theyshapedlikefriends · 2 months
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Kyoto Aquarium - 170cm Japanese Giant Salamander
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doctorbeth · 8 months
A giant bear and a tiny monkey, from the same home!
Back in August a gentleman reached out to me about his wife's giant panda, Edward (Eddie) Bear. He wasn't just giant by breed, but he was actually a giant at about 5 feet from head to toe.
Here are some diagnosis photos:
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In addition to stuffing compression, Eddie had quite a few seam issues, and some (not visible) tears. He came to the hospital for a spa and wound repair. Here he is in his bubble bath (he gets the giant tub).:-)
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Restuffing took quite a few adjustments to get his shape right, but soon he was restuffed, fur fluffed, wounds repaired, and ready to head home:
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Now Eddie headed home and his family was very happy! They wrote:
"Thank you so much, Beth, for providing the excellent care that our boy needed and deserved.
S and I are 100% satisfied with his outcome, so much cleaner, much less slouched and his wounds are all fully healed.
I wonder how many people realize and act on their true calling in life.
I believe I do with my wood working, and I know you do with Realms of Gold."
Nice, yes? But even better... a few weeks later the gentleman's wife reached out. Now that Eddie was better, she wanted to get her husband's companion, Mr. Monkey repaired. She wrote:
"First off let me start by telling you how happy Les and I are with the care you gave Eddie Bear. He is like new again and we are so pleased! 
Sooo, it got me thinking about Mr. Monkey. Mr. Monkey is Les’ child and has definitely seen better days. I have my doubts as to whether he can be helped because of the shape he is in.  But I thought it was worth a try to inquire."
Here are his diagnosis photos, and if you've been a long time reader of my blog, you may guess my response... he's not nearly as bad as you think and we can definitely help him!
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The plan was a spa and recovering Mr. Monkey's brown. The brown area was originally knitted (which I don't repair), but we agreed recovering it in a fur or fabric would add to his stability without changing his personality. So he came to the hospital and....
Here he is in his spa:
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Much tinier than Eddie, Mr. Monkey is slightly bigger than a hand!
Of course Mr. Monkey (and Eddie) got hearts of original stuffing... here are the two hearts:
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There were several fabric options for Mr. Monkey's brown, and his people opted for a thin minky fur. Here he is all better!
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Mr. Monkey headed home and when he arrived his family wrote:
"Mr. Monkey is home safe and sound! He looks GREAT! He said he enjoyed being at the hospital, getting such great care from you! By the way he talks, I think he’s quite smitten with you! He says he’ll miss you!  
Anyway, we can’t thank you enough for your TLC and expertise! 
Don’t you love the red bow tie? It came on a Christmas gift and L snatched it and saved it for when Mr. Monkey returned home. "
And here he is looking spiffy in that new bow tie!
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bricktoygrapher · 8 months
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Monthly maintenance 🤖 🔨
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leclercskiesahead · 2 months
“Wishing you the best for your new adventure next year Chili 🌶️”
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What does this guy get up to when he’s alone at home
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hoard-of-plushes · 2 years
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Pokemon Center Oblivious Quagsire plush hand puppet (2023)
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ghostofgraywalls · 10 months
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jellycatstuffies · 8 months
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Backpack Panda
Ko-fi / Instagram
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twerkyvulture · 4 months
ough i never posted the picture of my focking. igarashi giant salamander
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her name is Lisa and she has 2 air chambers and a transparent underbelly and she feels plump and smooth and i LOVE her.
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toyarchive · 2 months
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Giant Hamtaro
Features: Is a well made huge plush hamster with embroidered facial features, fabric eyes, and a hard plastic nose. Is filled with high quality stuffing instead of expanded polystyrene.
The little one in front in the last photo is the more common smaller Hasbro branded one for size comparison.
Size: 55cm tall and 54cm long from ear to ear (Giant plush)
Date: 2001
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
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XD @flurraz that's brilliant- clothing montage at the Carmine Compound!!!!
but it’s just Clara and Odette holding various weapons up next to Vaggie while their new adopted little sister scowls at her reflection and repeatedly says “NO” to the even more scowling reflection of their mom behind her
Vaggie: “Yeah no. I’m not wielding that.”
Clara: “It has spikes!”
Odette: “And hand protection.”
Clara: “And SPIKES.”
Vaggie: “Great, I could stab myself while swinging it around.”
Carmilla: “Only if you are terrible at it.”
Vaggie: (glaring) “Well I already know I’m not terrible with my spear, so I’m sticking with that.”
Carmilla: (Glowers) (goes back to pretending to check weapon schematics)
Odette: (ticks off failure on clipboard) “Sticking... or skewering?”
Vaggie: “Ha ha, very funny.”
Odette: (ticks off another point for herself on a little odette vs sisters score board)  
Clara: (rummaging in crate) “This isn’t funny and you guys shouldn’t be laughing.” (holds up new weapon) “Now THIS goes with your hair.”
Vaggie: “You’re kidding.”
Clara: “No kiddo, you’re kidding yourself if you think the long-ass shaft of a spear makes sense with a do that lovely and flowing.”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that-”
Odette: “She’s right.” (makes new score board clara vs vaggie with one point to clara)
Clara: “No wonder you had trouble sparring with mom. Like, more that you would’ve had normally.”
Vaggie: “I haven’t been in a real fight in years okay!”
Carmilla: “It shows.”
Vaggie: “I’m. Working on it. I was one of that asshole’s best Exorcists once, I can-”
Carmilla: “Be better than that, hopefully.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.” (GLARES)
Clara: “All I’m saying is- no point fighting against yourself too, right? How hard did you have to focus to keep the stupid butt end from tangling in your hair?”
Vaggie: “I’m NOT cutting it.”
Clara: “Who’s asking?” (dangles weapon enticingly) “Look! Your new best friend!”
Vaggie: “A gun.”
Clara: “I know I know- you like sharp things and staby stuff, but look!”
Clara: (twirls gun dramatically)
Clara: “It has a knife on iiiiiit~”
Odette: “It would also not interfere with your hair.”
Vaggie: “I don’t know shit about guns.”
Clara: “What’s to know? Point and shoot. AND it’s got more reach than a spear! Which is good ‘cause you’re hair might be long, but the rest of you?” (rests elbow on vaggie’s shoulder) “Rest of you kinda comes up short.”
Vaggie: (grinding her teeth) “THANKS.”
Odette: (ticks another point for clara)
Clara: “Wait- You’ll take it!?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Odette: (ticks another failure) “Why not.”
Vaggie: "Oh wow I don't know maybe because-"
Vaggie: (ticks off reason on hand) “With a spear I have to choose every skewering I do and it’s a lot harder to miss and stick the wrong person. Even if I throw it it's only gonna go so far or through so many people. A bullet can go anywhere once it’s loose. If your aim is off by a centimeter that little thing goes wide. Maybe don't give the gun to the woman with a missing eye??? Definitely not when there are moving targets and things around she ISN'T supposed to shoot?"
Clara: "Oh riiiiight." (looks from gun to vaggie's eyepatch) "Huh."
Carmilla: (not looking up) "You were very accurate during our little play fight."
Odette: "I confirm. I've watched the security footage. I'm sure you could compensate."
Vaggie: "Well I'm not. I’m trying to protect my girlfriend and our friends and kill angels. I'm not not in this fight to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone.”
Carmilla: (smiles)
Clara: “Uh-huh. You like being close enough to catch all that blood splatter, don’t you.”
Vaggie: “…it’s just a perk.”
Carmilla: (smiles wider)
Clara: “Ew.”
Odette: “Impractical.” (adds ‘deranged’ to list of new sister’s traits, right under ‘gay’) “Mother, tell her she’s being weird.”
Carmilla: “I fight people with ballet, I’m afraid the toe of judgement I’m balanced upon is rather precarious.”
Vaggie: (SMIRKS) “Pretty badass though.”
Carmilla: “I know.”
Clara: “OH-!”
Clara: (disassembles gun) (chucks it) (claps hands) “I GOT IT!”
Vaggie: “What now.”
Odette: “Nothing good, statistically.”
Clara: “MOM! Mom- maybe she needs- You know!” (GRINNING EVILLY) “If the shoe fits….?”
Carmilla: “….Hmm.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Carmilla: (standing up and prowling around vaggie thoughtfully)
Vaggie: “…seriously, what?”
Carmilla: “Would you spin, please.”
Vaggie: (gracefully turns) “You know what I look like, miss Carmine.” (glares at clara) “There’s not much of me to look at anyway.”
Clara: “There’s enough, don’t worry~”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Wow. Such praise.”
Carmilla: “Can you stand on one leg without falling, or does the loss of your eye-”
Vaggie: “That’s more distance and depth and stuff.” (tucks one leg) “I’ve figured it out, kinda.”
Odette: “Yes? Constant assessment of changes in size and angle of objects?”
Vaggie: “You got it.”
Odette: “Seems rather strenuous for daily life.”
Clara: “Aww you get headaches or shit?”
Vaggie: “More like just tired. Keeping things in the same place when I can manage it helps a lot. Or it does when no one’s moving the lobby chairs around and then LEAVING them messed up like that anyway, for ME to clean up…”
Clara: “Or stumble into?”
Vaggie: “Whichever comes first.”
Clara: "Ow."
Odette: “So tidiness helps.”
Vaggie: “Yep.”
Odette: “Noted.” (notes it)
Carmilla: “Well you certainly are steady. Excellent posture.”
Carmilla: (leans in)
Vaggie: (leans back to maintain distance) (still on one leg)“Don’t forget confused and slowly losing patience, ma’am.”
Carmilla: “Mm? What? Oh sorry.” (leans back)
Carmilla: “You are a dancer, aren’t you.”
Odette: “...Oh no.”
Clara: “Oh YESSSSS.”
Vaggie: “Yes? Why the- why the fuck is she hiding behind her clip board-”
Odette: “I don’t want to relive my trauma.”
Clara: “I DO!”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that have to do with me!?”
Clara: “Everything~”
Odette: “It’s about to be YOUR trauma.”
Vaggie: “What does THAT m-”
Clara: “Welcome to the family!”
Vaggie: “I- wh- why’re you making it sound like a THREAT!?”
Carmilla: “Our family is a threat. Now.” (taps heavenly steel ballet slippers together so they chime) “Can you stand en pointe?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….oh HELL no-”
Carmilla: “You already use your training as a dancer in battle. Weaponizing it fully is merely the next step.”
Clara: “Heheh. Step.”
Odette: (marks a point for mom)
Vaggie: “En pointe?” (clutching her spear) “THIS IS THE ONLY POINT I NEED!”
Carmilla: “Clara, fetch the practice slippers.”
Clara: (salutes) “Yes mom!”
Vaggie: “CLARA WAIT!”
Odette: “May mother have mercy on you.” (follows clara towards door)
Vaggie: “NO HEY- pendejo- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING TOO???”
Odette: “I will oversee the rest of the weapon loading. Also, I do not want to witness this, and am escaping.”
Carmilla: (sighs) “Dancing is a passion that is not always passed down from mother to child…”
Odette: “Not willingly anyway. Much like trauma.”
Clara: (out of sight) “I liked my trauma!”
Vaggie: “I’ve already got some, I don’t need more!”
Carmilla: “But you do not have your order of weapons yet. It will take half an hour to finish bringing out stock, checking each weapon for readiness, and crating them up again. Plenty of time for a little… assessment.”
Vaggie: (folds wings around herself) (backs away) “I’ve- dancing’s just a hobby, I’m, not even that good-”
Carmilla: “Your lies are terrible. Your form is perfect.”
Vaggie: “I’ve only danced for FUN!”
Carmilla: “And is not battle fun for you? The rush, the deadly interplay of partners you know so briefly and so intimately, to move in response and shape their own movements with yours?”
Vaggie: “…. I also like stabbing people!”
Carmilla: “Choreography for a spear. An interesting challenge.”
Vaggie: “Is this part of the deal for getting weapons from you, or-”
Carmilla: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “-en la madre…. fiiiiine.”
Carmilla: “You will submit to a small rehearsal?”
Vaggie: “Whatever.”
Carmilla: “Good. Now tuck those wings away.”
Vaggie: “Won’t I do better with-”
Carmilla: “You are more used to moving without them now, they're very nearly throwing off your balance. That, on top of your long hair, we do not have time to contend with.”
Vaggie: “But-”
Carmilla: “Fight without wings and keep them in reserve or cut your hair. Your choice.”
Vaggie: “…I guess.. keeping them as a surprise makes sense…”
Carmilla: “And you like having long hair, I know.”
Vaggie: “It’s whooshy.”
Carmilla: “Regardless, you will also at least be tying it back.”
Vaggie: (glowering) “Yes mom.”
Carmilla: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Ma’am I said ma’am.”
Carmilla: “I’m sure you did.” (turning away) (hiding smile) "Now. What always comes first?"
Vaggie: (sighing) (resigned) "Stretches..."
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apote-lesma · 8 months
Both Zoro and Robin like to be carried around by their giant boyfriends. Giant robot and giant Sun God treating them like pretty pretty princesses which they are. Good for them. That’s my vision
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Like this. Good for them 💕💗💖💞🌸🌸🌸🩷👑
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kenro199x · 1 year
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XM Studios GODZILLA 2001 Bust
There have been many iterations of Godzilla that range from heroic to evil. This one is evil, and he's a joy to behold. Who knows when we'll see this Godzilla again, but at least we have excellent merchandise from his film.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsafayeOW2U/
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shiftythrifting · 10 months
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... sure are
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fitsofgloom · 5 months
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Your High-Handed Style
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affectionatecorpse · 4 months
Me: Oh hey, I actually really like this thing!
Me: Sounds good! A new hyperfixation will mix things up a bit! Plus the main character is complicated enough to expand upon--
Autism: NO
Me: ?
Me: But--
Me: But they have no fan content
Me: ... I'll make my own--
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bricktoygrapher · 3 months
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Father walking with his children 🤖
Happy Father's Day to all super dads out there! 🦸‍♂️
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