#Jeff Joker Moreau
polymolly · 15 days
Can I just introduce you to my intrusive thoughts?
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Please and thank you.
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Mass Effect modern AU with Shep as a mobster turned stool pigeon who is extremely bored with life in the witness protection program.
James Vega and Jeff Moreau are his unfortunate FBI babysitters, and Kaidan Alenko is the supervisor of the whole operation, who is constantly getting new gray hairs because Shepard is a magnet for trouble.
Bonus appearance by a mob hit man nicknamed Archangel who has a personal grudge against Shep.
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toasterbunnicula · 26 days
look i like joker (maybe solely bc he’s voiced by my childhood crush seth greene but oh well) but his relationship with edi in mass effect 3 just seems predatory to me. they’re friends until she gets a body and then all of a sudden he’s interested in becoming more, solely because she’s sexy now (though according to the ever based samantha traynor she was always sexy). edi is visibly and audibly uncomfortable with his objectification of her and i just hate putting them together as more than friends. i know the fault is with the dated writing of the games but like. ick
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hatboyexchange · 28 days
Nominations are open!
The Hatboy Exchange has opened nominations! So what's a nomination and how do you make them?
A nomination is when you request pairings (romantic, platonic, etc) that will be available for use in the exchange's tag set. Say you want to request 'Jeff "Joker" Moreau/Female Shepard' for one of your pairings.
Click on the link to nominations page. You will see a page that looks like this:
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You will see a list of relationships and fandoms. You are NOT required to fill in the fandom portion of the form. Only the relationship form.
If you want to request a specific pairing, try to browse the tag set prior to nominations to see if the pairing you want to request is already part of the tag set.
You only have 10 nominations available so use them to the best of your ability. Once nominations are open, I will go in once a day to approve or deny requests.
Once you've chosen your relationship, it will look like this:
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Continue searching for the ships you want to add until you're happy with your nominations list (up to 10 pairings). You can choose familial, romantic, platonic, any combination of pairings or trios or multiships that you'd like.
When you click submit, you should get a list like this:
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A green checkmark means that the pairing is approved or already in the tagset. A red checkmark means it must be approved by a moderator.
If you can't find a specific pairings (in many cases of a rare pair), let me or @kyratittyfish know asap and we will manually add the pairing for you.
You can edit your pairings until the cutoff date of May 26th, 2024.
If you have questions, please send an ask and I will clarify what I can.
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kyratittyfish · 1 month
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Some fluffy Shoker art featuring @spaced0lphin’s Bailie Shepard being spooned by her (our) favorite flyboy.
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fllagellant · 1 month
Me3 is dangerous because I start thinking about the whole thing I made between James and Cortez and Joker like something so specific . I feel like I am at a podium in an empty room talking and people are just getting the muffled ramblings through the wall . Anyways the sorts of dirt the three of them have on each other is insane . This blackmail game between two pilots and a marine is so insane . The three of them do not take it seriously at all but at the same time …. They Absolutely Do .
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sou456123 · 1 month
He owes her. part1
Just when I had lost my wings and was getting tired of crawling around on the ground looking pathetic, I received an unexpected invitation.
"Commander Shepard is alive. She needs a first-class pilot to fly in space. Even more than that, there's the pilot she trusts."
Normally, I would be wary if I heard such an invitation from a suspicious agent. And even more so when they are openly displaying the logo of an organization that the general public considers to be terrorists.
Perhaps they really wanted a first-class pilot. After a lot of begging, the guy above them came up with one condition.
"Assuming you accept, We'll let you meet the Commander. Unfortunately, she hasn't woken up yet, but you can visit her… in secret. Please understand that now that you knows this, you won't be able to run away from Cerberus."
It's an irresistible temptation from the devil, really. In the end, I accepted the offer and boarded their ship. The destination was hidden, but it seemed to be a station somewhere. In the place where Mechs and Cerberus in white coats were rushing about, I met her again.
On the other side of the thick glass was a huge, unstyled bed wrapped in layers of cords. After confirming that the graph showing biological reactions was moving steadily, I strained my gaze…and then sighed.
There was no way that my soft murmured voice would reach her. However, when I sighed,
“Seeing a familiar face, Jeff Moreau.”
A voice suddenly called out from behind. When I turned around, a beautiful woman dressed in a white suit appeared before I knew it. Her perfect features and the tight-fitting suit reveal her well-proportioned body. I whistled and turned.
"What's an angel like you in a white coat doing in Cerberus? If you could take care of me full time, I'd want to be hospitalized here too."
"If you were to join Cerberus, you might have access to the latest medical care. But not here. The facilities are reserved for Shepard."
"Huh, the hero who saved the galaxy deserves special treatment. Pilots who also saved the galaxy didn't receive that kind of reward."
The woman approached with the sound of her footsteps and lined up next to me. She folds her arms under her perfectly curvaceous breasts as she stares at Shepard through the glass.
"Team Normandy has disappeared. You probably don't even know where your teammates from back then are or what they're doing now."
"The way you say it, it seems like you know it."
"I don't have anything. I'm sure the higher ups are arranging everything. However, I don't think they'll team up in the same way just because they done in the past."
She has a clear voice and a sarcastic manner, and is not a cute woman. Are there only strong women like this in the galaxy? I lean my body against the wall, sighing.
"If They have a lot of time to spare like me, they will rush to get whatever they want. Team Normandy was the Commander's team. It's meaningless without her, and if she's there, we'll all get together sooner or later."
"Like a believer."
The woman snorted. She gave me a sidelong look,
"Both my boss and you seem to be giving Commander Shepard too much credit. Is she worth that much? It's true that she accomplished the feat of defeating the Reapers, but it wasn't something she accomplished alone. And her actions that can't be called loyal to the Alliance or the Council stand out…I have no objection to her joining the group, though. It's dangerous."
"I'm guessing you're worried about your dog biting you. If that's the case, you should give up on her right away. After all, she's going to steal the Alliance's newest ship in order to fulfill her mission."
It was exhilarating at the time, and it was even more refreshing when I heard later that Anderson had walked into Udina's office and beat him to the ground. I was smiling as I remembered, and the woman narrowed her eyes,
"Being too attached to something is dangerous in itself. Just like that time when you stuck to the ship and couldn't escape."
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noodlini · 1 month
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It’s Joker! Everyone say hi Joker
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ampdraws · 1 month
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morning coffee w/ Joker :3
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hatboyproject · 1 month
Live Animation Previews
Thanks to some amazing work by modders Mith and Nanuke, live in-engine previews of Mass Effect lip-sync animations are now possible, complete with on-the-fly editing of all possible emotion sets for a given race/gender. I can now get all the expressions I want in-engine, with a few clicks. No more doing it manually. I would like to thank both modders for their intrepid work, for advancing upon what I made, and allowing for even better and easier editing in future!
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agent371 · 2 months
Eeblu webly woo Jeff Moreau face study♡♡♡
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And fixing old art based on the face study below
Before 👎👎👎👎👎 After👍👍👍👍👍👍
Before👎👎👎👎👎 After👍👍👍👍👍👍
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exactly24bees · 2 months
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justsomonewatching · 2 months
2am hit so hard my ass remembered the entire mass effect trilogy...
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syckubota · 2 months
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rose-de-noire · 2 months
Didn’t write in a long time, but here you go. Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jeff Joker Moreau/Urdnot Wrex Characters: Urdnot Wrex, Jeff "Joker" Moreau Additional Tags: Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings Summary:
Everyone's vulnerable, even tough Battlemasters.
Hm, this is an AU but still mostly fitting in with the games. I’m playing with my headcanon and with poor Wrex. This also changes EDI’s and Joker’s relationship into a polycule with Wrex and Eve at some point, but we may actually never end up there in this. This is very much a case of: If there ain't no content for your ship, make it yourself!
(there will be at least two chapters)
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fllagellant · 1 month
Actually I think it would be hilarious if Joker had a small collection of licenses . Pilot’ s license . Mech operator license . Licenses to sell liquor and cannabis . Hunting license . Fishing license . Just a collection of them . But he doesn’ t have a driver’ s license . Everyone assumes he does . He does not . They let him drive because they think he has a drivers license . This is a mistake .
This is why I think when he and Cortez are in the skycar in the citadel dlc Cortez is driving . Because he knows . And he will not let that man be behind the wheel any longer .
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