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You will have to put up with my rekindled supernatural obsession…. Sorry guys 😬💚
Have a fantastic week!✨🌻
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ananke-xiii · 4 months
okay but hear me out: a SPN spin-off but instead of the characters we have the SPN writers in the writers' room and it's The Office-like.
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Oh, yes. Big brother was about to turn into dinner for a hungry harvest god (this reminds me of Children of the Corn by Stephen King), and Sam, on his way to California, sensed he was in danger.
Big brother wasn't picking up his calls, and this is a bad, bad sign. It takes so little to raise Sam's antlers, as far as Dean's safety is concerned.
Well, he was right.
(Image/gif credits to the unknown creator/owner)
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super-marvel-dc · 2 months
Y/N: *Walks into The Avengers compound, and greets them* hello, who called about the demon problem?
Tony: That would be me, Tony Stark *shakes Y/N's hand*
Y/N: Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark.
Dean, from the corner of the room: And I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother Sammy.
Sam: It's just Sam...
Y/N, to Tony: Are they apart of your team?
Tony: No.
Steve: We called them in because they're supposed to be the best of the best when it comes to demons.
Dean: We are the best of the best, but these demons are something else.
Sam: We've never encountered something like them before.
Y/N: Can you describe them to me?
Dean: Well, normally the demons we fight look human and have black eyes.
Sam: Yeah, there are different, though... They looked like actual monsters you see on TV and had different colored eyes...
Dean: Yeah. And they had some kind writing in their eyes, couldn't tell what, though.
Y/N: Uh oh...
Everyone: Uh oh, what?
Y/N: I'll be right back, I'm going to call my friends... I know exactly what we're dealing with, and it's not good.
Y/N: *On the phone call* Yeah, and tell Rengoku to tell the others we'll need their help, too.
Y/N: *Hangs up, and looks at everyone*
Tony: Who's Rengoku, and what's going on?
Y/N: *Sighs* OK, I'll explain everything to you, but you're gonna have to sit down for this because it's a long story.
Dean: Firstly, start off with who the hell you are.
Y/N: My name is Y/N Y/L/N, my friends and I deal with these demons you told me about...
Y/N: I'm a Hashira.
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supernatural-24 · 28 days
People need to talk about how fucking funny Supernatural Season 1 is. Sam and Dean rock up to a smallfuck hillbilly town in the middle of nowhere where people are being viciously slaughtered by some unfathomable creature, in a sick as fuck vintage car with stolen license plates.
Then they rock up to the crime scene in their boots and zip up hoodies and brown leather jackets with their very obvious fake IDs and babyfaces all like “oh yeah we’re federal officers!” and the local cops are like “for sure, here’s everything you need to know on the case”. Then they’re chilling in some motel that looks like its been abandoned for like ten years and has been festering in a swamp since then, and Sam’s like “Dean what if it’s a *insert generic monster name here*” and Dean’s all “no way, it's definitely not *insert generic monster name here*. I actually don’t even know what we’re doing here, this definitely isn’t our type of problem, we’re supposed to be looking for Dad”.
Then this random hot girl’s brother or husband or boyfriend or cousin or best friend or something idfk gets slaughtered by the monster and Dean’s like “fuckgjhjajsifoa maybe it is a *insert generic monster name here*” and Sam’s like “well we all know the one way to kill a *insert generic monster name here*: silver bullet right in that mofo’s heart” .Then the hot girl goes “I’m sick of the cops in this town doing nothing about it! I’m going after it myself!” and Sam and Dean go “okay that’s chill whatever, but we'll come to cause we can protect you” and she’s like “I can look after myself thanks very much, I don’t need your protection”. Sure enough, she ends up needing their help, and they burst in the room or hotel or mansion or bridge or woods or something idfk guns blazing shooting everything. Then the *insert generic monster name here* fucking stabs Sammy and Dean’s like hyperventilating “no one beats the shit outta my brother but me!” BAM silver bullet right in that fucking abominations heart. Then Dean viciously makes out with the hot girl while Sam fucking bleeds out on the floor.
Then the next day they’re driving in the car together and Dean’s all “we should do this more often, you know saving people, hunting things, fucking bitches” and Sam’s all “I’m only in this to find Dad cause I gotta find that yellow eyed dickhead”. Then a closing shot of the Impala driving into the sunset with fucking Kansas playing the background. How did anyone take this show seriously back in 2005. How did it get renewed for another fourteen seasons. How did it become one of the most iconic series of all time. I am furiously making out with the cast and also stabbing the writers.
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insanesonofabitch · 2 months
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podcast transcript | screencaps | episode snippet | the song
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incesthemes · 5 months
sam is so soggy at the start of season 7... it's driving me crazy (i want to hurt him)
also dean's whole speech at the end of 7.02 is fucking nuts. what's with him telling sam to use him as his entire foundation for reality. using a wound he sewed up to ground sam in reality and prove that he's not just in his head. positioning himself as a tether to the earth to keep sam from floating away. the only anchor sam has when his own mind is turned against him. he takes on the entire burden of sam's reality without even blinking. i'm going to be sick
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morganaconda · 6 months
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okay but society if after meeting castiel dean talked him into traveling back 4 years and healing layla’s brain tumor so that she could live without anyone else having to die 🥹 (and of course maybe somehow in that process castiel meets faith!dean 😌😌)
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sampegger · 1 month
do you guys think the writers would have taken it more seriously if it had been alastair around relentlessly tormenting dean in late seasons as opposed to lucifer with sam
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archivistsammy · 1 year
everything is awesome when your name is dean winchester (youtube)
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potatohater · 3 months
Big brother’s love
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean & Sam Winchester (a bit of Castiel)
Word count: 1929
MY BABIES AHHGRRR; I just NEEDED some brothers fluff and HERE WE GO, LEE!SAM FOREVER🙏 love them, here it’s like moments since childhood-season 6 (bc I’m watching it rn) (btw @cringemesstickles I know that you’re a sucker for lee!sam so you might wanna check this one out🤭)
Dean loved making Sam smile, even though Sam always tried to hide it, making himself look more serious, deep down Dean always knew how to crack him
Older Winchester woke up and sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes. Clock said 8:03 am and he had no idea how he got so early today. John left them for a week.. which turned into two as he couldn’t kill the vampire he was hunting, so two teenage boys spent most of the time in the hotel room; not bothered by trying to pick up a school if they are going to attend it only for a few days.
Sam looked up from his book to take a look at his brother when he froze for half a second, biting back a smile
“What?” Dean asked him, was it something on his face or something?
“Oh no nothing” younger boy replied, trying to focus on his book, but taking a quick glance at Dean. Now him biting back a smile was even more visible
“Is it something on my face?” Dean’s brows furrowed as he asked out loud
He took a half glance in the mirror in the middle of the room and saw how his hair in the middle was slick back, but on the sides it was sticking up in all directions, making him look ridiculous. In what pose did he even had to sleep to get this hairstyle?
He turned his eyes back to Sam, seeing how hard he tried to focus on the book in front of him. They locked eyes as Dean wiggled his eyebrows, trying to play dumb to get the kid to crack
Even though Sammy was quite serious for a kid his age, it wasn’t that hard to make him laugh. 11 year old boy mostly found Dean’s fails funny, when he tried to flirt with a girl but got rejected. This type of fails
“I see you, what’s up? Why are you acting like thi—” Dean didn’t got to finish his sentence when younger boy broke into a stream of giggles. It was really easy to make him laugh sometimes
“Ihit’s juhust youhur hahair” Sam giggled quietly, dimples appearing on his cheeks as his face broke into shy smile. Like he knew it was a bit too childish even for him
Dean took a proper look into the mirror and chuckled too. His eyes were dead and the whole hair thing looked like he experienced getting struck by a lightning
He shook his head, standing up and quickly ruffled kid’s hair too so they would match
“Hehey!” Sam shoved his hand, trying to sound annoyed, but giggles in his voice ruined the whole facade
Yes. As Dean would say, it was pretty easy and unbearably hard to make younger Winchester laugh sometimes. The kid got specific humour
Sam who was standing in the middle of the room doubled on the floor laughing as he saw his brother’s head sticking from the bathroom doorway. They had a little prank war going on and younger Winchester decided it would be hilarious to put some hair dye into Dean’s shampoo
Dean on the other hand wasn’t so happy. His hair was dripping wet and his neck and shoulders were also covered in dark-ish blue dye. His mouth twitched for a second when he was his brother on the floor laughing his ass off, but taking another look in the mirror reminded him that revenge is necessary
“Come here bitch!” Dean said while putting his pants on and running in Sam’s direction. Long haired teenager quickly tried to stand up, but was immediately tackled to the floor by his brother; not like he put up a fight, Sam was mostly giggling like a madman every time he looked at Dean
“Something funny?” Dean tried to look serious but small grin crept into his face as he saw his brother pinned underneath him “Oh I can give you something to laugh at”
With that said, he wiggled his fingers into Sam’s side, making his giggles transform into full on laughter
Damn it sounded good; Dean could swear his laugh immediately filled the whole room, lighting it up
“DEHehean! stOHOP IHihi aham tohoho ohOHOLD FOHOR THIHIS”
“You are only 16 kid, the only one old here is me, and apparently I’m gonna have blue hair for the next—MONTH THANKS TO YOU” Dean chuckled as he raised his voice over Sam’s so he would hear him
Sam’s laugh got higher when he darted his eyes at Dean over him who was still dripping in blue colour
“Any last words?”
“IHIHIT WAHAS SOHOHO WOHORTH IHIHIT” Sam looked at Dean one last time before losing himself in his own laughter again. Dean’s grin got wider with every second as he tickled his brother on the motel floor. Maybe he didn’t care that much about his hair
“Dean!” Sam squeaked as Dean made a move in his direction
“Sam!” Dean chuckled, mirroring his brother’s tone
They were standing at opposite sides of a table in the motel room, waiting for other one to make a move. Well, long story short — Dean found out Sam still had his weakness in touch, apparently Sam was surprised too
“Don’t!” Sam tried to threaten but smile on his face outweighed all the venom in his voice
Dean was wearing a grin on his own, quickly running around the table to catch his brother
They were doing it for the past few minutes, but this time Dean actually tackled Sam on the floor. Both laughing the whole time they tried to gain an upper hand
Older Winchester got his hands squeezing his brother’s knees as he watched his reaction
Sam was okay before.. well maybe a little tired and declined any offer to take a proper sleep, saying that “he was okay taking 2 hour naps every few days”; so as every good brother, Dean just needed an excuse to mess with him. They deserve to have fun once in a while, especially Sam
“Ha! Man you didn’t change— do you still do that? Wait let me check” Dean said as he got his hands to Sam’s ribs, playing them like a guitar
Sam’s laughter transformed into high-pitched giggles that were just music to his brother’s ears
“That’s what you get for not getting to bed. Gosh it’s like I’m 15 again, forcing you to sleep”
Sam’s laughter rang even louder at the recalling memories of their childhood, as joyful sounds came out of him
“And now you are 23 and you didn’t change a bit” Dean grinned, eliciting more sounds form Sam
“Ohokay okay, easy tiger” Older Winchester chuckled at his baby brother who drank a bit too much in the bar. Dean was immune for a few shots of tequila, considering how much alcohol he consumes, Sam wasn’t that strong
“What is wrong with him?” Castiel was standing in the middle of the motel room Winchesters were staying
“Has gone a little overboard, but who gives a shit. I finally convinced him to take a few days off and I don’t care that there is a fucking apocalypse, okay? He needed a moment to breathe out” Dean replied as he caught his brother from falling on the floor and threw him on the bed, making it easier for both of them
“So what now?”
“Well, I’m gonna take his coat and shoes off and let him sleep. Oh man, a hangover tomorrow is going to be ruthless” Older brother chuckled
He motioned Cas to come closer and hold Sam’s abdomen as he took the coat of him. On accident, one of Cas’ hands got under younger Winchester’s arms, making him squirm a bit and let out a quiet giggle
“What was that?” Dean and Cas almost said in unison as Dean put his brother’s clothes and shoes in the wardrobe
Dean’s brows knitted together as a small grin broke his face
“Hey Cas, can you spread his elbows like— yeah like that” Dean full on smiled
Angel did as he was told, grabbing both Sam’s elbows and raised them up, spreading them. Meanwhile Sam was too tired to stop anything.
Dean took a step closer, warming his fingers under Sam’s arms. His brother’s face immediately broke down into wide smile when he clamped his arms down, doing nothing to stop the sensation
“What are you do— waHAHEHehait!” Sam got out of Castiel’s grip and slammed his back into the bed where he was previously sitting (or at least tried to). His eyes were squeezed and smile shining, showing all his teeth
“Damn Sammy, a drop of alcohol in you, and you become even more ticklish than when you were a kid” Dean beamed
“What is wrong with him?” Cas now stood up, and standing next to the bed stared at laughing younger brother who couldn’t even put up a fight because he was so intoxicated and an older brother who now was sitting on his lower half, pinning him and tickling him, having a smile on his face as big as Sam’s. A look of confusion and amusement mixing up in angel
“Oh, it’s called tickling. It’s when you touch some parts of the body that make other person laugh. It’s a body reaction our ancestors had back in the day for surviving. Now it’s.. for messing with your baby brother for example”
“And he laughs because it’s body’s reaction” Cas repeated, trying to make sense out of it
“Pretty much”
“Huh” Cas wanted to say something but his hearing focused on Sam’s high-pitched laughter again. Making his face to share the same kind of grin Dean has been wearing
Right now and there he noticed that Sam didn’t laugh enough. His laugh is too nice to hide it under all these layers of seriousness
“heheHESTOHOHOP DEhehean!” Sam laughed, eyes squeezed shut and hands trying to catch his brother but he even when he did he was to tired to do anything that shove lightly at them
Cas and Dean joined him, chuckling everytime he made some funny noise. “Yeah” Cas thought “humans are cute”
“Hey, you okay?” Dean’s voice rang through the living room where his brother was sitting
They stayed at Bobby’s for some time, trying to find out more about this “Mother” bullshit, someone that can ruin their world and kill everyone (again)
“You know what I did, Dean. That whole year was—” Sam was interrupted by his brother who nudged him in the side with his elbow
“Come on, we’ve been through this. I— you can’t believe how glad I’m that you’re back. That was not you Sammy”
Sam tried to fight, but found that it’s easier just to listen to Dean. “Yeah, maybe you’re right”
“Dude you couldn’t believe how DRY you were, I mean, your humour was purely based on making fun of something. We were almost killed multiple times because you found demons funny and just laughed at their faces” Dean recalled with amused chuckle
Sam let his own small smile to tug at his lips
“Well, at least I got you back, and you still think I’m a god of comedy” Older brother wigged his brows
“Oh you wish” Sam shook his head with a snicker
“What? I’m hilarious” Dean said, poking his brother which made him giggle
“See? You do still find me funny” Each word was highlighted by a poke to Sam’s side, making him giggle again and playfully slap Dean’s hand
“Yeheah, maybe I stihil do”
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lillysilverus · 8 months
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Sam as mother hen.
Dean is weak and his life seems to be about to end.
He still jokes, teasing Sam: ' You won't let me die in peace, will you?'
'I won't let you die. Period'. That's the no-reply statement by Sam.
This is one of the things that never changes in the show. Sam just refuses the option. He will accept it eventually, only because Dean, his beloved big brother, asked him to do that.
(Image/gif credits to the unknown creator/owner)
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deancasbisexual · 1 month
I really do admire how whenever Jensen is casted in a new show, everyone starts making theories about how his character can be queer. And I mean I genuinely admire when people do this. We're all so desperate for him to kiss a man on screen. I love it so much 💀
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