#Jeanne Dae
twisting-echo · 7 months
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A romantic moodboard of Shina (Bloody Roar) x Dae Suk Park (Urban Reign).
This is my first ever moodboard/collage trade, so I'm happy to present my trade with DigiformerZinx.
It's an awesome crossover ship, DigiformerZinx, and I hope you like it.
Twisting Echo~
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shi-daisy · 5 years
A break from the critical asks! Back in like chapter 11 or 12 (can't remember rn) of your fic you mentioned the backstories of the living arrancars. Do you have headcanons for the others? As if, when and where they lived as humans? And how they died?
Tbh I actually looooove critical asks, but I do enjoy miscellaneous asks like this one anon. Variety is key.
Chapter 12 was one of my faves to write, so I'm glad to give ya a bit of extra info. I'll do it in numerical order, as that's how I wrote the info down on my notes. I don't have all Arrancar written down btw, just the ones that either appear on the fic or I remembered enough to make suitable story for them.
Trigger warnings for suicide, body horror and overall horrible deaths
1ra Espada - Coyote Stark
Date of Death: March 26, 1850
Cause: Dehydration, eaten by wild dogs
Location: California Desert
2da Espada - Barragan Luisenbarn
Date of Death: June 28, 1541
Cause of Death: Old age, heart failure
Location: Northern France
Fracción of 2da- Abirama Redder
Date of Death: September 20, 1310
Cause of Death: Sacrificed to the gods, deapitation
Location: Belmopan, Belize
Fracción of 2da- Ggio Vega
Date of Death: April 6, 1880
Cause of Death: Exhaustion due to child labor
Location: London, England
Fracción of 2da- Findorr Carrinas
Date of Death: October 20, 1543
Cause of Death: Tuberculosis
Location: Casilla, Spain
3ra Espada- Tia Halibel
Date of Death: November 7, 1800
Cause of Death: Childbirth
Location: Malolos, Philippines
Fracción of 3ra- Emilou Appaci
Date of Death: April 6, 1940
Cause: Major organ failure due to human experimentation
Location: Tunghwa, Manchuria
Fracciones of 3ra- Francheska Mila Rose & Cyan Sun Sung
Date of Death: July 10, 1856
Cause of Death: Drowning
Location: Sussex ,England
4ta Espada- Ulquiorra Schiffer
Date of Death: July 30, 1570
Cause of Death: Harakiri
Location: Omi Province, Japan
5ta Espada- Nnoitra Jiruga
Date of Death: August 26, 1914
Cause of Death: Headshot
Location: Le Cateau, France
Fracción of 5ta- Tesla Lindocruz
Date of Death: April 16, 1422
Cause of Death: Stab wound to the neck
Location: Warsaw, Poland
6ta Espada- Grimmjow Jeagerjaques
Date of Death: September 30, 1342
Cause of Death: Stab wound to the chest
Location: Morlaix, France
7ma Espada- Zommari Reroux
Date of Death: June 25, 1993
Cause of Death: Heroin overdose
Location: New York, USA
8va Espada- Szayel Aporto Granz
Date of Death: January 20, 1499
Cause of Death: Suicide by hanging
Location: Vienna, Austria
42nd Arrancar- Jeanne Daae Horvat
Date of Death: December 24, 1788
Cause of Death: Decapitation via Guillotine
Location: Versailles, France
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studioneiro · 2 years
But I'm holding my breath instead
But I'm holding my breath instead by It's Annie Via Flickr: Bishop Briggs - High Water ⋆Tнαɴĸѕ тo мy Spoɴѕorѕ⋆ ❀ Dotty's Secret ♙Liner > Dotty's Secret - Blake - Eyeliner Palette ❀ BELANTTI ♙Towelwrap & Cream >BELANTTI -Lelutka Evo x Spa Set ❀ :studiOneiro: ♙Pose + Tub >:studiOneiro: Just like a woman A /poses/ HUD ⋆Everyтнιɴɢ elѕe⋆ ♙[BODY] Legacy (f) ♙[theSkinnery] Bom Body - Beauty Marks ♙LeLUTKA AVALON 3.1 ♙^^Swallow^^ Gauged S Ears (f) ♙[the Skinnery] Jeanne (LeLutkaEVOX) peach ♙[SB] *EvoX AVALON* LivAutum SA [Brow] 01 ♙(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Hairbase - Messy {Black} ♙.Obsidian. x Quirky - Chipped Nails ♙IDTTY FACES - LELUTKA SUNRISE 10 ♙PC// basic masking face tape evox/bom/SAD edition ♙okkbye. The Button Nose ♙[p] the zodiac tattoo - gemini ♙(Yummy) Zodiac Rings ♙Swan Anita Nose Ring - Moon ♙= DAE = SXD1 HUMEN FEMALE EARRING ♙BackdropCity
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fatefulones · 5 years
akahangyaku replied to your post: fmk: astolfo, mordred, jeanne.
“I’d like to see you try, bitch. I’ll put you in dae fukkin ground.”
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“Ahh- I have no doubt that you could, it’s purely hypothetical-” He just slowly backs away from the Knight of Treachery.
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.145 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 145 “What is right” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Shin-Ah collapses on Yona from the paralysis. His body feels heavy, but he’s fine. Yoon comes with Zeno and Kija. Kija is happy Yona is fine, but it’s Yona who worries for him instead: he’s all bloody. Yoon says they’ve been healing real slow, maybe it’s because they’re too far from Hiryuu Castle. Zeno, who was previously helping Kija walk, tries to carry/support Shin-Ah but his “old body” can’t take it. Jae-Ha says he should let Hak do it, then notices injured Hak on the ground. He calls for Yoon, who starts accusing him of carelessness while half-crying ^^;
In a dark alley, the assassins are discussing Shin-Ah’s powers. This man was definitely not human, it looked like a dragon. Could he be one of those monsters from Kouka? They’ve got to tell Gobi about it.
Back to Yona’s group. Kouren is injured from an arrow that grazed her arm. Yoon insists to treat her, and the princess asks why he would help his enemy. Yoon says it’s because he doesn’t want to lose to war and to violence. Healing isn’t about allies or enemies.
Kouren then comments about the 4 dragons’ god-like powers.
Kouren (to Yona): With that kind of power, have you ever thought about taking revenge on Soo-Won?
Yona: The 4 dragons aren’t instruments for settling my personal grudges.
Kouren: Do you have a personal grudge, then?
Yona: ...I... don’t know about that.
The reason she didn’t throw away Soo-Won’s hairpin was because she didn’t want to forget what happened on that fateful night. Or that’s what she told herself at first, but now she knows she was still trying to hold on a reason to trust him as well. And she’s gotten rid of that hairpin now. She tells Kouren she can’t easily forgive him for what happened, but she doesn’t want to live trapped in that moment either. 
Then they discuss the upcoming negotiations with Soo-Won: both Tao and Kouren must attend and there will be other conditions, but if they accept he guarantees there will be no bloodshed between Kouka and Shin. It may be difficult for them to agree to it, but Yona insists that if Soo-Won was like his father and intended to enslave their people, he wouldn’t have made such a promise from the start. Yona thinks he wouldn’t do anything so meaningless, and she still believes in that part of him.
Hak is listening to the conversation, staying silent all the time. He too believes Soo-Won wouldn’t do meaningless things. He doesn’t know why the princess decided to let go of the hairpin, but he understands she’s decided to face him head-on from now on, without fear or hatred. Would Hak be able to do that as well?
Kouren is still uneasy about facing Kouka’s king, that man’s son... She remembers what Neguro told her about how the heavens will favor their country if she leads it along with the 5 Stars’ help, when she was desperate and wanted to take revenge on Kouka. She promises him she won’t forget the despair and humiliation she felt back then.
The enemy stopped attacking. Before the group starts moving to safety, Kouren wishes to apologizes to them for using them as hostages. Tao comes and helps her walk. That way, the enemy won’t be able to shoot at Kouren so easily. Tao never thought Gobi would resort to killing Neguro when she decided to distance herself from him. She’s crying, afraid that she might come to hate him and lose her faith in humanity. That’s why he must be stopped at all costs.
Yoon asks if someone’s seen Mizari. He tells them he also ran away from his cell but was struck by an arrow, and we can see he’s worried for him. Jae-Ha adds they don’t fully grasp the situation yet (they were locked in a cell all this time): wasn’t the anti-war faction Tao’s ally? Voldo explains it’s a bit more complicated than that. Kouren prays Mizari and Yotaka will stay safe.
At the military camp, Yotaka can feel the anxiety in the air and wonders if it’s only caused by the upcoming war. He asks General Namsek (ナムセク) how the soldiers are doing. He says they’re fine and scolds him for showing his nervousness because it will affect the troops’ morale. A soldier comes and tells Yotaka Gobi is up to something. We see the priest answering the questions of worried citizens, telling them that yes, Kouren intends to use her people to shield her during the war and that divine princess Tao will bring peace. The citizens say she shouldn’t sell the country like that, given what Kouka did to them in the past. Gobi tells them it’ll be fine, the gods have spoken: if Soo-Won and Tao marry, both countries will prosper in harmony. Yotaka understands it would be the perfect chance for Gobi Jeanne D’Arc to seize power as a prime minister and smirks.
Author note: The other day I went to Fukuoka, and the shops around the station were all selling tasty-looking food, I couldn’t resist!
A woman says they still have the 5 Stars, but Gobi says they won’t protect them and they shall be punished by the heavens as criminals who brought upon war.
Just as Yotaka steps forward to argue with Gobi, he gets stabbed in the back from an anti-war faction soldier. The soldier says this is divine retribution for Mizari injuring his best friend who can no longer work and turned to the gods. The soldiers and citizens don’t want to die for this war, and Gobi said the war will be avoided if they bring him the 5 Stars’ heads.
Yotaka apologizes for not being able to stop Mizari. However, if the soldiers intend to take Kouren’s life, as a member of the 5 Stars, he will not hesitate.
Gobi comes and laughs at him, for what can he hope to achieve with no weapon and an injury? He tells him it’s futile to resist, for Yotaka is the only 5 Stars still alive. He adds Neguro met a fitting end as head of the 6 Stars. Yotaka gets angry and starts yelling, but the scene switches to the Wind tribe’s side of the camp.
Han-Dae tries to catch Tae-Woo’s attention by calling him various names until he reacts to “tiny small youngster”. He wants to know if the general has heard news from Hak and where he went. Tae-Woo says he doesn’t know and leaves, remembering what Hak told him earlier about leaving the Wind tribe in his care. He wonders if that means Hak won’t be coming back to the Wind tribe anymore, and doesn’t know what to do about the war: when the Sky tribe comes, will he have to lead the Wind tribe to the battlefield, even if it means they might have to fight against Hak?
Wandering around lost in his thoughts, he comes close to the Shin side of the camp and sees an angry injured Yotaka facing Gobi. He remembers Yotaka as the guy who was arguing with Hak’s friend (Voldo), and hears Gobi say dawn will break soon and for that new morning to be a peaceful one, Kouren and the 5 Stars have to die.
As Gobi’s assassins are about to strike him, Tae-Woo throws his spear in between them and asks the “bigwigs from Shin” to let him join their conversation.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Most of what was discussed in the chapter, we already knew, so I’ll focus on the parts that are probably going to matter in the next chapters.
Even after Yona’s talk of how she won’t let her resentment towards Soo-Won cloud her judgment and use the dragons for herself, Kouren is still trapped in the past and promises Neguro she will never forget about how they all felt when Kouka crushed them 17 years ago. I’m not sure what she really meant: is she promising Neguro she won’t forget even if she chooses to make peace with Kouka, or is it a plain rejection of the negotiations talks because they once agreed to give everything they had to get their revenge on Kouka? She’s the key to the negotiations, and given her personality, I’m afraid she might ditch the meeting if people are pressuring her to go too much.
Then we have Hak who finally gives us hindsight of what he thinks about Soo-Won. Kind of. As we could guess, he’s still angry with him and wonders if he’ll be able to remain calm during the meeting. It’s nice to know his opinion once in a while, as he tends to keep everything to himself.
Next there’s Gobi Jeanne D’Arc, who allegedly heard from the gods that everything will be alright if Tao marries Soo-Won. I’m pretty sure he’s using this excuse to manipulate Tao and the citizens, but it sounds very similar to Kouka’s situation with the priests when Joo-Nam was still king. Can Gobi really hear the gods? Will he try to manipulate Soo-Won using the gods too? (well good luck with that).
Finally we have Tae-Woo, still struggling with his new duties as general and finally accepting that no, Hak will not take back his former position. Now that he’s come to terms with being the true leader, he wants to do what is right for his tribe. And it looks like he’s chosen to get involved with the enemy’s business, risking to pass as a traitor if Soo-Won’s troops find him on the Shin side of the camp.
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10 diamantes escondidos na Netflix
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Com um catálogo de milhares de filmes, a Netflix exibe apenas algumas opções para os usuários, de acordo com as escolhas anteriores de cada um. Mas, existem muitos longas que são verdadeiros diamantes escondidos no catálogo do serviço de streaming. Para ajudar os espectadores que apreciam bons filmes, a Revista Bula reuniu dez ótimas indicações em uma lista. Entre os destaques, estão “A Vida de uma Mulher” (2017), de Stéphane Brizé; “Monsieur & Madame Adelman” (2017), dirigido por Nicolas Bedos; e o clássico do cinema noir “O Estranho” (1946), do celebrado diretor Orson Welles. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com o ano de lançamento e não seguem critérios classificatórios.
Quatro Histórias de Desejo (2018), Karan Johar, Zoya Akhtar e outros
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O filme apresenta quatro histórias diferentes, que abordam as relações amorosas na Índia contemporânea. Kalindi, uma professora universitária casada, se envolve com um de seus alunos. Sudhaa, uma empregada doméstica, se apaixona por Ajit, o filho de seus patrões. A dona de casa Reena tem um caso extraconjugal com o melhor amigo de seu marido, e Megha é uma mulher recém-casada insatisfeita com sua vida sexual.
Pérolas no Mar (2018), Rene Liu
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Em 2007, os universitários Jian-qing e Xiao-Xiao se conhecem em um trem que parte de Pequim para uma cidade do interior, onde ambos planejam passar o fim de ano. Os dois se apaixonam e começam a namorar. Anos depois, o filme mostra Jian-qing e Xiao-Xiao se encontrando de novo, dessa vez em um aeroporto. Com os voos atrasados, eles conversam sobre o que fizeram de errado no passado e o amor que ainda sentem um pelo outro.
A Vida de uma Mulher (2017), Stéphane Brizé
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No século 19, Jeanne volta para casa após terminar seus estudos em um convento e passa a ajudar seus pais nas tarefas diárias. Filha de barões, ela sempre foi rica e sonha com um grande amor. Um dia, o visconde Julien de Lamare aparece na vizinhança e Jeanne logo se apaixona por ele. Os dois se casam, mas, com o passar do tempo, Julien se mostra infiel e egoísta. Assim, as ilusões de Jeanne vão se desfazendo e ela perde a alegria de viver.
Hondros (2017) Greg Campbell
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O documentário acompanha a vida e a carreira do famoso fotojornalista Chris Hondros, explorando as histórias surpreendentes por trás de suas fotos mais conhecidas. Chris foi o primeiro de uma geração de fotógrafos de guerra, que testemunhou as guerras no Oriente Médio em resposta aos ataques de 11 de setembro. Hondros foi morto em 2011, na Líbia, mas sua obra continua sendo celebrada nos dias de hoje.
Monsieur & Madame Adelman (2017), Nicolas Bedos
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Victor, um escritor amador, se apaixona por Sarah, uma estudante de literatura. Com a ajuda da namorada, ele finalmente alcança o reconhecimento que sempre sonhou. Os dois se casam e vivem juntos por 45 anos, superando todas as dificuldades, brigas e traições. Quando Victor morre, Sarah é abordada por um jornalista que deseja contar a história do escritor a partir do olhar da mulher que sempre o acompanhou.
Sonhos Lúcidos (2017), Jun-sung Kim
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Dae-ho, um jornalista investigativo, faz de tudo para rastrear o paradeiro de seu filho, que foi raptado há três anos. Como uma de suas últimas tentativas, Dae-ho decide tentar encontrar o filho por meio da técnica dos sonhos lúcidos. Com a ajuda de uma psiquiatra, ele consegue invadir a memória e os sonhos de outras pessoas para descobrir o que realmente aconteceu no dia do sequestro.
A Criada (2016), Park Chan-Wook
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O filme se passa na Coreia do Sul, na década de 1930. Durante a ocupação japonesa, a jovem Sookee é contratada para trabalhar para uma herdeira nipônica, Hideko. Sookee é cumplice de Fujiwara, um primo golpista que se passa por conde e pretende casar-se com a Hideko, para roubar sua fortuna e abandoná-la. Tudo corre bem com o plano de Fujiwara, até que Sookee e Hideko se apaixonam.
Memórias Secretas (2015), Atom Egoyan
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Aos 80 anos, Zev descobre que o ex-guarda nazista que matou sua família durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial vive nos Estados Unidos com uma identidade diferente. Então, ele deixa o asilo onde mora e embarca em uma viagem para encontrar o antigo guarda e fazer justiça com as próprias mãos. Só que, ao longo da jornada, Zev precisa lidar com algumas adversidades, incluindo as falhas de memória causadas pela idade avançada.
Peixe Grande e Suas Histórias Maravilhosas (2004), Tim Burton
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Na juventude, Edward Bloom resolve deixar sua pequena cidade, no Alabama, para dar a volta ao mundo. Em seu percurso, ele vive aventuras surpreendentes. Anos mais tarde, no dia do casamento de seu filho, William, ele conta alguns dos episódios fantásticos que viveu, fascinando a todos. Mas, William acredita que o pai está mentindo e resolve investigar a veracidade das histórias contadas por ele.
O Estranho (1946), Orson Welles
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Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o nazista Franz Kindler se muda para uma pequena cidade de Connecticut, nos Estados Unidos. Usando uma falsa identidade, ele se passa por Charles Rankin, começa a trabalhar como professor e se casa com a filha do juiz local para manter seu disfarce. Enquanto isso, o investigador federal Wilson, da Comissão Aliada dos Crimes de Guerra, segue as pistas dadas por outro nazista para encontrar Kindler.
10 diamantes escondidos na Netflix publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2005/2006 TV Awards
Best Drama Series: Battlestar Galactica Grey's Anatomy Lost The Sopranos 24 HONORABLE MENTION: Big Love, Everwood, House, Law & Order, Medium, Rescue Me, Rome, The Shield, Six Feet Under, Veronica Mars, The West Wing, Without a Trace Best Actor - Drama Series: Matthew Fox, Lost - "Man of Science, Man of Faith" James Gandolfini, The Sopranos - "Mr. & Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request..." Hugh Laurie, House - "No Reason" Denis Leary, Rescue Me - "Justice" Edward James Olmos, Battlestar Galactica - "Resurrection Ship, Parts 1 & 2" Kiefer Sutherland, 24 - "Day 5: 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M." HONORABLE MENTION: Michael Chiklis, The Shield; Vincent D’Onofrio, Law & Order: Criminal Intent; Michael C. Hall, Six Feet Under; Peter Krause, Six Feet Under; Anthony LaPaglia, Without a Trace; Kevin McKidd, Rome; Christopher Meloni, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Bill Paxton, Big Love; Gregory Smith, Everwood; Jimmy Smits, The West Wing; James Spader, Boston Legal; Ray Stevenson, Rome; Sam Waterston, Law & Order; Bradley Whitford, The West Wing; Treat Williams, Everwood Best Actress - Drama Series: Patricia Arquette, Medium - "Sweet Child O' Mine" Kristen Bell, Veronica Mars - "Normal Is the Watchword" Frances Conroy, Six Feet Under - "Everyone's Waiting" Edie Falco, The Sopranos - "Join the Club" Mary McDonnell, Battlestar Galactica - "Epiphanies" Polly Walker, Rome - "An Owl in a Thornbush" HONORABLE MENTION: Geena Davis, Commander in Chief; Jennifer Garner, Alias; Ginnifer Goodwin, Big Love; Rachel Griffiths, Six Feet Under; Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Allison Janney, The West Wing; Evangeline Lilly, Lost; Ellen Pompeo, Grey’s Anatomy; Kim Raver, 24; Chloe Sevigny, Big Love; Jeanne Tripplehorn, Big Love Best Supporting Actor - Drama Series: Alan Alda, The West Wing - "Two Weeks Out" Tom Amandes, Everwood - "Pieces of Me" Joseph Gannascoli, The Sopranos - "Johnny Cakes" Gregory Itzin, 24 - "Day 5: 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M." T.R. Knight, Grey's Anatomy - "The Name of the Game" Forest Whitaker, The Shield - "Kavanaugh" HONORABLE MENTION: Adewale Akkinnuoye-Agbaje, Lost; James Callis, Battlestar Galactica; Omar Epps, House; Walton Goggins, The Shield; Ciaran Hinds, Rome; Robert Iler, The Sopranos; Michael Imperioli, The Sopranos; Kenneth Johnson, The Shield; Daniel Dae Kim, Lost; Jack McGee, Rescue Me; Tobias Menzies, Rome; Terry O’Quinn, Lost; Chris Pratt, Everwood; James Purefoy, Rome; Freddy Rodriguez, Six Feet Under; Richard Schiff, The West Wing; Tony Sirico, The Sopranos; Jake Weber, Medium Best Supporting Actress - Drama Series: Lauren Ambrose, Six Feet Under - "Everyone's Waiting" Katherine Heigl, Grey's Anatomy - "Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response"/"Losing My Religion" Tricia Helfer, Battlestar Galactica - "Downloaded" Katee Sackhoff, Battlestar Galactica - "Lay Down Your Burdens, Parts 1 & 2" Jean Smart, 24 - "Day 5: 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M." Chandra Wilson, Grey's Anatomy - "It's the End of the World"/"As We Know It" HONORABLE MENTION: Candice Bergen, Boston Legal; Blythe Danner, Huff; Lindsay Duncan, Rome; Lisa Edelstein, House; Diane Farr, Rescue Me; Merrilyn Gann, Everwood; Sharon Gless, Queer as Folk; Yunjin Kim, Lost; Justina Machado, Six Feet Under; S. Epatha Merkerson, Law & Order; Debra Mooney, Everwood; Diane Neal, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Sandra Oh, Grey’s Anatomy; Grace Park, Battlestar Galactica; CCH Pounder, The Shield; Mary Lynn Rajskub, 24; Michelle Rodriguez, Lost; Emily Van Camp, Everwood Best Writing - Drama Series: Battlestar Galactica - "Downloaded" - Bradley Thompson & David Weddle Lost - "The Whole Truth" - Christina M. Kim & Elizabeth Sarnoff Rescue Me - "Happy" - Denis Leary, Evan Reilly & Peter Tolan Rome - "Kalends of February" - Bruno Heller Six Feet Under - "Everyone's Waiting" - Alan Ball The Sopranos - "Join the Club" - David Chase HONORABLE MENTION: Battlestar Galactica - “Epiphanies”; Battlestar Galactica - “Lay Down Your Burdens”; Battlestar Galactica - “Scattered”; Big Love - “Affair”; Everwood - “Pieces of Me; Grey’s Anatomy - “Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response”; Grey’s Anatomy - “Into You Like a Train”; House - “The Mistake”; Law & Order - “Acid”; Law & Order: Criminal Intent - “In the Wee Small Hours”; Lost - “The Other 48 Days”; Medium - “Judge, Jury and Executioner”; Rome - “Triumph”; Rome - “Utica”; The Shield - “Postpartum”; Six Feet Under - “All Alone”; Six Feet Under - “Ecotone”; The Sopranos - “Mayham”; The Sopranos - “Members Only”; 24 - “Day 5: 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M.”; 24 - “Day 5: 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M.”; Veronica Mars - “Donut Run”; Veronica Mars - “Happy Go Lucky”; The West Wing - “Institutional Memory”; Without a Trace - “A Day in the Life” Best Directing - Drama Series: Battlestar Galactica - "Lay Down Your Burdens, Parts 1 & 2" - Michael Rymer Grey's Anatomy - "It's the End of the World"/"As We Know It" - Peter Horton The Shield - "Post Partum" - Stephen Kay The Sopranos - "Members Only" - Tim Van Patten 24 - "Day 5: 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M." - Jon Cassar Veronica Mars - "Donut Run" - Rob Thomas HONORABLE MENTION: Battlestar Galactica - “Downloaded”; Battlestar Galactica - “Epiphanies”; Everwood - “An Ounce of Prevention”; Grey’s Anatomy - “Into You Like a Train”; Grey’s Anatomy - “Losing My Religion”; House - “Euphoria”; Law & Order - “Heart of Darkness”; Law & Order: Criminal Intent - “In the Wee Small Hours”; Lost - “Live Together, Die Alone”; Lost - “The Other 48 Days”; Lost - “The Whole Truth”; Rescue Me - “Happy”; Rome - “Kalends of February”; Rome - “The Spoils”; The Shield - “Extraction”; Six Feet Under - “Ecotone”; Six Feet Under - “Everyone’s Waiting”; The Sopranos - “Join the Club”; The Sopranos - “Mr. and Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request”; 24 - “Day 5: 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.”; 24 - “Day 5: 1:00 A.M. - 2:00 A.M.”; Veronica Mars - “Not Pictured”; Without a Trace - “A Day in the Life” Best Guest Actor - Drama Series: Christian Clemenson, Boston Legal - “Ivan the Incorrigible” Matt Craven, Without a Trace - "A Day in the Life" Henry Ian Cusick, Lost - "Live Together, Die Alone, Parts 1 & 2" Michael Emerson, Lost - "One of Them" Hal Holbrook, The Sopranos - "The Fleshy Part of the Thigh" Colm Meaney, Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "In the Wee Small Hours, Parts 1 & 2" HONORABLE MENTION: Shelley Berman, Boston Legal; Kyle Chandler, Grey’s Anatomy; Gordon Clapp, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Vincent Curatola, The Sopranos; Thomas Dekker, House; William Devane, 24; Charles S. Dutton, House; Michael J. Fox, Boston Legal; Kelsey Grammer, Medium; Richard Jenkins, Six Feet Under; Justin Kirk, Without a Trace; Ron Livingston, House; Rob Lowe, The West Wing; Matt O’Leary, Law & Order: Criminal Intent; Jeff Perry, Grey’s Anatomy; Oliver Platt, The West Wing; Julian Sands, Law & Order: Criminal Intent; Tom Selleck, Boston Legal; James Patrick Stuart, Medium; Lee Tergesen, Rescue Me; James Woods, ER Best Guest Actress - Drama Series: Patricia Clarkson, Six Feet Under - "The Rainbow of Her Reasons" Michelle Forbes, Battlestar Galactica - "Resurrection Ship, Parts 1 & 2" Kristen Johnston, ER - "All About Christmas Eve" Lucy Lawless, Battlestar Galactica - "Downloaded" Laurie Metcalf, Without a Trace - "A Day in the Life" Katey Sagal, Lost - "Lockdown" HONORABLE MENTION: Kathy Baker, Nip/Tuck; Kate Burton, Grey’s Anatomy; L. Scott Caldwell, Lost; Jessica Hecht, ER; Christina Hendricks, Without a Trace; Anjelica Huston, Huff; Monica Keena, Grey’s Anatomy; Swoosie Kurtz, Huff; Kathy Lamkin, Nip/Tuck; Mary Stuart Masterson, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Samantha Mathis, Law & Order: Criminal Intent; Laurie Metcalf, Grey’s Anatomy; Cynthia Nixon, House; Lena Olin, Alias; Tatum O’Neal, Rescue Me; Alison Pill, Law & Order: Criminal Intent; Nicole Sullivan, Boston Legal; Sela Ward, House; Betty White, Boston Legal Best Ensemble - Drama Series: Battlestar Galactica Grey's Anatomy Lost Rome Six Feet Under The Sopranos HONORABLE MENTION: Big Love, Boston Legal, ER, Everwood, House, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The O.C., Prison Break, Queer as Folk, Rescue Me, The Shield, 24, Veronica Mars, The West Wing Best New Drama Series: Big Love Close to Home The Inside Prison Break Rome HONORABLE MENTION: The Bedford Diaries, Commander in Chief, What About Brian Best Comedy Series: Arrested Development Everybody Hates Chris Extras The Office Scrubs HONORABLE MENTION: The Comeback, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Desperate Housewives, Entourage, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, My Name Is Earl Best Actor - Comedy Series: Jason Bateman, Arrested Development - "The Ocean Walker" Zach Braff, Scrubs - "My Five Stages" Steve Carell, The Office - "The Injury" Ricky Gervais, Extras - "Kate Winslet" Jason Lee, My Name Is Earl - "Pilot" Tony Shalhoub, Monk - "Mr. Monk Bumps His Head" HONORABLE MENTION: Kevin Connolly, Entourage; Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm; Bernie Mac, The Bernie Mac Show; Josh Radnor, How I Met Your Mother; Tyler James Williams, Everybody Hates Chris Best Actress - Comedy Series: Tichina Arnold, Everybody Hates Chris - "Everybody Hates Jail" Lauren Graham, Gilmore Girls - "Friday Night's All Right for Fighting" Ashley Jensen, Extras - "Samuel L. Jackson" Jane Kaczmarek, Malcolm in the Middle - "Lois Strikes Back" Lisa Kudrow, The Comeback - "Valerie Relaxes in Palm Springs" Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds - "You Can't Miss the Bear" HONORABLE MENTION: Alexis Bledel, Gilmore Girls; Marcia Cross, Desperate Housewives; Teri Hatcher, Desperate Housewives; Felicity Huffman, Desperate Housewives; Eva Longoria, Desperate Housewives; Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures of Old Christine; Debra Messing, Will & Grace Best Supporting Actor - Comedy Series: Will Arnett, Arrested Development - "Making a Stand" Michael Cera, Arrested Development - "S.O.B.s" Terry Crews, Everybody Hates Chris - "Everybody Hates a Part Time Job" Charlie Day, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - "Charlie Wants an Abortion" John Krasinski, The Office - "The Secret" Jeremy Piven, Entourage - "Exodus" HONORABLE MENTION: Bryan Cranston, Malcolm in the Middle; Kevin Dillon, Entourage; Donald Faison, Scrubs; Tony Hale, Arrested Development; Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother; Glenn Howerton, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Justin Kirk, Weeds; Rob McElhenney, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; John C. McGinley, Scrubs; Scott Patterson, Gilmore Girls; Jason Segel, How I Met Your Mother; Rainn Wilson, The Office Best Supporting Actress - Comedy Series: Jenna Fischer, The Office - "Booze Cruise" Kaitlin Olson, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - "Underage Drinking: A National Concern" Elizabeth Perkins, Weeds - "Higher Education" Jaime Pressly, My Name Is Earl - "Joy's Wedding" Judy Reyes, Scrubs - "Her Story II" Jessica Walter, Arrested Development - "Development Arrested" HONORABLE MENTION: Kelly Bishop, Gilmore Girls; Sarah Chalke, Scrubs; Portia de Rossi, Arrested Development; Alyson Hannigan, How I Met Your Mother; Melora Hardin, The Office; Megan Mullally, Will & Grace; Alia Shawkat, Arrested Development; Nicollette Sheridan, Desperate Housewives; Cobie Smulders, How I Met Your Mother Best Writing - Comedy Series: Arrested Development - "Development Arrested" - Richard Day, Mitchell Hurwitz, Chuck Tatham & Jim Vallely Everybody Hates Chris - "Everybody Hates the Pilot" - Ali LeRoi & Chris Rock Extras - "Samuel L. Jackson" - Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant It's Always Sunny in Phildelphia - "Charlie Wants an Abortion" - Charlie Day & Rob McElhenney The Office - "Christmas Party" - Michael Schur The Office - "The Injury" - Mindy Kaling HONORABLE MENTION: Arrested Development - “Forget Me Now”; Arrested Development - “The Ocean Walker”; Arrested Development - “S.O.B.s”; The Comeback - “Valerie Relaxes in Palm Springs”; Entourage - “Exodus”; Everybody Hates Chris - “Everybody Hates a Part Time Job”; Extras - “Kate Winslet”; Extras - “Patrick Stewart”; Gilmore Girls - “Friday Night’s All Right for Fighting”; Gilmore Girls - “We’ve Got Magic to Do”; How I Met Your Mother - “Game Night”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Charlie Got Molested”; My Name Is Earl - “Joy’s Wedding”; My Name Is Earl - “Quit Smoking”; The Office - “Booze Cruise”; The Office - “Casino Night”; The Office - “The Fire”; Scrubs - “My Five Stages”; Scrubs - “My Way Home” Best Directing - Comedy Series: Arrested Development - "Development Arrested" - John Fortenberry Arrested Development - "S.O.B.'s" - Bob Berlinger Curb Your Enthusiasm - "The Ski Lift" - Larry Charles Extras - "Kate Winslet" - Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant The Office - "Booze Cruise" - Ken Kwapis The Office - "Christmas Party" - Charles McDougall HONORABLE MENTION: Arrested Development - “Fakin’ It”; Arrested Development - “Mr. F” Arrested Development - “The Ocean Walker”; The Comeback - “Valerie Does Another Classic Leno”; Curb Your Enthusiasm - “The End”; Curb Your Enthusiasm - “The Smoking Jacket”; Entourage - “Exodus”; Everybody Hates Chris - “Everybody Hates the Pilot”; Extras - “Samuel L. Jackson”; Gilmore Girls - “Friday Night’s All Right for Fighting”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Charlie Got Molested”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Charlie Wants an Abortion”; My Name Is Earl - “Joy’s Wedding”; The Office - “Casino Night”; The Office - “The Fire”; The Office - “The Injury”; Scrubs - “My Five Stages”; Scrubs - “My Lunch”; Scrubs - “My Way Home” Best Guest Actor - Comedy Series: Scott Baio, Arrested Development - "Forget Me Now" Beau Bridges, My Name Is Earl - "Cost Dad the Election" Malcolm McDowell, Entourage - "Exodus" Sydney Pollack, Will & Grace - "Blanket Apology" Grant Rosenmeyer, Monk - "Mr. Monk and Little Monk" Patrick Stewart, Extras - "Patrick Stewart" HONORABLE MENTION: Jason Alexander, Monk; Anthony Anderson, The Bernie Mac Show; Bobby Cannavale, Will & Grace; Rhys Coiro, Entourage; Bob Einstein, Arrested Development; Dave Foley, Scrubs; Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Weeds; Giovanni Ribisi, My Name Is Earl; Michael Rosenbaum, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; David Sutcliffe, Gilmore Girls; John Turturro, Monk Best Guest Actress - Comedy Series: Justine Bateman, Arrested Development - "Family Ties" Kathryn Joosten, My Name Is Earl - "Quit Smoking" Shirley Knight, Desperate Housewives - "You Could Drive a Person Crazy" Laurie Metcalf, Monk - "Mr. Monk Bumps His Head" Charlize Theron, Arrested Development - "The Ocean Walker" Kate Winslet, Extras - "Kate Winslet" HONORABLE MENTION: Elizabeth Banks, Scrubs; Brett Butler, My Name Is Earl; Blythe Danner, Will & Grace; Loretta Devine, Everybody Hates Chris; Cheryl Hines, Scrubs; Allison Janney, Weeds; Kathryn Joosten, Desperate Housewives; Cloris Leachman, Malcolm in the Middle; Michael Learned, Scrubs; Marion Ross, Out of Practice; Nicole Sullivan, Scrubs; Ashley Williams, How I Met Your Mother; Constance Zimmer, Entourage Best Ensemble - Comedy Series: Arrested Development Desperate Housewives Everybody Hates Chris Gilmore Girls The Office Scrubs HONORABLE MENTION: Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage, How I Met Your Mother, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Malcolm in the Middle, Weeds, Will & Grace Best New Comedy Series: The Comeback Everybody Hates Chris Extras How I Met Your Mother It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia My Name Is Earl HONORABLE MENTION: Kitchen Confidential, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Out of Practice, Weeds Best TV Movie/Miniseries: Bleak House Elizabeth I Gideon's Daughter Sleeper Cell Thief HONORABLE MENTION: Flight 93, The Girl in the Cafe, High School Musical, Human Trafficking, Speak, Walkout Best Actor - TV Movie/Miniseries: Andre Braugher, Thief Charles Dance, Bleak House Hugh Dancy, Elizabeth I Michael Ealy, Sleeper Cell Bill Nighy, The Girl in the Cafe HONORABLE MENTION: Zac Efron, High School Musical; Oded Fehr, Sleeper Cell; Bill Nighy, Gideon’s Daughter; Michael Pena, Walkout Best Actress - TV Movie/Miniseries: Gillian Anderson, Bleak House Kelly Macdonald, The Girl in the Cafe Anna Maxwell Martin, Bleak House Helen Mirren, Elizabeth I Kristen Stewart, Speak HONORABLE MENTION: Kathy Bates, Ambulance Girl; Annette Bening, Mrs. Harris; Miranda Richardson, Gideon’s Daughter; Mira Sorvino, Human Trafficking; Alexa Vega, Walkout Best Supporting Actor - TV Movie/Miniseries: Jeremy Irons, Elizabeth I Toby Jones, Elizabeth I Patrick Kennedy, Bleak House Ben Kingsley, Mrs. Harris Denis Lawson, Bleak House HONORABLE MENTION: Clifton Collins Jr., Thief; Phil Davis, Bleak House; Burn Gorman, Bleak House; Tom Hardy, Gideon’s Daughter; Alex Nesic, Sleeper Cell; Jeffrey Nordling, Flight 93; Efren Ramirez, Walkout; Donald Sutherland, Human Trafficking Best Supporting Actress - TV Movie/Miniseries: Emily Blunt, Gideon's Daughter Pauline Collins, Bleak House Laura Harring, Walkout Carey Mulligan, Bleak House Mae Whitman, Thief HONORABLE MENTION: Cloris Leachman, Mrs. Harris; Elizabeth Perkins, Speak; Ashley Tisdale, High School Musical; Sonya Walger, Sleeper Cell Best Variety Series: The Colbert Report The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Late Night with Conan O'Brien Late Show with David Letterman Saturday Night Live HONORABLE MENTION: Real Time with Bill Maher Best Variety Special: Bill Maher: I'm Swiss The 63rd Annual Golden Globe Awards Kathy Griffin: Strong Black Woman South Pacific in Concert From Carnegie Hall (Great Performances) The 59th Annual Tony Awards HONORABLE MENTION: The 78th Annual Academy Awards, AFI’s 100 Years…100 Movie Quotes, Kathy Griffin Is…Not Nicole Kidman, The 2005 MTV Movie Awards Best Male Performer - Variety Series/Special: Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report Hugh Jackman, The 59th Annual Tony Awards David Letterman, Late Show with David Letterman Brian Stokes Mitchell, South Pacific in Concert From Carnegie Hall (Great Performances) Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart HONORABLE MENTION: Fred Armisen, Saturday Night Live; Jason Daniely, South Pacific in Concert From Carnegie Hall (Great Performances); Will Forte, Saturday Night Live; Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live; Steve Martin, Saturday Night Live; Conan O’Brien, Late Night with Conan O’Brien; Andy Samberg, Saturday Night Live; Jason Sudeikis, Saturday Night Live Best Female Performer - Variety Series/Special: Rachel Dratch, Saturday Night Live Kathy Griffin, Kathy Griffin: Strong Black Woman Reba McEntire, South Pacific in Concert From Carnegie Hall (Great Performances) Amy Poehler, Saturday Night Live Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live HONORABLE MENTION: Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live; Kathy Griffin, Kathy Griffin Is…Not Nicole Kidman; Scarlett Johansson, Saturday Night Live; Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Saturday Night Live; Sara Ramirez, The 59th Annual Tony Awards; Maya Rudolph, Saturday Night Live; Lillias White, South Pacific in Concert From Carnegie Hall (Great Performances) Best Animated Series: Family Guy King of the Hill South Park HONORABLE MENTION: The Simpsons Best Voice-Over Performer - Animated Series: Alex Borstein, Family Guy - "Breaking Out Is Hard to Do" Dan Castellaneta, The Simpsons - "Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife" Mike Judge, King of the Hill - "Hank's on Board" Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy - "Pretarded" Trey Parker, South Park - "Cartoon Wars, Parts 1 & 2" Matt Stone, South Park - "Marjorine" HONORABLE MENTION: Pamela Adlon, King of the Hill; Seth Green, Family Guy; Mike Henry, Family Guy; Julie Kavner, The Simpsons; Kathy Najimy, King of the Hill; Yeardley Smith, The Simpsons Best Reality Series - Competition: The Amazing Race American Idol America's Next Top Model Big Brother Project Runway Survivor HONORABLE MENTION: The Apprentice, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, Beauty and the Geek, Hell’s Kitchen, Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet II, Top Chef Best Reality Series - Non-Competition: Hogan Knows Best Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List The Real World 30 Days Wife Swap HONORABLE MENTION: Being Bobby Brown, The Simple Life, The Surreal Life, Three Wishes Breakthrough Male Performance: Charlie Day, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Steven R. McQueen, Everwood Josh Radnor, How I Met Your Mother Andy Samberg, Saturday Night Live Tyler James Williams, Everybody Hates Chris HONORABLE MENTION: Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live; Rob McElhenney, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Robert Michael Morris, The Comeback; Hunter Parrish, Weeds; Tequan Richmond, Everybody Hates Chris Breakthrough Female Performance: Malin Akerman, The Comeback Kerry Condon, Rome Kaitlin Olson, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Tessa Thompson, Veronica Mars Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live HONORABLE MENTION: Corri English, The Bedford Diaries; Allie Grant, Weeds; Imani Hakim, Everybody Hates Chris; Autumn Reeser, The O.C.; Nadine Velazquez, My Name Is Earl
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larryland · 5 years
(Pittsfield, MA– August 2019) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in the Berkshires under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd, presents by popular demand, an encore engagement of Hold These Truths by Jeanne Sakata.
Hold These Truths stars Joel de la Fuente (Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle) reprising his Drama Desk-nominated role in this solo play inspired by the life of Gordon Hirabayashi.
  Directed by Lisa Rothe (Irish Repertory Theatre’s Wild Abandon), Hold These Truths will have eight performances September 20-26 at the St. Germain Stage at the Sydelle and Lee Blatt Performing Arts Center (36 Linden Street).
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Unsung American hero Gordon Hirabayashi fights passionately for the Constitution against an unexpected adversary: his own country. During World War II, he defies the US government’s orders to forcibly remove and mass incarcerate all people of Japanese ancestry, launching a 50-year journey from college to courtroom and eventually to a Presidential Medal of Freedom. A story filled with hope, this play will leave you cheering for a man who stood up for the true meaning of patriotism.
  Hold These Truths has scenic design by Mikiko Suzuki MacAdams, costume design by Margaret E. Weedon, lighting design by Cat Tate Starmer, sound design by Daniel Kluger. Production Stage Manager: Mary K. Botosan.
  Joel de la Fuente (Gordon Hirabayashi) makes his debut for Barrington Stage Company in Hold These Truths. Most recently, the play was awarded three Theatre Bay Area Awards for its run in San Francisco, including Outstanding Principal Performance, as well as garnering a Drama Desk Nomination in New York City for Outstanding Solo Performance when it debuted in 2012. On television, Joel plays Chief Inspector Kido on The Man in the High Castle, one of Amazon Studios’ most watched original series. He also portrays Dr. Johann Pryce on Netflix’s second original series, Hemlock Grove, and can be seen in perpetual reruns on Law & Order: SVU, where he played TARU Tech Ruben Morales for 10 seasons. Currently, he appears as President Datu Andrada on Madam Secretary for CBS. Joel has performed in theaters all over the world, as both an avid classical theater actor and as a developer of new work. He is an alumnus of Brown University and the Graduate Acting Program at NYU.
  Hold These Truths is sponsored in part by Carol and Alfred Maynard & Dick Ziter and Eric Reimer.
  Performances: Friday, September 20 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, September 21 at 3:00 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, September 22 at 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday, September 24  and Wednesday, September 25 at 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, September 26 at 3:00 and 7:30 p.m. at the St. Germain Stage at the Sydelle and Lee Blatt Performing Arts Center (36 Linden Street). Tickets: $53 matinees and $58 evenings. Barrington Stage Box Office: 413-236-8888 or online at www.barringtonstageco.org.
Actress and playwright Jeanne Sakata, whose talents span across TV, film, voiceover and stage, is currently delighting New York audiences as struggling but spunky “Mom” in the Off Broadway premiere of the brilliant new comedy Do You Feel Anger? at the Vineyard Theatre, as well as TV audiences in the recurring roles of genius scientist Lenore Shimamoto/Mayor Saito on the animated TV series Big Hero 6, based on the Disney smash hit movie, and three national commercials. Jeanne’s nationally acclaimed solo play Hold These Truths (2013 Drama Desk Nomination, Outstanding Solo Performance; 2019 Theatre Bay Awards, Outstanding Production, Principal Performance and Direction) has had over twenty productions across the country, and will be produced in the 2019-20 season at Barrington Stage, San Diego Rep, and People’s Light and Theatre, after sold-out and extended runs last year at Arena Stage and TheatreWorks Silicon Valley. In April 2019, Hold These Truths will also be available internationally as a special audio recording, produced by L.A. Theatre Works. The play has also been produced in recent years at Pasadena Playhouse, ACT Seattle, Portland Center Stage, Guthrie Theater, PlayMakers’ Rep, Perseverance Theatre, Honolulu Theatre for Youth (Daniel Dae Kim, co-producer), Terra Nova Collective, Silk Road Rising, Coachella Valley Rep, Plays and Players, and New Century Theatre. Premiering with the East West Players in Los Angeles, and then Off Broadway with the Epic Theatre Ensemble, the play was workshopped by the Lark Play Development Center and the New York Theatre Workshop. Hold These Truths is now published by Ageloff Books and available on Amazon, and it is on display at the Library of Congress Playwrights Archive in the Asian American Pacific Islander Collection in Washington DC, where the Jeanne Sakata Collection was established in July 2011.
  Barrington Stage Company (BSC) is an award-winning regional theatre located in Pittsfield, MA, in the heart of the Berkshires. Co-founded in 1995 by Artistic Director Julianne Boyd, BSC has a three-fold mission: to present top-notch, compelling work; to develop new plays and musicals; and to find fresh, bold ways of bringing new audiences into the theatre—especially young people.
Barrington Stage commissioned and produced the world premiere of Christopher Demos-Brown’s American Son, which also won the Laurents/Hatcher Award as Best New Play by an Emerging Playwright in 2016 and recently concluded a Broadway run, starring Kerry Washington. Barrington Stage first garnered national attention in 2004 when it premiered William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin’s musical hit The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, which later transferred to Broadway where it won two Tony Awards. In 2009, BSC premiered Mark St. Germain’s Freud’s Last Session, which later moved Off Broadway and played for two years. St. Germain’s Becoming Dr. Ruth (which premiered at BSC as Dr. Ruth, All the Way) played Off Broadway at the Westside Theatre. BSC’s all-time record-breaking musical On the Town was originally produced at BSC in 2013 before transferring to Broadway, where it was nominated for four Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival. In 2016, Barrington Stage swept the first annual Berkshire Theatre Awards by winning 20 out of the 25 awards. In 2017, BSC produced the much-lauded revival of Stephen Sondheim and George Furth’s Company, starring Aaron Tveit. In 2018, BSC produced the critically-acclaimed production of West Side Story in honor of Leonard Bernstein and Jerome Robbins’ 100th birthdays. BSC has won the Best of the Berkshires Readers’ Choice for Best Live Theatre for the past three years. 2019 marks BSC’s 25th Season Anniversary.
Barrington Stage Brings Back “Hold These Truths” By Popular Demand (Pittsfield, MA– August 2019) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in the Berkshires under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd, presents by popular demand, an encore engagement of…
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Ali Wong trägt die Reihe, Isabel Marant und Michael Kors in "Always Be My Maybe" auf Netflix
https://de.bufinans.com/ali-wong-tragt-die-reihe-isabel-marant-und-michael-kors-in-always-be-my-maybe-auf-netflix/?wpwautoposter=1559311335 Ali Wong trägt die Reihe, Isabel Marant und Michael Kors in "Always Be My Maybe" auf NetflixGeschäftsideen - Bufinanshttps://de.bufinans.com/ali-wong-tragt-die-reihe-isabel-marant-und-michael-kors-in-always-be-my-maybe-auf-netflix/?wpwautoposter=1559311335 In der Zwischenzeit trägt Randall Park Angry Asian Man Merch und maßgeschneiderte Smoking der Kostümdesignerin Leesa Evans, die ja auch über Keanu Reeves spricht. Achtung: milde Spoiler für 'Always Be My Maybe' weiter unten. Geständnis: Ich habe während des neuen Netflix-Films "Always Be My Maybe" mehrfach geweint Ali Wong und Randall Park als wiederverbundene Kindheitsfreunde Sasha und Marcus. Sehen Sie ein universell lustiges, berührendes und sexy rom-com, wie die, die ich aufgewachsen bin, angeführt von zwei asiatischen Amerikanern – wie ich! – fühlte sich wie ein so bedeutsamer Moment. Außerdem ruinieren mich herzliche Eltern-Erwachsenen-Kind-Momente absolut, aber meistens habe ich mich in Tränen aufgelacht, weil dieser Film absolut witzig ist. Die Kostüme sind zwar sehr schick (besonders die von Sasha), tragen aber auch geschickt dazu bei, die Vielzahl von erhabenen Witzen und unangenehmen Situationen (meistens die von Marcus) einzurichten und zu unterstützen. Aber das ist keine Überraschung, denn das Kostümdesign stammt von Leesa Evans, der Couture-meets-Comedy serviert hat in "Zoolander 2"und arbeitete zuvor mit Park an" Trainwreck "und" Neighbours ". Und nein, sie konnte während der Dreharbeiten kein ernstes Gesicht behalten. Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website "Ich durfte nicht am Set sitzen, weil ich ein wirklich schlimmes Problem mit dem Kichern habe", sagt Evans am Telefon aus Los Angeles. Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Sasha (Ali Wong) in Stella. Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Ein prächtiger Kleiderschrank voller Designerlabels hilft dabei, Sashas Reise als Starkoch zu dokumentieren, der in ihre Heimatstadt San Francisco zurückkehrt, um ein trendiges neues Restaurant zu eröffnen. Als wir Sasha zum ersten Mal in ihrem eleganten Hollywood-Etablissement sehen, trägt sie ein mutiges, wenn nicht strenges rotes Maxikleid mit Fledermausflügeln von Stella McCartney (über). Nachdem Sasha ihre Beziehung zu Marcus, ihren mittlerweile im Ruhestand befindlichen Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund und ihren Wurzeln in der Kindheit erneuert hat, fängt sie an, sich zu entspannen – genau wie ihre Silhouetten. "Sie macht es ein bisschen lockerer und genießt all die Dinge, die sie als Teenager liebte", erklärt Evans. "Es gibt eine Weichheit, die sich von da an bis zum Ende des Films auswirkt. Sie lässt die perfekten Unvollkommenheiten des Lebens zu, die Dinge, die passieren, wenn Sie nicht versuchen, alles herauszufinden und alles zu kontrollieren." Sashas architektonische Formen und substanziellere Texturen, wie ein Bleistiftrock aus weinrotem Leder, verwandeln sich in lässige, aber dennoch raffinierte Einzelteile, wie ein Commes des Garçon T-Shirt, ein Jahrgang A.P.C. Strickjacke und Weite Jeans von Re / Done (oben). Rot und Blau sind auch ein konsistentes Farbpalettenthema, das von den beiden Freunden aus der Kindheit geteilt wird – sowohl in der Gegenwart als auch in Rückblenden von Teenagern – von Rennstreifen auf Marcus 'Bomberjacke bis zu Sashas breit gestreiftem Outfit für einen niedlichen Spaziergang im Park. "Rot und Blau sind auf seltsame Weise die Töne unseres ganzen Lebens. Sie sind die amerikanische Flagge, die zwei grundlegendsten Grundfarben, die Farben, die Sie zum ersten Mal in der Schule tragen", bemerkt Evans. "Rot und Blau sind nur die Grundlagen unseres Lebens, also haben wir mitgespielt." Also, so erleichtert, dass sie Kimchi Jjigae nicht auf diesen Overall gespritzt hat! Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Sasha ist eine Persönlichkeit des öffentlichen Lebens und ein kulinarischer Mogul. Deshalb benötigt sie einen Kleiderschrank, der auch zu formellen Anlässen passt, wie ein göttlich weißer Overall von Sasha Die Reihe (oben), ein goldenes trägerloses Kleid von Michael Kors (unten) und die perfekte Ergänzung für ein Date mit einer Hollywood-Ikone: ein vergoldetes, florales One-Shoulder-Top von Isabel Marant gepaart mit einem Maxirock. "Ich wollte einfach nur die Kraft, Intelligenz und Kreativität von Sasha entwickeln", sagt Evans, der auch an Wongs Cat-Eye-Brillen mit Brillenfassungen von Dita und Seoul gearbeitet hat Sanftes Monster. Während sich Sashas Karriere (und Finanzen) seit ihrem letzten Highschool-Jahr auf einem Aufwärtstrend befinden, ist Marcus, der immer noch damit beschäftigt ist, seine Indie-Rap-Rock-Band zu leiten, in einem Zustand verhafteter Entwicklung angelangt. Davon zeugt die Bay Area stolz Amoeba Records T-Shirt aus seiner Jugendzeit, seine Skater-Punk-Ästhetik ist auch noch stark. "(Park) wollte wirklich, dass es sich authentisch anfühlt, dass dieser Typ schon immer Musik liebte und sich mit San Francisco verbunden fühlte, und wollte diesen Aspekt einbeziehen", erklärt Evans, der alle charakterbildenden Garderobenelemente von Park freudig einbezog. Sasha in Michael Kors und Marcus (Randall Park) in Angry Asian Man Merch und ein absichtlich schlechter Blazer. Foto: Ed Araquel / Netflix In einem der amüsantesten kostümierten Comedy-Segmente trägt Marcus ein grafisches T-Shirt mit der Skizze eines Frauengesichts und dem Slogan "Stay Angry" (Wütend bleiben) für eine Veranstaltung auf dem roten Teppich (oben) – ein großes Lob an den asiatisch-amerikanischen Schauspieler Gemeinschaft. Park fragte seinen Freund und Blogger Phil Yu, der schreibt und rennt Verärgerter asiatischer Mann, Für T-Shirts von der jährlichen Spendenaktion des Blogs. Yu gab Park ein paar Optionen, einschließlich des oben erwähnten T-Stücks, das vom Künstler gezeichnet wurde Irene Koh und eine Drachenversion von Ethan Young, die Marcus auch in einer anderen Szene trägt. "Ich dachte mir, Randall macht mir mit Sicherheit eine gute Figur und hebt nur eines meiner Entwürfe hervor. Ich dachte nur, er würde es nur in einer Cafészene oder so tragen", sagt Yu am Telefon. "Aber am Ende ist einer ein Teil des Witzes! Ich war super überrascht, als ich es sah." Natürlich ist die noble, mit Paparazzi gefüllte Veranstaltung ein Muss für jeden Jackenbesitzer, und so erhält Marcus eine schlecht sitzende, "peinlichste" Version eines Blazers mit abgeworfenem Rockcheck, die sein extremes Unbehagen und seine Unbeholfenheit verstärkt – perfekt ausgeführt von Park. Aber da er 5 '10 ist, musste Evans eine übergroße Jacke aus einem großen und großen Laden beziehen, der "doppelt, extra lang und fünf Größen zu groß" war. lololol. Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Weil Marcus vorher Überangezogen für ein Doppeldate mit Sasha und … Keanu Reeves als "Keanu Reeves." Ich meine, was würde man für einen solchen Anlass tragen? Nun, Marcus ging in seinen Kleiderschrank und holte das "Schönste" heraus, das er besitzt: einen alten Samt-Revers-Smoking und ein gekräuseltes Hemd, das er höchstwahrscheinlich Anfang der 2000er Jahre in einem Secondhand-Laden gekauft hatte. "Es ist einfach witzig an (Marcus 'Smoking), was Keanu trägt; so raffiniert und schick", sagt Evans, der den Vintage-Look maßgeschneidert hat. "In seinen Gedanken ist er wie 'wie könnte ich jemals diesem Leben gerecht werden, das Sasha aufgebaut hat?" Als Reaktion auf Marcus 'Kompliment an seinen Anzug im Stil von John Wick, bringt Reeves den Witz mit den meisten High-Fashion-Skripten mit perfekter Sprache zum Vorschein. "Tom Ford machte es. Brauch. Zum mir. " "Ja, er trägt definitiv Tom Ford von Kopf bis Fuß. Es war kein Brauch Tom Ford ", räumt Evans ein, der hinzufügte, dass der Anzug" sexy man "so gut zu Reeves passe, dass keine Änderungen erforderlich seien. Allerdings der zweite des Schauspielers erfolgreicher Franchise-Charakter hat sein All-Back-Double-Date-Ensemble nicht inspiriert. "Wir hatten viele Gespräche, in denen wir sagten: 'Wir sind jetzt verloren. Ist es der echte Keanu oder der Schauspieler, der Keanu spielt? ", Sagt Evans. Sasha in einem Isabel Marant-Oberteil und Keanu Reeves in" Kopf-an-Fuß "Tom Ford. Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix "Die Referenz war, dass das 'Keanu', das Keanu spielte, so brillant war", sagt Evans. Er fälscht hervorragend nicht nur das, was die Leute als "Keanu Reeves" wahrnehmen,"aber auch eine widerlich esoterische (in guter Weise) Hollywood – Handlungoder Stereotyp – und dieser schmale "Smokingfransenschal" war nur eine Kirsche darüber. "Es hat gerade genug Lager und Eigenart, um es zu übertreiben, sieht aber trotzdem unglaublich gut aus", fügt sie hinzu. Die Referenzen von Tom Ford waren in der Tat in der Originalschrift enthalten, die gemeinsam mit Michael Golemco verfasst wurde, und alle Kräfte, die ihnen die Daumen drückten, in der Hoffnung, dass der eigentliche Ford irgendwann abzeichnen würde, was er auch tat. Obwohl Marcus sich den Smoking in der Tom Ford-Boutique nicht leisten konnte – obwohl er ein wenig kostenlosen Champagner genoss -, trug er zu Sashas großem New York-Moment keinen billigen Smoking von der Stange. "Ich habe es geschafft", sagt die Kostümdesignerin über den schönen marineblauen Samtlook. "Es war ein Brauch, Leesa Evans." IN VERBINDUNG STEHENDE ARTIKEL:Treffen Sie die privaten Stylisten, die Shonda Rhimes und andere Hollywood Power-Spieler anziehenWie Jeanne Yang 20 Jahre lang Blink-182-Videos gestylt und mit Keanu Reeves gearbeitet hatUnderstattete Kostüme lassen Yara Shahidi und Charles Melton in "Die Sonne ist auch ein Star" glänzen Brandon Choi (Daniel BAE Kim, Entschuldigung, ich weiß, dass dies bereits geschehen ist. Daniel Dae Kim). Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Es wäre mir ein Vergnügen, nicht zu schließen, bevor ich einen meiner Lieblingskostümmomente mit Daniel Dae Kim als Sashas heißem Ex-Liebhaber Brandon Choi erwähne. Er bricht im Wesentlichen mit Sasha beim Tragen eines Adidas Trainingsanzug in den meisten Spezifisch sandgrauer Farbton – was sofort sagt, dass er der Typ von Arschloch ist, der die Marke ausspricht "ahh-dee-dahs. "„ Ich habe es Daniel (vor der Anpassung) gezeigt und er hat nur gelacht ", sagt Evans.„ Könnte es etwas Perfekteres für diesen Charakter geben? Nein, es ist nur, weil es diese Farbe ist. " Es überrascht nicht, dass die Ausstattung mit allen Schauspielern, von Leads bis hin zu Cameos, eine gemeinschaftliche Anstrengung und ein aufrichtiger, spaßiger Teil des Jobs war. "Wir würden alle sagen:" Das macht am meisten Spaß "und dann hätten wir das nächste und sagen:" Nein, diese "Wenn ich den ganzen Rest meiner Karriere nur mit dieser einen Gruppe von Leuten zusammenarbeiten würde, wäre ich total begeistert", sagt Evans. Folgen Sie Leesa Evans auf Instagram @ leesaevanstyle.com; 'Always Be My Maybe' kann ab Freitag, 31. Mai, auf Netflix gestreamt werden. Oberes Foto: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Netflix Verpassen Sie nie die neuesten Nachrichten aus der Modebranche. 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shi-daisy · 5 years
Hi! So I stumbled upon your Bleach fics recently and I really love them. One question though, can you tell me the sexualities of the characters, both oc and canon? I tend to be slow with that stuff. Sorry if it's a bit annoying.
Oh no problem anon, I'm glad you're enjoying the fics. I don't blame ya for being a bit confused, since I mostly centered on the main pairs. Kubo never really gave us a definitive on these things so given how he's treated LGBTQ+ characters in the past (Chizuru & Giselle) it's safe to say that he might consider them all straight. I'll simply write down those characters that are both important to the plot (in present and future fics) and have a different sexuality than straight
Orihime- Pan
Ulquiorra- Greyromantic Demisexual
Chad- Bi
Shizuka- Demiromantic Heterosexual
Ichigo- Bi (Polyamorous)
Tatsuki- Pan (Polyamorus)
Uryu- Demi
Nemu- Demiromantic Greysexual
Grimmjow- Pan (Polyamorous)
Izuru- Bi (Polyamorous)
Rojuro- Gay
Mila Rose- Aromantic
Loly- Aromantic
Menoly- Aro Ace
Jeanne- Lesbian
Emilou- Lesbian Demisexual
Cyan- Asexual (Polyamorous)
Halibel- Bi
Anna Maria- Bi
Sosuke- Demiromantic Omnisexual
Asami- Pan
9 notes · View notes
songedunenuitdete · 5 years
Bonsoir à toi fan inconditionnel de GoT (qui serais bien capable de vendre n’importe quoi pour connaître le grand dénouement).
Nous revoilà la team des Songeuses (Zellena, Mady et Angie) de retour pour vous livrer nos impressions ô combien humoristiques et 100% spoilers de ce quatrième épisode de Game of Thrones qui réserve son lot de surprises et morts (bah oui un épisode sans mort, ce n’est pas un épisode, de même qu’un mariage dothraki n’en est pas un sans au moins trois morts pour le rendre moins ennuyeux). Comme chaque lundi, ce jour qu’on déteste pour être le premier de la semaine et qui depuis quatre semaines devient le plus attendu, la série nous a livré un épisode sans trop de combats, avec beaucoup de blabla et des passages qu’on attendait tous avec plus ou moins d’impatience.
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Que les spoilers commencent, alors gare à vos yeux ![/box]
Épisode 4, vu par Angie, avec la complicité de Zellena, Mady et Artemissia.
Après un épisode passé dans le noir avec son lot de combats et de morts, on retrouve dès le début de celui-ci nos héros réunis au grand complet, enfin plutôt les pieds de Jorah Mormont en premier plan, avant de voir une Daenerys émue devant le corps de son ancien chevalier servant. S’en suit, un bûcher gigantesque et un discours digne des héros partis trop tôt par ce cher Jon, dont on ne sait plus vraiment le rôle, si ce n’est qu’il est pris en sandwich entre sa loyauté envers sa famille et sa loyauté envers sa reine, ou tatie Dae pour les intimes.
Je savais pas trop quoi m’attendre pour ce quatrième épisode ! De la célébration oui car le grand méchant est mort, mais je dois dire que j’en ressors plutôt énervée… Ça ne prend pas du tout la direction que j’espérais… Je suis blasée… Et je vais être à contre courant de mes collègues adorées (que j’aime très fort) MAIS NON LA JE PEUX PLUS ME TAIRE ! Daenerys m’a fendu le coeur je suis si triste pour elle…
Avec un début d’épisode pareil, j’ai bien failli verser ma petite larme. Les caméras survolent les visages des morts les plus importantes du dernier épisode, et j’ai senti mon petit coeur se serrer. J’avais envie de pleurer avec Dany. Par contre, j’ai été un peu gênée de voir avec quelle facilité ils passaient ensuite du rire aux larmes (enfin presque tous). Je suppose que la bibine, ça aide dans ces cas-là. Et du coup, moi aussi j’avais envie de festoyer avec eux !
Donc après un dernier au revoir, les survivants fêtent leur victoire autour de tables bien garnies et d’alcool servi à volonté. Un passage qui m’a rappelé cette big party dans le Seigneur des Anneaux, Le retour du Roi, entre le discours de Theoden et la beuverie qui s’en suit, scène mémorable. Si Theoden est Daenerys, Gimli est sans conteste Tormund, quand Varys est Gandalf et Brienne, Legolas. Mais il y a une ombre au tableau, car si tout le monde s’éclate, Daenerys, elle, tire une tête d’enterrement devant la loyauté et la friendship dont font preuve les nordiens envers Jon. De plus, celle-ci fait preuve d’une grande intelligence (ou stupidité) en donnant le titre de seigneur à Gendry et si les gens réunis n’y voient là qu’une récompense, pour Sansa et moi-même ce n’est qu’une preuve de plus concernant l’égocentrisme dont souffre Daenerys, en plus d’un talent (qu’on sait déjà inné) pour la manipulation.
Donc vous l’avez compris je suis l’avocate de la reine des dragons ! Eh bien la voir toute seule dans son coin alors que tout le monde célèbre la victoire, ça m’a beaucoup touchée… C’est en parti grâce à elle que le Nord a gagné, elle a perdu tous ses Dothraki, elle voit Tyrion s’éloigner d’elle, Jon est son neveu et il est adulé car il a monté un de ses dragons, elle a perdu son meilleur ami… Elle est seule… Je suis très triste pour Daenerys qui par amour a changé ses plans et qui finalement se retrouve en mode pot de fleurs dans une salle pourtant pleine…
Je suis assez du même avis que toi, Mady. C’est assez triste de la voir dans son coin, avec son gobelet Starbucks pas très loin. Oups… Plus sérieusement, Elle s’est quand même bien mouillée dans cette guerre et tout le monde semble assez vite l’oublier. Bande d’ingrats !
Et que dire de Tormund,  toujours présent pour se ridiculiser et mettre de l’ambiance. Même si cette fois-ci la palme revient à ce bon vieux Tyrion qui met plus qu’un peu les pieds dans le plat lors de son jeu de boisson favori. Et oui… nous apprenons le plus grand secret de Brienne, le chevalier femme de Westeros, elle est vierge (et non elle n’entend pas de voix comme Jeanne d’Arc). La belle qui habituellement n’a pas sa langue dans sa poche, se garde bien de démentir, ce qui trouble beaucoup, mais beaucoup Jaime…
Et non de non, je m’attendais à tout, mais pas à ce que Brienne passe à la casserole et que le Number 1 soit Jaime…
Adieu Tormund, bonjour Jaime… Mon rêve se brise, adieu bébés montres roux et blonds…
J’ai trouvé cette scène toute mignonne ! Même si je ne ferais mais alors pas du tout confiance à un mec qui se tape sa sœur depuis des années… Mais bon vive la célébration on ne va pas s’attarder sur des détails !
  Pauvre, pauvre Tormund ! Je le trouve tellement adorable, moi ! Il est certes maladroit, un peu rustre et porté sur la boisson, mais ça m’énerve que les autres le prennent parfois de haut, alors qu’il a depuis longtemps prouvé sa valeur. Tu sais pas ce que tu perds, Brienne ! Et en même temps, entre Brienne et Jaime, c’était obligé qu’il se passe un truc. Trop de tension sexuelle entre ces deux-là depuis plusieurs saisons. On aurait dit deux ados. Jaime qui arrive avec ses “il fait chaud ici, il fait vraiment chaud ici”. Oui bon c’est bon, on a compris ce que tu as en tête hein ! Petite mention pour le grand sourire niais/satisfait de Pod lorsque les nordiennes l’approchent de façon explicite, qui m’a bien fait rire.
Mais si tous sont à la fête, ou au lit comme certains couples (Pod semble s’être trouvé la compagnie charmante de deux jeunes nordiennes et oui dans GoT on ne fait pas dans le naturel, mais le démesuré), une seule manque à l’appel, l’héroïne, la girl power, Arya qui décoche flèche sur flèche et s’entraîne sans relâche. Gendry fraîchement doté d’un titre, arrive un peu comme un papn devant Arya et lui déclare sa flamme sans ambages, il a le titre, il veut maintenant la femme et les enfants, mais le pauvre se prend un joli râteau. Arya a un autre destin et compte bien finir sa liste…
Brisage de mon coeur… J’étais triste pour ce pauvre Gendry… Il l’aime sa Arya… Mais Arya n’est pas une dame… C’est Personne…
  Le mec il a toujours pas compris ça, après tout ce temps, pourtant ça n’est pas comme si elle ne cessait de le répéter à tout va… ‘fin je sais pas, ça se voit quand même, non ??!
La grande discussion entre Jon et Daenerys a enfin lieu et m’a laissé un goût amer en bouche, car Jon que je pensais être un homme, un vrai, se laisse écraser par l’égoïsme de Daenerys. D’accord il ne change pas d’avis quant au fait qu’il dira la vérité à Sansa et Arya le concernant, mais hormis ça, il sert à quoi dans cette dernière saison ? Il est paumé entre loyautés et sentiments et est coincé entre Daenerys d’un côté et Sansa, Arya et Bran de l’autre.
Eh bien encore une fois je suis du côté de Daenerys ! Elle sait que si les origines de Jon s’ébruitent, elle perd tout ! Et elle ne veut pas perdre ! Elle a déjà perdu tellement… Et Jon lui n’est pas du tout intéressé par le pouvoir, on le sait depuis le début ! Il ne voulait pas être Lord Commandant, on l’a élu. Il ne voulait pas être Roi du Nord, on l’a élu. Mais personne n’écoute ce mec ? Il veut Dany en reine mais elle sait bien qu’il est plus légitime qu’elle… Ohlala à ce stade j’en pouvais plus, car Jon est trop fidèle envers sa famille et surtout Sansa ne peut pas blairer Daenerys… Le pauvre…
On le sait tous, dans GoT rien n’est facile et les alliances se font aussi vite qu’elles se défont. La loyauté à un prix, de même que l’amitié.
J’en viens donc à Bronn (que j’adore), le mercenaire qui a fait un bon bout de route avec les deux Lannister. L’homme envoyé par Cersei pour les tuer avec une arbalète bien connue dans la série (rappelez-vous, offerte en cadeau par papy Lannister à Joffrey, elle causera la mort de quelques personnes dont Tywin Lannister lui-même). L’homme connu pour ne jurer fidélité qu’à l’argent, va une fois de plus retourner sa chemise, laissant l’opportunité aux Lannister de payer leurs dettes. L’argent, le moteur de sentiment et de loyauté 100% fidèle de GoT.
Une scène que j’ai adoré ! J’espère qu’il va l’avoir son château Sir Bronn !
    Personne ne s’est demandé comment ce mec avait pu rentrer pépouze à Winterfell avec son arbalète ? Par ailleurs, je l’imagine bien faire toutes les salles du château pour trouver les deux gugus posés au coin du feu !
Cersei, la reine des manipulatrices, nous livre une scène qui nous donnerait presque la larme à l’œil et pas de joie ou de tristesse, plutôt de rire, devant son talent grandilloquant pour mentir et les sacrifices qu’elle est prête à faire pour garder son trône en s’assurant de la loyauté d’Euron Greyjoy.
Mais elle est horrible Cersei ! Horrible horrible horrible, j’ai pas d’autres mots ! Ah si : Cruelle
Après la grande réunion de famille où il est décidé que Jon et Sir Davos partiront avec le reste des hommes vers Port Réal, pendant que Daenerys, Varys, Missandei, Tyrion et Ver Gris prendront le large sur les navires de Yara Greyjoy. S’il y a une scène que j’ai attendue, c’est celle où Jon ferait part de son secret au reste de la famille Stark et quand le moment est arrivé… eh bien rien… Pas de scène, pas de réactions, nada, la prod nous laisse dans le noir quant à la réaction des sœurs Stark, même si on voit par la suite une Sansa bouleversée en haut des remparts et Arya hors de Winterfell qui rejoint Sandor Clegane parti assouvir sa vengeance. Les voilà en route pour la grande aventure.
La réunion où Sansa prend encore un malin plaisir à moucher Daenerys… C’est bon on a compris tu ne l’aimes paaaaaas ! Ok passe à autre chose ! Sansa m’a également déçue dans cet épisode. Elle clame que sa famille importe le plus (c’est sans rappeler une certaine reine qui met sa famille au dessus de tout) et ensuite elle s’empresse de trahir Jon pour servir ses intérêts… Tout ça pour virer la grande blonde amoureuse de son frère ! Là franchement elle n’a rien a envier à ce cher Littlefinger. Et puis Jon ne veut pas être sur le trône, il veut rester loyal à sa reine c’est pourtant pas bien compliqué à comprendre !
N’empêche, Jon qui refile le bébé à Bran en lui disant “bah vas-y, balance-leur tout”, c’est un peu facile, mais d’un autre côté 1/ il fallait bien que Bran ait plus de deux lignes de texte dans cet épisode, 2/ je pense qu’en tant que Corneille à trois yeux, sa parole a un peu plus de poids que celle de Jon. Même si Sansa est un peu à voile et à vapeur, vu la fin de l’épisode, elle avait foutrement raison quand elle disait que tout le monde avait besoin de repos !
Et ce n’est pas le seul départ auquel nous auront le droit, car Tormund quitte le Nord pour le Nord et part raccompagner les quelques sauvageons restants, les au revoir tournant vite à des adieux, car il ne part pas seul, Fantôme, le loup de Jon le suit. Puis Sam vient à son tour souhaiter bon voyage à Jon et lui fait part de la grande nouvelle, il va être père (reste à espérer que le fils hérite du courage de sa mère, car si c’est du père, ce n’est pas gagné…). Bref, une succession d’adieux qui ressemble plus à des adieux tout court.
L’abandon des animaux reste présent même dans les séries… Non ça aussi je n’ai pas apprécié, c’est trop vite fait, même pas un gratouillis derrière les oreilles… J’espère que Ghost retrouvera Nyméria et se fera une belle meute de gros loups tout doux !
  Jon, qui ne fait même pas un gros pouton à Ghost quoi, non mais super ! Pauvre loulou !
  Puis Jaime quitte a son tour Winterfell pour rejoindre Cersei et brise le cœur de Brienne par la même occasion.
Pourriture… J’espère qu’il a pris conscience de certaines choses au contact de Brienne…
    Quel c…ard ce Jaime !
  Comme je l’ai dit plus haut, GoT n’est pas GoT sans au moins quelques morts pour pigmenter les épisodes, car les choses partent vite en cacahuète quand Euron Greyjoy débusque les navires de Daenerys et le drame est là…
Rhaegal est tué, la plus grande partie de la flotte de navires est détruite et Missandei est retenue prisonnière à Port Réal. Mais c’est loin d’être terminé, car après leur arrivée devant les portes de la cité, les pourparlers tournent au vinaigre et Missandei est assassinée sous les yeux horrifiés du pauvre Ver Gris qui ne peut que regarder de loin et d’une Daenerys folle de rage qui n’a plus qu’un but en tête détruire Port Réal et la reine qui est à la tête des 7 couronnes.
Dégoûtée… Et Tyrion qui n’a toujours pas compris que sa sœur est cruelle juste par plaisir… Daenerys vient de perdre encore un dragon ! Celui de Jon en plus alors là… Et maintenant elle perd sa meilleure amie… Mais c’est à rendre fou n’importe qui ! Qu’elles brûlent toutes, ces pourritures !!! Elle aura au moins tenté d’être sympa, on ne pourra pas lui reprocher ça…
Mais pourquoi, pourquoi diable Dany n’a-t-elle pas lancé un p..ain de Dracarys quand elle a vu que l’autre taré lui tirait dessus ???!! Pas Missandei, p..ain ! La tête tranchée qui tombe dans le vide là, pouf ! Pauvre pauvre Grey Worm ! J’ai eu tellement de peine pour lui ! J’ai commencé l’épisode avec l’envie de pleurer et je le termine avec encore l’envie de pleurer, la boucle est bouclée. Maintenant, ça va c..ier des bulles !! Plus que deux épisodes… Finalement le Night King à côté de ça, c’était presque, je dis bien presque, du pipi de chat !
Il n’y a pas qu’une chose à dire, que le duel commence !
En bref, cet épisode est un peu un remake d’amour, gloire et beauté, amour car les couples se retrouvent, se forment ou bien (s’)éclatent, gloire car la bataille a payé et ils en sortent victorieux, et beauté car beaucoup sont les hommes qui flatteront leurs dames durant cet épisode 4.
Un épisode qui m’a blasée mais vraiment… Daenerys se retrouve isolée, Jon est complètement paumé et croit encore aux bisounours, Sansa pourrit par la racine de plus en plus, Bran on sait pas trop son rôle à celui-là, Cersei qui continue son chemin dans la cruauté et dans la haine de son frère le-tout-petit, Varys qui est prêt à tromper la reine pour qui il a traversé les mers et Jaime qui a trouvé l’amour mais qui ne pense qu’à sa sœur… Et on a perdu Ghost et Rhaegal… Non vraiment je suis pas contente…
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Si on résume :
Daenerys et Jon, le fossé se creuse et la reine des dragons prend la grosse tête
Arya et Sansa connaissent enfin le secret concernant la naissance de Jon.
Que Sansa ébruite, Tyrion et Varys sont désormais au courant, remettant ainsi en cause la légitimité de Dae sur le trône.
Brienne n’est plus vierge et a des étoiles plein les yeux, mais le bonheur est de courte durée.
Bronn est enfin de retour, ne tue aucun des frères Lannister et part vers l’inconnu.
Jon et sir Davos, partent avec le reste des armées réunies pour Port Réal.
Euron Greyjoy tue Rhaegal et détruit en grande partie la flotte de navires de sa nièce.
Sandor Clegane part aux côtés d’Arya, l’un comme l’autre a une mission en tête.
Tormund repart dans le nord du Nord avec ses sauvageons et Fantôme.
Missandei est morte des mains de la Montagne.
Cersei et Daenerys, la guerre des femmes est déclarée
Les impressions 100% humoristiques et spoils des Songeuses sur Game of Thrones Saison 8 - Episode 4 : Oserez-vous vous aventurer parmi nos commentaires et en ressortir indemnes... Bonsoir à toi fan inconditionnel de GoT (qui serais bien capable de vendre n’importe quoi pour connaître le grand dénouement).
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shi-daisy · 5 years
My conservative cousin: You can't make all your OC's LGBTQ+!
Me: Watch me! 😘
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Pics made with: https://picrew.me/image_maker/94097
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shi-daisy · 5 years
Black Moon Rising Pt. 2
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Welcome back everyone! Here's part 2 of this lil' AU fic. It was gonna be longer but I already went pass the deadline for like 40 min. So I'll just continue it in the final prompt it the week. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 6- Sacrifice/Possession
Black Moon Rising (Pt.2)
"Inoue, what have you done?!" Ichigo asked in disbelief.
"I did what I had to. Ulquiorra was going to die, and I saved him. That's all that matters."
"All that matters?! Have you looked at yourself?! You're a hollow now!"
"And so were you."
Ichigo looked hurt, but she didn't care. Back at Karakura, she had the same expression whenever they pushed her out of the fight. This time the tables were turned.
"That's not the same, and you know it."
"Is it now? Because if I recall correctly you brutalized Ulquiorra in ways far more horrifying than any of us could imagine, you tried to desecrate his body, you stabbed Ishida-kun when he stopped you, and you were about to kill me before Ulquiorra broke your mask and redirected the cero onto himself.
That's quite different from holding a conversation like we are doing now." She smiled venomously. This change seemed to be bringing out all of the negative emotions that she kept hidden for years. It was relishing.
"I went into that form to protect you! You called for help, I couldn't do anything so my hollow took over."
Orihime rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, you're everyone's hero!" she sarcastically imitated her old self. "Spare me Ichigo, you didn't go into your hollow form to protect us, you did it because you lost, and you can't endure a loss!"
That got a rise out of the redhead, Uryu held him back. "Inoue, we all came here to save you! What happened wasn't ideal, but Kurosaki was just trying to help."
"Funny how you defend him after almost getting cut open, Ishida-kun.
I didn't ask anyone to come for me, the sole reason I came to Hueco Mundo was to protect everyone! But you couldn't understand that, could you? Inoue's the defenseless princess in the tower, so she must be rescued! We need to step into enemy territory without a plan, and fight everything in a ten-mile radius to save Inoue!
Well, that's done. We've all had our fights and your brushes with death, but I am finally safe. I won't return to Karakura, this form is now permanent, and I have no doubts that the shinigami will have me executed. The Orihime Inoue you knew is gone forever. Leave, tell the others I am dead, and don't return to Hueco Mundo. I won't ask nicely again."
Ichigo's anger was redirected at Ulquiorra. "You! You did this to Inoue!"
"I'm afraid you're mistaken Kurosaki. This transformation was the woman's choice, not mine. Unlike you, I believe she's wise enough to choose what's best for herself."
The shinigami prepared to attack him, but instead of clashing his blade with Ulquiorra's he was stopped by Orihime.
Upon transforming, she'd also gained a zanpakuto, her Rikka's powers had been transferred into it, and the shape of the hilt matched that of her hairpins.
“Don’t you dare touch him!” she growled.
“I’m not going to let darkness take you, Orihime. I’ll defeat whatever took possession of you and we’ll all go back home together.”
“You don’t get to decide for me. Not anymore.” From the moment she woke up, Orihime felt a shift taking place within her. Her body and soul had both changed, and this final disregard for her desires was the final nail in the coffin.’ All anyone ever saw me as was the damsel in distress, not even capable of choosing my own fate. Those days are now over.’
“Woman, do you require my assistance?”Ulquiorra asked her.
She smiled at him. “I shall fight alone, If it’s not too much trouble, could you please take Ishida-kun somewhere safe? I don’t intend to hold back.”
She teleported both herself and Ichigo away from the scene. The shinigami looked ready to fight, but the moment she attacked he restored to blocking. Ichigo didn’t attack her.
‘The moron still thinks I can’t fight.’
Her eyes darkened, now gold over onyx, Orihime charged a cero into her sword. One strike of her blade all it took to break Ichigo’s zanpakuto.
“You’re out of weapons Kurosaki. I’ll let you go if you swear to leave me be.”
Instead of retreating Ichigo stood his ground. “I won’t leave you.I swore to bring you back home safe, and that’s what I’ll do!"
“You really can’t take a fucking hint, can you?!"
She raised her palm towards him, firing a golden cero. Ichigo tried to evade it, but without his Bankai, he was not fast enough. Ichigo kneeled, half of his body was bloody and mangled due to the blast, but he could survive those injuries.
“Last warning. Surrender or I will detach your head from your body.”
“I won’t! I won’t let Ulquiorra get away with what he did to you! I will save you even if I have to kill him again!"
Orihime would have just rendered him unconscious, had it not been for the threat he made against Ulquiorra, Orihime looked him in the eye directly, her gaze was steel and it seemed like in his final moments Ichigo finally understood she did this out of her own accord. Sadly, it was too late, A delicate strike of her blade cut through him, his eyes remained opened, full of realization, but also lifeless.
Orihime cleaned the blood off her sword with one stroke. ‘At long last, It’s over.’
There were many outcomes he had expected from the battle, seeing Orihime return to las Noches with the head of Kurosaki Ichigo was not one of them. Soon after arriving she had fainted and he took her to his room and had one of the medics look at her.
As predicted, Orihime woke up a day later. Her wounds were fully healed, and she was happy to see him as well. 
“What happened after the battle?” she asked.
"Lord Aizen has won. He's the new Soul King, but I'm afraid your old town has been destroyed."
She looked sad, but didn't weep. "I see."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. This was bound to happen."
"If you feel rested enough, we were summoned to the throne room. It's urgent."
"Okay. Let's go."
The walk to the throne room was silent, yet pleasant. Orihime held his hand, and he returned the gesture. It seemed she was fond of the gesture.
Before coming into the throne room he ran into the medic that examined Orihime.
"Hello Cuarta, I see Inoue-sama is healthy." The blue haired woman extended her hand to Orihime. "Nice to meet you, my name's Jeanne Dae, I was your medic."
"Nice to meet you too, Jeanne-san. Thanks for taking care of me."
"My pleasure, I must warn you both, Lady Anna has asked for you specifically and she's slightly stressed. Best not to piss her off."
"Um, I hate to come of as ignorant but who is Anna?"
"Lord Aizen's wife. She's his second in command now and also Soul Queen. Just be polite and you'll be fine. Best of luck!"
Once the medic Arrancar left, they stepped into the throne room. He was surprised to see Halibel and her fracción there resting. Nnoitra was also there talking to Anna. She looked to be angry.
"Nnoitra, I swear, if keep pestering me I shall rip out your remaining eyeball and make you eat it!"
That made the whole room grow silent.
Orihime was slightly intimidated. Anna was six feet tall, with pale skin, black curly hair, and cold blue eyes. Those worries subsided when the woman spotted both her and Ulquiorra.
"Cuarta! You're still as handsome as ever! And you must be Orihime Inoue. I'm Anna María, it's nice to finally meet ya."
"Hello Lady Anna, it's nice to meet you too."
"I'll be quick since I'm sure you both want to rest. Now that Sosuke has finally achieved his goals we won't be returning to Las Noches. I want the both of you to rule over Hueco Mundo."
They were both surprised. Ulquiorra spoke first. "With all due respect, why would you chose us out of the remaining Arrancar?"
"Simple. You and Inoue-san were the ones who finally took down Kurosaki. He was Soul Society's triumph card and I'm certain that if he had lived the outcome of our plans would've changed. The two of you are the most powerful among our ranks and took down our greatest foe. It's only natural to have you take over. What do you say?"
Orihime felt a little uncertain, she had never taken a leadership role before, but the offer was tempting.
Ulquiorra was indifferent to the offer, still he would accept if only to keep order in Las Noches. Without Aizen some of the Arrancar might go unhinged again.
"I'm willing to accept the offer, but I'd like insurance that you, or Lord Aizen will provide us with assistance if necessary."
"You have my word, Cuarta. Inoue-san, what about you?"
"I never considered myself a leader, yet this is an opportunity I don't want to waste. I'll give it my all."
"Excellent! I knew I could count on you both. Now, there's a slightly more personal matter I must address.
Some of your friends for Karakura survived, I can relocate then to Naruki City and give them fake memories of a nuclear explosion occuring in Karakura. This way they'll safe and fully taken care of. Is that alright."
Anna handed her a tablet with pictures. She recognized Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro, Chizuru, Michiru, Ryuuken, and Don Kannonji. Those were the only survivors.
"Yes. Please make sure they're taken care of, just...don't let them know I am alive. I'd prefer it if they all thought of me as dead."
"Consider it done. Finally, Yasutora Sado and Uryu Ishida are locked up in the dungeons, if you authorize it, I shall free them and get them the aforementioned services in Naruki City."
"Yes please do so."
"Alrighty then, I think that's everything. I'll be returning to my other duties, you're dismissed."
With that the tall woman left them and went back to her duties. Ulquiorra noticed she was holding her zanpakuto. 'No doubt she's been ordered to carry out executions.'
"Next on the list it's that Kuchiki Captain...Hmm maybe I'll choke him with that dumb scarf of his." Anna was walking away towards the cells. A reckless idea crossed Orihime's mind.
"Wait Anna-san! May I be granted permission to visit Ishida and Sado?"
Anna was skeptical but allowed it anyway. "Yes, of course. I'll escort you."
Ulquiorra waited in the entrance to the dungeons. He knew Inoue was capable of handling herself yet he felt uneasy.
"You're jealous the princesa wants to visit those other men."
Grimmjow appeared from the shadows, it seemed Anna had him as a guard.
"What do you want Sexta?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just heard you and Orihime are the new rulers of Hueco Mundo. I'd congratulate ya but I don't think you find that new role appealing."
"That's unimportant. I took the task because it clear that the others wouldn't be able to properly carry it out."
Grimmjow grinned. "Uh-huh, and what about your mate? She probably did it so that Anna wouldn't chop her human friends to pieces."
Those words bothered him. "The woman isn't my mate."
"She turned into a hollow to save ya, and even ripped Kurosaki to pieces. That screams protective mate to me.
Yer' right though, it's not my business what you two do. Just pray she doesn't change her mind. The girl is too far gone to go back."
Orihime let them rage and yell before saying a single thing. After their anger faded she spoke.
"I need you both to stay calm. Ishida-kun your father is alive and will be given proper housing and employment in Naruki City as will most of your friends and as will you. Just let Anna escort you there and do not tell the others of my real fate. For all they know, Kurosaki and I were victims of the fake accident."
"...I don't believe this! You expect us to keep quiet?! Tatsuki was a wreck over losing you, she won't accept it, she'll know it's a lie!"
"Then make her believe it! You're a smart guy Uryu, she will listen to you, the memories are better than..."
"Than knowing what you turned into and what you did to Kurosaki?" Chad asked.
Orihime hit the wall in frustration, it almost fell apart. "He threatened to kill Ulquiorra!" she yelled. "I wasn't going to kill him, I was going to leave him slightly messed up and let him go home when the war ended, but he threatened Ulquiorra. I couldn't let him kill him again. I just... couldn't."
Her friends demeanor changed to a more sympathetic one. "You love him, don't you?"
She couldn't answer. That possibility didn't cross her mind until now. Her silence was all the answer they needed.
"Kurosaki is doing alright. His soul went to the Soul Society and is reunited with his family, Anna made sure of it. She also brought Masaki to them, the Kurosaki's be living in the Shiba house."
"It's true. She came to tell us that before bringing you here."
"I see." In a way she felt freed. While there was no guilt for what she did, knowing Ichigo was well off somehow helped her close that cycle.
"I know you won't forgive me, I won't ask for that, but I will ask you, to have a good life. Take care of the others, follow your dreams and live long and happy. I will do the same, even if we are in separate world's. Just do that in the memory of the Inoue you once loved."
"I promise."
"I promise too"
Both Chad and Uryu gave her a tight hug. This would be the last time they saw eachother.
He didn't say anything. Not on their way back to the room, and not when he locked himself in the washroom.
Orihime knew something was amiss. Ulquiorra looked tense, angry even. She decided to speak with him.
'What am I doing? This isn't right. I'm acting just like Kurosaki did.'
Ulquiorra had ran himself a hot bath in an effort to calm down. As much as he dreaded to admit it he was enraged by Grimmjow's words. When Orihime returned from her talk with the humans, she had tears running down her face and a faint sad smile.
'She's regretting it. She regrets giving up her life for me. That was a sacrifice that should've never taken place.'
Still, it was wrong of him to act so cold towards her. Instead he should offer her solace. 'I'm all she had left.'
Before he could get out of the marble pool and go back into his room, he saw her standing in the doorway. "Can I join you?" she asked shyly.
Ulquiorra swallowed hard. Orihime had nothing but a towel on, and her pretty face was adorned with a faint pink blush.
"Yes, you may join me." He finally answered with a raspy voice.
He turned away as she uncovered herself, only facing her once she was covered up to her chest by water. Even so, her curves didn't leave anything to the imagination.
"Ulquiorra. We need to talk."
"What do you wish to talk about?"
"What happened down at the dungeons."
He braced himself, and spoke as calmly as possible. "You wish to return to you original form. It's understandable as your sacrifice shouldn't have happened so I shall do what's in my power to help you-"
Orihime placed her fingers on his lips, silencing him. It was then when he felt tears forming in his eyes
Orihime chuckled. "No, you're mistaken. I don't want to go back and I don't regret what I did.
Ulquiorra, I didn't hesitate to sacrifice my humanity for you. I knew what the consequences would be and didn't care. You matter more to me than anything or anyone else, and I don't ever want you to doubt that. I want to be with you forever, Ulquiorra Schiffer."
He felt the tears spilling. Never in his life did he think he could find anyone that would truly love him, yet here she was. From the moment they met he felt drawn. It was as if an otherworldly force took possession of him, and urged him to keep her at his side. Yet when Kurosaki almost killed her, he didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for her. Now she had done the same for him, and they could be together for all eternity.
"Forgive me for my embarrassing behavior. I shouldn't have doubted you.
I shall confess that I didn't care for much before meeting you, my life was nothing but a dark endless void, until you filled it with light. Your optimistic nature, your melodic voice, your bravery, it is all very enticing. I thought our story would end when Kurosaki turned me into ash, yet it didn't.
You wouldn't let us have a bitter end, regardless of the cost. And I vow to prove your sacrifice to be worth it, every single day."
Orihime smiled wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. "It's a promise, my dear Ulquiorra."
She crashed their lips together into a lustful kiss. Ulquiorra had never considered himself to be a lustful man, until that moment. He wanted nothing more than to ravish Orihime until they were both exhausted.
"Let's go back to our room, darling. There's a lot I want to do with you."
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Ali Wong trägt die Reihe, Isabel Marant und Michael Kors in "Always Be My Maybe" auf Netflix
https://de.bufinans.com/ali-wong-tragt-die-reihe-isabel-marant-und-michael-kors-in-always-be-my-maybe-auf-netflix/ Ali Wong trägt die Reihe, Isabel Marant und Michael Kors in "Always Be My Maybe" auf NetflixGeschäftsideen - Bufinanshttps://de.bufinans.com/ali-wong-tragt-die-reihe-isabel-marant-und-michael-kors-in-always-be-my-maybe-auf-netflix/ In der Zwischenzeit trägt Randall Park Angry Asian Man Merch und maßgeschneiderte Smoking der Kostümdesignerin Leesa Evans, die ja auch über Keanu Reeves spricht. Achtung: milde Spoiler für 'Always Be My Maybe' weiter unten. Geständnis: Ich habe während des neuen Netflix-Films "Always Be My Maybe" mehrfach geweint Ali Wong und Randall Park als wiederverbundene Kindheitsfreunde Sasha und Marcus. Sehen Sie ein universell lustiges, berührendes und sexy rom-com, wie die, die ich aufgewachsen bin, angeführt von zwei asiatischen Amerikanern – wie ich! – fühlte sich wie ein so bedeutsamer Moment. Außerdem ruinieren mich herzliche Eltern-Erwachsenen-Kind-Momente absolut, aber meistens habe ich mich in Tränen aufgelacht, weil dieser Film absolut witzig ist. Die Kostüme sind zwar sehr schick (besonders die von Sasha), tragen aber auch geschickt dazu bei, die Vielzahl von erhabenen Witzen und unangenehmen Situationen (meistens die von Marcus) einzurichten und zu unterstützen. Aber das ist keine Überraschung, denn das Kostümdesign stammt von Leesa Evans, der Couture-meets-Comedy serviert hat in "Zoolander 2"und arbeitete zuvor mit Park an" Trainwreck "und" Neighbours ". Und nein, sie konnte während der Dreharbeiten kein ernstes Gesicht behalten. Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website "Ich durfte nicht am Set sitzen, weil ich ein wirklich schlimmes Problem mit dem Kichern habe", sagt Evans am Telefon aus Los Angeles. Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Sasha (Ali Wong) in Stella. Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Ein prächtiger Kleiderschrank voller Designerlabels hilft dabei, Sashas Reise als Starkoch zu dokumentieren, der in ihre Heimatstadt San Francisco zurückkehrt, um ein trendiges neues Restaurant zu eröffnen. Als wir Sasha zum ersten Mal in ihrem eleganten Hollywood-Etablissement sehen, trägt sie ein mutiges, wenn nicht strenges rotes Maxikleid mit Fledermausflügeln von Stella McCartney (über). Nachdem Sasha ihre Beziehung zu Marcus, ihren mittlerweile im Ruhestand befindlichen Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund und ihren Wurzeln in der Kindheit erneuert hat, fängt sie an, sich zu entspannen – genau wie ihre Silhouetten. "Sie macht es ein bisschen lockerer und genießt all die Dinge, die sie als Teenager liebte", erklärt Evans. "Es gibt eine Weichheit, die sich von da an bis zum Ende des Films auswirkt. Sie lässt die perfekten Unvollkommenheiten des Lebens zu, die Dinge, die passieren, wenn Sie nicht versuchen, alles herauszufinden und alles zu kontrollieren." Sashas architektonische Formen und substanziellere Texturen, wie ein Bleistiftrock aus weinrotem Leder, verwandeln sich in lässige, aber dennoch raffinierte Einzelteile, wie ein Commes des Garçon T-Shirt, ein Jahrgang A.P.C. Strickjacke und Weite Jeans von Re / Done (oben). Rot und Blau sind auch ein konsistentes Farbpalettenthema, das von den beiden Freunden aus der Kindheit geteilt wird – sowohl in der Gegenwart als auch in Rückblenden von Teenagern – von Rennstreifen auf Marcus 'Bomberjacke bis zu Sashas breit gestreiftem Outfit für einen niedlichen Spaziergang im Park. "Rot und Blau sind auf seltsame Weise die Töne unseres ganzen Lebens. Sie sind die amerikanische Flagge, die zwei grundlegendsten Grundfarben, die Farben, die Sie zum ersten Mal in der Schule tragen", bemerkt Evans. "Rot und Blau sind nur die Grundlagen unseres Lebens, also haben wir mitgespielt." Also, so erleichtert, dass sie Kimchi Jjigae nicht auf diesen Overall gespritzt hat! Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Sasha ist eine Persönlichkeit des öffentlichen Lebens und ein kulinarischer Mogul. Deshalb benötigt sie einen Kleiderschrank, der auch zu formellen Anlässen passt, wie ein göttlich weißer Overall von Sasha Die Reihe (oben), ein goldenes trägerloses Kleid von Michael Kors (unten) und die perfekte Ergänzung für ein Date mit einer Hollywood-Ikone: ein vergoldetes, florales One-Shoulder-Top von Isabel Marant gepaart mit einem Maxirock. "Ich wollte einfach nur die Kraft, Intelligenz und Kreativität von Sasha entwickeln", sagt Evans, der auch an Wongs Cat-Eye-Brillen mit Brillenfassungen von Dita und Seoul gearbeitet hat Sanftes Monster. Während sich Sashas Karriere (und Finanzen) seit ihrem letzten Highschool-Jahr auf einem Aufwärtstrend befinden, ist Marcus, der immer noch damit beschäftigt ist, seine Indie-Rap-Rock-Band zu leiten, in einem Zustand verhafteter Entwicklung angelangt. Davon zeugt die Bay Area stolz Amoeba Records T-Shirt aus seiner Jugendzeit, seine Skater-Punk-Ästhetik ist auch noch stark. "(Park) wollte wirklich, dass es sich authentisch anfühlt, dass dieser Typ schon immer Musik liebte und sich mit San Francisco verbunden fühlte, und wollte diesen Aspekt einbeziehen", erklärt Evans, der alle charakterbildenden Garderobenelemente von Park freudig einbezog. Sasha in Michael Kors und Marcus (Randall Park) in Angry Asian Man Merch und ein absichtlich schlechter Blazer. Foto: Ed Araquel / Netflix In einem der amüsantesten kostümierten Comedy-Segmente trägt Marcus ein grafisches T-Shirt mit der Skizze eines Frauengesichts und dem Slogan "Stay Angry" (Wütend bleiben) für eine Veranstaltung auf dem roten Teppich (oben) – ein großes Lob an den asiatisch-amerikanischen Schauspieler Gemeinschaft. Park fragte seinen Freund und Blogger Phil Yu, der schreibt und rennt Verärgerter asiatischer Mann, Für T-Shirts von der jährlichen Spendenaktion des Blogs. Yu gab Park ein paar Optionen, einschließlich des oben erwähnten T-Stücks, das vom Künstler gezeichnet wurde Irene Koh und eine Drachenversion von Ethan Young, die Marcus auch in einer anderen Szene trägt. "Ich dachte mir, Randall macht mir mit Sicherheit eine gute Figur und hebt nur eines meiner Entwürfe hervor. Ich dachte nur, er würde es nur in einer Cafészene oder so tragen", sagt Yu am Telefon. "Aber am Ende ist einer ein Teil des Witzes! Ich war super überrascht, als ich es sah." Natürlich ist die noble, mit Paparazzi gefüllte Veranstaltung ein Muss für jeden Jackenbesitzer, und so erhält Marcus eine schlecht sitzende, "peinlichste" Version eines Blazers mit abgeworfenem Rockcheck, die sein extremes Unbehagen und seine Unbeholfenheit verstärkt – perfekt ausgeführt von Park. Aber da er 5 '10 ist, musste Evans eine übergroße Jacke aus einem großen und großen Laden beziehen, der "doppelt, extra lang und fünf Größen zu groß" war. lololol. Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Weil Marcus vorher Überangezogen für ein Doppeldate mit Sasha und … Keanu Reeves als "Keanu Reeves." Ich meine, was würde man für einen solchen Anlass tragen? Nun, Marcus ging in seinen Kleiderschrank und holte das "Schönste" heraus, das er besitzt: einen alten Samt-Revers-Smoking und ein gekräuseltes Hemd, das er höchstwahrscheinlich Anfang der 2000er Jahre in einem Secondhand-Laden gekauft hatte. "Es ist einfach witzig an (Marcus 'Smoking), was Keanu trägt; so raffiniert und schick", sagt Evans, der den Vintage-Look maßgeschneidert hat. "In seinen Gedanken ist er wie 'wie könnte ich jemals diesem Leben gerecht werden, das Sasha aufgebaut hat?" Als Reaktion auf Marcus 'Kompliment an seinen Anzug im Stil von John Wick, bringt Reeves den Witz mit den meisten High-Fashion-Skripten mit perfekter Sprache zum Vorschein. "Tom Ford machte es. Brauch. Zum mir. " "Ja, er trägt definitiv Tom Ford von Kopf bis Fuß. Es war kein Brauch Tom Ford ", räumt Evans ein, der hinzufügte, dass der Anzug" sexy man "so gut zu Reeves passe, dass keine Änderungen erforderlich seien. Allerdings der zweite des Schauspielers erfolgreicher Franchise-Charakter hat sein All-Back-Double-Date-Ensemble nicht inspiriert. "Wir hatten viele Gespräche, in denen wir sagten: 'Wir sind jetzt verloren. Ist es der echte Keanu oder der Schauspieler, der Keanu spielt? ", Sagt Evans. Sasha in einem Isabel Marant-Oberteil und Keanu Reeves in" Kopf-an-Fuß "Tom Ford. Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix "Die Referenz war, dass das 'Keanu', das Keanu spielte, so brillant war", sagt Evans. Er fälscht hervorragend nicht nur das, was die Leute als "Keanu Reeves" wahrnehmen,"aber auch eine widerlich esoterische (in guter Weise) Hollywood – Handlungoder Stereotyp – und dieser schmale "Smokingfransenschal" war nur eine Kirsche darüber. "Es hat gerade genug Lager und Eigenart, um es zu übertreiben, sieht aber trotzdem unglaublich gut aus", fügt sie hinzu. Die Referenzen von Tom Ford waren in der Tat in der Originalschrift enthalten, die gemeinsam mit Michael Golemco verfasst wurde, und alle Kräfte, die ihnen die Daumen drückten, in der Hoffnung, dass der eigentliche Ford irgendwann abzeichnen würde, was er auch tat. Obwohl Marcus sich den Smoking in der Tom Ford-Boutique nicht leisten konnte – obwohl er ein wenig kostenlosen Champagner genoss -, trug er zu Sashas großem New York-Moment keinen billigen Smoking von der Stange. "Ich habe es geschafft", sagt die Kostümdesignerin über den schönen marineblauen Samtlook. "Es war ein Brauch, Leesa Evans." IN VERBINDUNG STEHENDE ARTIKEL:Treffen Sie die privaten Stylisten, die Shonda Rhimes und andere Hollywood Power-Spieler anziehenWie Jeanne Yang 20 Jahre lang Blink-182-Videos gestylt und mit Keanu Reeves gearbeitet hatUnderstattete Kostüme lassen Yara Shahidi und Charles Melton in "Die Sonne ist auch ein Star" glänzen Brandon Choi (Daniel BAE Kim, Entschuldigung, ich weiß, dass dies bereits geschehen ist. Daniel Dae Kim). Foto: Doane Gregory / Netflix Es wäre mir ein Vergnügen, nicht zu schließen, bevor ich einen meiner Lieblingskostümmomente mit Daniel Dae Kim als Sashas heißem Ex-Liebhaber Brandon Choi erwähne. Er bricht im Wesentlichen mit Sasha beim Tragen eines Adidas Trainingsanzug in den meisten Spezifisch sandgrauer Farbton – was sofort sagt, dass er der Typ von Arschloch ist, der die Marke ausspricht "ahh-dee-dahs. "„ Ich habe es Daniel (vor der Anpassung) gezeigt und er hat nur gelacht ", sagt Evans.„ Könnte es etwas Perfekteres für diesen Charakter geben? Nein, es ist nur, weil es diese Farbe ist. " Es überrascht nicht, dass die Ausstattung mit allen Schauspielern, von Leads bis hin zu Cameos, eine gemeinschaftliche Anstrengung und ein aufrichtiger, spaßiger Teil des Jobs war. "Wir würden alle sagen:" Das macht am meisten Spaß "und dann hätten wir das nächste und sagen:" Nein, diese "Wenn ich den ganzen Rest meiner Karriere nur mit dieser einen Gruppe von Leuten zusammenarbeiten würde, wäre ich total begeistert", sagt Evans. Folgen Sie Leesa Evans auf Instagram @ leesaevanstyle.com; 'Always Be My Maybe' kann ab Freitag, 31. Mai, auf Netflix gestreamt werden. Oberes Foto: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Netflix Verpassen Sie nie die neuesten Nachrichten aus der Modebranche. 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