#Jesse Cromeans x Preston
spoopieere · 7 months
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(Click for better quality) - check it out on ur laptop tbh, looks way better.
I decided to draw Jesse and Preston being cute for the occasion ‼️‼️‼️
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slasherbish · 2 years
Woods (Jesse Cromeans x fem reader)
author note Please let me know if you'd like a gender neutral pronoun version.
Part 1
Why you? Was all that ran through your mind as trees blurred by. ‘I’m a good person, so why me?’ You mentally asked yourself as dried leaves and twigs snapped and crunched under your feet. Your mind wandered back to how this all started. 
Feeling confident in full makeup and glam you walked down an alleyway. For the first time in a few weeks you had managed to drag your depressed butt out of bed and into actual clothes. The lights in the alley buzzed casting a yellowish tint onto the womans self. She smiled to herself feeling like a small victory had been won tonight. Glee bubbled up in her chest as she thought back to the few drinks she had with friends at the club. Nothing could possibly ruin this night, she thought. Not a heartbeat later the woman was snatched from the alley by a large man in a black suit and chrome skull mask. She barely had time to scream as the world went black. 
Sometime later she came to, in what felt like a coffin. You weren’t about to go down without a fight so you began to scream and hit and kick at the wood in front of you. After a few moments you stopped and listened to the surroundings. The coffin was stood up and opened and you came out swinging. You punched a man with short black hair and what could only be described as an annoying face. A sickening crack came from his nose and he doubled over. “You fucken bitch” Preston yelled holding his now broken nose. You took the moment of confusion by your captures and booked it past them.  And now you’re here.
The tall man clad in a black suit topped off with a camera on his shoulder chased her relentlessly. Your only saving grace was that you were slightly faster and slightly more agile. Your lungs burned but you couldn’t stop. If you stop you die. You knew that and so you kept running. He had to admit that he was a little impressed, likening you to a gazelle or deer in his mind. Not many piggies could keep pace, much less out run the large killer. 
A second glimmer of hope appeared in the distance. It came in the form of a rickety old wood and rope bridge. You thought that surely a man of his stature wouldn’t dare to cross a bridge that fragile looking. The chasm it covered was deep. Deep enough that a human could not survive the fall. The advantage was in your court. You were nowhere as heavy as the chrome masked man that had been chasing you for the last couple hours, or at least what felt like hours. 
Your feet flew over the wooden boards only slightly slowing down. The smile that had painted itself on your face fell as the sound of the killers thudding foot steps on wooden boards reached your ears. Your feet landed on solid ground and you were going to milk that since he was still slowed down from the bridge. You could easily get a huge lead on the man. 
Moments later she stopped in her tracks. The sound of a wooden board snapping and a startled grunt made you curse under your breath. ‘Had he fallen all the way down.’  You thought ‘Wait, no’ You realize there was no splat. No thud of a body against cold hard ground. After what felt like an eternity she looked behind her. There she saw one of the mans hands holding on to the crumbling dirt ledge for dear life. ‘He must be able to pull himself up, who isn’t he using his other hand?’ You thought as you stared at the hand. ‘What should I do?’
            ‘I’m a good person’
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wsbhonni · 9 months
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"Somethin' 'bout you... Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't"
(This one goes out to @spoopieere again ;D
Lace brushes were used;; cause I got tired of drawing it tbh
Also, as always, click for better quality lmao;;)
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issdisgrace · 2 years
if reqs are open can i request chromeskull, michael, and/or vincent x ftm reader who ended up needing medical attention for a few days after protecting something important to them (e.x.: a mugger stealing their wedding ring, protecting their home from a break in, etc) and the first thing reader does when he wakes up is say something like "dear are you alright? you don't look so good."
a lil angst with a fluffy end if it pleases you milord
WARNINGS: Hurt/comfort, death, talks of hospitals
A/N: I didn't do Micheal because I feel like he wouldn't really outwardly express his feelings but i hope you enjoy this never the less.
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Preston was on some crazy trip thinking he was better than Jesse. He came to the house to do god knows what, and that’s when he came cross you instead of Jesse. This is when his mission changed into trying to hurt you, the closet person, to his boss. A scuffle ensues where Preston manages to get some good stabs in, but in hindsight, you're glad Jesse had taught you stuff about disarming people. With the tables turned, you end up brutalising Preston in a blind adrenaline rush. Jesse is the one to find you slumped next to Preston's body half unconscious due to blood loss. In his panic, he is able to get in contact with his med team and some people to clean up the brutal scene. While his team is fixing you up, all he can do is passe back and forth outside of the surgery room, thinking about how he should’ve been there to protect you. Once the med team is done and you're moved into a temporary room, he is there in the room siting in a chair beside you holding your hand, his mask long been discarded. When you wake up, you can immediately tell that is worried sick. Your first instinct, even in your drugged up state, is to comfort him. “Jesse, are you feeling alright? You don’t look too well. You're paler than normal. Have you drunken any water recently?” All he can do is shush you and pull you into a hug, making sure not to hurt you. He’s glad you're still your worry wort self, but you should be more worried about yourself and getting better than him. 
A practically difficult visitor had come to town. Both Bo and Vincent were after the visitor, which didn’t happen often. Vincent told you to stay in the basement and to not leave it until he came and gave the all clear. Unfortunately for you, the visitor stumbled their way into the basement and found you. The visitor held you at knifepoint and made your guy's way to the middle of town, spewing how if they didn’t let them go, they would kill you. Vincent manage to get sneak up on him with the help of Bo distancing the person. Due to the person being startled by Vicent coming up on them, they ended up slitting your throat. It wasn’t life threating, but it was enough for you to be bleeding a decent amount and to need some stitches. This is the first and hopefully the last time you would have to seek medical attention outside. Vincent urged Bo to help him get you into the truck and take you to the hospital. While Bo is relucent, he feels his brother's pain radiating off of him. They take you to the hospital in the town over and managed to make up a believable story on how your cut throat was due to a severe work accident. While your time in the hospital, they manage to keep the police off your guys back. After you got in and were looked at. You were told you needed stitches, you were rightfully freaked out, and you told them the only way you were going to let them give you stitches was if they knocked your ass out to do it. So you got knocked out, and you were stitched you. While you're getting stitched up, Vincent is sulking, feeling bad for letting this happen. He is such in the dumps the whole time that you knocked out that Bo has to comfort him. When you wake up, you find Bo hugging Vincent while Vincent quietly cries into his brother's shoulder. Confused at the sight before you ask. “What going on? Is my Vinny alright?” He is quick to push away from his brother and hug you, almost smothering you. Bo takes this as his time to leave you guys alone and goes to get lunch. Vincent is very lovey. Well, more lovey than normal. 
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guttedwhxre · 2 years
Hello! I saw you took requests and wrote for Jesse! Could you maybe write where the and reader are together but Spann is a bit friendly with Jesse (because let's face it, we saw how she was in the movie, she definitely did things with Jesse like an assistant with benefits), and reader is trying to keep their cool while showing Spann that their not going anywhere and is in it for the long run?
Sorry if I didn't explain too well, but thank you for writing and take your time I know you must be busy I get sometimes it takes a bit so really no rush!
Thank you 🤗
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thank you soo much for the request love, sorry for the wait <3
tw: none!
he knew you were in it for the long-run. of course you were, you’d learned every single one of jesse’s flaws and secrets, as he learned yours in turn. you were his rock, and he was your light. together you made a lovely couple, as shown by the heavy ring on your finger. you knew that your lover was desirable, he is a man of great power after all - it’s just a pain in your ass when the help tries to have their way with him. preston was dead for a reason, and you just wished he’d wise up and do the same thing to spann. 
the lingering looks and barely concealed touches were grating in your nerves. if you were a worse person you’d take one of jesse’s shiny knives, kill her, record it and show it to him as an early birthday gift but you know it’d only serve to piss him off - and yeah maybe you didn’t have the prowess to take spann on. but it still made your blood boil when she dares to try and subtly flirt. 
you were in his office, sitting on his desk as he sat in his office chair. his hand began to creep up your thigh and you smiled, fully ready to give him exactly what he wanted. then someone knocks at the door. 
“come in,” bleats jesse’s robotic voice, and in strides spann; seemingly a little startled at your presence. 
“mx. cromeans,” she says, smile with a little too much teeth. “i didn’t expect you to be in today,” you do your best to bite back a scowl. spann seems to quickly recover, icy eyes meeting yours. 
“i thought i’d surprise jesse,” you say, smiling at your spouse. “he’s never one to complain,” at this you feel your man scoot closer to you, hand wrapping around your waist. you smile wider, but spann is unphased. 
“right. well, i was wondering if mr. cromeans would like to join me for lunch,” she pauses, as you repress the urge to clench your fist. she smirks slightly, eyes falling on jesse. “there’s some things i’d like to discuss. about the company, of course,” smug bitch. you’re about to open your mouth to respond when jesse’s monotonous tenor interrupts you. 
“no. don’t ask again when i’m with my spouse,” it’s final. spann, ever the collected one, purses her lips and nods. 
“i’m sorry mr. cromeans-“ she begins to say, but jesse holds a hand up, typing something quickly out on the keypad he holds in your lap. looking down at it, you bite back a smile as he presses the ‘send’ key. 
“matter of fact, don’t ask again. if i ever need to speak with you about something, i will come to you. is that clear?” you’re trying to suppress your giggles but this is just too good. you hold a hand to your mouth and laugh quietly, squeaking when jesse pinches your side. you look down at him but his mask is still turned towards spann. the woman is looking down at the ground, suddenly meek. 
“yes sir. i apologize,” she quickly turns out of his office, tail tucked between her legs. you smile freely now, kissing all over jesse’s mask. 
“you told her, huh?” you coo, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his neck. his broad shoulders shake with silent laughter, you feel the rumble in his chest when he presses closer to you. 
“of course,” his machine says, his fingers tapping quickly against the keyboard. “i won’t tolerate any inconveniences when i’m with my love,” you feel his gaze from behind his gleaming mask and any fear you may have felt melts away. it’s you and him forever, despite what spann may think. 
“seriously though, i think i want her dead.” you murmur, and jesse throws his head back with rumbling laughter, squeezing you close to his side.
xoxo, babe 💋
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slashing-thunnder · 2 years
Can u do slashers x a extremely misophonic fem reader. Like the slightest hum , foot tapping , ect can make them stressed out, considering I’ve been diagnosed with the most srs case with this and school has been a huge problem for me! (Suggested slashers,: brahms, jason, bubba)
I'll give it a shot! I hope these came out okay 😅 also, am I writing Jesse heavily from my own headcanons? yes, yes i am
Headcanons for: Brahms Heelshire, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Jesse Cromeans, Asa Emory
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms first started noticed your sensitivity when he saw you getting tense at him eating, every clink of his silverware made you antsy and huffy. He stopped eating and watched as you calmed back down, a small sigh of relief telling him everything he needed. He was very careful from there on out, watching you with every sound in the house to learn your triggers. One day, a rat got into the house and all you could focus on was the sound of its scratching. It drove you up the wall, so to speak, so Brahms sat you down and turned his music on, just loud enough to drown out the scratching. He shuffled back into the walls of the house until he could find the rat himself, taking care of the scratching once and for all. He couldn't let you suffer like that.
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Jason Voorhees
Small sounds are nearly impossible to avoid in the woods. From crickets, owls, raccoons and coyotes, you were suffering as you curled up in the tiny cabin, pillow over your head as you sobbed. Jason sat beside you, rubbing your back through it all, trying his best to soothe you. It was like this a lot, especially at night. He got fed up with the sounds himself after a while, getting angry at how they hurt you. He took it upon himself to go hunting for something to help. A campsite a short distance away had rowdy teens, one of which had a pair of big noise canceling headphones on hand. He took care of them, making sure they couldn't give you any trouble and took the headphones. He put them on you the second he got home, watching as you relaxed for the first time in a long time. He petted your hair and held you close as you finally got some sleep.
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Bubba Sawyer
Bubba may be one of the biggest noise makers in the family. He didn't talk, but just the sound of his chewing and slurping were enough to drive you mad, causing you to storm out one family dinner. Poor Bubba didn't know what to do and scurried after you. You sat on the bed, now away from the noises of dinner, and explained. He was upset at first, not at you, but how he made you feel. You assured him he wasn't bad, helping him relax enough for him to make a plan. During the day while you were in another room, he practiced eating as quietly as he could. Nubbins gave him shit about it, causing him to huff and puff at him in anger. He couldn't make the others in the family quiet down, but he could make himself do it. After a few days, he managed to get it as quiet as he could. He pulled you into the kitchen for dinner, away from the family that time. The others weren't going to understand, but if it was just one little thing he could do to help, he was going to do it.
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Jesse Cromeans
Jesse was a sensitive man himself in his daily life. He couldn't handle analog clocks or anything like that. He nearly cut Preston's legs off when he was tapping his foot one day during a meeting. So when he noticed you having a similar issue, he made sure to accommodate you. Preston was no longer allowed around you, something in the way he breathed made you antsy. Jesse made sure to make your bedroom as quiet as possible, he had you sleep in different rooms for his own sake, but it helped you as well. He gave you music and headphones to drown out anything he couldn't stop. He took care of you, he'd do anything for his favorite piggy.
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Asa Emory
Normally he wouldn't give a shit if a sound bothered someone, he'd take pleasure in torturing someone with just a noise. But when it came to you, he tired of seeing you upset. The hotel was filled with noises from the heater rattling to the dogs barking. He moved you room to room, trying to find one that would be the quietest. When that didn't work, he got every sort of headphone and ear plug he could find to help, but some of the noises just cut right through. He had one option, though he despised it. He made you promise to be a good pet, to behave. Not to scream or run. You loved the man so much you were amused to why he'd even ask that of you. You realized why when he took you to his house, putting you in his bedroom. It was much quieter now, the house didn't have an ancient heating system that killed your eardrums. You were touched, he finally trusted you enough to let you be more than just a favorite prisoner. Now you were his lover, one hundred percent.
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multific · 2 years
Love Beyond Everything
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Jesse Cromeans x Reader
Summary: You loved your husband more than anything. He was your reason to live, you knew about his hobby and you feared something bad could happen to him.
When Spann called you, you felt as if someone threw ice-cold water all over you. 
The news of your husband almost dying scared you beyond anything. He was the center of your world, your everything. If you were to lose him...
Your driver dropped you off at the warehouse. 
Preston greeted you at the front, guiding you to where he was.
He was lying behind curtains in a makeshift hospital room, the doctor came over to you and explained what happened.
"I want her dead," you said simply, as you turned towards Preston.
"Already a step ahead of you Miss." he said as he showed you the footage. You nodded and they both left.
You looked at him through the curtain, and he turned away, hiding his face.
"I'm so glad you are alive Jesse. I was so afraid when Spann called." you watched as his hand moved into a fist, tearing the sheets. He couldn't talk, he didn't have his device with him, but somehow you understood. "I know you don't like the fact that he killed your piggy. But if it wouldn't be him, I would have done it myself. Don't misunderstand please, I do not care about superficial things like that and you know that, but she nearly killed you." You moved your hand behind the curtain and grabbed his wrist. You could only imagine the pain he felt, you could never fathom the pain he went through, is going through. But you loved him, and he was strong, he will be up on his feet quickly.
"He needs a new piggy," you said to Spann who nodded.
"Yes, I am already looking." she said as she showed you photos. Jesse needed to keep his mind off of his face and focus on something else.
You pointed at a photo of a blonde woman. "He'll like her."
And with that, you went back to your husband. Holding his hand as he lay there.
You weren't there when he was finally walking, you weren't there when Preston tried to betray him, you weren't there when the police busted his warehouse, but you were the first person they brought in when his identity was discovered.
You had to play and pretend, and you were quite the actress. When they showed you the photos, you recalled all women, some were chosen by you. 
But of course, Jesse made sure nothing pointed at you, so you were free to go after you claimed not to know anything.
The new place of operations was a little better than the last one. The building still had that terrible feeling about it. But at least it had more space.
As you walked into the building, you rushed to your husband, hugging him, he had the chrome mask on his face, but you could see his eye through it. 
"They are investigating, but they only found our old house, and the old warehouse. They know your name but they are clueless." you told him.
He said down in his leather chair, typing on his phone.
'Are you okay?' he asked.
"Me? Of course, how are you? How's your face, still hurts?" he didn't reply and instead started typing again.
'Now, I even look like a monster.'
"Don't say that, Honey! Of course, you are not a monster! It was their fault! They hurt you! All they had to do was to give you the girl, instead, they did this." You moved closer to him, and you noticed he tried to get further away, but the carpet stopped him. You grabbed his face, and made him look at you. "I do not care how you look like, you'll always be handsome to me. Inside and out. I love you for you, not for your face." You placed a kiss on his mask before pulling away, you intended to go and pour a glass of dink for yourself but he stopped you by grabbing your waist and burying his face into your stomach. 
Your fingers started to run random patterns on his head and shoulders, trying your best to keep him calm and let him know he's safe with you.
You looked down at him, noticing how he started to remove his mask, he once again hid his face into you. You knew, no matter how he looked like, you'd still love him, but you couldn't help the anger bubbling in you, they did this to him, hurt him. How dare they.
He then slowly, looked up at you, and you smiled.
"There you are, Sweetheart. Handsome as ever." you smiled as he finally looked at you.
You didn't lie, you still found him very attractive, the scarring concerned you more because of the pain he had to endure. 
"I love you." you said and kissed his lips softly.
"I love you too." came the voice from his phone which made you laugh a little.
Nothing and no one can take him away from you.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​
A/N: The lovely Jesse is being added to my list of Slashers! Expect more to come for him! I’m also open for ideas for him, so let me know if you have an idea.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
A Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Preston Fanfiction
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I don‘t know what I just wrote, but cut me some slack. I wanted to try and write some more male x male and ended up using #1 slasher Jesse. Plus I wanted to experiment some on their ‘mysterious’ relationship.
They say that some things should stay hidden behind closed doors and Jesse was a very discrete man; been a wealthy CEO with a secret killing organization took some talent and Jesse was that kind of man, but even the most gruesome killers have hidden secrets, excluding the hobby of murdering and snuff-filming these crimes.
Now, Jesse was known by his past partners and sadly deceased wife, that he had a very high libido, and loved young, pretty women, but he also liked to play for the other team. The ones in his organization never questioned or dared to make fun of his sexuality, unless they had a death wish or fetish on themselves.
Preston was his second in command next to Spann, her being more of an assistant to the tall and bald man. Jesse and Preston had known each other for a long time, probably in their earlier twenties when little by little Jesse put the legs together of this now billions of dollars organization.
What started as a fool around and joke of misunderstood sexuality, turned into something much deeper and ended up between bedsheets.
It was kind of funny to picture this two together, always at each others necks in a constant competition of who’s the best killer or who’s the manliest.
The first time started as any other night of no killing piggies. Preston joined Jesse into a night of drinking at his house, discussing the possibilities of new piggies to hunt, until they started an argument of no reason. It was full of tension, getting into each others faces, Preston being much smaller than Jesse, eyes glaring into each others, lips pulled into a snarl and it was too much, until Jesse grasped Preston by the back of his neck, pulling the smaller male into a kiss full of anger, lust and tension that you can cut it with a knife.
When the kiss ended the black haired male had his eyes wide open, mouth parted, not knowing what to say.
“Boss...This is....I didn’t knew.” Now, Preston wasn’t a shy man, much like Jesse he had women at his feet and how could he not? Slicked black hair, dark eyes that could make you shiver, handsome smirk, sharp jawline...the whole package.
‘Don’t question me. Do you want this or not?’ Jesse signed, his breathing matching Prestons.
None could picture the headstrong Preston as gay, and he always made that clear when some of the organization questioned his relationship with the boss, but now? He didn’t knew; call him bi-curious, but he had to admit that the temptation of being bedded by his boss and also very good friend of a long time was getting to him
Prestons reply was simple, he pulled Jesse into a kiss, his hands grasping his black dress-shirt. Now that was a surprise for the taller male, he knew Preston very well, but he never knew that he would drop the wall and let him has his way.
Neverless, Jesse was happy and reciprocated the kiss with vigor.
The next few hours were a blur for mostly; both of them undressed, leave for their black dress shirts open as Jesse had Preston on his lap, their lengths hard, the bald mans hand wrapped around their cocks, rubbing them together and smearing the precum on the heads.
Jesse’s brown eye took in the blushing and pleasure-filled face of the man on his lap, usually always trying to be intimidating, trying to play the alpha male title. How wrong Preston was; if there was an Alpha male, Jesse was it.
“F-Fuck...Boss.” Preston groaned, his hands on the others broad shoulder.
Jesse pulled away from their lengths so he could sign.
‘No. Call me Jesse. This is not work.’
He will give Preston this luxury, of calling him by his first name.
Next Preston found himself on his knees between Jesse’s legs, sucking the bigger male off or at last trying to fit what he could into his mouth. Jesse’s hand rubbed on the black hair atop of the smaller males head, urging him to suck.
It was the first time Preston saw what was his boss packing and he understood why all the females Jesse had bedded came stumbling and complained the next day of soreness.
Jesse was big, so much bigger than Preston, girthy and veiny, plus the tattoo flames at the base of his dick made it all the more intimidating. All that Preston worried about was how? How was he going to fit that inside him.
Like he read his thoughts Jesse pulled him away, stopping his sucking.
‘Don’t worry about it. I’m gonna make it fit.’ he signed. Well, that didn’t relaxed him.
The preeping was a little weird at first, been bend over Jesse’s desk with all his clothe off and legs spread wide, Preston felt vulnerable, especially when he felt the others man hand on his back, rubbing the tense muscels. Jesse spread the black haired males buttcheeks, seeing the puckered and small hole. Yes, its gonna be a long ride, but he knew it would be worth it; having Preston surrender completley to him.
The 30 minutes of preparing went more like hours, being lubed and having Jesse stretch him with his fingers was making him groan and moan, even whimper, sounds that he had never made in his life during sexual activities.
Then he felt nothing and that only scared Preston more. He turned his head over his shoulder, seeing Jesse lube his own cock and he gulped down, feeling the head of his boss cock rub onto his puckered hole, pushing against the tight muscels.
He grinded his teeth, feeling the head slip inside, then the rest, slowly and gentle, so unlike Jesse. It made him wonder if it was really Jesse who had him being fucked.
Both of them stilled as Jesse managed to fit everything inside, he had to control himself or else he would destroy Preston and it would be nothing benefic, for neither of them.
It all started slow, pulling out and pushing in, one pair of hands grasping the edge of the desk, the other pair grasping hips. From afar you could confuse this as making love, but it wasn’t love, not in Jesse’s opinion; it was pure ownership and male domination, only Preston didn’t realized that.
When he felt the other relax he started to pick things up, with each thrust the power he send into Prestons body was more intense. The black haired male felt himself closing in, but it was ripped from him as Jesse pulled away from him, picking him up and walking out of his office and upstairs to his bedroom.
Prestons eyes widened as he saw them approach the big double doors that lead to Jesse’s master bedroom and the king-sized bed that only the luckiest had ever seen. He was thrown on his back on the bed, his eyes taking in Jesse’s form, so intimidating, the tattoos shining with sweat over his body, chest heaving up and down.
“W-What?” his voice was rasped, feeling weird in his boss bed.
‘You’re mine now, little bitch.’ Jesse signed, glaring down at him, then pulled his legs apart, showing himself back inside, making the male underneath him choke on a silent scream.
The next minutes were intense and he felt so dizzy, being mounted by Jesse, his hands pinned on either side of his head, their eyes looking into each other, then he felt it, the most mind-crushing orgasm of his life, jets of cum painting both of their torso in white.
Preston was ready for Jesse to pull out as he felt him twitch inside him, but his eyes widened as he felt a warm feeling deep inside him, something that made his toes curl. He just came inside him.
“W-Why? P-Pull out.” Preston tried to say, only for his jaw to be grasped tightly by the Alpha male. A warning.
Jesse let his jaw go, so he could sign to Preston.
‘I don’t think you realize in what situation you are, but let me clear things up for you. I own you and if you want to have a smooth life in my organization I suggest you learn to know your place...That includes being underneath me...from all points of view.’
That’s maybe the first time Preston was really scared of Jesse and he realized it now. Being bedded by Chromeskull always came with a price.
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ravennatheraven · 2 years
Chromeskull x Reader
Chromeskull x gn reader
Contains spoiler for first laid to rest movie
Bold text is texting and signing
Oh and Preston is alive in this
  Crimson droplets of blood painted his shiny mask as  he rammed one of his twin hunting knives into the chest ofhis latest piggy. He listened to the final gurling breaths that his victim took before the light in her eyes  vanished. Chromeskull cleaned the blade on the corpses shirt before turning the camera on his shoulder off. The glint of his chrome skull mask in th moons pale glow gave the illusion that he wasn’t human.
 “Job is done. Will stop by organization before heading home.’ He texted to his assistant Spann. The woman named Spann sighed at the message that popped up on her phone. “He’s coming back now” was all she said to a nervous looking Preston. All Preston could say was “oh fuck”.
Jesse got into his black car after sending the text. He drove through the night wanting to get to the office quickly so he could return home to his dear (y/n). In the early morning hours he pulled into the parking lot of a large warehouse. The offices of the organization were tucke away in the unassuming building. 
Once in his office the rather large man sat at his desk to finish any paper work that needed to be done. Soon after Spann and Preston walked in. The normally cocky man stood slightly behind Spann and his face projected the worry he felt inside. Spann on the other hand had her normal emotionless face, she was not an easy person to read. 
“What is wrong?” Said Jesse’s text to speech on his phone. He had practically smelled the fear seeping from his underling. 
“You know how you tasked us with with watching over you partner while you were away but told us to keep our distance so they would’t be suspicious?” Preston answered quickly. “What did you do Preston?” The voice from Chromeskulls phone spoke again. The underling looked offended “I didn’t do anything. Why assume it was me?” Preston asked. 
“Sir surprisingly Preston didn’t do anything this time. Your partner, (y/n) knows” Spann spoke up sure that if she didn’t that her boss would kill preston. As much as she wanted to see that she had to admit that being able to push paper work off on Preston when she didn’t want to do it was useful. 
Mr. Cromeans slammed his hands down on the desk. Spann didn’t react to the violent outburst unlike Preston who may as well have jumped out of his skin. The large boss man put his mask away and stormed out of his office. Everyone in his way moved as he oozed anger. Once back in his car he let his fear shine through. The killer was scared. He needed to see his (y/n) as soon as possible. His last significant other had found out what he did for a living and she committed suicide right after, not being able to handle the idea that her gentle giant had a murderous side. 
Thoughts overwhelmed the drive home. What if they don’t want to see me? What if they’ve left already? What if they’re scared of me now? What if they went to the cops already? These thoughts raced in his head making the entire drive a blur. He parked in the driveway and let out a shaking breath. More anxious thoughts flooded in his mind like a raging river as he looked in the rearview mirror at his disfigured face. After a few moments he managed to talk himself into going into his house. He didn’t even remember walking up to the front door until he heard the click of it opening. Jesse took a deep breath pushing it open. The house was silent. He prepared for the worst. His chest ached as he walked into the dining room to find papers scattered on the table. They were files on him and his work, there were also graphic pictures of his films. Jesse’s heart drops, he can hear nothing but the sound of his own pounding heart. 
“I read through all of it…that is some very dark things…” A soft voice came from behind him. It was the voice of his beloved (y/n). Jesse couldn’t bring himself to turn around, not yet. He didn’t want to see the fear and despair that he assumed would be written on their face. Jesse would never see that though. The next words out of his partners mouth perplexed him. “I was worried. When were you going to tell me? I was starting to think all these business trips were really just for cheating.”
Jesse nearly gave himself whiplash from turning so fast. A smirk was plastered on their face. “You’re not scared of me or angry?” He signed wanting to know why. 
“Scared of you? You might be a serial killer but you’re a teddy bear to me. I’m only angry that you didn’t tell me sooner. I’m also relieved that you weren’t cheating.” (y/n) replied. 
“You are weird” He signed. He had no idea how his partner was taking this so well. 
“Says the man kills for a living” They smiled a genuine smile but it disappeared quickly. “I did think that maybe someone had sent them because they were trying to hurt you or worse. The thought of losing you is what scared the crap out of me.” (y/n) started to gather the pages that were on the table and walked into the living room. Chromeskull followed closely behind curious as to what was going to happen. “We should probably step up our ‘normal’ life image. You know it’s kinda cold in here” Their gentle voiced said. Jesse signed back a simple cold? The house wasn’t even slightly cold. (y/n)’s (e/c) eyes rolled at his cluelessness and placed the papers in the fireplace before setting them aflame. 
His significant other smiled a warm smile at him gently placing a hand on either side of his face bringing him down for a loving kiss. The killer happily returned the affection wrapping his arms around their waist. The two came up for air after a few moments. “I love you Jesse Cromeans. No more secrets okay?” He could only nod and kiss their nose in return not wanting to let them go. “That includes having your coworkers stalk me when you’re away.” They said catching the killer off guard making him back up a step. You knew they were there? 
“Of course I did. They aren’t exactly the best at it. Invite them for dinner. I want to meet them.” (y/n) replied casually. The thought of Preston being in his home made him cringe. Now that could be a disaster.
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sole-screws · 3 years
Honestly I’ve been extremely hyper fixated on the movie Laid to Rest recently and like-
Reader being hired after bitch boy Preston had been terminated??? Yes please
Like honestly the reader is really good at their job but they honestly have no idea what they’re doing half the time and is honestly so close to losing their shit.
And like- the only reason that Jesse started to tolerate them is because they’re funny as hell. Not because they tell jokes- no, it’s because of their awkwardness and constant muttering under their breath of things that doesn’t even make sense.
Jesse Cromeans walking in on y/n looking back and forth at the can of coffee in one hand and an energy drink in the other
Y/n muttering: the outcome of combining these two drinks would either have me finish all of these paperwork before 5 or kill god
Spann walking in: Sir-
Jesse signing: shush I want to see what happened
Y/n slowly combining the two drinks while crying and laughing at the same time: to become god at what cost
Spann: N O-
The only reason the reader got the job is because they walked into the wrong building for an interview on accident with such false confidence that they went through security without a hitch (Spann was too stunned) and busted into Jesse’s office and slammed their resume onto his desk shouting “IM QUALIFIED PLEASE HIRE ME” only to quickly walk away and trip on the way out.
Also reader is surprisingly qualified for the job??? Like sure they did odd jobs in the past, but most of those jobs and education fit pretty well, and honestly Jesse was pretty bored and wanted to see what would happen.
I’m sorry but I just love dumbass reader who’s good at their job
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slash-em-up · 4 years
Marry Your Monsters pt. 1
L2R2 AU: Preston takes a different tactic in his quest to usurp the title of Chromeskull, dragging Mrs. Cromeans into the mix and throwing a once-happy marriage into turmoil.
This came to me at 3 AM this morning... Mainly because I feel like Mrs. Cromeans really got the short end of the stick in L2R2 and I wanted to do something about it.
Miranda Cromeans needed to pee. Again.  
She sighed deeply and glared at the blue glowing clock on the bedside table – it seemed to mock her as the text changed to read 3:05 AM.
The California King-size bed was nearly bare in the humid Florida night; but that didn’t stop the small trickle of sweat from rolling down Miranda’s neck as she pushed herself into a seated position and tilted to her feet.  
The swell of her pregnant belly offering a significant counter-weight and she took a moment to steady herself.
The nurse at her OBGYNs office had looked at her with sympathy when she told her that Jesse was 6’7”.  
Carrying around what amounted to a bowling ball on her stomach for seven months made Miranda understand the look better than she would have liked.
Shuffling to the bedrooms en-suite, she silently cursed her husband for ‘blessing’ her with his gargantuan offspring. Sure, when the baby came she’d love it and nurture it and probably be head over heels for the infant – but that was far from a comfort when she had to pee every hour, could barely fit her swollen feet into her shoes, and threw up at the slightest provocation.  
Pregnancy was great.  
‘And thank you, Jesse, for being here with me through the whole damn ordeal…’
Mentally, she scolded herself for that last thought. Miranda had always accepted that her husband’s work would force him away from her for long periods of time – it came with the territory when you were running your own company, and Jesse always made it up to her when he came back… but it had been nearly three months and she hadn’t even gotten a video-message from her erstwhile spouse. Even for them, that was a very long time…
A voice in the back of her head whispered meanly that it was a good thing that they’d both signed a prenup. Divorce would go a lot smoother that way.
Miranda shook her head to clear those invasive thoughts, as if the motion could literally knock them from her mind.  
Of course she didn’t want to divorce her husband; but what was she supposed to think when she’d only received brisk, one sentence texts from the man for fucking months?!
Waddling back to the bed, she stared longingly at the empty side of the mattress.
She missed him.
Missed his familiar weight at her back; missed the cheeky grin he’d sport after intentionally flustering her; missed the way he smelled; missed the way his eyes softened when he signed her name…
Damn, these hormones were turning her into a sap.
Grabbing her phone from the table Miranda quickly flipped through her texts, hoping for a message from Jesse. Of course there wasn’t, and she immediately felt worse for having checked.  
She opened up their message chain and tapped into the text box, fingers hovering over the letters she desperately wanted to type.
‘Where are you?’
‘I miss you’
‘Do you want to know the sex of the baby? You do remember we’re having a baby, right?’
Instead she wrote;
M: U up?
Fucking hell.
She nearly jumped out of her skin as the phone began to ring in her palm, Jesse’s picture on the screen.
Jesse was CALLING her?!
She pressed the green icon and tentatively raised the phone to her ear.
“…. Jesse?”
A voice answered.
“I’m afraid not Miranda. My name’s Preston – do you remember me?”
Miranda wracked her brain, vaguely recalling a handsome man she’d met some time ago in passing.
“Yeah… you work with my husband, right?”
She didn’t have to see his face to know the smile that could be heard in his voice was less than kind.
“Right. Well, I thought you should know, Jesse’s in the hospital. He’s had a... uh... pretty major accident, and, well… you should probably be here with him.”
A choked “What?!” was all that Miranda could manage as she struggled to sit up.
Her heart simultaneously dropping into her stomach and pounding harder than if she’d run a marathon.
“Where is he?! What happened? I’ll call a cab right now – what hospital is he in?”
Prestons tone didn’t match the level of urgency she was feeling and Miranda was beginning to resent him for it.
“He’s in a private medical facility on the west side. I’ll send a car around for you – pack a bag; you might want to stay for awhile.”
“Of course… please, send the car, I’ll be ready when they get here.”
She was already tossing items onto an overnight case. Pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts she quickly removed the six pairs of socks she’d unwittingly packed.
She needed to focus.  
Preston gave a perfunctory ‘goodbye’ before hanging up, but Miranda has already stopped listening.  
It was time to go see her husband.
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spoopieere · 1 month
[PLEASE click 4 better quality, Tumblr fucked me up so bad omg]
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"Bled dry"
(uhhhh vent art, i think. Tbh I should make simpler stuff in the future, takes way less time. Also i love eye strain woohoo :3)
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slasherbish · 1 year
Woods Part 3
The sun had started to set and the rain was now a light drizzle. The temperature was also dropping. “How long until they come looking for you?” You asked wanting to know if you’d end up spending the night with a killer or not. “Tomorrow probably. Preston will be there. Ignore him he’s an idiot.” He responded. You pouted, the thought of staying the night in creepy woods with a killer that video taped everything made you shiver. Gathering your thoughts and emotions you realized you didn’t know his name, It seemed like at this point knowing each other's names would be okay. “Um my name is (y/n) by the way. What's yours?” you asked, now facing the disfigured man. “Jesse” his phone said. “It’s nice to meet you Jesse.” You said with a smile. Night fell quickly.
Your stomach growled loudly in the early morning hours. You had barely slept due to fear of what might happen. Jesse woke up to the sound of your stomach, making a confused look he raised his eyes to meet yours. “Oh I’m sorry my stomach woke you. It’s almost like I haven’t eaten in god knows how long since you kidnapped me.” You said with a hint of anger seeping in. A second later you realized you just basically yelled at a serial killer and covered your mouth with your hands in shock. You were about to apologize when his phone talked “You have bite. I like fire” 
“I’m still sorry. I’m just so hungry and tired.” She said apologetically. His phone spoke up again “You would probably be a better addition than Preston” She tried to figure out what he meant and then it hit her “Are you offering me a job?” You asked. He only shrugged. At this point the sun was rising and out in the middle of nowhere it was a breathtaking view. You even smiled at the sight. Unknown to you your forced companion had noticed the smile, he thought it was a beautiful smile. 
The two of you spent the morning rebuilding the fire and adding in anything that made it smoke more. You had come up with the idea of a smoke signal and Jesse was impressed at your thought process. He hadn’t thought about needing to signal your exact location since the phone by this time was nearly dead and not able to transmit it’s gps signal. The smoke signal rose high into the sky, it would be easy for a plane or helicopter to see from a distance. 
Since neither of you had the survival skills to know which plants were edible you sat trying to make a small spear with the use of one of his knives and a stick. Since you were the faster of the two it would be your job to spear the animal. You were not looking forward to it. Jesse tried to reassure you that it would be okay since it’s for survival. 
Finally you got the courage to try. It didn’t take long for you to find a lone rabbit grazing in a field. Doing your best you missed by a lot and the bunny left in a hurry. “Dammit” you cursed. Jesse silently chuckled at you. Even though it was a silent laugh due to him not being able to really make noise you could sense it and so you turned around giving him a death glare. The large man playfully put up his hands in mock defense. “Oh my gods you have  a sense of humor” you said with a dramatic gasp. 
He didn’t show it often but he did in fact have a softer side. At work it was necessary for him to be the stone cold stoic killer that he is, but in free time he was more relaxed and kind. He no longer saw you as his prey or a threat so he let the walls slip down for a bit. She was relieved that his mood had seemed to improve. After a few more tries you finally managed to kill a larger rabbit. With the brightest, most proud smile you had you held up the dead animal. Jesse clapped to show that he too was proud. He knew how to skin and cook the animal and so he did that half of the work. 
By this time it was noon and the two of you sat happily eating the cooked rabbit.  Just as the meal was finishing up you hear the sound of helicopters and ATV’s. Your eyes widen slightly in fear. Jesse easily sensed this and typed “It’s my company. Don’t tell anyone about me being nice.” the phone said as he put a small amount of sap onto his mask to act as a temporary adhesive. You frowned at this, his face was something you’d grown to like, it was friendly and kind. It pulled you back to reality that most people saw him as something monstrous. You wondered if his company even knew what he looked like. 
A gun in your face snapped you from thoughts. In front of you was a man not as tall or intimidating as Jesse. He had black hair and a wicked smile. “Preston” the phone in Jesse’s hand said. “Oh you’re the annoying one J-Chromeskull was talking about.” Your face lit up as you realized this. The smile on Prestons face left in the blink of an eye, being replaced with a frown/scowl. “You little bitch!” He yelled in your face. You only giggled through your fear. This only angered him more. A woman walked up behind Preston and pushed him aside. It was clear he was the lowest on the food chain. 
“Shut your mouth Preston. Jesse wants her alive.” The woman said calmly. Subconsciously you walked back and bumped into someone. “I..I’m sorry” you stuttered out turning around to see Jesse. The sudden arrival of thirty or so people was overwhelming. The woman eyed you before saying “My name is Spann, I work for Chromeskull.” She said. You nodded trying to collect yourself. “I’m (Y/n)” You managed to say. “I know” Spann said. Looking over the womans shoulder you could see a still angry Preston barking orders at the workers. Jesse put a large hand on your shoulder as reassurance. 
“You have two options now that you know about this organization. We kill you or you work for us.” Spann gave you the ultimatum. 
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slasherhaven · 2 years
I love your blog! and I got a request if that's alright.
Where Preston tells reader that Jesse died in the accident (cuz he's in love with her and wants to have her for himself) and reader gets really depressed and can't stop crying and Preston tells Jesse that reader left. And when Jesse decides to go home again after months, he's suprised to see reader and reader is suprised to see Jesse.
Angst with a happy ending, my favourite!
Back in his arms (Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) x Reader):
As soon as the words left Preston's mouth, your world crashed down around you. He hadn't even passed the threshold of the home you share, shared, with Jesse. He stood on your doorstep, informing you of the unfortunate events of Jesse's last trip. From the few details he gave you, to spare you the morbid parts, everything had gone wrong, Jesse was critically injured and didn't survive the operation once the Organisation got to him.
You didn't know Preston very well, you had met him many times because he worked closely with Jesse, but it wasn't like you were close. You knew that Jesse didn't trust him completely but he must have trusted him enough to keep him working so close. And not for a moment did you think that Preston could lie to you about such a thing.
After hearing the news, you just broke down. A sob tearing through your throat as tears streamed down your cheeks. You didn't even question it, didn't have the mind to question it, when Preston wrapped his arms around you and pulled you towards him. You couldn't do anything but sob into his chest.
The man had remained with you until it got dark, comforting you, attempting to take care of you. However, once it got dark you started to find his presence suffocating and insisted that you just need to be alone for a while. Preston had been...hesitant, telling you that you 'shouldn't be alone right now' but you insisted and he left, assuring you he would come by to check on you. After all, that's what Jesse would have wanted, right?
Searing pain was followed by darkness, then a bright light. Jesse squinted, his eyes hurting from the intense white light, slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. Soon he could focus in on the voices, talking in medical terms. He relaxed slightly, figuring he had been picked up and was being treated by the organisation.
A few days passed since he first woke up from his surgeries and the medical team deemed that he was healing well and was beginning the long journey to recovery.
Once he was out of the haze the medication had him under, Preston came to visit him. As soon as Preston stepped into the room, Jesse grabbed his phone, beginning to type something in.
'Send for Y/n. Let them know what happened and that I'm alright' the robotic voice ordered.
Preston sighed, shifting slightly. "I'm sorry, sir. We sent for Y/n as soon as we had you in surgery...they left" he informed his boss.
"Apparently they weren't confident about your condition or your chances of recovery, the inevitable scarring was mentioned. We went back to bring them here but when we arrived at the house, they and their belonging were gone" Preston explained, knowing that his Boss wouldn't react well to the news.
'Out' the text to speech demanded.
With a nod, Preston left the room, flinching at the sound of something smashing inside the room.
Months passed but Jesse had recovered enough from his injuries to return home, though he wasn't sure if he could call it that anymore. The large house he lived in had just been a place to rest between trips, it was you that made it a home.
Still, he wanted to go home and collect somethings at least before leaving for...well, he wasn't sure yet.
Jesse knew he had been a nightmare of a boss, even more so than usual, since finding out about you leaving. He was bitter that you would leave him when things went bad, but after seeing the extent of his injuries, the scars that would never heal, he was almost thankful that you had left. At least you wouldn't have to see him like this.
Jesse walked up to the front door, unlocking it before stepping inside. Everything was how he remembered it, of course, except there was no you running into his arms to greet him.
You were taking part in your usual daily routine, wallowing in your self pity, mourning the loss of the man you love. It was the sound of the front door opening that brought you out of your daze, a sound you hadn't heard since Preston stopped coming around. He said that the Organisation was busy, planning what to do next, but he would visit when he could. Though, you truly didn't care if he came back again.
Maybe it was just Preston, maybe you had forgotten to lock the door, you had been out of sorts for the last few months. Quietly, you moved through the house, hearing another noise coming from the kitchen.
Peaking your head around the door way, you saw a familiarly large figure with his back to you. For a moment you thought you were hallucinating, the tall bald figure in a familiar black suit.
It couldn't be...you knew that, but still a small part of you hoped that what you were seeing was real.
"...Jesse?" your voice was quiet and unsure, hands trembling as you stepped out into the kitchen.
The figure turned around suddenly, hand touching the left side of his shoulder holster where you knew he kept his beloved knives. The two of you froze as you locked eyes.
It was Jesse...that much you could make out, but he looked very different. Thankfully, you had pried more information out of Preston about the accident that caused Jesse's death. You didn't know why but you just had to know. He had told you that somebody had tricked him, put something in his mask that caused it to stick to his face and act like acid. He said that the injuries were so severe that Jesse didn't survive, but now he was standing right in front of you. Apparently, only part of what Preston had told you was true, according to the scarring on his face.
He was honest about the injuries being severe as well. The acid like glue had eaten away at Jesse's face, pretty much leaving him unrecognisable, but you recognised him, you always would.
Jesse was stunned, not only to see you still in your shared home but also to see that state you were in. Preston had made it sound like you had coldly left when you thought Jesse might die or return disfigured, but here you were, seemingly devastated over something.
You were wearing a pair of his sweatpants and one of his dress shirts, both of which were comically large on you, as if you just needed something to feel closer to him. It looked like you hadn't been taking care of yourself, looking gaunt. Though, you still looked perfectly angelic compared to him.
"Jesse" you sounded more sure in your assumption despite the sob that left you.
Jesse wasn't sure how to react for the first time in his life, because he didn't know how you would react to seeing him and his new appearance. He definitely hadn't reacted well to it when he first got the chance to look in the mirror.
It was like some unseen force moved your feet, your mind barely able to keep up as you sprinted across the kitchen, throwing yourself in Jesse's chest, wrapping your arms around your waist. The unexpected impact caused Jesse to step back and regain his balance, but his arms natural came to wrap around your shaking frame.
"I thought you were dead" you sobbed, voice muffled by the material of his shirt. Tenderly, Jesse ran a hand over your hair, holding you tighter to his body, refusing to let you go again.
After allowing your brain the chance to catch up and understand what was going on, you began to calm down. Still, you didn't let go of him as you pulled away from his embrace.
"Oh Jesse..." you frowned, eyes full of sorrow and love, as you took in his appearance, "what happened to you?" Jesse pulled away from you, reluctantly tearing his hands away to sign that his mask had been tampered with. "So, that part of Preston's story was true" you muttered, hands coming up to rest gently on either side of his neck.
Jesse couldn't look away from you, you were complete opposite of what Preston's story had made you out to be. It seemed that you had both be lied too...
You gasped slightly but didn't complain as Jesse hoisted you off of the ground and sat you down on the kitchen counter. You sniffled softly as Jesse wiped the tears away from your cheeks.
It wasn't until you touched a hand to his own cheek that he looked away, as if suddenly ashamed of his new appearance. "Jesse, please don't look away from me. I just wanted you to be alive and you are" you confessed, gently turning his face back towards you. "Does it hurt?" you asked, he only shrugged, as if telling you 'a little'.
"I'm so sorry Jesse" you couldn't imagine the pain he was in and you just wished you could have been by his side as he recovered. "I love you so much" you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you buried your face into his shoulder.
He just held you for a while longer, both cherishing the feeling of having you back in his arms as well as putting the pieces together to figure out why Preston had told these lies. Of course, the answer wasn't a difficult one to figure out.
Once you had calmed down again, Jesse pulled away from you so that he was able to sign easier. 'Preston told me that you had left after you heard about the accident' in informed you, making your eyes widened.
"What? No. He told me that you were dead, I've barely even left the house in months...he's been visiting me to check on me..." you informed Jesse. "What would he do that?" you asked.
'He's envious. He thought I couldn't be Chromeskull anymore, he wanted to take my place. Either he's hoping I would die from my injuries or he would kill me. It seems that he wanted to take my place in more ways than one' Jesse explained, you watching his hands intently as you tried to understand the man's motives.
"That...kinda explains a lot...he's been kinda weird" you recalled, now realising he had been trying to worm himself into your life since the very beginning. "God, he's such a creep!" you cringed, disgusted by the man.
A look of determination took over your face as you cupped Jesse's in your hands, looking him in the eyes. "Preston could never take your place, not as Chromeskull, and not in my life. He just wishes he were you but he never can be. The fact that he thought I would ever be with him just proves how deluded he is" you ranted, disgust at Preston but adoration for Jesse both clear in your words.
You couldn't help but smile when you noticed Jesse's scarred mouth tugging into one of his own. Even now, you thought his smile was beautiful, that he was handsome. Preston had truly underestimated how devoted you are to Jesse, devoted in a way that nobody would ever be to him.
'I should have known better, that you wouldn't have left. I love you' his signs made you smile even brighter.
"I love you too, more than anything, and I always will" you promised, leaning up to press a tender kiss to his sensitive lips. "What will you do with Preston?" you asked quietly, knowing that Jesse would never let him live after this.
'I already have some ideas. You'll message him, tell him you're having a hard day and need somebody to talk too. I'll deal with him from there' Jesse told you, a sinister look flashing in his eyes before softening again, 'but that's for another day. We've missed each other for months...'
"You're right" you smiled softly, resting your forehead against his. "I just want to think about you right now...I can't believe I have you back" you sighed, feeling Jesse's arms wrap around your waist, holding you close again.
Jesse didn't have to say anything for you to know that he felt the same way. For months he had pictured you by his side, only making him more bitter during that time, but now you were here. Back in his arms, were you were made to be.
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey, can I maybe request the slasher with an S/O that is a native German speaker and that she has a hard time speaking English? Or just a s/o that isn’t a native English speaker?
Like she can understand English really good but when she has to speak she begins to stutter and maybe how she pronouns words is kinda wrong? And that she is really insecure about it and her accent and afraid that it’s not understandable what she says?
I already say thank you really much!!💕
I’m always more than happy to write wholesome slasher hc’s! Hopefully I titled this correctly, if not please correct me.
Slashers x Non Native English Speaker
Michael Meyers
This boy is not fazed by anything ever, reacts to nothing. It’s safe to say his poker face is absolutely unmatched. You won’t have to worry about weird looks or an annoyed response from Michael.
His patience is also unmatched. All that stalking takes time you know. So he’s more than okay with giving you time to say things correctly if you need it. In other words, it’s okay take your time.
Always makes sure to nod so that you know he heard what you said and understands you. Secretly enjoys hearing you to talk and thinks your accent is endearing. He makes sure to let you know he’s paying attention so that you’ll keep talking.
Of course, Michael isn’t very affectionate and is overall kinda awkward. He is good at reading you though and can pick up on the fact you’re insecure about he way you talk. Expect some awkward head patting whenever you get frustrated when trying to pronounce something correctly.
If you hate being corrected though then Michael is your perfect match. He doesn’t talk so he’s never going to say anything about it. Wouldn’t correct you even if he was talkative though.
Anyone at work giving you a hard time about your accent and stuttering at work? Oh, they turned up missing and were later found dead? That is truly unfortunate, who knows how that happened, that’s so weird.
Bo Sinclair
He’s an ass, it’s in his nature to tease you for your accent and stuttering. Bo would spontaneously combust if he wasn’t able to pick at you. It’s all lighthearted teasing though, so don’t take any of it to heart.
However, if someone else teases you about the way you talk well… they’ll be beyond Vincent’s repair to put it lightly. Refuses to have someone who makes fun of you immortalized in his town.
Bo also has that thick southern accent which means you can tease him right back. Oh you didn’t pronounce something correctly? Well at least you don’t say ya’ll’d’ve. (Means ya’ll would have for those who might not know)
Southerners just take every word and find a way to shorten them or shove them together so you have plenty to make fun of him for. Although he finds it funny when you try to mock his accent.
Bo would rather die than admit it but he does find your accent and stutter cute. He’s also entertained by the way you try to pronounce things from time to time and can’t help but to laugh at you with you.
Vincent Sinclair
He’s pretty indifferent about the whole thing. If you can respect the fact he can’t talk, then he can respect the way that you do talk.
Is always quick to reassure you that there’s no need to be insecure or embarrassed about your accent or mispronounced words. He doesn’t want you to think you’re inconveniencing him in any way because you’re not.
If he can deal with his brothers ridiculous accents then what makes you think that he can’t deal with your accent. You probably pronounce more accurately than Bo or Lester could ever dream of.
Bo is teasing you? Vincent dares him to say royal. Go on Bo, say it since your such a scholar, go on, do it. Bo will never make fun of you again.
Vincent is very patient and encourages you to take all the time that you need to say things right. He’s not going to rush you, it’s not like life is busy in the little town. Even if he’s busy with work he has plenty of time to listen.
Having someone just sit and talk to him while he works is refreshing. Please just sit and talk to him about everything and nothing, he adores it.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms has plenty of free time and plenty of lessons. Honestly, I would be surprised if he didn’t know a few phrases in at least one different language.
Would be more than happy to learn your native language if you’re willing to teach him. Brahms is smarter than you would think and is quick to pick up at least a few phrases. Immediately wants you to teach him how to say I love you in your language though.
Also just likes to hear you speak in your native language. He may not understand it, but he thinks it sounds pretty nonetheless.
“Be good to him and he will be good to you.” If you’ve been good to him he’ll be patient and kind to you. Doesn’t mind the way you might trip over words or mispronounce them. His patience will only wear thin when he’s upset with you but even then he’ll normally just shut himself back into the walls.
The Heelshire mansion is full of books and you’re expected to read to Brahms every day. Once Brahms reveals himself he uses the time you read to him as an opportunity to teach you how to pronounce words correctly. He makes sure to be polite when correcting you since you’ve been so sweet to him.
Thomas Hewitt
He enjoys just listening to you talk to him. It doesn’t matter what you talk to him about, he simply enjoys the company and loves that you’re able to fill the silence.
Won’t allow any of his other family members to even mention anything about the way you talk. He remembers how much he hated being made fun of for his appearance and refuses to let anyone ever make you feel that way, especially his own family.
Of course, Luda Mae is more than patient with you. You make her son happy so she’ll make sure that you feel comfortable and at home in the Hewitt household.
Thomas always seems to be able to understand you. Maybe it’s the fact he doesn’t talk that makes him able to understand others really well. You can always pick up on what he means just by gestures and expressions and he can do the same for your mispronounced words.
Makes sure to let you know that he finds the way you talk adorable. Honestly, he’s in awe of just about anything you do. Thomas loves you to much to ever view you in a negative light.
Billy Loomis
He has a habit of always correcting you when you mispronounce words which can get old pretty fast. Billy doesn’t mean for it to be rude but his attitude always makes the way he corrects you to seem like an insult.
Would probably act like he can’t understand you sometimes because he simply thinks that it’s funny. No one said that Billy was ever a nice person.
Although he’s allowed to make fun of you, anyone else who tries will quickly become his next victim. You’re his to make fun of anyone else who tries must have a death wish.
Does his best to be considerate if you tell him that you’re insecure about your accent and the way you trip over words sometimes. He’s not the best with emotions or making people feel better but he’ll make sure that you know it doesn’t bother him.
Feels bad if he ever makes you feel bad. Billy does have a tendency to go to far even though he’s better at reading the room than Stu could ever be.
Stu Macher
You thought Billy was bad about the teasing? Stu really doesn’t know when to stop joking around and be serious for once. For a serial killer you’d think he’d be better at reading people, but Stu does a terrible job of it. Takes the teasing way to far.
When he finally figures out he’’s hurt your feelings though he makes sure to be more considerate of what he says. Uses grand gestures as an apology and only uses actually saying I’m sorry as a last resort.
Even though he teases you, he really doesn’t mind your accent or stuttering. You’ll be lucky to even get a chance to talk considering that Stu loves to talk and does so all of the time. He does not shut up.
He’s big on making sure you don’t feel insecure when talking around him though. Even though he loves to hear himself talk it’s no fun if you’re to nervous to add to the conversation.
Goes around telling people he has a foreign babe.
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse isn’t fazed by your stuttering or heavy accent. In fact, it’s probably one of the things that draws him to you. To him, it makes you seem innocent and Jesse loves the idea of someone as corrupt as him having someone as sweet as you love him. Thinks he has you wrapped around his finger when really, it’s the other way around.
Preston would be the one to give you hell about it and Jesse will kick his ass before the smart ass comment can even leave his mouth. Spann would be the one constantly correcting you because she thinks that she’s so prim and proper. Jesse will make sure she keeps her mouth shut as well.
Sometimes he has to make sure that he understood what you said. You’re phone will ping with his best guess of what you just tried to say with a bunch of question marks around it. He’s doing his best okay.
Absolutely loves it when you talk to him so he makes sure that you don’t feel insecure when talking to him. You’re to cute to just sit there and say nothing, he wants to know what’s going through your cute little head.
Keeps an eye on you at work and in public. No one gets away with teasing you, especially not girls who could only wish that they were you. We all know that Jesse targets women.
Asa Emory
Honestly, he would see you as something exotic for his collection.
He’s an entomology professor, not an English professor, he could care less about your accent and mispronounced words. He also has a lot of patience but Asa still won’t hesitate to give you an annoyed look when he’s busy.
Unlike most of the other slashers he’s not going to tease you for the way you talk. Asa has more class than that. Instead, he’ll tease you about the way you begged for him to give you what you wanted.
Won’t tolerate anyone else joking around about your accent since he knows your insecure about the way you talk. He’s an intimidating person and he uses that to his advantage. Besides, if they keep trying they won’t be alive much longer anyways, Asa will make sure of that.
He still corrects you from time to time. If you’ve been having a rough time he won’t, he doesn’t want to make you feel worse. But if he thinks you’re able to handle the criticism he’ll correct your pronunciation. Believes that you have to learn the correct way to say things at some point right.
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urslasherbaby · 4 years
Bless us with more Chromeskull! ❤️With a feisty and sarcastic s/o?
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Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Feisty and Sarcastic Reader
You two would probably meet when you start working at his company
Think sexy secretary and her devious boss... at least that’s what Jesse saw
During you’re interview, he could tell you weren’t exactly qualified to replace Preston... but something about the way you walked into the room
Jesse chose to conduct the interviews himself--mask and all
He wanted someone fearless... and damn if that wasn’t you to a T
The very first thing you said when you saw him:
“Fuck, I forgot it was creepy killer mask day! Would’ve worn my skin suit if I knew.”
And all with a goddamn smirk... yep, he was gonna like you.
From then on it was a myriad of snide comments about your skirts and frequent “accidental” touching
...and that was just on your end.
What can you say? The whole tall, dark, and mysterious vibe Jesse had got you hot, despite the adamant warnings from your co-workers
Of course, you know Jesse’s a killer. That was the fun of it all!
Literally poking the bear every time you leaned a little too far over the desk to hand him something... it felt fucking exhilarating
Of course, Jesse would eventually have to punish you for all your teasing
He’d call you into the office, his jacket already off, and ready to play
“Do you understand why I called you in here, Y/N?” he signed
“Whatever it was, it was definitely Spann’s fault.”
You couldn’t quite tell if it was a laugh or a growl under the mask but you were glad it got you off the hook
At least until Jesse started walking closer and closer to you until you were pressed up against the door of the office
He slowly reached over, you could only assume for one of his knives...and locked the door 
“Fucking finally!” you groaned and immediately pulled his neck down to kiss and suck on
His moans were all too perfect, and for a moment, you actually thought he’d let you take control
God were you wrong...
He suddenly grabbed you by the waist and practically carried you over to his desk to sit on, taking control and undressing you quickly
To his surprise, you weren’t exactly wearing much underneath
Seeing his confused look, you explained, “Whoops, must’ve forgotten my panties this morning. I probably left them on the floor after I... finished.”
There was no confusing the guttural noise that left his throat
And for a split second... you kinda regretted being such a smart ass
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