#Jenova Project
feathercreates · 8 months
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POV you just told degrading Genesis he's still pretty uwu
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getvalentined · 5 months
Differentiating the "Black Robes"
For folks who didn't catch it on their own playthrough or (or watch-through) of FF7 Rebirth, here's a quick breakdown of the apparent nature of the people in black robes seen throughout both this game, and previously in Remake.
This differs from OG canon, where everyone in a black robe was a Sephiroth Copy, but in the FF7R timeline they appear to be broken into three "types."
NO NUMBER TATTOO means this is a G-type SOLDIER suffering from degradation. These people are terminally ill. Degradation sets in within five years of enhancement [see Note 1 below], and accelerates very quickly without aggressive treatment.
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Known G-type SOLDIERs: Roche, Azul, Rosso, and Shelke Rui. Population: over 100.
A ONE- OR TWO-DIGIT NUMBER TATTOO indicates S-type SOLDIERs in the throes of Reunion. These people are not terminally ill, based on dev comments confirming that S-type SOLDIERs don't degrade, but they have a cellular leash that is being constantly yanked on by Sephiroth/Jenova. Without Reunion taking place, most of them would presumably live long, fairly healthy lives. [See Note 2 below.]
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Known S-type SOLDIERs: Zack Fair, Kunsel, Luxiere, and Broden. Population: presumed fewer than 100.
A TATTOO STARTING WITH "SC" confirms these people are successful Sephiroth Copies. Failures do not receive a tattoo. They may or may not be terminally ill, contingent upon which type of SOLDIER they were prior to the procedure to make them into a Copy, and the leash on their own cellular makeup is much stricter, much more direct, and gives them a clearer concept of where to go and what to do.
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Known Sephiroth Copies: Roche (successful), Zack Fair (declared failure), and Cloud Strife (declared failure). Population: 4 subjects in total, plus 2 known failures.
Tattoos don't seem to be applied at the time of enhancement, since none of the SOLDIERs in Crisis Core have them, but it's possible that early inductees like Broden were marked when they survived the treatments; this seems likely, as Broden's tattoo is in a slightly different typeface than the tattoos of others in his "type."
I didn't include Sephiroth, Genesis or Angeal under known members of their given types, as they were never normal humans and were not enhanced using one method or the other as teens or young adults. Those who are Jenova babies from birth don't count. I also didn't include two members of DeepGround due to the fact that they canonically cannot actually be G-type SOLDIERs based on the lore of how the two of them were made and how they function in general; they may be G-type on paper, but they are not G-type for the purposes of this analysis.
Lastly, I'll admit that this breakdown may appear to be slightly inconsistent during gameplay, but this seems to be due only to the reuse of models between black robed individuals, presumably to take stress off the dev team. I'm fine with this, obviously, no crunch is good crunch. As far as I can tell it's pretty consistent in full cutscenes, though, so I'm sticking with it until the third game proves me wrong.
NOTE 1: The timeframe for degradation is based on Roche suffering from the condition prior to his becoming a Sephiroth Copy, which is visible in the fact that he has a handful of incongruously pale streaks through his hair prior to the procedure; an attempt to cure this is presumably the reason he volunteered to work with Hojo in the first place.
According to the Remake Ultimania, Roche joined SOLDIER after the Nibelheim Incident, so he's only been in the program for five years at the most; this timeframe also allows us to recognize S-type SOLDIERs, as they've been in the program for significantly longer with no known ill effects (e.g.: Kunsel has been in the program since at least 2000, but is mentioned by name and indicated to be at headquarters in Remake, showing that he's still on active duty in 0007; this wouldn't be the case if he were suffering from degradation, so he can't be a G-type.)
NOTE 2: The capacity of S-type SOLDIERs to live fairly normal lives with minimal major health issues is proven by the existence of Broden, who identifies himself as a SOLDIER but was certainly part of Project 0; he and Mildred left home as teenagers and wound up with Shinra, but Mildred doesn't know the name of the project into which he was conscripted, only that it was "top secret."
Combined with the apparent age of both characters in-game, this indicates that Broden took part in the project before SOLDIER was even SOLDIER, putting him as one of its earliest successful operatives, probably enhanced sometime between 1983 and 1985 based on the timeline provided in the First SOLDIER Battle Royale opening cutscene—hence why his number is the lowest shown on a person in a black robe in the entire game. This puts him in his forties at the youngest during the Crisis, and he functions just fine (albeit with some other issues we can assume were caused by the enhancement procedure being imperfect at the time of his enlistment) until Reunion starts to call him toward the end of 0007.
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altocat · 2 years
Just to add MORE confusion to the general Jenova Project timeline, I found this image of what I presume is from an official Crisis Core guide that suggests that Sephiroth (and Gen and Angeal) are all “around 25″.
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And while I would agree with this estimation based on their designs as well as the overall time it would have taken in between Ever Crisis and Crisis Core for them to have become very good friends, the Jenova Project is listed as starting in the fall of 1977, with Crisis Core starting in 2000. Assuming the period of pregnancy began right after the project was sanctioned and taking into account 9 months plus whatever amount of spacing in between when the trio were all born, it still doesn’t fully add up. AND the ultimate guide suggests that they were born around 1980 (which I completely disagree with because there is no way Angeal is 20 at the start of CC like NO FRIGGIN’ WAY). 
The guide already has some sketchy segments like Gast supposedly leaving timeline-wise when Seph was a newborn despite the fact that Sephiroth talks of openly knowing him and having enough awareness to have held conversations with him, as well as get a general impression of what kind of scientist he is. And then there’s the suggestion that Lucrecia stuck around for several years after Sephiroth’s birth and left at some indeterminate period of time, which isn’t the impression I really got from Dirge. It feels like she left around only a year or so, maybe less. How long did Vincent say he was asleep for? HHHHH so messyyy.
Anyway, I’m going to put a pin on things and say that the trio is around 22.5 at the start of Crisis Core and 24.5 by the end (except Angeal he’s dead by then lol whoops). Even that still feels a bit too young from how they present themselves. I’ve always envisioned that Sephiroth is around 30 at the time of Final Fantasy 7 but whatever.
The irony is that there’s enough room that, with a few tweaks, clarifications, and slight changes to established lore, you could make this all make sense. 
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mobiusstripper · 2 months
For Lucrecia FFVII
7- What do you like most about this character?
8- Do you think this character is underrated or overrated?
9- What’s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
Ooh thank you!
What do you like most about this character?
She's completely integral to the story! And she gets totally sidelined! Who is she?! Why did she do the things she did?! I want to know! I need to know! Why don't more people want to know?
Do you think this character is underrated or overrated?
Totally underrated. Most people either don't care about her at all or just straight-up hate her with zero curiosity about her character or motives. Also, when they hate on her, they tend to be really misogynistic about it.
What’s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
Of the few fandom folks who really like to deep dive into Lucrecia, I think I might be the one who gives the most credence to Dirge of Cerberus. It's not that I don't agree with the assessment that it's a shit game - but it planted certain headcanon seed in my brain during my teenage years that have endured to this day. The linchpin of my headcanon for the dynamics between the parties involved in the Jenova Project is and always will be Grimoire Valentine. In my version of the story, he was a surrogate father figure to Lucrecia, and she was a surrogate child to him. He put a lot of energy into mentoring her and looking out for her on a personal level to cope with his guilt over emotionally abandoning Vincent (from whom he was estranged for the last ten years of his life). Lucrecia gradually comes to realize this and harbors a deep jealousy toward Vincent before she ever meets him. I love this because it adds some heavy layers of "fucked up" to Lucrecia's relationship with Vincent.
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glorfys-glorioushair · 5 months
So I uh made a thing...
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valentimmy · 23 days
Hey, man. Can we see some of the doodles you have done, so far?
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this is all I got ….
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freelanceexorcist · 4 months
Minor Rebirth spoilers under the cut.
I just realized something (I told you all it takes me a few tries for things to sink in).
Here's a screen grab of the Gast journal Sephiroth is reading out loud from right before he loses it:
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Now this is probably just a stylistic choice to show the audience how top secret the Jenova Project was, but why are parts of it redacted? And at what time were the redactions made?
It just seems like an odd choice. If a document contains information that's sensitive enough that redaction is required for parts of it, why leave it in the basement of an abandoned mansion that anyone can access (difficult as it is to do so)? Why not move all of them and store them in a secure facility that can only be accessed by those with the proper clearance?
Yeah, I know we're talking about scientists that suck so bad at recording data that they didn't even document the date of birth and the blood type of the project's only successful result, but still.
This leads me to think that the redactions aren't of anything top secret, but for the purpose of spreading disinformation. I can't help but wonder if my suspicions about Hojo having a hand in engineering Sephiroth's breakdown are correct and that he wanted him to have disinformation for that reason. The blacked out parts may have led him away from the conclusion that Hojo wanted him to come to.
So what has been blacked out? Lucrecia's name? That she's Sephiroth's mother and Hojo is his father? References to pregnancy and birth that would inform Sephiroth that yes, he was born and not manufactured so therefore, yes, he was a human being that was fucked with in the womb? Mentions of Vincent? Anything that would justify or explain why his childhood was so awful and why he was kept isolated?
And as far as who did the redacting and when, you know Hojo did that shit. And he did it right after he decided that it would be great for science to drop Shinra's live nuke into a small town then slowly drive him to a breakdown with disinformation. I wonder how many entire books were removed before Sephiroth and the gang showed up.
I wonder if this will come up at all in part 3. If not, I'm just overthinking it as usual. But if it does...hmm.
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geekysteven · 7 months
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sagetsukimura · 1 month
Was timeline-ing FFVII for a fic and it occurred to me that Genesis was in Wutai when he finally got all the clues about the human experimentation- the degradation could be passed off as something with the SOLDIER serum. Hollander was in Modgar, but Genesis was in Wutai when he and the crew deserted, right?
Playing EC, Glenn was kinda in the area...
So do you think it's possible it WASN'T Hollander who spilled the beans? How did Genesis get the fuller scope of the situation all the way out there? I'm wondering if Glenn is going to be involved...
Poll because I want to know peoples thoughts on this before I decide which way I want to go with the fic (that may never see the light of day but you never know)
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vinjaryou · 10 months
unpopular opinion:
biggest fear now is that they actually do the "vincent is sephiroth's father" thing
please don't, SE. i will quietly deal with zack being alive in your marvelesqe timelines if it means no vindad
(i've never liked that theory, and the fact that people persist despite it being made clear in compilation canon that hojo's the father...)
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level99challenge · 5 months
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the jenova project.
protect trans kids
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holly-fixation · 1 year
So, Sephiroth is looking for his mother. He's trying so hard to find the truth.
And he finds the truth.
She regrets having him, she saw the visions of his monstrous crimes, she tried to kill herself and eventually froze herself in a crystal. She is alive. She can talk, she can answer all the questions. But she found her peace, convinced that Sephiroth was dead.
So maybe little Sephiroth shouldn't visit her.
If he loves her, he should let her believe he didn't survive Hojo's experiments. That is her wish
Then her wish is not granted.
Did you know that parents of missing persons always say its better to find out their child is dead? Because it gives them closure? That's the one thing that finding out about everything second hand will not give Sephiroth.
He would try to speak with her. He would find her crystal cavern and beg her to face him. He would list every personal question he had about her thoughts and her decisions and why why why. She is the only person on the planet that he would believe because all he wants to do is deny what he's heard.
He wanted a normal life and she abandoned him. She claimed to see a future he can't even comprehend. She ran away and found this suspended peace while leaving him with the company that treats him like a weapon. Like a cyborg. Like a tool with a single purpose he cannot stray from. She does not get the satisfaction of lying to herself and believing he is dead. For once in his life, he has someone that knows the whole truth and all he wants is to hear it from Her.
Jenova. Lucrecia Crescent. Whatever her name really is.
And who tells him this? Who knows enough to explain exactly what happened and has the resources to find her? Who gave him a photo of the woman that birthed and abandoned him and later admitted an unfathomable truth in replacement?
The man who denied him answers. The man that never gave him the whole truth. The man that never let him interact with people or "have fun". Sephiroth will deny every word unless he hears it from her.
But she never leaves her crystal.
He locks himself in the data room for two reasons: so people would leave him alone and so he can find any real documentation on this event. Of why Shinra chose him of all children to be this soldier and live this restricted, 'special' life.
Hojo only tells him about his mother. Nothing more, nothing less.
So when he's in Nibelheim, when he sees the fake name Hojo gave him as a child written on the walls of a monster creation facility within a mako reactor, he needs every answer he can get. In the depths of Shinra Manor, he learns more half truths unknowingly. Desperately. Pleadingly. Trying to ignore that pull in his chest, the ache in his heart.
Yet the more he learns, the kinder the pull is. The sweeter the invisible sound. The velvet touches of promises and acceptance and even gratitude if he just obeys.
Why would he deny someone that cares enough to reach for him when the woman he chased won't even acknowledge he's alive?
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getvalentined · 6 months
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Nibelheim's happiest couple, 1977.
[ screenshots free to use with credit ]
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altocat · 6 months
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More cringe memes. Lucrecia Edition.
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nierielfaegir · 6 months
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I call bs, that man is a hack and never managed to create anything successfully in his life.
I'll never believe this marvel of technology came from that guy (and if he does, I don't trust him).
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tally-ace · 7 months
RAHHH THE FFVII REBIRTH THEORIES... STAY BACK!!!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! GRAUUGHHAHHH <- painful beast transformation but nothing changes at all
(Rebirth spoilers for chapter 11 in tags nothing super specific and purposefully vague but still there)
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