#Jens Jonsson
luegootravez · 3 months
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Tia Jonsson by © Jens Ingvarsson
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
What is this!? Please no no no no no
Information: Reinfeldt can become the chairman of the Swedish Football Association
Karl-Erik Nilsson is to be replaced as chairman of the Swedish Football Association.
A former Swedish prime minister can take over the role.
Fredrik Reinfeldt, 57, is nominated by the election committee, according to Expressen .
For ten years, Karl-Erik Nilsson, 65, has been the chairman of the Swedish Football Association. But at the annual meeting this spring, he will leave his post.
And a former prime minister can take over the role. According to Expressen, Fredrik Reinfeldt is one of four people nominated by the election committee to become SvFF's new chairman.
They can become the new chairman of SvFF
Sportbladet has previously revealed that Jens T Andersson is one of the main candidates.
- I have been contacted by people in the movement regarding the role of chairman, Andersson then told Sportbladet .
Jens T Andersson is one of the names in the list that Expressen has seen. Annika Grälls and Birger Jonsson are also nominated.
Fredrik Reinfeldt was Swedish Prime Minister from 2006 to 2014.
15 January 2023 closes the nomination and more names can be added to the list.
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bayernplantilla2023 · 6 months
¿Cuál fue la alineación titular de la Real Sociedad en su último partido contra el Cádiz Club de Fútbol?
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¿Cuál fue la alineación titular de la Real Sociedad en su último partido contra el Cádiz Club de Fútbol?
Formación titular Real Sociedad último partido
En el último partido de la Real Sociedad, el equipo titular mostró un desempeño destacado que merece ser analizado. El entrenador tomó decisiones clave al seleccionar a los jugadores que formaron parte del once inicial, lo que contribuyó al resultado del juego.
En la defensa, se observó una sólida actuación de los centrales, quienes demostraron un buen entendimiento y coordinación para mantener la portería resguardada. Los laterales, por su parte, se destacaron tanto en labores defensivas como en apoyar en la creación de jugadas de ataque.
En el centro del campo, el mediocampo titular mostró un excelente control del balón y una gran capacidad para distribuir el juego. Los centrocampistas demostraron visión y precisión en sus pases, lo que permitió mantener la posesión y generar oportunidades de gol.
En la delantera, los atacantes titulares fueron determinantes en el resultado final del partido. Su velocidad, habilidad y capacidad para desequilibrar la defensa rival fueron fundamentales para crear ocasiones de gol y concretar las jugadas ofensivas.
En resumen, la formación titular de la Real Sociedad en el último partido exhibió un rendimiento destacado en todas las líneas del campo. El trabajo en equipo, la coordinación y el talento individual de los jugadores fueron clave para obtener un resultado positivo y continuar en la senda del éxito en la temporada.
Jugadores alineación Real Sociedad vs Cádiz
El encuentro entre la Real Sociedad y el Cádiz ha generado gran expectación entre los aficionados y seguidores del fútbol. Ambos equipos se preparan para una intensa batalla en el terreno de juego, en la que la alineación de los jugadores será crucial para determinar el resultado final.
Por un lado, la Real Sociedad cuenta con un plantel sólido y talentoso, liderado por jugadores como Mikel Oyarzabal, David Silva y Alexander Isak. Estos futbolistas han demostrado su calidad y habilidades en numerosas ocasiones, por lo que se espera que sean piezas fundamentales en la alineación del equipo vasco.
Por otro lado, el Cádiz llega a este enfrentamiento con la determinación de sorprender a su rival. Jugadores como Álvaro Negredo, Salvi Sánchez y Jens Jonsson serán vitales en la estrategia del equipo amarillo, aportando su experiencia y talento para intentar llevarse la victoria.
El duelo táctico entre ambas alineaciones promete ser apasionante, con jugadores clave en cada posición luchando por imponer su juego. La afición estará expectante ante el choque de estilos y estrategias que se desplegará sobre el césped, en lo que se espera sea un emocionante espectáculo deportivo.
En definitiva, la alineación de jugadores en el partido entre la Real Sociedad y el Cádiz será determinante para el desenlace del encuentro. Los aficionados de ambos equipos esperan con ansias este enfrentamiento, que promete emociones fuertes y un fútbol de alto nivel.
Once inicial Real Sociedad contra Cádiz
El partido entre la Real Sociedad y el Cádiz ha despertado gran interés entre los aficionados al fútbol en España. El once inicial de la Real Sociedad presentó una alineación sólida y con jugadores de gran calidad, como Oyarzabal, Portu y David Silva, quienes buscaron imponer su juego desde el inicio.
Por otro lado, el Cádiz salió con una propuesta defensiva, buscando cerrar espacios y salir al contraataque para sorprender a su rival. A pesar de su planteamiento táctico, la Real Sociedad logró imponer su ritmo de juego y controlar la posesión del balón durante la mayor parte del partido.
El encuentro estuvo marcado por la intensidad y la lucha en el centro del campo, con ambas escuadras buscando el dominio del juego. La Real Sociedad logró abrir el marcador en la primera parte, mientras que el Cádiz respondió con peligrosas llegadas a la portería rival en la segunda mitad.
Finalmente, la Real Sociedad se llevó la victoria en un partido muy disputado, demostrando una vez más su calidad y solidez como equipo. El Cádiz, por su parte, dejó buenas sensaciones a pesar de la derrota, mostrando que puede competir de igual a igual contra equipos de la talla de la Real Sociedad. Sin duda, este enfrentamiento dejó a los aficionados con ganas de más y promete emociones fuertes en futuros encuentros entre ambos equipos.
Lista titulares Real Sociedad frente al Cádiz
La Real Sociedad se enfrentará al Cádiz en un emocionante partido donde ambos equipos buscarán la victoria. Para este encuentro, el entrenador de la Real Sociedad ha dado a conocer la lista de titulares que saltarán al terreno de juego.
En la portería, se espera que esté el experimentado guardameta Remiro, quien ha demostrado su calidad bajo los tres palos. En la defensa, jugadores como Gorosabel, Le Normand, Zubeldia y Monreal intentarán detener los ataques del Cádiz y mantener su portería a salvo.
En el centro del campo, Mikel Merino y David Silva liderarán la creación de juego, mientras que Portu y Oyarzabal estarán encargados de desequilibrar la defensa rival con su velocidad y habilidad. En la delantera, Isak será el encargado de convertir las oportunidades en goles y llevar a su equipo hacia la victoria.
El entrenador de la Real Sociedad confía plenamente en este once titular para obtener un resultado positivo frente al Cádiz y seguir sumando puntos en la liga. Los aficionados esperan con emoción ver a su equipo en acción y apoyarlos en busca de la victoria.
El partido promete ser intenso y lleno de emoción, con dos equipos dispuestos a dejarlo todo en el campo. La Real Sociedad buscará imponer su juego y llevarse los tres puntos en este enfrentamiento frente al Cádiz. ¡Que comience el espectáculo en el terreno de juego!
Alineación oficial Real Sociedad en el último juego vs Cádiz
En el último juego de la Real Sociedad contra el Cádiz, el entrenador Imanol Alguacil alineó a su equipo titular con un enfoque claro en el ataque. Mikel Oyarzabal lideró la delantera, acompañado por Portu y Alexander Isak, formando un tridente ofensivo que causó problemas a la defensa del Cádiz durante todo el partido.
En el mediocampo, Mikel Merino y David Silva se encargaron de controlar el ritmo del juego, demostrando una vez más su calidad y visión en el campo. La defensa estuvo liderada por Diego Llorente y Aritz Elustondo, quienes mantuvieron al Cádiz lejos de la portería de Álex Remiro en la mayor parte del encuentro.
Desde el banquillo, jugadores como Barrenetxea y Januzaj ingresaron en la segunda mitad para darle frescura y profundidad al ataque de la Real Sociedad. La estrategia de Alguacil dio sus frutos, ya que el equipo logró imponerse con un marcador cómodo gracias a los goles de Isak y Oyarzabal.
Con esta alineación y actuación destacada, la Real Sociedad demostró una vez más por qué es uno de los equipos más fuertes de La Liga. Los aficionados tienen motivos para ilusionarse con el futuro del equipo bajo la dirección de Alguacil y el talento de jugadores como Oyarzabal, Isak y Silva.
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¿Cuál fue la alineación del Cádiz Club de Fútbol en el último partido contra el Real Madrid?
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¿Cuál fue la alineación del Cádiz Club de Fútbol en el último partido contra el Real Madrid?
Alineación titular del Cádiz Club de Fútbol
El Cádiz Club de Fútbol es un equipo histórico del fútbol español que ha logrado mantenerse en la Primera División durante varias temporadas. La alineación titular del Cádiz varía según el encuentro y la estrategia que el entrenador decida implementar, pero existen jugadores que suelen ser habituales en el once titular.
En la portería, el guardameta titular suele ser Ledesma, un arquero experimentado que ha demostrado seguridad bajo los tres palos. En la defensa, figuran jugadores como Espino, Fali y Cala, quienes aportan solidez y experiencia en la zaga cadista.
En el centro del campo, jugadores como Jonsson, Jens Jonsson y Álex Fernández son piezas fundamentales en la creación de juego y en el equilibrio del equipo. Además, Salvi Sánchez y Alberto Perea aportan desequilibrio por las bandas y velocidad en el ataque.
En la delantera, Álvaro Negredo es uno de los referentes ofensivos del Cádiz, aportando experiencia y capacidad goleadora. Junto a él, jugadores como Lozano y Jairo suelen acompañar en la línea de ataque, ofreciendo movilidad y desborde.
La alineación titular del Cádiz Club de Fútbol refleja la mezcla de experiencia y juventud, así como la mezcla de jugadores locales y extranjeros que conforman un equipo competitivo en La Liga. Los seguidores cadistas confían en que esta alineación les permita alcanzar los objetivos deportivos planteados para la temporada actual.
Suplentes en el partido Cádiz vs Real Madrid
En el reciente partido entre el Cádiz y el Real Madrid, los suplentes jugaron un papel crucial en el desarrollo del encuentro. A medida que el partido avanzaba, ambos equipos recurrieron a sus bancos de suplentes en busca de soluciones tácticas y frescura física.
Por parte del Cádiz, los suplentes demostraron su valía al mantener la intensidad y el ritmo del juego, aportando energía y creatividad al equipo. Sus intervenciones fueron clave para mantener la presión sobre el Real Madrid y defender con solidez ante los constantes ataques del equipo contrario.
En el caso del Real Madrid, los suplentes también jugaron un papel importante al intentar cambiar el rumbo del partido. Con su ingreso al campo, aportaron nuevas ideas y variantes tácticas que buscaron desequilibrar la defensa del Cádiz y generar oportunidades de gol. A pesar de los esfuerzos, el Real Madrid no logró revertir el resultado y tuvo que conformarse con la derrota.
El papel de los suplentes en este partido demuestra la importancia de contar con un banquillo fuerte y competitivo. Su contribución puede ser determinante en el transcurso de un partido, ofreciendo soluciones frescas y adaptadas a las circunstancias del juego. En definitiva, los suplentes son piezas fundamentales en el engranaje de un equipo de fútbol y su rendimiento puede marcar la diferencia entre la victoria y la derrota.
Onces iniciales del Real Madrid ante el Cádiz
El Real Madrid se enfrentó al Cádiz en un emocionante partido que dejó a los fanáticos expectantes por el rendimiento del equipo. En los onces iniciales presentados por ambos equipos, se pudo apreciar la estrategia que cada uno pretendía implementar en el terreno de juego.
El Real Madrid salió con una alineación fuerte con jugadores clave como Courtois en la portería, Ramos y Varane en la defensa, Modric y Kroos en el centro del campo, y Benzema como referente en el ataque. Zidane apostó por un equipo equilibrado que buscaba mantener el control del balón y generar oportunidades de gol de forma ordenada y precisa.
Por su parte, el Cádiz presentó una alineación más conservadora, buscando aprovechar los errores del Real Madrid en defensa y salir rápido al contragolpe. Con una defensa sólida y un mediocampo combativo, el Cádiz intentó contener el ímpetu ofensivo de los merengues y buscar sorprender en las transiciones rápidas.
El partido resultó intenso y disputado, con ambos equipos buscando imponer su estilo de juego. El Real Madrid logró controlar la posesión y generar varias oportunidades de gol, pero el Cádiz se mantuvo firme en defensa y logró llevarse un punto importante en su visita al Santiago Bernabéu.
En definitiva, los onces iniciales del Real Madrid ante el Cádiz reflejaron la importancia de contar con una estrategia definida y la capacidad de adaptarse a las circunstancias del encuentro para lograr el resultado deseado.
Cambios realizados por el entrenador del Cádiz
El entrenador del Cádiz ha realizado diversos cambios en el equipo que han dado de qué hablar en el mundo del fútbol. Desde su llegada, ha implementado una estrategia táctica que ha sorprendido a propios y extraños, logrando resultados positivos en el campo de juego.
Una de las modificaciones más notables ha sido en el sistema de juego, pasando de una formación defensiva a una propuesta más ofensiva y dinámica. Esto ha permitido que el equipo tenga mayor presencia en el mediocampo y genere más oportunidades de gol, lo que se ha traducido en una mejora significativa en su desempeño.
Además, el entrenador ha sabido aprovechar al máximo el talento de los jugadores, brindándoles la confianza y la motivación necesarias para destacar en cada partido. Asimismo, ha promovido la competencia interna, lo que ha llevado a un aumento en el rendimiento individual y colectivo de la plantilla.
Otro cambio importante ha sido la gestión del vestuario, creando un ambiente de trabajo positivo y colaborativo. La comunicación fluida y la cohesión grupal han sido clave en la consecución de los objetivos planteados por el entrenador.
En resumen, los cambios realizados por el entrenador del Cádiz han sido fundamentales en la transformación del equipo y en su camino hacia el éxito en la liga. Los aficionados esperan con ansias ver cómo estos ajustes seguirán dando frutos en futuros encuentros.
Jugadores clave en la victoria del Cádiz
En la reciente victoria del Cádiz, varios jugadores destacaron por su desempeño clave en el campo. Uno de ellos fue Álvaro Negredo, quien anotó el gol decisivo que aseguró la victoria para su equipo. Con su experiencia y habilidad, Negredo demostró una vez más por qué es una pieza fundamental en el ataque del Cádiz.
Otro jugador fundamental en la victoria fue Fali, cuya solidez en la defensa contribuyó a mantener a raya los ataques del equipo rival. Su determinación y liderazgo en la zaga fueron fundamentales para asegurar la portería del Cádiz.
Además, Salvi Sánchez fue otro jugador destacado en el partido, con su velocidad y desborde causando problemas constantes a la defensa contraria. Su capacidad para desequilibrar el juego y crear oportunidades de gol fue crucial para el éxito de su equipo.
En resumen, la victoria del Cádiz fue el resultado del esfuerzo y la calidad de sus jugadores clave, quienes demostraron su valía en el campo de juego. Con jugadores como Negredo, Fali y Salvi en plena forma, el Cádiz sin duda seguirá siendo un rival temible para sus oponentes en futuros encuentros.
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iambountyfan · 4 years
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TWIMC label share news that John Strandh has shot the new season of Swedish TV show Jägarna (The Hunters) which premieres tonight on C More and is directed by Jens Jonsson and Johan Lundin. the show’s first season debuted in 2018 was also shot by John Strandh.
find out more here: cmore.se/serie/104267-jagarna
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allaboutjmo · 2 years
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🤍 Jen at the TASTE FOR A CURE fundraiser for the Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation on June 21, 2008 at The Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills
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donospl · 5 years
JAZZOWE REKOMENDACJE: Alex Jonsson „Heathland”
JAZZOWE REKOMENDACJE: Alex Jonsson „Heathland”
Edycja własna , 2020
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Duński gitarzysta Alex Jonsson jest absolwentem Królewskiego Konserwatorium w Aarhus. Odnosił sukcesy jako lider własnego tria, a także jako sideman współpracujący między innym  z Jakobem Sorensenem oraz wokalistkami Live Foyn Friis i Mirją Klippel. Ma na koncie liczne nominacje do Danish Music Award.
Wydany z początkiem roku 2020 „Heathland” jest czwartym albumem…
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jjmalibu · 4 years
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Introduce yourself!
I am a 29-year-old NASM certified personal trainer and transgender man. In a few weeks, I’ll be moving from Portland, Oregon to Virginia. I’ve participated in a lot of different sports, but right now I’m an avid, competitive powerlifter.
Do you plan on competing this year?
I plan on waiting at least until 2021 before I compete in powerlifting again. My first competition was in 2014, so it’ll feel good to be back on the platform again.
Who is your role model?
These are the transgender athletes that have really inspired me over the years.
Chloie Jonsson (@chlojonsson)
Schuyler Bailar ((pinkmataray))
Janae Kroczaleski (@janaemariekroc)
Kinnon Ross (@skinnin_kinnon)
Scott Percy (@fluffy757)
Tommy Murrell (@tommythetrainer78)
What's one of your favorite memories from growing up?
When I was 7 or 8 years old, my grandparents took my sister, our cousins, and I to the lake. I didn’t have a swimsuit with me, but my grandfather let me swim wearing only shorts. I didn’t know at the time, but the reason I was so happy was because I was experiencing gender euphoria. It felt so affirming to be able to swim shirtless.
How does your diet impact/support your training?
Because I’m a strength athlete, I typically maintain a high protein diet to optimize muscle recovery. I typically perform best when most of my calories are coming from whole, unprocessed, or minimally processed food sources.
Are there any black fitness entrepreneurs you’d like to promote?
Tommy Murrell (pronouns he/him) is a NASM personal trainer with 8 different specialty certifications under his belt and a Bachelors degree in Physical Education. He is an Amateur Bodybuilder & Loves inspiring people to do their best. Tommy has worked with both cisgender and transgender clients with a variety of different fitness goals.
Instagram: @tommythetrainer78
Ilya (pronouns he/they) is a Physical Therapist Assistant and Ace Certified Medical Exercise Specialist. He is also a grassroots organizer and educator whose work centers gender, racial and healing justice. Ilya decided to merge their love for restorative based movement practices and community advocacy to create Decolonizing Fitness, LLC which is a social justice platform that provides affirming fitness services, community education and apparel in support of body diversity.
Instagram: @decolonizing_fitness
As a trans athlete, what are your thoughts and opinions about competing in mainstream sports & competitions? Do you feel there is an unfair advantage?
I dream of a world where trans athletes have the freedom to compete in whatever sport and for whatever organization that they choose. Every athlete, regardless of their identity or how they were born, has their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to competing. It feels unfair to penalize or exclude athletes based on gender identity or whatever medications they might take. I think it should be the responsibility of each competitive organization to write policies that promote inclusion within the sport.
What are your thoughts on trans men representation and the lack of it in many areas?
The lack of trans masculine representation in the media is one of the reasons why it took me so long to come out as transgender. But I think it’s so great that we now live in a time where some of us can be ambassadors to our community using social media. Not everyone has the privilege of being out, but those who do have that privilege can use their visibility to help educate others about us.
Why is it important for Trans Actors to play Trans Roles in Hollywood?
In my opinion, one of the problematic aspects of cisgender actors playing transgender roles is that it perpetuates the idea that we are “ just playing dress-up”. When a transgender woman is portrayed by a cisgender man dressed in women’s clothing, that’s the perception some cis folks get of trans people; that trans women are just cisgender men dressed up as women and trans men are just cisgender women dressed up as men. This way of thinking is invalidating to our identities. A lot of cisgender, heterosexual people won’t go out of their way to educate themselves about the LGBTQIA community. If cinema is one way we can reach those people, then trans folks should be the ones telling our own stories.
What are things you learned about yourself after you transitioned?
Transitioning has taught me about the importance of self-care and patience. Sometimes it feels like having a 2nd or 3rd job when you want to transition medically because it can be time-consuming, confusing, and stressful hard work. It can take weeks, months, or even years to figure out how to get the financial or insurance coverage for one’s transitional needs. You have to take care of your basic needs and learn how to be patient when it comes to physical transitioning, so I’ve learned to apply those skills to my everyday life.
Did you feel that you had to rediscover your personality as a man when you transitioned?
Yes, absolutely. Testosterone changes you so much physically and mentally; my perspective on a lot of things has changed and now I find myself processing emotions in different ways than I did before starting HRT.
How are you feeling after phalloplasty?
I’m feeling quite relieved now that the process is over. Even though I only had two surgeries performed, I’m content with my body and feel grateful to be fully healed. My surgeon, Dr. Jens Berli, did an amazing job.
Could you provide some advice for people that want to transition but are afraid to?
You’re not alone; I imagine just about every transgender person experiences some level of fear prior to coming out. We live in a world where trans people are constantly misunderstood and mistreated, but it’s a lot easier now to connect with other people in the community and to find resources for yourself than it has been in the past. It’s ok to be scared, but don’t be too afraid to ask for guidance when you need it.
How is your mental health going?
Lmao always a work in progress! I’ve been doing a lot better now that I’m fully recovered from my surgeries and have clearance to workout again.
One piece of advice that has followed you into your future?
Don’t be afraid to seek out help. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow; it’s ok to utilize outside resources or to ask for help in order to reach your goals.
Can you please provide us a list of organizations that help Trans Communities?
Do you have a final message?
Tough times make tough people. Whatever you’re struggling with right now, one day you’ll be stronger because of it. Don’t give up on yourself.
Follow Jesse Diamond here!
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skidlandslaget · 5 years
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National Team for Falun, February 8-9th 2020
Program Falun
Saturday February 8th: Sprint, Classic Sunday February 9th: 10/15 km Freestyle Mst
Women, sprint
Maja Dahlqvist, Falun-Borlänge SK Johanna Hagström, Ulricehamns IF Moa Lundgren, IFK Umeå Emma Ribom, Piteå elit Jonna Sundling, Piteå elit Linn Svahn, Östersunds SK
National squad* Anna Dyvik, IFK Mora SK Tilde Bångman, Offerdals SK Maria Nordström, Borås SK Moa Olsson, Falun-Borlänge SK Alicia Persson, Stockviks SF Elina Rönnlund, IFK Umeå Evelina Settlin, Hudiksvalls IF Linn Sömskar, IFK Umeå Jennie Öberg, Kalix skidklubb
Women, distance
Ebba Andersson, Sollefteå skidor IF Charlotte Kalla, Piteå elit Moa Lundgren, IFK Umeå Emma Ribom, Piteå elit Elina Rönnlund, IFK Umeå Jonna Sundling, Piteå elit
National squad* Maja Dahlqvist, Falun-Borlänge SK Anna Dyvik, IFK Mora SK Johanna Hagström, Ulricehamns IF Frida Karlsson, Sollefteå skidor IF Moa Molander Kristiansen, Falun-Borlänge SK Maria Nordström, Borås SK Moa Olsson, Falun-Borlänge SK Evelina Settlin, Hudiksvalls IF Linn Sömskar, IFK Umeå
Men, sprint
Marcus Grate, IFK Umeå Calle Halfvarsson, Sågmyra SK Johan Häggström, Piteå elit Teodor Peterson, Sågmyra SK Oskar Svensson, Falun-Borlänge SK Viktor Thorn, Ulricehamns IF
National squad* Gustaf Aflodal, Offerdals SK Jens Andersson, Kalix SK Martin Bergström, Piteå elit Gustav Eriksson, IFK Mora SK Pontus Hermansson, SK Bore Hugo Jacobsson, Falun-Borlänge SK Olof Jonsson, Trillevallen SK Anton Persson, SK Bore Karl-Johan Westberg, Borås SK
Men, distance
Calle Halfvarsson, Sågmyra SK Johan Häggström, Piteå elit Daniel Richardsson, Hudiksvalls IF Oskar Svensson, Falun-Borlänge SK Viktor Thorn, Ulricehamns IF Karl-Johan Westberg, Borås SK
National squad* Fredrik Andersson, Sollefteå skidor IF Simon Andersson, Falun-Borlänge SK Martin Bergström, Piteå elit Filip Danielsson, SK Bore Axel Ekström, IFK Mora SK Jonas Eriksson, IFK Mora SK Fredrik Jonsson, Hudiksvalls IF Marcus Ruus, Åsarna IK Björn Sandström, Piteå elit
*Since the competitions are held in Sweden, the team gets an additional quota of nine skiers for each race.
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mellowyknox · 7 years
SAS "Bike Ride”
Production: Giants & Toys Stockholm Director: Jens Jonsson Cinematographer: Fredrik Bäckar Colorist: Julien Alary
Post: Swiss International Stockholm
Year: 2016
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ricardotomasz · 3 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Sundance, Day 6
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/sundance-day-6
Sundance, Day 6
This article was originally part of the Insider Cinema guide to Hollywood, a website from the mid-2000s. We are reposting it here as both a writing sample and a guide for those seeking to get their foot in the door in Hollywood.
It is Saturday night, and as the festival winds down, awards are presented, backs are patted, and some heads are even hung in shame.
This year marked an interesting twist on the Hollywood mentality that stars bring in audiences when star-driven vehicles like What Just Happened? (Robert DeNiro), The Great Buck Howard (Collin Farrell), and Blind Date (Stanley Tucci) were met with lukewarm responses.
At the awards dinner, the winners were announced:
Frozen River won the grand jury prize for dramatic features.  Courtney Hunt’s remarkable and deeply emotional first feature is a realistic look at the world of human smuggling and the difficult choices facing poor, single mothers, and as Mark Boone Junior, one of the stars of the film said earlier in the week, “Because it was a fucking good script.” 
The Wackness won the audience award for dramatic features.  Starring Mary Kate Olsen and Ben Kingsley, it takes place during the sweltering summer of 1994, as Rudy Giuliani is scouring New York City within an inch of its life.  Hip-hop is permeating white youth culture, and a pot-dealing loser kid, Luke Shapiro, is trying to figure out how to solve his parents’ insolvency, beat depression, and get laid before pushing off to college.  He resolves his problems by trading weed with his therapist (Kingsley).
Trouble the Water won the grand jury prize for documentaries by asking the question, “How is it that Hurricane Katrina managed to revolutionize American attitudes about the environment, but somehow the very people most devastated by the storm have become refugees in their own country, and their experiences have been all but forgotten?”  
Fields of Fuel won the audience award for documentaries, which follows an expert young activist who, driven by his own emotionally charged motives, shuttles us on a revelatory, whirlwind journey to unravel the nation’s addiction to oil—from its historical origins to political constructs that support it, to alternatives available now and the steps we can take to change things.
King of Ping Pong won the grand jury prize for a dramatic feature in the World Cinema Competition and won the Sundance award for excellence in cinematography for an international dramatic feature for Askild Vik Edvardsen’s work.  Director, Jens Jonsson, renders this delicate story about a 16-year-old outcast who finds refuge in his ping pong expertise, and directs with finesse and quiet humor that infuses everyday drama, and even a few shocking moments of near calamity, with lightness and warmth.
Captain Abu Raed won the audience award for an international dramatic film.  The first independent film to come out of Jordan, Captain Abu Raed will be remembered for more than its historical significance. It is also a beautiful, life-affirming account of the power of storytelling and an ode to the ordinary people we meet along life’s path who change our destiny. 
Man on Wire won both the jury and the audience in the international documentary competition and follows a young Frenchman named Philippe Petit steps out on a wire suspended 1,350 feet above ground between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. He dances on the wire with no safety net for almost an hour, crossing it eight times before he is arrested for what becomes known as “the artistic crime of the century.”
Lance Hammer’s Ballast won the directing prize for American films, and also won the Sundance award for excellence in cinematography for a U.S. dramatic feature, which went to Lol Crawley.  Ballast is one of those rare films that maximize the medium through an aesthetic of understatement.  In the cold, winter light of a rural Mississippi Delta township, a man’s suicide radically transforms three characters’ lives and throws off-balance what has long been a static arrangement among them.
Anna Melikyan’s Mermaid won the directing prize in world cinema.  Fusing myth, dream, and warped reality with the abundant invention, the film is an ingenious vision of dark enchantment. Mermaid marks the emergence of a marvelously gifted filmmaker and represents commercial art-house cinema at its very best. 
Nino Kirtadze's Durakovo: Village of Fools won the documentary directing prize, which takes a sobering look at a xenophobic teacher who recruits young people under the guise of right-wing nationalism. 
Alex Rivera and David Riker’s Sleep Dealer won the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award for American films.  Memo Cruz is a young campesino who lives with his family in a town fighting for its life, the small, dusty farm village of Santa Ana del Rio, Oaxaca. A private company has hijacked control of the area’s water supply and is selling it back to the village at outrageous prices, provoking the mobilization of aqua-terrorist cells.
Samuel Benchetrit’s I Always Wanted to be a Gangster won for the best international screenplay, and at the center of Benchetrit’s charming existential comedy about wishful criminality are four stories and an unadorned roadside cafeteria, revitalizing the Stagecoach archetype for the 21st century.
Joe Bini’s Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired won for best documentary editing on the American.  It obviously paid off since the Weinstein Company and HBO Documentary purchased the distribution rights at the onset of the festival.   
Irena Dol’s The Art Star and the Sudanese Twins won for best international documentary editing; when Vanessa Beecroft, a modern art provocateur, decides to adopt orphaned Sudanese twins while incorporating them into her artwork, she sparks ethical and emotional fires from Sudan to New York.
Phillip Hunt and Steven Sebring won the Sundance award for excellence in cinematography for a U.S. documentary, for Patti Smith: Dream of Life.  It is a hypnotic plunge, a breathing collage of this legendary musician/poet/painter/activist’s philosophy and artistry that feels as if it sprang directly from her soul. A punk pioneer and spiritual child of Rimbaud, Blake, and Burroughs, Patti Smith’s fierce poetry and rock music shook up New York’s 1970s underground scene, and her work continues to be stirred organically by her rigorous mind, beloved artistic touchstones, and world events.
Al Massad won the Sundance award for excellence in cinematography in the world documentary category, for Recycle.  Taking place in Zarqa, Jordan’s second-largest city, with close to one million people, the city’s political Islamists are a powerful force, and it is the birthplace of Abu Musa al Zarqawi, the brutal leader of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, who was killed by American forces in 2005. Many in town knew al Zarqawi, many in his family remain, and Zarqa continues to be a source of new recruits to the jihadist cause.
A Spirit of Independence Award (which is a special jury prize) was voted to director Chusy Haney-Jardine for Anywhere, USA.   Told in three parts ("Penance," "Loss," and "Ignorance"), Chusy Haney-Jardine’s wildly original snapshot of du jour America is such an audacious, personal expression of vision that you occasionally feel as if it’s being projected directly from his brain.
Sam Rockwell, Anjelica Huston, Kelly Macdonald, and Brad Henke won a prize for work by an ensemble cast for Choke, which is based on the Chuck Palahniuk novel, and was acquired by Fox Searchlight earlier in the week.   
Lisa F. Jackson was given a special jury prize for directing the documentary The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo.  Jackson’s frank conversations with activists, doctors, peacekeepers, and the rapists themselves paint a sordid picture where rape is a key destabilizing method in a corrupt cycle involving illegal profiteering from coltan (the ore used in cell phones and laptops), which in turn funds militia groups. Compound this with ingrained beliefs in male superiority, and the fact that the sex-crimes police force is literally one woman, and you have the makings of a catastrophe.
Ernesto Contreras was also given a special jury prize for directing the international drama Blue Eyelids, which is set in a modern Mexican megalopolis, a world filled with pale shades of blue, the film showcases Contreras’s steady direction and Cecilia Suárez and Enrique Arreola’s wonderful performances, which lend quiet inertia to the film as they seek love and connectedness.
Sony Pictures Classics acquires North American rights for high six figures.
International rights are still available.
Celluloid Dreams acquires international rights 
Domestic rights are still available, and pic is being repped by William Morris Independent
The Black List: Volume One
HBO acquires all rights 
Fox Searchlight acquires world rights, with exceptions to some national territories, for five million dollars
The Deal
Worldwide distribution rights controlled by Peace Arch Entertainment
Frozen River
Sony Pictures Classics acquired U.S. rights for mid-six figures
Foreign rights are still up for grabs
Hamlet 2
Focus Features acquires all rights for ten million dollars
Henry Poole Is Here
Overture Films has acquired all U.S. rights for three and a half million dollars
Kicking It
Acquired by ESPN
Polanski: Wanted and Desired
The Weinstein Company acquires all foreign rights for mid-six figures
HBO Documentary acquires all domestic U.S. rights
Up the Yangtze
Zeitgeist Films acquires all rights
Phoebe in Wonderland 
Multiple buyers are interested and could develop into a bidding war.
Sleep Dealer
Multiple buyers courting the film, with IFC in the lead.
From the directors of Half Nelson, it has several interested parties and may have a deal sewn up before the end of the weekend.  
Trailer Park of Terror
Multiple buyers interested.  
Stay up to date with InsiderCinema.com for all your Sundance info, and all your insights into the entertainment industry. 
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diaspora9ja · 4 years
Probable Lineups, Prediction, Tactics, Team News & Key Stats
Barcelona will likely be aiming to make it 4 wins in 4 throughout all competitions once they face off in opposition to newly-promoted Cadiz in La Liga this weekend.
Barcelona will likely be hoping to maneuver upwards within the La Liga desk once they journey to Estadio Ramon de Carranza to lock horns with newly-promoted Cadiz in matchweek 12 on Saturday evening.
Cadiz have made fairly a powerful begin to their La Liga marketing campaign and are above Barcelona within the desk, sitting sixth with 15 factors from 11 video games. Nonetheless, they’ve gone with out a win of their final three fixtures (D1 L2), though the 2 defeats got here in opposition to the highest two sides, Actual Sociedad and Atletico Madrid, earlier than they have been held to a 1-1 draw by Elche final outing.
Barcelona lastly appear to be getting issues proper underneath Ronald Koeman after having made their worst-ever begin to a league marketing campaign in shut to a few a long time. The Catalans are seventh within the desk with 14 factors on board, though they’ve performed simply 9 video games. Having made light work of Osasuna last weekend, Barcelona beat Ferencvaros 3-0 within the Champions League on Wednesday.
The final time these two sides clashed was method again in April 2006, in a La Liga conflict at Camp Nou, with Barcelona rising 1-0 victors. And forward of their newest assembly, The Onerous Sort out takes a better take a look at each the groups.
Workforce Information & Techniques
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Cadiz supervisor Alvaro Cervera should make do with out the providers of Luismi Quezada, Jose Mari and Juan Cala when Barcelona come visiting. Nonetheless, Alvaro Negredo is match and has been named within the 24-man squad ahead of the weekend’s clash. Choco Lozano misses out after his newest take a look at for coronavirus got here again optimistic.
The hosts are anticipated to line up in a 4-4-2 formation that they’ve repeatedly used within the season with Jeremias Ledesma slotting in between the posts. Iza Carcelen and Alfonso Espino ought to fit in as the 2 full-backs on the correct and left sides respectively with Fali and Marcos Mauro beginning because the centre-backs.
Jairo Izquierdo and Alberto Perea must be the 2 gamers within the midfield financial institution of 4. The duo will act as the availability line of possibilities for the strikers, whereas additionally needing to trace again and assist out the full-backs. The duo of Jens Jonsson and Jon Ander Garrido will likely be tasked with breaking apart play and disrupting Barcelona’s rhythm in the midst of the park.
With Lozano unavailable as soon as once more, Alvaro Gimenez and Filip Malbasic ought to start out as the 2 forwards, with the likes of Negredo and Bobby Adekanye offering attacking choices from the bench.
Possible Lineup (4-4-2): Ledesma; Carcelen, Fali, Mauro, Espino; Izquierdo, Jonsson, Garrido, Perea; Malbasic, Gimenez
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Ansu Fati and Gerard Pique are long-term damage absentees for Barcelona whereas Sergi Roberto additionally stays unavailable. Jordi Alba is said to have missed team training on Friday however will make the journey to Andalusia whereas Koeman additionally has Ronald Araujo again at his disposal, with Samuel Umtiti closing in on a return as effectively.
The squad for #CadizBarça!
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— FC Barcelona (@FCBarcelona) December 4, 2020
There will likely be fairly a couple of adjustments made to the facet that began in opposition to Ferencvaros in Europe. In aim, Marc-Andre ter Stegen must return after being rested for the midweek conflict. No alterations are probably within the backline although, with Sergino Dest, Oscar Mingueza, Clement Lenglet and Alba all anticipated to characteristic from the get-go.
Frenkie de Jong featured off the bench within the midweek sport however is anticipated to start out on Saturday as a part of the midfield double pivot alongside Sergio Busquets, with Miralem Pjanic dropping to the bench. Carles Alena and Riqui Puig will likely be hoping to get minutes from the bench.
Philippe Coutinho needs to be again within the squad after being rested for the Champions League conflict however won’t begin right here with Pedri and Antoine Griezmann more likely to characteristic in opposition to Cadiz. That may additionally imply there’s no place within the beginning XI for Ousmane Dembele, who was quite impressive in midweek.
Barcelona captain Lionel Messi was afforded a relaxation in midweek however ought to return to the lineup right here, beginning out on the correct flank. Martin Braithwaite ought to begin because the centre-forward as soon as once more, having been in fairly a powerful run of type of late.
Possible Lineup (4-2-3-1): ter Stegen; Dest, Mingueza, Lenglet, Alba; Busquets, de Jong; Messi, Griezmann, Pedri; Braithwaite
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Key Stats
Barcelona have solely misplaced one in all their final eight away La Liga video games in opposition to sides from Andalusia (W5 D2) – a 0-2 defeat to Granada in September final 12 months.
Cadiz have misplaced their final six La Liga matches in opposition to Barcelona, since a 4-0 win method again in Might 1991, when Johan Cruyff was answerable for the Catalans.
Barcelona have received seven of their final 9 away La Liga encounters in opposition to Cadiz (D1 L1), retaining a clear sheet in 5 of their final eight of those matches.
Cadiz have collected 15 factors from their first 11 La Liga video games in 2020/21, which is their greatest haul at this stage of a season of their earlier seven top-flight campaigns.
Barcelona have didn’t win of their final three away La Liga matches (D1 L2). The Blaugrana have been final winless in 4 or extra such matches was between March and Might 2008 underneath Frank Rijkaard (D2 L4).
Participant to Watch
Martin Braithwaite
Martin Braithwaite in his final three video games for Barcelona throughout all competitions:
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vs. Dynamo Kyiv
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vs. Osasuna
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vs. Ferencvaros
Messi who?
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— Squawka Soccer (@Squawka) December 2, 2020
The Dane arrived final January as an emergency signing owing to Ousmane Dembele’s damage and while not many expected him to remain at Camp Nou past the summer transfer window, Braithwaite has defied expectations to not solely keep on the membership however can be establishing himself as a key member of the group in current video games.
Certainly, the 29-year-old has began all of Barcelona’s final three video games in all competitions, contributing with four goals and two assists within the course of. His presence on the sector offers the Catalans with a focus in assault whereas permitting the likes of Lionel Messi and Antoine Griezmann to do their factor of their most popular areas of the pitch.
Braithwaite is anticipated to characteristic from the get-go as soon as once more on Saturday evening and he will likely be aiming to increase his good run of type in opposition to the newly-promoted outfit.
Cadiz 0-2 Barcelona
Cadiz made a strong begin to the season and even beat Barcelona’s arch-rivals Actual Madrid 1-0 final month. Nonetheless, their type has considerably waned in current weeks with the La Liga newbies failing to choose up a win of their final three fixtures. Moreover, they’re but to win a single sport on their dwelling turf this time period.
Then again, Barcelona are beginning to click on underneath Koeman, racking up three consecutive wins in all competitions, scoring eleven unanswered objectives within the course of. With the Catalans discovering their groove and Lionel Messi returning after a relaxation, they need to be capable to bag three factors at Estadio Ramon de Carranza on Saturday.
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/probable-lineups-prediction-tactics-team-news-key-stats/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=probable-lineups-prediction-tactics-team-news-key-stats
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jjmalibu · 4 years
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Introduce yourself!
I am a 29-year-old NASM certified personal trainer and transgender man. In a few weeks, I’ll be moving from Portland, Oregon to Virginia. I’ve participated in a lot of different sports, but right now I’m an avid, competitive powerlifter.
Do you plan on competing this year?
I plan on waiting at least until 2021 before I compete in powerlifting again. My first competition was in 2014, so it’ll feel good to be back on the platform again.
Who is your role model?
These are the transgender athletes that have really inspired me over the years.
Chloie Jonsson (@chlojonsson)
Schuyler Bailar ((pinkmataray))
Janae Kroczaleski (@janaemariekroc)
Kinnon Ross (@skinnin_kinnon)
Scott Percy (@fluffy757)
Tommy Murrell (@tommythetrainer78)
What's one of your favorite memories from growing up?
When I was 7 or 8 years old, my grandparents took my sister, our cousins, and I to the lake. I didn’t have a swimsuit with me, but my grandfather let me swim wearing only shorts. I didn’t know at the time, but the reason I was so happy was because I was experiencing gender euphoria. It felt so affirming to be able to swim shirtless.
How does your diet impact/support your training?
Because I’m a strength athlete, I typically maintain a high protein diet to optimize muscle recovery. I typically perform best when most of my calories are coming from whole, unprocessed, or minimally processed food sources.
Are there any black fitness entrepreneurs you’d like to promote?
Tommy Murrell (pronouns he/him) is a NASM personal trainer with 8 different specialty certifications under his belt and a Bachelors degree in Physical Education. He is an Amateur Bodybuilder & Loves inspiring people to do their best. Tommy has worked with both cisgender and transgender clients with a variety of different fitness goals.
Instagram: @tommythetrainer78
Ilya (pronouns he/they) is a Physical Therapist Assistant and Ace Certified Medical Exercise Specialist. He is also a grassroots organizer and educator whose work centers gender, racial and healing justice. Ilya decided to merge their love for restorative based movement practices and community advocacy to create Decolonizing Fitness, LLC which is a social justice platform that provides affirming fitness services, community education and apparel in support of body diversity.
Instagram: @decolonizing_fitness
As a trans athlete, what are your thoughts and opinions about competing in mainstream sports & competitions? Do you feel there is an unfair advantage?
I dream of a world where trans athletes have the freedom to compete in whatever sport and for whatever organization that they choose. Every athlete, regardless of their identity or how they were born, has their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to competing. It feels unfair to penalize or exclude athletes based on gender identity or whatever medications they might take. I think it should be the responsibility of each competitive organization to write policies that promote inclusion within the sport.
What are your thoughts on trans men representation and the lack of it in many areas?
The lack of trans masculine representation in the media is one of the reasons why it took me so long to come out as transgender. But I think it’s so great that we now live in a time where some of us can be ambassadors to our community using social media. Not everyone has the privilege of being out, but those who do have that privilege can use their visibility to help educate others about us.
Why is it important for Trans Actors to play Trans Roles in Hollywood?
In my opinion, one of the problematic aspects of cisgender actors playing transgender roles is that it perpetuates the idea that we are “ just playing dress-up”. When a transgender woman is portrayed by a cisgender man dressed in women’s clothing, that’s the perception some cis folks get of trans people; that trans women are just cisgender men dressed up as women and trans men are just cisgender women dressed up as men. This way of thinking is invalidating to our identities. A lot of cisgender, heterosexual people won’t go out of their way to educate themselves about the LGBTQIA community. If cinema is one way we can reach those people, then trans folks should be the ones telling our own stories.
What are things you learned about yourself after you transitioned?
Transitioning has taught me about the importance of self-care and patience. Sometimes it feels like having a 2nd or 3rd job when you want to transition medically because it can be time-consuming, confusing, and stressful hard work. It can take weeks, months, or even years to figure out how to get the financial or insurance coverage for one’s transitional needs. You have to take care of your basic needs and learn how to be patient when it comes to physical transitioning, so I’ve learned to apply those skills to my everyday life.
Did you feel that you had to rediscover your personality as a man when you transitioned?
Yes, absolutely. Testosterone changes you so much physically and mentally; my perspective on a lot of things has changed and now I find myself processing emotions in different ways than I did before starting HRT.
How are you feeling after phalloplasty?
I’m feeling quite relieved now that the process is over. Even though I only had two surgeries performed, I’m content with my body and feel grateful to be fully healed. My surgeon, Dr. Jens Berli, did an amazing job.
Could you provide some advice for people that want to transition but are afraid to?
You’re not alone; I imagine just about every transgender person experiences some level of fear prior to coming out. We live in a world where trans people are constantly misunderstood and mistreated, but it’s a lot easier now to connect with other people in the community and to find resources for yourself than it has been in the past. It’s ok to be scared, but don’t be too afraid to ask for guidance when you need it.
How is your mental health going?
Lmao always a work in progress! I’ve been doing a lot better now that I’m fully recovered from my surgeries and have clearance to workout again.
One piece of advice that has followed you into your future?
Don’t be afraid to seek out help. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow; it’s ok to utilize outside resources or to ask for help in order to reach your goals.
Can you please provide us a list of organizations that help Trans Communities?
Do you have a final message?
Tough times make tough people. Whatever you’re struggling with right now, one day you’ll be stronger because of it. Don’t give up on yourself.
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