitch," Dean says right back with a warm grin.
He starts to get up from his crouched position on the floor, when Sam suddenly grabs his arms and yanks him straight back down, rolling Dean onto his back smoothly with practiced form. Dean's grunt of alarm was cut off by his own high-pitched shriek as it felt like electricity bolted through his hips.
"Don't think I've forgotten about your weakness too, Dean," Sam laughed, his thumbs making quick work in reducing Dean to nothing but a ball of loud laughter.
"Y-YOHOU DIHICKHEHEAD!" Dean yells out through hearty laughter, twisting on the floor for escape, but Sam wasn't giving him an out. He'd forgotten how quickly Sam could recover from these attacks.
"Sure, I'm the dickhead for getting revenge on you when you attacked me first," Sam rolls his eyes, then shifts his thumbs to massage along the tops of Dean’s hip bones. The older man throws his head back with a screech that could raise the dead, kicking his legs out and arms desperately trying to shove Sam away.
“Christ, Dean, you're the one that's gonna get us the noise complaint if you keep that up,” Sam snickers, yet he didn’t shift from that little bundle of nerves that was making Dean shriek with laughter.
Dean couldn’t formulate a snappy comeback. Instead, he just smacked Sam wherever he could reach in retaliation. Was it a well-thought-out counterattack? No, absolutely not, but it was better than doing nothing.
The motel room was filled with Dean's bright laughter for a good while, after all Sam had a retaliation mission to complete and years' worth of revenge to cash in. Though Dean didn't make it easy for him, managing to reverse their roles a few times throughout the ordeal - knowing how to take Sam down from growing up together.
The research lay abandoned on the table for the rest of the afternoon, ignored by the brothers duking it out - curses and laughter thrown around the room. The monster of the week could wait a little while longer. The boys deserved the break.
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losfacedevil · 9 months
Earned It // SFK
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a/n~ This one... oooh did she get away from me! I'm not entirely sure where this came from... we're just mixing all the fantasies. WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI! Mentions of oral fixation, toy play, oral (f! recieving), unprotected penetrative sex, touches on a Mommy kink, both sub! and dom! Sam mentions. If I forgot any let me know!
Rainy, dreary and humid days called for a cuddles and movie session on the couch. You didn’t think twice about cranking up the window unit air conditioner while Sam puttered around the kitchen popping popcorn and securing the water bottles. 
You jumped on the couch, snuggling down into your corner of it while he found his way into the living room and perched himself on the edge of the couch. His eyes danced across the television screen as he scrolled through Netflix trying to find something you could both agree on before curling up next to you; holding his arm up for you to snuggle against his side. 
It wasn’t long before you were lost in thought, letting your fingers dance along Sam’s bare chest, slowly making your way up to scratch through his beard. He gripped your hand gently, turning his attention to it briefly as he peppered kisses across your palm and up the expanse of your fingers before laying it gently against his cheek. His hand never left your wrist, thick fingers encircling the petite circumference of it in a possessive manner. 
He began to gently run your hand down his cheek, tipping his head back as he tickled your freshly manicured nails down the expanse of his neck and back up to his cheek. You tried to keep your eyes trained on the television screen; the movie being one you actually wanted to watch. But his actions shook you from that of the entertainment playing across the screen.
“Excuse me, sir.” You mumbled, scrunching your nose as your eyes landed on Sam. His eyes were trained on the movie playing across the television screen, no longer attuned to the way he traced your hand across his face. 
“Hmm?” He hummed, the grip he had on your hand tightening and he begin to run your finger tips along the length of his parted lips; the tips of your nails tapping against his teeth as he pulled your hand from side to side. 
You couldn’t help but watch intently as he nibbled on one of your nails and then the next, getting dangerously close to the accent nail adorned with rhinestone embellishments. The giggles that slipped past your lips as bringing him fully back to earth as you tried to pull your hand from his face. 
“Samuel, I pay far too much money for these nails to look this good for you to have them all up in your mouth, SIR!” You scolded, digging the knuckle of your other hand into the ticklish spot just below his ribcage. He couldn’t help the boisterous laugh that escaped his as he dropped your hand and you pulled it back towards you, inspecting the gel polish. 
“What’d I do?” He cooed, batting his lashes in your direction. You pursed your lips, tucking your arm under his before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to the underside of his jaw.
“You know what you did, should put that mouth to good use since you seem to want my fingers in it so badly.”  Sam’s jaw slackened, eyebrows raising as he turned his full attention to her as she leaned forward and scooped up her water bottle.
“Well I guess it’s good that I’m bored and horny then, huh? Let’s do something about it.” Sammy drawled, peeling himself off of the couch. You stopped in your tracks, sputtering over the water his comment made you choke on.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?”  Your eyes grew wide as you stood and followed behind him, slowly making your way towards your shared bedroom. 
“I said, I’m bored and horny. Let’s do something about it.” He called over his shoulder, quickly ridding himself of his pants  before turning on his heel and perching himself on the end of the bed. You eyes shone as you took him in, how he leaned back onto his hands, chest heaving with anticipation, his cock already painfully hard and straining against the confines of his boxers. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You cooed, making your way to the bedside table. He trailed your figure, eyes dancing along the entire length of you as you bent down and slowly dug through the drawer. 
Sam’s eyes grew wide as you stood to your full height, two of your favorite go to toys grasped in your hand. He palmed himself gently through his boxers, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and quietly awaited his next command. 
“The question is what do you think you’re doing?” He mumbled, his eyes never leaving the two toys you held. You couldn’t help the giggles that slipped past your lips as you nodded at him; a silent request to stand. 
“What I’m doing is handing you these and waiting for you to figure out how to use them.” You giggled, placing the dildo in one hand and the bullet vibrator in the other. Sam’s eyes grew wide as he examined the dildo and his eyes snapped to yours. You nodded gently, slowly stripping your shirt up and off over your head. 
“What do you expect me to do with this?” He chuckled, knowing full well you expected him to use it on you. A sinister smile spread across your face as you shimmied out of your pants. 
“Wet it.” You nodded gently towards the phallic shaped dildo he held. A confused expression kissed his facial features and he held it out towards you. 
“With what? The sink? Lube?” He questioned. His eyes widened to the size of saucers as he realized what you were implying. 
“With your mouth, silly. You want something in it so badly you can use it to wet it.” You couldn’t help the genuine belly laugh that escaped you as he screwed up his face, but the look of intrigue that kissed his features excited you. He examined the dildo closely, before his eyes met yours and he slowly opened his mouth. 
You nodded silent encouragement, just the act of him placing the tip of the dildo between his lips cause excitement to pool between your legs. He couldn’t help the look of disgust that graced his features as he humored you but ultimately decided that wasn’t for him. 
“Absolutely not.” He mumbled, eyes dangerously wide as he tossed the dildo onto the chair in the corner of the room. 
Sam placed a hand on each of your shoulders and pushed you back gently. You allowed it to happen, falling down onto the bed and laid so your back was flush to the mattress. Sam dropped to his knees in front of you, placing a hand on each of your knees and pushed them apart. His mouth nearly watered at the sight of you before him. 
He turned his head and placed gentle kisses against the inside of your thigh. Your eyes fluttered shut, reveling in the feel of his lips against you and how the wispy hairs of his mustache scratched against the sensitive skin. Sam wasted no time in delving right in; carefully closing his lips around your aching clit. 
The noise that escaped you was downright embarrassing and the blush that sprang to your cheeks solidified it. The vibration of Sam’s chuckle causing you to arch your back as a wave of pleasure shot through you. 
He pulled back slightly, flattening his tongue against your core, and dragged it upwards painstakingly slow; paying close attention to your clit as he traced the tip of his tongue over in in agonizingly slow circles. 
“Sammy.” His name but a whisper, quickly whisked away by the breeze of the ceiling fan as your hand found a home in the hair at the back of his head. The familiar warmth beginning to grow in your stomach as he worked you over. You felt the way his lips turned up into a smirk and he slowly reached his hand up, tracing his middle and ring fingers through your stick folds. 
He blew a cool stream of air against you, causing a shiver to dance up your spine and plunged his middle and ring fingers deep inside of you. You tightened your grip on his hair, eliciting a groan from him as he curled his finger and began to slowly work you to the edge. Sam chuckled lowly, leaning forward to press his lips against your clit and let his tongue snake out to slowly trace circles around it once more. 
Sam knew by the way you pushed him closer to your dripping core that you were close and a sinister chuckle escaped him as he pulled back and removed all sensations from you at once. The whine that escaped your chest was pathetic, eyes finding his as you propped yourself up on your elbows. 
“Why’d you stop?” You mumbled, pushing your bottom lip out in a pout. 
He pushed himself up on his knees and leaned over your body, snatching the small vibrator up off on the bed. Sam held it up in front of him, inspecting the small device. He ran his fingers over the smooth surface, accidentally clicking the power button bringing the device roaring to life. 
Sam’s eyes widened and he quickly shut off the vibrator before holding it gently in the center of his palm. You couldn’t help the giggles that slipped past you reaching forward and plucking the vibe from his hand. 
“Wanna see how it works?” You asked innocently, twisting the small device in your hands. Sam nodded eagerly, rising to his feet and turning to perch himself on the bed next to you. His eyes held and eager light as he leaned back to rest his body weight against his hands. 
You sat up fully, crossing your legs in front of you as you clicked the power button on the vibe and brought it to life. Sam’s eyes became the size of saucers as you leaned forward slightly and began to run it along the length of his thigh. The soft twitching of his cock every time you came close to it all the encouragement you needed. 
“What uh… heh, what are you doing?” He could barely get the words out; eyes fluttering shut as he swallowed hard around a sound he didn’t want to slip past his lips. You giggle and pushed yourself up on your knees, bringing yourself close enough to him to capture his lips in the sweetest kiss. 
“I have a vague memory of you asking me how to work this thing. Which is why I asked. You didn’t think I’d show you on myself, did you?” Your voice held a teasing tone as you gently ran the vibrator around the base of his cock. The shock was evident on Sam’s face as he fought to keep his head up, eyes trained on the purple vibrator in your hand.
An innocent smile played across your lips as you slowly dragged the tip of the vibrator up the length of his shaft. He was instantly putty in your hands, eyes wide as saucers as he watched your movements; sensations he had never felt shooting through his body. His whole body tensing as you held the vibe against the sweet spot you knew would drive him mad right under the tip of his dick. 
Sam’s eyes rolled back in his head as his arms gave way and he fell back flush against the mattress. Reaching up he pressed the heals of his hands into his eyes, causing stars to erupt behind his eye lids as a sort of distraction from the overwhelming sensations tingling through his cock. The band in his stomach tightening dangerously quickly as your simple movements brought him catering to the edge.
“Mama, please, I….fuck.” The submissive slip through his lips enough to send you careening over the edge without even a hint of friction. You leaned forward and carefully pressed your face into the taut muscle of his thigh, a high pitched moan escaping you. Sam gripped at his hair, tugging hard at the root as he watched you slowly wrap your other than around the shaft of his cock. 
“Ma… Mama tells you when you can cum, doesn’t she sweet boy? Do you think you deserve it?” You were using the slip to your advantage, gently stroking his cock as his hips bucked up involuntarily. His eyes found yours, still dangerously wide as you removed the vibrator from his length and soothed the overwhelming sensations away with your hand. 
“Mama, please. I need it.” 
You smiled sweetly at him, crawling up the length of his body and threw your leg over him, straddling his stomach. A soft chuckle escaped him as your slick core coated his stomach in your juices. Leaning forward you tucked your face into the crook of his neck and peppered the skin with soft kisses.
“Feel that? You done that to mama. Can you show her how good you can make her feel? Hmm, pretty baby?” You cooed in his ear, unphased by the way his hands gripped against your sides and he flipped you over roughly. 
“Mama wants to feel good? I can show Mama the best time.” He mumbled softly, reaching down between your bodies to gently grasp his dick. A few soft movements of his hips had the tip of his dick covered in your slick before he slowly slid into you. The hiss slipping through his teeth melding beautifully with the soft moan of his name that slipped through your lips. 
“Such a good boy.” You mumbled. Sam chuckled, slowly retracting his hips from yours and pushing back in deliciously slow. He braced his arms on either side of your head as he slowly found his rhythm. The lewd sounds of skin slapping skin the only noise drifting through the air as you brought your teeth down on your bottom teeth to muffle the overstimulated screams. 
“Sammy, baby, please.” You whimpered, reaching up to wrap your hand gently around his throat as he bent down and captured your lips with his. He sucked on your bottom lip gently, nibbling at the kiss swollen flesh with his teeth as you applied the gentlest pressure to his neck. 
“Sammy baby, what?” He rasped, voice fully fucked out as his hips gained speed and he chased his own denied release. The moans and groans slipping past his lips as his hips slapped against yours enough to send your mind into a frenzy. 
“Sammy baby, please. I’m so close.”
His hand found your throat, squeezing the sides just enough that you saw stars as he pounded into you; his head tossed back as another wave of pleasure washed over him. 
“Look at me.” You rasped out, wanting nothing more than to be staring into those big downturned doe eyes when the band in your stomach snapped. Sam obeyed, tilting his head so his gaze met yours. You nodded gently around his hand as you reached down between your bodies and rolled your fingers over your swollen clit, aiding him in throwing you over the edge a second time. 
“Sammy, fuck, don’t stop, Sam.” You whined, voice drawling his name and your eyes were trained on his as you clenched hard around him; his hand tightening a little bit more on your throat. 
“I’m gonna…” his voice trailed off. 
“Cum for me, give me it all.” You whispered, raking your nails down his back as he brought his teeth down on his bottom lip and his eyes crossed slightly before rolling into the back of his head as he fell over the edge. Your name spilled past his lips as his hips began to stutter, filling you with his seed.
You couldn’t help the giggles that bubbled out of your chest as you grabbed at his ass, holding him against you as his arms gave and he collapsed on top of you. His breathing was labored and he swallowed hard before turning to face you. 
“What’s so funny?” He rasped out, placing soft kisses to your sweat sheened skin. 
"You always go cross-eyed when you're about to cum. It’s cute." You giggled, reveling in the weight of his body against yours. Sam groaned softly, running his nose lightly against your sweat soaked skin. 
“You’re so not funny, Mama.” He mumbled, slipping out of you with a soft pop. You giggled softly, reaching over to brush his sweat soaked hair off of his face. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m still Mama huh?” You teased, pursing your lips in his direction. Sam obliged, leaning forward and pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. 
“For now.” He chuckled, pushing himself up off the bed and slowly made his way out of the room. 
TAGLIST: @gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @puzzle-gvf @sunfl0wer-power @twistedmelodies @aintthatapity @gvfpal @psychedelicsprinkles @miguelnation @gracev0609 @runwayblues @jordie-gvf-admin @vanfleeter
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regularme12 · 5 months
Supernatural Tickle fic
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Summary: Dean, from all these years not seeing his little brother, forgot he was hella ticklish, until one faithful night...
"Oh my god, Why did I ever think hunting that clown, would be a good thing...?"
Sam and Dean both got back from a fearful hunt, on Sam's part. The little brother found this mystery in a news article, and he acted on it bc he thought that's what their dad would've wanted them to do. After Dean realized what the hunt was about, he made it his mission to tease his brother till they got to the carnival, and hell, even during the investigation he still did it. They got back to their motel, and Sam fell straight on the bed in a Patrick Star pose, with his arms stretched out beside his head, and his legs fell off the bed. Dean, being a good older brother, went to go join him, not to comfort him, to tease him more.
"Wow, Sam. That clown really got to you huh?" Dean laughed, while he was sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Shove it, Dean." Sam threw a pillow at his face, in which his older brother caught it with ease, laughing even more. "Wow, I'm glad you find this soooo funny, smartass." Sam on the other hand didn't.
"Awww, come on, Sammy, You need to laugh more in your life, you're so tense all the time."
"It's Sam, I'm not a little kid no more. And quit teasing me about my stupid phobia, at least I'm not scared to fly." Sam smirked.
"Hey!" Dean got a little defensive over that, "You can die in a plane crash!"
"And apparently clowns kill, who looks stupid now."
There was a moment of silence until the older brother threw a pillow at his younger brother, surprising him in the midst. "Still you, haha"
"Ack! Dean! Quit your shit."
"Oh noo... Sam... BEHIND YOU!!"
Sam got scared and jumped up looking behind him, "WHAT?!"
"IT'S A CLOWN AND IT CAME TO KILL YOU!! OOGA BOOGA!!!" Dean took this chance and skittered his fingers on the latter's sides.
"Ahhh!! Dehehehean!! Stohohohop!!" Sam fell back squeezing his arms to his sides, kicking and squirming around.
"Wow, Sammy, after two years of not seeing you, you are still so ticklish since u were a kid. You know by now u oughta grow out of that." Dean towered over him pinning his arms down under his knees.
"Stohohohop!!! Dean! Please! You knohohow how muhuhuhuch I hate ihihit when you tihihihickle me!!!"
"I don't think I remember correctly, my mind's all foggy, I mean, after you left me and dad alone so you can go to college. I kinda missed pinning you down like this and tickling the shit out of you." Dean went and tazed both his sides, going up to his neck to tickle there, and moved back down to his sides whenever Sam decided to scrunch up his neck.
"Nahhhhaha, Dean!! Quhuhuhuitttt your shihihit, right fuuhuhucking now! I leheheft for two years! Nohohohot a dehehehcade, dumbass!"
"Wowwww, you're in this situation, and you still made it your mission to be a total smart ass? I think bad boys like you should be punished~." Dean jumped up on to his brother's chest, cuffing his legs around his arms to still immobolize him.
"Ugh, Dean, get your ass out of my fa-AHAHAHACE! NOOO AHAHAHAH STOHOHOP I HAHAHATE THAT I HAHAHAHATE THIS!!!" Dean went to knead at his hip bones, rubbing his thumbs in circles inside the hollow area.
"Oh, that's one thing I can remember. You're insanley ticklish on your hips, but it's not your worst spot. Do you want to help me jog my memory and remind me where it was again?"
"You do know, if u tell me now, I'll stop this whole ordeal and you can go away scott free, but if u don't... I may not stop for another good hour, Sammy."
"Fuck! Ok, whahahit!!"
"I'm not waiting.." Dean slowly started from his hip bone, and dragged his finger up to his worst spot, "Tell me now... or..."
"DAMN!! Dehehehan please, dohohon't."
"1..." He got closer.
"2.." He got even closer~
"Wait, Dean! Please!"
"3..." Oh, he was right under it, wriggling his finger.
"Wow, you must really like saying my name. Wish it was yours, huh? Well, guess I'll just have to find out myself, bc you're not budging!" Dean started descending down with his finger. Until his lee yelled.
"OK!! FUCKING OK!!! It's my navel you basted!! IT'S MY FUCKING NAVEL, NOW STOP!!"
"Ohhh, you mean this part is your worst spot?" Dean started lightly scratching inside of his belly button.
"AH! DEAN! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T!" Sam kicked his knee so far up as a reflex and kicked his older brother square in the eye.
"OW! FUCK!" Dean, got off him falling to the side on the bed, holding his eye.
"Oh my god! Dean! Are you alright?! Here, I'll go get ice!!" Sam hurriedly got off the bed, and scarmbled to the freezer to get an ice pack, but all he could find was peas, so he used that instead.
"I'm fine, Sam. It's my fault. I should've stopped when you wanted me to. But you use to love tickling, you would beg dad and me to tickle you all the time , haha."
"Dean. I was 5, I'm 22 now, so I don't like that shit no more. I didn't know what was going on at the time, I used to love it, yh, but as I grew older, I hate the feeling now, that's all."
"Woah, all this sentalmental talk, you're not gonna expect me to hug you now, right?"
"No, Dean."
"Alright good."
There was more awkward silence, until Dean started chuckling.
"What's so funny now?!" Sam looked over with annoyance in his eyes
"I remember when I used to pin you down, and Dad started tickling your belly button, and you kicked him so hard in the back he had to go to the hospital and get physical therapy, couldn't walk for at least a good three days, give or take. And you were 13, so imagine how my eye feels right now!! Hahaha."
Sam started remembering that time, and chuckled too by how stupid it was, "Haha, shut up!" He punched his older brother's arm. "And don't forget you're ticklish too, if not, worse."
Dean got chills through his body by looking at Sam's evil smirk, inching towards him. The soon to be lee quickly got off the bed in a state of protests, "Wait, Sam, listen, ok?! I tickled you bc u were tense, I had to lay off some steam, you're finna tickle me for the hell of it, that's so unfair! You wouldn't do something like that to someone who's injured, right? Look at my eye! I may go blind now!"
"Just think of it as some revenge," Sam started chasing Dean around their small ass motel.
"NO SAM!! STOP PLEASE!!!" He put up a good race around the bed with a pea pack on his eye for a good 5 minutes. Sam could've easily tickled him sooner, but he loves the chase. He leaped across the bed, and pinned him down, and started tickling him.
Well, guess they both got what they wanted, right?
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mike-the-switch · 2 months
brb blocking you before your posts kill me /j
awww are they getting to you a little too much, my poor ticklish sammy?🤭
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cringemesstickles · 8 months
Honey Sweet Laughter
(TickleTober Day 16: Unusual Spot)
Summary: Gabriel discovers a new tickle spot on his boyfriend
Pairing: Sabriel
Word Count: 709
A/N: Some Sabriel tickles because they’re adorable
Anyway, ticklish arms are so underrated, goodbye
One of the first things Gabriel learned about Sam Winchester was that he was incredibly ticklish. Obviously, this would come in handy for a trickster such as himself, and he uses it against his serious boyfriend every chance he gets.
As soon as he learned about Sam’s sensitivity, he quickly found all of his tickle spots.
Or so he thought…
On one lazy evening, the couple was huddled together on the bunkers sofa, enjoying some alone time on a day off.
Gabriel leaned in close and gave his boyfriend a peck on the cheek, delighting in the warmth of his presence.
“I told you a rest day was a good idea.” Said the archangel, grabbing the taller man’s hand and giving it a kiss.
Sam giggled and leaned into the touch, melting at the sensation of warm lips on his soft skin.
“Alright, I’ll admit it… for once, you had a good idea.” He teased lightly, earning a theatrical gasp from Gabriel.
“All of my ideas are good ones and I am offended that you seem to think otherwise!”
Sam giggled again, amused by his lover’s theatrics.
To Gabriel, the sound was like a drug, addictive, always leaving him wanting more. It was a sound so sweet, it could give honey a run for it’s money.
Gabriel did always have a sweet tooth.
Overfilled with affection, the archangel brought Sam’s wrist to his lips and started littering the skin with quick, playful kisses, traveling upwards to the delicate skin of his inner elbow.
The sensation sent sparks through Sam’s arm, drawing out a surprised gasp, followed by a storm of titters.
“Gahahabe! T-That tickles!” The hunter lightly tugged at his arm, his stomach filling with butterflies.
Gabriel froze and looked up at his boyfriend’s smiling face, utterly delighted by the reaction.
“Oh? A new tickle spot, you say?” He kept a firm grip on Sam’s wrist and used his other to spider his fingers from the wrist to the crook of the elbow, prompting the muscles to twitch and shake.
Sam let his head fall back against the couch, letting out sounds that could only be described as angelic.
“Just when I thought I had found all your tickle spots~”
Sam’s laughter reached a new pitch when Gabriel started nuzzling the soft skin. He never knew such a light touch could be so ticklish, but as his boyfriend continued to nuzzle, the slight stubble brushing against the inside of his elbow, he couldn’t deny the overwhelming happiness that the sensation brought.
“Aww, does this tickle? Who knew you could be sooo sensitive in such a strange spot~” Cooed Gabriel, switching back to peppering chaste kisses all over his lover’s arm.
Sam couldn’t help but blush, the teasing getting under his ticklish skin and chasing his blood to the surface.
“You’re s-so embahaharrassing!”
Gabriel’s eyes had that flare to them, signaling that he was up to something.
“You think that tickles? How about this!”
Quick as a hare, he sucked in a breath and blew a sharp raspberry right on the sensitive skin, prompting Sam to jerk his arm and squeal.
“GABE, NOHOHOO!” Sam protested through peals of laughter, the blissful smile on his face betraying how he truly felt.
Gabriel could never put into words how he felt about the hunter before him. In his entire celestial life, he had never loved anything as much as he loved Sam.
Deciding he’d tortured his lover enough, the archangel released his arm and pulled away, eyes filled with love for the blushing mess in front of him.
He leaned in and pulled Sam into a warm, gentle kiss, relishing in the way Sam’s giggles felt against his lips.
When they parted, be it reluctantly, they looked at each other with all the love in the universe, content smiles adorning their faces.
“I love you… even when you embarrass the life out of me.”
Gabriel grinned and gave the hunter one last kiss on the nose, admiring the soft chuckle that escaped Sam’s lips.
“Love you too, my big brave hunter.”
They spent the rest of their night cuddling, letting themselves bask in the serenity of the moment.
And if more tickles took place, that’s a secret for just them to share.
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don’t imagine play fighting with Sam, giggling and gasping as you fight for the upper hand with everything in you.
Of course, he pins you, peering down at you with that heart stopping smile.
“Go ahead, get up.” he grins, tightening his grip around your wrists a little more. “Try to get away.”
You struggle, giggling and huffing as you attempt to pull yourself out of his strong grip.
“Come onnn, you’re stronger than that!”
“I’m barely even holding you!”
He fires more teasing phrases at you, only making you blush and giggle even more.
After a moment, Sam leans down, placing random kisses all over your face as you continue squirming around.
“Sammy!” You squeak, surpassing the little giggles and full on laughing now. “You’re not fair!”
“Poor baby just isn’t strong enough,” he shakes his head, lips gently biting at your neck and sending you into more laughter. “Kinda forgot about this little ticklish spot. It’s s’cute.”
After your laughter falls silent, he relents, letting go of you and flashing you another sickeningly sweet smile.
“Okay, okay. I’ll let you go, I guess.”
Or on the dirtier side, his teasing phrases go more like this:
“So needy. You like when I hold you down like this? You like being this helpless?”
“My sweet, needy girl.”
“You don’t even want me to let you go, do you, princess?” “Of course you don’t.”
“And what if I held you down and made you cum right here? What then, doll face? What would you do then?”
(I’m in shambles thanks to something @samkooszka sent me. Y’all can thank her for this 😵‍💫)
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dreamingticklee · 5 months
Squealing Santa 2023
Happy Holidays @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers !!! I hope you enjoy your gift and that I fulfilled your prompt to your liking! Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you the happiest new year! Enjoy! 🎄
And big thank you to my dear @hypahticklish for another year of hosting @squealing-santa ✨️
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Ler!Gabriel/Lee!Sam
Words: 829
"So, Sammy boy, what'll it be?"
The devious voice of the archangel teased it's way into Sam's brain, causing a bright blush to rise to the surface of his skin. Limbs spread apart towards all four corners of the bed by an invisible force, Sam knew he was in for it. (And maybe he wanted to be.)
"I, um...mhmhmhm...don't know."
Gabriel feigned surprise. "You don't know? Well, now, that just won't do!" He slowly sauntered closer to Sam's prone, vulnerable position on the bed and his expression grew into a tantalizing smirk. "Here, tell ya what, I'll be nice and help you figure it out. Now, let's see..."
Gabriel reached out and let his hand hover over Sam's unprotected armpit. He took one finger and tauntingly circled it around, just merely an inch above contact, to which Sam sucked in a breath trying to hold in his creeping laughter, the anticipation already too great to handle.
"Hmm, how about here?" The archangel landed a few ticklish pokes in the stretched hollow.
Sam gasped with a squeak. "No!"
"No? Not there? Then should I try..." Gabriel moved his eager hand to the side of Sam's ribs with a sudden quickness and squeezed in a pulsing succession. "...here? Is this what you want?"
Jolting up with a startled laugh, Sam balked at the tazering zips that shocked his ribcage. It wasn't fair that just a few accurately pinpointed squeezes already had him squirming like bait on a hook. "Stop it!"
"Okay, okay." Gabe took his hand away...only for it to come back seconds later for one more taste and Sam squealed.
"Aww, how adorable."
"You want me to tickle you so bad? All you had to do was ask!"
Not wasting another second, Gabriel's fingers started making quick work to skitter all over Sam's stomach. Sam's body began to dance with uncontrollable giggles brightly shimmering out of his chest, sounding like music to Gabriel's ears and fueling his fire. The tips of his practiced fingers knew just the right amount of speed and pressure to effectively dismantle his prey.
"This is one of your favorite spots isn't it?"
"Shut uhuhup!" Sam felt a wave of heat rush to his cheeks. Gabe wasn't wrong, it was just rude of him to say that out loud.
"You know what I think would make this even more fun though?" With a flick of the wrist, Gabriel tossed the hem of Sam's shirt up, exposing a strip of skin. Taking a big, dramatic breath, the archangel leaned down and connected his lips to Sam's quivering tummy and blew.
Sam busted out into loud laughter, arching his back.
Gabriel smirked against Sam's skin. "Aha, that's the ticket, huh?" He blew again. And again. And again.
The tingling vibrated into Sam's veins and sent a thrill rushing through his system. It seemed like with each raspberry blown onto his sensitive skin, the ticklish feeling grew and grew, radiating from his glowing core.
"Ahahahaa!! Stop it!"
"No can do, Bucko." Gabriel continued blowing raspberries all over Sam's middle while also deciding to bring his fingers back into play, scribbling them up and down Sam's sides. He relished in the growing changes of pitch of Sam's laughter with each new raspberry placed.
A few moments had passed when, without warning, Gabe came to a sudden stop. "You know what? I think we're missing something." And just like magic, four hovering feathers appeared, two by each of Sam's feet. Under the Trickster's control, the feathers were put into position and made contact, two feathers stroking the sole of each foot while the other two feathers began sawing through both sets of toes.
The soft, yet torturous tickles sent a new wave of sensation through Sam's affected body. "NoooOOOHOHOHO!"
Gabriel let out a smug, contented sigh. "Ahhh, that's much better! Now, where was I?...Oh, yeah!" Pfffft.
Sam screamed. The combination of Gabriel's playful raspberries and nimble fingers attacking his torso with the new addition of the teasing feathers having their way with his feet was absolutely lethal. His nerves were alight with ticklish demise and he couldn't do anything but writhe around on the bed and laugh his heart out. But that's what was so thrilling of it all. Sam was used to being the hunter, not the hunted. And now here he was under the playful, silly control of his "predator" and it was always an exciting feeling.
Suddenly, a new voice coming from the doorway broke him from his thoughts.
"Need an extra set of hands?"
Sam gasped. "Dean, NO!"
Gabriel laughed as his tickling came to a pause. "Well, hey there, Deano! I think Sam would definitely love some help with his armpits."
"No problem." Dean made his way over to the head of the bed.
"Nonono NO! Stop this isn't fair!"
Gabe scoffed. "Since when do I ever care about being fair?"
Renewed screams and laughter filled the room once again.
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broken--stardust · 2 years
baby blue - j.t.k.
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a/n: inspiration drawn from the song "baby blue" by luke hemmings; which i highly recommend you listen to while reading [x]
summary: hot tub s*x
pairing: jake x f. reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), fluff, childhood best friends, 4/20, explicit descriptions of smoking, drinking, straw hat mention. specific smut warnings after the cut.
explicit warnings: touching, learning each other's bodies, licking, biting, sucking, making out, fingering, slight hair-pulling, grinding, "good girl", unprotected sex, brief cockwarming
“Shut the fuck up, Sammy” your voice shook with laughter as you cursed him.
“What? It’s true!” he exclaimed as you watched his cheeks begin to tinge pink through the haze of the hot tub steam and the pipe you all were passing, the laughter of you and his brothers echoing around him as he grew more exasperated.
Josh shook his head across from him, “No way that Mickayla Howe would ever make out with you. She was too busy with Jake, anyway,” he finished with a splash toward Jake.
“What the fuck dude, this bowl is ruined now,” Jake groaned as he dumped the now moist, ground contents from his glass pipe into the grass next to the hot tub. Josh snickered a half-hearted apology as he went back to bantering with Sam, while Jake began grinding up more flower for the pipe.
“Is that true?” you whispered with a teasing grin and a poke to his bare side under the water.
He let out a little giggle as he involuntarily jumped from your ticklish gesture, before quickly trying to mask his grin and appear unphased. “Is what true, Y/N?”
“You and Icky Micky?”
He threw his head back with a laugh. “You’re terrible. She wasn’t that icky.”
“Not to you, apparently.”
He raised his eyebrows as he pulled a long drag from the pipe and held it, before blowing it right into your face. As you sputtered a cough with a playful smack to his chest, he leaned in closer to you, his fingers on your thighs and his breath tickling your ear. “Why so interested, you jealous?”
You felt your face grow warm as your fingers grazed his while grabbing the pipe from him and taking a long drag for yourself. You blew the smoke into the night without meeting his eyes. “Never.”
“Okay baby,” the pet-name falling from his lips as easily as if it were your first name, “whatever you say,” he slurred with a lopsided grin, the effects of the marijuana now evident.
You leaned back against the plastic side of the bench under the water, closing your eyes as you felt the heavy wave of your impending high begin settling atop your chest, just before your brain took flight. A soft smile drew across your lips as you relaxed, the warmth of the hot tub pairing beautifully with the warmth in your lungs. You turned your head and stole a glance at Jake, who was mirroring your position and facial expression, already staring at you.
“What?’ you giggled. Any awkwardness or embarrassment from the half-sober conversation from a few minutes ago completely dissipated with both of your new state of being.
“Nothing,” he giggled back as he turned his head to face the sky again. The sun had finally set, the dark of night washing the landscape, stars peeking through the fronds of the Florida palms above your heads. Neither of you had realized you had both leaned closer and closer to one another until your heads were touching. But in your blissed state, you didn’t mind.
“Hey,” Josh began with a soft kick to your shin under the water. “We’re gonna go inside and watch a movie, are you guys coming in?”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna smoke some more.” Jake answered.
“Yeah, me too,” you agreed.
With a few playful splashes to each other, Sammy and Josh climbed out of the hot tub and entered the condo you were all staying in and left you and Jake alone.
Jake packed a new bowl and cornered it, taking a long hit before passing it to you to smoke the rest. Sufficiently high at this point, you set the pipe down on the side of the hot tub and sank down into the water until only your head and neck were exposed to the ocean breeze, eyes closed leaning against the side.
After a few moments of silence, you felt the trepidatious touches of Jake’s calloused fingers atop your own. Growing up with the boys, you’d held hands with each of them before, wrestled each other to the ground and found yourselves in vulnerable positions, and changed in front of one another…but this was Jake. There was always something a little more with him. In high school with his Justin Bieber-esque hair and guitar always in hand as if it were an extra limb, how could you not swoon just a little? Especially when you were the best friend, the one with the “in” that all the other girls were always jealous of. But your vague attraction never crossed the threshold after innocent crushes, aside from long, stolen glances and the occasional cuddling during movie nights. Maybe as he grew into his body more; the lankiness of his teen years fading along with his love snapbacks, making room for his newfound love of straw hats and Adele; you had let your mind wander to what else could be hidden beneath his singular buttoned tops and loose linen pants.
That being said, you weren’t opposed to these exploratory touches, but you couldn’t be sure where Jake’s head was at. You opened one eye and shot him a curious glance as his grazing moved from your fingers and up your forearm. “Can I help you?” you jested, testing the waters of this uncharted territory with a playful joke, as you normally would.
He giggled as he traced his fingers back down to the top of your hand. “Maybe,” he answered, in his low tone, an extra layer to it that wasn’t normally there, but you couldn’t be certain yet of what it was.
You laced your fingers with his cautiously, as he stroked your forefinger with his thumb. “How’s that?” you played along as you caught his eye.
He held the eye contact with you for a few seconds before looking down at your lips and back up to your gaze, “Maybe it’s the weed talking, but I don’t know, I just kinda like touching you” he confessed as he removed his hand from your grasp and inched his fingers back up your arm, before slowly dragging it under your bikini strap, and laying his palm on your chest just atop your heart. “And, it kinda feels like you like it, too” he concluded breathlessly, your rapidly increasing heartbeat evident to his touch. You placed your hand atop his and dragged his fingertips up and across your collarbone and to your cheek.
As the sensations grew stronger than innocent touch and into something deeper and more intimate, especially with the heightened effects of the marijuana in your system, you let go of his hand on your body and began tracing your fingers up his arm and across his chest. You raked your nails lightly through his sparse chest hair as he hissed slightly, both of your eyes following what your fingers would do next. You began softly dragging your fingertips up and to the back of his neck before tangling them into his hair, causing him to release a quiet moan. You then moved your fingers across his face, dragging your thumb lightly across his bottom lip as you made eye contact again, though ever so slightly blurry in each other’s haze. You held each other’s gaze as you smoothed your hand back down his neck and to his chest before the weight of the situation fell on you in an instant and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. “Sorry” you mumbled before dropping your hand back onto the bench, and your gaze back to your lap.
He released a shaky breath you didn’t know he’d been holding. “Why’d you stop there?” he whispered.
You met his stare in an instant and took notice of his half-lidded eyes and the steady rise and fall of his chest. “You wanted me to keep going?” you responded breathlessly.
He nodded vigorously before tentatively grabbing your fingers and placing them back on his chest. “I’ve always wanted you to keep going” he admitted.
You dragged your fingers lightly up his torso and cupped his cheek, slowly taking your lip between your teeth.
“C’mere” he mumbled before placing his arm behind your back and using the water to his advantage to effortlessly lift you onto his lap and locking his lips with yours the moment you sat down. He tasted of pot and the IPA he had sipped on earlier in the night, but in that moment, you were willing to bet you’d never tasted anything better. The kisses were sloppy and wet due to your mutual inebriation, quiet moans and soft whines exchanged between the two of you as you began to hesitantly grind across the fabric of his tightened trunks. He let out a low groan during a particularly heavy sweep across his lap, and you felt the confidence of your high returning as you began to peck your lips across his jawbone and to his earlobe, taking it between your teeth with the tiniest bit of force.
“Oh, fuck,” Jake groaned as he tilted his head back, exposing his throat to you while you danced your lips across it on their way to his other ear. As you licked, pecked, and lightly nibbled, Jake finally took your face between his hands and held your gaze in breathless wonderment. After a few beats to each catch your breath, he smiled softly at you. “My turn” he stated, before flipping you both over and half kneeling, half floating in the warm water above your lap. Once situated, he met your lips with the lightest touch of his own. As he did this, he dragged his fingertips across the fabric atop your nipple, grinning against your lips ever-so-slightly as he felt its tautness before moving them down your body and danced them across the hem of your bikini bottoms.
You gasped quietly as you felt his fingers dip below the waistband before he pulled away slightly and met your eyes.
“Is this okay?” he asked in a hush whisper.
You nodded.
“Use your words, baby,” he admonished.
“Yes, Jake, please,” you half-moaned.
He smiled before pecking your lips quickly and pulling away again. “Good girl.”
You moaned deeply as he pushed his whole hand into your bottoms, the restricting fabric keeping his palm tight against your pelvis as his fingers explored your folds; before finding your clit and brushing over it a couple of times until you were quietly gasping with each touch.
He stared at you in awe as he pushed a finger into you, his jaw falling slack just as yours did.
“Oh, Jake, fuck,” you groaned breathlessly as he pushed another finger into you.
“Tell me all about it, baby,” he whispered.
“God, Jake,” you cried out softly as he thrusted his fingers into you with increasing speed. “It feels so good.”
“I know, baby, I know. Are you gonna come for me like this? All over my fingers?” he half-whispered as you met his eyes.
You nodded as you gasped, your mouth falling open as you held his gaze. After just a couple more thrusts and grazes across your clit, you felt yourself pulsing around his fingers, the contractions so much more intense, the pleasure so much deeper than you felt when sober.
“Oh, fuck, baby, good girl. Let it all go, you’re doing so good” Jake praised as he worked you through your orgasm.
You kissed him breathlessly as you came down from your high, so intensely that even Jake gasped when you pulled away. A smile spread across his lips after you caught your breath and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“What are you so eager for?” he teased.
“I’ve never fucked high, and if it’s anything like that, I can’t wait” you admitted confidently.
Jake let out a breathy laugh before meeting your eyes with a toothy grin. “It’s nothing like that, to be honest,” he began. He smirked before leaning in close to your ear, the damp strands of his hair brushing your cheek. “It’s so much better” he finished on a whisper, before turning you both back over so you were atop of his lap.
He kissed you with raw intensity as he reached behind you and untied the straps of your top, breaking for just a moment to pull it over your head and lay it across the side of the hot tub. In this moment, as he stared at your bare breasts on full display for him in the moonlight, he realized that he was about to have sex with his best friend. He met your eyes with his own filled with so much more than just lust, feeling so much in that moment that you both felt a blush rising to each of your cheeks, before he took your lips between his and kissed you with more passion than you’d felt with any former lover. He pulled away and met your eyes again.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked again.
You smiled as you felt your cheeks grow warm once again at the care he was showing you. You nodded. “Yes, Jake, I’m sure,” you whispered.
He smiled back at you. “Good,” he whispered back, letting the situation sink in for another moment as he held your gaze, before lifting you above him with one hand, made easier in the water, and pulling his trunks down his knees with the other. He brought you back to his lap, slightly encouraging you to grind over him again with a gentle tug to your waist.
After a few movements over his bare cock, his lips between yours, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of your bottoms and began slowly inching them down until they met your knees bent atop the bench on either side of Jake’s legs.
You met each other’s blurry gaze again, and he reached out a thumb to caress your cheek as blissed out grins overtook both your faces.
“You ready?” he smiled.
You nodded before leaning forward and bracing yourself with your hands on Jake’s chest, as you sunk down onto his cock under the water. You both groaned as soon as he penetrated you, the sensations overwhelming. He held you there with his arms crossed across your back, neither of you moving as you sloppily kissed each other, tongues dancing with each other and licking into your mouths while his cock sat inside you. The singular penetration combined with the intense making out alone had you already clenching around him. You shifted slightly, raising your hips before bringing them back down slowly to his base. You repeated the motion, and Jake lifted up to meet your hips in perfect harmony, breaking the kisses occasionally to let out the breathiest, whiniest of moans.
“How does it feel, baby?” Jake breathed.
“I wanna stay here forever” you murmured against his chest, eyes closed, forehead resting on his wet shoulder while he held you in his arms, you grinding and he thrusting just enough to give you both the pleasure you sought.  
He laughed blissfully. “I think I’d like that,” he agreed as he held you tighter, taking over the movements as he thrust up into you faster and faster. You were a whining mess as he brushed your damp strands out of your face to watch your expressions, the way your lips would part ever so slightly with particularly deep thrusts, or the way your eyebrows would furrow when you’d groan.
You opened your eyes to find him already staring at you, his movements slowing slightly at the eye contact. “What?” you asked breathlessly.
“You’re just, so fucking beautiful, Y/N” he murmured.
You smiled as you blushed. You started to answer, to thank him, when he began thrusting into you with purpose, even faster and deeper than before, your jaw falling slack as you held his gaze, the words dying on your tongue. All you could say instead was, “Oh, Jesus fuck”, as he maintained a steady pace, one of his hands moving from your back for his fingertips to find their rightful place on your clit, rubbing in smooth circles with just enough pressure.
“Baby, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you groaned.
“Me too, baby, I’ve got you. Come for me” he maintained a consistent rhythm and pressure to bring you to your climax, though you could see in his face that he was straining to not let go before you. You held his gaze as you felt the waves of pleasure wash over you, over and over as you clenched on his cock.
“Oh my god,” you cried out in bliss as he continued to thrust into you with a different pace, before settling into you with a deep groan, his cock throbbing inside you with his release.
Your head fell onto his shoulder with exhaustion, your arms wrapped around his neck as he held you close to his chest, the skin-to-skin contact grounding you and comforting you as he kissed you all over what was exposed of your cheeks.
After sitting like that for what felt like hours, one of his hands stroking up and down your back, soft kisses between just letting your heads rest on each other, you leaned back to let out a yawn. Jake pushed some of the hair out of your face when you leaned forward again, staring at you with a soft smile.
“Is it time for bed?” he teased.
Your face fell slightly, though you hoped he wouldn’t notice. “I don’t wanna go to bed.”
He caressed your cheek as he asked, “Why’s that, love?”
You shrugged before looking away from him and into the night.
“Hey,” he cupped your cheek and turned you towards him, “What’s wrong?”
You took a shaky breath. “I guess, I’m not ready for this night to be over.”
He half smiled, like he knew something you didn’t. “Why, baby?”
“I guess…because that means we are just gonna…go back to normal after this.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Jake smirked.
You quirked an eyebrow.
“Just because the night is ending, doesn’t mean this-,” he gestured between both of you, “is.”
You waited for him to finish.
He let out a shaky laugh. “I fully intend on you sleeping in my bed tonight, showering with you in the morning, and surprising you with breakfast, though I guess it won’t be a surprise now” he smirked. “And the next time we have sex, we’ll be sober.”
You grinned at him. “Next time?”
“Yeah, dumbass, next time” he replied with the playful banter you had used as best friends your whole childhood, letting you know that nothing had changed between you, except everything, and nothing at the same time.
You were okay with that.
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silvergolddraco28 · 6 days
PS! Looking for RPers and/or co writers! Cross-posted on AO3!
Previously slightly abbreviated:
“This isn't my realm… this isn't my reality.”
“Lilith left sooner… but Charlie stayed until she became and adult.”
‘Better make my way to the Hazbin and see if i can't help this Charlie with her dreams sooner.’
Lucifer pocketed the phone, quickly getting out of the unstable building and making it for the nearest territory to get his bearings on which district he currently was in Pentagram before heading to Charlie's Happy Hotel before Alastor had renamed it the Hazbin Hotel.
Lucifer gazed up at the building that was more or less falling apart with a minor internal cringe. ‘This place isn't fit for someone to live inside without coming too hard. I should know i enforced the building standards and have it all run by Hellborn companies for that very reason.’ Lucifer thought making his way up to the door of the hotel holding one of Charlie’s posters in his claws he had been able to snag from a lamppost being it got graffitied or ripped to shreds. He knocked on the door hearing a noise from inside before a frazzled-looking Charlie opened the door blinking her eyes at him in mild confusion. “I thought dragon dinners were extinct…” she muttered.
“Sinner?” Lucifer repeated giving the air he had literally entered Hell or at least this version of Hell.
Charlie had a look of sympathy as she pulled Lucifer inside closing the door behind her. “A Sinner is what we call a human soul that has died and didn't pass the judgment system Heaven has.” Charlie explained patiently. “Oh! How rude of me, I'm Charlie. I run this Hotel with the end goal of redeeming Sinners but for now it's more or less a Sanctuary for anyone who wants to get help.” Charlie introduced herself. She waved her hand over the lobby showing familiar faces. “The sinner in red is Alastor, our Hotelier. The female sinner in uniform is my girlfriend Vaggie and my personal guard. The spider sinner is our first resident, Angel Dust and finally the two flying goats are my assistants Razzle and Dazzle.” Charlie grinned as the two demonic goats sniffed the air around him before immediately pouncing him with hugs and kisses soon joined in by KeeKee.
His wings flapped a little to keep him upright from the unexpected force as he laughed at the ticklish kisses and cuddles. “Sorry… even in Life animals would snuggle and cuddle with me no matter what kind.” Lucifer stated after all he did technically die after he Fell from Heaven is it wasn't a complete lie.
“Geeze, don't think the two munchkins and the cat actually liked anyone but you Toots.” Angel’s familiar drawl stated as Lucifer rubbed the back of his head.
“yeah yeah make the Disney Princess reference in front of the dragon.” Lucifer huffed with a small pout as Charlie giggled at the interaction.
“Guess i should introduce myself as well.” Lucifer stated already knowing what he would use. “Samuel. Samuel Cain.” ‘Can't believe i have to use my old name and borrow Cain’s for this but i want to stay undercover as long as i can.’
Charlie grinned. “Is Sam fine?” Charlie asked.
“Sammy is better if you don't mind. I also see this place needs a lot of TLC.” Lucifer pointed out while trying to ignore the red eyes of the infernal Radio Demon partly glaring at him with suspicion. ‘Fuck off Bambi. I'm not letting you manipulate my daughter this time around and no way in Hell am i letting any version of myself being her down like i did.’ Lucifer thought to himself.
one can hope…
Mini Rant to get out my feelings
Here is the rough part 2 that will hopefully help me get some interest in this AU or in any of my other prompts.
I'm starting to lose a lot of hope in getting anyone to RP with me more then a few days before going radio silent and bowing out.
I must be really really really bad for the entire community to basically avoid me.
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bethesammytomydean · 6 months
Dean's breathing came out in loud gasps as he squirmed underneath of Sam, trying to escape somehow. It was almost pathetic, really, because he wasn't getting anywhere. Not with how weak he currently was. Because if there was one thing Dean couldn't handle, it was tickling.
Dean himself thought it was pathetic, really. There were many people who could handle tickling, and then only some who could not- that was what Dean said, Sam knew it was something that had to do with several areas of the body and how sensitive people where in those areas. Dean was simply unlucky that he was sensitive in pretty much every part of his body.
Sam thought it was endearing. It was also something that he used against Dean oftentimes.
When they were younger it was an easy way to get the upper hand. As a hunter there was no need to play fair, and during training this was usually the only way Sam could win. After all, Dean was older, stronger, better at everything.
Except when it came to handling tickling. Because Sam wasn't ticklish. Or not as much. If you would tickle his feet with a feather then yeah, he was ticklish. But Dean couldn't handle fingers digging into his armpits or feet or any other part of his body.
Dean had always feared the thought of some kind of monster fucking him up by tickling him. That would be the dumbest way to die, Dean had always said.
Sam thought he had other things to worry about, mostly Sam's fingers.
Dean gasped for air, laughing almost hysterically, tears rolling down his freckled cheeks. He looked hilarious and beautiful at the same time. Sam couldn't help but smile and laugh along with his brother.
"N- No!" It was almost a yell, and Sam let out a snort of laughter as his brother continued to be stubborn.
"Fine, then I'll just continue," Sam dug his fingers harder into Dean's armpits, fending off flailing arms and legs. Sam moved backward more, making sure to sit on those legs so Dean couldn't kick him anymore. "Give up Dean, you're not going to win."
It was only a few more minutes before Dean finally broke. Which made sense, because Dean was probably exhausted by that point. Muscles hurting, aching even, lungs screaming for enough air.
"S- Stop, oh fuck, Sammy!"
"You surrender?"
Dean nodded, movements jerky. "Y- Yes. Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Sam finally stopped, pulling his hands away. Dean gasped for air, finally having sweet release from the torment that was Sam. He needed a few moments to calm back down, to catch his breath and stare at his little brother.
"Fuck you."
"Hey, you asked for it."
"I did not."
"You ate chips on my side of the bed, Dean."
"Crumbs, Dee, crumbs."
Dean rolled his eyes, rubbing his sides as he pouted. "It hurts."
"Don't be such a baby." Sam snorted before he leaned in, pressing a kiss to Dean's lips. "You're pretty when you laugh." He whispered, making Dean grumble at him to shut up. But Sam saw the tips of his ears flush and that satisfied him.
Dean may hate being ticklish, but Sam absolutely loved it.
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